


A C E T IC A cid , D eterm ination o f Form ic, Propionic, and— in a M ix­ture. O. L. Osburn, II. G. W ood , and C. H. W erkm an....................... 247

Acetylene, C arbon M onoxide, and Ethylene. M icroanalysis o f Gases.II. F . E . B lacet, G. D . M acD on ald , and P. A . L eigh ton ................... 272

A c i d s :F atty , C om position o f M ixtures of. I. Relation o f Com position

to D alican 's Curve. R . N . W enzel............................. 393Steam ts. Ether in Separation o f— from B acteriological M edia. J.

B. M cN a ir .............................................................................................................. 02(See also kind o f acid.)

Agitator. M echanical D evice to Agitate A nalytical Solutions bySwirling. A. F. S cott and E. F. R eid , Jr..................................................... 92

Agitator. Stirrer D rive for L aboratory Use. M . H. H ubacher 149A ir-L ift E xtractor. See E xtractors.Air Pressure for Blast Lamps. G . W . Thiessen and J. E . W ertz 201Air. See also Respiration.A l c o h o l s :

A dsorption o f— b y F ibrous M aterials. R . T . M e a s e .. .................. 317E thyl, D eterm ination o f— in G asoline— M ixtures Using a Zeiss

Im m ersion R efractom eter. F . S. M ortim er and E. H . G ie s e . . . . 350E thyl, Preparation o f A ldehyde-F ree. A . W . Stout and H . A.

S ch u ette ...................................................................................................................... 100Standardization o f Kauri Butanol Test for Paint and Lacquer

Thinners. L . C . Beard, V . L. Shipp, and W . E . Spelshouse 307A ldehyde, Preparation o f E thyl A lcohol Free of. A . W . Stout and

H . A. Sch u ette ............................................................................................................. 100Alum inum , A n tim ony as Indicator E lectrode in Potentiom etric T itra ­

tion o f Iron and . E . W . Kanning and F . H. K ra tli ................................. 381Aluminum, H andling D istilled W ater in. H. V . C hurch ill........................ 264Am ines, Identification o f— as 3,5-D initrobenzoates. C. A . Buehler,

E . J . Currier, and R a y L aw rence........................................................................ 277Am ino A cids, D eterm ination o f— and R elated C om pounds in H oney.

R. E . L othrop and S. I. G ertler........................................................................ 103Am ino C om pounds, E ffect o f Reversion Products and— on Sucrose

D eterm inations in Cane Products. F. W . Zerban and C. A . G am ble. 34 A m m o n i a :

D eterm ination of Pyridine Bases in Presence of. F. H. R h odes andK . R. Y ou n ger........................................................................................................ 302

Photom etric Investigation of Nessler R eaction and W itting M ethod for Determ ination o f— in Sea W ater. H. E . W irth and R. J.R ob in son .................................................................................................................. 293

Titration o f— in Presence of B oric A cid in M acro- and M icro-K jeldahl Procedures. E . W . M eeker and E. C . W a g n er .................. 396

Am m onium Polysulfide. Q ualitative Analysis o f H ydrogen SulfideG roup w ithout. R . W . H ufferd ....................................................................... 422

A ntim onic A cid , R eduction o f— in H ydroch loric A cid Solution withM ercury. L eR . W . M cC a y ................................................................................ 1

A n t i m o n y :As Indicator E lectrode in Potentiom etric T itration o f Iron and

Alum inum . E. W . K anning and F . H . K ra tli...................................... 381D eterm ination o f Small Q uantities of-^-in Solder in Presence o f Iron.

C. W . A n derson .................................................................................................... 52Electrode. See E lectrode.Estim ation o f Small Am ounts o f— in Copper. B artholow Park and

E. J. L ew is ............................................................................................................. 182A r s e n i c :

Interference of Pyridine D erivatives in D eterm ination of. C . R .G ross......................................................................................................................... 58

M odification o f B ettendorff’s T est for— with A daptation for M ercu ryD eterm ination. W . B . K ing and F. E . B row n .................................... 168

M old G row th Test for M inute Am ounts of. H . R . Smith and E . J.C a m eron ........................................................................................................ 400

R eduction o f Antim onic A cid in H ydroch loric A cid Solution w ithM ercury. L eR . W . M c C a y ........................................................................... 1

Asbestos in Potassium Perm anganate Titrations. R. W . Curtis andJ. F inkelstein............................................................................................................. 318

A tom ic W eights, International— for 1933.......................................................... 84

B A C T E R IO L O G IC A L M edia, Steam vs. Ether in Separation o fA cids from . J. B. M cN a ir ................ 62

Balance, New, for M easurem ent of Surface Tension. R . J. D eG ray . 70 Barium Sulfate,G roup II Elem ents with. Q uantitative Spectrographic

Studies o f C o-precipitation . II. Louis W aldbauer and E. St. C.G a n tz . ........................................................................................................................... 311

Bensaldehyde, Q uantitative D eterm ination o f— and Form aldehydeand Their Bisulfite A ddition Products. L. H . D on n a lly .................. 91

Benzidine, Com parison o f M odified— and Standard M ethods. R apid Volum etric M ethod for D eterm ining Sulfur in Coal and C oke. E.L. Skau and I. L. N ew ell - 180

Benzoic Acid, A pplication o f C ontinuous A ir-L ift E xtractor to Q uanti­tative D eterm ination of. R . P. Chapm an and L. P. H a m m e tt .. . . 346

Beryllium . See Co-precipitation.B ettendorff’s Arsenic Test. See Arsenic.Biochem ical O xygen D em and, Ivohlrausch Sugar Flasks in D eterm i­

nations of. I. C. H a ll........................................................................................... 76Blow er, Inexpensive M uencke. R . F. R o b e y ................................................. 148B orax as Preservative. See Sucrose.B oric Acid as Preservative. See Sucrose.Boric A cid . T itration o f Am m onia in Presence o f— in M acro- and

M icro-K jeldahl Procedures. E . W . M eeker and E. C . W a g n e r .. . . 396Borneolglycuronic Acid . N ew Reagent for D eterm ination o f Zinc.

A J. Q u ick .................................................................................................................. 26


Bumping Prevention, D evice for. J. E . S. I la n ............................................ 362Bunsen's M ethod . See E volution M ethod.B u r e t :

C onvenient— for W eighing. Jacob C ornog and R ob ert C o rn o g . . . . 408M echanically O perated. C . H . W h itn ah ..................................................... 352(See also M icroburet.)

Butanol. See Alcohols.2,3-Butylene G lycol, D eterm ination o f— in Ferm entations. M . C.

Brockm ann and C. H . W erkm an ...................................................................... 20(5

C A D M IU M , Critical Study o f E vrard M ethod for D eterm ination ofL. C . H urd and R . W . E v a n s ............................................................................. 16

Cadm ium . See C o-precip itation .C a l c i u m : _

D eterm ination o f— in Lead— A lloys o f L ow — C ontent. B . L.Clarke and L . A . W ooten ................................................................................... 313

M icrodeterm ination o f— in Sea W ater. P . L . K irk and E . G.M o b e r g .................................................................................................................... 95

(See also C o-precipitation .)Cane P roducts, E ffect of Reversion Produ cts and A m ino C om pounds

on Sucrose D eterm inations in . F . W . Zerban and C. A . G a m b le .. . 34Carbinols, Triaryl, M icrotest for. A. A . M orton and L. V. Peakes, Jr. 185Carbon, C om bustion Train for D eterm ination o f T ota l— in Soils. T.

H. H o p p e r . .................................................................................................................. 142C arbon, Loading C om bustion T u be in— and H ydrogen D eterm ina­

tion on Liquids. J. R . B a iley .............................................................................. 171C a r b o n a t e :

Citrate— M ethod , Shaffer and Hartm ann C om bined— for D eterm i­nation o f G lucose. J. O. H alverson and F . W . S h erw ood ............... 418

Errors in Determ ination o f— in B oiler W aters. W . C . S ch roed er .. . 389Sulfate— R atios, N om ograph for R apid Calculation of. R . T.

Sheen......................................................................................................................... 276C a r b o n D i o x i d e :

D eterm ination o f H ydrocyan ic A cid in Air and in Air— M ixtures.H . L. C u p p les ....................................................................................................... 50

D eterm ination o f— in Continuous Gas Streams. W . M cK . M artinand J. R . G reen ....................................................................................................... 114

Precise A utom atic Apparatus for C ontinuous D eterm ination o f—in Air. M . D . T h om a s....................................................................................... 193

Relation betw een V olum e o f R espiration Cham ber and C oncen­tration o f— in E n d Sample and in C om posite Sam ple o f A ir. M .K le iber..................................................................................................................... 98

W ater o f H ydration and— of M ineral M atter. Losses o f V olatile M atter in C oal b y Standard M ethod . W . A . Selvig and W . D .P oh le ............................................................................................................... 239

C arbon M onoxide, Ethylene, and A cetylene. M icroanalysis o f Gases.II. F. E . B lacet, G . D . M acD on ald , and P. A . L e igh ton ...................... 272

C arbon M onoxide, O xidation o f H ydrogen and. Platinized SilicaGel as O xidation Catalyst in Gas Analysis. I. K . A . K ob e andE . J. A rveson ................................................................................................................ 110

C arbon Steel. See Steels.Casein, N ew M ethod for Q ualitative D etection o f— in W oods. T . H.

W h iteh ea d .. . .#.................................................................................................... 150Casein, Techn ic in Chem ical Analyses of. R . S. Snyder and H. C.

H ansen .............................. 409C atalysts, Platinized Silica G el as O xidation— in Gas Analysis. I.

O xidation o f H ydrogen and C arbon M onoxide. K . A . K ob e andE . J. A rveson ............................................................................................................. 110

C e l l u l o s e :D eterm ination o f Plasticizers in O rganic Cellulosic Plastics. J. D.

R yan and G . B . W atk in s ............................................................. . 191Fibers, X -R a y M ethod for Q uantitative Com parison o f Crystallite

O rientation in. W . A. Sisson and G. L. C la rk ...................................... 296Glass Spheres for V iscosity D eterm ination o f Cuprainm onium

Solutions of. L. S. G rant, Jr., and W . M . B illin g ............................ 270(See also Fibrous M aterials.)

Chem icals, Analytical Reagent, R ecom m ended Specifications for.A ............. C . S. C om m ittee on Analytical R eagents, W . D . Collins, C hair­m an ................................................................................................................................ 289

Chem istry. C hem ical Analysis o f Things as T h ey Are. G . E . F.L u ndeli.............................................................................................................. ,.......... 221

Chlorine, D eterm ination of— in Coal. W . A. Selvig and F. H. G ibson. 189 Chlorine, D eterm ination o f Sulfur and— in G asoline. Charles W irth,

III , and M . J. StrosB.................................................................................................. 85C h r o m i u m :

N ew P rocedu resfor— and Vanadium in A lloy Steels. H . H. W illardand Philena Y o u n g ................................................................................. 158

Oxidized D iphenylam ine Sulfonic Acid and O xidized D iphcnylam ine a9 Indicators for D eterm ining—and Vanadium in A lloy Steels.H . H . W illard and Philena Y ou n g .............................................................. 154

Steels. See Steels.Circulator for Ice W ater. L. L. E n glish ............................................................. 351Citrate-C arbonate M ethod, Shaffer and H artm ann C om bined— for

D eterm ination o f G lucose. J. O. H alverson and F. W . Sherw ood. 418C itrus Trees, Equipm ent for Laboratory Fum igations in C ontrol of

R ed Scale o f— with H ydrocyan ic A cid . H . L. C u p p les ........................ 36Clam p, Screw, Im proved Laboratory. W . A. S perry .................................... 188C o a l :

Chlorine D eterm ination in. W . A . Selvig and F. H . G ib son 189Laboratory Apparatus for Producing C ontrolled Tem perature P ro­

gram in C arbonization of. W. B. W arren ................................................ 285

November 15, 1933 I N D U S T I U A X A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y 427

Loss o f V olatile M atter in— b y Standard M ethod. W ater o f H y­dration and C arbon D ioxide o f M ineral M atter. W . A. Selvigand W . D . P oh le ................................................................................................. 239

M ethod for D eterm ining D ustiness o f C oke and. A. R . Powell andC. C. R u ssell........................................................................................................ 340

Q uantitative Organic M icrochem ical A nalysis in Industrial Prob­lems. W . R . K irner................................ 363

R apid Volum etric M ethod for D eterm ining Sulfur in Coke and. Com parison of M odified Benzidine and Standard M ethods. E.L . Skau and I. L. N ew ell................................................................................ ISO

C obalt, Volum etric D eterm ination o f— b y Ferrous Sulfate and Potas­sium D ichrom ate. L. A . Sarver...................................................................... 275

Coke. See Coal.C o l o r i m e t r i c D e t e r m i n a t i o n s :

Fluoride in W ater Using Ferric Chloride. M . D . F oster ..................... 234Fluorine. W . D. A rm strong................ 300Photoelectric Colorim eter for M easuring C olor Intensities o f Liquid

Petroleum Products. B . W . Story and V. A . K alich evsky 214R otenone. H A. Jones and C. M . S m ith ................................................... 75Silicon in Sea W ater. T G. Th om pson and H . G . H ou lton ................ 417Small Am ounts o f M anganese in Salt Solutions. N . A . C lark 241Tartaric Acid . A. K . Anderson, A . H . Rouse, and T . V . L etonoff. . 19Thallium . P. A . S haw ........................................................................................ 93

C o m b u s t i o n A n a l y s e s :M odified Apparatus for. R . N. E v a n s ........................................................ 61Organic, N ickel Tubes in. F. E . R a y . ........................................ 220Train for D eterm ination o f T ota l Carbon in Soils. T . II. H o p p e r .. 142T u be, Loading— in C arbon and H ydrogen D eterm ination on Liquids.

J. R . B a iley ........................................................................................................... 171Cooling Unit, Laboratory— for W ater. D . II. C o o k . . .............................. 147Copper, Estim ation o f Small Am ounts o f A ntim ony in. Bartholow

Park and E. J. L ew is............................................................................................. 182C opper, Shorter M ethod for Iodom etric D eterm ination of. T . II.

W hitehead and H . S. M iller. (C orrection , 9 2 ) ....................................... 15Co-precipitation, Q uantitative Spectrographic Studies of. II. G roup

II Elem ents with Barium Sulfate. Louis W aldbauer and E. St.C . G a n tz ..................................................................................................................... 311

Corn Sirup. See Sirup.Corrosion in Sulfonators........................................................................................... 332Corrosion Products, R em oval of— from Iron. T . J. Finnegan and

R. C. C orey ............................................................................................................... 89C otton . See Textile Penetrants.C o t t o n s e e d M e a l :

Estim ation o f G ossypol in. J. O. Halverson and F. II. S m ith 29Estim ation o f T ota l and Bound (D ) G ossypol in. F . II. Smith and

J. O. H alverson ...................................................................................................... 319R elation o f M oisture to E xtraction o f G ossypol from — with Ether.

J. O. H alverson and F. H . Sm ith ................................................................... 320C ryolite , D eterm ination o f Fluorine in. F . J. F rcre .................................. 17Crystallite O rientation, X -R a y M ethod for Q uantitative Com parison

o f— in Cellulose Fibers. W . A. Sisson and G. L. C la rk ....................... 296C upram m onium Solutions o f Cellulose, G lass Spheres for Viscosity

D eterm ination of. L. S. G rant, Jr., and W . M . B illing .......................... 270

D A L IC A N ’S C urve. See A cids, Fatty.D extrin, D eterm ination o f— , M altose, and D extrose in Corn Sirup.

VV. R. Fetzer, J. W . Evans, and J. B . Lon genecker................................... 81D extrin, Estim ation o f— in Presence o f Glue. Jerom e A lexan d er.. . . 200D extrose, Determ ination o f Dextrin, M altose, and— in Corn Sirup.

W . R Fetzer, J. W . Evans, and J. B . L on gen ecker................................. 81D iastatic A ctiv ity o f H oney, D eterm ination o f. H. A . Schuette and

R . J. P a u ly .................................................................................. 533,5-D initrobenzoates, Identification o f A m ines as. C . A . Buehler,

E. J. Currier, and R ay L aw rence....................................................................... 277D initrotoluene, Volum etric Determ ination o f N itroglycerin and of

N itroglycerin— M ixture. W . W . B ecker .................. 152D iphenylam ine Sulfonic A cid and D iphenylam ine, O xidized— as In­

d icators for D eterm ining Chrom ium and Vanadium in A lloy Steels.H . H . W illard and Philena Y o u n g .................................................................. 154

D i s t i l l a t i o n :Apparatus and M ethods for Precise Fractional— Analysis. W . J.

Podbielniak:II. Laboratory Colum ns for Precise and R apid Fractionation of

Gaseous and Liquid Sam ples.......................................................... 119II I . Apparatus for Precise H igh-Tem perature Fractionation of

Com plex Liquid M ixtu res......................................................................... 135IV . Standardization o f Low -Tem perature Fractionation-Analysis

Apparatus and M ethod Using A utom atic R ecording and C ontrol 172Im proved Head for Laboratory Fractionating Colum ns. E . C.

W agner and J. K . S im ons............................................................................... 183Laboratory Esterifying and Fractionating Apparatus. C. A . D oran. 101Sim ple A utom atic W ater Still. II. B . G ord on .......................................... 357Vacuum , A utom atic Pressure R egulators for. E. H . Huntress and

E . B. Hershberg:I. A utom atic U n it .............................. , ........................................................... 144II. Sulfuric Acid as M anostat F lu id ........................................................ 344

Variable-Control Stillhead for Laboratory Colum ns. S. C . R oth -m ann ........................................................................................................................ 338

D um as M ethod. See M icroanalyses.D ye M ixtures, Stannous Chloride in Evaluation of. J. A. K im e 151

E G G S, Simplified M ethod for M icrodeterm ination o f Iodine in. H.J. A lm quist and J. W . G iven s........................................................................... 254

E l e c t r o d e s :A ntim ony as Indicator— in Potentioraetric T itration o f Iron and

Alum inum . E. W . Kanning and F . H . K ra t l i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381A ntim ony, Calibration and Salt Error of. Application in Soil R e­

action M easurem ents. N. J. K in g ............................................................ 323Glass: .

Am plified Ballistic M ethod for Measurement o f— E lectrom otiveForce. A llan H em ingw ay and E. L. A rnow ..................................... 278

Durable. D . A . M acln nes and D onald B e lc h e r .. ............................. 199M odified H ook-U p for R outine Use of. E . C . G ilbert and Alan

C ob b ................................................................................................................. 69Practical V acuum -T ube Potentiom eter for pH M easurem ent

with. Fred Rosebury. (C orrection )............................. 3Electrom etrie M ethod for D etection o f R elative Freshness of H addock.

M . E. Stansby and J. M . L em on ............................. .........................Engine Cylinder, O tto C ycle, “ Oxidizing A g en t" and Peroxide in.

Sydney Steele............................................................................................................ 202

E t h e r :Q uantitative Isolation o f— from D ilute Solutions. A . A . Bencdetti-

Picjiler and Frank S chneider............................................................................ 255Relation of M oisture to E xtraction o f G ossypol from C ottonseed

M eal w ith. J. O. H alverson and F. II. S m ith .......................................... 320Steam vs.— in Separation o f A cids from B acteriological M edia. J.

B . M cN a ir .......................................................................................................... 62E thyl Alcohol. See A lcohols.Ethylene, C arbon M onoxide, and A cetylene. M icroanalysis o f Gases.

II. F. E . B lacet, G . D. M acD on ald , and P. A. L eigh ton .......................... 272Evaporation , R ubber Beaker Rings for Accelerating— on Steam Bath.

J. A. Scherrer............................................................................................................ 22E volution M ethod o f Bunsen, New Apparatus for. K . B raddock-

Rogers and K . A . K rieger ....................................................................................... 342Evrard M ethod. See Cadm ium .Extraction Thim bles, Preparation o f Perm eable— for Laboratory

Filtration. F . J. W illia m s..................................................................................... 322E x t r a c t o r s :

Air-Lift, Application o f C ontinuous— to Q uantitative Determ inationof Benzoic Acid. R . P. Chapm an and L. P . H a m m ett.................... 346

Continuous. A. J. Q u ick .................................................................................... 76C ontinuous— for Liquids. Abraham M azur, R obert Rosenthal, and

Benjam in H arrow ................................................................................................ 419C ontinuous— of Large C apacity. C. M . M c C a y ................................... 213M icro-. Leslie T itus and V. W . M e loch e .................................................... 286M odified Soxhlet. T . R . Liston and W . M . D e h n ................................... 306Sim ple Large-C apacity. N . L . D rake and J. R. S p ies ............................ 284

F A IR C H IL D ’S M ethod . See Fluorine Fats. See Oils.F atty Acids. See A cids.Feed M aterials, S elenium -M ercuric O xide C om bination in D eterm in­

ing N itrogen in. L. V . T aylor, Jr .................................................................... 263Ferm entations, D eterm ination o f 2,3-B utylene G lycol in . M . C.

B rockm ann and C. H . W erk m an ...................................................................... 206Ferric Chloride, D eterm ination o f F luoride in W ater U sing. M . D.

F oster............................................................................................................................ 234Ferrous Sulfate, V olum etric D eterm ination o f C ob alt b y Potassium

D ichrom ate and. L. A . S arver........................................................................ 275Fertilizers, D eterm ination o f E quivalent A cid ity and B asicity of. W .

H. P ierre .................................................................................................................... 229Fibrous M aterials, Adsorption o f A lcohol b y . R . T . M ea se ..................... 317Filtration, D evice for. E . B . K ester .................................................................. 422Filtration, T yndallm etric Exam ination o f Filtered Liquors. A . B.

Cumm ins and M . S. B a d o lle t............................................................................. 328Flame Shield, Inexpensive. C . C . V ern on ....................................................... 6F l u o r i n e :

Colorim etric D eterm ination of. W . D . A rm strong................................. 300Determ ination and Occurrence o f F luorides in Sea W ater. T . G.

T h om pson and II. J. T a y lo r ............................................................................... 87Determ ination o f Fluoride in W ater Using Ferric Chloride. M . D.

F oster ....................................................................................................................... 234D eterm ination o f Fluorides in Illinois W aters. C . S. B oruff and

G. B. A b b o t t ..................................................................................................... 236D eterm ination o f— in C ryolite. F . J. F rere ............................................... 17Silicon Tetrafiuoride Volatilization in D eterm ination of. W . D.

A rm strong.............................................................................................................. 315Sources o f Error in W ater Analysis of Fairchild ’s M ethod for D e­

termining Fluoride in Phosphate R ock . M . D . F oste r .................... 238Volum etric M ethod for D eterm ination o f. H . H . W illard ................. 7

Forgeries D etected b y Chem ical T e s t .................................................................. 243Form aldehyde as Preservative. See Sucrose.Form aldehyde, Q uantitative D eterm ination o f— and B enzaldehyde and

Their Bisulfite Addition Products. L. H . D on n a lly .................................. 91-F orm ic A cid , D eterm ination o f A cetic. P ropionic, and— in a M ixture.

O. L. O sburn, H . G . W ood , and C . H . W erk m an ................................. 247F ractionation . See D istillation.Fum igations. D eterm ination o f H ydrocyan ic A cid in A ir and in Air­

Carbon D ioxide M ixtures. H . L. C u p p les ................................................. 50Fum igations, E quipm ent for Laboratory— in C ontrol o f R ed Scale o f

Citrus Trees with H ydrocyan ic A cid . H . L . C u pples........................... 36Furfural, D eterm ination o f— from H ardw oods. H . A . Idd les and P.

J. R ob b in s..................................... 55Furfural, Volum etric Potassium B rom ate-B rom ide Titration o f. O.

C . M agistad ................................................................................................................ 253

G A S :Analysis, Platinized Silica G el as O xidation C atalyst in. I. O xida­

tion of H ydrogen and C arbon M onoxide. K . A . K obe and E. J.A rveson .................................................................................................................... n o

Apparatus for M icroanalysis of. J. S. Swearingen, O tto G erbes,and E . W . E llis . . . 369

Bubbler for Small Pressure D rops. C . C . Furnas.................................... 250D eterm ination o f C arbon D ioxide in C ontinuous— Streams. W.

M cK , M artin and J. R . G reen ......................................................... 114D eterm ination o f Organic Sulfur in. C . W . W ilson ............................... 20M easurem ent o f Viscosities o f Liquids Saturated w ith— at High

Pressures. B. H . Sage..................................................................................... 261M icroanalysis of. II. Carbon M onoxide, Ethylene, and Acetylene.

F. E. B lacet, G . D . M acD on ald , arid P. A . L e igh ton ...................... 272Pum p as Sampler for. R . C . L ee.................................................................... 354

G asoline, D eterm ination of E thyl A lcohol in — A lcohol M ixtures Using a Zeiss Im mersion Refractom eter. F . S. M ortim er and E. H . Giese. 356

G asoline, D eterm ination o f Sulfur and Chlorine in. Charles W irth,III, and M . J. S tross............................................................................................. 85

Glass Electrode. See E lectrode.Glass Spheres for V iscosity D eterm ination o f C upram m onium Solu­

tions of Cellulose. L. S. G rant, Jr., and W . M . B illing .......................... 270G lucose, Shaffer and H artm ann C om bined C arbonate-C itrate M ethod

for Determ ination of. J. O. H alverson and F. W . S h erw ood . . . . . . . 418Glue, Estim ation o f D extrin in Presence of. Jerom e A lexan der 2 00G lycerol, Use o f— in Iodom etry . A. T . Baw den and S. K. D y ch e 347G o s s y p o l :

E stim ation o f— in C ottonseed M eal. J. O . H alverson and F . H .Sm ith ........................................................................................................................ 29

Estim ation o f T ota l and Bound ( D )— in C ottonseed M eal. F . H.Smith and J. O. H alverson .................................. 319

Relation o f M oisture to E xtraction o f— from C ottonseed M eal withEther. J. O. H alverson and F. H. S m ith ............................................... 320

G ravim etric D eterm ination o f Sulfuric A nhydride in Sulfonated Oilsand Other Products. Ralph H art ................................................................... 413

Grinder, Inexpensive. Alfred H ow ..................................................................... 219

428 A N A L Y T I C A L E D I T I O N Vol. 5, No. 6

H A D D O C K , E lectrom etric M ethod for D etecting R elative Fresh­ness o f. M . E . S tansby and J. M . L em on .................................................. 20S

H alogens, Organic, M icroSom b for D eterm ination of. F . E . Beam ish. 348 H alogens, Standardization o f Stepanow M ethod for D eterm ination of

N uclear— in O rganic C om pounds. W . A. C ook and K . H . C o o k . . . 186H eat Transfer Experim ents, M easurem ent o f T u be W all Tem peratures

in. G . M . H ebbard and W . L. B adger......................................................... 359H o n e y :

Determ ination o f A m ino A cids and Related C om pounds in. R . E .Dothrop and S. I. G ertler ................................................................................ 103

D eterm ination o f D iastatic A ctiv ity of. H . A . Schuette and R . J.P a u ly ................................................................................... ; ......... 53

D eterm ination o f M oisture in Sirups and Viscous M aterials. E . W .R ice and P. B oleracki....................................................................................... 11

H ydrochloric Acid, R eduction o f A n tim onic A cid in— Solution withM ercury. L eR . W . M c C a y ............................................................................... 1

H y d r o c y a n i c A c i d :D eterm ination o f— in Air and in A ir-C arbon D ioxide M ixtures. H.

L. C u pples ; .......... 50D istillation o f— from Sulfuric A cid Solutions. Samuel M orris and

V. G . L il ly .................................................... 407E quipm ent lor Laboratory Fum igations in C ontrol o f R ed Scale of

Citrus Trees with. II. L. C u pp les ............................................................. 36Q uantitative D eterm ination o f Small A m ounts of. Nathan Gales

and A. J. P en sa ............................... 80H y d r o g e n - I o n D e t e r m i n a t i o n s :

M odified H ook-U p for R outine Use o f G lass E lectrode in. E . C .G ilbert and Alan C o b b .................................................................................... 69

Practical V acu um -T ube Potentiom eter for pH M easurem ent withGlass E lectrodes. Fred R osebury. (C orrection ).............................. 3

Slide Rule for Calculating H ydrogen -Ion Concentration and pHValues. M . C . Sanz. (Correction, 2 5 4 )............................................... 218

H ydrogen, Loading C om bustion Tu be in C arbon and— D eterm inationon Liquids. J. R . B a iley ...................................................... ......................... 171

H ydrogen , O xidation o f C arbon M onoxide and. Platinized Silica Gelas Oxidation Catalyst in G as Analysis. I. K . A . K obe and E. J.A rveson ........................................................................................................................ 110

H ydrogen Sulfide, Q ualitative Analysis o f— G roup without Am m onium Polysulfide. R . W . H ufferd ............................................................................... 422

IM M E R S IO N Refractom eter. See Refractom eter.Ink, Forgeries D etected b y C hem ical T e s t .................. ................................... 243Invertase M ethod , E ffect o f Preservatives on Determ ination o f SucroBe

b y . C , F. Poe, M ary C ooley , and N. F . W it t ................................ 309I o d i n e :

And N itric Acid E xtraction M ethods for D eterm ination o f N on- raetallic Inclusions in Plain-Carbon and M anganese Steels. T .R . Cunningham and R . J. P rice ................................................................... 27

In Eggs, Simplified M ethod for M icrodeterm ination of. H . J.A lm quist and J. W . G iven s ; ........................ 254

Inorganic, Volum etric Determ ination o f Small Q uantities of. J. F.Sadusk, Jr., and E. G. B a ll............................................................................. 3S6

R ecovery o f— from M etallic Iodides b y O xidation w ith TechnicalN itric A cid . R . F. M cC leary and E. F. D egerin g ............................... 420

Simplified K am a Techn ic for M icroestim ation of. Harry von K ol-nitz and R . E . R em ington ............................................................................. 38

Iodom etric D eterm ination o f Copper, Shorter M ethod for, T . H .W hitehead and H . S. M iller. (C orrection, 9 2 ) ......................................... 15

Iodom etric D eterm ination, Use o f G lycerol in. A . T . Bawden andS. K . D y ch e ............................................................................................................... 347

I r o n :A ntim ony os Indicator E lectrode in Potentiom etric T itration of

Alum inum and. E . W . K anning and F . H . K r a t l i . ................... 381D eterm ination of Small Quantities o f A ntim ony in Solder in Presence

of. C . W . A nderson ......................................................................................... 52 .Q uantitative Separation o f Small A m ounts o f Z inc from M aterial

R ich in. F . G. H ills......................................................................................... 201Rem oval o f Corrosion Products from . T . J. Finnegan and R . C.

C o re y ........................................................................................................................ 89

J U N C T IO N S o f G round Glass. H . L. B a u m bach .................................... 349

K A R N S T echnic. See Iodine.Kauri B utanol T est, Standardization o f— for Paint and Lacquer Thin-

ners. L . C . Beard, V . L. Shipp, and W . E . Spelshouse.......................... 307K jeldahl M eth od , A ccurate Sem im icro. D . I. H itchcock and R . C.

B elden ........................................................................................................................... 402K jeldahl Procedures, M acro- and M icro-, T itration of Am m onia in

Presence o f B oric A cid in. E . W . M eeker and E . C . W agn er 396K ohlrausch Sugar Flask. See Sugar.

L a c q u e r . See Paint.Lam p, Im proved— for D eterm ination o f Sulfur in L ight Petroleum

Products. E . R . G illis ......................................................................................... 421Lead, D eterm ination o f Calcium in— Calcium A lloys o f Low Calcium

Content. B . L. Clarke and L. A . W o o te n .................................................... 313Lignin, E ffect o f Alkali Treatm ent on Y ield o f. E . E . H arris.................. 105L i q u i d s :

Apparatus for Reactions in— Phase at E levated Tem peratures andPressures. H om er Adkins. (C orrection ).............................................. 3

Continuous— E xtractor. Abraham M azur, R ob ert Rosenthal, andBenjam in H arrow ................................................................................................ 419

Filtered, Tyndallm etric Exam ination o f. A . B . Cum m ins and M .S. B a d o lle t ............................................................................................. 328

Loading C om bustion T u be in C arbon and H ydrogen Determ inationon. J. R . B a iley ................................................................................................ 171

M easurem ent o f V iscosities o f— Saturated with Gases at High Pres­sures. B . H . Sage.............................................................................................. 261

M icrofractionating C olum n for— H aving Low H eat o f Vaporization.P. E . W eston ......................................................................................................... 179

M A C R O -K J E L D A H L Procedure. S<* K jeldahl.M agnesium . See C o-precipitation .M altose, D eterm ination o f D extrin , D extrose, and— in Corn Sirup.

W . R . Fetzer, J. W . E vans, and J. B . Lon genecker............................. . . . 81M anganese, D eterm ination o f Small Am ounts o f— in Sait Solutions.

N . A . C lark ................................................................................................................ 241M anganese Steel. See Steels.M anom eters, Large C losed-E nd, A pparatus for Filling. A . E .

C am eron...................................................................................................................... 419

M anostat Fluid. See Sulfuric Acid.M ercaptans, R apid Q uantitative D eterm ination of. G . R . B on d , J r .. 257M ercuric O xide-Selenium Com bination in D eterm ining N itrogen in

Feed M aterials. L. V . T aylor, Jr................................................................ 263M e r c u r y :

M odification o f B ettendorff’s A rsenic T est with A daptation for—D eterm ination . W . B. K ing and F. E . B row n ...................................... 168

M odified Design for— Bulb o f Therm ostat. G . B . H eisig and A . E .C am eron ................................................................................................................ 420

R apid Qualitative D etection o f— in Organic C om pounds. IrwinS ton e................... 220

R eduction o f A ntim onic A cid in H ydroch loric A cid Solution with.L eR . W . M cC a y .................................................................................................. 1

Therm oregulator, Im proved U -T ype. J. B . R a m sey ............................. 218M etals. Q uantitative Analysis b y Spectroscopic M ethods. O. S.

D uffendack, R . A . W olfe, and R . W . S m ith ................................................ 226M etals, W hite, Analysis of— and Their Sm elter Products. Hans

N eu bert................................... 60M ethylene Blue Test, Application o f— to Stability o f Fats and Oils.

II . D . R o y c e ........................................................................................................... 244M eulen M ethod . See Oxygen.M icroabsorption Spectra. C . R . Naeser and B . S. H op k in s ..................... 358M i c r o a n a l y s e s :

Apparatus for— of Gas. J. S. Swearingen, O tto G erbes, and E . W .E llis ........................................................................................................................... 369

Calcium in Sea W ater. P . L . K irk and E. G. M o b e rg .......................... 95Exam ination o f R ubber and Other Solid Techn ical P roducts. F.

H . Roninger, Jr...................... 251Gases. I I . C arbon M onoxide, Ethylene, and A cetylene. F. E .

B lacet, G . D . M acD on ald , and P . A. L eighton ..................................... 272M icro-D um as M ethod. M . L. N ich o ls ........................................................ 149M icrotest for T riaryl Carbinols. A. A . M orton and L. V . Peakes,

Jr................................................................................................................................ 185Potentiom etric, M icroburet for. H . L. L ochte and Anna H o o v e r . . 335Simplified Karns Techn ic for M icroestim ation o f Iodine. H arry von

k o ln itz and R. E . R em in gton ............................................................... 38Simplified M ethod for D eterm ination o f Iodine in Eggs. H . J.

A lm quist and J. W . G iven s............................................................................ 254M icrobom b for D eterm ination o f Organic H alogens. F . E. Beam ish. 348M icroburet. See M icroanalyses.M icrochem ical Analysis, Q uantitative O rganic— in Industrial P rob­

lems. W . R . K irner.............................................................................................. 363M icroextractor. See E xtractors.M icrofractionating C olum n for Liquids H aving Low H eat o f V apori­

zation. P. E . W eston ........................................................................................... 179M icro-K jeldahl Procedure. See K jeldahl.M icrom clting-P oint D eterm ination with Th iele T u be. E . W . B lank . 74 Mineral C om ponents, G raphical R epresentation o f— in W ater Analy­

ses. A. A . H irsch. (C orrection ).................................................................... 225M ineral Pow ders. See Pow ders.M old G row th T est for M in ute A m ounts o f Arsenic. H . R . Smith and

E. J. C a m eron ........................................................................................................... 400M uencke Blow er. See B low er.

N E S S L E R Reaction. See W ater.N ickel Steel. See Steels.N ickel T u bes in Organic Com bustions. F . E . R a y ..................................... 220N icotine. Interference o f Pyridine D erivatives in Arsenic D eterm i­

nation. C . R . G ross............................................................................................. 58N itric A cid and Iodine E xtraction M ethods for D eterm ination of

N onm etallic Inclusions in P lain-Carbon and M anganese Steels.T . R . Cunningham and R . J. P r ice ..................................................................... 27

N itric A cid , Techn ical, R ecovery o f Iod ine from M etallic Iodides byO xidation w ith. R . F . M cC leary and E. F . D egering.......................... 420

N itrites, Volum etric M ethods o f Estim ating. R . D . C ool and J. H .Y o e ................................................................................................................................. 112

N itrocellulose Pow der, D eterm ination o f o-N itrotoluene in— b y Im ­mersion R efractom eter. J. A . O 'Callaghan and S. G . C o o k .............. 333

N itrogen, Selenium in D eterm ination o f Phosphorus and— in Phos­pholipides. F. E . K u rtz ............................................................ r .. 260

Nitrogen, S elenium -M ercuric Oxide C om bination in D eterm ining—in Feed M aterials. L . V . T aylor, Jr.................................... . . ..................... 263

N itroglycerin, Volum etric D eterm ination o f— and o f— D initrotolueneM ixture. W . W . B eck er ..................................................................................... 152

o-Nitrotoluene, D eterm ination o f— in N itrocellulose Pow der b y Im ­m ersion R efractom eter. J. A . O ’Callaghan and S. G . C o o k .............. 333

N om ogram for D eterm ination o f Form ic, A cetic, and Propion ic A cids in a M ixture. O. L . O sburn, H. G . W ood , and C. H . W erkm an. . . . 247

N om ograph for R apid C alculation o f Sulfate-C arbonate Ratios. R .T . Sneen....................................................................................................................... 276

O IL S , G ravim etric D eterm ination o f Sulfuric A nhydride in Sul-fonated— and O ther P roducts. R alph H a rt .............................................. 413

Oils, Stability o f Fata and. A pplications o f M ethylene B lue Test.H . D . R o y ce ........................................... 244

O rganic C om bustions. See C om bustion.O r g a n i c C o m p o u n d s :

M icrobom b for D eterm ination o f O rganic H alogens. F . E . Beam ish. 348R apid Q ualitative D etection o f M ercu ry in. Irvvin S ton e ..................... 220Standardization o f Stepanow M ethod for D eterm ination o f N uclear

Halogens in. W . A . C ook and K . H .C o o k ........................................... 186ter M eulen M ethod for D irect D eterm ination o f O xygen in. W .

W . Russell and J. W . F u lto n .............................. 384O tto C ycle Engine Cylinder. See Engine.O xygen. R elation betw een V olum e o f R espiration Cham ber and

C oncentration o f C arbon D ioxide in E nd Sam ple and in C om positeSam ple o f Air. M . K le iber.............................................................. 98

O xygen, ter M eulen M ethod for D irect D eterm ination o f— in Organic Com pounds. W . W . Russell and J. W . F u lto n ........................................ 884

P A IN T S , Standardization o f K auri Butanol T est for— and LacquerThinners. L . C . Beard, V . L . Shipp, and W . E. Spelshouse................. 307

Paper. A u tom atic T itrating D evices. K . H ickm an and C. R . San­fo rd ........................................................................................................ 65

Paper. R apid M ethod for Distinguishing B leached Sulfate fromBleached Sulfite. R . W . S h a ffer . ............................................. 35

P e t r o l e u m :Apparatus and M ethods for Precise Fractional-D istillation Analysis.

W . J. Podbielniak:

November 15, 1933 I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y 429

II . L aboratory Colum ns for Precise and Rapid Fractionation of G aseous and Liquid Sam ples.................................................................... 119

II I . Apparatus for Precise H igh-Tem perature Fractionation of Com plex Liquid M ixtu res.......................................................................... 135

IV . Standardization o f Low -Tem perature Fractionation-AnaW sis Apparatus and M ethod Using A utom atic R ecording and Con­tro l....................................................................................................................... 172

Im proved Lam p for Determ ination o f Sulfur in Light— Products.E . R . G illis........................................................................................................ 421

P hotoelectric Colorim eter for Measuring Color Intensities of L iq ­uid— Products. B . W . Story and V. A . K alichevsky......................... 214

Phosphate R ock , Sources of Error in W ater Analysis of Fairchild’sM ethod for D eterm ining Fluoride in. M . D. F oster............................ 238

Phospholipidcs. See next item.Phosphorus, Selenium in D eterm ination o f— and N itrogen in Phospho­

lipides. F. E. K u rtz ............................................................................................ 260Photoelectric Colorim eter. See C olorim etric Determinations.Photographic Recording o f Line Tests for Vitam in D . A . L. Bacha-

rach, E . Allchorne, V. H azley, and S. G. Stevenson............................... 12P hotom etric Investigation of Nessler Reaction and W itting M ethod for

D eterm ination o f Am m onia in Sea W ater. H. E . W irth and R. J.R ob in son .................................................................................................................... 293

Plant M aterial, Assay o f— for R otenone Content. II. A . Jones 23Plasticizers, Determ ination o f— in Organic Cellulosic Plastics. J. D

R yan and G. B. W atk ins.................................................................................... 191Platinized Silical Gel. See Silica Gel.Potassium B rom ate-B rom ide, Volum etric— Titration of Furfural. O.

C. M agistad ........................................................................................................... 253Potassium Cobaltinitrite Precipitate, N ote on W ashing. W . E.

T h ru n ................................................................................... 79Potassium , Determ ination of— b y Sodium Cobaltinitrite. J. E . Schueler

and R . P. T h om a s................................................... 163Potassium D ichrom ate, Volum etric D eterm ination of C obalt b y

Ferrous Sulfate and. L. A. Sarver................... .................................. 275Potassium Perm anganate Titrations, A sbestos in. R . W . Curtis and

J. F inkelstein ........................................................................................................ . 318Potentiom eter, Practical V acuum -T ube— for pH Measurement with

Glass E lectrodes. Fred Rosebury. (C orrection )........................... 3POTENTIOMETRIC DETERMINATIONS:

A ntim ony as Indicator E lectrode in Potentiom etric Titration ofIron and Alum inum . E. W . Kanning and F. H . K ra tii................... 381

Potentiom etric M icroanalysis. See M icroanalyses.R apid M ethod for Fixing End P oint o f Potentiom etric Titration.

F lorence Fenwick. (C orrection )........................................................ 18Pow ders, C lose-Packed M ineral, Experim ental Determ ination of Void

C on ten t of. R . N. Traxler, L. A . H. Baum , and C. U. P ittm a n .. . . 165Pressure-Regulators, A utom atic— for Vacuum D istillation. E . H.

Huntress and E. B . Hershberg:I. A utom atic U n it............................. ................................................................ 144II. Sulfuric A cid as M anostat F lu id .................................................... 344

Pressures, Apparatus for Reactions in Liquid Phase at Elevated T em ­peratures and. H om er Adkins. (C orrection )................ 3

Propionic A cid , D eterm ination of Form ic, Acetic, and— in a M ixture.O. L. Osburn, H. G. W ood , and C. H. W erkm an ............................. 247

Pum p, Use o f— as Gas Sampler. R . C. L ee ................................ 354Pyridine Bases, D eterm ination o f— in Presence o f Am m onia. F. H.

Rh odes and K . R . Y ou n ger................. - ................. : • •.*............ ■ 302Pyridine D erivatives, Interference o f— in Arsenic D eterm ination. C.

R. G ross................................................................................................... 58

R E F R A C T O M E T E R , Im mersion, D eterm ination o f c-N itrotoluene in N itrocellulose Pow der by. J. A. O 'Callaghan and S. G. C ook . . 333

Refractom etcr, Zeiss Im mersion, D eterm ination o f E thyl Alcohol in G asoline-A lcohol M ixtures with. F . S. M ortim er and E. H. Giese. 356

Refrigerant. See Sulfur D ioxide.R e s p i r a t i o n : .

Determ ination of Carbon D ioxide in Continuous Gas Streams. W .M cK . M artin and J. R . G reen ................................................ .••••........... 114

Precise A utom atic Apparatus for C ontinuous D eterm ination ofCarbon D ioxide in Air. M . D . T h om a s........................... .................... 193

R elation betw een V olum e of— Cham ber and Concentration o f Car­bon D ioxide in End Sam ple and in Com posite Sample o f Air.M . K leiber..................................... . ..................................................................... 98

R otenone, C olor Test for. H. A . Jones and C. M . Sm ith ................... 75R otenone C ontent, Assay of Plant M aterial for. H. A . Jon es ............ 23R u b b e r : . o r * .

Beaker Rings o f— for Accelerating Evaporation on Steam Bath.J . A. Scherrer ................................................. ................................................................- • ••• - - • 22

D eterm ination o f— in— Bearing Plants. D . Spence and M . L.C a ldw ell......................................................................................* ........................ 371

M icroscopic Exam ination o f— and Other Solid Technical Products.F . H . Roninger, Jr................................................................... .................. .. 251

N ew M achine for Laboratory E valuation of Fatigue of— Com poundsFlexed under Com pression. L. V. C oop er ...................................... 350

Stoppers. See Stoppers.T -50 Test for State o f Cure. W . A. G ibbons, R . II. Gerke, and

H. C. T in g ey .............................................................................................. 279

S A C C H A R IM E T E R . See Sugar.Salt Solutions, D eterm inations o f Small Am ounts o f M anganese in.

N . A . C lark ........................... 241Saybolt Viscom eter. See Viscom eter. .Selenious Acid M ethod for Determ ination o f Zirconium in Steels. S.

G . Sim pson and W . C. S chum b................... 40Selenious A cid Phosphate M ethod for D eterm ining Sirconium in Steels.

S. G. Sim pson and W . C. S ch u m b ....................................... .. • . . . . . . . . . 211Selenium in D eterm ination of Phosphorus and Nitrogen in Phospho­

lipides. F. E . K u rtz ......................... .. .............. Vt. ; • 260Selenium -M ercuric Oxide Com bination in D eterm ining N itrogen in

Feed M aterials. L . V. T aylor, J r . . . ................. 263Shaffer and H artmann M ethod. See G lucose. t tShellac, N ature and Constitution of. V II . D eterm ination o f Acid

N um ber. H arold W einberger and W . H. G a rd n e r .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267Silica G el, P latinized— as O xidation Catalyst in G as Analysis. I.

O xidation o f H ydrogen and Carbon M onoxide. K . A . K obe andE. J. A rveson ........................ • • ---• - - ; ..................... ; ■ • • 110

Silicon, Determ ination o f— in Sea W ater. T . G. T hom pson and H.G . H ou lton .................................... —--------- .•••:*••• •_!/ 417

Silicon Tetrafluoride Volatilization in Fluorine Determ ination. W .D . Arm strong. .................................................................................................... 315

Silk. See Fibrous Materials.Sirup, Corn, D eterm ination o f D extrin , M altose, and D extrose in.

W . R . Fetzer, J. W . Evans, and J. B . Longenecker.......................... g iSirups, Determ ination of M oisture in Viscous M aterials and. E . W .

Rice and P. Boleracki. . ............................................................................. nSlide Rule for Calculating H ydrogen-Ion Concentration and pH

Values. M . C. Sanz. (C orrection , 2 5 4 )........................................... 218Sodium Benzoate as Preservative. See Sucrose.Sodium Bisulfite as Preservative. See Sucrose.Sodium Bisulfite, Q uantitative Determ ination o f Form aldehyde and

Benzaldehyde and Their Bisulfite A ddition Products. L. II.D onnally ............................................................................................................ 91

Sodium Cobaltinitrite, D eterm ination of Potassium by . J. E. Schuelerand R . P. T h om a s......................................................................................... 103

Sodium H ydroxide, Preparation o f— Solutions o f Low Carbonate• Content b y Centrifugalization. N elson Allen and G. W . Low , Jr.. 192Sodium Salicylate as Preservative. See Sucrose.Soil Reaction M easurem ents. Calibration and Salt Error o f Antim ony

Electrode. N. J. K in g ............................................................................... 323Soils, Com bustion Train for D eterm ination o f T ota l Carbon in. T .

II. H o p p e r .. .......................................................................................................... 142Solder, Determ ination o f Small Q uantities o f A ntim ony in— in Pres­

ence o f Iron. C . W . A n derson ............................................................................ 52Soxhlet Extractor. See Extractor.S p e c t r o g r a p h i c A n a l y s e s :

M icroabsorption Spectra. C . R . Naeser and B . S. H opk in s ................ 358Q uantitative Analysis by Spectroscopic M ethods. O. S. Duffen-

dack, R . A . W olfe , and R . W . S m ith ......................................................... 226Q uantitative Studies o f C o-precipitation. II. G roup II Ele­

ments with Barium Sulfate. Louis W aldbauer and E. St. C.G antz....................................................................................... . ....................... 3 i i

Spectroscope, Variable-D eviation, D evice for Calibration of. C. F.G raham ............................................................................................................................ 51

Stannous Chloride in Evaluation of D ye M ixtures. J. A . K im e 151S t e a m :

Bath, M ultiple. W . L. Beuschlein and W . M . D ch n ........................... 327Bath, R ubber Beaker Rings for A ccelerating E vaporation on. J.

A. Scherrer................................................................................................................. 22Ether vs.— in Separation o f A cids from B acteriological M edia. J.

B. M cN a ir ................................................................................................................. 02S t e e l s :

A lloy , New Procedures for Chrom ium and Vanadium in. H . H.W illard and Philena Y o u n g .............................................................................. 158

A lloy, Oxidized D iphenylam ine Sulfonic A cid and O xidized D i- pnenylaraine as Indicators for D eterm ining Chrom ium andVanadium in. H . H. W illard and Philena Y o u n g ............................... 154

Determ ination o f Titanium in Plain-Carbon, H igh-C hrom ium , and18 Chrom ium - 8 N ickel Steels. T . R . C unningham ............................ 305

Determ ination o f Zirconium in. S. G . Sim pson and W\ C. Schum b:Selenious A cid M eth od ..................................................................................... 40Selenious Acid Phosphate M e th o d ............................................................. 211

Plain-Carbon and A lloy, D eterm ination o f Zirconium in. T . R .Cunningham and R. J. P rice ............................................................................ 334

Plain-Carbon and M anganese, Iodine and N itric Acid Extraction M ethods for Determ ination o f N onm etallic Inclusions in. T . R .Cunningham and R. J. P rice ............................................................................. 27

Stepanow M ethod. See Halogens.Stirrer, C onvenient Inexpensive W ater-M otor. R . E . D u n bar 266Stirring R od with Fritted Glass D isk. J. E . S. H a n ................................... 421S topcock K ey Rem over. D evice for R em oving Frozen Glass Stoppers

from Reagent Bottles. Charles W irth, I I I ................................................ 217Stopcock R em over, A djustable. R . W . W esterm an................................... 68Stoppers, R ubber, Chain Arrangem ent for. R . A . O sborn and A. G.

Sterling......................................................................................................................... 274Strontium. See C o-precipitation .S u c r o s e :

D eterm ination o f Small A m ounts of Invert Sugar in Presence of.A. H . Edwards and 8 . J. O sborn ......................... 42

E ffect o f Preservatives on D eterm ination o f— b y Invertase M ethod.C. F . Poe, M ary C ooley , and N . F . W it t ............................ 309

E ffect o f Reversion Products and Am ino C om pounds on— D eterm i­nations in Cane Products. F . W . Zerban and C . A . G am ble 34

S u g a r :Invert, D eterm ination o f Small A m ounts o f— in Presence o f Sucrose.

A. H . Edw ards and S. J. O sb orn . 42Kohlrausch— Flasks in D eterm inations o f B iochem ical O xygen

D em and. I. C. H a ll.................................................. 76Recom m endations for Use o f 26.026-G ram Norm al W eight for

Ventzke Scale Saccharim eters. C . A . B row ne and R . T . B a ic h . . 283S u l f a t e :

Bleached, R apid M ethod for D istinguishing— from Bleached Sulfite.R . W . Shaffer........................................................................................................ 35

Carbonate— R atios, N om ograph for R apid Calculation of. R . T .Sheen........................................................................................................................ 276

Tetrahydroxyquinone as Internal Indicator in D irect T itration of.W . C . Schroeder.................................................................................................. 403

Sulfite, B leached, R apid M ethod for Distinguishing Bleached Sulfatefrom . R . W . Shaffer............................................................................................. 35

Sulfonated Oils. See Oils.Sulfonators, Corrosion in .......................................................................................... 332S u l f u r :

D eterm ination of— and Chlorine in G asoline. Charles W irth, II I ,and M . J. Stross.................................................................................................. 85

Im proved Lamp for D eterm ination of— in Light Petroleum Products.E. R . G illis........................................................................................................ 421

Organic, D eterm ination o f— in Gas. C. W . W ilson .............................. 20R apid Volum etric M ethod for D eterm ining— in Coal and Coke.

Com parison o f M odified Benzidine and Standard M ethods. E.L. Skau and I. L . N ew ell................................................................................ 180

Sulfur D ioxide, Liquid, Analysis o f R efrigeration-G rade of. Sulfur Dioxide Com m ittee o f Com pressed Gas M anufacturers’ A ssocia­tion , F. A. Eustis. C hairm an............................................................................. 77

Sulfuric A cid as M anostat Fluid. A utom atic Pressure Regulators for Vacuum D istillation. II. E . B . Hershberg and E. H . Huntress. 344

Sulfuric A cid Solutions, D istillation o f H ydrocyan ic A cid from .Samuel M orris and V. G . L illy ......................................................................... 407

Sulfuric A nhydride, G ravim etric D eterm ination o f— in SulfonatedOils and Other Products. Ralph H a rt ........................................................ 413

Sulfurous A cid , Flask Oxidation in D eterm ination o f— b y D istillation.P. F . N ichols and H . M . R e e d .......................................................................... 398

Sulfurous A cid , Inhibiting E ffect o f Certain Substances upon Oxida­tion of. J. S. M itchell, G . A . Pitm an, and P. F. N ich o ls ..................... 415

Surface Tension Balance. See Balance.

430 A N A L Y T I C A L E D I T I O N Vol. 5, No. 6

T A C H O M E T E R , Sim ple Laboratory. W . A . S perry ............................Tartaric A cid , C olorim etric D eterm ination of. A . K . Anderson, A .

H . R ou se, and T . V . L eton off........................................................................T e m p e r a t u r e :

A djustable— R egulator. W . G . P ark s..........................................................Apparatus for Reactions in Liquid Phase at E levated Pressures and.

H om er Adkins. (C orrection ).......................................................................Control. Im proved U -T yp e M ercu ry Therm orcgulator. J. B.

R a m sey ....................................................................................................................L aboratory Apparatus for P roducing Controlled— Program . W .

B. W arren ..........................................................•.•*•*................ .•••*...........Tetrahydroxyquinone as Internal Indicator in D irect T itration of

Sulfate. W . C. Schroeder...................................................................................Textile Penetrants, Im proved Centrifugal M ethod for E valuation of.

Samuel Lenher and J. E . S m ith ........................................................................T hallium , Colorim etric D eterm ination of. P. A . S haw .............................Therm ostat, M odified D esign for M ercu ry Bulb of. G. B . Heisig

and A. E . C a m eron ...................................... ..........................................................Thiele T u be, M icrom elting-Point D eterm ination with. E . W . Blank. T itanium , D eterm ination o f— in Plain-Carbon^ H igh-C hrom ium , and

18 Chrom ium - 8 N ickel Steels. T . R . C unningham ...............................Titanium . D eterm ination o f Zirconium in Steels b y Selenious Acid

M ethod . S. G . Sim pson and W . C. S ch u m b .............................................T itrating D evices, A u tom atic. K . H ickm an and C. R . S an ford ............T ob acco . See N icotine.Triaryl Carbinols. See Carbinols.Tyndallm etric Exam ination o f Filtered Liquors. A . B . Cum m ins

and M . S. B a d o lle t..................................................................................................

V A C U U M D istillation. See D istillation.Vanadium , New Procedures for Chrom ium and— in A lloy Steels. H .

H . W illard and Philena Y o u n g ............... ................................ .. .............. ..Vanadium, O xidized D iphenylam ine Sulfonic A cid and O xidized D i-

phenylam ine as Indicators for D eterm ining Chrom ium and— in A l­loy Steels. H . H . W illard and Philena Y o u n g ..........................................

Varnishes, M ethod o f D eterm ining Solvent Properties o f VolatileThinners in. M ikkel Frandsen....................... .................................................

V iscom eter, Saybolt, W indshield for. F. J. V itovec, Jr.......................Viscosity D eterm inations, Glass Spheres for— of Cupram m onium

Solutions o f Cellulose. L. S. G rant, Jr., and W . M . B illing .................V iscosity M easurem ent of L iquids Saturated with Gases at High

Pressures. B . H . S age.................................................... .....................................V iscous M aterials, D eterm ination o f M oisture in Sirups and. E . W .

R ice and P. B olerack i................... ;........................................................V itam in D , Photographic R ecording o f Line Tests for. A . L . Bacha-

rach, E . A llchorne, V . Ilazley , and S. G . S tevenson ................................

W A T E R :A ir T rap for— Lines. L eo Lehrman and E. A . K a b a t ..........................Analysis:

D eterm ination o f T ota l D issolved Solids in. C. S. H ow ard ............G raphical Representation o f Mineral C om ponents in. A . A .

H irsch. (C orrection )...................................................................................

Sources o f Error in— of Fairchild 's M ethod for D eterm iningFluoride in Phosphate R ock . M . D. F oste r ...................................... 238

W ater of Crystallization in T ota l Solids of. V . P . S ok o lo ff 336Boiler, Errors in D eterm ination of Carbonate in. W . C. Schroeder. 389Circulator. See Circulator.D eterm ination o f Fluoride in— Using Ferric Chloride. M . D.

F oster ....................................................................................................................... 234D eterm ination o f F luorides in— of Illinois. C . S. B oruff and G . B .

A b b o t t ...................................................................................................................... 236D istilled, H andling— in Alum inum . H . V . C h urch ill.............................. 264Laboratory C ooling U nit for. D. H . C o o k ............................................... 147M icroextractor for Study of. Leslie T itus and V. W . M e lo ch e 286Sea:

D eterm ination and Occurrence o f F luorides in. T . G . Th om psonand H. J. T a y lo r ............................................................................................ 87

D eterm ination of Silicon in. T . G . Th om pson and H . G . H ou lton 417M icrodeterm ination o f Calcium in. P. L . K irk and E. G . M o-

b e rg ....................................................................................................................... 95-Photom etric Investigation of Nessler R eaction and W itting

M ethod for D eterm ination o f A m m onia in. H . E . W irth andR . J. R ob in son ................................................................................................. 293-

Still. See Distillation.W heat, Value o f E lectrical M ethods for Estim ating M oisture Content

of. H . E . H artig and B. S ullivan.................................................................. 107W indshield for Saybolt V iscom eter. F. J. V itovec, Jr.............................. 212W inkler M ethod , Errors in D eterm ination o f C arbonate in Boiler

W aters by . W . C . Schroeder............................................................................ 389W itting M ethod . See W ater.W ood . D eterm ination o f Furfural from H ardw oods. H . A . Iddles

and P. J. R ob b in s ................................................................................................... 55W ood , N ew M ethod for Q ualitative D etection o f Casein in . T . H.

W h iteh ea d ................................................................................................................. 150W ool. See Fibrous M aterials. -

X -R A Y M ethod for Q uantitative Com parison o f Crystallite O rienta­tion in Cellulose Fibers. W . A . Sisson and G . L. C lark ....................... 296

Z E IS S Im m ersion Refractom eter. See Refractom eter.Z i n c :

New Reagent for D eterm ination of. A . J. Q u ick ..................................... 26Q uantitative Separation o f Small A m ounts o f— from M aterial R ich

in Iron. F. U. H ills.......................................................................................... 201(See also C o-precipitation.)

Z i r c o n i u m :D eterm ination o f— in Plain-Carbon and A lloy Steels. T . R . Cun­

ningham and R . J. P r ice .................................................................................. 334D eterm ination o f— in Steels. S. G . Sim pson and W . C. Schum b:

Selenious A cid M e th o d .................................................................................... 40Selenious A cid Phosphate M e th o d ............................................................. 211





















