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  • 7/23/2019 Tablet Scnerio Assignment



    Consumer electronics industry is highly competitive, dynamic and development oriented.

    Manufacturers need to bring differentiated product in order to remain competitive. A present trend

    towards achieving the same is to combine the functionality of many products in to one . Therefore

    there is a shift of consumers towards mobile devices like Smartphones, Tablets.

    Tablets and Its Usage in Consumer Electronics:

    A tablet is a mobile computing device larger than a smartphone, which is relatively thin and has a

    touch screen interface. The most popular activities of tablets includes internet usage like checking

    email, online shopping, social networking and playing games, watching full length videos, writing,


    Present Scenario of Tablet in Consumer Electronics Industry:

    Tablets have uni!ue design combining the functionality of many products which attracted the

    electronic consumer. "t is forecasted by C#A that $nit sales of tablets are pro%ected to reach &'.(

    million this year, up from )).* million in +-(. evenues for tablets will reach /+).( billion this year,

    up by three percent. 2

    Sales of tablets are increasing day by day and 0"n a short amount of time, mobile connected devices

    have become ingrained and indispensable in consumers lives,1 said Steve 2oenig, C#As director of

    industry analysis. 0The market for these products, now found in millions of households, is

    e3ceptionally competitive, naturally resulting in slowed revenue growth. 4et we find ourselves at an

    interesting inflection point in technology, as these same products are creating opportunities and

    growth across several other categories in the industry.11

    Apple Present position in Tablets:

    The i5ad tends to be more stable and easier to use than other tablets. The biggest advantage of

    i5hone6i5ad is that it has the Apple App Store on its side, which has a long list of downloadable apps.

    The Apple App Store currently has over )7, applications available for download with about

    (, designed specifically for the i5ad and the rest capable of running in compatibility modes.

    Apple approves each app individually prior to its release, making it harder for malware6bugs to get

    onto their device.

    i8S based Apple tablets held (&.&-9 market share whereas android based tablets market share is

    7+.7)9. 3Apple has highest **9 market share whereas its potential competitor Samsung has +79and others have (-9. Cost of Apple i5ad product is high as compared to his competitors prices :ef;.

    Scenario of Tablet as standalone product in Consumer Electronics Industry for ne!t 1" years:

    "n future, Tabletswill play an increasingly critical role at work, Schools, Colleges, and

  • 7/23/2019 Tablet Scnerio Assignment


  • 7/23/2019 Tablet Scnerio Assignment


    Fhile it is great that each app is checked by Apple for approval prior to its release into the app store

    some useful apps are locked out in the process.

    The i5ad is also unable to increase its storage capacity through flash drives, which means when it

    goes out of storage space, it is really out of space.

    Another big weakness for the i5ad is that @lash or Shockwave videos cannot be run on it though this

    has become less of a concern as more and more websites are using Applecompatible >TMG7


    The i5ad is also more e3pensive than other tablets. The price of i5ad was a strong selling point when

    it was first launched.
