Page 1: S.S.C. History Chp 1 Test Paper


Q.1. Fill in the blanks: (5 marks)

1. The European explorers Christopher Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci and _______ were

mainly responsible for discovering the _______ , ____________ and _____________

parts of the American continent in the 15th


2. The Seven Year‟s war of the period __________ concluded with Treaty of ______.

3. The ______ of 1764 was passed by the British Parliament.

4. By an act of 1773, The East India Company acquired a monopoly of _____ trade with


5. Revolution is a _______ and ______ change.

6. The Industrial Revolution commenced first in _______.

7. Use of _____ and _____ was the moving force behind the Industrial Revolution.

8. The period from 1750 to 1850 is generally referred to as ____________.

9. England founded ______ colonies on the eastern ______ of North America.

10. The Stamp Act was passed in _______.

11. The act imposing duties on a number of articles was passed in _______.

12. The first continental congress was convened at __________.

13. ______________ was appointed as the chief of the continental forces.

14. England officially declared war with the 13 colonies on ___________.

15. The colonists proclaimed the declaration of Independence on _____________.

16. ___________ was the architect of the draft of American Declaration of Independence.

17. Flanked by the ________ Ocean on the east and the ___________ on the west, the

continent of America remained ___________ from the rest of the world for many


18. England founded 13 colonies in America during the period _______.

19. The discovering of the new land opened the flood gates for the colonizers from

SEFNP which _______ was first.

20. Eager to reap the benefits of ___________ in the new world.

Q.2. Answer the following questions in 25-30 words: (8 marks)

1. Describe „Age of Revolution‟.

2. From which countries of Europe did the colonizers came to America? Why did they

come to America?

3. Which problems did the colonist face?

4. What did enrage many colonists after the end of Seven Year‟s war?

5. Why did the merchant community grow apprehensive about the sugar act?

6. Why did the stamp act proved to be an unjust act?

7. How did colonists condemn the stamp act? What were its effects?

8. Why was tension mounting between the colonies and England?

Page 2: S.S.C. History Chp 1 Test Paper

Q.3. Give Reasons: (3 marks)

1. On 4th

July 1776, the congress severed all political bonds with England.

2. Lord Cornwallis, the British Commander surrendered on 19th October, 1781.

3. The American war of Independence is regarded as an event having far reaching

effects on world history.

Q.4. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words: (8 marks)

1. Which Incident was known as „Boston Massacre‟? Why?

2. Give an account of the „Boston Tea Party‟.

3. Why did the representatives declare, “No Taxation without representation”?

4. Why was the first continental congress convened at Philadelphia on 5th


1774? What did the congress achieved?

Q.5. Answer the following questions in 80-100 words: (6 marks)

1. Give an account of the American declaration of Independence.

2. What were the consequences of the „American War of Independence‟?
