Page 1: St. Rose of Lima Catholic School April 18, 2017 1302 West 18, 2017  · April 18, 2017 NEWSLETTER St. Rose of Lima Catholic

April 18, 2017


St. Rose of Lima Catholic School 1302 West 5th Street Crofton, NE 68730

(402) 388-4393

(Wed) April 19: 8:15 AM Mass 9 AM—10PM Adoration 6:00 PM First Communion Practice (Fri) April 21: “Spirit Day” 8:15 AM Mass

(Sat) April 22: 9:00 AM JH Track at O’Neill 5:30 PM First Communion (Sun) April 23: 7:00 PM Parish Mission

(Mon) April 24: 10:30 AM JH Track at Hartington Jump Rope for Heart 2nd Grade Field Trip 7:00 PM Parish Mission

(Tue) April 25: Raffle Collection Day 7:00 PM Parish Mission

(Wed) April 26: 8:15 AM Mass 9 AM—10 PM Adoration Mission Assembly grades 1-8 (Fri) April 28: “Spirit Day” 8:15 AM Mass Children’s Scholarship Deadline (Tue) May 2: Raffle Collection Day 7:00pm JH Spring Concert @ Crofton High School (Wed) May 3: 8:15 AM Mass 9 AM-10 PM Adoration School of Faith NOON Dismissal

100 Club Winners: April 2: $50 - Beth Dather April 9: $50 - Card #1106

Family Rosary Boxes: April 18: David & Julie Tramp; Duane & Ginger Schieffer April 25: Wil & Yvette Sanger; Dean & Julie Kleinschmit

Please return box to school the following Monday or Tuesday!

Earth Day: This Friday, April 21st students and faculity will

celebrate Earth Day. Please have your student(s) wear tennis shoes and bring gloves. We will be cleaning up the grounds around the school and church to do our part to keep our Earth beautiful. Thank you.

School of Faith: Our FINAL School of Faith day will be Wednesday, May 3rd. Students

will dismiss at NOON and buses will NOT run that day. Please make arrangements for your child(ren) after school.

First Communion: Practice for First Holy Communion for students and

parents is scheduled for this Wednesday, April 19th at 6:00pm in St. Rose Church. **First Holy Communion is scheduled for this Saturday, April 22 at 5:30pm Mass.**

Parish Mission: St Rose of Lima and St. Andrew parish mission presents Steve Angrisano.

The mission will run April 23-26 starting at 7:00pm every night. It will be a spiritual celebration through song and prayer geared for the whole family.

School Raffle: Ticket collection dates are every Tuesday (April 25th,

May 2nd, and May 9th). We need everyone’s help to make sure the raffle runs smoothly. All tickets must be returned by May 9th in order to have them count for the high-selling prizes. Scholarship Opportunity: The Archdiocese of Omaha is once again seeking applicants

for the Children’s Scholarship Funding Program for the 2017-18 School Year. 2016 Tax Forms need to be included with applications and sent to the St. Rose School Office. All information is kept confidential. Application deadline is Friday, April 28th.

Preschool Openings: St. Rose Preschool has openings for both morning sessions and afternoon session for the 2017-18 school year. Please call the school office (402) 388-4393 to register.

Weekly Schedule

Page 2: St. Rose of Lima Catholic School April 18, 2017 1302 West 18, 2017  · April 18, 2017 NEWSLETTER St. Rose of Lima Catholic

Spring Concert and Arts Extravaganza: St. Rose Preschool and

Grades 1--6 will hold their annual Spring Concert and Arts Night on Thursday, May 11th beginning at 7:00 P.M. The doors will open at 6:00 P.M. for the Arts Night. Raffle prizes will be announced after the concert. Everyone is welcome!!

Junior High Music Program: St. Rose Grades 7 and 8 will have a Spring

music program with Crofton Public on Tuesday, May 2nd at 7:00 p.m., Crofton High School Gym.

Graduation Dates and details: 8th Grade Graduation: Mass for the 2017 St. Rose Eighth Grade Graduates will be cele-

brated on Sunday, May 14th at 8:30 AM in St. Rose Church with Fr. Timothy Podraza. Diplomas presented after Mass in St. Rose Hall.

Preschool Graduation: Preschool Graduation will take place on Thursday, May 17th at 7:00

PM in St. Rose Hall for all St. Rose preschoolers. A social will follow graduation ceremonies for preschoolers and guests.

THANK YOU to all of our students who turned in their rice bowls. $342.89 was donated this year!!! We surpassed our

2016 amount by $130.00!!

The 8th grade students enjoyed their annual Lincoln citizenship trip on Friday, April 7th. During the trip, they took an up close and personal tour of Memorial Stadium, including touring the weight room, Heisman Trophy room, Hall of Fame and Tunnel Walk, as well as being able to run out onto Tom Osborne Field. They also had a lunch in the Governor's personal dining room at the Governor's Resi-dence. Students toured the Capitol building and took in a Planetarium show about the Nebraska night sky. The trip concluded with a visit to the University of Nebraska Dairy Store on East Campus.
