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Synergy in my products

Sanaa El-Haouzi

Importance of Synergy

After researching about synergy , I knew it was necessary that I should make this a visual issue that should be very clear in my work as this will let my audience see who my artist is , remind them this my artist style as well as this is the conventional stuff an pop artist will show .

Synergy in my products

When first beginning to start and plan the production of my music video . My group and I decided in our pitch what our synergy would be .

One of the main syngerical motif and focuses was the artists big curly hair . This was chosen as a motif to help the viewers notice this as a signature or trademark look of our artist . This can been seen in both my music video as well as my ancillary work.

Synergy through mise en scene was also used in my main product of my music video as well as my ancillary texts of my digi pak and advertisement . For example , our costume and overall colour scheme was white, blue and black , which was used in the music video through our artists clothing as well as colours within our location such as Waterloo Graffiti Tunnel with the blue and black graffiti , as well as Kings Cross Fountains where the colours used on the fountain were different shades of blue.

Costume and Colours in Ancillary Work

How can the audience recognise them as linked products ?

In terms of how the synergy presented to the audience can be seen and recognised as linked products is through the continuity and use of the same exact mise en scene . For example , for my ancillary products such as digi pak I used the same costume of the black top and also the blue denim jacket , which were used in first verse of the music video . Also , kept to the motif of the curly hair which I used in the music video through out .

Also the use of the colours in the music video such as blue , black and white are also shown in my ancillary products through the image as well as the font colours .

This exact and precise use of the image and clothing as well as colours , keeps a constant familiar with the audience as they remembers these visual links and start to associate them with my artist .
