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(A Quasy-experimental Study at the Seventh Grade Students of MTs. Muhammadiyah

1 Ciputat)

“A Skripsi”

Presented to Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfilment

and Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1)

in English Education

Submitted by:








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Advisor I

NWSiti NurulAzkiyah. M. Sc. ph. D



(A Quasy-experimental study at the seventh Grade students

of MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat)

'oA Skripsi'

Presented to Faculty of Educational sciences in partial f,'ulfillment andRequirements for the Degree of S.pd (S.1)

in English Education

Submitted by:



Approved by the advisors:






Advisor II

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The Examination Committe of Faculty of Educational Sciences certifies that

the "Skripsi" Scientific Paper entitled " The Effectiveness of Crossword Puzzle in

Learning Vocabulary (A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Seventh Grade of MTs.

Muhammadiyah I Ciputat)" written by Eka Fitriyani, students' number:

1111014000005 was examined by the Committe on October 3'd,201.6, and was

declared to have passed to fulfiII one of the requirements for the degree of S.Pd. (S-1)

in English Education.


Chairman Dr. Alek. M.Pd.NrP. 19690912 200901 I 008


Examiner I

Examiner II

Zaharil Anasy. M.Hum.NrP. 19761007 2007t0 1 002

Dr. Atiq Susilo. MA.NrP. 19491122 197803 t00r

Drs. Sunardi Kartowisastro. Dipl. Ecf

Acknoweledged by

Dean of Facrllgy of Educational Sciences

Jakarta, October 3'd, 2016

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KEMENTERIAN AGAMAT]IN JAKARTATTTI(Jl. b. H. -W No 95 Cpuu I 51 1 2 ld*^aa



No. Dokumen : FruK-FR-AKD{89Tgl. Terbit : I Maret 2010

Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini,

Eka Fitriyani

Pe-malang, .t9 J-ar,ruali. I 992


Pendidikan Bahasa Inggrrs

The Effectiveness of Crossword Puzzle in Leaming

Vocabulary (A Quasi - Experimental Study at the Seventh

Grade Students of MT* Muhammadiyah I Ciputa)

Dosen Pembimbing : 1. Dr. Nurul Azkiya, M. Sc. Ph. D.

2. Drs. Bahd Hasibuan, M. Ed.

dengan ini menyatakan bahwa slaipsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya sendiri

dan saya bertanggung jawab se&ua akademis atas apa yang saya fulis.

Pernyataan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat menempuh ujian Munaqasah.




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Page 5: T... · t a Li Advisor I NW Siti NurulAzkiyah. M. Sc. ph. D THE ET'F'ECTIVENESS OF CROSSWORD


Eka Fitriyani, (1111014000005) 2016 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CROSSWORD

PUZZLE IN LEARNING VOCABULARY (A Quasi-experimental Study at

Sevent Grade Students of MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat). Skripsi, English

Education Department, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah

State Islamic University Jakarta.

Advisor I : Siti Nurul Azkiyah, M.Sc.,Ph.D.

Advisor II : Drs. Bahrul Hasibuan, M.Ed.

Keywords: Crossword Puzzle, Vocabulary.

The objective of this research was to get empirical evidence of using Crossword

Puzzle in Learning Vocabulary. The sample of this research was seventh grade

students of MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat. They were VII-1 as the experimental

class and VII-2 as the control one. Each class consisted 32 students . For sampling

tehcnique, the researcher used purposive sampling. In getting the data, the researcher

used test that devided into pre-test and post-test. The instrument of this research was

test that in form multiple choices. In analzing the data, the researcher used T-test

formula to analyze students’ achievement by conducting a pre-test and post-test. The

result of this study showed that most of students have gained good scores after

treatment. The students’ pre-test mean score in experimental class was 62.75 while

the post-test mean score was 83.97. In contrary, the students’ pre-test mean score in

controlled class was 61.40 and the post-test mean score was 71.88. The result of

statistical hypotheses test found that on significance level 5%, tobservation was 2.13

while ttable with df= 62 was 1.999 or tobservation > ttable.The findings of the study state

that using cross word puzzle in learning vocabulary is an effective way and quite

success because it can improve the students’ achievement in learning vocabulary.

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LEARNING VOCABULARY (A Quasi Experimental Study at Seventh Grade

Students of MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat). Skripsi, English Education

Department, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic

University Jakarta.

Pembimbing I : Siti Nurul Azkiyah, M.Sc.,Ph.D.

Pembimbing II : Drs. Bahrul Hasibuan, M.Ed.

Kata Kunci: Permainan TTS, Kosa Kata.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan bukti empiris penggunaan

crossword puzzle. Adapun sample yang digunkakan pada penelitian ini adalah

sebanyak 32 siswa kelas tujuh Mts. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat. Dalam mendapatkan

data, penulis menggunakan metode quasi-experimental. Instrumen dalam penilitian

ini adalah pilihan ganda pada pre-test dan post-test. Hasil yang di peroleh yaitu

bahwa nilai rata-rata kelas experimental 62.75 sedangkan nilai rata-rata post-test

siswa yaitu 83.97. Sebaliknya, nilai rata-rata pre-test kelas kontrol adalah 61.40 dan

nilai rata-rata post-test adalah 71.88. Pengaruh yang signifikan dapat dilihat pada nilai

rata-rata siswa post-test pada kelas experimen yang diberlakukan menggunakan teka-

teki silang. Nilai rata-rata kelas experimen lebih besar dari pada nilai rata-rata post-

test kelas kontrol yang tidak menggunakan teka-teki silang. Hasil yang diperoleh

pada penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penggunaan teka-teki silang pada

pembelajaran vocabulary merupakan cara yang efektif dan cukup sukses. Hal ini bisa

di lihat dari pencapain siswa dalam belajar vocabulary.

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All praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds for the blessing, the strength

and the guidance to the researcher in completing this research. Peace and blessing

from Allah SWT be upon to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, his families, his

companions and his followers.

It is a precious thing that the researcher finally accomplishes her

„skripsi‟entitled “The Effectiveness of Crossword Puzzle in Learning

Vocabulary”(A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Seventh Grade Students of MTs

Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat). It is presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences

in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in

English Education.

On this occasion, the researcher would like to give the deepest gratitude

and the greatest honour to her beloved parents, Mrs. Rikhanah and Mr. Abdul

Basyir and her lovely husband, Jaenudin who always give prayer and motivation

to finish her study. The researcher would also like to express her gratitude to Siti

Nurul Azkiyah, M.Sc., Ph.D. and Drs. Bahrul Hasibuan, M.Ed. as the advisors

who have given guidance, advice, motivation, and patience to the researcher in

accomplishing this „skripsi‟.

The researcher‟s gratitude also goes to:

1. All lecturers especially those of Department of English Education for

the worthy knowledge, motivation and patience to the researcher

during her study at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University.

2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd. as the Head of Department of English Education.

3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum. as the Secretary of Department of English


4. Siti Nurul Azkiyah, M.Sc., Ph.D as the researcher‟s academic advisor.

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5. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., as the Dean of the Faculty of

Tarbiyah and Teachers‟ Training.

6. For all beloved friends of A Class 2011 in Department of English

Education, especially Rimalia Nur Febriani, Rosya Kurniati, Miryanti,

Utul Azkiyah, Nurul Fatmawati, Faras Labieb, Akhmad Fahri and

Imam Damarullah who always help, share and support the researcher.

7. For my best friends, Novia Nur Komala Dewi, Misyka Nuri Fatimah,

Aptiyani Nur Janah, Risna Nur Hasanah, Fahmi Saefudin, Nisa, Sulis

and Dede who always support the researcher to finish her study as

soon as possible.

8. To any other persons who give contribution to the researcher and

whose name cannot be mentioned one by one.

Finally, the researcher truly realizes that this „skripsi‟ cannot be

considered as a perfect masterpiece. Therefore, it is a very precious thing for her

to get suggestion and criticism which hopefully can make it better.

Jakarta, Agustus 2016

The writer

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APPROVAL .................................................................................................. i

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... ii

ABSTRAK ..................................................................................................... iii

ENDORSEMENT SHEET ........................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................... v

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... vi

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................ vii

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1

A. Background of Study ................................................................ 1

B. Identification of Problem .......................................................... 4

C. Formulation of the Problem...................................................... 4

D. Limitation of the Problem ....................................................... 4

E. Purpose of the Study ................................................................ 4

F. Significance of the Study.......................................................... 5

CHAPTER II. THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK ....................................... 6

A. Vocabulary ............................................................................ 6

1. The Understanding of Vocabulary .................................. 6

2. The Importance of Masterinf Vocabulary for Students .. 7

B. Teaching Vocabulary ............................................................. 9

1. What the Students Need to Learn ................................... 9

2. Media in Teaching Vocabulary ....................................... 10

3. Principles of Teaching Vocabulary ................................. 12

C. Games ..................................................................................... 13

1. The Purpose of Game ...................................................... 13

2. The Advantages of Games ............................................. 14

3. The Understanding of Crossword Puzzle........................ 15

4. Teaching Vocabulary Using Crossword

Page 10: T... · t a Li Advisor I NW Siti NurulAzkiyah. M. Sc. ph. D THE ET'F'ECTIVENESS OF CROSSWORD

Puzzle .............................................................................. 16

5. The Advantages of Crossword Puzzle ........................... 17

6. Previous Related Study .................................................. 18

7. Theoretical Framework ................................................... 19

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...................................... 20

A. Research Design .............................................................. 20

B. The Place and Time of the Research ............................... 20

C. The Population and Sample ............................................ 21

1. Research Population ................................................. 21

2. Technique Sampling ................................................ 21

D. Instrument of Study ........................................................ 21

E. Technique of Collecting Data ......................................... 21

F. Technique of Analyzing Data ......................................... 22

1. Validity .................................................................... 22

2. Realibility ................................................................ 22

3. Discriminating Power ............................................. 23

4. Item Difficult .......................................................... 23

5. Normality Test ......................................................... 24

6. Homogeneity Test ................................................... 25

7. T-Test ...................................................................... 25

G. Statiscal Hypothese ....................................................... 27

CHAPER IV. RESEARCH FINDINGS ....................................................... 28

A. Data Description ............................................................. 28

1. The Data of Experimental Class ............................... 28

2. The Data of Control Class ......................................... 29

B. Analysis of Data .............................................................. 31

1. Validity Test .............................................................. 31

2. Realibity Test ........................................................... 31

3. Discriminating Power .............................................. 31

4. Item Difficulty........................................................... 34

5. Normality Test ......................................................... 34

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6. Homogeneity Test ..................................................... 37

C. Test of Hypothesis ......................................................... 38

D. Interpretation of the Data and Discussion ....................... 41

CHAPER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................... 44

A. Conclusion ...................................................................... 44

B. Suggestion ...................................................................... 45

REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 47

APPENDICES ............................................................................................... 62

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Table 4.1 .......................................................................................................... 25

Table 4.2 ......................................................................................................... 26

Table 4.3 ......................................................................................................... 28

Table 4.4 .......................................................................................................... 30

Table 4.5 ......................................................................................................... 31

Table 4.6 .......................................................................................................... 31

Table 4.7 ......................................................................................................... 32

Table 4.8 .......................................................................................................... 32

Table 4.9 .......................................................................................................... 33

Table 4.10 ........................................................................................................ 34

Table 4.11 ........................................................................................................ 34

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A. The Background of the Study

Vocabulary is one of the important language aspects in learning

English.Having vocabulary, students are easier to understand teachers‟

explanation and also help them in learning four language skills namely

listening, speaking, reading and writing. Wilkins as cited in Scott Thornbury

states that “without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary

nothing can be conveyed”.1 This indicates that vocabulary has an important

role in communicates the ideas. Students who have enough vocabulary are able

to write and speak well.

Additionally, students need to learn academic words list in

understanding vocabulary. Scott Thornbury states “a recently published

academic word list consists of just 570 words families, covering a variety of

disciplines – arts, commerce, law and science – also includes such items as

analyse, concept, data and research”.2This is important because those academic

words can help students in learning huge number of vocabulary in the class. On

the other hand, “most researcher nowdays recommended a basic vocabulary of

at least 3.000 word families, while for more specialised needs, a working

vocabulary of over 5,000 word families is probably desirable”.3

Regarding the importance of vocabulary, students need to learn

vocabulary because vocabulary is the key to learning language and the most

important aspect in using language.Students who have sufficient vocabulary,

automatically can speak and build sentences well. According to Jack Richards

and Willy A. Renandya, “vocabulary is a core component of language profiency

1 Scott Thornbury, How to Teach Vocabulary, (Harlow: Pearson Education, 2002),p. 13

2Ibid., p. 21.

3Ibid., p. 21.

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and provides much of the basis how well learners speak, listen, read and write


However, in term of teaching English many students are still confused to

use vocabulary in their writing. Many students could not choose and use the

suitable and correct vocabulary. Students did not understand when teacher used

English in the class so they asked the teacher to translate into Indonesia

language. Furthermore, teachers are seldom use mediaand teaching by repetition

makes the students feel bored. Those information is obtained when the writer

did Integrated Teaching Practice Profession-Praktek Profesi Keguruan Terpadu

(PPKT) program as English teacher in MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat for four

months. Based on factors above, teachers need to provide students with various

techniques to increase students‟ vocabulary.

Dewi Nurhamida (2012) found that many students get the difficulty in

remembering new vocabulary and also they are not interested in learning

English. Then she used word wall as media in teaching vocabulary to improve

students‟ vocabulary mastery. After she used word wall in teaching vocabulary,

students‟ score were higher than before she used media. Additionally, Hari

Supriyatna (2014) found that technique in teaching vocabulary is less of

variation and tend to be monotonous. Then he used guessing game as media in

teaching vocabulary. The result of students‟ score who were taught by using

guessing game as media was higher. From some researchs above, it can be

suggested that the use of media in teaching vocabulary is effective, it

showedthat students‟ score in experimental class that use media is higher than

students‟ score in control class that without media.

Additionally, there are some techniques and media that can build the

interest of students in learning vocabulary. One kind of media that the writer

wants to apply in teaching vocabulary is crossword puzzle. By applying

4Jack C. Ricahrds and Willy A. Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching: An

Anthology of Current Practice, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 255

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crossword puzzle the writer hopes that it seems to be effective for students‟

vocabulary learning.5

“The crossword puzzle is a game that makes the teaching-learning

process attractive.”6 It means that the crossword puzzle will motivate the

students to solve the puzzle by making learning fun and relaxed. In this case

students more understandin learning vocabulary because they have to fulfill the

hidden words that teacher give by using crossword puzzle and make them

remember vocabulary easily in different way, that is rewriting them.The reasons

of using this game are because the learners can enjoy in learning of the target

language.7 It is because the students are involved in the learning process.

Moreover, the crossword puzzle can also help the students to gain their interest

in learning vocabulary by practice and repetition the sentence pattern. By this

technique, it helpis the students see or think that English is not a difficult subject

as they think.

There is one relevant previous research that supported the use of

crossword puzzle in vocabulary learning. Wiwat Orawiwatnakul (2013) has

done the research and showed the result that students‟ retention in memorizing

vocabulary they gained from the activity provided and also their vocabulary


Referring to some problems and advantages of crossword puzzle, the

writer would like to investigate whether or not the use of crossword puzzle in

teaching vocabulary is really effective.

5Martin C. Njoroge, Ruth W. Ndung‟u and Moses Gatambuki Gathigia, The Use of Cross

Word puzzle as a Vocabulary Learning Strategy: A Case of English as Second Language in Kenyan

Secondary School, (International Journal of Current Research, Vol 5, Issue 02, pp.313-321, February,

2013),p. 2. 6Ibid.,p. 2.

7Ibid.,p. 7.

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B. The Identification of Problem

According to the background of the study above, there are several

problems that can be identified in this research:

1. Many students are still confused to use vocabulary in their writing.

2. Many students could not choose and use the suitable and correct


3. In teaching and learning teachers are seldom use media.

4. Teaching by repetition makes the students feel bored.

C. The Formulation of Problem

Based on the statement above, the writer formulates the problem of the

research as followed: Is using crossword puzzle effective in teaching

vocabulary to the 7th

grade students of MTs Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat?

D. The Limitation of the Problem

This study was conducted at the second semester 2015/2016of academic

year at 7th

grade students of MTsMuhammadiyah 1 Ciputat. This research did

not focus on teaching vocabulary in general but only focuses on teaching

vocabulary using crossword puzzle which is specifically taught to 7th

grade of

junior high school.

E. The Objective of the Research

The objective of this research is to get empirical evidence of whether or

not the using of crossword puzzle in teaching vocabulary to grade VII at MTs

Muhammadiyah1Ciputat is effective.

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F. The Significance of the Study

This research is expected to expand the writer‟s insight into crossword

puzzle in teaching vocabulary in particular, and the reader‟s, in general.

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In this chapter, the writer tries to give clear description of literature review. The

sub sections are Vocabulary that consists of The Understanding of Vocabulary and

The Importance of Mastering Vocabulary for Students. This section will be followed

by Teaching Vocabulary which consists of What The Students Need to learn, Media

in Teaching Vocabulary,and Principles of Teaching Vocabulary. In the last sub is

Game that consists of The Purpose of Game,The Advantages of Game, The

Understanding of Crossword Puzzle, Teaching Vocabulary Using Crossword Puzzle

and The Advantages of Crossword Puzzle.

A. Vocabulary

1. The Understanding of Vocabulary

In learning new language, vocabulary is one of the important language

components that language learners need to learn. Language learners need a

great range of vocabulary to be able to understand the text written in English,

comprehend the message, and speak and write in English.

Several authors have interpreted the meaning of vocabulary in different

point of view. Penny Ur defines vocabulary as the words thatteacher teach in

foreign language. However, a new vocabulary may be more than one word

which is made up from two or three words that conveys a meaning. Besides,

there are multi-word idioms where the meaning of phrase cannot be concluded

from an analysis of component word.8 Additionally, Richards and Renandya

states that vocabulary is one of crucial part in language learning that will

8Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching; Practice and Theory, (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 1991), p. 60.

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become a basis of how learners can speak, listen, read and write well.9

Meanwhile, according to Laurie Bauer vocabulary is about words where they

derive from, how they change in different categories, how they relate each

other and also how we use them to see the world.10

Furthermore, Hatch and

Brown that define vocabulary as a set of particular language or a list or set of

words that people can use.11

Based on the definition above, the writer can say that vocabulary is a set of

word that used to express the ideas and learn new subject.

2. The Importance of Mastering Vocabulary for Students

Vocabulary is important for student‟s understanding in four language

skills. Students who have enough vocabulary will find little difficulties in

using the language in written and oral form. The roles of vocabulary above

show that vocabulary is important for students because it will help them to

understand the task. In addition, there is a relationship between vocabulary

and understanding. If students know the meaning of words, the students will

be able to comprehend it. Wilkins as cited in Scott Thornbury state “without

grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be


Additionally, as stated by David and Vallete in their book that vocabulary

is important part in all languages teaching, students must learns words as they

learn grammar and practice pronounciation.13

Furthermore, McCharty states

that vocabulary is the biggest component of any language course. No matter

how well students learn grammar and the sounds of language are mastered,

9Jack C. Richards and Willy A Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology

of Current Practice, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 255. 10

Laurie Bauer, Vocabulary, (New York: Routledge, 1998), p. VIII. 11

Evelyn Hatch and Cherryl Brown, Vocabulary, Semantic, and Language Education,

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 1. 12

Scott Thornbury, How to Teach Vocabulary, (Harlow: Pearson Longman, 2002), p. 13. 13

Edward David and Rebecca M, Vallete, Classroom Tehnique Foreign Language and

English as a Second Language, (New York: Harcout Brave Javanovich, 1997), p. 149

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without words to express a wide range of meanings, communication just

cannot happen in any meaningful way.14

It means that understanding a large

number of vocabulary will be helpful for language learner better than

understanding language structures and sound of language because by learning

vocabulary learners will be able to understand the language.

Moreover, as Kreshen points out that a large vocabulary is very crucial for

mastering a language.15

It means that vocabulary is the key to students for

understanding what they hear and read in the school; and then communicating

successfully with other people. As Wilkins emphasizes the importance of

vocabulary acquisition in learning language by stating that without grammar

students cannot make communication but without vocabulary it is impossible

to communicate with other people.16

From the explanation above, it showed that vocabulary is important for the

students in teaching learning process. If the students just have a little of

vocabulary, they will be unable to understand the question and the text of

English. In addition, if the learners have lack of vocabulary, they do not have

very much information or knowledge. Otherwise, if the students know and

understand vocabulary they will be able to communicate effectively and

understand the English text.


Michael McCarthy, Vocabulary, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990), p. 3. 15

Krashen, S.D. (1989). We acquire vocabulary and spelling by reading: Additional evidence

for the input hypothesis. The Modern Language Journal, 73, Thuy. N. N., The Effects of

Semantic Mapping on Vocabulary Memorizing. P. 630 16

Wilkins, D. A. (1972).Linguistics in Language Teaching.Edward Arnold, (London) ,p. 111

in Unaldi. I., Bardakci. M., Akpinar. K. D., and Dolas. F. A comparison of contextualized,

decontextualized and corpus-informed vocabulary instruction: A quasi-experimental study. 2013.

Journal of Language and Literature Education, 8, p. 78.

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B. Teaching Vocabulary

1. What the Students need to Learn

In learning vocabulary many studentsare confused in using it. Therefore,

they can not choose and use the suitablevocabulary, write with wrong spelling

and grammar. However, according to Harmer there are four components that

students can learn17


a. Meaning

Student needs to know that vocabulary item may have more than one

meaning. Hence, they have to look at the context in which it is used.

This is very important in learning vocabulary because the meaning of

words commonly have relationship with other words. These

relationships make the learner commit some vocabulary and defining

the semantic area of word.18

b. Word Use

Students need to know that the use of word can change the meaning

based on how it is used. In other words, students also need to know

collocation. Collocation consists of pairs or group of word that co-

occur with high frequency.

c. Word Formation

Words can change their shape and their grammatical value. Students

need to know word formation and how to twist words to fit different

grammatical context.

d. Word Grammar

Words change according to their grammatical meaning, so the use of

some words can trigger the use of some grammatical pattern. The


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Third Edition, (New York:

Longman 1991), p. 156-158 18

Marianne Celce-Murcia. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language.Third

Edition.(Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publisher), p. 292.

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grammar need to be taught because an item may have an unpredictable

change of form in grammatical context.

2. Media in Teaching Vocabulary

In the teaching vocabulary students are not only learning those words and

memorize them but also understanding the meaning of words. Hence, the use

of media is important because students can understand and recall previous

materials in the process of acquiring vocabulary.

Teacher can discover some techniques in teaching vocabulary, Pittman as

cited in Jack C. Richrads and Tehodore S. Rodgers states there are some ways

in demonstrating the meaning of new language such as using picture, realia,

action with gesture and also the real object.19

These are some activities in

learning vocabulary:

a. Realia

Presenting the real thing can be used in learning and teaching in the

classroom such as pen, ruler, book, and ball. The teachers hold the

things and say it loudly then get students to repeat it.

b. Pictures

Picture can be flashcards, wall pictures, charts, magazine picture and

any other non-technical visual. Teacher can use this to explain the

meaning of words such teachers draw or bring some pictures then

show to the students that students can illustrate the pictures such as

hat, house, door, etc.

c. Mime, Action and Gesture

Action will be better to explain by mime. This concept of this action is

easily presented such as running, walking, crying, etc.

d. Explanation


Ibid.,p. 43.

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For the beginner the explanation will be difficult but it will become

easy by remembering the fact of these words. For instance, explain the

meaning of „mate‟ teachers have to point out that it is colloquial words

that used in informal context.

e. Translation

Translation is the easy way in teaching vocabulary to understand the


In choosing words for the students, teachers should know

some characteristic of words. Beck et al. as cited by Joanne Schudt

Caldwell points out three levels of words. The first level is including

basic words such as walk, mother and animal. The second level is

including high-frequency such as compromise, diligent, and fortunate.

And last is including specific content areas such as manometer,

organelles and capsid.21

Furthermore, Nagy as cited in Thomas B. Smith identified three

elements which are needed to an effective programs in teaching

vocabulary: integration, meaningful use and repetition22

. Integration

means that vocabulary lesson must be an integral, teachers should

teach vocabulary and tie into reading and writing lesson. Then,

meaningful use means teachers should give opportunities to the

students to practice what they have learned in meaningful ways. The

statement above is supported by R. Ellis and He as cited in Susan M.

Gass and Larry Selinker state that “when learners have opportunity to

use new word in a communicative context, those words are retained in

short and long term than when they are only input them on their


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Third Edition, (New York:

Longman), p. 161. 21

Joanne Schudt Caldwell, Comprehension Assessment, A Classroom Guide, (New York:

The Guilford Press.,2008), p. 133-134. 22

Thomas B. Smith, Teaching Vocabulary Expeditiously: Three Key of Improving Vocabulary

Instruction, (The English Journal, Volume 97, No 4 March., 2008), p. 21.

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The last is repetition, it means that teachers have to recall

previous vocabulary in every ways in which students always remember

the vocabulary that they have learned. According to Brown one

important way of aiding memory is by associating what is to be


This indicates when teachers teach new vocabulary they

need to associate vocabulary that they have learned before.

f. Crossword Puzzle

Crossword puzzle can be used in teaching and learning as other media.

Teacher may wish to highlight keywords of a short story or teachers

may also decide to provide students with key words of a short story in

crossword puzzle and students are required to provide the clues.25

3. Principles of Teaching Vocabulary

a. Concrete word

A general principle in the past has been to teach more concrete words.

The things which the words represent are there in front of the students

and thus easily explained.

b. Frequency

A general principle of vocabulary selection has been that of frequency.

Teachers can decide which words they should teach on the basis of

how frequently they are used by speaker of the language. The words

which are most commonly used are the ones they should teach first.


SusanM. Gass &Larry Selinker, Second Language Acquisition, An Introductory Course,

Third Edition, (New York: Routledge, 2008), p. 464. 24

James I Brown,Programmed Vocabulary, (New York: Meredith Publishing Company,

1964), p. 4. 25

Anthony Mollica, Crossword Puzzle and Second Language Teaching, (American

Association of Teachers of Italian, 2007),, p. 73-74

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c. Coverage

Another principle that has been used in the selection of vocabulary is

that of coverage. A word is more useful if it covers things than if it

only has one very specific meaning.

d. Choice

In order to know which are the most frequent words students can read

or listen to a lot of English and list the words that are used, showing

which ones are used most often and which are used least often.26

C. Games

1. The Purpose of Games

Game is an activity which is entertaining and engaging, often challenging

and also in which learners play and interact with others.27

This activity is a

way to help students not only enjoy and entertain with the language they learn

but practice it incidentally. Game has some purposes:

a. Physical activity: to release physical and nervous tension and to

promote mental alertness by breaking the routine of drills.

b. Enjoyment: to create a climate of fun and interest that will help the

students look forward to their English lesson.

c. Cultural content: to use game as a way of repealing general pattern of

culture that should add to the student‟s grasp of the waysof English

speaking people.

d. Laguage learning: to serve as an adjunct to the tehnique of teaching

grammar and sound system of the new language.28


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Third Edition, (New York:

Longman 1991), p. 154. 27

Andrew Wright, et. al, Games for Language Learning, Third Edition, (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 2006), p. 1. 28

David Croocal &Rebecca L. Oxford, Simulation, Gaming and Language Learning, (New

York: Newburry House Publisher, 1990), p. 11

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From the purpose of game above crossword puzzle can be applied in

physical activity such students can write the correct word from the clues

in the board. The use of crossword puzzle is to create the class alive and

also teacher can use this media to teach sound system of new language.

2. The Advantages of Games

Andrew Wright points out some advantages of games in his book.

a. Games help and encourage many learners to support their interest and


b. Games also help the teacher create contexts in which the language is

useful and meaningful. Students want to take part, and in order to do

so must understand what others are saying or have written, and they

must speak or write in order to express their own point of view or give


c. Many games make language items more conventional.

d. By making language convey information and opinion, games working

of language as living communication.

e. Games can provide intense and meaningful practice of language.29

Additionally, according to Lee Su Kim there are many advantages of using

games in the classroom.

a. Games are a welcome break from the usual routine of the language


b. They are motivating and challenging.

c. Learning a language requires a great deal of effor. Games help students

to make and sustain the effort of learning.

d. Games provide language practice in the various skills such as

speaking, writing, listening and reading.


Op.cit., 2006, p. 2

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e. They encourage students to interact and communicate.

f. They create a meaningful context for language use.30

3. The Understanding of Crossword Puzzle

The first puzzle was created by Arthur Wynnefrom Liverpool appeared in

the shape of a diamond without any "black" squares and were called "word-

cross. Whynne called the cross word puzzle because he had positioned the

words in the form of a cross (which also resembles a diamond). It had the

word “fun” written in it because it appeared in the “fun” page. In addition

according to Augarde (1984) in Molica, cross word puzzle

usually consist of chequered diagrams (normally rectangular) in

which the solver has to write words guessed from clues. The words

are separated by black squares or by thick bars between squares. [. . .]

Crosswords are now usually designed so that they look the same when

they are turned upside down. But many early crosswords lacked this

kind of pattern or were designed symmetrically, so that the left side as

the mirror-image of the right side.31

Moreover, Bressan points out that cross word puzzle is a attractive game.

Student not only do the crossword puzzle offer challenge to solve the puzzle

but also they can practice and repeat the sentences pattern and vocabulary.32


can be concluded that cross word puzzle is a game that student need to fill the

hidden word horizontally (across) and vertically (down). Students have to

supply an appropriate accurate answer that single space corresponds to each


Lee Su Kim, Creative Games for the Language Class,

„Forum‟ Vol. 33 No. 1, January-March 1995, p. 35. 31

Anthony Mollica, Cross Word Puzzle and Second Language Teaching, (American

Association of Teachers of Italian, 2007),, p. 60. 32

Martin C. Njoroge, Ruth W. Ndung‟u and Moses Gatambuki Gathigia, The Use of Cross

Word puzzle as a Vocabulary Learning Strategy: A Case of English as Second Language in Kenyan

Secondary School, (International Journal of Current Research, Vol 5, Issue 02, pp.313-321, February,

2013),p. 3.

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letter of the correct response and other components of the puzzle depend on

correct response in the coinciding slots.

4. Teaching Vocabulary Using Crossword Puzzle

There are three-step processes to this type of puzzle. First, students have to

use the appropriate vocabulary item. For facilitated students, teachers use

symbolic rather than translation such as object (noun), activity (verb) and

description (adjective). Second, student writes the appropriate lexical item in

underlined space that corresponds to the number of letters in actual word,

hence the student selects among synonym for the form in the puzzle. Third

stage requires the student to locate the words in appropiate spaces.33

The various preceduree are possible as Lee define:

1. Teaher gives the same crossword puzzle for each student. They solve

individually with the help of written clues.

2. Teaher devides the class into group. Then the teacher gives a different

crossword for each group. Everyone in the group helps to solve it.

however, if there is a more active member in one group, they tend to do

all the work. in otherwise, if there is a more passive member in one

group, they will difficult to do all the work.

3. Teachers gives crossword puzzle for all of students. They do the

crossword puzzle individually. Then the teacher divides the class into

groups and then they work in group. The students can share their

answer to finish their crossword puzzle in their group.

4. The teacher writes crossword puzzle on the board, but no written clues.

The teacher gives clues orally and solve the crossword step by stepwith


Frank Nuessel, Recreational Problem-Solving Activities for Teaching Vocabulary in

Elementary and Intermediate Spanish, Hispania, Vol. 77 No. 1 March., 1994, (American Association

of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese), p. 2.

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the class. the class is divided into groups and each group come to the

board and writes the words in one by one.34

5. The Advantages of Cross Word Puzzle

Cross word puzzle is one of many instructional game that comprehend

word-level into grid and make the class fun with puzzle clues and the object of

cross word puzzle is to find the hidden list word based on clues.35


vocabulary through cross word puzzle may draw on other problem-solving

activities in order to reinforce previous lexical items or it may deal with an

entirely new lexical. In learning vocabulary through cross word puzzle is an

effective and interesting way that can be applied in EFL classroom.

Wahyuningsihin Marin C. Njoroge some advantages using

cross word puzzle as follow:

Help students to gain interest and reduce boredom

Cross word puzzle give students opportunity to practice and repeat the

sentence pattern and vocabulary

Students feel relax and enjoy in participating in the learning activity

and they memorize the vocabulary in different way

Cross word puzzle can be given at point of time during the lesson.36

Thomas P. Carter stated that in the learning vocabulary using cross word

puzzle students are excited to work on them, cross word can be use as EFL


W R Lee, Language Teaching Games and Context, Second Edition, (Oxford University

Press, 1980).p, 64-65. 35

Hossein Vassoughi, Using Word-Search-Puzzle Games for Improving Vocabulary

Knowledge of Iranian EFL Learners, (Journal of Teaching Englis as a Foreign Language and

Literature of Islamic Azad University of Iran, 1 (1), 79-85, Winter 2009), p. 2. 36

Martin C. Njoroge, Ruth W. Ndung‟u &Moses Gatambuki Gathigi, op. cit.,p, 7.

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activity whether the methodology approach is cognitive, behavior and they

can be adapted in large or small class.37

6. Previous Related Study

The researcher has found two relevant studies which related to this

research. First is “The Use of Crossword Puzzle to Improve Vocabulary

Mastery (Classroom Action Research on the First Grade Students of SMP N)

” written by Zunita Widyasari. The purpose of this research is to find out

whether there is improvement of the students‟ achievement in vocabulary

using crossword puzzle. This is shown by the students‟ enthusism in doing

crossword puzzle and most of students better understand what the teacher

taught in cycle II than in cycle I. Moreover, the students‟ achievement of

vocabulary has improved by using crossword puzzle in their test. Furthermore,

the result of t-test calculation cycle I is 5,97 and in cycle II is 6,33.38

Second, the research by the title “The Effectiveness of Word Find Puzzle to

Teach Common Noun for Fifth Grade of Elementary School” written by

Ainatus Sholikhah. The aim of this research is to find the effectiveness of

word find puzzle between the students‟ who were taught by using word find

puzzle and the students‟ who were not taught using word find puzzle on

common noun, especially in SDN 03 Pekalongan. The result of the research

shows that the experimental classhas the mean value pretest was 54.60 and

post-test was 74.00. while the control class has the mean value pre-test was

52.0and post-test was 59.40.39


Thomas P. Carter, Cross Word Puzzle in the Foreign Language Classroom, The Modern

Language Journal, Volume 58, No 3 March.,1974, (Wiley National Federation of Modern Language

Teachers Association), p. 4. 38

Zunita Widyasari, The Use of Crossword Puzzle to Improve Vocabulary Mastery, Skripsi at

English Departement of Education Faculty State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga. 39

Ainatus Sholikhah, The Effectivness of Word Find Puzzle to Teach Common Noun for Fifth

Grade of Elementary School (An Experimental Study to the fifth Grade of SDN Pekalongan in the

Academic year 2010/2011). Skripsi at Tarbiyah Faculty Walisongo State Institute for Islamic Studies


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The study that the present researcher is doing now different from the

previous studies above. The method that is used in this study is an

experimental study to know whether or not using crossword puzzle is

effective while the method that is used in previous study is classroom action

research. Besides, this study did not focused on vocabulary mastery in general

but rather focuses on vocabulary that researcher taught in first grade of junior

high school.

7. Theoretical Framework

Based on students need in learning vocabulary there are four points such as

meaning, word use, word formation and word grammar. The use crossword

puzzle is important because crossword puzzle can be applied in word use,

meaning, word formation and also word grammar. In the case of meaning, the

use of crossword puzzle will ease for students know the meaning of word

based on text because when students know the correct word they will

automatically know the meaning correctly. Students know how to use a word

based on how it is used because when they fulfill the hidden word they read

the clues so they know the use of word. In students‟ writing, students will be

able to correct sentences because students regularly read the clues and write

vocabulary to answer the puzzle so they know how to twist words to fit

different grammatical context. Furthermore, students can change word based

on grammatical meaning because crossword puzzle as media can help students

to learn to know the changing of word on grammatical by read short story as

the clues.

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A. Research Design

The objective of this research is to get empirical evidence of whether or not the

use of crossword puzzle in teaching vocabulary to grade VII at MTs

Muhammadiyah1Ciputat is effective. This research used quantitative method. It is

called quantitative method because it is related to the calculation and analysis of

numerical data. The researcher used quasi-experimental research design to identify

the effectiveness of using crossword puzzle as media in the teaching vocabulary.

Here, the researcher gave pre-test and post-test in two classes; experimental and

controlled class. Pre-test was used to get the beginning score from the experimental

and controlled class before treatment. Post-test was used to measure the score after

treatment. Then the result was compared after and before the treatment to get the

effectiveness of crossword puzzle as media.

There was a different treatment between experimental and controlled class. In

experimental class, the researcher gave a treatment by using crossword puzzle as

media for training students in learning vocabulary, whereas the students in controlled

class were taught without using crossword puzzle.

B. Place and Time of the Research

This study will be held in MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat which is located at Jl.

Dewi Sartika Gg. Nangka No. 4 Cimanggis, Tangerang Selatan. The writer will begin

her research from3 Juneto 18 June 2016 where the writer focused at 1st year of

students MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat.This research was held in six meetings each

class; pre-test, treatment in four times, and post-test.

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C. The Population and Sampling Technique of the Research

1. Research Population

The population in this research is from all first year of students in MTs.

Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat, there are three classes: VII-1, VII-2, and VII-

3. The amount of the students of seventh grade in this school is 96


2. Sampling Technique

In this study,the researcher usedPurposive Sampling. The researcher took

the sample from the judgment that was representative of the population or

includes subjects with needed characteristics. In this study, the researcher

took the sample by interviewing the English teacher in order to know

which classes that have the same ability in English lesson, had same

facilities, on the same level and also give the pre-test for all classes to

know the class that had same score. Two classes that had choosen become

controlled and experimental class. Finally, the samples of this research

were; class VII-1 as the experimental class and VII-2 as the controlled


D. Instrument of the Study

The instrument consists of 35 multiple choices given for experimental and

controlled class. Meanwhile, the instrument made based on syllabus and took

from English text book.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

To collect the data, the researcher used a multiple choicetest as the primary

instrument. There are two types of tests; pretest and posttest. The pre-test was

given in experimental and controlled class to know how far the students‟

vocabulary understanding before receiving treatment. The post-test was given to

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know their vocabulary understanding after the treatment. Before the researcher

given the pre-test, the reseacher analyzed the instrument to know whether the

instrument used in this study is valid and reliable before being used to collect


F. Technique of Analyzing Data

1. Validity

Validity is one of important requirements of evaluation to know whether

the test is valid. A test is said to be valid if it measure accurately what it is

intended to measure.Before administering the pre-test, the writer will

analyzed the validity and reliability of pre-test in order to find out

whether the test is valid or good to be used. The writer will use software

ANATEST version 4.0.9 developed by Drs. Karno To, M.Pd. and Yudi

Wibisono, ST.

The criterion of validity:

rxx = 0,91 – 1,00 = very high

rxx = 0,71 – 0,90 = high

rxx = 0,41 – 0,70 = enough

rxx = 0,21 – 0,40 = low

rxx = < 0,21 = very low

2. Reliability

Realibity is whether an instrument can measure something to be measured

constantly. To know the reliability of the instrument used to collect data,

the writer used “ANATEST” software version version 4.0.9 developed by

Drs. Karno To, M.Pd. and Yudi Wibisono, ST.


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3. Discriminating Power

The discriminating power of a test item is the ability of test item to

discriminate between students with high and low achievement. The

formula used to analyze discriminating power:

D =

= P A– P B


J = The total number of students who take the test

JA = The total number of students in the upper group

JB = The total number of students in the lower group

BA= The total number of in the upper group who got the item right

BB = The total number of students in the lower group who got the item right

PA = The porpotion of students in the upper group who got the item right

PB = The porpotion of students in the lower group who got the item right

The clasification of the discriminating power

D : 0.00 – 0.20 :Poor

D : 0.21 – 0.40 :Satisfactory

D : 0.41 – 0.70 :Good

D : 0.71 – 0.100 :Exellent

D : negatif :Discarded

4. Item Difficult

Item diffiuculty is to identify whether a test is categorized into difficult or

easy in a test. The formula used to find out the difficulty index as follow:

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P =


P: Item Difficulty

B: The number of students who got the item right

JS: The total number of students who tried the item

Classification of difficulty index:

0.00 – 0.19 = very difficult

0.20 – 0.39 = difficult

0.40 – 0.59 = moderate

0.60 – 0.79 = easy

0.80 – 1.00 = very easy

In analyzing the data, the researcher usedttest formula through SPSS (Special

Package of the Social Sciences) version 22 software. The t-test is one of a number

of hypothesis tests. Before calculated t-test, the researcher did normality and

homogeneity tests first.

5. Normality Test

Before the researcher calculated the value of t-test, the researcher had to

analyze the normality and homogeneity of the data. He examinition of

normality was needed to know whether the data has been normally

distributed. The researcher used SPSS to tets the normality. In SPSS,

there are two kind of normality test:

Kolmogrov Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk.

The criterion of SPSS:

a. If respondents ≥ 50, the normality test uses Kolmograv Smirnov.

b. If respondents ≤ 50, the normality uses Shapiro Wilk.

The criterion of hypethesis is:

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H0 : Significant Score > 0,05

H1 : Significant Score < 0,05

6. Homogeneity Test

The next step was calculating the homogeneity of data. The purpose of

this calculation was to see whether the data / sample in both classes were

homogenous or heterogeneous.

7. T-Test

After getting the data from pre-test and post-testfrom experimental and

controlled class, the researcher needs to find out the differences score

using crossword puzzle as media. Here, the two classes are compared to

the independent variable, the experimental class is X variable and the

controlled class is Y variable. The researcher used statistical calculation

of the t-testformula. It is used to know whether sudents improve their

score or not.40

The formulas as follows:


Mx = Mean of experimental group (Variable X)

My = Mean of control group (Variable Y)

SEMx = Standard error of mean Variable X

SEMy = Standard error of mean Variable Y


Budi Susetyo, Statistika Untuk Analisis Data Penelitian, (Bandung: Refrika Aditama,

Bandung, 2010), p. 203

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To get the result, the calculation goes to several processes as follows:

1. Determining Mean of Variable X:

2. Determining Mean of Variable Y:

3. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable X:

4. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y:

5. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable X:

6. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable Y:

7. Determining Standard Error of Difference of Mean of Variable X and Y:

8. Determining t0

t0 =

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9. The last procedure is determining df(degree of freedom) with formula:

( )

H. Stastistical Hypotheses

The statistical hypothesis of this study can be seen as:

Null Hypothesis (Ho) : There is no significance difference after

crossword puzzle strategy is used on students‟

vocabulary understanding in the 7th grade

students of MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat.

Alternative Hypothesis(Ha) : There is a significance difference after

crossword puzzle strategy is used on students‟

understanding in the 7th grade of MTs.

Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat.

And then, the criteria used as follows:

1. If t-test (to) > t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0,05, Ho (null hypothesis) is

rejected. It means that the ratesof mean score of the experimental group are

higher than the controlled group. The using of crossword puzzle is effective

towards students‟ vocabulary understanding.

2. If t-test (to) < t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0,05, Ho (the null hypothesis)

is accepted. It means that the rates of the means score of the experimental

group are same as or lower than the controlled group. The using of crossword

puzzle is not effective towards students‟ vocabulary undersatnding

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A. Data Description

The data were collected from students pre-test and post-test of both classes.

The data which were obtained were divided into two tables. The table 4.1 showed

the student‟s score and achievement in experimental class and the table 4.2

showed the student‟s score and achievement in control class. each table has four

columns; the first column showed the number of students, the second and the

third column showed pre-test and post-test score, and the last column showed the

gained score from pre-tets and post-test.

1. The Data of Experimental Class

Table 4.1

The Students’ Scores of Experimental Class

(Using Crossword Puzzle)







Gained Score

1. 66 83 17

2. 68 94 26

3. 50 83 33

4. 70 87 17

5. 71 83 12

6. 70 80 10

7. 60 86 26

8. 50 84 34

9. 66 86 20

10. 60 90 30

11. 66 88 22

12. 50 70 20

13. 76 94 18

14. 63 74 11

15. 66 76 10

16. 60 78 18

17. 63 80 17

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18. 53 82 29

19. 60 88 28

20. 66 82 16

21. 57 80 23

22. 66 83 17

23. 51 88 37

24. 54 77 23

25. 66 88 22

26. 68 80 12

27. 74 94 20

28. 57 94 37

29. 70 83 13

30. 68 88 20

31. 63 80 17

32. 60 84 24

Total 2008 2687 679

Average 62.75 83.97 21.22

According to the result of pre-test and post-test from the experimental

classs, it shows that the lowest score of pre-test was 50 and the highest

score was 76. Besides, the lowest score of post-test was 70 and the highest

score was 94. The average of pre-test was 62.75 and post-tets 83.97. After

conducting pre-test and post-test, the average of gained score that the

teacher got was 21.22. The average of post-test after the students got

treatment using crossword puzzle was higher than the average of pre-test

before the students got treatment.

2. The Data of Controlled Class

Table 4.2

The Students’ Score of Controlled Class

(Without Crossword Puzzle)









1. 56 63 7

2. 62 83 29

3. 65 74 9

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4. 62 86 24

5. 63 84 29

6. 51 77 26

7. 57 73 3

8. 66 60 6

9. 54 74 9

10. 65 60 6

11. 53 71 20

12. 57 68 14

13. 54 67 17

14. 68 71 9

15. 61 77 6

16. 51 66 8

17. 67 54 13

18. 57 80 12

19. 63 75 14

20. 62 77 18

21. 56 68 22

22. 54 60 7

23. 77 94 17

24. 59 63 20

25. 56 60 4

26. 60 73 13

27. 66 77 19

28. 68 73 13

29. 71 83 12

30. 75 84 14

31. 51 60 0

32. 78 83 5

Total 1965 2300 428

Average 61.40 71.88 13.38

Based on the table 4.2 above, it shows that the lowest score in pre-test

was 51 and the highest score was 78 with the average of pre-test score was

61.40. Furthermore, the highest score of post-test was 94 and the lowest

score was 54 with the average score was 71.88. After pre-test and post-

test, the teacher got the average of the gained score was 13.38. it means

the gained score of control class is lower than experimental class.

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B. Analysis of Data

1. Validity Test

The validity of the test is calculated using “ANATEST” software

version 4.0.9 By using the software, the writer found 36 of 50 items are

valid and 14 items are not valid. It can be proved by the significance of

each item. Besides, the validity or XY correlation of the instrument used

in this study was 0.72. it means the test was valid and categorized into

high validity (see appendix).

2. Reliabity Test

The writer calculated the reliability of the test using ANATEST. The

reability score that the writer got is 0.84. it means the test is reliable.

Besides, the criterion of the test is categorized into high reliability (see


3. Discriminating Power

The writer used ANATEST to analyze the discriminating power of test

item used in this study (see appendix). The result of the calculation using

ANATEST can be seen as follow:

Table 4.3

The Result of Discriminating Power


Number of items DP index (%) Classification of DP

1. 25.00 Satisfactory

2. 37.50 Satisfactory

3. -25.00 Discarded

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4. 0.00 Poor

5. -12.50 Discarded

6. 62.50 Good

7. 12.50 Poor

8. 12.50 Poor

9. 87.50 Exellent

10. 12.50 Poor

11. 12.50 Poor

12. 12.50 Poor

13. 25.00 Satisfactory

14. 25.00 Satisfactory

15 12.50 Poor

16. 37.50 Satisfactory

17. 12.50 Poor

18. 50.00 Good

19. 50.00 Good

20. 37.50 Satisfactory

21. 62.50 Good

22. 0.00 Poor

23. 62.50 Good

24. 75.00 Exellent

25. 37.50 Satisfactory

26. 50.00 Good

27. 62.50 Good

28. 12.50 Poor

29. 75.00 Exellent

30. 75.00 Exellent

31. 37.50 Satisfactory

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32. 12.50 Poor

33. 25.00 Satisfactory

34. 37.50 Satisfactory

35. 50.00 Good

36. 37.50 Satisfactory

37. 12.00 Poor

38. 12.00 Poor

39. 50.00 Good

40. 25.00 Satisfactory

41. 12.50 Poor

42. 25.00 Satisfactory

43. 12.00 Poor

44. 50.00 Good

45. 25.00 Satisfactory

46. 12.50 Poor

47. 50.00 Good

48. 25.00 Satisfactory

49. 0,00 Poor

50. 0.00 Poor

4. Item Difficulty

From the claculation using ANATEST, the writer categorized the

items into five classification index. The writer got 18 items are very easy,

10 items are easy, 19 items are moderate, 3 items are difficult and 1 item

is very difficult. The categorization of the items is on the table below:

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Table 4.4

The Classification of Difficulty Item

Number of Items Classification of Difficulty


4, 5,7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16,

17, 20, 21, 37, 43, 44,

45, 46, 49, 50

Very Easy

1, 13, 14, 19, 22,

32, 34, 35, 39


2, 3, 6, 9, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28,

29, 30, 31, 34, 38,

41, 42, 47, 48


8, 18, 40 Difficult

4 Very Difficult

5. Normality Test

a. Pre-test of Experimental Class


H0 : Data of X normaly distributed

H1: Data of Y is not normally distributed

Table 4.5

Normality of Pre-test of Experimental Class

Tests of Normality


Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic Df Sig.

pretest Experiment ,109 32 ,200* ,962 32 ,311

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

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Based on the table above, it can be seen that the significant from

normality test of Shapiro-Wilk shows 0.311. Therefore, the significant

score is higher than 0.05 (0.311 > 0.05). it means that H0is accepted so the

data is normally distributed.

b. Post-test of Experimental Class

Table 4.6

Normality of Post-test of Experimental Class

Tests of Normality


Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

posttest experiment ,125 32 ,200* ,956 32 ,207

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the significant from

normality test of Shapiro-Wilk shows 0.207. therefore, the significant score

is higher than 0.05 (0.207 . 0.05). it means that H0is accepted so the data is

normally distributed.

c. Pre-test of Controlled Class

Table 4.7

Normality of Pre-test of Controlled Class

Tests of Normality


Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic Df Sig. Statistic Df Sig.

pretest control

,091 32 ,200* ,972 32 ,560

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance. a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

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Based on the table above, it can be seen that the significant from

normality test Shapiro-Wilk shows 0.560. Therefore, the significant score

is higher than 0.05 (0.560 > 0.05). it means that H0 is accepted so the data

is normally dustributed.

d. Post-test of Controlled Class

Table 4.8

Normality of Post-test Controlled Class

Tests of Normality


Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic Df Sig. Statistic Df Sig.

Posttest control

,124 32 ,200* ,964 32 ,356

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the significant from

normality test ShapiroWilk shows 0.356. Therefore, the significant score is

higher than 0.05 (0.356 > 0.05). it means that H0 is accepted so the data is

normally distributed.

6. Homogeneity Test

Based on the calculation of normality, the writer got the result that all

data in pre-test and post-test of both experiment class and controlled class

have been normality distributed. The next step of the claculation was

finding the homogeneity of tha data. The purpose of this claculation was

to see whether the data / sample in both classes homogenous or



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H0: The condition of experiment class is not different from controlled


H1: The sample of experiment class is differentfrom controlled class.

Based on the criteria, it can be concluded that H0is accepted. It means

that the sample in experiment class and controlled clss were homogenous.

Moreover, the writer also used SPSS to calculated the homogeneity of the

data. The result that the writer got can be seen on the table below:

Table 4.9

Test of Homogeneity of Variance

Test of Homogeneity of Variances


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

,130 1 62 ,720

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the result of homogeneity

test Lavene Statistic score shows 0.130 with the significant 0.720.

Therefore, the significant score is higher than 0.05 (0.720 > 0.05). it means

that the sample in experiment class and controlled class were homogenous.

Table 4.10




Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 58,141 1 58,141 ,973 ,328

Within Groups 3704,594 62 59,752

Total 3762,734 63

Based on the table above, F score from the result of calculation is

0.973 with the significant score 0.328. the writer found H0is accepted from

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the comparison between Fo (F observation) and Ftablewhich shows Ftable(1.99) is

higher than Fo (0.973). Therefore, the writer concluded that the data is


C. Test of Hypothesis (T-test)

In this part, the researcher calculated the data to test hypohesis that

whether there is significant different between stuents‟ vocabulary

understanding using crossword puzzle in experiment class and students‟

vocabulary understanding without crossword puzzle in controlled class. the

researcher calculated the data using T-test formula. Two classes were

compared, the experimental class was X variable and the controlled class was

Y variable. The next table is staistical calculation of the gain score both

experimental class using crossword puzzle and controlled class without

crossword puzzle.

Table 4.11

The Statistical Calculaion of the Gain Score of Both

the Controlled and the Experimental Class

Students X Y X=Mx-




X2 Y


1 17

7 -3,59 -6,38 289,00 289,00

2 26 29 26,00 29,00 676,00 676,00

3 33 9 11,00 9,00 1089,00 1089,00

4 17 24 17,00 24,00 289,00 289,00

5 12 29 12,00 29,00 144,00 144,00

6 10 26 10,00 26,00 100,00 100,00

7 26 3 26,00 3,00 676,00 676,00

8 34 6 34,00 6,00 1156,00 1156,00

9 9 9 9,00 9,00 81,00 81,00

10 30 6 30,00 6,00 900.00 900,00

11 22 20 22,00 20,00 484,00 484,00

12 20 14 20,00 14,00 400,00 400,00

13 11 17 11,00 17,00 121,00 121,00

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14 11 9 11,00 9,00 121,00 121,00

15 10 6 8,00 6,00 64,00 64,00

16 18 8 18,00 8,00 324,00 324,00

17 17 13 17,00 13,00 289,00 269,00

18 29 12 29,00 12,00 841,00 144,00

19 28 14 28,00 14,00 784,00 196,00

20 16 18 16,00 1,00 256,00 324,00

21 23 22 23,00 22,00 529,00 484,00

22 17 7 17,00 7,00 289,00 49,00

23 37 17 37,00 17,00 1369,00 289,00

24 23 20 23,00 20,00 529,00 400,00

25 22 4 22,00 4,00 484,00 16,00

26 12 13 12,00 13,00 144,00 169,00

27 20 19 20,00 19,00 400,00 361,00

28 37 13 37,00 13,00 1369,00 169,00

29 13 12 13,00 12,00 169,00 144,00

30 20 17 20,00 17,00 400,00 289,00

31 17 0 17,00 0,00 289,00 0,00

32 24 5 24,00 5,00 576,00 25,00

Total 679 428 657,78 414,63 16189,00 7511,64

The table above described the result calculation of the gained score of

the experimental class (X) and the controlled class (Y). Based on the table

above, it can be concluded that the total score of the experimantal class (X) is

679 and the controlled class (Y) is 428.

From the table aove, the writer calculated them based on the steps of t-

test formula, as follows:

1. Determining Mean of Variable X

Mx =


= 21.21

2. Determining Mean of Variable Y



= 13.38

3. Determining Standar od Deviation Score of Variable X

SDx= √

= √

= √ = 22.49

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4. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y

SDy = √

= √

= √ = 15.3

5. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable X


√ =

√ =

√ =

= 4.04

6. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable Y


√ =

√ =

√ =

= 2.74

7. SEMx– My = √

= √

= √ = √

= 3.68

Determining t0




= 2.13

Dtermining ttablein significance level 5% with df (degree of freedom)

Df = (N1+N2) – 2 = (32+32) – 2 = 62

The value of df 62 at the degree of significance 5% or ttableis 1.670. It

means Ha is accepted because T0 (2.13) is higher than ttable(1.999).

8. The Testing of Hypotheses

The statistical hypotheses of this research can be seen as:

Ho : There is no significant difference between students‟

vocabulary using crossword puzzle and without crossword


Ha : There is significant difference between students‟ vocabulary

using crossword puzzle and without crossword puzzle.

And then the criteria used as follows:

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1. If t-test (to) > t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, Ho (null

hypothesis) is rejected.

2. If t-test (to) < t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0.05, Ho (null

hypothesis) is accepted.

In addition, the writer found To is 2.13 while t tableis 1.999. After

comparing between To and t tablethe writer found To is higher than t

table. Therefore, it can be concluded that Ho is rejected. It means there is

significance score gain between students‟ vocabulary using crossword

puzzle and without crossword puzzle.

D. Interpretation of the Data and Discussion

In the description of the data which was taken from 32 students of

experimental class, the writer could explain briefly about the data got from the

students before they were analyzed. The description of the experimental class

has the mean of pre-test 58.71 before using crossword puzzle. It means the

mean score is bad because it is lower than the standard minimum (KKM).

After giving 4 times treatments for experimental class using crossword

puzzle, the writer got the mean of post-test 74.56. So, the writer got the mean

of the gain score 21.03. It is good because the mean score has reached KKM.

The smallest score in the pre-test was 50 and the highest score was 76. The

data showed in the post-test that the smallest score was 70 and the highest

score was 94. It can be summarized that the lowest and the highest scores in

post-test were higher than pre-test.

Meanwhile, from the description of score in controlled class which

was the writer got the mean of pre-test 61.40. It means the mean score is bad.

In this class, the writer did not use crossword puzzle, but the writer only asked

the students to memorize the vocabulary. After giving 4 times treatment

without crossword puzzle, the writer got the mean of post-test 71.25. it is bad

because the mean score is still lower than KKM. The writer got the mean of

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gain score was 15.09. it means that the gain score of experimental class was

higher than controlled class. The smallest score in the pre-test was 51 and the

highest score was 78. The data showed in post-test that smallest score was 54

and the highest score was 94, it can be summarized that the lowest and the

highest were also higher than pre-test.

Before testing the hypothesis, the writer analyzed the normality and

homogeneity of the data, the purpose of analyzing the normality was to see

whether the data got in the research has been normally distributed or not. The

result of normality can be seen by comparing the value of significant score to

0.05. Meanwhile, the purpose of analyzing the homogeneity was to see

whether the data / sample in both experimental and controlled class were

homogenous or heterogonous.

In analyzing the normality, the result showed that both the data of pre-

test and post-test in controlled class were distributed normally. According to

criteria of the test, it can be seen in the result that the significant score of pre-

test (0.311) and post-test (0.207) of experimental class was higher than 0.05

(0.311 and 0.207 > 0.05). Both the data of pre-test and post-test in

experimental class also showed that they were distributed normally.

According to criteria of the test, it can be seen in the result that the significant

score (pre-test and post-test) > 0.05 (0.560 and 0.356 > 0.05). It means that all

the data in both pre-test and post-test of experimental and control class were

distributed normally. The next result that the writer got was from the

calculation of homogeneity, the result showed that (0.720 > 0.05). Based on

the criteria, it can be concluded that H0is accepted. It means that the sample in

experiment class and controlled class were homogenous.

The final calculation was testing the hypothesis. This was the main

calculation to answer the problem of this research that whether there is

significant difference between students‟ vocabulary using crossword puzzle

and without crossword puzzle. The writer used T-test formula in the

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significance degree ( ) 0f 5%. The result showed that t-test (to) > t-table (2.13

> 1.999). It means that t-test was higher than t-table. So, the null hypothesis

(Ho) is rejected. It means that alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted that

there is significant difference between students‟ vocabulary using crossword

puzzle and without crossword puzzle.

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This chapter presents the conclusion and the suggestion. In this

chapter, the researcher would like to give some conclusions that may relate to

the subject.

A. Conclusion

Many games and media that become tool for teaching and learning

activity effective such as cards, word wall, etc. One of games is crossword

puzzle that the writer expected effective for teaching and learning activity. So,

the writer did the research using crossword puzzle in teaching vocabulary in

MTs. Muhammadiyah 1 Ciputat. Based on the anylisis result of this research,

showed that the result of T-test formula to test the hypothesis of this research

in the significance degree ( ) of 5% is t-test (t0) > t-table (tt) (2.13 >1.999).

Therefore, the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha)

is accepted.

Besides, it can be seen from the comparison between the gained score

average of experimental class and the gained score average of controlled class

on the table of the students‟ gained score, the gained score average in

experimental class (21.22) is higher than the gained score average in control

class (13.38). it means that crossword puzzle is effective in improving

students‟ vocabulary. Therefore, it can be concluded that the answer of

research question was proven that there is effectiveness of crosswrod puzzle

on students‟ vocabulary at first of Islamic Junior High School

Muhammadiyah Ciputat in academic year 2015/2016.

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B. Suggestion

After the writer carried out the research, she woudl like to offer some

suggesttion that may relate to the research findings and discussion. The result

of this research showed that crossword puzzle is effective to be applied in

vocabulary teaching and learning. There are some points that the writer might


a. For English Teacher

English teacher shosuld be creative in developing the teaching learning

activities and strategies in classroom to make the class alive and the students

do not ge bored. Besides, English teachers should encourage the studen ts to

be active to participate in class learning activities si that the students will get

more efective vocabulary learning and easier to undersatnd the new

vocabulary taught. English teachers also should motivate the students that

learning English especially vocabulary is such an easy and interesting to learn.

The use of instructional media should be encouraged.

b. For Students

Students should always be active in the process of teaching and learning and

not afraid or lazy in the English lesson, so the students should develop their

motivation. Esides, the students should give more attention and keep their

atitude when the teacher explained he lesson and teach them. The students

also should study hard to reduce their difficulties in learning English.

c. For the Next Researcher

Researcher should develop the study using the media or strategies in

vocabulary understanding to make the students interested and understand the

material easily. For example: using card, song, picture and crossword puzzle.

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The Calculation of Frequency Distribution of

the Pre-test

Case Processing Summary



Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

pretest experiment 32 100,0% 0 0,0% 32 100,0%

control 32 100,0% 0 0,0% 32 100,0%


kelas Statistic Std. Error

pretest experiment Mean 64,25 1,574

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound 61,04

Upper Bound 67,46

5% Trimmed Mean 64,00

Median 66,00

Variance 79,290

Std. Deviation 8,905

Minimum 50

Maximum 83

Range 33

Interquartile Range 12

Skewness ,184 ,414

Kurtosis -,265 ,809

control Mean 57,16 2,188

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound 52,69

Upper Bound 61,62

5% Trimmed Mean 57,58

Median 58,50

Variance 153,168

Page 62: T... · t a Li Advisor I NW Siti NurulAzkiyah. M. Sc. ph. D THE ET'F'ECTIVENESS OF CROSSWORD

Std. Deviation 12,376

Minimum 28

Maximum 78

Range 50

Interquartile Range 18

Skewness -,414 ,414

Kurtosis -,026 ,809

Tests of Normality


Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

pretest experiment ,109 32 ,200* ,962 32 ,311

control ,091 32 ,200* ,972 32 ,560

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

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The Calculation of Frequency Distribution of

the Post-test

Case Processing Summary



Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

posttest experiment 32 100,0% 0 0,0% 32 100,0%

control 32 100,0% 0 0,0% 32 100,0%


kelas Statistic Std. Error

posttest experiment Mean 80,63 1,400

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound 77,77

Upper Bound 83,48

5% Trimmed Mean 80,90

Median 80,00

Variance 62,758

Std. Deviation 7,922

Minimum 60

Maximum 94

Range 34

Interquartile Range 11

Skewness -,589 ,414

Kurtosis ,268 ,809

control Mean 73,31 1,760

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound 69,72

Upper Bound 76,90

5% Trimmed Mean 73,28

Median 73,50

Page 64: T... · t a Li Advisor I NW Siti NurulAzkiyah. M. Sc. ph. D THE ET'F'ECTIVENESS OF CROSSWORD

Variance 99,125

Std. Deviation 9,956

Minimum 54

Maximum 94

Range 40

Interquartile Range 16

Skewness -,054 ,414

Kurtosis -,840 ,809

Tests of Normality


Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

posttest experiment ,125 32 ,200* ,956 32 ,207

control ,124 32 ,200* ,964 32 ,356

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

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Homogeneity Test

A. Homogeneity Test

The homogeneity test was also required as a prerequisite to do analysis test.

To calculate homegeneity test, the researcher used Levene Statistic Test from

IBM Statistic SPSS 21 software. The following is the result which was

obtained from this calculation:

Test of Homogeneity of Variances


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

,130 1 62 ,720



Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 58,141 1 58,141 ,973 ,328

Within Groups 3704,594 62 59,752

Total 3762,734 63

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7. mendengarkan

Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana

untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.


7.1 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan

interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan

memberi jasa, meminta dan memberi barang, serta meminta dan memberi fakta.

7.2 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan

interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan

memberi pendapat, menyatakan suka dan tidak suka, meminta klarifikasi, merespon

secara interpersonal.


Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Karakter Siswa yang Diharapkan

Mampu menyebutkan macam-macam

tempat belanja. Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )

Tanggung jawab ( responsibility ) Mampu mengidentifikasi aktifitas yang

ada di tempat belanja.

Mampu menuliskan asking and offering a

favor dalam setiaqp kegiatan jual beli

Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )

Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )

Page 67: T... · t a Li Advisor I NW Siti NurulAzkiyah. M. Sc. ph. D THE ET'F'ECTIVENESS OF CROSSWORD


Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa diharapkan dapat:

1. Menyebutkan macammacam tempat belanja.

2. Mengidentifikasi berbagai aktifitas yang ada di tempat belanja.

3. Menuliskan asking and offering a favor dalam setiaqp kegiatan jual beli.


Meminta dan memberi bantuan adalah sebuah aktifitas dimana seseorang memerlukan

bantuan ataupun memberi bantuan dengan menggunakan bahasa yang sopan.


Scientific Approach (Pendekatan Saintifik)


1. Media: audio (ceramah/ penjelasan singkat dari guru), visual (memperhatikan contoh-

contoh yang di berikan oleh guru).

2. Alat/ bahan: white board, hand-out, spidol hitam, spidol warna.

3. Sumber belajar: buku bahasa inggris yang relevan dan internet.


Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Pendahuluan Apresiasi

Guru masuk kelas dan langsung

mengucapkan salam, lalu dilanjutkan dengan

menyapa siswa menggunakan bahasa Inggris

“Good morning!” dan “How are you today?”.

Dan tidak lupa pastikan semua siswa

menjawab dan merespon salam tersebut.

Guru mengajak siswa untuk berdoa sebelum

pelajaran dimulai lalu guru mengisi agenda

mengajar dan mengabsen kehadiran siswa

dengan menyebutkan nomer urut siswa.

2 menit

Inti Eksplorasi

Guru memberikan penjelasan tentang macam-

macam tempat beanja yang ada di sekitar

yang kemudian dijelaskan menjelaskan

Page 68: T... · t a Li Advisor I NW Siti NurulAzkiyah. M. Sc. ph. D THE ET'F'ECTIVENESS OF CROSSWORD

bagaimana memeberikan dan meminta

bantuan dengan memberikan contoh kalimat.

Setelah semua siswa mendengarkan

penjelasan dari guru, guru meminta mereka

untuk menuliskan dua kalimat yang

menggunakan asking and offering favor


Setelah siswa menyelesaikan tugasnya, guru

membagikan satu kertas ke setiap siswa yang

berisikan sebuah teka-teki silang yang

berisiikan beberapa macam tempat belanja.

Kemudian siswa di minta untuk

menyelesaikan teka-teki silang tersebut secara



Setelah selesai pembelajaran materi hari ini,

guru mempertanyakan kembali kepada siswa

tentang apakah mereka sudah mengerti dan

memahami materi hari ini atau belum.

Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa secara


Guru menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran dan

penguatan materi

13 menit

19 menit

3 menit

Penutup Guru memberikan tugas individual kepada

siswa untuk membuat sebuah kalimat tanya

jawab antar teman dengan menggunakan

asking and offering a favor.

Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran

untuk pertemuan berikutnya untuk

menumbuhkan rasa ingin tahu siswa agar

gemar membaca.

Guru menutup pertemuan di kelas pada hari

ini dengan membaca hamdalah dan

mengucapkan salam.

3 menit

Page 69: T... · t a Li Advisor I NW Siti NurulAzkiyah. M. Sc. ph. D THE ET'F'ECTIVENESS OF CROSSWORD


1. Indikator, Teknik, Bentuk, dan Contoh



Mampu menyebutkan

macam-macam benda


Tes lisan Menanyakan langsung

kepada siswa dan

meminta untuk

menyebutkan macam-

macam benda di sekitar


Siswa menyebutkan


benda yang sudah





ekspresi suka dan tidak


Tes lisan Menyebutkan opini

tentang sebuah benda.

Siswa menyebutkan

opini mereka



ekspresi suka dan

tidak suka akan

suatu benda.


Mampu menuliskan

macam-macam benda

dengan mengguankan

kalimat suka dan tidak


Tes tulis Menuliskan kalimat

dengan bertemakan opini

suka dan tidak suka.

Membuat tanya

jawab dengan


benda disekitar kita


menambahkan opini

suka dan tidak suka.


a. Test praktik/ lisan

Aspek Penilaian Kriteria Nilai

Sikap Jujur

Percaya diri

Bertanggung jawab


Saling membantu

Keterampilan Pengucapan (berbicara)

Intonasi (berbicara)

Kelancaran (berbicara)

Gerak tubuh (berbicara)

Kreatifitas (poster)

Page 70: T... · t a Li Advisor I NW Siti NurulAzkiyah. M. Sc. ph. D THE ET'F'ECTIVENESS OF CROSSWORD

Ketelitian (poster)

Pengetahuan Ketepatan materi


Pilihan kata

Ketepatan tata bahasa


Skor 5 : Sangat baik

Skor 4: Baik

Skor 3 : Cukup baik

Skor 2: Buruk

Skor 1: Sangat buruk

b. Tes tulis

Setiap 1 jawaban soal yang benar maka siswa akan mendapatkan nilai 10. Jadi

10 soal x 10= 100. Nilai tertinggi adalah 100.

Ciputat, 9 Juni 2016


Guru Matpel Guru Praktikan

Babun, S.Pd Eka Fitriyani

NIM. 1111014000005

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12. menulis

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sangat sederhana

berbentuk descriptive dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.


12.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan

menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi

dengan lingkungan sekitar.

12.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sangat sederhana

dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan procedure.


Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Karakter Siswa yang Diharapkan

Mampu menyebutkan macam-macam

langkah-langkah dalam teks procedure. Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )

Tanggung jawab ( responsibility ) Mampu mengidentifikasi tujuan dari

procedure teks.

Mampu menuliskan teks procedure

beserta dengan langkah-langkahnya.

Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )

Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )

Page 72: T... · t a Li Advisor I NW Siti NurulAzkiyah. M. Sc. ph. D THE ET'F'ECTIVENESS OF CROSSWORD


Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa diharapkan dapat:

1. Membaca langkah-langkah dalam procedure teks.

2. Menyebutkan macam-macam material dalam teks procedure.

3. Membuat kalimat teks procedure beserta langkah-langkahnya.


Procedure teks adalah sebuah teks yang menjelaskan langkah-langkah pembuatan sebuah



Scientific Approach (Pendekatan Saintifik)


1. Media: audio (ceramah/ penjelasan singkat dari guru), visual (memperhatikan contoh-

contoh yang di berikan oleh guru).

2. Alat/ bahan: white board, hand-out, spidol hitam, spidol warna.

3. Sumber belajar: buku bahasa inggris yang relevan dan internet.


Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Pendahuluan Apresiasi

Guru masuk kelas dan langsung

mengucapkan salam, lalu dilanjutkan dengan

menyapa siswa menggunakan bahasa Inggris

“Good morning!” dan “How are you today?”.

Dan tidak lupa pastikan semua siswa

menjawab dan merespon salam tersebut.

Guru mengajak siswa untuk berdoa sebelum

pelajaran dimulai lalu guru mengisi agenda

mengajar dan mengabsen kehadiran siswa

dengan menyebutkan hobi siswa.

2 menit

Inti Eksplorasi

Guru membagi kelompok menjadi 4-5

kelompok dengan cara menghitung 1-5.

Guru memberikan penjelasan tentang

procedure teks, setelah siswa mendengarkan

Page 73: T... · t a Li Advisor I NW Siti NurulAzkiyah. M. Sc. ph. D THE ET'F'ECTIVENESS OF CROSSWORD

penjelasan dari guru siswa di minta untuk

menuliskan salah satu makanan favorit


Setelah semua siswa menuliskan makanan

favorit mereka, guru meminta mereka untuk

menuliskan langkah-langkah pembuatan

makanan ataupun minuman favorit mereka.


Setelah siswa mendengarkan penjelasan dari

guru, guru membagikan poster ke setiap

murid yang berisikan sebuah teka-teki silang

kepada setiap kelompok.

Kemudian siswa di minta untuk

menyelesaikan teka-teki silang tersebut

dengan cara di setiap gambar siswa harus

mengisi huruf yang belum komplit

berdasarkan gambar.

Kemudian, setelah selesai siswa diminta

untuk menyusun gambar-gambar tersebut

berdasarkan langkah-langkah yang benar.

Setelah itu, guru meminta beberapa siswa

maju ke depan kelas untuk mempresentasikan

hasil diskusi mereka.


Setelah selesai pembelajaran materi hari ini,

guru mempertanyakan kembali kepada siswa

tentang apakah mereka sudah mengerti dan

memahami materi hari ini atau belum.

Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa secara


Guru menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran dan

penguatan materi

13 menit

19 menit

3 menit

Penutup Guru memberikan tugas individual kepada

siswa untuk menulis sebuah procedure teks.

Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran

untuk pertemuan berikutnya untuk

menumbuhkan rasa ingin tahu siswa agar

gemar membaca.

Guru menutup pertemuan di kelas pada hari

ini dengan membaca hamdalah dan

3 menit

Page 74: T... · t a Li Advisor I NW Siti NurulAzkiyah. M. Sc. ph. D THE ET'F'ECTIVENESS OF CROSSWORD

mengucapkan salam.


1. Indikator, Teknik, Bentuk, dan Contoh



Mampu menyebutkan


langkah-langkah dalam

teks procedure.

Tes lisan Menanyakan langsung

kepada siswa dan

meminta untuk


Siswa menyebutkan


material dalam

sebuah procedure

teks yang diberikan




mengidentifikasi tujuan

dari procedure teks.

Tes lisan Membaca dan

menyebutkan makna dari

setiap contoh yang


Membaca dengan

jelas contoh-contoh

procedure teks.


Mampu menuliskan

teks procedure beserta

dengan langkah-


Tes tulis Menuliskan langkah-

langkah dalam procedure



teks beserta




a. Test praktik/ lisan

Aspek Penilaian Kriteria Nilai

Sikap Jujur

Percaya diri

Bertanggung jawab


Saling membantu

Keterampilan Pengucapan (berbicara)

Intonasi (berbicara)

Kelancaran (berbicara)

Gerak tubuh (berbicara)

Kreatifitas (poster)

Ketelitian (poster)

Pengetahuan Ketepatan materi


Pilihan kata

Ketepatan tata bahasa

Page 75: T... · t a Li Advisor I NW Siti NurulAzkiyah. M. Sc. ph. D THE ET'F'ECTIVENESS OF CROSSWORD


Skor 5 : Sangat baik

Skor 4: Baik

Skor 3 : Cukup baik

Skor 2: Buruk

Skor 1: Sangat buruk

b. Tes tulis

Setiap 1 jawaban soal yang benar maka siswa akan mendapatkan nilai 10. Jadi

10 soal x 10= 100. Nilai tertinggi adalah 100.

Ciputat, 11 Juni 2016


Guru Matpel Guru Praktikan

Babun, S.Pd Eka Fitriyani

NIM. 1111014000005

Page 76: T... · t a Li Advisor I NW Siti NurulAzkiyah. M. Sc. ph. D THE ET'F'ECTIVENESS OF CROSSWORD








7. mendengarkan

Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana

untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.


7.1 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan

interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan

memberi jasa, meminta dan memberi barang, serta meminta dan memberi fakta.

7.2 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan

interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan

memberi pendapat, menyatakan suka dan tidak suka, meminta klarifikasi, merespon

secara interpersonal.


Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Karakter Siswa yang Diharapkan

Mampu menyebutkan macam-macam

hobi. Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )

Tanggung jawab ( responsibility ) Mampu mengidentifikasi berbagai hobi

dengan menggunakan tag question.

Mampu menuliskan macam-macam hobi

dengan membuat kalimat tanya jawab

dengan menggunakan present continuous.

Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )

Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )

Page 77: T... · t a Li Advisor I NW Siti NurulAzkiyah. M. Sc. ph. D THE ET'F'ECTIVENESS OF CROSSWORD


Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa diharapkan dapat:

1. Menyebutkan macam-macam hobi.

2. Mengidentifikasi berbagai hobi dengan menggunakan tag question.

3. Menuliskan macam-macam hobi dengan membuat kalimat tanya jawab dengan

menggunakan present continous.


This activity is called a hobby. There are many kinds of hobbies, some of them are

normally done outdoor, such as doing sport, travelling, swimming, and camping. While

the others such as colleccting stamps, playing board games, reading book that can be

done indoor.


Scientific Approach (Pendekatan Saintifik)


1. Media: audio (ceramah/ penjelasan singkat dari guru), visual (memperhatikan contoh-

contoh yang di berikan oleh guru).

2. Alat/ bahan: white board, hand-out, spidol hitam, spidol warna.

3. Sumber belajar: buku bahasa inggris yang relevan dan internet.


Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Pendahuluan Apresiasi

Guru masuk kelas dan langsung

mengucapkan salam, lalu dilanjutkan dengan

menyapa siswa menggunakan bahasa Inggris

“Good morning!” dan “How are you today?”.

Dan tidak lupa pastikan semua siswa

menjawab dan merespon salam tersebut.

Guru mengajak siswa untuk berdoa sebelum

pelajaran dimulai lalu guru mengisi agenda

mengajar dan mengabsen kehadiran siswa

dengan menyebutkan hobi siswa.

2 menit

Inti Eksplorasi

Page 78: T... · t a Li Advisor I NW Siti NurulAzkiyah. M. Sc. ph. D THE ET'F'ECTIVENESS OF CROSSWORD

Guru membagi kelompok menjadi 4-5

kelompok dengan cara menghitung 1-5.

Guru memberikan penjelasan tentang macam-

macam hobi yang dilakukan di dalam

tataupun di luar ruangan, kemudian

menejlaskan penambahan –ing dalam sebuah

kata (hobi).

Setelah semua siswa mendengarkan

penjelasan dari guru, guru meminta mereka

untuk menuliskan dua kalimat yang

menggunakan penambahan –ing dan tidak

menggunakan penmabhan –ing


Setelah siswa menyelesaikan tugasnya, guru

membagikan satu kotak ke setiap kelompok

yang berisikan sebuah kertas dimana di kertas

tersebut ada sebuah huruf-huruf.

Kemudian siswa di minta untuk

menyelesaikan menempelkan hruf-huruf

tersebut ke sebuah poster yang berisiskan

gambar-gambar yang mewakili macam-

macam hobi.

Kemudian, setelah selesai siswa diminta

untuk mengucapkan setiap macam-macam



Setelah selesai pembelajaran materi hari ini,

guru mempertanyakan kembali kepada siswa

tentang apakah mereka sudah mengerti dan

memahami materi hari ini atau belum.

Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa secara


Guru menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran dan

penguatan materi

13 menit

19 menit

3 menit

Penutup Guru memberikan tugas individual kepada

siswa untuk membuat sebuah kalimat tanya

jawab antar teman dengan tema hobi.

Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran

untuk pertemuan berikutnya untuk

menumbuhkan rasa ingin tahu siswa agar

3 menit

Page 79: T... · t a Li Advisor I NW Siti NurulAzkiyah. M. Sc. ph. D THE ET'F'ECTIVENESS OF CROSSWORD

gemar membaca.

Guru menutup pertemuan di kelas pada hari

ini dengan membaca hamdalah dan

mengucapkan salam.


1. Indikator, Teknik, Bentuk, dan Contoh



Mampu menyebutkan

macam-macam hobi.

Tes lisan Menanyakan langsung

kepada siswa dan

meminta untuk


Siswa menyebutkan

macam-macam hobi

yang sudah





berbagai hobi dengan

menggunakan macam-

macam alat.

Tes lisan Menyebutkan makna dari

setiap contoh yang

diberikan guru.

Siswa menyebutkan

hobi yang di

peragakan oleh

temannya di depan



Mampu menuliskan

macam-macam hobi

dengan membuat

kalimat tanya jawab.

Tes tulis Menuliskan kalimat

dengan bertemakan hobi.

Membuat tanya

jawab dengan tema



a. Test praktik/ lisan

Aspek Penilaian Kriteria Nilai

Sikap Jujur

Percaya diri

Bertanggung jawab


Saling membantu

Keterampilan Pengucapan (berbicara)

Intonasi (berbicara)

Kelancaran (berbicara)

Gerak tubuh (berbicara)

Kreatifitas (poster)

Ketelitian (poster)

Page 80: T... · t a Li Advisor I NW Siti NurulAzkiyah. M. Sc. ph. D THE ET'F'ECTIVENESS OF CROSSWORD

Pengetahuan Ketepatan materi


Pilihan kata

Ketepatan tata bahasa


Skor 5 : Sangat baik

Skor 4: Baik

Skor 3 : Cukup baik

Skor 2: Buruk

Skor 1: Sangat buruk

b. Tes tulis

Setiap 1 jawaban soal yang benar maka siswa akan mendapatkan nilai 10. Jadi

10 soal x 10= 100. Nilai tertinggi adalah 100.

Ciputat, 16 Juni 2016


Guru Matpel Guru Praktikan

Babun, S.Pd Eka Fitriyani

NIM. 1111014000005

Page 81: T... · t a Li Advisor I NW Siti NurulAzkiyah. M. Sc. ph. D THE ET'F'ECTIVENESS OF CROSSWORD








7. mendengarkan

Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana

untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.


7.1 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan

interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan

memberi jasa, meminta dan memberi barang, serta meminta dan memberi fakta.

7.2 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan

interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan

memberi pendapat, menyatakan suka dan tidak suka, meminta klarifikasi, merespon

secara interpersonal.


Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Karakter Siswa yang Diharapkan

Mampu menyebutkan macam-macam

benda sekitar. Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )

Tanggung jawab ( responsibility ) Mampu mengidentifikasi ekspresi suka

dan tidak suka.

Mampu menuliskan macam-macam

benda dengan mengguankan kalimat suka

dan tidak suka

Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )

Tanggung jawab ( responsibility )

Page 82: T... · t a Li Advisor I NW Siti NurulAzkiyah. M. Sc. ph. D THE ET'F'ECTIVENESS OF CROSSWORD


Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa diharapkan dapat:

1. Menyebutkan macammacam benda sekitar siswa.

2. Mengidentifikasi berbagai ekspresi seperti ekspresi suka dan tidak suka.

3. Menuliskan macam-macam benda di sekitar dengan menggunakan ekspresi suka dan

tidak suka.


Ekspresi suka dan tidak suka adalah sebuah ekspresi dimana seseorang menyatakan

kesenangannya atau sebaliknya. Ekspresi ini merupakan sebuah pendapat yang lumrah

terjadi pada kehidupan masyarakat.


Scientific Approach (Pendekatan Saintifik)


1. Media: audio (ceramah/ penjelasan singkat dari guru), visual (memperhatikan contoh-

contoh yang di berikan oleh guru).

2. Alat/ bahan: white board, hand-out, spidol hitam, spidol warna.

3. Sumber belajar: buku bahasa inggris yang relevan dan internet.


Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Pendahuluan Apresiasi

Guru masuk kelas dan langsung

mengucapkan salam, lalu dilanjutkan dengan

menyapa siswa menggunakan bahasa Inggris

“Good morning!” dan “How are you today?”.

Dan tidak lupa pastikan semua siswa

menjawab dan merespon salam tersebut.

Guru mengajak siswa untuk berdoa sebelum

pelajaran dimulai lalu guru mengisi agenda

mengajar dan mengabsen kehadiran siswa

dengan menyebutkan nomer urut siswa.

2 menit

Inti Eksplorasi

Guru memberikan penjelasan tentang macam-

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macam benda yang ada di sekitar yang

kemudian dijelaskan menjelaskan ekspresi

suka dan tidak suka dengan memberikan

contoh kalimat.

Setelah semua siswa mendengarkan

penjelasan dari guru, guru meminta mereka

untuk menuliskan dua kalimat yang

menggunakan ekspresi suka dan tidak suka

dengan menggunakan benda yang ada



Setelah siswa menyelesaikan tugasnya, guru

membagikan satu kertas ke setiap siswa yang

berisikan sebuah teka-teki silang.

Kemudian siswa di minta untuk

menyelesaikan teka-teki silang tersebut secara



Setelah selesai pembelajaran materi hari ini,

guru mempertanyakan kembali kepada siswa

tentang apakah mereka sudah mengerti dan

memahami materi hari ini atau belum.

Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa secara


Guru menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran dan

penguatan materi

13 menit

19 menit

3 menit

Penutup Guru memberikan tugas individual kepada

siswa untuk membuat sebuah kalimat tanya

jawab antar teman dengan mengguankan

ekspresi suka dan tidak suka atau opini.

Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran

untuk pertemuan berikutnya untuk

menumbuhkan rasa ingin tahu siswa agar

gemar membaca.

Guru menutup pertemuan di kelas pada hari

ini dengan membaca hamdalah dan

mengucapkan salam.

3 menit

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1. Indikator, Teknik, Bentuk, dan Contoh



Mampu menyebutkan

macam-macam benda


Tes lisan Menanyakan langsung

kepada siswa dan

meminta untuk

menyebutkan macam-

macam benda di sekitar


Siswa menyebutkan


benda yang sudah





ekspresi suka dan tidak


Tes lisan Menyebutkan opini

tentang sebuah benda.

Siswa menyebutkan

opini mereka



ekspresi suka dan

tidak suka akan

suatu benda.


Mampu menuliskan

macam-macam benda

dengan mengguankan

kalimat suka dan tidak


Tes tulis Menuliskan kalimat

dengan bertemakan opini

suka dan tidak suka.

Membuat tanya

jawab dengan


benda disekitar kita


menambahkan opini

suka dan tidak suka.


a. Test praktik/ lisan

Aspek Penilaian Kriteria Nilai

Sikap Jujur

Percaya diri

Bertanggung jawab


Saling membantu

Keterampilan Pengucapan (berbicara)

Intonasi (berbicara)

Kelancaran (berbicara)

Gerak tubuh (berbicara)

Kreatifitas (poster)

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Ketelitian (poster)

Pengetahuan Ketepatan materi


Pilihan kata

Ketepatan tata bahasa


Skor 5 : Sangat baik

Skor 4: Baik

Skor 3 : Cukup baik

Skor 2: Buruk

Skor 1: Sangat buruk

b. Tes tulis

Setiap 1 jawaban soal yang benar maka siswa akan mendapatkan nilai 10. Jadi

10 soal x 10= 100. Nilai tertinggi adalah 100.

Ciputat, 18 Juni 2016


Guru Matpel Guru Praktikan

Babun, S.Pd Eka Fitriyani

NIM. 1111014000005

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1. His duty is to protect and to defend our country from enemies. Who are they?

a. Gardener c. Journalist

b. Soldier d. Carpenter

2. Rearrange the jumbled words into good and correct sentences!

Like – in – places – wet – hide – snails – to

a. Snails like in wet places c. Snails like to in wet places

b. Snails like to hide in wet places d. Snails like to hide in dark places

3. This man delivers letters from house to house. Who is he?

a. Postman c. Journalist

b. Gardener d. Carpenter

4. This man drives the people who want to go to a particular place. Who is he?

a. Soldier c. Driver

b. Secretary d. Postman

5. This man is skillful at making chair and table. Who is he?

a. Artist c. Bell boy

b. Carpenter d. Shop keeper

6. A singer needs a .......... to sing.

a. Camera c. Oven

b. Computer d. Microphone

7. A painter needs a ............ to paint pictures.

a. Whistle c. Paint

b. Sthetoscope d. Microphone

8. A journalist needs a ........... to take pictures.

a. Computer c. Camera

b. Sewing machine d. Paint

9. The best letters for the picture beside are ......

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a. F – R – R c. F – R – M

b. F – R – M d. F – R – N

10. I put money in my …….

a. Wallet c. Uniform

b. Sock d. Shoes

11. A transportation with four wheels is......

a. Motorcycle c. Car

b. Pedicab d. Bike

12. The best letters for the number 1 (one) are ......


a. M – O – C – H c. C – H – M – O

b. O – M – C – H d. H – C – M – O

13. What does this picture means?

a. No enter c. No eating and drinking

b. No playing d. No smoking

14. The best letters for the picture beside are .....


a. A– A – E – R c. R – E – A – R

b. E – A – E – R d. E – E – E – A

15. My mother is sick. Then, she goes to the …… to check up.

a. Driver c. Doctor

b. Journalist d. Teacher

16. Yuddy is a ……… He works in a restaurant.

11 1

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a. Chef c. Police

b. Actor d. Nurse

17. My brother puts some fruits on the …..

a. Table c. Pillow

b. Book d. Chair

18. The best letters for the picture beside are.....


a. E – H c. E – E

b. H – E d. A – A


19. The best letters for the picture beside are......


a. M – R – L – A c. L – A – M – R

b. L – A – R – M d. M – A – R – L

20. Sinta likes ……. books and comics. She always buys books and comics every month.

a. Eating c. Cooking

b. Reading d. Writing

21. Chacha : What does your father do?

Lila : He is a farmer.

Chacha : Where does he work?

Lila : ..................................

a. In the field c. In the hospital

b. In the school d. In the kitchen

22. A place for jum’at prayer is......

a. Class c. House

b. Mosque d. Laboratory

23. My brother................. fruits in the market.

a. Borrows c. Buys

b. Takes d. Gives

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Each class of SMP Sabiluna should present a student to represent

his/her class in joining the English speech contest on Sunday, 28th

march 2016 in our language laboratory. Dont miss it.

English teacher


24. How many students should be sent from each class?

a. Two students c. Four students

b. One student d. Six students

25. Where will the contest take place?

a. Class c. Canteen

b. Parkir area d. Laboratory

26. Who write the announcement?

a. Office boy c. Head master

b. Teacher d. Students


Daniel Mananta is an MTV Indonesia VJ (Video Jockey) since May 2003.

He was born in Jakarta on August 14, 1981. He graduated from Perth Edith

Cowan University with a bachelor degree in business. He loves anything

about Japan and likes reading comic books.

27. What is Daniel like.........

a. Reading comic book c. Swimming

b. Cooking d. Listening to music

28. Rearrange these letters below so that become meaningful word!

M – O – O – R – T – H – B – A

a. Diningroom c. Bedroom

b. Bathroom d. Reading room

29. Rearrange these letters below so that become meaningful word!

F – E – E – R – R – I – G – R – A – T – O – R

a. Arigator c. Refrigerator

b. Generator d. Isolator

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30. Rearrange these letters below so that become meaningful word!

S – S – T – T – U – D – E – N

a. Sundries c. Students

b. Sudden d. Suddenly

31. Rearrange these letters based on picture below so that become meaningful word!

a. G – A – N – D – I – N – O – M – O – R

b. G – I – N – D – N – O – M – O – R – I

c. G – I – N – D – I – N – O – M – O– R

d. R – O – O – M – G – I – N – D – A – R

32. Andi : When were you born?

Budi : I was born on 12 september, 1993, and you?

Andi : I was born on 6 january, 1994.

When was budi born?

a. The twelfth of september nineteen ninety-four

b. The twelfth of September nineteen ninety-three

c. The twenty of september nineteen ninety-three

d. The twenty one of september nineteen ninety-three

33. Ratna : Dewi, do you have two pencils?

Dewi : yes I have.

Ratna : May I borrow your pencil?

Dewi : Sure.

Ratna : Thank you.

Dewi : ....................................

a. You are welcome c. Thanks for everything

b. I dont agree d. I am sorry

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No. Name Date of Birth

1. Alissya Nur Hayati The first of July nineteen forty-five

2. Ratna Galih The twenty-seventh of October nineteen


3. Ayu Ajeng Sari The sixth of January nineteen ninety-four

4. Dimas Prasetya The thirteenth of September nineteen sixty-seven

34. When Ratna Galih and Dimas Prasetya were born?

a. 20 – 10 – 1989 and 13 – 09 – 1967 c. 13 – 09 – 1967 and 27 – 10 - 1989

b. 27 – 07 – 1945 and 13 – 09 – 1976 d. 27 – 10 – 1989 and 13 – 09 – 1967

35. Please rearrange these words so that became meaningful sentences!

In the classroom – not – students – T shirt – must – wear

a. Students must wear T shirt in the classroom

b. T shirt must be wear in the classroom

c. Students must not wear T shirt in the classroom

d. Students not wear T shirt in the classroom

36. Please rearrange these words so that became meaningful sentences!

Quiet – should – we – in the library – be

a. Be quiet in the library

b. We should be in the library

c. In the library we be quiet

d. We should be quiet in the library

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1. This man works in a hospital. He cures sick people. Who are they?

a. Gardener c. Journalist

b. Soldier d. Doctor

2. Rearrange the jumbled words into good and correct sentences!

Like – you – juice – some – would – orange – ?

a. Some orange juice would you like?

b. Would you like orange juice some?

c. Would you like some orange juice?

d. Would you some like orange juice?

3. This person is teaching in a school. Who are they?

a. Postman c. Teacher

b. Gardener d. Carpenter

4. This person is skillful at cutting people’s hair. Who are they?

a. Barber c. Driver

b. Secretary d. Postman

5. This woman usually helps the doctors to treat paatients. Who is she?

a. Artist c. Bell boy

b. Nurse d. Shop keeper

6. A baker needs an.......... to bake some breads.

a. Camera c. Oven

b. Computer d. Microphone

7. A doctor needs a ............ to examine the patients.

a. Whistle c. Paint

b. Sthetoscope d. Microphone

8. A dressmaker needs a ........... to sew dresses.

a. Computer c. Camera

b. Sewing machine d. Paint

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9. The best letters for the picture beside are ......


a. G – R – R - E - R c. G – R – M – E – R

b. G – R – D – E – R d. G – R – D – R – R

10. My sister puts some books in her …….

a. Wallet c. Cupboard

b. Sock d. Uniform

11. A transportation with three wheels is......

a. Motorcycle c. Car

b. Pedicab d. Bike

12. The best letters for the picture beside are ......


a. E – O c. A – O

b. O – U d. O – O

13. What does this picture means?

a. Keep this area noisy c. Keep this area dirty

b. Keep this area calm d. Keep this area clean

14. The best letters for the picture beside are .....


a. T – U – A – N c. T – U – E – N

b. T – A – U – N d. T – I – A – N

15. My brother is toothache. Then, he goes to the …… to check up.

a. Dentist c. Doctor

b. Journalist d. Teacher

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16. Yuddy is a ……… He works in a company.

a. Secretary c. Police

b. Actor d. Nurse

17. My brother sits on the …..

a. Table c. Pillow

b. Book d. Chair

18. The best letters for the picture beside are.....


a. O – K c. K – E

b. K – O d. K – A

19. The best letters for the picture beside are......


a. M – E – O – A c. O – U – M – E

b. A – E – O – M d. O – M – U – E

20. Sinta likes ……. rendang and semur tempe. She always buys meat and tempe every


a. Eating c. Cooking

b. Reading d. Writing

21. Chacha : What does your father do?

Lila : He is doctor.

Chacha : Where does he work?

Lila : ..................................

a. In the field c. In the hospital

b. In the school d. In the kitchen

22. A place for reading books is......

a. Class c. House

b. Library d. Laboratory

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23. My brother................. me some pencils.

a. Borrows c. Buys

b. Takes d. Gives

Questions number 24 to 26 are based on the following text!


English Conversation Club (ECC) is opening registration for new

members. Every Thursday from 16.00 to 17.00 at the school hall. Join

us and improve your English! For registration, please contact Wayan

(8.1) and Yahya (8.2)

24. When do the members have meeting?

a. In the morning c. On Thursday afternoon

b. On Thursday morning d. In the afternoon at three

25. Where do they have the meeting?

a. in the ECC’s meeting room c. At the school hall

b. In the 8.2 classroom d. At the cafetaria

26. How long does this the meeting last?

a. One hour c. Two haours

b. One and a half hours d. One and a quarter hours

Question numer 27 is based on the following text!

Mr. Smith is a policeman. He wears a black uniform. He rides his bike every

day. He starts working at nine o’clock every day in the morning.

27. What is Mr. Smith job?

a. Lecturer c. Swimmer

b. Policeman d. Pilot

28. Rearrange these letters below so that become meaningful word!

M – O – O – R – I – I – N – D – N – G

a. Diningroom c. Bedroom

b. Bathroom d. Reading room

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29. Rearrange these letters below so that become meaningful word!

F – E – E – R – R – I – G – R – A – T – O – R

a. Note book c. Diary book

b. Book d. English book

30. Rearrange these letters below so that become meaningful word!

E – R – T – A – C – H – E

a. Teach c. Teaching

b. Teachers d. Teacher

31. Rearrange these letters based on picture below so that become meaningful word!

a. C – H – I – C – K – E – N

b. C – H – I – T – K – E – N

c. C – I – C – T – K – E – N

d. C – I – C – H – K – E – N

32. Andi : When you were born?

Budi : I was born on 19 december, 1991, and you?

Andi : I was born on 6 january, 1994.

When budi was born?

a. The nineteen of september nineteen ninety-one

b. The nineteen of december nineteen ninety-one

c. The twenty of december nineteen ninety-one

d. The nineteen of september nineteen ninety-one

No. Name Date of Birth

1. Alissya Nur Hayati The first of July nineteen forty-five

2. Ratna Galih The twenty-seventh of October nineteen


3. Ayu Ajeng Sari The sixth of January nineteen ninety-four

4. Dimas Prasetya The thirteenth of September nineteen sixty-seven

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33. When Ratna Galih and Dimas Prasetya were born?

a. 20 – 10 – 1989 and 13 – 09 – 1967 c. 13 – 09 – 1967 and 27 – 10 - 1989

b. 27 – 07 – 1945 and 13 – 09 – 1976 d. 27 – 10 – 1989 and 13 – 09 – 1967

34. Please rearrange these words so that became meaningful sentences!

Hobby– is – stickers – to – my – collect

a. My hobby is to collect stickers

b. My hobby is collect stickers

c. Collect stickers is my hobby

d. My hobby to is collect stickers

35. Please rearrange these words so that became meaningful sentences!

Book – interesting – really – this – is

a. This is interesting book

b. This is really interesting book

c. This book is very interesting

d. This book is really interesting