Page 1: Sutra spoken by buddha on the way of ten meritorious deeds

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The Buddhabhasita Dasabhadra

Karmamarga Sutra

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Translated into Chinese from Sanskrit



tr +#i€ : Efttttr*Translated into English frorn Chinese Version



Page 2: Sutra spoken by buddha on the way of ten meritorious deeds



frs€-fleH1, -F$ ' IfrE*iHf;#HtE ' 9'-u\ T'

)<tV,E:*., I=,ElAS'ffi8;'lBt{9. " ?ffFS ' [h-q:i


tr'+)JX.+^ ' ,t]'tl1F.'!i' $X/FS' Ffi'E'\l

E^#/B+ft{6 "

[figr ! iiteJlhg' &.tifiitr , Y,&trfiM,


Vfrn='-l.lJ ' WT:4.ftt,L.s* . .6++ . HXi "

;*X . H+ . FIrtx. "

Irfi,1,ffi{g , .4. HJ}Jqx. , {sEr,h-* .

r#*xftftg' .-+HJs+ ' N+X'XDi' HF.6hn

X' FIrrnTl"l ' rfriit'f\4'ffiHlt-# "



Sutra Spoken by Buddha on the Way ofTen Meritorrous Deeds

Thus have I heard. At one time, Lord Buddhawas staying in the place of Sagarah, the king ofNagas tqgether with eight thousand Mahabhishusand thirty two thousand Bodhisattaas aad Maha-saltaas. On that occasion, Lord Buddha addressedthe Naga king as follovzs:-

"Different ways of thinking lead sentient beingsto different kinds of action which in turn subjectsthem to rebirth in different states of existence(i.e,, as devas, human beings, asuras, inhabitants ofthe Hades, htrngry delils, or animals). Now, yourMajesty, do you notice the variety of forms, colours,and species in this cong.regation and in the sea?fue they not different from one another?- "Now, all these variations are due to the mind,Fhich is responsible for our bodily, oral, and mentalacts of either meritorious or demeritorious nafure.As to the mind itself, it is immaterial, unknowable,

ungraspable. It is nothing but a collection oftransient and delusive by nature.

ically, things have no absolute existence ofr own and there is neither a .self' nor

itance of a 'self.' In accordance with their

Page 3: Sutra spoken by buddha on the way of ten meritorious deeds


filt-t']*' €6,8,;* , H{!tln*-1 .

r€#fi-, 'ffi16##"EUE,FNH*F. E. JF. -gf ' B#ffiE , ,il


[i,ru-. ! tkwlffiH , f€ r5*ffffrfrMFItH , i,#

fE#ffi'JtWffiW 'ffiFfit*.fi-#ffi.effiH&trr ' #6'tFW,' XHWlttt

!a*.h'E 'HTHffi?

trtkvwtb#tgffi ' wt9ffiiFi' -uJE rrt

$EF#XffiBinfre " a.F6XEE;r*[*+ 'Xffiry-#' IFK#xffiMFnH"

f+/<iFtr , FfrH*.H'Y,,$,ffifrY" *Jr.vX

zJr, ffHH,L.' ffiffiffifi 'lrg;*ffi 'ffi6##


harma (deeds), things appear in variors forms;fut positively, there is no creator at the back ofthem. Hence all dharmas (things or phenomena)

are above speech and concept, and their very own

nature is phantom-like. Realising this, the wiseperfonn, as they ought to, meritorious deeds; and

!y doing so, they attain in their birth skhandhas(aggregates), ayatanas (sphere of meeting or basisof consciousness), and dhatus (elements) of noblenature, and they are pleasing to the eye of thosewho lmk at them.

"Now, Your Majesty, when you lmk at thebody of a Buddha begotten by hundred thousandhotis of meritorious and virtuous deeds, you noticethat every part of it is in magnificent form. Itssplendour outshines that of the assembly; and evenif myriad kotis of I suaras (gods) were present,the light (from their body) would be over-shadowed.Verily, those who gaze at the body of a Tathagatawill find themselves dazzld,.

"Again, please lmk at the Mahasattaas presenthere. How elegant and pure are their magnificentforms! This is due soley to the performance of8md deeds. Again, look at the eight species ofdevas, nagas, etc. All of them are powerful andinfluential beings, and their favourite birth is alsodue to the merit of their good deeds

"Now, in this big ocean we find all sentientbeings therein, large or small in size, have coarseand ugly hxlies. This is due to the fact that theirmind once worked with such ideas as resulted

Page 4: Sutra spoken by buddha on the way of ten meritorious deeds


' EfrIffi+ ' &AP*fi.

[&+HrH frnft{t5 .' rF+*+-' Tj€EX,16&#X"

fttH'Arlh , tr^H6gr' n'EW&ffiHF,

fofiftffifrEm ' FiBtr€ " Ettits ,lF&L

x&ffiffia.trtE- ! H*n$ffifr^-E 'BYW-U#Hitr

ffoffd$F- ? ;Ht{gTE' Hfr,E'lE' W*

#*.[AFH+=E ' AA]BF 'TE-€ft #fdl


[ECF6E+Ffr#i,iff ' #HHffi ' H'++#Lfi

ixifr, #ffi. k#,w*"f=#*# '#/\7.H' HEf,gfE 'tHrHa'?

fE ' fSl.#+E' ff{&rtbE' DlFfFA' fri'ru+ffiffi

' frta#E.


bodily, orally and mentally in evil deeds; and

accordingly each of them now reaps the retributionof his own acts.

"Your Majesty, you should understand thorou-gtrly the law of cause and effect and as a rulepractise good deeds. Make this your constant studyand practice and make all sentient beings to do

likewise. Move not from the Right View and neverfall back to the heresies of eternalism and annihila-tionism. Towards ttre Bhikshus (lit the flelds ofmerit), respect them, feed them, and rejoice attheir holiness. For doing; so, you are now respectedby men and devas who make offering to you.

"Yflrr Majesty we should know this. There isone way for the Bodhisattua to annihilate allstrfferings of evil existence. What is this one way?It is this; from day to night, remember constantlythe meritorious dharmas, think of them and makedservations on them, so that their impressionbecomes stronger and stronger in the mind and nottbe least evil thowht can have a chance to mingletherein. Such a practice will enable one to free oneself

ifor ever from evil deeds, to complete the work ofmeritorious dharmas and to have frequent opportu-nities to be in the presence of Buddhas, Bodhisat-ituas and other holy persons (for their teaching).I "Now, why they are called meritorious dhar-nras? Because they are fundamental religious duties,!Y nractising w-hich all men, devas, Arhats, Pratye-

Buddhas, and Supremely Enlightened Buddhastheir respective fruits. Therefore they are

Page 5: Sutra spoken by buddha on the way of ten meritorious deeds


firtti*' Hl]€+#*,H "'fEIStr+ ? ;i:iiEz]t

WN.e.. 'ffrK , frV"r1 . *;€ . mt . L4 n . f,f ';l;. AM . HF.* . fIJF, O

[#ET. ! #M#4. ' e\'+$-rL:,#i l-B]['iiiji* "

f f'l$Ft ?

tr- . r\Fff*+., *t6ftR o - r "r'|r5\4ttit, *gt*,Lr o =i . ,i(Hi-4[E#i&fi . !{ . r?'iii

ffiffi " ll' #ftE,€ " X' fEFtFAZFn+'lE "

t . ffiftstr' trHt*#. A.ldh&#"* ' *?"+,

EM " 7t . ffx$;tr,ffir o f , frW&x" €Ff "

f #HEiErAFEffi&W=ffi=#+E# ' 1*.r'1.1fr

tr ' ffi,ftfiffi,L. Hft#ft "

f,E^, #r I #;WtffiW, E[4.S+f,fi nf{tf.i



called meritorious dharmas. These meritcriousdharmas are the ten meritorious deeds. What arethey? They are:-abstinence forever from killing,stealing, unchaste conduct, lying, slandering, harshlarggage, frivolous talks, covetousness, anger, and

heretical views.r "Your Majesty, he who abstains from killfuig

will attain ten means in warding off evil passions(htesas). What are they? They are:-(1) he gives

charities to all sentient beings alike without fear(i.e,, without caring his own welfare and world

.: sacrifice even his own limbs, angapariccago), (2)great is his compassion towards all sentient beings,

. (3) he gives up forever wratMul passions and

',, such-like habits, ( ) he is always free from illness,.r (5) his life is long, (6) he is constantly protected

by nurhuman beings, (7) he is never troubled bynightmare, (8) links of enmity are cut off and allhatreds against him vanish themselves, (9) he isfree from the care of being born in an evil

., enistence, (10) when he dies, he will go to the* deva world. Sbould this man turn his good meritsv,. (franya\arinamana) towards the cause of Anutara.ffi,; Samyah Sambodht (supreme perfect enlightenment),

he will attain in his future Buddhahmd the Buddhaattribute which enables him to determine the spanof his life by free will.

"Your Majesty, let us now turn to the nextit€nl He who abstains from stealfug will gain tenSdvantages which will preserve his faith in theDharma. what are these ten? They are:-(l) he

Page 6: Sutra spoken by buddha on the way of ten meritorious deeds


V-'AW&ffi.'IE{/(X ' k)FX+ '4BEtrtfr o - r &^Xfte -j 1 L6WA. E' tfi#+.o fi . 4E+Fg o X . #eiffi41 o -t' E*ffiR o,r\ . F,tfrl8 /1fr*' ff,F,ts*Rffi " zt

. ffi'F,6H o * . ftfr'9tr7-o EFf o

r#HEilq Fl Vq w hil&=ffi=#ffi#,'&ffi1lfr

tr't+#ffiFtsfE€ "

E'rFX' #EE I #WfrB-,ff , Alt4$wtfrEFn;#.

Sor,fFI+FE ?

f- . #fRffillEl " :' *MffiH o =' VFfr

ffiS o Eq . $HHEE. EBEII o

trHdzMFtW ffi hffi=ffi=gtE#,'&rfrl#W, 'E^lffif-:*F.affiffifH'

rE^' *E-. ! ##*F* , Cfi',.€,^ffiXFi#



arnasses a geat fortune which cannot tre scatteredaway neither by the government, nor by robbers,n66 by spendthrift sons, (2) he is thought well ofby a great number of people, (3) no one cheatsbim or does him an injustice, ( ) he is praised

everywhere (lit. in ten quarters), (5 ) he is freefrom the care of being iqjured naliciously (byothers), (6) his good name spreads, (7) he has nofear n the public, (B) he lacks not of rvealth,longevity, health, comfort, and oratory', (9) he isalways in a charitable mood, (10) he will go tothe deva world upcn his death. Should he tum hisgood merits towards the cause of Anutara SamyakSambodhi, he will attain in his future Buddhahoodthe great Bodhi Wisdom of Pt,rity.

"Your Majesty, let us now turn to the next.He who abstains {rcrm unchaste conduct will attainfotrr qualities, the possessing of which is commendedby the wise. What are they? They are:-(l) allhis sense organs are in good condition, (2) he isalways aw-ay from tumult and excitement, (3) heis praised and adored by the whole world, (4) hiswife is incorruptible. Should he turn his good$erits towards the cause of Anutara Samyak$ambodhi, he will gain in his future Buddhahmd&o Tathagata special physical characleristic of

t (of his private part iike that of a

"Your Majesti-, let us turn to the next. Heabstains from lyinf rvill attain eight qualities,po*sessing of rvhich is commended by the




Page 7: Sutra spoken by buddha on the way of ten meritorious deeds


FfdSFz\ ?

F-. nHffitr,'lEfS+6 o -'l F#jtruj

zFntrtr.o 3. eFfi=#. AX&F o EI . ffitL

xi9, xffitLo f,. a+ffi,H*' 3#iffiis. lt. F4*#* ' ,r]',Hffi€ o -b ' 6*EE'g- ' AX4*

'-tt o )\. €#ftffi, ffi€!frUtr " €FA o


r"rET ' BbE ! #Hftffi-t. , Crs4+t;t46 "l',?i


[4-']+Fa- ?

tr- r a+T&.h, **ngH-frt o - r'r+rFfieil

E, ffH'E&frt o -- . 4!+6&ti, )lEi4*frI o I4+4&*ft , FIrl,Wlgfrt' a' 4{f64+jfr#'6=#-*frI o €Fr; o

[ #HEilqJ F] V{ ffi 4 W:lffi=s.+}t*,'thrfrL\;

ffi' 4$88W,#MrI-itr' 66EiH.4 "


devas. What are they? They are:-(l) his rnouth

is always clean and fragrant as the UtPaIa flower,

Q) he cCInmands the confidence and the obedience

of all worlds, (3) what he says becomes prmf and

he himself is held in esteem by devas and men,

( ) he is in the habit of giving comforts to allsentient beings by kind words, (5) he gets refined

pleasure and his speech, action, and thow:ht are

all pure, (6) he makes no blunder in speaking and

his mind is always joyful, (7) his words carrywerght and are respected and obeyed by devas and

rreo, (S) his wisdom is extraordinary and inferiorto none. Should he turn his good merits towards

the cause of Anutara Samyak Sambodhi, he willgain in his future Buddhatrood the Buddha attributeof truthful speech.

"Your Maiesty, let us turn to the nerct. If a

man abstains from slandering, he will attain fiveincornrptible qualities. What are they? They are:-(1) incormptible body, for no one can harm him,(2) incormptible family, because no one can breakthem up, (3) incomrptible confidence, because thisis the natural consequence of the very act (non-

slandering) itself, (4) incornrptible spiritual work,because it is done on a solid base, (5) incormptiblelearned friends or teachers, because he does notmislead people. Should he turn his good meritstorvards the cause of. Anutara Samyak Sambodhi,he will be attended by a train of noble disciples inhis future Buddhahmd and no Maras (devils) orheretics can spoil his work









Page 8: Sutra spoken by buddha on the way of ten meritorious deeds


F',A, EgI' ! H6##n' EFftlfiffiz\ffit'+i

+o[fasF;\ ?

tr.. . 86ffiH." : . EBf,Uft o = . ;:iru.

Gi,H " -| . EffEJ-# " A . =#4# " €F71

tr#BE4q [fi Ft M zs W-ffi= #ffi#,'&.h*tl',F, RE.{FXtrE4fH.

f'& ' Hir ! ##f'5;*' BIJ{Srfiffi=tfiiil

ftorfdsF:?tr-. tFE/...FIr*.o -. . ftBEUEflnF?.

FJo=: . fttAAX'ffiEF.W'trE'ffif " ER. :-

f #BEtlq rfi W M 4 #&=ffi=#tt#'',&.ril41,

W' Els't+rtnX#FIrW;[ , ff,FE+fi.

f'ctr^ ' BET. I #W?i'ffr' Elt4:lrhffifi,ffiH

lfo['f-']+Ff ?


"Your Majesty, let us now turn to the next.

If a man abstains frorn harsh language, he willoccsnplish eight pure deeds. What are they? They

ore:-(l) hie speech is free from error, (2) allwhat he says are profitable, (3) his words agree

with reasoning, (4) his speech is fine and witty,(5) his speech is comprehensible, (6) his words

carry confidence, (7) his words are above criticism,(8) his words are pleasing and enjoyable. Should

he turn his good merits towards the cause ofAnutara Samyak Sambodhi, he will attain all thecharacteristics of the Brahma lpure) voice of aTathagata in his future Buddhahood.

"Your Ma.iesty, let us come to the next. If a

man abstains frorn frivolous talks, he will succeed

in getting three kinds of certainty. trVhat are they?They are:-(l) he is bound to be beloved by thewise, (2) he is certainly able to answer euestionsintelligently and accurately, (3) his authority andhis virtue are certainly superior to those of devasand men and he himself is free from falsehood.Should he turn his good melits towards the causeof Anutara Samyak Sambodlti, he will attain inhis futu::e Buddhahood the Buddha ettribute ofpredictirxr (_i.e., foretelling that so and so willbecome a Buddha at such and such a time), andall such pre.dictions made are never given in vain.

"Your N{ejesty, let us turn to the next. If nman frees himself from covetousness, he will gainfive kinds of freedom. What are they? Ttrey sre:- -(1) freedorn in acts, for his senso olgans sre all



Page 9: Sutra spoken by buddha on the way of ten meritorious deeds


tr- . =XA&, #fRF,Efrt o - r WthtFt

E' -g]&WTfr?€fik o .3 . mFf,*H& ' ffi,l.E/i

'&\ ' +rJWffifit " E9 . Iif AE , b6fr)'+h' 'ElF

ffifrI . fi' FfireZ+h , j&+Ffr* ' H{#t*ffi , Flt

}\#F ,61g.ffifi'.." €Bll "

tr#EELE Fr W #&ffi=8{= S+,?#''&.WItIr


f'{FL, BEI ! E#[E#' El]fi]nffi#'$t,L'



tr* . ffi+Ffff,f,' " : . ffi[E#,|'r o = . *i.h-ji

=fl,[,. o pA, +ffiHE,L' o fr ,'++W#ffi,|. o fr .

HffttJffi, **.4.'L' o -L , h-ffiffiffi.'*+4Wo ./\ . Utn$,tfi. ' )E&ffiU " ftffiu\ o

F EBVLtgfolW # ?t ffi= ^n=

#&#,'t*:'klfrF ' a+trffi,L. ' &#4*)ff o


prtect, (2) fleedom in money and property matters,

for neither his; enemies nor thieves can rob him,i 13) freedom in felicitous enjoyment, for all w'hat

he wants tc get he can always have, (4) freedom

fke that enioyed by the king, for people offer him

il (as they do to their king) all kinds of valuable,i pre and exquisite things, (5) what he gets is

.i,{'hundrea timesbetter than what he expects,. for in'i htt pt"uious lives he was never mean or jealous.

Lljl Strould he turn his good merits torvards the cause

i, sf Anutara Samyak Sambodhi, in his futurei* Buddhahood he will be highly adored by the

i* intrabitants of the three planes (Kama, Rupa, andtt AruPa) and all of them w-ill respectfully make

#.oftermgs to hlm.

: "Your Majesty, let us turn to the next. If a

': man frees himself from anger, he will get eightkinds of joyful and pleasing mental states. Whatare they? They are:-(1) his mind is free fromdesires to injure others, (2) his mind is free from

:i anger, (3) his mind is free frorn desires to argue,

$ (4) his mind is affable and straightforward, (5) hisS-: mincl is as compassiffrate as the Ariyans (saints),:#, (6) his mind is always ttirned towards objects

which will benefit, and give comfort to, all sentientbeings, (7) his body and physical feature aredi8nified and elegant, commanding the respect ofall, (8) he will soon be born in the Brahma worldGt account of his kindness and tolerating spirit.Strould he turn his gmd merits toward.s the cause6 Anutara Samyak Sambodhi, be will attain in

Page 10: Sutra spoken by buddha on the way of ten meritorious deeds



V1t84, #EI I'EFtWm H' EIJ'R-l'Xtfr, lr)t i;!.i.

So[rd+€f ?

tr-- . 4+E#H#' tr*|#'lH o -.- r ikfit;j*''+ffiHfr ' WTIFH o = .'lEE#,f&ffi ' J[-i,]:

XS . 4 . X{,1'fi-8, . ri(Hft-tUHI4ft*H o a- "

ffiA/\x, 6EF;€ o x . ffiE'mE'#, ffiffijFlEii

o -t . ,i(BfttfiiE' f1]tgE o A . 6WhF,' ]i;

fo[ #Bgnq E r,il # & W=ffi=#+ftX' lkr't"ftfr

ffi' lBffi*gJffi#' rfrffiHftf$rBJ "

ffi,ffi$€'€##ET.E :

f#H#ffi' {&rtr#+' tt'f4itrffi 'frlF'fi'f!


,1is future Buddhahood the Buddha-mind which is,g1se f.rom impedirnent (i.e., omniscient) and people,,sill never be tired in lmking at him.

"Now, let us turn to the next, Your Majesty.

If a man frees himself frorn heretical views, he

will gain ten kinds of rnerit. What are they? Theyare:-(l) he gets true happiness beneficial to hismind, (2) he has firm faith in the law of cause

and effect and abstains from doing evil even at the

:cost of his life, (3) he takes Buddha as his only

:gUide and does not accept devas or others as histeacher, ( ) his mind is straightforward and hisviews are right, and he is free forever frorndoubtful speculations, good or evil, (5) he willrpver be born in an evil existence, but born eitherlas a man or as a deva, (6) his blessing and

1l wisdom are infinite and they increase themselves atj. Gverf turn, (7) he departs forever from the wrong;..1nth and treads only the Noble (Ariyan) Way,;u{g) the heretical view that there is a self within

the body never arises in his mind and he gives up allI deeds, (9) the view he holds is free from errors,

10) calamities will not befall him. Should he turngmd merits towards the cause of Anutarayah Sambodhi, he will realise in his future

all the doctrines of the Buddha andsupernorrnal powers which will give him

The Buddha further spoke to to t}re Naga

out these

on that occasion as follows:-"If a Bodhisattua, in carrying

Page 11: Sutra spoken by buddha on the way of ten meritorious deeds


E'frnftffitf-' H*-{MF ' ffiiiEE€' E#ffix,TB-+JJfrfifr+Eg "

f ffi r4Effiit-tffit9.' *fi'dLtH. ' ffi68tr€

, Fff61*jh' *H'8ffi*#',frfiEffi "

rw)Fffif1ffiftffifr''' HHMF. ' ffiBEE€

'+T\H.)1H' FFcF++ ' MF'fr2lj&,1"fr8# "

f HEffiffi;* , Enfrffifl\,'HEWF., ffi6EE

#, HElfrW# ' ffif+EE ' ln4€ffi' Ffr'YF'Y,*

rHffHErd;* , ffiftffifr'-, H:EWF. ' ffifigtr

G'aEffiW , IE]*ff*, tEffiffi# "

f$Effig;* , Wi-,rcffit}..' HHWF., MfrZR.

:'--*, FiEffiftr ,*.,Mr€;IE*


greritorious deeds when treading the holy path,

abstains from killing and at the time gives

oway charities; he will be always rich in money as

well as in rare articles which no one can rob him,

will live long, will not die prematurely, and will$ot be injured by enemies or robbers.

"Because a, Bodhisattua never takes anythingwhich is not given to him and at the same timehe gives alms, he is always rich in money and intrtre articles which no c,ne can rob him, he isincomparable, and he is able to collect a,ll Tripita-has.

"Because he abstains from impure acts and

also gives away charity, he is always rich in moneyand in rare goods which no one can rob him, themembers of his family are chaste and obedient andno one can stare at his mother, wife and daughterwith lustful desire.

"Because he abstains frcm untrue words andalso gives alms, he is always rich in money and inrare goods which no one can rob him, the membersof his family are in good terms with one another,

;they enjoy the pleasure of having common objectsview, and they never quarrel with one another.

"Because he abstains from using harsh ori@arse words and at the same time practises thenving of alms, he is always rich in money and in

articles which no one can rob him, peopleaccept him as their teacher in all preaching

blies, and his words are accepted withoutlurg".

Page 12: Sutra spoken by buddha on the way of ten meritorious deeds

11 ++.*€ *.E

[*Effi*;+ 'ffi'r1ffifi}- ' H€Ft'H ' ffi6ER

€, --^EaX., /\WW*.'AZ#nI€' ffi#ftPJ;

tr#A*,1. '-fr|'tlffifrf-' ffi'AWH., ffiBEE

:' -r*' *DJHre"' trffiWH' Rt&rl

tr#a#,L' 'ffit1ffiffi., HEMF., ffBEtr

€, $Hfiffiftffi,t'€' #fFffifr ' HEW*."

[HE'[{#U,1.ffififfiffi.' HF.WF., ffH€E€, E4.,tr.-F.tfrtr2x'EdfiEf,E , ##*tg,'#6Hiet#fE,L. "

f€tr/t:h \6#W.ELW,'-.n+#X, l)ffi#


"Because he abstains from purposeless talksand at the same time gives away charities, he isrich in money and in rare goods which no one can

rob him, his words are never uttered in vain butaccepted with due respect by everyone, and he isskilful in using expedient means ('Upaya') to clearup doubtful points.

"Because his mind is free from greediness and

at the same time he gives away alms, he is richin money and in rare goods which no one can robhim, he is ready to give all what he has to benefitothers, he is firm in faith and strong in intellect,and he has great energy and authority.

"Because his mind is free from hatred and healso practises alms-giving, he is rich in money andin rare goods which no one can rob him, he canQuickly attain by his own efforts the "Wisdom ofa Free-from-impediment Mind," his sense organsare fne and well-shaped, and he is pleasing to andrespected by those who see him.j,. "Because his mind is free from heretical andtopsyturvy views and at the same time he practisesalmsgiving, he is rich in money and in rare goods

I which no one can rob him, he is always born in ay, the members of which hold right views,

the Dharma and have faith in them, hesee Buddha, he hears the Law, he gives offering

the Order (Sangha), and he never forgets orthe 'Great Mind of Wisdom' (Bodhicitta).

"Such are the great benefits accruirg to thetua ('great being') who, in performing



Page 13: Sutra spoken by buddha on the way of ten meritorious deeds


ffi, Fn&XfU{nE .

trBET. ! WWAZ, flr*#S ' Djfi#tq'tl't

' frEH-UJ{#iE*{{ , t-ffi.EtF.E'

rr,E#ffifi'-' 4+lHdE ' H*tHll'.rffiE#ffifir.' fr26hw?e ' 'f#ix'tffi .

fft#ffitt' 6E4fd#' 'lff . lJfl 'ffifi.r#ffffifrt ' fr2w'+JJh'EtJt-FL "

r##ffitt, tr#t+.' 6ru'liri# .

r*E#ffiffi , w#tr,ffiTffiffi"r##ffifi ' Hlb##, ,1.ffiffiffi o

rffi#trfrft' tA]rEi€H, 4K*#,0. o


the ten meritorious deeds during the course of hisffodhissattua career, decorates his gmd work bytneans of the merits of almsgiving.

"Your Majesty, I am going to summarise. Whos6 practises the ten meritorious deeds and embellishes

his gmd work by observing the Silas (precepts)will get the meaning and the benefit of the wholesystem of the Dharma and his great wish will be

fulfilled. Who so embellishes the ten meritoriorsdeeds with the virtue of patience and tolerance(Ksanti) will get the perfect voice of the Buddhha(which is understandable to all beings), and hisphysical parts will all be in good form. Who soembellishes the ten meritorious deeds with zeal andearnestness will be able to conquer Maras (devils)tand enemies, and will gain an insrgtrt into the,.Trifitaha. Who so embellishes the ten meritoriousdeeds with Samadhi ( ecstatic contemplation )':\

il *itt gain mindfulness, intelligence, modesty, non-impudence, and serenity. Who so embellistres theten meritorious deeds with Praina (Wisdom) willbe able to give up all erroneous views arising frorn

ve speculation.

"Who so embellishes the ten meritorious deedstvith kindness will have no evil thowhts against

arising in him. Who so embellishes the tenitorious deeds with compassion will have pityall sentient beings and will never get tired of

. Who so embellishes the ten meritorious deedssympathetic joy will never be jealous of othersthey practise virtue. Who so embellisLres the

Page 14: Sutra spoken by buddha on the way of ten meritorious deeds

13 -F-*lFif 4,t

I E ffi#ffifrt' ffi'$iffi |V''L]J*'E "

r #ffi# ffifit.' #dzl6& wfr'ffiM' "

[Egr#ffifi , #BEffiW-+tJ6#E' fi,*qJ#*.

ffr$,E*f ffifi\' l'Eh?'l'' ' $r$f'ftS o

trd+R#ffiflr' Wf=aWH ' ffiSiEffi' ffi'ffi

;EF' trf&--dE)|F' ffi#XF'lff 'Ett#ffifii ' tfr#W' ffiHEE# "

vY*#ffiilt' H'*HE-4#E "


terr meritorious deeds with equaninrity' u ill be free

from likes and dislikes in farourable and unfar.ourable cirormstances respectively.

"Who so embellishes the ten meritoi-ious deeds

With the four u'ays of rendering assistance to oti,ei-s

(to give them alms, to spezk kindly to them, tosupply them e>pedient rneans when necess:it'),, :indto cooperate with tbem) .lvill be alrvays zealous inupliftinS and teaching all sentient beirqqs. Who sxr

embellishes the ten meritoricus deeds rvith nrinCfrrl-

ness will be skilful in its four ways of applicalicn(mindfulness to joy, feeling, thought, and phenon-ie-

na). Who so embellishes and diligence u ill be irbleto give up forevel all evil acts and to accomplishall gmd deeds.

"Who so embellishes the ten meritoricus deedswith supernormal power his body and nrind willalways be in serenity and in a happy mood. Whos embellishes the ten meritorions deeds with thefive spiritual faculties (faith, energy, mindfulness,@ncentration, and insight) will be firm in faith,dihgent, free from sloth, never under delusion, calnrand in fine spirit, and never contaminated b5' mor-aldefilement (Klesa). Who so embellishes the tenrneritorious deeds with the five po.wers (power.s toStrergthen the five spiritual faculties atnve-rnen-tioned), all hatreds against hirn vanish and no onecan harm bim. Who so embellishes the ten nlerito-rious deeds with the seven factors of enlightenment( mindfulness, study of doctrines, energy, zest,t€reqify, concentration, and eeuirninity) will be


ii IL

Page 15: Sutra spoken by buddha on the way of ten meritorious deeds

t4 +-a*€3s

trjl:#ffi st' #tBifFh *+tJ#E{lF "

rw#ffifi\.' fr?rtn€ *nffiE H J't .

rfr{Fwffifit , #{$r'tr'dF , F' JffiF# "

trEgE ! €'4{[b+#X' T?F:EV++-,1 . fit


xI+, -A#H*^Hf ' 7JrWWffim4+4F'

rlb+#iE 'irlLfinre; *!DAX ' 4&Zffiit" -^


skll[ful in understandirU the nature of all phefLo/fflerra'

"Who so embellishes the ten meritorious deeds

with the eightfold Noble Path (right views, right*roughts, right speech, right actions, right livingl,

fight exertion, right recollection, and rieht medita-gen) will be able to free himself from all bondages,

(that tie him to the world) and moral defilement.Who so embellishes the ten meritoricus deeds withinsrght will know the nature of all thngs as theyreally are. Who so embellishes the ten meritoriousdeeds with Upaya (expedient means to lead mento enlightenment) will gain ouickly and completelythe happiness of the Asamkrta (unconditioned) and

Samkrta (conditioned or compounded,) Dharmas.

"Your Maiesty, we should know this. Theseten meritorious deeds will lead us to master completely the Dharmas including the attainment of theten Balas (forces belongins to a Buddha), the fourFearlessness (fearless becau-se of Supreme PerfectEnlightenment, fearless for freeing from all taints,fearless in preaching the factors that bind beingsto birth and death, and fearless in preaching theway leading to emancipation) and the eighteenAaenika Dharmas (independent states that distin'Suistr a Buddha fr<rm others). Therefore all of youshould practise them diligently.

"Your Majesty, let me give an illustration. Asall towns, districts and villages have their foundationon the ground, and as all herbs, grass, flower, woodand forest are grown from the earth; similarly, all



Page 16: Sutra spoken by buddha on the way of ten meritorious deeds

15 +"+*i6*s

uHffi, M+gltft'#,#wfi ', *gJffiw ' E++

,ld'rlt+#tqil'ffia+frffiJ o

ffi-#rtbffiE ' *i&ffiBgT.' h#X*' *til

uHXAFFIL4W+ ' El(ffig ' ffift$fr o


rnen and devas maintain their footing upon theseten meritorious ways which form the principal base

of all merits and upon which, all fruits of. Arltat-shi\; and Pratyeka Buddhaship are to be attainedand the whole career of a Bodhisattua and thewhole system of the Buddha Dharma are to beaccomplished."

The Blessed One having thus spoken, Sagarah,the king of Nagas, all the Bhikshus, and the wholercalm of devas, men, asuras and others who werein the assembly received with great joy his teachingand put it into practice.



