Page 1: Take drupal customization carefully! it can make you win or lose

Take Drupal Customization Carefully! It Can Make You Win or Lose

If you are facing some issues in your Drupal website and considering functional enhancement as a suitable option then you are surely thinking in the right motion. On looking at this open source web content management system, you will see it as a suitable tool for making a website. It is indeed a suitable tool. However, you need to add some tools in your website for making the most from Drupal.

Technically, it has several features like custom URL construction, user creation & management, social media integration, search engine friendly architecture, and content sharing tools. Though, the inbuilt tools are nominal. You need to take personal interest in enhancing the technical soundness of your website. It will be a simple process because you have reached on this post. Here, you will get the perfect way of furbishing your Drupal Site. You just need to follow this process in a right manner.

Know Your Drupal Site

It is the most important step that business owners often miss. Drupal is a set of modules and its official library accommodates more than 20000 modules. It is like a pan of modules. You just need to add modules as per the specific requirement of your website and tie them together for enabling the right features. You can pick your modules from the library of Drupal that will be a simple job for you. In case, you are thinking about any custom tool then you can hire Drupal Developer.

Decide Your Functionalities

In case of custom functional enhancement, you need to decide that what feature is required for the website and what feature is not required. This analysis will perfectly help you in creating only required extensions for your site. As a matter of fact, the overt use of modules

Page 2: Take drupal customization carefully! it can make you win or lose

turns a website into a mess. Therefore, you should carefully choose your functionalities.

Outsource Your Coding Job

After choosing your functionalities, you can outsource your job to a remotely located developer. Outsourcing will be a cost-efficient way of customization. However, you will have to learn the way of using virtual communication applications for communicating with your developers.

Test Your Custom Modules

Your offshore programmers will create your tools remotely and hand them over virtually. Some business owners make the mistake of installing fresh modules in their websites. You should not do this because custom modules might have some issues. Therefore, you should not make any mistake by installing fresh tools. On the other hand, you should ask your programmers to test each custom module as per the testing parameters.

Relaunch Your Drupal Site

After uploading the custom modules in your website, you can easily work on relaunching of your website. For this purpose, you should make a marketing plan to launch your site. You can promote the new look & feel of your website via social media wires.

So, this is the process of custom Drupal Module Development. You just need to use this process in a precise manner. It will be a cost efficient process if you will take customization services thru offshore model.