Page 1: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s Name .....................................................................................................................................




17th March -17th April, 2020



1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of thirteen

(13) questions.

2. Answer all questions in section A and B and one (1) question from

section C.

3. Except for diagrams that must be drawn in pencil, all writings should be in blue or

black ink.

5. Write your Name and Stream on every page of your answer















This paper consists of eight (8) printed pages

Page 2: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s Name .....................................................................................................................................

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from among the given

alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet.

(i) Tissue respiration may be defined as:

A. The oxidation of food to release energy

B. Taking in oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide

C. Breathing in oxygen and providing it to the tissues

D. Getting rid of carbon dioxide from the tissue

E. Using oxygen in the body

(ii) Which of the following organism is a secondary consumer?

A. Termite

B. Rabbit

C. Cat

D. Bacterium

E. Cow

(iii) A healthy person’s blood pressure in millimeters of mercury should be

around 120/70. This means that his:

A. Diastolic pressure is 190

B. Systolic pressure is 70

C. Diastolic pressure is 120

D. Systolic pressure is 120

E. Diastolic pressure is 50

(iv) The outermost living structure in plant cells is the:

A. Cell wall

B. Cytoplasm

C. Cell membrane

D. Nuclear membrane

E. Ectoplasm

(v) The main product of photosynthesis is transported away from the leaves by


A. Phloem

B. Stomata

C. Xylem

D. Cortex

E. Photolysis

(vi) Useful substances are retained in the kidney by:

A. Filtration

B. Osmosis

C. Selective reabsorption

D. Osmoregulation

E. Diffusion

Page 3: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s Name .....................................................................................................................................

(vii) The best way of controlling viral infection is:

A. Through biological control

B. Avoiding direct contact with an infected person

C. Killing all viruses

D. Vaccination

E. By medical treatment

(viii) The elements carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen would be found in:

A. Amino acids

B. Nitrates

C. Fats

D. Starch

E. Vitamins

(ix) The flat body of a liverwort is known as:

A. Capsule

B. Thallus

C. Frond

D. Rhizoid

E. Leaf

(x) When students were conducting private study at night, light went off

suddenly. Which of the following changes occurred in the eyes of the


A. The lens become thicker

B. The pupil become lager

C. The ciliary muscle relax

D. The eyelids closed

E. The eye opened wider

Page 4: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

2. Match the phrase in List A with the responses in List B by writing the correct letter of

the correct response from List B beside the item number of List A in your answer



(i) The layer of cells sensitive to light

(ii) Lacks light intensity cells

(iii) Cells sensitive to light of low intensity

(iv) Cells sensitive to coloured light intensity

(v) Control the intensity of light entering the eye

(vi) Controls the shape of the lens

(vii) Correct short sight

(viii) Reduce reflection of light within the eye

(ix) Helps to refract the light into the eye

(x) Causes refraction of light in the eye

A. Aqueous humour

B. Cornea

C. Iris

D. Eyebrow

E. Retina

F. Rods

G. Blind spot

H. Cones

I. Eyelash

J. Choroid

K. Ciliary body

L. Diverging lens

M. Fovea

N. Pupil

O. Eyelid

SECTION B (60 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. (a) Differentiate the term “irritability”.

(b) With the aid of a labeled diagram, describe the neuronic pathway taken by

reflex action in human being.

4. (a) Explain two factors affecting gaseous exchange in animals.

(b) Why does a fish die when taken out of water to the land while a frog

survives in both water and on land?

5. Figure below is a diagram of a plant root. Study the diagram and answer the

questions that follow.

Page 5: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

(a) (i) Name the group of plants represented by the diagram


(ii) Give any two examples of plants which can be found in a group of

plants mentioned in (a) (i) above.

(iii) Name the organisms which inhabit the swellings on the roots.

(iv) What is the name of the relationship existing between the plant and

the organism mentioned in (a) (iii) above?

(b) Give two differences between photosynthesis and aerobic


6. (a) Define the following terms as used in Biology:

(i) Ecology

(ii) Environment

(iii) Community

(iv) Ecosystem

(b) (i) State the differences between natural and artificial

ecosystems. Give

one example in each case.

(ii) Explain why food webs are more representatives of feeding

relationship than food chains.

7. (a) (i) Define the term coordination.

(ii) State the biological importance of hydrotropism and


(b) How is accommodation brought about in the human eye?

8. (a) Study the following diagram on the structure of a nerve cell and

answer the questions that follows.

Page 6: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

(i) Name the parts labeled A, B, C and D.

(ii) Name the nerve cell above.

(iii) Where does the nerve cell above carry impulses to?

(iv) Name two (2) other types of nerve cells found in the nervous system of

vertebrates and state their functions.

(b) State three (3) differences between sensory and motor


9. (a) (i) What is a tissue?

(ii) Name two animal tissues.

(b) State the structural differences between a cell wall and a cell


10. (a) The following are methods of controlling diseases.

Mention one disease

that can be controlled by each method.

(i)Clean water supplies

(ii)Hygienic disposal of refuse and sewage

(iii)Eradication of mosquitoes

(iv) Vaccination

(b) Fungi promote yet create disturbances in human life. Write

two (2) ways on

how fungi promote human life and two (2) ways on how fungi create

disturbance in human life.

SECTION C (20 Marks)

Answer one (1) question from this section.

11. The brain is the largest portion of the nervous system and very

Page 7: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

important for controlling activities in the body. With the aid of a

diagram, describe the functions of the different parts of the

human brain.

12. (a) Draw a well labeled diagram of a human ear.

(b) Describe the mechanism of hearing.

13. Explain five factors which contribute to irresponsible sexual

behavior among young people and their effects in the community.

Page 8: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................




17th March -17th April, 2020



1. This paper consists of sections A and B.

2. Try to follow instructions of each section and question.

3. ALL writings must be in black ink or blue ink EXCEPT diagrams which must be in

pencil. Use A4 papers out of that will not be marked.

4. Where necessary the following constants may be used:

S = 32, O= 16, Na = 23, C= 12, Mg = 24, H= 1, Cl = 35.5, Al = 27, Fe = 56.

For Examiner’s use only

Qn. Score Signature












This paper consists of 07 printed pages.

Page 9: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

SECTION A(20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

1. Write the letter of the most correct answer in the answer sheets using A4 papers for

each of the following questions.

i. Dalton’s atomic theory was put forward for the purpose of.

A. Challenging Sir Isaac Newton

B. Explaining the laws of chemical combination

C. Winning nobel prize

D. Selling scientific findings

ii. The expression “nitric acid is a strong acid” may best be explained as


A. It is very corrosive

B. It is a strong oxidizing agent

C. It is highly ionized

D. It dissolves all metals

iii. One of the following amounts of sulphur dioxide occupies volume of

5.6dm3 at s.t.p.

A. 64g of SO2

B. 3.2g of SO2

C. 0.25 moles SO2

D. 0.50 moles SO2

iv. Which of the following aqueous solutions would turn pink when

phenolphthalein indicator is added to it?

A. Caustic soda

B. Baking soda

C. Orange juice

D. Drinking water

v. A dative covalent bond is formed when.

A. Atoms share electrons

B. Molecules combine

C. Similar atoms share electrons

D. One atom donates electrons for sharing

Page 10: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

vi. The statement which describes exactly the nature of an efflorescent

compound is:

A. Absorbs water vapour to such an extent that a concentrated solution of

the compound is formed

B. Absorbs water vapour, but a solution is formed

C. Exists in a solution form only

D. Is a crystalline compound which gives up some of its water of hydration

to atmosphere

vii. A 0.106% by weight solution of Na2CO3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a

molarity of.

A. 1.00M

B. 0.01M

C. 0.05M

D. 0.50M

viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was dissolved in 500cm3 of 2M hydrochloric

acid. The number of moles of hydrochloric acid used up were.

A. 0.20 moles

B. 2.00 moles

C. 0.00 moles

D. 0.40 moles

ix. A solution whose concentration is accurately known is called ......................

A. Saturated solution

B. Molar solution

C. Standard solution

D. Dilute solution

x. When the equation: KMnO4 + HC l KC l + MnC l 2 + H2O + C l 2 is

correctly balanced, the figure appearing before HC l will be:

A. 2

B. 5

C. 10

D. 16

2. Match the items in LIST A with the response in LIST B by writing the letter of

the correct response from LIST B.


Page 11: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

i. Basicity.

ii. Deliquescent.

iii. Covalent bond.

iv. Prevent rusting.

v. Periods.

vi. Acidic salt.

vii. Immiscible liquid.

viii. Anhydrous copper II sulphate.

ix. Alkali.

x. Isotopes.


A. Separating funnel.

B. Soluble base.

C. All replaceable hydrogen are replaced.

D. Elements with atoms differing in number of neutrons.

E. Part of replaceable hydrogen has been replaced.

F. Vertical columns in a periodic table.

G. Plating and galvanizing.

H. Number of hydrogen ions produced by one molecular of an acid.

I. Horizontal rows in the periodic table.

J. Absorbs water vapour from solutions.

K. Electrons (3) sharing.

L. Turns lime water milky.

M. Used to test water.

N. Gives water of crystallization to the atmosphere.

O. Transfer of electrons.

SECTION B (80 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

Using A4 papers out of that will not be marked.

3 (a) What do you understand by the term chemical equation.

(b) Translate the following molecular equations into statements.

i. glaqaqaq NHOHCOKKOHCONH 3232324 222

ii. aqls HNOOHON 3252 2

Page 12: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

iii. saqs AgClNOBaAgNOBaCl 22 2332

iv. gaqaqS HSOAlSOHAl 234242 332

4. Br. Mpomele carried out an experiment to compare the hardness of four water

samples labelled M, N, O, and P.

25cm3 of water sample M was transferred to a conical flask. Soap solution was

then added to the flask in small proportions using a burette until a lasting

lather was formed.

The experiment was repeated with sample N, O and P. Fresh samples of each

Water sample were boiled and tested again with soap solution. The results are

shown in the table below.

Water sample Volume of soap solution

required before boiling in


Volume of soap solution

required after boiling in


M 5.0 5.0

N 1.0 1.0

O 11.0 6.0

P 9.0 1.0

(a) Define permanent hardness of water.

(b) Which of the four water samples.

i. Could be distilled water.

ii. Contains only temporary hardness.

iii. Contains only permanent hardness.

iv. Contains both temporary and permanent hardness.

5. Twenty five cm3 proportions of sodium carbonate solution were titrated against

hydrochloric acid containing 2.738g of the pure acid in 0.1dm3 solution. The base

solution was prepared by dissolving 45g of the impure salt in water to make a litre of


The titration results have been tabulated below.

Experiment Pilot 1 2 3 4

Final reading (cm3) 46.80 27.30 50.00 26.40 33.30

Initial reading (cm3)

Titre reading (cm3) 26.70 25.70 25.80 25.90 26.30

(a) Copy and complete the table of results.

(b) Identify and discard any erroneous data from the table.

(c) Find the average volume of the acid used.

Page 13: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

(d) Calculate the percentage purity of the solid base.

6. (a) Differentiate an atom from a molecule.

(b) How many atoms are there in 12g of sodium?

(c) How many molecules are there in 0.125dm3 of carbon dioxide?

(d) How many aluminium ions will be present in solution if 3g of aluminium sulphate

are completely dissolved in water?

(e) Determine the grams of Iron II Sulphate that contains 1.8 x 1024 atoms.

Page 14: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................




18th March -17th April, 2020



1. This paper consist of five (5) questions.

2. Answer ALL questions as instructed.

3. Write your full name as every page you have used.

4. Use A4 paper to write your work.

5. Credit will be given for giving vivid examples and neatness of work.

6. Use black or blue ink for your writtings, except diagram which should be drawn in



1. Write short notes on the following terms:

a) Absolute poverty

b) Referendum

c) Electro commission

d) Refugees

e) Life skills

f) Improper behaviour

g) Red rights

h) Creative thinking

i) Prerogative of mercy

j) Team work

2. From your own understanding, suggest and explain in detail external and internal causes

of poverty in our country. Give ten (10) points.

3. Define the following terms:

a) Drug abuse

b) Manifesto

c) Absolute monachy

d) Life expectance

e) Central government.

f) Informal sector

Page 15: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

4. Development of any countries is a result of good leadership but poor governance can

lead to underdevelopment hence poor living condition and abosolute poverty. List down

the indicators of poverty. (Not less than ten 10).

5. Every human being has right to education. With vivid examples, explain the problems

setting back the government of Tanzania in the provision of Education services.

Page 16: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................




18th March -17th April, 2020



1. This paper consists of five questions.

2. Answer all questions in A4 papers.

3. Remember to write your class and stream.

4. Your handwriting must be clear and neat.

5. Read and understand the question well before attempting it

1. Complete the following sentences with the correct information as used in literature

i. The trees whistled as the wind blew harder. This is an example of_______

ii. “As white as a snow” this statement represents ____________ as used in


iii. ___________________ is a situation where the audience knows something in the

story while a character does not.

iv. Salma speaks too much nowdays. “she is a parrot” what does the underlined

sentence represent? ___________________________________

v. ______________ is a figure of speech which tends to use language in a humorous

way to ridicule or criticise human weaknesses.

vi. One, two, three shoot, “tutu- tutuuu tuuu!” the part in quotation marks represents


vii. He found a “clean ice cream” the underlined parts stand for _____________

viii. A stage through which a conflict is solved step by step is called


ix. A technique of telling a story by jumping to the later event is referred to as


x. A situation of having two antagonistic feelings/thoughts within the same

character refers to ____________________________________

Page 17: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

2. Re-write the following sentences in their correct forms

i. I have had enough money when that man snatched my hand yesterday

ii. We swimmed in that pond for three hours

iii. He had began telling him wrong stories.

iv. Puja complained that he was mopping the floor alone for three hours.

v. They complained a lot, don’t they?

vi. Juma and Aloyce were about to leave the place tonight.

vii. He wrote a book so as he wanted to make money

viii. He climbed a tree very careful so that he can’t be hurt

ix. It is reported that magnet attracted Iron.

x. Your car uses little fuel than mine.

3. Write a letter to the managing director, The Big T Company L.T.D, P.O BOX 090

Mwanza applying for the post of an accountant as it was advertised in the Sunday

News of 17th April 2020. Sign your name as Mchapakazi Bora. Your address is P.o

Box 372- Mji Mpya, Dodoma.

4. Imagine the government has appointed you to go to educate people in rural areas on

how to take precautions against Corona Virus in their respective areas. Write a speech

which you will give out to the people. Limit your speech by writing six (6) points,

5. Imagine you are given a chance to give out your views on whether “English or

Kiswahili to be used as a medium of instruction in all levels of education in Tanzania”

Write a persuasive composition to persuade people side your views. Limit your essay

to six (6) points with vivid examples.

Page 18: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................




17th March -17th April, 2020



1. This paper consist of three(3) pages with total of 4 Questions

2. Answer all questions

3. Write your names on every page of your answer sheets

4. Use A4 paper to answer this examination,

5. All answers might be written in blue or black ink except pencil for drawings

6. Use graph paper for graphical presentation, and all calculation must be shown

clearly on your answer sheet

7. Poor handwriting, neatness of work and poor arrangement of work will lead to loss

of marks

8. Avoid cheating or any examination misconduct


1. Study the data on the table below showing food crops production in (tonnes) Morogoro from

1771 to 1774, then answer the questions that follows;

years 1771 1772 1773 1774

Maize 32 20 80 70

Rice 55 50 60 50

wheat 40 75 70 55

i. Present the data (above) by using;

a. Percentage divided bar graph

b. Compound line graph

c. Pie chart

Page 19: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

ii. Mention other five ways that might be used to present the data above

iii. Show down five advantages of presenting data by using compound bar graph

iv. List down five importance of studying statistics

2. Study the data below showing ungrouped data and then answer the questions that follow

33, 42, 60, 21, 24, 21, 35, 33, 18, 42, 35, 33, 10, 09 and 42

i. Find the following

a. Mean

b. Mode

c. Median

ii. Mention and explain the major sources of statistical data

3. Study the photograph below, then answer the questions that follow;

i. What is the type of photography shown above

ii. From the photography above, what are the names of animal shown in

iii. a. what famous activity which might take place in the photography above

b. Show down five ways which might be taken to develop the activity mention

in (iii.a) above

Page 20: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

iv. List down SIX places in Tanzania where this photo might be took place

4. With aid of diagram, explain why rock cycle is an endless process.


Page 21: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................




17th March -17th April, 2020



1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C.

2. Answer ALL questions in section A and B and three (3) questions from section C.

3. ALL answers must be written in the answer sheet(s) provided.

4. Crossed or corrected answer will NOT be marked hence loss of marks.

5. All drawings should be in pencil.













TOTAL (100%)

This paper consists of Six (6) printed pages.

Page 22: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and

write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.

i. In most parts of pre-colonial Africa the ruling classes appropriate surpluses through:

A. Wars of conquest.

B. Looting and plundering.

C. Tribute and labour services.

D. Taxation.

E. Agriculture and domestication of animals.

ii. Trading caravans going into the interior of East Africa in the 19th century carried the red flag


A. They were traveling along dangerous trade route

B. They needed the protection of Sultan of Zanzibar

C. They were afraid of the British who were trying to stop slave trade.

D. They were carrying slaves as the main trade article

E. Slaves suffered during their journey from the interior to the coast

iii. The two types of oral tradition are:

A. Cultural practices and historical sites

B. Museums and historical sites

C. Cultural practices and archives

D. Cultural practices and narration of past events

E. Historical sites, museums and archives

iv. Which of the following was not a reason for the coming of European before 1800?

A. To find an alternative route to India and far East

B. To abolish slave trade and introduce Christianity

C. To find new source of trade

D. To look for gold, silver and spices in Africa and Asia

E. To capture and control the Indian Ocean trade

v. The Trans-Atlantic slave trade had the following outcome except:

A. Loss of African culture

B. Loss of African technology

C. Loss of manpower in Africa

D. The growth of forest states of Benin, Oyo and Ife

E. Scramble of Africa by European nations

Page 23: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

vi. The feudal lords and traders in the East Africa coast reacted against the Portuguese invasion

because they:

A. Wanted to expand clove plantation

B. Wanted to protect their economic and political interests

C. Wanted to safeguard their serfs

D. Were racists

E. Wanted to protect their tradition and skills

vii. The Moresby treaty was not successful to the abolition of slave trade because it:

A. Was not against slave trade

B. Was anti-slavery but not anti slave trade

C. Faced strong opposition from Americans

D. Confined itself to slave trade within East Africa

E. Did not consider economic well-being of African chief

viii. One of the following wars demonstrated unity and self-determination among Africans in the

desire to liberate themselves:

A. Mau mau

B. Chimurenga

C. Mfecane

D. Majimaji

E. Afro-Boer

ix. Which of the following was not a strategy of ensuring constant supply of labour in colonial

agricultural and mining investments in Africa?

A. Land alienation

B. Taxation

C. Great labour reserves

D. Consolidation of peasantry

E. Changing the pattern of consumption of people

x. Which of the statements below is not true about the introduction of colonial economy in

East Africa?

A. Un even distribution of social and physical infrastructures

B. Absence of sectoral link

C. The establishment of heavy mining industry in Tanganyika

D. The introduction of new crops such as sisal, cotton and pyrethrum

E. Utilization of African cheap labour

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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

2. Match the items in List A with the correct responses in List B by writing the letter of the

corresponding responses beside the item number in the answer sheets provide.


(i) The first Portuguese merchant explorer to

round the cape of Good hope

(ii) Famous British explorer in West Africa

(iii) The feudal relation which developed between

the Tutsi and Hutu

(iv) The new economic strategy of Tanzania in


(v) Resolved the conflict on the use of Congo and

Niger rivers

(vi) The first exploitative mode of production

(vii) The first un exploitative mode of production

(viii) The survival of colonial system despite the

formal attainment of political independence

(ix) A country that gained independence in 1990s

(x) A Mau Mau leader

A. Ubugabire

B. Colonialism

C. Senegal

D. Anglo-Germany treaty of 1890

E. Mungo Park

F. South Africa

G. William Mackinnon

H. Communalism

I. Neo-colonialism

J. Nyarubanja

K. General China

L. Zimbabwe

M. Assimilation

N. Arusha Declaration

O. Capitalist conference of 1884-1885

P. Feudalism

Q. Indirect rule system

R. Cecil Rhodes

S. Vasco Da Gama

T. Slavery

SECTION B (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

3. (a) Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate by using roman numbers.

(i) The country which moved from apartheid to black majority rule in 1994

(ii) The country which attained political independence in 1957

(iii) An East Africa country in which peasant cash crops production predominated

(iv) The country in which the genocide occurred in 1990s

(v) The country where the headquarters of the O.A.U liberation committee based

(b) Outline five objectives of Berlin conference.

4. (a) Arrange the following statements in chronological order by writing number 1

to 5 beside the item number.

i. The district officers exercised full jurisdiction over the people.

ii. German rule was renowned for its harshness.

iii. For the same reasons, very few officers could travel without armed escort for fear

of being attacked by the people.

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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

iv. Force was the base of German rule and each European traveled with a whip.

v. They meted out to “offender” any punishment they chose.

(b) The items (i-v) consist of four sentences which form a complete historical meaning. One

of the sentences (A-E) is missing. Identify the missing sentence and write its letter beside

the item number

(i) 1. The important items from West Africa to North Africa were gold and ivory

2. West Africa obtained salt, dates and horse from North Africa

3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. It expanded after the introduction of camel during the 19th Century.

A. This trade took place through the Atlantic Ocean

B. This trade took place across the Sahara desert

C. This trade took place across the Indian ocean

D. This trade took place after the partition of Africa

E. This trade took place after the decolonization of Africa

(ii) 1. Indirect rule system was predominant in British colonies

2. Chiefs had ability to collect tax

3. Chiefs had ability to rule and exploit raw materials

4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

A. Chiefs had the ability to secure the labour required by colonial state to

construct railways, roads and bridges

B. It was used not only to provide employment to chiefs but also to solve the

problem of shortage of labour

C. They though that the system enabled them to be harsh and force the

Africans without any compromise to produce raw materials and provide

cheap labour

D. German like the use of chiefs because they saw them as people who could

administer the people to meet colonial interest

E. Indirect rule was introduced first by Lugard in Kenya

(iii) 1. In the course of time the whites settlers established themselves as stock farmers

2. They farmed and at the same time kept cattle

3. Eventually they were referred to as Boers or Afrikaners

4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A. The language that evolved among them was Khoi Khoi

B. Their language was known as Xhosa

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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

C. They used to speak Spanish and Portuguese language

D. They adopted different Bantu languages

E. The language that evolved among them was Afrikaans

(iv) 1. Creation of one party system did not transfer power to the people

2. In pursuit of that goal TANU adopted the Arusha declaration

3. Following the Arusha Declaration more pronouncements were made in

mainland Tanzania

4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A. These included Education for self-Reliance and Socialism

B. These included common Maris Charter and Capitalism

C. These included nationalism and democratic election

D. These included multi-party system and decolonization

E. These included Arusha Declaration and globalization

(v) 1. During the British period, hospitals were concentrated in areas with dense

labour forces.

2. These included the urban centres, settlers and company plantations

3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. The same could be said for the health services offered a long the major routes

of migrant labourers.

A. They aimed at improving the standard of living of the Africans

B. They aimed at keeping the colonial laborers fit for production

C. They aimed at making the European inferior to the Africans

D. The Africans wanted to justify the importance of their medicine

E. The British wanted to prevent the Germans from getting treatment

SECTION C (60 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section.

5. Examine six characteristics of the second exploitative mode of production in pre-colonial

African societies.

6. Using specific examples, explain how the expansion of Ngoni people during 19th century

affected the people of East and Central Africa (Give six points).

7. With examples explain why some African communities perceived collaboration with the

invaders (Give six points).

8. Why British preferred to use indirect rule in their colonies?(Give six points)

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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

9. How colonial state encouraged the interest of white settlers in Kenya? (Explain by using six


10. Explain six features of colonial Education.

Then after attempting those questions a student have to write the following notes in the

exercise book as a continuation from where we ended.



Colonial Economy was the economic activities carried out by the exploiting Africans in form of

human labour and raw material.


Refers to the system of production and the consumption which were introduced in colonies by

the colonialists in order to fulfill their economic demands such as cheap labour, raw materials,

markets, area for investment and area for settlements


Colonial economy refers to economic systems of goods and services established during the

colonial era. It comprised activities such as trade, manufacturing, agriculture, mining, transport

and communication. The system was established in Africa and other parts of the world during the

19th Century


Colonial economies were shaped by the interests of the metropolitan economy, therefore, they

responded to the demands of the Colonial powers.The following are the objectives of the

colonial economy

1. Colonial were expected to provide raw materials. Both agriculture products and minerals

to the factories of the European countries. Example of agricultural raw-materials include

cotton, coffee, sisal, pyrethrum, tea, cocoa and palm oil.

2. Colonies were expected to import manufactured goods like clothes, shoes, blankets and

utensils from Europe.

3. The colonized people were expected to provide cheap labour for the benefit of colonial


4. Colonies were also expected to be self-supporting. This means the colonized people were

expected to raise revenues that could support the administrative cost of colony

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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

5. To maintain law and order. In order to insure that exploitation of colonial resources was

done efficiently law and order was to be maintained. This in turn would facilitate the

exploitation of resources for the benefit of colonial masters.

6. Colonialist wanted to occupies areas for investment and settlement. For example the

Kikuyu highlands in kenya


1. It was export-import oriented colonial economy. Specialized in production of raw

materials for the metropolitan industries and importation of manufactured goods in the

colonies such as clothes, wine sweets etc.

2. It was based on the exploitation of African resources such as man power minerals and so


3. It was based on monoculture system of production. The production of one crop like cocoa

in Ghana, Rubber in Liberia etc.

4. It was characterized by domination of European. It was dominated by Europeans. African

role of middlemen was suppressed instead of that European established their trade

companies. Example Germany East Companies (GEACO), Imperial British East Africa

Company (IBEACO).

5. Introduction of money economy. The colonial currency was used as a medium of

exchange. This was introduced purposely to force the Africans to offer their labour in the

colonial projects.

6. Colonial economy had very limited capital. The establishment and development of

colonial economies depended on local revenue and capital

7. It based on force or coercion. The African forced to produce and export rather than for

their own use (consumption). Example Kipande system in Kenya, labour ordinance in

1918 enforced people to work in European forms Africans who failed to supply their

labour power for a given time (180 days) were sent to jail.

8. Establishment of processing industries. Based on processing industries such as oil

extraction industries and ginneries for cotton. They were mainly for processing raw

materials ready to be exported to Europe.

9. It developed few infrastructures. Example Road, Railways, schools. Hospitals etc.

10. Depended on cheap labours.

11. It was dealing with land alienation. They introduced laws ordinance which legalized

occupation and alienation of African land to white settlers. Example the crown land

ordinance in 1915 in Kenya, in Tanganyika the 1923 land ordinance put all occupied land

and land occupied by Africans under the British crown.


There are three methods used to establish colonial economy which are;

1. Creation

2. Destruction

3. Preservation

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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................


The colonialists introduced new elements in the pre-African economy, things which were

introduced includes;

i. Introduction of money. Money was introduced in order to become as the medium of

exchange. For example European currencies replaced the money existed in pre-colonial

period in Africa that was in form of gold, cloth, copper etc.

ii. Taxation; taxes had to be paid in Cash, one had to get money in order to pay taxes either

by selling cash crops or selling labour force. Example in Kenya hut taxes was introduced

in 1901, matiti taxes etc.

iii. Land alienation; Land was alienated in order to open up agriculture, mining, industries as

well as settlements ordinances and land laws were created. Example in Kenya, the crown

land ordinance in1915, the land ordinance in Tanganyika in 1923

iv. Building up infrastructures such as roads, railways, schools, hospitals, harbours and ports,

courts etc.

v. Cash crops production; Africans had to produce cash crops and sell to the colonialists

rather than to produce for their own consumption.

vi. Forced labour; Africans were forced to supply labour to their master projects. Labour

ordinance were introduced. Example the labour ordinance in servant ordinance in

Tanganyika in 1923

vii. Migrant labour system; colonialist introduced the migrant labour system in order to

ensure constant supply of labour in colonies also the system enabled them to exploit


viii. Introduced manufactured goods from Europe. For example sweet, clothes, wine, shoes,

blankets etc.


This means the destruction of self-sufficient African economy in order to make Africans to

engage in colonial economy. How?

i. Destruction of African local industries. In order to avoid competition with them in raw

materials and markets.

ii. Destruction of Africans local economy. They destructed commercial or trade interests by

introducing imperialists British East Africa Company(IBEACO), British South Africa

Company (BSACO), Germany East Africa Company (GEACO)

iii. By flooding agriculture markets

iv. Destruction of African culture


This means that the Europeans safeguarded or preserved things which were in Africa before the

colonialists. How?

i. Preserved primitive and crude technology or tools. Example hand hoes, axes and Panga

were preserved

ii. The unity of production. For example the use of family as the major unit of production

iii. They preserved relation of production of Africans. They had neither intended to improve

African technology nor bringing positive change to Africans allowed production for


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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

iv. Preservation of some Africans feudal institutions which supported them during

establishment of colonialism. Example Buganda in Uganda was preserved and Fante in

West Africa.


preserved some traditional African economic systems)

i. Presence of resistance from the masses; in some areas in Africa which were centralized

strongly resisted new colonial economies systems. Example disagrees to pay taxes, land


ii. Ignorance and absence of relation of people. Colonialists preserved some traditional

African economic systems because in some areas. Africans were ignorant with a new

economic system and were not ready to apply them.

iii. Reluctant conservativeness of the people. Some African were not ready for changes

hence colonialists preserved their traditional economic systems.

iv. Absence of enough land. In some areas land alienation was impossible hence colonialists

left the Africans to maintain their traditional economic systems under Colonialists


v. Good traditional labour system. Some of the African societies had good traditional labour

system that is family which ensured constant supply of labour and production which

prevented colonialists to apply new economic system.

vi. Awareness of cash crops. Production in some areas in Africa including Buganda they had

knowledge of practices cash crops even before colonial rule hence colonialists preserved



There are several sectors in the colonial economy in East Africa. These sectors included

agriculture, industry, transport and communication, mining as well as the colonial labour sector.


Colonial agriculture economy was introduced by colonialist to produce cash crops which were to

be exported to European to feed various industries.

Since the colonialist were meant to produce raw materials. The main sectors emphasized were

mining agriculture; each colonial power preferred her own agricultural system to be adopted by

her. For example peasant agriculture adopted in Uganda, Ghana and Nigeria, settler in Kenya,

Zimbabwe and Angola, plantation adopted in Tanganyika etc.



i. Climate; climate determined the type of agriculture. For example in hot climate like

Uganda settler economy could not fit because climate would discourage white settlers,

since settlers were attracted in cool climate areas like in Kenya Algeria etc.

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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

ii. Size of the area; plantation and settler economy required large areas to establish. For

example in Tanganyika and Congo. Areas like Gold coast(Ghana) and Uganda were left

to establish peasant economy by the British because their size was small

iii. Population factor; in dense population like Uganda it was difficult to establish settler

plantation economies which needed large areas since the whole areas was inhabited and

left with few spaces.

iv. The nature of the colony; some of colonies were regarded as “the crown colonies” ruled

by the governor appointed by the monarch, for example this status the colonies were

under close supervision by white settlers because they favored the interest of Queen or

King. For example settler economy practiced in Kenya and Southern Rhodesia

v. Technology; In some areas where they developed the use of simple tools like hand hoes

the colonialist allowed them to practice small scale agriculture

vi. Ownership; in some areas where they used feudal private ownership of land the

colonialist allowed them to practice small scale agriculture



1. Peasant Agriculture/economy eg; Uganda

2. Settlers Agriculture/ economy eg; Kenya

3. Plantation Agriculture/ economy eg; Tanganyika


These are small scale agriculture or production where by the farmers or produces both food crops

and cash crops


It was the type of agriculture where small farmers were allowed to grow cash crops in their small

plots alongside with their subsistence crops using the family labour and crude technology.

Colonialist introduced peasant agriculture during colonial rule for the following reasons;

i. Earning cash by selling cash crops

ii. Production and producing food crops for their survival during colonial rule.

iii. To ensure that peasants (small scale farmers) are producing for capitalists.


Introduction of peasant, cash crops farming in Africa was difficult because of the following;

i. Africa traditional was only producing food crops for direct consumption.

ii. Ignorance; Many Africans were ignorant(not aware) on cash crops production

iii. Readiness of people; Many people were not ready to produce cash crops.

iv. Poor technology; most of the peasants were using poor technology in the farming i.e the

use of hand hoes, axes, panga e.t.c

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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

Due to the above difficulties colonialists applied the following things in order to introduce

peasant cash crops production:

i. Missionaries persuasion; missionaries persuade Africans who converted to Christianity to

grow cash crops

ii. The use of force; Those Africans who rejected to grow cash crops were forced and given

order by the colonialist, chiefs and head men.

iii. Through seeds distribution and cash crops plantation/planting supervision

iv. Establishment of large farms in villages which grew cash crops where people were forced

to work there

v. Encourage the use of poor (crude) technologies in production. Example the use of hand

hoes, Pangas etc.


i. It was based on land units, which were very small because big areas were being directly


ii. There was individual ownership of land

iii. Sometimes there was intercropping in order to maintain various food and cash crops at

the sometime (combined both food and cash crops)

iv. It used elementary tools such as hoes, arrows and Pangas. These were used as element or

instrument of labour

v. There was no any use of scientific method of farming

vi. It was confined in areas where there was dense population and local authority to organize


vii. It was based on family labour by the African communities

viii. Taxation was introduced on the people so that they could cultivate cash crops


i. Dense population; it made difficult for land alienation to be practice, hence settler

agriculture was not possible to be practiced.

ii. Different governors preferred peasant agriculture; For example Governor Harry Johnston

of Uganda and Governor Horrace Byatt and Sir Donald Cameroon in Tanganyika

preferred peasant agriculture.

iii. Peasant agriculture was cheap; it did not need huge capital in production of raw-materials

compared to settler economy. Example peasant agriculture in Uganda

iv. Climatic condition; Some areas were thought to be un fit for the European settlement as

for as climatic condition was concerned. For example in Uganda an Nigeria where there

was not cool climate to support white settlement

v. It was easy for them to get tax, raw materials

vi. It did not require subsides from the government like in white settlers and plantation


vii. Centralized and strong Kingdoms were preferred for indirect rule and peasants economy

rather than settler and plantations system. Eg in Buganda

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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................


Peasant agriculture was the small scale agriculture or production where by farmers produced

both food crops and cash crops. Farmers owned small piece of land and produce cash crops and

food crops i.e. cotton, coffee, tea etc. It was dominant in Uganda, Nigeria and Ghana.

Why peasant was dominant in Uganda?

i. Climatic condition; hot climate because of the Equatorial climates which was unsuitable

for European settlement.

ii. Strong centralized Kingdom. Strong Kingdoms practicing permanent agriculture, the land

was owned by a strong local class of feudal so it was not easy to alienation their land

iii. The readiness of people of Uganda to adopt new agriculture methods i.e. chief convinced

the British that yields would be obtained even without inviting settlers or plantation

iv. Labour problems; since people were engaged in small scale production

v. Peasant agriculture is less expensive it need no credit or services of forced labour to


vi. Dense population; In Uganda was an obstacle to alienation the land to settlers, otherwise

spread of resistance would occur

vii. For Uganda being a protectorate made the British to avoid imposing policies which

would otherwise annoy the Buganda and therefore conflicts


The settler economy involved production by foreigners who settled permanently in the colonies.

The promotion of agricultural production was to go hand to hand with white settlement in Africa,

especially in fertile areas. Example in Kenya, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Angola, Mozambique,

Zambia and South Africa.


i. Land alienation

ii. Forced labour

iii. Taxation

iv. Migrant labour

v. Development of infrastructures

vi. It need high capital

vii. It involved high mechanisms/ mechanization example combining harvesters, tractors

In East Africa settler agriculture was mostly practiced in Kenya where by settler took fertile land

in Kikuyu highland and grow coffee, tea, tobacco, pyrethrum.

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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

It was led by a South Africa Lord Delamere who started farming in 1903 under the support of Sir

Charles Eliot the commissioner of Kenya from 1900 to 1904.

Many settlers came from Britain, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. It was also practiced

in few areas in Tanganyika like West Usambara, Kilimanjaro highland and Meru where coffee

was grown.


i. Climatic condition; Around the Kenya highland Europeans were interested by suitable

climate. The areas where rainfall and favorable soil was available for example the Kikuyu


ii. The British government made Kenya as a crown land or colony for white settlement and

alienated the land for them

iii. Laser population in highland areas

iv. The completion of Uganda-Kenya railway in 1902 (Availability of good infrastructure)

v. No strong opposition from Africans

vi. Favors from colonial government

vii. Availability of land; settlers preferred to settle in areas which had low population density,

land was alienated or occupied in order to open up colonial projects such as Agriculture

and settlements, land laws and ordinance were also created e;g the crown land ordinance

of 1915

viii. Availability of labours; the colonial government ensured constant supply of labour by

creating laws and ordinance Example the masters and servant native act of 1906 and

labour ordinance of 1918.



i. Climatic condition; Kenya was preferred by settlers due to its temperature and fertile soil.

For example in Kikuyu highland the soil and climate were good for European


ii. Land alienation; the colonial state enacted land ordinances which legalized private

ownership of land and legalized or legitimated the alienation of Africa land to white


iii. Taxation; settlers were exempted from taxation of what they import or export in order to

boost them. Only Africans paid taxes.

iv. Colonial government gave them grants, loans and credits were given to settler to expand

their activities at low costs. At the time of crises they were subsidized by government

v. The government extended infrastructure to their farms. Example Mombasa to Kisumu

railway built in 1895

vi. They were encouraged through social segregation; they were given own/high quality

social services. Example Hotels, buses and recreational centers

vii. They were encouraged to cultivate cash crops and sell them to colonial government at

affixed good prices unlike other peasants.

viii. Created or constructed industries such as beverage industries, food canning industries and

cigarette industries.

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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

ix. They were allowed to defend their right publically; the whites had separate courts, prison

and law governing them.



i. Land alienation; the British colonial government passed laws or land ordinances which

allowed settlers to own land or pieces of land from Africa. Example the land ordinance of

1902 and 1915. Africans were turned landless hence labourers

ii. Africans were not allowed to grow cash crops. The colonial state in Kenya prevented

Africans from producing cash crops in order to avoid competition

iii. Forced labour; laws passed to make sure that Africans worked in Europe (whites) farms

as cheap labourers. The colonial states passed law like;

a) The master and servants ordinance of 1906. This law forced the Africans to

became labourers under the control of whites settlers as the masters

b) The law in1921, the native registration ordinance. This law forced the Africans

especially males to register their names and carry the identification called

KIPANDE CARD. This law was implemented by corporal punishment to the

Africans who had no Kipande card.

iv. Taxation; the taxes was to be paid by cash, all Africans had to pay tax, people had to

work in European farms so as to earn money for tax

v. Settlers were favored; the colonial state or government favored the white settlers by

giving them loans from banks which would help them to incur the expenses in running

their farms.

vi. The colonial state developed social services in settler farms like road, schools, hospitals

hence Africans were attending them as workers


This was among the land act which was made in 1923 by colonial state in Kenya with its features

of racialism. i.e separation between Africans, Asians and European over the issue of land and

political representation led to the conference in London held by Duke Devonshire


i. A part from land holding in the highland there would be no racial discrimination in


ii. It declared that Kenya was primary an Africa land so the interest of Africans should be


iii. Asians were allowed to select five (5) members to the legislative council (LEGO).

iv. The highland areas was served for European settlement only without interference with


v. Africans was represented by Europeans in the legislative council (LEGO), since one

missionary was appointed to represent Africans

vi. There would be no farther constitutional privileges for settlers

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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................


Plantation agriculture was production of cash crops in big plantations which were owned by

capitalist who lived in Europe but they sent managers to supervise production in the colonies.In

east Africa plantation agriculture mainly existed in Tanganyika under the Germany rule up to


Characteristics of plantation agriculture

i. They were large scale agriculture i.e large estates

ii. It based on monoculture. Plantation agriculture specialized in production of single crops

iii. It need large number of workers who were to be employed

iv. Production was mainly for export

v. It required large capital

vi. The owner of the capital was colonial state and foreigner companies example ABIR

(Angola, Belgian Indian Rubber Company) in Congo.

vii. Plantations were scientifically managed and involved the use of machines and fertilizers

viii. Government insured the constant supply of labour for them


i. Plenty of land for plantation

ii. Unsuitable climate (hot) for European settlement

iii. Availability of labourers eg. Migrant labourers

iv. No strong Kingdom

v. Laser population in some areas


Mining was another area of colonial economic activities. Its demand was to obtain minerals

in Africa such as gold, copper, diamond and salt in areas with large quantity of minerals.

Examples of areas where mining economy was taking place were;

i. South Africa; In Kimberly diamond discovered in 1867

ii. East Africa; Mwadui (shinyanga) diamond, Geita and Musoma produced Gold,

Copper at Kimbe in Uganda, Salt in Uvinza near lake Tanganyika.

iii. Central Africa; Southern Rhodesia- Gold and Coal, Congo produced Copper, tin, zinc

etc, Zambia produced Copper, Angola produced diamond and oil.

iv. West Africa; Northern Nigeria produced coal mines, oil and Ghana produced gold




(live one page for diagram)


i. Mining economy was operated by foreign companies for example BSACO

ii. It required high capital

iii. It involved the use of African labourers. Migrant labourers

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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

iv. It involve land alienation

v. It was highly mechanized and scientifically managed


i. The colonial mining sector exploited African minerals

ii. The emergence of large capitalist mining companies

iii. Land alienation

iv. Development of town and cities e;g Johanesburg in South Africa

v. It created the working class that consisted of cheap labourers who worked for lower

wages in the mines

vi. Improvement infrastructures. Example roads, railways and ports

vii. Under development of Africa


This sector involved the construction of roads, railways, ports and harbours in the colonies.

After the exploitation of African resources by the colonialist, next was to set up modern

transport systems including roads, railways, ports and harbours. This was to simplify the

transrportation of products from mining and farming activities

During the period from 1890-1920’s many railway lines, roads and ports were set up in

Africa. For Example


1. The Germans were the first to build a railway line in East Africa. This line began to be

constructed from Tanga in 1893 reached Korogwe in 1902, Korogwe-mombo in 1905

and Mombo to Moshi in1912.

2. The British began to construct the Uganda railway in 1896 from Mombasa and it reached

Nairobi in 1899, Nakuru in 1900, Kisumu or Port Florance in 1901, this railway reached

Jinja in 1923 and Finally in Kampala in 1931

3. The German also constructed the central railway line from Dar-es-salaam in 1905 it

reached Morogoro in 1907, Kilosa in 1909, Dodoma in 1910, Tabora in 1912 and

Kigoma in 1914, where world war I erupted. The branch of extension from Tabora to

Mwzanza was built by the British after World war I by 1928 it had reached in Mwanza

4. Road in East Africa began to be constructed between 1910 and 1920, they were built by

the African communities in the rural areas. These roads were used by the colonial

government as feeder ways to the railway system

5. Water ways or marine services were introduced in Lake Tanganyika and Victoria

streams. Services were introduced between port bell in Uganda and Kisumu (Port

Florence) in Kenya. Also these were streams services at Kigoma in Lake Tanganyika and

Bukoba to Mwanza and Mwanza to Ukerewe and Ukerewe to Musoma on Lake Victoria.


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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

1. A railway line was built from Dakar Senegal to Bamako Mali by the French in 1880

2. A line was built from Conakry (Guinea) to Kankan in Guinea by French in 1901

3. Another railway line was constructed in Sierra leone from Freetown to Pendembu in

1896 by the British


1. Matadi to Kinshasa railway in Zaire by Belgians

2. Bonaberi to Nkongsamba in Cameroon by Germans

3. From Douala to Widimenge in Cameroon by Germans



(live one page for diagram)



1. The setting up of railways and roads networks started from the coast area to the interior.

Example from Dar-es-salaam to Moshi and Dar-es-salaam to Kigoma railways

2. They were concentrated in production areas and areas with labourers (labour reserve

areas) . Was mainly to the areas producing raw materials such as cash crops and minerals

3. The general direction of railways and roads was dictated by the needs of the colonial

powers rather than the interests of the subject (Africans)

4. Most of railways were constructed and run by either the colonial governments in Africa

or their agents. For example in some parts of Northern and Southern Africa railways were

constructed by the British South Africa Company (BSACO)

5. The size of the communication networks was very small in length. They were extended

especially to the producing centres of raw materials such as plantation estates and mining


6. The road networks was planned to serve the big towns, where most of the European

population lived. For Example in Morocco and Nairobi in Kenya

7. The ports were built at the terminals of the railway lines

8. Most of the colonial infrastructure networks were constructed through forced labour and

financed by taxes and revenues collected from the Africans


i. Land alienation took place in order to built railways

ii. The sector facilitated the exploitation of natural and human resources

iii. Transport and communication contributed to the destruction of the markets for

African societies

iv. Rapid growth of capitalist economy in the colonies.

v. Brutal treatment during construction

vi. It led to the increase white settlers in Kenya

vii. Un evenly development in Africa countries. Some areas were negligated. Example in

Tanganyika (lindi and Mtwara) North Uganda, Trukana in Kenya.

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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

viii. Infrastructures facilitated evangelism work of the Christian missionaries in Kenya and


ix. Led to the growth of Urban centers such as Nairobi and Kisumu in Kenya and Tanga,

Moshi in Tanganyika

x. Led to increase in rural-urban migration


i. To transport raw-materials such as cotton and sisal from productive area to the coast

ii. To as transport minerals

iii. To transport European officials from the coast to the interior. Example soldiers,

teachers, nurse etc.

iv. To transport European finished goods from Europe (manufactured goods)

v. To Transport agriculture and mineral inputs such as fertilizers, spare parts, food

needed in mining and processing industries.

vi. To transport migrant labourers from one area to another for example central railway

line transported labourers from Kigoma, Dodoma, Singida and Rukwa to Morogoro,

Kilimanjaro and Tanga plantations



i. Shortage of capital

ii. Physical difficulties eg; high mountain and rivers

iii. Natural disasters; labourers were suffered from diseases like Malaria, sleeping sickness,

small pox and most of them were attacked by Jiggers

iv. There were problems over water and food supply

v. Strong resistance from Africa; Example Nandi societies killed workers, destroyed railway

stations because they revenged for their alienated land

vi. Engineers and surveyors lacked enough knowledge about the interior, and then they faced

physical obstacles like rift valley.


Both the Germans and the British set up industries in East Africa. When Tanganyika was

handed over to the British after the World War I in 1919 the industrial development

continued to prevail under the British government.

The type of industries which existed during the colonial economy were processing industries

were constructed in order to reduce the bulkiness or the weight of raw material such as crops

and minerals before they were exported to Europe.

Examples of processing industries which have been constructed were;

i. Tanganyika Packers was a meat factory in Dar-es-salaam

ii. The Dar es salaam Brewery was established since 1924 and was taken over by the

East Africa Breweries Ltd based in Nairobi ten years later

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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

iii. In 1959 the Bata shoe Company was formed in Tanganyika as a branch of the Bata

(East Africa) Ltd

iv. The Tanganyika Planting Company(TPC)was started in Arusha Chini to produce


It has been argued that the colonial government never troubled themselves with bigger

industrialization which produced the tools and machines for production. There reasons

for leaving out African industrialization included;

i. African colonies were only created to produce agricultural raw material

ii. They need unskilled cheap labour in the agricultural farms and other sectors of


iii. It was avoided because the colonialists wanted to protect market for manufactured


iv. The colonial government officials lacked interests to develop bigger industries in

the colonies of East Africa


i. The processing industries facilitated the exploitation of agriculture raw material

ii. They contributed to the rise of capitalist economies

iii. Import substitution industries accelerated the fall of markets for locally produced


iv. Development of towns. Example Nairobi, Kampala and Dar-es-salaam


The financial institutions mainly consisted of the insurance corporations and the banks. In

case of East Africa, much insurance business had their headquarters in Nairobi and they were

further incorporated. They were owned by the foreign companies based in town to provide

insurance services to the whites and Asian businesses and families.

Banks were introduced to provide the financial loans to commercial companies which were

owned by the foreigners. The Germans opened the banks in Tanganyika before 1914. The

first German bank in German East Africa was the Deutche-Ostafirkenische bank under the

support of the Deutche bank with a 2 million capital.

The British opened the Barclays bank which had branches in East Africa. The bank loans to

settlers and foreign businesses. All banks neglected the African development


i. They were subsidiaries of the banks in the capitalist nations providing loans to the

capitalist investments in the colonies.

ii. Banks accumulated profits and sent it to the mother nations

iii. They provided employment to the surplus labour in Europe. Many Europeans were

sent to the colonies to be employed as managers and loan officers

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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

iv. They were located in the urban areas to promote Asian trading companies, settlers,

planters and mining companies. African families in the rural areas did not benefit

from these banks.

v. They protected the interests and objectives of the colonial economy in the colonies.


i. They spearheaded the development of capitalism in the colonies

ii. Thy helped the capitalist accumulate capita by saving their income in the colonial


iii. Money economy was consolidated by the banks


Trade in East Africa was in the hands of Asians from India. Most of them were Gujarati

Indians who had trade links with East Africa many years ago. The Indians who were brought

as labourers in the construction of the Kenya-Uganda railway went back to India but

significant number of them remained and engaged in commerce where by the supplied

imported manufactures goods to remote areas and exported peasants crops. They settled in

towns and formed trading companies such as;

i. The Madhuvan Group worked in Uganda and Kenya

ii. Karimjee and Jivanjee worked in Tanganyika


i. Trade sector led to the influx of Asian traders in East Africa

ii. The rise of many foreign trading companies was connected to the development of the

trade sector

iii. Development of import and export trade grew in Africa.


One of the major problems facing the colonial state was to get reliable labour supply. Labourers

were needed for the building the colonial infrastructures such as roads, railways and also

labourers were needed on the plantations, settlers, mining and other sectors.


There are three types of colonial labour.These are;

i. Forced labour

ii. Contract labour

iii. Migrant labour


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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

This type of labour was not very different from slave labour through the use of force.

African was easily forced to provide porterage service by the colonial forces. This form

of labour also existed in the white settler colonies such as Kenya.


This type of labour involves the use of recruiting agents to mobilize and recruit African

labourers. These agents were required to convince and persuade African labourers to sign

up labour contracts. When labourer sign a contract, it became a crime to break such

contract, therefore those who broke the contract


These were the labourers or workers who shift more from a distance area to the

productive areas.

Labourers were from Kigoma, Songea, Iringa, Tabora, Lindi etc. The productive areas

were Kilimanjaro, Morogoro and Bukoba in those areas social service were established

like railways, schools, hospitals, road etc.

Others migrant labourers were from out of colony. Example were from Mozambique and

Malawi to South Africa mining centers.


These are areas where labourers were recruited or obtained by individual, owners of

farms or by organization. In Tanganyika the SILABU Company formed which means

Sisal Labourers Bureau for recruiting labour reserve to productive areas

In Tanganyika most cash crops was Sisal in Morogoro, Kilimanjaro and Tanga all these

areas needed workers

Why colonialist preferred to use migrant labour?

i. It was cheap to obtain them.

ii. It was easy to collect taxes

iii. It helped European to avoid resistance from the labourers

iv. Labourers were paid low wages so it helped European to reduce the cost.

v. It was easy to control them. Labourers could not run away because were kept in


vi. They were important market for European manufactured goods; since they were

paid lowly labourers used to buy European goods when they turn back home.

vii. It was easy to keep them disunity; because they were recruited from different

parts. Example from Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and they worked

temporary on a particular area.

viii. Migrant labour had no freedom; their time table was fixed from morning to

evining. They worked in long hours. This prevented from forming political

organization among themselves.

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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

ix. Migrant labourers used to link colony with particular sector; migrant labourers

were in plantation, mining and building infrastructures, therefore labourers were

recruited depending on a particular sector.

NB; There was insurance of constant supply of labour throughout the year, since

migrant labourers recruited periodically and ordinances affected


i. Poor housing (squatters). Example in Dar-es- salaam and Kimberley

ii. Low wages

iii. Discrimination between white and blacks in the same post. Example in Gold

coast(Ghana) European paid 40 pounds per month while Africans paid 4 pounds

iv. Poor working conditions (poor water and health services)

v. Absence of insurance. Example workers were given “Living wages”

vi. Most of them were unskilled

vii. It was not well organized and lacked clear political consciousness. Example in

Tanganyika up to 1950’s no workers union. The federation of labour was formed

in 1955.

viii. Africans were oppressed, exploited and humiliated. Example; Kenyans had to

carry Kipande Pass in their own country to beg for a wage of 15/= to 20/=



How the colonial government ensured the constant supply of labour in most colonies?

i. Taxation

ii. Land alienation

iii. Forced labour. Example Kipande system

iv. Monetization (introduction of money)

v. Introduction of cash crops

vi. Brought out European manufactured goods

vii. Regionalization i.e creation of labour reserves

viii. Destruction of African traditional industries and technology to avoid competition

ix. The use of laws and ordinances. Eg. Labour ordinance of 1923

x. Introduction of the use of western Education

xi. The use of migrant and contract labour system

xii. Low wages; through low wages had no more chance of developing themselves

xiii. Formation of associations of recruiting labourers.

Example; In Tanganyika Sisal Labour Bereau (SILABU)


i. Land alienation

ii. Forced labour

iii. Taxation

iv. Construction of Colonial infrastructures

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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

v. Destruction of Africa traditional, industries and technology

vi. Migrant labours

vii. Underdevelopment of Africa

viii. Unequal development in Africa states

ix. Colonies remained technologically backwards.

x. Decline of food crops production in favour of the production of cash crops

xi. Creation of monoculture economy

xii. Introduction of colonial apparatus

xiii. Creation of dependent economy.

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Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................




18h March -17th April, 2020



1. Remember to show clearly your solution and proper arrangement of your work

2. Read carefully the given questions and write the correct solution

3. The four figure mathematical tables may be used.

4. Where necessary the following constants may be used;

Force of gravity = 10N/kg or 10m/s2

Density of water = 1000kg/m3 or 1g/cm3

Refractive index of water = 4/3

Pi, π = 3.14














This paper consist three (3) printed pages

Page 46: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................


R1 R2

50cm 200cm 100cm 150cm

1. (a) State the law of floatation

(b) Draw a well labeled diagram of a hydrometer

(c)A hydrometer scale has a large number at its lower side than its upper side. Explain

(d) A hydrometer of mass 20g with 8cm of its stem not immersed in water, the cross

sectional area of the stem is 1cm2. What length of stem is not immersed when the

hydrometer is placed in oil of density 0.8g/cm3?

2. (a) Briefly explain how the density bottle is used in the determination of relative density

of a liquid

(b) An iron cube of volume 800cc is totally immersed in

(i) Water of density 1g/cc

(ii) Oil of density 0.8g/cc

(iii)Calculate the up thrust on the cube in each case. Calculate also the mass of oil


3. (a) Define the center of gravity

(b) Differentiate between stable equilibrium from unstable equilibrium

(c) From the figure below, calculate the reactions R1 and R2

4. (a) Write down all three equations of motion

(b) A car accelerates uniformly from rest to a speed of 15km/hrs in 10 seconds. Find;

(i) The acceleration in m/s2

(ii) Distance covered during this period in meters

(c) The maximum retardation with which the breaks of a locomotive can reduce its speed

is 1.8m/s2. Calculate the time in which the locomotive can be brought to rest.

5. (a) What are applications of hydraulic press?

Page 47: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

(b) In a hydraulic brake system the piston in the master cylinder has a diameter of 2.0cm

and the pistons in the slave cylinder have a diameter of 3.5cm. The brake pedal is pushed

down 10cm with a force of 50N. How far do the brake shoes move and with what force

do they press against the brake drum?

6. (a) Define resistivity of a material

(b) List four factors that determine a resistance of a conductor

(c) A battery of emf 12V and internal resistance of 1.5Ω is connected to a 4Ω resistor,


(i) The total resistance of the circuit

(ii) The current through the circuit

(iii) The potential difference across the cell’s terminals

7. (a) Differentiate between primary colors and secondary colors, giving one example each

(b) What are complementary colors?

(c) What is the resulted color, when blue paint is mixed with yellow paint?

8. (a) Define the term principal focus

(b) Give the mathematical relationship between focal length and centre of curvature

(c) An object 2cm tall is placed 30cm in front of a diverging mirror of focal length of

20cm. Determine;

(i) The position of the image formed

(ii) The magnification and size of the image

(iii) The nature of the image

9. (a) Why the efficiency of the machine is not 100%

(b) A simple pulley system enables effort of 40N to lift a load of 3000N through a

vertical distance of 8m in 32 seconds. Calculate

(i) The mechanical advantage

(ii) The power output of the machine

(iii) The distance through which the point of application of the effort moves, if the

Efficiency of the machine is 60%

10. (a) (i) Name two types of spherical mirrors

(ii) Define magnification as applied to curved mirrors

(iii) Mention four characteristics of an image of an image formed by a diverging


(b) An object 2cm high is placed 12cm in front of a converging mirror of radius

of curvature of 30cm, determine;

(i) The position and size of the image formed

(ii) The nature of the image formed

Page 48: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................




17th March -17th April, 2020



Answer ALL questions in this paper.

1. Questions number 1, 2 and 3 carry 20@ marks and 40marks for question number


2. Write your name and stream on each page of your answer sheet.

3. Your work should be neat, clear and readable.


1. Fill in the empty spaces with the literary term which best fits the information

which is given:

a) The literary composition that involves the conversation between the playwright

and the audiences through characters is known as ………………

b) The short and popular narrative about the real person and events is known as


c) The type of plot by which the prior hints suggest the advanced hints in a literary

work is called …………….

d) The literary technique by which the author keeps using the pronouns frequently to

refer to the noun to be mentioned later is known as.................

e) The type of drama or play which involves both the elements of tragedy and

comedy is known as ……………..

f) The best words in the best order that can be distinguished from prose are called


g) Jokate told Hamisa Mobeto that “you’re an Angel” this device is called


h) The use of vulgar, obscene or dirty words which are offensive and ignored to the

public is known as ……………….

i) The character who is the representative of good will and forces in a literary plot is

known as................

j) The clothes worn by characters in action on the stage are known as ……………..

2. Authors have succeeded to convey various messages to the society. Use two plays

to discuss this contention.

Page 49: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................


Answer all questions in this paper.

1. Questions number 1, 2 and 3 carry 20@ marks and 40marks for question number


2. Write your name and stream on each page of your answer sheet.

3. Your work should be neat, clear and readable.


1. Fill in the empty spaces with the literary term which best fits the information

which is given:

a) The literary composition that involves the conversation between the playwright

and the audiences through characters is known as ………………

b) The short and popular narrative about the real person and events is known as


c) The type of plot by which the prior hints suggest the advanced hints in a literary

work is called …………….

d) The literary technique by which the author keeps using the pronouns frequently to

refer to the noun to be mentioned later is known as.................

e) The type of drama or play which involves both the elements of tragedy and

comedy is known as ……………..

f) The best words in the best order that can be distinguished from prose are called


g) Jokate told Hamisa Mobeto that “you’re an Angel” this device is called


h) The use of vulgar, obscene or dirty words which are offensive and ignored to the

public is known as ……………….

i) The character who is the representative of good will and forces in a literary plot is

known as................

j) The clothes worn by characters in action on the stage are known as ……………..

2. Authors have succeeded to convey various messages to the society. Use two plays

to discuss this contention.

3. Novelists convey various issues which are relevant to the societies today. Use one

studied novel to justify this contention.

Page 50: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

4. Read the following poem carefully and then answer the following questions.

Your Pain (Armando Guebuza)

Your pain

Yet more my pain

Shall suffocate oppression

Your eyes

Yet more my eyes

Shall be speaking of revolt

Your scars

Yet more my scars

Will be remembering the whip

My hand

Yet more your hands

Will be lifted full armed

My strength

Yet more your strength

Shall overcome imperialism

My blood

Yet more your blood

Shall irrigate our victory.


a. What type of poem is this? Why? (2marks)

b. What is this poem about? (2marks)

c. What is the mood of the speaker? (2marks)

d. What is the tone of the poet towards the subject matter? (2marks)

e. Who is the persona of this poem? (2marks)

f. Citing relevant examples explain five themes portrayed in this poem. (10marks)

g. Discuss the relevance of five themes analysed above in Tanzania today. (10marks)

h. Describe any five figures of speech used in this poem. (10marks)

Page 51: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................




17 MACHI -17 APRILI, 2020



1. Karatasi hii ina sehemu A, B, C, D na E.

2. Jibu maswali yote katika sehemu A, B, na D. Swali moja (1) kutoka sehemu C na

maswali matatu (3) kutoka sehemu E. Swali la 15 ni la lazima.

3. Zingatia maagizo ya kila sehemu na ya kila swali.

4. Majibu yote yaandikwe kwa kalamu yenye wino wa bluu au mweusi.

5. Andika jina lako katika kila ukurasa wa karatasi ya kujibia.



















Mtihani huu una kurasa nne (4) zilizochapwa

Page 52: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

SEHEMU A: (Alama 10)


1. Soma shairi lifuatalo kwa makini, kisha jibu kwa usahihi maswali yanayofuata.

Mimi naitwa muhogo, nani asiyenijua,

Pato hata liwe dogo, ubora nashikilia,

Siujui tega mtego, ni mshindi asilia,

Muhogo ndiye rafiki, nikufaaye kwa dhiki.

Watu walinifuja, kwa nia na pambazuko,

Wakati ulipokuja, walipata hangaiko,

Kwa njaa walinitaja, wakihofu pukutiko,

Muhoja ndiye rafiki, nikufaaye kwa dhiki

Palipokame naota, mimi sio mbamia,

Na sitofanya matata, ukininyima mbolea,

Bandi unayotata, kwangu mbali yapitia,

Muhogo ndiye rafiki, nikufaaye kwa dhiki,

Hebu tafuna muhogo, Maji ukigugumia,

Au uchome muhogo, kwa chai ukatumia,

Lau chemsha Muhogo, safirini jitilia,

Muhogo ndiye rafiki, nikufaaye kwa dhiki.

Ifikapo Ramadhani, mwezi tunautubia,

Zaidi chakula gani, Kaumu wategemea,

Nimondani futarini, wengi wanifuturia,

Muhogo ndiye rafiki, nikufaaye kwa dhiki.

Nikija kwenye ugali, nani asofurahia?

Ni laini kwa asili, kisu hutaulizia,

Wanga wanga kwenye mwili, nguvu utatupatia,

Muhogo ndiye rafiki, nikufaaye kwa dhiki.

Chakula unga ukande, ongeza sukari haba,

Kata biskuti pande, uvioke kwa vibaba,

Ni biskuti vipande, utazila kwa mahaba,

Muhogo ndiye rafiki, atakufaaye kwa dhiki.

Ninayo mboga makini, kisamvu nakutajia,

Kina nyingi vitamini, zenye muhimu kwa afya,

Chakula utathamini, kisamvu ukitumia,

Muhogo ndiye rafiki, nikufaaye kwa dhiki.

Page 53: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

Shina langu ni shani, kuni utajipatia,

Mapishi ya kila fani, vyunguni kujivunia,

Utakuwa gharamani, Mafuta ukizoea

Muhugo ndiye rafiki, ni kufaaye kwa dhiki


(a) Eleza mawazo makuu matatu (3) yanayotokana na shairi hili.

(b) Eleza manufaa matano ya muhogo yaliyoelezwa katika shairi hili

(c) Eleza maana ya maneno yaliyopigiwa mstari.

(d) Andika kichwa cha shairi kwa maneno matatu (3) tu.

(e) “Atekaye maji mtoni asimtukane mamba”. Unafikiri methali hii inawakikisha

wazo la ubeti upi katika shairi hili? Fafanua jibu lako ukihusisha maana na

matumizi ya methali hiyo.

2. Fupisha shairi hili kwa maneno yasiyozidi hamsini (50).

SEHEMU B: (Alama 25)


3. Changanya sentensi sifuatazo kwa njia ya matawi.

(a) Mwanakwetu anapika chai sasa.

(b) Ngo’mbe aliyenunuliwa juzi amechinjwa leo asubuhi.

4. “Maana na mpangilio wa maneno katika sentensi ni vigezo muhimu vya

kumsaidia mtu kutambua aina za vielelezi (E)” Tumia mbinu hizo kuelezea aina

nne (4) za vielezi (E)”.

5. (a) Eleza dhima ya mofimo : “na” iliyopigiwa mstari katika sentensi zifuatazo.

i. Asha na John wataoana

ii. Ananata sana mtoto huyu

iii. Nani kati yenu anajua kusoma vizuri?

iv. Naomba mtege masikio yenu vizuri.

v. Baba na mama wanapendana sana.

6. Andika sentensi zifuatazo kwa usahihi.

i. Nimekodisha lori linipelekee vifaa vya ujenzi.

ii. Ng’ombe wangu ni mjamzito wa miezi nane.

iii. Nilikuja kwa nauli yangu mwenyewe.

iv. “Ulikuwa wapi? Nilitoka nje nilikuwa na mgeni”

v. Baba yangu anaugonjwa wa kisukari.

Page 54: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

7. Onesha ngeli zinazotumika katika nomino zifuatazo (Tumia kigezo cha


(a) Mtoto

(b) Mtume

(c) Sukari

(d) Simu

(e) Kipofu

(f) Shule

(g) Dodoma

(h) Mti

(i) Kuimba

(j) Kijana

SEHEMU C: (Alama 10)


8. Andika simu ya maneno kwa baba yako aitwaye John singili umwambie aje

akuchukue siku ya kufunga shule ambayo ni tarehe 7/6/2019 saa 2:00 asubuhi bila

kukosa. Jina lako ni Zawadi Singili (Maneno yasizidi kumi (10)).

9. Andika barua kwa mzazi wako, ukimuarifu kwamba akuletee baadhi ya mahitaji

kwa shule ambayo yamekwisha. Jina lako Dunia Huinahuruma.

SEHEMU D: ( Alama 10)


10. Kabla ya uhuru, waarabu walitumia njia gani ambazo zilisababisha kukua na

kuenea kwa Kiswahili Tanzania? Zitaje na uzielezee.

SEHEMU E: (Alama 45)


11. Chora nafasi ya mwanaume katika tamthili ya kilio chetu na “Orodha”. Taja hoja

tatu (3) katika kila tamthiliya.

12. Jadili nafasi ya mwanaume katika tamthiliya ya “Kilio Chetu” na “Orodha”. Taja

hoja tatu (3) katika kila tamthiliya.

13. Matumizi ya lugha ni kipengele muhimu katika kazi za fasihi. Jadili jinsi

waandishi wa riwaya mbili (2) walivyoweza kutumia taswira katika vitabu vyao.

14. Migogoro ni jambo lisiloepukika katika jamii. Jadili migogoro iliyojitokeza katika

tamthiliya mbili ulizosoma darasani.

15. Tunga kisasili kisichozidi maneno 400 na kisichopungua maneno 350.

Page 55: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................




Time Stream .


1. This paper consists of eight (08) compulsory questions.

2. Show clearly all the working and answers in the A4 paper chronologically (Starting from Qn 1

to the last).

3. Leave 2.0cm to the right and left in every page of the A4 paper as margins.

4. All writings must be in black or blue ink except drawings which must be in pencil.

5. Four figure mathematical tables, geometric instruments and graph papers may be used where


6. Write your Name at top right corner of every page and your stream on front page.

1 a) Three quantities U,V and W are such that U varies directly as the square of V and

inversely as the square root of W. Given that and when , find

U when

b) If 2 students in the typing pool can type 210 pages in 3 days, how many students will be needed to

type 700 pages in 2 days?

2 a) The first three consecutive terms of an AP are such that their sum is 15 and their product is 45. Find the sum of the first five terms of the sequence.

b) Joan invested Tsh 100 000 in a bank which paid 5% per annum compound interest. Find the amount

in the bank at the start of the 8th year.

3 a) A plane is fyling at a height of 15km. An observer with the binoculars looks up at an angle of

from the horizontal and sees the plane. How far apart are the two? Give your answer to the nearest


Page 56: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

b) The volume of a sphere is given by the formula .Using logarithms tables find the

volume of a sphere with radius 10.06 cm (take )

4 a) The table shows the masses of recruits in a security company.

Mass(kg) 60-63 64-67 68-71 72-75 76-79 80-83

frequency 2 5 7 6 2 3

Find, (i) Mean

(ii) Median

(iii) Mode b) (i) Draw cumulative frequency curve (Orgive) and use it to estimate the median for the table in 4(a)


(ii) Draw histogram and use it to estimate the mode for the table in 4(a) above

5 a) A point A(1,3) is rotated through about the origin followed by a reflection on the line

. Draw the resulting figure and indicate the final image.

b) Draw the triangle whose vertices are A(2,-2), B(6,1) and C(-1,5). Find and draw the image triangle

formed by the translation which moves the origin to (1,3).

6 a) Given the relation

(i) Draw the graph of inverse of R

(ii) State the domain and range of inverse of R

b) Given the function -,

(i) Draw the graph of f(x)

(ii) State the domain and range of f(x)

7 a) Given

(i) Draw the graph of f(x)

(ii) Find the domain and range of f(x) (iii) Is f(x) one-to-one?

b) Given , State the domain and range of and

Page 57: ST.AUGUSTINE-TAGASTE SECONDRY SCHOOL FORM THREE …€¦ · 3 having a density of 1g/cm3 has a molarity of. A. 1.00M B. 0.01M C. 0.05M D. 0.50M viii. 4.8g of magnesium powder was

Candidate’s name ........................................................................................................................................

8. a) Given the function

(i) Find the minimum point of f(x)

(ii) Find the x and y intercepts

(iii) Determine the axis of symmetry b) Draw the graph of f(x) using the results in part a(i-iii) and use it to indicate the solution of the

