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Introduction to Software Engineering

Scope and necessity of software engineering

Suppose you have a friend who asked you to build a small wall as shown in fig. You would be able to do that using your common sense. You will get building materials like bricks; cement etc. and you will then build the wall.

what would happen if the same friend asked you to build a large multistoried building as shown in fig.?

Without using software engineering principles it would be difficult to develop large programs. In industry it is usually needed to develop large programs to accommodate multiple functions. A problem with developing such large commercial programs is that the complexity and difficulty levels of the programs increase exponentially with their sizes as shown in fig. For example, a program of size 1,000 lines of code has some complexity. But a program with 10,000 LOC is not just 10 times more difficult to develop, but may as well turn out to be 100 times more difficult unless software engineering principles are used. In such situations software engineering techniques come to rescue.

The Software Crisis

• Early software development was ‘personalized’

• As sophistication of applications grew, programs grew in size and complexity

• Maintenance became difficult

• Software projects were taking a lot longer than originally envisaged.

• Software was costing a lot more to develop than initially estimated.

• Software was being delivered to the customer only to fail.

• Errors found by the customer were extremely difficult to trace and fix.

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Need For Engineering Approach

• Programming was considered as an ‘art’

• Since it was personalized, the design was implicitly preformed in one’s head and not on paper

• Later, business outgrowth called for sophistication in software development

• People tried to use the same techniques they adopted for programming, but failed

• Problems are not technical, but with people management, estimation and configuration management

• People decided to borrow ideas about systematic development from engineering, giving rise to a new discipline called “Software Engineering”

Software Engineering

Software Engineering, the term coined at a NATO-sponsored conference in 1968, has come to represent the gamut of systematic approaches to the design, development and maintenance of software. The definition given below is reproduced from the IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology:

Software Engineering is the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation and maintenance of software; i.e., the application of engineering to software.

Software Engineering provides a set of methods, a variety of tools, and a collection of procedures : • Engineering uses methods, procedures, tools and standards.

• Methods give the different steps you have to take – Project Planning and Estimation, Requirements Analysis, Design, Algorithm Development, Coding, Testing, Maintenance.

• Tools provide automated support for the methods - MS Project, CASE Tools, Coding Tools, Testing Tools.

• Procedures define the sequence in which the methods are to be executed, the output of the methods (deliverables) and controls that ensure quality.

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Software engineering principles use two important techniques to reduce problem complexity: abstraction and decomposition.

The principle of abstraction implies that a problem can be simplified by omitting irrelevant details. In other words, the main purpose of abstraction is to consider only those aspects of the problem that are relevant for certain purpose and suppress other aspects that are not relevant for the given purpose. Once the simpler problem is solved, then the omitted details can be taken into consideration to solve the next lower level abstraction, and so on. Abstraction is a powerful way of reducing the complexity of the problem.

The other approach to tackle problem complexity is decomposition. In this technique, a complex problem is divided into several smaller problems and then the smaller problems are solved one by one. However, in this technique any random decomposition of a problem into smaller parts will not help. The problem can be solved independently and then the solution of the different components can be combined to get the full solution. A good decomposition of a problem as shown in fig. should minimize interactions among various components. If the different subcomponents are interrelated, then the different components cannot be solved separately and the desired reduction in complexity will not be realized.

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Life cycle model

A software life cycle model (also called process model) is a descriptive and diagrammatic representation of the software life cycle. A life cycle model represents all the activities required to make a software product transit through its life cycle phases. It also captures the order in which these activities are to be undertaken. In other words, a life cycle model maps the different activities performed on a software product from its inception to retirement. Different life cycle models may map the basic development activities to phases in different ways

The need for a software life cycle model

The development team must identify a suitable life cycle model for the particular project and then adhere to it. Without using of a particular life cycle model the development of a software product would not be in a systematic and disciplined manner. When a software product is being developed by a team there must be a clear understanding among team members about when and what to do. Otherwise it would lead to chaos and project failure.

A software life cycle model defines entry and exit criteria for every phase. A phase can start only if its

phase-entry criteria have been satisfied. So without software life cycle model the entry and exit criteria

for a phase cannot be recognized. Without software life cycle models it becomes difficult for software

project managers to monitor the progress of the project.

Different software life cycle models Many life cycle models have been proposed so far. Each of them has some advantages as well as some disadvantages. A few important and commonly used life cycle models are as follows:

����) Classical Waterfall Model

����) Prototyping Model

����) Spiral Model

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The Waterfall Model

The waterfall model followed a documentation driven paradigm. It is nothing but a sequence of activities (or lifecycle stages) ordered in time. Following are the lifecycle stages defined in this model in the exact time-order (next activity in sequence will start only after the first is complete):

Activities in each phase of the life cycle

)) Activities undertaken during Feasibility study: -

The main aim of feasibility study is to determine whether it would be financially and technically feasible to develop the product.

�@ At first project managers or team leaders try to have a rough understanding of what is required to be done by visiting the client side. They study different input data to the system and output data to be produced by the system. They study what kind of processing is needed to be done on these data and they look at the various constraints on the behavior of the system.

�@ After they have an overall understanding of the problem they investigate the different

solutions that are possible. Then they examine each of the solutions in terms of what kind of resources required, what would be the cost of development and what would be the development time for each solution.

�@ Based on this analysis they pick the best solution and determine whether the solution is feasible financially and technically. They check whether the customer budget would meet the cost of the product and whether they have sufficient technical expertise in the area of development.

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System Engineering

• During the System Engineering phase, the scope of the project is defined after understanding the system as a whole

• For some requirements of the client, the solutions can be provided in terms of the technology to be used, area of automation etc.

• Artifacts : User Requirements for the system

@@ Activities undertaken during Requirements Analysis and Specification: - • Once all the requirements are collected, the focus is on clearly understanding them. • Here the software engineer plays the role of an analyst and understands all the functional, non- functional and interface requirements. • Analyst has to ensure that the requirements as he understands is what the customer really wants. • Artifacts : SRS - Software Requirement Specification, Acceptance Test Plan & System Test Plan Functional requirements are the ones that specify the inputs to the system, the output from the system and the behavioral relationship between them. Eg: The software need to calculate and display the interest at the rate of 12% on all fixed deposits until maturity. Non-Functional requirements are the requirements that describe the overall attributes of the system. Eg: Good user interface, High performance, Modular software and scalable model. System Test Plan : is devised by the domain consultant. It is used to ensure the system meets both the functional and non-functional requirements. Acceptance Test Plan : unlike system testing it is done by the customer.

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@@ Activities undertaken during design: -

• The output of the requirements analysis phase forms the input to the design phase. • In design the requirements are translated into actual representation for software construction. • The actual structure of the programs will be created in this phase • Artifacts : » High Level Design » Detailed Design » Integration Test Plan » Unit Test Plan

High Level Design: describes the logical view of the solution. It views the solution at higher levels of abstraction.

Integration Test Plan : contains test cases focusing on testing the interaction between various modules.

Detailed Design : takes HLD as input and goes one step further in giving detailed view of each of defined modules.

Unit Test Plan : contains test cases to verify the functionality within a particular module.

Two distinctly different approaches are available: the traditional design approach and the object-oriented design approach.

�@Traditional design approach

Traditional design consists of two different activities; first a structured analysis of the requirements specification is carried out where the detailed structure of the problem is examined. This is followed by a structured design activity. During structured design, the results of structured analysis are transformed into the software design.

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�@Object-oriented design approach

In this technique, various objects that occur in the problem domain and the solution domain are first identified, and the different relationships that exist among these objects are identified. The object structure is further refined to obtain the detailed design.

@@ Activities undertaken during Coding and Unit Testing:- The purpose of the coding and unit testing phase (sometimes called the implementation phase) of software development is to translate the software design into source code. Each component of the design is implemented as a program module. The end-product of this phase is a set of program modules that have been individually tested. During this phase, each module is unit tested to determine the correct working of all the individual modules. It involves testing each module in isolation as this is the most efficient way to debug the errors identified at this stage. • Artifacts : » Unit Tested Code •Unit Testing tests the functionality within the module and done by the engineer who has written the code

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@@ Activities undertaken during Integration and System Testing: -

The entire unit tested code from the build phase must be integrated to form the complete software as foreseen in the design phase. After all the modules have been written and unit tests performed on them, they have to be put together; this is the process of integration. The integrated modules are then tested. This is called Integration Testing. Once all the modules are integrated and tested then the software is tested as a whole to ensure proper functionality of the software. This is called System Testing. System Testing is to ensure that the software conforms to the stated business requirements.

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@@ Activities undertaken during Deployment and Maintenance: - Deployment : The final phase of the waterfall model is deployment. This phase mainly deals with packaging, installation and support of the developed software. The deployment of software represents an important milestone for any software project. A number of points need ro be kept in mind for the deployment of the software : ) The complete delivery package needs to be assembled and tested. ) Ensure that the plan for the support of the software is ready. ) Early communication to customers about the changes that the software will bring about. For example – reports might look different or location of information might have changed. Maintenance : This phase follows the Deployment phase. In this phase the deployed software had errors it is fixed and any enhancements that the customer wanted are done. The complete scope of the project might be the maintenance of existing software. This could involve bringing in new features or upgrading the software and sometimes it would involve fixing the existing software to perform better. Maintenance involves performing any one or more of the following three kinds of activities:

����) Correcting errors that were not discovered during the product development phase. This is called corrective maintenance.

����) Improving the implementation of the system, and enhancing the functionalities of the system

according to the customer’s requirements. This is called perfective maintenance. ����) Porting the software to work in a new environment. For example, porting may be required to

get the software to work on a new computer platform or with a new operating system. This is called adaptive maintenance.

Pros and Cons – Waterfall Model • The Waterfall Model is very simple as the steps are quite logical. • But the user may not be able to specify all the requirements in the beginning itself. • Moreover, the final product is visible only at a very later stage. • It does not capture potential risks. • Major errors discovered at later stage leads to disastrous results.

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Prototyping Model

A prototype usually turns out to be a very crude version of the actual system. In Prototyping model, the

programmer first develops a prototype of the system.

• This prototype will not satisfy all the requirements of the client • It may try to address only some of the important requirements • The client, after evaluating this prototype will ask for modifications and additions

This cycle can be repeated to produce the final product.

The software engineer and the customer together define the overall objective for the software, identify the requirements that are known and outline area for further definition. The iteration is quickly planned and modeled in quick design.The design focuses only on the aspects which are visible to the user. The quick design leads to the construction of a prototype. The prototype is evaluated by the customer. The feedback is taken and used to refine the requirements for the software. The iteration continue each time refining the software.

Types of Prototyping Model

• Throw Away : The model is thrown away once all requirements are understood.

• Evolving : Refine the model every time when the requirements are clearer and the prototype will evolve into the final software. Irrespective of throwaway or evolving model, Prototyping starts with the communication phase.

Examples for prototype model

A prototype of the actual product is preferred in situations such as:

• user requirements are not complete • technical issues are not clear

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Let’s see an example for each of the above category.

Example 1: User requirements are not complete

In any application software like billing in a retail shop, accounting in a firm, etc the users of the software are not clear about the different functionalities required. Once they are provided with the prototype implementation, they can try to use it and find out the missing functionalities.

Example 2: Technical issues are not clear

Suppose a project involves writing a compiler and the development team has never written a compiler. In such a case, the team can consider a simple language, try to build a compiler in order to check the issues that

arise in the process and resolve them. After successfully building a small compiler (prototype), they would extend

it to one that supports a complete language.

Pros and Cons - Prototype Model

• The prototyping model has less technical risks

• There is scope for accommodating new requirements

• A part of the product is visible at an early stage itself

• This model may lead to indiscipline in software development

The Spiral Model

The spiral model couples the iterative nature of the prototyping model and the controlled, systematic nature of the waterfall model. The model has a series of evolutionary releases of the software as it is being developed. Every iterative release might be a prototype. The later releases are more complete versions of the software to be produced. The diagrammatic representation of this model appears like a spiral with many loops. The exact number of loops

in the spiral is not fixed. Each loop of the spiral represents a phase of the software process. For example, the

innermost loop might be concerned with feasibility study. The next loop with requirements specification, the next

one with design, and so on. Each phase in this model is split into four sectors (or quadrants) as shown in fig. The

following activities are carried out during each phase of a spiral model.

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- First quadrant (Objective Setting)

• During the first quadrant, it is needed to identify the objectives of the phase. • Examine the risks associated with these objectives.

- Second Quadrant (Risk Assessment and Reduction)

• A detailed analysis is carried out for each identified project risk. • Steps are taken to reduce the risks. For example, if there is a risk that the requirements are

inappropriate, a prototype system may be developed.

- Third Quadrant (Development and Validation)

• Develop and validate the next level of the product after resolving the identified risks.

- Fourth Quadrant (Review and Planning)

• Review the results achieved so far with the customer and plan the next iteration around the spiral.

• Progressively more complete version of the software gets built with each iteration around the


Circumstances to use spiral model : The Spiral Model as Meta Model

The spiral model is called a meta model since it encompasses all other life cycle models. Risk handling

is inherently built into this model. The spiral model is suitable for development of technically challenging

software products that are prone to several kinds of risks. However, this model is much more complex

than the other models – this is probably a factor deterring its use in ordinary projects.

Pros and Cons – Spiral Model • The Spiral Model gives room for risk analysis. • It is more realistic as it is iterative. • It requires good expertise in risk analysis and projectmanagement.

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Comparison of different life-cycle models

The classical waterfall model can be considered as the basic model and all other life cycle models as embellishments of this model. However, the classical waterfall model can not be used in practical development projects, since this model supports no mechanism to handle the errors committed during any of the phases. This problem is overcome in the iterative waterfall model. The iterative waterfall model is probably the most widely used software development model evolved so far. This model is simple to understand and use. However, this model is suitable only for well-understood problems; it is not suitable for very large projects and for projects that are subject to many risks. The prototyping model is suitable for projects for which either the user requirements or the underlying technical aspects are not well understood. This model is especially popular for development of the user-interface part of the projects. The evolutionary approach is suitable for large problems which can be decomposed into a set of modules for incremental development and delivery. This model is also widely used for object-oriented development projects. Of course, this model can only be used if the incremental delivery of the system is acceptable to the customer. The spiral model is called a meta model since it encompasses all other life cycle models. Risk handling is inherently built into this model. The spiral model is suitable for development of technically challenging software products that are prone to several kinds of risks. However, this model is much more complex than the other models – this is probably a factor deterring its use in ordinary projects. The different software life cycle models can be compared from the viewpoint of the customer. Initially, customer confidence in the development team is usually high irrespective of the development model followed. During the lengthy development process, customer confidence normally drops off, as no working product is immediately visible. Developers answer customer queries using technical slang, and delays are announced. This gives rise to customer resentment. On the other hand, an evolutionary approach lets the customer experiment with a working product much earlier than the monolithic approaches. Another important advantage of the incremental model is that it reduces the customer’s trauma of getting used to an entirely new system. The gradual introduction of the product via incremental phases provides time to the customer to adjust to the new product. Also, from the customer’s financial viewpoint, incremental development does not require a large upfront capital outlay. The customer can order the incremental versions as and when he can afford them.

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