BRITISH CHEMICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS Foreword Historical.— The Bureau lias been responsible for the production of Abstracts for the past 17 years. It was formed as a joint committee of The Chemical Society and The Society of Chemical Industry with the object of securing uniformity in style and format and eliminating the overlap which had previously existed when each Society produced its own Abstracts. The scope of the Bureau was enlarged in 1938 when, by agreement with the Physiological Society and The Biochemical Society, the Biochemistry Section of Abstracts A. was combined with Physiological Abstracts (previously published by The Physiological Society) under the new title “ Physiology and Biochemistry.” In 1939 an arrangement was made with The Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland whereby this Section of the Abstracts was further extended by the inclusion of four sections on Anatomy, and the title was accordingly changed to “ Physiology and Biochemistry (including Anatomy).” Modifications.— The general arrangement of the Abstracts followed in 1941 will be con tinued during the present year, with the exception that a new classification has been adopted for Abstracts A., II. Three new sub-sections (Sugars and Glucosides; Sterols and Steroid Sapogenins; Alkaloids) have been added, and the name of the Terpene sub-section has been extended to “ Terpenes and Triterpenoid Sapogenins.” In addition, all organo- metallic compounds (aliphatic, aromatic, etc.) will be placed in one class, and the abstracts on “ Miscellaneous Unclassifiable Substances ” will be moved nearer the end of the section. An extended system of cross-references will be introduced within each section of Abstracts A., thus conforming with the system current in Abstracts B. The classification of the six Sections of the Abstracts is given on the next page. The Bureau will welcome at any time suggestions from users of the Abstracts for their improvement. The Editor will be pleased to give readers the names of libraries in which the various journals abstracted may be consulted. Prices.— The prices of the Abstracts to non-members are as follows : A., I . . . £2 : 10 : o B., I . . . £1 : 10 : o A., II . . . 2 : 10 :0 B., II . . . 1 : 10 : o A., Ill . . . 4 :0:0 B., Ill . . . 1 :1 0 : o A., Index . . . 8:6 B., Index . . . 6:6 Prices to Fellows of The Chemical Society, Members of The Society of Chemical Industry, and Fellows and Associates of The Institute of Chemistry who have participated in the new scheme of co-operation may be obtained from the officers of the respective bodies. B (A., III.)

Foreword - delibra.bg.polsl.pldelibra.bg.polsl.pl/Content/6429/P-323_1942_III_Foreword_AO.pdfin the new scheme of co-operation may be obtained from the officers of the ... I.—General

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Page 1: Foreword - delibra.bg.polsl.pldelibra.bg.polsl.pl/Content/6429/P-323_1942_III_Foreword_AO.pdfin the new scheme of co-operation may be obtained from the officers of the ... I.—General


ForewordHistorical.— T h e Bureau lias been responsible for the production o f Abstracts for the

past 17 years. It was formed as a jo int committee o f T he Chem ical Society and T h e Society o f Chem ical Industry with the object o f securing uniform ity in style and format and elim inating the overlap which had previously existed when each Society produced its own Abstracts. T h e scope o f the Bureau was enlarged in 1938 when, by agreem ent with the Physiological Society and T h e Biochemical Society, the Biochem istry Section o f Abstracts A . was combined with Physiological Abstracts (previously published b y T he Physiological Society) under the new title “ Physiology and Biochem istry.” In 1939 an arrangement was made with T he Anatom ical Society o f G reat Britain and Ireland w hereby this Section o f the Abstracts was further extended by the inclusion o f four sections on Anatom y, and the title was accordingly changed to “ Physiology and Biochemistry (including

Anatom y).”

Modifications.— T h e general arrangement o f the Abstracts followed in 1941 w ill be con­tinued during the present year, with the exception that a new classification has been adopted for Abstracts A ., II . Three new sub-sections (Sugars and Glucosides; Sterols and Steroid Sapogenins; Alkaloids) have been added, and the nam e o f the Terpene sub-section has been extended to “ Terpenes and Triterpenoid Sapogenins.” In addition, all organo- metallic compounds (aliphatic, aromatic, etc.) will be placed in one class, and the abstracts on “ M iscellaneous U nclassifiable Substances ” will be moved nearer the end o f the section.

A n extended system o f cross-references will be introduced w ithin each section o f Abstracts A ., thus conform ing w ith the system current in Abstracts B.

T h e classification o f the six Sections o f the Abstracts is given on the next page.T h e Bureau w ill welcom e at any time suggestions from users o f the Abstracts for their

im provem ent. T h e Editor w ill be pleased to give readers the names o f libraries in which

the various journals abstracted m ay be consulted.

Prices.— T h e prices o f the Abstracts to non-members are as follows :

A ., I . . . £2 : 10 : o B., I . . . £ 1 : 10 : oA ., II . . . 2 : 10 :0 B., II . . . 1 : 10 : oA ., I l l . . . 4 : 0 : 0 B., I l l . . . 1 : 1 0 : oA ., Index . . . 8 : 6 B., Index . . . 6 : 6

Prices to Fellows o f T h e Chem ical Society, M em bers o f T h e Society o f Chem ical Industry, and Fellows and Associates o f T h e Institute o f Chem istry who have participated in the new scheme o f co-operation m ay be obtained from the officers o f the respective bodies.

B (A ., III.)

Page 2: Foreword - delibra.bg.polsl.pldelibra.bg.polsl.pl/Content/6429/P-323_1942_III_Foreword_AO.pdfin the new scheme of co-operation may be obtained from the officers of the ... I.—General


A.—PURE CHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGYI.— General, Physical, and Inorganic Chemistry

I. Sub-atomics.II. Molecular Structure.

III . Crystal Structure.IV. Physical Properties of Pure Substances(not included above).V. Solutions and Mixtures.

VI. Kinctic Theory. Thermodynamics. V II. Electrochemistry.

V III. Reactions.IX. New or Improved Methods of Preparing

Substances.X. Analysis.

X I. Apparatus.X II. Lecture Experiments and Historical.

X III. Geochemistry.II.— Organic Chemistry

I. Aliphatic.II. Sugars and Glucosides.

I II . Homocyclic.IV. Sterols and Steroid Sapogenins.

V. Terpenes and Triterpenoid Sapogenins.VI. Hcterocyclic.

V II. Alkaloids.V III. Organo-metallic Compounds.

IX . Proteins.X. Miscellaneous Undassifiable Substances.

X I. Analysis.III.— Physiology and Biochemistry (including

Anatomy)I. General Anatomy and Morphology.

II. Descriptive and Experimental Em­bryology. Heredity.

III . Physical Anthropology.IV. Cytology, Histology, and Tissue Culture.V. Blood and Lymph.

VI. Vascular System.V II. Respiration and Blood Gases.

V III. Muscle.IX. Nervous System.X. Sense Organs.

X I. Ductless Glands, excluding Gonads.'X II. Reproduction.

X III. Digestive System.XIV. Liver and Bile.

XV. Kidney and Urine.XVI. Other Organs, Tissues, and Body- Fluids.

X V II. Tumours.X V III. Nutrition and Vitamins.

X IX . Metabolism, General and Special.XX. Pharmacology and Toxicology.

X X I. Physiology of Work and Industrial Hygiene.

X X II. Radiations.X X III. Physical and Colloidal Chemistry.XXIV. Enzymes.XXV. Microbiological and Immunological

Chemistry. Allergy.XXVI. Plant Physiology.

X X V II. Plant Constituents.X X V III. Apparatus and Analytical Methods.

X X IX . New Books.

B.—APPLIED CHEMISTRYI.— General and Inorganic Industrial Chemistry

I. General; P lant; Machinery.II. Fuel; Gas; T a r; Mineral Oils.

III . Acids; Alkalis; Salts; Non-metallic Ele­ments.IV. Glass; Ceramics.V. Building Materials.

V I. Metals; Metallurgy, including Electro­metallurgy.V II. Explosives; Matches.

II.— Industrial Organic Chemistry

I. Organic Intermediates.I I . DycstufTs.

I II . Fibres; Textiles; Cellulose; Paper.

IV. Bleaching; Dyeing; Printing; Finishing. V, Fats; Oils; Soaps

VI. Plastics; Resins; Paints; Coating Com­positions.V II. Rubber.

V III. Leather; Glue.IX. Photographic Materials and Processes.HI.— Agriculture, Foods, Sanitation, etc.

I. Agriculture.II. Sugars; Starches; Gums.

III . Fermentation Industries.IV. Foods.V. Medicinal Substances; Essential Oils.

VI- Sanitation ; Water.