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I.4,,,* .. qN._4.9fiziete Roe -rant )-

.\\tal 44 frit tat kit a3ette(As 'n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer) ...-a -

(Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper)


1967. PRICE Sc. [No. 3290.

No. 279 (Administrateurs-), 1967.] No. 279 (Administrator's), 1967.]

P RO KLAMAS I E PROCLAMATIONdeur Sy Edele die Adtninistrateur van (lie by the Honourable the Administrator of the

Provinsie Transvaal. Province of Transvaal.Nademaal 'n aansoek ontvang is om toestemming om Whereas an application has been received for permis -

die dorp Blackheath Uitbreiding 2 te stig op Gedeelte 184 sion to establish the Township of Blackheath Extension 2van die plans Weltevreden 202, Registrasie-afdeling IQ. on Portion 184 on the farm Weltevreden 202, Registration

4 distrik Roodepoort; Division IQ District of Roodepoort;En nademaal aan die bepalings van die Dorpe- en And whereas the provisions of the Townships and

Dorpsaanleg-Ordonnansie, 1931, wat op die stigting van Town-planning Ordinance, 1931, relating to the establish-dorpe betrekking het, voldoen is; ment of townships, have been complied with;

So is dit dat ek kragtens en ingevolge die bevoegdhede • - •

wat by subartikel (4) van artikel 20 van genoemde Now, therefore, under and by virtue of the powers

Ordonnansie aan my verleen word, hierby verklaar dat11. genoemde dorp 'n goedgekeurde dorp is, onderworpe aan

vested in meby subsection

(4) of section 20 of the saidOrdinance, I hereby declare that the said township shall

die voorwaardes vervat in die bygaande Bylae. be an approved township, subject to the conditions

Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria, op hede die Tiende contained in ,the schedule hereto.

dag van Augustus Eenduisend Negehonderd Sewe-en- Given under my Hand at Pretoria on this Tenth day

sestig. . . .• of. August, One thousand Nine hundred and Sixty - seven.


AdminiStrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal. Administrator of the Province of Transvaal.

T A.D. 4/8/2535. T.A.D. 4/8/2535.





Die naam van die dorp is Blackheath Uitbreiding 2. The name of the township shall be Blackheath Ethan-

' . 2. Ontwerpplan van die Dorp. sion 2. . . . ..Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en strate soos aangedui op . 2. Design of Township. •


Algemene Plan L.G. A.4683/65. The township shall consist of erven and streets as indi-

3. Water. cated on General Plan S.G. A.4683/65.

Die applikant moet 'n sertifikaat van die plaaslike 3. Water. •

bestuur aan die Administrateur vir sy goedkeuring voorle, The applicant shall lodge with the Administrator forwaarin vermeld word dat— his approval a certificate from the local authority to the

(a) 'n voorraad water geskik vir menslike gebruik effect that—

en wat toereikend is om aan die vereistes van die (a) a supply of potable water, sufficientior the needsinwoners van die dorp te.voldoen wanneer dit heeltemal of the inhabitants of. the township when it is fully builttoegebou is, met inbegrip van' voorsiening vir brand- up, including provision for lire-fighting Services,• isweerdienste, beskikbaar is; available; . .

(b) reelings tot voldoening van die plaaslike bestuur (b) arrangements to the satisfaction of the localgetref is in verband met die lewering van water in (a) authority have been made regarding the delivery of the

- hierbo genoem en die retikulasie daarvan deur die hele water referred to in (a) above and the reticulationdorp: Met dien verstande dat onderstaande bepalings thereof throUghout the township: Provided that suchin sodanige reelings ingesluit word: — arrangements shall include the following provisions: —

.(i) Dat die applikant 'n geskikte voorraad water tot (i) That before the plans of any building to be erected

by die straatfront van die erf moet laat aan18 voordat upon any erf are approved by the local authority .thedie planne van 'n gebou wat op die erf opgerig sal word, applicant shall cause a suitable supply of water to be

deur die plaaslike bestuur goedgekeur word. laid on to the street frontage of the erf.

(ii) Dat alle koste van, of in verband met die instal- (ii) That all costs of, or connected with, the installa -

lering van 'n installasie en toebehore vir die lewering, tiro of plant and appurtenances for the delivery,! opgaar, indien nodig, en retikulasie van die water deur storage, if necessary, and reticulation of the water shalldie applikant gedra moet word, en die applikant is ook be borne by the applicant, who shall also be responsible

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aanspreeklik om sodanige installasie en toebehore in 'n for the maintenance of such plant and appurtenances

goeie toestand te onderhou tot tyd en wyl hulle deur in good order and repair until they are taken over by

die plaaslike bestuur oorgeneem word: Met dien ver- the local authority: Provided that if the local authoritystande dat indien die plaaslike bestuur vereis dat die requires the applicant to install plant and appurtenances

applikant 'n installasie en toebehore van 'n groter of a capacity in excess of the needs of the townshipkapasiteit as wat vir die dorp nodig is, moet installeer, the additional costs occasioned thereby shall be borne

'die ekstra koste wat daardeur meegebring word deur by the hical authority.die plaaslike bestuur gedra moet word. (iii) That the local authority shall be entitled to take

(iii) Dat die plaaslike bestuur daartoe geregtig is om over free of cost the said plant and appurtenances atgenoemde installasie en toebehore te eniger tyd koste- any time, subject to the giving of six months' notice:loos oor te neem op voonvaarde dat ses maande kennis - Provided that until the local authority takes over thegegee word: Met dien verstande dat tot tyd en wyl die said water supply the applicant may make charges forplaaslike bestuur genoemde watervoorraad oorneem, die water supplied at a tariff approved by the localapplikant gelde.kan vorder vir water wat gelewer word authority;teen 'n tarief deur die plaaslike bestuur goedgekeur; (c) the applicant has furnished the local authority


(c) die applikant geskikte waarborge aan die plans- with adequate guarantee regarding the fulfilment of itslike bestuur verstrek het met betrekking tot die na- obligations under the- above-mentioned arrangements.koming van sy verpligtings kragtens bostaande feelings. A summarised statement setting forth the nature and'n Beknopte verklaring waarin die aard en hoeveelheid quantity of the available supply of water and the major a

van die watervoorraad beskikbaar en die hooftrekke van features of the arrangements entered into between thedie reelings tussen die applikant en die plaaslike bestuur applicant and the local authority, with special referencegetref, uiteengesit word, met spesiale vermelding van die to the guarantees referred to in subparagraph (c) shallwaarborge in subparagraaf (c) genoem, moet tesame met accompany the certificate as an annexure thereto.die sertifikaat as 'n aanhangsel daarby ingedien word.

4. Sanitere Dienste. 4. Sanitation.The applicant shall lodge with the Administrator for his 4Die applikant moet 'n sertifikaat van die plaaslike

bestuur aan die Administrateur vir sy goedkeuring voorle, approval a certificate from the local authority to the effect

waarin vermeld word dat reelings tot voldoening van die that arrangements to its satisfaction' have been made for

plaaslike bestuur getref is vir die sanitere dienste in die the sanitation of the township, which shall include

dorp, met inbegrip van voorsiening• vir die afvoer van provision for the dispoSal of waste water and refuse.

vuilwater en vullisverwydering. A summarised statement of the main provisions of the

'n Beknopte verklaring van die hoofbepalings van aforesaid arrangements shall accompany the certificate as

voomoemde realings moet tesame met die sertifikaat as an annexure thereto. •

'n aanhangsel daarbyingedien word. 5. Electricity.5. Elektrisiteit. The applicant shall lodge with the Administrator for

Die applikant moet 'n sertifikaat van die plaaslike his approval a certificate from the local authority to thebestuur aan die Administrateur,vir sy goedkeuring voorle, effect that arrangements to its satisfaction have been madewaarin vermeld word dat reelings tot voldoening van die for the supply and - distribution of electricity throughoutplaaslike bestuur getref is vir die lewering van elektrisiteit the township. .

en die distribusie daarvan deur die hele dorp. A summarised statement of the main provisions of the'n Beknopte verklaring van die hoofbepalings van aforesaid arrangements' shall accompany the certificate as

voornoemde reelings moet .tesame met die sertifikaat as an annexure hereto..'n aanhangsel daarby ingedien word. . •

•. .


6. Cemetery; Depositing and Bantu Location Sites.6. Begraaf plaap, starlings- en Bantoelokasieterreine.

The applicant shall make arrangements with the localDie applikant moet tot, voldoening van die Administra- authority to the satisfaction of the Administrator in regard

teur met die plaaslike bestuur reelings tref tan opsigte van to the provision of a depositing site and sites 'for a ceme-die verskaffing van 'n stortingsterrem en terreine vir 'n . .

tery and Bantu location.„ Should such provision consistbegraafplaas en 'n Bantoelokasie. As sodanige verskaffing of 'land to be transferred to the local authority, transferbestaan uit grond aan die pliaslike bestuur 'oorgedra te thereof shall be free of ,conditions restricting the use orword, is die oordrag daarvan nie onderworpe aan voor- the right of disposal thereof by the local authority.waardes waarby die gebruik of die. reg. van vervreemdingdaarvan deur die plaaslike bestuur, beperk word nie. 7. Mineral Rights.

7. Mineraleregte. . All rights to minerals and precious stones which may beAlle regte op minerale en' eclelgesteentes wat by die or become vested in the freehold owner, shall be reserved

pagvrygrondbesitter berus of hierna kan berus word aan to the applicant.die applikant voorbehou. • . 8. Cancellation of Existing Conditions of Title.

8. Kansellasie van bestaande titelvoorwaardes. The applicant shall at its own expense cause the follow-• Die applikant moet op eie koste die volgende voorwaar- ing conditions to be cancelled: —

des laat kanselleer: — " (1) The land may not be subdivided nor may any„ (1) The land may not be subdivided nor may any share in it or any portion of it be sold, leased, or disposed

share in it or any portion of it be sold, leased, or disposed of in any way without the written approval of the Con- iof in any way without the written approval of the Con- trolling Authority as defined in Act No. 21 of 1940.trolling Authority as defined in Act No. 21 of 1940. (2) Not more than one dwelling-house together with

(2) Not more than one dwelling-house together with such outbuildings as are ordinarily required to be usedsuch outbuildings as are ordinarily required to be used in in connection therewith shall be erected on the land exceptconnection therewith shall be erected on the land except with the approval of the Controlling Authority as definedwith the approval of the Controlling Authority as defined

in' Ad NO. 21 of Act No. 21 of 1940.

(3) The land shall be used for residential. and agricul- (3) The land shall be used for residential and agricul-

tural purposes only and no store or place of business or tural purposes only and no store or place of business or

industry whatsoever may be opened or conducted on the industry whatsoever may be opened or conducted on the

land without the written approval of the Controlling land without the written approval of the Controlling

Authority as defined in Act No. 21 of 1940. • Authority as defined in Act No. 21 of 1940.

(4) The land or any portion thereof shall not be trans- (4) The land or any portion thereof shall not be trans -

ferred, leased or in any other manner assigned or disposed ferred, leased or in - any other manner assigned or disposedof to any coloured person, and no coloured person, other of to any coloured person, and no coloured person,

_ than the servant of the owner or occupier, bona fide, and other than the servant of the owner or occupier, bona fide,





necessarily employed on the land, -shall be permitted to and necessarily employed on the land, shall be permitted

0 reside thereon or in any other manner occupy -the same. to reside thereon or in any other manner occupy the same.The term `coloured person' shall mean any African The term `coloured person' shall mean any Africanor Asiatic Native, Cape Malay,' or any person who is or Asiatic Native, Cape Malay, or any person who is

manifestly a coloured person, and shall include any part- Manifestly a coloured person,' and shall include anynership or company (whether incorporated or otherwise) partnership or company (whether incorporated or other-in which the management or control is directly or indirectly wise) in which


the management or control is directly orheld or vested in any such person. indirectly held or vested in any such person.

(5) No building or any structure whatsbever shall be (5) No building or any structure whatsoever shall beerected within a distance of 120 Cape feet from the erected within a distance of 120 Cape feet from the centrecentre line of the road, without the written approval of line

'of the road, without the written approval of the

the Controlling Authority as defined in Act No. 21 of Controlling Authority as defined in Act No. 21 of 1940."1940."

. 9. Sloop ;van Geboue. 9. Demolition of Buildings.4.

Die applikant moet op eie koste alle geboue wat gelee The applicant shall at its own expense cause all build-

is binne die boulynreserwe, kantruimte, of oor 'n gemeen- ings situated within the building line reserve, side space,skaplike grens laat sloop tot voldoening van die plahslike or over a common boundary, to be demolished to the satis-bestuur voor proklamasie van die dorp. faction of the local authority prior to the proclamation ofI . . . the township.

10. Strafe(a) Die applikant moet tot voldoening van die plaaslike 10. Streets.

bestuur die strate in die dorp vorm, skraap en onderhou (a) The applicant shall form, grade and maintain thetot tyd en wyl hierdie aanspreeklikheid deur die plaaslike streets in the township to the satisfaction of the localbestuur oorgeneem word: Met dien verstande dat die authority until such time as this responsibility is taken• Administrateur van tyd tot tyd die reg het om die appli- over by the local authority: Provided that the Adminis-

kant gefieel en al of gedeeltelik van hierdie verpligting te trator shall from time to time be entitled to relieve theonthef na oorlegpleging met die Dorperaad en die plaas- . applicant wholly or partially from this obligation afterlike bestuur. reference to the Townships Board and the local authority.

(b) Die applikant moet op eie koste tot voldoening van (b) The applicant shall at its own expense remove alldie plaaslike bestuur alle hindernisse soos geboue, heinings, obstacles such as buildings, fences, trees and tree stumpsborne en boomstompe uit die straatreserwes verwyder. from the street reserves to the satisfaction of the local

(c) Die strate meet tot voldoening van die plaaslike authority.bestuur name gegee word. (c) The streets shall be named to the satisfaction of the

11. Skenlcing.local authority.

Die applikant moet, onderworpe aan die voorbehouds- 11. Endowment.bepalings van paragraaf (d) van subartikel (1) van artikel The applicant shall, subject to the provisos to paragraphsewe - en -twintig van Ordonnansie No. I I van 1931, as 'n (d) of subsection (1) of section twenty-seven of Ordinanceskenking aan die plaaslike bestuur 'n bedrag betaal gelyk- No. 11 of 1931, pay as an endowment to the local authoritystaande met 161% (sestien en 'n half persent) van slegs an amount representing 161% (sixteen and a half perdie grondwaarde van alle erwe wat deur die applikant cent) on land value only of all erven disposed of by theverkoop, verruil of geskenk of op enige manier van die applicant by way of sale, barter or gift or in any otherhand gesit word (uitgesonderd erwe oorgedra ingevolge manner (other than erven transferred in terms of sectionartikel vier-en - twintig an daardie Ordonnansie), sodanige twenty-four of that Ordinance), such value to be calcu-waarde bereken te word soos op die datum van die afkon- lated as at the date of the promulgation of the townshipdiging van die dorp indien die erwe voor sodanige afkon- in the event of the erven having been disposed of priordiging van die hand gesit, is of soos op die datum van to such promulgation or as at the date of such disposalsodanige van die hand sit indien die erwe na sodanige in the event of the erven being disposed of after suchafkondiging van die hand gesit word, en vasgestel te promulgation and to be determined in the manner set outword op die wyse uiteengesit in genoemde paragraaf (d). in the said paragraph (.1).

Die applikant moet geouditeerde, gedetailleerde kwar- Quarterly audited detailed statements shall be renderedtaalstate, tesame met die bedrag wat daarop aangewys

poby the applicant to the local authority and shall be accom-

word as verskuldig aan die plaaslike bestuur, aan die .ponied by a remittance for the amount shown to be dueplaaslike bestuur verstrek. Die plaaslike bestuur of enige to the local authority. The local authority, or any officialbeampte deur hom behoorlik daartoe rnagtiging verleen duly authorised thereto by it, shall have the right to inspectbesit die reg om op alle redelike tye die applikant se boeke and audit the applicant's books at all reasonable timesbetreffende die verkoop van erwe in die dorp te inspekteer relative to the disposal of erven in the township. If soen te ouditeer. Op versoek van genoemde plaaslike bestuur required by the said local authority, or official the appli-of beampte moet die applikant alle boeke en stukke wat cant shall produce all such books and papers as may bevir sodanige inspeksie en ouditering nodig is, voorle. necessary for such inspection and audit. If no suchIndien geen sodanige gelde gedurende enige tydperk van moneys have been received during any quarterly perioddrie maande ontvang is nie, kan die plaaslike bestuur 'nverklaring waarin melding hiervan gemaak word, in plaas the local authority may, in lieu, of an audited statement,

accept a statement to that effect.van 'n geouditeerde staat aanneem.12. Disposal of Existing Conditions of Title.12. Beskikking oor bestaande tilelvo.onvaardes.

All erven must be made subject to existing conditions. Alle erwe moet onderworpe gemaak word aan bestaande

voorwaardes en serwitute, as daar is, met inbegrip van and servitudes, if any, including the reservation of rightsdie voorbehoud van mineraleregte. to minerals.

13. Nakomblg van voorwaardes. 13. Enforcement of Conditions.Die applikant moet die stigtingsvoorwaardes nakom en The applicant shall observe the conditions of establish-

moet die nodige stappe doers om te sarg dat die titel- menu and shall take the necessary steps to secure thevoorwaardes en ander voorwaardes genoem in artikel 56 enforcement of the conditions of title and any other con-

bis van Ordonnansie No. 11 van 1931, nagekom word: ditions referred to in section 56 bis of Ordinance No. 11Met dien verstande dat die Administrateur die bevoegd- of 1931: Provided that the Administrator shall have theheld besit om die applikant van almal of enigeen van die power to relieve the applicant of all or any of the obliga-

verpligtings to onthef en sodanige verpligtings by enige dons and to vest these in any other person or body of .

ander persoon of liggaam van persone te hat berus. - persons.



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- 1. Die erwe met sekere uitsonderings. 1. The Erven with Certain' Exceptions. -

Die erwe uitgesonderd— The erven with the exception of— •(i) erwe wat vir Stoats- of Provinsiale doeleindes (i) such erven as may be acquired for State or

verkry word; en . Provincial purposes; and(ii) erwe wat vir munisipale doeleindes verkry word, (ii) such erven as may be acquired for municipal

wits die Administrateur na raadpleging met die Dorpe- purposes provided the Administrator, after consultationraad die doeleindes waarvoor sodanige erwe nodig is, with the Townships Board, has approved the purposesgoedgekeur het; for which such erven are required;. _.


is onderworpe aan die verdere voorwaardes hieronder shall be subject to the further conditions hereinafter setuiteengesit: — • forth: 7---


(A) Algemene voorwaardes. (A) General conditions.(a) Die applikant en enige ander persoon of liggaam

(a) The applicant and any other person or body of Avan persone wat skriftelik deur die Administrateur door-tee Magtiging verleen is, het, met die doel om te sorg dal persons so authorised in writing by the Administrator,.

hierdie voorwaardes en enige ander Voorwaardes in hrtikel shall, for the purpose of securing the enforcement of, these

56 bis van Ordonnansie No. 11 van 1931 genoem, nage- conditions and any other conditions referred to in, section

kom word, die reg en bevoegdheid om op alle redelike tye 56 bis of Ordinance No. 11 of 1931, have the right and

die erf te betree ten erode sodanige inspeksie te doen of power to enter into and upon the' erf at all reasonabletondersoek in te stel as wat vir bovermelde doel gedoen times for the purpose of such inspection or inquiry as

Of ingestel meet word. may be necessary to be made for the above -mentioned., •

(6) NOg die eienaa'r nog enigiemand anders besit die reg purpose. -

om vir enige doel hoegenaamd bakstene, teels of erdepype (b) Neither the owner nor any other person shall have

of ander artikels van 'n soortgelyke aard op die erf te the right to make or permit to be made upon the erf for .vervaardig of te laat vervaardig. any purpose whatsoever any bricks, tiles or earthenware'

(c) Planne en spesifikasies van alle geboue en van alle Pipes or other articles of a like nature.veranderings of aanbouings daaraan moet voorgele word (c) Plans and specifications of all buildings and' of allaan die plaaslike bestuur wie se skriftelike goedkeuring alterations or additions thereto 'shall be submitted to theverkry moet word voordat 'n aanvang met die bouwerk- local authority whose approval, in writing, shall be'saamhede gemaak word. Alle•geboue of veranderings of obtained before the commencement of building operations.aanbouings daaraan moet voltooi word binne 'n redelike All buildings or alterations or additions thereto shall betyd inadat dear 'n aanvang daarmee gemaak is. • completed within a reasonable time after commencement.

(d) Die opstand van alle geboue moet voldoen aan die (ii) The elevational treatment of. all buildings shall con.vereistes van goeie argitektuur sodat dit nie die aantreklik-

. form to good architecture so as not to interfere with thehede van die omgewing benadeel nie. '

amenities of the neighbourhood.(e) Nog die eienaar nog enigiemand enders besit die reg

om, behalwe om die erf vir boudoeleindes in gereedheid (e) Neither the owner nor any other person shall haveto bring, enige materiaal daarop uit te grawe sonder die the right, save and 'except to prepare the erf for buildingskriftelike toestemming van die plaaslike bestuur. purposes, to excavate therefrom any material Without

(f) Behalwe met die toestemming van die plaaslike the written consent of the local authority. ..bestuur mag geen dier, soos omskryf in die Skutregulasies (I) Except with the consent of the local authority novan Plaaslike Besture soos afgekondig by Administrateurs- animal as defined in the Local Authorities' Pounds Regu- .

kennisgewing No. 2 van 1929 op die erf aangehou of op lations, as published under Administrator's Notice No. 2.stal gesit word nie. of 1929, shall be kept or stabled on the erf.. .

(g) Geen geboue van hout en/of sink of geboue van (g) No wood and/or iron buildings or buildings of•roustene mag op die erf opgerig word nie. •

unburnt clay-brick shall be erected on the erf.(Ii) Behalwe met die skriftelike toestemming van dieplaaslike bestuur en onderworpe aan sodanige vooryvaar- (h) Except with the written approval of the localdes as wat die plaaslike bestuur ople, mag nag die eienaar authority and subject to such conditions as the localnog enige olckupant van die erf enige putte daarop nit- authority may impose, neither the owner nor any occupiergrawe of boorgate daarop boor of enige onderaardse of the erf shall sink any wells or boreholes thereon orwater daaruit trek. abstract any subterranean water therefrom.

(*/) Waar dit na die mening -van die plaaslike bestuur (0 Where, in the opinion of the 'local authority, it isonuitvoerbaar is om stormwater van erwe met 'n hoer impracticable for stormwater to be drained from higherJigging regstreeks na 'n openbare straat af te voer, is die lying erven direct to a public street the owner of the erfeienaar van die erf verplig om te aanvaar dat sodanige shall be obliged .to accept and/or permit the passage overstormwater op sy erf vloei en/of toe te Iaat dat'dit daaroor the erf of such stormwater: Provided that the owners ofloop: Met dien 'verstande dat die eienaars van erwe met any higher


lying erven, the stormwater froin which is.'n'hoer ligging, van waar die stern-Mater oar 'n erf met discharged: over any lower lying elf, - shall be liable to'n laer'ligging loop, aanspreeklik is am 'n eweredige aan- pay a proportionate share of the cost of any pipeline ordeel van die koste te betaal van enige pyplyn of afleivoor drain which the owner of such lower lying erf may findwat die eienaar van sodanige erf met 'n laer ligging nodig necessary to lay or construct for the purpose of conductingvind om can te le of te bou, om die water wat aldus oor the water so discharged over the erf. .

die erf loop, af te veer.(B) General residential erven.(B) Algemene woonerwe.

Benewens die voorwaardes in subklousule (A) hiervan In addition to the conditions set out in subclause (A)uiteengesit, is Erwe 272 en 273 onderworpe aan die hereof,. Erven 272,. and 273 shall be subject to thevolgende voorwaardes: — following conditions: —

(a) Die erf meet uitsluiilik gebruik 'word om daarop 'n (a) The erf shall be used solely for the purposes ofwoonhuis of 'n woonstelgebou, losieshuis, koshuis of ander erecting thereon a dwelling-house or a block of flats,geboue vir sodanige gebruike as wat van tyd tot tyd deur boarding-house, hostel or other buildings for such uses

die Administrateur toegelaat word, na raadpleging met die as may be allowed by the Administrator from time to timeDorperaad en die plaaslike bestuur, op te rig: Met dien after reference to the Townships Board and the localverstande dat die plaaslike bestuur ander geboue waar- authority: Provided that the local authority may permitvoor in 'n goedgekeurde dorpsaanlegskema voorsiening such lathe!' buildings as may be provided for in angemaak word, kan toelaat, behoudens die voorwaardes approved Town-planning Scheme, subject to. the conditions 1van die skema waarvolgens die toestemming van die of the Scheme under which the consent of the local_ . •

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0 plaaslike bestuur vereis word: Voorts met dien verstande authority is required and: Provided further that until thedat die geboue nie meer as twee verdiepings hoog mag erf is connected to a public sewerage system the buildingswees totdat die erf met 'n openbare vuilrioolstelsel.verbind shall not exceed 2 storeys in nie.

(b) The main building which shall be a completed(b) Die hoofgebou, wat 'n voltooide gebou mod wees building and not onepasty

erected and intended foren nie een wat gedeeltelik opgerig is en eers later voltooi completion at a later date,p shall be erected simultaneouslysal word nie, moet gelyktydig met, of \to& die buitegeboue with or before the erection of the outbuildings.opgerig word.(c) Geboue, met inbegrip van buitegeboue, wat hierna (c) Buildings, including outbuildings, hereafter erected

op die erf opgerig word, moet minstens 75 voet van die on the erf shall be located not less than 75 feet from thenoordoostelike grens en minstens 25 voet van enige ander north-easterly boundary thereof and not less than 25 feetstraatgrens daarvan geled wees. from any other boundary thereof abutting on a street.

4 A Ingeval 'n woonhuis op. die erf opgerig word, mag (d) In the event of a dwelling-house being erected onnie meer as een woonhuis met sodanige buitegeboue as the erf not more than 1 dwelling-house together withwat gewoonlik vir gebruik in verband daarmee nodig is op such outbuildings as are ordinarily required to be useddie erf opgerig word nie, behalwe met die toestemming in connection therewith shall be erected on the erf except

a van die Administrateur: Met dien verstande dat, as die with the consent of the Administrator: Provided that iferf onderverdeel word of as sodanige erf, of enige gedeelte the erf is subdivided or if such err or any portion thereofdaarvan, met enige ander erf of gedeelte van 'n erf gekon- is consolidated with any other erf or portion of an erfsolideer word, hierdie voorwaarde met die toestemming this condition may with the consent of the Administratorvan die Administrateur op elke gevolglike gedeelte of be applied to each resulting portion or consolidated area.

I gekonsolideerde gebied toegepas kan word. Die waarde The dwelling-house exclusive of outbuildings to be erected

Illvan die woonhuis, sonder inbegrip, van die buitegeboue, on the erf shall be of the value of not less than R6,000.

wees.wat op die erf opgerig gaan word moet minstens R6,000

(e) If the erf is fenced, or otherwise enclosed, thefencing pr other enclosing device shall be erected and

(e) Indien die erf omhein of op 'n ander wyse toege- maintained to the satisfaction of the local authority.maak word,. moet die heining of ander omheinings-

• ..materiaal tot voldoening van die plaaslike bestuur opgerig (C) Special residential erven. •

en onderhou Word.. , . The erven, with the exception of those referred to in(C) Spesiale woonerwe. •

. - subclause (B) shall, in addition to the conditions set outDie erwe met uitsondering van did in subklousule (B) in subclause (A) hereof, be subject to the following

genoem, is, benewens die voorwaardes in subklousule (A) conditions: —hiervan uiteengesit, onderworpe aan die • volgende voor- •

(a) The erf shall be used for the erection of a dwelling-waardes: —

house only: Provided that, with the consent of the(a) Die erf moet legs gebruik word om daarop 'n Administrator after reference to the Townships Board and

woonhuis op to rig: Met dien verstande dat met toestem- the local authority, a place ,of instruction, social hall, insti-ming van • die Administrateur na raadpleging met die tution or other buildings appertaining to a residential areaDorperaad en die plaaslike bestuur, .'n plek van onderrig, may be erected on the erf: Provided further that the local'n gemeenskapsaal, 'n inrigting of ander geboue wat in 'n authority may permit such other buildings as may bewoongebied tuishoort, op die erf, opgerig kan word: provided for in. an '

approved Town-planning Scheme,Voorts met dien verstande dat die plaaslike bestuur ander subject to the conditions of the Scheme under which thegeboue waarvoor in 'n goedgekeurde dorpsaanlegskema consent of the local authority is required.voorsiening gemaak word, kan toelaat, behoudens die .

voorwaardes van die skema waarvolgens die toestemming (b) Except with the consent of the Administrator whovan die plaaslike bestuur vereis weird. may prescribe such conditions as he may deem necessary,

(b) Behalwe met die toestemming van die Administra- not more than one dwelling-house together with' such out-teur wat sodanige voorwaardes kan stel as wat by nodig buildings as are ordinarily required to be used in connec-ag, mag nie meer as een woonhuis met sodanige buite- tion therewith shall be erected on the erf: Provided that

•geboue as wat gewoonlik vir gebruik in verband daarmeenodig is, op die erf opgerig word nie: Met dien verstande if the erf is subdivided or it or any portion of it is con-

dat, as die erf onderverdeel word - of as sodanige erf of solidated with any other erf or portion of an erf thisenige gedeelte daarvan, met enige ander erf of gedeelte van conditions may with the consent of the Administrator be'n erf gekonsolideer word, hierdie voorwaarde met die applied to each resulting portion or consolidated area.toestemming van die Administrateur op elke gevolglikegedeelte of gekonsolideerde gebied toegepas kan word. (i) The dwelling-house, exclusive of outbuildings, to be

(i) Die waarde van die woonhuis, sonder inbegrip van erected on the erf shall be of the value of notiess thandie buitegeboue, wat op die erf opgerig gaan word, moet R6,000.minstens R6,000 wees. '

II (ii) Die hoofgebou, wat 'n voltooide gebou moet wees(1) The main building, which shall be a completed

en nie een wat gedeeltelik opgerig en eers later voltooi building and not one partly erected and intended for

gaan word nie, moet gelyktydig met, of veer, die buite- completion at a later date, shall be erected simultaneouslygeboue opgerig word. with or before the erection of the outbuildings.

(c) Geboue, met inbegrip van buitegeboue, wat hierna (c) Buildings, including outbuildings, hereafter erectedop die elf opgerig word, moet minstens 20 voet van die on the erf shall be located not less than 20 feet from thestraatgrens daarvan geled wees.

boundary thereof abutting on a street.(d) Indien die erf omhein of op 'n ander wyse toege-

maak word, moet die heining of ander omheinings-' (d) If the. erf is fenced, or otherwise enclosed the

materiaal tot voldoening van die plaaslike bestuur opgerig fencing or other enclosing device shall be erected and

• en onderhou word. maintained to the satisfaction of the local authorities.

2. Erf aan 'n spe,sfale voorwaarde onderworpe. 2. Er/ Subject to a Special Condition.

Fin 273.—Die ea is onderworpe aan 'n stormwater- Ed 273.—The erf is subject to a storm water servitude

serwituut ten gunste van die plaaslike bestuur soos op die in favour of the local authority as shown on the general

algemene plan aangewys. plan.• .




_ _

3. Serwituut vir rioleritigs- en cinder munisipale doeleindes. 3. Servitude for Sewerage and Other Municipal Purposes. 0Benewens - die betrokke voorwaarde hierbo uiteengesit, In addition to the relevant conditions set out above theis die erwe aan die volgende voorwaarde onderwoipe: — erven shall be subject to the following conditions: —

(a) Die erf is onderworpe aan 'n serwituut, 6 voet breed. (a) The erf is subject to a servitude, 6 feet wide, invir riolerings- en ander munisipale doeleindes, ten gunste favour of the local' authority, for sewerage and othervan die plaaslike bestuur, tangs slegs 1 van sy grease, municipal purposes, along one only of its boundaries otheruitgesonderd 'n straatgrens, soos deur die plaaslike bestuur than a street boundary as determined by the localbepaal. authority.

(b) Geen gebou of ander struktuur mag binne voor- (b) No building or other structure shall be . erected: noemde serwituutsgebied opgerig word nie, en geen groot- within the aforesaid servitude area and no large-rooted

wortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige serwituut trees shall be planted within the area of such servitudeof binne 6 voet daarvan geplant word nie. or within 6 feet thereof.

(c) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om sodanige (c) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit iimateriaal as wat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die temporarily on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitudeaanleg, onderhoud en verwydering van sodanige riool- such material as may be excavated by it during the coursehoofpypleidings en ander werke as wat by volgens goed- of the construction, maintenance and removal of suchdunke as noodsaaklik beskou, tydelilc te gooi op die grond sewerage mains and other works as it in its discretion awat aan voomoemde serwituut grens en voorts is die plaas- may - deem necessary and - shall further be entitled tolike bestuur geregtig tot redelike toegang tot genoemde reasonable access to the said land for the aforesaidgrond vir voornoemde doel: Met Bien verstande dat die purpose subject to any damage done during the processplaaslike bestuur enige skade veigoed wat gedurende die of constructing, maintaining and removing such sewerageaanleg, onderhoud en verwydering van sodanige rioolhaof- mains and other works being made good by the localpypleidings en ander werke veroorsaak word. authority. .4. Woordomskrywing. 4. Definitions.•

In voormelde voorwaardes het onderstaande uitdruk- In the foregoing conditions the following terms shallkings die betekenisse wat aan (tulle geheg word: — have the meanings assignedlo them: —

(I) „ Applikant " beteken Gelemar Properties (Pty) (i) " Applicant " means Gelemar Properties (Pty) LtdLimited en sy opvolgers in titel tot die clop.' . and its successors in title to the township.

(ii) „ Woonhuis " beteken 'n huis wat ontwerp is vir (ii) " Dwelling-house " means a house designed for usegebruik as 'n waning vir een gesin. as a dwelling for a single family.

5. Stoats- en Munisipale Enve. • S. State and Municipal Erven.As enige erf genoem in klousule B I (1) of enige erf Should any erf referred to in clause B 1 (i) or any erf

verkry soos beoog in klousule B 1 (ii) hiervan, in die besit acquired as contemplated in clause B 1. (ii) hereof comekoin van enige

-ander persoon as die Staat of die plaaslike into the possession of any person other than the State or

bestuur, dan is ,so 'n erf daarop onderworpe aan sodanige the local authority such, erf shall thereupon be subjectvan yoomoemde voorwaardes of sodanige ander voor- to such of the aforementioned or Such other conditionswaardes as wat die Administrateur na raadpleging met die as may be permitted by the Administrator after conaulta-Dorperaad toelaat. Hon with the Townships - Board.

No. 280 (Administrateurs-). 1967.] No. 280 (Administrator's), 1967.]


••PROCLAMATIONdeur Sy Edele die Administrateur van die .

•r •

Provinsie Transvaal. . by the Honourable the Administrator of the

Nademaal 'n aansoek ontvang is om die Province of Transvaal.

dorp Primindia Uitbreiding 16 te stig op Gedeelte 229 van Whereas - an application has been received for permis-

die . pleas Roodekopjls of Zwartkopjes 427, Registrasie- sion to establish the township of Primindia Extension 16

afdeling JQ. distrik Brits; . . on 'Portion 229 of the farm .Roodekopies or ZwartkopjesRegistration Division JQ. District of Brits;

En nademaal aan die bepalings yon die Dorpe- en Doms- . 427,And whereas the provisions of the Townships and iiaanleg-Ordonnansie, 1931, wat op die stigting van' dorpe Town-planning Ordinance, 1931, relating to the establish-betrekking het, voldoen is;meat of townships, have been compEed with; •

So is dit dat ek kragtens en ingevolge die bevoegdhede Now. therefore, under and by virtue of the powerswat by subartikel (4) van artikel 20 van genoemde Ordon- vested in me by subsection (4) of section 20 of the saidnansie aan my verleen word, hierby verklaar dat genoemde Ordinance, I hereby declare that the said township shalldorp 'n goedgekeurde dorp is. onderworpe aan die voor-be an approved township, subject to the conditions con-waardes vervat in die bygaande bylae. tamed in - the schedule hereto.

Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria, op hede die Tiende Given under my Hand at Pretoria on this Tenth daydag van Augustus Eenduisend Negehonderd Sewe-en- of August, One thousand Nine hundred and Sixty-seven.sestig. . , S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK,S.O.S.VAN NIEKERK, --

' .• Administrator of the Province of Transvaal.Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal. -

TAD. 4/8/2617.T.A.D. 4/8/2617.




1. Name.1. Naam. The name of the township


shall be Primindia ExtensionDie naam van die dorp is Primindia Uitbreiding 16. 16.i6 .




2. Ontwerpplan van die Dorp. • 2. Design of Township.

Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en State soos aangedui op The township shall consist of erven and streets as• Algemene Plan L.G. No. A.4131/66. indicated on General Plan S.G. A.4131/66.

3. Water. 3. Water.

Die applikant moet met die plaaslike bestuur relines The applicant shall make arrangements with the localtref vir die lewering en retikulasie van water in die dorp. authority for the supply and reticulation of water in the

Daar mag op geen erf gebou word alvorens 'n geskikte township.voorraad water na die straatfront aangele is nie. No erf shall be built upon until a suitable supply of

Die applikant moet water retikuleer wanneer deur die water has been laid on - to its street frontage.plaaslike bestuur vereis en in alle geval moet genoemde The applicant shall reticulate water as and whenplaaslike bestuur die applikant ea/Ise om sy verpligting na required by the local authority and. in any case, the saidte kom ten opsigte van enige erf waarvan by oortuig is dat local authority shall call upon the applicant to carry out

.1 dit die bona fide-voorneme van 'die eienaar is om binne 'n his obligation in respect of any erf upon which it is satis-redelike tydperk daarop te bou. fled in the bona fide intention of the owner to build within

a reasonable period.• 4. Sanitasie. 4. Sanitation.

is Die applikant moet met die plaaslike bestuur reClines The applicant shall make arrangements with the localtref vir die verskaffing en bestuur van 'n sanit8re diens. authority for the provision and conduct of a sanitary

service.5. OA/Hsi/ell. - 5. Electricity.

Die applikant moet met die plaaslike bestuur feelings The applicant shall make arrangements with the local

gira tref vir die lewering en retikulasie van elektrisiteit. authority fcr the supply and reticulation of electricity.

6. Mineraleregte. 6. Mineral Rights.

Alle regte op minerale en edelgesteentes. word aan die All rights to minerals and precious stones shall beapplikant voorbehou. reserved to the applicant.

. .•

. .

7. Skenhing.'

7. Endowment..

Die applikant moot, onderworpe aan die voorbehouds- The applicant shall, subject to the provisos to para-bepalings van paragraaf (d) van subartikel (1) van artikel graph (d) of subsection (1) of section twenty-seven ofsewe-en-twintig van Ordonnansie No. 11 van 1931, as 'n Ordinance No. 11 of 1931, pay as an endowment to theskenking aan die plaaslike bestuur 'n bedrag betaal gelyk- local authority an amount representing 15% (fifteen perstaande met 15% (Vyftien persent) van slegs die grond- cent) on land value only of 'all erven disposed of by thewaarde van alle erwe wat deur die applikant verkoop, ver- applicant by way of sale, barter or gift or in any otherroil of geskenk Of op enige ander manier van die hand manner* (other than erven transferred in terms of sectiongesit word (uitgesonderd erwe oorgedra ingevolge artikel twenty-four of that Ordinance), such value to be calculatedvier-en-twintig van daardie Ordonnansie), sodanige waarde as at the date of the promulgation of the township in thebereken te word soos op die datum van die afkondiging event of the erven having been disposed of prior to suchvan die dorp indien die erwe. voor sodanige afkondiging promulgation or as at the date of such disposal in thevan die hand gesit is of soos op die datum waarop dit event of the erven being disposed of after such promul-


aldus van die hand gesit word indien die erwe van die hand gation and to be determined in the manner set out in thegesit word na sodanige afkondiging en vasgestel te word said paragraph (d).op die wyse uiteengestt in genoemde paragraaf (d).

Die applikant moet geouditeerde, gedetaileerde kwar- Quarterly audited de:ailed statements shall be rendered

taalstate, tesame met die, bedrag wat daarop aangewys by the applicant to the local authority and shall be accom -

word as verskuldig aan die plaaslike bestuur, aan die Ponied by a remittance for the amount shown to be due

plaaslike bestuur verstrek. Die plaaslike bestuur of enige to the local authority. The local authority, or any officialbeampte deur hom behoorlik daartoe magtiging verleen, duly authorised thereto by it, shall have the right to

besit die reg om op alle redelike tye die applikant se boeke


inspect and audit the applicant's books at all reasonable

betreffende die verkoop van erwe in die dorp te inspekteer times relative to the disposal of erven in the township.en te ouditeer. Op versoek van genoemde plaaslike If so required by the said local authority, or official, the

bestuur of beampte moet die applikant alle boeke en applicant shall produce all such books and papers as may

stukke wat vir sodanige inspeksie en ouditering nodig is, be necessary for such inspection and audit. If no such

voorle. Indien geen sodanige gelde gedurende enige tyd- moneys have been received during any quarterly periodperk van drie maande ontvang is nie, kan die plaaslike the local authority may, in lieu of an audited statement,bestuur 'n verklaring te dien effekte in plaas van 'n accept a statement to that effect. 1

geouditeerde staat aanneem.

8. Beskikking oor Bestaande Titelvoonvaardes.8. Disposal of Existing Conditions of Title.

is. Alle erwe moet onderworpe gemaak word aan bestaande All erven must be made subject to existing conditionsvoorwaardes en serwitute, as daar is, maar uitgesonderd and servitudes, if any, but excluding the following ser-

die volgende serwitute van Reg van Weg wat in strate vitudes of Right of Way which fall in streets in the town-in die dorp val en die volgende regte wat Me op dle erwe ship and the following rights which will not be passed onin die dorp oorgedra sal word nie:— to the erven in the township :—

" Subject to two rights of way each five (5) Cape roods "Subject to two rights of way each five (5) Cape roodswide; as shewn on the aforesaid diagram, by the figures wide, as shown on the aforesaid diagram, by the figures

a, b, c, d and e, f, D, C, in favour ()fall the other portions a, b, c. d and e, f, D. C, in favour of all the other portionsof the former remaining extent of the said farm Roode- of the former remaining extent of the said farm Roode-

kopjes or Zwartkopjes measuring as such 3,357 morgen kopjes or Zwartkopjes measuring as such 3,357 morgen

528 square roods, which said remaining extent was park- 528 square roods; which said remaining extent was par-

tioned by Order of the Supreme Court of South Africa titioned by Order of the Supreme Court of South Africa(Transvaal Provinsial Division) dated 18 August 1921, and (Transvaal Provincial Division), dated 18 August 1921 andentitled to the righti of way over all the other portions of entitled to the rights of way over all the other portions ofthe said former remaining extent as shewn on the dia- the said former remaining extent as shewn on thegrams of the respective portions." diagrams of the respective portions." I





9. Nakotning van Vootwaar.des. 9: Enforcement :of Conditions.t_

Die applikant moet die stigtingsvoorwaaides nakom en The applicant shall. observe the conditions of establish- 0moet die nodige steppe doen am te verseker dat die titel- ment and shall take the necessary steps to secure thevoorwaardes en enige voorwaardes genoem in artikel 56 enforcement of the conditions of title and any conditionshis van Ordonnansie No. 11 van 1931, nagekom word: referred to in section 56 his of Ordinance No. 11 of 1931:Met lien verstande dat die Administrateur die bevoegd- Provided that the Administrator shall have the power toheid besit om die applikant van almal of enigeen van die relieve the applicant of all or any of the obligations andverpligtinge te onthef en sodaniee verpligtinge by enige to vest these in any other person or body of persons.ander persoon of liggaam van persone te laat berus.


1. The Erven with Certain Exceptions.1. Die Erwe met sekere Uitsonderings.

The erven with the exception of— -

Die erwe uitgesonderd—G) such erven as may be acquired for State or Pro-

(i) enve wat vir Stoats- of Provinsiale doeleindes ver- vincial purposes; and ikry word; en

(ii) erwe wat vir munisipale doeleindes verkry word, (ii) such erven as may be acquired for municipal

wits die Administrateur na raadpleging met die Dorpe- purposes providedthe Administrator, after consultation withthe Townships Board, has approved the purposesroad die doeleindes waarvoor sodanige erwe nodigis, goedgekeurhet—

afor which such erven are required—shall be subject to the further conditions hereinafter set

is onderworpe aan onderstaande verdere voorwaardes:— forth:—(A) Algemene voorwaardes.

(a) Die applikant en enige ander persoon of liggaans(A) General conditions.

van persone wat skriftelik deur die Administrateur daar- (a) The applicant and any other person or body of '

0toe magtiging verleen is, het met die doel om te sorg dat persons so authorised in writing by the Administrator.hierdie voorwaardes en enige ander voorwaardes genoem shall, for the purpose of securing the enforcement of thesein artikel 56 his van Ordonnansie No. 11 van 1931 na- conditions and any other conditions referred to in sectiongekom word, die reg en bevoegdheid om op elke redelike 56 his of Ordinance No. 11 of 1931. have the right andtye die erf te betree ten chide sodanige inspeksie to doen power to enter into and upon the erf at all reasonableof ondersoek in te stel as wat vir bovermelde doel gedoen times for the purpose of such inspection or inquiry as mayof ingestel moet word. be necessary to be made for the above-mentioned purpose.

(b) Nbg die eienaar Mpg enigiemand anders besit die reg (b) Neither the owner nor any other person shall haveom vir enige doel hoegenaamd bakstene, teels of erdepype the right to make or permit to be made updn the erf forof ander artikels van 'n soortgelyke aard op die erf te ver- any purpose whatsoever any bricks, tile's or earthenwareva'ardig of te laat vervaardig. pipes or other articles of a like nature.

(c) Die opstand van alle geboue meet voldoen aan die (c) The elevational treatMent 'of all buildings shall convereistes van goeie argitektuur sodat dit nie die aantrek- form to good architecture so as not to interfere with thelikhede van die omgeyving benadeel nie, amenities of the neighbourhood:'


,(d) Nbg die eienaar nbg enigiemand anders besit die reg (d) Neither. the owner nor any other person shall haveom, behalwe om die erf vir boudoeleindes in gereedheid the right save and except to• prepare the erf for building.te' bring, enige materiaal daarop uit te grown sonder die -purposes, to excavate therefrom any material without thesktiftelike toestemming van die plaaslike bestuur. written consent of the local authority. . . •

(e) Behalwe met toestemming van die plaaslike bestuur (e) Except with the consent of the local authority nomag geezi dier soos omskryf in die Skutregulasies van 'dieanimal as defined in the Local Authorities' PoundsPlaaslike Besture soos afgekondig by Administrateuis-Regulations, as published under Administrator's Noticekennisgewing No. 2 van 1929 op die erf aangehou of op

stal gesit word nie. .No. 2 of 1929, shall be kept or stabled on the erf.

(f) Geen geboue van bout en/of sink of geboue van rou- (D..1•10 'wood .and/ot iron buildings or buildings of un -

stene mag op die erf opgerig word nie. burnt clay-brick shall be erected on the erf.(g) Waar dit na die mening van die plaaslike bestuur (g) Where, in the opinion of the local authority, it is

onuitvoerbaar is om stormwater van 'erwe met 'n hoer impracticable for sformwatet 'to be drained from higherligging regstreeks na 'n openbare straat of te voer, is die lying erven direct to a public Street the owner of the erfeienaar van die erf verplig am te aanvaar dat sodanige shall be obliged to accept and/or permit the passage overstormwater op sy erf vloei en/of toe te laat dat dit daar- the erf of such stormwater: Provided that the ownersoor loop: Met dien verstande dat die eienaars van erwe of any higher lying erven,.the stormwater from which ismet- 2n hoer Egging, vanwaar die stormwater oor 'n erf discharged over any lower lying erf, shall be liable to paymet 'n leer ligging loop, aanspreeklik is om 'n eweredige a proportionate share of the cost of any pipe line or drainaandeel van die koste te betaal van enige- pyplyn of &lei- which the owner of such lower lying erf may find neces-voor wat die eienaar van sodanige erf met 'n laer ligging sary to lay or construct for the purpose of conducting thenodig vied om aan te 18 of te bou, om die water wat aldus water so discharged over the erf.oor die erf loop, of te voer.

(B) General business erven.(B) A lgenzene -besigheidserwe. AIn addition to the conditions set out in subclause (A)Benewens die voorwaardes in subklousule (A) hiervan hereof, Erf 103 shall be subject to the following con-uiteengesit, is Erf 103 aan die volgende voorwaardes ditions:—onderworpe:—

(a) The erf shall be used for trade or business purposes(a) Die erf moet slegs vir handels - of besigheidsdoel- only: Provided that it shall not be used for a place ofeindes gebruik word: Met dien verstande dat dit nieamusement or assembly.gebruik mag word vir 'n vermaaklikheids- of vergaderplek

nie. (b) The business permiscs shall be erected simul-(b) Die besigheidsgeboue moet gelyktydig met, of vd6r, taneously with or before the erection of the outbuildings.

die buitegeboue opgerig word. (c) Subject to the provisions of any law, by-law or(c) Behoudens die bepalings van enige wet, verordening regulation and subclause (a) hereof there shall be no Erni-of regulasie en subklousule (a) hiervan, is daar geen tation of the number of shops or businesses that may bebeperking wat die aantal winkels of besighede betref wat

op die erf opgerig of gedryf kan word nie: Met dien established or conducted on the erf: Provided that noverstande dat geen besieheid van 'n Bantoe-eethuis van business of a Bantu eating -house of any description shallenige aard op die erf gedryf mag word nie be conducted on the erf.




(d) Geen hinderlike bedryf soos omskryf of in artikel (d) No offensive trade as specified either in section 9595 van die Ordonnansie op Pleaslike Bestuur, No. 17 van - of the Local Government Ordinance, No. 17 of 1939, or1939, Of in 'n dorpsaanlegskema wat op die gebied van in a town-planning scheme in operation in the area maytoepassing is, mag op die erf gedryf word nie. be carried on upon the erf.

(C) Spesiale woonerwe. - . (C) Special residential erven.

Die erwe, uitgesonderd die genoem in subklousule (B) The erven, with the exception of those referred to in '

is, benewens die voorwaardes uiteengesit in subklousule subclause (B) shall, in addition to the conditions set out(A) hiervan, onderworpe aan die volgende voorwaardes:— in subclause (A) hereof be subject to the following con-

(a) Die erf moet slegs gebruik word om daarop 'n woon- diticns:— •

huis op te rig: Met dien verstande dat-. met toestemming (a) The erf shall be used for the erection of a dwelling-

van die Administrateur na raadpleging'met die Dorperaad house only: Plovided• that, with the consent of theen die plaaslike bestuur, 'n plek vir openbare_godsdiens- Administrator after reference to the Townships Board andoefening of 'n .plek van onderrig, 'n scemeenskapsaal, - 'n the local authority, a place of public worship or a placeinrigting of ander geboue wat in 'n woongebied tuishoort, of instruction. social hall, institution or other buildingsop ie erf opgeria° kan word: Voorts met then verstande appertainina to a residential area may be erected on thedat die plaaslike bestuur sodanige ander geboue as waar- erf: Provided further that the local authority may permitvoor in • M goedgekeurde dorpsaanlegskema voorsiening such other buildings as may be provided for in angemaak word, kan toelaat, behoudens die voorwaardes van approved town-planning scheme, subject to the conditions

i die skema waarvolgens die toestemming van• die plaaslike of the scheme under which the consent of the localbestuur vereis word... . authority is required. . .

(b) Uitgesonderd met toestemming van die'Administra- . (b) Except , with' the consent of the -Administrator whoteur wat sodanige voorwaardes kan stel as wat hy nodig may prescribe such conditions as he may deem necessary,ae, mag nie weer as een woonhuis Met .sodanige buite- not • more than one dwelling-house together with suchgeboue as wat gewoonlik vir gebruik in verband daarmee outbuildings as are, ordinarily required to be used in con-

nodig is, op die erf•opgerig word rile: - Met diem verstande nection therewith shall be erected on the erf: Provided'dat as die erf onderverdeel word of,as sodanige erf of einao that if the et( is subdivided. or if such erf or any portion 1

gedeelte daarvan met enige 'ander erf of gedeelte van 'n thereof is xonsolidared.with any other erf or portion of anelf. gekrinsolideer.word, hierdie voorwaarde met toestem- erf .this condition may with the consent of the Adtinnisira -

ming van die Administrateur op elke gevolglike gedeelte tor be applied to each resulting portion, or consolidatedof gekonsolideerde gebied toogepas kan word. area.

(i) Die waarde van die, sonder inbegrip van (Os TheAWelling-house. exclusive of outbuildings to bedie buitegeboue. wat op die erf opgerig sal word, moet erected on the erf shall be of the value of not less thanminstens R600 wees. •

.• - - R600. • .

(ii) Die hoofgebou, wat 'n, voltooide gebou moet wees (ii) The main- building, which shall be a Completed

en nie een wat gedeeltelik opgerig en cers later voltooi building and not one partly erected and intended for coin-

gaan word nie, meet. gelyktydig met, of velar, die buite- pletion at .a .later date, shall be erected 'simultaneouslygeboue opgerig word. with or before the erection of the . outbuildings.

• . .

(c) Geboue, met inbegrip Van buitegeboue. wat hierna (c) Buildings, including .outbuildings, hereafter erected

op die. erf opgerig word, moet minstens 30 (Engelse) voet on the erf shall be located not less than 30 feet (English)van die straatgrens daarvan gelee wees: Met dien ver- from the boundary thereof abutting on a street: Providedstande dat die plaaslike bestuur die reg het om hierdie that the local authority shall have the right to relax thisbeperking minder streng toe te pas waar voldoening dear- restriction where in its opinion compliance therewithaan volgens sy mening die ontwikkeling van die erf sou would interfere with the development of the erf.benadeel. (d) If the erf is fenced. or otherwise enclosed, the

• - fencing or other enclosing device shall be erected and• 2. Serwituut vir Riolerings- en wider Munisipale maintained to the satisfaction of the local authority.

Ooeleindes.2. Servitude for Sewerage and Other: Municipal Purpo'see.Benewens die betrokke voorwaardes hierbo uiteengesit,

is al die erwe aan die volgende voorwaardes onderworpe:— In addition to the conditions set out above all erven

(a) Die erf is onderworpe aan 'n serwituut, ses voet. shall be subject to the following conditions:—breed. vir rioldrings- en ander munisipale doeleindes. ten (a) The erf is subject to ,a servitude, six feet wide, in

410gunste van die plaaslike bestuur, langs enigeen van sy favour of the local authority, for sewerage and othergrense, uitgesonderd 'n straatgrens, soos deur die plaaslike municipal purposes. along any one of its boundaries otherbestuur bepaal. , - . than a street boundary, as determined by the local

(b) Geen gebou of ander struktuur mag binne yoormelde authority.serwituutsgebied opgerig word nie en geen grootwortel- - (b) No building or other structure shall be erectedbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige serwituut. of within the aforesaid servitude area and no large-rootedbinne 6 voet daarvan geplant word nie. • • • - - trees shall be planted within the area of such servitude or

r(c) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om sodanige mate- within 6 feet thereof...

riaal as wat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die aan- (c) The .local. authority .shall be entitled to depositleg, onderhoud en verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpyp- temporarily on the land adjoining the aforesaid servitudeleidings en ander werke as wat hy volgens.goeddunk6 as such material as may be excavated by it during the, coursenoodsaaklik beskou, tydelik te goal op• die grond wat aan of the construction, maintenance and removal of suchvoornoemde serwituut grens en voorts is die plaaslike sewerage mains and other works as it in its discretion maybestuur geregtig tot redelike toegang tot genoemde grond deem necessary and shall further be entitled to reasonablevir - voornoemde doel: Met dien verstande dat die plaas- access to the said land for the aforesaid purpose subjectlike bestuur enig6 skade vergoed wat gedurende die aan- to any damage done during the process of constructing,leg, onderhoud en verwydering van sodanige .rioolhoof- maintaining and removing such sewerage mains and otherpypleidings en ander werke veroorsaak word. - - works being made good •by the local authority.

• 3. Woordomskrywing; - . 3. Definitions.• In voormelde voorwaardes het onderstaande uitdruk- In the foregoing conditions the following terms shallkings die betekenisse wat aan hulle geheg word : —' have the meaning assigned to them:—

(0 „ Applikant " beteken Mahomed Ismail Kholvadia (a) " Applicant " means Mahomed Ismail Kholvadia0 en sy opvolgers in titel tot die dorp.. . and his successors in title to the township(ii) „ Woonhuis " beteken 'n huis wat ontwerp is vir (b) "Dwelling-house " means a house designed for use

gebruik as 'n woning vir een gesin. as a dwelling for a single family.. .



4. Staats- en Munisipale Enve. 4. State and Municipal Erven.As 'n erf verkry soos beoog in .klousule B 1 (i) en (ii) Should any erf acquired as contemplated in clause B

hiervan, in die besit kom van enigiemand anders as die 1 (i) and (ii) hereof, come into the possession of anyStaat of die plaaslike bestuur, is so 'n erf daarop onder- person other than the State or the local authority suchworpe aan sodanige van die voornoemde of sadanige ander erf shall, thereupon, be subject to such of the afore-voonvaardes as wat die Administrateur na raadpleg,ing mentioned or such other conditions as may be decided bymet die Dorperaad bepaal. the Administrator after consultation with the Townships



Administrateurskennisgewing No. 720.] [6 September 1967. Administrator's Notice No. 7203 [6 September 1967.



•Ingevolge artikel 10 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Notice is hereby given, in terms of section 10 of theBestuur, 1939. word hierby.bekendgemaak dat die dorps- Local Government Ordinance, 1939, that the Villageroad van Sannieshof, 'n versoekskrif by die Administra- Council of Sannieshof has submitted a petition to the •tear ingedien bet met die belle dab by die bevoegdhede Administrator praying that he may in the exercise of theaan hom verleen by artikel 9 (7) van genoemde Ordon- powers conferred on him by section 9 (7) of the saidnansie, uitoefen en die grense van die munisipaliteit San- Ordinance, alter the boundaries of the Municipality ofnieshof verander deur die opneming daarin van die gebied Sannieshof by the inclusion therein of the area describedwat in die bylae hiervan omskryf word. in the schedule hereto.

Alle belanghebbende persone is bevoeg om binne 30 It shall be competent for all persons interested. with- isdae na die eerste publikasie hiervan in die Provinsiale in 30 days of the .first publication hereof in the ProvincialKoerant aan die Administrateur 'n teenpetisie voor te 16, Gazette, to present to the Administrator a counter-petitionmet vermelding van die gronde •van beswaar teen setting forth the grounds of opposition to the Council'sgenoemde voorstel. proposal.

T.A.L.G. 3/2/103. , T.A.L.G. 3/2/103.BYLAE. SCHEDULE,•



Begin by die noordelikste baken van Sannieshof dorp Beginning at. the northernmost beacon of Sannieshof(Algemene Plan L.G. A.1426/63); daarvandaan algemeen Township (General - Plan S.G. A.1420/63)t. proceedingsuidwaarts langs die grense van die volgende sodat hulk thence generally southwards along the boundaries of thein hierdie gebied ingesluit word: genoemde Sannieshof following so as to include them in this area: said Sannies-dorp en die volgende gedeeltes van die pleas De Klip- hof Township and the .following portions of the farm Dedrift 295 TO: Gedeelte 13 (Kaart L.G. A.4990/12), Klipdrift 295 10:, Portion 13 (Diagram S.G. A.4990/12),Gedeelte 59 (Kaart L.G. A.1767/55); resterende gedeelte Portion 59 (Diagram S.G. A.1767/55), remaining extentvan Gedeelte 6 (Kaart L.G. A.1173/20. groot 3.0506 of Portion 6 (Diagram S.G. A.1173/26) in extent 3.0506morg, genoemde Gedeelte 59 en Gedeelte 51: (Kaart L.G. morgen,. said Portion 59 and Portion 51 (Diagram S.G.A.952/53) tot by die suidelikste baken yan laasgenoemde A.952/53) to the southernmost beacon of the last-namedGedeelte 51; daarvandaan algemeed noordwiarislangi die Portion 51; thence generally northwards along the follow-grense van die volgende gedeeltes yan die pleas De Klip- ing pottions of the faun ,De ,Klipdrift 295 ip, so as todrift 295 10 sodat hulle in hierdie gebied ingesluit word: include them in this area: said Portion .51, Portion


genoemde Gedeelte 51, Gedeelte 16 (Kaart L.G. 4.4027/ (Diagram 5.0. A.1027419) and 'Portion' 21 (Diagram S.G.19) ea Gedeelte 21 (Kaart L.G. A.3279/36). tot by die 'A.3279/36) to the north -western beacon of the last-noordwestelike baken van laasgenriemde "Gedeelte .21; named Portion 21; thence north-weStwards in a straightdaarvandaan noordweswaarts in 1 reguit lyn tot by die line to the south-western beacon of Portion 45 (Diagramsuidwestelike baken van Gedeelte 45 (Kaart L.G. A.3189/ S.G. A.3189/50) of the farm De Klipdrift 295 10: thence50) van die pleas De Klipdrift 295 IO; daarvandaan north-westwards along the western boundaries of saidnoordwesivaarts langs die westelike grensevan genoemde Portion 45 and Portion 44 (Diagram S.G. A:3188/50) ofGedeelte 45 en Gedeelte 44 (Kaart L.G. A.3188/50) van the farm De Klipdrift 295 IO to the north-western beacondie pleas De Klipdrift 295 IC/ tot by die noordwestelike of the last-named Portion 44, and continuing northwest-baken van laasgenoemde Gedeelte 44. en verder aan • wards along the prolongation of the western boundary ofnoordweswaarts tangs die verlenging van die westelike the said Portion 44 to the north-western boundary of Por-grens van genoemde Gedeelte 44 tot by die noordweste- tion 62 (Diagram S.G. A.I612/61) of the farm De Klip-like grens van Gedeelte 62 (Kaart L.G. A.1612/61) van drift 295 10; thence• north-eastwards along the north-die pleas De Klipdrift 295 IO; daarvandaan noordoos- western boundary of the said Portion 62 and the northernwaarts langs die noordwestelike grens van genoemde boundary of Sannieshof Township to the northernmostGedeelte 62 en die noordelike grens van Sannieshof dorp beacon thereof; the place of beginning.tot by die noordelikste baken daarvan, die beginpunt. 6-13-20

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 736.] [ 13 September 1967. Administrator's Notice No. 736.] [ 13 September 1967.


Met betrekking tot Administrateurskennisgewing No. With reference to Administrator's Notice No. 163 of163 van 2 Maart 1966, word hiermee vir algemene 2 March 1966, it is hereby notified for general informationinligting bekendgemaak dat dit die Administrateur behaag that the Administrator is pleased, under the provisions

41om, ooreenkomstig subartikel (1) van artikel een-en-dertig of subsection (1) of section thirty-one of the Roadsvan die Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie No. 22 van Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance No. 22 of 1957), to approve1957), goedkeuring te heg aan die padrefilings, soos aan- the road adjustments, shown on the subjoined sketch plan.getoon op bygaande sketsplan. D.P. 01-014-23/24/R.3. D.P. 01 -014-23/24/R.3.




_A i la 1:14

aw( CO •Ct•

Po 67 "%c

0 A c pp al - 014 - 23/ 24/R 3.ROB ERTGON et- '‘'4/ ai.acy- Verwy sing: Reference:

51 4 -oua -So 0-

L R - . NI-ski% ce

I Bestaande paaie = Existing Roadsa sa• .

. - a t$.V,Lty.. Pad Gesluit ' a... Road Closed.Pad Vede en Road deviated


Vermlnder 30 JULand

PAeduceduttdei -

. •

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 737.) [ 13 September 1967. Administrator's Notice No. 737.) [ 13 September 1967.


Hiermee word vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak It is hereby notified for general information that thedat die Administrateur, na ondersoek en verslag deur die Administrator has approved after investigation andPadraad van Piet Retief, goedgekeur het dat Distriksnad report by the Road Board of Piet Retief, that District608 oor die plase Uitgevallen 175 HT en Tafelberg 186 Road 608 traversing the farms Uitgevallen 175 HT and

•HT, distrik Piet Retief, innevolge patagraaf (d) van sub- Tafelberg 186 HT, District of Piet Retief, shall beartikel (1) van artikel vy/ en artikel drie van die Pad- deviated and widened to 80 Cape feet in terms of para-ordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie No. 22 van 1957), verle graph (d) of subsection (I) of section five and section .

en na 80 Kaapse voet verbreed word, soos op bygaande three of the Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance No. 22 ofsketsplan aangetoon. 1957), as indicated on the subjoined sketch plan.

D.P. 051 -054-23/22/608 Vol. H (a). . D.P. 051 -054-23/22/608 Vol. II (a).

ttr. Irtmcifizea°16 .1.19. :b

e 3

c UtTSEValtata „,7.14T

. ......

---.:,... ., TAFELEIERG

186 - NT ;°

D.P. 051 - 0.1. -2.3/221608V01.11 (a)

- \ cl.Ito r. - c



-•t„, i'

.Goa Seel

. .

Pad eitopert ..... Road opened

p Pod varbveact — Road widened•

• •

Pod gesitiii. rzzz= Rood. dosed

Bastaanda pock L=--_ -_ Existing voacis• •

— — -- - — -- '

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 738.] [ 13 September 1967. Administrator's Notice No. 738.] [ 13 September 1967.


KOP 356 -JR, DISTRIK PRETORIA. DISTRICT OF PRETORIA.Met die oog op 'n aansoek gedoen namens mev. M. In view of an application having been made on behalf

Botha en mnr. L. T. v. d. Walt om die opheffing of of Mrs M. Botha and Mr L. T. v. d. Walt for the cancel-

vermindering van die serwituut van uitspanning, groot lation or reduction of the servitude of outspan, in extent

11 morg 211 vierkante roede, waaraan sekere resterende 11 morgen 211 square roods, to which certain remaining

gedeelte van Gedeelte C van gedeelte van die pleas portion of Portion C of portion of the farm Zwartkop

Zwartkop 356 JR, distrik Pretoria, onderhewig is, is die 356 JR, District of Pretoria, is subject, it is the Adminis-

Administrateur voornemens om, ooreenkomstig artikel trator's intention to take action in terms of section fifty-

ses- en - vyftig van die Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie six of the Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance No. 22

No. 22 van 1957), op to tree. of 1957).

.Alle belanghebbende persone is bevoeg om binne 3 It is competent for any person interested to lodge his

maande vanaf die datum van verskyning• van hierdie objections in writing with the Regional Officer, Private

kennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant hulle besware Bag 2, Mfiregloed, Pretoria, within 3 months of the date

by die Streekbeampte, Privaatsak 2, Moregloed, Pretoria. of publication of this notice in the Provincial Gazette.

skriftelik in to dien. D.P. 01-012-37/3/Z.3. D.P. 01 -012-37/3/Z.3. I



Administrateurskennisgewing No. 739.] - [ 13 September 1967. Administrator's Notice No. -739.] . [ 13 September 1967:


Met betrekking tot Administrateurskennisgewing No. •

With reference to Administrator's Notice No. 898 of898 van 16 November 1966, word hiermee vir algemene the 16th November 1966, it is hereby notified for generalinligting bekendgemaak dat dit die Administrateur behaag.:, information that the Adthinistrator is

-pleased, under the

orn ooreenkomstig paragraaf (iv) van subartikel (I) van provisions of paragraph (iv) of subsection (1) of sectionartikel ses-en-vyftig van die Padordonnansie, 1957 fifty-six of the Roas Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance No. 22(Ordonnansie No. 22 van 1957); goedkeuring to heg aan of 1957), to approve

-the cancellation of the servitude in

die ophefllng van die' serwittut ten opsigte - van die respect of the general outspan, in extent -

1/75th of 2186.6algemene uitspaniting, grobt 1/75ste van 2186.6 morg, morgen, :sittiated on the remaining extent (now Portion 6)gelee op die resterende gedeelte (non Gedeelte 6) van die of the farm Liefde en Vrede 104 IR, District ofplaas Liefde en Vrede 104 IR, distrik Johannesburg. Johannesburg. D.P. 021 -0221-37/3/L.3.


D.P. 021-022J-37/3/L.3.. . . .

. .

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 740.] [ 13 September 1967. Administrator's Notice No. 740.] [ 13 September 1967. •OPENING VAN OPENBARE PAD, DISTRIK OPENING OF PUBLIC ROAD, DISTRICT OF


Dit word hiermee vir algemene inligting bekendgemaak It is hereby notified for general information that thedat die Administrateur, na ondersoek en verslag deur die Administrator has approved, after investiaation and reportPadraad van Rustenburg, ingevolge paragrawe (b) en (c) by the Road Board of Rustenburg, in terms cf paragraphs 0van subartikel (1) van artikel vyf en artikel drie van die (b) and (c) of subsection (1) of section five and sectionPadordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie No 22 van 1957), three of the Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance No. 22 ofgoedgekeur het dat 'n openbare distrikspad. 50 Kaapse 1957), that a public district road, 50 Cape feet wide, shallvoet breed, sal bestaan op die pleas Modderfontein 332 JO. exist on the farm Modderfontein 332.10. District ofdistrik Rustenburg, soos aangetoon op bygaande sketsplan. Rustenburg, as indicated on the subjoined sketch plan.

D.P. 08-082-23/22/573 T/L. D.P. 08.082-23/22/573 T/L.

. laI

am. aa.

ILL os. ova 1 13 / 22 / 5.-13.



44e. %AMA\el fp qaC a.r arta.a..

&loop t PI VONTEIN 044 Pad cr. *pan ... 'bad of 'Anus

A so K. ;A. to c.3/4.332 7.4 Sailoonde- - .—


, . 1 Pod,A . •

. •.


. .•

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 741.]'

[ 13 September 1967. Administrator's Notice No. 741.1 [ 13 September 1967.


OF PIET RETIEF.'Hiermee word vir algemene - inligting bekefithemaak dat •

It is hereby notified for general - inforMation that thedie Administrateur, na ondersoek en verslag deur dieAdministrator has approved, after investigation and reportPadraad van Piet Retief, goedgekeur het dat 'n openbare

distrikspad, met 'n reserwebreedte van 80 Kaapse voet, by the Road Board of Piet Retief, that a public district \.ivat 'n verlenging sal wets van distrikspad 1346, sal .

road, 80_ Cape feet wide, which shall be an extension ofbestaan op die pleas Uitgevallen 175 HT, distrik Piet Distritt - Road 1346, shall exist on the farm UitgevallenRetief, ingevolge paragrawe (b) en- (c) van subartikel (1) 175. HT._District of Piet Retief. in terms of paragraphsvan artikel vyf en artikel drie van-die Padordonnansie, Or) and (c) of subsection (I) of section five and section1957 (Ordonnansie No. 22 van 1957). soos op bygaande three of the Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance No. 22

sketsplan aangetoon. of 1957), as indicated on the subjoined sketch plan.

D.P. 051-054-23/22/608, Vol. II (b). . D.P. 051 -054 -23/22/608, Vol. II (h).• 4



. .

„J..a +V`6 OP 051- 054-

202/608VOL TE (b)

;0"0 UITGEOLLEN : ":



. .•

, Pod geopeet . Road °parted •

Bestocnale pooie = Exist;0.43 roads III•

. . .

12 . .


Administrateurskennisgewing No. 742.] [13 September 1967. Administrator's Notice No. 742.] [ 13 September 1967.


Met die oog op 'n aansoek ontvang van mar. W. C. In view of an application having been made by MrDurand om die smiting van 'n openbare pad op die plaas W. C. Durand for the closing of a public road on theLindley 528 JQ. distrik Krugersdorp, is die Administra- farm Lindley 528 JQ. District of Krugersdorp, it is theteur voornemens om, ooreenkomstig artikel agi-en-twintig Administrator's intention to take action in terms ofvan die Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie No. 22 van section twenty-eight of the Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordi-1957), op te tree. nance No. 22 of 1957).

Alle belanghebbende •person is bevoegd om binne 30 It is competent for any person interested to lodge hisdae vanaf die datum van verskyning van hierdie kennis- objections in writing with the Regional Officer, Trans-

gewing in die Provinsiale Koerant, hulle besware by die vaal Roads Department, Private Bag 1001, Benoni, withinStreekbeampte, Transvaalse Paaiedepartement, Privaatsak 30 days of the date of publication of this notice in - the

ii 1001, Benoni, skriftelik in te diem Provincial Gazette.Ooreenkomstig subartikel (3) van artikel nege-en- In terms of subsection (3) of section twenty-nine of the

twitttig van genoemde Ordonnansie word ditvir algemene said Ordinance, it is notified for general information thatinligting bekendgemaak dat indien enige beswaar

S gemaak word, maar daarna van die hand gewys - word,if any objection to the said application is taken, but is

thereafter dismissed. the objector may be held liable fordie beswaarmaker aanspreeklik gehou kan word vir die the amount of R10 in respect of the costs of a commis-bedrag van R10 ten opsigte van die koste van 'n kom-

sion appointed in terms of section thirty, as a result ofmissie wat aangestel word ooreenkomstig artikel dertig, such gevolg van sulke besware. D.P. 021:025-23/24/L2 (A).


. D.P. 021-025-23/24/L2 (A).



Administrateurskennisgewing No. 743.] [ 13 September 1967. Administrator's Notice No. 743.] [ 13 September 1967.


Die Administrateur publiseer hierby, ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby. in terms of section 101 of101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939. die the Local Government Ordinance, 1939. publishes theverordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolge by-laws set forth hereinafter, which have been approvedartikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is, by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance.

Die Swembadverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit The Swimming Bath By-laws of-the Bethel Munici-

Bethel, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing No. pality, published under Administrator's Notice $To.. 383,

383 van 13 Mei 1964, word hierby as volg gewysig:— dated the 13th May 1964, are hereby amended as

1. Deur in artikel 21— . follows: —

(a) in subartikel (5) (b) (i) die syfers „21" deur die 1. By the substitution, in section 21—'

syfer „ 3" te vervang; (a) in subsection (5) (b) (i) for the figures " 24"(b) in subartikel 6 (a) die syfers „24" deur die of the figure "3";

. syfer „ 3" te vervang; (b) in subsection (6) (a) for the figures "21" of

(c) in subartikel (7) die syfers „24" deur die syferthee)g.r

" 3";„ 3

' te vervang; ( in subsection (7) for the figures"

24" of the

figure "3"; -

(d) in subartikel (8) die syfers „24" deur die syfer (d) in subsection (8) for the figures "21" of the„ 3 ' te vervang. •

2. Deur in artikel 30 (2) die bedrag • , 24c" deur die

2fi.guBrye t'h'e3 's'u.bstitution in section 30 (2) for the amountbedrag „3c" te vervang. T.A.L.G. 5/91/7. "21c" of the amount "3c". T.A.L.G. 5/91/7.

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 744.3 [ 13 September 1967. Administrator's Notice No. 744.1 [ 13 September 1967.


Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of

101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur. 1939, die the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the

verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolge by-laws set forth hereinafter, which have been approved

artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is. by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance.Die Veemarkverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit Johan- The Livestock Market By-laws of the Johannesburg

111 nesburg, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing No. Municipality, published under Administrator's Notice No.484 van 8 Junie 1955, soos gewySig, word hierby verder 484, dated the 8th June 1955, as attended, are hereby

giewysig:— further amended as follows:-1. Deur bylaes A en B deur die volgende te vervang:— - 1. By the substitution for schedules A and B of the

0 „ BYLAE A. following:—


Sent. Dues and Charges.

Vir iedere perd of mull ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 Cents.

Vir iedere esel ... ... - ... • - • ... ... ... 10 For every horse or mule ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20

Vir iedere bul, os of koei ... ... ... ... ... 20 10

Vir iedere .vers, jong os of bulletjie (2 jaar . For every bull, bullock or cow ... ... ... ... 20 .„.

cud of over) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 For every heifer or steer (2 years of age and

Vir iedere vers. jong as of bulletjie (jonger as 2 20

jeer) 10 For every heifer or steer (under 2 years of age) 10

Vir iedere vark ... ... ... ,.. ... ... ... 20 20

110Vir iedere kalf, skaap, lam of bok ... ... ... 5

Vir iedere tweewiel-voertuig ...............10For every calf, sheep, lamb or goat ••• ••• ... 5

For every two-wheeled vehicle ... ... ... ... ... 10

Vir iedere vierwiel-voertuig ... ... ... ... ... 20 For every four-wheeled vehicle ... ... ... ... 20

Vir iedere stel tuie, of gedeelte daarvan ... ... 10 For every set of harness or portion thereof ... 10

Vir enige ander artikel ... • ... ... ... ... ... 10: For any other article ... ... ... ... ... ... 10:

Met dien verstande dat hierdie gelde nie gevorder word Provided that these charges shall not apply to animals

ten opsigte van diere wat later regstreeks na die slagplaas which are subsequently removed direct to the abbatoir forgeneem word om geslag te word nit. - slaughter.


.- -


Weeggelde. Weighing Charges.. Sent. Cents. •

Vir iedere bul, os, koei, vers, jong os of bulletjie 24 Every bull, bullock, cow, heifer 'or steer ... ... 24Varke—vir iedere groep van 25 of mindei ... ... 10 Pigs—for every 25 or less in one lot ... ... ... 10


Huisvestinggelde. Charges for Storage.Sent. Cents.

Vir iedere perd of mull, per 24 uur of gedeelte For every horse or mule, per 24 hours or partdaarvan ...........................40 thereof . 40

Vir iedere esel, per 24 uur of gedeelte daarvan 40 For every ass, per 24 hours or part thereof ... 40

Vir iedere bul, os, koei, vers, jong os of bulletjie, For every bull, bullock, cow, heifer or steer, perper 24 uur of gedeelte daarvan ... ... ... 20 24 hours or part thereof ... ... ... ... ... ... 20


Vir iedere vark, per 24 uur of gedeelte daarvan 10 For every pig, per 24 hours or part thereof ... 10

Vir iedere kalf, skaap, bok of lam, per 24 uur of For every calf, sheep, goat or lamb, per 24 hoursgedeelte daarvan ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 or part thereof ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5

Vir iedere tweewiel-voertuig, per 24 uur of For every two-wheeled vehicle, per 24 hours or agedeelte daarvan ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 part thereof ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10

Vir iedere vierwiel-voertuig, per 24 uur of For every four-wheeled vehicle, per 24 hours or

Vir ledere stel tuie, of gedeelte daarvan, per 24 'For every set of harness of portion thereof, per 24uur of gedeelte daarvan ... ... ... ... ... 10 hours or part thereof ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10

Vir enige ander artikel wat nie hier genoem is nie. For any article not specified herein, per 24 hours IIper 24 uur of gedeelte daarvan . 10." or part thereof ...• ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10."

2. Deur na bylae C die volgende by te voeg:— 2. By the addition after schedule C of the following:—

„ BYLAE D. . ...'

. .. ..." SCHEDULE D.



, Feeding Charges. Sent.- •

Cents.Vir iedere bul, os, •koei, vets. ;Ong os, bulletjie.

'fa. r.every bull, bullock; cow, heiferisteer, horse,

perd, mull of esel, per dag ... ' ... , ... ... 12 mule.or donkey, per day ... ... ... ... ... ... 12Vir iedere kalf, per dag ... ... .... '...- 12: For every calf, per day .....................12Vir iedere skaap', lam, bok of vark, Per clag':... . . 6. . Forevery sheep, lamb, goat or pig, per day ... 6Benewens die werklike koste van die voer wat verskaf Plus the actual cost of the food supplied."

word."T.A.L.G. 5/58/2.

• ' ., . T.A.L.G. 5/58/2.. ,

• •• . . .

. . •.

Adminlitrateurskennisgewing No. 745.] , [13 September Pet Administrator's Notice No. 745.],

[ 13 September 1967.


. .Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Adthinistrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of

101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes ••theverordeninge hierna uiteengesit; wat deur horn ingevolge 'by-laws set forth hereinafter, 'which have been approvedartikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie•ggedgekeur is. - • .by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance.

Die Swernbadverordeninge van, die Munisipaliteit The Swimming Bath By-laws of the Klerksdorp Muni-Klerksdorp, afgekondig by Administiateurskennisgewing cipality, published under Administrator's Notice No. 1010,No. 1010 van 9 November 1955, soos gewysig. word hier- dated the 9th November 1955, as amended, are herebyby verder as volg gewysig:—' -

:r .'•' • further amended as follows:—,

1. Deur in artikel 33 (2) die woorde' „ drie -

pennies "1. By the substitution in section 33 (2) for the word .deur die woorde „tie sent" te•vervang. "threepence" of the words "three cents ". -..

2. Deur die Tarief van Gelde onder die bylae dear - die 2r By the substitution for, the Tariff of Charges undervolgende te vervang :-- ' the schedule of the following:—

R c "Tririff of Charges.„Tarief van Gelde. - - •

.' R c.

1. Seisoenkaartjfes.-

1. Season tickets. ',

(2) Volwassenes (halfseisoen begimfende op' 1 (2) Adults (half season commencing.! SeptemberSeptember en. 1 fanuarie) ... ... ... ... ... .„ „.

(3) Kinders (onder 16) 2 50 , (3) Children (under 16) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 250 (4)Duplikaatkaartjie (in geval van verlies) ... ... 0 25 (4) Duplicate to case of loss) ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 25

2. Maandkaartjies. I Monthly tickets.

(2) Kinders (onder 16) ... ... ... ... ... -... 0 50 (2) Children (under 16) . 0 50(3) Duplikaatkaartjie (in geval van verlies) ... ... 0 25 (3) Duplicate (in case of loss) . 0 25

3. Enkel-toegangskaartjies. 3. Single admission tickets.(1) Weekdae:— . .

. (1) Weekdays:—,•



(onder 16) ........................0 05 (b) Children (under 16) . 0 05 ii(2) S na 1 m., Sondae en openbare (2) Saturdays 'after 1 p.m., Sundays and publicvakansiedae:— - holidays:

(b) Kinders (onder 16) ... ... .... .. -. ... ... 0 08 (b) Children (under 16) ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 08

14" ' ' - '


• . .


.4. Gebruik van kostuums, ens. 4 Use of costumes, etc. '


R c(1) Gebruik van kostuum ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 05R c

(1) Use of costume ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 05(2) Gebruik van handdoek 0 05

(3) Alleengebruik van vertrek of kleedkamer ... 0 10

(4) Bewaring van kosbaarhede (per pakkie of(3) Sole use of compartment or dressingroom ... 0 10

artikel) waarvan die waarde hooestens RIO is ... 0 03 (4) Safekeeping of valuables (per packet orarticle) not exceeding RIO in value .:. ... ... ... 0 035. A lgemeen.

(I) Huur van swembad vir galas en ander. byeen- 5. General.komste gedurende die aand ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 00 (1) For hire of the baths for galas and other

(2) Die Raad kan ook galas en ander byeenkomste meetings at night : 15 00gedurende die dag toelaat in welke geval 'n geld van R15

.(2) The Council may also permit galas and other meet-

' word: Met dien verstande.dat wanneer die swem-':R15: Provided

daytime,. in which case the charge shall bebad vir 'n opeenvolgende dag en nag vir sodanige galas.

that in the event of the baths being used.of ander byeenkomste gebruik word, 'n geld van R20for a consecutive day and night for such event or othergehef word. . .


meetings the charge shall be R20.(3) Die opbrengs van galas en byeenkomste genoem in

subitems (1) en (2) val aan die huurder toe wat ook geregtia (3) The proceeds •of galas and mcetines mentioned inis om toegangsgelde te vorder. subitems (I) and (2) shall accrue to the hirer, who shall. .

ffiiright to chart for admission.(4) Vir 'n skoolgala wat gedurende die dag geheu word, have the. ..word Been geld gehef vir die hour van die swembad nie, (4) No charge shall be levied for the hire of the bathsdog die hele opbrengs van sodanige gala val aan die Raad for school-galas held in daytime, but the total proceeds oftoe. . . _ . such galas shall accrue to the Council.

(5) Onderworpe aan die bepalings van subitem (6) word (5) Subject to the provisions of subitem. (6), schoolskoolkinders in groepe van minstens 20 en wat deur children in parties of not less. than 20 and accompaniedonderwysers vergesel word, tot die swembad toegelaat by teachers. shall be admitted to the baths at a charge, ofteen betaling van 1 sent elk. Onderwysers wat kinders 1 cent each. Teachers accompanying children and notvergesel en wat nie swem nie, word aratis toegelaat. Die swimming shall be admitted free. The charge of 1 centvordering van 1 sent elk vir skoolkinders sluit nie die each for school children shall not include the use of towelsgebruik van handdoeke en kostuums in nie. and costumes.

(6) Behalwe op sodanige dae as wat die Raad uitsluit (6) Except on such days as may be excluded from thevan die toepassing van hierdie verordeninge, is gelde vir operation of these by-laws by the Council, the charge fortoelating tot die swembad vir kinders, uitgesonderd admission of children, other than season ticket holders,seisoenkaartjiehouers, na 5 nm. op. weekdae, na 1 nm. op to the baths after 5 p.m. on weekdays will be 8 centsSaterdae en na 9 vm. op Sondae en openbare vakathie- for each child. Any child admitted to the baths beforethe, 8 sent vir iedere kind. 'n Kind wat voor boge- the abovementioned hours on the said days shall not bemelde ure op genoemde dae na die swembad toegelaat is, permitted to continue to use the baths after such hoursword nie toegelaat om die gebruik van die swembad na

unless an additional fee of 3 cents be paid by suchsodanige ure voort te sit nie tensy 'n addisionele bedrag child.van 3 sent deur sodanige kind betaal word.

(7) Kinders onder die ouderdom van 5 jaar wat slegs (7) Children under the age of 5 years using the toddlers'.

die kleuterbad gebruik, word toegelaat teen betaling van pool only, shall be admitted on payment of a charge of1 cent each.

1 sent elk.(8) Tensy anders aangedui, sluit bogenoemde gelde die (8) Unless the contrary is indicated, the above charges

gebruik van 'n vertrek of kleedkamer in. will include the use of a compartment or dressing-room.(9) Bogemelde gelde vir toelating tot b swembad is nie (9) The above charges for admission to the baths shall

van toepassing nie by geleenthede wanneer spesiale gelde not apply on occasions when special rates are chargedgehef word soos in artikel 5 bepaal."

T.A.L.G. 5/91/17.

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 7461 [13 September 1967.

as provided in section 5."

Administrator's Notice No. 746.]

T.A.L.G. 5/91/17:

[ 13 September 1967.



Met die oog op 'n aansoek ontvang van mnr. P. J. Botha TRANSVAAL._oin die sluiting van 'n openbare pad op die plaas Wolwe- In view of an application shaving been made by Mrfontein 652 IR, distrik Heidelberg, is die Administrateur P. J. Botha for theclosing of a public road on the farm

voornemens om ooreenkomstig artikel agt-en-twintig van Wolwefontein 652 IR, District of Heidelberg, it is the

die Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie No. 22 van 1957) Administrator's intention to take action in terms of

op te tree. section twenty-eight of the Roads'

Ordinance, 1957(Ordinance No. 22 of 1957).

Alle belanghebbende persone is bevoegd om binne It is competent for any person interested to lodge his30 dae vanaf die datum van verskyning van hierdie objections, in writing, with the Regional Officer, Transvaalkennisgewing in die Provinsiale Koerant, hulle besware by Roads Department, Private Bag 1001, Benoni, withindie Streekbeampte, Transvaalse Paaiedepartement, Privaat- 30 days of the date of publication of this notice in thesak 1001, Benoni, skriftelik in te dien. Provincial Gazette.

Ooreenkomstig subartikel (3) van artikel nege-en-twintig In terms of subsection (3) of section twenty-nine of thevan genoemde Ordonnansie word dit vir algemene inligting said Ordinance, it is notified for general information thatbekendgemaak dat indien enige beswaar gemaak word, if any objection to the said application is taken, but ismaar daarna van die hand gewys word, die beswaarmaker thereafter dismissed, the objector may be held liable foraanspreeklik gehou kan word vir die bedrag van RIO ten the amount of R10 in respect of the costs of a commissionopsigte van die koste van 'n kommissie wat aangestel word appointed in terms of section thirty, as a result of suchooreenkomstig artikel dertig, as gevolg van sulke beswaie. objections.

D.P. 021-023-23/24/W.6.-

D.P. 021-023-23/24/W.6.—



. .


Administrateurskennisgewing No. 747.] [ 13 September 1967. Administrator's Notice No. 747.] [ 13 September 1967.

MUNISIPALITEIT LYDENBURG.—VERLOFVER- LYDENBURG MUNICIPALITY.—LEAVE BY-LAWS .ORDENINGE VIR BANTOEWERKNEMERS. - - - FOR BANTU EMPLOYEES.Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby; in terms of section 101 of the

101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by- lawsverordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolge set forth hereinafter, which have been approved by himartikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is. in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance.

Woonlomskrywing. Definitions.1. In hierdie verordeninge tensy die sinsverband anders 1. In these by-laws unless the context indicates other-

aandui, beteken— wise -

„ departementshoof " enige hoof van 'n departement " Council " means the Town Council of Lydenburgwat deur die Raad in daardie hoedanigheid aangestel is, or any officer or employee of that Council to whom theof enige persoon wat in sodanige hoedanigheid waar- Council has delegated any of its powers by virtue ofneem; these by-laws in terms of section 58 of the Local Govern- 1

„ Rand " die Stadsraad van Lydenburg of enige be- ment (Administration and Elections) Ordinance, 1960;ampte of werknemer van daardie Raad aan wie die Raad " employee " means any Bantu in the employ of theenige van sy bevoegdhede kragten


s hierdie verordeninge Council.ingevolge artikel 58 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike "head of department" means any head of a depart-Bestuur


(Administrasie en Verkiesings), 1960, gedelegeer matt appointed in that capacity by the Council or any-het; body acting in such capacity;„ werknemer " enige Bantoe in diens van die Raad.

• VacationVakansieverlof.


2. (1) Verlof tot afwesigheid van diens word slegs ten2. (1) Leave of absence from service shall begranted opsigtevan vakansieverlofto an employee in respect of vacation leave only as .soos vol

aan 'n werknemer toegestaan follows:—g:—To any employee 14 (fourteen) continuous days perAn enige werknemer 14 (veertien) aaneenlopende dae year in respect of each year of completed service.

per jaar ten opsigte van elke mar van voltooide diens.(2) "Continuous days" shall mean that all Sundays

(2) By aaneenlopende dae word bedoel dat alle Sondae and public holidays which fall within the leave perioden openbare vakansiedae wat binne die tydperk van verlof shall be. calculated as leave and that leave includes allval as verlof gereken word en dat verlof alle dae tussen days between the first working day which falls within thedie eerste werkdag wat binne die tydperk van verlof val leave period up to and including the last working daytot en met die laaste werkdag voordat die verlof verstryk, before the leave expires.insluit. (3) Leave shall be taken annually within 3 (three)

(3) Verlof moet jaarliks binne 3 (drie) maande nadat 'n months after an employee has become entitled thereto.werknemer daarop geregtig geword het, geneem word. (4) If leave is not taken within the period of 3 (three)

(4) Indien verlof nie binne die tydperk van 3 (drie) months, as mentioned in subsection (3), it shall lapsemaande, soos in subartikel (3) gemeld, geneem word nie, unless the Council decides otherwise at the request of theverval dit tensy die Raad op aansoek van die werknemer employee.anders daaroor besluit. (5) An employee shall not be entitled to allow his leave(5) 'n Werknemer is nie geregtig om sy verlof te laat to accumulate, and shall be compelled annually to takeoploop nie, en is verplig om jaarliks alle verlof wat aan all leave accruing to him at one and the same time.horn toekom, gelyktydig te neem.

Aansoek out Verlof. Application for Leave.

3. (1) Alle aansoeke om verlof geskied skriftelik op die 3. (1) All applications for leave shall be hi writing on

vorm deur die Raad verskaf en word deur die departe- the form supplied by the Council, and shall be completed

mentshoof namens die aansoeker voltooi. on behalf of the applicant by the head of department.(2) Aansoeke oat verlof word deur die departements- (2) Applications for leave shall be approved by the head

hoof goedgekeur en word na goedkeuring by die Stads- of department and shall be handed in to the Towntesourier ingedien. Treasurer after approval.

Betaling ten Aansien van Verlof. Payment in Respect of Leave.4. 'n Werknemer aan wie verlof toegestaan is, is daarop 4. An employee to whom leave has been granted shall

geregtig om op die datum waarop sy verlof begin die be entitled, on• the day on which his leave commences,salmis of loon te ontvang wat andersins gedurende die to receive the salary or Ivan which would otherwise have ),tydperk ten opsigte waarvan aan horn verlof toegestaan been paid to him (Inane the period in - respect of whichis, aan horn betaal sou word. leave has been granted to him.

T.A.L.G. 5/54/42. T.A.L.G. 5/54/42.•. _ ._ .

-- .

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 7484 [ 13 September 1967. Admiriistrator's Notice No. 748.] [ 13 September 1967.


IDie Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of101 van die Ordonnansie, op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes theverordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolge by-laws set forth hereinafter. which have been approvedartikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is. by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance.

Die Elektrisiteitvoorsieningsverordeninge van die muni- The Electricity Supply By-Iaws of Springs MuniCipality,sipaliteit Springs, afgekondig by Administrateurskennis- published tinder Administrator's Notice No. 491, datedgewing No. 491 van 1 Julie 1953, soos gewysig, word the 1st July 1953, as amended, are hereby furtherhierby verder as volg gewysig: — - amended as follows:—

. _

1. Deur in artikel 1 na die woordomskrywing van „fie - 1. By the insertion in section 1 after the definition of.

naar " die volgende in te voeg :— " owner " of the following:—perseel ' enige gebou, kamer, huiseenheid, hut. "' premises '

means any building, room, tenement, hut,afdak, tent of oprigting bo of onder die grond tesame shed, tent or other erection above, or below the ground,met die grond waarop dit gelee is en die aangrensende together with the land upon which the same is situatedgrond wat in verband daarmee gebruik word of enige and the adjoining land used in connection therewith, or t.grond sonder 'n gebou of tent of enige voertuig of


vervoer- any land without building or tent or any vehicle or con-middel;" veyance;".


. 1


2. Deur in artikel 1 die woordomskrywing van „ Bedra- 2. By the substitution in section 1 for the definition of

0 dingsregulasies " deur die volgende. te .vervang:— • "wiring regulations " of the following :—„ , Bedradingsiegulasies

' die Standaardregulasies vir die " ' Wiring Regulations' means the Standard RegulationsBedrading van Persele uitgereik deur die Suid-Afrikaanse for the Wiring of Premises, issued by the South AfricanInstituut van Elektriese Ingenieurs, soos van tyd tot tyd Institute of Electrical Engineers, as amended from time togewysig." time."

3. Deur artikel 30 deur die volgende te vervang:— 3. By the substitution for section 30 of the following :—/lattsluifing by Persele. "Connection to Premises.

30. (1) Tensy meet as een aansluiting IA die mening van - - 30.. (1) Unless. the. engineer considers that on accountdie ingenieur vanwee uitsondeilike toestande noodiaaklik of special conditions more than one connection is essen-is, verskaf die Raad slegs een aansluiting aan 'n verbrui- tial, the Council shall give only one connection to a con-

ker in 'n gebou of blok geboue, ongeag die aantal aan- sumer in a building or block of buildings, irrespective ofgrensende erwe beset deur die verbruiker. the number of adjacent stands occupied by the consumer.

4 (2) Die skakelbord bevattende die hoofskakelaar en uit- (2) The switchboard including the main switch and cut-skciskakelaars vat die lewering beheer, word aangebring outs controlling the supply shall be erected at a pointop 'n plek wat deur die ingenieur of 'n gemagtigde beampte selected by the engineer or by • an authorized officer onop die grens van die verbruiker se perseel naaste

-aan die the boundary of the consumer's premises nearest to the

J.Raad se voorsieningsplek uitgekies word. Council's supply point.

(3) Die uitskeiskakelaar of stroombrekers vir elke ver- (3) The cut-outs or circuit breakers for each differentskillende lewering word op die hoofbord, wat Op die plek supply shall be erected on the mainboard, erected on thebepaal ingevolge subartikel (2) bevestig is, aangebring place provided in terms of subsection (2) in addition tobenewens sodanige hoofskakelaar en uitskeiskakelaars wat such main switch and cut-outs as may be required by thedeur die Raad vereis word. Council.

(4) Laagspanning- , hoogspannings- of ekstra-hoe span- (4) -Low tension, high tension or supertension connec-

ningsaansluitings word beskikbaar gestel vir 'n verbruiker lions shall be made available to a consumer at a pointop 'n plek op die grens van sy perseel naaste aan die Raad on the boundary of his premises nearest to the Council'sse bestaande of gerieflikste voorsieningsplek. Enige werk existing or most convenient supply point. Any work inbykomstig tot die kortste voorsieningsroete word ten excess of the shortest supply route shall be at the con-

koste van die verbruiker onderneem." sumer's cost ".4. Deur subartikel (1) van artikel 34 deur die volgende 4. By the substitution for subsection (1) of section 34

te vervang:— of the following:—,

„(1) Wear dit ingevolge artikel 33 (3) van die eienaar "(1) Where in terms Of section 33 (3) the owner ofvan die perseel vereis word om geskikte huisvesting vir die the premises is required to provide suitable accommoda -Read se skakel- en transformatortoerusting te verskaf ten don for the Council's switchgear and transformation planteinde die Raad in staat te stel om 'n toevoer van 'n ver- to enable the Council to furnish a declared low tension orklaarde laag- of hoogspanning aan die perseel te lewer, high tension supply to the premises, such accommodationmoet sodanige huisvesting 'n stewige kamer van goed- shall take the form of a substantially built chamber' ofgekeurde konstruksie en grootte weer en op 'n plek op approved construction •and size in a position on thedie grens van die verbruiker se perseel staan naaste aan boundary of the consumer's premises nearest the Council'sdie Raad se bestaande of gerieflike voorsieningspunt of existing or convenient supply point or in a place whichop 'n plek waar dit maklik van 'n openbare straat of permits clear access to a public street, and from whichbereik kan word. en die Raad behou hom die reg voor om the Council reserves the right to furnish low tension andelektrisiteit teen laag- of hoogspanning aan ander ver- high tension supplies of electricity to other consumers inbruikers in die omgewing vanuit so 'n kamer te lewer. the vicinity. Such chamber shall conform to the require-Die kamer moet aan die vereistes van artikel 35 voldoen." ments of section 35."

5. Deur bylae 3 deur die volgende te vervang:— 5. By the substitution for Schedule 3 of the following:—„ BYLAE 3.



•l1. Huishoudelike Tarief. 1. Domestic Tariff.Vir die lewering van elektrisiteit aan private wonines, For the supply of electricity to private residences, in-

insluitende woonstelle, wat as sodanig gebruik word:— eluding flats, used as such:— •-

(1) Vir die eerste 20 eenhede in enige besondere maand (1) For the first 20 units consumed in any one month,verbruik, per eenheid: 5c. per unit: 5c.

(2) Vir alle eenhede daarna in dieselfde maand verbruik, (2) For all units consumed thereafter in the sameper eenheid: 0.80c. month, per unit: 0.80c.

I. (3) Minimum -heffing per maand hetsy elektrisiteit ver- (3) Minimum charge per month whether electricity hasbruik is al dan nie: RI. been consumed or not: RI.2. Kommersiele Tarief. 2. Commercial Tariff.Vir die lewering van elektrisiteit aan verbruikers wat For the supply of electricity to consumers falling within

at binne die volgende algemene klassifikasie val:— the following general classification :—llanke, winkels, kantore, garages, advertensietekens, Banks, shops, offices, garages, advertising signs, shop

winkelvensters, losieshuise, private hotelle, gelisensieerde windows, boarding-houses:' private hotels, licensed hotels,hotelle, restaurants, teekamers, woonklubs, sosiale, restaurants, tea-rooms, residential clubs, social, athleticatletiek- en sportklubs, kerke, kerksale, kloosters„ biblio-

and sporting clubs, churches, church halls, convents,teke, museums, teeters, bioskope, hospitale (behalwe libraries, museums, theatres, bioscopes, hospitals (exceptpublieke hospitale soos in die Ordonnansic op Publieke public hospitals as defined in the Public Hospitals Ordi-Hospitale, 1946, omskryf) verpleeginrigtings, skole, skool-

mince. 1946), nursing homes, schools, school hostels,koshuise, tehuise en in die algemeen alle verbruikers

hostels and 'generally all consumers other than those tobehalwe did waarop items 1 en 3 van hierdie tarief betrek- whom items 1 and 3 of this tariff relate:—king het: —

(1) For the first 40 units consumed in any one month,• (1) Vir die eerste 40 eenhede in enige besondere maandverbruik, per eenheid: 5c.

(2) Vir alle eenhede daarna in dieselfde maand vet- (2) For all units consumed thereafter in the same

bruik, per eenheid: 1.25c. month, per unit: 1.25c.

(3) Minimum-hefting per maand hetsy elektrisiteit ver- (3) Minimum charge per month whether electricity hasbruik is al dan nie: R2.

per unit: Sc.

been consumed or not: R2.




3. Industriele Tarief. 3. Industrial Tariff.Vir die lewering van elektrisiteit vir nywerheidsdoel- For the 'supply of electricity for industrial purposes:

eindes: Met dien verstande dat elektrisiteit teen die in- Provided that electricity at the' industrial tariff shall not •dustriele tarief aan Been verbruiker gelewer mag word nie be supplied to any consumer in. respect of premises onten opsigte van 'n perseel waarop hy 'n besigheid waar- which such consumer carries on any business•for which a .

voor 'n algemene handelaarslisensie nodig is, dryf, tensy- general dealer's licence is required. unless machinery forhy masjinerie vir vervaardigingsdoeleindes op sodanige manufacturing purposes is operated by such consumer onperseel gebruik en tensy minstens 3 operateurs wat net such premises and at least three operators are employedmet die masjinerie sal werk, in diens geneem word:— exclusively for operating such machinery:—

(1) 'n Maandelikse aanvraagtarief van- 25.50c perampere of RI.10 per kilovoltampere van die maksimum- (I) A monthly demand charge of 2.5•50e per ampere oraanvraag wat gedurende tussenpose van aflesings van die R1.10 per kilovoltampere of maximum demand registeredaanvraagmeter geregistreer is, en vir enige gedeelte van during intervals between readings of the demand meter,

'n ampere of kilovoltampere wat gebaseer is op 'n'

tyd- and for any portion of an ampere or kilovoltamperetussenpose van 30 minute van die aanvraagmeter is based upon a 30 minute time interval of the demand 1.

betaalbaar; plus meter shall be paid; plus(2) 'n elektrisiteitstarief van 0.35c per eenheid vir alle (2) an energy charge of 0.35c per unit for all units

eenhede wat in dieselfde maand verbruik is; consumed in the same month;(3) Waar 'n maksimum-aanvraagmeter nog nie geinstal- (3) where a maximum, demand meter has not yet beeninstalled.."leer is nie en tot tyd en wyl so 'n meter geinstalleer word, -

and until such meter is installed the' followingis die volgende tarief in pleas van subitems (1) en (2) van tariff instead, of • subitems (1) and (2) shall betoepassing : —applicable: —

(a) Vir die eerste 40 eenhede wat in enige besondere(a) For the first 40 units consumed in any, one month,maand verbruik is, per eenheid: 5c.

(b) Vir alle eenhede daarna in dieselfde maand ver- per unit: 5c. ,

bruik, per eenheid: 1.25c. (b) For all units consumed thereafter in the same ill(c) Minimum-heffing per maand thetsy elektrisiteit ver- month, per unit: 1.25e. .

bruik is al dan nie: R2. (c) Minimum charge per month whether electricity has4. Tarief vir Tydelike Lewering van Elektrisiteit. been consumed or not: R2.

. 'Vir die lewering van elektrisiteit vir tydelike verligting 4. Tariff for Temporary Supply of Electricity..of kragdoeleindes:— For the supply of electricity for temporary lighting or

(1) Vir die eerste 24 eenhede in enige besondere maand power purposes: —vetbruik, per eenheid: 13e.

(2) Vir die volgende 24 eenhede in dieselfde maand (I) For the first 24 units consumed in -

any 1 month,verbruik, per eenheid: 7.80c. per unit: 13c.

(3) Vir alle eenhede daarnd in dieselfde maand verbruik, (2) For the next 24 units consumed in the same month,per eenheid: 2.60c. per unit: 7.80c.

. .•

. 5. Deposito's. (3) For all units consumed thereafter in the same

(1) Verbruikers, uitgesonderd nywerheidsverbruikers, month, per unit: 2.60e. ,

mod 'n deposito stort op die basis van die gemiddelde •5. Deposits. -:

verbruik vir 2 maande, met onderstaande minima:—1. Consumers, except industrial consumers, shall pay a

• (a) Huishoudelike doeleindes (solider inbegrip van deposit on the basis of 2 months' average consumptionelektriese stoof): R3. with the following minima: —(b) Huishoudelike doeleindes (met inbegrip van elek-

triese stoof): R5. (a) Domestic purposes (excluding electric stove): -R3.(c) Kommersiele doeleindes: R5. (b) Domestic purposes (including electric stove): R5.

(2) Industriele verbruikers moet 'n deposito stort of 'n (c) Commercial purposes: R5.waarborg verstrek soos volg:— (2) Industrial consumers shall pay a deposit or provide

(a) In die geval van 'n kontant-deposito 'n bedrag gelyk- a guarantee as follows: —staande met ten midge 25 persent van die maandelikse (a) In the case of a cash deposit an amount equal to IIIverbruik. '

• at feast 25 per cent of the monthly consumption.(b) In die geval van 'n waarborg moet 'n waarborg vir (6) In the case of a guarantee a guarantee equal to at

ten minute 2 maande se verbruik verstrek word. least 2 month's consumption shall be furnished.6. Gelde vir Heraansluiting van Elektrisiteit.

Waineer elektrisiteitstoevoer wat as gevolg van wan- Where6. Charge for Re -connectionof Electricity. theelectricity supply is disconnected owing tobetaling van die rekening, nie-nakoming van enige van •

die Raad se verordeninge of op. versoek van die verbruiker non-payment of account, non -compliance with any of the

afgeslitit is weer aangesluit word, word 'n geld van RI Council's by-laws or at the consumer's request, andreconnected, a charge of RI shall be made. Suchgevorder. Sodanige geld moet betaal 'word voordat die charge shall be paid before the re-connection is made.heraansluiting gedoen word.

7. Gelde vir die Toets van Meters.''

7. Charge for Testing of Meters.

Indien die verbruiker rede het om te vermoed dat die If the consumer has reason to suppose that the metermeter nie in orde is nie of verkeerd registreer, word die is out of order or is registering incorrectly, - the metermeter getoets na die betaling van Rl deur die verbruiker. shall be tested on the consumer paying a charge of R1Sodanige geld word terugbetaal indien die toets aanwys which shall be refunded should the test show the meterdat die meter meet as 5 persent te vinnig of te stadig to have been registering more than 5 per cent fast orgeregistreer het, en 'n afslag of toevoeging ingevolge artikel slow, and a discount or addition in terms of section 32 (2)32 (2) word op sodanige verbruiker se rekening gemaak. shall be made on such consumer's account.

8. Gelde vir die Toets van Installayie. 8. Charge for Testing of Installation.Die eerste toets van enige nuwe installasie word koste- The first test of any new installation shall be made free diloos uitgevoer. Waar 'n addisionele - toets nodig is as of charge. In the event of an additional test being

gevolg van 'n gebrek wat by geleentheid van die eerste required owing to defect discovered on the occasion of illtitoets ontdek word, moet die eienaar 'n .bedrag van_ R1 the first test, the owner .shall pay, in, advance, a sum ofper toets vooruitbetaal. - Rl per test. - .

• - - •

IS .-


• 9. „ Geen Lig"- en „Geen Krag"-klagtes. 9. "No Light" and "No Power" Complaints.'n Geld van R1.75 word gevorder indien aandag If "no light" or "no power" complains are attended

geskenk word aan klagtes van „ geen fig? of „gees krag " to on the consumer's premises, a charge of RI.75 shallop die verbruiker se perseel. be made.

10. illgemeen. - 10. General.(1) Ondanks enigiets in hierdie verordeninge vervat, (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in these

geskied 'n permanente of tydelike lig- en kragaansluiting by-laws a permanent or temporary light and powerslegs deur middel van ondergrondse kabel. connection shall be by means of underground cable only.

(2) Tydelilce lig- en kragaansluiting.—(a) Die gel& vir , (2) Temporary light and power connection.—(a) The'n tydelike aansluiting is 'n bedrag gelykstaande met die charges for a temporary connection shall be an amountkoste aan die Raad van materiaal, apparaat en toerusting equal to the cost to the Council of the material, apparatusen van die arbeid wat, volgens die redelike berekening and equipment and of the labour which, in the reasonable

4 van die ingenieur, nodig is om die verbruiker se lewerings- estimation of the engineer, will be required for makingpunt en die naaste bestaande punt vanwaar die Raid, a connection between the consumer's supply point andvolgens die mening van die ingenieur, aan die verbruiker the nearest existing point from which the Council can, inse installasie bevredigende toevoer kan fewer, aan te sluit, the opinion of the engineer, satisfactorily feed the

* plus 'n toeslag van 10% (tien persent). consumer's installation, plus a surcharge equal to 10%(b) Nadat 'n tydelike aansluiting verwyder is, word aan (ten per cent).

die persoon wat genoemde gelde betaal het, 'n bedrag (b) After removal of a temporary connection thereterugbetaal wat deur die ingenieur bereken word volgens shall be refunded to the person who paid the said charges,die waarde van die materiaal, apparaat en toerusting wat an amount which shall be calculated by the engineer withverhaal is, en die koste aan die Raad van die verwydering reference to the value of the material, apparatus and• van sodanige aansluiting. . equipment recovered and the cost to the Council of the

(3) (a) Diensaansluitings by woonpersele.—Die gelde removal of - such connection.vir 'n enkelfasige of meerfasige - elektriese diensaansluiting (3) (a) Service . connections to . domestic premises.—is 'n. bedrag gelykstaande met die gemiddelde koste aan The charge for a single-phase or multi-phase servicedie Raad van materiaal, apparaat en .toertisting en van connection shall be an amount equal to the average 'costdie arbeid wat• volgens die redelike, berekening van die to the Council of the material, apparatus and equipmentingenieur, nodig is om die verbruiker se leweringspunt en and - of the labour which, in the reasonable estimation ofdie naaste bestaande punt - van wear die Raad, volgens the engineer, will be necessary for making such Cohnec-die mening van die ingenieur, aan die verbruiker le tion'between the consumer's' supply point, and the nearestinstallasie bevredigende, toevoer kan fewer, 'aan' te sluit, ;existing point from which the, Council can, in the opinionplus 'n toeslag van 10% (tien persent).

- • .. . of the, engineer, satisfactorily feed the consumer's instal-. (b) Diensaansluitings 'by persele-van kommersiele .ver- :lation,:plus a surcharge equal to 10% (ten per pent).


bruilcirs.—Die gelde vir 'n elektriese diensaansluiting' by "(b) Service cdtmections.. to; commercial premises.—The'n kommersible perseel is ''n bedrag gelykstaande met die ;charge for. an' electric 'Service connection. to commercialgemiddelde koste aan die Raad van •materiail,.apparaat premises shall be an amount equal to the average cost to

.en toerusting en van die arbeid wat,' volgens 'die redelike the Council of the material, apparatus - and equipment andberekening van die ingenienr, liodig. is GM die verbruiker of the labour -which, in the reasonable estimation - .of these leweringspunt en die naaste bestaande punt van waar engineer, will be necessary for making such connection'die Raad, volgens die' mening van .die ingenieur, aan die between the

- consumer's supply point and the nearestverbruiker se installasie bevredigende toevoer kan lewer, existing point from which the Council cab, in the opinion

. .

aan te sluit, plus 'n toeslag van 10% (den persent). of the engineer, feed the consumer's installation, plus a. ..,

(4) (a) Waar slegs woonhuise aan albei kante van •••'.n surcharge equal to1C1%..

(ten per cent).stmt. opgerig is of sal word'en hoofleidings langs die kant , (4) (a) Where domestic premises OrnY:are erected dr willvan sodanige straat loop, word.die koste van die, materiaal -beterected on bath sides of a street, and supply mains runen arbeid wat nodig is vir ,elektriese diensaansluitings by along the side of such street, the, cost ; of material andsodanige wonings bereken as sou sodanige hoofleidings labour necessary for .electric 'service connections. to suchlangs die middellyn van sodanige straat loop. •„ . domestiC premises,, shall' be calculated as if such supply

(b) Vir die doel van hierdie subitem betoken „ woon- malts Ifad fun along'the centre line of such street' ' '• huis " 'n huis wat ontwerp is vir gebruile ns 'n woning (b) For the purpose of this subitem 'domestic premises'

deur een gesin, tesame met sodanige btiitegeboue as wat means1a building..designed for use as a dwelling Air a

gewoonlik daarby gebruik word. * .'

. single fathily, • together • With iucli outbuildings 'as' 'are(5) (a) Waar 'n elektriese diensaansluiting aangebring ordinarily used therewith. - •

word, moet die verbruiker sodanige pyp of pype of kanaal , (5) (a) Where an electric service connection is made, thevir die kabel as wat die ingenieur .vereis;tot by sodanige consumer shale provide up to such point on the premisespunt op die perseel verskaf as wat die ingenieur bepaal, as may be fixed by the engineer, 'such pipe or pipes or I

en die pyp of pype of kanaal moet op sodanige wyse in duct for the cable as.the engineer may require, which pipe 1

sodanige posisie gele word en sodanig gestut word as wat or pipes or duct shall'be laid in such manner and positiondie ingenieur vereis. • and be so supported a's the engineer may require.

or (b) Indien die ingenieur vereis dat 'n pyp of pype gele (b) Should the' engineer require a pipe or pipes to beword, moet dit so dig gemaak word dat dit die toegang laid. the same shall be so blocked as to prevent passagevan water en knaagdiere sal verhoed. of water and rodents.

- (6)2(a) Nieteenstaande enige bepalings hierin vervat is (6) (a) Notwithstanding any of the provisions hereindie hefting vir elke elektriese diensaansluiting by indus- contained the charge for each electric service connectiontriele persele binne die munisipaliteit war van die Raad to industrial premises within the municipality takingse hoogspannings- of laagspanningsleiding of verskaf word supply from the Council's high tension or low tensionR300. . mains shall be R300.

(b) Waar 'n laagspanningstoevoer verskaf word,-bedra (b) Where a low tension supply is given the charge Shall

die heffing die ]caste aan die Raad van materiaal, apparaat be the cost to the Council of the material, apparatus anden toerusting en van die arbeid Wat nodig' is om sodanige equipment and of the labour which will be necessary to• aansluiting te maak plus 'n toeslag van 10% (lien persent) make such a connection, plus a surcharge equal to 10%met 'n maksimum van R300; (ten per cent) with a maximum of R300.

(7) (a) In die geval van 'n tydelike lig- en kragaan- (7) (a) In the case of a temporary light and power con-- sluicing, is die verbruiker se leweringspunt op sodanige nection the consumer's point of supply shall be at such

plek van die verbruiker se installasie as'wat die ingenieur point of the consumer's installation as the engineer maybepaal as synde die verbruiker se leweringspunt. • fix as being the consumer's point of supply.


I -di

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(b) In die geval van • 'n permanente elektriese diens- (b) In the case of a permanent electric service connec:- •aansluiting, is die verbruiker se leweringspunt die meter- tion, the consumer's point of supply shall be the meterbord, die hoofskakelaar of die skeiskakelaar al na die board, the main switch or the isolator as the ease may be.geval.

(8) Material, apparatus and equipment used by the(8) Materiaal, apparaat en toerusting wat deur die Raad Council for a temporary light and power connection or

vir 'n tydelike lig- en kragaansluiting of vir 'n elektriese for an electric service conection shall remain the propertydiensaansluiting gebruik word, bly die eiendom van die of the Council and shall be maintained by the Council:Raad en moet deur die Raad in stand gehou word: Met Provided that the cost of repairing any damage to suchdien verstande dat die koste van reparasie van enige skade material, apparatus and equipment shall be borne by theaan sodanige materiaal, apparaat en toerusting deur die consumer, except where the damage was caused by 'theverbruiker gedra word, behaiwe waar skade deur die Raad Council or its employees.of sy werknemers veroorsaak is.

(9) Die gelde in subitems (2), (3) en (6) hiervan ver- (9) Payment of the charges referred to in subitems (2),

meld, moet minstens 4 dae voor die aansluiting verlang (3) and (6) hereof shall be made at least 4 days before %.

the connection is desired: Provided that tendering of suchword, betaal word: Met dien verstande dat die betaling . .p .

charges shall not place the Council under obligation tovan sodanige gelde nie die Raad verplig om elektrisiteit . . . .supply electricity or to supply the same within 4 days afterte lewer of dit binne 4 dae na die betaling van sodanige the payment of such charges. -.

gelde te lewer nie.(10) In die geval van 'n elektriese diensaansluiting, (10) In the case of an electric service connection, if the

indien die lengte van die kabel tussen die punt waar die length of cable between the point where the service cabledienskabel die grens van die verbruiker se perseel hills crosses the boundary of 'the - consumer's premises and theen die punt wat die verbruiker se leweringspunt sal wees point which will be the consumer's point of supply, shallmeer as 100 voet is, of indien die totale afstand waaroor be more than 100 feet. or if the total distance over which .die dienskabel loop meer as 200 voet is, kan die ingenieur the service cable will run shall exceed 200 feet, the con-van die verbruiker vereis dat by 'n meterkamer, goed- sumer may be required by the engineer to provide a metergekeur deur die ingenieur, op sodanige plek naby die chamber approved by the engineer at such place near thegrens van die perseel verskaf as wat die ingenieur geskik boundary of the premises as the engineer may considerag, of andersins dat die verbruiker die totale bykomende suitable, or alternatively. bear the total additional cost inkoste dra vir die verskaffing van die • langer diens- providing the longer service connection. ..

aansluiting. '. (11) (a) Where the connected load of an installation is

• .(11) (a) Waar die aangeslote las van 'n installasie 30 30 kilowatts or more, the consumer may be required bykilowatt of meer is, kan die ingenieur van die verbruiker the engineer to provide a chamber free of charge which'yawls om 'n kamer kosteloos te verskaf waarin sodanige shall be able to house such material, apparatus and equip-materiaal, apparaat en toerusting bewaar sal kan word as ment as may be required in such a chamber in order towat in sodanige kamer nodig is die elektrisiteit wat supply adequately the electricity required by the consumerdeur die verbruiker onder normale omstandighede benodig under normal conditions. and also such additionalword, te lewer, en ook sodanige addisionele materiaal, material, apparatus and. equipment in Order to provide,apparaat en toerusting om 'n 'alternatiewe of gedeeltelike should that be possible' and convenient for the Council,voorraad elektrisiteit te lewer indien dit vir die Raad an alternative or partial supply of electricitymoontlik en gerieflik is. (b) (1) Such chamber shall be of such material, con-

(b) (1) Sodanige kamer moet van sodanige materiaal, struction and size and at such place on the consumer'sbou en grootte wees en op sodanige plek op die verbruiker premises as the engineer may perseel as wit die ingenieur bepaal. (ii) Such chamber shall be maintained in a proper state

(ii) Sodanige kamer moet deur die verbruiker in 'n of repair by the consumer, and the Council shall bebehoorlike toestand gehou word, en•die Raad is geregtig entitled to remove its material, apparatus and equipmentom sy materiaal, apparaat en toerusting te verwyder indien if the.chamber is not so maintained.die kamer nie aldus onderhou word nie. (iii) If such chamber is in a state of disrepair the Conn-

(iil) Indien sodanige kamer in 'n vervalle toestand is. cif may repair the same and recover the cost of repairskan die Raad dit herstel en die reparasiekoste op die from the consumer.verbruiker verhaal. (iv) Officers of the Council authorised thereto by the .(iv) Beamptes van die Raad. wat deur die ingenieur engineer shall have free access to such chamber at alldaartoe magtiging verleen is, het .te alle tye vrye toegang times and the Council shall have complete control overtot sodanige kamer, en die Raad het algehele beheer oor the material, apparatus and equipment in such chamber.die materiaal, apparaat en toerusting in sodanige kamer.

(12) (a) Subject to the provisions of subitem (13). the(12) (a) Die verbruiker moet, onderworpe aan die consumer shall supply such a transformer as may bebepalings van subitem (13) sodanige transformator as wat •

required in order to supply the current required by him:vereis word, verskaf mu die stroom wat by nodig het te Provided that if the Council has a suitable transformerlewer: Met dien verstande dat indien die Raad 'n geskikte available and is prepared to let the same to the consumer,transformator beskikbaar het en bereid is om dit aan die the consumer may hire the same from the Council at averbruiker te verhuur, die verbruiker dit van die Raad rental in accordance with the following scale:1—kan huur teen 'n huurgeld ooreenkomstig die volgende . .

skaal: —, Per Month.

Per /wand. R cR c (i) 50 kilovolt-amperes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 75

(i) 50 Kilovolt-ampere ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 75 (ii) 100 kilovolt-amperes . 3 50(ii) 100 Kilovolt-ampere ..................3 50 (iii) 150 kilvolt-amperes .....................5 25(iii) 150 Kilovolt-ampere ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 25(iv) 200 Kilovolt-ampere ... ... ... ... - ... ... 7 00 .

(iv) 200 kilovolt-amperes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 00

(v) Ander groottes ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... pro rata. (v) other sizes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... pro rata.(b) Die verbruiker van wie vereis word om die kamer (b) Subject to the provisions of subitem (13), the con-

in subitem (11) vermeld, te verskaf, moet daarbenewens, sumer who- is required to provide the chamber referredonderworpe aan die bepalings van subitem (13). aan die to in subitem (11), shall in addition, pay to the CouncilRaad vooruit gelde betaal gelykstaande met die koste aan in advance charges equal to the cost to the Council of •die Raad van sodanige materiaal, apparaat en toerusting such material, apparatus and equipment as will, in addition -as wat, benewens 'n transformator wat nodig kan wees, in to any transformer which - may be necessary, be requiredsodanige kamer vereis word: in such chamber.




. (c) 'n Verbruiker --wat 'n transformator -van die•Raad (c) A consumer who hires a transformer from the Coun-huur moet, aan die Raad die koste van vervoer van cil shall pay to the Council the cost of transporting such• sodanige transformator tussen die Raad se opslagplek en transformer between


the Council's depot and the con-die verbruiker se perseel betaal. . sumer's Premises. .. . ,

(13) (a) 'n Verbruiker van wie daar ingevolge subitem. (13) (a) A consumer who is required in terms of sub-

(11) vereis word out 'n kamer te verskaf soos daarin ver- item (11) to provide a chamber as referred to therein, shallmeld, word .vrygestel van die verskaffing van 'n transfor-mator en van die betaling van .die koste in subitem (12) (b) be exempt fromin.providing a transformer and from paying

the cast mentioned subitem (12) (b), if in the opinion ofgenoem, indien 'n kamer wat op dieperseel van sodanige verbruikeiopgerig is, volgens die ifienifig van die the e

.ng'neer a chamber erected on the premises of .such

consumer can be conveniently used to house 'material,ingenieur, met gerief gebruik kan word om daarin die

apparatus andequipment necessary in such 'chamber inmateriaal, apparaat en toerusting wat in sodanige kamerorder to supply other consumersin the vicinity:and -if thenodig is te bewaar, om ander verbruikers in die buurt teconsumer provides a chamber of such material construe-

materiaal, boo en grootte en op sodanige pick op dievoorsien, en indien die verbruiker 'n kamer van sodanige

lion and size and at such place on the consumer's premises-

verbruiker se perseel verskaf, as wat die ingenieur bepaal. as the engineer may determine.-

• .

(b) Subparagrawe (ii), (iii) en (iv) van subitem (11) (b) (b) Subparagraphs (ii), (iii) and (iv) Of subitem (11) (b)r is van toepassing in die geval van 'n kamer wat ingevolge shall apply in the case of a chamber provided in' terms of

hierdie subitem verskaf is. this subitem.

(14) Die gelde vir 'n addisionele meter om stroomvolgcns 'n ander tarief te registreer of vir 'n afsonderlike (14) The -charge for an extra meter to register currentverbruiker, is 'n bedrag gelykstaande met die koste aan upon another tariff or for a separate consumer, shall be

0 die Raad van die materiaal, apparaat en toerusting en an amount equal to the cost to the Council of the material,van die arbeid wat, volgens, die redelike betokening van apparatus and equipment and of the labour which, in the

die ingenieur, nodig sal, weer om sodanige addisionele reasonable estimation of the engineer, will be necessary formeter te verskaf en te installeer, plus 'n toeslag van 10% supplying and installing such extra meter, plus a sur-

(tien persent). .charge equal to 10% (ten per cent). .

, .(15) Geen elektriiiteit word aan 'n verbruikcr gelewer (15) NO electricity shall .be Supplied to •a consumer

tensy die arbeidsfaktor van die verbruiksinstallasie beter unless the power factor of the consuming installation .i.s

as 'n nayling van 0.75 is rile better than 0.75 lagging." .

6. Artikels 1 tot en met 15 wider die opskrif „ Alge-6. Sections 1 up to and including 15 under the heading

rneen" van die Verordeninge op die Lewering van Elek- " General " .of the Electricity • Supply By-laws of the

trisiteit van die munisipaliteit Springs, afgekondig by Springs Municipality, published .under Administrator'sAdministrateurskennisgewing No. 117 van 24 Februarie Notice No 117, - dated the 24th February 1932, in so far1932, vir cover dit regskrag binne die munisipaliteit it had force of law within the Springs Municipality inSprings ingevolge artikel 39 van die Elektrisiteitsvoorsie- terms of section 39 of the Electricity Supply By - laws.

1 ningsverordeninge, afgekOndig by Administrateurskennis- published under Administratoel.Notice No. 491, datedgewing No. 491 van 1 Julie 1953, gehad het, word hierby the 1st July 1953, are hereby revoked.herroep.

T.A.L.G. 5/36/32..

. T.A.L.G. 5/36/32..•

• •

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 749.] [ 13 September 1967. Administrator's Notice No. 749.]' ' [ 13 September 1967.


The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 -of, .


Die Administrateur publiker hierby ingevolge artikel the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the101 van die Ordonnansie op. Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die by-laws set forth hereinafter, which have been approved

• artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is.verordeninge hierna ifiteengesit, wat deur hom ingevolge•by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance.

. Die Verordeninge op die Lewering van Elektrisiteit vandie Munisipaliteit . Louis Trichardt, afgekondig by

The Electricity Supply By - laws of the Louis TrichardtMunicipality, published under. Administrator's Notice

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 1058 van 5 Desember No. 1058, dated the 5th December 1951, as amended; are1951, soos gewysig, word hierby verdei gewysig deur item hereby further amended by the substitution for item.1 of

vanI die Tarief van Gelds deui• die volgende te the Tariff of Charges of the following: -=yervang:— .


„ 1. fluishoudeliketariet-

- .1'1. Domestic Tariil.. . Payable by consumers occupying dwellings or flats andBetaalbaar deur verbruikers wat woonhuise of woon-stelle bewoon en deur publieke hospitale soos omskryf in by public hospitals as defined in the Public Hospitals

0 'die Ordonnansie op Publieke Hospital; 1946:— Ordinance, 1946:—'

(1) Vir die•eerste 20 cenhede in enige besondere maand (1) For the first 20 units consumed in any one month,verbruik, per eenheid: 10c. per unit: 10c. .

- (2) Vir die volgende 20 eenhede in dieselfde maand (2) For the following 20 units consumed in the sameverbruik, per eenheid: 71c. month, per unit: The.

(3) Vir die volgende 20 eenhede in dieselfde maand(3) For the following 20 units consumed in the sameverbruik, per eenheid: 5c. month, per unit: 5c.

(4) Vir die volgende 200 eenhede in dieselfde maand(4) For the following 200 units consumed in the same

verbruik, per eenheid: tic.- month, per unit: Lic. ,

(5) Vir alle eenhede bo 260 eenhede in dieselfde maandverbruik, per eenheid: ac.


'- -


(5)For all units in excess of 260 units consumed in the

(6) Minimum vordering per maand of gedeelte daar-same month, per unit: sc.

van: Rl." . (6) Minimum charge per month or part thereof: R1.". • T.A.L.G. 5/36/20. T.A.L.G. 5/36/20.




. . _ .

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 750.] [13 September 1967. Administrator's Notice No. 750.] [ 13 September 1967.


Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel 101 The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 ofvan die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die ver- the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes the by-ordeninge hiema uiteengesit, wat deur hom ingevolge laws set forth hereinafter, which have been approved byartikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is. him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance.

Woordomskrywing. Definitions.1. In hierdie verordeninge, tensy dit uit die. samehang 1. In these by-laws,


unless the context otherwiseanders blyk, beteken— - indicates— . .

„ drekwater " die uitvloeisel uit spoelklosette, vuilwater-tregters; urinale en ander toebehore wat vir die ontvangs ..

"adequa te

" or "effective "means adequate or effective

en ontlasting van drekstowwe gebruik word en dit omvat in the opinion of, and." approved " means approved by

enige vloeistof, ongeag die bron daarvan, wat sullce stone the Council,. regard being had to all circumstances of the1.

particular case and to accepted principles of drainage in-bevat;

„ eenpypstelsel" 'n stelsel waarvolgens beide drek- en stallation and, in the case of any appliance, fitting or other

vuilwater deur middel van een gemeenskaplike pyp van object, to the purpose which it is intended to serve;

'n perseelrioolstelsel of na die perseelriool weggevoer "anti-siphonage pipe" means any pipe or portion of-.

word; a pipe provided in conjunction with a trap to prevent the„ eiendom " of „ perseel " enige stuk grond wat as 'n unsealing of that trap by siphonage or back pressure;,

geheel saam met die geboue daarop, besit of .geokkupeer" conserving_tank " means a tank used for the reception

word; .. - and temporary retention of the discharge from a drainage

.. fabrieksuitvloeisel "enige vloeistof, met of sonder installation; ..

stone in suspensie, wat afgeskei word in die loop of " Council " means the Town Council of Fochville or anyten gevolge van enige bedryfs- of nywerheidsproses, met officer or employee of that Council to whom the Council 411inbegrip van mynbouwerksaamhede; has delegated any of its powers by virtue under these

„ ingenieur " die ingenieur van die Raad, en enigiemand by-laws in terms-

of section 58 of the Local Governmentwat 'behoorlik gemagtig is om naniens horn op te tree; (Administration and Elections) Ordinance. 1960;

' „ perseelriool " die gedeelte van 'n perseehioolstelsel, " drain " means that portion of a drainage installation,uitgesonderd vuilpype, vuilwaterpype en ventilasiepype, other than soil-water pipes. waste -water, pipes and

nie aan die Raad behoort nie, en wat in die grond lation pipes, which is not vested in the Council and whichaangebring is en gebruik Word of bedoel is om gebruik te is laid in the ground

-and use of intended to be Used for

word om rioolvuil na die Raad se straatriool weg te voer, conveying sewage to the Council's sewer, and includes aen dit omvat 'n riooltenk of 'n septiese tenk, en „ tak- conserving tank or a septic tank, and " branchdrain "

perseelriool" 'n gedeelte van voomoemde perseelriool- means a portion of the drainage installation • as aforesaidstelsel wat in 'n ander perseelriool ontlas; which discharges into another drain; •

„ perseelrioolstelsel ' ook die volgende of enige kom- " drainage installation " means and includes thebinasie daarvan: 'n Perseelriool. 'n vuilpyp, 'n vuilwater- following or any combination or addition thereof: Anypyp, 'n ventilasiepYP. drekwatertoebehore, vuilwatertoe- drain, soil-water pipe, waste-water pipe, ventilation pipe,behore, of enige ander werk of toebehore wat andersins in soil-water fitting, waste-water fitting or any other workverband siaan met die wegvoer van rioolvuil en wat nie or fitting otherwise connected with the conveyance ofaan die Raad behoort nie; sewage and which is not vested in the Council;„ Raad " die Stadsraad van Fochville of enige beampte „

drainage work " means any construction or reconstruc-of werknemer van daardie Raad aan wie die Raad enige tion or any alteration made to, or any other work done invan sy bevoegdhede kragtens hierdie verordeninge connection with, a drainage installation but shall not in-ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 58 van die Ordonnansie elude any work undertaken solely for purposes of repairop Plaaslike Bestuur (Administrasie en Verkiesings),1960, gedelegeer het;

or maintenance;

„ rioleringswerk " die bou of herbou van, of enige ver-" engineer" means the engineer of the Council and any

andering of aanbouwerk aan, of enige ander werk wat person duly authorised to act on his behalf;

verrig word in verband met, 'n perseelrioolstelsel maar dit" industrial effluent " means any liquid, whether or not

omvat nie enige werk wat uitsluitlik vir die herstel of containing matter in suspension, which is given off in theonderhoud daarvan verrig word nie; course of, or as the result of, any trade or industrial 41„ riooltenk " 'n tenk wat gebruik word om die uitvloeisel operation including mining operations;uit 'n perseelrioolstelsel op te yang en tydelik te hou; " one-pipe system " means any arrangement whereby

rioolvuil " &tic-water, vuilwater of fabrieksuitvloeisel, both soil-water and waste-water are permitted to dischargehetsy afsonderlik; hetsy gesamentlik; from a drainage installation down a common pipe to the

drai -„ septiese tenk " 'n tenk wat ontwerp is om rioolvuil n•

op te yang en die organiese stone in die rioolvuil deur" piece of land " has the meaning assigned to it in rule I

middel van bakteriewerking te laat Ontbind; of part II of schedule B to these by-laws, and the expres-

„ slukpyp " enige pyp of gedeelte Van 'n pyp wat saam sions ' lot ", " elf ", and " stand ' shall be interpretedaccordingly;

met 'n sperder aangebring word om te voorkom dat die 0_

sperder deur hewelwerking of teendruk oopplaan; ." property " or " premises " means any area of land

„ straatriool " 'n toestel wat aan die Raad behoort enowned or occupied as a whole together, With any buildingsthereon-

sebruik word of ontwerp is of bedoel is om gebruik te'

" "word vir of in verband met die wegvoer van rioolvuil; septic tank means any tank designed to receive

sewage and to effect the decomposition of organic matter„ stuk grond "het die betekenis wat -in reel 1' van Reel in sewage by bacterial action;II van Bylae - 13 by hierdie verordeninge - daaraan gegee " sewage" means soil-water, waste-water or industrialword, en die woorde „ plot " of „ ed " en „ standplaas 7het dieselfde betekenis; effluents either separately or together;

„ toereikend " of „ doeltreffend " -

toefeikend of doeltref-" sewer " means any device vested in the Council and

fend na die mening van, en „ goedgekeur " goedgekeur deur used or designed or intended for use for or in connectiondie Raad, met inagneming - van al die omstandighede in with the conveyance of sewace -

0 .

'n bepaalde geval, en van die gevestigde beginsels in " soil-water " means the discharge from - water closets; 5verband met perseelrioolstelsels, en in die geval van 'n slop-hoppers, urinals and other fittings used for thetoestel, toebehore of 'n ander voorwerp, van die doel waar- receipt and discharge of excremental matter, and in-

voor dit gebruik gaan word; eludes any liquid from any source containing such matter;

22. .



„ tweepypstelsel " 'n stelsel waarvolgens afsonderlike " soil-water pipe " or " soil-water fitting" means anypype gebruik word om drekwater en vuilwatcr na die pipe or part thereof not being a drain, or any fitting• perseelriool weg te voer en waarvolgens die vuilwaterpype which is connected to a drainage installation and is usedafsonderlik geventileer word en deur middel van sperders or camble of being used for the reception or conveyancevan die perseelriool geskei word; of soil-water;

„ ventilasiepyp " 'n pyp of 'n gedeelte van 'n pyp wat " two-pipe system"

means any arrangement wherebyuitsluitlik gebruik word of kan word om 'n perseelriool- separate pipes are used for conveying soil -water andstelsel te ventileer; waste-water lizipeetively to the drain and in which waste-

„ vuilpyp " of „ drekwatertoebehore" 'n pyp of 'n water pipes are separately ventilated and are separated

gedeelte van 'n pyp, uitgesonderd 'n perseelriool, of toe- by traps from the drain;bebore wat met 'n perseelrioolstelsel verbind is, en wat "ventilation pipe " means any pipe or portion of a pipegebruik word of kan word vir die opvang of wegvoer van used or capable of being used solely to ventilate a drainagedrekwater; installation;

.1 .. vuilwater " die vloeistof wat afkomstig is van baddenshandewasbakke of opwasbakke of ander toebehore wat "waste water" means the liquid discharge from baths,gebruik word om vloeistowwe wat geen drekstowwe bevat lavatory basins and sinks or other fittings used for the

rile, op te yang en tc ontlas, maar dit omvat nie fabrieks- receipt and discharge of liquids containing no excremen-

i. uitvlocisel nie; tal matter but shall not include industrial effluent;

„vuilwaterpyp " of „ vuilwatertoebehore " 'n pyp of 'n " waste-water pipe " or " waste-water fitting " meansgedeelte van 'n pyp of toebehore wit gebruik word of kan any pipe or part thereof or fitting used or capable of beingword om enige vloeistof, soos voornoem, op te yang of used in connection with the reception or discharge of anyte ontlas. such liquid as aforesaid.

Bestek van Verordeninge.2. (1) Hierdie verordeninge is van toepassing op iedere

perseelrioolstelsel, en veral op die ontwerp enaanbring vanso 'n stelsel in enige nuwe of bestaande gebou; op 'nstelsel at in opdrag van die Raad ingevolge die bepalings exis-van artikel 11 aangebring moet word, en op verbouinof aanbouingswerk aan 'n bestaande perseelrioolstelsel,

Scope of By-laws.2. (1) These by-laws shall apply to every drainage

installation, and in particular to the design and construc-tion of such an installation in any new building or

gs- ling building, to any installation required by the Councilto be constructed under section 11 and to alterations or

ongeag daarvan of dit in opdrag van die Raad ingevolge additions to an existing drainage installation whether orhierdie verordeninge verrig word of nit not required by the Council to be made in terms of these

(2) Iedere perseelrioolstelsel moet tydens die aanbring by-laws.daarvan sowel•as na die voltooiing daarvan, aan sodanigeinspeksie, goedkeuring, toetse en beheer onderiverp word (2) Every drainage installation shall both during its con-

as wat die Raad dienstig ag.struction and on its completion be subject to such inspec-

. lion, approval, tests and control as the Council may think'

-• Reg op Appel. fit:

3. (1) Enigicmand wat meen dat hy benadeel is deur 'n . 'Right of Appeal.besluit of handeling van 'n beampte ingevolge die bepalings

13. (I) Any person aggrieved by any decision given or

van hierdie verordeninge in verband met 'n perseelriool- actstelsel, of enige werk wat daarmee in verband staan, kan by done by any officer under these bylaws in connection

with a drainage installation or any work connected there-die Komitee van die Raad wat aangewys is om hierdie

with shall have the right to appeal to the Committee 'of theverordeninge te administreer, daarteen appal aanteken, of •

indien dear geen Komitee is nie, by die Raad self. - Council appointed to administer these by- laws, or if thereis no such Committee to the Council itself. • • • ••• •

•' (2) Iemand wat voornemens • is om ingevolge die '

bepalings van subartikel (1) appal aan te teken, moet die (2) Notice of intention to appeal in terms of subsectioningenieur dithan verwittig binne sewe dae na die betrokke (I). shall be given to. i the engineer within seven . days ofbesluit geneein is of handeling geskied hat, en mock binne the decision or act. complained'of and shall be followedveertien dae verder 'n volledige skriftelike uiteensetting within a further 14 days by a full statement of the appel-

van sy saak aan soivel die ingenieur as aan die Klerk lant's case in writing to be furnished both to the engineer• van die Raad of Stadsklerk besorg. and to the clerk of the Council, or the Town Clerk.

Werk moat Goedgekeur word. Approval Required for Work.4. (1) Niemand mag 'n perseelrioolstelsel bou, herbou, 4t (1) No peison shall construct, reconstruct, alter', add

verbou of uitbrei of dit permanent afsluit voordat hy ears to or make any permanent disconnection in or of anydie skriftelike toestemming van die Raad daartoe verkry drainage installation without first obtaining the approval

- het nie. of the Council in writing.(2) Daar mag nie met die rioleringswerk wat in sub-

artikel (1) gemeld word en waarvoor daar ooreenkomstig (2) No drainage work mentioned in subsection (1) fordie bepalings van hierdie verordeninge goedkeuring ver- which approval has been given as provided for in terms ofleen is, begin word voordat twee voile dae verloop het these by-laws, shall be begun after the expiration of two

nadat 'n skriftelike kennisgewing waarin die dag en tyd clear days after notice in writing has been served on the

waarop daar met die werk begin gaan word, vermeld is, Council stating the day and time at which it is intended

aan die Raad besorg is nie. to begin the work.

(3) Enigiemand wat met rioleringswerk begin sonder (3) Any person who begins any drainage work withoutom die Raad se goedkeuring daarvoor aan te vra, of voor- applying to the Council for approval thereof or before hisdat sy aansoek toegestaan is of sonder om kennis te gee application has been granted or without giving notice assoos dit by subartikel (2) voorgeskryf word, of voordat prescribed in terms of subsection (2) or before the expirygcnoemde kennisgewingtermyn verstryk bet, of wat enige - of such notice, or who carries out any work otherwise thanwerk nie verrig soos die Raad dit goedgekeur het nie, kan in accordance with the approval thereof given by theskriftelik deur die Raad gelas word om sodanige werk Council, may be called upon by the Council by notice in• summier te staak, en ten opsigte van iedere dag waarop so writing to cease the work forthwith, and for every day oniemand, strydig met so 'n opdraig. met sodanige werk which work is continued in contravention of such noticevoortgaan, begaan hy 'n misdryf, behoudens enige ander shall, without prejudice to any other penalty he may havemisdryf wat hy, reeds in verband met dieselfde riolerings- incurred with regard to the same drainage work, be

werk mag begaan het. guilty of an offence.




(4) Voordat enige gedeelte van 'n perseelrioolstelsel (4) Before any part of a drainage installation is per-pirmanent bedek of andersins permanent vir uitwendige manently covered or. otherwise rendered permanently in-inspeksie ontoeganklik gemaak word, moet die Raad dit accessible to visual inspection it shall be inspected and •eers inspekteer en moat dit sy goedkeuring wegdra, en approved by the Council, and any person who has so

iemand wat enige gedeelte van 'n stelsel aldus bedek of covered or rendered inaccessible any part Of any installa-

ontoeganklik gemaak het voordat sodanige inspeksie uit- tion before such inspection has been made and such ap-gevoer en goedkeuring verleen is, moet, as die Raad horn proval given shall, on being required by the Council so toaldus gelas, op eie koste sodanige bedekking verwyder, en do, at his own expense remove such covering and do what-voorts alles doen wat nodig is om die Raad in staat te ever else may be necessary to enable the Council to carrystel om genoemde inspeksie uit te voer, en het bowendien Out the said inspection,, and shall in addition' be guilty of'n misdryf begaan. an 'offence.


Aansoeke. om Toestenuning.. . Application for:Approval. - - ' ' '

5. (1) Iedereen moet, voordat by begin out 'n perseel- 5. (I) Every person shall, before beabinning. to 'con;rioolstelsel te bou, te herbou, te verbou, uit te brei, bloot struct, reconstruct, alter, add to, open or disconnect fromit 16 of af te koppel van 3n perseelriool of van die straat- a drain or from the sewer any drainage installation, lodge •

riool, 'n aansoek om toestemming op 'n worm wat die Raad with the Council an application on a form to be providedverskaf, by die Raad indien. Die aansoek moet deur die by it, to be signed by the owner of the premises concerned:eienaar van die betrokke perseel, sy argitek of 'n ander his- architect or other authorised agent, for approval ofgemagtigde lashebber onderteken word. the work proposed. •

(2) 'n Aadsock soos die wat ingevolge subartikel (1) "(2) An application as required in terms of subsection

ingedien moet word, moet vergesel gaan van.tekeninge wat (1) shall be accompanied 'by drawings comprising a blockmoet bestaah tilt 'n blokplan van die eiendom en 'planne, plan of the property and plans, .elevations and sectionsaansig- en deursnee-tekening waarop die aard en omvang indicating clearly the nature and extent of the -proposedvan die beoogde werk duidelik aangetoon word: Met dien work: Provided that where


the . particulars required inverstande dat, as die besonderhede wat by subartikel (5) terms of subsection (5) sufficiently appear on the other .yereis word, duidelik op ander tekeninge wat hierbo gemeld drawings above referred, to. no .block plan need 'be ;fur-is, aangetoon word,.'n blokplan nie saarii met die.Vansoek OW with.:thc. application.. „ingedien hoef. te 'word nia.



' ' '. (3) brawingsl,shall:be ,not; less than eight inches by. . . .

(3) 'Die tekeninge ,moet,:minstens *salt 'rluiin ky' &rug thirteens inches. in,size and shall be.made in waterproof ink

sthim groot wees en moot met op natrek- and tracing cloth or be clearly. legible lined prints with, ahinie goteken word, of mod duidelikleeshare linneaftfekke white background,, and shall be signed as prescribed inmet 'n wit wittergrond wees, en meet onderteken word subsection (1). . .

. . . .. .

'soos dit by subartikel '(1) voorgeskryf is.. . (4) Plans, elevations and sections shall be drawn to a

(4) Die planne, aansig- en deursnee-tekeninge moet scale ofnot less than. one inch 'to sixteen 'feet except in theyolgens 'n skaal .van minstens een duim op sestien..voet case of bloct.plans which shall be of a scale of not lessgeteken wees, maar die blokplanne moet volgens 'n,skaal . than one inch to forty feet.van minstens een duim op yeertig voet wees. (5) Plans. elevations and sections shall show—

(5) Op die planne, aansig - en deursnee-tekeninge moet (a) the positions 'and arrangement in any building ofaangetoon word—

every waste-water and soil -water fitting to be installed(a) die ligging en rangskikking in enige gebou van .therein; •

alle vuilwater- en drekwatertoebehorens wat daarin aan- (b) the size, gradient and position of every drab,gebring gaan word; the size and position of every manhole, gully trap,

(b) die grootte, gradient en ligging van iedere per- bend, soil-water pipe, waste-water pipe and ventilationseelriool; die' grootte en ligging van iedere mangat, pipe, and the means of access to and inspection ofrioolputsperder, buigstuk, vuilpyp, vuilwaterpyp en •

drams; .ventilasiepyp en die wyse waarop toegang. tot en . •

inspeksie van die perseelriole sal geskied;• (c) the position and height of all chimneys, buildings,

(c) die ligging en hoogte van alle skoorstene, geboue. windows and other openings within a distance of 20

vensters en ander openings wat binne twintig voet van• feet from the open end of any ventilation pipe;

• die oop ent van 'it ventilasiepyp af is; - (d) the levels of the floors of the building, of any(d) die vloerhoogtes van die gebou, die hoogte van yard and in the case of sections the level of the ground

enige wed, en, in die geval van deursnee-tekeninge, die in relation to the drain throughout its length; andgrondhoogte• in verhouding tot die perseelriool oor sy (e) as much as is necessary of any existing drainage •hele lengte; en installation which will be affected by the proposed

(e) soveel as wat nodig is van enige bestaandc perseel- work.rioolstelsel wat deur die beoogde werk gerank gaan word. '

(6) Thetilock plan shall show—'



(6) Op die blokplan moet aangetoon word—• • . .

(a) the:full extent of the stand on which the drainage(a) die voile grootte van die standplaas waarop die ' work is to be carried out and the positions of the

rioleringswerk verrig gaan word, en die Jigging van die buildings thereon;geboue daarop; . (b) the stand numbers of the property on which the

(b) die standplaasnommers van , die ,eiendom waarop drainage work is to be carried out and of all proper-'die rioleringswerk 'verrig gaan word en van al die aan- ties contiguous thereto, the name of the' township orgrensende eiendomme; die naam van die stadsgedeelte


firm, and the name of any street on which any part ofof pleas en die naam van enige strait wat nap enige,the said 'property abuts; andgedeelte van genoemde eiendom grens; en • •

(e) die noordpyl. - .

-(c) the North point.



(7) In -drawings of drainage installations submitted in(7) Op die tekeninge van perseelrioolstelsels wat inge- terms of these by-laws the matters specified in the left-volge hierdie verordeninge ingedien word, moet die items handco limn of the following table shall be depicted di& linkerkantste kolom van onderstaande label, in die the colour shown opposite to them in the right -handHein wat teenoor elkeen in die regterkantse kolom staan column:—.

afgebeeld word: .

TABEL. TABLE.Pei seelriole en vuilpype

' '

Bruin Drains and soil-water pipes Brown.Ventilasiepype aan perseelriole en vuilpype Rooi Ventilation pipes to drains and soil -water pipes Red. •Vuilwaterpype Groen Waste-water pipes. Green.Pype vir fabrieksuitvloeisel. • Oranje Pipes for the conveyance of industrial effluent Orange.Ventilasiepype aan vuilwaterpype Blou Ventilation pipes to waste-water pipes Blue. '

Bestaande, goedgekeurde perseekioolstelsels Swart Existing approved drainage installations Black.



. , . . . . PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 13 SEPTEMBER 1967 621.

(8) Op die tekeninge waarna dear in subartikel (7) (8) In the drawings referred to in subsection (7) the

•verwys word, moct die items in. die linkerkantste kolom articles- appearing in the left-hand column of the followingvan onderstaande tabel deur die afkorting wat teenoor table shall, if abbreviations are used, be described by 'theelkeen in die regterkantste kolom staan, aangedui word, abbreviations shown opposite to them in the right-handindien daar afkortings gebruik word:— column:—

TABEL. TABLE.Bad B. Access eye A.B.Drekwaterventilasiepyp. DWV. Bath B.Geglasuurde erdepyp G.EP. Cast-iron pipe. C.I.P.Geutpyp GP. Fresh-air inlet F.A.I.Gietysterpyp • GYP. Gully. ' G.Inspeksiekamer 1K. Glazed earthenware pipe G.E.W.P.Inspeksieoog 10. Grease trap G.T.Luguitlaatpyp - LUP. Inspection chamber I.C. .

Mangat MG. Inspection eye I.E.4 Opwasbak OWB. Manhole M.H.

Rioolput• -

RP. Outlet ventilation pipe O.V.P.Spoelkloset. • SK. Rainwater pipe R.W.P.Steekoog.. SO. Sink. S.Urinaal U. Slop hopper S.H.Varsluginlaat VLI. Soil-water pipe S.P.0 Ventilasiepyp ' V. Soil-water ventilation pipe S.V.P.Vetvanger VV. Urinal • U.Vuilpyp. . VP. Ventilation pipe V.Vuilwatertregter VWT. Water closet. W.C.Vuilwaterventilasiepyp VWV. Waste-water ventilation pipe W.V.P.

Veranderings in Aansoeke.. Changes in Applications. •

6. (1) Die appliicant moet skriftelik van die Raad se 6. (1) Approval by the Council of an application madegoedkeuring van aansoek wat ingevolge artikel 5 ingedien in terms of section 5 shall be conveyed to the applicantis verwittig word, en daarna mag daar 'Me sonder die skrif- in writing, and thereafter no departure or deviation fromtelike toestemming van die Raad van die planne. soos dit the work as so approved shall be made without the writtengoedgekeur is. afgewyk word nie. Indian die eienaar daar- consent of the Connell, an application for Which shall hevan wil aftic, moet hy voornoemde tekeninge, soos ge- made to it by the owner and accompanied by drawingswysig, saam met sy aansoek indien. Op die gewysigde as aforesaid reviled and containing a clear indication oftekeninge moet die aard van die beoogde afwyking en the nature of to proposed departure or 'deviation and of ,

enige gedeelte van die oorspronklike beoogde werk wat any part of the original proposed work which is to bevervang gaan word, duidelik aangedui word. • superseded. . .

(2) 'n Aansoek wat ingevolge die bepalings van sub- (2) An application made in terms of subsection (1) shallartikel (1) ingedien word, word as 'n nuwe aansoek beskou be deemed to be a new application for which the prescribedwaarvoor die voergeskrewe bedrag betaalbaar is. en die fee is payable, and the provisions of subsection (1) shallbepalings van subartikel (1) geld vir die Raad se goed- apply to the Council's approval thereof.keuring daarvan. . .

Geldigheidsduttr van Goedkettring.-

Period of Validity of Approval. ' '

7. (1) Die Raad se goedkeuring wat ingevolge die 7. (1) An approval given by the Council in .terms ofbepalings van artikel 6 verleen is, venal ten opsigte van section 6 shall become invalid in respect of any workdie werk wat dairdeur gedek word indien daar nie binne covered by it .which has not been begun within twelvetwaalf kalendermaande van die datum of waarop die calender months of the date on which it was giyen.unlessgoedkeuring verleen is. daarmee begin is nie, tensy the said work is associated with building .operatiorts whichgenoemde werk saamgaan met bouwerk waarmee daar have begun during the said twelVe months. . .


gedurende genoemde twaalf maande 'n begin gemaak is. . . ..


Where any such work. as aforesaid, not b,eingWork(2) Indien daar nie met enige werk, soos voornoem, uit- associated with building operations. has .riot been begun

gesonderd werk wat met bouwerk in verband staan,. binne within the said twelve Months the owner shall, before

•genoemdetwaalf maande begin is nie, moet die eienaar, proceeding With it, submit a new form of application as

voordat hy daarmee begin, 'n nuwe aansoek, soos die wat prescribed in terms of section 5 (1), which' applicationby artikel 5 . (1) voorgeskryf word, indien; die aansoek shall be deemed for all purposes to be a new application,word vir alle doeleindes as 'n nuwe aansoek beskou, en and the owner' shall not be entitled to have refunded todie eienaar kan nie eis dat die gelde wat hy ten opsigte him any Charges paid in respect of the original appliCationvan die oorspronklike aansoek betaal het, aan hom terug- but shall on the contrary be liable on making the newbetaal moet word nie. Hy moet inteendeel, wanneer hy die application to pay the amount prescribed in schedule- nuwe aansoek indien, die bedrag wat in bylae A hierdie A to these by-laws. .

verordening voorgeskryf word, betaal.•

Kennisgewing.Notices. .•

8. (1) Every notice, order or other document issued8. (1) Iodate kerinisgewing, opdrag of ander dokumentx or served by the Council under these by-laws shall be

wat die Raad ingevolge hierdie verordeninge uitreik ofbeteken, is geldig indien 'n beampte van die Raad wat valid if signed by an officer of the Council duly authorised

behoorlik daartoe gemagtig is, dit onderteken het.thereto.

(2) 'n Kennisgewing, opdrag of ander dokument wat (2) Any notice, order or other document served in termsingevolge hierdie verordeninge beteken word, moet aldus of these by-laws on any person shall be so served bybestel word deur dit, of 'n ware afskrif daarvan, persoon- delivering it, or a true copy thereof, to the person to whomlik aan die persoon aan wie dit geadresseer is, of by sy it is addressed perkonally or at his. last known residencejongste bekende woon- of besigheidsplek of to fewer, of or place of business or by posting it in which case it shalldeur dit aan hom to pas; in laasgenoemde geval word daar be deemed to have been served five days after it wasgeag dat dit beteken is vyf dae nadat dit gepos is. posted. ,

(3) In iedere kennisgewing, opdrag of ander dolcument '

wat ingevolge hierdie verordeninge uitgreik of beteken (3) Every notice, order or other document issued orword, moet die perseel waarop dit betrekking het, aange- served in terms of these by-laws must specify thegee word, maar daar lean daarin na die persoon vir wie premises to which it relates, but may refer to the persondit bedoel is, as „die eienaar" of „die bewoner " verwys for whom it is intended as "the owner" or "the occu-

word indien sy naam nie bekend is nie. pier" if his name is not known.


I 4


• Gelde. Charges. - • • .

. .

9. Alle gelde vir die gebruik van, of andersins in ver- 9. Al! charges for the use of or otherwise in connection 0band St, die Raad se riooldiens word in bylae B en C with the Council's sewerage services shall be as prescribedby hierdie verordeninge voorgeskryf. - in terms of schedules B and C to these by-laws.

Aansoekgelde. Application Charges.

10. (1) Die gelde wat in bylae. A by hierdie verorde- 10. (1) The charges prescribed in schedule A to theseninge voorgeskryf word, moet vooruit aan die Raad betaal bylaws shall be payable -to the Council in advance for theword om 'n aansoek, soos dit in artikel 5 voorgeskryf is, consideration of an application as prescribed in section 5oorweeg te kry, en geen .aansoek Word oorweeg voordat and no consideration shall -

be given to the applicationgenoemde gelde vasgestel en betaal is nie. until the said charges have.been assessed and paid.

(2) Indien 'n aansoek wat ingevolge die bepalings van . .(2) Where an application, made' in. terms of section 5

artikel 5 ingedien is, afgewys of teruggetrek word, kan die .zs refused or - withdrawn, the Council may in its absolute

Raad volkome no. aodcldurike al die gelde wat daarvoordiscretion retain or refund the whole or any part of the t

betaal is, of enige gedeelte daarvan, behou of terupbetaal. charges paid in-

respect thereof: .

Verpligte Riolering en Ligging yap.Geborte. . _... ..

Sewerage and Location of Buildings.11. (1) Die eienaar van enige eiendom wat nie 'n per-Compulsory seelrioolstelselhet wat in die straatriool ontlas op 'n plek 11. (1) The.owner of any property not having a drainage g

wat die Raad yeiorgeSIOYf het Me, Mod binne twintig weke installation terminating at a point of discharge into thenadat 'die Raad horn skriftclik kennis gegee het om dit te sewer prescribed by the Council shall, within - twentydoen, so 'n stelsel op die eiendom'aanbring of bat aan- weeks of receiving written notice from the Councilbring, en alle werk verrig wat nodig is, en alles doen wat requesting him to do so, construct or cause to be

vereis word ingevolge hierdie verordeninge in verband met constructed such•an installation on the property and shall .die aanbring.van so 'n stelsel, en alle gelde wat ten opsigte do all work necessary for and all things required. in termsvan die aansluiting daarvan by die Raad se straatriool of these by-laws in connection with the construction ofverskuldig is, betaal. such an installation, and shall pay all charges due in

(2) Die eienaar, soos . voornoem, moet nn die Raad respect of the connection of the same to the Council's'

skriftelik kennis gee wanneer 'n emitter- of riooltcnkdiens sewer. . .

wat aan die eiendom gelewer word, nie meer nodig is nie, -•

(2) The owner as aforesaid shallgive written notice tocii by bly vir die gelde ten opsigte van so 'n diens aan- the Council when any pail or conserving-tank servicespreeklik tot tyd en wyl hy die Raad aldus in kennis stel. rendered to the property, is no longer required, and shall

(3) Indien die eienaar in gebreke bly om binne genoem- •. - remain liable for the charges for that service until he has

de tydperk van twintig weke te voldoen aan 'n ken's-done so.

gewing wat ingevolge subartikel (1) aan hom beteken is,moet hy daama, sonder om afbreuk te doen aan sy aan- (3) If the owner fails within the said period of twentyspreeklikheid vir die gelde vir die gebruik van die Raad weeks to comply with a notice served on him in terms ofse straatriool, soos dit by artikel 9 van en bylae B subsection (1) he shall thereafter, without detracting fromby hierdie verordeninge voorgeskryf word, gelde teen drie- his liability for charges in respect of use of the Council'skeer die voorgeskrewe tarief vir genoemde emmer- of sewer as prescribed in terms of section 9 of and scheduleriooltenkdiens betaal tot tyd en wyl 'n perseelrioolstelsel, B to these by-laws, pay charges at three dimes the pre-sops dit - by genoemde kennisgewing vereis word, en wat scribed rate for the said pail or conservingtank serviceaan die bepalings van hierdie verordeninge voldoen, by untill a drainage installation as required by the said notice.die straatriool aangesluit is en die Raad ooreenkomstig die and complying with these by- laws is connected to thebepalings van subartikel (2) in kennis gestel is. sewer and the Council has been notified in terms of sub-

(4) Indien 'n straatriool vir die riolering van 'n ciendom section (2)• •

beskikbaar is, moet alle nuwe geboue wat daarop opgerig (4) Where a sewer is available for the drainage of aword, so gelee wees, en alle verbouings aan bestaandeproperty all new buildings constructed thereon and allgeboue so gereel word, dat enige perseelrioolstelsel watalterations made to existing buildings shall -be so locateddaartoe behoort, by die straatriool aangesluit word.that any drainage installation belonging thereto can be(5) Ondanks die felt dat daar nie 'n straatriool beskik-

baar is vir 'n nuwe gebou wat op 'n eiendom opgerig gaan connected to the sewer.

word of vir enige verbouing van, of aanbouing aan. 'n (5) Notwithstanding that no sewer is available for the .bestaande gebou nie, kan die Raad, wanneer hy dit oor- service of a new building to be erected on a property orweeg of hy planne wat ingevolge hierdie of enige ander of any alteration of addition to any existing building,van sy toepaslike verordeninge ingedien is, moet goedkeur, the Council shall be entitled, in considering whether torekening hou met die moontlikheid dat 'n straatriool wel approve any plans submitted to it in terms of these or anybeskikbaar kan word, soos voornoem, en kan by eis dat other of its by-laws which are relevant, to have regard todie eienaar did Egging van genoemde nuwe gebou of enige the possibility that a sewer will become available as afore-. '

verbouing of aanbouing so moet reel— said and to require the owner so to locate the said new(a) dat die perseelrioolstelsel daarvan deur swaarte- building or alteration or addition—

kragwerking in genoemde tbekomstige straatriool sal kan (a) that it is - possible for its drainage installation - toontlas; en discharge into the said future sewer by gravity; and

(b) dat - dit nie die beoogde roete van genoemde. (b) that no obstruction is caused in the expectedstraatriool sal versper nie.course of the said sewer.

(6) Ondanks die bepalings van subartikel (5) kan die•

(6) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (5)-

Raad, waar die hoogte van 'n perseel in verhouding tot where any premises are at such a level in relation to thedie straatriool sodanig is dat die perseelrioolstelsel daar-sewer that their drainage installation, or any part of it,van, of enige gedeelte daarvan, nie deur swaartelcrag-cannot discharge into the sewer by gravitation, the Councilwerking in die straatriool kan ontlas nie, vergunning ver-

leen dat die betrokke uitvloeisel deur middel van pompe, may permit the discharge in question to be raised byuitwerpers of op enige ander doeltreffende manier, met 'n means of pumps, ejectors 'or any other effective methodstygleiding langs wat van terugslagkleppe voorsien is, op through a rising main fitted with non -return valves to'n hoogte en n plek wat die Raad moet bepaal, ontlas discharge at such level and at such place as the Councilkan word. shall determine.

. .(7) Die eienaar moet voldoen aan enige voorwaarde- (7) The • owner shall be under a duty to comply with

wat die Raad ingevolge die bepalings van subartikel (5) any requirement communicated to him by the Council' in'aan horn steL terms of subsection (5).



_ .


• 12. (1) NoVerbinding met Straatriool.'gedeelte van 'n perseelrioblstelsel mag ver-

Connections to Sewer.12. (1) Geen part of any drainage installation shall

der strek as die grens van die plot, erf of standplaas extend beyond the boundary of the lot, erf or stand onwaarop die gebou of 'n gedeelte daarvan, waartoe dit which the building or part thereof to which it belongsbehoort, opgerig is nie: Met dien verstande dat die Raad, is erected: Provided that, where it considers it necessaryindien by dit nodig of raadsaam ag, die eienaar kan toe- or expedient to do so, the Council may permit the ownerlaat om 'n perseelriool op sy eie koste oor 'n aangrensende to lay a drain at his own expense through an adjoining lot,plot, erf of standplaas te ie mits genoemde eienaar bewys erf or stand on proof of the registration of the appropriatelewer dat 'n gepaste serwituut of 'n notariele akte van servitude or of a notarial deed of joint drainage.gemeenskaplike riolering met die doel geregistreer is. (2) The Council shall have the right to prescribe to what

(2) Die Raad het die reg om voor te skryf op wetter point in the sewer and at what depth below the ground anyplek en hoe diep onder die grond 'n perseelrioolstelsel by drainage installation is to be connected and the route todie straatriool aangesluit moet word, en wetter roete die be followed by the drain to the connection so to be madeperseelriool tot by die aansluitingsplek moet volg: voorts and may, in its discretion, having regard to the necessitymaintaining kandie Raad, met inagneming van die noodsaaklikheid of correct levels, require the owner not todaarvan om die juiste hoogtcs te handhaaf, na goeddunke begin the construction of the drainage installation untilvereis dat die eienaar nie met die aanbring van die per- the Council's sewer has been laid.s' seelrioolstelsel moet begin voordat die Raad se straat-riool gele is nie. (3) Subject to the provisions of subsection (4). and with-

(3) Behoudens die bepalings van subartikel (4) en out prejudice to the provisions of section 60 concerning

sonder om of te doen aan die bepalings van artikel 60 wat the testing of drainage installations, the Council shall, assoon as is practicable after the owner has notified it thatop die toets van 'n perseelrioolstelsel betrekking het, moet

die Raad so you doenlik nadat die eienaar hom in kennis his drainage installation is ready for connection to the• gestel het dat sy perseelrioolstelsel gereed is om by die sewer, at its own expense, effect the connection or cause

Raad se straatriool aangesluit to word op sy koste die aan-it to be effected.

sluiting bewerkstellig of laat bewerkstelbg. (4) My connection subsequent to, that made by the(4) Enige aansluiting wat geskied na die een wat die Council in 'terms of subsection ,(3) shall be 'made subject

Raad ingevolge subartikel (3) bewerkstellig het, moet die to the approval' of the Council and 'shill be effected at,the owner's expense. . .Raad se goedkeuring wcgdra en die eienaar moet daarvoor

betaal. - (5) No . person shall . permit the 'discharge of any(5) Niemand mag toelaat dat enigiets anders as skoon substance whatsoever' other `than, clean water for testing

water wat vir toetScioeleindes gebruik word, 'n perseel- purposes to enter any drainage installation until the samerioolstelsel binnegaan voordat die stelsel by die straat- has been Connected to the Sewer.


riool aangesluit is nie. (6) Save as may be otherwise authorised by the''

(6) Slegs 'n beampte wat behoorlik daartoe gemagtig is, Council, in • writing,' no person' other than an Officer dulykan 'n persielrioolstelsel by die straatriool aansluit, tensy' authorised to do .so shall connect any drainage installation

' die Raad dit anders skeiftelik magtig..

- - . to the sewer. - • '" ' ''' ' ' ' . . . .

1 •

Gemeenskaplike PerSeelriole:'''' -' Cornmon Drains. ... •


13. Die Raad kan na goeddtinke toelaat dat .die per? . - 13.. The• Council 'nay.. mill .its disCretion permit theseelrioolstelsel van enige twee d'Ineer. plbtte, :erwe, of drainage installations on .any two. or more lots. erven or.standplase, of hulle nou aan een eienaar behoort of

'nie; stands, whether.ornot - in the,same. ownership, to•dischargo

deur middel van 'n gemeenskaplike perseelriool in die into the sewer: through a. common drain. ,,' ; J

straatriool ontlas. .' _ : .

Afkoppeling.'. •Desdonneetions ' •' • •1.5

14. (1) Behalwe met die doel on "onderhouds‘ of her-"

14. (1) Otherwise than for the purpose of and for the -

stelwerk te verrig, mag veil drekwatertoebehore . of . van; carrying out' of; any work of maintenance or • repair, nopyp van 'n vuilpyp of perseelrio61;cen*leen perseelriool soil-water :fitting or soil -water ;pipe shall. be :disconnected.van 'n ander perseelriool of van 'n straatriool afgekoppel. from any. soil-water 'pipe'pipe or. .drain, and .no drain shall be.word voordat die Raad se toesternmirig verkry is op 'die disconnected . from any - other drain or - from a sewer:


wyse, vir saver dit van toepassing is, wat by artikel 5 voor_. without the - approval of the Council. first obtained in thegeskryf word nie: Met dien verstande dat die Etaad:geen

10 sub- Councilso far as applicable, prescribed in terms of

gelde ten opsigte van 'n aansoek ingevolge hierdie s Council in respect - of any ' application made iri terms of,artikel mag vorder nie. . . section 5: Provided .that no - charge shall be made by the' .

'(2) Indien 'n gedeelte van 'n perseelrioolstelsel van die this subsection. . .

res daarvan afgekoppel word omdat dit nit racer gebruik (2) Wherel'aiy part of. a drainage installation is 'dis-gaan word nie, moet genoemde gedeelte vernietig of ge- connected from the remainder thereof because it will noheel en al van die perseel waarop dit. gebruik is, verwyder linger be used, the said part shall be destroyed or entirely'word,, tensy die Rand anders vergun omdat dit nie prak- removed from the premises on which 'it was being usedties moontlik is on did gedeelte te vernietie of te verwyder unless the Council shall permit otherwise having regard.nie, en moet alle openinge in die stelsel of in genoemde to the impracticability of such destruction or removal, andgedeelte daarvan wat ten gevolge van did afkoppeling ont- all openings in the installation or in the said part, if left

11. staan, tot . voldoening van die Read. doeltreffend verseet in position. 'created by the disconnection shall beword indien die stelsel of did gedeelte diarvan daar bly. effectively sealed:to the satisfaction of the Council.

(3) Wanneer 'n perseelrioolstelsel van 'n straatriool af-gekoppel(3) On any disconnection of a drainage installation fromword, moet die Raad die opening wat aldus ina sewer the Council shall seal the opening to the sewer sodie straatriool ontstaan, verseel, en die bedrag wat in by-

lae C by hierdie verordeninge vir sulke werk voorgeskryf made and shall recover from the owner the chargeword, op die eienaar verhaal. _

prescribed for such -work in schedule C to these-by- laws.

(4) Iemand wat 'n seel soos did een waarna daar in (4) Any person who without the permission of the

subartikel (3) verwys word, sonder die toestemming van Council breaks or removes or causes or permits the break-die Raad breek of verwyder, of wat dit hat breek of ver- sub-wyder of toelaat dat dit gedoen word, begaan 'n misdryf. section (3) shall be guilty of an offence.

Onwettige Rioleringsw Unlawful Drainage Work.erk. •

15. (1) Indien daar rioleringswerk verrig is sonder om

age or removal of such a seal as is referred to in


•' ' .

15. (1) Where any drainage work has been constructed.te voldoen aan die bepalings van hierdie verordeninge be- without complying with the provisions of these by-lawstreffende die indiening. en goedkeuring van planne, matt concerning the submission and approval of plans the.die eienaar, wanneer die Rand hom skriftelik in kennis stel owner shall, on receiving written notice by the Councilom dit te doen, binne die tydperk wat in did kennisgewing so to do, comply with all the said provisions within thevoorgeskryf word, aan al die genoemde bepalings veldoen. period prescribed in that notice: -




(2) Indien 'n perseelrioolstelsel gebou of rioleringswerk (2) Where any drainage installation has been constructed 0verrig is, en so 'n stelsel of sodanige werk op sigself in or any drainage work has been carried out which failseen of ander opsig nie aan enigecn van die bepalings van in any respect to comply with any of these by-laws otherhierdie verordeninge voldoen nie, uitgesonderd aan die than those referred to in subsection (1), the owner shallbepalings wat in subartikel (1) genoem word, moet die on receiving written notice by the Council so to do andeienaar, wanneer die Raad hom skriftelik in kennis stel notwithstanding that he may have received approval ofom dit to doen en ondanks die felt dat daar pktnne ten plans in respect of the said installation or work in termsopsigte van genoemde stelsel of werk ooreenkomstig hier- of these by-laws, carry out such alterations to the instal-die verordeninge goedgekeur is, die verbouingswerk aan lation, remove such parts thereof and carry out such otherdie stelsel verrig, die dele daarvan verwyder en die ander work, as, and within the time which the notice may specify.verrig verrig en dit doen binne die tydperk wat in die (3) The Council may, instead of serving notice askennisgewing aangegee word. aforesaid, or where such a notice has not been complied

(3) Die Raad kan, in plaas van kennis te gee soos voor- with within the time prescribed therein, proceed itself tonoem of indien daar nie binne die tydperk wat bepaal carry out any such alterations, removals or other work


word aan so 'n kennisgewing voldoen is nie, self die ver- as it may deem necessary for compliance with these by-bouings -, verwyderings- of ander werk verrig wat by nodig laws and may recover the cost thereof from the owner byag ten einde aan die bepalings van hierdie verordeninge the ordinary process of law.te voldoen, en hy kan die koste daarvan volgens die ge- ' .wone regsprosedure op die eienaar verhaal. . Duty of Maintenance. '.

Verpligte Onderhoudswerk. 16. (1) The owner or occupier of premises shall at all16. (1) Die eienaar of bewoner van 'n perseel moet times keep and maintain in proper state of repair and in

enige perseelrioolstelsel daarop te alle tye in 'n goeie, wer- working order any drainage. installation thereon.

kende toestand onderhou. . (2) Where any part of a drainage installation is used by 5(2) Indien 'n gedeelte van 'n perseelrioolstelsel :deur two or more owners or occupiers they shall be jointly andtwee of meer eienaars of bewoners gebruik word, is hulk severally liable in terms of this section for the maintenanceingevolge die bepalings van hierdie artikel gesamentlik en and repair of the same. .

afsonderlik vir die onderhoud en herstel daarvan aan- .spreeklik. Oaring Blockages.


.0optnaak van Verstopte Riole. '17. (1) When the owner or occupier of premises has

17..(1) Wanner die eienaar of bewoner van 'n perseel reason to believe that a blockage has occured in any drain-retie bet om te vermoed dat enige perseelrioolstelsel daarop age installation thereon he shall forthwith report the factsverstop is, moet hy die Raad onmiddellik van die feite in to the Council.die verband verwittig. (2) Whdre .a. blockage occurs in a drainage installation

(2) Indien 'n perseelrioolstelsel verstop is. moet enige any work necessary for its removal shall, subject to thewerk wat nodig is om dit oop te maak, behoudens die provisions of subsection (5). be done by or under thebepalings .van subartikel (5). verrig word deur of 'cinder supervision of a plumber or drainlayer licensed in terms •

toesig van, 'n loodgieter of rioolleer, wat ingevolge die of the Council's by-laws.Raad se verordeninge gelisensieer is.

lumberpy or drainlay er licensed as aforesaid(3) 'n Loodgieter of rioolleer, gelisensieer soos voor- (3) Annoem, moet, voordat hy begin om 'n verstopte perseel- shall, before proceeding to remove any blockage from a.

rioolstelsel oop te maak, die Raad per telefoon of ander- drainage installation,. notify the Council by telephone or

sins in kennis stel van sy voomeme om dit te doen, en otherwise of his intention to do so, and shall, when he has

moet, wanneer by met die werk klaar is, die Raid van did done so, notify the Council of that fact and of the nature

felt en van die aard en oorsaak van genoemde verstopping and cause of the said blockage.veiwittig. (4) It shall be an offence for any person engaged in the

(4) Iemand wat 'n verstopte perseelrioolstelsel oop- removal of a blockage from a drainage installation to causemaak en wat enige gedeelte van die materiaal wat die or permit any part of the material causing the blockageverstopping veroorsaak, in die Read se straatriool laat to.enter the Council's sewer.ingaan of toelaat dat dit geskied, begaan 'n misdryf. (5) The Council itself shall, whether or not it has been

(5) Die Raad kan self, of die eienaar horn nou versoek requested by the owner to do so, be entitled at its-

cliscre-het om dit te doen of nie, na goeddunke 'n verstopte tion to remove a blockage from a drainage installationperseelrioolstelsel oopmaak, en kan die gelde wat in and to recover from him in respect of such work the

. bylae C by hierdie verordeninge vir sulke werk voorge- charge prescribed in schedule C to these by-laws.skryf word, op hom verhaal.

(6) Where a. blockage has been removed from a drain(6) Indien 'n verstopte perseelriool wat twee of meerwhich serves two or more lots, erven or stands the saidplotte, erwe of standplase bedien, oopgemaak is, wordcharge shall be iewverable in the first place in equal pro-genoemde gelde in die eerste instansie in gelyke


dele op portionsfrom each of the owners thereof, who shall, how-elkeen van die eienaars daarvan verhaal, maar hulle isgesamentlik en afsonderlik vir die hele bedrag aanspreek- bejointlyand severallyliable for the whole charge.ever,

lik. Storntwater not to Enter Sewers.• Vloedwater mag nie in Straatriole Inloop nie. 18. (1) No part of a drainage installation shall at any


18. (1) Geen gedeelte van 'n perseelrioolstelsel mag te time be such or capable of being rendered such that watereniger tyd sodanig wees of sodanig gemaak kan word dat from any source not being soil -water or waste water canwater van enige bron, wat nie drek- of vuilwater is enter the installation without the intervention of humannie, die stelsel sonder die tussenkoms van 'n mens kan agency.binnegaan nie. •

(2) No person shall discharge or cause or permit to be.(2) Niemand mag enigiets, uitgesonderd rioolvuil, in 'n discharged any substance other than sewage into a drain-

perseelrioolstelsel ontlas, laat ontlas of toelaat dat dit.age installation.geskied nie.

(3) No pipe used for or capable of being used to con-(3) Geen pyp wat gebruik word of gebruik kan word om duct rainwater from any roof or other raised surface to

reenwater van 'n dak of 'n ander verhewe vlak of na die the ground shall be allowed to discharge within eight feetgrond te voer, mag binne agt voet van 'n rioolput of wat of any gully forming part of a drainage installation.deel uitmaak van 'n perseelrioolstelsel, uitmond nie.

Rioolvuil mag nie in Yloedwaterriole Inloop nie. Sewerage not to Enter Stortinvater Drains. 4119. Niemand mag rioolvuil regstreeks of onregstreeks 19. No person shall discharge or cause or permit to be'

in 'n vloedwaterriool, rivier, stroom of 'n ander waterloop discharged any sewage directly or indirectly into a storm-'

Betsy van 'n natuurlike of 'n kunsmatige aard, ontlas, laat water drain, river, stream or other watercourse whetherontlas of toelaat dat dit geskied nie. natural or artificial.




.. • Verbode Outlasting.. -.

- - Prohibited Discharges.

0 20. - (1) Niemand mag, sonder die skriftelike toestem- -.20. (1) No' person shall without the permission of theming van die Raad, in 'n straatriool rioolvuil of fabrieks- •

Council in writing discharge into or cause or suffer touitvloeisel ontlas, laat ontlas of duld dat dit geskied- nie, enter any sewer any sewage or industrial effluent which—indien- . .

(a) has a temperature exceeding 110° Fahrenheit at'(a) die temperatuur daarvan wanneer dit die straat- the point of entry to the sewer;

riool binnegaan, 110° Fahrenheit oorskry;(b) die pH-gehalte• daarvan laer as 6.5 of hoer as

(b) has a pH value less than 6.5 or greater than-

12.0 is;12 0;


(c) dit kalsiumkarbied of enige ander stof, van watter (e) contains any. calcium carbide or any. other sub-

aard - ook al, wat ontplofbare of aanstootlike gasse of stance whatsoever liable to give off explosive or offen-' dampe in die straatriool kan afgee, bevat; ..

' sive gases or vapours in the.sewer:,(d) dit enige stof bevat wat 'n dop flitspunt van laer (d) contains any substance which has an open flash

as 200° Fahrenheit het. of wat 'n giftige damp teen 'n point of less than 200° Fahrenheit, or which gives off a:i laer temperatuur as 200° Fahrenheit dace; poisonous vapour below 200° Fahrenheit;

(e) dit enigeen van die stowwe wat in Bylae D aan- (e) includes any substance, in concentrations expres-gegee word bevat in konsentrasies wat uitgedruk as dele sed as parts per million by weight greater than thoseper miljoen volgens gewig, groter is as di6 wat daar specified, listed in schedule D;

0- gespesifiseer word;(f) dit enige stof bevat wat, hetsy op sigself, hetsy (I) contains any„substance which, whether alone or

saam met ander stowwe na die mening van die Raad in combination with other matter, may in the. opinion oftot 'n obrlas van een of ander aard vir die publiek kan the Council cause a nuisance of any kind to the publicstrek, of wat veral skadelik of gevaarlik kan weer vir or, in particular, injury to, or danger to the health of,die gesondheid van diegene wat straatriole of mangate persons entering sewers or manholes or carrying out anymoet binnegaan of werk in verband daarmee moet work in connection therewith or working at the sewage-verrig of by die rioolvuilsuiweringswerke werksaam is, purification works, or which may be injurious to theof wat skadelik kan wets vir die straatriole, die behan- sewers, treatment plants or any land used for the dis-

delingsinrigtings of vir die grond wat vir die wegruiming posal of sewage, or which shall in any way injuriouslyvan rioolvuil gebruik word, of wat in enige opsig enigeen affect any of the processes whereby sewage is treated orvan die prosesse waarvolgens rioolvuil behandel word of the re-use of treated sewage effluent. ..

die hergebruik van behandelde rioolvuil, nadelig sal...

raak. (2) Any person who discharges or causes or suffers tobe discharged into the sewer any substance which he

(2) Iemand wat enige stof in die straatriool ontlas, laat knows or ought to know to be one, the said discharge of.ontlas of duld dat dit geskied, terwyl hy weet of behoort which is prohibited in terms of subsection (1) and anyte weet dat dit ingevolge subartikel (1) verbied word om person who, after receiving from the Council an order insodanige stof aldus te ontlas, en iemand wat, nadat die writing prohibiting the discharge from any date of any sub - •

Raad horn skriftelik verbied bet om van 'n bepaalde datum stance to the sewer, continues so to discharge it or to causeof enige stof in 'die straatrioor te ontlas, na die datum or suffer such a discharge thereof after that date, shall bevoortgaan om dit aldus te ontlas, te laat ontlas of sodanige guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be liable to aontlasting te duld, begaan 'n misdryf en is by skuldig- fine not exceeding R10 for each day during which or partbevinding strafbaar met 'n bocce van hoogstens RIO vir of which such a discharge occurs.iedcre dag, of gedeelte van 'n dag, waarop sodanige ont-lasting

. .

plaasvind. • • Permission to Discharge Industrial Effluents.. .Vergunning om Fabrieksuitvloeisel le Onllas.


21. (1) The Council may in its discretion, having segard21. (1) Die Raad kan na goeddunke, met inagneming to the capacity of any sewer or sewerage-treatment plant,

van die vermod van 'n bepaalde straatriool of rioolvuil- whether or not vested in itself, and subject to such condi-behandelingsinstallasie ongeag of dit aan hom behoort of tions as it may think fit to impose including a charge cal-

nie, en op die voorwaardes wat hy dienstig ag, met 'inbe- culated in terms of the tariff of these by- laws, grant per-

grip van 'n bedrag wat ooreenkomstig die' tarief berekenword, vergunning verleen dat • fabrieksuitvloeisels van

lipparsec' of in die straatriool ontlas kan word. •

• '

(2) Iedereen moat, voordats

hy. fabrieksuitvloeisel in 'n .

straatriool laat ontlas; skriftelik in duplo op die vorm wat'

mission for the.discharge of industrial effluents from any'n premises into the sewer.



(2) Every person shall before discharging any industrialeffluent. into. a sewer, make application in writing to the

in bylae E by hierdie verordeninge voorgeskryf word, byr oune 1 for permission to do so in the form, to be com -

die Raad om vergunning aansoek doen en op die vorm pleted in duplicate, set out in schedule F. to these by - laws,

die bedryfsproses wat die uitvloeisel voOrtbring, beskryf en describing the industrial process giving rise to the effluentandstating the chemical composition, nature and quan-

vloeisel wat ontlas gaan word, die. maksimum ontlas-.ingdie chemiese samestelling, aard en hoeyeelheid van die uit- tity of the effluent to be discharged, the maximum rate.of.

tempo, die getal mense wat op die perseel in diens is, alle' discharge and, the .nnmber of persons employed on thepremises, giving such other information as. may beander inligting wat op die genoemde vorm aangcvra word, andcalled for by the said form and shall thereafter give suchasook alle ander inligting wat die Raad daarna nodig ag,

met inbegrip van die indiening van die monsters wat otherdie information as the Council may consider necessaryincluding the submission of such samples as it may require.Raad verlang, aangee. .

(3) Iemand aan wie daar ingevolge die bepalings van (3) A person permitted under subsection (1) to dis-subartikel (1) vergunning verleen is om fabrieksuitvloeisel charge effluent into a sewer shall, before doing anythingin 'n straatriool te ontlas, moet, voordat hy enigiets doen

to cause any charge in the quantity or nature of thatwat 'n verandering in die hoeveelheid.of die aard van diefabrieksuitvloeisel teweeg sal bring, die Raad skriftelik in effluent, notify the Council in writing of the date on whichkennis stel van die datum waarop die beoogde verandering it is proposed that the change shall take place. : .

gaan plaasvind.(4) Any person who discharges or causes or permits to

(4) remand vat fabrieksuitvloeisel in die straatrioolontlas, laat ontlas of toelaat dat dit geskied, sonder om be discharged an industrial effluent into the sewer with-

eers vergunning daarvoor te verkry soos dit by subartikel out having first obtained permission to do so in terms of(2) voorgeskryf word, begaan 'ri misdryf en stel hom bloot

!, aan die strawwe wat by hierdie verordeninge voorgeskryf by-word, en is hierbenewens ook nog aanspreeklik vir die

subsection (2),


be guilty of an offence and liable, inaddition to the penalties prescribed in terms ofthese laws,to such charge as the Council may assess for the

gelck wat die Raad vasstel vir die'wegvoer en behandelingvan die uitvloeisel teat aldus &alas


is. conveyance and treatment of the effluent so discharged.. . . ..




(5) Behoudens sy regte ingevolge subartikel (4), kan die (5) Without prejudice to its rights in terms of subsec-Raad op enigiemand wat fabrieksuitvloeisel in die straat- tion (4) the Council shall be entitled to recover from any •riool ontlas, alle'koste wat by moet aangaan deurdat ge- person who discharges an industrial effluent to the sewernoemde uitvloeisel die straatriool of doolvuilbehandeling- all costs incurred by it as the result, direct or indirect, ofinstallasie regstreeks of onregstreeks beskadig het, verhaal. damage caused to the sewer or any sewerage works by the

said effluent.Beheer oor Fabrieksuitvbeiset

t Effluents.l t of Industrialuens.Control22. Die Raad kan, deur 'n kennisgewing te betoken aan•

die eienaar of bewoner van 'n perseel waarvandaanfabrieksuitvloeisel ontlas word; van hom vereis om, be- 22. The Council may, by notice served on the owner or

occupier of any premises from which an industrial effluentloaders enige ander bepaling van hierdie verordeninge,is discharged, requite him without prejudice to any otherenigeen van, of al die volgende dirge te doer:—'provision of these by- laws to do all or any of the following

(a). Om die uitvloeisel, voordat dit in die straatriool things:_ontlas word op so 'n wyse te behandel dat dit na die ' -


mening van die Raad te alle tye aan die beperkings van • (a) To subject the effluent before it is discharged to theartikel 20 (1) voldoen; - sewer to such treatment as will in opinion of the Council

(b) om die ontlasting van die uitvloeisel tot sekere ensure that it conforms at all times to the restrictions ofvasgestelde ure en die ontlastempo tot 'n vasgestelde section 20. (1); 4

. .maksimum te beperk; en om op eie koste sodanige tenks, (b) to restrict the discharge of effluents to certain speci-toeselle en ander uitrusting wat nodig mag wees om aan- fed hours and the rate of discharge .to a specified maxi-


gemelde beperkings te kan voldoen, aan te bring; mum, and to install at his own expense such tanks,(c) om - 'n afsonderlike perseelrioolstelsel vir die weg- appliances and other equipment as may be necessary for

voer van fabrieksuitvloeisel aan te bring en om die tilt- compliance with the said restrictions;vloeisel deur middel van 'n afsonderlike aansluiting wat •

die Raad verskaf, in die straatriool te ontlas, en om hom . (c) to install a separate drainage installation for the con-daarvan te weerhou oat genoemde uitvloeisel deur mid- veyance of industrial effluent and to discharge the same

. del van 'n huishoudelike perseelrioolstelsel of huishou- into the sewer through a separate connection provided bydelilce rioolvuil deur middel van genoemde afsonder- the Council, and to refrain from diicharging the .said

. like stelseite ontlas; . effluent through any domestic drainage installation or any

(d) om op eie koste in die perseelrioolstelsel watdomestic sewage through the said separate installation; •

fabrieksuitvloeisel na die straatriool wegvoer, een of - (d) to construct at his own expense in, any drainagemeer inspeksie-, monster- of meterkamers van sodanige installation conveying industrial effluent to 'the sewer onegrootte en. materiaal en op sodanige plekke as wat die or more inspection, sampling or metering chambers of such.Raad voorskryf, aan te bring; dimensions and materials and in such positions as the

(e) om ten opsigte van die fabrieksuitvloeisel wat van Council may prescribe;. sy perseel af ontlas word, die gelde wat ooreenkomstig (e) to pay in respect of the industrial effluent discharged. bylae B by hierdie verordeninge bereken word; te betaal: from his premises such charge as may be assessed in terms

.. Met dien verstande dat, as die presiese suurstofabsorp- of schedule B to these by-laws: Provided that where,sievermoe van fabrieksuitvloeisel vanwee die besondere owing to the particular circumstances of any case theomstandighede in 'n bepaalde geval, nie met behulp van method of assessment prescribed in terms of the saiddie berekeningsmetode wat by genoemde bylae voor- schedule does not reflect the true oxygen-absorbed strengthgeskryf word, bepaal kan word nie, die ingenieur 'n of an industrial effluent,, the engineer may adopt such' ander berekeningsmetode waarvolgens genoemde suur- alternative method of assessment as does reflect the saidstof absorpsievermoe wel bepaal kan word, kan gebruik strength and may assess the charge accordingly;en die gelde dienooreenkomstig kan vasstel;

(f) om alle inflating wat die Raad mag verlang ten W to provide all such information as may be requirederode die gelde wat ooreenkomstig bylae B by hierdie by the Council to enable it to assess the charges payableverordeninge betaalbaar is. te kan bereken, te verstrek; in terms of schedule B to these by-lalks; anden (g) for the purpose of paragraph (f) to provide and

(g) om, vir die toepassing van paragraaf (1). op eie maintain at his own expense a meter measuring the totalkoste 'n meter wat die totale hoeveelheid water wat uit quantity of water drawn from any - borehole, spring or'n boorgat, fontein of 'n ander natuurlike waterbron other natural source of water and used on the property.verkry en op die eiendom gebruik word, afmeet te ver-skaf ....en te onderhou.

. Metering and Assessment.- • Afineet en Berekening.

23. (1) The Council may incorporate, in such position23. (1) Die Raad kan, op 'n plek wat by aanwys, in as it shall determine in any drainage installation conveying

enige., perseelrioolstelsel wat fabrieksuitvloeisel na die industrial effluent to the sewer any meter or gauge orstraatriool wegvoer, 'n meter of ander toestel aanbring met other device for the purpose of ascertaining the volume ordie doel om die volume of samestelling van genoemde uit- composition of the said effluent, and it shall be an offencevloeisel daarmee te bepaal, en iemand wat so 'n meter of for any person to by-pass, open, break into or otherwiseander toestel uitskakel, oopmaak, oopbreek of op 'n ander interfere with or to damage any such meter. gauge or other!nattier daaraan peuter of dit beskadig, begaan 'n misdryf: divice: Provided that the Council may in its discretionMet dien verstande dat die Raad na goeddunke met enig- enter into an agreement with any person discharging indus-iemand wat fabrieksuitvloeisel in die straatriool ontlas, 'n trial effluent into the sewer, establishing an' alternativeooreenkoms kan aangaan waarby 'n ander metode vir die method of assessing the quantity of effluent so discharged.bepaling van die hoeveelheid fabrieksuitvloeisel wat aldusontlas word, bepaal word. -

(2) The Council shall be entitled to install and main-' tain any such meter, gauge or device as aforesaid at the

(2) Die Raad kan 'n meter of toestel coos voornoem, expense of the owner of the property on which it is instal-op die koste van. die eienaar van die betrokke eiendom led.aanbring en onderhou. ...

. . . Swimming Baths.Swembaddens.

24. (1) No water shall be discharged directly 'or 4.24. (1) Geen water van 'n swembad mag regstreeks of indirectly from a swimming bath into a sewer unless

ohregstreeks in 'n straatriool ontlas word nie, tensy skrifte- written permission to do so shall first have been obtainedlik vergunning daartoe vooraf van die Rhad verkry is. from the Council.




(2) Die Raad verleen sodanige skriftelike vergunning op (2) Any such written permission shall be subject to suchdie voorwaardes wat hy goed ag, met inbegrip van veral conditions as the Council may determine, including in

0 die yoorwaardes dat die Raad die vergunning to eniger tyd particular a condition that the permission shall be revoca-met skriftelike kennisgewing van een week kan intrek, en ble at any time on the Council's giving one week's writtenvoorts word sodanige vergunning verleen op voorwaarde notice, and shall be subject further to the payment of thedat die gelde wat in bylae B by hierdie verordeninge voor- charges prescribed in schedule B to these by- laws.geskryf word, betaal moet word. (3) No water from a swimming bath shall without the

(3) Geen water van 'n swembad mag, voordat die Raad written permission of the Council previously obtained bese skriftelike vergunning daartoe verkry is, regstreeks of discharged directly or indirectly over or into any road,onregstreeks oor of in 'n pad, in 'n straatgeut of vloed- gutter or stormwater drain vested in the Council.waterriool wat aan die Raad behoort, ontlas word nie.

Perseelriole. Drains.. -


25. (1) Alle pype, buigstukke, aansluiters en verwante 25. (1) All pipes, bends, junctions and associated fit-

toebehore4 wat deel uitmaak van 'n perseelriool, moet van[hip forming part of a drain shall be made of glazed

geglasuurde erdewerk met die toepaslike stempel van die earthenware bearing the appropriate stamp of the South

Suid-Afrikaanse Buro van Standaarde daarop of van giet- African Bureau of Standards, or of cast iron stamped to

yster met 'n stempel daarop wat aantoon dat dit aan die show that it conforms to the - British Standard Specification

Britse Standaardspesifikasie No. 437, „Cast Iron Spigot No. 437. "Cast Iron Spigot and Socket Drain Pipes ", orr of some adequate or effective material.and Socket Drain Pipes " voldoen, of van sodanige ander

toereikende of doeltreffende materiaal gemaak wees. (2) Pipes, bends, junctions and associated fittings made(2) Die Raad moet die pype, buigstukke, aansluiters en of glazed earthenware or cast iron as prescribed in terms

verivante toebehore wat van geglasuurde erdewerk of giet- of subsection (I) and forming part of a drain, shall beyster gemaak is coos dit by subaftikel (I) veorgeskryf such as the Council shall approve having regard to gene-word en wat deel uitmaak van 'n perseelriool, eers goed- rally accepted standards of manufacture and drainagekeur, met inagneming van die algemene ainvaarde ver- practice.vaardigingstandaarde en rioleringspraktyk.

Lase b: Perseelrioolstelsels.


Joints .in Drainage Installations.26. (I) All joints between pipes and appliances and

26. (1) Alle lasse tussen pype en toestelle en toebehore fittings in a drainage installation shall be such that adja-

in 'n perseelrioolstelsel moet sodanig wees dat aangrensen- cent pipe barrels are concentric, inverts are true to linede pyprompe konsentries is, die bodems daarvan die regte and grade and there are no internal obstructions.lyn en helling het en dat dit geen belemmerings aan die (2) All joints as aforesaid shall be so made that theybinnekant veroorsaak nie. are air- and water-tight and that a badger one quarter. of

(2) Alle voornoemde lasse moet lug- en waterdig wees an inch less in diameter than the nominal internal diameteren 'n rioolskraper wear/nit die middellyn 'a kwart duim of the pipe can pass freely through them. . .

Icleiner is as die nominate binnemiddellyn van die pyp,moet vry daar kan deurgaan. (3) The joints between glazed-earthenware pipes shall

(3) Die lasse tussen geglasuurde erdepype moet van be formed of cement mortar -having a composition of 'not

sementdagha wat uit hoogstens twee dele skoon en skerp more than two parts• of clean and sharp sand to one partsand vir elke een deel Portlandsement bestaan, gemaak of Portland 'cement properly' caulked 'betiveen the spigotsword en die dagha moet deeglik tussen• die pyptappe en and sockets••of the pipes:

-solace ingekalfater word. •. .ii: (4) The joints, between east-iron spigot' and, Socket

•: (4) Die lasse tussen die sok-en-tappype wat van. giet- Pipes. shall be formed. with a gasket of hemp' or yarn theyster gemaak is, moet deur middel van 'n pakstuk van hen- depth of which shall not. exceed one-third of the depth ofnep of gare gemaak word, en die pakstuk mag nie dieper the socket when ;the gasket is "properly caulked.. and thestrek as een derde van die diepte van die sok wanneer die rethaindecof. the 'socket .shall be filled: with .inolten leadpakstuk behoorlik .gekalfater is nie; die res van die sok fun atone peuringi, or. with


lead.„fibre;' and thereaftef

moat in een gietsel met gesmelte lood of met loodvesel op. solidly caulked...,,*— ' • •

. ..gevul en daarna deeglik gekallater word. e•

• ,

,,, (5) Die Raad kin ander Metodes vir die las van pype enverwante toebehdre wat van geglasuurde erdewerk of giet-yster gemaakis goedkeur, indien sulke lasso na sy meninminstens net so stork en duursaam sal wees as die tipe 'vanlasse wat in subartikels (3) en (4) beskryf word.


Grootte van Perseelriole.27. 'n Perseelriool moet 'n binnemiddellyn van min-

- (5) ,Alternative methods of jointing_pipes and associatedfittings' made_ of ,glazed..earthenware or cast iron maybeapproved by .the..Council if- .the strength • and, durability

g thereof are in, its .opinion not less than the strength .anddurability ot the rnethod described in subiections. (3) and(4); ,





• '

Size of Drains. •

27. The internal diameter of a drain shall be not less

stens vier duim h8: Met dien verstande dat die Raad, than four inches: Provided that the Council may, if it shallindien hy dit in spesiale omstandighede dienlik ag, kart think fit having regard to any special circumstances, re-irereis dat perseelriole met 'n binnemiddellyn van meer as quire the laying 'of drains with a diameter exceeding fourvier duim gele moet word. inches.

. .

Die Le van Perseelriole. Laying of Drains.

28. (1) Perseelriole moet in 'n reguit lyn en met 'n een- 23. (1) Drains shall be laid in a straight line and at avormige gradient tussen die toegangsplekke waarna daar uniform gradient between the points of access referred toin artikel 29 verwys word, gel8 word; dit moet oral so in section 29, they shall be everywhere so laid that thegele word dat die romp van iedcre pyp oor die hele lengte barrel of every pipe is firmly supported throughout itsdaarvan deeglik gestut word, en voorts moet die perseel- length, and they shall be laid at a gradient not greater thanriole met 'n gradient van hoogstens 1 op 10 en minstens 1 1 in 10 or less than 1 in 60: Provided that the Council mayop 60 gele word; met dien verstande dat die Raad vol- in its absolute discretion permit:—kome na goeddunke die volgende kan toebat:— (a) A gradient greater than 1 in 10;

(a) 'n Gradient groter as 1 op 10; (b) the construction of vertical drops, not exceeding(b) vertikale dalings van hoogstens agt voet—sulke eight feet, such drops only to be permitted in the case of

dalings word egter in die geval van geglasuurde erdepype glazed-earthenware pipes where they are encased in con-

slegs toegelaat indien die pype met beton omhul is; of crete; or(c) 'n gradient binne die reeks 1 op 60 tot en met 1 op (c) a gradient within the limits of 1 in 60 and 1 in 90

90 in die geval van perseelriole met 'n binnemiddellyn van inclusive in the case of drains having a diameter of orses duim of meer. exceeding six inches.


I Ilil


(2) Slegs 'n loodgieter wat ingevolge die Raad se Ver- (2) No person other than a plumber licensed in termsordeninge vir die Lisensiering en Reeling van Loodgieters Of the Council's By-laws• for the Licensing and Regulatingen - Rioolleers gelisensieer is, mag perseelriole van gietyster of Plumbers and: Drainlayers shall' lay cast-iron drains; 016, en slegs 'n riooller wat aldus gelisensieer is, mag per- nor shall any person other than drainlayers licensed - asseelriole van geglasuurde erdewerk le: Met dien verstande aforesaid lay glazed-earthenware drains: Provided that—dat— (a) the jointing of glazed-earthenware pikes may be• (a) enigiemand wat onder toesig van 'n gelisensieerde carried out by any person working under the supervision

rioolleer werk, geglasuurde erdepype mag las; en of a licensed drainlayer; and• (b) indien die Raad sy diskresie kragtens artikel 25 (b) where in the exercise of, its discretion in terms of

(1) gebruik en toelaat dat 'n perseelriool van 'n ander. section 25 (1) the Council has permitted a drain to bemateriaal as gietyster of geglasuurde erdewerk gemaak made of some material other than cast iron or glazedword, die betrokke perseelriool na goeddunke van die earthenware the drain• so made may at the discretionRaad deur die honer van Of 'n loodgieterslisensie Of 'n of the laid 'by the holder of either a plum-

,rioolleerlisensie gele mag word. ber's or a drain_layer's licence.

• toegang tot Perseelriole. Iv.• Access to Drains.- 29. (1) Iedere perseelriool moet op die volgende.plekke

van 'n mangat, soos dit by hierdie verordeninge voorge- - 29. (I) Every drain shall be provided by way of accessthereto with a manhole as prescribed, in terms of. these by-skryf word, of van 'el steekoog, soos die Raatl vereis, wat

t .laws or with an access eye as the Council may require:—toegang tot die perseeltiool verleen, voorsien word:— -

1. (a) Binne vier.voet van die plek waar dit by die Raad se (a) Within four feet of the point of junction with the

straatriool aansluit; .•

'Council's sewer; -


(b) blame vier 'voet van die; hoOgteimint van iedere per-, :(b) within four feet of the, 'upper extremity of everyseeldool of takperseelrioOl; .., • :' , . .• • • drain or. branch drain;. -


(c) op iedere pick wail. 'n perseelriaol van rigting ver- - * (c) at every change of .direction; ..ander; S(d) op iedere plek waar 'n perseelriool se gradient .ver--

(d). at every charige of gfadient; and' '

ander; en . • . .,(e) at every point of junction with another drain. - •'

(e) op iedete plek waar Olt by 'n 'ander perseelriool aan- (2) There shall in any - case be a point of access to everyShift. ' '1 I..'

, •• . drain atintervals of not more than eighty feet.; .• -. .

"12) Dor moet in elke Royal op plekke wat hoodstens tag: I

tig voet van mekaar af is, 'ri toegang Mt iedere peiseel- (3) the interior of a drain .shall be providedriool verskaf word. • -

• by manholes, or:by, access pipes having openings. the lids'(3) neging tot die binneicant van 'n perseelribril mod of which. in either case: when in position and sealed shallverskaf. word deur middel van mangate of toegangspype render the opening gas- and watertight.

,.met openings waarvan die deksels in elke geval, wanneer (4) The lids. .of, openings in' access Pipes in glazed-dit toegemaak en verged' is, die opening gas- en waterdig earthenware drains shall be sealed with such a bituminous

- material as will. remain effective as a all tempera-), (4) Die' deksels' van openings in toegangspype, van per- tures 160: Fahrenheit.



seelriole wat vanggeglasuurde erdewerk geraaak is, meet • • •..



yersegl word met bitumineuse materiaal van so 'n aard.dat (5) Where for. any reason the provision of adequate

dit die openings by temperature van.160° Fahrenheit doel- Means of access within four feet of the. point:of •junctiontreffend.verseel sal hou. • . with the Counas 'sewer is impracticable on private land;

(5) Indien dit om enige rode priikties onmoontlik is om the owner shall at his own expense thuse.a manhole to beop private grond to,ereikende toegang binne vier. voet van constructed in such public Place over the


Council's sewerwaar die persedriool by die Raad'se straatriool aansluit to in such position and of 'such material and dimensions as

verskaf, moet die eienaar op die koste bokant die Raid se the Council may prescribe and in addition shall bear thestraatriool 'n mangat op sodanige plek op openbare grond cost. as assessed by the Council, of any alteration toen Van sodanige materiaal en van sodanige grootte as wat existing services in the street which may by reason of thedie 'Raad voorskryf. laat bou. en hierbenewens moet by die construction of the manhole be necessary.kbste, .soos deur die Raad vasgestel. dra van' enige ver- (6) The points of access to drains laid beneath pavedandering vat ten gevolg van die - bou van die mangat aan areas shall be covered by suitably marked removable slabsdie bestaande leidings in die street aangebring moet word. on the surface.

(6) Die plekke waar toegang verkry kan word tot 'n per- . . -

seelriool wat onder plaveisel gele is, moet - met behoorlik (7) Where any part of a drainage installation passes 5gemerkte plat blokke wat verwyder kan word, bedek.word. under a building it shall be provided with points of access

(7) Indien 'n gedeelte - van 'n perseelrioolstelsel onder 'n outside and as near as possible to the building at each

gebou geleo is, moet daar op iedere plek waar die perseel- point of its entry thereto and exit therefrbm.•riool onder die gebou ingaan en uitkom, buite die gebou Manholes. '

- .en so nh -

as nioontlik aan die gebou, 'n plek waar toe- 30. (I) The walls of every manhole shall be constructedgang tot die perseelriool verkry kan word. .

of brickwork or concrete upon a concrete base as a fOUR-Mahgate. tion 'and shall be so

-carried Out as not to permit the infil-

30.. .

(1) Die more van iedere mangat moet van baksteen [ration of water.of beton op 'n betonfondament gebou word op so 'n wyse (2) The chamber of every manhole shall be of adequatedat geen water die mangat Ran binnedring nie. .

-size generally and in particular to permit the' convenient

.• (2) Die kamer van iedere mangat moet oor die algemeen •

insertion of drain-cleaning rods..van toereikende, groottc wees en venal so groot dat riool- ,. .

wisserstokke maklik daarvandaan ingesteek kan word..

(3) The floor, of the ,base of' a manhole shall be steel-(3) Die vloer van die mangat moet met 'n staaltioffel trowelled to a smooth surface.' ,

glad afgewerk word. '-

(4) Where the base of a manhole is traversed by glazed-(4) Indien die vloer van 'n mangat deur kanale van earthenware channels, every part of the sides thereof shall

geglasuurde erdewerk gekruis word, moet elke gedeelte van be brought- upvertically to the level of the soffit of thedie, kante van die vloer vertikaal opgevul word tot gelyk outgoing pipe, and from that level the floor of the baseniet die soffiet van die uitgaande pyp, en van die hoogte af of the manhole shall rise continuously to its walls at amoet die vloer van die mangat deurlopend met 'n gradient gradient of not less than 1 in 6.van minstens 1 tot 6 tot teen die mure oploop. •

(5) Indien die vloer van 'n mangat meer as drie voet (5) Where the base of a manhole is more than threelaer as' die grondhoogte is; moet daar in die mure van die feet - below ground level; such cast-iron step-irons shall,bemangat gietysterklimysters waarmee genoemde vloer veilig provided in its' walls as will ensure safe and convenient 1.-

en gerieflik bereik kan word, aangebring word. access to the said base. .•


L_ .


. 629--'

. - - - • .

(6) Iedere mangat moet 'n deksel opkrywat sterk genoeg (6) Every manhole shall be fitted with a cover suffi-is om die .gewig to dra.van eriige voertuig wat waarskyialik .ciently strong to support the load imposed by any traffic

0 daaroor sal gain; die deksel meet 'n dubbele sel he indien !likely to pass over it, and the cover shall have 'a double.kinale van gegla:suurde erdewerk die vloer van die mangat seal where the base is traversed by glazed -earthenWarekruis, maar hoef slegs een seel te'he indien

-genoemde vloer : channels, but need only have a single seal if the said base

gekruis word deur pype waarvam die binnekant slegs deur . is traversed by pipes, access to the interior of which ismiddel van 'n toegangspyp bereik kan word: - - - 'obtained only through an access pipe.

(7) Indien 'n pyp wat in 'n mangat,inloop, op 'n hoer (7) Where a pipe leading into a manhole is at a highervlak le as die uitlaatpyp van die mangat, moet dit deur level than - the outlet pipe of the manhole, it shalt bethiddel van 'n vertikale of toereikende hellende pyp wat brought down to the invert level of the manhole by meansmet beton omhul en buitekant die maneat &eke moet wees, of a vertical or sufficiently inclined pipe encased in con-

na die bodemhoogte van die mangat afgevoer word. I aas- crete and loaned outside the manhole, which pipe shallgenoemde pyp moet dan na die grondoppervlakte opge- also be continued upwards to the surface of the groundvoer word, en daar in 'n verwyderbare, waterdigte deksel and shall there terminate in a removable watertight coverof 'n ander toestel wat die Raad goedkeur, eindig. or such oilier deiiice as may be approved by. the Council.

..,. - Perseelriole in Onstabiele Grond. Drains on Bad Ground.

37. (1) Indien 'n perseelriool deur grond gaan loop wat 31. (1) Drains passing through ground which in thena die mening van die Raad kan sak of beweeg, moet dit opinion of the Council is liable to settlement or movement.geld word in 'n laag beton wat moet bestaan uit hoogstensr shall be laid on a bed of concrete having a composition


ses dele growwe aggregaat en drie dele fyn aggregaat vir not more than six parts of coarse aggregate to three partselke een deel Portlandsement en wat onderkant die romp of fine aggregate to one part of Portland cement andvan die pyp minstens vier duim dik en minstens twaalf having a thickness of not less than four inches below theduim breer as die buitemiddellyn van die pyp moet wees.


voorgeskryf word, moet behoorlik in beton gele en so daar-

van die horisontale middellyn van die pyp reik.

barrel of the pipe and a width not less than twelve inches(2) ledere pyp wat gele is soos dit by subartikel (1) greater than the external diameter of the pipe..

(2) Every pipe which has been laid as prescribed inmee beflank word dat die beton tot gelyk met die hoogte terms of sub-section (1) shall be properly. bedded and

haunched by bringing the concrete up to the level of thePerseelriole Binne of Onder Geboue. horizontal diameter of the pipe.

32. (1) 'n Perseelriool of 'n gedeelte daarvan mag binne ,


Drains Within or Under Buildings. •

of onder of deur 'n gebou gele word of loop, tensy die32. (1) A drain or part thereof may be laid or mayRaad, om gesondheids- en onderhoudsredes of om ander

Pass, as the. case may be, within or under or through a.redes wat in die bepaalde geval geld,etc besluit. building unless the Council 'shall decide otherwise, having.(2) Indien 'n perseelriool of 'n gedeelte daarvan onder . •

regard to considerations of health. and maintenance or'n gebou deurloop, mag die gedeelte wat onder die gebouother matters relevant to the particular, nie van rigting of gradient verander en ook geen toe-

gang daartee he nie, en moet dit gele word in 'n laag beton, (2) A drain or' part thereof shall, where it is under, aminstens vier duim dik, wat moet bestaan uit hoogstens ses a building, be without change of direction or gradient and,

dele growwe aggregaat en drie dele fyn aggregaat vir elke without. means of access - thereto. and shall be laid on 'a

een deel Portlandsement, en indien die perseelriool of 'ga- bed of concrete at least four inches thick, having a compb-..

deelte daarVan uit geglasuurde erdewerk bestaan, moet ditt sition of not more than six-

parts of coarse aggregate toewe-eens met 'n derglike betonlaag wat op alle plekke, van three parts -of 'fine aggregate • to one part 61 'Portlanddie buitekant van.die pyp af gemeet, minstens vier duim cement, and,. if it is made of glazed earthenware, 'shall.dik moet wees, omhul word. . also be encased in similar concrete, having •a minirritini

(3) Indien 'n perseelriool of 'n gedeelte daarvan in 'n thickness at all points of'four: inches measured from exter-

oop posisie in 'n gebou gele word, moet dit uit gietyster. nal surface of the pipe, . ,'

• ••

pype bestaan en. oor die hele lengte daarvan op plekke (3) Where a drain or part thereof is laid inran exposed'hoogstens ses voet van mekaar, toereikend gestut word.


position within a building. it shall - be constructed of cast-.• (4) Geen gedeelte van die geWig van 'n thuur of fonda- iron pipes and shall be adequately supported, at intervalsment mag op 'n perseelriool wat dadronder of daardeur not exceding six feet along its course. -

loop rus nie. (4) No part of. the weight•of- a wall.or - foundation shallBeskertning van Perseelrfole. bear upon a - drain which paSses.under or through it. • • •

.. 33. Enige gedeelte van 'n perseelriool an geglasuarde .• •

..• erdewerk, wit iwaalf duim diep of vlakker in die grond • Protection of Drains. '


. . .•

gele is, moet in 'n betonomhulsel gele word, die omhulsel 33. Any portion of a glazed-earthenware drain whichmoet bestaan uit hoogstens ses dele growwe aggregaat en is twelve inches or less below the suffice of the gouiiddrie dele fyn aggregaat vir elke een deel Portlandsement shall be enclosed in a concrete casing which has a corn-.

en moet, van die buitekant van die pyp af gemeet, minstens position of not more than six parts of coarse aggregate tovier diiim dik wees. three parts of fine aggregate to one part of Portland

Takperseelriole.cement and is at least four inches thick measured fromthe outside of the pipe. '.

• )

34. (1) Tedere takperseelriool moet deur middel van. . ,toebehore, uitgesonderd 'n rugaansluiter, wat spesiaal vir . Branch Drains.

die doel van sulke aansluitings gemaak is, by 'n ander per- - 34. (1) Every branch' drain shall join another drain by- seelricail aangesluit word. means of a fitting, not being a saddle junction, made

(2) 'n TakPeraeelriool moet so na aan die bodem van 'n specially for the purpose of such junctions. • •

. . ,ander perseelriool as wat prakties moontlik is by did ander (2) The point 'of 'entry of a branch drain. to anotherperseelriool aangesluit word, en die takperseelriool moet drain shall be


placed as near as practicableio the invertskuins in die vloeirigting by die ander perseelriool aan- of the latter and the branch drain shall. enter the othersluit sodat die ingeslote hoek tussen die asse van die twee drain obliquely in the direction of flow so that the includedperseelriole hoogstens 45° is. angle between the axes of the two drains 'does not exceed

Sperders. 45°. ..

35. (1) Tedere inlaat tot 'n perseelriool, uitgesonderd did Traps.van 'n ventilasiepyp, 'n drekwatertoebehore, 'n vuilpyp of 35. (1) Every inlet to a drain other than that from a'n ander perseelriool, moet deur middel van 'n goedge- ventilation pip; a soil-water fitting, a

• soil-water pipekeurde sperder afgesluit. worcl; did sperder moet soclanig or another drain shall be closed by an approved trap and

illweesen aangebring word dat dit 'n waterklot, minstens so formed and fixed us to be capable of maintaining a

twee en 'n half duim diep, kan handhaaf, en geen ander water-seal at least two and a half inches . in depth, andsperder mag tussen did sperder en die Raad se straatriool no other trap shall be placed between that trap and theaangebring word nie.



26- 19401.


(2) Vuilwatertoebehore wat deel uitmaak van 'n twee- (2) Waste-water fittings forming part of a two-pipepypstelsel, moet in 'n goedgekeurde rioolput uitmond en system shall discharge into a gully of approved type, and'wel op 'n plek bokant die vlak van die waterslot in die the point of such discharge shall be above the surface of.sperder. the water-seal in the trap.

• Rioolputte. Gullies.binnemid-

dellyn van ses duim he, en sy uitlaat 'n binne middellyn36. (1) Die inlaat tot iedere rioolput moet 'n

36. (1) The inlet to every gully shall have an internal

van vier duim en die rioolput moet 'n waterslot van min- diameter of six inches and its outlet and internal diameter

stens twee en 'n half duim diep he.of four inches, and the gully shall have a water-seal at

(2) Behalwe wanneer onderhoudswerk aan die gang is, least two and a half inches in depth.

moet iedere rioolput met 'n gietysterrooster bedek wees; die (2) Except when maintenance work is in progress everystawe van die rooster moet minstens drie-agstes van 'n gully shall be kept covered with a cast-iron grating, theduim en hoogstens 'n halfduim van mekaar of wees.

- spaces between the bars of which shall be not less than(3) Iedere rioolput moet in 'n laag beton, minstens vier three-eights of an inch or more than one-half inch wide.

duim dik vasgesit word en moet 'n gerande kromming he (3) All gullies shall be bedded on concrete not less thanwat minstens drie duim bokant die hoogte van die rooster four inches thick and shall be provided with a benchedwaarna daar in subartikel (2) verwys word, en die hoogte dishing rising at least three inches above the level of bothvan die omliggende grond moet uitsteek. the grating referred to in subsection (2) and the level of

(4) Die waterhoogte in die sperder van 'n rioolput moet the surrounding ground. -t

hoogstens 18 duim laer as die borand van die geronde (4) The level of the water in the trap of any gully shallkromming waarna daar in subartikel (3) verwys word, le, not be more than eighteen inches below the top of theen indien die Raad, met inagneming van die betrokke posi- benched dishing referred to in subsection (3) and whensies van vuilwatertoebehore in 'n bestaande of voorgestelde in the opinion of the Council, regard being had, to theaangrensende perseel rioolstelsel, van mening is dat die relevant positions of waste-water fittings in any existingwaterhoogte in die sperder van 'n. rioolput her moet re as or proposed adjacent drainage installation, the level of .voornoem, moet die rioolput aangebring word in 'n kamer the water in the trap of any gully is required to be at asonder dak, wat gebou moet word op die wyse.wat by greater depth than aforesaid, the gully shall be placed inartikel 30 vir mangate voorgeskryf word; die mure van die an unroofed chamber constructed in the manner prescribedkamer moet minstens drie duim bokant die omliggende for manholes in section 30, the walls of which have beengrond uitsteek. brought up to a height at least three inches above the

(5) Daar moet 'n kraan wat met die watertoevoer ver- surrounding ground.bind is, bokant iedere rioolput of sperder waarin geen vuil-water uitloop nie, aangebring word. (5) A trap supplied with running water shall discharge

over every gully or trap which does not receive anydischarge of waste-water.Vetvangers (Algemeen). •

, .

37. Daar moet in die volgende gevalle 'n vetganger van'ix goedgekeurde tipe, grootte en vermod in plaas van 'n Grease Traps (General).

rioolput aangebring word vir die vuilwater van iedere op- 37. A grease trap of approved type, size and capacitywasbak of ander toebehore:— shall be provided instead of a gully to take the discharge

(a) In iedere gebou waar die vuilwater deur middel vanof waste-water from every sink or other fittings in:—

stapelriole of ander dergelike werke wat die Raad gemag- (a) Every building the waste-water from which is dis-tig het, weggeruim word; posed of in french drains or other similar works authorised

(b) op 'n plek wear dear na die menin. g van die Raad by the' Council;

waarskynlik meer vet of olie as wat by artikel 20 toegelaat. (b) any place where in the opinion of the Council theword, ontlas sal word; discharge of grease, oils or fats is likely to ekceed that

die bepalings van artikel 38 is, vir sover doenlik, op sulke permitted by section 20;

Vetvangers van toepassing. , . and the provisions of section 38 shall be applied as far• as possible to such grease traps.

;': '• Vetvangers (Nywerhede). .

38. (I) Die uitvloeisel uit nywerheidspersele wat vet, .Grease Traps (Industrial).olie, slik of ander swewende vaste stowwe in groter hoe- '38. (1) The effluent from any industrial preznises'whichveelhede. as die wat in bylae D by hierdie verordeninge contains or in the opinion of the Council is likely to con- illaangegee word, bevat, of wat dit ni'die mening van die lain grease, oil, fat, silt or other solid matter in suspensionRaul waarskynlik sal bevat, mold; vooirdat dit in enigeen in quantities greater than those specified in schedule D tovan die Raad se straatriole ontlak word, deur een of meer these by-laws shall, before it is allowed to enter any oftenksof.kainers gestuur word. the Council's sewers, be passed through one or more tanks

be tenks of kamers moet so ontwerp wees dat dit vet or chambers which is designed for the interception ofof efsaksel kan opvang; die acrd, grootte en vennoe moet grease and sediment, is of approved type, size and capacitygoedgekeur wees en dit moet so gelee wees dat dit tot vol- and is in such a -position as satisfies the Council that notdoening van die Raad nie meer vet en ander stone as more than the permitted quantities of grease and otherdie ,wat hierbo genoem word, na die straatriool sal deur- substances as above-mentioned can reach the sewer.hat, nie. (2) Oil, grease or any other substance which is con-

(2) Olie, vet of enige ander stof wat aanwesig is in tamed in any industrial effluent or other liquid and whichfabrieksuitvloeisel of 'n ander vloeistof en wat 'n vlambare gives off an inflammable or noxious vapour at a tempe-otskadelike damp by 'n temperatuur van 70° Fahrenheit of rature of or exceeding 70° Fahrenheit shall beforehoer afgee, moet, voordat dit in die Raad se straatriole ont- entering the Council's sewers be intercepted •in a tank orlas word, in 'n tenk of kamer wat vir die doel versimf moet chamber provided for that purpose. •

word, onderskep word.(3) A tank or chamber as referred to in subsection (2)

(3) Die tenk of kamer waarna daar in subartikel (2) shall comply with the following requirements:—verwys word, moet aan die volgende vereistes voldoen:—

(a) It shall be of adequate capacity, constructed of'(a) Dit moet van toereikende grootte wees en van horde, hard durable materials and watertight when completed.duursame materiaal gebou en waterdig wees as dit klaar is.(b) Die waterslot van die afvoerpyp daarvan moet min- (b) The water-seal of its discharge pipe shall be not

stens ses duim diep wees. less than six inches in depth. II.(c) Dit moet soveel mangatdeksels aanhe dat die vet, (c) It shall be provided with such number of manholeolie of slik op toereikende en doeltreffende wyse verwyder covers as may be adequate for the effective removal ofkan word. grease, oil or silt.



- Vervangeis wat ,Veistop Rook. Clogging of Traps.39. Niemand mag soveel vet of silk in 'n vetvanger tank 39. No person shall cause, suffer or permit• such,an ofander toebehore laat vergaar of dit duld of toelaat dat accumulation of grease or silt, in any trap, tank or other

dit geslcied, dat dit the doeltreffend kan funksioneer nie. fitting as will prevent its efficient operation.Ligging van Rioolputte.

40. (1) Behoudens die bepalings van artikel 38 (1) moet • ' Location of Gullies.alle rioolputte, vetvangers en sperders via in verband


met 40. (1) Without prejudice to the provisions of sectionstalle gebruik word, in die buitelug of anders onderdak op 38 (1) all gullies grease traps and traps associated with'n nlek wat blywend in 'n goedgekeurde mate aan die buite- stables shall be situated in the open air or beneath a rooflug blootgestel is, geled wees, en moet dit to alle tye gerede- in a place permanently exposed to the open air to ,anlik toeganklik wees sodat dit tot voldoening aan die Raad approved extent, and shall be at all times readily acces-skoongemaak en anderhou kan word. sible for purposes of cleansing or maintenance to the

(2) Iedere vloer in in fabriek, stal of ander perseel waar- satisfaction of the Caudell.

op vloeistof voortdurend of met tussenpose ontlas word,' (2) Every floor in a factory, stable or other premisesinoet 'n harde, gladde en duursameblad he, en moet skuinsupon which liquid is discharged continuously or inter-

afloop en so gedreineer wees dat alle vloeistowwe daar- mittently shall have a hard, smooth and durable surfacerandaan -

na.' 'n rioolput kan wegloop. and shall be graded and drained to a gully.(3) Ondanks die bepalings van subartilcel (1) mag 'n (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1),

rioolput waarna daar in gubartikel (2) verwys word, binne a gully as referred to in subsection (2) may be situated'n gebou geled wees, mits die perseelriool of pyp wat die within a building provided that the drain or pipe receivinguitvloeise]s uit die rioolput wegvoer, self in 'n ander riool- the discharges from the gully itself, discharges into anotherput wat in die buitelug geled is, ontlas.


gully situated in the open air.Materiaal van Pype.

41. (I) Vuilwaterpype, vuilpype en ventilasiepype,asook die sperders en toebehore wat daarmee saamgaan,moet van gietyster, weekstaal. koper, geelkoper of. getrokkeload waarvan die gelialte in elke geval tot voldoening van a


Construction of Pipes. •

41. (1) Waste-water pipes, soil-water pipes and ven-tilation pipes with their associated traps and fittings shall

constructed of cast iron, mild steel, copper, brass ordie Raad moet wees, of van sodanige ander materiaal as urawn lead, in each case of a quality satisfactory to thewat die Raad na goeddunke goedkeur, gemaak wees. Die Council, or of Such other materials as the Council may in

its discretion approve, the Council's discretion in terms ofRaad moet sy diskresie kragtens hierdie subartikel uitoefenthis .be exercised by reference to establishedmet inagneming van gevestigde gebruike in die praktyk enecodes


.and' to the appropriate standard sped-die toepaslike standaardspesifikasies wat die Suid-'cations by the South African Bureau of StandardsAfrikaans° Buro vir Standaarde van tyd tot tyd uitreik, '

front time to time,. or in the. absence of any such spesif i•of indica daar nie so 'n spesifikasie bestaan the, met frominagneming van die toepaslike Britse Standaardspesifikasie. cations, to the

- appropriate British Standard Specification.(2) Die binne- en buitevlakke van gietysterpype en die (2) Cast-iron Pipes '•and ' their associated traps and

sperders en toebehore wat daarmee saamgaan, moet toe- fittings shall have' both their inside and their outsidereikend bedek wees met 'n bitumineuse of ander korro- surfaces adequately coated • with a bituminous or 'othersiewerende stof,• en weekstaalpype moet toereikend gegal- corrosion-resisting material, and mild-steel pipes shall bevaniseer wees of op 'n ander wyse korrosiewerend gemaak adequately galvanized or otherwise rendered resistant toword. '

. corrosion. .

(3) Die binnemiddellyn van 'n vuil- of vuilwaterpyp (3) No soil-water pipe or waste-water pipe shall 'havemag nie kleiner wees as did van edge pyp of toebehore an internal diameter less than that of any pipe or fittingwat daarin ontlas nie.

, dischat&g. into it.Lasse. , Joints. ' '

42. (1) Iedere las tussen 'n pyp, sperder of. toebehore 42. (1) Every connection between a pipe, trap or fittingen 'tt ander pyp, sperder of toebehore of 'n perseelriool, and another pipe, trap or fitting or a dram shall be mademoet gas- en waterdig wees en dit moet geen binnever- in such a manner as to be, gas- and watertight and to causesperring veroorsaak nie; voorts moet so 'n las tot vol- no internal obstruction, and shall be carried out to thedoening van die Raad ooreenkomstig die gevestigde lood- satisfaction of the Council in accordance with establishedgieters- en rioleringspraktyk gemaak word.

(2) Indian die 'gebruik van algemeen erkende lasmetodesmeebring dat die middellyn van 'enige gedeelte van 'n pyp0plumbing and drainage practise. . .

(2) Where the use of generally recognized methods; ofjointing requires a reduction in the internal diameter ofof sperder verminder moet word, mag dit nie met meer as any part of a pipe or trap the amount of the reduction

twee keer die dikte van die wand van die pyp of sperder shall be not greater than twice the thickness of the wall - ofOf met meer as 'n kwartduim, latter een ook al die klein-the trap or pipe or one quarter of an inch, whichever is the

Ste is, 'verminder word nie, en did gedeelte van 'ri pyp of less, and the reduction so made shall in no case 'extendsperder waarvan die binnemiddellyn aldus verminder is, further along the line of flow than one and one-half timesmag in geen geval verder in die vloeirigting strek as ander- -

the internal nominal diameter of the trap or pipe.half keer die nominate binnemiddellyn van die pyp of. .

sperder nie. •. .- - Size of Pipes.Grootte van Pype. • •

43. (1) -The internal diameter of waste-water pipes shill43. (1) Die binnemiddellyn van wilwaterpype word be determinded according' to the number and kind of fit-bepaal Nolgens die getal en aard van die toebehore, en tings and shall - in' no ease be less than that prescribed inmag in geen geval kleiner wees as did wat in die regter- the right-hand column of the following table in respect ofkantse kolom van onderstaande tabel ten opsigte van die the fitting or fittings 'appearing opposite to it in the left-toebehore of toebehorens wat daarteenoor in die linker- hand column thereof.kantste koloin aangegee word, voorgeslcryf word nie.

TABLE. . .TABEL. • . - Minimum

Minimum - Finings. InternalToebeharens. Binnemiddel-

_ .. . - • Diameterlyn in claim.

, in inches.Een handewasbak 11 One wash-hand basin. •

Twee, drie of vier handewasbakke

pi Vyf of meer handewasbakke 2 Five or more wash-band basins.Een bad of opwasbak 1+ One bath or sink. 14-

Twee, drie of vier baddens of opwasbakke



Two, three or four wash-hand basins

Two, three or four baths or sinks /2


Vyf of meet. baddens of opwasbakke 3 Five or more baths or sinks.Oorlooppype I Overflow pipes

. . . , .•




(2) Ondanks die bepalings van subartikel (1) mag die (2) Notwithstanding the provisions - of :'subsection (I),binnemiddellyn van geen vuilwaterpyp waarin die uit- where the one-pipe system is 'used no. waste-water pipevloeisel van twee of meek toebehorens ontlas, kleiner as receiving the discharge of two or more fittings shall have altwee chain wees indien die eenpypstelsel gebruik word nie. an internal diameter of less than two inches. - •

Ligging van Pype. Loca lion of Pipes.: -

44. (1) Iedere vuilpyp, vuilwaterpyp, ventilasiepyp en - 44.11) Every soil-water - ,pipe, waste -water pipe, ven-slukpyp moet vir, die doel van inspeksie- en•herstelwerk tilation pipe .and antisiphonage pipe shall be readilygeredelik toeganklik wees, en sodanige pypeMag veral nie accessible for inspection and repair, and In_particular noin 'n muur, vloer, balk, suil of ander .gedeelte van 'n gebou such pipe shall be built into any wall; floor, beam, columningebou word nie, behalwe waar dit 'n gebou binnegaan or other part of a building save in so far as it may be

of verlaat.' necessary to pass in into or out of the building.

(2) Indien 'n pyp, soos voornoem, aan die buitekant (2) Where any such pipe as aforesaid is' attached tovan 'n gebou vas is, moet dit doeltreffend teen beskadigina the outside of a building it shall be effectively protectedbeskerm word, en indien difbinne 'n gebou vasgesit word, against damage, and where it -

is fixed inside a building - itkan dit in 'n muurgleuf met verwyderbare deksels, of in 'n may be encased in a chase•havinn removable covers or in '

geventileerde tonnel wat van goedgekeurde vloeisiofdigte a 'ventilated 'duct constructed., ofr approved imperviousmateriaal gemaak moet wees en waarvan die dwarsdeur- materials which shall have an area at least four feet, squaresnee •minstens vier vierkante voet beloop en wat vir die hi cross section and

-shall be provided with means of- access

doel van inspeksie - en •herstelwerk, van toereilcencle toe- to its interior adequate for inspection and repair. -

gahg tot die binnekant daarvan voorsien moet wees, geEword. .

- Access to Pipes.

Toegang tot Pype. . 45. (1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) anaccess eye shall be provided within six feet above the45. (1) Behoudens die bepalings van subartikel (2) moet

daar in iedere vuilpyp, binne ses voet bokant die pick point of entry into - the ground of every soil-water pipe, at

waar did pyp die grond binnegadn, op iedere plek waar 'n each change of direction in a soil-water or waste-waterpvuil- of vuilwaterpyp van rigting verander, op iedere plek pipe, at every junction of any such pipe as aforesaid with

waar 'n pyp, soos voornoem, by 'n ander pyp, uitge- any other pipe not being a ventilation pipe, in such other

sonderd 'n ventilasiepyp, aansluit, op sodahige ander positions as are necessary to render the whole of theinterior of any. such pipe as aforesaid readily accessibleplekke waar dit nodig is om die hele binnekant van 'n pyp,

soos voornoem, vir skoonmaak- en inspeksiewerk geredelik for cleaning and inspection, and, in the case of a .ventila-

toeganklik te maak, en in die 'geval van 'n ventilasiepyp.tion pipe, within three .feet of its point of entry into the•

-binne drie voet van die plek waar dit die grond binnegaan, ground.

'it steekoog aangebring word. (2) Where a soil-water pipe or waste -water pipe, not(2) Indien 'n vuil- of vuilwaterpyp, uitgesonderd 'n vuil- being a waste-Water pipe connected to a - fitting in the room

waterpyp wat met toebehore in die vertrek verbind is, deur passes through a kitchen, pantry or other room used or'n kombuis. • spens of ander vertrek wat gebruik word of intended for use for the preparation, handling, storage orbedoel is om gebruik te word vir die bereiding, hantering, sale of food, .means of access necessary for the cleaningopberging of verkoop van voedsel loop, moet die toegangs- and inspection of that part of the said pipe which• passesplek wat nodig is om die. gedeelte van genoemdi pyp wat through the room, shall be located outside the room..deur die vertrek loop, skoon te maak en te inspekteer, (3) An inlet to a waste-water pipe as referred to' in sub-

buite die vertrek gelee wees. section (2) may be provided in the floor of such a room(3) 'n Inlaat tot. 'n vuilwaterpyp waarna.daar in sub- as is referred to in subsection (2) so long as the said inlet

artikel (2) verwys word, kan in die yloer van 'n vertrek is equipped with a trap connected to a pipe disChargingwat in subartikel (2) genoeni word, aangebring word, maar over a gully or another trap situated in the open air.dan moet genoemde inlaat 'n sperder aanhe•wat verbind (4) No bend or junction, shall be permitted in any suchmoet wees met 'n pyp wat in .'n rioolput of 'n ander pipe as is referred to in subsection (2) unless its position insperder wat in die buitelug gele8 is, ontlas. 'relation to an', access eye is' such as to perthit the ready

(4) Geen buigstuk of aansluiter word in 'n pyp wat in cleaning and inspection from outside the room of "

everysubartikel (2) genoem word toegelaat hie, tensy dit in Part of the pipe passing through such room.verhouding tot 'n steekoog so,"gelee is dat iedere.gedeelte (5) Every ventilation pipe and every anti-Siphonage pipevan die pyp wat deur so 'n vertrek loop, maklilc van buite 'shall be so graded as to provide a 'continuous falldie vertrek af skoongemaak en geinspekteer tan word. without the interposition Of a trap froth its open -end to

(5) Iedere' ventilasiepyp en iedere slukpyp-meet so the point of connection to the waste -water pipe,


'skuins afloop dat dit, sonder 'n 'sperder thssenin, onaf- pipe or drain which it serves.gebroke daal van die. oop ent daarvan' al tot waar dit (6) Every ventilation and every anti-siphonage pipe " die vuilwaterpyp, vuilpyp of perseelriool waarvoor dit "

bedoel is, aansluit.' .. - shall unless carried up independently, be connected to amain ventilation pipe at a point at least six inches above(6) Iedere ventilasiepyp en iedere


slukpyp inciet, tensy the top of the highest fitting which it serves..dit alleen staan, met 'n hoofventilasiepyp verbind wees op .

'n plek wat minstens ses claim hoer is as die bopunt van - A7) Where the :two -pipe system - is used a pipe which•

die hoogste foe-behove waarvoor dit bedoel is. ventilates a soil-water pipe or fitting and a pipe which(7)' anneer die tweepypstelsel

- gebruik word, mag 'n ventilates a waste-water pipe or fitting shall not bepyp wat - 'n vuilpyp of. drekwatertoebehore -ventileer, en 'n connected to one another unless the waste -water fitting sopyp wat 'n vuilwaterpyp of -toebehore ventileer, nie met ventilated is provided with a trap .having a water-seal notmekaar verbind word nie, tensy die vuilwatertoebehore wat less than two and a half inches in depth.aldus geventileer word, 'n sperdei aan het waarvan die (8) Where access to a soil2vvater pipe -within a 'buildingwaterslot minstens twee en 'n half duim diep is; I is permitted' it shall be effected through an adequate


(8) Waar toegang tot 'n -vuilpyp binne 'n gebou toene- screwed or bolted air-tight cover. .

laat word moet did toegang deur middel van 'n'toereikende - - Ventilation Pipes—General.lugdigte deksel wat vasgeskroef of vasgebout word, geskied. 46. (1) Every drain, every - branch drain and every soil-

- Ventilasiepype—Algenteen. water pipe and every combination thereof the course of46. (I) Iedere perseelriool, takperseelriool en - vuilpyp which exceeds twenty feet in length measured, from its

en iedere kombinasie daarvan, wat langer as- 20 voet van junction with a ventilated - drain or a ventilated soil-waterdie plek af is, waar dit by 'n geventileerde perseelriool of pipe to its point of connection with the soil-water' fitting'n ,geventileerde vuilpyp aansluit tot waar dit verbind is which it serves, and every waste-water pipe and branchmet die drekwatertoebehore waarvoor ditbedoel is, en waste-water pipe the course of which exceeds twenty feetjedere vuilwaterpyp en tajcVoilWaterPyp wat langer as 20 in length measured from its point Of discharge"over a ‘i

voet is van :die plek af waail diiim.'n .rio' olput tmilis, of gully or "froth' its-

junction With a ventilated waste-water 2 -

waar dit aansluit by 'n geventileerde vuilwaterpyp of pipe or ventilated soil-water pipe, as the case may be.' to




geventileerde vuilpyp, na gelang van die .geval, tot waar its point of connection with the waste -water fittingb whichdit verbind is met die vuilwatertoebebore waarvoor -dit it serves shall be provided with a ventilation pipaleading• bedoel is, moet 'n ventilasiepyp aanhe wat van die hooeste upwards from its highest convenient point.gerief like punt daarvan af opwaarts strek. (2) No ventilation pipe shall have an internal diameter

(2) Die binnemiddellyn van 'n ventilasiepyp mag the less than that of the drain, soil-water or waste-water pipekleiner wees as die van die perseelriool, vuilpyp of vuil- which it ventilates.waterpyp wat dit ventileer nie. (3) There shall be at least one ventilation pipe in every

(3) Daar moet minstens een ventilasiepyp in iedere drainage installation.perseelrioolstelsel wees. Ventilation Pipes—Outlets.

Ventilasiepype—Uittate. • 47. (1) Every ventilation pipe or anti -siphonage pipe47. (1) Iedere ventilasiepyp of slukpyp moet, sonder dat shall be carried upwards without diminutions of diameter

die middellyn daarvan verminder word, reik tot .'n hoogte to height of at least fifteen feet above the ground or to suchvan minstens vyftien voet bokant die grond of tot sodanige greater height or to such position as the Council may

••• groter hoogte en tot sodanige plek as wat die Raad vereis. require.(2) Die oop ent van 'n ventilasiepyp wat deur 'n gebou (2).,The open end of any ventilation pipe passing

loop of daaraan vas is, moet hoer wees as die gedeelte van through or attached to a building shall be - higher than thatdie dale wat naaste daaraan is, en moet minstens ses voet part of the roof which is closest to it and not less than six

• wees bokant die kosYnkop van 'n venster. deur of ander feet above the head of any window, door or other openingopening in dieselfde of enige ander gebou, of dit nou deel in - the same or any other building, whether forming partuitmaak van dieselfde eiendom of the, wat binne 'n of the same property or not, which is within a horizontalhorisontale afstand van twintig voet van genoemde oop distance of twenty feet of the said open end: Provided


ent af gelee is: Met dien verstande dat, indien 'n dak of that where a roof or any part thereof is used or capable of'n gedeelte daarvan, vir enige ander doel as vir onder- being used for any purpose other than that of Maintenancehouds- of herstelwerk gebruik word of kan word, die pyp or repair, the pipe, shall, unless the Council otherwise per-minstens agt voet bokant so 'n dak of gedeelte daarvan mits. extend at least eight feet aboVe such roof or any partmeet uitsteek, tensy die Raad enders vergun: . ,

• thereof. ... (3) Indien die gas uit 'n ventilasiepyp na die mening van (3) Whenever in the opinion of the Council a nuisancedie Raad 'n oorlas veroorsaak, kan die - Read die eienaar exists owing to the omission of gas from a ventilation pipegelas om die ventilasiepyp op eie koste boontoe te verleng the Council may require the owner at his own expense toso ver as wat die Raad voorskryf. extend the pipe upwards 'so far as the Council may

(4) Indien 'n nuwe gebou of 'n aanbousel aan 'n 'prescribe.bestaande gebou; 'n venster, deur of ander opening het (4) Where any new building or any addition tp an .ex:is-wat so geled is dat die bepalings van subartikel (2) ten ting building has any window, door or other openings soopsigte van 'n bestaande ventilasiepyp, -hetsy op dieselfde placed that the provisions of subsection (2) become con-eiendom, hetsy op 'n ander eiendom, oortree word, moet travened in respect of an existing ventilation .pipe,die eienaar van so 'n nuwe gebou of aanbousel op eie koste whether on the same or any other property, the owner ofdie ventilasiepyp, so ver as wat nodig is om aan die such new building or addition shall at his own expensebepalings van genoemde subartikel te kan voldoen, boon- extend or cause such ventilation pipe to be extended up-

toe verleng of laut verleng. wards so far as may be necessary for compliance with theSkoorstene. said subsection. . •

48. Geen skoorsteen of 'n ander dergelike kanaal mag Chimneys. •

gebruik word om 'n perseelriool of 'n vuil- of vuilwaterpyp 48. No chimney or other flue shall be used for verifilat-te ventileer Me. ing any drain or soil-water or waste-water pipe.

Slukpype.' '

.49. (1) Die binnemiddellyn van Been slukpyp wat in Anti-Siphonage Pipes.

verband met drekwatertoebehore gebruik word, mag 49. 0) No anti-siphonage pipe used in connection with

kleiner as 2 duim wees nie. soil-water fittings shall have an internal diameter of less

(2) Die binnemiddellyn van pen slukpyp wat in ver- than two inches.

band met vuilwatertoebehore gebruik word, mag kleiner (2) No anti-siphonage pipe used in connection withas een en 'n kwart duim of twee -derdes van die middellyn waste-water fittings shall have an internal diameter of lessvan die vuilwaterpyp waarmee dit verbind is, watter een than one inch and a quarter or two-thirds of the diameterook al die grootste is, wees nie. which-

(3) Iedere slukpyp moet aan die uitlaatkant van die eovfetrhise rwhaestgrezareter.r

pipe to which it isconnected, sperderen skuins in die vloeirigting van die vuil- of vuil- (3) Every anti-siphonage pipe shall be connected to thewaterpyp, op 'n pick minstens drie duim of hoogstens soil- or waste-water pipe on the outlet side of the trapdertig duim van die kruin van die sperder af met die vuil- obliquely in the. direction of flow of the last-mentionedof vuilwaterpyp verbind word, en moet afsonderlik op- pipe at a point not less than three inches or more thangevoer word en ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel thirty inches from the crown of the trap and shall be car-

47 in die buitelug ontlas, of moet op 'n pick, minstens ses tied up independently to discharge into the open air induim bokant die toebehore waarvoor dit bedoel is, met accordance with section 47, or shall be connected to a main'11 hoofventilasiepyp verbind word. ventilation pipe at a point not less than ,six inches above

Beskerming van Vuilpypsperders. the top of the fitting which it serves.

. 50. Bchoudens die bepalings van artikel 51 moth die Protecting of Soil-Water Traps. .

• waterslot van die sperder van 'n drekwatertoebehore in 50. Subject to the provisions of section 51, the water-die volgende gevalle beskerm word deur middel van 'n seal of the trap of a soil-water fitting shall in the followingslukpyp wat gelee moet wees en die afmetings meet he cases be protected by means of an anti-siphonage pipe ofsons dit by artikel 49 voorgeskryf word, dit wit se in elle such location and dimensions as are prescribed in section

bgevalle wear genoemde toebehore:—- 49 that is to say, in all cases where the said fitting:—6

(a) Ontlas in 'n ongeventileerde perseelriool of vuilpyp, (a) Dischargeg into an unventilated drain or soil-waterof 'n kombinasie daarvan, waarin daar binne 'n horison- pipe or a combination thereof in which there is a fall oftale afstand van agt voet van die - kruin van die sperder af, more than four feet within a horizontal distance of eight'n daling is van meer as vier voet; feet of the crown of the - trap;

,• (b) ontlas in 'n vuilpyp of perseelriool wat 'n duikhock (b) discharges into a soil-water pipe or drain having an

van groter as 45° met die horisontale vlak vorm, en waarin Inclination from the horizontal greater than 45°, anddaar op 'n hoer vlak 'n ander drekwatertoebehore ontlas; .receiving at,a higher level the discharge from another soil-

, of water fitting; or . . . ..,




. . . . , . .

(c) uitgesonderd die drekwatertoebehore wat aan die (c) not being the soil-water fitting situated at the upperhoogste of verste ent van die vuilpyp of perseelriool gelefi or remoter end of the soil-water pipe or drain, 'dischargesis, ontlas in 'n ongeventileerde vuilpyp of perseelriool into an unventilated soil-water pipe or drain which receives •waarin 'n ander drekwatertoebehore ontlas. the discharge from any other soil-water fitting. .

Ventilering van Drekwatertoebehore. Ventilation of Soil-Water Fittings.51. Waar 'n aantal drekwatertoebehore aangebring is 51. Where a number of soil-water fittings is installed on•

Op 'n takvuilpyp wat verder strek as die baste toebehore a branch soil-water pipe which is continued beyond the enden daar verbind is met 'n ventilasiepyp op 'n plek minstens of the last fitting and there connected to a ventilation pipeses duim bokant enigeen van • die 'toebehore waarvoor at a point not less than six inches above the top of any ofdit bedoel is, hoef slukpype nie aangebring te word the: the finings served; anti-siphonage pipes may. be ommitted:Met dien verstande dat, indien daar meer as vier. toe- ., Provided that where more. han four fittings are so instal-behore aldus aangebring word, daar 'n - bykomende ven- led an addisional ventilation pipe having an internal dia-

1 tilasiepyp met 'n binnemiddellyn van minstens twee,duim meter of not less than two inchei shall be connected to theMet die takvuilpyp verbind moet word by 'n punt iia branch soil-Water pipe at i 'point beyond every fourth fit-elke vierde toebehore, en met -'n ventilasiepyp verbind Ling and shall. be connected to a.ventilation pipe at a pointmoet word op 'n plek, minstens 6 duim bokant enigeen not less than six inches above the•top of any of the fittingsvan die toebehore waarvoor dit bedoel is.

. .

. , 4,


Beskerming van Vullwatersperders.Protection of Waste-Water Traps. •

52. (1) In die geval van 'n eenpypstelsel moet die Watera' - .

- 52. (1) In the sme-pipe system the water-seal of the trapslot van die sperder van iedere vuilwatertoebehore deurmiddel *van 'n slukpyp beskerm word. of every waste-water fitting shall be protected by means of.

an anti-siphonage pipe.. •


. (2) In die geval van 'n tweepypstelsel moet die water. (2) In the two-pipe system the water-seal of the trap ofslot

-van die sperder van iedere vuilwatertoebehore deur

every waste-water fitting shall be protected by means of anmiddel van 'n slukpyp beskerm•word, tehsy daar 'n geed- II..i-si pipe unless an 'approved re-sealing trap isgekeurde sluksperder aangebring is: Met dien verstande nthonae

installed, : Provided that his subsection shall not Apply indat hierdie subartikel nie van toepassing is in die geval

se of a single bath, shOwer or sink having an indepen-van 'n enkele bad, stortbad of opwasbak wat afsonderlik

the case dantdischarge to a gully.lit 'n rioolput ontlas nie. .

Sperders. : . Traps.53. (1) Daar moet net onderkant iedere vuilwatertoe- 53. (1) There shall be' provided immediately beneath

behore 'n goedgekeurde Selfreinigende buissperder met every waste-water fitting an approved self-cleansing tubu-'n toereikende steekoog wat deur die waterslot beskerm lac trap having an adequate cleaning eye protected by theword en wat 'n verwyderbare deksel op het, aangebring water-seal and having a removable cover.word. . (2) The nominal internal diameter of such a trap, as. . .

(2) Die nominale binnemiddellyn van 'n sperder soos aforesaid shall be not less than one inch and a quarter, invoornoem, moet minstens een en 'n kwart duim in die the case of a* wash-hand basin and one inch and a half ingeval' van 'n handewasbak,' en anderhalf duim in die the case of a sink or bath. 1'


geval van 'n opwasbak of 'n.bad wees..' ., , (3) The depth of the water-seal in - a trap shall in no case

m (3)Die diepte van die waterslot in 'n sperder ag nooit exceed four inches and shall be not less than one inch andvier duim oorskry nie, en moet minstens anderhalf duim a half in the two-pipe syatein and not less than two and ain die tweepypstelsel; en minstens twee en 'n_half duim half inches in the one-pipe die eenpypstelsel beloop. -

(4) Ondanks die bepalings van subartikel (1) is dit toe- (4) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) itlaatbaar om—

'• .. shall be permissible— , , •

(a) 'n bad, handewasbak of stortbad in 'n'odp kanaal _ . (a). for a bath or a wash-hand basin or shower to dig.


die dwarsdeursnee 'n' halwe sirkel met 'n charge without the interposition of a trap as aforesaidmiddellyn van minstens vier duim vorm, sonder om into an • open channel semi-circular in cross-section

tussenin 'n. sperder, soos voornoem; aan te bring,' te having a diameter. of at least four inches, made ofthat ontlas. Die.kanaal moet van geglasuurde erdewerk, . glazed earthenware, porcelain • or other approvedporselein of 'n • ander goedgekeurde materiaal gemaak material. accessible for cleaning throughout its length •wees; moet oar die'hele lengte daarvan vir skoonmaalc- and fixed immediately beneath the point or points ofdoeleindes toeganklik wees; moet net onderkant die ont- ;discharge, the .said

• open ,channel to discharge into a

. lasplek of -plekke vaSgesit word en moet in,'n.rioolput . trapped gully constructed., and fixed as prescribed inwat van :n sperder voofsien en wat gebou en vasgesit is . terms of these by-laws; . •


• soos . dit • by .hierdie verordeninge voolgeskryt .word, '-' (6) for a bath'or a wish-hand basin or shower instal-

ontlas;.. .. . . . .. „ .

'led in a compartment containing a urinal to discharge. .'• • (b) 'n bad, handewasbak Of stortbad wat aangebring -

Without the interposition of a trap as aforesaid into theinis 'n kompartement wat 'ti urinaal bevat, stinder 'n - -.urinal channel as long as such channel is constructed in' Sperder;• sops voornoem, tussenin, in die urinaallcandal

te laat ontlas, met ; die voorbehoud :dat -So 'n' kanaal accordance with the provisions of section 56 (3). • -ooreenkomstig die bepalings van 'artikel -56 (3)' kemaakmoet wees. , , . _


Soil-Water' Pittin gi.'

- •

,. '.

Drekwatertoebehore, ' .' ! : .- 54. Without prejudice to the particular provisions of

sections 55 and 56, every soil-water fitting shall be con-

5654.'Behoudeng die besondere bepalings van artikel 55 en

meet iedere drekwatertoebehore gemaak . wees van structed of earthenware,' fireclay, porcelain, vitreous chinaerdewerk, vUurvaste klei, porselein, glasporselein of In or other approved impervious material having in everyander goedgekeurde vloeistofdigte materiaal wat in elke case a glazed or other smooth finish, shall be of approvedgeval in geglaSmirde 'of ander gladde


deklaag inoet he; type and shall be provided with a trap haying a water sealmoet dit Vran.'n tipe wees 'wat die Raad goedkeur en moetdit !ii sperder..aatto met 'n waterslot. van. minstens - twee not less than two inches in. depth. .

duim diep. .

Water -Closets.'•'

- - ',

-. -

, Spoelklosette. ' • ... ..T:-

. ' ' - - '

55. (1) Every - room . or compartment containing any55. (1) Iedere vertrek Of afskorting wat 'n drekwater- )

toebehthe .bevat,'moet "n harde vhiet - he wat van 'n nje.. soil-water fitting shall have a rigid floor of non-absorbent

absorbeermateriaal gemaak is. t - - - i ; -- - - !, material.




(2) Iedere spoelklosetpan van die spoel- of heweltipe (2) Every water-closet pan of the wash-down or siphonicen die sperder wat daarmee saamgaan, moet in een stuk type and its associated trap shall be made in one piece,

0 gemaak wees, 'n integrerende spoelrand aanhe wat so shall be provided with an integral flushing rim so con-gemaak is dat die hele binnevlak van die spoelpan doel- structed that the entire interior surface of the bowl istreffend uitgespoel word en die oppervlakte van die staande effectively flushed, and shall have a minimum standing-

water daarin moet minstens twintig vierkante duim water-level area of twenty square inches: Provided thatbeslaan: Met dien verstande dat die sperder wat saam met the trap used with a squatting pan may be an independent'n hurkpan gebruik word,. 'n afsonderlike eenheid kan unit.vomi. (3) Any such trap as referred to in subsection (2) shall

(3) 'n Sperder soos die waama daar in subartikel (2) have an exposed outlet pipe of sufficient length to be con-verwys word, moet 'n sigbare uitlaatpyp van 'n toereikende veniently accessible for jointing.lengte aanhe, wat vir laswerk maklik bereikbaar moet wees. (4) A ventilating horn where provided for a trap, shall(4) Indies daar 'n ventilasiehoring vir 'n sperder verskaf have an internal diameter of not less than two inches andword, moet die ventilasiehoring 'n binnemiddellyn van

shall be placed at the side of and notless than three inches minstenstwee duim h8 en moet dit aan die kant van enfrom the crown of the trap on its outlet side.minstens drie duim van. die "sperder af, aan die uitlaatkant .

daarvan, aangebring word. . - (5) The following requirements shall be applicable to(5) Die volgende vereistes is van toepassing of) „ P " " P " traps fitted to water-closet pans:—

:sperders wat aan spoelklosetpanne aangebring word:— (a) They shall not be fitted with trap-ventilating horns;•(a) Hulle mag nie sperderventilasiehorings aanhe nie; (b) their outlet pipes shall run downwards at an angle(b) hulle uitlaatpype moet afwaarts loop en 'n hoek van of not less,than five degrees to the horizontal.

minstens vyf grade met die horisontale vlak vorm. (6) The 'minimum internal diameter of the outlet' of(6) Die binnemiddellyn van die uitlaat van iedere sperdet every trap shall be three and a half inches in the case of

moet in die geval van 'n spoel- ,of hurkklosetpan minstens a washdown or squatting, and three inches in the case of adrie en 'n halwe duim en in die geval Van 'n slukspoel- siphonic.waterfcloset pan.klosetpan minstens drie duim beloop.

. .

(7) The distance between the invert and the lip of the(7) Die afstand tussen die bodem en die twit yan die trap of a washdown of squatting water-closet pan Shall be

sperder van .'n spoek of hurkklosetpan moet minstens not less than two and a three-quarter inches or more thantwee 'en 'n driekwart duim en hoogstens drie duim beloop. three' inches: -

(8) Uitgesonderd in die geval van hurkpanne, most die (8) Except in the case of squatting pans, - pans shall bepanne inlegsels of skarniersitplekke aanhe wat in iedere provided with 'inserts or hinged seats. in either case madegeval van 'n nie -absorbeermateriaal gemaak most wees. of non-absorbent material.

(9) Indies daar 'n kussing of paksel tussen die voetstuk


(9) Any pad or packing inserted between the base of thevan die pan en die vloer mgesit word most die kussing pan and the floor shall be of non-absorbent materialof paksel van 'n nie-absorbeermateriaal gemaak wees.

(10) Die Raad kan heeltemal na goeddunke die gebruik (10) The Council may in its absolute discretion permitvan trogklosette van 'n goedgekeurde ontwerp, in afson- the use of trough closets of approved design in separate

derlike geboue wat vir. die doel verskaf is, toeliat. buildings provided for the purpose.

Urinate. •'

. Urinals. .. .

, 56. (1) Iedere urinaal moet van die bak-, vak-, trog-, 56. (1) Every urinal shall be of the basin, stall, trough,pan- of ander goedgekeurde tipe wees en dit moet, sonder tray or other approved type, discharging without the inter-'n ander toebehore tussenin, in 'n sperder wat regstreeks position of any other fitting into a trap which trap shall be'met 'n vuilpyp of perseelriool verbind moet wees, ontlas. connected directly to a soil pipe or drain.

(2) Iedere tirinaal most regstreeks in sy eie sperder (2) Every urinal. shall discharge directly, into its ownontlas: Met dien verstande dat twee of meer urinale wat trap: Provided that where two or more urinals are conti-langs mekaar le in 'n gemeenskaplike kanaal mag ontlas. pious to one another they may discharge into a common

(3)' Iedere kanaal waarin I'm urinaal ontlas, moet van ln channel. .

goedgekeurde vloeistofdigte materiaal met 'n geglasuurde (3) Eveiry channel into which a urinal discharges' shallof ander deklaag gemaak wees, en moet gelykmatig be of approved impervious material having a glazed orskuins afloop na die sperder. . smooth finish and shall be evenly graded to the trap.

(4) Die sperder van iedere urinal moet in dieselfdevertrek of afskorting as die urinaal self gelee wees. . (4) The trap of every urinal - shall be located in the same

0 •.. (5) Die binnemiddellyn van 'n urinaal se sperder moet 100111 or compartment as the urinal itself.

,minstens drie duim beloop, en so - 'n sperder moet 'n koepel-.

(5) - The trap of a urinal shall have an internal diameterrooster met skarniere aanhe, wat so ontwerp, moet wees of less than three inches and shall be provided Withdat dit vaste stowwe opvang sonder om die vloei, van a hinged and - domed grating designed to trap solid -matter

1 vloeistowwe to belemmer. without obstructing the flay/ of liquid. 1


(6) Die vloer van 'n vertrei of afskorting waarin daar • ./(6) The floor of a room or Compartment containing a.., 'n urinaal is, moet skuins.afloop na die kanaal

-of sperder urinal shall slope towards the. channel or trap draining it:

wat dit dreineer: Met diercverstande dat, indiensdie kanaal Provided that where the 'channel of the urinal or' trap is

van die urinaal of sperder hoer as die vloer 18„daar 'n raised above the level of the floor, a platform at, leastplatform minstens twaalf duim breed, wat van 'n. geed- 'twelve, inches wide and made bf approved imperviousgekeurde vloeistofdigte materiaal gemiak is, verskaf meet material shall be provided 'therefor and only the said plat-word, en slegs genoemde platform moet skuins afloop soos form, shall be 1

-required to slope as aforeiaid:. - • • .. -- -

voomoem. , - • .. . •

,, . ..•.

.- Uitspael. - _

,Flushing. .

57. (1) Iedere drekwatertoebehore moet doeltreffend .57..(1) Diery ..soil-water - fitting shall be capable ofdeur middel van 'n spoelbak, spoilklep of 'n ander toestel being effectively flushed by means of a' flushing cistern,wat die Raad as geskik vir die doel goedgekeur het, uit-

flushing 'vabie or other diVice approved by the Couzial as'gespoel kan word: Met dien verstande dat urinale, uit-gesonderd die wat deel uitmaak van 'n perseelrioolstelsel being suitable for the Purpose: Provided that urinals may,met 'n riooltenk, met 'n onafgebroke stroom water uit- except where they form part of a conserving tank drainagegespoel kan word. installation, be flushed by a continuous flow of water.



(2) Ondanks die algemene strekking van die bepalings (2) Notwithstanding the generality of subsection (1) the0 van subartikel (1), moet die spoelaksie in iedere geval so flushing action shall be effective to flush the entire foulingdoeltreffend wees dat die hele besoedelingsvlak van dietoebehore uitgespoel word, en die sperder geheel en- al surface of the fitting and clear the trap completely it each

tydens elke uitspoeling skoon spoel. flush.-

. .. . . . . . .,. . . .



636 PROVINSIALE ICOERANTt .13.SEPAM13E1t t‘367. _ - _ _ _

Spoelbakke.• . .

• Flushingis erns., .- . . . .....

58. (1) Die meganisme van 'n spoelbak moet So werk.' -

58..(1) The mechanism, of. a-flusbinel cistern Shall so'dat die bak outomaties, na elke uitspoeling weer irbl.looi). operate that the cistern is automatically Milled after everydat die water outomaties ophou inloop as die spoelbak flushing, that the inflow of water is autoniatickEY


vol is, en dat die water slegs uit die spoelbak kan uitloop when the cistern is full, and that.nO water can escape fromas die Spoelmeganisme in werking gestel word of, deur the cistern otherwise -than by the - operation of the flushingmiddel van 'n oorlooppyp. . mechanism or through an overflow pipe. -

(2) 'n Spoelbak moet 'n oorlooppyp met 'n togreikendt (2) A flushing cistern shall have' an 'overflow. pipe 'ofmiddellyn aanha, en die water daaruit moet maklik op:-

adequate diameter-the discharge of which shall be readilygemerk en so weggevoer word dat dit nie die gebou kan noticeable and so directed'that it cannot cause damage tobeskadig nie. the building. - •

- -• - -

' (3) Die vlotterklep in 'n spoelbak moet so gelee en (3) The ball valve in a cistern shall be so located andgemaak wees dat die water uit die spoelbak nie kan terug- constructed that no back-siphonage from the cistern canhewel nie. take place. •


(4) Die watertoevoer na 'n spoelbak moet afsonderlik (4) The flow of water into a flushing cistern shall bedeur middel van 'n afsluitkraan wat binrie ses voet daarvan seperately controlled by a stopcock situated within six feetof gelee moet wees, beheer word. thereof..

(5) Die spoelbakke wat vir spoelklosette, vuilwatertreg- (5) Flushing cisterns used for water-closets, slop hop-ters en bedpanwasbakke en -wastoestelle gebruik word, *

flushand bed-pan sinks and washers shall discharge at each'met tydens elke uitspoeling minstens twee en 'n halwe

flush not less than two and .a half gallons of water or,gelling water, of as die bodem van die spoelbak minder

where the bottom of the cistern is less than three feet aboveas drie voet hoer as die bokant van die pan is, minstens

the top of the pan, not less than three gallons.drie gelling ontlas.

(6) Outomatiese spoelbakke vir urinale moet met iedere (6) Automatic flushing cisterns for urinals shall dis-

uitspoeling wat minstens elke twintig minute'moet geskied, charge at each flush, which shall take place at intervals of 5minstens 'n halwe gelling water vir iedere urinaalvak of not more than twenty minutes, not less than half a gallon-bak vir iedere twee voet van die breedte van die urinaal of water for each urinal stall or basin for every two feet ofontlas. .the width of the urinal.

(7) Outomatiese spoelbakke vir trogklosette moet tydens (7) Automatic flushing. cisterns for trough closets shall•iedere uitspoeling en met tussenpose van hoogstens 30 at each flush and at intervals of


not more than thirtyminute elk, minstens vyf gelling water vir iedere sitplek minutes discharge not less than• five gallons of water forontlas. , each seat.

Spoelkleppe. .. •'

. . FlushingTalves..

59. (1) 'n Spoelklep moet iederekeer wat dit in *erking 59. (1) Flushing valves shall at each•operation dischargegestel word, minstens soveel: water as wat ingevolge a volume of water not less than .is prescribed in subsectionartikel 58 (5) voorgeskryf word: ontlas.

' • '. (5) of section


58 (5). -. .:. • .

-(2) Indien spoelkleppe geinstalleer .word. moet daar (2) Where flushing va ves are installed adequate mea-

toereikende stappe gedoen word om te Verhoed dat die sures shall be taken to invent back-siphonage frbm thewater uit die drekwatertoebehote na die watertoevoerstelsel soil-water fitting into the water supply.terughewel. , . .


• •

.Testing.' .

60. (1) Nadat 'n' persielrioolstelsel of 'ti gedeelte daar- 60. 0) After the completion of a, drainage installationvan voltooi is, maar Voordat dit met 'n riooltenk;' 'n or any part thereof. bin before it is connected to a coh-

septiese tenk, die Raad se straatriool of 'it bestaande, serving-tank, a septic tank, the Council's sewer or angoedgekeurde stelsel verbind word, moet dit in die teen- existing approved installation, any or all of the followingwoordigheid van een van die Raad .se gemagtigde tests shall in the presence of one of its authorised officersbeamptes aan een van, of al die volgende toetse onderwerp be applied and withstood to the .satisfaction of the Conn-

'word en die toets of toetse tot voldoening van die Raad cil:—deurstaan:— .

(a) The interior of every •pipe or series of pipes between(a) Die binnekant van iedere pyp of reeks pype tussen two points of access shall be inspected throughout its

twee toegangsplekke moet oor die bele Iengte daarvan met'n spieel en 'n Hg geinspekteer word; tydens die inspeksie length by means of a mirror and a source of light; duringmoet 'n voile ligsirkel vir die waarnemer sigbaar weer, en the inspection a

- full' circle of light shall appear to themoet• hy kan sien dat die pyp of reeks pype nie versper observer, and the pipe 'of series of pipes shall be seen tois nie.. be unobstructed.

(b) 'ir Gladde bal met 'n middellyn van 'n halwe duim (b) A smooth ball laving a diameter half an inch lesskleiner as die nominate middellyn van die pyp moet than the nominal diameter of the pipe shall, when insertedwanneer dit by die boonste punt van die pyp ingesit word, at the higher end of the pipe, roll 'down without assistancesander - hulp of onderbreking tot by die onderste puntdaarvan, in die pyp langs rol. or interruption to the lower end.

(c) Nadat alle openings van die pyp of reeks pype wat (c) All openings of the pipe or series of pipes to begetoets moet word, toegestop of verseel is en alle sperders tested having been plugged or sealed and all traps asso-wat daarmee saamgaari met water gevul is, meet daar ingenoemde pyp of pype lug ingepomp word totdat 'n

. Iciated therewith filled with water, air. shall be pumped

manometriese druk van anderhalf duim water aangedui into the said pipe or pipes until a manometric pressure ofword, en dan moet genoemde druk minstens drie minute one inch and a half of water is indicated, after which with-lank hoar as een duim water bly, sonder dat daar weer out pumping the said' pressure shall remain greater


thanlug ingepomp hoef te word. one inch of water for a period of at least three minutes.

• (2) Bogenoemde toetse meet uitgevoer en genoemdeapparaat daarvoor verskaf word, sander dat dit die Raad (2) The aforesaid tests shall be carried out and the

iets kos. apparatus therefor shall be supplied at no expense to the

(3) Indien die Raad rede het om te glo dat 'n bepaalde Council.

perseelrioolstelsel of enige gedeelte daarvan gebrekkig (3) Where the Council has reason to believe that anygeword het, kan hy die eienaar daarvan gelas om, sonder drainage installation or any part thereof has become de- 5dat dit die Raad iets kos, enigeen van, of al die toetse fective it may require the owner thereof to conduct there-

wat by subartikel (1) voorgeskryf word, daarop uit te voer, on, at no expense to the Council, any or all of the tests'en indien die stelsel enigeen Van die toetse nie tot vol- prescribed in subsection (1) and if the installation fails todoening van die Raad deurstaan nie, kan die Raad die' withstand any such test to' the satisfaction of the Council;



eienaar gelas om op eie koste en binne die tydperk wat the Council may call upon the owner to carry out at hisdie Raad voorskryf, sodanige herstelwerk daaraan te own expense, and within such period as it may stipulate,verrig wat nodig mag wees sodat die stelsel enigeen van, such repairs as may be necessary to enable the installationof al, bogenoemde toetse kan' deurstaan: to withstand any or all of the said tests.

. Riooffi ompe. Sewage Lifts.61. (1) Alle pompe, uitwerpers of ander meganiese 61. (1) All pumps, ejectors or other mechanical

toestelle waarna daar in artikel 11 (6) verwys word, moot appliances referred to in section 11 (6) shall be so situatedso geledwees en so werk dat dit nie 'n geraas of reukoorlas and operated as not to cause any nuisance through noiseveroorsaak the, en iedere afskorting wat so 'n toestel bevat, or smell, and every compartment containing any suchmoet doeltreffend verlig en geventileer wees. appliance shall be effectively lighted and ventilated.

(2) Die Raad kan die maksimum tempo waarteen 'rttoestel soos die wat in hierdie artikel genoem word, riool- (2) The Council may prescribe the maximum rate of

vuil in die straatriool mag ontlas en die tye. wanneer dit the sewer from any such appliance as is men-


geskied, voorskryf, en hy kan die eienaar gelas om so boned in this section and the times between which the

'n -toestel van die nodige toebehore en reelaars te voorsien discharge .can take place. and may require the owner to

ten erode te verseker dat genoemde voorgeskrewe mak- provide such fittings and regulating devices as may be

simum tempo nie oorskry word nie. necessary to ensure that the said prescribed maximum rate

Private Behandelingsinrigtings.shall not be exceeded.

62. Niemand mag sonder die skriftelike toestemming Private Treatment Plants.van die Raad wat, indien die Raad dit verleen, geensins 62. No person shall construct, fix, maintain or operateafbreuk doen aan die bepalings van artikel 11 nie, en in any septic tank, french drain, conserving tank or otherieder geval sonder om aan die toepaslike bepalings van plant for the treatment, disposal or storage of sewage with-die Raad se Openbare Gesondheidsverordeninge te .vol- out the written consent of the Council, the giving of whichdoen, 'n scptiese tenk, 'n stapelriool, 'n riooltenk of 'n shall be without prejudice to the provisions of section 11,

! ander toestel vir die behandeling, wegruiming of opberging and in any event without complying with its Public Healthvan rioolvuil bou, bevestig, onderhou of gebruik nie.

Septiese Tenks.By-laws so far as relevant.

Septic Tanks.63. (1) Geen gedeelte van .n septiese tenk of 'n ander 63. (I) No part of any septic tank or other plant as

toestel, soos voornoem, mag nader as die onderskeie af- aforesaid shall be situated nearer to any building used forstande wat by die Raad se Publieke Gesondheidsverorde- human habitation or to any boundary of the lot, erf, orninge voorgeskryf word, aan 'n gebou wat dew mense stand on which it is situated than the distance respectivelybewoon word, of aan 'n grens van die plot, erf of stand- prescribed in terms of the Council's Public Health By-plaas waarop dit gelee is, 16 nie. laws.

(2) Die uitvloeistelsel van 'n septiese tenk of 'n ander (2) The effluent from a septic tank or other plant astoestel, soos voornoem moet tot voldoening van die Raad aforesaid shall be disposed of to the satisfaction of .these Stadsgeneesheer ooreenkomstig die bepalings van die Council's Medical Officer of Health in terms of its PublicRaad se Publieke Gesondheidsverordeninge weggeruim Health By-laws.word. (3) Every septic tank shall be watertight, securely

(3) Iedere septiese tenk moet waterdig, behoorlik toege- covered and of adequate capacity.maak en van toereikende grootte wees. (4) There shall be provided for every septic tank, by

(4) Daar moet deur middel van mangatdeksels met means of double-seal manhole covers, access adequate fordubbelafdigting toereikende toegang tot iedere septiese inspection and for the removal of sludge.tenk verskaf word sodat dit geinspekteer en die slyk daar-uit verwyder kan ward. French Drains.

Stapelriole.• 64. (1) The Council may in its discretion permit the

64. (1) Die Raad kan na goeddunke toelaat dat vuil- disposal of waste water or industrial effluent by means

water 'of fabrieksuitvloeisel weggeruim word deur middel of french drains as well as soakage pits or other worksvan goedgekeurde stapelriole sowel as syferputte of ander approved by it as being effective to preclude the breedingwerke wat so doeltreffend is dat dit so verhoed dat mis- of mosquitoes and flies or the arising of any nuisance orkiete en vliee daar uitbroei, of dat dit tot 'n oorlas of 'n any danger to health and as not being a possible cause ofgesondheidsgevaar kan strek of dat dit moontlik klam- dampness in any adjoining buildings.migheid in enige aangrensende gebou veroorsaak.

(2) Iedere gedeelte van 'n stapelriool, syferput of 'nander dergelike werk moet minstens vyftien voet van diegrens van die plot, erf of standplaas waarop dit gelee is,


(2) Every part of a french drain, soakage pit or othersimilar work shall be at least fifteen feet distant from theboundary of the lot, erf or stand on which it is situated,from any building or from any septic tank, and in such

en van enige gebou of van enige septiese tenk af en op so a position that it will in the opinion of the. Council notn plek gelee wees dat dit na die mening van die Raad nie contaminate any borehole or other source of water which

, 'n boorgat of 'n ander waterbron waarvan die water ge- is or may be used for drinking.drink word, of mag word, kan besoedel nie. Conserving Tanks.

Riooltenks. .

65. (1) The Council may in its discretion permit the65. (1) Die Raad kan die eienaar van 'n eiendom na owner of a property to construct at no cost direct or in-

goeddunke toelaat om, mits dit die Raad regstreeks of direct to the Council, a conserving tank and ancillaryonregstreeks niks kos the, 'n riooltenk en hulptoestelle vir appliances for the retention of soil -water or such otherdie opgaar van . drekwater of sodanige ander uitvloeisels effluent as it may decide,- of such capacity, in such positionas waartoe hy mag besluit, van sodanige grootte en op so- and at such level as it may prescribe.danige plek en hoogte as wat hy voorskryf te bou. (2) No rainwater or stormwater and no effluent other

(2) Geen reenwater of vloedwater en geen ander uit- than that which the Council has permitted under subsectionvloeisel as die-

wat die Raad by subartikel (1) goedgekeur (1) shall be discharged into a conserving tank.het, mag in 'n riooltenk ontlas word nie.(3) Geen riooltenk kan as sodanig gebruik word nie, (3) No conserving tank may be used as such unless


andtensy en alvorens dit aan die volgende vereistes voldoen:— until the following requirements are complied with:—

(a) Dit moet van harde en duursame materiaal gebou (a) It shall be constructed of hard and durable mate-

wees. rials.

•(b) Indien die mure van stene is, moet dit minstens 9 (b) The walls, if made of brick, shall be at least nineduim dik wees, en moet die stene goedgekeur wees en met inches thick and made of approved bricks, laid in cementsementdagha vasgemessel wees; indien die mure van ge- mortar and if made of reinforced concrete, shall have awapende beton is, moet dit minstens 6 duim dik wees. minimum thickness of six inches.




__ '638 PROVINSIALE'ilCOERANT.,..13: SEPTEMBER 1967— . . ...•

0. Die dal( -en' vim.; meet van gewapende beton- gen-mak :. (c). The roof and floor shall beseinforced concrete .with

en minstens ses duim dik wees. a minimum thickness of six. inches.'

7. . -. . . .

.. •,

(d) Die binne- en buitevlakke van die inure en:dak . -

(d)..Thei internal acid external surfaces oeWlalls and roof •'moet glad en vloeistofdig wees. -

shall have a smooth impermeable, surface.' '

(e) Die bodern van die Lenk meet met 'n gradient vanminstens een op tien skuins afloop na die uitlaat en moet (e) The invert. of the tank shall slope towards the , out-met sementdagha met 'n troffel glad afgewerk wees:


let at a gradient of not less llian .one in ten and shall be, .(f) Die tenk ,moet gas - en- waterdig wets wanneer 'dit finished with a smooth trowelled surface. in cement mortar..klaar is, en die Raed kan te enigei tyd toetse taper' om . . . . , . :


vas te stel of die tenk nog so is. • (I) The tank shall be gas- and watertight' when com-(g) Die eienaar of_ bewoner van 'n perseel wat 'n riool pitted .and the Council may carry out tests at any time

tenk beVat, moet se you doenlik nadat dit ondet sy aan- with a view to 'ascertaining that it has remained so,.dag gekom het: Of moes gekom het indien by redelike .


waaksaamheid aan die dog gele het, enige break in die (g) The owner or occupier .of premises containing a

oppervlakte van die tenk of enige ander gebrek daarin conserving tank shall as soon as possible after it has, orwould•

herstel, en moet veral enige lekplek of ander gebrek wat by the exercise of reasonable diligence on his part

tydens 'n toets wat die Raad uitvoer aan die lig korn op- have, come to his notice, repair any breach in the surface

spoor en herstel. of the tank or other defect therein and in particular locate

(4) Toegang tot 'n riooltenk moct geskied dcur middel. the Council iand repair any leak or other defect revealed by a test made

1 van 'n goedgekeurde marigat wat 'n verwyderbare giet- by

ysterdeksel op het, en iedere sodanige tenk moet 'n giet- (4) Access to a conserving tank shall be provided byysteruitlaatpyp met 'n binnemiddellyn van 4 duim aanhe means of an approved manhole fitted with a removableen die uitlaatpyp moet, waar dit buite die tenk eindig, 'n cast-iron cover and every such tank shall have a cast- irongoedgekeurde klep en goedgekeurde toebehore aanhe wat outlet pipe, four inches in internal diameter, terminatingdie Raad vereis om dit met vaktiumtenkwaens to kan ver- with an approved valve and fittings as required by thebind. Council for connection to vacuum-tank vehicles.

(5) Die klep en toebehore waarna in subartikel (4) ver-, wys word, moet aangebring word in 'n hokkie wat 'n goed- (5) The valve and fittings referred to in subsection (4)

gekeurde skarnierdeksel op het en wat op 'n plek gelee is. shall be placed in a chamber, having an approved hingedinsluitende 'n openbare pad, wat die Raad aanwys. cover and situated in such position, including a public

(6) The Council may in its discretion, having regard to road, as the Council may decide.the position of a conserving tank or of the point whereitis connected to a vacuum-tank vehicle make it a condition (6) Die Raad kan na goeddunke, met inagneming vanof its emptying the tank that the owner thereof or the per- die ligging van 'n riooltenk of van die plek waar dit metson using the same, shall indemnify it, in writing, against 'n vakuumtenkwa verbind word, dit as 'n voorwaardeany sum which it may become liable to pay to any person waarop by die teak sal leegmaak, stel dat die eienaar ofas a result, direct or indirect, of the rendering of that set- gebruiker van die tenk hom skriftelik moet vrywaar teenvice. die betaling van enige bedrag wat enigiemand van die

(7) Where the Council's vacuum-tank vehicle has to be Read eis. regstreeks of onregstreeks omdat by did diensdriven on the private property for the emptying of a con- leaver. ,

serving tank the owner 'thereof shall provide for thepur- (7) Indien die Raad Se vakuumtenkwa private eiendompose a road at least twelve feet wide, so hardened as to be moot binnegadn ten einde 'n riooltenk te kan leegmaak,capable of withstanding a wheel-load of four tons in all most die climax; van 'die tenk vir genoemde doel 'n padweather, and no gateway through which the vehicle is re- verskaf, minstens 12 voet breed, wat so hard gemaak isquired to pass to reach the tank, shall be less than twelve dat dit •'n wiellas van 4 ton in ale weersomstandighedefeet wide. • • kan dra en geen hek waar die wa meet deurry om die tenkWerk. diur die Raad. • • ' • • te kan bereik, mag smaller as 12 voet wees nie.

' :

66'. (1) Indica die Read lemand by keniiisgcwing krag- .... . .. . . , .

tens hierdie verordeninge gelas het om bou- , herstel-, 'ver- • „, .,' ' Work by Coiincil.


trigs- of onderhoudswerk te verrig, eh 'so "emend in.

66. (1) Where any person has been required by thegebreke bly on' die welt' binne die gesette tyd te verrig, Council by notice in terms of these by-laws to carry outkan die Raad, behoudens sy, reg bin hom ;Ook M vervolg'any work whether, by way of construction, repair, replace-weens die oortreding van - hierdie verordeninge, self die .anent or maintenance and has failed to do so within theWerk verrig, en al die koste Wat by in die verbind aan- time stipulated by. it, it may, without prejudice to its rightgoon, volgens die gewone - regsprosedure *at op die ver-also to proceed against him as for a contravention of thesehaal van siviele skuld van - toepasSing is, op die betrokke

perioimi verhaal.- " '

• 'by-laws, proceed itself to .carry out the work and may re-, ., cover by the ordinary process of law applicable to the. . . _

(2) Indien die Raad werk verrig, nitgescinderd die waar- recovery of a civil debt the entire cost of so doing fromvoor daar 'n vaste bedrag in bylae C by hierdie verorde- the person to whom the notice was directed. ...

ninge voorgeskryf word, en die Raad kragtens hierdie (2) Where any work other than that for which a fixedverordeninge daarop geregtig is om die koste 'daarvan openigiemand te verhaal, kan die Raad by sulke koste la charge is provided in schedule C to these by-laws is donebedrag insluit, soos deur hom bereken, ter dekking van by the Council, the cost of which it is entitled by these by-alle uitgawe wat die Raad redelikenvys aangegaan het, laws to recover from any person, there may be includedmet inbegrip van die koste van opmetingswerk, planne, in such cost such sum to be assessed by the - Council asspesifikasies, hoeveelheidslyste, toesigwerk, arbeid, mate- will cover all expenditure reasonably incurred by it, in-riaal, die gebruik van masjinerie en gereedskap en die eluding the cost of surveys, plans, specifications, bills ofkoste daarvan om enige straat, grond, gebou of ander quantities, supervision, labour, materials, the use of plantwerke te versteur, goed te maak, opnuut te maak, te her- and tools and the 'cost of disturbing, making good and re-stel of te herbou. making, repairing or re-building any street, ground, build-

(3) Die Raad moct elle skade aan sy straatriole of aaning or other works.

enige gedeelte van sy rioolstelsel wat veroorsaak word (3) Any damage caused to the Council's sewers or anydeur, of wat voortspruit uit, die nie -nakoming of oortre- other part of its sewerage system by or in consequence ofding van enige bepaling van hierdie verordeninge goed- the non-compliance with or contravention of any provi-

11maak of herstel, maar die persoon wat aan genoemde nie- sion of these by-laws, shall be rectified or repaired by thenakoming of oortreding skuldig is of wat dit veroorsaak Council at the expense, to be assessed by it, of the personhet of duld, moet die koste daarvan wat die Raad bereken, guilty of the said non -compliance or contravention or ofbetaal. causing or suffering the same.



PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, '13 - SEPTEMBER 1967 639. .. _____ ....... ... -

Bemoeiing met Straairiool. Obstruction and False Information.67. Niemand uitgesonderd iemand wat die Raad daar- 67. No person except a person authorized by the Conn-

toe gemagtig het, mag 'n straatriool, mangat of ander cil to do so shall break into, enter or in any other mannerwerke of 'n gedeelte daarvan, of dit nou gelde is op grond whatsoever interfere with any sewer, manhole or otherwat aan die Raad behoort of deur horn beheer word, 'al - - r

work or any part thereof, whether or not situated on pro-dan nie, wat vir die wegruiming of behandeling van riool-vuil bedoel is en waarvan die eiendomsreg -by die Raad party owned or controlled by the Council, intended forberus, oopbreek, binnegaan of horn op enige wyse daar- the conveyance or treatment of sewage and which is vestedmee bemoei nie.. - in it.

• •

- Dwarsbotning en Vats Inligting. Obstruction and False Information.68. (1) 'n Beampte wat die Raad daartoe gemagtig het, 68. (1) An- official authorized by the Council shall hav'e

het die reg om enige perseel op enige redelike tydstip te the right to enter upon any premises at any reasonablebetre.e. met die doel om rioolvuil of fabrielcsuitvloeisd te time in order to take samples of or test sewage Or indus-bemonster, te toets, of om enige inspeksie of werk wat hy trial effluent, or to carry out any inspection or work inriodig ag, in verband met 'n perseelrioolstelsel uit te voer. connection with a drainage installation which it may deem

(2) 'n Eienaar of bewoner van 'n perseel wat toegang necessary.tot 'n perseel weier of laat weier of dit duld dat enig-iemand anders aldus toegang weier aan 'n beampte wat (2) An owner or occupier of premises who denies ordit kragtens subartikel (1) eis, of wat enige sodanige' be- causes or suffers any other person to deny entry to premisesampte in die uitvoering van sy pligte dwarsboom of laat to any officer demanding the same in terms of subsectiondwarsboom, of duld dat enigiemand anders so 'n beampte (1) or who obstructs or causes or suffers any other personaldus dwarsboom, of wat inligting wat die beampte nodig to obstruct any such officer in the performance of hishet ten einde genocmde pligte te kan uitvoer, van hom duties, or who withholds or causes or suffers any other'

0 weerhou of laat weerhou of dit duld dat enigiemand so- person .to withhold information required by the officer fordanige inligting weerhou, of wat willens en wetens aan die the purpose of carrying out his said duties, or who gives orbeampte vals inligting verstrek, laat verstrek of dit duld causes or suffers any other person to give to the officer anydat enigiemand anders sulke vals inligting aan horn ver- information which is to his knowledge false shall be guilty.strek, begaan 'n misdryf. of an -offence. '

•, •

Strawwe. Penalties. . ' .

. :.69. (1) Behoudens enige bepaling van hierdie "verorde- . 69. (1) Without prejudice to any provision of these by-

ninge waarin 'n misdryf uitdruklik gespesifiseer word, be- laws wherein an offence is expressly specified, any persongaan enigiemand wat 'n bepaling van hierdie verordeninge who contravenes or fails to comply with any provision of'oortree of wat versuim of daaraan te voldoen, 'n misdryf these by-laws shall be guilty of an offence and shall been is hy by 'n eerste skuldigbevinding strafbaar met 'n liable on a first Conviction to a fine not excedihg R50 andboete van hoogstens R50 en by enige daaropvolgende on any subsequent conviction to a fine not exceeding R100.skuldigbevinding, met 'n boete van hoogstens R100.

(2) Iemand wat versuim om in enige opsig te voldoen (2) Any person who fails to comply in any, respect withaan 'n kennisgewing, wat die Raad aan hom betaken het en any notice served on him by the Council directing him towaarby hy gelas word om lets te doen of nie te doen do or not to do anything shall 'be guilty of an offence andnie, begaan 'n misdryf en begaan nog 'n misdryf vir iedere shall in addition be guilty of a further offence for everydag of gedeelte van 'n dag waarop die versuim voortduur, day or part of a day during 'which the non -complianceen is ten opsigte van iedere misdryf, soos voornoem, by continues, and shall be liable in respect of each offence asskuldigbevinding strafbaar met 'n boete van hoogstens aforesaid to a fine not exceeding R10.R10.


DEEL I. .' ' PART I.

Aansoekgelde. Application Charges.

1. Die gelde wat in deel II van hierdie bylae aangegce 1. The Charges set out in part II of this schedule shallword, is ingevolge artikel 10 (1) betaalbaar ten opsigte be payable in terms of section 10 (1) in respect of everyvan, iedere aansoek wat ingevolge artikel 5 ingedien word, application made under section 5 and shall be paid by theen moet betaal word deur die persoon deur wie of namens person



wie die aansoek gedoen word.2. Die ingenieur moet die gelde wat betaalbaar is ten

opsigte van aansoeke wat ingevolge artikel 5 ontvang word,ooreenkomstig deel II of, in 'n spesiale gavot, so na as . •

moontlik ooreenkomstig genoemde.deel II bereken: Met •

dien verstande dat enigiemand wat:ivoel dat hy deur sonberekening benadeel is, daarteen appal kan aanteken opdie wyse wat by artikel 3 voorgeskryf word.


1. Minimum bedrag betaalbaar ten opsigte van enigeaansoek, soos voornoem

R c

by or on behalf of whom the application is made.

2. The - engineer shall assess the charges payable inrcspect of application received in terms of section 5 inaccordance with part II, or in any special case as nearly

in accordance therewith: Provided that anyperson aggrieved by any such assessment shall have theright to appeal in the manner prescribed in terms of.assectmaiony37


.. as 1;f0Mreinsaimidumcharge payable in, respect of any application .

R c

2 00-

2. Subject to the obligation to pay a minimum charge'•'200

2. Behoudens die vcrpligting om 'n minimum bedrag as prescribed in item I, the charges payable in respect ofsoos voorgeskryf by item I, te betaal, is die 'volgende gelde any application as aforesaid shall be the following:—betaalbaar ten opsigte van enige aansoek soos voor-

. (1) For every 500 or part of that number of square feetnoem:— -

. of the floor area of -the basement and groundfloof storeys

(1) Vir iedere 500 vierkante voet of gedeelte daarvan, of any building to be served by, or the use of which will, ,

van die vloerruimte van die kelder- en grondverdieping whether directly or indirectly; he associated with use of,van enige gebou wat bedien word deur, of waarvan die the .drainage installation . I 00gebruik regstreeks of onregstreeks saamgaan met die • (2) For every 500 Or part of that number of square feetgebruik van, die perseelrioolstelsel . 1 00 of the floor area of all other - storeys of a building as

(2) Vir iedere 500 vierkant voet of gedeelte daarvan, described in paragraph (I) of this item .... ... ... ... .... ... 0 50van die vloerruimte van alle ander verdiepings van 'ngebou soos dit by paragraaf (1) omskryf word ... ... ... 0 50 3. The charges payable in respect of any application for

an alteration, not amounting to 'a reconstruction of, or for3. Vir enige aansoek om bestaande perseelrioolstelsel te

110 additions' to, an existing drainage installation shall bethe kanverbou (uitgesonderd die herbouing daarvan), of omfol . _

.lowing:— • .aanbouingswerk daarvan te kan verrig vir iedere verdieping , .

van 'n gebou, soos dit by item 2• (1) omskryf word ... ... 2 00- For each- storey' of a blinding' as described in item 2.:.. 2 00

4. Vir iedere aansoek wat ingevolge artikel: 7 (2) bloc- ' -4. Chargy.payable in - respect of every application, made. • •

dien woid ... ... ... . - _2 00 in terms of section 7 (2) . .. . . ,. '.2 00

i 11



DEEL I. . PART I. IDie Algetnene Reels Bereffende Gelde. General Rules Regarding Charges.,

1. Die gelde wat in hierdie bylae aangegee word, is inge-1. The charges set out in this schedule shall in terms of

volge artikel 9 ten opsigte van die Raad se - straatriole - - -section 9 be payable in respect of the Council's sewers

betaalbaar en die eienaar van die eiendom waarop die and the owner of the property to which any charge relatesgelde betrekking het, is daarvoor aanspreeklik. shall be liable therefor. . •

2. Waar die woord „halfjaar " in hierdie bylae voor-kom, betekcn dit die tydperk van ses maande wat Op 1 2. The expression " half-year " in this schedule means'Januarie of op 1 Julie, na gelang van die geval, begin cn the period of six -months beginning on the 1st January ordie gelde wat gedurende en ten opsigte van iedere sodanige the 1st July, as the case may be, and the charges accruinghalfjaar oploop, is verskuldig en betaalbaar op diesclfde during and in respect of each such half-year shall becomedatum as die algemene eiendomsbelasting vir die halfjaar: due and payable on the same date as the general rateMet dien verstande dat die gelde wat ingevolge deel IV van assessed in respect of that half-year: Provided that the


hierdie bylae gehef word, halfjaarliks agteruitbetaal moet charges imposed in terms of part IV of this schedule shallword. be payable half-yearly in arrear.

3. Temand wat gelas word om ingevolge hierdie bylae 3. Where any person who is required to furnish a return'n opgawe in te dien of om anders inligting te verstrek wat in terms of this schedule or to provide such other infor- '

die Raad nodig het om die gelde ingevolge hierdie bylae mation as may be necessary to enable the Council tote kan bereken, en wat vermin om dit te doen binne 30 determine the charges to be made under this schedule failsthe nadat by skriftelik kennis ontvang het om dit te doen, to do so within thirty days after having been called uponmeet die gelde betaal wat die Raad met die beste inligting to do so by notice, in writing, he shall pay such chargestot sy beskikking bereken. as the Council shall assess on the best information

4. In alle geskille wat ontstaan oor die deel of kate- available to it.411gorie van hierdie bylae wat van toepassing is. of oor die

4. In all cases of dispute as to the part or category ofdatum waarop enige deel of kategorie van toepassing is opedge perseel, is die beslissing van die ingenieur beslissend :

this schedule which is applicable or as to the date from

Met then verstande dat die eienaar in so 'n geval by die which any part or category is applicable to any premises,

Komitee van die Raad wat met die administrasie van hier- the decision of the engineer shall be decisive subject to a

die verordeninge belas is, teen sy beslissing appel kan aan- tight of the owner to appeal against his decision to the

teken. Committee of the Council appointed to administer these

5. (1) In die geval van 'n perseel wat reeds met 'n straat-by-laws.

riool verbind is, word die gelde wat by dele II tot V gehef 5. (1) In the case of premises already connected to aword. en in die geval van 'n perseel wat,nie met 'n straat- sewer the charges imposed in terms of parts II to V and inlira verbind is nie, word die gelde wat by deel !Ivan hier- the case of premises not connected to a sewer the chargesdie bylae gehef word, van krag op die datum waarop hier- imposed in terms of part II of this schedule shall come intodie verordeninge afgekondig word. operation on the date of promulgation of these by - laws.

(2) In die geval van 'n perseel wat nie met 'n straat- (2) In the case of premises not connected to a sewerriool verbind is nie, word die gelde wat by dele III, IV en the charges imposed in terms of parts III, IV and V shallV gehef word, van bag op die datum waarop 'n perseel come into operation on the date on which the Councilin opdrag van die Raad met 'n straatriool verbind meet requires that a connection shall be made to a sewer or from .

word. of waarop die erseel inderdaad met 'n straatriool the date when the premises are in fact connected to averbind word, watter datum ook al die vroegste is. sewer, whichever is the earlier. •

6. Indien 'n gebou gedeeltelik geokkupeer word voordat 6. Where any building is partially occupied beforedit voltooi is, word die helfte van die gelde wat inge- completion, charges shall be levied in respect of it at halfvolge deel III van hierdie bylae daarop van toepassing is, the rates appropriate to it in terms of part III of thisvir 'n tydperk van drie kalendermaande van ,die datum schedule for a period of three calendar months after theof waarop dit die eerste geokkupeer is gehef, maar daarna date of the first occupation after which the said chargesmoet genoemde gelde ten voile betaal word. , shall be paid in the full amount of the said rate.

7. Die gelde wat by dele III, IV en V van hierdie by-7. The charges imposed in terms of parts III, IV and V

lae gehef word bly, in die geval van geboue wat heeltemal of this schedule shall remain effective in the case ofleeg staan of gesloop word, van krag tot op die datum buildings wholly unoccupied or in the course of demolitionwaarop die Raad gevra word om die betrokke opening until the date on which the Council is asked to seal thena die Raad se straatriool te versed] . opening to the Council's sewer.

8. Ingeval daar 'n verandering, uitgesonderd 'n verande-8. Where any change, other than a change as referrecItoring soos did waarna daar in reel 7 verwys word, plaasvind .. rule 7, is made in the nature of the occupation or thein die aardinvan die okkupasie of die gebruik van 'n per-

use of any premises which required the application of adifferentseel en so 'n verandering meebring dat 'n ander tarief head of charge in terms of this schedule, no

ingevolge hierdie bylae daarop van toepassing gemaak claim for any adjustment of an account rendered ormoet word, oorweeg die Raad geen eis vir die ver- any refund of moneys paid in terms of this schedule shallandering van 'n rekening wat reeds gelewer is of vir die be entertained•b y the Council unless .

notice in writing ofterugbetaling van gelde wat -betaal is ingevolge hierdie the 'change is given to the Council within thirty days ofbylae, tensy die Raad binne 30 dae nadat so 'n verandering a -

the date of its occurrence.'

plaasgevind het, skriftelik daarvan in kennis gestel is.

9. In die geval van persele of plekke wat met die Raad 9. In the case of premises or places connected to the

se straatrioolstelsel verbind is en wat nie ressorteer onder Council's sewerage system and not falling under any of

enigeen van die kategoriee wat in hierdie bylae uiteengesit the categories enumerated in this schedule, the charge to

word nie, moet die gelde wat die Raad vorder, met inag- be imposed by the Coununcil shall, regard being had to

neming van die aard van die perseel, so na as moontlik the nature of the premises, correspond as closely as

ooreenstem met die bepalings van hierdie bylae. • possible to the provisions of this schedule.

10. Die eienaar van 'n perseel wat buite die munisipali- 10. The owner of premises situated outside the munici-teit gelee is en regstreeks met 'n straatriool van die Raad pality which are connected to the Council's sewer directlyverbind is, en nie deur middel van die straatriool


van 'n and not through the sewer of any other local authorityander plaaslike bestuur nie,- moet al die gelde wat,in hier- shall be liable to pay all the charges set out or referred todie bylae uiteengesit of aangegee word, benewens 'n toe- in this' schedule and, in addition, a surcharge of 5% (fiveslag van 5 (vyf percent) daarop, betaal. per cent) thereon.




• _ .... ., . PROVINCIAL. "GAZETTE, '13 -SEPTEMRER: 1967 641'..



iii Die Gelde ten opsigte van Straatriole.1. Vir die toepassing 'van hierdie ..cleel Nan hierdie bylae

Charges in respect of Sewers which are Available.1. For the purposes of this part of this schedule—

betekenr . "piece of land" means any piece of land registered in'„stuk grorid ." enige - stuk grand wat: in. 'n aktekantoor a- aced registry - as an erf, lot, stand or other area, or as a

geregistreer is as 'n erf, plot, standblaai of•ander gebied, of portion - of such •erf, lot, stand or other area, or any •

as 'n gedeelte van so 'n erf, plot, standplaas.of ander gebiecl, defined portion, -not - intended as - a public - place, of a pieceof as 'n omskrewe .gedeelte, wat nie as 'n openbare plek of land proclaimed as a township, or of a piece of land'bedoel is : nie; van

- 'n stuk grond - wat as 'n dorp which is held under mining title or which, being proclaimed. geproklameer is, of van - 'n Stuktrond wat kragtens 'n myn- - land not held under mining title, is used for residential

brief - gehou word of-

wat geproldarneerde grond is wat porp.Oses or for purposes not incidental to mining opera-rfie kragtens 'n mynbrfef gehou word nie en wat vir woon- dims. - . . -

doeleindes wat nie -Met! rnynboubedrywighede in - verband T2. Where any piece of land, whether or not there are anystaan riie,•gebruik Word. • - 2 - 7 - -


i .• .. : improvements [heron, is, or in the opinion of the Council.. . .. . - .

2. Indien 'n stuk grond, of daar verbeterings daarop is can be, connected to any sewer, under the control of theof 'nie, verbind is met 'n - 'straatribol•Wat -deurdie -Raid 'Council, the owner of that piece of land shall pay to the.beheer word, of na'.die ;ntenirig' van :die:. Raad met. so 'n : Council, every half-year the charges specified hereunder;straitriciol verbind kart word, moet. die eienaar van die subject_ to a maicinium Charge of -R18.75 'per half-year:;--

. ._ • .stuk gond. iedere halfjaar die bedrag soos hieronder 'uit- • '• .


aan die Raad betaal: Met dien verstande dat - • .•

-. -



koste• in di6 verband•nie R18.75. per halfjaaf te bowe gaan - • tr ,f . - • ".. r -, , . ,


nie: -. .

- --

R 'c'l

0 .. " .

..'- - - • . Per - (I) For an area !of up•to 12,000.Cape square feet .1. ... 8.25

. . ; .. - , , L.. • • • ball- ' (2) For every additional 1,000 Cape square feet or pprtion' ""

.• • . Mar. thereof; from an area exceeding' 12,500 Capc -square,feet up lc 1!

R c to and including a 'Meal area of 20,000 Cape square feet ... 0' 50(1) Vir. In, oppervlakte van tot 12,000, Kaapse vierkante , .. - • .. •

voet .... A. ... .. ..!'... ... ... ...- 'A. •At.• r.: .n ... ... ... 8 25 .(5).FOr ever additional 5.000 Cape square feet or portion(2) Vir 'elke bylcomende 1,060 Kalpsc.vierkante voet. of ' - thereof in excess of '20.000' Cape! square feet ...!...".:. ... 0 f.50

. .gedeelte daarvan van 'n -

oppervlakte. •wat 12,500 , Keel:Ise• • •• •

'•.. •

vierkante voet oorskry tot en met 'n totale cippeivlakte' ' In • cases.,wheie improvements' on any such. ,piece "of

van 20,000 Kaapse vierkante voet .,...::_.:. ...rt... ... ... 0 50 land are in separate' occupation' in detached buildings;(3) Vir elke bykomericle '5,000 Kaapse viericante voet of - • this tariff shall apply to each portion of such piece of land

gedeelte daarvah meer as 20,000 Kaapse vierkante voet :.. 0 50 in separate occupation, - without prejudice to any .provisionsIn gevalle waar Verbeterings op . enige sodanige . stuk , of the Council's town,-planning scheme.

grond afsonderlik bewoon word in losstaande geboue, is ..:-. ... .4nil. the purposes of this, tariff the area ,of any. portion

hierdie tarief' van toepassing'

op elke afsonderlike e• . of ..._. . •

coy piece .ittio in separate occupation shall be deter,L.bewoonde gedeelte van so 'n • stuk grond, sonder mined by dividmg the area of such piece oflifici.bY" 'thebanadeling van 'enige bepalings 'van-die Riad se derps- number of 'detached buildingss in


separate' occupationaardegskpma. thereon, and the quotient this. obtained Shall .be• deemedVir die toepassing van- hierdie tarief word die opper- the area of each portion of such piece of .land in

vlakte van enige afsonderlike 'bewoonde' gedeelte .van 'n separate. occupation: Provided that the occupation • of.stuk grOnd bepaal deur d,ie oppervlakte. van so 'n stuk outhouses by bona tide domestic 'servants shall .not be

• grond te verdeel deur die aantal losstaande en afsonderlike •

deemed as separate occupation.. . . .. • • rbewoonde geboue daarop, en die kvirosient aldus verkry

word geag die oppervlakte te weer _van elke afsonderlike . .

- ..PART III.bewoonde gedeelte van so '.nstuk.grond: Met dien ver- . • • ,.

. ,

stande dat die bewoning van buitegeboue deur bona fide- • '..

huisbediendes nie beskou word as afsonderlike bewoning - Domestic Sewage. • • - , .

nic. . ,The owner of any land or


buildings having a drainage, DEEL III.. • installation thereon which is connected to' the Council's,1


Hitishoudelike Rioolvkil.


.sewers shall


liable. to

pay the following charges inDie addition to the charges 'imposed in terms 'of other parts ofeienaar van grond waarop, of geboue waarin daarthis perseelrioolstelselsis *at met die Raad se straatriole ver- .


bind is, betaal, benewens die gelde ivat ingevolge ander' '

. half-• .. - •

dele van hierdie bylae gevorder word, onderstaande year.gelde:— R. c •

I. Private dwellings and hospitals. _• .,Per

half_ For every water closet or nan, urinal pan or compart- '

jaw. meat .......••.. ... ...- ' •

. 2 50. - -

R e - ' ... ; .


1. Private wonings en.hospitale. 2. Wholly residential flats, lodging and boarding houses-Vir elke spoelkloset of -pan, urinaalpan of afskorting ... 2 50 and private hotels. ..

- For every water closet or pan, .urinal pan or compact- :n 'tend vir woondoeleir2. Woonstelle Wish ales gebruik—lumr-

kamerhuise, loSieshuise-en privaat hotelle.

.Vir elke spoelkloset of -pan, urinaalpan of afskorting 5 00 3. Chuiehes. •.


3. Kerke. •-. .


Vir elke kerk .-


, , 2 50 4. Church halls.' - •

..- ... .

4: Kerksale. . -- . For each church hall used for church purposes only and


Vir elke kerksaal wat slegs vir kerklike doeleindes gebruik from which no revenue is derived ... .:. ... ... ..7• ... ... ... 2' 50.word 'eh Waaruit geen inkomste•verkry word nic ... ... ... 2 50

5. All other premises.5. Alle ander persele. -


- (1) For each water ;closet or pan - in such - premises ... 5_00:

. (1), Vir elite spoelkloset of ,•pan in .sodanige persele ... 5 00 (2) For each 'urinal or compartment installed in such . .

(2) Vir elke urinaal of afikorting in-

sodarfige persele 5 00: premises•. 1,.

. .'

1 5 00:

Met dien verstande dat waar 'n trogstelsel in Werking is, elke Provided that where the trough system is adopted,:each 27 inches,! 27 duim in lengte van.trog of geut.wat gebruik word vir, doeleindes in. length of trough or gutter, used .for urinal or water-closetvan urinaal of spoelkloiet of daarimorloiltWerp is, vir die doelL purposes or designed :to be so• used, shall be regarded. as oneaides van hierdie tariewe, een' uriiiaal -

Of-kloset, - na die -geval urinal or closet fitting, as the case may be, for. the purpose ofgeag word '. . these Charges. ._ . .


. , .


! !


DEEL IV. PART IV.Fabrieksuitvlaeiset


Industrial Effluents.Onderstaande reels geld vir die toepassing van artikel The following rules shall be applicable for the purposes

21 (1) in verband met en vir die herekening van die gelde, of section 21 (1) in connection with and for the determina-met inbegrip van al die gelde waarna daar in reels 10 en 11 tion of charges; including all charges referred to in rules 10

van deel I van hierdie bylae verwys word, wat vir die weg- and 11 of part I of this schedule, payable for the con-voer en behandeling van fabrieksuitvloeisel betaalbaar veyance and treatment of industrial effluents :—is:-

1. The owner or occupier of premises on - which any1. Die eienaar of bewoner van persele waarop daar 'n trade or industry is carried on and from which, as a result

bedryf of nywerheid aangehou word en waarvandaan daar, of such trade or industry or of any process incidentalten gevolge van so 'n bedryf of nywerheid of van 'n pro- thereto any effluent is discharged into the Council's sewerses wat daarmee gepaard gaan, uitvloeisel in die Raad se shall, in addition to any other charges for which he maystraatriool ontlas word, moet, benewens die ander gelde be liable in terms of this schedule, pay to the Council anwaarvoor by ingevolge hierdie bylae aanspreeklik meg industrial effluent charge which shall be calculated:—wees, aan die Raad 'n fabrieksuitvloeiselgeld betaal wat

bereken word:— (a) On the quantity of water consumed during the half-

(a) Volgens die hoeveelheid water wat gedurende die year forming the period of charge; and

halfjaar waarvoor die geld gehef word, verbruik is; en (b) in accordance with the following formula:—

(b) ooreenkomstig die volgende formule:— Charge in cents per 1,000 gallons -= lh. (5+0.02 x OA), whereOA is the arithmetic avarage of the strengths (determined as

Bedrag in sent per. 1,000 gelling= '/. (5+0•02X0A), waarspecified in rule 3) of not less than 4grah samples of effluent

OA die rekenkundige gemiddelde is van die sterkte (vasgesteltakenat..any time duringi

the half-year: Provided that the Councilooreenkomstig reel 3) van minsteas .4 blinde monsters van nit-

vloeisel wat te eniger tyd gedurende die halfjaar geneem is: Met may in its sole discretionn n any given case imposethe minimum

4111charge prescribed in terms of rule 8 without taking any samples

dien verstande dat die Raad in 'n gegewe geval volkome na goed- of the effluent.Bunke die minimum bcdmg wat by reel 8 voorgeskryf word, kan

hef Bonder om die uitvloeisel te bemonster. 2. Whenever a sample is taken by the Council in terms2. Wanneer die Raad 'n monster ingevolge reel .1 neem, of rule. 1, one half thereof shall, on his request: be made

moet die helfte daarvan, indien by dit versoek, aan die available to the owner or occupier of the premises.eienaar of bewoner van die perseel beskikbaar gestel

word. • 3. The strength referred to in rule 1 shall be determined

3. Die sterkte waarna daar in reel 1 verwys word. word by reference to the oxygen absorbed in four hours from

volgens die skeikundige metodes waarvolgens rioolvuil en acidic 111 potassium permanganate and on an aliquot partriooluitvloeisel ontleed word, soos dit in bylae D van pier- 80

die verordeninge omskryf word. bepaal ooreenkomstig die of a well-shaken sample in accordance with the methods of

hoeveelheid suurstof wat 'n deelvolume van 'n goed chemical analysis as applied to sewage and sewage

N effluents as set out in schedule D to these by- laws.gemengde monster in vier uur uit 'n aangesuurde ro kalium-

permanganaatoplossing absorbeer.4. In the absence of any direct measurement the quan -

tity of industrial effluent discharged during a half-year4. Indies daat geen regstreekse afmeting plaasvind nie, shall be determined by the Cotincil according to the •

bepaal die Raad die hoeveelheid fabrieksuitvloeisel wat quantity of water consumed on the premises during thatgedurende 'n halfjaar ontlas is, aan die hand van die hoe- period, and in the determination of that quantity deductionveelheid water wat gedurende did halfjaar op die perseel shall be made of the water used on the premises forverbruik is en by die bepaling van did hoeveelheid word domestic purposes, lost to the atmosphere during thedie water wat vir huishoudelike doeleindes op die perseel process of manufacture or present in the final product.verbruik is. wat tydens die vervaardigingsprosesse verdamphet, of in die finale produk aanwesig is, afgetrek. 5. Unless the Council shall in any particular case agree

5. Tensy die Raad in 'n bepaalde geval anders met 'n otherwise in writing with an owner or occupier, charges

eienaar of bewoner skriftelik ooreenkom, word die gelde prescribed in terms of this schedule shall be levied in res-

wat by Herdic bylae voorgeskryf word, gehef ten opsigte Pect of half-yearly periods beginning on 1st July and 1st

van die halfjaarlikse tydperke wat op 1 Julie en 1 Januarie January: Provided that:—

begin: Met dien verstande dat:— (a) Where the last monthly meter reading relating to aq

(a) Waar die laaste maandelikse meteraflesing, betref- half-yearly charging period is taken before the end of thatfende 'n halfjaarlikse heffingstydperk voor die einde van period the remaining part of the period shall be deemed todid tydperk plaasvind, die res van di8 tydperk vir heffings- belong for charging purposes to the next succeeding half-doeleindes as deel van die daaropvolgende halfjaarlikse yearly charging period;heffingstydperk beskou word; -

(b) waar die laaste maandelikse meteraflesing betref- (b) where the last montly meter reading relating to the

fende die halfjaarlikse heffingstydperk na die einde • van half-yearly charging period is taken after the end of thatPeriod that part of the succeeding period which has elapsed

die tydperk plaasvind, die' gedeelte van die daaropvolgende P

tydperk wat reeds verstryk was toe die meteraflesalg plaas-when the reading is taken shall be deemed to form part

gevmd het, as deel van die heffingstydperk waarop die af- of the charging period to which the reading relates; and

lesing betrelcicing het, beskou word; en (c) where the discharge of effluent to the sewer begins(c) waar die ontlasting van uirvIcicisel in 'n straatriool during a half-year as aforesaid the charge made in re-

op 'n datum gedurende 'n halfjaar, soos voornoem, been, specs of that half-year shall be calculated as from the saiddie geld ten opsigte van die halfjaar van genoemde datum bereken word.

6. Indien daar bewys word dat 'n meter waarmee die 6. If a meter whereby the quantity of water consumed

hoeveelheid water wat op die perseel verbruik word afge- on the premises is measured is proved defective the appro-

meet word defek is, moet die hoeveelheid fabrieksuitvloei- priate adjustment shall be made to the quantity of indus-

sel wat ontlas is, bereken ooreenkomstig reel 4, dienoor-trial effluent discharged when calculated as prescribed in

eenkomstig gewysig word. •terms of rule 4.

11117. (I) Waar fabrieksuitvloeisel op meer as een plek in 7. (1) Where industrial effluent is discharged into the'

'n straatriool ontlas .word, hetsy op dieselfde verdieping, sewer from more points than one, whether on the samehetsy op verskillende verdiepings, van 'n perseel, kan -die' floor or on different floors of premises, the Council may



Raad na goeddunke vir alle doeleindes om 'n bedrag inge- in its discretion for all the purposes of making a chargevolge hierdie bylae te kan hef, met inbegrip van die neem in terms of this schedule, including the taking of tests sam-

evan toetsmonsters, iedere sodanige ontlasplek as 'n af- pies, treat each such point of discharge as a separate pointsonderlike plek vir die ontlasting van fabrieksuitvloeisel for the discharge of industrial effluent into the die straatriool beskou. (2) For the purpose of calculating, as prescribed in terms(2) Met die doe) om die hoeveelheid uitt-loeisel wat by of rule 4, the quantity of effluent discharged from eachiedere ontlasplek, soos voornoem, ontlas word, to kan point of discharge as aforeSaid, the total water consumedbereken soos dit by reel 4 voorgeskryf word, word die on the premises shall be allocated as accurately as istotale hoeveelheid water wat op die perseel verbruik is, so reasonably practicable, after consultation between thejuis as wat redelikerwys moontlik is, na oorlegpleging firs- engineer and the occupier, among the several points ofsen die ingehieur en die bewoner, aan die verskillende ont- discharge.lasplekke toeg,ewys. .

8. Die minimum bedrag wat vir die ontlasting van fa- 8. The minimum charge for the discharge of industrial'brieksuitvloeisel in die straatriool gehef word, is of:— effluent into the sewer shall be either:-

4 (a) 7 - 08c per 1.000 (eenduisend) gelling; of(a) 7 - 08c per 1,000 (one thousand) gallons; or

(b) R2.83 vir die balfjaar; (b) R.2.83 for the half-year;. .

. wafter bedrag ook al die grootste is. whichever is the greater.

i DEEL V.• - -



. half- . half-.

• jaar.R c


Per 25,000 gcliings of gedeelte daarvan ...............2 00


, •

.. .. .

R c•

Per 25,000 gallons or part thereof ...7



... ... ... 2 00

SCHEDULE C.R c Work Charges.


Cede vir Werk. • •

1. Die verseUling van openings ingevolge artikel 14 (3) R cI. Sealing of openings in terms of section 14 (3), per

2. Die oopmaak van verstopte perseelriole ingevolgeartikel 17 (5): 2. Removing blockages in terms of section 17 (5):—(I) Op weeksdae.

(a) Vir die cerste halfuur nadat daar met die werk(1) On weekdays.

begin is ... ... ... . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 00 (a) For the first half-hour after the beginning of the work .2 00(b) Vir iederc halfuur wat daarna gewerk word ... ... 1 00 (b) For every half-hour of work thereafter ... ... ... ... 100

(2) Op Sondae en open bare vakansiedae. . (2) On Sundays and public holidays.'


(a) Vir die ccrste halfuur ... ... .., ... .., .., ,„ „, „, 3 00 (a) For the first half-hour ... ... ... ... ... ... _ ... ... 3 00•.

(b) Vir iederc halfuur daarna ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... 2 00 (b) For every half-hour thereafter ... ... ... ... — ... ... 2 00

Die eienaar van die eiendom waarop, of ten opsigte waarvan 3. The owner of the property on or in respect - of which thedie werk ingevolge items 1 en 2 verrig word, is vir die toepastike work in terms of items 1 and 2 is carried out shall be liable togeld teenoor die Read aansprceklik. the Council for the charge relating thereto.


Stowwe en die maksimum toelaatbare konsentrasies daarvan, Substances and the maximum permissible concentrations thereofwaarna daar in artikel 20 (1) (e) verwys word:— referred to in section 20 (1) (e):—

Dele per Parts permIljoen. million.

Totale hoeveelheid sulker en stysel (as glukose uitgedruk) 1,000 Total sugar and starch (expressed as glucose). ...... ..... 1,000Vaste stowwe in suspensie 1,000 Solids in suspension. .... 1,000Vet en olie • 400 Grease and oil — 400Oaoplosbare sulfate (uitgedruk as SO,) 500 Insoluble sulphates (expressed as SOO 500'Teer en teerolie wet nie opgelos is nie, in waterfase„... 60 Tar and tar oils not dissolved, in the aqueous phase 60Sulfiede (uitgedruk as S) 50 Sulphides (expressed as S) . 50Koper (uitgedruk as Cu) 50 - Copper (expressed as Cu) • • • 50

0 Nikkei (uitgedruk as Ni) 50 Nickel (expressed as Ni) 50Sink (uitgedruk as Zn) 50 Zinc (expressed as Zn) 50Kadmium (uitgedruk as Cd). 50 Cadmium (expressed as Cd) 50Cliroom (uitgedruk as Cr0,) 50 Chromium (expressed as Cr0,) 50Blousuur en sianiede of ander sianogeenverbindings (uit- Hydrocyanic acid and cyanides or other Cyanogen .

gedruk as HCN) 20 compounds (expressed as HCN) 20Kalsiumkarbied. Geen. Calium.carbide . Nil.

• .




Ek (naam)_ --- _

die ondergetekende, wat behoorlik gemagtig is om op te tree ten be- I (Name)

hoewe van.. . hie die applikant The undegned, duly authorized to act on behalf ot...= -

genoem, doen hierby ingevolge artikel 21 (2) van die Riolerings- en and hereinafter referred to as the applicant, hereby

Loodgieteryverordeninge van die Stadsraad van Fochville aansoek om apply in terms of section 21 (2) of the Drainage and PlUmbing fly -

vergunning om fabrieksuitvloeisel op grondslag van die feite wat laws of. the Town Council of Fochville for permission to discharge

Mein uiteengesit word, in die Raad Sc straatriool te ontlas. industrial effluent into the Council's sewer on the basis of the factsstated herein.



Aard van die betrokke besigheid of nywerheid Nature of the business or industry concernedNaam waaronder die besigheid of nywerheid gedryf word Name or style under which the business or industry is carried onAdres van die besigheid of nywerheid— Address of the business or industry=- -

P.O. Box__ -- --

Standplaas(plase) No.(s) Dorp Stand(s) No.(s). Township


, . ,...


. . .

Lichen die bisigheid of nywerheid. deur 'n maMsicappy gedryf word, If .the business or industry is carried on' by a compay; state theverstrek die naam van die sektetaris, en indien dit 'n vennootskap is, name. of the secretary and if it is a partnership, state the names of theverstrek die name van die vennote' • partners -

Beskrywing van die, nywerheids - of bedryfsproses waardeur die 'uit- Description of industrial or trade process by which the effluent will ii.vloeisel sal ontStaan.

- 'be -prOducecl_•____:____-

Gegeweus betreffende werknemers:—' Facts relating to Employees:— . . ..- 0 :. . • •

, • .. . . .

. • ,

Kant*. Fabriek. ,- Office. Factory.

. .

. _ •

,. -.(a) Totale getalwerknemers per dag [uitge- . .


sonderd (d) ] . ,- _'(a)Total number of daily ;employees.

re geettaelsdkabefpteerpewreedrgegwewereick , .

. -[excluding (d)1 • •


hiNumlier-of shifts worked per day...". ; ________ ___-_______.

(d5 Getal mense op die perseel woonagtig: - .- • (c) Number of days worked per week...., _—_

(e) Word daar 'n eetplek verskaf.. • (d) Number of perscins resident on the. .premises '

(e) Is a canteen provided?. '

Waterverbruik:— • Gell./Merahrt -- . .

(a) Benaderde hoeveelheid water per maand gekoop vir....., - Water consumption:—verbruik op perseel(b) Benaderde hoeveelheid water per maand uit 'n boor-

' • ; .... •- Gal./

gat vestry Month.c) Hoeveelheid water in die eindprodukII) Hoeveelheid water wat verdamp het for use on the premisese) Hoeveelheid aanvullingswater wat vir die stoom-

(a) Approximate monthly quantity of water purchased

(b) Approximate monthly quantity of water obtainedketch gebruik is from any borehole

(c) Quantity of water in the end -productWord water op die perseel vir enigeen van die volgende doeleindes (d) Quantity of water lost by evaporation

gebruik, en indien wel, vir watter: Verkoeling, die remiging van gerei, (e),Quantity of water used as boiler niake-updie was van vloere en enige ander nywerheidsdoeleiodes, en word die Is -water used on the premises for any, and if so, which of thewater daama in die straatriool tattles? following 'impost: Cooling, the cleaning of utensils, floor-washing, sIndian die antwoord Op die laisste vraag bevestigend is, mod Deel any other industrial purpose, and subsequently discharged to sewer?II van hierdie vorm ingevul word.

Applikant se Handtekening If the answer to the last question is " yis "; Part II of this form must" 'be completed.

Applicant's Signature- ---- .,

—___...... — ...


DEEL II.. . . .. . • '

• • •


I. Onderitaande inligting is .nodig ten- clinic • die hoeveelheid

• . •

DATA RELATING. TO ,THE CONSUMPTION OF WATER.fabrieksuitvloeisel wat in die Read se straatriool ontlas word. to kenberaam, en alle syfers wat verstrek word, moet betrekking he op die

'1. The following informatiOn is required for.the purpose of estima-

hoevedheid water gemeet oor 'n tydperk van ses monde. - • •'

• ting the quantity of industrial effluent dischgrged into the Council's. .

• . sewer, and all figures given shall relate to the quantity of water takenNaam van verbruiker of sy verfeenwoordiger

, , , . over a period of six months:—Standplaas No. • ' • ' '' Ng/ ..

Totale getal gelling water wat in ses maande verbruik is. .. . : Name of consumer' or' his 'representative; •• Stand No._• , . . .. . . Township ' •—

ITotal number of gallons of water consumed in six months.. . , . •

Meter Meter'Meter


'Totaal.„No... No. No. •

• Meter Meter Meter•

• No. No. No. Total.. _Water aangekoop • .. .

'• . . .

.Water uitb

r___ .

oorgat• Water purchased - .

,. '

"— —

Water in grondstowwe . Water from borehole.. ..• . ••

, — —. . .. . , .

Gedeelte van intigtiog ' deur' • • 1. Water entering ;with. .. raw • • • •

meter bedien' ' " • materials.. .— —

Totale hoeveelheid water WI- Section of plant served bybruik " . • meter. - . .

• . . , . •

. . . .

1111.. Total quantity of watet con-... .... ' • sumed .

2. Vir die doel van ,hierdie beraming kan 'die 'total° getal gelling'• . .

.water wat in ses maande vir enigeen van ondergenoemde doeleindes• s

verbruik- is, buite rekening gelaat word:— " --


2. For the purpose of this estimate the total number of gallons of...(I) Water wat deur personeel vir huishoudelike doeleindes verbruik' water consumed in six months for any of the purposes below mentioned

word. may be left out of account:—. (1) Water used by staff for domestic purposes:—


' - Hoeveel-.

. .- . skate Dae held toe-. .. - -

• • .' laatGetal. per • per in. teal. Shifts Days, macedag. week. ge"/Per Num-, kop per • -

ber.per • per Gal./per Total.

. •_

. dag, , - Day. week. head/per. •

•. .,.

Daaglilcse werknemers (uitge-.• . - ' - "

. . — —: --•'--- t; ... .

sonderd• inwoners)— - .• . .'

• Daily employees (excluding•


,. Kantoor '- • • residents).-

. , • ,.

Office '

Fabriek -- . Factory


Inwoners— . . —Blankes ' .

' : - •.

- Resident persons—.

Whites .

Nie-Blankes '

- - - Non-Whites,

Eetplek —,

- Canteen.

Totale . hoeveelheid water IIIverbruik (in gelling.)...... - Total water used (in gallons) .

. ,


. .


(2) Water vir stoomketels gebruik. . -. ..: (2) Water used in the operation of boilers:—

..• Steam- Stdom- Stop


M-. • Boiler Boiler 'Boiler. ,

'ketel • - ketel - ketel Totaal. .. . 1 • 3. Total.

-1. •

-2. 3... . . Type of Boiler

Tipe van stoomketel_ lb. steam/hr

lb, stoom/uur Rating.


'Ontwerpvermo6 horsepower

perdekrag.... •..:Hours steamed per month.

Ure onder stOom' per maand -

Totale hoeveelheid verdamp

.Total evaporation per month' _.

per maand Condensate returned (in gallons)

... Kondensaat teruggevoer (in -Per cent of unretumed condensate dis-gelling) .

. ' charged to sewer • . .• .


Persent kondensaat nit terug- Coal burned-lb per. month.. gevoer nit en in straatriool. .


• '

Water used for coal wetting (in gallons).•

• ,- . .

— -= —•Steenkool verbrand-lb. per .

. . Water used for ash quenching (inmaand. gallons)

. ---Water gebruik vir nattnaak

,. . .Quantity of blowdown (in gallons)...van steenkool (in gelling):.

. ' '

Does blowdown'iyet' . '

! Water gebruik on: as to blus.(in gelling)


Hoeveelheid aftapwater (in

. . . .permonth (in gallons)

. ..

.' • •Quantity of softener. backlash water

gelling) . — — = . r.. —Total quantity of witir used (in gallons)

. . '

Word die aftapwater in die-

:. .

straatriool ontlas 9(3) Water absorbed by the goods panu'factured on the premises, in

Hoeveelheid terugspoelwatersix months:—

sit versagter per maand (in, : (a) Expressed as a precentage of the total consumption of watergelling)

' - less the allowance for staff use gallons.

—7 --Totale hoeveelheid water ver- (b) Expressed as gallons per six months contained in the finished

bruik (in gelling). . . . ... _

4".... . products*:—

.• . • ' - I? . .


(3) Water sat in ses maande opgenee m is deur die goedere wat Ott :00 * • ' •


die perseel vervaardig is:— - (iii) - - -- - . - - -- - - -

(a) Uitgedruk as 'n persentasie •van die totale .hoeveelheictwater . - '• - '

verbruik, min hoeveelheid toegelaat ivir verbruik dew personae! ' (iv) -gals. per6gelling: .

(b) Uitgedruk as gelling per ses maande, wat in voltooide produk (v) ''. .

- ..' .months.r • •

aanwesig 101:—(i) . ' (4) Gallons of. water lost in six months by evaporation to the


- atmosphere:—. .


.,. .

• •• '

(iii _ '

Ov" — •' ' '' gelling per (a) By units ofplant other than cooling towers__ gal.

(v — .ses maande

(4) Gelling water wat in ses maande in' ie aimosfiiiiiierdiMihet:— (b) By cooling towers—

(a). •..

Deur toestellel uitgesonderd koeltorings ,



gellingi.. .

(b) Deur koeltorings. . ' '• •

'. 10

'2. .• .. 3. Total.— — — —

• 1. 2. • 3.To-

'Type of tower

' fiatQuantity of -water. circulated per 6.

—Tipe van toring . . ,.months (in gallons). • •

I• •,—. -

Hoeveelheid water in ses mantle gesir- Temperature drop (°F) ..... Ti.." kuleer (in gelling)..

..- -- -

EstiMated 'loss by evaporation (in- .• ' -


Dating in temperatuur (°F) gallons).

i• . . . .

Beraamde verlies deur verdamping (in 'Metered .water . fed to cooling towers 11 •'


-. ' lin galliinsy • - : - )2 ''

" ' _._.•_... .. —•Afgemete hoeveelheid water na koel- • • • Quantity• of ,refrigerant in circulation, :. ..

. .

• - torings gevoer (in gelling) . in 6 months (in gallons).. ' - .

. ,—Hoeveelheid verkoelingsmiddel gesirku - Total quantity ofWater lost by evapora- • ' -

leer in 6 maande (in gelling) I tion (in gallons) —

_ ,Totale hoeveelheid water wat verdamp • .• -

het (in gelling) '(5) Quantities of water lost - in 'six' months from miscellaneous

- - causes:—

(5) Hoeveelheid water wat in ses maande om allerlei redes verlore CO . .

. gegaan het:— . . •

W -.

. . Cu)'




111. .. -• Voorbeeld: Seepfabriek, Geelseep, 4,000 ton vervaardig met 'n *Example: Soap factory. Yellow soap, 4,000 tons manufactured .

voginhoud van 50 persent—water In produk 400,000 gelling (in ses at 50 per cent moisture content—Water in product 400,000 galltinsmaande). (in six months).

17 ,



Totale hoeveelheid afgetrek, in gelling Total deduction (in gallons) _Groottotaal van hoeveelheid wat ingevolge subparagrawe (1) tot (5) Grand total of deductions to be made in terms of sub-paragraphs (1)van hierdie paragraaf afgetrek mom word. to (5) inclusive of this paragraph

3. Beraamde hoeveelheid proseswater wat in straatriool ontlas is 3. Estimated process water discharged to sewer [ arrived at by 41[bereken deur die totale hoeveelheid wat afgetrek mag word—sons dit deducting the total quantity of permissible deductions shown in para-in paragraaf 2 (1) tot en met (5) aangegee word—af to trek van die graph 2 0) to (5) inclusive from total water consumed as shown in .totale hoeveelheid water wat verbruik is—sons in paragraafI aangeduij. Paragraph ON


by or for the Applicant.deur of namens Applikant.

deur of namens Ingenieur. by or for theEngineer.DateDatum

PART III.DEEL III. Information required concerning the chemical and physical charac-

Gegewens betreffende die chemiese en fisiese eienskappe van die teristics of the effluent to be discharged:— i

uitvloeisel wat ontlas gaan word:— - -- (I) Maximum temperature of effluent °F(I) Maksimum temperatuur van uitvloeisel el? ' (2) pH Value pH_...._.__...—._(2) pH gehalte


PH (3) Nature and amount of settleable solids(3) Aard en hoeveelheid van besinkbare vaste (4) Oxygen absorbed (4 hrs.) strength as determined t

•stowwe according to the method prescribed in Schedule F to(4) Suurstof-absorpsievermoa (4 uur OA) bepaal the Drainage and Plumbing By-laws

• -volgens die metode wat in Bylae F by die Riolerings- (5) Maximum total daily discharge galen Loodgieteryverordeninge voorgeskryf word.... - (6) Maximum rate of discharge gal./hr


Maksimum totale hoeveelheid daagliks ontlas (7) Periods of maximum discharge, e.g. 7 a.m., to 8(gelling)

- -a-m

(6) Maksimum ontlastempo (gell./uur) (8) If any of the substances, or their salts, specified(7) Tydperke van maksimum ontlasting, by. 7 MTh in the table, are formed on premises a cross must be

tot 8 vm placed in the space in which the substance appears and, e(8) Indien enigeen van die stowwe of die soute daar- if possible the average concentration of the substance

van wat in die tabel aangegee word, op die perseel ge- likely to be present in any effluent must also be stated.vorm word, meet 'n kruisie In diet ruimte waarin diestof aangegee word getrek word, en,indienditmoont-lik is, moet die gemiddelde konsentrasie van hierdie TABLE.stof wat waarskynlik in enige uitvloeisel aanwesigsal wees, ook aangegee word.

Cyanide. Chromium. Nickel. Cadmium. Copper. Zinc.. .

TABEL. — .__.Ammo-Iron. nium. Sulphide. Sulphates. Nitrates. Others.•

Sianied. Chroom. Nikkei. Kadmium. Koper. Sink.Starch or sugars. Tar or tar oil. Grease and oil.

mo-Yster. AmSulfied. Sulfate. Nitrate.Ander.nium.Synthetic detergents. Volatile solvents. Others.-

Stysel of sulker. Teer of teerolie. Vet en olie. (9) Any further information as to kind or character,

Sintetiese Vlugtige chemical composition and concentrations peculiar to

reinigingsmiddels. oplosmiddels. Ander. the industrial waste — —

(9) Alle verdere gegewens betreffende die soon of' PART IV.eienskap, chemiese samestelling en konsentrasies wateie is aan die fabrieksafval CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE OF INDUSTRIAL


DEEL IV. An application for permission to discharge industrial effluent into.'

the Council's sewers shall only be granted on the applicant's under-taking, as he is by virtue of his signature hereto appended deemed to

VOORWAARDES WAAROP FABRIEKSUITVLOEISEL OP- do, to observe the following terms and conditions and any furtherGENEEM - WORD. . . . . special conditions which the engineer may think fit to impose in any

'n Aansoek om fabrieksuitvloeisel in die Raad se dole le mag ont- particular case:—las word slegs toegestaan indien die applikant akkoord gaan om die I. The applicant shall annex hereto descriptions and a statementvolgende bepalings en voorwaardes en alle verdere spesiale voor- of the dimensions of grease and oil traps, screens, dilution and neutra- illwaardes wat die ingenieur in 'n bepaalde geval dienstig ag, na to kom, using tanks and any other provision made by him for the treatmenten

-dam word geag dat hy, uit hoofde van sy handtekening hieronder, of the effluent before it is discharged to the sewer.

aldus akkoord gegaan het:-1. Die applikant moet beskrywings en 'n opgawe van die afmetings 2. The applicant shall submit to the Council, if requested, plans

van die vet- en olievangers, siwwe, verdunnings- en neutraliseertenks showing the reticulation systems on his premises for water and Indus-en van enige ander voorsiening wat hy gemaak het om die uitvloeisel trial behandel alvorens dit in die straatriool mans word, hierby aanheg. 1

2. Die applikant moet, indien hy aldus versoek word, aan die Raadplanne voorle waarop die water- en fabrieksuitvloeiselnetwerk op sy 3. The applicant shall, in addition to complying with the provisionsperseel aangetoon word. of the Council's Drainage and Plumbing By-laws concerned with


3. Die applikant moet, beneviens sy verpligting om to voldoen aan the protection of its employees, sewers and treatment plant fromdie bepalings van die Raad se Riolerings- en Loodgieteryverordeninge injury or damage, comply with any direction concerned with suchwat betrekkinghet op die beveiliging van sy werlmemers teen besering en protection given to him by the engineer verbally or in writing for thesy straatriole en behandelingsinrigting teen beskadiging, gevolg gee purpose of ensuring the applicant's compliance with the said by-aan enige opdrag betreffende sodanige beveiliging wat die ingenieur laws. .

. .mondelings of skriftelik aan horn gee met die duel om le sorg datdie applikant aan genoemde verordeninge voldoen. 4. The applicant shall notify the Council, so soon as possible after

4. Die applikant meet die Raad, so you doenlik nadat by daarvan he becomes aware thereof, of any material alteration in the naturebewus geword bet, in kennis Eel van enige ingrypende verandering in or quantity of the effluent specified in this application or in any of thedie aard of hoeveelheid van die uitvloeisel wat m hierdie aansoek facts stated by him therein.uiteengesit is of in die gegewens wat by daarin verstrek het.

5. Die applikant moet binne 30 dae nadat hierdie aansoek onder-token is, 'n streng verteenwoordigende monster van minstens een 5. The applicant shall within thirty days from the date of signaturegelling, van die fabrieksuitvloeisel wat in die straatriool ontlas gaan of this application procure an accurately representative sample ofword—die monster mag geen huishoudelike rioolvnil bevat nie—ver- not less than one gallon of the industrial effluent to be discharged tokry, en die helfte daarvan vir ontleding aan die Raad voor18; voorts the sewer, which sample shall be free of domestic sewage, and shallmeet hy 'n verslag oor die monster deur 'n ontleder wat die inge- submit one-half thereof to the Council for analysis and also submitnieur aangewys bet, aan die ingenieur vomit Met dien verstande to the engineer a report on the sample made by an analyst appointed •

dat die ingenieur in die geval van 'n pas gevestigde nywerheid, die by Mm: Provided that in the case of a newly-established industrytydperk wat in hierdie reel voorgeskryf word, kan verleng vu 'n tyd- the period specified in this rule may be extended by the engineer forperk wat hy redelik ag. so long as he -shall think reasonable.


PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 13 SEPTEMBER 1967 . 647. . . . . .....___ .. . ... ..

6. Die applikant verklaar en waarborg hierby dat die gegewens 6. The applicant hereby declaresand warrants that the informationwat by op hierdie vorm of andersins in verband met hierdie aansoek "given by him in this form or otherwise in connection with this applica-

0 verstrek het, na sy baste wete en oortuiging in alle-opsigte juis is. tion is to the best of his knowledge and belief in all respects correct.

7. Die applikant gaan akkoord dat genoemde gegewens, wat in 7. The applicant agrees that the said information being in all respectsalle opsigte fills is,•die grondslag vorm waarop die Raad hierdie aan- • correct, shall form the basis on which this application is granted bysoek toestaan. . - . - the Council.Aldus op hierdie__ dag van This done at _by the applicant19 , in ' • deur die applikant this day of 19gedaan. :

Hondtekening en hoedanigheid ran die Signature and Capacity of the Applicant.applikant. Premission is hereby granted by me 'on behalf of the Council,

Ek, die ondergetekende, wat behoorlik daartoe gemagtig is, verleen I being duly (hereunto authorized, for the discharge into the Council'shierby namens die Raad vergunning dat die fabrieksuitvloeisel soos sewer in accordance with the Council's Drainage and Plumbingdit op hierdie vorm beskryf is, en onder die omstandighede wat daar- _By-laws of industrial effluent as described in this form and in' thein uiteengesit is, ooreenkomstig die Raad se Riolerings- en Lood- circumstances therein set 'forth: Provided that this permission shallgieteryverordeninge in die Raad se straatriool, ontlas kan word: Met be revocable by the Council at any time in its absolute discretion ondid) verstande dat die Raad hierdie vergunning te eniger tyd volkome the expiry of reasonable notice in writing given by it to the goeddunke kan intrek na verstryking van 'n redelike kennisgewing- The said permission is given subject also to the following snecial,termyn soos vervat in 'n skriftelike kennisgewing wat by aan die appli- conditions:—kant besorg het: .


Genoemde vergunning word voorts op die volgende spesiale voor Signed -

waardes verleen:— - . _Town Clerk.- .. ...


Onderteken deur -SCHEDULE F. -

. . Stadskkrk..

- -•

Rules to be complied with in determining the four-hour perman-.


Reels wat nagekom moet word by-

die bepaling van die vieruur-permanganaatgehalte (suurstof geabsorbeer) vir die toepassing van

111. reel 3 van Deel IV van Bylae B.

ganate value (oxygen absorbed), for the purposes of rule 3 of PartIV of Schedule B.

• .

PART I. , .

• ;


DEEL I. . • 1. (I) For the preparation of potassium permanganate solution

PROCEDURE VIR DIE BEREIDING VAN REAGEaRMIDDELS. being,approxirnatelyN—' the prosedure described in this nil° Shall beI. (1) By die bereiding van 'a'naltoplossing, •

. 80

N followed.•


ongeveer --, moet die prosedure wat in hierdie reel beskryf word, (2) Four grams 1CMOO, shall be dissolved in one litre of hot distilled80 water contained in a. large beaker covered with a clock glass, the

gevolg word. solution being maintained at 90° to 95° Centigrade for not.less than(2) Vier gram KMnO, moat in een liter warm gedistilleerde Watt" two hours if possible. .

in 'n groot glasbeker wat met 'n oorlosieglas bedek moet word; or (3) The said 'solution shall be diluted to 10 'litres with distilledgelds word; die oplossing moet tot 90° tot 95° Celsius verhit word en water and set aside in darkness until complete oxidation of anyminstens twee tot drie uur lank op 'die temperatuur gehou word, organic matter has taken place and any precipitated manganeseindien dit moontlik is. dioxide has settled.. . •

'(3) Genoemde oplossing meet tot 10 liter met gedistilleerde water

(4) The supernatant liquid shall be carefully decanted or siphoned ,verdun word en dan verskeie doe lank op 'n'deinker plek gesit word off so that the disturbance of any' sedinient is avoided: '

totdat alle organiese stowwe heeltemal geoksideer het en alle neer- •

geslane mangaandioksied afgesak het. FoorrNcra—These all intents and purposes a.restate• . • meat in the form .of by-laws of the it'•Methods of Chemical Analysis(4) Die bo-water moet versigtig afgegiet of afgehewel word sonder as applied to Sewage and Sewage Effluents " as published by the •

om die afsaksel te versteur. — •, . British Ministry of Housing and 'Local Government, H.M. Stationery, ,

Vormoor.—Hierdie reels is in elke opsig 'n weergawe, in veror Office, 1956. . .•• .•

deningvorm, van die „Methods of Chemical Analysis as applied Air . (5) Notwithstanding anything.ccintained •in this rule; it shall beSewage and Sewage Effluents ", gepubliseer deur ditBritish 'Ministry permissible alternatively to filter the solution through a funnel havingof Housing and Local Government4i.M. Stationery Offic4 1956.) a sintered glass filter element through glass wool or through asbestos

(5) Ondanks die bepalings van hierdie reel is dit as 'n alternaiiewe fibre which has been previously digested with nitric and hydrochloricprosedureioelaatbaar om die oplossing deur 'n treater met 'n sinter- acids and then throughly washed with water: Provided that the solu-glasfilterelement, deur glasivol of deur asbesvesel Wet vooraf met . lion shall not be filtered through paper.. . .

salpetersuur en soutsuur gedigercer en daarna deeglik niet water ge- (Q All neon •rbeaitires shall be taken to prevent the solutionwas is, te filtreer: Met dien verstande dal die oplossing nie deur papier

.gefiltreer mag word nie. . . • , ,

(6) Daar moet gesorg word dat die oplossing nit deur slot. of. (7) Daily blank deterorganiese stowwe besoedel word nie. , of thepotas from



by; dust

shall be made to check the strength

yidust or organic matter. .-

. •

potassium permanganate solution.

(7) Daar moet daagliks kontroletoetse uitgevoer word om die sterkte (Nova—When the method described above is carefullyfollowedvandie kaliumpermanganaat-oplossing te kontroleer. .and the solution stored in' amber bottles or in the dark, it .is stable

- for several months.) .„

(Let Wel: Indien bostaande metode sorgvuidig gevolg en die op- :-


lossing in amber-bottels of in die donker gebere word, bly dilverskeie • 2. (I) For the preparation of a stock solution—4

sodium thiosulphate. maande lank stabiel.) . . . ..

N the procedure described .in this rule adopted.. . .•



2. (I) By die bereiding van 'n voorraadoplossing, —, van natrium-. (2) Sixty-three•grams of. sodium. thiosulphate, Na,S,0,. 511,0,

tiosulfaat moet die prosedure wat vir hierdie reel beskryf word, gevolg shall be disolved in onelitre of copper-free, freshly boiled and cooledword. - - distilled water, and. one millilitre of chloroform, or 10 milligrams of

(2) Drie-en-sestig gram natriumtiosulfaat, Na2S20,. SHP.' moet in mercuric iodide shall be added to stabilise the solution.• een 'liter kopervrye, pas gekookte 'en afgekoelde, gedistilleerde water • • • • ; .• • .

opgelos word, en een milliliter chloroform of 10 milligram kwik- (3) Thesolutioesshall be allowed to stand for' itheral 'days beforedijodied moet daarby gevoeg word om die oplossing to stabiliseer. it is used. . . . -

. .

(3) Die oplossing moet verskeie dae lank staan voordat dit gebruik . . . ' -

word. 3. (1) For the preparation of a working solution of80


3. (1) By die bereiding van 'n werkopiossing,N—' van natriumtio- sulphate the procedure described in this rule shall be adopted.

sulfaat moet die prosedure wat In hierdie reel beskryf word,•gevolg (2) Fifty millilitres of stock solution' shall be ..diluted to one litre

word. .with copper-free, freshly hotted and cooled distilled water, and one

(2) Vyftig milliliter van die voorriadonlosithg most 'tot een. jit'et. millilitre of ,chtoroidal, or '10 roiRigr.ains ,of mercuric iodide' shall bemet kopervrye, pas gekookte en afgekoelde gedistilleerde water verdun "990. • '

. : • ( • .' 1: •• • • ...' • t. „. — .. •

' ,I..word, en een milliliter chloroform or 10 milligrain'kwikdijodiedlnidet (3) The resulting solution shall be standardized against potassiumdaarby gevoeg word. • iodate at. frequent intervals: .":. (3) Die oplossing wat aldus verkry word, meet met gereelde

-tussen- •


a pose aan die hand van kaliumjodaat gestandaardiseer word. (4) The solution shall be stored in an amber glass, bottle having a(4) Die oplossing moet in 'n amberglasbottel met 'n•rubberProP. rubber stopper:

gehou word. - r.. (5) Die oplossing wat aan die einde van die dag in die buret oorbly, (5)

-Any solution remainingtu tee eurefte at :the end of the. day shall

moet weggegooi word. rr....... _._• ... _ ... i. be discarded:

' •




• -

4. Die kaliumjodaat-oplossing, — wat gebruik word om 'n lie- 4. Potassium iodate solution li for standardizing a' thiosulphate'40 •


sulfaatoplossing ingevolge van reel 3 (3) van hierdie Bylae te man- solution in terms of rule 3 (3) of this schedule shall be .prepared bydaardiseer, moot berei word deur 0.892 gram suiwer kaliumjodaat dissolving in a little water 0.892 gram of pure potassium iodate which.wat vooraf by 120° Celsius gedroog is, in 'n bietjie water op te los, en has been previously dried at 120° Centigrade and diluting the resultingdie oplossing wat aldus verkry word tot presies 1 liter te verdun. solution to exactly one litre.

(Let Wel: Die oplossing sal 'n lang tyd goed hou indiendit in'n glas- (Non—The solution will keep for a very long time if stored in apropbottel gehou word.) glass-stoppered bottle.)

5. (1) By die bereiding van verdunde swawelsuur moet die prose- 5. (1) For the preparation of dilute sulphuric acid the procedure-

duce wat in hierdie reels beskryf word, gevolg word. described in this rule shall be adopted. .

(2) Een volume gekonsentreerde swawelsuur moet- by drie volumes -(2) One volume of concentrated sulphuric acid' shall be added towater gevoeg word; die swawelsuur moet in klein hoeveelhede op '11 -

three voluines of water, care being taken - to.' add the acid hi smallkeer bygevoeg word. quantities at a time. .

(3) Dear moet toereikende en doeltreffende voorsorg getref word omte verhoed dat die sour uitspat en die glashouers ten gevolge van die (3) Adequate and effective precautions shall be taken against thehitte wat ontstaan, bars. - spitting of acid and the cracking of glass vessels owing to generation

(4) Wanner die verdunning waarna daar in subreel (2) verwys is, of heat.

_ (4) After the mixing referred to in subrule (2) has been completed,


N.. .

klaar is, meet daar voldoendepermangatiaatOpldssing — bygeyoeg- - sufficient .—N permanganate solution 'shall be added to give a faint.80

word totdat die mengsel 'n dowwe blyveende rooskleurige tint het. permanent pink 'tint 'to the mixture. .•

6. By die bereiding.van 'n kaliumjodiet-oplossing moet 10 gram /6. For the preparation of potassium iodide solution 10' grams of


kaliumjodiet in 100 milliliter water opgelos en in 'rt amberglasbottelgehou word. potassium iodide shall be dissolved in 100 millilitres of water and stored -

• .7. (1) By die bereiding van 'n stYsel-reaieenniddel moet die prose- in an amber glass bottle. .. .

:lure wat in hierdie reel beskryf word, gevolg word. - - •. i .

• - 7. (1) For the- preparation of a starch reagent the procedure des-. (2) Een gram oplosbare stysel moet met 'n bietjie kouegedistilleerde scribed in this rule shall be adopted.

water tot 'n egalige pasta gemaal word. (2) One gram of soluble starch shall be ground into a smooth paste(3)1-Iierdie pasta meet In 1 liter kokende, gedistilleerde water ge- with a. little cold distilled water. . •

411goof word en die mengsel moet aanhoudend geroer word terwyl die "(3) The resulting Paste shall be poured into one litre of boilingpasta bygevoeg word. distilled water and the pouring shall be accompanied by constant '

(4) Die oplossing wat aldu'I'Verkry W.ord, moot' eon minuut lank stirring.gekook word en dan toegelaat word om of te koel voordat dit gebruikword. .

. - (4) The resulting solution shall 'be boiled for one minute and shall(5) Slegs 'n oplossing watvars berei is, moet gebruik word. . then be allowed to cool before it is used.

• •. ,

; .

(6) Ondatilcs die bepalings van hierdie real 10:lit as'in'alternatiewe (5) The solution shall only be used if it has been freshly prepared,metbdelOelaatbaar om 'n oplossing to gebruik wat 'n bewaringsmiddel (6) NOtwithstanding anything in thil rule contained, it shall bebevat, mits dit bekend is dat die bewaringsmiddel nie die reaksie ver- permissible alternatively to use a solution containing a preservativesteur Me. - so long as it is known that the preservative does not interfere with

(7) Indien kwikdijodied gebruik word,'moet ongeveer 10 milligram the reaction.daarvan by die stysel gewieg word wanner laasgenoemde met water • (7) If mercuric iodide is used, about 10 milligrams thereof shall begemaal word. '

added to the starch when the latter is being ground with water.(8) Dit is' ook as 'n alternatiewe metode toelaatbaar om 0.1 gram •

to beby die kokende water wat gebruik word om die styseloplossing (8) It shall also be permissibleas an alternative to add 0.1 gram of

te berei, te voeg. thymol to the boiling water which is used for making the starch8. 'n Oplossing van natriumstyselglikollaat kan in die plek van solution.

stysel-oplossing gebruik word; 1 tot 2 milliliter van 'n oplossing van 8. A solution of sodium starch glycollate may be used as an alter-0.5 percent in koue, gedistilleerde water rnoet'aan die begin van die native to starch solution. one to two millilitres ofa 0.5 per cent solutiontitrasie bygevoeg word. in cold distilled water being added at the start of the titration.' (Let Wel: Die omslagpunt Word genader wanneer die kleur van (Non.—The approach to the end-point is shown by the change

groen 'na diepblou verander. By die omslagpunt wat meteens plans- from green to intense blue. At the end-point, which is sharp, thevind, word die oplossing kleurloos.) solution becomes colourless.).9. (1) By die standaardisering van 'n natriumtiosulfaat-oplossing 9. (I) For the standardization of sodium thiosulphate solution themoet die prosedure wat in hierdie reel beskryf word, gevolg word. procedure described in this rule shall be adopted.(2) Dear moet vyf milliliter kaliutnjodiet-oplossing soos dit in real

5 beskryf is, 10 milliliter verdunde swawelsuur en 25 milliliter jodaat- (2) In a glass-stoppered bottle having a capacity of about 12 oz.there shall be placed 5 millilitres of potassium iodide solution as. .

N . . . referred to in rule 5, 10 millilitres of dilute sulphuric acid and 25'

40 Noplossing — in die volgorde, in 'n glaspropbottel met 'n inhouds- -


millilitres of — iodate solution in that order. '

vermoe van ongeveer 12 onse gegooi word.'

40(3) Ongetter 100 milliliter:water moet dan hierby gevoeg word..(4) Titrasie met 'n tiosulfaat-oplossing.,moet onmiddellik hierna (3) About 100 millilitres of water shall then be added.

geskied. . (4) Titration with thiosulphato solution shall be carried out immedi-(5) Een milliliter stysel-oplossing mod bygevoeg word wanneer die ate& thereafter.

vlocistof,'n liggeel kleur kry.(6) Nadat die liggeel vloeistof waaraa dear in subreel (5) verwys is, (5) One millilitre of starch solution shall be added when the liquid 111

blou geword het, meet die titrasie voortgesit word totdat die oplossing has become pale yellow.

net omtrent kleurloos word. . (6) After the pale yellow liquid referred to in subrule (5) has become(Let Wet— Die normaliteit van die natruimtiosulfaat oplossing is blue the titration shall be continued until the solution has just become


dan —N X50 , (Non—The normality of the sodium thiosulphate solution is

80 milliliter natriumtiosulfaat benOdig. ' . - N . 50 • . .

'Die natriumtiosulfaat kan teen hierdie sterkte gebruik word, mits then80

xmillilitres of sodium thiosulphate required.

die gepaste korreksiefaktor gebruik word. DR- is egter verkieslik omdie sterkte aan te pas totdat daar presies 50 milliliter vir 'n herhalings- The sodium thiosulphate can be used at this strength provided the -

, appropriate correction factor. is used. but it is preferable to adjustthe strength until exactly 50 millilitres are required fora repeat titra-

lig isgelykstaandemet 0.1 mil

titrasie nodig is. Die natriumtiosulfaat is dan presies 1'1 en 1 milliliter' 80


ram suurstof.)—Ntion. Tie sodium thiosulphate is then exactly and tine' millilitre


- -:,• . is equivalent to 0.1 milligram of oxygen.) • .- ' •..

DEEL II.. . .

• • - • • •



10. (I) Die prosedure wat in jierdie reel beskryf word moet:ge-volg word by die bepaling van vieruur-permanganaatgehalte: 10. (1) The procedure described in this rule. shall be followed for'

the - determination of four-hour permanganate value...(2) Dear moet 10 milliliter verdunde swawelsuur en 50 milliliter- -

.• - . - (2) Into a clean 12-oz. glass -stoppered bottle there shall be placed 10

kaliumpermanganaat-oplossing —N in an skoon.glaspropbottel van 12 .. N .80 millilitres of dilute sulphuric acid and 50 millilitres of;— potassiuin

80onse gegooi word. •

(3) Dam moet 'n volume gedistilleerde water wat gelyk is man die-permanganate solution. .


verskil tussen 100 milliliter cn die volume yandie monster fabrielnuit- (3) There shall be added to the potassium permanganate 'solution \Vloeiseftwar getoets moet word'hy die kaliunilienthisganaat-onlossing a volume of distilled.water equal to the difference between 100 milli- L..'gevoeg word. - ' - litres and the volume of the sample of industrial effluent to be tested.'



- .(4) Die monster fabrieksuitvloeisel . mod onmiddellik nadat dit -

-(4) The sample.orinclustrial effluent shall immediately after beingby die oplossing wat in subreel (3) genoem word gavots is, daarmee added to the solution referred to it subrule (3) be mixed by gentle

0 gemeng word deur die bottel versigtigle.draai.— ' ' ' -rotation of the bottle.(5) Die mengsel moet vier uur labk op 'n temperatuur van 27° (5) The mixture shall be maintained at a temperature of 27° C forCelsius gehou word en moet na verloop van een uur weer gemeng word four hours, and shall be remixed after one hour if the sample contains

indien die monster baie stowwe in stispensie bevat. . much suspended matter. • •

(Let Wel.—Ten einde die juiSte resultate te vericrY. -moet al die -(Nom.—For the most accurate results all the solutions should beoplossings tot 27° Celsius verhit word voordat dilgemeng word, maar: heated to 27° C before mixing, but this is not necessary where 'a water.Wien 'n waterbad gebruik'word, is dit nie -nodig nie. 'ii Waterbad is bath -is used.- A water bath is preferable .because, with most. airverkieslik, want in die geval van die meeste lugbroeikaste word enige incubators, any difference in temperature between the bottle and theverskil in temperatuur - tussen die bottel en die broeikas bale langsaam - incubator is only very sloWly rectified.)uitgeskakel.) .... . . . , . . .. (6) After four hours, there shall be -added to the, mixture either 5

. (6) Na verloop van4 uur moet bf 5.milliliter van die kaliumjodied- millilitres of, the 10 per cent potassium iodide solUtion or abciut 0.5oplossing van 10 'persent bf ongeveer 13.5 granisoliede kaliumjodied grim of - solid -potaSsittm iodide. -


by die mengsel gevoeg word. • .•

. . (7) Immediately after, the said addition titration , shall be carried.

(7) Onmiddellik nadat dit aldus bygevoeg is, moet dit met natrium- - . . •• .., . .. .. . . •.

N .:out with — sodium thiosulphate solution. . . - - . . : .•

tiosulfaatoPlossing — getitreer word.. "

8080 •

. .. • I. '

. - . . - (81 Towards. the end of the process hereinbefore described there(8) Teen die einde van die proses Wat hierbo beilcryf is moet daar shall be added to the mixture .two.millilitres of starch solution. "

twee milliliter van die stysel-oplossing by die mengsel gevoeg word. .(9) As an alternative to the step prescribed in terms of subrule (8)(9) As 'n alternatiele metode vir die een v/at in subreel (8) voorge- it-

shall be permissible to add two millilitres of sodium 'starch glycol-skryf is. is dit toelaatbaar om twee milliliter natrium-styselglikolaat- late solution at the beginning of the titration.)oplossing aan die begin van die Untie by te voeg. • - (10) Titration shall be carried out until the blue .colour resulting(10) Titrasie moet geskied totdat 'tilt -blou kleur wat ontstaan ten - from the step pitatibed by subrule (8) just disappears, and anygevolge van die slap wat in subreel (3) beskryfis, net verdwyn en blueness which may return after standing shall be ignored. •,enige ,blouigheid wat meg verskyn nadat die oplosiing gestaan het (11),A blank determination shall be made by the - same proceduremoet verontagsaam word.


(11) 'il Kontrolebepaling meet volgens dieselfde procedure gemaakwithout the sample of industrial effluent but with the use of •100millilitres of distilled water instead. . - . . ..word sonder die monster fabrieksuitvloeisel maar deur 100 milliliter (12) Not more than 50 per cent of the potassium permanganate

gedistilleerde water in pleas daarvan to gebruik. shall be used up during the test, and the quantity of the saniplc of..„. .(12) Hoogstens 50 per sent van die kaliumnermangannat moet industrial effluent added, shall be proportioned accordingly.tydens die toots opgebruik word en die hoeveelheid van die fabrieks-

uitvloeiselmonster wat bygevocg word meet dienooreenkomstig ver-,

ander word. - - PART HI. -... , ..•



. .

DEEL 'III: ' - '

i• • ' •



I The pernianganate. value shall be calculated Troth. the-followingDie permanganaatgehalte meet volgens die volgendeformule bere- ' formula:- • •. ,

ken word:- • . • • (a-4).(a- b) , .

• Permanganate value (4 hours) p.p.m = 100 .- - •-., ...

Permanganaatgehalte (4 uur) d.p.m. - 100 —, cc . .

. ..•. . .

• - N. •

. . where (a) is the millilitres o - sodium thiosulphate required Toiwear (a) die getal milliliter natriumtiosulfaat - tiviat vit. die kontrole 1'40 ,

• the blank determination; •

toets nodig is; N • • ' . . . . •• (b) is the millilitres of - sodium thiosulphate required for the

”(6) die getal milliliters natriumtiosulfaat - is wat vir die monster . 8080 • sample; and .

nodig is; en ,- • • - •

(C) is the milltittres.of mdustrigeffluent sample'used.(c) die .getal milliliters fabrieksuitvloeisehnonster Is wat gebruik • .-

word. . . T.A.L.G. 5/34/57.'

' • ' T.A.L.G. 5/34/57•

.• .

....•. , •• ., ,

• - .. , _ . .• - .

Administrateurskennisgewing No. 751.] . [ 13 SepteMber 1967. . Administrator's Notice No. 751.1.; (.. . . [13 September1967._



INGE. , .r. : The Administrator thereby,. in terms of .section 101 of.

• , .- • the Local Government Ordinance. 19391 publishes theDie Administrateur publiseer-hierby ingevolge artikel by-laws set •forth hereinafter:, which have been approved101 van die Ordonnansie op'Plaaslike Bestuurf, 1939,..die• by,him in think of section 99 of the' said Ordinance.:-' verordeningehierna uitee.ngesit, "wat deur hom.ingevolge ....

of the's-

.:Krugetsdorpartikel 99 vati genoemde Ordonnansie.goedgekeur is. The Electricity Supply By-law.. Die.Elektrisiteitvoorsieningsverordeninge van die Muni: Municipality,. published under Administrator's Notice No..

gipaliteit Krugersdorp, afgekondig. by. Administrateurs- 491., dated - the 1st July 1953, as .amended.. are: hereby

kennisgewing No. 491 Van 1 Julie" 1953, soon "gewysig, . further- amended*as follows:- ."

. . . .. .

word hierby.verder as' volg gewysig: - •-

1. By the -substitution for item 2 of scale I of part A. .

'1.. Deur - hay 2 an skaal .1 van deel A van bylae 3 of schedule - iff:the following:- • •

deur die volgende te vervang : ../... !


: : 2 .. .- 1 .


"2. (1) (k) FOr the first 20 units consumed in anyone,, 2. (1) (a) Vir die eerste 20 eenhede in enige besondere month, per unit: 612._

maand verbruik; per eenheicic: 04-q.- -


• (10 For all units in excess..of.20 units consumed 'in the•

(b) Vir alle eenhede meet'. as , 20. eenhede. in dieselfde same month, per unit: ic. . ... .

maand verbruik, per eepheid.: ic,..,,:,- _ „ -

- • •

(c) Minimum.Charge, per••mo-ntli: RI.' - . - 7

(c) Minimum heffing, per maand: RI. • (2) Service charge,... per consumer, per month or part(2) Diensheffing, per verbruiker, per maand of :gedeelte thereof: 25c." .


daarvan: 25c." , 2, •By the "substitution for item 2 - of scale II of part A2. Deur item 2 van skaal IT van deel A van bylae 3 of schedule 3 of the following:- .

-. . .

deur die volgende te vervang:L- - - •

. . ' •• "2. (I) (a) For the first 40 imi:s consumed in any one„2. (1) (a) Vir die eerste 40 eenhede in enige besondere month, per unit; 6c.

' ' . "•- '

• . . , ,maand verbruik, per eenheicl: 6c: • - "

(b) For the next 960 units consumed during the same(b) Vir - die volgende 960 - eenhede in dieselfde maand month, per unit: 2c.

verbruik, per eenheid: 2c. .-

(a)' For- all-

units in excess.. of 1,000 units - consumed.(e)


Vir alle eenhede, meer is-1.000 eenhede in dieselfde' during the same month, per unit: lie. 1

-,. maand verbruik, per eenheid:' lie. ". - - ••

• . ,.., ... (d) Minimum hefting, per.maand: - R2.


- (d) Minithum charge, per -month: R2. - - -

'"(2) Diensheffing, per verbruiker, per nialiutsif gedeelte (2) S&vice_charge, per' consumer, per month,.or 'pelt

•,daarVaii: 25c."' - " ' "- --

• - - • • • .. - - ' - thereof: 25c. •

.. ,. . '21. . • •


. .

- _.- i

. -


-3. Deur item 1 van skaal III van deel A van bylae 3 3. By the substitution for item I of scale III of part A

deur die volgende te vervang:— of schedule 3 of the following: —t

„ 1. Verbruikers wat 'n Maksimum Aanvraag van "1. Consumers Having a Maximum Demand of Less than 0Minder as 40 kVA het. 40 kVA.

(1) (a) Vir die eerste 1,000 eenhede in enige besondere (1) (a) For the first 1,000 units consumed in any one

maand verbruik, per eenheid: tic. month, per unit: 1/c.(b) Vir alle eenhede meer as 1,000 eenhede in dieselfde (b) For all units in excess of 1,000 units consumed

maand verbruik, per eenheid: lc. during the same month, per unit: lc.(c) Minimum heffing, per maand: R3. (c) Minimum charge, per month: R3.(2) Diensheffing, per verbruiker, per maand of gedeelte (2) Service charge, per consumer, per month or part

daarvan: RI." thereof: Rl."4. Deur in item 2 (2) van skaal III van deel A van 4. By the substitution in item 2 (2) of scale III of part

bylae 3 die bedrag „ 90c " deur die bedrag „ 95c " te A of schedule 3 for the amount "90c" of the amountvervang.

" 95c ".5. Deur na item 2 (3) (c) van skaal III van deel A van 5. By the addition after item 2 (3) (c) of scale III of .

bylae 3 die volgende by te voeg:— part A of schedule 3 of the following : —„ (4) Diensheffing, per verbruiker, per maand of gedeelte "(4) Service charge, per consumer, per month or part

daarvan: RIO. thereof: RIO.(5) 'n Afslag van 3% (drie persent) word toegelaat op 5. (A) discount of 3% (three per cent) shall be allowed t

enige rekening van meer as R1,000, gelewer ten opsigte on any account in excess of R.1,000 rendered in terms ofvan subitems (I) tot en met (4)." subitems (I) to (4) inclusive."

6. Deur in item 3 van deel B van bylae 3 van die 6. By the substitution in item 3 of part B of schedulebedrag „ 50c " deur die bedrag „RI " te vervang. 3 for the amount " 50e " of the amount "R1 ".

T.A.L.G. 5/36/18. T.A.L.G. 5/36/18.



STRUBENSVIEW. STRUBENSVIEW TOWNSHIP.It is hereby notified in terms of section 58 (I) of theIngevolge artikel 58 (1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps- Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that

beplanning en Dorpe, No, 25 van 1965, word hierby application has been made by Strubensview Estates (Pty)bekendgemaak dat Strubensview Estates (Ply) Ltd en Ltd and Jacob Toxopeus for permission to lay out a town-Jacob Toxopeus aansoek gedoen het om 'n dorp te stig ship on the farm Wilgespruit 190 IQ. District of Roode-op die pleas Wilgespruit 190 IQ. distrik Roodepoort, wat poort. to be known as Strubensview,bekend sal wees as Strubensview. The proposed township is situate north of and abutsDie voorgestelde dorp le noord van en grens aan Dorp Ontdekkerspark Township and on Portions 181 (a portionOntdekkerspark en op Gedeeltes 181 ('n gedeelte van of Portion 4) and 283 (a portion of Portion 2) of the farmGedeelte 4) en 283 ('n Gedeelte van Gedeelte 2) van die Wilcespruit, District of Roodepoort.pleas Wilgespruit, distrik Roodepoort. The application, together with the relative plans, docu.Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente. en ments and information, is open for inspection at the officeinligting 16 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur, of the Director, Room B225, Second Floor, Block B,Kamer B225. Tweede Vloer, Blok B. Provinsiale Gebou, Provincial Building, Pretoria. for a period of 8 weeksPretoria, vir 'n tydperk van 8 weke na datum hiervan.

Ingevolge artikel 58 (5) van genoemde Ordonnansie from the datehereof.Interms of section 58 (5) of the said Ordinance any per.moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan van son who wishes to object to the granting of the applicationdie aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor te or who is desirous of being heard or of making represen-word of vertoe te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennis tations in the matter, shall communicate in writing withstel. Sodanige kennisgewing meet nie later nie as 8weke van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die the Director of LocalGovernment. Such communication

shall be received by the Director not later than 8Provinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van PlaaslikeBestuur ontvang word. weeks from the date of such first publication in the •incialAlle basware meet in duple ingedien word en gerig word Provincial


aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike Bestuur•objections must be lodged in duplicate and addressed

Posbus 892, Pretoria. to the Director of Local Government, P.O. Box 892,Pretoria.

J. G. VAN DER MERWE, J. G. VAN DER MERWE,Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur. Director of Local Government.

Pretoria, 6 September 1967. Pretoria, 6 September 1967. 6-13-- -


KENNISGEWING No. 335 VAN 1967. NOTICE No. 335 OF 1967.


Ingevolge artikel 58 (1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps- It is hereby notified in terms of section 58 (1) of thebeplanning en Dorpe, No. 25 van 1965, word hierby Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, thatbekendgemaak dat Magdalena Johanna Sophia Brink, application has been made by Magdalena Johanna SophiaJohanna Frederika Visagie en David Jacob Kahts, aan- Brin.., Johanna Frederika Visagie and David Jacob Kahtssoek gedoen het om 'n dorp te stig op die plats Driefon- for permission to lay out a township on the farm Driefon-

tein No. 41 IR, distrik Johannesburg wat bekend sal wees tein 41 IR, District of Johannesburg, to be known as,

as Bryanbrink. Bryanbrink.

Die voorgestelde dorp 16 wes van en grens aan Dorp The proposed township is situate west of and abutsKensington B Township and east of and abuts Bryanston

Kensington B en nos van en grens aan Dorp Bryanston Extension 5 Township and on Portion of Portion 41 ofUitbreiding 5 en op gedeelte van Gedeelte 41 van die the farm Driefontein, District of Johannesburg.plans Driefontein, distrik Johannesburg. The application, together with the relative plans, docu-

Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente, en ments and information, is open for inspection, at the officeinligting le ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur, of the Director, Room B225, Second Floor, Block B.Kamer B225, Tweede Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, Provincial Building, Pretoria, for a period of 8 weeksPretoria, vir 'n tydperk van 8 weke na datum hiervan. from the date hereof.



Ingevolge artikel 58 (5) van genoemde Ordonnansie In terms of section 58 (5) of the said Ordinance anymoet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan person who wishes to object to the granting of the,applica -

111van die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor te tion or who is desirous of being heard or of making repre-word of vertod te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennis sensations in the matter, shall communicate in writingstel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as 8 with the Director of Local Government. Such communi- .

weke van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die cation shall be received by the Director not later than 8'Provinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike weeks from the date of such first publication 'in the Provin-Bestuur ontvang word. cial Gazette.

Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig word All objections must be lodged in duplicate, andaan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike Bestuur, addressed to the Director of Local Government, P.O. BoxPosbus 892. Pretoria. 892, Pretoria.

J. G. VAN DER MERWE, J. G. VAN DER MERWE,Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur. Director of Local Government.

Pretoria, 6 September 1967. Pretoria. 6 September 1967. 6 - 13

- ___ — - -- - -

KENNISGEWING No. 336 VAN 1967. NOTICE No. 336 OF 1967.


It is hereby notified in terms of section 58 (1) of theIngevolge artikel 58 (1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps- —town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, thatbeplanning en Dorpe, No. 25 van 1965, word hierby application has been made by Idlewild (Pty) Ltd, forbekendgemaak dat Idlewild (Pty) Ltd, aansoek gedoen het permission to lay out a township on the farm Wilgespruit


om 'n dorp te stig op die pleas Wilgespruit 190 IQ. distrikRoodepoort, wat bekend sal wees as Idlewild,

n grens aanRoodepoort Munisipale grens en ongeveer 'nhalfmyl

190 IQ, District of Roodepoort, to be known as Idlewild.The proposed township is situate south-west of andDie voorgestelde dorp le suidwes van e

abuts Roodepoort Municipal Boundary and approximatelyhalf a mile - north-east of Ontdekkers Road and onnoordoos van Ontdekkersweg en op Gedeeltes 31, 32, 35,Portions 31, 32, 35, 68, 69 and 85 of the farm Wilgespruit,68, 69 en 85 van die pleas Wilgespruit, distrik Roodepoort. District of Roodepoort.Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente en The application, together, with the relative plans,inligting le ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur,documents and information, is open for inspection, at theKamer B225, Tweede Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, office of the Director, Room B225. Second Floor, BlockPretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt weke na datum hiervan. B, Provincial Building, Pretoria, for a period of eightIngevolge artikel 58 (5) van genoemde Ordonnansieweeks from the date hereof.

moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan In terms of section 58 (5) of the said Ordinance anyvan die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor person who wishes to object to the granting of thete word of vertofi te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennis application or who is desirous of being heard or of makingstel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as agt representations in the matter, shall communicate, inweke van die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die writing, with the Director of Local Government. SuchProvinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike communication shall be received by the Director not laterBestuur ontvang word. than eight weeks from the date of such first publicationAlle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig in the Provincial Gazette.word aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike All objections must be lodged imduplkate, and addressedBestuur, Posbus 892, the Director of Local Government, P.O. 'Box 892,

J. G. VAN DER MERWE, Pretoria.Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur. J. G. VAN DER MERWE,,

Director of Local Government.Pretoria, 6 September 1967.Pretoria, 6 September 1967. . . 6.13

. ,

KENNISGEWING No. 337 VAN 1967. NOTICE No. 337 OF 1967.


Ingevolge artikel 58 (1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps-

EXTENSION 60 TOWNSHIP.It is hereby notified in terms of section 58, (I) of the

Town-planning and Townships Ordinance: 1965, thatbeplanning en Dorpe No. 25 van 1965, word hierby application has been made by Jean Seymouilor permissionbekendgemaak dat Jean Seymour aansoek gedoen het om to lay out a township on the farth Zandfontein 42 IR,'n dart) te stig op die pleas Zandfontein 42—IR, distrik District of Johannesburg, to be known as MorningsideJohannesburg wat bekend sal wees as Morningside Uit- Extension 60.breiding 60. The proposed township is situate east 'of and 'abuts

Die voorgestelde dorp le oos van en grens aan East East Road and on Portion A of Holding 67. MorningsideRoad en op Gedeelte A van Home 67, Morningside Land- Agricultural Holdings, District of Johannesburg.bouhoewes, distrik JohanneSburg. The application, together, with the relative plans, docu-

Die aansoek met die betrokke planne, dokumente, en ments and information, is open far inspection, at the officeinligting le ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur, of the Director, Room B225, Second Floor, Block B. Pro-Kamer B225, Tweede Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, vincial Building, Pretoria, for a period of eight weeks fromPretoria, vir 'n tydperk van 8 weke na datum hiervan.the date hereof. Ingevolgeartikel 58 (5) van genoemde Ordonnansie In terms of section 58 (5) of the said Ordinance. anymoet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan person who wishes to object to the granting of the applica-van die, aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor tion or who is desirous of being heard or of makingte word of vertofi te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennis representations in the matter, shall communicate, instel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as 8 weke writing, with the Director of Local Government. Suchvan die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die communication shall be received by the Director not laterProvinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike than eight weeks from the date of such first publicationBestuur ontvang word. in the Provincial Gazette.

a li. Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig All objections must be lodged in duplicate, andword aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike addressed to the Director of Local Government, P.O.Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria. Box 892, Pretoria.

- J. G. VAN DER MERWE, - J. G. VAN DER MERWE.Direkteur van Plaaslilce Bestuur. Director of Local Government.

Pretoria, 6 September 1967. Pretoria, 6 September 1967. 6-13




' ' KENNISGEWING 'No. 339 VAN 1967.'

NOTICE No. 339 OF 1967. .


• Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikel : . . 1/270. ,

(1) van artikel 39 van die Dorpe- en Dorpsaanleg- It is hereby notified in terms of subsection (1) ofordonhanSie, 1931, bekendgemaak dat die Stadsraad van section 39 of the Townships and Town-planningJohannesburg aansoek gedoen het om Johannesburg- Ordinance, 1931 that the City Council of Johannesburgdorpsaanlegskema. 1, 1946, te wysig deur die hdrindeling has applied for Johannesburg Town-planning Schemevan Gedeelte 21 van Erf 50. dorp Richmond, naamlik .1, 1946, to be amended by the rezoning of Portion 21 ofClamartweg 16, en Mentonweg 23/23a, op sekere voor- Lot 50,- Richmond, Townships being .16 Clamart Roadwaardes van „ Spesiale Woon " tot „ Algemene Besig- and 23/23a Menton Road, from " Special Residential"heids ". to " General. Business " -; subject to certain conditions. •


Verdere besonderhede van hierdie skema (wat Johannes- This amendment will be known. as - Johannesburgburg-dorpsaanlegskema 1/270 genoem sal word) le m Town-planning Scheme 1/270. Further particulars of thedie kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Johannesburg en in scheme are lying for inspection at the office 'of the Towndiekantoor van die Sekretaris van die - Dorperaad, Kamer Clerk, Johannesburg, and at the office of the Secretary b

B222, Provinsiale Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, ter of the Townships Board, Room B222, Provincial Building,insae. Pretorius .Street, Pretoria.

All eienaars of bewoners van onroerende eiendom wat Every - owner or occupier of immovable propertygelee is binne die gebied ten opsigte waarvan die skema t

svan toepassing is, het die reg om beswaar teen die skema situate within the area to which the scheme applies shall

have the right of objection to the scheme and may notifyaan te teken 'en kan te eniger tyd binne 'n maand na die

the Secretaryof the Townships Board, in writing, at thelaaste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die

address P.O. Box 892, Pretoria, of such objectionabove orOffisiele Koerant van die Provinsie, d.w.s. op of voor 5Oktober 1967, die Sekretaris van die Dorperaad by bo- and of the grounds thereof at any time within one month

vermelde adres of Posbus 892, Pretoria, skriftelik in after the last publication of this notice in the Provincial

ekennis.stet van so 'n.beswaar en die redes daarvoor.Gazette. i.e. on or before the 5th October 1967.

' H. MATTHEE, . - H. MATTHEE,Sekretaris, Dorperaad. . .Secretary, Townships Board.

Pretoria. 23 Augustus 1967. . Pretoria, 23 'August 1967.L.



KENNISGEWING No. 340 VAN 1967. - NOTICE No. 340 OF 1967.•

•, .


Ingevolge artikel 58 (1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps- It is hereby notified. in terms of section 58 (1) of 'thebeplanning en Dorpe, No. 25 van 1965. word hierby Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965. thatliekendgemaak dat Lucy Edna. Briggs aansoek gedoen het application has been made by Lucy Edna Briggi for per-om 'n dorp te gig op die plaas Elandsfontein 90 IL dis- mission to lay out a township on the farm Elandsfonteintrik Germiston. wat bekend sal wees as Bedfordview 90 IR, District Germiston, to be known as BedfordviewUitbreiding 131. . . Extension 131.

Die .voorgestelde dorp n suidwes van en grens aan The proposed township is situate south-west of and„Kings Road" en op Gedeelte 1 van Lot 146 „ Gelden- abuts Kings Road and on Portion 1 of Lot 146, Gelden-huis Estate Small Holdings ". distrik Germiston.

. huis Estate Small Holdings, District Germiston.Die aims* met die betrokke planne, dokumente en The application, together with the relative plans, docu-

inligting M ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur, -meats and information, is open for inspection, at the officeKamer B225, Tweede Vloer, Blok B, 'Provinsiale Gebou, of the Director. Room B225, Second Floor, Block B,Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van 8 weke na datuin hiervan.

' Provincial Building. Pretoria, for a period of 8 weeksIngevolge artikel 58 - (5) van genoemde Ordonnansie from the date hereof.

Mau iedereen wat beswaar .wil maak teen die toestaan In terms of section 58 (5) of the said Ordinance anyvat die aansoek of wat begerig is om in die saak gehoor person who wishes to object to the granting of the applt-te word of vertoe te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennis cation or who is desirous of being heard or of makingstel. Sodanige kennisgewing meet nie later nie as 8 weke representations in the matter, shall .communicate invan die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in: die wriiing with the Director of Local Government. Such •Provinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike communication shall be-received by the Director not laterBestuur ontvang word. - than 8 weeks from the date of such first publication in

Alle besware mom in ,ditplo ingedien word en gerig the Provincial Gazette.word aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike All objections must 'be lodged in duplicate, and

Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria. . .addressed to the Director of Local Government, P.O. Box892, Pretoria. I


- - Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur. - - Director of Local Government.Pretoria, September 1967. Pretoria, September 1967. 13-20

, . .'

i - .KENNISGEWING No. 341 VAN 1967.'

•.' NOTICE No. 341 OF 1967. .. i,•



Ingevolge artikel 58 (1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps- It is hereby notified, in terms of section 58 (1) of thebeplanning en Dorpe, No. 25 van 1965, word hierby .Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, thatbekendgemaak dat Walter Ernst Paul Turban aansoek application has been made - by - Walter Emest.'Paul Tur-gedeen het om 'n dorp te siig op die plan Zandfontein ban for permission to lay out a township on the farm42 IR, distrik. Johannesburg, vat bekend sal wees as Zandfontein 42 IR, 'Thitrice Johannesburg; 'to be 'knownMorningside Uitbreiding 61. • as Morningside Extension 61. -

• Die voorgestelde dorp 18 oos van en grens aan ,,.West The proposed township,:is situate east of and abutsRoad South" en wes van en grens aan Rivoniaweg en.op West Road South and west. - of and abuts Rivonia RoadHoewe 103, Morningside Landbouhoewes, distrik Johan- and on Holding-103, • Morningside Agricultural Holdings.nesburg. . . • .. District Johannesburg.






Die aansoek - met die - betrokke plating, 'dokumente en The application, together with the relative plans,inligting le .ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur, documents and information, is open for inspection at the

I0 Kanier B225, Tweede Vlber, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, office of the Director, Room B225, Second Floor, L'lockPretoria, vir 'n tydperk van 8 weke na datum hiervan. B. Provincial Building, Pretoria, for a period of 8 weeks

• Ingevolge artikel 58 (5). van. genoemde Ordonnansie. .from the date hereof.. .

-mod iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan van In terms of section 58 (5).pi the said Ordinance any

die aansoek Of wat begerig - is om in die saak gehoor te person, who wishes to object to the granting of the appli-

word of verto6 te rig, die Direkteur- skriftelik in kennis cation or who - is desirous of being heard or of makingstel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as 8 weke representations in the matter, shall communicate in writingvan die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die with the Director of Local Government. Such communi-

Provinsiale Koerant deur die Direkteur van - Plaaslike cation shall be received by the Director not later than 8

Bestuur ontvang word. weeks from the date of such first publication in theProvincial Gazette.

Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerig All objections must be lodged in duplicate andDirekteur, Departement vanPlaaslike wordaan die-


addressed to the - Director of Local Government, P.O. Box. .Bestuur, Posbus 892


. Pretoria. . 892, Pretoria. •


. .

Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.Director of Local Government.

Pretoria, September 1967. Pretoria, September 1967. 13-20. .

.. •. KENNISGEWING, No. 342 VAN 1967.


342 OF 1967.


Ingevolge artikel ” (1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps- It is hereby 'notified, in terms of section 58 (1) of thebeplanning en Dorpe, No. 25 van '1965, word hierby Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, thatbekendgemaak dat Norman Johannes' Weber aansoek application' has been made by Norman Johannes Webergedoen het om 'n dorp te stig op die pleas Driefontein 41 for permission to lay out a township on the. farm Drie-

IR, distrik Johannesburg, wat bekend sal wees as Weber- fontein 41 IR, District Johannesburg, to be known asdale. Weberdale. . .

Die voorgestelde dorp le ongeveer 'n agste myl noord The: proposed township is situate approximately anvan dorp Parkmore, 'n kwart myl noordwes van Shiel- • eighth Of a mile north of Parkmore Township/a 'quarterMan en op Gedeelte 57 'van die pleas Driefontein;diltrik of a mile north-west of Shiel Avenue and on POrtiaii 57Johannesburg. of the farm Driefontein, District Johannesburg.

I. .

Die Eiansoek• met die betrokke planne, dokumente en The application, together with the 'relative plans, docu-

inligting le. ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur, ments and information, is open for inspection, at the officeKamer B225, Tweede Vther,.. Blok .B; Provinsiale Gebou. of the Director.. Room ..13225, Second Floor, .Block•.B,Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van 8 weke na datum hiervan. Provincial Building. Pretoria, for a period of 8 weeks

. - . - - —

Ingevolge artikel 58 (5) van genoemde Ordonnansiefrom the date hereof.

moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toestaan In, terms of, section 58 (5) of the said Ordinance anyvan die aansoek of wat - begerig is orn. in die saak lekoor person who wishes to object - to the granting of the apPli-te word of vertod te rig, die Direkteur skriftelik in kennis cation or who is desirous of being heard or of makingstel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie later nie as 8 weke. representations in the matter, shall communicate in writingvan die datum van sodanige eerste publikasie in die with the Director of Local Government. Such com-

Provinsicde Koerant deur - die Direkteur van Plaaslike munication shall be received by the Director not later thanBestuur ontvang word. . - . 8 weeks from the date of such first publication in the

Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerigProvincial Gazette. ' ' • ' - ..

ipword aan die Direkteur, Departement van Plaaslike All objections must be lodged in duplicate andBestuur, Posbui 892, Pretoria. addressed to the Director of Local Government, P.O. Box

892, Pretoria. •


Direkteur van- Plaaslike Bestuur. Director of Local Government.Pretoria, September 1967. • Pretoria, September 1967.

- -13-20

A, .

. I ..' TENDERS. .. TENDERS. . . . . .

L.W.—Tenders wat voorheen gepubliseer is en waarvan die N.B.—Tenders previously published and where the closing datessluitingsdatums nog nie verstreke is nie, word nie in hierdie have not yet passed, have not been repeated - in this notice.kennisgewing herhaal nie. Tenders word normaalweg 3- 5 weke Tenders are normally published 3-5 weeks before the closing date.voor die slultingsdatum gepubliseer. --


. Kontrak R.F.T. 61/67. Contract No. R.F.T. 61/67.- .



TENDER No, R.F.T. 61 VAN 1967. TENDER No. R.F.T. 61 OF 1967.

Bou en bituminering van deurpadseksie van spesiale pad Construction and Bituminous Surfacing' of-.throughway

S12 en bybehorende werke, vanaf wes van Edenvakweg, section of special road 512 and appurtenant works, fromGermiston tot oos van Pretoriaweg, Boksburg, ongeveer west of Edenvale Road, Germiston, to east of Pretbria4 myl. • Road, Boksburg. approximately 4 miles.


I_ 1


Tenders word hiermee gevra van ervare kontrakteurs vir Tenders are herewith called for from .experienced con-bogenoemde diens. tractors for the abovementioned service.

Tende documents, including a set of drawings, may be •Tenderdokumente, insluitende 'n stet tekeninge, is by obtained from the Director, Transvaal Roads Department,die Ditekteur, Transvaalse Paaiedepartement Kamer D.518, Room D.518, Provincial Buildings, Church Street, PrivateProvinsiale Gebou, Kerkstraat, Privaatsak 197, Pretoria, Bag 197, Pretoria on payment of a temporary deposit ofverkrygbaar by betaling van 'n tydelike deposito van R20 R20 (twenty rand). This will be refunded provide a(twintig rand). Hierdie bedrag sal terogbetaal word, wits

bona fide tender is received or all such tender documents'n bona fide-tender ontvang word of alle sodanige tender-are returned to the office of issue within 14 days afterdokumente binne 14 dae na die sluitingsdatum van die

tender na die uitreikingskantoor teruggestuur word. the closing date of the tender.•

'n Addisionele afskrif van die hoeveelheidsprys/yste sal An additional copy of the schedule of quantities will begratis verskaf word. provided free of charge.

. .'n Ingenieur sal voornemende tenderaars op 25 Sep- An engineer will meet intending tenderers 'on the 25th

tember 1967 om 10 vm. by ingang van lughawe-Star- 'September 1967, at 10 a.m. at entrance to Airport Star %

inryteater, Germiston, ontmoet om saam met hulle die Drive-In Theatre, Germiston, to inspect the site with them.terrein te gaan besigtig. Die ingenieur sal by geen ander The engineer will not be available for inspection purposesgeleentheid vir besigtigingsdoeleindes beskikbaar wees nie on any other occasion and tenderers are thereforeen tenderaars word derhalwe versoek om op gemelde requested to be present on the said date. 1

datum teenwoordig te wees.

Tenders, ooreenkomstig die voorwaardes in die tender- Tenders, completed in accordance with the conditions•

dokumente voltooi, in verseelde koeverte waarop „-Tender in the tender documents, in sealed envelopes endorsedNo. R.F.T. 61 van 1967" geendosseer is, moet die Voor- "Tender No. RFT 61 of 1967" should reach the Chair-sitter, Transvaalse Provinsiale Tenderraad Posbus 1040, man, Transvaal Provincial Tender Board, P.O. Box 1040,Pretoria, bereik voor 11-uur vm. op Vrydag, 27 Oktober Pretoria, before 11 o'clock a.m. on Friday, 27 October fa1967, wanneer die tenders in die openbaar•oopgerdaak sal 1927, when the tenders will be opened in public.word.

Indien per hand afgelewer, nide' tenders voor 11 -uur Should the tender documents be delivered by hand, theyvm. in die Formele Tenderraadbus by die navraagkantoor should be placed in the Formal Tender Box at the inquiryin die voorportaal van die Provinsiale Gebou by die office in the foyer of the Provincial Building at thePretoriusstraatse hoof-publieke ingang (naby die hock van Pretorius Street main public trance (near BosnianBosmanstraat), Pretoria, gedeponeer word. Street corner), Pretoria, by 11 o'clock.

Die Transvaalse Provinsiale Administrasie verbind horn The Transvaal Provincial Administration shall not bindnie om die laagste of enige tender aan te !teem •of om itself to accept the lowest or any tender or to furnishenige rede vir die afwysing van 'n tender te verstrek We. any reason for the rejection of a tender.

Tenders is vir negentig (90) dae bindend.. Tenders shall be binding for ninety (90) days.

I. BONTHUYS, J. BONTHUYS,Waarnernende Voorsitter: Transvaalse Acting Chairman, Transvaal Provincial,

. . Provinsiale Tenderraad. Tender Board.Administrateurskantoor, 6 September 1967. • Administrator's Office. 6 September 1967.


. .




. TENDERS. . ."



. •. ' '


Tenders vir die volgende dienste/voorrade/verkope Tenders are invited for the following services/supplies/word ingewag. (Tensy dit in die uiteensetting anders aan- sales. (Unless otherwise indicated in the descriptiongegee word, word tenders vir voorrade bedoel):— . tenders are for supplies): -.

- .

' —Tender 111". Beskrywing van diens.' •

_ .Saluairig.s-

Ten. - -

der No. Description of Tender. Closing.Date.W.F.T.B. 267/67 Almase Laerskool: Elektriese in- ,131.10/67

• '

• stallasie.- •

W.F.T.B. 26767 . Almase Laerskool: Electrical in- 131067.

' /' stallation .

/ /W.F.T.B. 268/67 Laerskool Bekker: Oprigting van 13/10/67

ketelkamer • W.F.T.13. 268/67: Laerskool. Bekker: Erection of 13/10/67-W.F.T.B. 269/67 Laerskool Rapportryer: Reparasies. f3/19/67.

boiler room • 'en opknapping W.F.T.B. 269/67 Laerskool Rapportryer: Repairs 13/10/67 A

W.F.T.B...270/67 - Krugerlaanskool: Sentrale ver- 13/10/67and renovations

vrarmingsinstallasie .W:F.T.B. 270/67- Krugerlaan School: Central heat- 13/10/67

W.F.T.B. 271/67 Craighall Primary School: Gelyk- 29/9/67ing installation

manic van gronde W.F.T.B. 271/67 Craighall.Primary School: Layout 29/9/67W.F.T.B. 272/67 Laerskiml Voorbrand: Reparasies 13/10/67

of grounds :

en opknapping W.F.T.B. 272/67 Laerskool Voorbrand: Repairs 13/10/67•

W.F.T.B. 273/67 Kleinteaterr Pretoria: • Veihoog•-• .29/9/67

' ' - -.and. renovations •

basting . .. W.F.T.B.- 273/67 Little Theatre,' Pretoria: Siege 29/9/67W.F.T.B. 274/67 Bospoortse Laerskool, Lichien- 13/10/61

" lighting -,

burg: Oprigting van nuwegebou WX.T33. 274/67 Bospoortse - -Laerskool; - Lichten- 13/10/67'W.F.T.B. 275/67 Laerskool Taalfees: Elektriese 13/10/67

- burg: - Erection of new buildinginstallasie W.F.T.B., 275/67 Laerskool Taalfees : Electrical 13/10/67' -

W.F.T.B. 276/67 KierIcsdorphospitaal : Verbran- 13/10/67installation

dingsoond -• W.F.T.B. 276/67 Klerksdorp .Hospital:. Incinerator 13/10/67W.F.T.B. 277/67 Ou Markplein, Pretoria: Huur van 29/9/67 W.F.T-B. 277/67 Old Market Square, Pretoria: 29/9/67

gedeelte van terrein vii Parkeer- Hiring Of portion of site for -

doeleindes parking purposes. W.F.T.B. 278/67 Nigelhospitaal:. Veranderings en 29/9/67 W.F.T.B. 278/67 Nigel Hospital: Alterations and 29/9/67


aanboumgs aan dodehuis additions to mortuary •


W.F.T.B. 279/67 lia.rtebeeshoelckwekery: Oprigting 13/10/67 W.F.T.B. 279/67 Hartebeeshoek Nursery: Erection 13/10/67van huis - of house -

26.. . .

- • _ -. . .. .

- - -


, •

BELANGRIKE OPMERKINGS. IMPORTANT 1. Die betrokke tenderdokumente, met inbegrip van die 1. The relative tender documents, including the

le amptelike tendervorms van die Administrasie, is op aan- Administration's official tender forms, are obtainable onvraag by die onderstaande adresse verkrygbaar. Sodanige application from the relative addresses indicated below.dokumente asmede enige tender/kontrakvoorwaardes wat Such documents and any tender/contract conditions notnie in die tenderdokumente opgeneem is nie, is ook by embodied in the tender documents are also available fordie genoemde adresse vir inspeksie verkrygbaar:— inspection at the saidaddresses:—•Kantoor in Nuwe Provinsiale Office in New Provincial Building,

Gebou, Pretoria. Pretoria.Tender- Posadres te Tender Postal Address,

verwysing. Pretoria. Ref. Pretoria.Tele- PhoneKamer- Verdie- Room

"Ino. Blot ; . foonno., Block. Floor. No.,palg" Pretoria. No.

. Pretoria.

H.A..... Direkteur van A930 A' 9 (89401) H.A..... Director of Hos- A930• A . 9 (89401)

Hospitaaldiens- (89251) . pital Services, (89251)/ tc, Privaatsak PrivateBag 221

221 11.8..... Director of Hos- A746 A 7 89202/3H.B..... Direkteur van A746 A 7 89202/3 pital Services,

Hospitaaldiens- Private Bag 221te, Privaatsak B.C..... Director of Hos- ' A729 A 7 89206 ,

221 pital Services, .

H.C..... Direkteur van A729 A 7 89206 Private Bag 221• Hospitaaidiens-


H.D..... Director of Hos- A740pital Services,Private Bag 221

A 7 89208/9to, Privaatsak

H.D..... Direkteur van A740 A 7 89208/9 P.F.T... Provincial Score- A1119 A 11 80965Hospitaaldiens- tary (Purchaseste, Privaatsak and) Supplies), '

221 Private Bag 64P.F.T... Provinsiale Sekre- A1119 .A 11 80965 R.F.T...

Director, Trans- D518 D 5 89184tads (Aankope vaal Roadsen Voorrade), Department,Privaalsak 64 Private Bag 197

R.F.T... Dir,ekteur, Trans- D518-

13 5 89184 T.O.D... Director, Trans- A550 A 5 80651vaalse Paaie- vaal Education .

departement, Department,Privaatsak 197 • Private Bag 76

T.O.D.. Direkteur, Trans- A550 A 5 80651 W.F.T... Director, Trans- C109 C 1'

80675vaalse Onder- vaal Depart-wysdeparte- meat ofWorks,ment, Privaat- Private Bag 228sak 76 W.F.T.B.

'Director, Trans- CM7 C M 80306

W.F.T... Direkteur, Trans- C109 C 1 80675 vaal Depart-vaalse Werke- ment ofWorks,departement, - Private Bag 228Privaatsak 228

W.F.T.B. Direkteur, Trans- CM7 C M 80306vaalse Werke-

• •

departement, 2. The Administration is not bound to accept the lowestPrivaatsak 228 •

or any tender 'and reserves the right to accept a portion

of a tender.

2. Die Administrasie is nie daartoe verplig om die .

laagste of enige tender aan te neem nie, en behou hom 3. In the case of each W.F.T.B. tender the tendererdie reg voor om 'n gedeelte van 'n tender aan te neem. must pay a deposit. of R4 before he will be supplied with

3. In die "geval van iedere W.F.T.B.-tender. moet • die the tender documents. Such deposit must be in the form

tenderaar 'n deposito van R4 stort alvorens by van die of cash, a bank initialed cheque, or a departmental

libtenderdokumente voorsien sal word. Sodanige depositomoet in kontantgeld wees, 'n tjek deur die bank geparafeer

standing deposit receipt (Rio). The said deposit will be

refunded if a bona fide tender is received from theof 'n departementele legorderkwitansie (RIO). Genoemde

tenderer or if the tender documents includihg plans,depositobedrag sal terugbetaal word as 'n bona - fide-inskrywing van die tenderaar ontvang word of as die specifications and bills of quantities are returned by thetenderdokumente, met inbegrip van plane, spesifikasies tenderer within 14 days after the closing date of the tenderen hoeveelheidslyste, binne 14 dae na die sluitiagsdatum to the relative address shown in note 1 above. .

van die tender deur die tenderaar teruggestuur word na, .

die betrokke adres in opmerking 1 hierbo aangetoon.4. All tenders must be submitted on the Administration's

4. Alle tenders, moet op die amptelike tendervorms van official tender forms. •

die Administrasie voorgele word. '. . .. .

5. Each tender must be submitted in a separate sealed5. Iedere inskrywing moet in 'Il afsonderlike verseelde

koevert ingedien word, geadresseer aan die Voorsitter, Die envelope addressed to the Chairman, Transvaal Proyincial

Transvaalse Provinsiale Tenderraad, Posbus 1040, Tender Board, P.O. Box 1040, Pretoria, and must be

Pretoria, en moet duidelik van die opskrif voorsien wees clearly superscribed to show the tenderer's name andten einde die tenderaar se naam en adres aan to toon address, as well as the number, description and closingasook die nommer, beskrywing en sluitingsdatum van die

date of the tender. Tenders must be in the hands of thetender. Inskrywings moet teen 1( vm. op die sluifings-

Chairman by 11 a.m. on the closing date indicated above.datum hierbo aangetoon, in die Voorsitter se hande wees.

6. Indien inskrywings per hand ingedien word, moethulle teen 11 vm, op die sluitingsdatum in die Formele deposited in the formal Tender Box at the Enquiry OfficeTenderbus geplaas wees by die navraagkantoor in die

6. If tenders are delivered by hand, they must be

voorportaal van die nuwe Provinsiale Gebou by die hoof-inpthe foyer of the New Provincial Building); at the

ingang aan Pretoriusstraat se kant (naby die hock van Pretorius Street main public entrance (near Bosman StreetBosmanstraat), Pretoria. corner), Pretoria; by 11 a.m. on the closing date.


656 PROVINSLALE KOERANT: 13 SEPTEMBER 1467.... .,_.. . ..



432 en 'n gedeelte van'Standplaas 423; City have been'toinpleted 'aticlhaVe been certifiedand Suburban, vanaf die noordelike grens in accordance with .the provisions - of section

Tensy voor die tyd gems, sal die diere Van die voorstacTongeveer 41 voet ver suid- 14 of the Local Authorities' Rating Ordi-hieronder filbeskryf, verkoop word soos aan- waarts, permanent vir alle verkeer te sluit. - nance, No.'20 Of 1933,•as amended, and thatgedui.

- 'n Plan waarop die straatgedeelte wat die the said Rolls shall become fixed and. .

Persone wat nayraag wens te doen aan- Raad voornemens is. om te'sluitiaaagetoon binding upon all 'parties who shall not havenen& die hierotider omskrewe diere moet Word, le gechirende - gewone kantoorure in appealed within 1 month from' the 'date ofin die geval van' diere iii nillllisiPale akutte, Kamer .309,, Stadhuis,Johannesburg, ter the first publication of this notice, againstdie Stadsklerk nader, en_ wat diere in insae•

'the decision of the Valuation Courts, in the

I distrikskutte betref, die betrokke Landdros. Enigiemand wat teen die- voorgestelde manner prescribed in the said Ordinance :—sMiting beswaar wil opper of wat moontlik

CHRISTIANASE Munisipale Skut, op 22 skadevergoeding sal wil eis indien-die straw. Local Area Committee.

September 1967, om 10 vm.- 1 Vers, 2 jaar, gesluit word, moet sy beswaar of .eis uiters (i) Walkerville: General Valuation Roll.swart, poenskop; I vets, Afrikaner, 2' jaar, op 17 November 1967 skriftelik by my

'. (ii) West. Rand: Interim Valuation Roll.

regteroor winkelhaak agter, linkeroor sweet- indica. - - . - By Order of the President of the Courts..

stert. - .._ A. P. BURGER, J. J. SHIT,• ELANDSKRAAL Skut, distrik Austen- Klerk van die Raad.


burg, op 4. Oktober 1967, om 11 vm.- 1 Stadhuis,Clerk of the Valuation Courts.

Koei, Afrikaner, 6 jaar, rooi, regteroor Johannesburg, 13 September 1967. P.O. Box 1341, •i

stomp, linkeroor slip: 1 bul, Afrikaner, 14- Pretoria, 6 September 1967, .

jaar: roof; regteroor stomp; I bpi, Afrikaner, - ' ' -CITY'OF JOHANNESBURG." "(Notice No. 134(67) - ' • 752- 6- 135 Par, swart, brandmerk eg LS, linkeroog ' '. '

! -- • - • . . .

blind, linkeroor halfriman. - : PERMANENT CLOSING.-OF PORTION - • •


20' September 1967, oh] 10 1171.- 1 Mull, URBAN.....• — • WYSIGING • VAN VERORDENINGEreun, 6 jaar, swart. ,. • [Notice in terms of section 67 (3)'of the - '•

KLERKSDORPSE Munisipale Skut, Op . Local Government Ordinance, 1939.] BETREFFENDE LISENSIES EN BEHEER21 Septernber 1967, om 10 vm.- 1

- pod,' • • OOR BESIGHEDR. . - . .. .- The. Co.uncil intends, subject to the H•emerrie, 6 jaar, bruin, kol voor kop en :wit; i rime word ingevolge dieffiepalings van

approval of the Honourable...the Adminis- - •

regteragtervoet; I perd,. pings, 4 jaar, bruin;trator, to close. permanently to all traffic a artikel96 van die Ordonnansw op Plaaslike

1 acid, merrie, 3 ; jaar,• vos, kol voor' kop.Bestuur, No. 17 van 1939, sops' gewysig,PIET RETIEFSE Munisipale Skut, op 27.,

portion of Berea Street, between Stand 432 bekendgemaak dat die stadsraad van Rand-and : a• portion of . Stand 423, City andSeptember 19,67, Tit 2 aim.- 1 Koel."Jersey, fontein van voomeme is om' Sy Verordeninge3 par( 1 koei, JerseY.' jaar. ' ' • ' Suburban, • •'commencing: atr..the northern Betreffende Lisensies en Beheet oor Besig-

SANDSPRUIT Skut, distrik Krugersdom. boundary of the township and extending hede te wysig ten chide vooriiening te manicop 4 Oktober 1967. om 11 vm.- 1 'Koei, southwards for a distance of approximately dat Been lisensiegelde vii advertensies watmet• lalf, Jersey,. 7 ,jaar, bruin; 1 koei,. 41op busskuilings wat vir die"gerief van dieleeshowingThet' n of the,streetplan pm io .. algemene publiek opgerig is, gehef sal wordSwitser, 6 jaar, donkerbruin; 1 koei, 8 jaar,

the Councilproposes to close may bebruin, seaelstert aan linkeroor; 1 vers, '5. nie.

fmn inspectedRoom

during .ordmary office hours atjaar, swartbont; 1 vers, 4 jaar, swartb' Afskrifte van die'. voorgektelde wysiging

., 309, Municipal Offices. Johannesburg.met wit lone. swaelstert aan regteroor. - 'sal vir 'n tydperkrVan 21. den vanaf datumAny Person .who.has any.objection to the

.'•- • • proposed closing or who will have any claim van publikasie' hiervan gedurende kantoor-., for compensation if the closing is carried ure in die kantoor van die ondergetekende

POUND SALES. • - . out must lodge his objection or claim in ter insac a ' '• : - ,

Unless previous) released. the animals writing later than- 17 November 1,' I. F. VAN LOGGERENBERG. •

described hereunderStadsklerk.

A. P. BURGER, Munisipale Kantore,will be sold as 1967. '. . - -




indicated. •

Clerk of the Council. Randfontein, 30 Augustus 1967.,.

Persons desiring to make inquiries Municipal Offices. (Kennisgewing No. 48 van'1967.)respecting the animals described hereunder. Johannesburg, 13 September 1967.

' . . .

in the case of animals in municipal, pounds. •.

754- 13.

i .

should address the Town Clerk; for those ... . .

in district pounds, the Magistrate of the MUNICIPALITY OF RANDFONTEIN.district concerned. TR A NSVA A LSE RAAD VIR DIE.


' ' RELATING TO LICE N CE S AND22nd September 1961, at 10 a.n.—iI Heifer, BUSINESS CONTROL.2' years, black; 1 heifer, 'Africander, 2 years, VERSKEIE PLAASLIKE GEBIEDS- '

black. right ear square at the Seek; Leif ear'

KOMITEES. Notice is hereby given, in terms of sectionSwallowtail. • 96 of the Local Government Ordinance,

ELANDSKRAAL Pound, District of WAARDERINGSLYSTE No. 17 of 1939, as amended,that the Town Rustenburg,on the 4th October 1967. at Kennis geskied hiermee dat die Algemene Council of Randfontein intends :to amend

H. dm.- 1 .Cow, Africander; 6 years, red, en Tussentydse Waarderingslyste air die the By-laws Relating to Licences and Bust-

right ear cropped, left ;ear slip; 1 bull, ondergenoemde Plaaslike •Gebiedskomitie- ness Control. in order to provide that as

AfriCander. 14- years, red, right ear cropped; gebiede, voltooi is; en ooreenkomstig artikel licence fees shall be levied for advertise-n.. merits on' bus shelters erected for the con-

1 bull, Africander,- 5 years, black, branded 14 van die Plaaslike : Bestuur-belasti g114 LS, left eye blind, left ear crescent. ordonnansie, No. 20 van 1933. soos gewysig, venience of the general public. •gesertifiseer is en dat dit vasgestel , en Copies of the proposed amendment will

GROBLERSDAL Municipal Pound,on the20th September - 1967, - at 10 dm.- 1 bindend, gepaak sal word op alle.pertye wat be available for inspection fora period of- nie Mime r kalendermaand vaunt die datum 21 days from the date of publication hereof

Mule,. gelding. 6 years, black. .

van die cerste nublikisie van.hierdie keniiis- at the office of the undersigned duringKLERKSDORP Municipal POund, on the gewing: teen die beslissing van .die Waar- normal office -hours. . -

21st September 1967. at 10 a.m.- 1 • Horse, deringshowe, op die wyse soos in genoemde •'

mare, 6 years,. bay with , star„ and off hind. Ordonnansie voorgeskryf, geappelleer het J. F. VAN LOGGERENBERG,-white sock; .1 horse, stallion, 4 years, bay; Me.— '

. . Town Clerk. 1

1 horse, mare, 3 years, chestnut with star. Municipal Offices,Plaaslike Gebiedskomitee.

PIET RETIEF Municipal Pound, on the 'ti) Walke -rviRandfontein, 30 August 1967.

lle: Algemene Waarderings-27th September 1967, at -2 p.m.- 1 Cow, i„. .

- • . . (Notice No. 43 of 1961) — 759- 13Jersey, 3 "years; I cow, Jersey, - 5 years. - - •'''' . . -

SAND S P R U I T Pound, District ofVs-

(ii) Wes-Rand: Tussentydse Waarderings- aj .

•. .

.Krugersdorp, on the 4th October 1967, at DORPSRAAD VAN OTTOSDAL.11' a.m.- 1 Cow, with calf, Jersey, 7 years, Op gesag van die President van die Howe. .:

brown; 1 cow. Swiss, 6 year, dark broWn; _ ALGEMENE WAARDERINGSLYS.I. J.- SMIT, -"

. -

- Kennis word hiermee gegee ingevolge the1 cow, 8 years, brown, left ear- swallowtail; ' "

Klerk van die Waarderingshowe.. crI , heifer, 5 years, black spotted; 1 ,heifer, bepalings van .artikel 14 van - die Plaaslike

; 13414 ,years, black arid brown with white spots, Posbus• - . -. Bestuur-belastingordonnansie, No. 20 van

right ear swallowtail..

' .; ..''

Pretoria, 6.September 1967._ 1933, soos gewysig, dat bogenoemdet lys

(Kennisgewing No. 134/6/3• . •(

• voltooi is en. gesertifiseer li 'ingevolge 'die• .: - bepalings van gemelde Ordonnansie.. i —


,. - • . .

Dit sal van toepassing en bindend geniaakPER MA NEN TE SLUITING VAN T R A.N S V A A L BOARD FOR THE Word op alle betrokke• partVe wat nie - hinneGEDEELTE VAN BEREASTRAAT, CITY DEVELOPMENT -

,OF PERI-URBAN I maand vanateerste publikaSie vary hier-AND SUBURBAN. AREAS. die kennisgewing teen die beslissing van die. . .

Waarderingshof appellees hie, - op die wyse.

[KennisgeWing ingevolge die bepalings van VARIOUS LOCAL AREA •artikel 67 (3) yin die( Ordonnansie op, .. ...•- - . • . soos in gemelde Ordonnansie voorgeskryf -

. .

Plaaslike Bestuur. 1939.] ' •. A. P. DUNCKEW: ..i7''

Die Read is vootheinens" om,- [nits 'Sy - Notice is 'heregy. given _that the General ..'

• :- . - -I - Stadskletk.-Edele die ' Administrateurm dit goedkeur, ..M and Interim Valuation 'Rolls for the under- Munisipale Kantoor,

* -": •

- • .... '• :,gedeelte van Bereastraat, tussen Standplaas mentioned Local. Area COinziaitted

-areas Ottosdal, 28 Augustus 1967.. - — . ' •C - /






VILLAGE - COUNCIL OF; OTTOSDAL.. . -.Any... person who desires to lodge - an The draft scheme contains the followingobjection. to the. proclamation of the proposal:—,. •_

: - .

GENERAL VALUATION ROLL. proposed roads must lodge such objection,•

IS ...Notice ii hereby given; in terms of: the in writing, in duplicate, with the Honourable To re-zone portion of Erf 23, Chamdor,provisions of section /14 . of • thee Local the Administrator. - c/o the Director .of being approximately 4 - 4229 morgen ' inAuthorities - Rating . Ordinance;: No. • 20 of. Local Government, P.O. Box 892, Pretoria, extent, which is presently zoned as." Indus -1933„ as .amended, - that the above roll .has and -with the City Council, c/o the Clerk triar to ".General Business " and to con-been• completed.and certified in terms of the of the. Council, •P O. 'Box 1049, "(Mandel-

soi!date,•th; said portion with Erf 22, Cham'-said Ordinance. -

- •.: • - .. ;burg, not -later than 16 October 1967. •

• _ . deir,.to allow for the proper development ofThe roll will become fixed and. binding •. - .

- A. P. BURGER, i large shopping centre with adequate„upon all parties concerned who shall not -

•Clerk of the Council. .

notice• '

•' -withinparking facilities.ounc

1 Month from the date of this'

• , The, above land is presently owned by theappeal against the.decision of the Valuation. Municipal Offices. Council. .

Court in the 'manner provided in the said. Johannesburg: 30 August 1967. • . . . .

Ordinance. • . . Particulars of this scheme are open, fori


D;SCHEDULE. . _ , inspection at Room 43, Town Hall, Krugers-

A. P. UNCKER, ' •o• dorp, for a period of 4 weeks from the

1 : : Town Clerk.' .Deserrpon of the Roads Referred Jo inthe Above Notice. - date of the first publication of this notice,

.. .

Municipal Office,' ... - - •- • • • A length of the' East/West Motorway which is the 6th SepteMber 1967.

••••Ottosdal; 28 August 1967.'

757- 13:20 depicted on Diagrams S.G. .87611/65! (R.M.T. 690). 7612/65 (R.M.T. 691) and



The 'Council will consider whether' or, snot•

7613/65' (R.M.T. 692). over various par- the scheme should be adopted. i

) • : STAD JOHANNESBURG. : . thins of 'the farm, 'Doornfontein 92 IR.'- -

• i•VERSOEKSKRIF.—D1E. •PROKLA- The general course of the road is eastwards Any -

owner or occupier of. immovable

MERING VAN; 'N GEDEELTE VAN froth the eastern boundary of Portion 141 Property within the area of the Krugersdorp

DIE 0 0 S / W ES - MOTORWEG . - OOR of the, farm to. the eastern boundary, of Town-planning Scheme 1, or within 1 mile

GEDEELTES VAN DIE PLAAS DOORN - Johannesburg Municipal Area at its inter- of the boundary thereof, has-the 'right: to

FONTEIN 92 IR.' , .

' - ''. - *Eon with the Main Reef Road. The object to the scheme or to make representa -

: situation of the road is immediately south lions in respect thereof, and if he wishes to

0 (Kennisgewing ingevolge die bepalings van.of. the Townships of Benrose and its eaten- do so, he shall within 4 weeks of the•first

artikel 5 van die Plaaslike Outoriteite. We stuns; leppestown South; Denver. Cleveden, publication fthis''

o . notice. which isOrdonnansie, 1904, soos gewysig.) ..

' ".the:6th

Cleveland and Malvern. There is, in addi- Septembef 1967. inform the local authority

Die stadsraad 'van Johannesburg het Sy! lion, a road linking the proposed motorway 'in writing of such objections or representa -, with the Main 'Reef Road at Chilven [ ions. and shall state whether or not heEdele die Administrateur van Tiainvaal vet-soak om die paaie Viet in bygaande' bylae Street • wishes to be heard by the local authority.beskryf word, 'tot openbare 'paaie te 716- 30-6-13 .

Proklameer.C. E. E. GERBER, '

, 'a Afskrif van die versoekskrif en van die MUNISIPALITEIT KRUGERSDORP. .

Clerk of the Caution.22 August 1967

kaarte wat daarby aangeheg is, 16 .gedurende•

gewone kantoorure in Kamer 216A, Stad- (Municipal Notice No. 78/1967.) KRUGERSDORPD 0 R P S A A N LEG- 741- 643

• . :

VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIEMils, -Johannesburg, ter insae. . SKEMA 1 (WYSIGINGSKEMA 1 /32). • .

Effigiemanci wat teen die proklamering Die Stadsraad van Krugersdorp het 'a MUNISIPALITEIT RANDFONTEIN.van die voorgestelde paaie beswaar wil wysigingsontwerpdorpsaanlegskema opgestel.

.. opper. - moet sy beswaar niters op 16 WAARDERINGSLYS.wat as Wysigingsdorpsbeplanningskema 1/32 . .

Oktober 1967. skriftelik in daplo by Sybekend sal staan. Hiermee word bekendgemaak dat die

Edcle die Adthinistrateur, pia die, Direk- Waarderingslys waarna in Muilisifialelair 'van Plaaslike 'Bestuur, Posbus 892. Hierdie ontwerpskema- bevat die volgendeKennisgewing No, 41 van 1967. gedateer 2

Pretoria. en by die stadsraad, p/a die' Klerk voorstel:—van' die Read, Posbus 1049, Johannesburg, '... : Augustus 1967, verwys is. non voltool en

. um gedeelte van Erf 23. Chamdor, groot gesertifiseer is ingevolge die bepalings vanindien. ongeveer 4.4229 morg, wat op die oomblik die Plaaslike Bestuur-belastingordonnansie,„ .

' A. P.ingedeel is vir „Nywerheidsdoeleindes" ber No. 20 van 1933, soos gewysig,• en dat

• in to deal vir „ Algemene Besigheidsdoelein- genoemde Waarderingslys van krag . inKlerk vanBURGER,'dieRead.

• des". en genoemde gedeette te konsolideer bindend'sal wees op ails belanghebbende

Stadhuis. met Erf 22. Chamdor, om toe te laat .vir persone wat nie binne '1 miand vanaf die

Johannesburg, 30 Augustus 1967. die behoorlike ontwikkeling van 'n groot datum 'van die eerste ,publikasie hieivan,, .• besigheidsentrum met voldoende parkeerfasi- cl.w.s. op of voor 13 Oktober 1967, teen die

' '' I ' ' • '



, liteite. , - . ..beslissing van die Waaideringshof apOellier• Dieogenoeme eiendombd word - op die 0.

Reskrywing van die' Paaie waarna daar InNO die wyse soos in genoemde Ordonnansieg.. 20 van 1933,j

-bepaal nie: • - •• ••

Bogenoentde Kennisgewing . Vengys word. oomblik deur die Raad besit. •

• . .•

'n' Gedeelte van die Oos/Wes-motorweg Besondeihede van' hierdie skema la terOp las van die President van die Hotnine by Kamer 43 Stadhuil, Kru rsdoro

nor verskeie gedeeltes van die pleas Doorn-fontem 92 IR, soos a a iigetOon . op Kaarte •vir . 'a tydperk van' 4 _wake. vanafge , .cliet


: • . •

J. 'A: DU PLESSTS, '• S.G. A761I / 65 (R.M.T.'690), 7612 / 65 •clattini,van die eerste publikasie vari•hierdie .

, . Klerk van die Hof.(R.M.T. 691) en 7613/65 (R.M.T. 692). 'kennisteWing, naamIlk op 6 September 1967. •

- ... .;.

Die algemene beloop - van'die pad is oos- Die Raad sal die skenia oorweeg en besluit Munisipale Kantore, .

••• ; -


waa'rts vanaf die oostelike grens van of dit aangeneem moet word. Randfontein, 13 September 1967....Gedeelte 141 van die pleas tot by 'die oos- -

Ehige eienaar of okkupeerder..van - yogi . ...


telike grens van die Johannesburgse munisi- eiendom birme die gebied van die Krugers- (Kennisgewing No., 46 van 1967.)-pale' gebied by die kruising daorvan met die dorp - iDorpsaanlegskema I of binne I myl . • . .

Hoofrifweg. Die pad le net ten suide van __ .. • -

• 'die voorstede Benrose en sy • uitbreidings, van we grens daarrin, het die reg om teendie skema beswaar te maak of om vertoe MUNICIPALITY OF RANDFONTEIN.

leppestown-Suid, Denver, Cleveden, Cleve: ten opsigte daarvan le rig,..en indien by dit •

land en Malvern./: Hierbenewens is daar 'nVALUATION ROLL. •'

pad wat die voorgestelde motorweg met die, wil doers, moet by die- plaaslike bestuur

binne 4 weke vanaf die eerste publikasie Notice is hereby given - that the -Valuation. Hoofrifweg by Chilverstraat verbind. .

- • • van hierdie kennisgewing, naamlik 6 Septem- Roll referred to . in Municipal Notice No.A . ' ber 1967, skriftelik van sodanige beswaar of 41 of 1967, dated 2 August 1967, has been

..- _ vertoe in kennis stet en vermeld of by deur completed and certified in- accordance with• '

'CITY OF JOHANNESBURG. die plaaslike bestuur gehoor wil word of the provisions of - the - LOcal• Authoritiesie. '


- • . Rating Ordinance, No. 20 of 1933,' as

OF A PORTION OF THE EAST/WEST • •; C. E. E. GERBER, amended, and


that the .said Valuation Roll

MOTORWAY - OVER PORTIONS OF THE -• Klerk van die Raad. will

• begrime fixed and binding upon allparties concerned who shall not within 1

FARM DOORNFONTEIN 92 IR. 22 Augustus 1967. ,KennisgewingNo.78 1967(Munisipale. / .) month as from the date of the first publica -

(Notice in terms of section 5 of.the Local - tion hereof, i.e. on or before 13 OctoberAuthorities Roads Ordinance, 1904, as . . • 1967, appeal against the decision of theamended.).. ' • KRUGERSID011P - MUNICIPALITY. Valuation Court in manner provided in

The _City Council of-Johannesburg has , - . . - . .

the said Ordinance, No. 20 of 1933. .

. petitioned the Honourable the Administrator PROPOSED AMENDMENT T 0 the President of theBy Order of Court.of Transvaal to proclaim as public the roads KRUGERSDORP - TOWN-PLANNING

0 described in the schedule appended' hereto. SCHEME 1 (AMENDMENT SCHEME .

• •

J. A. DU PLESSIS," - • ' • :

A • copy of ' • the petition and of the 11321• Clerk of -the Court.

diagrams annexed thereto maybe inspected The Town Council of Krugersdorp has.


riming 'ordinary office hours on application prepared a draft amendment town-planningMunicipalOffices, • • . ..-

Randfontein, 13 September•I967. - ". • •

'at Room 2I6A, Municipal Offices, City Hall, scheme, to be known as Amendment Town- • /

Johannesburg. .p to Scheme I/32: '7 - - (Notice No. 46 of 19671 • 758- 13-20



i i



3.• Kleims •omskryf dent R.M.T; 4355 en. Administrator to mrciclaini •ad a public. roadgeregistreer in die naam van Simmer.. and the road described in the schedule. to this

PROKLAMASIE VAN (i) 'N VERBIN -Jack Mines Limited. . .. - . .

- notice'. • '• --.- - .'

• •

DINGSPAD TUSSEN WATKINSONWEG i - • .-. - r A" copy, of the . petition. and the relevant

EN REFINERYWEG, DORP GERMIS - BYLAE C. diagram can be. Inspected at - Room 105,Municipal Offices, President( Street, Germis-

TON UITBREIDING 4 EN TUSSENREFINERYWEG EN JACKSTRAAT, Regte, beitalwe Mynregte, geraak view die

• . .. ton, daily during office hours.• Paaie waarna in Bylae B venvys wora. •

'DORFW ES G ER M 1 ST 0 N, OOR • . Any interested person - desiring to - lodgeGEDEELTES VAN DIE PLAAS ELANDS- '1. Geboue met omheining deur SiMmer an objection, must lodge such objection, inFONTEIN 90 IR, DISTRIK GERMISTON, and Jack Mines Limited krigtens ()riper- writing (in duplicate) with the ProvincialEN (ii) 'N AFGESKUINSTE HOEK BY vlakteregpermit A.86/64 gebou en soos deur Secretary.' P.O. Box 383, Pretoria, and 'theDIE KRUISING VAN JONASWEG EN R.M.T. Sketskaart S.11.5361 omskryf.

1967. .'

undersigned not later than the 23rd OctoberREFINERYWEG, DORP GERMISTON 2. Terrein vir •ontspanningsdoeleindes,UITBREIDING 4. insluitend voetbal en tennisgrond .met om- .. . ...

heining dear Simmer and Jack Mines SCHEDULE A. ,.

Kragtens die bepalings van die „Local . .. I

Limited kragtens Oppervlakteregpermit Description (i). ,

ah p1.0wr?tii

onroaadf theof farm irregularwi Elandsfonteindth,traversing9oi,Authorities Roads Ordinance, 1904", sons .

A.24/21 gehou en soos deur R.M.T. Skets-gewysig, word hiermee kennis gee= dat die kaart S.R.2105 omskryf.stadsraad van Germiston by die Administra -

t e astern side of which commences at3..Waternvoleidin deur Simmer andtear aansoek gedoen het om die pad soos - . -- - -- . - g.

the beacon G2 of Germiston Extension. 4IJack Mines Limited kragtens Oppervlakte-

Township defined by Diagram S.G. A625/28in die bylae 'van' hierdie kennisgewing regpermit A.133/48 gehou en soos deuromskryf, as openbare pad to proklameer.

, R.M.T.Sketskaart P..1- 1264 omskryf.'' "n Afskrif van. die ve'rsoelcskrif en die •

and' proceeding southwards for a proxi-4. Uitikothecip en - timmerwerf 'deur mately 538 Cape feet to pointPon thebetrokke diagram is daagliks gedttrende Simmer and Jack Mines Limited kragtens northern boundary • of the a South.African

Railway Reserve (Portion GGG of the farmgewone kantoorure by Kamer 105, Stads-kintore, Presidentitraat, . Germiston, terOppervlakteregperrnit A.134125 gehou en

socks deur G C.P.-R.M.T. Sketskaart 101. Elandsfontein 90) approximately 437 Cape.

feet west of beacon A2 of GermistonDame..


' • -• , - verwysing No. 18. oinskryt•

Extension 4 Township.'Hinge belanghebbende p,ersoon wat teen 5. Rioolpypleiding* (6' ma siryd) deur die

2. A Mad 'of 'irregular width traversing'die proklamasie beswaer yell maak; moet


stadsraad van Germiston kragtens Opper-sodanige berivaar Op' si laatste op n vlakteregnermit A.47/44 gehou en Mos deur •

Oktober 1967 skriftelik fin 'duplikaat) by die R.M.T.- Skeiskaart P.L.1119 omskryf.the .eas.tern side of which commences at a

ala portion of the farm Elandsfontein 90,

apfoint ohothe southern boundary of tbe

Provinsiale Sekretaris, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 6. Bogrondse kragVerspieidinplyn en lei

oremned railway reserve (Portionen die ondergetekende indien. 'kabel deur die Elektrisiteitvoorsieningskomr

. • -, , BYLAE A..

• • •missie•• kragtens.. Oppervlakteregpermit .-.•-• •

7 oGft

-lbuia.coanpfroo3xlmoaf leGlYerm10i9stoCnapEextfeenestitawnes4t

• K.34/12 gehou en soos deur R.M.T. Skets:-

Beslfrywiag (i). (1.. kart S.R.1317 'oniskryf. - Township 'and proceeding southwardsfor'I. 'n Pad wat in wydte wissell wit 'n' . , 7. ffiogrondse elektriese kraglyne' metthe north -westerti boundary of Jonas Roadapproximately 246 Cape feet to a point ongedeelte van die pleas Elandsfontein 90 IR ondergrundse elektriese kabels deur die

frothapproximatelybencon031404f GermistonCaefee tdeprkruis . en waarvan die westelike kant Elektrisiteitvoolsieningskommissie - kragtens

ExIateuntsillownes4tbegin by baken G2 van Germiston Uitbrei- Oppervlakteregpermit A.9/45 gebou en soosding 4 dorpsgebied soos omskryf


deur dent R.M.T. Sketskaart P.L.1134 omskryf. Township.Diagram L.G. A625/28; ••vOorts'suidwiaris 8. Spoorwegdylyn . deur. B.L.H. Holdingsvir ongeveer 538 Kaapse voet tot by 'n punt (Pty) ; Ltd kragtens • Oppervlakteregpermit 3 A road of irregular width the easternop die noordelike

-PetirVaii diE Suid -Afri - A.34/45: gehou en soos deur R.M.T:R.M.T:.40s.

and: northern sides of which commence atkaanse .Spoorweg Reserwe'(Gedeelte GGG' kaart R.S.124 omskryf;. . r 156 Capefeet ofGermiston

•, a point: on the; south-eastern boundary, of

van die pleas Elandsfontein 90) ongeveer ..9. Sponrwegsylyn. deur Scaw Products ?ones Road;approximat of beacon 3437 Kaapse voet Wes .vin.. baken A2 van Limited. kraglens

• Oppervlakteregnennit south-westGerraiston•Ultbreldipg 4 dorpsgebied., A.71/38' geheu en :soos deur - R:M.T.• Skets- Extension 4 Township and proceeding

2. 'n Pad wat in wydte .wissel,, wat 'n kaart R.S.107 omskryf. • ••

generally 'southwards across a portion of thegedeelte van- die pleas Elandsfontein 90 deur- 10;Lugpypleiding deur - Scaw Products farm Elandsfontein 90, for a distance ofkruis en waarvan die! oostelike, kant begin Limited kragtens Oppervlakteregpermit approximately 870 Cape feet and thenceby 'n punt op die stiidelike grens van A.6/39 gehou en soos, deur ,R.M.T. Skets- generally eastwards across Portion EEEEgenoemde spoorweg

,reserve (Gedeelte kaart P.L.866 omskryf. .

_and Portion 256 of the Earth Elandsfontein

GOG) ongeveer 109, Kaapse voet weS van Al. Nywerheidstandplaas 203 deur Scaw 90 IR for a distance of approximately 1.484baken q3 van Germiston' Uitbreiding 4 Products Limited gehou en soos deur R.M.T. Cape feet •to • a - point approximately 56dorpsgebied; voorts suidivaarts vir ongeveer Sketskaart I.S.347 omskryf. Cape feet south of beacon H as defined by246 Kaapse voet • tot by 'n punt op -die 12. Waterpypleiding .deur Scaw Products Diagram S.G.' A2535 /42 of Portion 256 ofnoordwestelike grens van Jonasweg , onge- Limited gehou en soos deur R.M.T. Skets. the farm Elandsfontein 90.


veer 144 Kaapse voet mantes van baken kaart 308 omskryf.' Description (ii).03. van Germiston Ultbrelding A

dorps- 13. Terrein nitgelini 'iir •

dornsdoeleindes A splay corner on portion .of the farmgelded.. , . . . deur Simmer and Jack Mines Limited gehou Elandsfontein 90, at the intersection of Jonas

3. 'n Pad wat in wydte wissel 'waarvan soos deur R.M.T. Sketikaart 2478 (P.P.) Road •and Refinery Road with sides of 89die oostelike en noordelike kanfe begin

- by omskryf. Cape feet along the north-eastern side of'n punt op die suidoostelike grens van 14. Terrein uitgehou vir dorpsdoeleindes Refinery Road and along the north-west sideJonasweg,' ongeveer 156 Kaapse' voet suid- soos deur. R.MT. Sketskaart 1992 (1'1'J of Jonas Road, from beacon N3 of Ger-wes van baken W3 van Germiston Uit- omskryf. - • . n miston Extension 4 Township.

,The above link road and splay corner are .breiding, 4 dthrpsgebied; voorts in die '.15..Terrein ondereaansoelc.vir dorpsdoel-algemeen suidwaarts oor Gedeelte EEEE en eindes•deur Simmer and Jack Mined Limited more fully described on Diagram S.G.Gedeelte 256 van die plans -Elandsfontein gebou soos deur R.M.T. Sketskaart 2564 42889/66, R.M.T. 657.90 IR, vir 'n afstand van ongeveer 1,484 (P.P.) omskrvf: Freehold owner.-Simmer and Jack MinesKaapse voet tot by 'n punt - ongeveer 56 16. Geproklameerde' pad deur die stads-

Limited.Kaapse met suid van baken .H soos omskryf Mad van Germiston' gebou soos deur R.M.T. .

. . .. .

deur DiagramL'.G. A2535/42 van Gedeelte Sketskaart R.D.228 omskryf.: 1 : .• SCHEDULE B. '

••256 van die pleas Elandsfontein 90. ' P. I. BOSHOFF: Mining Tides. traversed by' the-

Roadsdescribed in Sehedule'A and as defined by

', - •.

' •- , Beskrywingy(iik. 41 .

• . :. . . I

'n Afgeskuinste hock op gedeelte van Stadskantore, , , , . . - • I. Claims as defined by diagram • R.M.T.•

die pleas Elandsfontein 90 by die kruising Germiston, 6 September 1967: 8509 and registered in the name of Rosevan Jonasweg en'Refineryweg met karate van (Kennisgewing No. 145/1967.) - . . . Deep Limited.' .

89 Kaapse voet langs. die noordoostelike - - 2. Claims as defined by Diagram R.M.T.- - - • -kant van. Refinerywcg en ,langs..die noord- .. ' • . . 700 and registered in the name of Simmer twestelike kant .van "Ionasweg vanaf baken • .'CITY COUNCIL OF GERMISTON.- and Jack Mines Limited.N3 van iGermiston...Uitbreiding ,4.•.dorps - .,. i. r. - . i., „.. ,.. . ..„,. %._ ,.,,., :, ... 3. Claims as defined. by Diagram R.M.T.gebied. - .' - .. .. ! e, t . . PROCLAMATION OF (i) A LINK ROAD 4355 and registered in the name of Simmer

Bovermelde' verbindingspad en afgeskuin - BETWEEN WATKINSON ROAD AND and Jack Mines Limited." • '

ste hock word vollediger omskryf op REFINERY ROAD, 'G E R MIST 0 N 2 .1

, i .- 'i t .. • -.

Diagram L.G. A2889/66, R.M.T. 657. . EXTENSION 4 TOWNSHIP. AND • • ' SCHEDULE C:• '

ViypageienaairSiminer. and lack Mines BETWEEN REFINERY ROAD AND' .

Rights other than Mining Titles affected byLit:lilted. -

• - • f"- . pJACK STREET,' WEST GERMISTON the "referred to. in Schedule B.- .,. - .• • TOWNSHIP, OVER PORTIONS OF 'THE - . .Roads, ,• - BYLAE B.- . 1 . .• •. FARM EL A bl D.SF ON T El N 90 IR, 1. Buildings with fencing held by Simmer

Mynregte deurkruis.deur die Paaie in ilyThe DISTRICT OF GERMISTON, AND (ii) and Jack terms of SurfaceA beskryf .en soos deur Diagram' R.M.T. Al SPLAY - CORNER .AT THE. INTER- Right . Permit A.86/64 and as shown on657 oniskryf. - •• - . +.

' SECTION OF...I 0 NAS „ROAD AND R.M.T. Sketch Plan, S.R:536I. ,.

1: .Kleims •omskryf deur R.M.T. 8509 en REFINERY - ROAD, GERMISTON 2. - Area for recreational purposes induct;geregistreer. in - die naam van Rose Deep EXTENSION 4 'TOWNSHIP. ' - ing a football ground andentennis courts with 0Limited. , .

-Notice. is hereby given, in terms of the fencing held by Simmer and Jack Mines2. Kleims. omskryf deur; R.M.T.' 700. 'provisions of the Local Authorities 'Roads Limited in terms Of Surface' Right Permit

geregistrea in die naam van'• Simmer and Prdinance;.1904. as 'amended, that. thetity :A.24/21 and as shown on R.M.T. SketchJack Mines Limited:. •%. i.. „tr. .... ....... .• .

Crithicil of Germiston has petitioned the Plan S:R.2105.' ' ' •


PROVINCIAL .GALK(1111; 13 SEPTEMBER .1967 659,.. . .

.3. Water .-pipe. line held. by. Simmer .and tpublikasie.Vati hierdie kennisgewing, naaml teen die skema beswaar :te maak of ' omJack.' Mines. llimited•ein. terms . of"" Surface lik 6 September 1967. skriftelik

van sodanigel vertoa

ten opsigte daarvan te rig en indien

a Right Permit' A.133/48 and as .shown.lon beswaar orvertoe in kennis stel en vermeld hv 'dit.twil doen, moet I.. die Stadsklerk ''R.M:T: Sketch Plan P.lJ.1264.. • -.:i. I.' 7; of hy.deur die plaaslike bestutir gehoor wil Posbus 440. Pretoria. binne 4 weke van dielir - 4.. Dumping site and timber yercitheld:by word of nie. • eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing;Simmer and belt:Mines Limited in terms i . A. P. BURGER. naamlik 6 Septembei 1967; skriftelik vanof Surface Right Permit A.134/25 and: as ... '. • Klerk van die Raad. sodanige beswaar of hvertoe in kennis. stelshown as reference - No. 18 on G.S.P.-R.M.T. Stadhuis, en 'vermeld of hy 'deur die plaaslike bestuurSketch Plan 101:. • - •. .

• Johannesburg, 6 September 1967. gehoor wil word of - Me.'15. Sewer pipe lint. (6 feet wide) held' by - - - ' .

the. City Council of Germiston in• terms of •• -

S. F. KINGSLEY. ...Surface Right Permit A.47/44 and as shown CITY OF JOHANNESBURG. Waarnemende Stadsklerk.on -12.M.T. Sketch Plan - 19.


PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO JOHAN- 23 Augustus 19.67., ..• ... -

. 6..Overhead electric power distributionline and•pilot cable held by the Electricity NESBURG TOWN-PLANNING. SCHEME (Kentusgewing . No. 251 van 1967.)

Supply Commission in terms of Surface 1'


Right Permit K.34/12 and as shown on AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/287.R.M.T. Sketch - Plan S.R.1317.


. The City Council of Johannesburg has CITY COUNCIL OF PRETORIA. 'I'7. Overhead electric power lines with

g prepared a draft amendment townplanningUnderground elettric cables. held by the scheme to be known as Amendment Town- PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THEElectricity Supply Commission .in terms of planning Scheme 1/287. PRETORIA REGION TOWN-PLANNINGSurface. Right Permit A.9/45 and as shown . ........ . . .. .


oh R.M.T. Sketch plan. P.L.1134. This draft scheme contains the followingPLANNING SCHEME 151.

8. 'Railway siding held by B.L.H. Holdings Proposal: - -

(Pty) Ltd •in terms of Surface Right Permit To rezone Stands 529 to 535, Jeppestown, The City Council of Pretoria has prepared,

A.34/45 and as shown on R.M.T. Sketch bounded by Hand Street on the west, a draft amendment to the Pretoria Region

Plan R.S.124. • - • Marshall Street on the south and Karl Town-planning Scheme, 1960, to be known

9. Railway siding held by Scaw Products as - Amendment Town -planning Scheme 151.

Limited in terms of Surface Right Permit Street on the east, from "General Residen- This draft scheme contains the following.A.71/38 and as shown on R.M.T. Sketch tial" to , "General Business", subject to proposal: -Plan R.S.107. certain conditions, to .allow for comprehen- - .


10. Air pipe line held by Scaw Products sive redevelopment to business purposes. The rezoning of Portions 145 and 146 ofLimited in. terms of Surface Right Permit The owners of these stands are Cobb's the farm Garstfontein 374 JR, adjoining the

A.6/39 and as shown on R.M.T. Sketch Investments - and • Properties' (fly) Limited north-eastern boundary of the proposedPlan P.L 866, . of P.O. Box 9069, Johannesburg. Constatia Park Township, from " Agnelli-

, 11. Industrial Stand 203 held hy Scaw Particulars of this 'scheme are open for tural " to " Special Residential " with a

Products Limited as shown on R.M.T. inspection at Room 423, Municipal Offices.density of one dwelling per 12.500 square.

Sketch Plan I.S.147. Johannesburg, for aperiod "of 4 weeks•fromfeet.

12. 12. Water pipe line held by Scaw Products thedatethe • • ' •of first publication of this


The general effect of the scheme will be

Limited as shown on R.M.T. Plan •• - 4 to permit the establishment of a townshipnotice, which is the 6th Septembet1967.

30. on the property.13. Area reserved for township purposes The Council will consider whether ,or hot . The properties are registered in the name

theheld by Simmer and Jack Mines Limited as scheme should be adopted. . • of Kenlil Sugar Farms (Pty). Limited. ,

shown on R.M.T: Sketch Plan 2478' (P.P.). Any owner or occupier - of immovable .• Particulars of this scheme are open for' 14. 'Area reserved for township purposes property within the area of the Johannes- , inspection at. Room 602, Miinitoria, Vermeu-

as shown on R.M.T. Sketch plan 1992 (RP.). burg Town-planning - Scheme 1 or within len Street, and Room 33, City. Hall, Paul

. 15. Area under application for township I mile of the boundary thereof, has the right- Kruger Street, • Pretoria, for a period Of

reservation held by Simmer and Jack Mines to . object, to the Scheme . or • to make 4 weeks from. the date of the first public&

Limited as shown on R.M.T. Sketch Plan representations in respect thereof, and if tion of this notice. which is the '6th Septeni- ,

2564 (P.P.). . . .. . he .wishes to do so, he shall within 4 ber 1967. -.1


'16. Proclaimed road held by: the City weeks of the first publication of. thisolotice, ., :The Council will consider ,whether or not

Cduecil or Germiston as shown on R.M.T. which •is the :6th September:1967, inform, the scheme should be. adopted.

Sketch Plan R.D.228. , . .the local. ,autherity, in ..writing,. of 'such' • Any. owner tor, occupier '.of immovable

'. ;,


- ,


P. J. BOSHOFF.'4' objection or 'representation and:shall state property within , the, area.,.of, the Pretoria•

whether or, not he. wishes -to be heard,:by Region Town -planning Scheme, '1960, or'. '

Town Clerk:the local authority. •

.•••' '-

. ,within 1' mile :of the boundary thereof has

Municipal Offices, • •1

• . • :• . -. - . .

_ A. P. BURGER''' the right to object' to the scheme or toGermiston. 6 September.1967. •

,. . ,. ,... '4' ' ''Clerk of the Contra .make representations in respect thereof and.

(Notice ,No. 145/1967.) .

, 73.97.- 13-20 municipm t Offices.' ..• _ ... . “1.. ' :. .• ;if he wishes to'do so. hishalrwithin 4 Weeks

••4 #.

- •

. . !Johannesburg; 6 September

-- 1967. 0.••13•• - of the first publication of this notice, which

• • • - STAD 'JOHANNESBURG: •... .

•' ' ' - '' '• • 745- 6- is the 6thiSeptember 1967. inform the,Town.. .. .• Clerk:P:0, 'BOX 440, Pretoria, in Writing,


• ' . l• " • -• er. • •

• of. such • objection or. representation and.JOHANNESBURGSE ' DORPSAANLEG- ..• . STADSRAAD VAN PRETORIA- •.. shall 'state ,whether•or..not; he :wishes ipi • b,eSKEMA 1:

' "' " " • ' ' . • . •

. : . ., ,VOORGESTELDE.., ORGESTELDE WYSIGING 'VAN' DIE;the 'peal authority.; :: ; . ;• ,, i


ip- nDiel stadsrald '

Van 'Ipharineiburg• her SKEMA;.

ontwerp-wysigingdorpsbePlniiingskeina top- . • - - .•_. ..

gestel wat as WVsigingsdoipsbeplanning-skenia 1/287 'bekend sal staan.


'11. WYSIGINGSKEMA' J.5!..1:::)'

1.4..-,.! 1P

!,Al I.:.::re:. . .I. } i r i :

S. F.

Die itailsriad van Pretona bait ontiverp- ` -' nu4lis`. J..' -• . • .:,' .. . - ,....,

• • , wysiging.van die Pretoriastreek-dOrtisaanleg- (Notice No.,251,. of 1967./., ,-, 747ii 13

- .- skema,.1960, Opgestel wat bekend• sal staan

Hierdie .ontwerpskema bevat die volgende as Dorpsbeplanningwysigingskema 151.. - M.UNISIPALITEIT POTGIETERSRUS:voorstelle: - ,

- • •

Hierdie ontwerpskenia.bevat die volgende . Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevelgeOm die indeling van Standplase 529. tot voorstel: - artikel .13 (8) van die • •Pliaslike Bestuur-

1 535, leppestown, - wat deur Hansstraat. aan_ .

Die berbestermning van Gedeeltes 145 en belastingprdon.nansie; No- 20 van' 1933; datidie westekant, Marshallstraat aan die suide-146 yin die 'plias Garstfontein 3744R: gelea die WeardasiehOf


on. Miandig, 25 Sep-

word,en Karlstraat aan die oostekaut begrens

word, op sekere voorwaardes van . „ alge- aan die noordoostegrens van die. voorgestet_ ternber 1967, I om:,110 vire.; in 'die"RaadSaal,

mene woondoeleindes " na „algemene .de dorp .Constantia.-Park, .van „ Landbou- Munisipale Kantore: Potgietersrus, sal sit -om

e besigheidsdoeleindes I' .te verander om gebruik " na ,, SPesiale .woongebruik " met besware leen die Tussentydse WaarderingslYs

vadirsiening te maak vir grootskaalse, besig- Pridigtbeid van ten woonhuis per .12.500 vir 1967/68 aan to .hoot . . , ,

heidsontwikkeling. . • •werkante VOCL -

' . -, , ; J. LC. J. VAN RENSBURG, .. .

Die algemene ultweekni.g 'van' dieskean .. . :. . I.•

.. --

Cobb's Investments and Properties (Pty)sal weer oaf dorpstigting• op. die Otendrim- Polgieterstus, 30, Augustus 1967.

.; Stadsklerk.Ltd, Posbus 9069, Johannesburg. is die. .

me toe te laat.eienaars van hierdie standplase.' -

' - (Kennisgewing No. 41/1967.) - .

Besonderhede van hierdie skema le ter Die eieisdomme is op nfiain van Kenlil . - •

Sugar Farms (Edens.) Beperk geregistreer.• .

insae in Kamer 423, Stadhuis Johannesburg. MUNICIPALITY OF POTGIETERSRUS.vir - 'n tydperk van 4 weke van die datum Besonderhede van hierdie skema Id tervan die eerste publikasie van hierdie kennis- insae to .602,- Munitoria, Vermeulen- Notice is hereby' given, in terms of section

gewing af, naamlik 6 September 1967. straat en Kamer 33, Stadbuis, Paul Kruger- 13 (8) of the Local Authorities Rating

Die Raad sal die skema oorweeg en street, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk. van 4 weke Ordinance, ,No. 20 of 1933, that the Valua-

beshiit of dit aangeneem moet word.• van die datum van die eerste publikasie van tion Court' will take' session on Monday, .

Enige eienaar of okkupeerder van vaste hierdie kennisgewing af, naamlik 6 Septem- 25 September 1967, at 10 a.m., in the

eiendom binne die gebied van die Johan- ber 1967- Council Chamber, Municipal Offices, Pot-

0 nesburgse Dorpsaanlegskema 1 of binne 1 Die Raad sal did skema oorweeg en gietersrus, ' to hear objections against the

myl van die grense daarvan het die reg om besluit of dit aangeneem moet word. 1967/68 Interim Valuation Roll. •..

teen die ,skema beswaar te maak, of om-

Enige eienaar of okkupeerder van 'taste'


vertoe ten opsigte daarvan te rig, en indien eiendom binne die gebied van die Pretoria- Town dit wil doen, moet by die plaaslike streek-dorpsaanlegskema, 1960, of binne 1 Potgietersrus,'30 'August 1967. . .

bestuur binne vier weke van die eerste myl van die greng daarvan; het die reg om (Notice No. 41/1967.) 763- 13


I 4

_ .

• .



• STADSRAAD 'VAN •PRETORIA. • The Council will•chniider Whether of hot _Particulais of'' this scheme - are open for- - the scheme should -be adopted. • I inspectionj (fit : Room , 602, . Mimitoria, Ver- -

.VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE Any owner of occupier of immovable meulen - :Street, and Room .33; City Hall,,PRETORIASE DORPSAANLEGSKENIA, property within the area of the Pretoria Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria, fora perk&2 VAN 1952 (HERCULES). DORPSBE- Town-planning Scheme, 2 of 1952 (Hercules), of 4.0.reeks. from the date of the first publi-PLANNINGWYSIGINGSKEMA 2/20. or within one mile of the boundary thereof Cation of .this notice, which, is the 6th'

Die stadsraad van Pretoria het 'n has the right to object to the scheme or to September .1967. • .4.,ontweinwysiging• van die P.retoriase Dorps - make representations in respect therebf and . The Council will consider whether or not.aanlegskerna, 2 van 1952 (Hercules). opge - if he wishes to do so he shall within four the scheme should be adopted: .stel vat bekend sal staan as Dorpsbeplan - weeks of the first publication of this notice, Any owner or occupier of immovablening-Wysigingskema 2/20. which is the 6th September 1967, inform property within the area of the Pretoria •

• Hierdie ontwerpskema bevat die volgcnde the Town Clerk, P.O. .Box 440, - Pretoria, Region Town -planning Scheme, 1960, or:in writing, of such objection or ,representa- within 1 mile of. the boundary thereof has.voorstel:—tion and shall state whether or not he the right 'to object to the scheme or to makeDie herbestemming. van gekonsolideerde wishes to be heard by the local authOrity. representations in respect thereof and if he •

Erf 195 en Erwe 197 en 198, Hermanstad,: wishes to do so he shall within 4 weeks of:gelee op die suidwestehoek van Michaelson; •

S. F. KINGSLEY, the first - publication of this notice, which isen Boschstraat, van algemene nywerheids-, Acting Town Clerk. the 6th September 1967. inform the Town.beperkte nywerheids- en spesiale besigheids - 23 August 1967. Clerk, P.O: Box 440, Pretoria, in writing ofgebruik, onderskeidelik na spesiale gebruik (Notice No. 253 of 1967.) such objection or representation and shall. 1

ten einde die gebruik van die eiendomme . 746- 643 state whether or. not he wishes to be heardvir pakhuise, kantore en aanverwante doel- by the local authority.- .erodes en, met die toestemming van die STADSRAAD VAN PRETORIA: S. F. KINGSLEY,.Raad, vir enige ander doeleindes behalwe -

. Acting Town Clerk. (hinderlike bedrywe, toe te laat, onderworpe VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE 23 August1967. aandie voorwaardes in aanhangsel A, Plan P R ET 0 R I ASTREEK-DORPSAANLEG- (Notice No. 252 of 1967.) 748 - 6-1311 van die ontwerpskema vervat. •

SKEMA, 1960. — DORPSBEPLANNING- :Die algemene uitwerking van die skema WYSIGINGSICEMA 150.

.- •

- •.

sal wees om die gebruik van die eiendomme DiestadsraadO •

MUNIS1PALITEIT KRUGERSDORP. :van Pretoria het •'n ntwerp-vir bostaande doeleindes toe te laat. wysigin van die Pretoriastreek-dor sanle -Die eiendomme is op naam van Miebosch g• .


g• VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN'skema, 1960, opaestel wat bekend sat staan DIE' KRUGERSDORP DORPSAANLEG: IllProperties (Edms.) Beperk geregistreer.

as Dorpsbeplanningwysigingskema 150.Besonderhede van hierdie skein 12 ter SKEMA 1 (WYSIGINGSKEMA 1/31), •

insae tetamer 602, Munitoria, Venneulen- Hierdie ontwerpskema bevat die ,volgende Die Stadsraad van Krugersdorp het 'n.straat en Kamer 33, Stadhuis, Paul Kruger- voorstel:— wgsontwerdorpsaanleskemastreet, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van 4 weke Die herbestemming van Gedeelte.148 van waytsig asinWysigingspdorpsbeplangriingskemaopgestel.1/31I van die datum van die eerste publikasie van die plans Garstfontein 374 JR, gelt# noord• bekend sal steam..hierdie kennisgewing af, naamlik 6 Septet- oos van en aangrensend aan die vooigestelde • • •. .

ber 1967. dorp Constantia Park, van „ Landbou- voorstel :—Hierdie ontwerpskema bevat die volgende•

Die Raad sal die skema oorweeg en gebruik"•na „Spesiale Woongebruik " met -

besluit of dit aangeneem meet word. 'n digtheid van 1 woonhuis per 12,500 vier- Om •Standplaas 840, Krugersdorp, onge-Enige eienaar of okkupeerder van vaste kante voet. .• veer 5,000 •Kaapse vierkante voet groot, hereiendom binne die gebied van die Pretoria- Die algemene uitwerking van die ontwerp- in te deel van „ Algemene Woondoeleindes ".

se Dorpsaanlegskema, 2 van 1952 (Hercules), skema - sal wees om dorpstigting °V die na „ Algernene Besigheidsdoeleindes " oniof binne een myl van die grens daarvan, het eiendom toe to bat. • . voorsiening le mask vir die - ultbreiding van'I die reg om teen die skema beswaar te manic Die eiendom is op naam van .Stanal 'n motorhawe 'vir parkeerdoeleindes.of om vertoe ten opsigte daarvan te rig en Investments (Edms.) Beperk geregistreer. Die bbgemelde erf is die eiendom vanindien by dit wil doen moet by die Stads- Besonderhede van' hierdie skema le ter more, Tommy MartinsMotois '(Eiendomsy klerk,Posbus 440. Pretoria, binne vier weke •inset te Kamer 602. Munitoria, Vermeulen- Beperk; Posbus 116, Krugersdorp.yan die eerste publikasie van hierdie kennis -strut. en Kamer 33. Sticibuis, Paul Kruger- Besonderhede van hierdie skema 18


tergewing, naamlik 6 September 1967. skrifte- street; Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van 4 weke •insae by Kamer 43, Stadhuis, Krugersdorp,

,lilt van sodanige beswaar of vertoe in kennis

van die datum. van die eerste publikasie vir 'n tydperk van 4 weke van die datumstel en verrneld 'of by deur die plaaslike van *hierdie kennisgewing af, naamlik'6 van die, eerste publikasie van hierdie ken- 'bestuur gehoer wil word of nie. September 1967. .

• •

nisgewing af, naamlik op 6 SeptemberS. F. KINGSLEY, • Die' Read sal

' die skema oorweeg en 1967. • • •

Waamemende Stadsklerk. besluit of dit aangeneem 'met word. • •- •

Die Raad .sal. die skein oorweegen 23Augustus 1967. Enige eienaar of okkupeerder van vaste besluit of dit aangeneem moet word.(Kennisgewing No. 253 van 1967.) eiendom binne die gebied van die - Pretoria- ,-- •Enige eienaar of okkupeerderstreek-dorpsaanlegskema, 1960, of binne 1 . . van vaste

CITY COUNCIL OF PRETORIA. myl van die grens daarvan. het die reg dm eiendom binne die gebied van die Krugers:dorpse Dorpsaanlegskema 1 'of binne 1

• teen die skema beswaar te -meek of om ver-PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE toe ten opsigte daarvan,te rig en indien by myl van die; grens daarvan,•het die reg orn•PRETORIA 'TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME dit wit doen, molt by die Stadsklerk, Posbus teen die skema beswaar te mask of om2 OF 1952 (HERCULES). AMENDMENT 440. Pretoria, binne 4 weke van die eerste vertoe ten opsigte daarvan te rig, en indien'TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME 2/20. publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, naam- hy dit wil doen, moat by die plaasliki

lik 6 September 1967, skriftelik van sodanige bestuur .binne 4 weke van'

die eersteThe City Council of Pretoria has beswaar of venue in kennis stel en 'vermejd ,publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, naam-prepared a draft amendment to the Pretoria of by deur die Winne bestuur gehoor wil lik 6 September 1967, skriftelik van sodanigeTown-planning Scheme .2 of 1952 (Hercules), • -word of me. beswaar of verto6 in kennis stel en vermeld.•

"to be known as Amendment Town-planningS. F. KINGSLEY, of by deur die plaaslike bestuur gehoor wilScheme 2/20... - - - Waarnemende Stadsklerk. word of nie. .• ' This draft scheme contains the following 23 Augustus 1967. . C. E. E. GERBER.

.. .prciposalf— (Kennisgewing No. 252 van 1967.) •

. • Klerk.van die Raad.- - . ' -The rezoning of Consolidated Erf 195 and 22 Augustus 1967.

Erven 197 and 198, Hermanstad, situate on• • • - . . • • „(Munisipale Kennisgewing No. 77/1967.) .

Ithe south-western cornet of Michaelson and CITY COUNCIL OF PRETORIA. •

Bosch Streets, froni "General Industrial ", PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE KRUGERSDORP MUNICIPALITY:. •"Restricted Industrial" and "Special PRETORIA REGION TOWN-PLANNING ;Business" purposes, . respectively, to SCHEME 1960.—AMENDMENT TOWN- -PROPOSED AMENDMENT - •TO *• ""Special to permit the said properties to PLANNING SCHEME

es'150. KRUGERSDORP TOWN . = used for warehouses, offic and purposes

incidental thereto and, with the consent of The City Council of Pretoria has prepared :SCHEME . 1 (AMENDMENT SCHEMEthe Council, for any other uses except a draft amendment•to the Pretoria Region 1/31).

. .

noxious industries, subject to the conditions Town-planning Scheme, 1960, to be known iTheTownCouncilas Amendment Town-planning Scheme 150.of Krugersdorp hasset out in annexure A, Plan 11 of the draft rear a draft town:nscheme, - . This draft scheme contains the following P

schepme,ed to be knownamendment asAmendmentplanni Town::gThe general effect of the scheme will be Proposal:—'planning Scheme I / permit the use of

theeproperties for the The rezoning of Portion 148 of the farm The draft scheme contains the followingabover-mentioned purpss. Garstfontein No, 374 JR, situate north-east proposal:—

The properties are registered in the name of and adjoining the proposed Constantia •

of Miebosch Properties (Pty) Limited. Park Township, from "Agricultural" to To re-zone Stand 840, Krugersdorp, beingParticulars of this scheme are open for "Special Residential" with a density of 1 5,000 Cape square feet • in extent from

inspection at Room 602, Munitoria, Vermeu- dwelling per 12500 square feet. - - "General Residential" to "General Busi.;len Street, and Room 33, City Hall, Paul The general effect of the scheme will. be ness " to permit the extension of the garage 0Kruger Street, Pretoria, for a period of 4 to permit the establishment of a township business for Parking purposes. -


weeks. from the date of the first publication on the property. The-

above property is owned by Messrs:of this notice, which is the 6th September The property is registered in the name of Tominy Martins Motors (Proprietary) Limi-1967. Messrs Stanal Investments (Pty) Limited. ted, P.O. Box 116, Krugersdorp, . ,







Particulars of this scheme are open for CITY COUNCIL OF PRETORIA. MUNICIPALITY OF CARLETONVILLE.inspection at Room 43, Town Hall, Krugers-

AMENDMENT TO THE VALUATION ROLL.rp, for a period of 4 weeks from = the PROPOSEDdate of the first publication of. this. notice, PRETORIA REGION TOWN-PLANNING

SCHEME,- 1960rAMENDMENT TOWN- Notice is hereby given, in terms of thewhich is the 6th September 1967. provisions of section 14 of the LocalPLANNING SCHEME 158.The Council will consider whether or not _ - Authorities Rating Ordinance, 1933, asthe scheme should be adopted. The City Council of Pretoria has prepared amended, that the Triennial Valuation Roll

Any owner or occupier of immovable a draft amendment to the Pretoria Region for the Carletonville Municipality for theproperty within the arca of the Krugers- Town-planning Scheme, 1960, to be known period 1 July 1967 to 30 June 1970, as welldorp Town-planning Scheme 1, or within as Amendment Town-planning Scheme 158. as the Interim Rolls for the period 1964 to

,1 mile of the boundary thereof has the This drift scheme contains the following 1967 have been completed and certified andright to object to the scheme or to make proposalt, that the same will become fixed and binding

19 of the upont. allparties concerned who shall notrepresentations in respect thereof, and if he The amendment of theclauset within month from the date of the firstwishes to do so, he shall within 4 weeks original scheme by the additionofthe

of the first publication of this notice, which following proviso (iv) to • table F:—publication of this notice appeal from the

is the 6th September 1967, inform the local decision of the Valuation Court in theauthority in writing of such objections or "(iv) In the case of Garston• Agricultural manner prescribed by the said Ordinance.representations, and shall state whether or Holdings, upon application being made for By Order of the President of the Court.

the establishment of townships thereon,not he wishes to be heard by the local .C. R. LE ROUX,

authority. .smaller erven than those permitted in terms -

. of table F - may be allowed by consent of• Clerk of the Court.

C. E. E. GERBER; the local authority if land for the purposes P.O. Box 3,Clerk of the Council. of. roads or public open space is provided Carletonville.


322 August 1967. - ' • to the satisfaction of ' the local authority (Notice No. 40 of 1967.) 755- 13-20

and provided further that no site less than(Municipal Notice No. 77/1967.) , twelve'thousand five hundred (12,500) square


740_643 feet in extent shall be used for the purposei

. .

of erecting :a dwelling-house thereon!', • WYSIGING VAN REGULASIES. '

STADSRAAD VAN PRETORIA. In terms of the original scheme the density Kragtens die bepalings van artikel 96 van' zoning of Garston Agricultural Holdings, die'. • •

Ordonnansie op PlaaslikeVOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE situate south of Lynnwood Glen Township Bestuur, 1939.oos gewysig, word hierby bekendgcmaakPRETORIASTREEK - DORPSAANLEG- and east of Ashlea Gardens Township, 15


dorpsraadcr vanLeeudoringstad vanSKEMA, 1960. — DORPSBEPLANING- I ,dwelling-house' pee 20,000 square feet. -




voowymseimgeilsom te volgende verordeningeWYS1GINGSKEMA 158. . The general effect of the amendment

Die stadsraad van Pretoria het 'n ontwerp- scheme will be that in certain circumstances, (a) Regulasies op die Lewering van Blebwysiging van-die Pretoriastreek-dorpsaanleg- on application being made for the establish: trisiteit.

skema, 1960, opgestel wat bekend sal staan ment of townships on the said holdings, (b) Vcrkeersverordeninge en Dorpsbeplanningwysigingskema 158. crven with a minimum density. of 1 dwelling-,

Hierdie ontwerpskema bevat die volgende house per 12,500 square feet may be per- Afskrifte van die' vooriestelde wyligings

voorstel:— _ witted with .the consent of the Council. . sal gedureode normale kantoorure ter insae

. Particulars of this, scheme are open for•

Raad, Munisipale Kantoor,Leeudoringstad, leby die kantoor van die Klerk van dieDie wysiging van klousulc 19 van, die

oorspronklike skema deur die toevoeging inspection at Room 602, Muniffiria, Ver- '

en enige besware moet skriftelik by onder-van die volgende vcierbehoudsbenaling (iv) meulen Street, and Room 33, City Hall, getekende ingedien word, nie later asaan label F:— . Paul Kruger Street; Pretoria; for a .period Donderdag, 5 Oktober 1967.of 4 'weeks from the date of the first

„(iv) In die geval van Garston-landbou- publication of this notice, which is the 13th W. G. OLIVIER.hoewes, alwaar aansoek om dorpstigting September 1967., - • Stadsklerk.gedoen word, kleiner erwe as die watingevolge label .F toegelaat word, met the

theCouncil will consider whether or not Munisipale Kantaor,

toestemming van .die plaaslike owerheid toe- the scheme should be adopted. Leeudoringstad,30 Augustus 1967.

gestaan mag word indien grand vir die doel- Any owner or occupier 'of Immovable. . .

eindes van paaie of 'a openbare oop ruimte property within the area of the Pretoria'

ten genoce van die plaaslike owerheid ver- Region Town-planning Scheme, 1960, or VILLAGE COUNCIL OFskaf word, cn verder met dien verstande dat within 1 mile of the boundary thereof has LEEUDORINGSTAD. '

Been persecl kleiner as twaalfduisend vyf- the right to object to the scheme or to make Notice is hereby given in accordance withhonderd (12,500) vierkante voet, vir die doel representations in respect thereof and if he section 96 of the Local Governmentvan die oprigting van 'n woonhuis aldaar wishes to do so he shall within 4 weeks of Ordinance, 1939. as amended, that thegebruik mag word the." the first publication of this notice, which is Village Council of Leeudoringstad proposes

Ingevolge die oorspronklike skema is die' the 13th September 1967, inform the Town amending the following ,by-laws:—digtheidsbestemming van Garston-landbou- Clerk; P.O. Box 440, Pretoria, in writing,

.(a) Electricity Supply Regulations.hoewes, gelee suid van die dorp Lynnwood of such objection or representation and shall (b) Traffic By- laws and Regulations.Glen' en oos van die dorp Ashlea Gardens, state whether or not he wishes to be heard

1 woonhuis per 20,000 vierkante voet. by the local authority. Cdpics of the proposed amendments willDie algemene uitwerking van die wysiging-

lie for inspection during normal office hoursS. F. KINGSLEY, at the office of the Clerk of the Council,

skema sal weer dat in sekere omstandighede


Acting Town Clerk. Municipal Office, Leeudoringstad, and anywanneer aansoek om dorpstigting op voor- objections thereto mustbe lodged, in writing, theundersigned not later than Thugs-met

landbouhoewes gedoen word, erwe 30 August 1967-

met 'n minimum -grootte van 12,500 vier-kante voet met die toestemming van die (Notice No.247 of 1967.)

stadsraad toegestaan kan word.Besonderhede van hierdie skema le ter MUNISIPALITEIT CARLETONVILLE. Town Clerk.

insae te Kamer 602, Munitoria, Vermeulen-

775- 13-20 .

withday 5 October 1967.



Municipal Offices,


..1 straat, en Kamer 33, Stadhuis. Paul Kruger-.

WAARDASIELYS. - Lecudoringstad, 30 August 1967.'

straat, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk 'van 4 weke Hicrmee word kennis gegee ingevolge die • - 760- 13van die datum an die eerste publikasie van bepalings van artikel 14 van die Plaaslike


Inerdie kennisgewing af, naamlik 13 Sep- Bestuur-belastingordonnansie, 1933, soostember 1967. gewysig, dat die Driejaarlikse Waardasielys MUNISIPALITEIT MORGENZON.

.)Die Road sal did skema oorweeg en vir die munisipaliteit Carletonville, vir die Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat die

besluit of dit aangeneem moet word. tydperk 1 Julie 1967 tot 30 Junie 1970, eerste sitting van die Waardasiehof sal' Enige cienaar of okkupeerder van vaste asook die Tussentydse lyste vir die tydperk plaasvind in die Munisipale Kantoor te

eicndom binne die gebied van die Pretoria- 1964 tot 1967, nou voltooi en gesertifiseer is Morgenzon, op Vrydag, 15 September 1967,

streck -dorpsaanlegskema, 1960, of binne I en dat genoemde lyste vasgestel en bindend om 10 vm. .

myl van die grens daarvan, het die reg om gemaak word vir "alle betrokke partye wat L J. MARNEWICK,teen die skema beswaar te maak of om ver- nie binne 1 maand vanaf die datum van Klerk van die Waardasiehof.

toe ten' opsigte daarvan te rig en indien hy die cerste publikasie van hierdie ,kennis- Morgenzon, 1 September 1967.dit wit doen, moet hy die Stadsklerk. gewing teen die beslissing van die Waar- .

Posbus 440. Pretoria, binne 4 weke van die deringshof appelleer nie op die wyse- soos

eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, deur die vermelde Ordonnansie voorgeskryf

naamlik 13 September 1967, skriftelik van word. . MUNICIPALITY OF MORGENZON.sodanige beswaar of vertoe in kennis stet . Notice is hereby given that the first sitting

Op las van die President van die,Hof. ,

en vet-amid of hy deur die plaaslike bestuur - .--- P - • - • . • of: the Valuation Court will be held. in the

• gehoor wit word of nie. . . C. R. LE ROUX, Municipal Office of Morgenzon, on Friday,

S. F. KINGSLEY. Klerk van die Hof. the 15th of September 1967; at 10 a.m.

Waarnemende Stadsklerk. Posbus 3, J. J. MARNEWICK,.

30`Augustus 1967. Carletonville. Clerk of the Valuation Court.. . ..

(Kennisgewing No. 247 vu 1967.) (Kennisgewing No. 40 van 1967.) Morgenzon, 1 September 1967. 767- 13

7- 19401-


. .


STAD 'JOHANNESBURG. Any person who desires to' lodge an objec-

VERSOEKSKRIR—DIE PROKLA - Beskrywhig van die Paaie waarna door in tion to the proclamation of the proposedBogenoemde Kennisgewing Verwys word. roads must lodge such objection, in writing,

MERING VAN 'N OPENBARE PAD ..n Gedeelte van die Oos/Wes-motorweg in duplicate, with the Honourable the

OOR GEDEELTES VAN DIE PLASE oor Gedeelte 197, die restant van Gedeelte Administrator, c/o The Director of LocalPretoria,and Box892 OP ent, . . ,

TURFFONTEIN 96 IR EN LANG- 7, van die plaas Langlaagte 224 19 en oor Governmofthe


LAAGTE 224 IQ. Gedecite 4 van die plaas Turffontein 96 IR. with the City Council, c/o The ClerkCouncil, P.O. Box 1049, Johannesburg, not

soos aangetoon op Kaarte S.G. A2143/65(Kenn isgcwing ingevolge die bepalings van later than the 30th October 1967.

oosartikel 5 van die Plaaslike Outoriteite Wee(R.M.T. 679) en 2144/65 (R.M.T. 678).Die algemenebeloop van die padis -

Ordonnansie, 1904, . goos gewysig.) ' A. P. BURGER,waarts venal- die geproklameerde Church- Clerk of the Council.• straat-vcrlenging tot by die geproklameerde . .

Die stadsraad van Johannesburg het Sy Die Treuweg. pad le ten snide van die voor- .Municipal Offices,Edele'die Administrateur van Transvaal ver- stede Mayfair en Fordsburg. Die pad is Johannesburg, 13 September 1967. ,

soek om die paaie wat in bygaande bylae nie oral ewe breed nie, en bestaan nit ver- .. .

beskryf word, tot openbare paaie te prokla- skeie verkeersbane in albei rigtings. SCHEDULE. -.

meer. -- Description of the Roads Referred to in the,

tabove Notice..'n Afskrif van die versoekskrif en van die CITY OF JOHANNESBURG.kaarte wat daarby dangeheg is, le gedurende PETITION FOR THE PROCLAMATION Portion of the East/West Motorway overgewone kantoorure in Kamer 216A, Stad- OF A PUBLIC ROAD OVER PORTIONShuis, Johannesburg, ter insae. OF THE FARMS TURFFONTEIN 96 IR

Portion 197, the remainder of Portion 7,

AND LANGLAAGTE 224 IQ.• .. and the remainder of the farm Langlaagte

I.Enigiemand wat teen die proklamering (Notice in terms of section 5 of, the Local 224 IQ and over Portion 4 of the farm

van die voorgestelde paaie beswaar wtl Authorities Roads Ordinance, 1904, as Turffontein 96 IR, as indicated on Diagramsopper, moet sy beswaar niters op 30 amended.) S.G. A2143/65 (R.M.T. 679) and 2144/65Oktober 1967 skiiftelik in duplo; by Sy •

Edele die Administrateur, p/a Die Direkteur The City Council' of Johannesburg has (R.M.T. 678). The general course of the

van Plaaslike Bestuur, Posbus 892, Pretoria, petitioned the Honourable the Administrator road is eastwards from the proclaimeden by die Stadsraad, p/a Die Klerk van die of the Transvaal to proclaim as public roads Church Street Extension to the proclaimedRead, Posbus 1049. 1phannesburg, indien. the roads described in the schedule appended

Treu Road. The situation of the road ishereto.. A copy . of the petition, and of the south of Mayfair and Fordsburg Townships.

. I • A. P. BURGER, diagrams annexed thereto may be inspected The road is of irregular width severalKlerk van die Raad. during ordinary office hours on application carriageways in either direction.

Stadhuis, I at. Room 2I6A, Municipal Offices, City Hall,Johannesburg, 13 September 1967. Johannesburg. • . . 762- 13 -20-27


. . .

. - •.




Kennis geskied hiermee ooreenkomstig die bepalingsvan Watt 13 (8) vah die Plaaslike Bestuur Belastingordonnansie No. 20 van1933, soos gewysig, dat die eerste sitting van die waarderingshowe wat aangestel is om die Tussentydse en Algemene Waarderingslyste seam-gestel vii die gebiede van die ondergenoemde Plaaslike Gebiedskomitees, asook enige besware teen inskrywings in die genoemde lyste, indiencnige, in oorweging te neem, gehou sal word op die plekke, datums en tyc soos hieronder aangedui word: ,

Plaaslike GebiedskomItet . Plek van. Datum en 7).d.- . .

1. Rayton. Raadsaal, H. B. Phillipsgebou, Bosmanstraat 320, Pretoria Vrydag 22 September 1967 om 2 nm.2. Vischkuil Raadsaal, H. B. Phillipsgebou, Bosmanstraat 320, Pretoria Vrydag 22 September 1967 om 2 um3. Suidwes -Pretoria RaadsaaVH. B. Phillipsgebou, Bosmanstraat 320, Pretoria Vrydag 22 September 1967 om 2 nm.4. Noordoos-Pretoria Raadsaal, H. B. Phillipsgebou,•Bosmanstreat 320, Pretoria Vrydag 22 September 1967 om 2 nm1 Haffivay House ' Raadsaal; H. B. Phillipsgebou; Bosmanstraat 320, Pretoria Vrydag 22 September 1967 om 2 nm6. Eloff -

Raadsaal, H. B. Phillipsgebou, Bosmanstraat 320, Pretoria Vrydag 22 September 1967 om 2 nm'7. Sundra ' Raadsaal, H. B. Phillipsgebou, Bosmanstraat 320, Pretoria Vrydag 22 September 1967 cm 2 nm'8. Ellisras :•. .

•Raadsaal, H. B. Phillipsgebou, Bosmanstraat 320, Pretoria Vrydag 22 September 1967 om 2 nm:


9. Komatipoort • Raadsaal, Hi B. Phillipsgebou, Bosmanstraat 320, Pretoria' Vrydag 22 September 1967 om 2 nm10. Malelane - '' r '• ' Raadsaal, H. B. Phillipsgebou, Bosmanstraat 320, Pretoria Vrydag 22 September 1967 om 2 nm:11. Ogles • Raadsaal, H. B. Phillipsgebou, Bosmanstraat 230, Pretoria , Vrydag 22 September 1967 om 2 nm'12. Evander

'• .Raadsaal, H. B. Phillipsgebou, Bosmanstraat 320, Pretoria Vrydag 22 September 1967 om 2 nm

13. Brentwood ', Raadsaal, H. B. Phillipsgebou, Bosmanstratit 320, Pretoria Vrydag 22 September 1967 om 2 nm'

14. Rossiya i Raadsaal, H. B. Phillipsgebou, Bosmanstraat 320, Pretoria Vrydag 22 September 1967 om 2 nm'

H. J. LOOSEN, Klerk van die Waarderingshowe.•.

Posbus 1341, Pretoria. .. .. .

• 13 September 1967. . -

(Kennisgewing No. 135/67.) ..

..• .

. .. ..

. . . .. ..


' ' ' - •-


Notice is hereby given in term's of merlon 13 (8) of the Local' uthorities Rating Ordinance, No. 20 of 1933; as amended, that thei

. first sitting of the Valuation Courts appointed to consider the General and Interim Valuation Rolls for; the Local 'Area Committees. areas_ 'mentioned hereunder, and any objection to entries in the said rolls, if any, will be held at the places and on the dates and times indicated


hereunder. .... , • •. . . .. . .. •. . .

Local Area Committee. ... Venue. Date and Time.-4.. Rayton " • '

Board Room, H. B. Phillips Building, 320 Busman Street, Pretoria.. Friday, 22 September 1967 at 2 p.m. i.2. Vischkuil ' Board Room, IL B. Phillips Building, 320 Bosmah Street, Pretoria.. Friday, 22 September 1967 at 2 p.m.•

3. South-western Pretoria... Board Room, H. 'B.' Phillips Building, 320 Rosman Street, Pretoria.. Friday, 22 September 1967 at 2 p,m.4. North-eastern Pretoria...' -Board Room, H. B. Phillips Building, 320 Bosman Street, Pretoria.. Friday, 22 September 1967, at 2 p.m.5. Halfway House Board Room, H. B. Phillips Building,* 320 Rosman Street; Pretoria.. Friday, 22 September 1967 at 2 p.m.6. Eloff Board Room, H. B. Phillips Building, 320 Bosman Street, Pretoria.. Friday, 22 September.1967 at 2 p.m.7. Sundra Board Room, H. B. Phillips Building, 320 Rosman Street, Pretoria.. Friday, 22 September 1967 at 2 p.m:8. Ellisras • Board Rooth, H. D. Phillips Building, 320 Bosnian Street, Pretoria.. Friday, 22 September 1967 at 2 p.m.9. Komatipoort Board Room, H. B. Phillips Building, 320 Bosnian Street, Pretoria.. Friday, 22 September 1967 at 2 p.m.

10. Malelane - Board Room, H. B. Phillips Building, 320 Bosnian Street, Pretoria.. Friday, 22 September 1967 at 2 p.m.11. .0gies Board Room; H. B. Phillips Building, 320 Boman Street, Pretoria.. Friday, 22 September 1967 at 2 p.m.12. Evander


Board Room, H. D. Phillips Building, 320 Bomsan Street, Pretoria.. Friday, 22 September 1967 at 2 p.m.'13.' Brentwood • - Board Room, H. B. Phillips Building, 320 Boman Street, Pretoria. -

. Friday, 22 September 1967 at 2 p.m.14. - RWslyn '

• Board Room, H. B. Phillips Building, 320 Bosman Street, Pretoria.. Friday,.22 September 1967 at 2 pawH. J. Loosen, Clerk of the Valuation Court. ..

P.O. Box 1341; Pretoria.'•

; ' • • : I - i " .13 September 1967! -

' •. ,. .

(Notice No. 135/67.) ' • . -- 768= 13

.,. . .

-. .


W- -

. . .

. .

. . • .-

, . t. 7.PROYINC.IAL---GALh 1.1 b..,L3 'SEPTEMBER - 1967. 663' .....- - - --- _- • .- .. _______ _ _ _. ._ _

. KENNISGEWING. DORPSRRAD - NAN SWARTRUGGENS. DORPSRAAD VAN NABOOMSPRUIT.• • BEROEPSWEDDERSLISENSIE.12 (..1 •IIWYSIGING VAN. VERORDENINGE.. • TYSSENTYDSE WAARDERINGSLYS.Ek, Jack -Palmer,, van Ark. Royal :85, . Daar word ingevolge .die bepalings., van . Kennis word hiermee gegee .ingevolge diePietersenstriat, Ilillbrow; JohinnesbUrg, gee Vail 96 van die ordonnansie op Plaslike bepalings van artikel ;14 van die Plaaslikehierhy kennis dat ek van yoorneme is om Bestuur, 1939, bekendgemaak dat die dorps- Bestuunbelastingordonnansie, No. 20 .vinby die Transvaalse Beroepswedderslisensie- mad. van Voorneniens is om. die volgende 1933, soos gewysig, dat

.bogemelde lys

komitee aansoek te doen om 'n sertifikaat verordeninge te wysig: voltobi is en gesertifiseer is ingevolge diewaarby die uitreiking van 'n, beroepsvicd- . -erbepalings van gemelde OrdonnanieSamre Tarief-Verhoging van tarief vir I •-

derslisensie'ingevolge Ordonnansie . 26 van venvydering van vullis. • Die lys sal van toepassing en bindend1n5 gemagtig word. '•

Afskrifte van hieidie wysiging M. ter inn gemaak word. op alle betrokke partye watnie binne 1

- maand. vanaf die eerste publi-ledereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die'

by die Raad segakangtobr

vir :n tydperk vinetoestaan van 'so 'n sertifikaat of wit enige kasie van hierdie kennisgewIng teen die. fed of inligting in verband .

daarmee dui. die 21. diet:met in gang i van '.die die datumvan beslissing van die Waarderingshof appelleer,Komitee wir voorle, kan 'dit skriftelik taan_ publikasie hiervan. nie

'op die wyse soos in gemelde Ordon-dioISekretaris van die Transvaalse Beroeps- P. J. LIEBENBERG: nansicvoorgcskryf. weddeislisensiekomitee,P r i v a a t s a k 64, . Stadsklerk. J.-C. SHANDOSS;


Pretoria, doen .om'' ham voor Of op 4 Munisipale Kantore, Stadsklerk.),.October 1967 te bereik.


ledere sodanige Swartruggens, 5 September 1967. : Munisipale Kantore,persbon meet sy voile naam, beroep en (Kennisgewing -No. 7/67.) I Naboomspruit, 31 Augustus 1967. -posadres verstrek. .

- - ••• -- _ . ... ...... .., .

•. .- :







I, Jack,Palmer,"Of 85 Ark Royal, Pietersen -

AMENDMENT OF, .BY-LAWS:'". . Notice is hereby • given/in terms of' theStreet; Hillbrow; Johannesburg, d6 hereby - ..n Provisions of section - 14 • of the Local• • • • - - • -give notice - that it I S my intention 'to apply - -It is hereby notified, in termiof section 96 • .. - . .

' 'I Authorities - Rating Ordinance; • No: 20 'ofof - the Local Government Ordinance, 41to the , Transvaal'Boalcnakeei. 'Licensing -- 91933, as amended,' that the above' roll has

Committee for a certificate authorizing •theissue; of 'a bookmaker's licence' in- terms 'of

0) Ordinance No. 26 of 1925. "•••• .

Any person' who wishes to object to the

that the Village Council proposes to amend:the following 4 -laws: - i 1- Sanitary torill.-Incred(e tariff fort the

se -'

•- • . Iremoval of refuse... . ,..

been completed and certified in terms of.. *.. the said Ordinance. • • • • ••

..The roll will become fixed and


binding, - upon all _parties concerned Who";Sliall not

granting of such a:certificate, or who wishes _Copies of 011ie amendments are open for within I month from the date of .the first1 to )ay; before the •.any fact or :inspection at the comas; 'offices during za publication of this 'noffee, appeal againstithe

information in connection therevitb. May, do period of 21 days from the date.of jubilee- decision of the. Valuation Court iin 'the

so in writing to the Secretary of. the Trans- tion hereof. .- - .' i ,

- manner provided ,in she said Ordinance'

,,"vaal ..Bookmaker's. _Lice:lima Committee,. __ - P. J. LIEBENBERG: • '.. - ...J. C. SHANDOSS. ....Private lag 64, Pretoria, to reach him .on - , r

.• ' . ., Town Clerk. -

• . , ., .Town Clerk.or' before 4 October 1967. Every inch Municipal OffiCii. • r; Municipal 'Offices,. .. ... . ..person is required to state hiss full .Ma. Swartruggens, -5 September 1967. r.. Naboomspruit; 31 August 1967.. '.• .

• occupation and postal address. -, ..


.7-69- 13-20 o. . .. • 7• (Notice N'7167.) '• 72- ;11 ' ' • • ' • 764- 1340... ...' •

•, . ...... .. ,

,. ; : .

. . _

STAR GERMISTON. ' . ••..'i• -- • Ir. .




• '• Ondervermelde besonderhede van' die veridesiegsuitglwes van dieverskillende kandidate in ooreenstemmingsnet die' bepalings Van artikel 59, van die.Munisipate Verkiesingsordormansie, 1927.

. . ,.. . .,

. . •

Porto,. .. ._ .. - • - ..

'.. , I:


' : . ) advertonsie... •• c

-- Huur van; • -

Le_ Aankoop van koste, slcrVf- Petrol. Klerke en' sale vir *Persoonlike• • . _

' traam. ' ' " ESL; . '''Misers- - ' liehdeftes, . voertuie, .... stein- 'komitee- en uitgawes en. •Totaal. •

' • . - • .) 4e9“: 11 lyste. ..uitreiking?' ens.".' • opnemers... publieke verversings.

'_. .1,.'": - ... , verspreiding ... : '. . .' .



. ,


, .e . . vanpamtlette, . ,

. . . . . , ._,

R .:17 - - .• R • • It. . ..

G. D. P. Alberts - 112.66 21.56' " ." L - •• ' - 136.27-"

H. Boneschans- ' ... . .6.00 •

• 122-.96 • ... 26.83 . . •. - . •

• - ..- 155.7rr. •

l'H. Britz ' :. . .. •1 •, •''• - • :4•061- . 105:54 ' ; I .. -20.00 II

- -- •,

12.10 - 'l ::54.- 50 ' t- 196.14F. R. Brown:'...: .. .... '...1.5 . '' - •-•• 3 J 2.00 ' 73.82 - - • • 12.00 t lc,: . - - - ". ' - •'- s' ' '87.82 '

P. S. de Bruynz..1 .. (.... .. .II:.••• •2. - .' - • • .6.00,u. 37.00„ . 37:33. , . .

A: G. de Witt 7- . ." 1 - ..1. -„ 4


.00 •"98.93- ' -

15:82 •., ::r„ :. - ;. - .. 9.70, .. 128.45E.Donaldson, 1,13 ,, ,,t -...: T 10.00 • 69.22 . ...

2.00. ' - 2.. ....I. ...--

. : .

' - 7.65 ' 88.87R. P.•du Toit• , .

- - • '- f6'.00 ,...

1.74:51 ti •!,. r41.50

'• - - - 43.50 . 165.31


) .F. Fisher . - . 61.00 . . .. ": - 1...• 61:001'.

S. J. Hattingh • •' ' ' Li 77...1/ - ;.: :7..00

- ;169.50

- : • '14:i01 '

. ..L- 2.60 :',L ''L'I• -


..B. D. Hertzberg.. •••••.• . . , , .. = • .., ; - 40..00. .:208.74.' , , .

'7- . . ..., ..- -

H. 26.50H. C. linnielrnah

''' ' ' " ”1 3:00' ' 61.50 "'• -6.23 ' -

-..- '.! '2.001.1 2 17.70.- i? "90.43

A. M. L. Klepper ,

_ ti :1:1;.).1( .•,- 115.70..) .

P. J. Kfinig.'..... ...-1 .. . ;. : .

.- • - 4.00 .• . - -111:86t-

' - f... •• ..:t r- n - 6.00 . 10.80 _ .132.66

PI J. Kruger....l'•'..;:•:': •-

• • -•- ' '.

' :. 4.00 '• .n.458.50 a- . c_• .34,•58.. , .• - r:.- - . - • .142.37. - 239.45

'Moire ' .• ' • '. • ' - ti -- .. - - • , .5.00 •_-.., 6:78 !"1,•... ..

- -. .,.. .


I. ' - -. .. . •:17.00 •

• 28.78 ,

GI L.•Leppin - • r •..••• - .


'14.00. ,

- 6.9.274.. , u _ .-36


A. P. Meyer-

* 8 - --2

'01:178' -

17.00 " - ' -- ' • • r 2 80 . .. _16.90 ... ... 122.70 ,-

J: S. Mullin" . . • .. -

... c_:l .800.00:-

ri-111.89":i :

- - '. •-. - : - I.. : .14.80..: 4.06, ., 138.75.._

J. D. Pittston' ' ' ' •' ' .' - '. -.

•i 'yr .9:00; 1 ,105.50.r, .

,t-- ... .. '. ...--.7 .• .. .. ....-7.: ....: ... :20.26 ::: ;:134.86


W. P.1Strauss..•.... ; .. :-...:: '

• . :. ,- -fi •:,it ,.;„_

- 5.00 .' .; i: "81,70:i J f ..14120-

.-7- - - • '133.90'. ;

•:•-•-•. 4 1 i - -

1). A. v.d. Walt ' . •1

" ' 5 00." :.130:38- •

:.. 13.56 " - '. 3 4.20 , 7.08. .

-150.22• ' 7 -

• c: .1- • .... . la • . : ! .: :. .. •• •' PP • " i ' ''• • ' - ' •


-Die ofigawes en bnyysstukke le ter openbarolisie;40 die riantoor van die Stadsklerk gedurende die tydperk van Brie maande vanafdatum hiervin af: . . . . •

Stadskantore, GemfistOn: ' - H. J. DEETLEFS.. Sturn.opnemer.30 Augustus 1967z. -

1 a .. . ••... "..) .t... '' '

1 I .. - .. :: • 1



,- - •



The following particulars of the electoral expenditure of the various candidates are published in accordance with the provisions of •• Section 59 of the Municipal Elections Ordinance, 1927.

'• •' Postages,-

Printing, -- Hire of •

. Purchasing Advertising, Petrol Rooms for Personal• Election of Stationery, ' Clerks Committee Expenses

Name. Vehicles, and Total.Agents. Electoral Issuing, and and Refresh-

etc. Scrutineers. Public-• , . Rolls. Distributing meats.

addresses, Meetings..

. etc. '.. . ,

. . ,

'R R It " It R . R • R 12t• .

G. D. P. Alberts . 2.00 112.66 21.56 _ . - - 136.22H. Boneschans - 6.00 122.96 26.83 - - - 155.79J. H. Britz • • - 4.00 105.54 20.00 - 12.10 54.50 196.14F. R. Brown - 2.00 73.82 12.00 - - - 87.82P. S. de Bruyn - 6.00 37.00 37.33 - - - 80.33A. G. de Witt • :

' - • 4.00 98.93 15.82 - - 9.70 128.45E.•Donaldson, 4.11

- • .• 10.00 .• 69.22 2.00 - , - 7.65 • 88.87

R. P. du Toit - . 6.00 74.31 41.50 - - 43.50 165.31F,Fisher - - •

. - - 61.00,

- 61.00S. J. Hattingh 109.50 14.01 - 2.00 - 132.51B. D. Hertzberg - 10.00 •

208.74 - - •• - - 218.74

H. L. Herzfield 3.00 21.50 - - 2.00 - 26.50

illH. C. Immelman 3.00 61.50 6.23 - 2.00 17.70 • 90.43A. M. L. Klopper - 2.00 113.70 - - - - 115.70P. J. Kerns . ' 4.00 111.86 - - 6.00 ' 10.80 132.66P. J. Kruger 4.00 158.50 ' 34.58 - - 42.37 239.455:113. Langenhovert. 3.00 - 15.00 2.00 - 25.00A. C. It. Lenferna de la

' •

Moths - 5.00 6.78 - - - 17.00 28.78G. L. Lerman .14.09 69.27 - - • - - 83.27A. P. Meyer - - 187.91 36.10 - - - 224.01C. H. Meyer..... ' 8.00 78.00 17.00 - 2.80 16.90 122.70J. S. Mullin - 8.00 111.89 >- - 14.80 4.06 138.75D. R. Nel - - . 4.10 - . - - - 4.10J. R. Paintin - 12.00 120.68 - - - 5.50 138.18J: D. Prinsloo " - 105.50 • - - - 20:36 134.86W. P. Strauss 5.00 81.70 • • 47.20 - - - 133.90A. P. v.d. Walt - 5.00 130.38 3.56 - 4.20 7.08 150.22

. , . , . •

The returns and vouchers are open for public inspection at' the Town Clerk's Office for a period of three months from the date hereof.Municipal Offices, Germiston. H. J. DEETLEFS, Returning Officer:

30 August 1967.•

771- 13



volge artikel 14 van die Plaaslike Bestuur. SKEMA L- VVYSIGINGSKEMA 1/39. SCHEME 1.-AMENDMENT SCHEMEbelastingordonnansie, No. 20 van 1933, soos Die stadsraad van Germiston het 'n wysi- 1/39.gewysig, dat die bogenoemde lye non vol- gingsontiterpdorpsbeplanningskarna opgestel The City Council of Germiston hastool en gesertifiseer is, en dat die lye wat bekend sal staan as Wysigingskema prepared a Draft Amendment Town -plan -

bindend sal wees op alle betrokke persona 1/39. ning Scheme to be' known as Amendmentwat nie binne 1 maand vanaf die datum Hierdie ontwerpskema bevat die volgende Scheme 1139.van die eerste publikasie hiervan teen die voorstel:- The draft scheme contains the following •beslissing van die Waardasiehof appelleer Wysiging. .w van' die hoogtebeperking op proposal:-op die Wyse coos neergele in artikel 15 van Erf 147. dorp Germiston-Suid, van vier (4) Amendment of the' height restriction ongemelde Ordonnansie nie. verdiepings Ha vYi (5) verdiepings. . Erf 147, Germiston South Township, from

Op las van die President van die Hof. Geregistreerde, eienaar:- Mnr. G. D. four (4) storeys to, five (5) storeys.P: C. F. VAN ANTWERPEN, Christclis. Registered owner.-Mr G. D.. Christelis.

Klerk van die Hof. Besonderhede en planne van hierdie *emu Particulars of this scheme are open forMunisipale Kantoor, le ter insae by die Raad se kantore, Kamer inspection at the Council's offices, Room

Groblersdal, 22 Augustus 1967. 112, Munisipalegebou, Presideatstraat, Ger- 112, Municipal Buildings, President Street, t

(Kennisgewing No. 17/1967.) miston, gedurende normale kantoorure vir Germiston, during normal office hours, forin tydperk van vier (4) weke van die datum a period of four (4) weeks from the date of

VILLAGE COUNCIL OF van die cerste publikasie van hierdie tennis- the first publication of this notice, which isGROBLERSDAL. gewing, naamlik 13 September 1967. 13 September 1967.

t.. Die Raad sal did sterna oorweeg en The Council will consider whether or notVALUATION ROLL 1967/70. besluit of dit aangeneem moet•word. the scheme should be adopted.

Notice is hereby - given in terms of sec- Enige eienaar of okkupeerder van vaste Any owner or occupier of immovabletion .14 of the Local Authorities Rating

eiendom binne die gebied van die Germis- Property within the area of the GermistonOrdinance, No. 20 of 1933, as amended, ton-dorpsbeplanningskema. I, of binne I' Town -planning Scheme I or within 1 milethat the above-mentioned roll has now been myl van die grens daarvan, het die reg om of the boundary thereof has the right tocompleted and certified and will become teen die sterna beswaar te maak of om ver- object to the scheme or to make represen-fixed and binding upon all parties concerned toe ten opsigte 'daarvan te rig en indien hy tations in respect thereof and, if he wisheswho shall not within a period of 1 month dit wil doen moet hy die Raad binne vier to do so he shall, within 4 weeks of thefrom the date of the first publication hereof (4) weke van die eerste publikasie van hier-, first publication of this notice, which isappeal against the decision of the Valuation die kennisgewing, naamlik 13 September 13 September 1967, inform the Council inCourt in the manner provided for in section 1967, skriftelik van sodanige beswaar of ver- writing of such objection or representation15 of the said Ordinance. toe in tennis stel en vermeld, of hy deur and shall state whether or not he wishes to

By Order of the President of the Court. die Raad gehoor wil word of nie. be heard by the Council.

. P. C. F. VAN ANTWERPEN, P. I. BOSHOFF, P. J. BOSHOFF,•' ' ' ' Clerk of the Court - - • Stadsklerk. Town Clerk. •Municipal Offices, Munisipale Kantore, Municipal Offices,Groblersdal, 22 August 1967. • • Germiston, 13 September 1967. Germiston, 13 September 1967.

(Notice No. 17/1967.) 737- 6- 13 (Kennisgewing No. 147/1967.) (Notice No. 147/1967.) 753- 13 -20



a 665

STADSRAAD VAN PRETORIA. Hierdie konsepskema bevat die volgende Particulars of this scheme are open forvoorstel:—KONSEPDORPSAANLEGSKEMA 1(55. inspDie skrapping van voorbehoudsbepaling meulen Street, and Room 33, City Hall,

ingevolge die begpaligttngs van die Dection at Room 602, Munitoria, Vet-

•Ooreenkomsti relasie 15,uitorpe-engevaardig (vii) van label D van klousule 15 en die ver- Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria, for a period

Dorpsaanlegordonnansie, No. 11 van 1931,vanging daarvan deur die volgende nuwe of 4 weeks from the date of the first

soos gewysig, word hiermee kennis gegee dat voorbehoudsbepaling (vii):— publication of this notice, which is the 13thdie stadsraad van Pretoria van voorneme is „(vii) Die plaashlte bestuur kan, owlet- September 1967.

om die Pretoriase Dorpsaanlegskema, 1 van worpe aan die bepalings van klousule 17. The Council will consider whether or not1944, te wysig deur die voorstelle te aanvaar hondehokke, 'II ryskool en 'n Icaravaanpark, the scheme should be adopted.wat in Konsepwysigingsdorpsaanlegskano op enige pleasgedeelte of stuk grand wat Any owner or occupier of immovable.1/55 vervat is. nie in 'n dorp val nie, locket." property within the area of the Pretoria

Die konsepskema bevat die volgende Die algemene uitwerking van die wysiging- Region Town-planning Scheme, 1960, orvoorstel:— skema sat wees dat, as gevolg van die within 1 mile of the boundary thereof has

Die herbestemming van Erwe 372 tot 380 skrapping van die bestaande voorbehouds- the right to object to the scheme or to makeProclamation Hill, gegee op die suidweste: bepaling, die gebruik van enige pleas- representations in respect thereof and if he

gedeelte of stuk grand wat nie in 'n dorp wishes to do so he shall within 4hock van Radiumstraat en Kiaatlaan, vanth h hl.. . weeks of

ingesluit is nie, vir die doel van 'n inry- e rst publication of this notice, which is„Algemene Woongebruik" na ,,Spesialet Woongebruik". bioskoop, algemene handelaarsbesigheid, tee- the 13th September 1967, inform the Town

• kamer, melkwinkel, slagterswinkel, puhlieke Clerk, P.O. Box 440, Pretoria, in writing,Die digtheidsindeling van 1 woonhuis per garage of rolprentateljec, voortaan 'n of such objection or representation and shallbestaande erf bly onveranderd.whether or not he.

wysiging van die oorspronklike dorpsaanleg- state wishes to be heardDie algemene uitwerking van die skema skema, ingevolge die Ordonnansie op Dorps- by the local authority.) sal wees dat woongeboue (woonstelle) nie •

beplanning en Dorpe, 1965, sal noodsaak. S. F. KINGSLEY, •


meet op die eiendomme opgerig mag wordnie. - Kraglens die voorgesteide wysiging sal die Acting Town Clerk.

Die eiendomme is op naam van die stads- Read by magte wees om die gebruik van 31 August van Pretoria geregistreer. sodanige growl vir die doeleindes in die (Notice No. 266 of 1967.) 774- 13-20

Die konsepskema en Kaart 1 sal vir 'n nuwe -voorbehoudsbepaling (vii) uiteengesit,

tydperk van 6 weke van 13 September 1967 toe te lam, behoudens die nakoming deurSTADSRAAD VAN SPRINGS.

af, gedurende die gewone werksure in die die aansoeker van die bepalings van klousulekantoor van die Direkteur van Stadsbeplan- 17 van die oorspronklike skema. SLUITING EN VERVREEMDING VANning en Argitektuur, Kamer 602, Munitoria, Besonderhede van hierdie skema 16 ter 'N PARK.—ERF 1129, CASSELDALE,Vermeulenstraat, en te Kamer 33. Stadhuis, mine te Kamer 602, Munitoria, Vermeulen- SPRINGS.Paul Krugeritraat, Pretoria, ter insae ie. Strait, en Kamer 33, Stadhuis, Paul Kruger-

Enige beswire of vertob dienaangaande strut, Pretoria, -vir 'n' tydperk van 4 weke [Kennisgewing kragtens. artikels 67 (3). 68moet skriftelik voor of op Woensdag, 25 van die datum van die eerste publikasie van en 79 (18) CO van die Ordennaasie opOktober 1967, by die Stadsklerk, Posbus 440, hierdie kennisgewing af, naamlik 13 Sep- Plaaslike Bestuur. No. 17 van 1939, soos

.Pretoria, ingerhen wees: (ember 1967. gewysig.]

S. F. KINGSLEY,. . Die Read sal die skema oorweeg en Kennisgewing geskied hiermee dat dieWaarnemende Stadsklerk. besluit of dit aangeneem moet word. stadsmad van voorneme is mu, onderworpe

30 Augustus 1967. Enige eienaar of okkupeerder van oasts aan die goedkeuring van die Administrateur;.(Kennisgewing(Kesgewing No. 264 van 1967.) .

.eiendom thine die gebied van die Pretoria-

die parkop Erf 1129, Casseldale, permanentas park te sluit en dit; asluiting.d

streek-dorpsaanlegskerna, 1960, of binne 1 as park, te vervreemn daarvan

CITY COUNCIL OF PRETORIA. MYI van die grens daarvan, het die reg om

DRAFT TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME teen die skema beswaar te thank of om ver- 'n Plan waarop die Erf 1129. Casseldale,

1/55. toe ten opsigte daarvan te rig en indien by aangedui word wat volgens voorneme gealuitdit wil doen, mods .hy die Stadsklerk, en vervrecm sal word, asook besondeihede

Notice is hereby given. in terms of Posbus 440, Pretoria, binne. 4 weke van die van die vervreemding, 10 'ter insae gedurenderegulation 15, promulgated under the provi- eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, gewone kantoorure by 'die kantoor van diesions' of the Townships and Town-planning naamlik 13 September ,I967, skiiftelik van ondergetekende. ,06:finance, No. 11 of 1931, as amended; that sodanige beswaar of verta in kennis stelthe City Council of Pretoria intends to en vermeld of by deur die plaaslike bestuur Enigiemand wat beswaar teen die voor-amend the Pretoria Town-planning Scheme, gehoor wit word of nie. gestelde sluiting en vervreemding wil opper,1 of 1944, by adopting the proposals con- . of wat moontlik skadevergoeding sal wit eta

F. KINGSLEY,tamed in Draft Amending Town-planning S.indien die park op Erf 1129, Casseldale,Scheme 1/55. .

Waamemende Stadsklerk. gesluit word, moet sy beswaar of els nie

The draft scheme contains the following 31 Augustus 1967. later nie as 13 November 1967 skriftelik byproposal:— (Kennisgewing No. 266 van 1967.) my indien.

The rezoning of Erven 372 to 380, L. DE WET,.Proclamation Hill, situate on the south- Klerk van die Raad.

western corner of Radium. Street and Kiaat CITY COUNCIL OF PRETORIA. Stadhuis,Avenue, from "General Residential" to PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE Springs, 29 Augustus 1967."Special Residential". PRETORIA REGION TOWN-PLANNING (Kennisgewing No. 105/67.)

The density zoning of 1 dwelling per SCHEME, 1960.—AMENDMENT TOWN-existing erf remains unaltered. PLANNING SCHEME 152.

The general effect of the scheme will bethat residential buildings (flats) may no The City Council of Pretoria has prepared TOWN COUNCIL OF SPRINGS.longer be erected on the erven. a draft amendment to the Pretoria Region ..

The properties are registered in the name Town-planning Scheme, 1960, to be known CLOSING AND ALIENATION OF A.of the City Council of Pretoria. as Amendment Town-planning Scheme. 152. PARK ON STAND 1129, CASSELDALE,

The draft scheme and Map 1 will be This draft scheme contains the following for inspection at the office of the proposal:— . .

Director of Town- planning and Architecture, [Notice' in terms of sections 67 (3), 68 andThedeletionprovisotableDof (vii to 79 (18) (b) of the Local Government'I Room 602, Munitoria, Vermeulcn Street,Hall, Paul of clause 15 and the substitution therefor Ordinance, No. 17 of 1939, as amended.]and at Room 33, New City

the following new proviso (vii):,— - -Kruger Street, Pretoria, for a period of 0

ofNotice is herebygiven that theweeks from the 13th September 1967, during "(vii) Subject to the provisions of clause . Council

the normal office hours. 17 the local authority may allow dog intends, subject to the approval of thepark Administrator, to close the park on ,StandAny objections or representations with kennels, a riding school and a caravan .

1129 Casseldale, and to alienate it afterregard thereto should be submitted • in on any farm portion or piece of land not ... closing thereof as a park.writing to the Town Clerk, P.O. Box 440, within a township." -

Pretoria, on or before Wednesday, 25 On account of the deletion of the existing A plan showing Erf 1129, Casseldale,October 1967. ' proviso the general effect of the amendment which the Council proposes to close and

S. F.. KINGSLEY, scheme will be that the use of any portion alienate as well as particulars of the aliena-Acting Town clerk. of farm land not included in any township tion are open for inspection during ordinary

30 August 1967. for a drive-in theatre, general dealers busi- 'office hours at the office of the undersigned.(Notice No. 264 of 1967.) 777 - 13-20-27 ness, lea room, milk shop, butcher shop, Any person who has any objection to thewillPublic garage or film studio, in future proposed closing or alienation or who will

STADSRAAD VAN. PRETORIA. necessitate an amendment of the originalhave any claim for compensation if theTown-planning Scheme in terms of - the

VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE Town-planning and Townships Ordinance,closing is effected, must lodge his objection

PRETORIASTREEK - DORPSAANLEG- 1965. -or claim, in writing, with me on or beforethe 13th November, 1967. •


WYSIGINGSKEMA 152.virtue of the proposed amendment the

. L DE WET,Council will be authorised to permit the -

Die stadsraad van Pretoria het 'n konsep- use of such land for the purposes as set .Clerk of the Council.

wysiging van die Pretoriastreek-dorpsaanleg- out in the new proviso (vii) subject to corn- Town Hall,skema, 1960, opgestel wet bekend sal staan ranee with the provisions of clause 17i of Springs, 29 August 1967.

' • - -

as Dorpsbeplanningwysigingskema 152. — ; 'the original scheme Bythe applicant. (NoticeNo.105/67.) 7567-23


• .




- .

. .

. ..

____666_____. ._ _ K PROVINSIALE OERAND, '13 -SEPTEMBER'91961_..y'l


pSepleraier '1967; lath:Millie ToivMtlerk,'

Thee- gindalzeffect 'oft' the.' arnendinent••

P.O. Box 440, Pretoria, in writing -ofasitchc scheme will. be - to permit. subdivision of6the,

VLIORGESTELDELW.YSIGINGNAN DIE -'objection/crr rrepresentation iatichshall state MI into a maximum-M -

32Portions: withad' PRETOR1ASEd' DOIOSAANLEGSKEMA.. whether) or net. he_ wishes - to be heard .by• afealt of ".at 'leak 20.000)Square rfeet.--; - - 01 "'VAN ' 1944.L-DORPSBEFLANNING - the localiautffority..d. rit:ti Lit.' r .5 rf,.!.1 . • :TherprOjsertY is' registered in the name of. IDWYSIG1NGSKEMA 1/161: ; • ' - - - Si/F.-KINGSLEY:. ..a.. Mr R. S:1Grobler.c • 2 .

:11. .'-'bi:i : li IP / fri

• Die stadsraad van Pretoria 'het In ordwerp - .1 .- . . -- .. : :.Acting Town Clerk. . =?Partieulatir of thist•scheme are open for '

wysiging van 'die -Pretoriase Dorpsaanleg - 31 Apgdst3967..; 1:..: .. . `..- 1" inspection' rat ;Room 602; Munitoria,. Vet=

skema, 1 vao'1944, opgestel -wat bckend sal (Niatioe. No.: 248, (4;11671"



77771i ti., nietilen • Street. -and. Rotum 33;..City . Hapstaan. rag.. Dorpsbeplanningwysigingskerna 6. „....._ . ., „ „... ... .

'_ . Paul' Kruger: Street Pretoria, for. a 'period'

11.161.' :...I ris .. - • : 0 .- • • •- .

• • • of 4- 'weeks frbm- the 'date ;To!' . the. first.'STADSRAAD ;VAN PRETORIA •t t.. • • •


,••• . „ .. . i . _ _. .6, publication of this notice, which is the 13th'.'Hierdie ontweipsItema bevat die volgende 'Sdptember, 1967. ... i „. j . - . . 1


viiiirstelf• - .." - • - 0 d . • VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE .'September,' PRETORIASTREEK = DORPSAANLEG- ' The Council will consider whether 'or not,

Die herbesterdining,vanErf 987, Laudium, SKEMA, 196tir:DORPSBEPCANNING: the scheme - should be ndopted. .

' :

Pretoria, gelee.6ain '6Veettiende Laan tusser.Twee -en en Vier-en-dertigste Straat, \VYSIGINGSKEMA 166.:

- ' ' - _.Any owner 'or occupier 'Of immovable. . .

- ' - ' - • - .. - - : - v. property, within the area' of the Pretoria'van „Thrigtingdoeleindes " na „ Spesiale


Die stadsraad. an Pretoria het 'n.ontwerp- -

kegion, Town-planning - Scheme,' 1960, or .

Woongebruik", met 'n digtheid van 1 woon - wysiging van die Pretoriastreek-dorpsaanleg- vidthiri •1 mild of the-boundary thereof has:huis per 5,000 vierkante voet.

' skema, 1960,.opgestel - ibekend sal staan the right to object to the scheme or to make' Iat orpsbeplanningieysigingskema 166. t . .. i'''Die algemene uitwerking van die wysiging- D re

-presentations in respect - thereof and if he

skema sal wees om ondervcrdeling van die Hierdie rintwerpskeina-

is opgestel in wishes to do so he shall within 4 weeks ofeiendom, vir spesiale woondoeleindes toe te opdrag ,van die"Adininistrateur ingevolge the first publication' f this notice, which is


laat. . ,. .. i - - suballiker(7)!van artikel - siten-reerrig• van' the 13th September:1967, inforth the TOwn (die OrdonnanSie 'op Dorpsbeplanning - en Clerk, P.O. Box 440, Pretoria, in writing,

Die eiendom is op naam vatrdie stadsraad Dorpe, 1965. • 1' - - . i' ' )1 of such objection or representation and shall'

Van Pretoria geregistiver. . . . . .- - .1lierdie Ontwerpskema bevat die volgende i not he wishesstate whether o

.to be heard

Besonderhede van hierdie skema 18 ter •. 136Y. the local authority. 6

.. - .

. .

orstel: " ' - ' 2 ''

insae te' Kamen 602, Munitoria, Vermeulen- v° - .. • 2 -...• i

- - - - . . - .• •

straat, en Kamer 33, Stadhuis, Paul Kruger- t Die•wysiging van.die digtheidsbesternming" . .- . S. Fa KINGSLEY,.

.. Acting Town Clerk.straat. Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk :Van 4 A:vac van Erf 2,.Waterkloof Ridge, Pretoria, gelee

- • •.

- t ' . '

van die datum van. die :eerste publikasie van aart Ploughlaan tosse,n Koningin Withelmina- 31.'AugitSt 1967.

hierdie kennisgewing af, naamlik 13' Sep - lean en ‘Argostraat, ;van 1 woonhuis per (Notice*No 249 of 19673' • 778- 13-20 110tember 1967. .. .. , .. : .. . . . bestaando. err rat I wrionhuis per 20.000'


en vierkante.ret: .....-. - .4.: .

• .. :. .... . 1.. . .


'Die • Raad '.sal did skema, oorWeeg .:

besluit. of dit:aangeneem molt word.,', . .-Die algemene uitwerkier.van die wysiging-,

. r , ,'


': ,• -skema sal wees - om 'die onderverdeling wan • .r..

•. . • • - . . .

Edge elermar of okkupeerder van vaste die erf in hoogstens 3 gedeeltes met . tn. BELASTINGKENNISOEWING."eiendom binne die gebied van die PretoriaseDorpraanlegskema,• 1 van 1944, of tinne LI,

oppervlakte :van minstens 20,000..yierkante Hiermee word kennis gegee dat newcnevoet elk toe te laat. . - c: z

-... . t • •myl van die grens daarvan, het idle leg om vermeldi belasting op die. waardasie van

teen die skema beswaar te.maak of om ver- Die eiendom• is - op,.naam van mnr. P. S. 'bilashare eiendorn' binne. die munisipaliteit

toe ten opsigte daarvan te• rig ,en indien - by Grobler geregistreer... • .,

. . ; .. , gelee en soos in die Waardesielys• kange-%

dit wil doen, moat by - die Stadskierk, 'Besonderhede 'Van. hieidie 'skema le ter teken, ingevolge die Plitaslike Bestuur-bolas=

Ppsbus 440. Pretoria, binne 4 weke van die inset te Ranier' 602; Mtinitorim'Vermeulen- tingordonnansie, • No. 20 van 1933, soos

eerste PUblikasie van' hierdie' kennisgewirig. strait/en Rainer 33, Stadhtiis; Paw Kruger- gewysig, deur die stadsraad van 'Germiston

naamlik .13' September' 1967. skriftelik van sfraat, Pretoria, 'vit.. 'n; tydp•erk 'Van 4 - weke ten opsigte van verynelde; tydperk opgele is.

so,dadge tieswaar of:wheel. in • kennis. stel van die datum vattdie eerste publikasie van en dat bcdoelde belastings op ondervermelde

en.Vernield of by dewdie pleaslikethestuur hierdie•

kenniSgeWing ' afynaamlik '13 'Sep.? datum .verskuldig,e.n betaalbaar is: - ,...

school/Ill word 'of nie: '' ' " z' ;' r : . Silber 1967.

. . • . - . -

(twin LOorspronklikek belasting vane}'. sente:'' • • •

S. F. KiNGaLEY. Die, gamed . sal did 'skema-

a*-''ooRweeg." ell ini e:Rand op; die alle,1 ' Waarnemende Stadsklerk. besluit .of dit aangeneem molt Word: • ..... grond ibmnerdie munisipaliteit.soos di; yerr.

31 Augustus 1967. .. . - • - - . - • • • • .• ..-- . skyn . im die .Waardrielys, vir die • tydperk

; Enige eienaar of okkupeerder van - vaste(Kennisgewing No. 248 van 1967.) : • I • Julie 1967otot•31.•Desember 1967. .

, . , • . i `. eiendom - binne die - gebied van die Pretoria- - .,-“, .'' " u n Bykoineride belasting van 11 sent. .

• . •

„ streek-dorpsaanlegsketna,..1960. of binne I .. 1, -

, : in die Rand op die/ferreinviaarde vanalle•myl van die grens daarvan, het die reg om, CITY COUNCIL OF PRETORIA.;


teen die skema beswaar te thank of om Ver- grond binne die munisipaliteit sobs dit ver-• • • • skvn in die Waardesielvs vir die tvdnerk

'toe ten opsigte daarVankte* rig:en indien by - • .• . • *-

PROPOSED' AMENDMENT TO THE dit wil doen, moat by ,the Stadsklerk, .1 Julie 1967 tot 31 Desember 1967.:

PRETORIA . T Q WN - P L A N N INCSCHEME, 1 OF 19AMENDMENT Posbus 440. Pretoria, binne 4 weke van die •'-(iii) 'n B9komstige belasting van 66;


SCHEME ,1 / 161..• eerste. publikasie, van hierdie•kennisgewing, persent van If sent in die Rand op die:

., • 'naamlik 13 September 1967, skriftclik-van waarde van verbeterings waarna in artikel,The City Council of Pretoria has prepared, sodanige beswaat of vertoe in kennis stet 21 van .Ordonnansfe• No. 20 van 1933, - soos

a draft amendment-to the 'Pretoria 'TOsin - en vermeld of 4iy deur die .plaaslike bestuur gewysig, verwys word,. gele8 op grond•planning Scheme, 1 of 1944. to be known echoer wit word of are.

•- - ingevolge' mynpag (nie grond in 'n wettige

as Amendment Town-planning Scheme ' gestigte dorp me) gehou en vir woondoc1 •-

1/161: • • • •_ i •

. . - S.F. KINGSLEY, - eindes of doeleindes de soortgelyk•aan myn-

This draft scheme contains the following ' - -• ' -:-

• - 0 Waarnemende Stadsklerk. werksaamhede deur person of .maat-.

propesali =•=. ._" ( . ;• 3 -1 -

. Augustus.4967.. . .. . -, skappye aan mynwerksaamhede . verbonde. •

"The' rezoning - of ' Erf '987, Laudium, (kennisgewing•No: 249 van 1967.) ; .. -' nie,gebruik, vir die tydperk 1 -Julie .1967

' .

Pretoria, situate on Fourteenth Avenue • ... i • .-

,• ,. .

tot 31 Desember 1967. . ' '

between -Thirty-second and Thirty-fourth _ .(iv) 'n Ekstra yrkomende• belastingVan

Streets, from "Institutional" to'' Special .

• '. .. If sent, 1m:die klqand, op die tcrreinwaarde

.,Residential" with •a density of. I dwelling- CITY, COUNCIL _OF PRETORIA. - van grond of belange in grond in besit van

house per 5,000 square feet.enige kragonderneming (soos omskryf ; in



PROPOSED' AMENDMENT TO THE artikel 4 van die Plaaslike Bestuur-belasting.).•

abi:generaleffe'will . be .effect

of ''the'amendment toallOw[ subdivision of -the PRETORIA REGION TQWN2PLANNING otdonnantic, No. 20 van 1933, soosgehrYsig);

Property for, special residential purposes. SCHEME, 1960.AMENDMENT TOWN_ en sods in artikel 20 van vermcIde Orden- .


- nansie gespcsifiseer, vir die tydperk 1 Julie.The property is registered in the name of PLANNING SCHEME 166., 1967 tot 31 Desember 1967. '


the City Council of Pretoria. The aty Council of Pretoria has prepared (v) 'n Elelasting van•l/ 10 sent in die. RandKparticiriais ,of: this Schime are open for a draft hmendmentio; the Pretoria Region op die waarde van alle verbeterings binne


inspection . at' Room 602, Munitoria, Ver- Town-planning Scheme, 1960, to be known die munisipaliteit soos dit verskyn in die

meulen.StreeL and Room: 33, City' Hall, as Amendment Town-planning Scheme 166. Waardasielys, vir die .tydperk 1 Julie 1967Pahl Kruger Street, Pretoria, for a period. - tot 31 Desember 1967.of 4• weeks from' the 'date of the first This draft scheme has been prepared on

publication of this -notice, which is the 13th 'instruction from the Administrator in terms . Boyermeldc belastings is op Dinsdag, 31

• September 19676' ,•

• of subsection ,(7) or section forty-six of the Oktober 1967, verskuldig en betaalbaar.Town-nlandng . and Townships - Ordinance,, Ordinance, In edge geval waar die opgelegde bolas;

'' theCouncil will consider Whether or not- 9.65_ , . •. t. . ...

. bngs nie op die bctaaldatum vereffen is nie,the sehetrieshould beadopted. •

•• • •

' - - sal rente teen die koers van 7 persent per,-This draft scheme contains the following jaar- Any owner Sr occupier of immovable,

Proposal: - . kragtens artikel25 (3) van Ordonnansieproperty within the area of the Pretoria . No.'20 van 1933, sobs gcwysig, aangcslaanTown-planning Scheme, 1 of 1944, or within The' amendment of the density zoning - of word.


l*inile of the bolindary thereof has the right Erf 2; Waterkloof Ridge, Pretoria, 'situate - P. J. BOSHOFF, - 0to object to the scheme or to make represen- on Plough Avenue betweeh Queen Wilhel- . .. ' -. Stadsklerk.

tations in respect thereof and if he wishes mina - Avenue and Argo Street, from I Stadskantore, •' - -

to. do ,so he shall within 4 weeks of the first dwelling-house per existing erf to 1 dwelling- Germiston, 5 September 1967. .

publication of this notice, 'which is the 13th - house per 20,000 square feet .' - (Kennisgewing No. 153/1967.) . .



• • .

, .

, • . .. . .


.• .


• .- . . . .

. '


;•j; ,- ,; I CITY 'OF. GERMIsTGN.:: '.:: ' vit :.(c) Elandsfontein 90 112; . distrile Get- . (proposecliBedfordview. Extension :98:T.9wo-.

• a;:•... r, :.) 1.-.1! .. 1`.1it ra!:::...:111f711: miston.ddeeltes A73 i(voorheen ..Hoewe :ship). 26, 28, Ptn. Af29, Ptn. 3/30. Ptn.

1." . eq..tilMtlicE OF RATE - 1./.11 I. 2L G.E.S.H.); 515 (Voorheerwelloewtat . 14/30 Pet 5/30 1'68 PteR1/169V•Rethain-'

•'Notice is; hereby given that the following..G.E.S:113;:i 627 •r_(ioorhetn; iHoevire "170, der/169/1'0113)/171; BernAde/RI/1; iPtn.'• rates/ on the valuation .of rateable property. aES.H.); 6281 -,.(voorhettly./Hoewe .-.A73; ll /172/ - 1166thilia

-IV172 •

180' INF:14PM.- -

within the municipality as.appearinglin - the DIE.S.11.).t li -;1 -.'it.r. - . t -. . ,1 ":1;.. 1/Cons. 182, Ptn. 2/Coisi.:1821/Reniaindap'

Valuation. Rollin 'tierce -fat thetime being id)'Bedfordview ellitbreidingL162 yThorp.c; ,Cons..-182' 184- 185.1 186. 187.r .188„189,have been -imposeeby .the.City Council„.01. :gebied.-1Erwe 285;: 211.6W 287a-288,

-2890 -290; .190,in .191.. .1192, ;Remainder /,Pin. A/326,

Germiston; in terms - of the. Local. Authorities. 291, 292;293, 294;2951 .E.: :3 ...:n. i lilic -n Pin/2/326 -and Remainder/326. . ..; ir '„„Rating Ordinance, No. 20 of 1933:,las •(e) BedfordvieW.„.Uitbreiding. 24 .D.orps‘' - • • --- - - .

. . .. (b)•Bedfordview - Extension - .19 Town- -

amended, . to .;cover.. the period herein gebted..-Erwe -89; 90(.91, 92,..93; .94:: - .- • :ship Eryen 227„ 228,..,229, Ptn. 1/230,

Mentioned; and that onsaid. rates become.

'1 (f) Bedfcirdvilw Uitbreiding -100 ,Dorps-e p

' '-tn. 2/230 andRemainder/230. ,


-,. , f.due and Payable, on the


date' as Stated gettied:- Erwe..407;:;408, 409,..41th -41'1? - 412,.

' hereunder: - ' .• ' ' ' " ' '- ' ' • 413..


- . - ' .• i - „ - .: . . . ; ..;• • ;. c'(e) Elandsfontein 90 '11?,1•Distilci of Ger`ni

.istoth- Pottions 473 (fOrm•erly Holding 4 -

(i) An original rate of -f. cent ,in 'thdahnd Die•.bogenoemdeteiendomme getahuleer,- ' ' • • - -

on. the site, value of all appearing - in cinder-

1 (a) tot (f) -isgelee - in die. gebied _ , .G E.S.H.). 515 (formerly Holding - 27,1

the Valuation Roll for the period 1 July. eivieg G.E.S.W); . 627.• (formerly Holding . 170noord' van die_.voorgestelde muwe Sn . ., .

1967 to 31,Decemlier 1967. . . (S. 12) vinaf die westelike totdie oostelike .G.E.S.H.); 628 (formerly Holding 173;. , • - •


• •' • • grense. soon ,aangetoon op Kaart I met 'n G.E.S.H.). . , , _ ...„ • •

i (ii) An additional rate of AI cents in.the gdi theid van - I. nroonbuis per 20,000 Kaapsesej (d)• fiedfordview 'Extensionion: 62 'Town

Rand on the site value of all land appearing. vierkante voet „S'P iale Woong,ebied.",r - s up.-Erven 285.. 286, 287, 288, 289,. the Valuation Roll for the period 1 July 2.. Deur - die voorsiening van•

'n 20-voet 291, 292 293. 294 and 295"1967 to 31 Decembei 1967: , ,., boulynbeperking op alle en enige standplase

' '• .

- (e) Bed fordvtew Extensioa 24. Town:3

(iii) An additiOnal - rate of 66+ - per cent met 'n-digtbeid van tussen 20,000 en 30,000 sliiperErven,89, 90; .91; 92, 93 and'94; '''''

of 1+ cents in the Rand on the .value of Kaapse vierkante voet in enige nuwe dorps-...improvements - referred to - in, section 21 101, gebied„, ;0) Ballordview. Extension.. 100 - Thivh-


Ordinance No. 20 of 1933, .as ainended, ,13:•Ort die patthon, van 'die voorgestelde ship.- Erven 407, 1408„;409; 410 411:,' 412....situate on land ; held under' Mining Title wed te_ wirSig, op:Kaart 1 aangetootin root and 413.(not in a lawfully, establishment .township).. met tot Wysigende Skema' lip:

, e above properties listed-under 1 (a) to

used for. residential purposes„ or purpcises 4. Elke woonhuis sM aan beide rye tussen (f) are situated in the area north - of thenot incidental ; to mining operations' by die cksterne.mure van die gebou en - .diepersons - or, companies engaged in mining grenslyne -van die erf 'n vryspasie van alleoperations, whether such persons or - coin- gebobe: he. • Die gesamentlike wydtes .vanpanics are the holders of the mining title sodanige - spasies sal. Me minder. dark -15 brew lior not, for the period 1 '1ply 1967. to„31 (vyftien) Engelse voet. wees nie, enDecember 1967...

' '

(iY) An extra additional rate of 1} cents Engelse voet Weed-nie: Mit diel *Mande'

proposed new. Expressway (S_. 12), from. thewestern' to the eastern bOundariei asindicated on Map I for a density, o'f, r

ing- ouse per 20,000 square'feet-

/Neil "Special Residential"!' . .

sodanige spasie sal . minder . dan. - 6., (ses) • . r • , o ) •

. I • ;

; 2.. By the, provision-,of ..a, 20, feet .buildig

..t. • . ' line on all !and ;any ewer with a. deniityin the Rand on'the site value of land

-or dal-- -

i • • - • • . • • . • ; • ; between:20 000 and 30.000 Ca e ua efeetinterest in land held_by apy power under- :, (I) Been .fitiitageboue 'Mags•nader. as 6, in any new township.

' P TEL r .I

takiqgjag. defined in section 14 of the •Lohal (ses) Engelse 'voet Van die agterste grens--

r 3. To amen& the red road. pattern . asAuthorities Rating Cifdininde; No.-20 of _,Iyn opgerig wordniet : s' '.' ' - *

indicated on - Map• 1, relating to Amendment1933, as :amended),' and ;.as ' specified in . (ii) 'n motorhuis war iteinain 'il wixi'n-oien) Engelse; Scheme 1/17.section 20 of the said Ordinance, for the .huffs opgerig is' en, hie '10

period I .July 1967:113. 31 December. 0671 "voet in. hoogte .rierikry* Me, mag aan `1,'- 4. Every dwelling-house shall -have on• . .

(v) A rate - of .1/10 cents in 'the. Rand on sodanige syspasie . ongerig word Met "die 'each" side between the .external mall .of • thethe. value of all improvements - within the. voorbehoud; dat _die adder syspasie,*nit building and the side AiOundaries .of. its 'ellmunicipality.zas. appearing in the - Valuation; minder as rthege) Eagelr'vbet in ,widfe: nonce free of all buildings:' The - aggregate -

Roll. for the.. period -1.. July 1967. -40 tn• . sal 'wees.'Me. .4. :: ..... ..'. '....::: ;;; .'' 'width / cif.Such 'spaces be Jess'. than!

December .1967. . . .- ; " . i; ..r; .....: '';'•• I.Besoriderhede. en: planne ,v'aitt. hierdie '15 (fifteen)'theil(English)•nor shall the. width:

The above rates 'are due•anci•payhble on skema la ter insae .by.. die kantoor . Van • die. .of 'any 'such 'space be less :than 6 -

(six)'feet; - - • '..7.Tuesday, the 31st October 1967. -' ': • A" Stadsklerkr ...Bedfordwew .. Burgersentrum, (English)

k provided,. further' that •'

• 'In 'any-ease where rates imposed are Hawleyweg, .Bedfordview,.gedurende nor- '"'' (i):outbuildingi Oil 'the "erf' m4•• benot paid on - the - due date, interest .will 'be male kantoorure vii tydperk van vier (4),


, situated not less than 6, (six) feel,(Endlisli).charged at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, weke van datum van die eeritt publikasie 'froth' thd rear boundary of 'the erf; ' •

in terms of section 25,(3) of Ordinance No. van hierdie kennisgewing, naamlik 13 Sep- (ii) a,private garage attached tethe aide20,of 1933, as,amended. .

- • . . . tembei 1967., 1

- . •

of a 'dwelling -houstand not exceeding 10, i• P.1. BOSHOFF; -

' - 'Die •Rn't sal, die skema .00rweeg -en (ten) feet (Erigliili)- in height may be

Town; Clerk.•besluir of (lit aangeneem moet word. , erected on 1 such side ipace,•subject toMunicipal Offices •: .

, 1.r.; .

' .Enige eienaar' of okkupeerder van vaste the other such side..inace being-

not •leisiGermiston„5 September 1%7.


. :_-

':.eiendom binne die &hied' van die Bedford- '

than 9 (nine) feet (English) in width.(Notice No: 15311967.) . ,.... '773li• view-dorpsbeplanningskema of binne• 1 entyl ,

Particulars and plans of this scheme arevan die grens daarvan het die reg om teen.

„ for inspection - at the ToWn 'Clerk's. ,

' • - ' ' ' die skema beswaar 'it maak of om vertoe open• DORPSRAAIY'VAN'BEDFORDVIEW ten ripsigte daarvan to rig en indien..hy dit Office, Bedfordview - :Civic Centre, Hawley;

wil does moet hy• die Raad binne vier. (4) Road, Bedfordview,.. during normal, office.VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE


BEDFORDV1EWSE DORPSAANLEG- weke Nan die ©erste. publikasie van hierdie hOurs, lot a petted 'of foUr (4) weeks fromthe date of the first- publication of thiskennisgewing, naamlik .13 September 1967, this

SKEMA 1'/1948. which is the 13th September. 1967.:skriftelik van sodanige beswaar of vertot notice. -

WYSIGENDESKEMA '1/17. : . • in kennis stet en vermeld of •hy deur, die The .Councdl will consider whether or not- • :• • - •'' Raad gehoor wil word of nie... . • the scheme "should - be aricipted.

Die dorpsraad van Bedfordview het,. in - ; . .• - .


wysigingsontwerp -dorpsbeplanningskema Opt ,

• - 'IL VAN N. FOUCHEE, ". Any owner ,.or 'occupier.' Of.. immovable -



,“ :, -T. . Stadsk,le,rk.

- propertycsituated; within„the . area, of . the

gestel wat bekend sal staan as Wysigende- '

Munisipale.Kantore - •• ' • : Bedfordview Town-planning. Scheme, or"

skema 1/17: :• „. .i. :


, : /-

i _.!

.1Bedfordview, 6 September 1967:,• • • -•• within 1 mile froth the boundary thereof

Hierdie.ontwerpskema bcvat die volgende ' r / - • -- • • -,. . , .

-- ' . '

' - - - ' • has the. right to.object to the scheme or tovoorstene: ---- . VILLAGE COUNCIL OF

-cl -; -make representations in respect thereof' and,. . , ..

van' 'die... .

,I. Deur .die ,indeling,. van die volgende • • ' ...BEDFORDVIEW. if he wishes, to do so he shall, within fourpctsele, naaani15: '. . . . . .

- • - a -AMENDMENT TO weeks of the first ptiblicatiorl of 'this

• ' . • . - • • PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THEinform,

which is the 13th September 1967;..2 AM Geldenhuis Estate• Sinai! H



,.., „ e • . inform. the Council; in writing, -- of .such

Hoewes '9. 10„11,112; 13, 14, Noorgestelae• SCHEME I /1948.'' i •

'objection or - representation . and shall stateBedfordview Uitbreiding .112), ;15, 16, - - 17 - .

(yoorgestelde Bedfordyiew Uitbreiding 124), ;AMENDING- SCHEME 1/17.. !whether or .not heywishes. to. be heard thy

180 19, (voorgeStelde Uitbreiding' 108); ,Ged. _The Village. Council of Bpdfordview hasthe Council. •

' • -- -•• ' - • • . - ..:9


A/24, Ged. B/24, 'Ged. C/24. resterende:.;•11. VAN bk.FOUCHEE; _.

Gedeelte /24, 25 (voorgestelde Bedfordviewre ared 'a Draft Athendnient Tewn2plinL: , ,..:

', ,,

Pne• Scheme' to - be 'known is' Anhendment- ' - ' ' '•

... . , 1

' Town Clerk.

Uitbreiding 98).`26, 2% :G ed. '•A /29. ;IGed. s• lc -1/17

- -.. .. ... Municipal Offices; . „ • c ": ., J .• -

3/30, Ged. '4/30; Geri. 5/30; 168, 'Get . . -' Bedfordvieiv; 13 SepteMber, 1967:.. ' ..„ ;

1/169, resterende Gedeelte'

/169, • Cid.' --1 . -

containsihe - foliOWin - te ' ' - •, • r . - . ‘.• •


The drat schemer . .g . .. . ' - ' - 770- 13-20

1 / 171, ..resterende. _Gedeelte '/171,. Ged. proposals;"-;' -. , ,'

.. .

1/172; resterende• Gedeelte /172, 180, 181„1., By... thec rzo:ning icif'.".Pie':foliSengi


:.11,•::, .;Kotip Nasionale'. ; •

Ged.. 1 /Gekens. '182, - 184; 185, 186,..187, pr9perOeS;= : • ..' - ... - f .. • .. r a - . A n''''' . . ' ' j - ''' ' ' . %.. - .'' '

18% 189, 19% 191, 192,1resterendt Gedeelte/ ..Ged. • A/326. • Ged. 2/326, resterende .0ldenhilis• Estate Small liolding.s,--


.' Soaarieitifililaten"

" '• -• '

Holdings 9;10; 11, 12, '13: '14:,-

/prepoSed';' " • • ••- - • ' .i • • •-. • rt '.•..


Gedeelte 4326, Ged. .2 /Gekons. 182, Bedfordview Extension 112 Township);;15;resterende Gedeelte/Gekons. 182. . 16- - 17 arimbied 'Bedfordvietv - Extenaion -

-. Buy National - Sa'vings • - -

(b) Bedfordview Uitbreiding 19 Dorps- 124'Township);'18; 19 (puiposed Bedford- -. /. .• - .. • _ .. ''.. : - . - .

gebied.-Erwe 227, 228. 229, Ged. 1/230,, view Extension 108- .TOWnship);"Ptn. -A/24, . .•• ' CertificatesI -

Ged. 2/230, resterende Gedeelte /230:'

I Ptn. B/24, Ptn:' C/24) -Remainder/24; - 25 - ... . .. _.. •.

-„. . .....•... ... r,

2.- •

. .


.. •

• . •


•STADSRAAD VAN PRETORIA. of 4 weeks from the date of the first the land for.the erection of warehouses, thepublication of this notice, which is. the 13th manufaCture and distribution of pharma-

VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE September 1967. ccutical products and preparations arid •PRETORIASTREEK - DQRPSAANLEG-he Council will consider whether or not purposes incidental ' thereto, subject io the

SICEMA. 1960. — DORPSBEPLANN1NG- the scheme should be adopted. - condition set out on annexure A. Plan 56WYSIGINGSKEMA 165. Any owner or octupier of immovable of the draft scheme.

Die stadsraad van Pretoria het 'n ontwerp- property within the area of the Pretoria The general effect of the amendmentwysiging van die Pretoriastreek -dorpsaanleg- Region Town-planning Stheme, 1960, or scheme will be to enable the owner of theskema, 1960, opgestel wat bekend sal staan within 1 mile of the boundary thereof has said property to conduct the above activitiesas Dorpsbeplanningwysigingskema 165. the right to object to the scheme or to make on the site.

representations in respect thereof and if heHierdie ontwerpskema is opgestel - in The property is registered in the name ofh wishesto do so he shall- 4 within weeks of

opdrag van die Administrateur ingevolgeNuristan Investments (Pty) Limited.the first publication of this notice, which is .

subartikel (7) van artikel ses-en-veertig vanthe 13th September 1967, inform the Town .

Particulars of this scheme arc' open fordie' Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning enDorpe, 1965.

Clerk, P.O. Box 440, Pretoria, in writing, inspection at Room 602, Munitoria, Ver-meulen 'Street, and Room 33, City Hall,of such objection or representation and shall

Hierdie ontwerpskema bevat die volgende- state whether or' not he wishes to - be heard Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria, for a periodvooistel:— by the local authority. of 4 weeks froth the date of the first

Die herbestemming van die restant van S. F. KINGSLEY, publication of this notice, which is the 13th

Gedeelte 17 van Gedeelte G van die plaas • Acting Town Clerk. September 1967. i

The. Willows 340 JR, distrik Pretoria, gelee_ 29 August 1967. The Council will consider whether or notsuid van Willowglen-landbouhoewes en (Notice No. 246 of 1967.) 781- 13-20 the scheme should be adopted.noord van Valley Farm - landbouhoewes, Any owner or occupier of immovableongeveer 3 myl nos van die dorp. Lynnwood • . - property • within the area of the SilvertonGlen, van „ Landbougebruik " na

- „ Spesiale . STADSRAAD VAN PRETORIA. TOwnrplanning Scheme, 1 of 1955, orWoongebruik "'met 'n digtheid van 1 woon- within 1 mile of the boundary thereof hashuffs psi 12,500 vierkante voet. • ' VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE

S1LVERTONSE DORPSAANLEGSKEMA the right to object to the scheme or to make•

Die algemene uitwerking van die wysiging-1 VAN 1955.— DORPSBEPLANNING- representations in respect thereof and if he

sktma sal wees om dorpstigting op die WYSIGINGSKEMA -1/13.wishes to do so he shall within 4 weeks of

eiendom moontlik te maak. the first publication of this notice, which is

Die eiendom is op naam van mev. N. W:Die stadsraad van Pretoria het 'n ontwerp- the 13th September 1967, inform the Town'

Brink geregistreer.*rising van die Silvertonse Dorpsaanleg- Clerk, P.O. Box 440, Pretoria, in writing,'

, • skema, I van 1955, opgestel wat bekend sal of such objection or representation and shallBesonderhede van hierdie skema 10ter insaetd Kamer 602, Munitoria, Vermeulen- staan as Dorpsbeplanningwysigingskema state whether or not he wishes to beheard straat,en Kamer 33, Stadhuis, Paul Kruger 1/13. by the local authority.

strut, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van 4 weke Hierdie ontwerpskema bevat die volgende S. F. KINGSLEY, •

van die datum van die eerste publikasie van voorstel:— ' • Acting Town Clerk.hierdie kennisgewing af, naamlik 13 Sep- Die herbestemming van gekonsolideerde 28' August 1967.tember 1967. Erf 1228; Silvertdn, geke aan Van Wyk- (Notice No. 245 of 1967.) 776- 13-20

Die Read sal did skema oorweeg en street tussen Pretoria- en Presidentstraat, van

besluit of dit aangeneem moet word. „Snesiak Woongebruik" na „Spesiak

Enige eienaar of okkupeerder van vaste Georeik", ten einde die oprigting van pak- DORPSRAAD VAN SABIE.

eiendom binne die gebied van die Pretoria. huise, die vervaardiging en vethpreiding van WYSIGING VAN VERORDENINGE.streek-dorpsaanlegskema, 1960. of binne. 1 farmaseuticse produkte en middels en up- -

myl van die grens daarvan, het die reg om verwante docleindes . aldaar toe te last. Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge


bepalings van artikel 96 van die'teen die skema beswaar te maak of om ver. onderworpe aan die voorwaardes soos vervat

toil len opsigte daarvan te rig en indien by in bylae A, Plan 56, van die kohsepskema. r onnansic op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939.

slit wit doen, moet by cite Stadsklerk, Die algemene uitwerking van did wysiging. soot gewysig, dat die dorpsraad van Sable

Posbus 440, Pretoria, binne 4 weke van die skema sal wees om die eienaar van diegrond con erworpe aan die goedkettring van SyEdele die Administrateur, voomemens is

eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, in start to stel om voormelde bedrywighede

naamlik 13 September 1967, skriftelik van op 'die betrokke perseel te beoefen. mit sy—

sodanige beswaar of vertod in kennis stel Die eicndom is op naam van Noristan (a) Verkeersbywette te wysig, deur veer-en vermeld of by deur die plaaslike bestuur Investments (Edms) Beperk, geregistreer. .

siening te maak vir 'n tarief vir voertuig-

gehoor wil word of nie. Besonderhede van hierdie skema le ter ingange na persele;

S. F. KINGSLEY, insae te Kamer 602, Munitoria, Vermeulen- (6) Watervoorsieningsverordeninge te

Waarnemende Stadsklerk. straat, en Kamer 33; Stadhuis, Paul ICruger- wysig, deur voorsiening te.

maak virstraat, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van 4 weke tariewe vir aansluiting en heraansluitings.

29 Augustus 1967. van die datum van die eerste publikasie van(Kennisgewing No. 246 van 1967.) Afskrifte van die voorgestelde tariewe en


hierdie kennisgewing af, naamlik 13 Sep- wy-sigings sal vir 'n tydperk van 21 daeteniber 1967. vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan,

CITY COUNCIL OF PRETORIA. 'Die Read sal did skema oorweeg en gedurende normale kantoorure in die kan-besluit of dit aangeneem moet word. toor van die ondergetekende ter insae 10,

PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE Enige eienaar of okkupeerder van vaste gedurende welke tydperk skriftelike besware

PRETORIA REGION TOWN-PLANNING eiendom binne die gebied van die Silvertonse daarteen by die ondergetekende ingedien kan

SCHEME, 1960.—AMENDMENT TOWN- Dorpsaanlegskema, I van 1955, of binne 1 word.PLANNING SCHEME 165. myl van die grens daarvan, het die reg om - • W. P. VISSER,

The City Council of Pretoria has prepared teen die skema beswaar te maak of om ver- . Stadsklerk.

a draft amendment to the Pretoria Region toe ten opsigte daarvan te rig en indien by Munisipale Kantoor,Town-planning Scheme, 1960, to be known dit wit doen, moet


by die .Stadstderk, Sable. 30 Augustus 1967.

as 'Amendment Town-planning Scheme 165. Posbus 440, - Pretoria, binne 4 weke van die (kennisgewing No. 6 - 1967/68.)

This draft scheme has been prepared on eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing,naamlik 13 September 1967, skriftelik van

instruction from the Administrator in terms sodanige beswaar of vertod in kennis stel VILLAGE COUNCIL OF SABIE.of subsection (7) of section forty -six of the . die


en of by deur plaaslike bestuur i' Town -planning and Townships Ordinance, AMENDMENT OF BY-LAWS.I

1965. .

gehoor wit word of nie.' S. F.' KINGSLEY, Notice. is hereby given, in terms


of the.This draft scheme contains the following

. . Waarnemende Stadsklerk. provisions of section 96 of the - Local.

proposal:— Government Ordinance, 1939, as amended,28 Augustus 1967.

The rezoning' of the remainder of'Portion that the Village Council of Sabie, subject to(Kennisgewing No. 245 van 1967.)

17 - of Portion G - of the farm The Willows the approval of 'His Honour the Adminis-340 JR, District of Pretoria, situate south of - trator, intends to amend its—Willowglen Agricultural Holdings, and north CITY COUNCIL OF PRETORIA. (a) Traffic By-laws, by making provi-of • Valley Farm Aicural Holdinsapproximately 3 milesgreasttu of Lynnwood PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE sion f

sr toa tariff in respect of vehicular

Glen Township from " Agricultural Pur- SILVERTON TOWN -PLANNING ess prope . les, . .

poses" to "Special Residential" with a SCHEME, I OF 1955.—AMENDMENT (b) Water Supply By-laws, by making

density of I dwelling-house per 12,500 TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME 1/13. provision for tariffs in' respect of connec-

square feet. - • The City Council of Pretoria has prepared tions and reconnections.

The general effect of the amendment a draft amendment to the Silverton Town- Copies-of the proposed amendments and

scheme will be to permit the establishment planning Scheme, 1 of 1955, to be known tariffs arc open for inspection at the. Coun -

of townships on the property. as Amendment Town-planning Scheme 1/13. cil's offices during a period of 21 days from

The property is registered in the name of This draft scheme contains the following the date of publication hereof... . . ..,Mrs N. W. Brink. proposal:— W. P. VISSER,

Particulars of this scheme are open for The rezoning of consolidated Erf 1228,Town Clerk. 0

inspection at 'Room 602, Munitoria, Ver- situate on Van Wyk Street, between Pretoria Municipal Offices,

metilen Street,- and Room 33, City Hall, and;President - Streets, from "Special Resi- .Sabie, 30 August 1967:

Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria, for a period dential" to "Special" to permit the use of (Notice No. 6-1967/68.)" ' 76613


js 1

. .



• - .,DORPSRAAD VAN AMSFERDAM. (4) Town Lands By-laws.—Amendment of Copies of the proposed amendments are' ' •

grazing fees and the control of certain types open for inspection at the office of the• W.i'SIGINGS VAN VERORDENINGE of animals. undersigned during normal office hours...,Daar word ingevolge die bepalings van (5) Water Supply By-laws.—The abolition Any' objections against the proposed

artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike of certain prescribed fees. amendments must reach the undersigned notBestuur, 1939, soos gewysig, bekendgemaak (6) Public 'Health By-laws.--Compulsary later than Thursday, 28 September -1967. -

,dat' die dorpsraacTvan Amsterdam -van voor- removals - and the fees payable. - . - „ _ . . '• " -

neme is om die volgende verordeninge te J. C. DE BEER, .

wysig:— Copies of this proposed amendments are Town Clerk.for inspection at the. office of_ the Town Municipal Offices, •(1) Begraafplaasbywdtte.— Vterhoogde. Clerk kluiing 'office hours for a period' ofgelde ten opsigte van persele. en om voor- . date ofpublication hereof."21. days from..

. P.O. Box 92,siening te inaalc - vir koite, ten opsigte (van • • - . Zeerust, 30 August 1967..1(.. , - ...,grawe van grafte. . .

:.:Objections must be lodge in writing, with(Notice :No. 20/67.) - j• '

765- 13the Town Clerk- within the prescribed 21 - • • • • •(;) Dipbak bywerie.—Verhoogde •

fooie v


3) Naturelleveeregulasies.—Die getal..

ten opsigte van gebruik van dipbak.•.ee

•(twenty-one) days.

- • • (


te Verminder en die rorgeskrewe wekdings: .• • Town clerk. - i ' • it. th AARDENOSHOF''

4 gelde te wysig. • MilniCipal Offices,_ ._ • • sy• . .

• P.O. Ihir 47 .: ... . i .Hiermee word kennis gegee dat. die eerste,,,—,,, sitting van, die Waarderingshof - ter oorweging .

(4) Dorpsgronde ISYwette.—Die weidings-Athsterdam.., , - .

- gelde te wysig en die aanhoti: van sekere''' '' van die Waarderingslys :van alle belasbaregrootvee te heheer., . , . . - . .•

. •_ ., .r-, eiendomme - binne • (die

. gebiede wat .tin3 (5) Watervoorsieningbywette.—Die afskaf- - •STADSRAAD VAN :ZEERUST. . Administrateurskennisgewing No. 495 van

fing van sekere gelde. . . j . . •••I., .' . 29.Junie :1964. omskrewe is of - waarna daarin. .

(6) Publieke Gesondheidsbywette.—Ver- WYSIGING VAN VERLOFREGULASIES. verwys word (dit wil se die gebiede wat op- -

. 1.• Julie 1964 - by die •munisipale gebied vanpligte verwydering van vullis. en die fooie Kennis-geiving

.geskied hiermeei. .•:-

ngevolge Pretoria ingelyf is) en die besware watdaarvoor. .•

.- ' •

•che' bepalings van artikel 96 van die Won-

Afskrifte van hierdie wysigings le ter insae nansie op-

Plaaslike • Bestuur, 1939. sodsbe die kantoor van 'die Stidsklerk gedurende gewysig, van'die voorneme van die stadsraadnormale kantoorure - vir 'n tydperk van 21 van Zeerust pm sy Verlofregulasies te wysigdae, met ingang vanaf datum van publikasie om publieke vakansiedae nit te skit by diehiervan. , . berekening van verlof.

..' Enige besware teen die voorgenome Afslcrifte van die beoogde wysiging listen . ,-

wysigings moet gedurende genoemde 21 dae insae in die kantoor van die ondergetekende

ingebring is teen die . waardasiet wat daarinvocirkom, op Maandag,.25 September 1967,om 10 vin.,: inACamer 222„Tweede Ver-dieping; . M u n i t or i a, .• Nerineulenstraat,Pretoria, gehou sal. word.




, . HILMAR - RODE,..

'''. Stadsklerk.

skriftelik by dieStadsklerk ingedien word. gedurende hormale kantoorure. ., : 6 September 1967.. .:. r- . t

C. P. DU P. DUTOIT, Enigeen wat beswaar teen die voorgestelde (Kennisgewing No. 269 van 1967.).Stadsklirk. wysigings wil opper, met sodanige beswaar . .

Munisipale Kantore, •, skriftelik


voor of .op Donderdag, 28 Sep-, Posbus 47,

• "tember 1967 by ondergetekende indien. - -

' - .. . „Amsterdam. " ' " '



Munisipaie Kantore,•

VILLAGE COUNCIL OF AMSTERDAM. Posbus 92. Notice is hereby given that the first sitting- Zeerust, 30 Augustus 1967. of the Valuation. Court to consider the


Valuation Roll of all rateable property(kennisgewing No. 20167.), . .

within the areas describedor referred 19WiIt is hereby notified, in terms of section . ' .'

- , . . Administrator's Notice . No. 495. dated 996 of the Local Government Ordinance,, _ •• • - . June 1964. (i.e. •the areas incorporated .into

1939. as amehded, that the Village Connellof Amsterdam proposes to amend the



ZEERUST... ..the Municipal Area. of Pretoria.. on 1 July1964) and . the objections raised !against. thefollowing by-laws:— • AMENDMENT OF LEAVE : •

... 'valuations'. appearing in the. slid roll, will'(1) Cemetery By- laws.---Amended fees for • REGULATIONS. be held in Room 222, Second Floor, Muni-

burial plots and to provide for the costs . it is hei..63. notified, in Terms of the toria, Vermeulen Street, Pretoria, at. 10 a.m.,connected with digging of graves. • provisions : of section 96 - of the Local on Monday, 25.September 1967. •

(2) Dipping- tank By- laws.—Amended fees Government Ordinance, 1939, as• amended, • •

HILMAR RODE,for use of dipping tank. of the intention of the Town Council of(3) Native Grazing • Regulations.—To Zeerust to amend the, Leave Regulations in


Town Clerk.. , '

decrease the number of animals and to order to exclude public holidays in September 1967.amend the grazing fees. . „ . . calculating leave. . . . . (Notice No. 269 of 1967.) 780- 13

•. . . . . . . .. . . ...



,. , • , . , ; • . , , . . .


Sluitingstyd vir Administrateurskennisgewings, Closing Time for Administrator's Noticesi •etcens.


• .


Aangesien 4 September 1967,en 10 Oktober 1967, open- As the 4th September, 1967, and 10th October, 1967:_

bare vakansie dae is. sal die sluitingstye vir 'die aanname are public holidays; the closing times for acceptance ofvan Administrateurskennisgewings, ens., as volg wees:_ Administrator's Notices, Sc.. will be as follows:— 4

.- . ,J •

3 nm. - op Dinsdag, 29 Augustus 1967, vir die. . 3 -p.m. on Tuesday, 29th' August. '1967, 'for theProvinsiale Koerant van; Woensdag, 6 September Provincial Gazette of Wednesday, 6th September;1967. . 1967. , ,

3 nm. op Dinsdag; 3 Oktober 1967, vir die Provin- 3 p.m. on Tuesday, 3rd October, 1967, for theside Koerant van Woensdag, 11 Oktober 1967.


Provincial Gazette - of-Wednesday, 11th October, 1967.

Laat kennisgewings sal in die daaropvolgende uitgawes 'Late notices will be published in the. subsequent issues:. , .

geplaas word.S. A. -MYBURGH, . _•.• -

t . S. A. MYEURGH, .,-StaatsdrukIcer. Government Printer,

: ...T

• . I. k ''' •- '' ' . .

• . •

• •

Koop - Nasionale Spaarsertifikate I .Buy National-



..Certificatesk.. .




• INHOUD ' . . . .. . .


No. • • . .BLADSY No. - -

..PAGE 0- '

. . _ I ,. .


Proclamations.. . •., • : .

- 279. Proklamering van Dorp Blackheath Uitbreiding 2 ... 597 279. Proclamation of Blackheath Extension 2 Township ... 597280. Proklamering van Dorp Primindia Llitbreiding 16 ... •602 280. Proclainition of Primindia -Extension 16 Township'... 602

- Administrateurskennisgewings. Administrator's Notices.'

720. Munisipaliteit Sannieshof: Voorgestelde Verandering 720. Sannieshof Municipality.: Proposed Alteration ofvan Grense 606 Boundaries . •

. 606736. Padreblings op die Pleas Robertson, Distrik Water-


736. Road Adjustments on the. Farni Robertson, District -_

berg . 606 of Waterberg 606.737. Verlegging en Verbieding van Distrikspad, Distrik 737. Deviation and Widening 'of- District Road, District of

. ... 607738. Voorgestelde Oplieffing of Vermindering van Uitspan- 738. Proposed Cancellation or Reduction of Outspan Ser-

serwituut: Zweirtkop, Distrik Pretoria . . 607 vitude: Zvvartkbp, District of Pretoria ... ... ... 607739. Opheffing van Uitspanserwituut op die Resierende 739. Cancellation of Outspan Servitude on the Remaining •


•.:-. Gedeelte van die Pleas Liefde en Vrede, Distrik Extent .of the Farm Liefde en Vrede, District of

: . "Johannesburg . ... .. • 608:740. Opening van Openbare Pad, Rustenburg Distrik ......608 .740. Opening of Public Road, District of Rtistenburg ... 608


:741: Opening • van' Openbare Distrikspad, Distrik Piet 741. Opening: Public District Road, District of Piet Retief 608: - • Retief .. . • 608' 742. Bold Adjustments on the Farm Lindley, District of r.1742. Padreelings op die -Pleas 'Lindley,' Distrik Krugers- Krugersdorp . 609r dorp .. ; • . . 609' 743. Bethil Municipality: Amendment to Swimming Bath'743. Munisipaliteit -Bethel: Wysiging van Swembadveror- . •• Bydavvs . 60.9

.' deninge ' 609• 744. Johannesburg Municipality: Amendment to Livestock '

:744. Munisipaliteit 'Johannesburg: Wysiging van- Vee- . Market By-laws -: - 609.

• 'markverordeninge .1' •"

- 609-745. Munisipiliteit Klerksdorp: Wysiging van Sweinbad-

-745. Klerksdorp Municipality: Swimming Bath.By- laws .. 610

0- • •' verordehingc .....:. ... - ... :..' .. ... ... .. :.. ... 610 *746/ Road Adjustments on' the Farm Wolwefontein, District •••

'746. Padreelings op die Pleas .Wolwaontein, 'Distrik ',

' : of •Heidelberg; Transvaal - - ... ... •... ....... ... ..: 611

Heidelberg, Transvaal ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... 611 747. Lydenburg Municipality: Leave By- laws for Bantu '

747. Munisipaliteit Lydenburg: Verlofverordemnge vir ..

. 612

748. Springs Municipality: Amendment to' Electricity748. Munisipaliteit Springs i•Vysiging van Elektrisiteit- • ..•

Vobisieningsverordeninge .. ... ... - - :.. ... - 612 .,749. Long Trichardt Murlicipality: 'Amendment to Elec-,

749. Munisipaliteit Louis Triehaidt: Wysiging van Ver- 'tricity Supply 'By-laws ... ... ... ... ... ... - - ... 617

ordeninge, op die Levering van Elektrisiteit ... :.. 617 .

750. Munisipaliteit Fochville: Riolerings - en •Loodgietery- .. 750..:Fochville, Municipality: Drainage and Plumbing Bi-.

' verottlinitge . •.. • t. .'

751. Munisipaliteit Krugersdorp: Wysiging van Eleitirisi- • 751. Krugersdorp Municipality: Amendment to Elec-teitvoorsieningsvefordeninge ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 649 tricity Supply By- laws ... ... ... ... ... .1. - ... - 649


., 4 , Algernon° KennlsgeWings. ' General Notices..

'334. Voorgestelde Stigting van Dorp Strubensview ... ... 650 334. Proposed Establishment of Strubensview Township 6501 3 35: Voorgestelde Stigting van Dorp • Bryanbrink ... ... ... 650 -335. Proposed Establishment of Bryanbrink' Townsbip ... 6.50'336: Voorgestelde Stigting van Dorp Idlewild ... ... ... ... 651 336. Proposed Establishment of idlewild Township ... ...' 651'337. Voorgestelde Stigting van Dorp Morningside Uitbrei- 337. Proposed Establishment of Mornirigside Extension 60

- 339: Johannesburg-aorpsaanlegskema 1/270 ... ... .. ... 652 339.' Johannesburg Town-planning Sehemi 1%270 - ... - 652:340. Voorgestelde Stigting van Dorp Bedfordview Uitbrei-

'340. Proposed Establishment of Bedfordview Extension 131

ding 131' Township . .. . '

.341. Voorgestelde °Stigting van bona iviomingsiae Ilittirei- .341. Proposed Establishment. of Morningside Extension

342. Voorgestelde Stigting van Dorp 'WeberViale ... ... .... 653 342. Proposed Establishment of Weherdale Township ... 653

. . .

- -•

Plaaslike Bestuur Kennisgevags ..................... 656'

Local Authority Notices ... ... .:. :.. .... •'.. .:. - 656

Sluitingstyd„vir Administrateurskennisgewings ... ... 669 Closing Time for Administrator's Notices .........669.

- - - •

, .110

. ,. . •

• .-.• . ..


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