Page 1: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-05-31



mh~ 11fiatnriatt SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1930.


Number 13. VOL. XLVII. ----~----------------------------------

Commencement to Be June lOth

Fulton Sheen Will Speak

Hayden Wins Essay Contest

32 of Bloom

mg-t on tillmoJ~ \\ as adJudged the \\ill

net of the r::essay Con test recently con

dueled by the Lngltc;h Department of

t h e College and Mt~s Ftancef;, M


Large Crowd Attends

The great('r pat L o! the:> ~tuclent body The Commen cement exerctses of the Cl'\, 32 of Kankal(ee 11\inoi"> t e ltlenclctl the 1 t~l lunctlDn of t h e

Class or 1930 \\·t il be h e ld on Tuesday, ceived second h ono t s The pnze wm June 10 A fate"e ll ba n quet to the rung essa)-. of the two So phomot es )<'~H on Fltday e\emng, May 16th

Francis B. Carroll Elected New College Club President;

Succeeds Lloyd 0. Warne Holy Name Society

to Name New Officers

Four Members of Class of '31, and Three of Class of '32 Make

Clean Sweep of All Offices

seniors wtll be h eld tn the College 1 e unde1 "ent qu

1te a pt oce..,s o f e ltmtna '' hen the 1 untot., an(l t he Se n Jot

9 held Th e J !oly ~arne So<.! ely held a m eet

rectory at n oon 'l'he membe r s of the t ton befot e they \\ E> t e Cmall) !:.elected lh <.' n tnnu~tl Sptlnb cL.tncc. 111

the Gold ing the fat e pa t l of tht<J week fo r the

tacum' and v ts ttmg celebiitles \\Jll also ro1

the a\\ards Q\et o ne hundt ecl ef;, H oom o f the h..wkll\ce H otel A ll "110

pu1pose of n omlnatmg candH:1..tle5 fot

be pre<:ent Paul Mills, President of the c;a\s \\ Cl e ~ubmltted upon the .,ubJCCt dnn ce<J to the ")ttan1

.., or Rav Wolff<; off1 c.e m the. Soc1etv It \\Ill be neces Senior Class Will act as toastmastet of Th E> V~lttc<J..n T1 ealv and a ll o£ Orche<:)tl·a " c re 'ery mu c h plea..,ed '' Jth .:.a1) to e lect a new p1·c.<::.Hlent and a Fr..tnc.J<:~ B Can oil of ChJCngo Ilh-

th e mclmH~I m ,,. hJ<..h Lhe "hole '\ffan I At two o'cloch. \\ill occut the un them ga\e e'Hle n ce of much thought \\a<; conduc.tctl ne'' .-..ecietaiY a<J the L\\O <Jtudents who no,., Waf;, eec.ted as the n ew President

veilmg of the pot t t att of the Vet v Re\ a nd tH epa1 c1t10n no" hold these offices will hoth be of the Coll~t;"P Club Iao:.t ThUt viay May

Bernard J Sine!, A U:\tha1y Btshop of Mr Hayden 5 t t ealment of the c;u b Much ciecht ro, the c.ucc.e<::.s of thls g-tadudted \\lth this )ea1 s cld'-':. l\Ir )th "hen the annual electiOn of off1

Chtcago, and an a lumnus of St V1ator Ject "i~ \€1 v log'lCdl anc1 01 derh and lf( lll mu:.t be gnen to Paul Mtll!:l of Ravmond Sprngue h"l~ heen the able ce re; ""a ':I hPld Ill the CollPge Club

College The Rev Clarence 0 Cannot the mttoducuon of Ius O\\-n petsonal the Semo1 Cla'>s ctnd h .e nneth Clothier pi£.Stdent of th1<J as':locmtJOn for t\'\<0 100m" ~\Ir Cat roll \\<Ill succeeU Mr

~·1 11 offiCiate at the cet emony \ te\\ s made hi:. ess.-1' mo t tnteJ estmg of the Juntot !.,las.-.. The<Je t" 0 men \eat'> \\ h1le 1\I1 Thoma':! Doyle ha& " u ne "ho hac. 'SO abl} fullllled the

At three o clock the Bachelor 01a 1\lis~ Clancv s es~a) ""'-" e'\.celle n t Ill l.Iranged all the. cle l"liJ... .wd ':!pent IJcen thP scc.tdal). fa t on e yea1 Lolh rluliec, 10 the :rem Ju<:.t Pabt Mr Car

uons of Bernard G Mulvane\ and J ohn 1t._ make up 'lnd the Judges had "l d1f much \alulblc ttmc 10 a5"3Uttng a of m t" n hl\ e r1Jl efl thetr pO"ll loll defeated Don Anderson also of

,r_ Staiford on ''l'he Vat tcan Treat)- r1cult t

1c:J.,. m dec1dmg the \\mnet The plca"'a.nt e\emng fot aJI t1on<:. \\ E. Il a nd 1t \\ill he a h 1rd l.:lsk Cha .. ago

\\ill be hea1d Thts wtll matk the la<ot thtee JUdgec; Re\· \\ J Il " t~tn C S The patron-s and the patronesse~ frr to tl'-place t he m KPnnc-th C..loth1er no!,ed out Joseph

collegiate appeatance of the<te t\\O able y Ptofesoso 1 of Apologettc"l Bro Lm thi c, dance "ete PI of dn il Mrs Clal L ogan 111

a c. loo:.e race fot the Hce·

~peakers who ha\ e been the mamsta\<b mett M \~ a.lsh c s v of the Acad ence J h.ennf'd) Prof and l\Ir::. Claude uouse . Campar"gn prec.,Idenc.v While Martm 'loohtll beat of the Vtatonan d ebaters t01 the past e n1\ Facult) and M1 J ;\..lien ~olan r:: Gto.ngel Hon and Mt ~ Hem y F fl~ Ch u le& Clifford for the pO&Ilton of

four years H Paul MillS \\Ill d cln e l of the D epartment rf Spf>€'Ch chd n ot ::le~elancl Ml ancl MI., Ralph B Progressr"ng ~re'l.~uret thA thlet cornend ro.c.e dcve· the \ Taled1ctorv J...nO\\ the names of t he "mne1 s until r> pe m e competJtton fot the pos1

The Re,. Fulton J Sheen Ph D tftel t h e\ ha d ca<ot tho1 \Otes upon BecauCJe or the gJPat amount of en twn ot c,ectPtan. 1\Ir Robe1t Tucher

S T D of the class of 1917 ''111 tle the numbeted essay.:. The t\\O " n JO\·ment the c,tudent hod) h'l<J recetved More Books Distributed li\'er the Address to the Graduate-s ners at e to be congratulated upon theu from the d'lnces thtct \ eat Jt tS thought

that thE>! e \\Ill bL man) such e n te1 Father Sheen I S one of the mo"lt d1s ... uccesc,

tamn1.ents ne:\t veat Vet} Rev J W R Maguue C.. S V

emergmg 'JCtonouo:. O\·er \\ tll!am Todd

and Paul 0 Malle) BUI he Monahan de

feated Pall If'l\ C..leat v for del egate to

the College <. ounnl a nd Ret b Shea

'L ~~:,~:h;:r:~~:0n~t o:11:h:0:~~:1 a:e ctt~ Class Elections Are Held

Viator Delegates At Press Meeting

Warne Speaks

Pre~ident of the College hac; been m Otla"a and Chicago on the past three \\ On OH'r \ mrent ' lorrt~">e) for the

po IliOn of alternate Clatence Roma1 y r or&tor and thmker of the htghest type


- Bishop Sh1el "tll confer the D ""gree::.

and award the h onors to the graduates

"unday<::. m the mte1 C'>tS of the House

Campatgn nv\\ be10g conducted by the

College and he 1 epo1 ts that he has

beLn qutte ~th ... c.essfu l 10 dtStLibutmg

man\ books of tickets \\ htle m Cht

t unnmg \\ tthr ut oppostlton for the of

f ce of alternate to the Pres1dent as

:C-x. OffJcto ::\-!embe1 of the College Coun

crl was of coUt se, easrly 1 eturned wm-The e lections of off icers fot the van orary Doctot of Common Laws Deg t ee ou~ claos..,es fo1· the commg school yeat


a,u St. Ytator College Will confe r an h en

'Jpon Rev Sheen ha.<o tos"cd out old fnencl Politics back

aD The degrees conferred Will be among us agam The oncommg Semo1

Cla!:.s h 'l.~ selected Llo' d 0 \Vat ne t o

The e ighth annual c.on\ ent!On of t h e Cilgo Fa.thet M.tgulle <:!poke at the ~::e tecernng a large complimentary

JlilnOI S College p, ess A"lc;octat ton \\as Chul ch of th,.. PI esentatton and at St :.\larn Yoters last



H Paul l\1tlls B A, Penf1eld, Ill

B A Evard B C S Ft \'i'ayne Ind

J. F. Brown J1 B C S P e nfteld I ll

D !'\ Gordon B C S . Penfield Ill

J M \Vatson, B A, Odell, lll

G R Sprague B A Clmton Ill

T. R Doyle, B C S Ft V\7ayne, Ind

E F Hof(man, B S Benc;on, I ll

G. :\f Legns, B A Bourbonnais I ll

D G Drolet B A , BourbonnaiS Ill

Cha1Ies held 10 Bloommgton on SatUiday, May Labot· H ead'S Help Intete&t m the e lectr ) n ''a'5 high and

gUide 1l t ht ough Jts fm d veat 10 und E' r the au<.,pJces of llllnots Wes Se,eral of the offtce rs of the Ame11 t he ' ote \\a'S especrally h ea') almos t

can FederatiOn of Labor m Chtcago one hundred ballotc; bemg c.aost The

ha\e offered th en· set\Jces for the men nominated \\lere a ll men of pto,en

\Yal ne IS !;'O ''ell hno"n to the stu leyan Um\el~lty The ConventiOn '"as

dents c f St Vtatot College '1<::. an e'\.. \vell attended almost all of the t'' enty

ecutn e that anothe1 re\ 1e" of hb ac (oUJ member school<; sendmg del ega comph..,hments \\OUld be s upetfluous ttons f'ampatgn and have tal{en 1t upon

As Vtce prec;ident the) ha\e elected The mornmg &essiOn::. " ete ~;hen over them::.ehPs to dt:.tnbute a quantity of

Mr Robert Tucker P'!Ck Clean \'\til to conferences bet ,v een edttOI S of stmr t he bool~ s 1..nd to &ecUJe donatwns

'l.btlt l} there bemg little dJfference b~

t\\ een candtdates In consequence we

feel that the C'ollege Club m' e"'.::pect

L full ' ea1 of u&eful 'l.ctn 1l\ The~e men ha\e o t gamzed teams for th t::. PUJ pose and the n asststance Will l\11 C'l.ll oil the ne\\ Pt c::. Ident ts a be \ el) \dluable membet of the class of 31 He ts

J. W Stafford B A Bourbonnat'3 Ill

"te ld the- pen a-s Secretary and hold Ia! dep.J.t tments on the \ c\llOU~ College

check O\ er the ac.counts of the new pubii c..-'l.t lons of the c;tate Man)- ques Tt easu t e1 Ld\\ 1ence Pete1 Chnstman

B G Mulvaney B A, B oUJ bonnais J oc:eph LOgan ,, ill 1 ept·e.,ent hts chs~ twns of mutual intere<:>t \\-et·e dJscusc;ed

Ill [ he(Ol e- the Ad\ lctOl Y Foard m the offtce chief among wluch were the dl&cus::.wns

(l u b n om e n \ sstSt kno\\ n on the campus both as an ath

1\lt s \V Ilham <\. SaueL of Jete and as a scholat He 1S a man

J Meara B A Bourbonnais Dl con~..e 1 nmb edttOI Jal mallet and t he

W A Hartl':! D A, Bou,-I,onna•s III of Delegate contrO\CI::.y conce1 n1n g the spl1t tm g of

ga\€.. a luncheon fot sevet al pt~:::~; \\ho undeJstandos 'tatol men ~l nd Vta­

cl ub'' omen at the Ldge\\ 'llet Beach to nan cu~tomc; and therefot e IS '' P11

Hotel tn C hi cago on S1.ltudayy M'ly fttted for the POSitiOn of lel.df>t'Shtp to The Jumor::. ha'e entr u <tt~cl them

R. M Bovsen B A, Bout bonn'l.IS 'Ill &eh e::. to the leaclet .. hiP of Het Lert the Ltttle N m eteen J. T. Ryan, B A, BoUJ bonnais Ill She'L Herb 1<5 well lmo\\ n a nd hh ed At a noon dmnet h eld at the Maple

F J Brockman, B A Wtsconsm over the whole campus Paul 0 Mdl \\0 d Cou ntt) Club George Taubenach

\\ ht c.h he has Ueen elected

Rapids. "~19 ley 15

th e n ev. \tee pt·esJdent whlle Spo1 t& I::dJtOt of th e Da1ly Ilhnt spoke

R T Smote B s, Bradley Ill J' Havden and Chren ce Rom'lt Y to the delegates on the ethtc.s a nd pur

17th \\Jth the mte n t!On of seculing Mt CatiOII ha<:; an able ltcutenant m

fu 1·thet ::ucl for the House Campaign the pel son of M 1 Cloth lei "ho Iike

Fathet ::\Iagun e was the speaket of htmsclf 1.., of the cla.c;,s of 31 Smce

the afte1 noon and ~a' e a bt1e-f ac 1 c.ommg het e tht ~e , ears ago Mr coun t of lll<t pUt·po ... e 111 I iu nchmg lhts (..! th :\f. Murphy B A, Kankakee Ill \\Ill endeavot to l<eep <tepatate the twm po<::.t."> of the edJtOllal page Jacob T

offtces of SectetaJ v and Treasurer Don H1.c;tbtoucl< Ddt tor of the

Anderson wtll be the Junwr Advio;orv 3\\ :l.J ded the Pl'l/es to the outstandmg

drn e fol funds fot the Colle~e Hts o let h"l"l won fot hlm..,e l f' an envi-

Yiatorian Banquet Held Thursday Eve.

The annual V iatoJ tan Banquet \"\a&

held in the College 1 ef1 etctot y Thurs

da)" evening, 1\fay 29 All who have

Written for publication m the paper

during the r>ast } ear were m atten 1lance, and pt O\ ed themselve'3 t o be

ful able as t1 enchermen as they a t e a"l

Wielders of the e rr"lnt typewntet The

YQUngqers of the ~ta.ff to "hom th1.:..

t~at h:is been p1 om1sed all ye u· if ther

l'toutd only bu1 n the \\ell knO\\ n pet

rol~um in the mterests of The Cause

lhuwed the e!fects of a ) eru s fastmg

~spite the 'prc-.ence of se' eral t.le

1 ,1~·rs and a facult} membet or t" o

1 . SUJl•·rnous \etboc,It\ \\'1.., maml)-

• tlltt""'1 to n.ttachmg- 1. Plcac:e to 1 e

.1 ·~~ f' 1r "'le-contlct \.. suf!ltlent t('S tnn(•ny 1 0>:t 0 the Qlhlht\' o f thP CU"llllC' 1..,

!art that the chef s lttc:f10d m one

t-~>nin", at one s1ttmg the dn t'l ~ent ,-, . .., o! some score of' )Oun~ men

college V'l.Pet-., of the J. eat The Tech

able t ec.ot U as 1.n athlete "lncl as a tal h. \\ 1.-., enlhustac;,t Jcally t ecen ed and le<.~..du of the <::.tuclcnt body HI-, class

Boa1 d Delegate cf Btadle) \\aCJ awarded Clas"l A fu:::.t The Sophomore-, chose G1ll Mtddleton

Jllu€.. \\ 1th the D ecatunan of James

tho<::.e })I cc.,ent g~n e C\ tden(e of thetr ~

I' ecof;',; ht~ ,, o r·th a , e

<:. uppol t b' -.ubc;c.llbmg for se\ e1 al 1 t 1 · ar ago bool<"' e ec ec him to Itct pt e.., Idency, a po-,.t

t10n he h'lo:. ftll ed ,\ orthtly

TooJull Hold .,. PuNe

to c.,ucceed Phtl l\facke' a-s then leader Afl l\ftddleton h ''ell kno" n on the Mlllkm "eLUI mg ctec.onr1 I n Clas~ B the

PaJ)\ 1 uct publtshed b) the students of N d J C'tmpu<; for hiS leadei<Jhtp Ill Ci'l.SS and ote nstructor Agai·n One student ac.tnqty Fmncis Ga•:;..,ldv' ts Gteem Lll e College, took first- and sec of the gteatest tru-st~ tn the

the Vtcepre&ldent ~n cl Ed Gorman the ond phc.e \\act a'\\1.rded to the Ramblet at Viator pcnet of anyont> to place In the ablh Dulmf; the bu <:. m esc.> ses..,wn h eld m -- j tiCs oi another IS to chargp him n 1 th

ne\\ Tt easuJer A ospJnted t ace for the the '1fte1noon bids fot the 1931 Con Th E> IetuJn of Ftthet Be1gm has <::.e the. 1\ (..e pmg of the mutual funcl' Tl>e Sect e tarv"hip f o1 c.ed rebo..llottmg m \\hah :Cd Hunt \\On O\el Rav Wen \entton \\Cl recetved from Shurtle(f CULed a \alu lble tdd iliOn to the col off1cr N T!P"lc, m e1 to \\hJch 1\Ir Too·

the :Cd\\ard Cuc;.tet will be the class ChaiiP~ton and 1\Iac.omb The coming lege fac.ult) .As th t foundeJ of the de hJ!l h ,.., h Pn < lcctecl l '> ~ndic lin £. of the

' POkcc,m'in lJefor<' th• f"o\IPge (..Iub Acl meet \\1.') fllltll\< a'\\oatded to ShUJtleff lntm..., .-..oriel\ that bPaJ"J hh nune t':. c.Jn fH.kncc o1 the c.,tudent bod} Ill hts , 1~01 , Drmd CoiiE. ..,:e c f Alton IllmDis and M 1 \V ln alumnus o( the l ll rgc ao:. one of Its ~IJJIIt\ and mtlgrtt) 1Illt\ JC. J mcm

J..tcl~.:.on of Shurtleff "ao:. e lected to the fotm l tclc.hcl"' "lnd ..!.'> Jt"J pHo:.tdrnt llt t of tl!c'3o:. of 12 \\· hO ~ PH<.,tdcnt

F h O'M h t•re '3 tdrnc\ of the assocrat1on c, ucce-ed Ill 1J~2 l,tthct L<1~1n IS \\ell kno'i\n he h'l. .., hecn for the p1.~t \<{ 11

at er a oney mg Ld'' Hd H"lhn of Ilhnol"l Weslc)an to mo-.t Vt1to1 o:.tudtnl ':l rot .-..ome t1mt" To 1\.J1 'lu c.k t l of the onromm~ Sen

Conducts Novena \fl J Tlt!JP of Charleston Notm"ll \\as P'l'3t hE> hl':l b FPn contluc.tino 1. cl..t"'CJ m 101 CI.1..,., '\\III bt enttu<::.tPtl the hooho:J

ThP Vcn Re' P () 1\I'lhonE>v e lect d to thf' \-ICC IHC':Itdency to <;UCC'E>ed \pol r '!.etJc.., dl the Unncr'itl:, of 1111 of th Club '1\11 'Ju(kf't loo I':J 'lll olrl

Pt m me 11 ot thP Cletll., of 'St Ytator 'e'' t 1 Du1C\ ot A uquc,tan1. Folio'\\ mg \t Plt~f nt hE> 10:. tec:Lchm.c. the <,c n of \ 1 ttc r be m-. m htc.. thJr 1 \ e1.r

1n ti!P 1 mtrtl St"lte.., r ndu~,...ted a no' thP'> ~P'>'3tOn the de lf'&"llE::-. "c1e uuP o:.ub_,, rt ht 1 P on "\fond L) .. 'lntl &<:t.t ht 1 P

E.Ol to the> Little r!O\\('r (!Om )!'tv 10 1..nt tl"lm•d Ill Fdl Hall 1\umal nd'l\.., tnd dnottn.{ thE> trmalllfltr of '\<o tt<, !Lf)H''<;,cntttl\e m the (Hllc.r;.c

to "\f·n I\;,th 'l.t ~t John., netc..h man.., Thf clcllg'\tton f1 om thr \ ntoJJtn hh tune to ht-., lutu;:c: at thP l"nt\'t .. l<-tt'\ It ouncJI tlJ( .,U\fJ"fllllh IJr tld of the 111

C'hmr-h m (htca~o The p"lc;tot at St rcnc.,,-.,lm,.., of \.f1 \\ ti11E' and Mt II o H l':> t"'\..trnc1c 1 a muc,t C'OJdttl \Hlc.0m <.,tttutwn ti!P Club ht.., ..,rtcctHl 'llvfr

John .., '-L(UI,,l 1. "'PCI..i'tl 1 lu of the \t.t t 1h 1.. ' EI \ '1Ctne !JUt m J,oth tht ' ' th tuf1ent boch thtou.,h thL r 1 '\{c.nth n Jurk1 \\h ht onh been

~ ·unt f t \Cnrr'l.tlon m 1n1n tnrl 1ft('lllOU n pc.,..,tonc. lll1n~ r,f The \tttftt n J (f0 nttnu r1 11 J l,.., J 1_,ht)

Page 2: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-05-31

Page Two

THE VIA TORIAN Pubhshed B1-Weekly Throughout the ScholastiC Year by the

Students o f St. V1ator College


:::M"C""TC""?«~t<===>«~ ===:>c~~~~

Alumni Notes. Campus Briefs. ~ -~~~~~~l=t

Fl'lnCIS C Cleaty High School, 21, You will please have to e"<-cuse 1t 1!


1 ecc ntly -,ailed fo1 the Hav.auan l<J you .,houlct happen to see any­

land.., and China tn the mte l est <., of hts men •nttlng in the shade of a lonely

Adv1sers e mplo'\-eJ ., the R1chaJ d Hudnut Cor tree with pencil and paJJCr m hand No,

Managing Ed t tors po1 at1on 1\Ir Clea.1 y has t1 a ' eled ex thev re not \\ JJttng r ...etry-Just fulfill

Ed1tonals tC'n &n ely for th1s company dUJm g the mg T.:nglush a&sJgnment.;; Vv Hh this


Circulation Deparbnent

Feature Wnter Feature Wnter

Feature Article lnqumng Reporter

Athle tics Ghmpse 0' Games

Campus Bnefs


pa~t fe\\ yeaJ'> In 19.n he \\ as m Asia, noncletful Sprmg weathe• yo u can JUSt 111 1928 he \!Sited the '\'\ e'3 l Ind1es a nd 11na~in e ho" the fmi'-h ed ])roductf:> Will

Ce nllal Amt.11ca a nd 111 l'l29 he look 'Ve p,ty the poot pJ"O(essot who t1 ~n e l erl thtough :Ccuado1 Loll\ta and has to te'ld them Columbia m South Amenc t

Golf accordmg to out eminent Pres 1 'l he M et he \\ ole Com pan} of Ch1 c.a.go de nt ~~ a hoof and mouth d1sea <,e If

h~ 1nno un cC>cl the ap]>O mtme nt of Mt th 1s he <.o then there t ~ qUite a n ept John A l\Ionahan 04 a.., a <;,pecial d t.. mic mound he1c The c;tudents are "lit.-. r E'11 1ese ntatn e of t he11 company not the only <ou fferer"'-but we "on t

mention an) name::. Dtdn t " e o;ee some Subscnphon Rate: $2 00 per A nnum An mformll m<>etmb of tht ~f' P10 c f the faC'ulty dre'-sed m \\lnte kmck

Address All Correspondence Refernng Etther to Advertls1ng or mmcnt .Aiumm '' a" h eld Ill th <" offi ce C.l'5 all fot a big afternoon? \Ve a 1e Subscnphon to The Vtatonan, Bourbonnais, Illin OIS of the Pt e<;tdt"nt or th e Coll ege on Apnl hopmg for a speedy reco> erv

l'lth ''hen F at het c, T 1::: She"!. of Peo

Entered as Second Class Matter at the Postoffice of Bourbonnais, Ill Under the Act o f March 3rd, 18 79


11a J P r lll'ell O( 1Jloom mgton a nd

1 lme.., Fi t/get "l.ld of " vom mg IlhnOJs ' Jc:t led the College

Spe'\lcmg of g-oJC-Jav '\Vat...on found

.t put of sho1 t pants ctome" het·e and

dPClclE>d to t1 v the game He "~n t satJ..,fied w1th plo" m g up the football

1 he 1tmJl' .lhgh :::OchoLI haC~elnll fielll ':>O he paid a dollar t o dub hts tE' ui Dloomm;ton lllm ols c achHl "a~ a1ound a I'G'll cour'3e \-\'hen he

in l"athu T P l"'l.IIt..ll 2'3 ho .t~t~ of 1 e turn ed h f> h'l.d the ne1 ' e to clatm a

\\Innm,.; t"entv Cout con'::>tcuth e b'lll 9, Don t let hun fool you as I ha p 0 ame<o tlutm ,t., the p1..:..t tht ce <:.f'..t~o ns penul to be \\Jth him (Thh 1c., n t bt e"l.h r athct F1.trcll \\Ill be Jcmembcrecl ac; mg- mv PI Offi i'::>C 1._ It Ja>·?) 'l pJ Lche t of note du1 in..., h1 <, college

The Chu1ch of the lmm 1cul1..tC' Con

DelJP\e 1t 01 not-' Cedttc G1bhons

rlam1<, th'lt hE' hac. ne'er beL n off h1 c;;: fE>et l nc " uod 'l fte t bemg- lhs

ceptwn tl '\\aukcgtn IlhnoJ.., \\hJch ch'lJ,.,ecl fJOJo a hoc;ptta1 plaved -;1-..;: ~uc ha<:, heen IJUilt lht oug-h the effot t"' or r-r<;.c.t\ P g tmec; of bac;l<Ptb Lll f H dP'lX

He\ Ft lnu.:.. J &he'l. 1 3 \\ ts ded1 olrl. C hntm High T:cl Hunt " 1ll <omg cat~cl 'i\Ith elabUJatc ceiemontes on 'ln\ ..,ong on tlw m::u ket for a mere

Sumll\ :\In 11th ln HI'> I.:mmrnce <'l~Wlrtte Ralph H ornet 'ldmtts that he (.(OJ..,e ( .ltdtnal 1\lu ndeleJn

1 ~ a bnlhan t c:m tl t Jn tf>lh~ent g 1ften W1thm a very few weeks another graduatiOn exerCISe Wi ll be

he ld at V1ator and an other group of young men w dl transfer theJT a ll egiance to the ranks of the Alumni Perhaps because we are H<.\ Joqcph J.1n~en \c_aclE'm} 21 t,cmu":l P etE' YetO::.l~ae " ac; qeen at

F reshmer we do not fully apprecia t e the s Jg niftcan ce o f thts great "ln.; h1 s r u ...,t Ht~h 1\I'l~.., on IHeal..fa'::>t the othet morntng' Moonev event In theu hves, but we must c;ay that we realize the fact that we <:.,und n i\!1 \ 11th m tht.. C'hu1 c. h or bought '3ome ctg"Hettec; at laqt And are gomg to be mt nus some very fm e fnends when we return! t o the P1 enou<J T'lood " c ... tet n A' e nu E' C'u JJ.. m"' dtrl not get a lcttPI from Ch'lto:;

thts campus next fa ll L1ke a ll good Freshmen are supposed to do, 'lnd Cont,te"J.:.. St1eet Ch1r1go '' 01 th l'l. st Tuesda\

we have adm n ed and ap preciated t h e fnendshtp of the members l"athPt J tn...,en '' a"' lJot n 111 Nvme The m'ltn dl'~cu~'3IOn-the but mng of the Sent or Class all dunn.g our short ttme here. and we have gen Holland 1n 1!102 He came to Ch1 topic 'lbout the campus at PI e<;ent con found that they are more than ts requued of d1gmfiecL Sentors They rac.o m 1'111 and m 191'" he entet ed the cein .:.. the- ftnal eAam"' Hamilton have taught us the value of fnendship and they h ave s h own u s AcHlemy hcJe lie took hi e, ph1Iosophy ChtJ<rtma n '\nd l'-..unc' ate so e"i:clted

the path that we are t o follow tt St ~otbert..., Collq::e at \\"ec;t De that they hn>e been gnmg up t"o or They h ave never a llowed t h emselves to snub our humbl e at- Pet r '\\ ic, 'lnd hie., th f'o log-v 'l..t St then c us tom<tn elghteen hours of

-atmpts at CO'Il!Ver satiO n a nd neither have they been severe tn theiT T"J 'lllCJc; Semmat \ ~t F mncts '\Y1-. '>ll:'f"P tt, lng to fmrl a "'1.> to escape treatment of us It has md eed been a pleasure to assoctate with a Tl e t eccncd mtno t Old t:. J<; on Tune the 'lpJ)Ioach of thtc; hug-aboo Class that IS composed of excell ent sch olars, mannerly gen tl emen, 11th lq28 ~udbea<'on ltc on June 14th

a nd famous athl e tes, a nd It ts our one great destre that we may be l929 'lnd deacon1.. te Septemhc1 23 td P} the "n out Scnwi-. ate 'Htlklng able to come up to the standard set by them 1929 He \\as 01d uned to the holv 1bout our C'lmpu c:: one \\ ould t eally

We are not gomg to Imitate Deans a nd gradu atio n speakers by pnc~thood on '\\prdnc..,da' l\fl} 7th tn t hmk tlnt the' \\ere In dPe-p thoug-ht prophecytng of the great success that w ill come to each member o f St Fiancl'3 C''1.thcclt 1.1 Gtten R'l\ '\Y19 H o\\ evt t " e c-rt n '1.<;SUl"t' the 1eaderc: of

th ts year's SeniOr Class because we h ave not t h e s lig htest doubt that con<;,m thi'3 col umn th 'lt the\ are m mere each w tll reach the goal set by htm We on ly hope that some day Fathn Jtn <oe n "'laHl Mn..,., al th0 Col c; llcnt mcct·1tatwn It may aga1n be our pnvtlege to know those who are to be the cl e rgy- lq;E> on S1..twch\ M1v JOth ::tncl 1m men and t h e busmess men of tomorrow p .uted hi<;, blec,...,lng upo n the "'ltUdl:'nt The f'OJPLJatlon of R1o\\n 1..nd Mtlls


CommendatiOn IS the word wh1ch may, m a ll JU Stice, b e ap­phed to the efforts of the partiCipants m the Oratoncal Contest recently held at St V1ator College A ll of the speeches dealt Wlth a top1c vital to every Amencan-the Const1tUt10n1 of th e Un1ted States Each speech was prepared by the sp eaker h1mself-a nd' well prepared I

The content of each speech was very well f1tt ed to th e subJect The Const1tut10n and 1ts relation to Amencan youth was log1cally dealt w1th, a lthou gh the speaker adm1tted h1s v1ewpo1~t to b e dlo­g1ca l as 1t confl1cted w1th certam theolog1ca l pnnc1p les Th1s admis­SIOn merely strengthened the d1scuss1on

The Const1tut10n a nd Col'st1tUt1onal Guarantees was excellently handled, 1ts author wmnmg hrst place The Const1tut10na l guarantee of rehg10us l1b erty was s tressed By a d\'amat1c companson of the rel1 g10us s1tuat10n of Russ1a w1th that of th e Un1ted tSa tes th e speaker powerfully emphas1nd th" po1nt

bod' "Ill ce'l.o;e to ex~..,t on June 4th 1930

Mt L Po D er 26 \\111 be o1·chmeU Thl" "holt? "'tuclc>nt boch I"' ln> !ted to PIJC<ot in St 1\fn,,., C'athu1 11 1 'lt P eo- nt tend a fa rewell gettogethet m the

Ill. on Monel t } June 30 th PI"' hop Dlcct B 'lncl 1\f <; pJ eten t JOl.h lod~mgs

c:;ch lntm'lnn \\hO '''II be <. n t ht oncd on Amuc.,emLnl"' of '111 lomh \\Ill be had Tun e 2~th \\Jll !1 C' tf , 111 the con::.C'c t 1 'l nd al l <.toe!, thnt It:! le ft O\C I \\tll be­

twn CCI<.rl10n1C'> l\f1 Dec 1ecCJ\ hl <, gnc n to the ... tuclent hoch In Ict mn fot l ll c.olof.,y 1t Sl Pn.ul <; In Mlnnco:~otn t ht tl h1 11t\ and ~cnetou~ p'l.ttOnlg-e Tlt <;, l11l l1\ frKnrh cspeC I'll\y hi<. foJmeJ thtoucrhout the <;c holast tc "em clt"!'ffi1 ttc<. JOi n \\ tth the f'lculty nnd <.tucl t..nt both In \\l .., hm,., him t ftultful In 'l Jecc nt Tn ctpient Phllosophet.;:;

C1.1 P<'l ln hi.., cho<;,en f1chl


C'on' c ntlon held on lhe- Second Con t dot l\ rt Jll11C"i TTn.\ den of Bloom in~; ton lllinol <=~ \\a C! clcrter1 Pt C'l idcnt of tht 1t)JO 11 C!1c;..., of In ctplent Phlloc:;o

ph< I '> Cong"Jntuln llonq Tim'

ncoi ):.C McG uli o f'lm ou-. I1l -,h d'l.J e d e' II h t"J hL.c n c.. ho ... ( n m•mect01 of tho "lec.ontl con lllOl Som f'O n(' mav ask "In spo{ to1 of \\hat ? ' V\'o cnn only 'ln<lwet - C.o nct 11 ln s}>Ccto t

I ddh 0 Nul C'~lpt Hn of t he l'h un

pio n rnd oo1 T'tll LNtm "i'>h t..., to u ... o

Saturday, May 3 I,

Compliments of



United Cigar Store Cor. Court and Schuyler

Complete Line of Smokers' Article

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Th1 ., contest deserves mor e t h a n mere ment1on becauc;e of Lh e spdrs1ty of the number o f conte•tants Approximately one hundred and hfty stud ents are numbered upon the reg1strM s books at St VIator Of thi s number, only SIX posse-.ed th e gnt a nd th e courage to get to work to re a real trea tise on th1s sub ject of th e ConstttutJOn Speech ~ ~ more 1mportant m Amenca to day than 1t

eve r hd, been m the h1 •to ry of the world Good sa lesman•h1p , a mod ern requ,.1tc demands perfected speech Th,. ~o ntes t offered' you an o ppo rtun1ty for d evelopment m th1 s art D ,d you take ad vantage of 1t l It not, why not? You are not th e per fc~t •ale•man, perc h a n ce, are you> If you arc., why d1dn t you compete m a contest J,kc th,. o ne? l oo much work> You re not a tru e V 1ato n dn 1f you fdd w hrn •o rn e td•k hke th,. fd<e> you for next yedr le t' • re•olve to enter the Ora torKdl Conte•t a nd to do o ur best for o u"elve• a nd fo r our A lma Mater! Perh <J p• we m1ght be abl e to ga m recogn1t10 nf m thP natJOn d l co ntf'~t

\VL extend 011 1 c;,mp1thlcc; to T'toe llld 1\ ]J C., ll0n li T n coltn g In the I CC.C.n t

lO"''> n1 tl ( !J nlnC>tc. n month<~ old <.,o n 'l 11n nn t ho lllli<' ( hild diLll S untl1\ nlhllt /\Tn "11th In :-,t 1\TrU\ 'I TTo.., nltn.l

tn T\.1111 t l ({ lf.lCJ n ~ho1t Jlln e"!"' ' l'h1

funC'Jll \\h hclcl ' lucc.,d t\ '1.1 L' n. n ... ton lli hl( I"' T !!t i ll w t"! In Mt Clh tl y ((J11C'll l \

lhJ 'I 10l umn Lo thnnl~ th C' n"le-mheJq n1Hl '--------------

oo r r 1..0 1~ "''lu n ·J~N·r·~ 'I'll("'" IT\I ' L11:J)

J\1' lti\\ ~ON \I'!Ll>. PH!(fi'~

( ' \ JtnOLL, \V '\ JlNl>. , '1'0011TLT.

11 ( \It\ co hot h o f hh te ltn C"'1ptn in

ONLII ~t1tc'~ thfll he. C.'\.PC>cfq to h i:r..\o '\. bi,.,1.,( t cUlll betlN "'<'lqon llC"\.t Ve'\1

'l' hr oc_c upnnt "~ of 20 I wlqh to pto lil\. 1111 \ Uoo '\\ro ha1 th e. pln.vbo\ or the &t(tlnd 1f 111\ one\\ J"'heq C' nllght cn mu1t o n tilL qublcct lf'l him "'ee f'c te1 l 1 N ( h1l -.t m nn n nd ho will l:' lldC'n\ol

pln.vfuln t~..,.,


Arseneau's Uniform BREAD


G. ARSENEAU BAKERY Bourbonnais, Ill.

Page 3: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-05-31



Saturday, May 3 1 , 1 9 3 0

Oratorical Contest Won by Keckish

May 12 t h, 1930

])ear Edttor On the e\emng of May 23 the an n ual

At thi~ earl) date thete has alreadv OratoJtcal Contest of St V tatot College

teen some campus chatter concetnmg \\dS held 111 the College Club rooms \"\ alte1 Kechtsh of \Yh1tmg tin d ia n a a

the 1930 football SP,ason and the gam es 1 umot i n the College of Alrts and Let

scheduled so ! a t Now 1 he dope J<C t ha t t€1::, won first hon or .... Spe~'l.ktng m li ue

Viator \\I ll have a we1l o1gamzed t eam oralotteal fashiOn and '\\·l t h a tema1k

in t he 1930 Little Nmet~n ch a m pion able of exptesswn he well de


Class of '33 Scores in All

School Events Have Done Their Share

for Viator

P age Three

=~~~~ The Viatorian's New The Inquiring Reporter =c~~~= Correspondence Course

The follo\\Jng ten an'i\\ets ha-..e all

been conl1tbuted bv membe t ~ or the

Clasc:: of 1933


PE-t hapc, the ea<.,iest, <;Utest cLnd most

ef!ectl\ e " <l v to make an enem\ ~~ to Que~tton<:~ \Vhat do you mtend to do ant'l.gom.t:e a policema n Thi<; process

th l c, summet?' tequ11es but l1ttle effort and affotds

Ate you c:..ommg to Viator next both amu<:;ement a.nd satisfactiOn to the fall? tht1ll seehE'J

H a 1 t Ba'isana, l{ ins ma n , Ilhnoas ship race, 1f present mdJcatJOns have sened the hono1·s \\·hich he \\On H e In lool(lng O\el the accompilcihments I mtend to \\Ork 011 the hard road the t1me and the condlllOn<> Choo .. e a

any beanng upon the subJect Now, ha~ the much co\eted ab1hty to a ppeal of the past )CUI 1t 1~ ve1y C\ldent that near D\\lght Ilhnots th 15 commg sum t1me \\hen the policeman, on \\hom \OU

why wouldn t It be POSSible for the stu to the emotJOn::. of audiences The sub the F1eshm1.n Cld.SS h a<S been more mer ) cs, 111 probably be back to Via mtend to p e rpet1 lte th1s little JOke JS

dents to start a little whlspeung cam· JCC't of h1s speech "as 'Constitu tiOnal than \\ ell Iemesented m a1l schola.sttc tot neAt fall c;t«ndmg m the center of Lhe mtetsec

paign" this summer about the m en ts Guarantee'> the speaket pa}tng part! and campus aclt\ ttlec; On the athletic twn of a \et v busy corner \Vhen the

ot Vtatot· s mght football games? Thts c.ular attentiOn to the B1ll or Rtgh ts f1eld the Ft eshmen h a \ e made a fat Ch atles \ ( uHo n s, ( h at'i \\ Ot-t h , Ill offi cer stgnals for the north and ::.outh

publicitY \\Ouldn't cost anythmg and Mt Keclush dte\\ a stnktng contrast b€'tte1 showmg than classes of pte\t I Intend to go back to the old farm bound traffiC to mo'e gently Ignore

would be a real boost to the athlettc bet\\een the m isetable state of So\.tet ous Fro~h The following consti tutes clO\\n at C'hat~\\Otlh th 1 ~ summer and II the signal bv cro~smg from east to

assocmtJon "\~ hy wouldn t tt also be Russta \Vhtch go\ ern'> the peopl e 1 genetal te\lew on the subJects in help my dctd As f'ot commg bacl< to \\ e'>t 1.nd politelv ltp lOUr h'lt as you

possible to erect a small Signboard m tn.thet than betng an msttument of \\.hlch the-.,. ha\ e· bee t, moc;t tnletec;tecl v 1ato1 ne'\.l f'a\1 that s already '\\htz P'1.St htm Vi h1le the poltceman IS

back of Mar s1le Hall tel h ng about the go\ et nment and the freedom "hi ch SI'ORTS ( d II "oulcln t mtc;s th1..t meetmg on I gl\ 1ng )OU a delatled and eloquent dey

1930 schedule? Such a ptece of a d ver e'\.I::.ts m the U'Jtled States, and IS On the guduon foUl ftghtmg t ep the corner of Court and Schu)ler next I CltptlOn of )OUISelf and yout t:ype m

tismg ''ou ldn t cost much and wou ld be guatanteed b-.,. the B1U of R tghts t ec;enl'1.tnes came to the f t ont fot tegtstlatJOn clay ro 1 an'Vthmg gene-1al , thml< or page foUl m }Our

a big help m tellmg the world abo u t John Hundman of D loommgton Ilh S\\eatets Thev \\eie Ftancts Cas~J dy family album and laugh l oudly Most

ViatOI VVouldn t It be great If eve1y n o1s and a Ft e&hman m the. College of I::d\\aJ(l Hunt "\VIlilam Gtbbons and H e1bet t (.. Fe uerbon1, E ifmg h a m, Ill li kely the orf1cet \\Ill open ht<; mouth

one got out and boosted 19JO footbal1 Arts \\as aw 11 ded c:-.econd hono1s Mr Vincent Mooney No doubt th1s summet \\til be spent c;urpnse at thts outbUISl Then take

tor Vtator this summet·? Then the team Hundman spo l;: e on the Const1tut10n The clac::::, \\a<; al~o honOted "Ith at har d Jabot m ordet to provtde suffl ad\antage of the Situation Tht ust a

would know {hat they ha\e some real md the COUl t He has a [then quota. of eager~ The letter men m c1ent fun de; to c.arry on m) schoohng lu~hted loaLled ctgar mto h1..., mouth,

backing and \\·Ould be able to put up pleasant qUiet \Oice and gnes the tm I lhtc:: actt\lty '\\ele Ftancls Cac;stdv \\ h ethet 01 n ot I \\ill t eturn to VIatot lean l1ack tn a tt'.tful cond1t10n (

a better fight against thetl· opponents pJe<;~JOn of speal<Ing- to the tndnidual Jetome Holschei Ralph Katt and ne-'\.t f'lll I'> a questiOn still unanS\\eted tng \our feet on the d1shboard) and

\rell r.d , do ) ou suppo&e that such 1 ather tlnn to an audien ce Mt Jame.<:~ Lo.fre, If I go tnY place at all 1t Will be to "..ttl for r esult'. If nothmg- ~o€'.., ''It. ng

a scheme \\ ould do any good? L ets 1 homas Do) IP of Fort \\~ayn e Ind a 1 h e ':.\\· tmmmg te un con::.Isted of rn e VIator'-> the e\..ploswn sho uld occur a-., tht flat.

ha\'e <:>ome mote campus chcltle t about St.n icr tn the Com.metctal sc..hool gave men t\\O of \\htch '\\ere membets at foot tc:: laboJou-.,lv teafltng the front

it '1. \et\ conct.,e speech dealtng w1th the Ft eshman Clac::c; Ken Vaiilencomt E ugen e Gtb'ion 1 Effm !!"ha m , 111 licen<.>e platP The enc::um..:;- (loud of

Yours tt ulv the defects of the Const1tutwn "htch and Dan 0 Connor \\ ete the two fl edg It \\ould not be po-.~tble to place a smoh e \\ tll be yom <::tgn 11 to -,et the

Al'J OBSERVJ:R ronc;Jc,tc; m ha\mg a go\etnment too ltng \\'llet doge:: summ'l.l) or my pioposed actiOns fot (at 10 a fOJ\\ ltd motion thuc.; a •ldmg

c.entil.ll7ed "h1ch as 1.. con~equence Th<' Semo1 L eagu e ba~ketball ch'l.m tin<> c;ummei m such a ~hot t c;pace I InJUry to m<:oult At thiS ~lctge of the

May lOth 1930 loc;ec; touch '\\tlh the llldl\ JLlual Eugene PJOn<,htp \\ac.; \\On by Jml Hunt9 T\\0 month <; of hatd \\OJ!... '''th a pub '1.ffau· act m the f.Jl!O\\Ing mannet leap

Deat EdllOI Dcc;Laune~ s of Kanl~ahe( anothel BlOken Dl urn <; '!'hiS team was com he Utilit) company and ~L m onths tup ! rom thP cat 1 un b"tck to the InJured

I ha\e .rll\\ays thought that e\·et ) Fie<:.hman e\..p latnE'cl the Ideals of pO<;E'cl en t!J el\ of F t C"3hinen lhlough the \'\'e:st \\Ill occupy most of poltceman and In "l comm'1.nc1Ing \Oice

man had hh f<l..\·Ortte .:;pot t but "lnle Arne! tcan \ outh Jamed thtough con m\ 'acat10n The lon ger one goes to I demand an apolog, trom him From

wnlkmg ahout the campu~ this spiing teet '"th the Con•titutiOn By gi'lnt ( niPt::~ A('l'IVITIE'> v,,,toi the bette! he l1ke• It 'lnu a' then on vou nn\ bo "" 0 that \ OLI h't\e I noted that ~e,et'1.1 of' tlw boys weren t mg prnilege::. and ptohlbttmg othets The cl(ls.:, has nho c::houldered theu a tec,ult I \\ill PlObc.tbl\ tetuJn next lt lea-.t one en <'mv 11 thi'> \\Oild

domg anythtng In particular E\tdentlv fiom enctoaching upon the"'e ptnl shate M \\Oih. tn the publtcatJOn of fall .\'3 a natulal outC' me of tht pte

there IS a great n eed fot some spott to 1€' <>-ec.; a nd b't ed c n tl b f The VJatotian The l'\\O lnrd \\Otkmg cedmJ e\ent )'nu \\Ill t eccne 'ln ex

keep such b oys busy On regtc;llatwn "lC~ual prohibit:~n;I :o ga ~~n~~~mert:e ~~pde~n~c, ~'~~:e~sa~~eh~:~J~h t~:~:: :I~I~ E d\\ ,ll d \\ Got m a n , l\lanl en o. Ill. cellent opportumty to makeo \out c:e]f

day next September why wouldn t It Con::.tJtutton h '1S won the tP<>pect of Gill l\Itddleton GE>e but thl"::o ~ ~an embat ct~~mg que<> an clnemy of voUJc:;elf Do not let the

be posr::.lble to mqune as to Just v.hat OUl young m ent and \\Omen Ralph Although the clehatm t, team \\a'> twn to an..,\\et' For to t f' ll the ttuth Ilfa.<t that vou must appeu b(..foJE' a

spoti.s each student hkec;? Then a tegu Hoo\er of Hoopec;to'' n IlltnoJs a de compoc;ed of 'eteian':> "ho p oc,e&:.ed mJ~ht not do 'ln) tlnng thts summe1 pollee ate '1.ffect voui rletet mm lar schedule could be dtafted and a batet of merit ga'e a lo!nCll and con Howe\ et I am contempltttng gom~J ed splnt Be noncha1ant PlOduce a

qUite a bit of expe11ence m fotenc;tc round or sports, both mdoot and out ose speech dealing \\ Jth th.;- restnc bach to the fat m and \\· for my I Murad and a<ok the JUdge fol a match door, could be plaved dunng the ttons placed upon fteedom of press m ' l it\ the Frec;hmE>n managed to g'1..Jn father In tht& \\ay I \\JI\ be able to Do not become. cltscouraged tf' you are

scholasllc yeat Ttue a good be-gmmng thh count!\ A noticeable ftclol m ~nq_: ~::('~e~~e:;:t.:ttt~\t:lmR~:!)~la.:~:;t~ bmld up In\ physiqu e fot the commg tept i mandf'd f'ot contempt oof COUll but

has been made m the SemoJ basketball lVl J Hoover'> dclnely "as ht-., pet feLt AstdE> ftom these e'\. tt'1. curncu la actt yeat ~ sttenuouc.; wor l< at VJcl.tot Yes I "lCt to the fol lowing ptocedure light t he and baseball leagues but ther e ale ea<oe and n'ltutalnec;.;; or speech and ges mtE>nd to JE'tUl n to Viator neAl fall be Murad dr'1w d eeply and bl O\\. -,make some bO)'I \\hO are n ot mletested in tUJe The last <:.J)Ctl-.ei of the C\Cntn g \tli e.., the Freshmen Cia~., ha<.. made an cause I rathet hke the envuonment mto the ma!:"t'>t t ateq face qhake the

either of tht<,e sports I do not belle' e "a<:. ::\I I \\ llltam Gibbons of Mmonk eAc.;-llent sho'' m~ 111 scholasttc achJe\ e You see m..., home JS the neAt town ashec; do\\ n the g uards neck dt op the

that lt 1 ~ fau· to allow JU<,t a few to Jllmot'. al .... o ct Fte<.>hman H e ga\e an :~~:t~u~::d~~a~~'> n~~:l;:~~1= :~ee !~~:1


nOith u g'l r ette upon the floot and otder the use the btg gym when everyone has a Hlm11 able "tccount of him<oel f \\1 1 pollee captam to step on tl Str1.nge right to Its uc;e It IS the duty of the lt e Roll fm the fuc;t c::cme'itei \\.ere Ken Robert Hull , B unlsicle, Ill College to <;ee that each qtuclent should de dm g "lth a P'U ttcularly dtfflcult n eth Du<:.hman Cn. tl Lampe Paul L'l Mv 'ac'l.l!On JOb foi the commg sum event'3 wtll foll ow but the) \\·til only

c-.ubJect fot Ol alOtl- The Ft 'l.mel !:> of ~Iontagne Gill Mtdclleton and Kenn(th m e I I '> b lnhtng At thiS noble "or h. I help \ ou to attam ) our put po<:.e and rece~ve ht":! '>h'lre of a ph\ &tea l as \\.·ell t he Conc::titu twn to act a., a proof to the f1.ct th 1t you as a mental E>ducat!On The time ts IIpe \""\e '"ete THI\tler..('d to ha\e \\tth U5 Yatllen C'OUlt hope to collect enou gh C"lpltal (not ha' been su('cesq[ 1 1 t 1 At the pt ec:.ent lime the Fr-e~hm.en <-ample<>) t o pay fot m't o;,( hoolin~ the e u Ill rna <mg your 0 em)atk upon a complete PlOgtam of ac; Judges three Inca! m embet"'> of' the ~ -;elf a.n e-n emy of vourself

intra mu r~l -.,potts Let~ begm rl""ht I 'Th th H bl A I ate holthng then 0\\ n on the ba~b"lll folio\\ mg vf'at It t<; undecided as } et One of the b('>l and most bC'fttltng no ,_

1 e. Jd.-t ev "(l e e 01101 a C.':! n <er ft el(J '1 he n1.mec; o f thf." followtng m en "hethe1 I "lll contmue my c,choolinu

w w l link lht<, ove1· JE'n')€'11 Thomao; A Sa\\\Cl and VICtor hd\C a lt e"ldv appealed 111 the ,.., \\a)<:. of brmg tng a car eet of t ins ktnd Y OUI"' ll uh (.ell cl0'31 lmeulh Jame-, Hunt Jame::. ~:f~:'lytc, or not but If I do I! thmk that I "111 to tl<.> conclu'.tOn I":: to openh del\ the

JUST A FROSH t etUt n to 'clear old V1ato 1 A l'1 t gP ClO\'d co mpoqed chieflv of Phil '" Vmccnt \foone) RobE>rt De"tn upon 'out 1 eturn to school 1.l the

Dear Erllto t

Arter 'I €-\\ lllg' Ct 0\\ ds "lt the \at IOU'>

athletic conlc'.Ls of the veat 1t seem~ that St Vlato1 College st'1 ncl-. m m gent

need of a publici tv demu tment Aftet

having u,ed \\tthtn one hund1ed milec:;

ot the in:iltttutlon ! or elghtrcn year~ I

had hl"atcl or the phcP onlv tWlce-­

once n~ n name m a summ'll) of Ltttle

~lneteen sportc:: and once 1q the con­

QU.t>ror of llhno1::. \'\~eqJc' '1.n-tht'Ough

the medium of theit· pubilt'1.ttOn I had

no !den. or Lhe locat10n st.t:Co or ad\ an

tages of!et ed ln the Collegt.>o Of Bradle'

Wesl('ynn 1-. I' JIIkm e'en V\'he'lton and I had heard mU<'h-prm

ciPally, I belle' e because they did not

rt~rnmJt th t"lr sports to the mE>t Ciec:: ot th~ vartC\us ne\\ s se t \.lc.£>s alone If one

or lh£> n!orementloned c,chool~ had a big­

e":Uile. coming up 1'. e heard or It-and

'Itt receiYed not onl} pre gnme WTttP

llP~. but. pre. ~qon storleq with outlooJ..

lnd torec:un~ not only CO\ erlng the COn

t~rt.-nce- ns n "hole but the suppl) mg

ltboot In partlculru The stotles were

ltlr:nt'o~n.phed o.nd conscquentlv lne't

~llSive- It we. choooo to u<>e them "ell

'-'ld l:OOd I! W(' did not the school lost {'Onl~· a r~~ Ct"nts-rour or fh e at the

~t. ~e.w~llnPC·t:; are often pre ... sed !or

<>tudentc:: attended the contec;t tnd was Pomhett '1nd 011\ et \\ ood~ The FrE><.,h

PI O\ 1ded "Jth a.n e' <..ntng or enlig-hten

m tnt 'lnd piP'l..t..UtC The..,e contE"~tc; af men compltse t111 ee of the foUl mem

here; or lhe pitchmg -,t'1.1 f'

fo1 d an eA('e l\ent oppo1 tuntt\ fot the In c,ummmg up the re.,ultq of thc­

d~:::,elopment of "!J)Lctk tn £;" ability and Fre9hm1..n acll\·Itte'> for 19291930 It

u <. to be gn E>n e' ef"} en coUJ ctgement

1tl1E>l" and ate "Ll\\ay~ to u<:~e

<'an be phmlv seen that thts clac..s

h ct<.> lhed up to 1f not excelled all pa<:~t

l! acltlwns of actn e Ft e~hman cl..ts'>e"::

n\d .,tutr &POI t':l m pcu licular A 'ery \'\'tlh the abo\ E' summ u y as an e.....:

('OnCt ctP e'amplc or the mef!tctenc) or ample It "Ill not be nece::.~ry to forC'

"h1c.h I speak >Vas the attendan<e at 'tell of' the cLCcomph1'mentc; of the

th<. tootb~tll gc1mc,q of la<:~t f a ll and the Clas<., or 31 for the commg threE> } eats

\h m F L n hr, Chicago, Ill tE'tllllll..<tlton of yout pr1son <;OJOlll n

What do I mtend to do tlw~ c!Ummer? ]Jntel lw; offtC'e With a bottle of gin

I' e gt\en much cons1del '1.liOn to the m vour nght hand anrl a ~ack of pea

-;ubJect anfl 1 ve solved It completel v J nut'! m yoUt left h'l.nrl Take a dtink,

Summer ":!( hool "tll tal<c up most or


1 Uut be •mre to offm His Honor one

my time and the halanee ">hall be davs f tr<:.t Whtle the Dean IS in the very

of lE>Jsure s 01 ry as I am to ~av it I

11 1 act of e>.. pellmg you from the in'.tltu­

not be back to Vntor next fall I intend tton attam the climax bv pouting the

to c::ecurE" mv future knowledge at the content<:~ of the botlle upon thP highly

At mour Techin('al Instttute In Chicago vlrm-,hed !looi o r h\q o!!tcc T aking a ll thmgc; mto cono:~ tdcr·:t.t ton,

E d\\in L on g , W ilm ing t on , Ill 'tOU wtll ftnd th<' E'nlne proc.c.<.,<J ":!Jmple

I shall prob' v engagE'! In hatd 'lnd ca•w to f ollow "'c- r f'commf"ncl this

labor at the begmnmg of thlc; ~ummer IHOU"::~ becauc,P Lf thC' ln':lpti!Og f'lCt

After a few \\eeks or thi~ kmcl of labot tho..t the dE><;hefl rE'<:~ulto,. f ollow the

Hh (I ttsm~ the flcl through the medium In Ol de I th"lt the c,t udent bud' of lht I 11 take up my annual JOb of being '1. lCtlon<; In pet fpc t c..equc,nc.e Fut thcr­

\\hich I ad,octte They v.ere not e'" tn-.,tJttltt<Jn mlght mole ftttingly keep ca<.>hler at <:~orne of the r t'3J)Pc.t'1.ble r a<'e mot( "' g-uar "lntLe th'l..t If th( dJrec·

tcJ)ttonall\ \\Cll kno\\n their oppo-:.ltwn \femc!l Ll D"l} t h (' Rn F athet Ml llacks The money that I rec.elvo flom t tons ' c..lo<,(!y followed Juqt o n cE> you

"l'l m~ltg-Ibh uvl the populttiun of ~uuP r thic; JUb \\Ill of cou rqe hC'lp me to \\til nr\(r forgrt ('i lltfr thr <lu fct Jon<:~

Memorial Day Observed HomPcommr:- .r;- une m pru tkular A high

c,c h lol m out qectton of the <:~tate ex

pc1 1mentet.1 "ith mght football \\.tdelv

,.., S V PrP':IJdent of .St Vt.:~.tor 01. the r(>c,ult.:, the' tov.n tS 'lbout St'\. thou~and The Colle..,(' urangecl a ptogtam of' ob !m1~h mv (OlJE'ge educ'l.lfon \\hen nne --------------­

\tttn hnce more than ertualled the SE>t• 'I neE' r01 the rlay The ~en !ere; goe'> to Vlatot E''\en tor onlv a few \ irHE" n t \toon e,. (,1b'!On (.1ty, n J vopuhtJon-and 'l mean p:ud allen opened \\Jth a Solemn High 1\.Ias~ <,Ung monthc, hE> 1<:1 o:~urr or returmng the "\o kldrltng I h lfl l)f!q from tho

d\nt.t." YtatoJ tned mc:-ht rootb"lll-a on the porch of \faNlle Hall The ad rollo"mg !"til Ptund'lgt-- Carnn d Companv to go coli' £-C (.le\ en-the oppo .... mg team "a<:~ dre% or the do:a.y "'1.":1 gnc.n b} Brothel \\ 1th t h, qhO\\ thl<:~ c.,ummc r t<J a De Pwl wldel} known and rec;pected Ra'Vmoncl :\f Bo,c,en nn ot"'l.tor of gre'lt H •poh to 1\f on -;errate, Porto Rico boyr r But 11 thmk th ~t r 11 'it\(k ( Joqe

\\£" aro located clo~e to a City or tv.enty abiht) A ftnng "::QUld trom Cvmpan\ I had tntPndE>d to go homf' thl'> '>.um to th<> farm UnfJ! the h3.y !(vrr ~ftq

thou~nd mhabltanb and m a "ell L of ftred a &.tlute 0\Pr the mPr but reall/lng that too mu('h monev mP thrn I II prob.tbly ha\P to go North

populLled dtstnct "e are pla" lng our rov.., of 1'. h1te":: etch of 1'. h1c.h \\ ould be spent I decided to qtay with !or c1 ~hi!(. It I c omr through this try

homecommg same and there "ere no rlenolE>rl a man gl\en from St V1ators my brother tn C.h1cago In th1<; "aY I mg ordPctl .til nght { \\Jll undoubtu]ly

c.ounter 'lttractlonQ 1 am noted for mv t:> thE. <;entce of hfs c.ountrv and a can "'ork and save enough monev to (Orne b' to Vlcttor nrxt !all 1 Jl f:lft

(Contmued on P age Eight) bug!Pr <Wunded Tap<; come back to Viator next faiJ ! <Jr ct. big }Cctr

Page 4: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-05-31

forword-lf you can t laugh a t t h e JOkes of the age, laugh

at the ""'~ of the JOkes

It W<lS ore o f t h ose cold , raw November days that t h e East know' w well A Rom a n pageant was b e m g g tven nea" New York On the •e<-o nd d ay a n e ld er ly but e nthustasttc ma tden lady ht ed h e r ­self over from the nearby town w here sh e was staym g to "vtew the

works' As •h e approached the scen e of acttvtty, sh e encountered one

of th e ou tpost' of th e pageant, tall skmny, rawboned countryman, b a re armed, clad only tn a tumc of fhmsy muslm

O h str c ned the lady, claspmg her h a nds m a n ecstacy of en th uStas,;, a; sh e addressed the b lue-hpped , shtvenng Roma n , "Are

lay 3 1, I 93(

)l.:\\ 11th (h:lpt('r U

(,limp~ Into the (a' .,tal

In c,omr onP ( f h1~ ch<JJI"'P 0flCJ'1.,.

prnd1~' an(! cuntt:-. hun hl th,. hllh Dl' and nl.:o the L'ron1.munion ~UaHl

lOOm lC4::'n-.ot ht.rt. ple~e) 'lhl'H' upon ft I th(' lllth X.\lUl' s\)dt•l\. nll l

tmm~'>rgmg htm 1n the \\Utcr -.,hl' dl"' -.tud• nt'l p( tht' ('ollt•gt:> nnrl thto H I

the 1 nmlo ph1r-0 ..,r phf 1 of nndtlP'\al co\el"' to her "~Urr>n'"'e th \l he rio Ih- Sdll>• 1 1 f'C"l"l\l"'.l Communitln nt t

'-Chf>la-.tiO"'m h <:.aid to h'l\ c mnd~ the v. llh LOn..,ummate um.unC'('rn h1.• P ld ~('\en o ch ch. .Ma.$, ..-\ lt-tt1.·r from t

r hU'll 1cma1 h. that \\Omen '\.IC n )t at dlcq 11/lh '\I .und on th• surt tee or lloh :\ g,,<'tt."t'\ {'I( tht" .\td111tot.'t.:

til qtiQng- on ldliOl'lnallon And the the \\a.tri-tnd then hi-. m{'l(b(>I tNL n( C'htcago \\:1..; po...,tl'd UJPll th~· Ya

'-ll.t pn!rtmc.1 for the H(>llentc htgh II/-.. the g-tell ltuth-th1l h tn Jq OU"~ hulletm hotnl-. t.:'\.hnttlnc; all nu

lt~ht<.. 1-, etedJlc.U \\llh 1 c.,tlt~mcnt e'en PI -l·L'lOO p .. t ct.nt trcntu~-tnd that he h<"tA tn tCCtl\l In honor o! th t

mm£- IIYJ J)I <' <:.1\e .., rne"het~ 01 othPr \\ Ill e\et keep h1<.. hf:''\\1 u p amonh tht.• mother"

111 111 , JJ 1 olo~t<al <\UJ, r, he .!Itt'\' c; t.t htghe::.t m thP t Ultou<> u...,gle l! hte

the concluc.,ton th'l.t \\Omen h~l.::. nt E''\tn 'lhe Ct'\<;tl.l Onlf> mot£> tloud-. ll"<lf

1 c.,cul Othct anoent ':>'\'\ante., "ho and then openmt, ~l.gc\lll t '\eab an

,,, rcn t '\tall lt<h.tng Ill c.etcbrtl dcH' othf't JHC.LUIC-1\an tn chtldhood \\

lopment cnt hen ' thl'> 'l.c..-.f>ttwn In 1 hnuncmg battling bo) hl t~ lit<;

Scholarship Offered to Viator Student

~tmtltr t ('"m'Jtk .... deJ)IC.CiltOt\ tO\\,Ud nt. .... pee t out hh.c a merl tl ttnc c.odfh h rd m lll(lllaUttC'- \\Ill hll.H! a n oppc

the ,., 1 1hc 1 \f>'>'"><l ln ftl't onc. h1nd11 1n the 'l.Cl of cont~mJ)I'l.ttn~ tn(tntl\ 1-i~ tuntl\ tn compete fot tour schol n.r~ht t'-,C.dl< JC, oul ltNl '\\tth CIICUI'\Ung 'l In<; a kmd ftCC (loU\\ \\hdl ktnd) \'\lth '\ tolll lUttlfln \'l.IUC of $ i,l 1 umot th tt Lhc. 111 t man '1.'-kE>ct hJ<,

( tC ttOJ tJ t tk<. the comp1.n10n \n I ht~ chtn <,t.:.f>nl' to h'\\C rlHn up Jf(r 11 ,1 In ~- L Docm..; an ou l.!4. tan

th '3tt Uble IM.IL\\ \.\ do\\ n-thou~h tnL:' r 11~u 1 c 1n Amettcan :l\ htlon 'Not!

f.l\t n htm b ('\U<,t. om: \\feh of hf>r na.twe- ht':. C{tt\lnl\ h E>cn eot.:llf>t u::. ()f th< c.-.t'lh ll ... hm,nt of th~~e srhola

,, 1 .., mQ1e thtn he <.tlUid c.,t:tnd '' hPL t.nough \\tth locomoll\P 'l.ppend'lt.,rc.., ...,1, 1p.:; \\htth ' e ft€'Cll\C" n.t the Bo Ju•1 '>lll'h tumoJ.:; ut. ttUt" r1 nr1 ,._ J ll '> mothet ha.., JU'l <.'l.U,;ht h1m tn Lhe

not f 1 u..., to c....·n but thn tl It. t<.,l ptntJ, tl\ tn ')hf' ..,a,., '' h\ 1<:. 1t you Ap ptus Cladtus 1 "

· 'Appy as C laudtus l ' responded the man, tenrg, "No, M am, I m un appy as 'ell '

hts tee th fatrly ch at~ l< 1.d up to 1 1emuk '\\e ''Ill hr1<. dt<:. c.u<--. A fn, d'l\'> u~o the 1m....,le1dC't">

thtl \OU ah\1\ t'l.trl nn dou .... hnut..,

l' )ffiiiH~' homE. f 10111

m,; !--<.hool rf \ Cl f'naulics tt Oakla.n

f''l.ltfotmt ha..., b<>en 1 eceh eel by tl

ulmmi!;)ltatne offKlnl..., of St Ytntot



" Lot s w 1fe had nothmg on me, to a p d e o f s ton e

' 'I' m le ft h a nded ' That can t b e n g ht "'

sa1d the convict as h e turn ed

Fre'3h m '1.n numb 1 L lmf> up \\ 1.. 11 '\ o u l<n o \\ Moth€'1 lhL m gen u

\\Jth an 'l.fldi P"-'> l1ke th1., ou .... bO:\ rcpli€.' 1. homf' 1 un ts ne' 1..1

het£ I-.n t thete .,ome \\·a' m \\htch .;mrl unlesc, ... ou touc h the pl~t~""

'I ht- fuo::t 'l.\\ard the '\\' r:: no<'h

\ll.-,tct Ptlot C1 ouncl Sd1t ol and Flyit

5l ho!Jt...,htp 1-,; a mne months c.our \ ou c a.n end up that c• l.l\ ::.Lot' thJ<J Moth<. I and c;on h th I tut,h Pmbt ace C.O\ Ll tn({ :!n ~ how._. o! !lying- an d u · lime The "l\ Jt h 'lo:. b€'en dtl-.Jlnt; cac.h othe1 fonrlh llld then the ptc.tuJe h(Jlti<., r f glf und "''chool Jn Eotr uqtioJ out o-n(' \\OUlcl thmh. It" ts \\Jttten In Sc.cnnd t\\ ud tt:. the Bof'm~ Mastt tl1 olrl \\Ornln 1\0\\ tht<., 1U<:>t ~Ol.S tO The nP"\t pKlUL<.. I<:, cf l \d.ll tt C.Oi \1 rhtl11( COlll">C C"Oll"l l'>li ng o f nir

When they say, "It s not the money Involved , tt' s the p nnc tp l e o,ho'' the depth r f ~~nm'lnce mto \\ht ch lc&,c. Alone he. .,it<:: m hi'> ' om and mrnth~ <f tn"'ttuc.tJOn The thlld awaJ o f th e thmg -Its the money thP \"\{"l"a~e c. ollce:P m'l..n C1n fall-th Ll IJh.e the 1\Llact. <..o ll r bC .:;tudc.nt poles ..., til,. Hoc. m~ ~ra.,tet Pdot OrouJ

the, could e'en conu"e of ::L nu...,~ tan mtt.ntl) O\Cl h1s booJ... .... Jle 1 ead~ ! or ~chiJn l coUJc,e \\tlh nmc months of 1

But wou ld you wa lk a mde for one? nO\ rl fnno:-,hmg tt'5elf m a f€.\\ ttld chap

trt<:., '\\In 1m one 1n the -,J,erhl<.. t \\a)' lhcn CO\ t.r'> up hi S <-tt uflwn and the fom th '1 \\·a I'd ts Lt

head tncl thmk<, p1ofoundh Dunng f, cmg Prt\::t te P1!0t COUJ"'e I CCLUlrir D ear Ed -The V1atona n w ins again I In a

twelve papers b lmdfo ld ed, I easil y fn st choice

sctenttft c t est m whtch j read '\NIU unlcl1 \\Ith thP natUle of Ruc;">tll1 thr-,e moment., hE> C)nfe-.sec, Ius btam from t\\O to fout· month'3 of grrund ar

p icked the VIatonan a s my hteratUJP ''ould 1.t (.nc.e IN ~nu the be<..omc.:; '\.:; I IJmnmf{ rlulcll o n Itlcas flt,;ht m c,t tu ctwn th<,tlldll\ o f -.u<..h t t€'mllh Ftnl"::>hlll):.. m PIOfu<:.,ton fla.-...h and -..eethe Ill h1s Am undcn:;Jarluate c;tudent Jnclu

-H Hoover (not an adv ) ---:---

Macbeth s sentry (as h e spots B1rnam Wood bound Dumsa n e ward) C h eese 1t, the copse I ·

A fool a nd hts money h ave a swell t1me

mmd tncl chUJn thttn..,c.l\e<; up to !":oUch tnc, th€' !C!JO gta(luatm~ c l'l. c;c; IS P

ume .... ,...., ltkP rl ra.mmq th e rce'ln "'th 1. :t.n e"\.LCnt h a n arl\ance"> fdt ])~»

tcao:.U une1 It 1o:, of C\ UJ'e beJon<'l the \ C. nd the... \\ledr e ccn\C\C<l In ht s '"'tble .1.-... t c. tnd tdate

( "l.ndFll.t e<:> mu<.,t have m amtctl ned calm-, (1[ E'\-en PlllEh n1daph)'>1Ctl U lt hot '\u'i\ h e tead'i '\it.'" hne-. more <s<hola t1c. ':>tancl tn g" b cla.'ISJ fv them 1

prc;<..Jb ill\ 1\e\etthPle~., thr u g-h c,uc.h lllll'> the pror ...,.., I t JS thu"' thf' upp~;>t on€. thnd of thc.u class {(

:1. com-,e 1~ not o pen to uc; 1t clOP<; not han declatt'3 thc~.t \\e ':>houJd '11\\'l)-"> thP flltJre pttlod of their E'nrolmen

nec.c.<..~'l.tll'\ folio\\ Lh'l.t '1..11 othet e'Xp ~tud) It \\ e cannot £.0 !JP\ond the I ht c1nl1Jd1.te.-, must \\t1te a n es..'-lay c client~ ue 111<<..\\ IS€' \\ Jthdr<l\\ n "e do 1 ea':>onmg dCh anced b) the aut hOI then one of the fnllo\\lllg .. <:.UbJe<.ts 'A\'J

To settle th e question once for a ll, gent lemen prefer blondes 'ot !Jlnpose to lea\ e the t Padf' m tot 1 c..c.Jcn<.<.. Ill( Eecl .-,hall m d .. e no prog tJ n.., ContnbutJOn to I ntnnattoJ

because blondes know what gen tlemen prefer l,..,nrianLe f'Oncl~tmng the fatf> tlf c, tn te<:;<:. \Y<..tght) \\Old~ md C4l I C\<.. dm r. tJ,..,m 'lhe De,clopment of .A

---·.-- - l\an-thLt Jmp<ttutb.lble h ro f tile the lltnatc 000 enJUS of the l 1d Dut lctiTitn<.,port'ltton and Jt<:. PoS':>JIJJhtu)'>', t.

. Did you marry t ha t g trl of yours, or do you stdl cook your tl1.\ court Put o r1 the contl"lt"\ \\E' u~ mc.,pe<t the b tok<; 1Jefo1e !urn On The D€.ve:lopment of 5afetv Feature own breakfast) · htH tne-cn1vu<~h de\l'>ed a ch-.-.Jt.ll the de<:.h lies "\o matter ne\et mmd on :c tGtb it c,he<l A 1r Tr'l.n.:;port Lmes'

"Yes · methrd b' ~· hJch the entn·e panotama b:\ Da') Hum£ Let u <:. hope th P lo.d T ht c.<.S'1.) s ~ h 1ch mu"'t t each n ____ ____ of contemplatlllf{ l \an!;) cololful c.'\1·eer ~~ not COlt upted b, c;uch shepttca.l Doun~ School b" Jun e 9 will 1

Some people get a good reputatio n to selfishly enjoy tt, w hil e 111-:t:\ be 1c-..< 1lcd to us ~1th 'l ll the '-Pt.:.culattons On the bed are a few J Uti~cd bv 1. Natwnal (..omm1ttee 1

oth ers get a b ad reputation and let everybody en joy It .,.l'\mou1 -,plend.,ut and eclat Lhat such no,elc; She stoops to crank h et bv A"atd compo':>ed of promment educ ___ . ___ summan glunp .. t!c;, natwa.llv' con\P\ T'01d and A Ltttle Gteek' bemg an tr 1c:; and leadeJc; in the aEronautical 11

An Amen ca n offtcer was dnllmg a Russran reg iment He The otc.ult a nd m,....,tu: .. .-11 de , Ice th •. Lt " e 'l.Ul,,hJOgiaphv of A1 1::.totl e In h1c; h a nd du'>tn

sneezed a nd th ree men a nswered, H ere" 'l.te h..t.\lng lt.:C uurse to 111 o1de1 to pre I\ "ln h oldc; th'lt mfamou s st ud' of C.l\ 1 The Boemg Sc.hool of Aeronautics ___ ___ <.,f> nt 111 \Jvtcl flash es I\ 1n.., ''a:\\\ald !Jz'ltJOn The Rt <;e and F all of a asc;oc.ated wtth the Boems aeronaut

We are n o t m favor of prohtbltton etth e r , but you must admrt nd c.hec.hered ca t eet 1::. n one othe1 RC1am1ng ' a mp1re b y P Jo}ce H op cal companH:oc., 1ncludmg the B·"em

that tt 15 b etter than hav trg the country dry t han the anc.1ent cult of Ct\stal gn.zmg hmc, 'Read Jovce a n U reJOice mur Au plane Comp'l.ny at Seattle and tt


SuspiCious hu sband-"Who called this a fte rnoon 1'

H1 s b et ter half-" Only A un t Sophia

1..11 en eel m the acc)Uhem e nt -. of the mu1.:.: h a n a'> he reads a few lines r::oemg S:\ c,tem operators of the Sea

L <\..,t Indtan F 1 l .. 11 \\ e m a k e bold to mo1e of t h e \\Oik a nd then snuffm g tle Lo~ An~e l eCJ and San F ranCI?Co·Ch

ldd l E'SC....the poil'-"nton':t Ct\sta11n \\hlch the candle '\Tid co\enng up hts h ead

L\an l\an-. dec;t1m lte~ rc\e"t.lerl be onc.e mole conttnuec; h1 -; studytng co:t~o a1r mat! e>... p re&& and pa~eng(

I OUlC<::. S H -·Well , she le ft h e r p1pe · ---:--- f\ I e U'> bUll anothe1 vtew ~pveo us I van a t

Um fll"L glim!)<.,"' pit. e n tc; dn <.n the height of hi <, fa me a ... a t e nms tdol

tha t ·• murmured th e <\h1ouded g lac..s '"htc h of coutse l t.::P '\~ tth \\hat t ecklec;s abandon and arnaz 1 e-.enh the nothmgnec,...., out of "htch mg- aud'l.Ctt) he ~end::. the- \\·h1te pellet

Full deta Ji c; < f the Botmg" scholashtr

com pe lltwn may be obtaJned f rom tt

admtm~tratl\· e offt <.e'l or from the Bo

mg School o f Aeron autJc.s Oaklan

D o we h ear a second J

'L,fe must be ternble w 1th a face hk e d amty httl e wnst watch to h e A larm Clock

A nd B1g Ben rep hed · "Do n t fret, httl e ments

o n e, 1 h ave my mo- h an ottgm 1ted S lo\\1). h O\\e\et the "-hlmmm~ 0\er the net, and swervmg Airport Oakland Cahforn1a

clc uded Li}::.tal clatittes and the dts 1nto a d'\th co1net of the cou rt r::,ery

---.·--- '>i ]ldtl n .; enc;h1 oudtngs fot m the m sel'\ es t.-...e look., \\ 1th ::tdot at ton u pon that coupl<:"c; ~uddenl\- tht dancer<:. dt'lper "

mto lette t s <,p lhng o ut the m oral of ::nunt f tgu t €' a::. \\Ith unrelenting the ltght::. tu1n to a gdrt.,h red, an lf o nly you could develop a perfect memory w ithout remem~ the 'HOI) Thoc;e \\ho have o::tucl1erl the ten'l.c tl\ he \'\ ec:nc; the F1 ench m\aclers fo1th un to the floor comes a fugur

benng the times you were such a n ass

---· .---'Where d 1d yo u get that eye'·

· You know that pretty httle woman we thought was a wtdow?" Yes· ' Well , sh e 1sn: t '

u nclethmg curtent of tho ught whtch mtr a ~tate of complete exhaustton It arrayed in a c.o<;,t ume of old CastJI•

molt\ cues thP '\CtJOn of th e characters t<:; on t ecord th'\t no man has been able S\\ aym .; light!} to SQft musJC, an

\\Ill hrne o:t lt eady au ned "l.t the tetlt to la-.t out a set \'\tth han the '"htrhng arounrl a"' tf dancmg upon tt

7'1twn th'll tt smach::. of fat tl 1sm \\e m"l.ddenmg pace he sets for them A cloud.., I' an.., e}e'> ltght up hJs rae

mahe no bone-., of the matter It J<J m tn "tthGut extt a01 dman ph\ steal! take., on the ammat1on o f extreme e

detet num<,m put e and <;tmple ~ tthout .,t:...muna tc:: doomed to tnE'\ I table and cttement and he repe<:ttb to h im self th

--- --- tfr( ctt m 01 <lJ<;.Stmula tlon And the dbpaceful failure Only a " eek ago he 'i\Orcl'i Lo She doth ~ach the candlE

'To rchy Warne 5 car runs a ltttl e way a nd then stops He says mot "!.I cf om t;Ue 1::. c;tmph tht<; 'that dro' e Co<.het t) <:>uch an e"C:t remtt) of to burn br i~ht 5ee "how she hang

1t s a spurt model e\ei-.. m t n ''ho kt<kq tg~unc:;t fate '"tll o .. ho:tu~twn that he collapsed on the upon the cheek of mght-a.s a rat

_et tt 111 the end rourt Th1s gltmpse re\€.als I\ an as the )e\\el m an J::th10ps ear ' Then, UJ

-\nothet !:;'ltmpse of the cn'>tal re un ltsputed ma::.ter of the tennt'5 l\.Orld con cwus of all that goes on about hin T h e wages of Sin a re-appropnated by the at torneys for the \Cl.l~ h'ln 111 h 1-, infanc' What a -\.nd no" romance enters mto I,an's and obln1ou., of hts fnends, he ster

d efense J >Piemlld little babe he ,, quite Joke hfe It " at the Grand Palace of e~ot1c unto the floor to conc~rt wlth hls Ia.

·you look worrted, T1m I am Some fellow wrote me a le tter tellmg me h e d blow my

h ead o ff tf I d1dn t qUit gom g out wtth hts wife Then, why d o n t you let h iS Wlfe a lone. '

"But he d1dn t s1gn his name '

'oung Het cules hlm~elf m the 'e1 \ Spun l\ an as a guest of the Prince 1> trtner m rendering the dance Me

'l.Ct of chokmg the se t pent He hang::. of Ca.::.tiie stand::. at a remote corner "ill not <;,Oon forget the beaut} of th~

tnU :::.\\'\\<:; on ht:::. nurse!\- ::. uperslluc 01 tne btll room languictl) Ieamng on %ene a~ thor;e t\\o young figures e

tlllt.. hhe \Oung Tarzan o! the gtapes a matble pii!a1 much after the manner ec.uted '\\tth perfect grar-e the mtric:

tE'1lhin~ out tot a chotce bunch of of th .. Apollo '5auroctonus and indLt- oer; of the Argentme Tango

mulbetttec:: \ gleeful almo~t dis<::Jpated f .. l entl'\ sun e\ s the hghth· dancing TO BE t'O~TTX'CED

Page 5: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-05-31

Saturday, May 3 I, I 9 30. THE VIA TORIAN P age Fn e


Dizzy Pace Trip DeKalb 17 to 7

McAllister Attends Little 19 Meet

( Od.Ch ~am :Me .Uh~ter "l.ttf"nded the

tr H h. anU ftPld meet of the LtttlP 1\mc

LPC.n c:;chool~ tt rt'l.Jlt\' Fteld ln Peo

11a on ~(1)- 2"..ith \. confeten<e "a"' al~o hPJ() fot the 'aruu.., c.oachc.-, .:tt '' htrh

Viator Batsmen Pound Out Win

Over Wheaton

Rain Spoils Another Game Bradley Leads Pack

Fot tho ~c.ontl ttme thto::; ..,e'l.Son the to lJU'">C.. llt t<lh.' \\ 10., lt l.tlm .... lht ll.(..b

\\t..' ... t has fOIC'ed the In-.h to vtncel ftt the Lttth.. 1'\mtft 11 ln<,tblll lhtm

<t teguluh -.cheduleU contec,t Thts ptcn<,htp .rc thtt tht Htllttppet~ h"'.\e llme tt \\ 1.~ "tth Lo1.c.h \..t t 1-hll .., ' ' E;>-.. hut om. dt: fl'tt I..!Hlhtd up

(a! 1 h th man' ptoblem<; anrl gtte\ mce<., \\ete Th€' Dei L C.'\C. f

1.... \\ere e au Pll Lt 'l.dle'\' \\on tht t" entteth an The b n-. ft om L.)Ut honn liS notchPd le"\ '"lll

np theu ~econd home \ KtOt) of the Joe tl-.

at Dlo mun!;tOn The th~m '" lOt a chl.nCe to one C'ouh hobett<:,on.:. Ut" \\til hl\t)

t,JUrth su atght 'tr tim tu fall before

me un..,laught of th c,lucgang "\ tator

~Iav 7th ''hen C.• mpletel} burnt

th· c:;'tle~butg ..,r,,-c.(l J til artt'>t "'td.rtPd

t-J!I tln;t LJttle Nm.:tct.n gamt:. an<l ga\e

1 t (:100:, ~L g0(Jf} f"\.htiJll!Ofl Of the Jl t

d pltchmg Ph1l fannHl c..n.. of tht:

l"'titr1rs md cvntnbulf'fl to tht! large

,..,. h.> collutJn'=' "\ t11piC' 'l.nd a

nu 1 ~amt"' \\tth L lQtll of 33 pomt!:> 1!.1'30 dnmc nd !::>~<non S1.tu1da\ 1\Itv

\ tltOt ''ac., n t c.nterPd m the meet I :::rrl \\ht.n tht..\ tltPPE'd the nme from

tht<:> \ P"U \\ ht..aton Collf .;e In an <;,: to 1 -,co I e

fhe Samt.. ( uthtt the 'i"'Itt)t s 11 to 9

u· t B t I tnd ga\e thti\1 some pomtt.IS on the y ra ormen ea fmc pluts of the "arne b; .,ecutmg

El h 7 4 t'i\O ne1.t Uouhle ph\::. l'he Todd\\ ood m urst .. I \\t:.l>er t.omhm<ttl)ll VC.Ule\1 bdth of

thc.c:;e Todd plnm"=' ~econd m the place

Todd Allows Three Hits . of the in)lH<u E"1d ot:utell the f1re "o1k-. 1oth t mE':> bv <..<..l pmg hot


bt Cl..h. e'en '' tth the l\fethc.di'-t':l 'lnd to ">COtE:. d "m 0 , t.l beth \ 1 tlu 1.nd

''oe much dt::.1.ppomtcd "hen ''et bt ~ttm1.l bf!Ot..:. tht.\

~nouncl!:. pte\t.nted them ftom domg c::.o chan th~ll toutth con.,t..Lutnt. ttth ... of

De>c1u ... e the end of the ..c"'. ... on 1"" but the. -:.c-1.':. n 'l'lu. y 1u 01 houd of <...t11t

a. fP\\ da, ..... o!l thue \\Ill be no 'lttempt e..,, mtcnd-.. 10 1,ut "'l c 11mp m l..t<tU

nndc to ph\ eft tht"" ~'\.me IE') s phn-.. thou.:.,h Th( <.,L 1 ndm-:. of

tht.. fu-...t "'L\tn tP1m-.. 1'> of :htmchv

l\11." 24th "l..<; 'l.c, tollO\\~

Tl \\I



" L I'ct ., I )JJ

4 2 · gle The Vu.tot 1 lfl!:> "C. I c. .J..blf' to ag

gr rate 19 hltc, \\htlf th~-> Tt'ldu 1.., \\t.rE "\ 1 ttot c pPnl.d thea home season IJJundet':> up f1om tbe Uu~t' dtamonrl

\\Ith an ea>;>\' \KtOl\ 0,e1 :Clmhu1 <...t Db Pombe1t f01mer A<.adcm) pttch

C olit J"e 7 to 4 on \Ia\ 1~t The ~ :unc. m-. au=· "01 kf d h .u rl til th1 ough the.

Todd Tosses Irish to Win No. Five

< ln.1le<>ton

bt '-'otmtl

"\ 11t01





:> ... 1


b 4 Wti>Pr "t'llt('d th~ fJtC\\Otk!:> tn the

frrllt mnlnh h\ -,J 1mmil1a; oul a 1 ng '' i.~ not a.s h1..1d fou~ht as the c.,<.ure '='amc. 1..n 1 dec..E'ned the \\m

11 1111., ·md C.l .., ..... d th< rubbPr "hen ','ho1ul' l mdK tt£ fot To(l(( onh allO\\ erl "a~lt:o~~~le 0'~ ~;~ 't~ ':~;::n ~~:~:~:~

Second Home Win of the Season De h.1lh

"\\ e'-~le) 'ln

l.d(r} -.m.,.Jrtl i.u left I•'rom th n on . htt<:, \\·hlle hi~ te tmmatC'"> col I tll 'J.vdcl the ted he .. l..llcU pttchmg

there "\\a<> 1,ut little d ubt 1.":> to \\htch Jc c.tctl tPn 1-IO\\C.\t.t It "l!:> a fll'l.Lf~ put up a 1 £.tter !Jght th'l.n the 'l.Ce of lhe I11::.h hmltng LOIJk> wtth Irish Gain Sweet Revenge on Blue

\~Ill the ))(.tlrJ t<.tm Rom~!) duph co tl\ \lt.tOJV mo:,ofu l"> Toob 1J0'-. ">COt£. \\Ouhl liHlic ttt. I:::\1.115 and thtPr stt u~ht "\tctotte-. to hts ct dtt

c-attd \\, bc.t .., \Ct Ill the fourth b) f·' u d tiH fl.t.<..h' little &econd h<t.<:.£.man \nuet!:>O•t "\\ heatomte outfic.ldtrs '' e1e ..,mrlE-d the :\h. -\Ilt":>te1 mE'n to '1 "m O\ et h n: h 1 1 1 t 1 ra<'h able to t1p P)mbPtt fot t"o httc:

t~lnpp!ng on thud lftr t l Ion.; htl The 'I" 1 ( nraJ'ct II'":> '-'llhCf l"h' 1tng fmtho <;.('cone "hJl onh t\\ u o1 thc.n '1..-:-bl Ceo Ltton ll<llc11nlo1: .... c,·nooiiie1d,e 1.t.rhu1T~-~1.l ... :onMv~~e c~tn11 tbhye high JJght ot thr .., tme Jn the n .o.,l. et 1 :. H< 1 0 P t,'l.m<. u.1 .... u , ....... ., ~

\('nth tnnln~ \\hen 'ldt:.h.l.) ttJplcd \ 1llr 1 'i>COIC.d !QUI t Ull"> 111 the ftr<,t \\Cllt htti(;S<:t h llldln~ the \\CSt\..1 H lilt not~ ltlen '1.. 6 Touch Hankins for 12 I

\\ocwl~ hit Cut the fllC.Utt tnrl "\\Pbet mntn£:" J\attl c:m,;lcd to left "\\ood <tPt•l<t'e J ,:,h,1~StotnJJ1aJ~o~~tu10!Jnphwntl1'1dle Aheatn to 1 deff'"lt lhh tlt.f~1t \\JII t.\Iclc.ntl) Runs - 12 Ht"ts ,,J,nt.-·<1 tht htll Ill. h .cp c<..ntet fH1d f111lll .. d \\(..bEl douhlecl to lt.ft r\ .... a.~k\.<:1 '~. U\P la t }JUt a (.ltmp In thf' hope~ of the Ilh

' f.,r four baQC'., pulltns up dt thncl Ltffe\ ">tn-.h..d to tPJd ~1.\0ttcll 1 1~1 t~t- sun Cf~eld L'l.fft:v no1<... outfit fot the ch'l.mpJOnshtp tit lhP 1\lcAlh':ltet mfn stltC'd do\\n thou Thl• )r,t tl"> ~ c mc.d to he h'"l\ ms a l€'ft '5COl mg L\ lJ U "\\ ebet h~ I hn6 lll arne.' JU 1 01 mer tc.ago ( ''t "a .. the fJfth c,traleoht hr me 'Jctot \ fox

I J.:H•at d~. d or fun b) Ill tklllf, tht.. poOl

>utfiplfltl':> .,,,cat "til duttn.; lhe btme

l\uuv·ruu-. lung h tt<., nd file.'> \\ E'f"l(.

thud The UnllJirF allO\\·~d "\\ebc.t to vii\.. htgh c;.chool <,ll.l" c.uefull) \\'ltch thE loc. 1lc;, 1111 the\ plt\Cd hkf' maJOl thud homE' \.JCt t\ m lt.x, tlnn '1 \\eeh. >;>C)IC \\hrn the Ilmhut<:>t c':l.tL.h(t lpft f· cl the uthPt outftc.ld po..,ttunc, \VE-bet \\hfn thty O\Lt thL ">ltong hh IJc. '- c u n(, " tlh.\..d R(

1m trv L Iffc.\ wd 'l c .11 t nnf'c.letl fc 1 t\\ o htts lea.., uu c., to l-\ en,...,c. th<' "htch :\l tlltktn 1.. nn tt c..ttv llltH on Monel 1.\

i.11C'\ c..uffuC'd at the h1.nd<... d tho Ine.lrd to c.Enttt ':.\.. 1111 .:- L1.ffn Cru tJ)IHE' \\htlr \\'l!:> the onlv \['1.\ l)th Ly h1ndm.; i.hl.m 1. t2 to :l

l'•)ir-dnlt tu tilt tenet. tl u .. gulu rnte1 lit\ ltHl to .-,l - It. on '1 ..,hort U\et "\1 tCuln \\In \\'1.< .. unable to ">Ofk the Jvh.c.On\tlle mne rn Apul -ltd 'lcldd \\Lihpn-:. 'lhc (<., \\ lJ l\Em;,t.d the

\fl.l<~ ptll Rom"l.t\ mel <..htJStm<tn hombudccl liO\\\..d hut fnc "" 11 brn~Ie<:> \\btl< ht'-> J to 1 dc,ffat \\htch lhC\ \f\ltlkt11rte':l tlno\\ 1 ut \\ t<.. (,ut 1t tll{: pl-tte Ro t~_. 1•·, coll~ect ? cl <:.€"\t.n ~ ff a the

\ltholll,h J>(h.dll Ltm the Jlll..l\ t' c.. con] r mUtt ..,1116

lc.d r,,,,<:. tot t\\O -,ucc(c;, double'> m the clctlt out tl th<.n1 111 Du~tut on .\p11I ~putat1un rt lJ(Jn~ tn un.dtfftted tE"tm o~hth .,)lntc;, or '~"'\'kul'" the o:.l'lt of the \t<:tl _)th 'lht. \ tttotllth puntCJhl"'ll tin.


t) I Lt <:>r•tma., J.. .. cmu' Ahfl1n \\'"llh. tt)ts Catnt." faff~) and Dac,c_,'tn'l. e'tch nd a '-tlon~ cont lldtt fc.t thc. Chd.m c...d f,cld \\ .t<., thl \\n out b\ tht. 'lhl. bO}.. c..cmc pllo.,hc.rl out l l1i(..f cloublP \\btl< Ro 0111011 'l.t 111 t1.'=' ot lhf ,1.mL 1nd

prunf-lhl)' tl1111 pll\ln.., \\15 \{.1) ttrt pttChit ':::11 "\•I\'lOr \.&RHD 1..,1\l. tht.ll \.IC.Llt<:> plcnl\" - t \\Otk to 'h llnd tum muJ..c, \HtC put 111 the. !he l!IC.h ':ICOtfCl t\\ m0l(.. lUll<... 111 ( llll v tf m'l.t"\ dJcl thf I m, tl.nel htttm~; \\tth d ./til lrcld tiK \£t':.'\tlk pttc.hmo lC

nnr <.cJiumn t.., un<:,t LIH m l h<.u f11..,.t the -,pee nd I:\ .u cl <..l11.., to ltoht "l.nrl "\\cod<:> s.. 1 't tJ pte to de-c.p IIf,ht In thf' t- q~hth lt 1 thc- me un 1 "01 h. for tht.. local<, m l

plth!·t Thcmp-.,n Itt <1 tmlll the .... toll voncl \\c fl dClLIJled tu tt-ht "\"\ l(;.t 1b 4 1 'lhf uld I> \\htSkf r£1 htdclEn lJ'l.ll 1111\\£(1 ht>;> tppun uto., lut tout hLt"> .. lttrk \Htkccl top ttc( Lwn 1n Lhe nmth I

rll'lt out,[ tht [ U1lll mnm,., \\· l<.n h( "-,rnm., [\•at] t.nd \\tnt t. thad on T ttf - v rf bv Uv "\' t.lot lld..,wh£n" c...J.u,ht (1~11101'td"f!I:<h ,,',',n1C,,tnl<1l:c,I\II1>ntnJ,"<nl~ tlhl: \1 u tm tt~ht I "tid pth h H'l. ts m t lc "\ uiC/l (. \!if 'n If 1 1 '"" "' ¥ .... ~ '"'

tf "\\ d f.l C. !oul but "\\ C Otl '>< 01 ttl l.ftt.r ll1 l he. \\ 1..<... tC.pltt..<tl In Lhc c t.tch L'lftc', Uld (ltD£) ~~ nm 1

1 ~Jflrl _IJ

Porn t..t)" vb

t htt..,tm n c

I lmhm t co1 '- 1 t\\r 1 uns tht:... Po1n1Jc 1 t p

t\E..nth l.nd t\\O In thE' o&htl1

IT1mJ!L.m -..c.ned the fm11 llll1 t tht I.Ollb

\\HI ·\TO'

I md -:.-.. to <,ho"' .., tmr t 1 \ l.ltOl In the o .... hth lltt 1 h

h·lr \\aiL" b\ ll1'>CJtm ... mto th( hul ttl... n t'\";:> IJltf\.. hhod~'"" b lffif'l Jim llunt \\C"nt In !or Todd at

r tO.,"> tn 1 tooh. Ro

hol Cllrne1 In thr

n \\ (, nt w r t rom

J (.1111 ' \.1 t Ahraru C...LU&ht 1.. fmP C.,h tppu cttu lb t-o unc. 1n 1 -,<l 111 \\Otkmg :Clm 1 , Ut<... ( f

}HII<,t <., t\\ ( }JltChP1 S f01 thrf (. p l'>">C'> \lJ \C.h.Jil )I lh be'- c.rore

~r \J 1.10r, r, ud _h

\PRHl \\uch

.J 2 - 0 "\\t.t I ]h

L 1 0 I 1.tlC\ ct I 4 ( \IIH\- t!

" 0

All n U E 01 ," p 4 2 3 0

t "' 1 1 r <\.n lt.l-..ln r t


3 II ' u 0 u

let tl<;,

l n PIIC-fl Hd Chl<.l.0

) 2 _ l f..,<dttt..h n l.JJPtn!{ uff tf thud b'lse .\Itll!km t\\ 111 1 c :HIId c.uh ~c.nd tlueE' 1ft 1 hntn~ qUit<.tly tc.c.tncd th(.. Lall

m n tu th(.. b ~ nrh (.lnp\J h tndt.d l11 m \'or!d 'l he vi l\ ,~,. ts e"\.CCIItf'.d so

J r del ll~o bll..C.lCt1 thli 1.(,0 c.IU t1 Hit ttttll\- th1t rt t ol\ tht ctO\\d 't full

0 u tmnutr>- tc clop out JU>;>t \\ h 1..t h'ld h'tp

tlun pttrhC1<:> .1rc n t '>lllP '!(..ti to

be htllt1"> 1.,. pJiin., LUl t trtpl <.. tnd t !odd lncl e.nt hlm-,r.lf mto 't

1 hll 1 dQulll.m1J\ ltJPS\) \\oolc, AB R II L b Hl hole. I\- ftllm:. Lite. bht"S tnd \\ 1th \"\ l ho "ln 1 he IJ 1.1\- tl-,o <..ttt..<.Hrlt..d In

LhE c.l<. m up n 'l..n t b1..t h<. dH tdc<l to '> 0 0 o.,xl nf, ut l\\ hrt IPiC<' Ih< ll.ttu

0 put thP -.' on Icc bv cocpe1ttm~ l\\J rHh \\tlh 1 hplc.. lncl 1 Sin 1<.

0 0 \\ttl Ro l.l\ to end thP 1.tf1oy Oh 0 1 took t<ztJ t t< tl(lut '1..1 tlu; btll J un

be\ ho\\ lhtt {.10\\cl dtcl dlE:.C.t :C\f,O 1 o !. Hunt lhc o:.p c h !Jlth J 1 o<...h 1nfl< I J< 1

th umnn e r. t tll C''I..Cit<.d .1nl con 1 0 o m t(lf ht':l lt.but .a.r:. 1 cc plil pound

1 0 "ltlultt£..1 !Jll 1nl RJmdt) on the fr \\hen hr \\l<t tnt lh .., 1 c

4 1

j 0

1 1 cfrUll\cn sco c.f tlu 11 ..,, '='ht of h tncl 01 lh£ lflJUICil l, ud li< fill 1 th<. p 1 p1 tfutmln<.

tr 11 lik '-)chustr fl(l """'t\\khk \HIO thc.. to 111\.tf

hE-1.1.\' h1Ltr,., tc1 the \bitOJ<::. f tt..h rut (fl((.

.t \ t. Ill t11il 111 11H tllf'S

he ''" ,., IH'><... I t\\1 'Iii( 1

., t(.llflft... 1 on ct..

31 1 9 3 t l..IJptn~ I ofld for t t11pl<' Shu p the to du P 1 rt c nc.< I )nlffi\ <\.h u n P P

confl b:ts n 1.n rlP!>ed out ~ UouUl< r) c; ph C.ltfhcr dr 1 L tlnf lOb or l!Jc

m th ~ Hnth lhr1r fn!tdl diCl not !11CIJIO:>n 'i lfC. 1, 111 tnd l.tld d t\\O 4 1

. I 1

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[ t nnn lh

f nl rt It

\)I I 11 (.

I 1 L II T

1 0 1\ o "II unIt n

' 1 1 1 H 1 II

0 () 0 ]

II 1 0 I)

Viator Still Above .500 Mark

ro r 1111 ~J c..m)()thh '\C, lh< thrc.c cr

1 1 ., m the bo'l.. c.c 01 ( "til <:>h "

It ru lf ttutt!ltllv c..1.t1 thtt 111

u' "" ~ tt b st pltyctl huP c,) t 1

ttlll( to th

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d ubi

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,,,.,. ... th .., 1":.. n


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~e~a~~~u~edf~!~ ~~ r.J1·' ./t

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Page 6: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-05-31

Page S,x


Irish Win 3 to 2

Titans Upset Viator 7 to 2

Locals Get but 2 Hits


.. a a -- ac Glimpse '0 Games

II ocr

O'Neil Wins Championship


Coach C E Horton's State Normal

lllne &queezed a one run v ictory over

Saturday, May 3 1 1930

DePaul Bows Before Iris

Locals Stage Rally --

D a n D auntlesc. of Alger f'tme 10 his 'iVee '' Jllle M eehan the ace of C..oach By the g r ace o( God and the mighty Sam McAlh-,ter l:P entry at Normal on B JI I Todd w as 10 rare f orm last S

Jnllme~ t day.., coulcln t ha'\e put a more A lt Hills V\ es!Py(tn PJtchmg staff had stJCk of Joseph F ta ncJs Logan, borrow Ma , 22 nd Jn one of the Wi ldest ;;.lmes utday, May 17tl1, when t he g r een one of hb Scotch c..pell s Satmday eel fot the occasion the invmcible eve-t pla)ecl In a Ltttle N Jn ettC'n el m

thnllm o;;- fl nt&h to a clo<>ely contested day, M ay lOth a nd allO'wed Coach Sam 0 Nell JUggernaut r olled to V JCto l y m a m o nel For three hour., and t,~,oehe ~~~:~1 :';s,l~;~:t:~ ao~e:o t2h~vi:~u; ball gam e than Cl Jd Bill Hamilton when McAllis t er & boys hut two hits m a 7 hig hly dramatic fifth mmng m which mmutes the rtval teams took lttt ns m was steady a ll durmg the game, st

h e scored the \'vtnnmg run m the nmth to 2 ,,_. 111 r01~ the Tit'ln& The Bloom they :!,!latched an apparently hopele s~ &ockmg the apple, then Not mrd made mg out five of the Chicagoans and

f o1· dear old Viator on Monday M ay ingtonm.ns touched Pombert foL two \ Ictory from Marty Too hill & gang of o 1e fmal effort and captUI ed th ~ con· bUtng but two fi ee tnps to first

12th at Peotm the stronghold of tnple~ and seven smgles The defeat a pple knock er s, and clmched the Intra te._ t m the tentl, 'I'h t fmal :::.C\..1 r W'l.S was given superb support by his te

B i adie)' The <)COle was tied h '>o all 1 umed v 1ator s hig h h opes fo r t heir mura.l tttle The champiOns~O Neil, 15 t o 14 A s the shades of mght began mates ,, ho pounded out mne safe h

when Bill stepped to the plate a nd con J:.Ixth ~t ratght victory and llkewlse put \VOlden Hayden, \Va tson, Wenthe to encompass Felmey Field, an ex· one of w hich was a long triple over

n ected for a sm g le Catney followed a crimp mto thetr ch ampton shJp hopes MotnsJ:oey, M 11l5, Hoover, Tuckei. and ha u3ted ct owd slo \'vly wended tts way center fiel der's h ead by Laffey In

\\·Ilh a lon o blow to deep l eft which Old Man Hatd Luck forced the It·i sh Monahan are consJdenng a barnstorm home to talk over the thri lls c:Lnd spills race of a h tg h wind and a light drl

should hd.\e been " sm gle but H amtl t o pre~;.e-nt a patched Imeup f01 thiS 1m m g tout o f this coun tty and Fort of on e of the queerest games £.,ver play there \\aS but one enor conumtted

ton b) 'II tue of hiS bmal t base run pot tant gam e and It "as not pos-,qble Wayne ed the locals In the etg hth a sure ca

nmg rounded tlwd a nd da::.hed home fot t hem to \\Oik \\lth then usua l p re T oo l1tll n.nd Donaghue split whate,ei [ It was a bad day on the pttchei::. and \\as dnven ovet Carneys head by

\'vhJ.J e M a ... on \\ as h oldi n g the ball ct<non Ba.sbn n c:L plaved second f ot the con~olatiOn thei e ts In talong second outfie lder.:, both sections bemg given bUJdon g u st of \\tnd

'rhis vva.~ t oo m~h f ot the Hilltopper ... IllJUt ed :C \aid L..'l. ffey \\as brought m p lace bet" een th em It Is tumored t h at a r eal 1\0tkout Three Normahte and De Paul "as l eadmg 1 to 0 w

a nd the) JUSt couldn t scOie a run ln fi t.m cenlet fteld to take the place of Ld Hunt a.nd John McGrath al5o had tht ee V1atouan pJtchers saw service the lnc;h came to bat ln ~ then· half

thetr h alf of the mnth It \\as Btad "oodq ~ ho m ] m ed his shoulder m the team'i entPt ed In t he tace although to on the mound and a ll SIX of ther'ii the seven tl1 Tll en the stoty chang

l e) c; ftrst confPJence defeat of the sea Illlnoi c; College game Bill Todd the date the) have not been f ound wete tapped w1th U1e.:;ome 1egulanty Ahea.rn stng led, Romary walked,

qon lnd \o tator 5 51xth wln \ ersall le p1tchet wa5 sent to I eft The hall eAh1b1ted , .. as good bad The "as t eall y a senes of con Cht 1.,tman Si ngled 0 Connor. on

B ill T odd outJ,Itched Captam F wrey \\hile Tommv Ahearn pat1olled centet and mrhfte1ent So were the game<:. tta..,ts f01 It contained some excellent mound for De Paul, became rat

1n the gie,tt huiiet s Uuel and ~ecured fieltJ. for Laffey Even '\\Ith all the McGiath held Donaghue to 21 while and &ome veiy bad ba::.eball At trmes a n d threw the ftrst ba ll to Todd rat

one oC the mne hit:;. that put the Skldb changm g the Bourbonnatq gang fought anothel 1112 afftn threatenPcl to go the pitchmg a nd fi~ldmg \\ as superb \\Ide and WJ,ld Ahearn and RoinE

undet the Peollans Dtadle\ ~as h eld de~:>]:>eiately to save then cau se but on lll,e the little bJook f o i e\el As fot and tt otheL times It l ooked llh.e the ~:>COied and Chustman stole third T

to f Jve bmg les all of which weie v.ell coultl not con n ect w1th Meehan s slants the cha1acter of the mdtHdual pla)- br and exh1b1 ted at a Sunda) sch ool ..,m .:tcked 011~ to the mfield, but Chr

sc.J.tte i ed Pombet t pla) mg center field \\ lnle they "el e at bat dunt e.., J, :Cdclie 0 1\J'eJl s Immot t'l.l fn st p tcntc Some o f the plays could \ ei y man "a5 out stealing home Todd w

t\,i5tecl hiS knee In the fnst inmn g an d Cune" scor ed the first run of the Inning In \\hlch he c:;et up a n al l time easJly have been ~;.taged In the Yankee tt ... rcond \'vhen H amilton sacrifi

\\aS Ieplaced by Pete Ch n <:.tma.n \\·ho !;'Lme m the Inttlal mnmg \\hen h e I ecotrl of C'Jght et t OIS Will 11\e ac; long St'ldlum \\hJ!e otheis \\OUld not have :C\cttd n e'l{t man up a lso 5mgled

g'"t\e a 1111ght) good account of h1mself loped around the bases o n two wild ts Cloth 1 ~ 1 s home 1 un aftel the ball been \\Orthy of bemg pulled off m the 'l'odd c.ame actoss the plate with

111 st i an ge tenttOI\ ToJmn\ Aheatn had pJtche5 and an etior M eehan then h ad been I etmned to t h e mfield J oe buuntLful as<:ortment of st tikeout5 thud VIatoi run of the mnmg Laf

a bu; day (\t the c;t1cJ .. \\Jth a cn(' UJ t tigh tened d0\\11 and only allowed'"' ebei Ln..,an hit se\ E"n homers Gtll Mtddle \\alk'> and httc, In fact the t\\o teamJ:o fai led to dupl1cate h 15 tuple or

clcut and t\\O double<; to ht<-. Ciedit to t et..,-e htm t\\ICe durmg the rest of. con hmt his lnclt '>ltdmg mto fust tnetl h ard to ac.compl!sh all that ISm f ' Jst mnmg a nd sk1ed out to the cen

t.arne" ,,a<) neAt tn line \\tth tv.o h1b the J<lme In the thud the big Insh ba.,e 'Lncl ~PI'"l£;"u e c1.ught 'l. ball Hack the ba..,eball handbook, and qmte a fe" f, elder

one of "htch ,,n,., a duuble The \\hole Cu st baseman put a smgle down tho l'ucl..el fanned t hi ee times m one thm'='<:. that arc not In the handbook The Vhltots coaxed J:oe\e ll hits

team IJia)ed a \\hale of a game ,.,dth thnd ba::.e !me, and m the seyenth h e !?;arne 1.J1Cl \\enthe <l nd H oo,et m'ent The Teachet~ took to ~lackey m the of Todd but most of thebe v.ere

no eliOt"> maiked agamst them-'1. craJ:ohed out hiS second borne run of cd l. hh.lden h"ll l tliClt fot La'-ebal l first ancl J\ll('A\Ii'ilet \\:lS f otc..ed to gtve .... c. tlU>red Hatr and G.og,Ln were "hen t hey both caught the same fl ) t athe1 mce 1 ecot d compared \\· 1th Br'ld the beac;on Just as \\·ebe1 "as ct oss

le) .., fn e fumbles m g home plate after has c1rcmt c lout

Capta.m FUlt e\ although he \\ ab and "hile the fans "ere l oudly cheet

::'o.I oone) hie; b'lptism ot fne m the se(... onlv tv.o abl e to S('Ore f or De Pa 5o 1t could go on f01 hom ">- but the ond mnmt, Mooney lasted till the end De.l. thetr shm tstop, recen ed a b Important thmg "as 1 eah/.ed-the bea h h 1 h R 1

tapned \\Ith Iegulanty c;u cceeded m mg htm the Bradley factoty whistles ~on , .. as o. bt,g c.uccec,c; And e' et 'one ot t e <ie' ent w 1en t e ec Dn·dc, blo\\ on the end of the fmger m

':>COted <.,Ix JU ne,, then Bill T odd cam e t hud mnmg when h e \\as hit by a f

111 to taJ,e up the bUJ den In the tenth, hall He "as replaced by Nolan "l11ffmg ten of the V 1atonan.::: No une heg tn to toot m ce lebrat10n of the long lnd hts pictute t'Lken-e\ "n :Cd Hunt

to the mf1eld and reached fust "hPn caube

thP c,ho t t'3tOp JUggled the ball Then ST VIATOR

along came MKhe) Ahearn 1nd smac.k Ba~ana 2b

ed out a. h omer to tie the count F rom Cat nc..y rf

then on the lit<>h n ere the mac,terc;- \\ ebet lb

of the c;I tu ttlon In the nmth HamJ!ton Laffey S'J

and Carne) pulled their f<imOU<i ac.t to <\..hea1 n cf

gn e the lead to St V Iator Hom,try 3b

Box Score T odd If

ST VIATOR AB R II :C ChuJ:otman c

3 1 1 0 Poml>ert p

5 0 2 0

5 1 0 IJ Tot th

4 0 0 0 heen one


T o tab


1 0 0

2 0 1

3 1 1

4 1 1

4 0 2

4 0 1

4 0 0

4 0 0

3 0 0

1 0 1

3.2 2 7

Hanulton If

Carney 1 f

Laffev .:::.s

\Vebe1 liJ

A..hearn c

Romary '3b

P ombet t c.f

Chn<itm'ln cf

Ba<J~ana 2b

Torld p


4 0 1 0 H anold liJ 2 1 1 0 TI;AM W L P et

mal p i tf'IHng ':.taff " as touched fot

t\,·tlve \Jmgl eJ:o 1n se' en inmngs ard

n· a~ fo1ccd to t.,tke to the shov.e1 .., afte1 ST VIATOR AB R H 4 0 1

4 0 1

4 0 2

2 0 0

4 0 0

4 1 1

3 1 1

3 0 2

:! 1 1

0 0 0 0 \VJIIIams '\o<:. 3 2 2 : ONe-tl 8 2 800 11 II ISh bombat dment 111 the fu st of Hamilton If

4 0 1 0 Ca)ton 1f 5 0 0 o Toohlll 6 4

6 4

5 6

3 7

2 8

600 thP eigohth Sulli\ an, nnothe1 p ottc,tdei r::, o. tcl 2b

600 ftnJ"'hed the eighth aftet " 1eldmg '1. Laffe\ s~

500 t1 1plt n nd two Sm~;"l eJ:o Shmer succeeded \\ ebe1 Jb

300 ::,ulll\an Lnd \\Ole, touched fo1 t\'o hits Ca 1 n e..,. tf

3 O O O Mc.Ca\\IC..y cf

2 0 1 0 Appleton 2b

5 2 1 0 D on'lghue

4 1 2 0 r .. o.cnn

- --- DUlOW c. 4 0 2 0 f\1cf''d 'tth

Total c.. 34 3 9 0 Shepherd If

LPatch 3b

4 0 0 0 Hunt (Ed)

4 0 0 0

200 Ill the nmth 'lnd one Ill the tenth A. heat n c

1\Iul('ta u1d Leonatd each l "lmhas t tcl R oma1y 3b

out t ht ee hi ts fo1 their alma mate1 Chtl<itml n cf

( d p t R' 1.11 of the R eel Bud.., made a Todd P

<Jen 'lltJOnnl catch o f C\ ill d c; long

BRADLT"Y riXII Dec.ket 2b

AB R H r:: \1:eeh'l.n p

4 1 1 1

4 1 1 0

J\feyns If

B"rtolmo c f St~>mer ('

'1\fcQucen 3JJ

Coult<'r llJ

3 0 0 1 I'ot t..l"' 35 7 9 2

1 0 1 1 Lmpne CU'3dC.k

a o o o r------------~

Sm1th rf

M'"l<;Jon f,'J

Furtl") p


4 1 1 0

2 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 0 2

3 0 0 0

29 2 5 5

1.\\0 b'l.._. h1to, Ah<'Jt n 2

Rom1ry Mc.QucPn and Smith

Home run AhP'lt n



I (!t on b', ~t Viator 8 Brad

The Cll'i'S o f 33 tlkes thl':> OlJPOt

tunlt\ l o tlnnk Mt John W S'hf fold and M1 Lloyd 0 \\ra1 ne tor

lhclt l .. Jnclnc.';,<, In allow ing our f'lac;<,

l o J<J<;u(. d F 1 t<,hm tn nuinber of The

VI ~t)I J tn \Vc <Jinc.-.t ely tJ ust t hal

ou1 c!fo1 h , .. Ill not fall <:. hot t o f

thut C"\.!J• rll.tiOll") ancl th tt we sh'lll

JJe- dblc. lo plf t<JC. the t eldf'rs with

thl'J JSt,UP a<J much n.<J

plc.~<)cd t11e-m in the. p:u.t

(~I& ned)

they h .lvA

TI1!p h Iloo\c.t Gill Middleton

M1.n tg1n g Ddltors

Surl!1cP htl<, MevPt'J Beitolmo I lc.y lj '----- --- -------.......!

Much Interest Shown m Tennis

Qu 1Le 'l. bit of mtotest Jn the gtand

dii\·E" 111 the SIAth n ftet a f~lst 'lnd long Tota.l s

1 un

30 3 9

old &,"tm c o f te nm<) has been sho\\ n ~ I' \I .A T OR

tlll<J Vf'at 'l l1oul the. cn.mpus Eve1y day Ilnn"'tlton If r, ucl 2b

thOJC' liE" ';,OmA ten Ol twel ve b oys out L l f fev cJ

on the c..out t5 p'l.<Jtmg the little ' ' hl tc \\ tbc1 111

ball back .and fot th Among the dt..

"otce.., of Lhiq <~POI t a1 e Buste1 B1 ock

Cat lH'V tf

\\ ooll<> ..,c.,

m 'ln P1L Clc.'ln Ge-ne Gibc,on B u ck Rom"ti 1 1b

F c.UP IIJOI n Rrcl Graham, Burke M on ,t

han J "ty VlaL~on Al Fmlong Johnn)

Mc.G1ath A h In and Bob Hull

A httln t.

l\lntl .. e) p

!\lor ne-v p

Todd p

It f.q hoped th'Ll In nC'>...t yeat St Vln .t-Chtlstmnn

tor w ill be nblc to entet a. n et team In T ot 11<-.

Bud Clancy Has Big Da at Bat

. \B R II I:

6 4 4 0

5 2 2 0 ')

1 2 0 lln "l 1 ecent game.• n'lth the Ne

~ otl .. Yankees John ';y (Bud) 6 3 2 0 2.3 Chicago \\ h1 te Sox first basema 6 1 2 0 po led out two h o m e tuns a tllple, a 6 1 1 0 a ,fngle m fl\ o ttmes at bat Clan 6 1 2 1 has been gom g g t eat this vear and ha. 6 0 2 2 been d a.t l v shO \\~ng •Manager ;Doni 0 0 0 0 Bu">h that he cnn be consi dered as 1 1 0 1 fot tmclnblo a .... phant .for the job 2 0 0 0 A IL (The G1eat) Shhes The studen 1 0 0 0 ate ea~<e•lv " n tc hlng each d,cy's bO

IS J.l 18 -1 "lt..O l e fo1 further n otes on ClancY the Llttlo Nlnetcon race (Continued on Page Se\ en ) htttlng






Page 7: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-05-31

Saturday, May 31 , 19 30. THE VIA TORIAN -------------,------------~--

::ather Maguire I in Washington



The last a''a}' ftom home tltp of

Varsity Rained Out at Elmhurst

n:t"Y Re,· J ,,. R :\fagmre, C S V,

•resident of the College attended a

1~ting of the ad\ JSory board of the totmd oll~">~e Gf Llberay Arts of the United the sea ... on pro,ed to be 'erJ d1sastrous

The Vtator baseball mne made a

l11p to Elmhurst \Vedne~a\

Amedee T. Betourne


Cut Rate Drugs 119 Court St., Kankakee, IlL

Page Seven


Everything in Sport­ing Goods

wte on l\lav 13th, m \\'ash· for the Vtatonan dmmondeers ''hen ~Iay Hth only to have the scheduled

1gton, D C Th1., association "as the htghly touted De Paul mne copped game ramed out The locals harl hoped

1rmed recently m Ch1cago for the pur the retlun game of the ~ettes 8 to 7, to chalk up anothet \tctor~ O\et the I ~;~ e::::r::::tt~n~o~ :~!10:::~:r~:; m Chicago on i.\ld..\ 27th The locals :-.Jorthetn IllinOis bo~s and felt qmte '------------------'

"ere sittmg prett\· at the fu~t of the disappomted "hen thev were fuiced to

Kankakee's Largest Stock


g~s. and a committee of fifteen was mnth "tth a 7 to 2 Je.,td and "et·e con 1 etm n ~ tlhout tl V~once ·Moone\, the

·ganized to perfect an orgamzatwn ftdcnt that the\ had hung up another ~ oung Gtbc.on CJty FI eshman '' ru,

•r the ptoposed dli\C Thi,S committee \tc..toJy 0 ,.e1 the C hicagoans but the <ilated to mal<o ht~ Little-. Nmeteen de

to report their fmdtngs to the asso Demon& dectded other\\ Jse In their but o,, m~ to the hea', ::.chedule of

atlon snmellme next Januarv Father half of the fmal mmng the~ ga.tneied the In~h •t Is thought that there wtll

aguJre f-, the on!\ Cuhohc membet ::.tx 1 unc; on ::. Ix hits one euot one be no attempt made to phY off the

1 it.. man gettmg htt '' Ith a pitched ball game

and a base on balls It actual!~ seemed

a<> tf the De Paul team collected a "ebe i 1b New Church Dedicated ()n Sunrlay ).l,:i\ 1 ~th Ca1 dina! Mun ''hole &ea::.on s Slt)IJI Y of break& m Cat n ey tf

Jem 1le(ltcatPrl the ne'' chw ch of one game '' htle the Ittsh tecen ed '' ooch ss ;r Lad) of l\fprr) m Ctcero \\lth \ety more than then share of the sea .... on s Romat~ 3b

1pres"'J\E. CL t emonJf'-.. The church \\a"' allotment of eriOt::. at one ttme-se,en Aheatn c

tilt lau~f>h thtoug-h the effctts of Dill rodd pitC.hed a \\Onderful game lodcl p

~~r "'tlham Gnfftn Jt<:> pa'-otot, and up unttl the Ja<;:.t of the ntnth,-befOte

Joyal frtentl of the. Colle.;-e Until that f~ttal mntng he had allo~ed but Tot1.b

r·Pntl\' the u tns hn·<' a<><:~Jsted fne -.c.attert-d hlts and hJ.d <;tt uck out

thiS<:lh on Sunde\\::. '51'- rn 1.! bat&men Hts teammate& had DJ: PACL

pushed out ele' en bmg\eo:, undc t h1::. Dea <;:.S

fConunued fl'Om Pa,4'e S1x) genet 'l.l~hiP and hctd be~tde~ the othet G 1 oeen cf

'ATJ: XORM\L AB R H D t\\O t1lll e-, scoted ft\e run~ 111 OnP tn Lalllttu& If

ule-ra 2}) 5 2 3 1 ntng the <:.txth In that ~lotiDus c;tdn/.a Dodte tf

, a.n If 1 2 1 0 Carne\ "Ingled foi hts fu st lnt of the Ha1 r 2b

ello ~!-t 2 0 1 1 <1 n 1ftu \'\ ebet had flnned , .,·oods Bellucct c

lt"adden <:~<, 3 0 1 0 htt -;afeh .and '5ent Cat ne) to thtrd '-\<-chu 1b

l•heT cf 6 1 2 0 1

" uod-, then &tole second and Romarv L'\ on<., ~b

rwc 1 b 4 4 2 0 1 rloubh .. d to JeCL T\\· 0 1 un~ camt m Nol m ~b

ln Gunll) tf 1 1 1 0 Ahea1n IJIOught R omaty tn v.1th a long OConnor p

·-mard c 6 2 3 11 safe l·ut Todd next man up t eached c( an ::-..x HlcrRon 1b -1 1 0 0 ru·st on Dea s e11 ot and then o:,tole

hMon t t 2 1 0 0 and Todd ct o-.~ed the rubber

4 0 1 0

' 1 1 0 4 1 1 2

4 1 1 31 4 1 1 0

4 1 0 0

----30 7 11 7

AD R H :C ; 1 1 2

5 1 1 0

0 I) 1 2

-1 1 2 0

5 1 1 0

4 1 2 0

-1 1 2 0

2 0 0 0

1 0 0 0

1 0 0 0

0 1 0 0

36 8 11 2 Jan P 3 1 0 0 I '5€'-Co nd Hamtlton s tn gle.d and Ahc un 'l otal-.

h1te rf 0 0 0 1 ThE' De Pau l Jan.:, pla\ecl bOorl 1J dl "111 X"\. Datted fot 0 Con not In the nmth

vbC'rt 1 f 2 0 1 0 dllltl1 f, th l- game but <-a\ e-d their fmal Stt uck out- bv Toclcl 6 b) 0 Con not

mner P 0 ° 0 0 effot t'!. t.tll the nmth 0 Con not the 5

mer ll 1 0 1 0 .,"lme ~entleman "ho "a~ defeated on J'a<c.e on ballb-off Todd 6 off 0 Con


I Till a)

---- the f1eld wh1flccl c;1x. men ..t.nd

4·1 15 16 3 g-a\e but t\\O free t1c..keits to ftr::.t I Lautttu.;, Bod1e BellucCI and Ac:;cher 001 220 3-ll 0-14 Lac.h tapped Todd fo1 two hth The

~2~ 000 bOO ::-..-15 t\\o enots of DPa the <:.hortstop were

1101 "

T\\0 base hit<:.-:Cva t d Laffe} Ro

mat\ (\· Jalol) Ll:?Ulttu~ BodlC (DePaul)

Score In mmngs

the on\~ mat on the , IC.tor s &core St Vw.tu1 000 105 001-7 11 7

020 000 006-8 11 2 T\\0 ba~e htt&-:\fulet'l. R\an Leon .,heel De Pcwl

d J l.multon 2 E\ a 1 d w1th till ee c:on.tet1e~ a nd Laf

rhrtebac:~e hits-,\cbbet 2, Laffey lfC'' ,,Jth l\\o \\e1e the hea\v httte1s !lome- !Un'l-H.O\\€' leon<t!d fc.t tht. noutbonnats li l'">h The::.e l\\0

'{tolent ha~c.,-Van c.undy 2 Cu nev pl""l.veJc, ~nd R omil t J suc.ceeded m get

Wood... I tmg t clouhlc ar)lec.e off of 0 Connors

--lncrlftt e hit'!.-Anclc-r-,on ~. \\ ood& toc.;.,eo:, na...~e on bctil~-Qf! Macktv 2 -off By a. &ettes of <.OnJCldent-, both teamc:;

.one} 2 off '1 odd J off r 1 } an 1 ~ot clc' <'n htt ~ tncl no n~ tn on e ithet

Shint•l 2 lNtm c.ucc.eeded 111 sc01 ing more than

l..ill· uck uut-by 1\loone\ 2 hy Todd 1 one tun The \\ l"> anothct one Ill'} 111 2 In Shim 1 J cf tho<>e p1oofc; of th..t.-t old allage t!Mt

fllts-otr ~IM"h.C\ 2 111 1 11111111g off the b tme 1<;. ne\ cr "un unttl the la~t

l(Jle-} 11- In L 1nntnAq ott Todd 2 tn m1.n to:, o ut 111 th e. mnth

mnin!{ .... off Dn tn H In 7 mmngo; DO'\. <:JC.Ole

r Sllllnnn l 1n 1 m11h1g off ~htn<.l J ::,_r \lATOn.

3 tnmn..,-. I mpht.-).!Ltttuon

I hnP-3 12

11"<tmilt<Jn If

·r·, 11 c1 -b

I LffC\ d

NOTRE DAME CONVENT Accredited to Illinois University

A Select Boa.rdmg Sch ool for Girl" and Young Lad ies.


4 1 1 0

5 1 3 2

' 0 2 0

Thi--. in."l tltution is <Ond uctNl b) the LSters of Notre Dame, and offers t'Vt\ry Op(lOJ1unit)o to ) o un g- ln<lJe..o;, for a thorough (...h.ristian and secula r

tod ucntion . Prices r easonable For Oata lot:uo, address

~I~TER. S t 'PERIOR, ' otre Drune Con\1en t


GOOD CLOTHES FOR EVERY MAN We have clothes for young men, mature men, univeroity men­

in short we're now showing


Fashion Believes m G. G. G. Weaves


J?-IFFE~§ONS -- .............-- MENS -....._ ~_____<l.!!.TFIT~-=::::_.:::::,.

I Hotel Bldg. Kankakee, IlL I


Welcome Your Banking Business

Cor Court St and Sciluyler Avenue


A. C. C.

New Kankakee Hotel

Barber Shop ] Lamb, Propnetor

Einbeck' s Studio Our photographs are m expen­

SIVe, yet treasured for their worth as living portra its .

153 North Schuyler Ave.

Phone 407 Kan:U.kee, Ill.


Barber Shop

Agent for Down-Town Clean­mg. Pressing and Repairing



Edwin Pratt Sons Co. "Inc."

i\la.nufa.eturers or everything in \ Vire a nd Iron \Vork, Fire Escapes, Wire and Iron F en ces, Store Fronta, &tar Railings, Steel Stairways, Vent Guanls, Structural Steel Work.


When m Kan •·.akee You Are A lways W elcome at the

Merchants' Cafe Pullman Booths, Soda F oun­

tam. MajestiC RadiO Wh.Je You Wait.

Phone 954 J Bereolos, 1\:lgr.



Students Are Especially Welcome

In Rear of Arcade Bldg.

HOTEL KANKAKEE Sidney Herbst, Pres. and General Manager


A hearty welcome awaits the student and' fr1ends of St. V1ator College





252 South East Avenue



fociel!J !Brand CLothes

WILLIAM P. CANNON, M. D. Attending Surgeon to Students and Faculty of St V1ator College

Office Hours: 2. to 4 p. m. 7 to 8 p. m.

Phone Office, Mam 337 Phone H ome, Main 30 73

320-322 Arcade Bldg. Kankakee, III.

Leading Purveyors to the Institutional Table

. .. == Jti.. . , 1


roltV ~(\fn Vf!U'-l cxpt>rlr nc-B In ~upply m~ 0 ~~\It } I oKl J ro(]u<t<.J for lnC:Jtltu tiOnd.l 100 r('llUrlnt HQUtrr.mrntlt hLH p{rt rtul ru, -lt"rvlc..c. c.~.nd bUr v..U ucs bo }un 1 comp.trt~on

0 u f 11 I'-~'-!<; 'lr .lf}r M-11 k iJl'f bHil ffiP t!Jt \ mbol o! fJnr QUJ.IIty toorlq rro n n 1r til pvkrd 1\.11 rJ f our produrtR ltf r Jf\-rrU Jn lhr rrntJln N fiJOIIJt rfJn \ n11 rt lnl rr m ,mfr Jl for you

I I IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL JOHN SEXTON & COMPANY We So!Jc1t the College Men"• \I \'\l f \l'l'LRI~~,P~~:::l~~oi;\1 E C.JtO(f.f('l

Plant·Kerqer I

Patronage \ ILLI'\01'>, OHLf \ '\<; \ -..n IO'\C,<.,BLR1- <,r<,

----------------------------------------------------_1 L-------------------------2 ~----------------------------------------------------" Nationally Known Men's Wear." LIDCAOO

Page 8: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-05-31


""='' uld ha • unted tbe cro11'4 v.rbat

Sodality Convention

1 June 20 to 22, 1930

I Can Change m Exam Dates. I n. "'" - I

u ~ matt4!'T"' Tt::~ town r t h:t ~ntt)' c-~ by I Ji ,. Ht J I toad fll) 141 en ~ f·-.otb&Il 1l1iUI t e Dn.n • f :-- tud! It wu 01'~ Y

f- "" t ,.,... r 1<8 t mt"~ t~ln~ tr':Pif In JIJinc Itt .. and r :- the .-dl· Jl nned to hold tmo- t-xan:• on Y Y " m n and womtrn at1m l t t tl lor. G( tbo e bout to y,; i~k. I !.Hh. 20th. 31st . .Tun,. hat ':ll - d. Mlt ~ n tiAt ,.. stlf r.-Han ,.. rl mr,.t~>nrr-: •ha11 e. J'OU lha th~>y m:'llntaln a. t un '-wing to tM Jntf"n~t>nt n of A~ffnt n

Th,.y en~ ,..,_~ thinK• and dfl thr'll r,... lt-uE'(I wlrt'l t•n ffl Prem~ prlntr.r-tele- Thurfltda.J, t corat.on J>:ly, nd r :ld2)'

m rk t~1Y we! Th'Y b v l,.a, t4 cr ph IM'r 14~ and print more SJI'Qrtllt !II lj(' tdf"fl t ~'-e th,.. .. .-. t.l;. ys P~

turd I y 'I, I


Printin En<:Tanng. Office pplies. Lo e Lc f

Form._ Bindcn. Etc.

264 East Merchant StT""t

Telephone 406 Kankakee, Ill

'"' ,d u ( r, 'In" r •hl!lr afhlet Cll nnu: 1,.., one day than th •ocat rLgS UM"! ff"n-nc(' . .-\ceonhng to tbf' new !~Ch~ ( t'-tllfn~. Alii ('(,•,,r• ,,r fJilf~TB and y~>.ar .. ,,,, lh(' exam~ will hfM ~lay Slott.~------------------------------ln a ~€',·k. The 1,.. ng> paiJ('rs are I "" 1

t...:Jtrkt~, and AA Jlt• ttl nta: of lh'!'"~" "'ay• ~l.H1 l use Little • 'ln•·t~n m.'ltter. ,••m ~r•J •r,-• H. r. • £th.

t:htll~J{>8 ftll•l hr:t•l "' thMr •t•ul,nt Or· rmrtJru!t~rly th ... Jl•·rald and f-:xanllnfl, RIEL y & RIEL y

An•! t~~ rn,.n<l< h( noc•lorn Y''""" '""'· lh•·Y hnd l l"'" [or it. C HAS. c. RIEL y DON LD 1 RIE.L' J:lnl1 .. 'i.tJOnl! H'' ~ht-n th,.y \\'nOt r) n. proe-·Bea~ n fr.r(' Irish Gain Sweet \

•nen ""'' w"m•n h•v" h•llc,.,.,, that 1 ,,.,.u,,. that the c· nr"n·nro I< un~"' Revenge on Blue ELECTRJCAL CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS , .. (! hrhnft!Nl l(t.rwl IJUrtllllt•R ran he n. great hanrlft~p bf>caU"f' or Its ~~:lz(•, (CnntmUPfl !r()lll Pflli:'C 1-,hP)

luru• .. d In 1• Hlr·nhlp ' "· r, .. rJ onrl n·ll· that ~t Yl•tor ls ju. t :tnother namf"

~tl•~~JII, \\hr• hn\·r• f<-1!•,\H•J 11,. wnrk ot n.mnn"' twf'nl>' thru· others. It mn.y lif• ~TTh,••_ 1'',"T'\~f~ore-: thul th•• profX)f4•·d "'Pill o( thf' f'on- -fhn g.,,JalllY an•l ttw R H. r• durin.~{ thP- r• rr·nf'•• will rrm .... rJ.r thnt-it c<·rtnlnJ:or· \\'o(«l" ~s paRI )'l:lrl'll, know that h:tf"k c,f tha.t ,. ... 111 makP n lt·9s c~~mplic.afNI r:\f'f' !of' <"~!rnf'y r[

m'tVC'trwnt hat~ l)("f-n nnl• lrnplldt truHt, thf' fan to follow, but until that clay, \\'t·IJ(·r lb ·- ·

n tru~l In uJ,!\JI)-', natur;tl lt•;tcll·l"l<~hlp, ran't WI> do !'C~"mNhlng to lt>l th,.. world r .• .afff'Y d

nnrl ro·al umu·\(l~hnN~-s n! ..\m•·rkan nul~ld,.. Kankn.kt·f' nnrl Bloomington ~nd Ah~'rn c

ynun'~ Jlf·npl•·. {In that tnlRt w:I.M f r>unll· Fort "'nynf" know thnt ~Om(' other Hnm:tr;r 3h

I II I hf' hdlr r tlutl, ~-:l\'f•n H dmnc,~. th<'Y r .. .atholir. C'Ollf"g(' bf·~\d('R :-.:'otrf" Damf· f>X·. Poml)(>rt 1(

wouJ,I wflnt tn hi· l••atl•·rs In th•lr n·li· l~lH, ploy J.rnmf'~ anrl wln~ n mnjorHy Hunt, .J. ~h gl••n nPJ tiH·y ar11 In •·tht·r things.

o r th ... m? \\'hilt· th,-.. !-\oclallly an1l thf' H. S. ('.

R. E. IT. flfllll'rl 10 ("J'f•;llH that ~)llrJt () ( )f-;lt\(•r•

,.hlp wllhln llv• Ml"'hool, llwy ni!IO alnwt1

1 hrnu~:h :1 nn1J11I C'o n vr·ntlnnR tn mnkt'

'I hi~ rt·lhdou!1 l• ·~ul· ~· \hlp nn.tirmrtl In

Clean Sweep


f 1Julnulltt•'IIY

of All Offices (f'~ ntJnlll'fl from P1uw Ont-.)

Todd Jl


::\l'.il.LIKIX 1J

('oul~on 2h

.\nrtrf'WR lb

T:urn c !'IJIII'Tulhl Tllanlrt·Mt:tllunH o r national h:ll'k wllh us o~u·, hn~ won tor Gf'd<" mh }1!-4

ttl 111 t.·nt .-.. IIKi<•ll~ It adPI-~hiJl \\~h('n H·~~h cf l,r.on f•l :!,llllfl nr tlw country·~ tlntHt hlm~t:l( a J:u·g~· place In tlw l'St~·em o r \lfl'f>)' l'f

C;ll hnllr Yi HilL' nwn untl wornf'n come 1'\'CI'Y man on the campu~, Sllf Ci r-ien l Pun·t>ll 3h

IOJ.;.-th• 1', !:til< n·lh;lon tor tht'N' day~. PI'OI C ot which lli thC' dignity and lm- Smith If

pbn fnr t'ntlwlk adion. nnd lmd~l o n portancl:' o( thC' o f(I Cf' to which he ha.~ Hankin~ p

tlw lmpnrt.\IH't' of Jll'l"l-IOilid holllwss. h(•t•n ral~ed. As hiS altern:l.l<', llf' will

llw .-trN·t ll\Ul'-lt lnp,·Jtahl y hf> fl'll. not han• H erh Slwa. a fellow classmate of 'T'dals

AB H. HE ti 1 :! fJ

• 1

I 1

•• 4 ~ 1 " 1 0

···- I 1 1 0 ..... 3 1 I 1

5 1 - 0

-10 1!! 1!! 3


4 0 1 l

-- 5 0 0 2

5 0 2 0

~ 0 0 4 <) 0 0 0

3 1 0 0

I 0 0 1

2 2 1 0

2 0 0 1

30 3 4 9 only In tlw ~-wh~>t•h<~ l"i'JH"r ~ent.Pd, bul twn ye-;ns I'E'Sidcncc l.'mp•re

I IH·ouJ.: hnut lhl· whnll' nt C'ath r>llc l'dU· Mt· Romary, the only unopposed Cusack, Chicago.

man on th(' ballot, 1~ ot the cla<>"S o( '32.

,\lol'l' thon th:ll, lht~ 1 ffN·t w i ll en'n· He I!-! a well known figure on lhf• cam- 'rim S.\L00:-1 HELPED HIM

t nnlly lw f··lt nn the commu nlli N! into pus. and a stn r In !ootb:lll , baske tball

whldl I h~·~ l' Hl.lld4•nt h.•adl'l'~ wlll In and IJa.."<eball.

" It any m a n h e re," shouted the tem­

perance speaker, "can name an honest

lntt'l' ll!t g-o tn <·any on thf' Cilthollc 'fh<.• outgoi n~ President, i\l r. \\·arne, busjness that has been helped by the

\('adt·n~hlp tlwy hnYt' INlrned dul'lng Is one ot the moRt. popular m e n on the saloon. I ·will spend the rest o! my lite

Ht urt,~n t d:\ys campus. A man of unusunl ability, he ha.c; headed nlmost every Important working !or the liquor people."

l'tl, ns tlw :o-·liHh.•nt h~ad~.•r!-l gntllC'r In Chicago this !-!U mmt.'-1', their Convention n ctl\'lty on the CJmpus-Presiclenl or A ma n in the audience arose. "I con·

1:-~ hnunrl to lw of Immense lnlpol·tnncc. thf' Collegr Club, Managing editor or Sider my business an honest one," he

Fln~t. It i~ ,, tt·lhutl' or tl'ust In the lht." Ylatorinn. D e bate,-, and chairman 1 said, •·and it has undoubtedly been

c, [ (.'\'f'ry comrn1ttee or whatnot that I' h elped by the saloon." ~twll'nt~ llwm~t·lYl~s. lt R:.lY~ Implicitly,

"Wt• who r\1'(' rt•!-tpon~lhle t''t' the Soda­

lily and tlw S S. C lwlit~n, that you

t-;tlllh~nt"' f':ln h•ad In n•ligion quite as

enmpt~tflntly a~ \'OU ('an IL•nd in ath

lctk~. Journalhun or }!Oclnl \ir(•."

\ 1.;"1\ 111 It will h:nt' Important ('Oil~e·

•tut•nc··~ !Pt' llw lndl\'ldunl sdlOols whe~ 'l"'':-.l :n•ar the hnde1·~ come hack with

lll'\\~ o r lht~ (\lJl\"(>ll(iOn, With plans

and mt'thotl~ tht'Y ~;\\"!.~ h•nrnC'd thC'rt',

llntl In lnC'n'a-.t•d appreciation t\( thE'

\aiUl' 1•! tlwh- l'nthnllc t:'dut•a.tion. The

~pldtu:\1 or~;mlzatlon~ nt the ~chool

l':\.IHWl hut kan forw:trd to n ew lit.? \mth~r lht~h· IN\dt·r~hip :\n~l tn&pinl.tit'n

lo'innlly. ll\~cau~C' of tht' C'eonYcntieon.

hundr\'ds o! Y\'Un~ lll\'n and women

will h:n(' tak.:on nctln• part in n ~E'nt

C'alholh..• "''ntt•rprl~~. lt:U'n('>(\ to t:tlk nnd

pl:\11. rt:-lh::l~'tts nctlYity. will hnn:- met I l"'l~li..,.,<'lls ~~~~\.d\~r~ fr~'nt :til ('1\"er the

t''l1 lll\try. :~nd h:\\·\~ ft•lt a new pridE' in tht~ l-":1"1,':\tT\t.'~~ (\( th('ir' ('}1\ll'('h

,,.(' Nmnt brc-dy ('ll lh\ l'f!t~('ts of

t'tt~ l't'n" nthll~ .\nd Wt' count ,,n Y\.'Ur

l't"''"•'lh'\' r,, hdp nlakt.• it a ~U\'<'t:'$~

l11l\\ \"t,:7~ Wt•kOlllt~ ::'>"'(U \\ Ill l)('> Wht>n

\\t' all da~p hand:-o at tht> I'almt'r lhl\r~o.:.". \..,hk.\!1:'0 ~lunt"- ~o. :!1, nnd __

has he-en torme<l . To him i~ due the "\Yhat is your business?" yelled the <'n~dlt fo 1· C\'e1·y success of the Club 01·atoz·.

'.n thC' nast year. and d· gpite Its strong ll ''I Sir,·• responded the man, ··am an ~lnt1' of new officers, the Cl ub will reel. hi~ kss keenly J undertaker."

Be a Builder of St. Viator Extension Club Join the Help Raise The

Million Dollar Endowment by outright gift, insura nce, bequest or annuity. You can get 6% on y our m on ey and leave the

capi tal for the Endowment.

"~rite t o r p.:·uticutars to

St. Viator College Extension Club Incorporated

1939 Straus Bld g., 3 10 S. Michigan Ave. Chicag o, Ill. Teleph one Wabash 2 72 7

]. P. O'Mahoney, Treasurer

~~nl I.\ ~~l. s. J 1 ~------------------------------------------------------·----_J

Reliable Cleaners Kankakee, Ill.

Cleaning, Pressing. Repairing. Prompt and Efficient Sen;c•

through our agent- I \IR. SE.'\'\1'\GER

Room 219 Roy Ha~

Leave Your Larmdry and Dry Cleaning With


Dry Cleaners Rug Cleaners 1


I Electricians for St. ia to r College

Telephone 995 362 East Court Streo

D. J. O'LOUGHLIN, M. D. Practice Ltmited to


Be ll Telephone 2 53

602 City National Bank Bldg. KANKAKEE, IL'

KANKAKEE PURE MILK CO. Milk and Cream Bulgarious Butter Mill

396 SOUTH SCHUYLER AVE. Always Drink Pasteurized Milk. Our W agons Pass Your

D oor Every M orning Be fore You H ave Breakfast

Both Phones 45 DRINK MIU

McBroom's Cafe First Class Restauran Established 1908

Meals, Short Orders, Specials and Confection: Private Dining Room for Banquets and Parties




Insurance, Loans and Bonds

60 5-606 Volkman Bldg.

Compliments of

OSCAR "FOXY" BYRON Bourbonnais, Illinois

IDEAL SWEETS CO. Manufacturers of

IDEAL ''That Good lee Cniam"

Wholesale Confectionery and Fountain Supplies


,, ' I