Page 1: Sustainable yet affordable

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Gypsum boards have conquered the market for par tit ions and ceilings in many countries around the globe by combining

qualities of exceptional fire ratings, sound insulation, design flexibility and affordable construction.

Drywall construction is 9 t imes l ighter as compared to brick walls and also reduces the quanti ty of material used hence

lowering environmental footprint of the building. The internat ional t rend of replacing ineff icient “wet constructions” with

gypsum drywalls is gaining ground as they are not only 3-4 t imes faster to instal l but also provide thermal insulat ion,

acoustic insulat ion, f i re rat ing and used in wet areas such as bathrooms and ki tchens while improving indoor air

quali ty summarily making i t an appropriate material for a fast developing construction market such as India. With one

of the highest impact on the sustainabil i ty – LaGyp™ drywall systems can provide 14 points under the LEED India New

Construction rat ing system. The system fur ther provides acoustic insulat ion of 72dB and also

f i re rat ing of upto 4 hours.

One of the greatest challenges faced by the Indian market was the absence of building awareness

on the advantages of drywall system products and the lack of skilled installers. I t is to address

these issues that Lafarge established a world-class training center where yearly about 1000

people are trained, some of them cer tif ied by going through the complete installation course.

The launch of LaGyp™, Complete Gypsum Board Solutions by Lafarge, anticipated the need for

innovation and recognised it as one of the key factors that would help meet the aspirations of the

customers. LaGyp™ serves as a complete aesthetic solution for a diverse range of interior uses.

Today, it is one of the best options when it comes to providing a seamless finish and aesthetic

design possibilit ies like curves and steps, along with other benefits like being a green product,

l ight weight, easy to use, as well as allowing for speedy installation.

Hence LaGyp™ gypsum drywalls is in t rue sense the best inter ior solut ion for construction that needs to be “sustainable yet affordable”

For more details visit

Sustainableyet affordable

Page 2: Sustainable yet affordable

Test your knowledge of Gypsum boards — a new age material which has conquered the market for partitions and ceiling solutions.

A. Despite being a favourite interior product of architects, gypsum boards face the following main bottlenecks in the Indian construction industry:

1. Lack of skilled installers.

2. ______________________ ______________________ _________________________

B. What are the initiatives taken by LaGyp™, a gypsum board brand of Lafarge to address these issues?

1. __________________________ ______________________ ______________________

2. Offering Complete Gypum board solutions including technical support.

C. What are the main benefits of Gypsum Boards?

Lightweight Speedy Installation Fire & Acoustic performance Green Product All of the above.

D. State whether the following are true or false:

LaGyp™ Gypsum Board Systems:-

1. Provides acoustic insulation upto 72dB. r True r False 2. Provides fire rating upto 4 hrs. r True r False 3. Can be used in Wet areas. r True r False 4. Contribute upto 14 points in a green building. r True r False 5. Offer complete solutions r True r False

CASH PRIZE RS. 10,000/- FOR ONE LUCKY WINNER Send your entries to: [email protected] Last date of submission of entries: 31st Dec’ 2010Disclaimer: Winner will be selected by a lucky draw. The decision of the organisers will be final.
