
Apidologie 37 (2006) 124–143 124c© INRA/DIB-AGIB/ EDP Sciences, 2006DOI: 10.1051/apido:2006026

Review article

Stingless bee nesting biology*

David W. Ra,b

a Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Apartado 0843-03092, Balboa, Ancón, Panamá, República de Panamáb Unit 0948, APO AA 34002-0948, USA

Received 2 October 2005 – Revised 29 November 2005 – Accepted 23 December 2005

Abstract – Stingless bees diverged since the Cretaceous, have 50 times more species than Apis, and areboth distinctive and diverse. Nesting is capitulated by 30 variables but most do not define clades. Botharchitectural features and behavior decrease vulnerability, and large genera vary in nest habit, architectureand defense. Natural stingless bee colony density is 15 to 1500 km−2. Symbionts include mycophagic mites,collembolans, leiodid beetles, mutualist coccids, molds, and ricinuleid arachnids. Mutualist bacteria andfungi preserve food and brood provisions. Nest associates include trees, termite, wasp and ant colonies.Ventilation is the means of nest environment regulation, achieved by fanning worker bees. Permanence ofstingless bee nests, with annual mortality ca. 13%, implies a colony has 23 years to reproduce. Inability tofreely swarm and single mating may all increase nesting specificity, competition, symbiosis and cleptobiosisin communities, while disease is rare.

Meliponini / Apidae / nest architecture / nest microclimate / evolutionary ecology

“Behind this door lives a town. They aredynamic and hardworking members of a na-tion whose origins go back millions of years– years of persistent and gradual evolution. Ifnature be treated with only steel and fire, in ashort time such actions will destroy the townand its inhabitants. If, however, the heart feelskinship with the wonders that have been cre-ated, this tiny kingdom will be kept, so to bet-ter understand the earth and its residents. Thewell being of natural resources lies in yourhands.”

P. Nogueira-Neto, 1970, interpretation bypresent author.

“As we have stated before, honey bees arenot domesticated animals. It is possible to keepbees in a hive only because we understandtheir biology. Beekeeping is the application ofour knowledge of bee behavior.”

R.A. Morse, 1994.

Corresponding author: D.W. Roubik,[email protected]* Figures A–L are available at


1.1. Nesting and diversity

Stingless bees have populated tropical earthfor over 65 million years – longer than Apis,the stinging honey bees (Camargo and Pedro,1992; Michener, 2000). Both groups makehoney in perennial nests founded by a swarmof sterile workers and a queen, and coloniesoccasionally produce male bees.Yet stinglessbees have 50 times more species and, as em-phasized here, differ from Apis in many bio-logically significant ways.

Meliponines cannot migrate. Also unlikehoney bees, they produce brood in the mannerof solitary bees, with an egg placed on top of afood mass in a sealed cell. In general, coloniesmake far less honey, and therefore have lesseconomic appeal, compared to honey bees (seeFig. A online only).

In contrast to Apis, meliponines generallyhave no sting, mate only once, do not use wa-ter to cool their nest or pure wax to buildit, cannot freely swarm to reproduce (but in-stead must first make a new domicile), and

Article published by EDP Sciences and available at or

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Figure 1. Distributional map of two distinctive nestentrance tubes constructed by workers of Ptilotrig-ona lurida (Camargo, from Camargo and Pedro,2004).

the males feed at flowers, while the gravidqueens cannot fly. The manifold consequencesof a single mating in stingless bees, in contrastto multiple mating in Apis, are not exploredhere (see, e.g. Peters et al., 1999). Instead, aview is given of general ecological and evo-lutionary settings in which stingless bee colo-nial life takes place. The nest is the centralplace from which stingless bees mate, forageand pass through life stages. Nests are immo-bile fixtures and potentially long-lived, muchlike trees in forests where meliponines live.Dispersion (spatial arrangement) of colony re-sources and ‘stress sources’ have much signif-icance, thus a primary evolutionary responseof meliponines to such critical factors de-fines their nesting biology (Michener, 1974;Roubik, 1989; Nogueira-Neto, 1997; Camargoand Pedro, 2002a, b; Biesmeijer et al., 2005).

Published data on stingless bee nesting spanover three centuries (Schwarz, 1948) and re-cent syntheses include Michener (1961, 1974,2000) Wille and Michener (1973), Sakagami(1982), Wille (1983), Roubik (1989), andNogueira-Neto (1997). Research primarilyconsiders Neotropical stingless bees, becauseroughly three-fourths of all species are Amer-ican (Camargo and Pedro, 1992).

1.2. Nest biology

Because nests are notable points of bee ac-tivity, often spectacular examples of animalarchitecture, nesting biology is a highly visi-ble aspect of stingless bee behavior (Michener,

Figure 2. Nest entrances of Partamona gregariaand P. vicina in a termite nest on the side of ahut (Amapá, Brazil) (Camargo, from Camargo andPedro, 2003).

1974). Colonies are active every day and there-fore have sustained impact among the biota(Roubik, 1989; Hansell, 1993). The individualspecies are recognizable from nest entrancesand often their particular site – much obviousvariety exists. Inside the nest, there are dif-ferent shapes and arrangements of brood cellsand food storage containers. Honey and pollenare stored in separate ‘pots’. Stored nectar orripened honey are in nest cavity extremes (forstorage during heavy flowering periods), whilepollen and some honey surround the broodarea. However, robber bee genera Lestrimelittaand Cleptotrigona collect and then store somemixed honey and brood provisions (Sakagamiet al., 1993). The brood cells are sphericalto ovoid, while food storage containers aresmall to large spheres, or are egg-shaped, oreven conical or cylindrical. Often pots arepressed together in odd conglomerates, as arethe brood cells, ranging from individual cellson pillars, to sheets of orderly cells on combs,separated by the pillars (Fig. 3 and Figs. A, C,I online only).

Nests made by stingless bee workers andhabit (specific location) within forests (Kerret al., 1967; Posey and Camargo, 1985;Camargo and Pedro, 2003) are foremostamong traits that, along with the workers,

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males and queens, potentially help organizebiological information with application toresearch, economics, and conservation of pol-linators and honey sources. It is important tointensify analysis and data collection now, be-cause in many places the original forests occu-pied by hundreds of stingless bee species aredegraded, threatened, or gone.

1.3. Nesting evolution and variability

It is a reasonable guess that not half ofall meliponine nests are known, and few havebeen studied adequately. Architectural innova-tions may occur in a taxon after its divergencefrom ancestors, and at the same time, unrelatedspecies may converge due to the similarity ofnesting materials or sites (see Tab. I). Thereis currently no clear picture as to what influ-ence the environment versus pre-programmedbee behavior supply to nest structures. For thepurpose of exploring stingless bee nesting, Igenerally refer to clades as genera, of whichseveral dozen exist (see Camargo and Pedro,1992; Michener, 2000; Camargo and Roubik,2005). In Table I, without an exhaustive list ofspecies, it is evident the majority of nest char-acteristics are shared between various genera(see Kerr et al., 1967; Camargo, 1970; Willeand Michener, 1973; Roubik, 1979, 1983,1992; Sakagami, 1982; Dollin et al., 1997;Camargo and Pedro, 2003). Because melipo-nine nests incorporate a small number of ap-parently uniform materials, functions, and de-signs, there is difficulty assigning phylogeneticseries, such as comb construction, to nestingattributes (see Wille, 1983; Michener, 2001).Further attempts must wait until a robust phy-logeny for stingless bees is available (Camargoand Roubik, 2005; Michener, 2000; Francket al., 2004). At present no fossil nest struc-tures or ‘ichnofossils’ are known for the group,while described species and genera are stillincreasing. This review examines biologicaldiversity among living stingless bees and in-cludes my unpublished observations. The se-lected examples of nesting biology help toidentify natural selection elements that shapenesting natural history. The nest associates,colony maintenance and defense, foraging ac-

tivity, reproduction, and community ecologyof stingless bees are intimately related to nest-ing biology of each stingless bee species, andawait thorough studies.

Some large genera display considerablespecies-level variation in nesting habit, likelyproduced by adaptive radiation. Large varia-tion occurs, for example, within the Neotrop-ical genus Plebeia. The nest sites and archi-tecture include nesting habits on tree trunks,in crevices within rocks, in holes made byother animals, hollow stems (including treetrunks) and in active termite nests. Some Ple-beia build the regular pancake-like stack ofbrood cells separated by pillars and arrangedin circular combs, like that made by most stin-gless bees, whereas the smallest species do notbuild combs but instead make loose chains ofcells or clusters (see Fig. A online only). Aus-troplebeia build loose combs, perhaps an in-termediate comb condition (Michener, 1961).Bee size appears decisive because, among tinyMeliponini, clustered cells are the architec-tural rule among phylogenetically diverse bees(Michener, 2001). In Melipona, Plebeia, Ple-beina, Nannotrigona, Trigona and Tetragona,stacked combs or a continuous spiral of combare sometimes built by the same colony atdifferent times (pers. obs.). Pronounced dif-ferences may occur geographically, as doc-umented for nest entrance tubes of Amazo-nian Ptilotrigona lurida (Camargo and Pedro,2004; Fig. 1). Individual variation in architec-ture, for instance elaboration of the nest en-trance (Wille, 1983; Sakagami et al., 1983;Melo, 1996) or thickness of resin enclos-ing the internal nest, likely relates to (1)nest age, (2) bee genetics, and/or (3) micro-environment, including predators, parasites,symbionts, rain, wind and sun. One studydemonstrates that nest architecture does not di-versify in pace with population divergence, de-tected using hypervariable microsatellite DNAin an Australian Tetragonula (Franck et al.,2004). Although there is currently little under-standing of how micro-architectural variationmay be adaptive, on some occasions, a nestconstruction technique can be related to con-straints. For example, Melipona forage, andthen employ in their nest construction, smallpebbles and stones. Building material of this

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Table I. Variables for stingless bee nesting biology, and terminology*. Because most species are undocu-mented in the listed traits, and variation is implicit within a genus, the list of genera is not exhaustive andan entry does not represent all species in a genus. Specific references are available from the author.

• 1, Aggressive worker defense: Duckeola, Heterotrigona, Hypotrigona, Lophotrigona, Melipona, Oxytrigona,Paratrigona, Partamona, Plebeia, Ptilotrigona, Scaptotrigona, Tetragona, Tetragonisca, Tetragonula, Trigona

• 2, Exposed nest: Dactylurina, Partamona, Plebeia, Trigona, Tetragonisca

• 3, Association with termite, ant or wasp colony: Aparatrigona, Paratrigona, Partamona, Plebeia, Scaura,Schwarzula, Sundatrigona, Trigona

• 4, Subterranean nest or non-arboreal, natural cavity; Geotrigona, Lestrimelitta, Melipona, Meliponula,Mourella, Nogueirapis, Paratrigona, Pariotrigona, Partamona, Plebeia, Plebeina, Ptilotrigona, Scaptotrigona,Schwarziana, Tetragonisca, Trigona

• 5, Irritant chemical defense: Oxytrigona, Melipona

• 6, Flexible entrance tube and/or nocturnal closure: Friesella, Meliponula, Nannotrigona, Pariotrigona, Plebeia,Scaptotrigona, Scaura, Schwarziana, Trigona

• 7, Pillars through several combs: Partamona

• 8, Ventilated batumen plate; Melipona, Plebeia

• 9, Multiple entrances; Lepidotrigona, Plebeia, Scaptotrigona, Tetragona

• 10, Aggregation of nests with same or other meliponine species: Hypotrigona, Melipona, Partamona, Plebeia,

Tetragonula, Scaura, Schwarzula

• 11, Blind tubes by entrance; Lestrimelitta, Partamona

• 12, Drainage tube or liquid waste discharge: Geotrigona, Meliponula, Mourella, Schwarzula, Tetragona, Trig-ona

• 13, Storage pots large, either cylindrical, spherical, conical, elongate, egg-shaped, and not similar to brood cellsize: Cephalotrigona, Duckeola, Frieseomelitta, Geotrigona, Melipona, Meliponula, Tetragona, Tetragonisca

• 14, Queen cell: size similar to workers and male, not built on edge of comb: Melipona

• 15, Cell construction: synchronous, Frieseomelitta, Lepidotrigona, Lestrimelitta, Nannotrigona, Paratrigona,Plebeia

• 16, Brood cell arrangement: not made into a horizontal comb of close cells; Dactylurina, Friesella,Frieseomelitta, Hypotrigona, Leurotrigona, Lisotrigona, Plebeia, Scaura, Tetragonula (Australian-Papuan),Trigonisca

• 17, Inquilines: leiodid or other beetles, collembolans, coccids, mites, diverse invertebrates, fungi, microbes(qualitative) all genera?

• 18, Trash, resin, resin ball, wax deposit (qualitative, quantitative) all genera

• 19, False nest or vestibule: Partamona, Plebeia

• 20, Imprisonment chamber: Friesella, Frieseomelitta, Plebeia, Schwarziana, Tetragonisca

• 21, Oviposition - Single or multiple advancing fronts; multiple fronts: Geotrigona, Lestrimelitta, Melipona,Meliponula, Nannotrigona, Scaptotrigona, Trigona

• 22, Local names and significance (nesting, medicinal, food, fermented beverage, incense, natural enemies,absconding or defense)

• 23, Entrance height aboveground and orientation (quantitative and qualitative)

• 24, Stored pollen consistency: with mold, or dry; Ptilotrigona

• 25, Honey sugar concentration, chemical properties (quantitative and qualitative)

• 26, Fecal pollen accumulation or scutellum: Cephalotrigona, Trigona

• 27, Sticky resin applied on outside of nest entrance, on substrate or tube: Lepidotrigona, Scaura, Tetragona,Tetragonula, Trigonisca

• 28, Wood fiber (paper) nest material: Trigona

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Table I. Continued.

• 29, Cryptic nest entrances (no tube, small); Austroplebeia, Celetrigona, Dolichotrigona, Friesella, Geotrig-ona, Hypotrigona, Leurotrigona, Liotrigona, Lisotrigona, Melipona, Meliponula, Mourella, Paratrigona, Ple-beia, Schwarziana, Schwarzula, Trigonisca

• 30, Hovering nest defenders; Lestrimelitta, Tetragona, Tetragonisca

* Terms coined for stingless bee nests are in Michener (1961), Wille and Michener (1973), Sakagami (1983)or noted below. Cluster nest: brood and food cells arranged in connected chains; cerumen: wax and plantresin mixed for pliable construction material; involucrum: a single or series of sheaths, made of cerumen,surrounding brood; batumen: thick involucrum forming a wall, or resin layer surfacing nest cavity (mud,seeds, wood, vertebrate feces may be added); pillars: cerumen used as anchors of nest elements; entrancetube: passageway connecting colony with outside; storage pots: containers of cerumen, sometimes nearlywax; scutellum: hard, thick outer nest structure (Nogueira-Neto, 1997); imprisonment chamber: cerumencell attached to the nest wall, with small holes (Drumond et al., 1995); queen cell: generally on combmargin and larger than others, for all but Melipona; advancing front: area (s) of comb where new cellsare being constructed; exposed nest: nest not contained in cavity; bottleneck: small tube leading intobrood area (Camargo and Pedro, 2003); false nest, vestibule: area near entrance containing empty pots orcells (Camargo and Pedro, 2003); resin deposit: small mound of resin on nest floor or wall; wax deposit:similar to resin deposit; entrance tubercles: hollow finger-like projections; paper nest: outer nest coveringmade mostly of wood pulp (Roubik, 1989); advancing front: open brood cells, which can be made eithersynchronously (all at the same stage of completion) or continuously (at all stages at any time).

mass could not even be lifted by most sting-less bees.

One highly distinctive trait, vertically ori-ented comb with horizontal cells, has clearlyarisen twice. That trait is recorded in oneNeotropical and one Afrotropical genus,Scaura (Nogueira-Neto, 1997) and Dactylu-rina (Darchen, 1972) respectively, and in onlyone of five species in the former (Tab. I).


2.1. Nest defenses

The site and architecture of stingless beecolonial nests represent compromises betweennesting material, nest location and a com-bative versus cryptic colony profile. Honeyhunters, both primate and presumably othervertebrates, use nest entrances, with noises andthe sight of bees in flight or ventilating thenest, to locate stingless bee colonies. In onestudy of over 200 nests in Uganda, nest preda-tors (primarily tool-using chimpanzees andhumans) most affected colonies in trees at un-der seven meters height (Kajobe and Roubik,

2006). However, common stingless bees withlarge colonies, and resources for predators toconsume, also nest in the ground, approxi-mately from 20 to 200 cm depth (pers. obs.,see Tab. I).

Only when nests are opened are the de-fensive behavior, such as attack or imme-diate retreat, and the internal nest architec-ture revealed. However, defensive responsesto individual small predators, such as insectsthat catch bees by nests, are rarely studied.In a study of Panamanian colonies includ-ing 40 species, half showed no defensive bit-ing behavior toward the observer (Roubik,1983). Bees were timid when approached, andretreated within the entrance. Stingless beekeepers might tend to select gentler species,but this is not the case, with half of thosewell-known in Brazil able to actively defendnests from large vertebrates (see Nogueira-Neto, 1970). Many species are tremendouslyaggressive and attack while biting, applyingsticky resin carried in the mandibles or onhind legs. Among ‘fire bees’, Oxytrigona, anda few others (reportedly Melipona rufiven-tris in Bolivia, Stierlin, pers. comm.), causticsecretions, containing formic acid in the for-mer, are applied (Michener, 2000). Bees of this

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nature emit disagreeable odors from mandibu-lar gland secretions and seem to take spe-cial care to fly into the hair, ears, eyes ormouth, and emit distressing sounds. Accord-ingly, most nests that are exposed and easilyattacked by predators have aggressively defen-sive workers, regardless of bee size or phy-logeny (Sect. 2.3). An exception is the genusDactylurina in Africa (Eardley, 2004), whichhave exposed nests but lack aggressive de-fensive behavior (Darchen, 1972). Moreover,colonies that appear well protected, settledwithin several cm of living tree trunk and hav-ing a small nest entrance, can be either aggres-sive or timid (Sects. 2.3, 2.6).

Defending bees normally come from theentrance area and nests have suitable architec-tural features to allow their aggregated pres-ence there (Tab. I; Figs. 1, 2 and Figs. B–F, I online only). Defensive strategies in-clude alarm chemicals of mandibular glandorigin, released in the air within and out-side the nest (Smith and Roubik, 1983; sum-mary in Roubik, 1989; Wittmann et al., 1990).Hovering defenders then exit in force, facethe nest entrance, and engage in aerial fightswith non-nestmates, or directly attack largeranimals, which retreat with a cloud of de-fending bees surrounding the head. Very fewspecies, for example Tetragonisca angustulaand Tetragona clavipes, regularly maintainhovering defenders outside the nest. Hov-ering ‘guard’ bees may defend against therobbing bee, Lestrimelitta (Wittmann et al.,1990), or against raiding individuals fromother meliponine colonies (Sakagami et al.,1993; Sect. 5.2).

2.2. Defense materials

The primary activity of non-foraging beesnear their nest entrances is prevention of entryby small insects, including parasites, and forthe deposit of fresh resin on external entrancetubes, which may deter ants (see Fig. L onlineonly). The chemistry and choice of nest resinsuseful as repellants of natural enemies has notbeen studied, although the antibacterial prop-erties of resins are well known (Lokvam andBraddock, 1999; Langenheim, 2003). Sym-

phonia globulifera (Clusiaceae) provides asteady resin source that is mined daily and de-fended by several nest mates of Trigona ful-viventris (pers. obs.). Resinous material de-posited by female Centris on terminal nestcells are used by individuals or small groupsof aggressive Trigona fuscipennis and T. mu-zoensis in Panama (pers. obs.). Resin sourcesare generally wounded trees, and they oftenhave several species visit them, including beepredators, some of which are stingless beemimics (Roubik, 1989).

Nesting cavities with extensive sprays ofresin droplets, for several cm from an entrance,can be found on stems with nesting coloniesof African Meliponula ferruginea (see Fig. Ionline only) Neotropical Trigonisca and AsianGeniotrigona thoracica, among others. Theuse of resin to immobilize large beetles withinthe nest has been well documented (Nogueira-Neto, 1997). Resin is usually placed on preda-tors’ hair, and it is applied to objects near thenest entrance.

In Melipona panamica and other Melipona,hardened balls of resin are loosely cementedby the entrance; when needed, the spheresmay be rolled into place, cemented togetherwith resin and thus close the entrance to in-vaders (pers. obs.); spheres tend to accumu-late in older nests at their bases (see Fig. Bonline only). Honey has been recorded as adefense material employed by tiny Hypotrig-ona braunsi in Africa (Portugal-Araújo, 1958;Michener, 1959).

Few stingless bees make a defensive wallof enough thickness to permit use of nestcavities that have large openings; these areMelipona, Cephalotrigona and Meliponulabocandei (Portugal-Araújo, 1955; Roubik,1983). As mentioned above, Melipona usesmall stones. Colony batumen, separating theinner nest from the outer environment, may bebuilt to a thickness of 10 cm with the stone,mud and resin mix made by Melipona (seeFig. B online only). Workers of Melipona are,apparently, unique in the behavior of survey-ing the outside of both nest and hive for sharpedges, openings or other irregularities, thendepositing material on them (see Fig. D onlineonly). Ramirez (1996, pers. comm.) noted that

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worker Trigona corvina prunes twigs and re-moves leaves in front of the nest entrance.

2.3. Protection of the outer nest

There are completely or partly exposednests built on stems or hard substrates by ag-gressive Trigona, Tetragonula, Tetragonisca,Partamona, Paratrigona and Plebeia. Manyunaggressive species, including those withinmost the abovementioned genera, nest inliving trees, but those with exposed nestshave an outer nest shell that is delicate, andworkers immediately flood from the exte-rior of a broken nest envelope, then bite.Biting behavior in defense against verte-brates has no direct relation to bee size.Tetragonula fuscobalteata is among the mostaggressive and also the smallest native stin-gless bees in SE Asia. Aggressive coloniescan be aggregated in a single palm branch(pers. obs., Brunei), whereas stem-nestingcolonies, ostensibly the same species, are un-aggressive (Sakagami et al., 1983, PeninsularMalaysia). Tiny Plebeia minima builds a neston spiny palms (Bactris and Astrocaryum),sometimes in small aggregations, and theworkers have strong biting responses to mo-lestation (Roubik, 1983). Similarly aggressiveTetragonisca weyrauchi builds exposed nests(Rasmussen, pers. comm.; Cortopassi-Laurinoand Nogueira-Neto, 2003).

A noteworthy meliponine defensive struc-ture is the ‘scutellum nest’ of NeotropicalTrigona. This hard and thick barrier is madeby exposed-nesting Trigona (Nogueira-Neto,1962), by hypogeous T. fulviventris (Roubik,1983), and is an ample protective shield(Wille, 1983). Nogueira-Neto (1962) noted thescutellum is made up largely of bee feces. Af-ter microscopic analysis, Roubik and Moreno(pers. obs.) find the scutellum of Trigona corv-ina, up to half a meter thick, is composed ofpollen exines – feces of pollen consumed bybees. Often surrounded by a few thin batumencovers, layers outside of the scutellum are eas-ily broken by predator attack, thus function topermit release of many defending bees fromthroughout the nest surface. In similar nests, T.spinipes opens holes in the outer nest shell inresponse to temperature and ventilation needs

(Sakagami and Zucchi, 1972, in Sakagami,1982), thus the thin shell may have more thanone function.

2.4. Nest entrance platforms

The simplest stingless bee nest entranceprotrudes slightly from the base of the entrancehole. Nest entrances are not only related to de-fense and foraging (Biesmeijer et al., 2005),but to physio-chemical regulation, as dis-cussed below. A small or unornamented nestentrance is cryptic (see Fig. F online only),and is usually the only passage to a relativelysmall number of potentially defensive adultbees. The narrow tube can be closed with resinor cerumen, or coated outside with dropletsof fresh resin where invaders like ants maybe halted (Wittmann, 1989; Camargo, 1984,see Fig. I online only). Larger species, for ex-ample Melipona, Cephalotrigona and Scap-totrigona (see Fig. B online only) also buildlong and/or wide internal nest entrance tubes,where foragers, ventilating bees or defendersare positioned. In addition, the inside alcoveof the nest entrance of Partamona (Camargoand Pedro, 2003), often holds decoys of emptystorage pots or brood (Fig. 2), which may con-fuse and discourage predators who probe, suchas long-tongued anteaters, Tamandua. A fewPartamona, such as P. pearsoni and P. peck-olti also have the brood chamber blocked to allentry, save through a secondary entry ‘bottle-neck’ (Camargo and Pedro, 2003; Fig. C on-line only).

The largest nest entrances are those madeby certain Trigona, Tetragona, and Scaptotrig-ona, in tropical America (see Fig. B on-line only) and Homotrigona and Geniotrig-ona in Asia. Some are aggressive species,and they may be mimicked by other, in-offensive bees in the same forest. For in-stance, Trigona fuscipennis and T . necrophagahave similar large-scooped nest entrance struc-tures, but the latter displays no aggressivenest defense behavior, and a parallel rela-tionship may exist between Trigona crassipesand T. fulviventris, which build long, wideresin entrance tubes (see Roubik, 1979, 1983;Camargo and Roubik, 1991).

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African and Australian meliponine beeshave no such large or conspicuous entrances.In contrast, the largest bees in SE Asia, Ge-niotrogona thoracica and Homotrigona fim-briata have enormous, projecting nest en-trances, so large (a few kg and up to 50 cm inlength) that their weight makes them periodi-cally fall from trees (Roubik, 1993 and pers.obs.; Roubik et al., 2005). Those large beeshave no accessory galleries or lamellate pas-sageways at the entrance, and no aggressivenest defense. The building of a very long butslender nest entrance tube by Neotropical T.cilipes, Asian T. collina, and related species,derives from placing fresh resin on the tube(pers. obs.; see Fig. I online only). In contrast,aggressive (toward humans) Asian Heterotrig-ona canifrons and H. itama (Sakagami et al.,1983) have relatively small, simple entrancetubes.

2.5. Entrance refinements

A defense employed by diversemeliponines is closing the external nestentrance at night, usually accomplished with a‘curtain’ of a loosely knit (spaces are visiblebetween the mandible-carried bits of resin andcerumen) sheet that covers the entrance. Thiscertainly implies that resin or mere barriersare effective against small parasites (Sect. 4.6)or ants.

Although large nest entrances are stagingareas both for foraging and defense, an elab-orate entrance or large exit hole are not neces-sary for effective defense against small naturalenemies – largely within the nest – or for ag-gressive attacks outside, on marauding verte-brates. Given appropriate alarm pheromones,bees stream outside the nest, as in Meliponapanamica (pers. obs.), and the absolute sizeof a nest entrance need not be associated withintensive forager traffic (Roubik et al., 1986).Recently, however, an analysis of foraging ac-tivity and external nest entrance size revealeda positive correlation (Biesmeijer et al., pers.comm.). Nest entrances of most Partamonaare made like a baseball glove (Camargo andPedro, 2003; Fig. 2), allowing either large in-flux of incoming foragers to be funneled in, or

Figure 3. The nest gallery of Schwarzula cocci-dophila and its symbiont coccid (Hemiptera) Cryp-tosternum, scale insects which produce wax used bythe bees for nesting (Camargo and Pedro, 2002b,Camargo (Copyrighted 2002 by the Association forTropical Biology, P.O. Box 1897, Lawrence, KS66044-8897. Reprinted by permission)).

the exit of defending bees, but there is only arelatively small hole at the base of the ‘fun-nel’. The entrance of Mexican Lestrimelitta ni-itkib designs its entrance for heavy traffic (seeFig. F online only). The single largest sting-less bee nest entrance is of aggressive Trig-ona silvestriana (syn. truculenta), in the Pe-ruvian Amazon (see Fig. C online only). Theonly other meliponine with such a structure isGeniotrigona thoracica (pers. obs.) but that ofT. silvestriana is a hard resin tube, nearly ameter in length and 10 cm in diameter, withhard resin lamina along its inside axis, thus a

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large surface area on which many bees assem-ble (see Fig. E online only).

Lestrimelitta (see Fig. F online only) andaggressive Partamona make hollow tubes or‘tubercles’ around the exterior nest entrance.The former are unaggressive toward verte-brate predators at the nest. However, rob-ber bees routinely engage in battles with ri-val colonies (Sakagami et al., 1993), and thefights may be shortened by decisive battle.Blind tunnels seem purely defensive in bothcontexts. Their adaptive significance is to in-crease the available surface area for defend-ing bees, in the same manner as a large-bore entrance, lamellate plates in nest entrancetubes for exiting foragers, ventilators and de-fenders, or multiple platforms and exit holeson the tube, e.g. those of Tetragona clavipes(Roubik, 1979). Breaking the tubercles of Par-tamona releases a stream of defending bees.Asian Tetragonula pagdeniformis (see Fig. Eonline only) possess rootlet-like resin struc-tures on the external entrance, much like thoseof Neotropical Tetragona dorsalis (Roubik,1979), whose function is unknown. The manyhanging rootlet-like structures surrounding thenest entrances of T. corvina, T. spinipes, T.amazonensis and other aggressive, Neotropi-cal Trigona, and Ptilotrigona (Camargo andPedro, 2004; Fig. 1) may also provide posi-tions for defenders. Although the outer nestlayers and blind tubes have been discussed assites for trash deposit (Rau, in Nogueira-Neto,1948) and insulation (Drumond et al., 1995),their primary known function relates to de-fense.

2.6. Group protection

Aggregations of colonies occur on naturaland artificial substrates, including building orhut walls and roofs (Fig. 2). Natural substratesare cliffsides or dense branches. The mostcommon animal-based substrates are termitenests – exposed, underground, or within a treecavity. Camargo and Pedro (2003) list Synter-mes, Nasutitermes, Amitermes, Constrictoter-mes, and Termes as Neotropical hosts, andalso the large mound of nesting debris sur-rounding a colony of attine ants. Such aggrega-

tions allow pooled defense against large preda-tors. Direct molestation, rather than the re-lease of alarm pheromone dispersed in the air,evokes multicolony attack in Partamona peck-olti (Roubik, 1983). Numerous species of thisgenus are defensive (see Camargo and Pedro,2003). Group defense occurs among smallmeliponines such as Hypotrigona (Kajobe,pers. comm.; Michener, 1959) and Tetrago-nisca weyrauchi, but not Asian Tetragonula orHeterotrigona (Starr and Sakagami, 1987) orScaura tenuis (see Kerr et al., 1967), whichform aggregations.


3.1. Internal nest environment

Within the closed nests of stingless bees,conditions tend to be relatively stable, but sub-ject to daily cycles. Ventilation has been stud-ied by Nogueira-Neto (1948) and more re-cently by Moritz and Crewe (1988, see Fig. Honline only). Nests ‘breathe’ in the sense thattidal gas exchange occurs frequently, althoughthe entrance tube is the only connection to out-side. Circulation is accomplished by workersthat fan their wings while facing outward to-ward the entrance. Variation in the number ofnest entrances (some Plebeia and other gen-era have two or three separate, yet very proxi-mate, entrance holes) were shown to allow airto exit from one hole and enter in another, bythe use of smoke experiments (Nogueira-Neto,1948). However, air is drawn into the nest andcirculates, depending on physical properties ofthe nest, the entire living colony, and the cav-ity, to exit at intervals. Such ‘tidal volumes’could be calculated for two African stinglessbees, one nesting in the ground and one in atree cavity. Worker bee ventilation (wing fan-ning activity) exchanged the entire nest air in1–7 hours (Moritz and Crewe, 1988).

Both carbon dioxide narcosis and criticallyhigh temperatures (> 35.5 ◦C) were prob-lems for the African stingless bees studied byMoritz and Crewe (1988). In the extreme am-bient temperatures near the ground nest (seeFig. H online only), tidal inflow could raise

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the nest temperature to a fatal level, thus ven-tilation was diminished at the highest ambi-ent temperatures, maintaining the cooler airwithin the nest cavity. Oxygen level therebydecreased, and CO2 increased during the day,thus CO2 was reduced by bee fanning only atnight. Although the change in nest temperaturein the shaded tree cavity was minimal, boththe tree cavity and ground nest displayed atemperature gradient. Lethal nest temperatureswere recorded at 46 ◦C for Tetragonula car-bonaria (Amano, 2005) and 41 ◦C for Scap-totrigona postica (Macieiera and Proni, 2004).

3.2. Brood and involucrum areas

The brood area forms the thermal coreof a stingless bee nest, where heat may bekept in (or out) by concentric involucra. Ithas long been speculated that the involu-crum layers surrounding the brood permit heatto be retained there (reviews by Nogueira-Neto, 1948; Kerr et al., 1967). Circumstantialevidence indicates that Melipona may buildmore involucrum (see Fig. G online only)in cooler climates than in equatorial forests(Engels et al., 1995); however, a colony thatis starved will build less involucrum (Kolmesand Sommeijer, 1992). Work with hives ofMelipona (Roubik and Peralta, 1983) showedthat two species, each with an involucrum,actively and/or passively (via nest architec-ture) controlled the nest temperature withinthe brood area. Recent study with Tetragoniscaweyrauchi (Cortopassi-Laurino and Nogueira-Neto, 2003) showed similar dynamics, withthe addition of an architectural innovation, a‘respiracle’ or facultative opening on top ofthe nest cavity. Because brood remained over31 ◦C, well above ambient temperature in theshade, heat from the bodies of the bees, es-pecially adults between the brood combs, islikely responsible for heating the brood area.‘Social thermoregulation’ may or may not berequired, in general, because nest temperaturesare not precisely controlled and bees are seem-ingly more tolerant to brief chilling, at leastin some genera (Engels et al., 1995; Drumondet al., 1995).

The involucrum is also a barrier, with driercerumen leaves or sheaths outside of the brood

area (usually 2 to 5 in number) and a labyrinthof openings and passageways surrounding thebrood (see Fig. K online only). The involu-cral sheaths may be significant, therefore, inpreventing direct access to the brood, and theopen brood cells in particular, by parasitessuch as phorid (Pseudohypocera), stratiomyid(Hermetia illucens), and other flies, ants, orrobber stingless bees (Lestrimelitta and Clep-totrigona), and possibly the lesser wax mothAchroia grisella (Cepeda-Aponte et al., 2002).

3.3. Diverse behavior,materials and hygiene

Fanning during night or day should be influ-enced by colony honey production (Nogueira-Neto, 1948). The fact that stingless bees usenectars that average about 65% water, thenconvert this to honey of 30% water (Roubik,1989; Roubik et al., 1995) means that mois-ture must be removed from the nest cavity. Thelarge batumen plates having many air chan-nels, made by Melipona and some Plebeia(Nogueira-Neto, 1948; Roubik, 1979, pers.obs.) seem ideal for the purpose of water loss.However, as mentioned above, CO2 loss mayalso be significant, and other nest entrance fea-tures involving surface area and openings de-termine available fanning positions for bees.Water is often carried by worker bees (im-bibed) and dumped from the nest entrancearea, sometimes leaving wet marks near thenesting cavities (see Fig. H online only). Apartfrom this, latrines are maintained within nests,where several symbionts live (Sect. 4.5).

Drainage outlets are maintained in thenests of subterranean stingless bees, suchas Meliponula and Plebeina, and in tree-nesting species including Trigona and Tetrag-ona, plus exclusively ground-nesting Geotrig-ona (Portugal-Araújo, 1955; Sakagami, 1982;Camargo and Wittmann, 1989; Camargo andRoubik, 1991; summary in Camargo andMoure, 1996). The nesting cavities are notconstructed by the bees, are often left byfailed Atta colonies in the Neotropics or ter-mites in Africa, and are modified so that watercan be ejected. Nesting by some subterraneancolonies takes place just above a soil horizon

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of very well drained material (see Fig. F on-line only) thus nest drainage from rain or waterfrom ripening of honey should pose no specialproblem (Camargo and Wittmann, 1989).

The insulation provided by wood and resin,earth, stone, or other nest substrates, makeit unlikely that colonies overheat, providednests are not in full sunlight and not toomany bees engage in fanning during extremelyhigh ambient temperatures. As demonstratedby Moritz and Crewe (1988) tidal air flow maycause hot external air to enter the nest. Com-pared to resin, wax is much more rigid andfour times stronger, especially at temperatureshigher than 35 ◦C (Hepburn and Kurstjens,1984), yet stingless bee cerumen has a highermelting temperature (Buchwald et al., 2005).

No comparative study has been made onrelative amounts of resin and wax used incerumen of different stingless bees. Small Hy-potrigona, Trigonisca, Schwarzula and Ple-beia use very little resin, using almost purewax (Sakagami, 1982; Blomquist et al., 1985;Drumond et al., 1995; Camargo and Pedro,2002a). Such an adaptive response by smallstingless bees nesting in slender stems andexposed to high temperatures would be ex-pected from the thermal conditions, as woulda loose nest element architecture and largecavities, which allow adult movement as heatsources, or migration. Daily dynamics of airtemperature have not been measured amongthe outer nest batumen layers in the large, ex-posed nests, although temperature measure-ments (Zucchi and Sakagami, 1972; Wille andOrozco, 1975; Roubik and Peralta, 1983) anddirect observation of incoming foragers re-veal no use of water droplets to cool nests(Moritz and Crewe, 1988; Engels et al., 1995;Nogueira-Neto, 1997). When water is col-lected by workers, it is likely to be used forhoney dilution.

Nest repairs incorporate available nestingmaterial. Workers do essentially all the work,even though males occasionally perform su-perficially similar (i.e. irregular) maintenanceactivity (Velthuis et al., 2005). Workers makewax that is secreted from dorsal glands, butsome queens or males also make a small quan-tity; the wax is first placed on a wax deposit inthe nest (Cruz-Landim, 1967; Michener, 1974;

Sakagami, 1982; Koedam et al., 2002). Differ-ent stingless bee waxes have different chemi-cal properties, and are much simpler than waxof Apis (Blomquist et al., 1985). Cerumen,the product of plant resin mixed with waxand employed exclusively by meliponines, re-mains soft for an extended time and is morepliable than beeswax – that of Apis mellifera(Hepburn and Kurstjens, 1984). In addition tobeing used for constructing nest forms, ceru-men may be taken to make an emergency re-pair of natural enemy damage.

Cerumen is normally made freshly to con-struct brood cells, involucrum, nest entrancetubes, or storage pots. The wax is takenfrom a pure wax deposit and combined withresin taken from a pure resin deposit (seeFig. K online only). These may be in sev-eral positions near the nest entrance and broodcells; workers mix the materials with theirmandibles (Michener, 1974; Sakagami, 1982).In response to drastic nest alteration, such asopening of the nest, bees respond by seek-ing and collecting more resin and, in generasuch as Plebeia, Melipona, Cephalotrigona,and Partamona, mud is deposited directly onthe edges of the opening (always interspersedwith resin), which is then gradually closed,by working toward the middle. I briefly ex-perimented with a nest of Trigona nigerrima,which is one of the three Trigona that, like cer-tain wasps, construct paper nests from chewedwood pulp (Roubik, 1989). A 5 cm squareof the nest surface was removed during theevening. The following morning the nest hadbeen repaired, without incoming material.

When a nest is severely damaged, coloniescannot fly with their queen to a new nest-ing site, but a queen deprived of food didfly to an empty hive box in T. laevicepsin Sumatra (Inoue et al., 1984). Abandonedintact brood comb with males of Meliponafulva present was an indication of abscond-ing (Roubik, 1979). Melipona and presumablyother stingless bees aggregate on nearby treetrunks when their nest is destroyed. Whetherthey can survive to establish a new nest, usinga flying virgin queen, or merge with anothercolony after such occurrences, is unknown.However, a mixed colony nesting associationhas been documented for Melipona panamica

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and M. fuliginosa (Roubik, 1981) and has beenencountered in the field a second time sincethat report. The largest stingless bee, the latterspecies, makes a nest that is occupied secon-darily by the smaller species, whose workersfeed it nectar outside the nest entrance whenreturning from the field. Ultimately, as in para-sitic Bombus (Goulson, 2003) the nest may beusurped by the newcomer species. Meliponaare keenly interested in returning to a damagednest and collect resin from resin deposits, andalso cerumen and honey, as do many stinglessbee genera.

Bees eject water, as explained above, butare far more regularly seen ejecting a bolusof trash, carried in the mandibles. This ac-tivity may occur daylong, or primarily in theafternoon. A few genera, like Lestrimelitta,Hypotrigona and Trigonisca (pers. obs.) dropthe bolus from the nest entrance, while most,like Melipona, fly to drop trash meters fromthe nest (Kerr and Kerr, 1999). Trash ballsare mainly meconia (larva defecations) on cellbases. Adult defecations in the nest are gath-ered at small latrines; most are consumed bymutualist organisms (Sect. 4.6). The cerumencoat is immediately removed from a newlyspun pupal cocoon (Michener, 1974).


4.1. Biological nest requirements

Stingless bees carefully select where tobuild nests, often within a living woody plant.There are thus always associated organisms,which occur there or in the immediate environ-ment. In addition, no thorough review of or-ganisms associated with a stingless bee nest ispossible, because taxonomic names are oftenlacking and studies are far from complete innatural habitats (Kistner, 1982; Roubik, 1989;Eickwort, 1990; Nogueira-Neto, 1997). An ex-ception is in the extraordinary series of nest-ing associations reported in Brazil by Camargoand Pedro (see 2002, 2003, 2004).

4.2. Collaborators, parasitesor commensals?

Living within stingless bee nests, themites, collembolans, leiodid beetles, mutualis-

tic fungi or bacteria seem normal, and somenest associates seem to have become semi-domesticated. Considering the nest site, nest-ing in an active termite or ant nest is obligate,yet rare, among stingless bees, although theuse of cavities left by termite or ant colonies isalso known (Tab. I). Nest construction in aban-doned bird nests is documented for Partamonamusarum and P. helleri (Camargo and Pedro,2003).

Although no exchange of material oc-curs, the ‘host’ ant or termite colonies of-ten do not obtain or share protection fromstingless bee colonies. Aparatrigona, Scaura,Nannotrigona mellaria and some Trigona(mazucatoi, cilipes), Paratrigona pannosa(Dejean and Roubik, pers. obs.) and Sun-datrigona moorei (Sakagami et al., 1989)are parasites in terms of lodging and de-fense. The bees have no aggressive de-fense but use the nests of pugnacious Nasu-titermes, Dolichoderus, Azteca (Kerr et al.,1967), Epipona (Rasmussen, 2004), Pachy-condyla goeldii (Dejean and Roubik, pers.obs.), and Crematogaster, respectively (furtherreferences in Roubik, 1989). In contrast, Par-tamona and most Trigona are aggressive andassociate with a variety of hosts. Even birdsmay derive benefits from aggressive Trigonacolonies near their nests (Smith, 1968). In-deed, Stierlin and I observed Sarcoramphuspapa in lowland northern Bolivia, nesting inthe crown of a tree, near a nest of highly ag-gressive Trigona amazonensis. In each case,parasitic flies are possibly kept out of the birdnests by aggressive bees.

4.3. Microbes

Bacillus of several species, most the sameas those found in nests of honey bees,Apis mellifera, occur in the stored pollenor brood provisions. These include Bacillismegaterium, B. circulans and B. alvei, whichproduce enzymes that may facilitate stor-age and / or digestion, plus secrete antibioticsand fatty acids (Gilliam et al., 1990). Theyeasts Candida (Camargo and Pedro, 2004)and Starmerella meliponinorum also are mu-tualists in bee nests (Teixeira et al., 2003).Camargo and Pedro found yeast covering

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stored pollen of Ptilotrigona lurida, which de-hydrated and preserved the pollen, also po-tentially supplying carbohydrates to bees, andlikely making the nest less attractive to themain natural enemies, phorid flies.

4.4. Non-floral plant mutualisms?

Many stingless bee associates are trees,which of course provide both food and nestsites. At present, we do not know whetherthere are plants which attract stingless beesfor nesting due to pollination benefits. Thegathering of floral resins for nest materialhas been used at least by two tropical plantgenera as a basis for pollinator attraction(Armbruster, 1984). However, whereas studiesin relatively species-poor dry tropical forestsshow that only a few tree species are usedby the stingless bee fauna (Moritz and Crewe,1988; Camargo and Pedro, 2002a; Antoniniand Martins, 2004; Martins et al., 2004), moststudies document use of many families andgenera (Hubbell and Johnson, 1977; Johnsonand Hubbell, l986; Oliveira et al., 1995; Eltzet al., 2002, 2003; Kajobe and Roubik, un-published data), with apparent exception in ahyperdiverse Asian forest (Samehima et al.,2004). Among strangler figs and their hosttrees, a disproportionate abundance of sting-less bee nests occur (Cameron et al., 2004;Roubik and Harrison, pers. obs.). Potentialpollination benefit to the figs is not possible,and for the other trees would be fortuitous.

Some resins used by meliponines carrysmall seeds from fruit of Coussapoa asperi-folia (Cecropiaceae, see Garcia et al., 1992),such as those embedded in the mud and resinbatumen block of Melipona. Such seeds werepreviously confused (Roubik, 1989) with Vis-mia (Clusiaceae). Trigona carbonaria collectsresin with the seeds of Eucalyptus torelliana(Wallace and Trueman, 1995). The importanceof seeds in nest construction is unclear, butthe seeds of both plants (Coussapoa is a hemi-epiphyte) germinate on the outside of the beenests (pers. obs.).

4.5. Mutualist inquilines

Schwarzula coccidophila (Camargo andPedro, 2002a, b) and Schwarzula timida

(Roubik, Stierlin, Harrison, Kondo, pers. obs.)receive wax bugs Cryptostigma (Coccidae:Hemiptera) as coinhabitants of their nests,which presumably exist only because they areprotected by the stingless bees, and providevaluable wax and sugar in return (see Fig. 3).Such coccids, which feed on plant sap, alsolive with ants, to which they give sugar secre-tions in exchange for protection. Intricacies ofcohabitation may ultimately involve cavity uti-lization by different organisms, which evolvecomplex interdependencies.

The leiodid beetles, or scotocryptinesScotocryptus, Scotocryptodes, Synaristus,Parabystus (Roubik and Wheeler, 1982; Peck,2003; Fig. K online only) live in nests ofNeotropical genera, primarily Melipona, andalso Cephalotrigona and Partamona. Beetleadults are blind and flightless; the males andfemales, often a few dozen, live among thepollen fecal debris and consume that resource(Peruquetti and Dias Bezerra, 2003), fungi orslime molds (which also consume fungi) inwet parts of the nest (Roubik and Wheeler,1982). Dispersal of beetles occurs on hindlegsof Melipona (Nogueira-Neto, 1949). Adultbeetles have a special mandibular notch thatsecures their ‘ride’ holding on the workerbee corbicular hairs, and transfer betweennests occurs at muddy flats where bees collectnesting material (Roubik and Wheeler, 1982).

Documented residents in stingless bee nestsalso include ricinuleids, very slow-movingarachnids, Cryptocellus gamboa (Platnick,pers. comm.; see Platnick and Shadab, 1981)in the hypogeous nests of Trigona fulviven-tris in Panamanian rain forest (pers. obs.).Pseudoscorpions, Dasychernes, were abun-dant in the nest of another Melipona inColombia (Salt, in Kistner, 1982). Cyphoderidcollembolans Paracyphoderus, Cyphorderusand Pseudocyphoderus are common in nests ofMelipona and Partamona. These fungus feed-ers, like leiodid beetles, have morphology sug-gesting persistent associations with the bees(Kistner, 1982). They are tough and can hideor tuck away their appendages.

Many mite genera occur in stinglessbee nests and eat fungi – Neotydeolus,Macrocheles, Tyrophagus, Trigonholaspis andHemileius, while others, apparently less

Meliponine nesting 137

numerous, feed on pollen, such as Pye-motes, Lasioseius, Glycyphagus, Neocypho-laelaps and Tyroglyphus (Delfinado-Baketet al., 1984; Baker and Delfinado-Baker, 1985;summaries in Eickwort, 1990; Nogueira-Neto,1997). The predaceous laelapid mite Neohy-poaspis ampliseta feeds on astigmatid mitesin stingless bee nests (Delfinado-Baker et al.,1983). Michiliid flies (Melo, 1996) also con-sume fecal debris in nests of at least oneMelipona.

4.6. True parasites and predators

Considering Diptera, the internal and nestparasites of meliponines include three gen-era of Phoridae, Pseudohypocera, and internaladult bee parasites, Apocephalus and Melalon-cha (Brown, 1997). Those flies, the first inparticular among the worst enemies of theNeotropical fauna, are completely absent (asbee natural enemies) in the Old World. Theymate hovering in copula near the nest en-trance, then invade the nest and lay their eggsin all crevices or small spaces (Sect. 3.2).Evidently parasitic mites can infest larvae ofMelipona, Meliponula and Trigona, and in-clude Meliponaspis, Hypoaspis and Trigonho-laspis (review by Kistner, 1982).

The largest predators of stingless beenests are the mustelids, bears and primates,with anteaters Tamandua, Myrmecophaga, andarmidillos (and other, less fearsome omni-vores, such as procyonids or coatimundis Na-sua, civets Civerridae, and opossums Didel-phidae), all of which are opportunistic preda-tors of stingless bee colonies. Mustelids aremajor colony enemies in the Neotropics (Eirabarbara) and Conepatus hog-nosed skunks,while in savanna-dominated Africa, honeybadgers (Mellivora capensis) and their mutu-alist birds, Indicator, are deft colony preda-tors. Bears – Tremarctos, Helarctos, Ursus, aresignificant predators in Andean South Amer-ica and SE Asia (Roubik, 1989). African rainforests have primates as principal bee colonypredators - chimps, gorillas and baboons (Pan,Gorilla, Langur) but the honey badger is al-most absent in dense forest. Australia lacksany significant stingless bee nest predator, asdo Madagascar and some large islands withstingless bees, such as Taiwan and Philippines.


5.1. Reproduction and nesting

The relative numbers and positions ofcolonies within an area have perforce shapedthe evolution of stingless bees. Virgin queensaccompany swarms of workers to new nestsites, and males wait there in anticipation (re-views in Nogueira-Neto, 1997; Velthuis et al.,2005) – clearly indicating the queen odors aredispersed from the nest. Afterwards, the newqueen flies out for a single mating, pursued byhundreds of males (Peters et al., 1999; Palmeret al., 2002). The queen may be killed, or in-deed, several queens are killed by predators(Michener, 1961; Paxton et al., 2003) on suchmating attempts. Therefore, reproductive bi-ology of stingless bees includes the connec-tion for food, and potentially for new vir-gin queens, between the mother and daughtercolony. The relationship has been documentedto last up to six months (Wille and Orozco,1975; Sakagami et al., 1983; Drumond et al.,1995).

The mean ‘nearest neighbor’ distance be-tween conspecific colonies nesting in naturemay be on the order of 50 to a few hundred me-ters (Hubbell and Johnson, 1977; Breed et al.,1999; Samejima et al., 2004). Cameron et al.(2004) estimated that 132 colonies with malesparticipated in a mating, by analysis of mi-crosatellite DNA markers. At a nest densityof 3 ha−1 (the species studied, T. collina, hasaggregated nests) colony reproductive ecologypotentially included all colonies in 50 ha.

5.2. The cost of stability

Bee diseases are more frequent and well-known in honey bees than in stingless bees(Nogueira-Neto, 1997; Morse, 1994), whichimplies that meliponines, in contrast to trop-ical Apis (Akratanakul, 1986), do not expe-rience strong selection to regularly changenesting sites, in order to shed their par-asite load. Further, a sustained connectionbetween mother and daughter colony pro-vides evolutionary pathways for parasitismand, ultimately, cleptoparasitism. Cleptopara-sitism evolved independently in Neotropical

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Lestrimelitta and African Cleptotrigona cubi-ceps. Phylogenetic origins of these taxa arenow being clarified. Some Oxytrigona attackother colonies and use their nests (Nogueira-Neto, 1997), as does Tetragonisca angustula(Sakagami et al., 1993; pers. obs.).

Nest dispersion, within a species, maybe due to competition and anticipates uni-form distribution among aggressive foragingspecies (Hubbell and Johnson, 1977; Breedet al., 1999) – provided suitable nesting sitesare available. Colonies may battle over po-tential nesting sites (Hubbell and Johnson,1977; Sakagami et al, 1993). Lestrimelitta reg-ulate their colony densities by periodic con-tests (Sakagami et al., 1993), including pyrricbattles, in which the raid costs many robbers’lives (Johnson, 1987, pers. obs.), or colonytakeover of host nests, in which the entirehost population is exterminated, but the rob-bers sustain little loss (Sakagami et al., 1993,pers. obs.). These and other authors observedthat raiding Lestrimelitta also draw Pseudo-hypocera (phorid flies) to raided nests, whichis against their interest – host nests are nor-mally raided as sustainable resources.

The stasis of stingless bee nesting commu-nities thus implies natural selection to reducevulnerability to other stingless bee colonies,as outlined above, and also to avoid conse-quences of intense competition for food andnests that can lead to usurpation of nest sites,or cleptoparasitism.


In natural vegetation, the stingless bee com-munity, in terms of active nests, may numberapproximately 150 colonies in a square kilo-meter (100 ha), and the known range is from15 to 1500 colonies, but varies considerably inbiomass of colonies and bee size (Kajobe andRoubik, 2006; Samehima et al., 2004; Breedet al., 1999; Nogueira-Neto, 1997). Slightdisturbance can change species composition(Brown and Albrecht, 2001). Unnatural hu-man habitats have also yielded information onbee nest density (e.g. Michener, 1946; Morse,1994). There are often many more nests insites that are not extensive, intact old for-est, but far fewer species, and possibly fewer

adult bees (Batista et al., 2003; Eltz et al.,2003; Kajobe and Roubik, 2006). Individualspecies may have several hundred nests in afew hectares, but those are very small colonies.An estimate of 2 to 6 colonies ha−1 seems toapply to most larger or detectable colonies.Such resources for honey exploitation shouldbe comparable to roughly one colony of Apismellifera per hectare, 10 times the nesting den-sity estimated for A. mellifera in tropical habi-tats (Kajobe and Roubik, 2006).

How often might stingless bee coloniesreproduce, either by swarming or by hav-ing males fertilize queens? Remarkably, threestudies done in Africa, America and Asia showannual mortality is 12 to 15% (Eltz et al.,2002; Kajobe and Roubik, 2006; Roubik andHarrison, pers. obs.). If and only if nests arecontinuously occupied, a stable local colonypopulation with mortality of 13% means thatabout 5% (.8722) of the original colonies arestill living after 23 years. Thus, on average, astingless bee colony can pass on its genes byreproducing in approximately a dozen years.


I thank J.M.F. Camargo, T. Eltz and C. Ras-mussen for helpful criticism, J.M.F. Camargo, S.Pedro and R. Kajobe for illustrative material or data,J. Biesmeijer, C. Rasmussen and E. Stierlin for data,and Wildlife Conservation Society for support inBolivia, Liu Fanglin and the Chinese Academy ofSciences for support in Yunnan, and Biotropica forpermission to reprint Figure 3.

Résumé – Biologie de la nidification des abeillessans aiguillon. Par rapport au genre Apis, lesabeilles sans aiguillon (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Me-liponini) sont des sources variées et uniques demiel, avec 50 fois plus d’espèces et une origine quiremonte au Crétacé. Les reines s’accouplent unefois, les ouvrières n’ont pas d’aiguillon, les mâlesbutinent, la cire n’est pas le matériau primaire pourla construction et l’eau n’est pas utilisée pour re-froidir les nids. Bien qu’on ignore pour la plupartla biologie de leur nidification, nous donnons iciune vue générale sur l’architecture, la défense et lamaintenance des nids, la reproduction de la colonie,les symbiotes, les ennemis naturels et les associa-tions animales dans le nid. La densité moyenne decolonies est de 150/km2 dans les habitats naturelsmais la biomasse des colonies et la taille des abeilles

Meliponine nesting 139

varie énormément. Il y a souvent plus de coloniesdans les sites perturbés, par contre la richesse en es-pèces est bien moindre.Les prédateurs comprennent des invertébrés, prin-cipalement des fourmis, et des vertébrés dont leschimpanzés qui utilisent des outils et les humains,ainsi que les ours, les mustélidés, les fourmiliers etde nombreux opportunistes. Parmi les parasites ontrouve des mouches de la famille des phoridés néo-tropicales, quelques acariens mais peu de microbesconnus. Les symbiotes des nids incluent des aca-riens fongivores, des coléoptères, des moisissures,des collemboles dans les latrines de la colonie, descoccidies qui fournissent de la cire et des acariensnécrophages. Les champignons et les bactéries mu-tualistes conservent la nourriture, fournissent desnutriments et écartent les parasites.Contrairement à Apis, les abeilles sans aiguillonn’essaiment pas franchement (un nouveau site denidification doit d’abord être préparé) et ellesn’abandonnent pas leur nid. La reine n’effectue plusde vol une fois fécondée et les colonies ont appa-remment une longue vie. L’adaptation est très vi-sible dans les tubes d’entrée des nids, dans les plate-formes propres aux espèces pour la défense du nid,dans le butinage et la ventilation. Les ouvrières ven-tilent avec leurs ailes et créent un courant d’air avec« des marées » qui renouvellent l’air du nid. Auxtempératures élevées, une moindre ventilation aideà maintenir une température fraîche dans le nid,mais le CO2 augmente et est évacué la nuit. L’ar-chitecture est variable, en fonction de l’âge, du gé-notype et du microenvironnement, y compris les en-nemis naturels. Les grands genres comme Trigona,Melipona et Plebleia ont une variabilité interspéci-fique considérable en ce qui concerne les sites de ni-dification, l’architecture et le comportement de dé-fense, souvent lié à la vulnérabilité du nid. Le genreTrigona fabrique avec ses excréments une plaque,sorte de bouclier, qui lui procure défense et isola-tion, comme c’est le cas avec la terre, le bois, larésine ou les pierres pour les espèces qui nidifientdans le sol ou dans des cavités d’arbres. Une finecouche de surface sur les nids exposés permet encas de rupture la sortie des abeilles qui défendentle nid et se mettent à mordre. On ne comprend pasactuellement le niveau d’évolution ni la phyloge-nèse du comportement de nidification. La disposi-tion des cellules de couvain en chaînes reliées ou enamas ne semble pas liée particulièrement à la pe-tite taille des abeilles. Les abeilles choisissent soi-gneusement leur mode de nidification et font preuveainsi d’une adaptation particulière pour minimiserla vulnérabilité de la colonie aux ennemis naturels,à la compétition intraspécifique et à la cleptobiose.Elles conservent des liens durables entre la colo-nie mère et les colonies filles pour ce qui est de lanourriture et des reines vierges. Les reines ne s’ac-couplent qu’une fois et la mortalité de la colonie estde 13 % par an ; on peut donc prévoir une longévitéde la colonie de 24 ans.

Meliponini / abeille sans aiguillon / nidifica-tion / architecture nid / micro-climat / écologiede l’évolution

Zusammenfassung – Nistbiologie bei Stachello-sen Bienen. Im Vergleich zu den Honigbienen sindStachellose Bienen sehr facettenreich und nutzeneinzigartige Honigquellen, sie stellen 50 mal mehrArten und entstanden bereits in der Kreidezeit. DieKöniginnen paaren sich nur einmal, die Arbeite-rinnen haben keinen Stachel, die Männchen su-chen Futter, Wachs ist nicht das hauptsächlicheBaumaterial und Wasser wird nicht zur Kühlungdes Nestes benutzt. Obwohl die Nistbiologie meistunbekannt ist, wird hier eine allgemeine Sichtüber Nestarchitektur, Verteidigung, Erhalt, Volks-vermehrung, Symbionten, natürliche Feinde undVerhaltensmuster der Volksgemeinschaft gegeben.Unter natürlichen Umweltbedingungen beträgt diedurchschnittliche Nestdichte 150/km2, aber es le-ben dort verglichen mit veränderten Lebensräumennur 1 % der Völker. In diesen gestörten Regionengibt es zwar eine geringere Artenzahl, die aber un-terschiedliche Biomasse aufweisen.Feinde setzen sich aus Wirbellosen, vor al-lem Ameisen, und Wirbeltieren zusammen, ein-schließlich werkzeugbenutzenden Schimpansen,Menschen, Bären, Mardern, Ameisenbären undvielen Opportunisten. Als Parasiten kommen neo-tropische Buckelfliegen, einige Milben, aber nurwenige bekannte Mikroben vor. Als Symbion-ten kommen pilzverzehrende Milben und Käfervor; in den Volkslatrinen gibt es Schimmelpilzeund Springschwänze, im Nest Wachs erzeugendeSchildläuse und Unrat vertilgende Milben. Mutuel-le Pilze und Bakterien konservieren Futter, stellenNährstoffe bereit und schalten Parasiten aus.Im Gegensatz zu Honigbienen bilden StachelloseBienen keine freien Schwärme und verlassen ihreNester nicht. Die Königin fliegt nach Beginn derEiablage nicht mehr. Ein neuer Nistplatz muss erstvorbereitet werden und Völker sind anscheinendlanglebig. Besondere Anpassungen sind in denRöhren am Nesteingang zu erkennen, die artspezi-fische Plattformen für die Nestverteidigung, Sam-melflüge und Ventilation darstellen. Arbeiterinnenschlagen die Flügel und erzeugen einen “Gezeiten”– Luftstrom, der die Luft im Nest erneuert. Bei ho-hen Temperaturen hilft vermindertes Fächeln einekühlere Temperatur beizubehalten, aber der Gehaltan CO2 steigt dann an und kann erst nachts entferntwerden. Die Architektur ist unterschiedlich, abhän-gig möglicherweise vom Alter, Genotyp und derdie natürlichen Feinde einschliessenden Mikroum-welt. Große Arten wie Trigona, Melipona und Ple-beia zeigen beachtliche innerartliche Varianzen inLage und Architektur des Nestes und im Vertei-digungsverhalten, das mit der Verletzlichkeit desNestes zusammenhängt. Trigona formt mit ihrenExkrementen eine Deckplatte, die für Schutz und

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Isolation sorgt, ähnlich wie Erde, Holz oder Steinebei anderen Arten, die in Erd- oder Baumhöhlen ni-sten. Eine schwache Oberflächenschicht bei freilie-genden Nestern ermöglicht den Austritt von vertei-digenden, beißenden Bienen sowie diese zerbricht.Zur Zeit ist das Niveau der Evolution und die Phy-logenie des Nistverhaltens noch nicht verstanden.Die Anordnung der Brutzellen in Ketten oder Grup-pen scheint vor allem mit den kleinen Köpergrö-ßen der Bienen zusammenzuhängen. Bienen suchensich sorgfältig die Lage ihres Nestes aus und sindbesonders angepasst, die Verletzlichkeit des Volkesgegen natürliche Feinde, innerartliche Konkurrenzund Räuberei zu minimieren. Sie halten in Bezugauf Nahrung und unbegattete Königinnen dauerhaftVerbindungen zwischen Mutter- und Tochterkolo-nien. Königinnen paaren sich nur einmal und dieVolkssterblichkeit beträgt 13 % y−1. Demnach be-rechnet sich die Überlebensdauer einer Kolonie auf12 Jahre.

Meliponini / Apidae / Nestarchitektur / Nestmi-kroklima / evolutionäre Ökologie


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