Anand Sutra

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  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra



    Formulas !or "appiness

    # $ #

    T"e Foun %! &our Inspiraion'

    W"a is "e soure o! "e ures you "a*e+ Are you in!luened ,y

    "e "ins you "ear and see ouside+ I! "a ,e "e ase- your mind

    .ill /eep !luuain- ,eause "e "ins you see and "ear /eep"anin' &ou .ill /eep ein a *ariey o! resol*es- "ou"s-

    and onlusions' Di!!eren /inds o! ai*iies .ill ome and o in

    your li!e'Ho.e*er- i! you are inspired ,y "e Is".ara .i"in you- ."o is

    ompleely !ree !rom "e e0ernal .orld1 i! you ry o /eep your

    "ou"s lin/ed o Him- "en your desires .ill mere ino His' T"e

    Is".ara is "e antaryaami He is in all "ears' He is omnisienand!ul' W"en you mere ino Him- you ,eome sa,le-

    and you- yoursel!- ,eome a reasure "ouse o! /no.lede and




  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    # 6 #

    Ser*ie Wi"ou 7ride'

    I is erain "a you "a*e a desire in your "ear o ser*e o"ers-

    ,eause you anno li*e .i"ou aepin ser*ie !rom o"ers'

    W"a needs o ,e o,ser*ed is- "o. do you .is" o render ser*ie

    is i aordin o your o.n pre!erene- or is i aordin o "e

    pre!erene o! "e one you ser*e+ Do you .is" o i*e om!or andpleasure- or do you .is" o ,ene!i "im+ T"ese are .o di!!eren

    "ins- "ou" "ey may oasionally ,e one' I is di!!iul o

    disriminae' %ur o.n desire es aa"ed o our ser*ie'

    %,ser*e minuely do you !eel pride ."en you render some

    ser*ie- or no+ I! your ser*ie o "e Is".ara ."o is "e Ama

    o! all and o "umaniy- o "e soiey- ommuniy- or reliious

    se- any pariular lass o! people- or any o"er- resuls in your!eelin "a you "a*e done some"in rea- "en "a ser*ie is

    no rendered o any o"er' &ou "a*e ser*ed yoursel!1 your *aniy'

    T"e sandal pase .as applied on your !ore"ead' T"e arland .asplaed round your ne/' I .as you ."o o "e bhoga sukha ("e

    pleasure o! indulin yoursel!)' T"e "in o ,e are!ul a,ou is

    "a *aniy or pride s"ould no ome ino your mind ."en you

    ser*e anyone'T"e .orld is *ery lare- and is needs are immense' &our ser*ie

    is no e*en a drop in "e oean' 80periene "e 9nan- and

    "e ama:in reaion o! "e Is".ara' He is .i"in you' &ou .ill

    see "a you "a*e no indi*idual e0isene or imporane' ;oninue

    o ,e an insrumen o! "e Is".ara- and o on ser*in'


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    # < #

    Ad"i/ara (8lii,iliy)'

    Do you "a*e an inlinaion o do some .or/+ 9i*e a ood "ou"

    o ."a you .is" o do' Be!ore a/in a deision or sarin

    any"in- you s"ould "e/ your o.n elii,iliy and apa,iliy'

    Don= do a door=s .or/ i! you are an enineer' Don= ry o ,e a

    p"ilosop"er i! you are a sienis' Ta/e up "e su,>e in ."i"you are rained'

    Do you "a*e a proper undersandin o! ."a you .an- and ."a

    your apaiy is+ ;"e/ "a "e .or/ you .an o do is no

    improper or unsuia,le !or you' ;onsider all "ese !aors ,e!ore

    a/in a deision'

    W"i" desire do you "ope o !ul!ill "rou" "e .or/ you plan o

    do+ T"e desire .ill lea*e you as soon as i is !ul!illed' &ou .ill noloner "a*e an inlinaion !or i' A imes- "e !ul!illmen o! some

    desire auses s"ame and disus' So- i is no loial o !ollo.

    e*ery inlinaion'T"ere is a purpose !or doin "ins- and "e purpose is separae

    !rom "e desire' T"e purpose o! doin some"in is "a "e resul-

    or !rui- o! your aion remains .i" you- meres ino you' W"a

    lea*es is "e kaama (desire)- ."a remains is "e prayojana(purpose)' We s"ould do some"in only a!er onsiderin our

    elii,iliy- "e deails o! "e .or/- our apaiy and undersandin-

    and also ."e"er i is morally ri"- and "e purpose i .ill ser*e'

    Will "e .or/ you are plannin !ul!ill your purpose+ W"y+ W"a

    is your purpose+ Is i o de*elop "e su,le su,onsious

    impressions !or e"ial li*in+ Is i o de*elop a uni*ersal

    ,ene*olene- ,"a/i !or B" or o,ainin Ta*anan(enli"enmen)+ I! you e "ese- "ey .ill remain .i" you'

  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    # ? #

    San/alpa (Resol*e)

    I is "e rule in "e @edi ulure "a .e ma/e a sankalpa

    (resol*e) ,e!ore undera/in any ne. reliious rie' San/alpa

    means samyak kalpanaa a .ell "ou"2ou s"eme "a is

    undera/en a!er a !ull onsideraion o! all aspes' Unless you

    "a*e a proper plan- "ere is "e possi,iliy o! une0peed o,salesroppin up o "inder your proress' T"is does no apply only o

    @edi riuals1 i also applies o .orldly ai*iies and ,usiness


    T"e san/alpa inludes#

    $' Remem,erin S"ri 9anes"a- "e remo*er o! all o,sales'

    6' Remem,erin B"'

  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra



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    # 5 #

    Be Aler'

    To remain idle is o ,e one .i" "e jada (insensae)' T"a

    means- o ,eome inanimae' Indolene- dro.siness- and

    !ore!ulness are Tamo una ("e endeny o! dullness

    and !auly undersandin)' W"en you are in "is sae- your

    onsiousness and >oy!ulness disappear' W"en you pu in an

    e!!or- your inelle and en>oymen are a.o/en' I is anindiaion o! unonrolled desire ."en you do some"in "a is

    !or,idden ,y "e S"asras'

    Desire- aner- reed- and !auly "in/in lead you o .ron

    aions' D"arma is needed o onrol "e dri*e o! desire'

    D"arma is "e "a resrains your mind and senses' I

    is sel!2onrol' D"arma lays do.n "e rules a,ou ."a you

    s"ould a/e- do- indule in- and say' I is D"arma o o,ey "erules' Diso,ediene is !louin D"arma' Firmness in ad"erin

    o your D"arma ma/es your li!e!ul' &our desires ,eome

    disiplined ."en you o,ey "e ommands o! D"arma'Ho.e*er- D"arma ,eomes seondary ."en i is done !or

    ainin some"in1 "e o,>e o! your desire ,eomes primary'

    A man ."o is !illed .i" desires is piia,le and sullied'

    Nishkaama karma is .or/ "a is done .i"ou any sel!is"desire' Su" .or/ is an indiaion o! a pure mind' W"en "e

    mind ,eomes !ree o! .orldly onsideraions- "e person .ill

    ei"er o ino a Samad"i (deep mediaion)- or sar "in/in

    a,ou "e Ama' Inrospei*e "ou" is "e e!!ulene o! "e

    mind' T"e anaatmaa ("a ."i" is no "e Ama)- or "e

    presene or a,sene o! dualiy- is re*ealed in "is e!!ulene' I

    is an a.areness o! "e non2dual naure o! "e Ama'T"ere!ore- sa*e yoursel! !rom idleness' 9i*e up .ron aions'

    Su,due desires' Be !ree o! .orldly resol*es- and "in/ a,ou "e

  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    Ama' T"ese are "e main me"ods !or a "appy li!e' Aatma-

    chintan (mediain upon "e Ama) is no an ad*ersary o!.orldly ineraion' I an ,e done as you oninue o .or/

    unsel!is"ly' T"e !eelins o! inadeuay- inner po*ery- and

    inner impuriy anno ,e remo*ed .i"ou Ama2"inan' &ou.ill oninue o !eel oppressed ,y sorro.- la/ o! peae- and

    !oolis"ness' So- you s"ould al.ays ,e aler'

    5' $' $345'


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    # #

    T"e Fallay o! T"in/in &oursel! o ,e "e Doer'

    Aions are done- ,u ."a is "eir ause+ Is i 7ra/rii ("e

    Is".ara=s o! ;reaion1 Naure)+ Is i "e "ree unas

    (!luuain endenies o! lo!y- mi0ed- and ures)+ Is i

    "e Is".ara- is i a mi0ure o! many !aors- or is i some"in

    else+ %pinions di!!er reardin "is' Some ,lame "e pre*ailin

    era- aions done in pas li*es- "e emperamen o! "eindi*idual- oinidene- e'

    T"e main poin is no ."e"er some aion is ,ein done or no'

    W"e"er "e aion issakaama (moi*aed ,y sel!is" desire) or

    no- is also no "e mos imporan poin' T"e imporan poin is-

    do you !eel "a you are "e kartaa(doer o! "e aion) or no+

    To "in/ "a you are "e doer o! any aion aused ,y

    inde!ina,le !aors is li/e "in/in "a you "a*e reaed "esars "a s"ine in "e s/y' &ou may lin o "e su,le *aniy o!

    ,ein "e /ara- or you may ,lamepraarabdha (!ae reaed ,y

    aions done in pas li*es)' &ou an dane o "e pipin o! yourdesires- or you an !lo. .i" "e sream o! soiey- risin and

    "anin .i" is ripples and urrens'

    T"a is all ri"- ,u do you /no. ."o you aually are+ To

    ,elie*e "a you are "e /ara is agnaana (la/ o! 9nan)' To,elie*e "a you are "e bhoktaa ("e one ."o "as "e pleasan

    and unpleasan e0perienes) is also anan' I is a bhram

    (!allay) o ,elie*e yoursel! o ,e "e ,"o/a o! any"in in "is

    .orld or in "e realms a!er dea"' I is a !allay o onsider

    yoursel! o ,e "e /ara2,"o/a' Nara/2S.ara (Hell2Hea*en)

    are o,ained aordin o your imainaion'

    To see "e Ama as some"in separae is also an illusion' Aseparae o,>e anno ,e "e essene o! "e Ama' T"a ."i"

    is seen- is separae !rom "e one ."o sees' T"e one ."o sees is


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    separae' He is some o"er' W"en .e ,eome a.are o! our non2

    dual Sel!- .e o*erome "e !auly impression o! ,ein aseparae eniy' We undersand "a .e are poorna (."ole-

    omplee)' So- /no. your Sel!' Neae "e seemin realiy o!

    ,ein "e /ara- ,"o/a- and sansaaree (o! "is inerai*e.orld)' All "ese sem !rom your !auly undersandin' I!

    aions are done- le "em ,e done' I! "ey are no done- le

    "em o' &our Sel! is "appy and are!ree' I is paramaananda

    (supreme ,liss)' I is li,eraed- reardless "o. you li*e'

    ' $' $345'


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    # #


    W"a does aneervachaneeya mean+ W"a .ould you all

    some"in "a appears o ,e some"in !rom one *ie.poin-

    and some"in else !rom ano"er *ie.poin+ In su" a ase- you

    an= say "a i is real !rom one *ie.poin1 nor an you all i

    unreal !rom ano"er *ie.poin' T"en- doesn= "a ma/e i

    some"in "a anno ,e de!ined+ T"a is anir*a"aniya' I is arelai*e ru"- some"in "a anno ,e learly de!ined'

    An o,>e "a is o "e Wes o! one person .ill ,e o "e 8as o!

    ano"er person' T"a- ."i" is "i" !rom one poin .ill ,e lo.

    !rom ano"er poin' W"i" an you say is orre 8as or

    Wes1 "i" or lo.+ Tell meE

    S"e- ."o is a mo"er in one person=s eyes- is a dau"er in "e

    eyes o! ano"er' He- ."o is someone=s !a"er- is a son osomeone else' Is "e lady a mo"er or a dau"er+ Is "e man a

    son or a !a"er+ I is "e *ie.poin o! di!!eren people "a

    ma/es one o,>e appear o ,e di!!eren'T"en- is "ere a di!!erene in "eir drishti (*ie.poin)+ No' T"e

    di!!erene is in "e o,>es' In "a ase- !rom one *ie.poin i

    is "e vastu (o,>e)- and !rom ano"er *ie.poin i is "e dris"i

    "a is di!!eren' Doesn= "is ,eome anir*a"aniya+W"en you ,elie*e yoursel! o ,e "e ,ody- senses- praana(li!e

    spiri)- mind- inelle- or a peae "a is- ."en you aa"

    yoursel! o "ese and ideni!y .i" "em- and "en loo/ a "e

    drishya ("a ."i" is seen) you anno all i !alse' Ho.e*er-

    ."en you neae all "ese- or pu "em aside !or a ."ile- and

    ,eome !ree o! "e !aors o! spae and ime and imainaion1

    and /no. your Sel! o ,e "e Bra"man- you anno say "a "e.orld is real' &ou anno all i Saya ("a- ."i" an ne*er ,e

    neaed)' T"is is "e ualiy o! anirvachaniyataa ,ein


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    ,eyond de!iniion' From ."i" *ie.poin do you see

    e*ery"in+ W"a are you ."en you see "e .orld+ Ho. !ar in"e pas or !uure do you see+ &ou are rapped in "e ma:e o!

    bhram (!alse impressions)'

    W"a is Saya in "e undersandin o! an agnaani (one ."ola/s 9nan)- anno ,e alled Saya ,y a 9nani (enli"ened

    person)' T"a ma/es i anir*a"aniya' Worldly people are

    ensnared in "is'

    Jhoothai hee le`naa, jhoothai hee de`naa,

    Jhoothai hee bhojana, jhootha chabe`naa.

    (T"e a/in is !alse- "e i*in is !alse- "e meal is imained

    and "e aor preends o ea')4' $' $345'


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    # 4 #

    T"e Sren" o! Aa"mens'

    A !irs you !eel uie on!iden o! your a,iliy o i*e up any

    ai*iy' &ou "in/- I "ose o sar i' I "a*e aeped i' I is

    under my onrol'= A !e. days laer- "e ai*iy ,eomes a

    "a,i "a is e0remely di!!iul o ,rea/' I! "e "a,i enails "e

    ooperaion o! ano"er person- i ,inds you li/e a sron "ain'

    &ou s"ould- "ere!ore- le yoursel! !orm only "ose "a,is "ayou ,elie*e in- and an oninue .i" "rou"ou your li!e' &ou

    s"ould "a*e lo*e !or "ose you an oninue o lo*e all li!e

    lon' &ou s"ould ,e a,le o do ."a you ,elie*e in- up o "e

    momen o! dea"' Don= do "ins "a are !or,idden ,y "e

    S"asras- your 9uru and o"er elders- ,y soiey- or ,y your

    o.n inelle' Don= "esiae o i*e up all .ron aions and

    "a,is' Gus le o o! "em'W"en you do some .or/- doesn= "e .or/ isel! i*e

    sais!aion and peae+ Do you .an o e some !rui !rom "is

    .or/+ I! so- your .or/ is .or"lessE T"e !rui ,eomes "eprimary !aor and "e .or/ ,eomes a seondary !aor' @ery

    .ell1 I aep "a you "a*e no desire !or any !rui' No desire

    !or personal pro!i is aa"ed o ."a you do' T"a is e0ellen'

    &ou are o ,e onraulaed' Bu- do you "a*e a desire !or "e.or/ o ,e ompleed+ Is i in your onrol "a "e .or/ .ill ,e


    T"e ompleion o! "e .or/ is no "e reason !or .or/in' I is

    no in our "ands "a "e .or/ .ill ,e ompleed' T"e purpose

    o! .or/ is o !ill in ime' Gus o on doin your .or/1 proeed

    .i" your as/' &ou /no. "a you "a*e no onrol o*er "e

    ompleion o! "e .or/- and ye you o on .or/in' Wor/ "as,eome a "a,i' &ou anno say .i"ou .or/in' &our


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    kartaapana ("e !eelin o! ,ein "e doer) is *ery sron' T"is

    .ill ause su!!erin ."en you .ill no loner ,e a,le o .or/'T"a ,ein "e ase- i ,eomes neessary o onsider yoursel!

    "e akartaa (no "e doer)- ,u don= allo. "e !eelin o! ,ein

    "e a/ara o ,eome a ,urden on your mind' T"e !eelin o!,ein "e a/ara is also an abhimaana (*aniy1 pride)' &ou an

    ,e !ree o! "ese !our aa"mens falaasakti (aa"men o "e

    !rui o! your aion)- karmaasakti (aa"men o "e .or/)-

    kartrittvaasakti (aa"men o "e !eein "a you are "e doer)-

    and akartrittvaasakti (aa"men o "e !eelin "a you are no

    "e doer)' ."en you o,ain "e /no.lede o! "e poornataa

    (."oleness) o! "e Ama';ome- >oin us1 you arepoorna (."ole- omplee)'

    3' $' $345'


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    # 3 #


    W"en you uer a .ord !or e0ample- "aa=- you .ill !irs say

    "a=' W"en "e sound dies- you .ill say a=- and "is sound

    also dies' W"en "e .o sylla,les are onneed- "e mind

    inerpres "e .ord "aa= aordin o "e sanskaara (su,le

    su,onsious impressions) "a are a.o/en- and "e person

    undersands "a i means a po' I! someone does no /no. "eIndian lanuae- and "a "aa means a po "a is- i! "e does

    no "a*e "e sans/ara a,ou "aa ,ein a po "e .ord .ill

    mean no"in o "im' W"a is a "aa+ I is a round- !la2

    ,oomed *essel .i" a narro. ne/ and an openin on op'

    W"en "e sans/ara is "ere !rom ,e!ore- "e person undersands

    "e meanin immediaely'

    T"e .or/ .e do dies e*ery momen- >us as sound does' Ine*er endures' Wor/ is o*er as soon as i is done' Ho.e*er- "e

    .or/ you do reaes a !rui' Dependin upon your sans/aras-

    you !eel "a ."a you did .as ood2,ad- paapa-punya (sin2spiriual meri)- and a ause o! pain or pleasure' T"is !rui is

    alled "e adrishya (unseen)- or apoorva. T"e !rui may ,e

    immediae- or i may ,e delayed' Aordin o "is sans/ara-

    "e su,le ,ody (or !our!old mind) oes o S.ara (Hea*en) aimes and o Nara/ (Hell) a imes- and is re,orn a imes' T"e

    mind "as "ese e0perienes ."en i lea*es "e ross ,ody- e*en

    "ou" "ere is no "ane in plae- ime or su,sane' I is a/in

    o dreamin- ,u i is a misa/e o "in/ "a "is is unreal'

    T"ejaagrita (.a/in) sae is "e same- ,u i seems real o us'

    So lon as you do no /no. "e Ama as "e non2dual Bra"man-

    "is .a/in sae .ill seem real' So .ill S.ara and Nara/-re,ir"- @ai/un"a ("e land o! B" @is"nu) and 9olo/a

    ("e land o! B" S"ri Kris"na)' All "ese are real- ri" up


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    o "e spli seond ,e!ore you o,ain Bra"manan (/no.lede

    o! "e non2dual Bra"man)'All "ese are vyavahaarika satya (realiies o! "e inerai*e

    .orld)- ."ile "e Ama ,ein "e Bra"man is apaaramaarthik

    satya ("e pure e0isene "a an ne*er ,e neaed)' &ous"ould no reae on!usion in .orldly ineraion' &our

    ,e"a*ior s"ould ,e D"armi/ (in /eepin .i" D"arma) and

    impea,le' &ou s"ould ne*er onsider sadaachaara (deen

    ,e"a*ior) o ,e mithyaa (!alse)'

    $C' $' $345'


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    # $C #

    W"a &ou Aually Wan'

    W"a do you .an+ Do you .an .eal"- a "ouse- !amily- !ame-

    reno.n- D"arma- /arma (ai*iies)- ,"oa (sensual

    indulenies)- &oa (aa"in yoursel! o "e Is".ara)-

    Mo/s"a (li,eraion !rom re,ir")- sanyoga (union)- or viyoga

    (separaion)+ I! you ,elie*e "a you .an any o! "ese- i isyour bhrama (!allay)' None o! "em are aually ."a you

    really .an' W"a you really .an is "e sukha ("appiness-

    om!or- onenmen) "a "ey .ill i*e' All "ese are separae

    ,u "e su/"a is one' Su/"a is "e essene o! all purushaartha

    ("uman endea*ors)' W"a e*ery,ody desires is no"in ,u


    W"a /ind o! su/"a do you .an+ Is i su/"a "a you .ill "a*eoasionally- ,u no al.ays+ %"- noE &ou .an "e su/"a "a

    .ill al.ays ,e .i" you' I s"ould ,e an uninerruped

    "appiness' 7lease /eep in mind ."a is su" a su/"a+Do you .an a su/"a "a is a*aila,le "ere- ,u no else."ere+

    No' I s"ould ,e "ere as .ell as e*ery."ere' 7ay aenion

    ."a is su" a su/"a+

    Do you .an a su/"a "a is i*en ,y "is person- ,u no ,yano"er person+ No1 you .an a su/"a "a you an e !rom

    e*ery,ody' &ou .an a su/"a "a is .i" you all "e ime and

    in e*ery plae1 a su/"a "a you an oninue o e al.ays'

    All ri"- ell me do you .an a su/"a "a is dependen on

    someone or some"in else1 "e !aor "a i*es su/"a- i*es i

    a imes ,u no al.ays+ He an i*e a lile and no i*e a

    lile+ He i*es in some plaes ,u no in all plaes+ I is a !a"a you don= .an a su/"a "a is dependen on o"er !aors'

    &ou .an a su/"a "a is independen o! all !aors'


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    No.- ell me do you .an a su/"a "a an ,e o,ained only

    ,y rea e!!or+ ;erainly noE &ou .an su/"a "a is o,ainede!!orlessly- or .i" a minimum o! e!!or' &esE T"a is "e /ind

    o! su/"a you .an'

    &ou are a.are "a su/"a e0iss only ."en you are a.are o! i'I anno e0is unless you are onsious o! "appiness' T"a

    means- su/"a "as o .in/le and spar/le and lier and lo. in

    your mind' &ou don= .an a su/"a you an= !eel' &ou .an a

    su/"a "a you e0periene'

    ;ome- pu oe"er all "ese poins' %nly su/"a- a all imes-

    e*ery."ere- in e*ery"in- independen- e!!orless- and ."i"

    you an !eel' T"is is "e /ind o! su/"a you .an' Well- my,ro"er- i! .e are o i*e a name o su" a su/"a- an i ,e any

    o"er- e0ep 7aramama= or B" I an ,e your Ama-

    "e Bra"man- or "e Is".ara o! "e ."ole .orld'

    I am no ellin you o .an B" or "e Is".ara' I am no

    e*en ellin you o "in/ a,ou "e essene o! "e Ama or "e

    Bra"man' W"a I am ellin you is "a ."a you really .an is

    "e 7arames".ara'&ou "a*e .ronly ,elie*ed "ese !alse- palry- ross "ins o

    ,e "e o,>es o! your desire' I .an "is- and I .an "a- oo' I

    .an i no. and I .an i "en' I .an i "is .ay and I .an i"a .ay'= Aually- a *eil o*ers ."a you really .anE

    T"e palry suppresses "e rea' T"e desrui,le "as o*ered up

    "e indesrui,le' An oune "as suppressed a on' So-

    undersand "e ,asis properly' %,ain "e /no.lede o! "eoaliy and use "is /no.lede o pul*eri:e your !allaies- and

    "en "ro. "e dus o "e .inds' I! you undersand "e ulimae

    a"ie*emen "e Bra"man you .ill !ind "a i is .i" you

    (as your Ama- your Sel!)' In !a- o say "a i is near you is o

    pu i a a disane' Don= delay' Don= reae ano"er' I is you-

    your Sel!E &ou are "e in!inie su/"a- or i is "e 7aramama in

    your "ear'Mile`yi rahata maano kabahoon milai naa.

    (He is al.ays .i" us- ,u .e !eel "a .e ne*er "a*e Him')


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    $6' $' $345'

    # $$ #

    W"y Are &ou Sad+

    T"e ,asi uesion is# are you sad or no+ To li*e under "e

    s"ado. o! dukha (sorro.) all your li!e- and lau" oasionally-

    "an/s o maayaa ("e Is".ara=s o! illusion) and moha

    (aa"men o .orldly o,>es)- is no "e rue essene o! li!e'

    Ha*e you e*er "ou" a,ou "e auses o! your sorro.+ I is

    erain "a you .ould ,e .anin .orldly indulenes' T"abhoga (sensual e0perienes) may ,e "rou" "e ear- s/in- eyes-

    onue- nose- or "e mind' &ou !eel impo*eris"ed ."en you

    don= e ."a you .an' &ou !eel "a you la/ some"in in

    li!e' &ou onsider yoursel! o ,e sad'

    e us pu aside "is poin' Do you desire o aumulae rea

    .eal" and possessions- in "e .ors"ip o! your I=- your eo+ I

    may ,e .eal"- people- "ouse- learnin- or inelliene' &ouundou,edly .an o o,ain ."a you don= "a*e- o sais!y your

    eo' W"en you are una,le o o!!er "is .ors"ip a "e aler o!

    your eo or ."en someone pre*ens you !rom doin so you,eome un"appy' Is "is no "e ase+

    &ou are no sais!ied in "e presen' &ou ei"er "in/ a,ou "e

    "ins "a "appened in "e pas and !eel sad "a pas >oys are

    no more- or you "in/ a,ou your pas sorro.s and reli*e "em'%r else- you imaine ood and ,ad "ins a,ou "e !uure and

    "is a!!es your peae o! mind' &our li!e is enanled in

    memories and imained !uure e*ens- ."ile your presen is

    ,ein .ased' &our presen slips ,y unnoied'

    In "a ase- are you li*in in an imainary .orld+ Day

    dreamin is no al.ays suess!ul' So "en- you are ryin o

    ,urn yoursel! .i" "e la*a o! sorro.E W"y don= you !ous on"e presen+ Is your presen dead+ Ma/e your presen ,ri"-

    ma/e i limpid- and ma/e i s"ine' T"is is "e ime o! your li!e'


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    T"e pas "a is one and "e !uure "a is ye o ome- .ill

    ,o" mere ino "e presen- and ,e !illed .i" s.eeness and>oy'

    oo/ a "is aspe o! your li!e' Sine your "ild"ood- up o

    no.- you "a*e de*eloped some "a,is /no.inly andun/no.inly' Tendenies and inlinaions urn and .is your

    mind so !ore!ully "a you ,eome un"appy ."en "ins don=

    "appen "e .ay you .an' W"a is "e ause o! your sorro.+ Is

    i your desire !or lu0uries and indulenes+ Is i your a*arie

    !or aumulain more and more+ Is i a li!e o! day dreamin-

    or is i your sla*ery o "a,i+ All !our .ill ma/e you un"appy'

    W"y did you e rapped ,y "em+ W"a made you !ore your!undamenal desire !or real "appiness+ Is i ,eause you o ied

    do.n .i" palry pleasures- aumulaion- day dreamin- and


    Ta/e a serious loo/ a "ese- ry o undersand- and o,ain real

    "appiness i is alled "e 7arames".ara- "e Ama- "e

    Bra"man' Unless and unil you /no. Him- you .ill oninue o

    !eel un"appy'$

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    # $6 #

    W"ere Is &our Happiness+

    W"y do you .an o ,rea/ up and re2desin your >e.elry+ W"y

    do you pu on a sari and "en deide o "ane ino ano"er+

    Ha*in !ormed an aa"men .i" someone- ."y do you .an o

    e aa"ed o someone else+

    T"ins /eep "anin' No"in reains is appeal a!er some ime'

    %,>es "ane oninuously' I is "e naure o! "ins o "ane'

    No"in an /eep you "appy !ore*er' T"e o! your senses oen>oy di!!eren sensaions doesn= al.ays "a*e "e apaiy o

    pro*ide pleasure' T"eir po.ers .ane' %,>es "ane- and so does

    "e apaiy o! your sense orans

    W"en a younser o! se*eneen or ei"een rea"es .eny2!i*e or

    "iry2!i*e or !i!y2!i*e or se*eny2!i*e "e is ompleely

    "aned' His ee"- lips- s/in- *oie- sren"- and spiri o!

    endea*or all "ane' He no loner ra*es indulenes as ,e!ore'I! someone .ans o indule oninuously in sensual pleasures- i

    is no possi,le' A person needs menal and p"ysial res' He needs

    rela0aion and repose' Ho. lon .ill "e ,e a bhoktaa (one ."o"as "e su,le eo o! ,ein "e one ."o is "a*in "e e0periene)+

    His "ands and les .ill e ired- and "is mind .ill suum, o

    slum,er' W"a a mo/ery i is "a you .an o /eep yoursel!

    "appy "rou" "ese o,>es- sense orans- inlinaions- and "esu,le eo o! ,ein "e one ."o e0perienes pleasureE

    W"y do you "oose "ese e0ernal !aors o i*e you "appiness+

    Weal" is a,soluely e0ernal' &ou "a*e o imaine "a i .ill

    i*e you "appiness' T"e "appiness o! bhoga (sensual pleasures) is

    in "e mind' I is inernal o a erain e0en- ,u i is momenary'

    T"e "appiness o! *aniy is a a deeper le*el' I says in "e

    inelle' Ho.e*er- all .orldly sorro.s e!!e "e inelle' I is "e*aniy in a person "a reei*es ,lo. a!er ,lo.' I is "e eo "a

    is "ur' Reres- illusions- and !ears aa/ "e eo' Rere !or


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    ."a is pas- illusions in "e presen- and !ear o! "e !uure "ey

    all s"eler in "e eo'Bein !ree !rom all "ese sorro.s- and o,ainin supreme ,liss

    7aramananda "ese are "e names o! our Ama' %,>es- "e

    sense orans- "e mind- and "e inelle are no dependen on any!aor in "e Ama' W"a is- ."ere i is- ."en i is- and "e .ay i

    is- i is all "e essene o! "e 7aramananda'

    T"is 7aramananda is no only !or paraloka ("e realms a!er

    dea")' I is e0periened in "is .orld- in "is *ery li!e- in all .e

    see and "ear' T"e person e0perienes a !eelin o! omplee


    &ou- yoursel!- are "a 7aramananda- ri" a "is *ery momen-ri" "ere- in "is *ery plae' T"is is "e menal sae o!

    Ma"amas' Do you .is" o "a*e "is e0periene+ Don= o

    any."ere1 urn .i"in' ;ome ino your o.n "ome- your o.n

    essene' &ou .ill see "a i is no "idden ,y any urain' I is you-

    your Sel!'

    $?' $ $345'


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    # $< #

    ;ome Ba/'

    W"a .e don= "a*e- .e "a*e o ma/e' I! you don= "a*e >e.elry-you "a*e o e i made' I! you don= "a*e rain- you an ro. i'

    I! you don= "a*e lo"- you an .ea*e i' I! you an= do "ese

    "ins yoursel!- you o and e "em' &ou an ei"er e i !rom

    someone ."o i*es i ou o! a!!eion- or you an ,uy i- ,u you

    "a*e o proure i'

    No.- "in/ "a you "a*e o "e o,>e you .an- ,u i is no

    lean' ;lean i ,y .as"in a.ay "e dir- "en rim i- and polis"i' I! "e o,>e is ra.- oo/ i' Add some"in o ma/e i asy'

    Ma/e i arai*e- ender- and !raran' I! i is useless-

    desroy i- "ro. i a.ay- or ,urn i' T"ese !i*e aions are done o

    o,>es "a are separae !rom oursel*es'

    W"ere "e Ama is onerned- you are nei"er o ma/e i- nor

    proure i !rom else."ere' &ou are no o prepare- oo/- or

    desroy i' T"e Ama is sel!2e*iden' I is al.ays .i" you' I isprisine i does no need o ,e leaned or repaired' Nor an "e

    Ama ,e disarded- "ro.n a.ay- or desroyed'

    T"en- ."a is is uiliy+ Is uiliy is "a i "as o ,e /no.n as iis' Had i ,een some"in separae- you .ould !irs "a*e o /no.

    i and "en proure i' &ou .ould "a*e o a" i and /eep "old o!

    i' &our Ama- "o.e*er- is already .i" you' &ou don= e*en need

    o impro*e i in any .ay'I is a di!!eren maer o /no. someone else and i is a di!!eren

    maer o /no. yoursel!' I! you /no. S.ara- (Hea*en)- or

    @ai/un" ("e land o! B" @is"nu)- you "a*e o aain "ese

    lands a!er / a,ou "em' &ou "a*e o do ,"a/i o! "e

    Is".ara a!er / a,ou Him' Bu one you o,ain Amanan

    (/no.lede a,ou "e Ama) you don= need o do any"in o

    e0periene your Ama' T"e dire e0periene o! your Ama is no"e !rui o! any karma (aion)1 nor is i "e ause o! any /arma'


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    T"e e0periene o! your Ama resuls in your seein /arma- is

    !ruis- is kartaa ("e doer) and bhoktaa ("e one ."o e0perienes"e resuls) as "ins seen in a dream' In a dream "ere is no /ara-

    no ,"o/a- nopaapa (sin) orpunya (spiriual meri)- e*en "ou"

    "ey seem o ,e real' Similarly- a person ."o o,ains Amanan!inds "a e*ery"in in "e .a/in sae is also an illusion'

    $5'$' $345


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    # $? #

    Happiness- %nly Happiness'

    I is an indispua,le !a "a you "a*e ne*er e0periened youro.n dea"' &ou see "e spiri o! o"er people lea*e "eir ,ody and

    imaine i o ,e dea"' Dea" is some"in "a is imained' I is

    no an e0periene' T"e ross !orm o! a po ,rea/s- ,u "e lay

    remains un"aned'

    T"e meanin o! "is is "a you are immoral' &ou are amrita ("e

    eli0ir o! immoraliy)' No.- i! you lo*e any moral !orm "a is

    su,>e o "ane and desruion or any pariular me"od o!doin "ins "ese .ill die ,e!ore you- and you .ill oninue o

    li*e' No as a ross ,ody- ,u as "e Ama'

    I! you remain ali*e ,u "e o,>e o! your lo*e is ,ro/en or

    separaed !rom you- i .ill ause you a rea deal o! anuis"' &ou

    are ,ound o su!!er' W"e"er "e o,>e o! your aa"men is a

    "ouse or a person- aa"men o "e anaatmaa ("a- ."i" is no

    "e Ama) .ill resul in sorro.' Aa"men o any"in "a isransien .ill resul in ears !or you'

    T"e lo*e !or insensae o,>es is one2sided' &ou are aa"ed o

    diamonds- pearls- old and sil*er' T"ey are ompleely una.are o!your lo*e !or "em' Anyone an ,uy or seal "em !rom you' T"ey

    may e*en ,e ,ro/en up' T"ey .ill ne*er say- I ,elon o "is

    person ."o lo*es me dearly' I .an o remain .i" "im'=

    All insensae o,>es are li/e "e raindrops "a !all ."en " plane is "i"- and you are li/e "e leendary ,ird "e

    "aa/ ."ose lo*e !or "e raindrop is su" "a "e .ould

    ra"er die o! "irs "an drin/ any o"er .aer' T"ese "ins are

    li/e "e moon- and you are li/e "e ,ird alled "e "a/ora- ."o is

    in lo*e .i" "e moon' My ood man- .i" ."a "ou" did you

    i*e your lo*e o "ese li!eless o,>es+ T"ese are all raiors ."o

    don= e*en reoni:e you' Is i no !olly o e rapped ,y "em+


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    re`ma (lo*e) !or "a- ."i" .ill die- and prema !or animae

    o,>es is deadly !or you' I leads o your do.n!all' T"is is o planseeds "a .ill yield a rop o! sorro.'

    o*e "a- ."i" is as immoral and eernal as your Ama- ."i"

    is onsious- and ."i" lo*es you' T"a- ."i" .ill ne*er ,erayyou- is ne*er a.ay !rom you- i does no delay- and is no o"er i

    is your o.n Sel!' &ou .ill ne*er "a*e o !ae sorro. aain' All

    your "elplessness and dependene .ill ,e one' T"e o,>e o!

    your lo*e is in your "ear' I is you' &our li!e .ill ,e !ree o!

    ension' &ou .ill e0periene only "appiness'

    $' $' $34


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    # $5 #

    Be AlerE

    ;leanliness is dear o you' &ou ry your ,es o /eep your "ome-,ed- lo"es- !ood and ,ody lean' All o! us are unanimous in our

    desire !or "e ear" and .aer- "e "ins .e see- ou"- and "ear-

    o ,e lean and unsullied' I! "ere is some dir or sain on your

    ,ody you ry your ,es o .as" i o!!' I appro*e o! "e !a "a

    you li/e leanliness' I "ope "is li/in is mainained and "a i


    ;ome ino "e su,le reion o! your antahkaran(su,le ,ody- or!our!old mind)' Ha*e you e*er i*en your aenion o "o. lean

    yoursankalpa(resol*es)- desires- "ou"s- and sae o! mind are+

    Some people .ear lean lo"es ,u "eir ,odies remain"ed' T"e ondiion o! "ose ."o don= puri!y "eir mind is

    "e same' Ta/e a ood loo/ a "is#

    W"a all does your mind .an o do+ W"a all does i .an o

    en>oy+ W"a all does i .an o o,ain+ And- ."a all does i .ano on*ey+ Try o ma/e a lis o! all "ese' T"e ounin .ill ne*er

    ,e ompleedE &ou .ill al.ays .an o ,uy "ins you see in "e

    s"ops and mar/es'W"a is your mind+ I is a maial ,o0' &ou an see ."ae*er you

    .an in i ,o" ood and ,ad' &ou an see "e Is".ara- "e >ee*a

    (an indi*idual1 an Ama aa"ed o a ,ody)- or a sone' &ou an

    a" a limpse o! sealin- o! immoral aions- *iolene- anddea"'

    In "a ase- do you .an leanliness ouside ,u no inside+ I is

    your inner .orld in ."i" you li*e' I is your lo"es- indulene-

    aions and spee"' W"a is "e use o! e0ernal leanliness i! your

    mind is diry+

    Do you .an o remain in "is dross- or o ,e!ore "e 7aramama

    in "is dress+ Be alerE$4' $' $345'


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    # $ #

    Keep &our T"ou"s 7ure'

    T"e ears- s/in- eyes- onue- nose- "ands and !ee are all e0ernalinsrumens "a are used !or reei*in- / and doin

    "ins' T"ey are alled bahikaran= (,a"iouer1

    /araninsrumens)' Similarly- "ere is an antahkaran=

    (ana"inner) in "e ,ody' T"e ana"/aran ,rins in "e ouer

    !aors- as sanskaara (su,le su,onsious impressions)' T"a is

    ."y i is alled "e ana"/aran "e inner insrumen' Food-

    aions- !eelins- "ou"s- ranuiliy and disur,ane all say in"e ana"/aran'

    T"e ana"/aran is no a solid o,>e "a an ,e .as"ed lean' T"e

    ri" ina/e is reuired !or is leansin' T"a means- "e "ins

    you "ear- ou"- see- ase- smell and "in/ a,ou s"ould all ,e

    shuddha (pure in "e D"armi sense)' Some people ,elie*e "a

    "e ana"/aran is puri!ied ,y me"ods li/e aahaara-shuddhi

    (eain pure !ood)- karma-shuddhi (doin "ins "a are .i"in"e !rame.or/ o! D"arma)- or bhaava-shuddhi ("a*in pure

    !eelins)- and some ,elie*e in a nisankalpa sthiti (a desire2less

    sae o! mind)' I! a person "as all !our- ."a an ,e ,eer+ Su" aperson .ill ,e puri!ied insanly'

    A "orou" inspeion o! your ana"/aran is neessary' &ou "a*e

    o see "e sae o! your ana"/aran o reali:e "a i is "e

    su,sane o! your "ou"s' I is !ormed ,y "e /ind o! "ou"s"a !ill your mind' I may ,e li/e a ,lan/e made o! ,la/ .ool-

    or ."ie .ool' I may ,e spoed or a mi0ure o! s"ade and

    suns"ine' T"ere may ,e "e sattvaguni (.i" lo!y endenies)-

    rajoguni (mi0ed endenies) and tamoguni ( inlinaions)

    endenies in i' %r- "ey may ,e a om,inaion o! all "ese

    inlinaions "a i*e !orm o your ana"/aran' T"ey indiae "e

    "anin "ou"s and aiudes' T"e ana"/aran is !ormed !romyour onsiousness a,ou your inlinaions' &our inlinaions

    /eep "anin aordin o "e o,>es "ey !ous on' T"us- your


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    ana"/aran "as muliple inlinaions' I! you .an o ma/e your

    ana"/aran lean- pure- sainless- and sill i! you .an o ma/e iapa,le o! a,sor,in su,le maers you s"ould "in/ only a,ou

    su,le maers'

    T"e ana"/aran is nei"er lon nor .ide' I "as no .ei" or ae'I is omposed o! your "ou"s' T"e !orm o! "e ana"/aran is "e

    a.areness o! o,>es' T"a ,ein "e ase- i! you "ane "e

    direion o! your "ou"s- and "in/ only a,ou "a- ."i" is

    pure- "en your ana"/aran is pure'

    T"e only pure o,>e is "e 7ara,ra"ma 7aramama1 i is our o.n

    Ama' Sop "in/in a,ou "e "ins you /no. o ,e "e

    anaatmaa ("a- ."i" is no "e Ama)- and !ous on "e pureAma- "e 7aramama' &our ana"/aran is pure' I is !i o mere

    ino "e 7aramama'

    $3' $' $345'


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    # $ #

    8asy Di!!iul'

    To spea/ "e ru" is easy' We >us "a*e o say ."a is in ourmind- or .e an /eep uie i! "ere is no need o spea/'

    Unneessary al/ .ases your ime as .ell as "e ime o! "e

    one ."o lisens' Does your spee" "a*e some purpose or no+

    Ho. .ill i "elp "e lisener+ %r- is i >us o e your aner o!!

    your "es+

    W"a I .an o say is "a ru" does no ,eome a ,urden on

    "e mind' &ou "a*e "e opion o! spea/in "e simple ru" orremainin silen' &ou an spea/ ."en you need o' Saya ("e

    ru") does no oppress you'

    I! you spea/ asatya ("a ."i" is no "e ru") you "a*e o

    remem,er ."o you old "e lie o- ."en you said i- and ."a

    you said' &ou "a*e o ,e are!ul o no say any"in "a .ill

    e0pose "e lie' T"is is a ,urden you impose upon your mind'

    Saya is e!!orless1 i is naural' Asaya is ari!iial and "asmany !orms' Saya says in your essene- ."ile asaya says in


    ;an anyone al.ays spea/ unru"s+ I! "e ma/es up a erainode o on*ey ."a "e .ans- "e .ords "e uses .ill also

    ,eome "e ru"' He .ill pro,a,ly all a plae a up- and *ie

    *ersa' He .ill "a*e o /eep "anin "is me"od o! no ellin

    "e ru" repeaedly' All "is .ill impose a rea srain on "ismind' Saya imposes no su" srain' I is "e pa" "a leads o

    "e essene'

    I is "e same .i" ahinsaa (non2*iolene)' ;an any,ody

    perperae hinsaa (*iolene) oninuously+ I is impossi,le o

    remain in a sae o! una,aed aner and "ared' A"insa-

    "o.e*er- an al.ays ,e mainained' I is no a ,urden' Nor do

    you "a*e o do any"in' No.- ell me- ."i" is naural *iolene- or non2*iolene+

  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    %ur naural sae is al.ays easier' T"a is ."y Saya and a"insa

    are sadguna (ood ualiies)1 lies and *iolene are durguna(,ad ualiies)' Du= means dushta (.i/ed)- dukhadaayee ("a

    ."i" i*es sorro.)' Gus as a anser is no !i o ,e /ep in

    our "ouse- ,o" asaya and "insa are no !i o ,e /ep in "e"ear' T"ese ome !rom ouside' I is o our ,ene!i o no i*e

    "em a plae in our mind'

    Aste`ya! means' no sealin=' T"e Ama is Sa"idananda

    (Sa pure e0isene- ;"i pure onsiousness- Ananda

    pure ,liss)' T"e sadvastu(*asu means o,>e)- chidvastu- and

    anandavastu anno ,e solen' Nei"er an anyone seal "e

    Ama !rom you- nor an you seal i !rom ano"er' We an say.i"ou e*er sealin any"in- ,u an anyone seal

    oninuously+ "horee (sealin) is unnaural- i is !ri"enin-

    and i resuls in sorro.' I also reaes ension' Insead o!

    indulin in sealin- you an mainain a li!elon *o. o no

    seal' Ho.e*er- you anno ma/e a resol*e o ma/e sealin a

    li!elon praie'

    T"en- ."y don= you lead "e li!e "a is naural+ Saya- a"insa-and aseya are all sadguna(ood ualiies)- ,eause "ey are

    lose o yoursadsvaroopa ("e essene "a is Sa)'

    No.- "in/ a,ou "e sae o! ,ra"ma"arya (eli,ay)' Wei"i on "e same sales' I is possi,le o mainain un,ro/en

    ,ra"ma"arya- ,u ,rea/s in "e sae o! eli,ay an only ,e

    *ery s"or' Bra"ma"arya is an eernal sae- ."ile "e lapses

    are !leein' W"en "e o,>es o! indulene are no a*aila,le-"e person ,eomes un"appy' T"e ure !or indulene is al.ays

    inomplee' T"e person !eels en*ious o! "ose ."o indule

    more' T"e "a,is o! indulene ensla*e a man'

    Bra"ma"arya "as no "eain and no deei' I is al.ays

    simple and unompliaed' Is "araerisi is an a,sene o!

    menal disorions' &ou "a*e ,een en>oyin "e pleasures o!

    indulene ."y don= you urn ,a/ and en>oy "e pleasure o!a sae "a is !ree o! menal disorions+ Unless "e chitta (sae

    o! "e mind) is !ree o! disorions- a Ma"ama .ill no ,e

  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    nirvikaara (!ree o! menal disorions)' A Ma"ama "as o ,e

    nir*i/ara o o,ain "e e0periene o! "e 7aramama' 7u on "ero,e o! p"ysial- menal and *er,al ,ra"ma"arya' &ou are no

    a brahmachaari (one ."o praies ,ra"ma"arya) you are

    "e Bra"manET"e "ins around you ome- and o- and "ane' Are "ey

    essenial+ T"e pile o! your aumulaions is li/e "e dir on "e

    ,ody- or dus in "e "ouse' Don= say- I "a*e earned i' I is

    mine ,y ri"' I ,elons o me' W"y s"ouldn= I /eep i+= &ou

    are ridin a amel- and siin .i" your ,undle on your "eadE I

    is no a sin o! inelliene o load yoursel! unneessarilyE

    By indulin in an imained sense o! o.ners"ip- you only.ei" yoursel! do.n needlessly' T"ese ari!iial !aors oneal

    "e Saya *asu' &ou are "e Saya ("e ru" "a an ne*er ,e

    neaed)' T"is ounless *ariey o! o,>es "ides your essene'

    Free yoursel! !rom "em' By loo/in a yoursel!- you .ill

    o,ain "e momen o! "appiness- ood !orune- s.eeness- and

    sais!aion' &ou .ill see "a you "ad "ro.n a prieless

    diamond ino a "eap o! ru,,is"'#adguna sahaj (ood endenies are easy) durguna kathina

    (,ad endenies are di!!iul)'


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    # $4 #

    %ne Me"od Many Names'

    T"ere are .o /inds o! saadhan (me"ods)' %ne is "a- ,y."i" .e reoni:e or o,ain ."a .e desire' T"e o"er is "a-

    ."i" is o,ained- e0periened- or aimed a meanin- seein

    our oal learly'

    T"e antahkaran (su,le ,ody or !our!old mind) is a sad"an !or

    o,ainin "e 7aramama' T"ere!ore- "e "ins "a .e do !or

    puri!yin i are alled "e bahirang (e0ernal) sad"an' I! you

    .an o "i your are- i is neessary o lean "e inside o! "eun' T"a is puri!yin "e karan (insrumen)' And- o see "e

    are learly- is "e puri!yin o! *ision' T"e !irs is "e leanin

    o! "e insrumen- and "e seond is "e lear *ision o! our

    are' T"e !ormer is inernal- and "e laer is e0ernal' To

    o,ain "e 7aramama- "e me"ods are vive`ka-vairaagya

    (disriminaion and non2aa"men) ."i" are inernal1 and

    shravana - manana (lisenin o "e disourses o! enli"enedSains and mediain upon "em)- ."i" are e0ernal'

    @ery .ell- ome1 use vive`ka(disriminaion)E Turn your mind

    a.ay !rom "a- ."i" your in"eren /no.lede ells you is noyour essene' Resrain your "a,i o! aa"in your mind o

    ransien o,>es- insensae maer- and sorro.' &ou- yoursel!-

    .ill remain' T"a is enou"' Be a peae' @i*e/ ,e.een "e

    Ama (your Sel!) and "e anaatmaa ("a- ."i" is no "eAma) .ill i*e rise o vairaagya (non2aa"men)' T"e

    svaroopa sthiti ("e naural sae o! your essene) in *i*e/ is

    peae1 and in *airaya- "e a,sene o! aa"mens and

    a*ersions- is also peae' T"ere!ore- "ere is no di!!erene in "e

    !rui o! *i*e/ and *airaya' Disriminaion and non2aa"men

    ,o" i*e peae' Ho.e*er- *airaya enerally omes !rom

    *i*e/- al"ou" i is uie possi,le !or "em o omesimulaneously' And ye- "ese .o are no .o1 "ey ,o" resul

    inshaanti (peae)'

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    Don= ,e under "e .ron impression "a you need o do many

    /inds o!saadhanaa (e!!ors !or spiriual proress) o o,ain "e7aramama- or o "a*e asaakshaatkaara (dire e0periene) o!

    Saya (pure e0isene)' Don= "in/ "a you "a*e o do sad"ans

    "a are *ery di!!iul'Undersand "is .ell' W"en "e mind is a peae- i onains no

    desire or aner' T"is is alledshama'$ama is ."en "e senses

    are a peae1 "ey are no resless or aiaed' A la/ o! ineres

    in .orldly onsideraions is also peae s"ani' %itikshaa is

    ."en "e mind is a peae- endurin .orldly rou,les .i"ou

    ,eomin aiaed' #hraddhaa (!ai") is "e peae o! mind

    ."en "e mind is no rou,led ,y pride or *aniy'#amaadhaana is o a"er up opinions and resol*es- and !eel

    sais!ied .i" "e' T"e names are di!!eren- ,u "e

    essene in all o! "em is s"ani' So- a saadhaka (spiriual

    see/er) s"ould no e .orried ."en "e "ears all "ese di!!eren

    names' Don= ,e dis"earened or depressed' T"ey are di!!eren

    names o! "e same sae "e sae o! ,ein a.a/e and ye !ree

    o! resol*es' All o! "em onain >us one "in s"ani- s"ani-s"ani'

    W"en a sad"a/ reali:es "a "is s"ani is no un,ro/en- "e

    omes o "e onlusion "a "e chitta (!luuain menalinlinaions) an ne*er remain in any one sae !or lon' T"en-

    "e "as an inense .is" o ,e !ree o! "e "ia "a /eeps

    !luuain' He .ans o ,e li,eraed !rom "e in!luenes o!

    ransien o,>es and inidens- and o e0periene "is non2dualessene' His essene is paramaananda supreme ,liss' T"is

    ,liss is alled mumukshaa "e .is" o ,e !ree o! all ,ondae'

    No.- "in/ a,ou ."y people use so many names- ."en "e

    ulimae !orm o! all sad"ana is one s"ani' Di!!eren names

    are used ,eause "e aions leadin o s"ani are separae'

    T"ere is a s"ani "a desroys desire and aner' T"ere is a

    s"ani "a desroys "e reslessness o! "e senses- e' T"ee0ernal sad"ana is so easy and simple "a you an o,ain rea

    ,ene!is ,y a lile are!ul e!!or' &ou .ill ome loser o

  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    *irues and ,eome elii,le !or "e inernal sad"an o! s"ra*an2

    manan e'6?' $' $345

  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    # $3 #

    9i*in Up All Menal Inlinaions'

    I! you ry o !ind "e ,einnin o! chitta (!luuain menalendenies)- i anno ,e !ound' Did aions "appen !irs+ ;"ia

    is reaed ,y karma (aions)' T"e ,ody is reaed ,y a

    om,inaion o! "e "ia and /armas' Bo" are "oused in "e

    ,ody' T"ere!ore- "e yle o! "ia- /arma- and shareera ("e

    ,ody) is .i"ou ,einnin' T"ey are all !illed .i" so many

    sanskaara (su,le su,onsious impressions) "a i is

    impossi,le o rae any o! "em "rou" in!inie ime' 9oodendenies "a*e ,ad ones in "eir dep"- and ,ad endenies lie

    ,enea" ood ones' T"ere is no rule as o ."i" endeny .ill

    rop up a ."i" poin in ime' 8*en "e bhagvadaakaara vritti

    (menal inlinaion !or B" *anis"es ."en .e o o

    sleep' T"en- ."o an desroy "e sans/aras "a "a*e ,een lyin

    dorman sine ime immemorial+ T"e .a/in sae an only

    ,rin a "ane in "e dream sae'W"en a person rea"es "e nirodha dashaa ("e sae ."en "e

    mind is ompleely ,lan/) in mediaion- e*en "e sleep sae is

    ,lo/ed' Ho.e*er- "e a.areness o! "e .orld and "e person=sreaions o i !lood ,a/ as soon as "e Samad"i is ,ro/en' T"e

    !a is "a "e mind=s mo*emens are merely ,lo/ed durin

    "e nirod"a das"a' T"ey are no desroyed' T"ere!ore- "e 9nan

    andsukha("appiness) o! mediaion an ne*er ,e permanen'T"ey !luuae alon .i" "e menal inlinaions' T"a ,ein

    "e ase- i is neessary o also i*e up "e "ia'

    8*en de`haabhimaana ("e su,le eo o! ideni!yin .i" "e

    ,ody) is di!!iul !or an ordinary mumukshu(one ."o see/s o

    ,e !ree o! "e yle o! re,ir") o i*e up' 9i*in up "e "ia is

    ne0 o impossi,leE T"e "ia and "e o,>es o! "e senses

    "a*e mered as "orou"ly as mil/ and .aer' I is no possi,leo separae "em ,y doin sad"ana or ,y any o"er me"od'

  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    T"en- "o. an .e ,e !ree o! "e "ia+ Sense o,>es are seen

    in "e "ia- "ey lie dorman in i- and /eep "anin in i'T"ey may ,e a peae and "ey may also ,e uie proper- ,u

    "ey anno ,e a/en ou o! "e "ia and "ro.n a.ay'

    e us "en i*e up "e "ia aloe"er' W"y no ,eome amahaa tyaagee ("a*e oal renuniaion)+ T"is is a i*in up o!

    e*ery"in' T"e pro,lem is "a "is anno ,e i*en up ,y

    doin any aion- .ors"ip- or &oa'

    T"en- "o. an i ,e i*en up+

    Well- do you ruly .an o ,e !ree o! "e "ia+ I! so- you "a*e

    o,ained mumu/s"a' &ou "a*e ,eome a mumu/s"u' ;ome-

    s"eler a "e !ee o! a Saduru (enli"ened Maser) ."o isshrotreeya (/no.s "e S"asras)- brahmanishtha (,elie*es in

    "e Bra"man)- and is nivritti-paraayana (.i"dra.n !rom

    .orldly onsideraions)' T"e "ia an ,e i*en up only ."en

    you o,ain "e /no.lede o! your essene' As soon as you

    e0periene your essene- you !eel dea"ed !rom .orldly

    onsideraions' T"is is ."y i is essenial !or you o /no. "a

    your essene is "e non2dual Bra"man' T"is is no possi,leunless you "a*e a Saduru'

    64' $' $345'

  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    # 6C #

    W"y Ha*e A 9uru+

    Well- Sir- ell me do you "a*e a 9uru or no+ Are you solearned- .ise- le*er and e0periened "a you see no need !or a

    9uru+ I! "a ,e "e ase- ."o an ,e more arroan "an you+

    ;an you say "a you are no sad a,ou any"in+ Don= you

    e*er "a*e any dou,s+ Do you ne*er !ae any dilemma a,ou

    ."a you s"ould do+ Don= you .is"- someimes- "a you "ad

    someone ."o .ould uide you+ My ,ro"er- "is arroane o!

    yours .ill lead you o do.n!all' &ou .ill ,e sun/' &ou are,adly .ei"ed do.n ,y i'

    All ri"- ell me is "ere no enuine"er on ."om

    you an depend- o seer "e ,oa o! your li!e+ &ou "a*e !ai" in

    your mo"er ."en s"e ells you "a "is is your !a"er' &ou

    rus your ,ar,er and door' &e you la/ !ai" in your .ell2

    .is"erE W"a /ind o! .isdom is "is+ &ou are ma/in yoursel!

    ,ere! o! all suppor' W"en i omes o / some"ina,ou Him- ."o is ,e"ind your inelle- and reulaes your

    inelle- you "a*e no one o "elp you' T"e eyes see "e ,eauy-

    ,u ,eauy anno see "e eyes' &ou see your buddhi (inelle)-,u your inelle anno see youE

    &ou anno e0periene "e e0isene o! your Ama ,y

    dependin upon your inelliene' Rise a,o*e dialeis and

    de,aes' e "ou"s a.a/en and slum,er1 le "em ome ando' T"ere is a non2dual essene ,eyond "e inelle- and i is

    "e su,sraum o! "e inelle' isen o disourses upon "is

    essene !rom a Saduru' T"ere is no o"er .ay- e0ep

    shravana (lisenin o disourses o! enli"ened Sains) !or

    o,ainin "e /no.lede o! "e Amaa*a ("e essene o! "e


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    # 6$ #

    9o o "e Ne0 Sep-

    ea*e "e Sep Belo.'

    Ho. deeply are you in*ol*ed in .orldly ineraion+ W"a all

    do you ,elie*e o ,e Saya ("a- ."i" an ne*er ,e neaed)+

    Gus loo/ a "ins .i" an un,iased inner *ision' W"en you

    .ere *ery youn- you .ould play .i" o"er lile "ildren' &ou

    .ould ma/e mud "ouses and sand asles' &ou .ould ma/e

    dolls !rom lay- .a0- or dou"' I! a "ild ,ro/e ."a you made-

    you .ould uarrel .i" "im' &ou "a*e spoil my reaionE= Isi no so+

    Similarly- you imaine many lile "ins- and "ey a/e roo in

    your "ear' &ou need ayukti(ri/ or me"od) o remo*e "em'

    Some people !eel on*ined "a "ere is a "os in "eir "ouse'

    T"ey !eel !ri"ened' T"ey ie a taabee& (medallion) o "eir

    arm- and sop ,ein a!raid' T"ere .as no "os1 no "os ran

    a.ay' T"ere .as a bhraanti (!alse impression) "a .en a.ay'T"e "os .as an adhyaaropa (superimposiion) and "e a,ee:

    .as an apavaada (neaion o! "e superimposed impression)'

    7eople use imainary num,ers !or ompliaed alulaions'T"e me"od o!shravana(lisenin o disourses ,y enli"ened

    Sains) is "e same' 7lease undersand "is .ell' 7eople mould a

    lump o!gobar (o. dun)- and .ors"ip i as 9auri (7ar*ai)'

    T"ey plae a supaari (,eelenu) and .ors"ip i as 9anes"'T"ey "an "e manras o! in*oaion and esa,lis" "e deiies'

    T"ey do "e poojaa (.ors"ip) and "en o "e visarjana

    (immolaion1 reurnin "e !orms made o! "e !i*e elemens o

    "e elemens)'

    T"e in*oaion is a superimposiion- and "e *isar>ana is "e

    neaion' Mamataa (lo*e) !or "e mo"er and !a"er is an

    adhyaasa (imained !eelin)' A ouple e married and lo*eea" o"er' T"ey e alienaed !rom parens ."o o,>e o "e

    marriae' T"a is an apa*ada o! "eir lo*e !or "eir parens' T"e

  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    marriae .as an ad"yaropa (superimposed relaions"ip)' W"en

    "ey di*ored- i .as an apa*ada (neaion o! "e superimposedrelaions"ip)'

    &ou lo*e "e o,>es o! "is .orld' T"a is an ad"yaropa' W"en

    you ,ein o lo*e B" "ere is an apa*ada o! your lo*e!or .orldly o,>es' I .as an apa*ada o! "e apaasya ("a-

    ."i" is no .or"y o! .ors"ip) and an ad"yaropa o! "e

    upaasya("a ."i" .e .ors"ip)' &ou praied Samad"i and

    o,ained vairaagya (dea"men) !rom "e .orld' T"e praie

    .as a superimposiion- and "e *airaya .as "e neaion (o!

    .orldly onsideraions)' T"e sampragyaat samaadhi ("e

    Samad"i in ."i" "e Ama is no /no.n !ully) .as neaed-and "e asampragyaat samaadhi (in ."i" "ere is no"in ,u

    "e Ama) .as superimposed' In "e same .ay- "e annamaya

    kosha ("e s"ea" o! "e ross ,ody) and "epraanamaya kosha

    ("e s"ea" o! "e su,le ,ody) e are superimposed and "en

    neaed urn ,y urn'

    T"e me"od is o a" one- and le o o! "e o"er' T"is is ."y

    .e "a*e o neae "e !eelin o! ,ein "e ,ody- andsuperimpose "e !eelin "a .e are a >ee*a (Ama aa"ed o a

    ,ody)' W"en "e >ee*a bhaava(!eelin o! ,ein a >ee*a) omes-

    i auomaially neaes our ideni!iaion .i" "e ,ody and all"a is dear o "e ,ody'

    T"e superimposiion o! "e saaksheebhaava ("e !eelin o!

    ,ein an unin*ol*ed o,ser*er) neaes "e !eelin o! ,ein a

    kartaa ("e doer)' Ho.e*er- e*en "ou" e*ery"in else isneaed- "e !orm o! "e >ee*a remains' W"a is "a+

    T"a is no some"in "a an ,e undersood ,y "e inelle' I

    anno ,e /no.n "rou" D"arma- upaasanaa (.ors"ip)- or

    &oa' I anno ,e re*eled ,y "e spo/en .ord- mind- e'

    T"en- ."a is i+

    I is ,eyond D"arma and ad"arma ("a- ."i" is onrary o

    D"arma)' I is ,eyond kaarya-kaarana (e!!e and ause)- pasand !uure' All "ese are /no.n ,y "e inelle' W"a is "e

    amata (inde!ina,le) essene+ Ho. an you possi,ly /no. "is


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    .i"ou a Saduru (enli"ened Maser) ."o an e0plain "e

    shruti (@edi *erses)- smriti (.ords o! enli"ened seers)-7uranas- and o"er rea .or/s+ ;ome- "en- do shravana(lisen o spiriual disourses)'

  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    # 66 #

    T"e Mirale %! S"ra*ana'

    All "e indreeya (senses) "a*e "eir separae sense o,>es' For

    e0ample- sound is "e o,>e o! "e ears- !eel is "e o,>e o! "e

    s/in- appearane is "e o,>e o! "e eyes- !la*or is "e o,>e o!

    "e onue- and !rarane is "e o,>e o! "e nose' None o! "e

    senses "a*e "e o a,sor, "e o,>es o! o"er sense

    orans' 8*ery sense oran an only /no. is o.n !ield- and "a

    oo- no !ully'For e0ample- "e ear anno "ear sounds "a are *ery !ain-

    *ery !ar o!!- or in "e pas' T"e eyes anno see "ins "a are

    *ery !ar- or *ery iny- or in "e pas' T"us- "e senses "a*e

    limied po.ers' So mu" so "a "ey anno a,sor, "emsel*es'

    T"e eyes anno see isel!- e'

    T"a ,ein "e ase- "o. an "e senses i*e "e /no.lede o!

    "e essene "a "as e0ised sine ,e!ore name and !ormmani!esed+ T"e senses re*ol*e around "eir o.n sp"eres' T"e

    essene o! te`ja (e!!ulene) is "e adhyaatmika (meap"ysial)

    aspe o! "e eye' T"e sun is "e adhidaivik (di*ine) aspe- and"e o,>e .e see is "e adhibhautik (ross) aspe o! "e same

    e>a' Te>a sees e>a "rou" e>a' No sense oran "as "e

    apaiy o see isel! re*ealed' Nor an i see is adhishthaaana

    ("e su,sraum in ."i" is e0iss)1 is in!inie essene'T"en ."a an .e "ope o e !rom sense orans- e0ep

    limied /no.lede+ ;an "ey e*er i*e us "e saakshaatkaara

    (dire e0periene) o! "e essene ("e Bra"man)+ Ho. !oolis"

    i .ould ,e o e0pe "aE

    All ri"1 mediae .i" your mind' T"ese same senses "a*e

    !illed "e mind .i" "e sanskaara (su,le su,onsious

    impressions) o! "e /no.lede "ey possess' T"e mind annomediae on some"in i does no /no.' I is olored ,y "e

    su,onsious impressions reaed ,y ."a i "as seen and


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    "eard' W"en a person .ears olored speales- e*en "e

    olorless rays o! "e sun seem o ,e olored'Similarly- ."en .e mediae upon Saya ("a- ."i" an ne*er

    ,e neaed)- "e e0perienes .e "a*e depend upon our

    sans/aras' We e0periene "e Bra"man as saakaara (.i"!orm)- or niraakaara (.i"ou !orm)- as ,ein in ano"er .orld-

    ,ein a "e ,einnin or end o! ime- e' All "is is "e play o!

    our sans/aras' T"ese sans/aras an ,e pus"ed aside !or a ."ile

    ,y !ousin "e mind- ,u "ey are no desroyed' T"eshuddha

    tattva (pure essene) an ,e mediaed upon only ,y a shudda

    mana(pure mind)'

    Do you sri*e o ma/e your mind pure+No.- "in/ a,ou buddhi ("e inelle)' T"e inelle is

    di!!eren in di!!eren people' I is in!luened ,y ,o" paernal

    and maernal randparens- ,y ,o" parens- ,y prenaal

    e0perienes- ,y our solid and liuid ina/e- and "e people .e

    assoiae .i"' T"e inelle an see srai" a"ead' I sees "e

    e0ernal .orld- ,u no ."a lies .i"in' T"a means- i an only

    imaine "e soure o! is inspiraion- "e "a re*ealsisel!- is su,sraum'

    T"ese imained oneps "a*e o ,e i*en up !irs' An

    imained Saya an ne*er ,e "e aual Saya' T"e aual Sayais no a !ramen o! imainaion' I is e0remely di!!iul o

    esape !rom "e .e, o! imained and e0pressed ideas' For "is-

    you need a Saduru (enli"ened Maser) ."o "as e0periened

    "is poornataa (."oleness) and adviteeyataa (non2dualessene)' T"e ad*iiyaa in "eparamaartha (supreme essene)-

    and poornaaa in vyavahaara (.orldly ineraion)' 8uanimiy

    is presen only in poornaaa' T"e ."oleness (o! "e Bra"man-

    "e Ama) "as no sope !or di!!erenes ,e.een ood or ,ad-

    sin or ood deeds- aa"men or a*ersion- "appiness or sorro.-

    eo or possessi*eness' No,ody an ,e uni*ersally ,ene*olen

    .i"ou "a*in "e e0periene o! "is o.n non2dual essene "is Ama ."i" is poorna (."ole1 non2dual)' Sorro. anno

    ,e eradiaed unless a person es samataa (euanimiy)' T"e


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    sel!2e!!ulen essene "a is ,eyond imainaion and opinions

    is "e aual !orm o! our Ama' To e0periene "is is oe0periene "e 7aramar"a' T"is anno ,e /no.n "rou" "e

    senses- mind- or inelle' T"e only me"od ,y ."i" i an ,e

    /no.n is shravana (lisenin o spiriual disourses ,yMa"amas)'

    Nei"er "e eyes nor "e mind- are o! any use in pi" dar/ness-

    ,u "e spo/en .ord i*es /no.lede' &ou "ear a sound and

    all ou o as/ ."o "as ome' T"e person replies- and you

    reoni:e "im e*en in "e dar/'

    T"e >ee*a (Ama aa"ed o a ,ody) is .anderin around in "e

    dar/ness o! inorane' S"ra*an is "e only suppor "e "as';ome1 do s"ra*an'

    $' 6' $34


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    # 6< #

    T"e Wonder!ul 8ssene o! 9nan'

    9nan is o /no. some"in as i aually is' I! you .an o

    /no. a,ou any o,>e- you "a*e o use your ears- s/in- eyes-

    and o"er insrumens o! o,ainin /no.lede' &ou .ill see

    "a "e o,>es are many- ,u "e li" in ."i" "ey are seen is

    one' T"e eyes "a see are "e same' Sense o,>es are ransien-

    ,u 9nan is eernal' T"e di!!erene in "e pos and piures doesno reae di!!erenes in 9nan'

    I is "e same eyes "a sa. a ,lue and yello. sari yeserday-

    and see a red and ."ie sari oday' T"e saris are di!!eren- ,u

    "e eyes are "e same' T"e 9nan ,y ."i" my ears "ear sounds

    is "e same as "e 9nan ,y ."i" my eyes see "e o,>es

    ,e!ore me' Some people "a*e e0ellen eyesi"- some "a*e

    moderae eyesi" and some "a*e poor eyesi"' I is "e same.i" all "e senses' T"e di!!erene in "e o,>es ma/es i seem

    as "ou" "ere are di!!eren 9nans- ,u 9nan is al.ays one'

    All ri"1 ."a is "e di!!erene ,e.een / ano"ero,>e and / yoursel!+ W"en you o,ain /no.lede

    a,ou o"er o,>es- you .an o proure "em i! "ey are ood

    and use!ul- or a*oid "em i! "ey are ,ad' T"a means- 9nan

    a,ou o"er "ins is !or o,ainin or a*oidin' T"a is no "ease .i" Amanan 9nan a,ou your Sel!' T"e Ama is

    al.ays .i" you1 you don= "a*e o o,ain i1 nor an you le i

    o' W"i" means- Amanan only re*eals "a- ."i" already

    e0iss' To dislose ."a e0iss means o remo*e misonepions

    a,ou "e Ama'

    Some"in "a is /no.n- ,u is pas- is remem,ered' T"a-

    ."i" .e ,elie*e .e .ill /no. in !uure- is imained' %urAma is nei"er some"in o! "e pas- nor is i some"in "a is

    ye o ome' I is "ere and no.- in "e !orm o! our che`tan


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    (onsiousness)- ."i" is "e sel!2e!!ulen su,sraum o!

    e*ery"in' I is no onneed o memories or imained "ins'T"a means- our 9nan says assanskaara(su,le su,onsious

    impressions) and is "e soure o! memories' %ur 9nan al.ays

    says in ."a .e imaine- and promps "ou"s a,oupossi,iliies' Ho.e*er- "e 9nan a,ou our essene is nei"er

    "e su,>e o! memory- nor o! imainaion' I is- as i is' In "is-

    is= and 9nan= are no separae'

    T"is is su" a simple maer "a anyone an undersand i i! "e

    ries' I! any >ee*a (Ama aa"ed o a ,ody) or Is".ara "ad

    reaed 9nan- didn= 9nan e0is ,e!ore "a+ T"e reaion o!

    9nan anno ,e done i! "ere is no 9nanE T"e Is".ara an only,e /no.n "rou" 9nan' T"e >ee*a an only ,e /no.n "rou"

    9nan' T"e jagat (.orld) an only ,e /no.n "rou" 9nan'

    No"in an ,e /no.n or esa,lis"ed- .i"ou 9nan'

    I! .e e a darshan(*ision) o! B" .e .ill "a*e o "a*e

    "e 9nan a,ou B" or else "o. .ill .e /no. ."o He

    is+ We .ill "a*e o /no. a,ou B" !rom ,e!ore'

    T"ere!ore- 9nan is no reaed ,y "e >ee*a- Is".ara- 7ra/rii(Naure)- bhoota (any"in made o! "e !i*e elemens)- chitta

    (!luuain menal inlinaions)- or shoonya (*auum)' 9nan

    e0iss- and i is ,eause o! 9nan "a "ins are perei*ed'T"in/ a,ou "is an you separae yoursel! !rom 9nan+ %r-

    an 9nan separae isel! !rom you+

    ;ome- "en1 do shravana (lisen o spiriual disourses ,y

    Ma"amas)' &ou are a.are "a you /no. your mo"er and!a"er ,eause you "a*e ,een old "a "ey are your parens-

    and you ,elie*e ."a you are old' T"ere!ore- a lile !ai" is

    needed !or you o ,elie*e ."a "e Ma"amas "a*e said' e

    your mind ,e !a*ora,ly inlined ."en you do s"ra*an' T"e

    mind .ill ,e !a*ora,ly inlined only i! you "a*e shraddhaa


    &ou an nei"er see- nor /no.- ."a you .ill o,ain !rom "is9nan' &ou an erainly /no. ."i" !auls in your inelle

    .ill ,e remo*ed- and "e !alse impressions "a .ill ,e


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    remo*ed' I! your 9nan remo*es any !la.s !rom your li!e- i is

    use!ul o you' W"en a ,oy "as "is yagyopaveeta sanskaara ("eeremony o! reei*in "e sared "read) "e sops eain !ood

    "a is !or,idden !or "im' A marriae eremony sops "e

    ouple !rom assoiain .i" o"er men and .omen' In "esame .ay- ."en "e 9nan a,ou Saya ("a ."i" an ne*er ,e

    neaed) omes ino "e inelle- i remo*es all !alse

    impressions' &ou .ill see "asukha("appiness) "as ome ino

    your mind as you do s"ra*an'

    Don= "oose "e su/"a o! prourin .orldly o,>es' ;"oose

    "e su/"a o! !alse impressions ,ein remo*ed' T"e only 9nan

    "a an a/e you o Saya is "e 9nan "a "as "e apaiy oremo*e "e !auls in your li!e- and "e !alse impressions in your

    mind' 8*ery ne. undersandin .ill remo*e a layer o!

    inorane' &ou .ill ome loser o "a rea e!!ulene "a is

    your essene' He is "e antaryaami ("e one ."o is in all

    "ears) only "rou" "e relaions"ip o! "e inelle' I!

    relaions"ips are remo*ed- He is your o.n Sel!'

    Ho.e*er- "is anno ,e rasped !ully .i"ou s"ra*an !rom aSaduru (enli"ened Maser)' Ho. many ies are you ,ound

    ,y- in "is .orld+ &ou are ,ound ,y you eo- ,y your mind- ,y

    sins and ood deeds- aa"mens and a*ersions- "appiness andsorro.- 9nan and inorane' All "ese are ,ro/en ."en you

    "ear "e disourses o! your 9uru- ."o "as reali:ed "is Sel!'

    ;ome do s"ra*an'

    5' 6' $345'


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    # 6? #

    Ni*rii A Mar*el'

    Ni*rii is "e .i" o! .orldly onsideraions' 7ra*rii

    is o see e0ernal o,>es "rou" your mind and senses' W"en

    you .i"dra. menally !rom "e e0ernal .orld and urn ,a/

    ino your Sel!- i is alled ni*rii='W"en you see muliple o,>es- i is pra*rii' To sop seein "e

    mulipliiy and !ous only on one o,>e is ni*rii' No.- le o

    o! "a one e0ernal o,>e- and !i0 your aenion on your eye'

    See "e eye (in your mind) .i"ou any olor- !orm- or sense

    o,>e aa"ed o i' Ha*en= you .i"dra.n !rom all e0ernal


    No.- le o o! "e ne`tra-vritti ("e menal inlinaion o.ards"e eye) and ome o mano-vritti (menal inlinaion o.ards

    "e mind)' T"en le o o! "e mana2*rii and ome ino "e

    buddhi-vritti' Fous your mind on "e inelle'W"a is "e di!!erene ,e.een "e mano2*rii and ,udd"i2

    *rii+ T"e ,udd"i2*rii onains 9nan' &ou /no. "a "is is

    ood and "a is ,ad' T"e mano2*rii onains desires' T"e

    /no.lede o! ood and ,ad- ,ene!iial and "arm!ul- omes!rom "e inelle' T"e .is" o e or i*e up- omes !rom "e

    mana (mind)' Rise a,o*e "e mind' Rise a,o*e "e di!!erenes

    o! ood and ,ad "a lie in "e inelle' To rise a,o*e means o

    o deeper .i"in' I means o ome loser o your Sel!' Is "is

    no ni*rii+ As soon as "e ni*rii is poorna (oal1 omplee)

    you .ill ,e seaed in "e a,solue peae o! your essene'

    Do you "a*e any old ornamen+ T"e old is no separae !rom"e s"ape and .ei" o! "e ornamen' T"a means- "e o,>e is

    no is appearane i is "e old "a is "e ani,le o,>e'


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    &ou an urn i ino po.der- or "ane is s"ape and all i ,y

    some o"er name' I! "e pariles are *ery iny- you .ill need amirosope o see "em' I! "ey are e*en more minisule- "ey

    .ill ,eome niraakaara (!ormless)' T"ey .ill ,eome

    !ramens o! your imainaion'e o o! e*en "e imained !orm' W"a is le! is you "e

    shuddha (pure) Sa (e0isene)- s"udd"a 9nan- and s"udd"a

    Ananda (,liss)' T"is is "e pea/ o! ni*rii' W"a is "is

    Sa"idananda (Sa pure e0isene- ;"i pure

    onsiousness- Ananda pure ,liss1 "e Ama or "e Bra"man)'

    #hravana (lisenin o "e disourses o! Ma"amas) is needed o

    /no. "is'In ."a !orm do you see a trina (,lade o! rass)+ &our eyes ell

    you "a i is yello.' &our s/in ells you "a i is si!!' &our

    ears and onue i*e you "e in!ormaion a,ou "o. i ra/les

    and ."a i ases li/e' W"ere "a*e you seen "e ,lade o! rass+

    &ou only o,ained /no.lede a,ou is appearane- !la*or- !eel-

    !rarane and sound- "rou" your di!!eren senses' T"e aual

    essene o! "e ,lade o! rass did no ,eome "e o,>e o! yoursenses' So "en- ."a is is aual essene+ Imaine i' No.-

    ."a is "e di!!erene ,e.een yoursattaa (pure e0isene) and

    "esattaao! "e ,lade o! rass "a you "a*e imained+ T"ereis no di!!erene in saa2saa1 pure e0isene is one' T"e

    di!!erene is in ."a is imained'

    &ou see a "uman ,ein' Gus as ."en you a/e a p"oorap"-

    "e impression omes on a !ilm- ."a you see lea*es a su,leimpression on your antahkaran (!our!old mind or su,le ,ody)-

    and is seen .i"in' &our !eelins !or your parens are also seen

    in your ana"/aran- and mere ino "eir imae in your mind'

    No.- loo/ deep ino your ana"/aran and see "e Ama2

    "aianya ("e onsiousness "a is your Ama) "a lies ,e"ind

    your ana"/aran' Is "e che`tan (pure onsiousness) in "e

    person you see separae !rom "e Ama2"aianya "a you seein your ana"/aran+


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    T"e "ean is "e one ."o sees' T"e "ean in "e o,>e you

    see is imained' W"en you "a*e a dream- and in i you see a!i*e year old "ild- a "iry year old !a"er and a si0y year old

    rand!a"er- aren= "ey all aually "e same ae+ T"eir ae is

    "e duraion o! "eir presene in your dream' Were "eysome"in else in "eir pas li*es+ Will "eir aions lead "em

    o !uure ,ir"s- Hell- Hea*en- or @ai/un" ("e land o!

    B" @is"nu)+ &ou see "em as ,ein separae !rom you-

    ,u is "eir onsiousness separae !rom yours+ T.o people

    uarrel .o people ma/e lo*e' Someone is ,orn- someone dies'

    W"a is all "is+ Are "ey all separae >ee*as (Ama aa"ed o

    di!!eren ,odies)+ NoE I is your o.n mind "e one ."o .ins-as .ell as "e one ."o loses' T"e "aianya in "em ,o" is

    your "ainanya' T"eir minds are your mind' T"eir saa is your


    T"e di!!erenes o! plae- ime- and indi*iduals are no separae

    !rom you' Is i no mar*elous+ T"is is a speial- e0raordinary

    9nan- and no,ody an o,ain i "rou" "is o.n inelle' I an

    ,e o,ained only "rou" shravana (lisenin o disourses ,yMa"amas)' So ome1 do s"ra*an'

    ' 6' $345'


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    # 65 #

    T"e Ama is 9nan- 8ernal and i,eraed'

    In vyavahaara (.orldly ineraion) all 9nan ,eomes a triputi(riple !aeed)' For e0ample- "e eyes i*e "e /no.lede

    a,ou "e appearane' T"is is one !ae' T"e 9nan a,ou "e

    appearane is ano"er !ae- and "e one ."o "as "e 9nan

    your I= is "e "ird !ae' T"ese are "e "ree !aes o! 9nan

    "a apply o all o,>es'

    T"e aham (su,le eo o! ,ein an indi*idual- "e I=) is ,e"ind

    "e 9nan' T"e o,>e "a is /no.n is "e idam ("a1 "e o"er)9nan' Does "a ma/e "e a"am "e I= "a lies ,e"ind "e

    /no.lede o! all "e di!!eren "ins- separae+ Is "e I= ."o

    "ears separae !rom "e I= ."o sees- ases- ou"es- and

    smells+ No- o! ourse noE I is "e same I='

    T"is ripui reaes "e di!!erenes ,e.een "e alpagya ("e

    one ."o "as limied /no.lede- a "uman) and "e sarvagya

    ("e all2/ "e Is".ara)' T"e >ee*a (Ama aa"ed o a,ody) is alpaya- and "e Is".ara is sar*aya' T"a means- "e

    a"am and "e idam are ,o" o ,e pu aside' T"en- 9nan

    ,eomes pure' T"e di!!erenes aused ,y spae- ime- andmaer do no e0is in pure 9nan' T"e di!!erenes o! a"am are

    remo*ed' %nly 9nan remains' No"in e0iss- e0ep pure

    9nan' T"ere are no sense o,>es- and no one ."o en>oys "e

    sense o,>es' T"is 9nan is "e paramaartha (supreme)svaroopa (essene) o! "e Ama' T"is is ."a is e0plained ,y

    "e mahaa vaakya ("e supreme saemen o! "e @edas)'

    T"a means- ."en you /no. "a your essene is "e pure 9nan

    "a is !ree o! "e I= and o"er=- "e inorane a,ou "e

    essene o! "e Bra"man ,ein non2dual- is remo*ed' &ou no

    loner ma/e non2dualiy "e o,>e o! your inelle' W"en a

    person o,ains Bra"manan- "e ne*er "in/s- I /no. "eBra"man'= He /no.s "a "e is "e Bra"man' He anno ,e


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    di*ided ino .o !orms' He an= ,e "e one ."o /no.s as .ell

    as "a ."i" is /no.n'Well no.- ell me ruly "a*e you e*er "ou" a,ou 9nan in

    "is .ay+ Ha*e you e*er !el "a 9nan is "e Ama- 9nan is "e

    Bra"man- and "ere!ore- "e Ama is "e Bra"man+ Isn= "is amirale o! 9nan+ All your sel!2reaed ,ondaes .ill saer

    and !all o!!' &ou .ill no loner ,e dependen on any"in' &our

    !ears a,ou li!e and dea" .ill all !ade a.ay' Aa"mens and

    a*ersions .ill no liner in your mind' T"e ussle ,e.een >oy

    and sorro. .ill no ou" you'

    T"is is a mirale o! 9nan- in ."i" "ere is no ,ondae o! e*en

    D"arma- upaasanaa (.ors"ip)- or &oa' Nor is "ere anyension a,ou "e need o "old on o 9nan' I is "e ama:in

    "appiness o!jeevan mukti (,ein !ree o! all .orldly onerns)'

    Unli/e D"arma- is no resried o any speial /arma (aions)'

    &ou do no "a*e o "old on o i- as in upasana' &ou don= "a*e

    o rerea ino "e a*e o! your "ear "e .ay you "a*e o in

    &oa' T"is 9nan remains .i" you a e*ery sae o! your

    ineraion' I is an in!inie- un,ro/en- omplee 9nan'Su" 9nan an only ,e o,ained !rom an e0periened-

    enli"ened Maser' Do shravana (lisen o "e disourses o!

    Ma"amas)'' 6' $345'


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    # 6 #

    9o A"ead Wi" 8n"usiasm

    T"e desires are sron' T"e mind is resless' T"e senses areurned ou.ards' T"e empaions are innumera,le' T"e !ee are

    s"a/y' %,sales sand in "e .ay li/e "ouls' A /ind o!

    sadness and "opelessness en*elopes "e mind' T"ere is a

    !eelin- I "a*e !allen !rom "e pa"'= T"a is "e ime o

    ,eome aler'

    %nly a person ."o .al/s an sum,le and slip' He may e*en

    !all a imes' T"e o!!ene is no "is !allin- "e o!!ene is i! "edoes no e up and o !or" aain' So- don= !eel a!raid o! your

    o,sales' Don= ,e dis"earened or depressed' &our prospes

    are e0remely ,ri" ,eause your aatmashakti ("e o!

    your Ama) is onneed o "e ananta-shakti ("e in!inie "a anno ,e o*erome ,y anyone'

    9o !or" .i" en"usiasm' Ha*e on!idene "a you are on "e

    *ere o! rea"in your oal' Feel "a your oal is ominloser .i" e*ery minue "a passes- .i" e*ery sep you a/e'

    W"a you desire is no o"er1 i is your Sel!' No a sinle

    momen or ioa o! your e!!or oes .ase' I "elps you mereinopoornataa(."oleness)'

    So "en- "o. sinere are you in your e!!ors o rea" your oal+

    Ho. *iilan are you a,ou "is+ To ."a dep" does your

    eaerness- an0iey- or lonin rea"+ W"i" is "e o,sale "asands li/e a *eil ,e.een you and your oal+

    Ta/e one mad leap o.ards your oal- usin all your sren"'

    T"e oal seems o ,e remoe- !ar ino "e !uure- disan- and

    separae !rom you' All "ese !aors .ill disappear' T"e !a is

    "a "ey .ere ne*er "ere' I .as >us a menal ,lo/ae' I is

    "e endeny o! !alse impressions- and no e0erion is needed !or

    you o remo*e i' W"ene*er you .an i o ,e remo*ed- "eenire eeshvareeya shakti ( o! "e Is".ara) .ill suppor


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    your s"a/i- and "e dar/ness .ill "ane ino a rea

    e!!ulene'Wa/e upE AriseE Be eaer o aain your oal' All "e po.ers

    are eaer o "elp you'

    3' 6' $345'


  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    # 6 #

    W"y Aions are ;onrary o T"ou"'

    We "a*e "e 9nan a,ou ."a .e s"ould do and ."a .es"ouldn=- ,u ."en !aed .i" some empaion- our aions

    o!en o onrary o our 9nan' W"a is "e reason !or "is+

    Improper aion is resried as lon as 9nan and sukha

    ("appiness) o oe"er' W"en su/"a ,eomes separae !rom

    9nan- 9nan !ollo.s su/"a- and "a is ."en .e do "ins "a

    .e s"ouldn='

    Ta/e "e e0ample o! spea/in "e ru"' We /no. "a i is.ron o ell lies1 "a i is a sin' We /no. "a i is .ron o

    seal1 sealin is a sin' And ye .e imaine "a .e .ill o,ain

    "appiness ,y ellin lies or sealin some"in' T"e mind a/es

    "e side o! su/"a and a,andons ."a .e /no. o ,e ri"' 9nan

    is "e maser and su/"a is "e ser*an' W"en "e ,e"a*ior is in

    /eepin .i" 9nan- su/"a .ill al.ays aompany i- ,u ."en

    9nan ,eins o !ollo. su/"a- i no loner says in is pure !orm'I ,eomes disored' I ,eomes agnaana ("a- ."i" is

    onrary o 9nan)'

    T"a is ."y our mind is parial o su/"a and .e ,eomedisinlined o !ollo. 9nan' To de*elop "e inlinaion o !ollo.

    9nan- .e s"ould li*e aordin o our 9nan- e*en a "e os o!

    some disom!or' Su/"a is !leein' I ,eomes a ause o!

    sorro. ."en i oes onrary o 9nan' We s"ould use "eme"ods o! tapasyaa (aseiism)-sahishnutaa (endurane) and

    nishkaamataa (,ein !ree o! sel!is" desires) o ma/e our su/"a

    a ! o! our 9nan' T"e- sin!ul empaions .ill no

    in!luene our antahkaran (!our!old mind or su,le ,ody)'

    $3' $' $34'


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    # 64 #

    Feelin or T"ou"'

    W"en .e see any person- o,>e- plae- ime- or emoion !rom"e *ie.poin o! .ors"ip o! "e Is".ara- "ere is no need o lin/

    i .i" loi or siene' T"e o,>e may ,e lare or small' I

    may ,e a S"aliram s"ila (a round sone .ors"ipped as

    B" @is"nu)- a Tulsi plan- a 7eepal Tree- a o.- a

    or a 9uru' I may ,e "e s/y- .ind- or !ire' T"e !eelin "a

    "is is "e Is".ara "as o ome !rom us' T"e !eelin omes

    !rom "e kartaa (doer)1 "e o,>e .e .ors"ip seems poorna(."ole- "e oaliy) o us' T"is anno ,e esed in a la,oraory'

    Nor an i ,e e0amined loially' W"ae*er i may ,e- ."en

    our inelle "as "e on*iion "a "is is poorna- .e .ill "a*e

    "e e0periene o! poornataa ("e ."oleness1 "e oaliy)' I!

    "ere is "e sli"es la/ o! !ai"- "e poornataa.ill no ,e


    T"e pa" o! "e inelle is di!!eren' In "is- "ere is no need ode*elop any !eelin' We "a*e o e0pose "e ru" "rou"

    saadhan (me"ods !or spiriual proress)- yukti (praial

    me"ods or reasonin)- sthiti (ondiion)- and e0periene'

    'haava (!eelin) is dependen on "e /ara- ."ereas vichaara(inelleual analysis- pro!ound "ou") is dependen on "e

    essene o! "e o,>e'

    W"en people see all "e di!!eren o,>es in "is .orld- "eysuperimpose "eir o.n ideas upon "e 7aramama- and "e

    paramaartha (supreme Saya1 "e realiy "a an ne*er ,e

    neaed)' So mu" so- "a .e ,elie*e "e 7aramama is eernal

    ,eause o! our aa"men o ime' We ,elie*e "a He is all2

    per*adin ,eause o! our aa"men o spae- and .e ,elie*e

    Him o ,e "e ,asi maer o! e*ery"in ,eause o! our

    aa"men o o,>esW"en .e are !reed o! all desires- no"in remains e0ep our

    essene' T"e Ama "a ena,les us o see "e .orld is "e same


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    Ama ino ."i" "e .orld dissol*es' So- .e s"ould ,e are!ul

    o a*oid mi0in up !eelin and "ou"' I! you "oose !eelin-"a*e !ull de*oion' I! you "oose "ou"- ,e ru"less in your


    6C' $' $34'


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    # 63 #

    Don= Disdain 9nan'

    &ou don= disdain your 9nan- do you+ I! your 9nan ells yousome"in- and you inore i and a aains i- you are

    insulin your 9nan' 9nan s"rin/s ."en i is o!!ended' W"en

    9nan s"rin/s you no loner e ne. ideas or !res" inspiraions'

    T"e lariy o! your inelle .ill ,e dulled' Respe your 9nan'

    Don= do any"in you /no. o ,e .ron'

    Is your 9nan mean !or o"ers or is i mean !or you+ I! i is

    mean !or o"ers- you "a*e o aep "a "ey la/ 9nan andyou are a 9nani (one ."o "as 9nan1 an enli"ened person)' I

    means you onsider o"ers o ,e in!erior' T"is inreases "e

    possi,iliy o! *aniy ,ein reained in your mind' 9nan s"ould

    ,e used !or undersandin oursel*es .ell'

    Almos e*ery"in in "is .orld is aeped as ,ein superior or

    in!erior- dependin on "e plae- ime- elii,iliy- sae-

    sren"- radiion- e' T"ese are separae and /eep "anin'T"ey also di!!er !rom plae o plae' T"ere!ore- "ere is no need

    or ause !or >udin o,>es ,y "ese onsideraions' Mos o!

    our ,elie!s are ,ased on ,lind aepane or soial radiions'As and ."en "eir la/ o! uiliy is re*ealed "ey s"ould ,e

    disoninued' 8*en i! "ey are reained in our li*es- .e s"ould

    no allo. our inelle o i*e "em imporane'

    We s"ould i*e up "e dir "a "as minled .i" our aham ("esu,le eo o! ,ein an indi*idual)' We s"ould undersand "e

    "anes and endenies o! "e ood ualiies in our a"am' Gus

    as !as"ions "ane in our dress and >e.elry- "e norms o! ."a

    is ood and proper in soial ineraion also /eep "anin'

    No"in remains .i" us' 8*ery"in is i*en up ."en .e o o

    sleep or ino o,li*ion' I! .e .an- .e an use our lo!y and

    "eal"y 9nan o i*e up e*ery"in e*en ."en .e are a.a/e'Respe your 9nan' All "e "a,is aeped ,y agnaana (la/ o!

    9nan) .ill auomaially mo*e a.ay' T"ey .ill slip and !all


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    o!!' Respe !or 9nan is "e pa" !or o,ainin "e e0periene o!

    "eparamaartha(supreme) Saya ("e ulimae realiy)'6$' $' $34'


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    # e-

    and "e o,>es are a *ision' T"e reaion is "e *ision'

    Ta/e a ood loo/ a your presen li!e' W"a are sukha-dukha("appiness2sorro.)+ W"a is "e e0en o! "eir plae- ime-

    imporane or la/ o! imporane+ Ha*e "ey ome or "a*e

    "ey one+ Are "ey reaed or no reaed+ T"ey are are!leion seen in a mirror'

    &ou !eel "a su/"a2du/"a are real- ,u "ey "a*e no e0isene

    unless "ey are /no.n' T"en- ."a is "eir sattaa (e0isene1

    realiy)+ T"ey are mere perepions- no"in more' I is a!allay "a su/"a2du/"a are real- "a "ey "a*e ome !rom

    some."ere- .ill say or o' 8*ery"in "a is seen on "e

    inema sreen is a play o! li" and s"ado.' All "a is seen in

    "e sreen o! "e antahkaran (!our!old mind or su,le ,ody) is

    Maya (illusion)' I e0iss nei"er in "e one ."o sees- nor on "e

    sreen' Don= urn i ino a realiy'

    S"arpen your perepion and see "e s"ado.s o! su/"a2du/"aare no"in ,u s"ado.s' T"ey are no real- so don= urn "em

    ino a ,urden' T"ey are piures "a "a*e no .all o suppor


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    "em' T"ey are li/e loud paerns' Don= i*e "em "e

    imporane o! real "ins' Don= mere ino "em >us o,ser*e"em'

    66' $' $34'


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    or a peae' T"is is "e sere o! sukha-dukha ("appiness and

    sorro.)'=T"e e0en o! a person=s sorro. depends on "e e0en o! "is

    desires' T"e ! "e desires- "e "appier "e .ill ,e' Be

    are!ulE Are you inreasin your desires- or reduin "em+6

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    # es o! any o"er sense

    oran' For e0ample- "e eyes /no. no"in a,ou !rarane-

    !la*or- e0ure- or sound' T"a means- e*ery sense oran is

    agnaani (inoran) a,ou "e o,>es o! "e o"er senses'

    T"e senses are inapa,le o! / e*en "eir o.n o,>es!ully' T"ins loo/ di!!eren ."en "ey are *ery !ar- or *ery

    lose' Appearanes "ane' T"e same o,>e loo/s di!!eren

    !rom a di!!eren anle- or ."en eyesi" "anes' T"ins loo/

    di!!eren ."en seen "rou" a ,inoular or mirosope' T"e

    num,ers o! speales are also di!!eren'

    No,ody an laim "a "ey "a*e ,eome aa"ed o ."a "eir

    eyes s"o.ed "em' T"e eyes "a*e seen so many !lo.ers- !ruis-ri*ers- mounains- !oress- seas- animals- ,irds- and people did

    "ey e*er e su/ o any o! "em+ T"e senses e0periene one

    o,>e a!er ano"er- !ore "em- and ra*e ne. e0perienes'Ha*e "ey e*er o aa"ed o any one or ano"er+

    Ta/e relaions"ips' Is "ere anyone in your li!e .i" ."om you

    an inera .i"ou reser*e+ T"ere is al.ays some !aor "a

    you "a*e o /eep onealed' A man "as o "ide so many "insa,ou "is .i!e !rom "is mo"er- and so many "ins a,ou "is

    mo"er !rom "is .i!eE We an ne*er ell anyone e*ery"in

    a,ou oursel*es' 8*en ."en .e are aa"ed o someone- a

    are!ul e0aminaion .ill s"o. "a "ere are some "ins a,ou

    ."i" .e anno ,e ompleely open' T"en- ."ere is "e

    aa"men omplee+

    Has your mind ,eome aa"ed o any o,>e or indi*idual orplae- sine your "ild"ood up o "e presen ime+ T"e !a is

    "a you "ardly remem,er "ose you .ere deeply aa"ed o


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    one' T"e mana (mind) is 9nan and "e senses are also 9nan'

    T"ere!ore- "ey see "eir o,>es ,u "ey ne*er e rapped inosi/in o any o! "em' 9nan is "a- ."i" remains in is pure

    !orm- un"aned- e*en ."en "e o,>es /eep "anin' My

    dreams /eep "anin1 I do no "ane'= I is a !allay o "in/"a you are emoionally aa"ed o any"in or anyone'

    No.- a/e "e inelle' T"e "ou"s "a ome ino your

    inelle are as inalula,le as "e sars in "e s/y- "e uss o!

    .ind- "e spar/s in !ire- "e ripples in .aer- and "e rains o!

    ear"' T"ou"s are saered in "e inelle "e .ay sound is

    saered in spae' T"ey ome- seem pleasan !or a ."ile- and

    "ey "ane' T"e inelle is also 9nan' I is no ied oany"in' Aa"men is a !alse impression' I seems o ,e

    enuine- ,u i is no real'

    9nan ould ne*er ,e asanga (unaa"ed) "ad i onained

    aasakti (aa"men)' (aaga-dve`sha (aa"mens2a*ersions)

    .ould al.ays remain' Desires .ould oninue o ensla*e '

    Dependene .ould ,e permanen' T"ere is no aual aa"men

    e*er- any."ere- o anyone- in "e rue essene o! 9nan' Nordoes aa"men e0is in "e indriya (senses)- mind- inelle- or

    "e Ama' Asa/i is a bhram (!allay)'

    T"is !allay "as .o !orms' T"e super!iial !orm is- I amaa"ed o some,ody'= T"e o"er !orm ."i" is a a deeper

    le*el is- T"a person is aa"ed o me'= T"e seond auses

    more sorro. "an "e !irs' I! .e i*e up our li!e !or someone- i

    is our ."im1 ,u o "in/ "a someone is so ompleely de*oedo us- is o ma/e oursel*es as *ulnera,le as animals' &ou .ill

    ,eome "is puppe' He .ill ma/e you dane- and you .ill

    dane o "is pipin'

    T"ere!ore- aa"men is no"in ,u a !allay' An inellien

    person s"ould al.ays ,e aler a,ou "is'

    63' $' $34'


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    # e o! our

    .ors"ip)' Feelin is imposed ,y us- ei"er on oursel*es- or on

    some o"er o,>e' I is no onneed o "e !a' T"e in!luene

    o! "e people .e assoiae .i"- our o.n inlinaions- and "e

    opinions o! o"ers a!!e our !eelin' B"a*ana an ,e uli*aed-i*en up- or "aned' I! .e e in!luened ,y "e .ron /ind o!

    people- i an ,e onsidered a !olly'

    #hravana (lisenin o "e spiriual disourses o! Ma"amas)a,ou "eparoksha (some"in "a is no seen)- or aparoksha(some"in "a is e0periened ,y "e mind) i*es 9nan a,ou

    ."a .e "ear' I! you do s"ra*an a,ou "e essene o! "e Ama-

    you .ill o,ain "e aparo/s"a 9nan a,ou i' I! you do s"ra*ana,ou "e paro/s"a Is".ara- you .ill o,ain paro/s"a 9nan

    a,ou Him' T"e spo/en .ord "as unimaina,le' I .ill

    s"aer "e *eil "a "ides "e o,>e o! your s"ra*an' T"is is

    ."y ,o" ,"a/i and @edana are o,ained "rou" s"ra*an'

    T"e !irs saadhan(me"od !or spiriual proress) !or ,"a/i is

    s"ra*an- and "e "i"es proo! o! @edana is also o,ained !rom

    s"ra*an'Manana (i*in "ou" o "e su,>e maer o! spiriual

    disourses) "as "e o remo*e dou,s' I also i*es rise o

  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    ne. perepions' Manan remo*es all dou,s a,ou "e proo!-

    and a,ou "a- ."i" is esa,lis"ed' De,aes and arumens oaains s"ra*an- ,u manna is "elp!ul' Manan is no sinle2


    Nididhyaasana is o ,rin "e !ous o! "e mind aain and aaino one o,>e' T"e menal inlinaion !or "e o,>e ,eomes a

    oninuous sream' T"is sream o! "ou" is onneed o

    mo*emen- speed- and ime' I is inernal- and i remo*es .ron

    inlinaions' T"e person is a.are "a "e one ."o disards is

    separae !rom "a- ."i" is disarded' T"ere!ore- "ese

    disinions remain in manna'

    $hyaana (mediaion) is dependen on "e kartaa (doer)'W"e"er "e o,>e o! mediaion is real or imained- i ,eso.s

    "e !rui- dependin on "e sren" o! "e desire and "e e!!or'

    T"e !rui an ,e desroyed i! "e person sops "is mediaion'

    T"e !rui ,elons o "e imained o,>e and is impermanen'

    9nan is o,ained ,y proo!' Worldly 9nan is o,ained "rou"

    maerial insrumens li/e "e !i*e senses' Ho.e*er- "ese

    insrumens do no "a*e "e apaiy o i*e 9nan a,ou ourAma' All maerial insrumens !ae ou.ards' 9nan a,ou our

    Sel!- our Ama- is o,ained "rou" "e proo! i*en ,y @edana'

    I does no ma/e "e Ama is o,>e "e .ay 9nan a,oumaerial o,>es ma/es pos and piures is o,>e' Nor is 9nan

    a,ou "e Ama li/e "e Hea*en and o"er realms "a an ,e

    o,ained "rou" e!!or' In !a- i desroys "e agnaana (la/ o!

    9nan) a,ou "e Ama' T"e 9nan o! @edana does no reaeany"in1 no e*en Hea*en' I merely re*eals ."a is- as i is'

    T"e essene o! 9nan is dependen on is o,>e- and "e essene

    o! d"yana is dependen on "e desire and e!!or o! "e /ara'

    Fai" is a primary !aor in d"yana- ."ile e0periene is "e

    essene o! 9nan' T"e o,>e o! mediaion is reaed ,y d"yana-

    ,u no"in is reaed ,y 9nan' 9nan desroys "e *eil o!

    advidyaa (nesiene1 inorane) "a "ides "e ru"' D"yanareaes some"in- ,u 9nan re*eals ."a .as al.ays "ere'

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    T"e person is !reed1 "e reali:es "a "e "as al.ays ,een !ree' He

    o,ains ."a "e al.ays "ad'In !a- "e priniple is "a any"in "a is reaed or remains

    due o anana is mithyaa (an illusion1 a relai*e ru")1 i did

    no e0is in "e ,einnin' And- "e o,>e o,ained "rou"9nan is some"in "a .as al.ays "ere' I is li/e a .oman

    ."o sear"ed e*ery."ere !or "er ,a,y ."o .as lyin on "er

    lap1 or sear"ed in "e sa!e !or "e ne/lae s"e .as .earin'

    T"is is "e speial !eaure a,ou "e purpose- essene- and resul

    o! 9nan'

    9nan is sel!2e!!ulen' I does no i*e ,ir" o any"in- and i

    enli"ens us a,ou "e one ."o is un,orn'

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    3' T"e Ama is eual in all oodness and .i/edness- lie

    and mosuioes- elep"ans and mounains i is simple andunompliaed'

    $C'No maer ."a people say- do or "in/- "e 7aramama

    ne*er re>es any,ody'$$'T"ere is no desire in "e Ama27aramama !or any o"er'

    $6'W"en you "in/ on "ese lines- you .ill /no. "a "e

    Ma"ama is "e personi!iaion o! "e 7aramama' T"e

    7armama "as no !orm- "e Ma"ama "as a !orm' T"a

    means- "e Ma"ama is a mani!esaion o! "e 7aramama'

    T"e li!e o! a Ma"ama onains no "ou" o"er "an "e

    essene o! "e 7aramama' T"e 7aramama is "eparamaartha (supreme sae)- ."ile "e Ma"ama is

    vyavahaara (.orldly ineraion)' Unless you see "o. a

    Ma"ama ineras in "is .orld- you anno e0periene or

    esa,lis" "e 7aramama'

    $' I ma/es no di!!erene o a Ma"ama ."e"er "e is

    onsidered o ,e a Sain or no' T"e .ord #ant (Sain)omes !rom asti (e0isene)'Asant (one ."o is "e opposie

    o! sainly) is made !rom "e .ord naasti (is no)' Bo" are

    "e *ie.poins o! "e agnaani (one ."o la/s 9nan)' T"eMa"ama is 9nan2svaroopa "e is "e essene o! 9nan'

    6' T"e Ma"ama "as no "ou"s a,ou "is o.n ,ir"- old ae

    or dea"'

  • 8/11/2019 Anand Sutra


    5' A Ma"ama is no su,>e o menal disorions li/e desire-

    aner- e sine "e is no a sep