Page 1: Stobbes Update...Stobbes’ Update July 2020 TWR USA P.O. Box 8700 Cary, NC 27512 919-460-3700 TWR Canada Box 25324 London, ON N6C 6B1 888-672-6510 Bringing Hope to a Frightened

Stobbes’ Update July 2020

TWR USA P.O. Box 8700

Cary, NC 27512


TWR Canada Box 25324

London, ON N6C 6B1


Bringing Hope to a Frightened World. If you think 2020 couldn’t get any worse, just listen to the news. COVID-19 with its growing infection and death counts, unemployment making history records, racism, protests, riots, looting, all of which has spread around the globe at neck breaking speed. Flip the coin over and you will see as hearts and hopes are being destroyed, God is working powerfully through the chaos of 2020 to bring hope to millions who have come to the end of their ropes.

In 2019, TWR recorded 30,591,753 responses to our program and ministry. That number is growing substantially in 2020. Chile reported a 5 fold increase in responses to their programs. 60% of TWR360 listeners are first time listeners. All over the world in 275 languages we find people who are in lockdown, lonely, afraid, questioning their religion, and seeking for answers.

Believers, missionaries and our national partners are reaching out with masks, food, and the love of Je-sus in the midst of the crisis. The internet, Zoom, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram bring us into the hearts and homes of millions around the world.

As persecution forced the closing of churches in countries like China, Indonesia, Algeria and Sudan, Radio churches become the life blood of the believers. As COVID-19 closed churches, on-line ministry began to be explored around the world.

Pray with us that millions more will be delivered from the bondage of fear and sin, and find eternal hope in the Gospel in the midst of global crisis.

A Sri Lankan pastor shares about the value of TWR’s Radio Homes ministry: “Thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to start a Radio Home program in our church. The value of these programs is very much evident in this COVID-19 lockdown period. When the lockdown was announced, I was really worried about how to share the Word of God with my church believers, and how to share the gospel. But

thank God I was able to use the Radio Home players you have given to nurture the believ-ers of my church. Every Sunday all our believers – including myself – get together at 10:00 AM and listen to a Radio Home lesson in our own homes as a church that is gath-ered by one spirit even though we are physically distanced. Also these lessons have been very much important to me. There were times I was really discouraged but then I was motivated and energized when I listened to the Radio Home lessons. The most important thing is there are non-believers living in our church believers’ houses. Our believers use these Radio Home lessons to share the gospel with their own non-believing family mem-bers. Some of these non-believing family members have accept Christ after listening to these lessons. We thank God and pray for your ministry regularly.”

Page 2: Stobbes Update...Stobbes’ Update July 2020 TWR USA P.O. Box 8700 Cary, NC 27512 919-460-3700 TWR Canada Box 25324 London, ON N6C 6B1 888-672-6510 Bringing Hope to a Frightened

Things we Praise God for:

Praise the Lord, the Oasis transmitter with ministry to 200 million in Ni-geria is now broadcasting at full power! Thank you for your prayers!

Praise the Lord for 25 years of ministry by TWR Ko-rea, reaching out especially to those living in North Ko-rea.

Praise the Lord in the midst of COVID-19,the response to our donor acquisition mailing was the strongest ever, introducing TWR to thousands of people while hundreds sought to make a dif-

ference through their first time donation to TWR.

Praise the Lord 68 national partners were able to join us for a first ever TWR on-line global pray-er gathering.

Praise the Lord for 50 years of ministry from RTM Brazil.

Praise the Lord for other ministries including Christ for the World Ministries, Haven Ministries, The Salvation Army, The Point and Ron Hutchcraft joining TWR to produce special programs speaking hope during the pandemic.

Praise the Lord that our Turkish partner, Shema Media is expanding their ministry across the country on local FM stations. Since COVID-19 they have also been able to support the local churches through internet minis-tries via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

We praise the Lord for your faithfulness and encouragement in the midst of new challenges and uncertainty. We are grateful for two churches that have recently increased their support.

Proactively responding to COVID-19. As facility manager,

part of my responsibility has been implementing changes

in the office to protect our staff from the spread of the

virus. Enforcing the use of masks, installing plexiglass and

protective barriers, spacing out chairs and work stations,

setting up for on-line and Zoom meetings and detailed

disinfecting and cleaning of common areas of the office

throughout the day and evening have become part of my

daily routine.

Security concerns: In our March prayer letter I wrote about needing to replace our ac-cess control system in the office and lodge. With COVID-19 de-lays that has not happened, as I struggle to get contractors and proposals. As I write we are fi-nalizing our decision and are ex-cited about the Lord's provision of an excellent system that our Jewish contractor is assisting us in installing at a very competitive price. As a bonus, it will integrate with our burglar and fire alarm sys-tem. Thank you for your prayers.

Around the house- With a little extra time on my hands, I finally got around to a long overdue landscaping project which made Jan very happy. I dug out all of our overgrown azaleas, boxwood, and holly bushes and replaced them with, what we hope are hearty low maintenance plants to provide a new open look to the front of our house. We couldn’t have tackled this without the help of our friend who told us exactly which plants to buy and where we should plant each one!
