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  • `- r r Guru-Gaurgau Jayata

    Excerpts from

    rla Vivantha Cakravart hkuras

    r Stavmta-laharr Stavmta-lahar

    Translated from the Hindi edition ofr rmad Bhaktivednta Nryaa Mahrja

  • Contents

    r Gurvaakam ...........................................................................1rla Narottama-prabhor aakam ................................................5r Lokantha-prabhu-varakam ...............................................9r ac-nandana-vijayakam ..................................................13rman Mahprabhor aakam ...................................................17r Svapna-vilsmtakam .....................................................21r Gopla-devakam...............................................................25r Madana-gopla-devakam..................................................29r Govinda-devakam ............................................................33r Gopntha-devakam.........................................................37r Gokulnanda-govinda-devakam ......................................41r Svayam-bhagavattvakam..................................................44r Jagan-mohanakam............................................................49Anurga-vall..............................................................................53r Vnd-devy aakam .............................................................56r Vndvanakam .................................................................60

  • @{r Gurvaakam

    -fi--& `' | -@fi fi ||1||

    sasra-dvnala-lha-lokatrya kruya-ghanghanatvamprptasya kalya-guravasyavande guro r-cararavindam (1)

    Who like a dense raincloud of compassion showers the water of his mercy upon those who are afflict-ed by the blazing forest fire of material existenceI worship the lotus feet of r Gurudeva, who is anocean of auspicious qualities.

    @--fi&Y |

    ---fi fi ||2||

    mahprabho krtana-ntya-gtavditra-mdyan manaso rasena

    romca-kampru-taraga-bhjovande guro r-cararavindam (2)

    Who while blissfully performing sakrtana, dancing, singing, and playing musical instruments isimmersed in the prema-rasa given by r Caitanya Mahprabhu and displays symptoms of devotionalecstacy such as bodily hairs standing erect, shivering, and the profuse shedding of tearsI worship thelotus feet of r Gurudeva.


  • -- fi-@fi |

    # # fi fi ||3||

    r-vigrahrdhana-nitya-nngra tan-mandira mrjandau

    yuktasya bhakt ca niyujato pivande guro r-cararavindam (3)

    Who regularly engages in services to the Deities of r Rdh-Ka, such as dressing Them in a man-ner which serves as a stimulus for Their amorous pastimes and cleaning Their temple, and who alsoengages his disciples in these servicesI worship the lotus feet of r Gurudeva.

    @-fiB # |

    fifi fi ||4||

    catur-vidha-r-bhagavat-prasdasvdv-anna-tptn hari-bhakta-saghn

    ktvaiva tpti bhajata sadaivavande guro r-cararavindam (4)

    Who upon satisfying Kas devotees by arranging for them to eat the four varieties of deliciousmah-prasda foodstuffs (that which is licked, chewed, drunk, and sucked) is also greatly satisfied him-self (because he knows that this bhagavat-prasda will destroy their attachment to material enjoymentand make blissful Ka-prema arise within their hearts)I worship the lotus feet of r Gurudeva.

    -@---- |

    fi fi fi ||5||

    r-rdhik-mdhavayor apramdhurya-ll-gua-rpa-nmnm

    pratikasvdana lolupasyavande guro r-cararavindam (5)

    Who is always very eager to relish the unlimited sweet pastimes, divine attributes, beauty, and namesof r r Rdh-MdhavaI worship the lotus feet of r Gurudeva.


  • - --fl @# |&-fififi fi ||6||

    nikuja-yno rati-keli-siddhyaiy ylibhir yuktir apekay

    tatrti-dkyd ati-vallabhasyavande guro r-cararavindam (6)

    Because he is expert in assisting the sakhs as they devise plans to help the Divine Couple meettogether to enjoy Their love-sports within the kujas of Vraja, he is very dearI worship the lotus feetof r Gurudeva.

    -&-`# fl | @

    fi fi ||7||skd-haritvena samasta-strairuktas tath bhvyata eva sadbhikintu prabhor ya priya eva tasyavande guro r-cararavindam (7)

    All the scriptures declare that he is nondifferent from r Hari Himself, and even saintly personsshould meditate on him in this way. However, he is simultaneously the dear devotee of BhagavnIworship the lotus feet of r Gurudeva.

    fiflfifi | &fi fi ||8||

    yasya prasdd-bhagavat-prasdoyasyprasdn na gati kuto pi

    dhyya stuvas tasya yaas tri-sandhyavande guro r-cararavindam (8)

    By his mercy only does one attain the favour of Bhagavn, and without pleasing him no one can evergain emancipation from material bondage. Praising and meditating upon his magnificent glories threetimes daily, I worship the lotus feet of r Gurudeva.


  • fi{fi-@ @ |

    fi- ||9||

    rmad-guror aakam etad uccairbrhme muhrte pahati prayatnt

    yas tena vndvana ntha sktsevaiva labhy januo nta eva (9)

    Those who loudly recite this Gurudevtaka with great care during the brhma-muhrta (the auspi-cious period of approximately one hour and thirty-six minutes before sunrise) will at the end of theirlives obtain the qualification to render direct service to the moon of Vndvana, r Ka.


  • %-r Narottama-prabhor aakam

    --@-&-fi---- |-fi -% ||1||


    gaurga-devnucarya tasmainamo nama rla-narottamya (1)

    Whose moon-like face, which emits a shower of the nectar of Ka-nma, is so radiant that it dispelseveryones darkness of ignorancetime and again I offer prama unto that follower of r Gaurga-deva, r Narottama hkura.

    s@fi-fi--fi-Y-Y-fi |fi - -% ||2||

    sakrtannandaja-manda-hsya-danta-dyuti-dyotita-dimukhyasvedru-dhr-snapitya tasmainamo nama rla-narottamya (2)

    Whenever he performed Harinma-sakrtana, his sweet and gentle smile would illuminate with joythe faces of the presiding goddesses of the ten directions and he would be bathed in the streams of hisown perspiration and tearsagain and again I offer prama unto that r Narottama hkura.


  • fi---&--fi-BB- |

    Y Y- -% ||3||

    mdaga-nma-ruti-mtra-cacat-padmbuja-dvandva-manoharyasadya samudyat-pulakya tasmainamo nama rla-narottamya (3)

    Upon hearing the sound of the mdaga, he would dance in such a way that the movements of hislotus feet enchanted everyone, and upon entering into nma-sakrtana his bodily hairs would immedi-ately stand erect in ecstacytime and again I offer prama unto that r Narottama hkura.

    @-@----- |{-- -% ||4||


    sva-sa-gna-prathitya tasmainamo nama rla-narottamya (4)

    Whose skilful dancing pulverised the pride of the Gandharvas and amazed the scholars, and whobecame famous due to the sweet songs which he composedtime and again I offer prama unto thatr Narottama hkura.

    fi-@---- |@ - -% ||5||


    yad-darana-bhgya-bharea tasmainamo nama rla-narottamya (5)

    When overcome in the ecstacy of Ka-prema he would faint and fall to the ground, his entire bodywould become adorned with the ornament of dust, and his darana was obtained by those who wereabundantly pioustime and again I offer prama unto that r Narottama hkura.


  • -- |@ -% ||6||

    sthale sthale yasya kp-prapbhiknya-t jana-sahatnm

    nirmlit eva bhavanti tasmainamo nama rla-narottamya (6)

    Who by establishing in place after place jalasatra* centres for the free distribution of his mercy thor-oughly uprooted that which is different from Ka: the peoples t, their desires for material enjoy-menttime and again I offer prama unto that r Narottama hkura.

    *A jalasatra is a centre established by the government for the free distribution of water in times ofdrought.

    fi#-}-@ @ |' fi fi -% ||7||

    yad-bhakti-nihopala-rekhikevaspara puna sparamava yasyaprmyam eva rutivad yadya

    tasmai nama rla-narottamya (7)

    Whose resolute faith in bhakti is like a line etched in stone, whose lotus feet are like touchstone andcan fulfil all the desires of anyone who touches them, and whose words are as authoritative as theVedastime and again I offer prama unto the lotus feet of that r Narottama hkura.

    @ # - | fi -% ||8||

    mrtaiva bhakti kim aya kim eavairgya-sras tanumn nloke

    sambhvyate ya ktibhi sadaivatasmai nama rla-narottamya (8)

    After those who are actually intelligent in this world of men would receive his darana, they wouldask themselves, Is he not the very personification of bhakti? Is he not the embodied essence of renun-ciation?time and again I offer prama unto the lotus feet of that r Narottamahkura.


  • --- -% |fi {fi fi fi ||9||

    r-rdhik-ka-vilsa-sindhaunimajjata rla-narottamasya

    pahed ya evakam etad uccairasau tady padav prayti (9)

    Whoever loudly recites this aaka describing r Narottama hkura, who is forever immersed in theocean of r Rdh-Kas amorous pastimes, will certainly obtain spiritual perfection.

    `'-B{---Yfi fi-fi |%--

    fi -fi ||10||kruya-di-amitrita-mantukoi-

    ramydharodyad ati sundara-danta-kntirman-narottama-mukhmbuja-mandhsya

    lsya tanotu hdi me vitarat-sva-dsyam (10)

    May r Narottama hkuras gently smiling lotus face, whose elegant lips reveal the splendour of hisvery beautiful teeth, which destroys the reactions to even millions of offences that may have been com-mitted by those who have taken shelter of him, and which bestows merciful glances, grant me a posi-tion as its servant and always dance in my heart.

    fi----- |%-fi-- @ {- ||11||

    rjan-mdaga-karatla-kalbhirmagaurga-gna-madhu-pna-bharbhirmamrman-narottama-padmbuja-maju-ntyabhtya ktrthayatu m phalitea-ktyam (11)

    Made blissful by the exceedingly sweet sound of the mdaga and karatlas and drinking the honey ofthe glorification of r Gaurgadeva as his lotus feet dance in a most enchanting fashionmay thatr Narottama hkura gratify me, his lowly servant, by bestowing the fulfilment of my internal desire.


  • --{r Lokantha-prabhu-varakam

    ---%---% | - ||1||

    ya ka-caitanya-kpaika-vittastat-prema-hembharahya-cittanipatya bhmau satata nammas

    ta lokantha prabhum rayma (1)

    The mercy of r Caitanya-deva is his only wealth, and his heart is adorned with the golden orna-ments of Gaura-premafalling on the ground, I take shelter of that Lokantha Goswm Prabhu.

    -fi----- |-@-- ||2||

    yo labdha-vndvana-nitya-vsaparisphurat-ka-vilsa-rsasvcra-cary-satatvirmas

    ta lokantha prabhum rayma (2)

    Who always resides in Vndvana, in whose heart realisation of r Kas amorous pastimes is alwaysflowing, and who is always engaged in carrying out his devotional dutiesI take shelter of thatLokantha Prabhu.


  • fifi- --fi- |

    @- ||3||

    sadollasad-bhgavat-nuraktyya ka-rdh-ravadi-bhakty

    ytaym-kta sarva-ymas-ta lokantha prabhum rayma (3)

    Who constantly exhibits his love for both the rmad-Bhgavatam and the bhagavad-bhaktas, andwho day and night is always eager to engage in the nine devotional practices headed by hearing andchantingI take shelter of that Lokantha Prabhu.

    fi-fi--fi ! | -


    svde numajjanti na hanta! ke vyas tev api lghyatamo bhirmas

    ta lokantha prabhum rayma (4)

    How could there not be devotees immersed in tasting the rasa of rendering service to the king andqueen of Vndvana? Certainly there are many, and amongst them he is especially praiseworthy andcharmingI take shelter of that Lokantha Prabhu.

    -- %@ |

    fifi-&-- ||5||

    ya ka-ll-rasa eva loknanunmukhn vkya vibhartti oknsvaya tad-svdana-mtra-kmas

    ta lokantha prabhum rayma (5)

    Who is always sad to see those who are adverse to tasting the rasa of Kas pastimes, and who him-self is always eager to taste that rasaI take shelter of that Lokantha Prabhu.


  • - fi % | - ||6||

    kp-vala yasya viveda kacitnarottamo nma mahn vipacityasya prathyn viayoparmas

    ta lokantha prabhum rayma (6)

    Who is renowned for having thoroughly renounced material enjoyment, and the strength of whosemercy was recognised by a great paita named r Narottama hkuraI take shelter of thatLokantha Prabhu.

    -@ fi-B @fi | - ||7||

    rgnug-vartmani yat-prasddvianty avij api nirvid

    jane ktgasy api yas tv avmasta lokantha prabhum rayma (7)

    By whose mercy even foolish people can enter the path of rgnuga-bhakti, and who maintains afavourable mood towards even those who are sinfulI take shelter of that Lokantha Prabhu.

    -fi-fi-fi |fi - ||8||

    yad-dsa-dsnuga-dsa-dsvaya bhavma phalitbhil

    yadyaty sahas vimasta lokantha prabhum rayma (8)

    By becoming the servant of the servant of his servant, I have become fully gratified and am now faith-ful that I will soon enter into his circle of intimate devoteesI take shelter of that Lokantha Prabhu.


  • {fi `@- |

    -fi Y Y ||9||

    r-lokanthakam atyudrabhakty pahet ya pururtha-sram

    sa majull-padav prapadyar-rdhik sevata eva sadya (9)

    Those who recite this very charming r Lokanthaka, which is the very essence of the four objectsof human pursuit (dharma, artha, karma, and moka), will find shelter amongst the sakhs and renderdirect service to rmat Rdhik Herself.

    `-- Y-fl fl -- fi |

    B - fififi fi-- fi -@ ||10||

    so ya r-lokantha sphuratu puru-kp-ramibhi svai samudyanuddhtyoddhtya yo na pracuratama-tama-kpato dpitbhidgbhi sva-prema vthy diam adiad aho y rit divya-ll-

    ratnhya vindamn vayam api nibhta rla-govardhana sma (10)

    With glances from his shining eyes he has delivered me from the dark well of material existence andinstructed me on the path of prema-bhakti. By his mercy alone I have found shelter near the secludedGovardhana Hill, which is like a storehouse of Kas transcendental pastimes. May that rLokantha Prabhu, along with his glowing beams of mercy, appear within my heart.


  • -fi-{r ac-nandana-vijayakam

    fi! fi- - -@fi |

    fi -fi &-@ `fl- -fi ||1||

    gaddhara! yad-para sa kila kacanlokitomayrita-gaydhvan madhura-mrtir ekas tad

    navmbuda iva bruvana dhta-navmbudo netrayorluhan bhuvi niruddha-vg vijayate ac-nandana (1)

    One day r Caitanya Mahprabhu said to His beloved Gaddhara, On the road to Gay, I saw abeautiful Deity of unprecedented sweetness. As Mahprabhu continued describing what He saw in avoice as deep and grave as thunder, tears began to flow profusely from His eyes and He suddenly felldown unconscious. All glories to that r ac-nandana Gaurahari.

    - fi-& fi- --fi |! fi & &

    ---{ -fi ||2||alakita-car harty-udita-mtrata ki damasv ati budhgrar atula-kampa-sampdikm

    vrajann ahaha! modate na punar atra strev itisva-iya-gaa-veito vijayate ac-nandana (2)

    Seeing this and fearing that they were now bereft of the opportunity to learn from their teacher,Mahprabhus disciples cried out in distress, Hari! Hari! Upon hearing these two syllables, Mahprab-hu displayed symptoms of divine ecstacy such as uncontrollable trembling and entered into an unprece-dented, indescribable state. Surrounded by His disciples, He who is the foremost of paitas experi-enced a blissfulness which cannot be obtained by strict adherence to the rules and regulations pre-scribed by the scriptures. All glories to that r ac-nandana Gaurahari.


  • ! fi & -@ fi ! |

    fl @--- fi -fi ||3||

    hh! kim idam ucyate paha pahtra ka muhurvin tam iha sdhut dadhati ki budh! dhtavaprasiddha iha vara-saghaita-samyag-mnyaka

    sva-nmni yad ati bruvan vijayate ac-nandana (3)

    When His disciples began reciting verbal roots from the Sanskrit language, Mahprabhu said, Mydear students! What are you saying? Time and again chant Ka! Ka! How will one become puri-fied by learning Sanskrit grammar without the name of Ka? Even while teaching the first letters ofthe alphabet one should give instructions regarding Ka-nma. All glories to that r ac-nandanaGaurahari.

    -fi fi-@-fi@fi fi fi fi |

    - @ -fi ||4||

    navmbuja-dale yad-kaa-savarat-drghatesad sva-hdi bhvyat sapadi sdhyat tat-padam

    sa phayati vismitn smita-mukha sva-iyn itiprati-prakaraa prabhur vijayate ac-nandana (4)

    r Haris eyes are the same shape, colour, and length of the petals of a freshly blossomed lotus flower.Always meditate on this within your hearts and strive to attain love for Himwhat fruit will all yourefforts to study Sanskrit grammar bestow? Mahprabhu smiled and laughed as He taught His aston-ished disciples in this way. All glories to that r ac-nandana Gaurahari.

    @fi ! Y | fi @ -#- @ -fi ||5||

    kva yni karavi ki kva nu may harir labhyattam udiatu ka sakhe! kathaya ka prapadyeta mm

    iti dravati ghrate kalita-bhakta-kaha ucsa-mrchayati mtara vijayate ac-nandana (5)

    O friend! Tell Me, where should I go? What should I do? Where will I find Hari? Who will tell Mewhere He is? Who will give Me shelter? Speaking in this way, with a melted heart Mahprabhu wouldbegin rolling on the ground, and sometimes in great distress He would place His arms around His devo-tees necks, thereby causing His mother immense sorrow. All glories to that r ac-nandana Gaura-hari.


  • @fi-fi -`-- - @ | - fi-fi - @ -fi ||6||

    smarrbuda-durpay tanu-ruci-cha-cchyaytama kali-tama kta nikhilam eva nirmlayan

    n nayana-saubhaga divi-ad mukhais trayanlasann adhi-dhara prabhur vijayate ac-nandana (6)

    Mahprabhus splendorous bodily complexion, which is not attainable even for millions of Cupids,uproots the filth of mankind in Kali-yuga and dissipates their darkness of ignorance. The sweetness ofHis lips delights the eyes of even the demigods. All glories to that r ac-nandana Gaurahari.

    - - fi& |fi-- @

    fifi@ -fi ||7||aya kanaka-bhdhara praaya-ratnam uccaih kiran

    kpturatay vrajann abhavad atra vivambharayad-aki-patha-sacarat suradhun pravhair nija

    para ca jagad rdrayan vijayate ac-nandana (7)

    Like a mountain of gold, r Gaurgadeva displayed unlimited compassion by happily bestowing thejewel of Ka-prema upon everyone without any consideration of their qualification for it. Because Henurtured the entire universe in this way, He is known as Vivambhara. He immersed both Himself andothers in the flowing river of His tears. All glories to that r ac-nandana Gaurahari.

    - ! fi fi fi | - -fi--@ -fi ||8||

    gato smi mathur mama priyatam vikh-sakhgat nu vata! ki da vada katha nu vedni tm

    itva sa nijecchay vraja-pate suta prpitastadya-rasa-carva vijayate ac-nandana (8)

    Now that I have arrived in Mathur, tell Me, O tell Me, what is the condition of My belovedVikh? Alas! How will I find out? In this way, of His own sweet, free will Mahprabhu tasted Vrajen-dra-nandanas rasa of separation from Vikh-sakh. All glories to that r ac-nandana Gaurahari.


  • fi { -! -fi!! fi fifi- |- --@

    - fi-` ||9||ida pahati yo aka gua-nidhe! ac-nandana!

    prabho! tava padmbuje sphurad amanda virambhavntam ujjvala-mati nija praaya-rpa-vargnugavidhya nija-dhmani drutam ur-karuva svayam (9)

    O ocean of transcendental attributes! O Prabhu! Hey ac-nandana! Please grant residence in Youreternal dhma to those very fortunate persons of pure intelligence who serve your dear eternal associ-ates and recite this aaka with deep faith in Your lotus feetthis is my prayer to You.


  • {rman Mahprabhor aakam

    Also known as r Svarpa-caritmtam

    ! - & |fi---fi

    fi fi ||1||svarpa! bhavato bhavatv ayam iti smita-snigdhay

    giraiva raghuntham utpulaki-gtram ullsayanrahasy upadian nija-praaya-gha-mudr svayavirjatu cirya me hdi sa gauracandra prabhu (1)

    Svarpa! This Raghuntha will remain in your carewith these sweet words from His smiling facermn Mahprabhu made Raghuntha dsa so happy that his bodily hairs stood erect, and in a solitaryplace He personally instructed Raghuntha dsa on the confidential method to understand the gloriesof His own great love. May that r Gauracandra Mahprabhu always be present within my heart.

    ! fi ! fi fi -& | - fifi

    fi fi ||2||svarpa! mama hd-vraa bata! viveda rpa katha

    lilekha yad aya paha tvam api tla-patre karamiti praaya-vellita vidadhad u rpntara

    virjatu cirya me hdi sa gauracandra prabhu (2)

    Svarpa! How could Rpa have understood My heart? You also should read this verse which he haswritten on the palm leaf in this way Mahprabhu would sometimes exhibit His great prema andsometimes keep it concealed. May that r Gauracandra Mahprabhu always be present within myheart.


  • ! ---fi |

    fi fi fi ||3||

    svarpa! parakya-sat-pravara-vastu-necchatdadhaj jana iha tvay paricito na vetkayan

    santanam uditya vasmita-mukha mah-vismitavirjatu cirya me hdi sa gauracandra prabhu (3)

    Svarpa! There is someone present here who desires to destroy the most elevated devotional stage ofparaky-bhva, have you recognised him?in this humorous way Mahprabhu indicated to everyonethe greatly astonished r Santana, who joyfully laughed at first and then lowered his face in embar-rassment. May that r Gauracandra Mahprabhu always be present within my heart.

    ! fi fi | fi-

    fi fi ||4||svarpa! harinma yaj jagad aghoaya tena kina vcayitum apy athakam ima ivnandajam

    iti sva-pada-lehanai ium ackarat ya kavivirjatu cirya me hdi sa gauracandra prabhu (4)

    Svarpa! I have inspired all the residents of this world to loudly sing Harinma, but what have Iaccomplished if in the end I am unable to make this young son of ivnanda chant Harinma?say-ing this, Mahprabhu made the child suck one of His toes and thereby turned him into the greatest ofpoets. May that r Gauracandra Mahprabhu always be present within my heart.

    ! -B '-- - |

    fi fi fi fi ||5||

    svarpa! rasa-rtir ambuja-d vraje bhayatghana-praaya-mnaj ruti-yuga mamotkahate

    ram yad iha mnin tad api lokayeti bruvanvirjatu cirya me hdi sa gauracandra prabhu (5)

    Svarpa! Describe the characteristics of the rasa of the lotus-eyed Vraja-gops intense jealous love,My ears are eager to hear it. Look! Because Lakmdev has not attained such exalted love, she hasbecome indignant!in this way Mahprabhu revealed His mind to Svarpa Dmodara Goswm. Maythat r Gauracandra Mahprabhu always be present within my heart.


  • ! -fi fifi& `% @ |

    fi fi ||6||

    svarpa! rasa-mandira bhavasi man-mudm spadatvam atra puruottame vraja-bhuvva bhe vartase

    iti sva-parirambhaai pulakina vyadht ta ca yovirjatu cirya me hdi sa gauracandra prabhu (6)

    Svarpa! You are most dear to Me and a temple of rasa! Because you are residing here, this Puruotta-ma-ketra appears to Me to be Vndvanasaying this, Mahprabhu repeatedly embraced SvarpaDmodara around the neck, causing his bodily hairs to stand erect in ecstacy. May that r GauracandraMahprabhu always be present within my heart.

    ! ! ! - |

    fi fi fi ||7||

    svarpa! kim apkita kva nu vibho! nii svapnataprabho! kathaya kinnu tan-nava-yuv varmbhodharavyadht kim ayam kyate kim u na hty agt t da

    virjatu cirya me hdi sa gauracandra prabhu (7)

    Svarpa! What was it that I saw?Prabhu, when did You see it?In a dream last night.Prabhu, what was it like?It was a youth whose bodily complexion resembled that of a fresh monsoon cloud.What was He doing? Is it possible to see Him now?No, I am unable to see Him now.

    Saying this, Mahprabhu would become overwhelmed in grief and fall into an unprecedented state ofemotion. May that r Gauracandra Mahprabhu always be present within my heart.


  • ! & - - ! fifi ! ! | @ fi

    fi fi ||8||svarpa! mama netrayo purata eva ko hasannapaiti na kara-graha bata! dadti h! ki sakhe!

    iti skhalati dhvati vasiti ghrate ya sadvirjatu cirya me hdi sa gauracandra prabhu (8)

    Hey Svarpa! Ka stood before Me laughing but then ran off and I could not catch Him. Alas!Alas, My friend! What will I do now? Saying this, Mahprabhu would fall on the ground, run here andthere, breathe rapidly and whirl around. May that r Gauracandra Mahprabhu always be presentwithin my heart.

    - {fl | -fi

    -- -fi fi ||9||svarpa-caritmta kila mahprabhor aaka

    rahasyatamam adbhuta pahati ya kt praty ahamsvarpa parivrat nayati ta ac-nandano

    ghana-praaya-mdhur sva-padayo samsvdayan (9)

    r ac-nandana Mahprabhu will make those who regularly recite this wonderful and confidentialMahprabhor aaka named the Svarpa-caritmta taste the sweetness of His great prema and acceptthem as eternal associates of Svarpa Dmodara.


  • -{r Svapna-vilsmtakam

    ! B{ fi-& fi' -& |

    fiY Y fiB Yfi - ||1||

    priye! svapne d saridina-sutevtra pulinayath vndraye naana-paavas tatra bahava

    mdagdya vdya vividham iha kacid dvija-maisa vidyud-gaurga kipati jagat prema-jaladhau (1)

    One morning just before sunrise rmat Rdhik said to r Ka, O Beloved! I had a remarkabledream last night. I saw a place which is surrounded by a river just as the Yamun surrounds this Vnd-vana, and the wide banks of that river also resembled those here in Vndvana. The residents therewere dancing expertly just as the people do here in Vndvana, and they were playing instruments suchas the mdaga which are played here. And I saw an incredibly beautiful youth who seemed to be thejewel of the twice-born. His bodily complexion was as brilliant as lightening and He was immersing theentire universe in an ocean of pure spiritual love.

    fi `fi @fi ! | fi -fi- fi fi ||2||

    kadcit keti pralapati rudan karhicid asaukva rdhe! h heti vasiti patati projjhati dhtim

    naaty ullsena kvacid api gaai svai praayibhistdi-brahmnta jagad atitar rodayati sa (2)

    Sometimes that golden youth was crying out H Ka! H Ka! and lamenting in a sorrowfulvoice. He was shedding streams of tears which choked His voice. Exclaiming H Rdhe! Where areYou? He was sighing in deep breaths, sometimes becoming very impatient and unsteady, sometimesfalling on the ground, and sometimes ecstatically dancing. Then, uttering some indiscernable words toHis intimate friends, He fell unconscious. By this behaviour He caused all living entities in the uni-verse, from the blades of grass up to Brahm, to weep and wail.


  • fl@ |

    fi fi ||3||

    tato buddhir bhrnt mama samajani prekya kim ahobhavet so ya knta kim ayam aham evsmi na para

    aha cet kva preyn mama sa kila cet kvham iti mebhramo bhyo bhyn abhavad atha nidr gatavat (3)

    Upon seeing this wondrous spectacle, My mind became so perplexed that My sleep was broken.Remembering how He was calling My name, saying, Hey Rdhe! Where are You? I thought to Myself,Was this youth My beloved r Ka? If it was, then where was I? And remembering how He was call-ing out Hey Ka! Where are You? I thought, Was this brhmaa actually Me? He couldnt possiblybe anyone else! But if I am this brhmaa, then where was My beloved Mdhava? In this way I becamemore and more confused until I drifted back to sleep.

    ! B{ ! fi@-Y @@ |

    % ! fi ||4||priye! dv ts t kutukini! may darita-car

    ramedy mrtr na khalu bhavat vismayam agtkatha vipro vismpayitum aakat tv tava katha

    tath bhrnti dhatte sa hi bhavati ko hanta! kim idam (4)

    Having heard rmat Rdhik describe Her dream, r Ka replied, O Beloved! In the past I haveshown You many of My forms, such as that of Nryaa resting upon Ananta-ea, but You neverbecome astonished upon seeing Them. So why have You become astonished upon seeing thisbrhmaa? O Kutukin (curious prankster)! Why have You become bewildered? This is most astonish-ingwho could this brhmaa be?

    } fifi - | fiP fi B{ -

    B -- @ ||5||iti procya preh kaam atha parmya ramao

    hasann ktaja vyanudad atha ta kaustubha-maimtath dpta tene sapadi sa yath dam iva tad

    vilsn lakma sthira-cara-gaai sarvam abhavat (5)

    After saying these playful words to rmat Rdhik, r Ka thought for a moment. Then Hesmiled and illuminated the Kaustubha jewel on His chest. Instantly that Kaustubha jewel began toshine and within the bright effulgence rmat Rdhik then beheld precisely the same scene that Shesaw in Her dream, including all of the moving and non-moving living entities which were present there.


  • ! ^ ^ | fi@fi& fi ||6||

    vibhvytha proce priyatama! may jtam akhilatavkta yat tva smitam atanuths tattvam asi sa

    sphua yan nvdr yad abhimatir atrpy aham itisphurant me tasmd aham api sa evety anumime (6)

    Upon witnessing in Her wakened state the scene projected by the Kaustubha jewel which was identi-cal to what She had seen in Her dream, rmat Rdhik thought, Aho! My Praanthas skilful clev-erness knows no limit! After some deliberation, She said, O Beloved! I have understood Your inten-tion. That exalted, golden brhmaa youth whom I saw in My dream is none other than Yourselfthefact that You were slightly smiling when You revealed this vision to Me verifies this. But because Youdid not reveal everything to Me, the realisation has arisen within Me that I am also that Gaurga.Therefore it seems that We have united as Gaurga.

    fi -fifi -fi&fiBfi- |

    -#@ - Y fi ||7||

    yad apy asmkna rati-padam ida kaustubha-maipradpytraivddad akhila-jvn api bhavn

    sva-aktayvirbhya svam akhila-vilsa pratijananigadya prembdhau punar api taddhsyasi jagat (7)

    Furthermore, by illuminating this Kaustubha jewel, You have time and again revealed Your broadchest, which is the place of Our love because there I receive Your embrace. From this action it is appar-ent that You will again descend accompanied by all Your potencies and display both Yourself and Yourpastimes before each and every living entity, thus again immersing this universe in an ocean of prema.


  • fi# @ -- -fi @ fi | fi -

    ^ fi fi B ||8||yad ukta gargea vraja-pati-samaka ruti-vidbhavet pto vara kvacid api tavaitan na hi m

    ata svapna satyo mama ca na tad bhrntir abhavattvam evsau skd iha yad anubhto si tadtam (8)

    Next rmat Rdhik said, O Beloved! I have heard that at the time of Your childhood name-givingceremony, Gargcrya, the knower of the Vedas, told Your father Nanda, the king of Vraja, PreviouslyYour son incarnated in white and red colours; now He has appeared in this dark colour, and in thefuture He will also appear in a yellow form. These words of his can never be untrue. Therefore Mydream was trueI have no confusion about this whatsoever. My factual revelation is that You areindeed that very Gaurga.

    fi fi! %- fi-^ @ |P - % -` - ||9||

    pibed yasya svapnmtam idam aho! citta-madhupasa sandeha-svapnt tvaritam iha jgarti sumatiavpta caitanya praaya-jaladhau khelati yato

    bha dhatte tasminn atula-karu kuja-npati (9)

    Aho! Those intelligent persons who drink this wondrous Nectar of Pastimes in a Dream will awakenfrom the dream-like doubt of not knowing whether Nanda-nandana Ka is indeed that very r ac-nandana. Having thus obtained steadfast faith in r Caitanya, such persons will become the objects ofKas abundant mercy and frolic in the ocean of prema.


  • -fi{r Gopla-devakam

    -fi-% -&-%-- P- |- @-

    fi -fi ||1||madhura-mdula-citta prema-mtraika-vitta

    svajana-racita-vea prpta-obh-vieavividha-maimaylakravn sarva-klasphuratu hdi sa eva rla-gopladeva (1)

    Whose heart is sweet and soft, whose only wealth is prema, who is dressed by His mother and otherdear devotees in such a way that He attains an extraordinary beauty, and who always wears varieties ofjewelled ornamentsmay that r Gopla-deva forever appear within my heart.

    `-- @-@---`-fi -fi- |--

    fi -fi ||2||nirupama-gua-rpa sarva-mdhurya-bhpa

    rita-tanu-ruci-dsya koi-candra-stutsyaamta-vijayi-hsya procchalac-cilli-lsya

    sphuratu hdi sa eva rla-gopladeva (2)

    Whose beauty and attributes are matchless, who is the emperor of all varieties of sweetness, whosebodily complexion is served by everyone, whose smile reproaches nectar, whose lotus face is praised bymillions of moons, and whose eyebrows constantly dancemay that r Gopla-deva forever appearwithin my heart.


  • -- ---- P-'- |-- --fi fi -fi ||3||

    dhta-nava-parabhga savya-hasta-sthitgaprakaita-nija-kaka prpta-lvaya-lakakta-nija-jana-raka prema-vistra-daka

    sphuratu hdi sa eva rla-gopladeva (3)

    Who with a special intention in mind (to impress the Vraja-gops) proclaimed His supremacy by bril-liantly holding Govardhana Hill in His left hand, and when doing so revealed the full magnificence ofHis majestic back and was adorned with hundreds of thousands of varieties of lovelinessmay that rGopla-deva, who is highly expert in protecting His devotees and in increasing their prema for Him,forever appear within my heart.

    -fi------ |-- - fi -fi ||4||

    krama-valad-anurga-sva-priypga-bhga-dhvanita-rasa-vilsa-jna-vijpi-hsasmta-ratipati-yga prti has-tagasphuratu hdi sa eva rla-gopladeva (4)

    Since the objective of His ever-expanding pure love is to procure the sidelong glances of the gops, onHis lips always plays a gentle smile which is fully conversant in the matter of the erotic mellow. Healways remembers the Kmadeva-yaja (meaning that He is always remembering amorous enjoyment),and He is a lake for the female swans of lovemay that r Gopla-deva forever appear within myheart.

    -- &^ { |

    - fi -fi ||5||

    madhurima-bhara-magne bhty asavye valagnetribalir alasavattvt yasya punatatvt

    itarata iha tasy mra-rekheva rasysphuratu hdi sa eva rla-gopladeva (5)

    On the right side of His very sweet waist are three lines created by His relaxed mood, and visible onthe opposite side is a charming line which seems to embody Kmadevamay that r Gopla-deva for-ever appear within my heart.


  • -@ @ @ |

    - fi& fi -fi ||6||

    vahati valita-hara vhaya cnuvarabhajati ca sagaa sva bhojayan yo rpayan svam

    giri-mukua-mai-rdmavan-mitrat rsphuratu hdi sa eva rla-gopladeva (6)

    Who when lifting Govardhana Hill to protect Vraja from Indras deluge arranged food and water forHis afflicted devotees who were sheltered below, and who by lifting r Girirja created a friendshipwith him which is similar to His friendship with rdmamay that r Gopla-deva forever appearwithin my heart.

    fi -fi-fi |

    - @- fi -fi ||7||

    adhidharam anurga mdhavendrasya tanvastad-amala-hdayotth prema-sev vivnvan

    prakaita nija-akty vallabhcrya-bhaktysphuratu hdi sa eva rla-gopladeva (7)

    Manifesting within me by His own great potency the bhakti of r Vallabhcrya, the unparalleledspontaneous love of r Mdhavendra Pur, and the prema-sev which overflows within his pure heart,may r Gopla-deva forever appear within my heart.

    fi @fi--@ @ @ |

    fi -fi ||8||

    pratidinam adhunpi prekyate sarvadpipraaya-surasa-cary yasya vary sapary

    gaayatu kati bhogn ka kt tat-prayognsphuratu hdi sa eva rla-gopladeva (8)

    Even now devotees daily take darana of that most exalted worship of Him which is saturated withthe mood of His erotic love for the gops, and there is no scholar capable of counting the varieties oflove-sports and other pastimes which He enjoysmay that r Gopla-deva forever appear within myheart.


  • --fi{ -fi |

    -fi -fi fi -fi ||9||

    giridhara-vara-devasyakenemam evasmarati nii-dine v yo ghe v vane vakuila-hdayasya prema-datvena tasyasphuratu hdi sa eva rla-gopladevah (9)

    May r Gopla-deva bestow prema-bhakti upon and be situated within the hearts of those honestdevotees who remember the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Giridhr r Ka, through the medi-um of this aaka, regardless of whether those devotees reside in a dwelling, in the forest, or anywhereelse, and whether they recite it in the day or in the night.


  • fi--fi{r Madana-gopla-devakam

    fi-`'--` fifi- -fi-- m |

    fi ---`fi-! -fi ||1||

    mdu-talruya-jita-rucira darada-prabhakulia kajri-dara-kalasa-jhaa cihnitamhdi mamdhya nija-caraa-saras-ruha

    madana-gopla! nija-sadanam anuraka mm (1)

    O Madana-gopla! The redness of the soles of Your very soft lotus feet conquer the charming lustre ofthe red higula fruit. Establishing within my heart those lotus feet, which are marked with theconchshell, disc, thunderbolt, lotus flower, waterpot, and fish, always remain before me and protect me.

    ------fifi- |-&---fi! ! fi-! -fi ||2||

    mukhara-majira-nakha-iira-kiraval-vimala-mlbhir anupadam udita-kntibhi

    ravaa-netra-vasana-patha-sukhada! ntha! hemadana-gopla! nija-sadanam anuraka mm (2)

    O Ntha! The sweet jingling of Your anklets, the radiance emanating from Your moon-like nails, andthe fragrance of the garland of forest flowers which hangs to Your feet, give great pleasure to Your devo-tees ears, eyes, and noses respectively. O Madana-gopla! Always remain near and protect me.


  • -fi- --@- ' |--`- fi-! -fi ||3||

    maimayoa-dara-kuilimai locanoc-calana-cturya-cita lavaimai gaayo

    kanaka-taka-ruci-madhurimai majjayanmadana-gopla! nija-sadanam anuraka mm (3)

    O Madana-gopla! As You immerse me in the sweet beauty of Your slightly tilted jewel-studdedcrown, Your crooked glances which dart here and there, and Your charming cheeks which are illuminat-ed by radiant golden earrings, remain near and protect me.

    - fi--@--fi---' |-! -fi-! fi-! -fi ||4||

    adhara-oimni dara-hasita-sitimrcitevijita-mikya-rada-kiraa-gaa-maitenihita-vaka! jana-duravagama-lla! he

    madana-gopla! nija-sadanam anuraka mm (4)

    The garland of effulgent rays emanating from Your teeth defeat the splendour of rubies, and they fur-ther beautify Your lustrous, smiling face. You hold a flute to Your red lips, and Your pastimes are not eas-ily understood by common people. O Madana-gopla! Remain near and always protect me.

    fi--fi-------- |

    -! -`---@fi-! -fi ||5||


    kalita-navybha! nija-rucita-tanu-bhitairmadana-gopla! nija-sadanam anuraka mm (5)

    O Madana-gopla! Decorated with jewelled neck-ornaments, necklaces, anklets, waist-ornaments,bracelets, and earrings, You exude an indescribable splendour. Standing before me decorated with thoseradiant ornaments, always protect me.


  • --fi-fi-`--@fi-----fi |` fi-fi--

    @fi-! -fi ||6||uupa-ko-kadana-vadana-ruci-pallavair

    madana-ko-mathana-nakhara-kara-kandalaidhutaru-ko sadana-sadaya-nayanekaair

    madana-gopla! nija-sadanam anuraka mm (6)

    Your glowing face defeats the effulgence of millions of moons, the splendour of the fresh, blossom-likenails of Your lotus hands smash the pride of millions of Cupids, and Your merciful glances are like anabode of millions of wish-fulfilling trees. O Madana-gopla! Please remain near and always protect me.

    -! ---!Y--! `-`! |

    --fi-! -fi ||7||

    kta-narkra! bhava-mukha-vivudha-sevita!dyuti-sudh-sra! puru-karua! kam api kitauprakaayan prema-bharam adhikta-santanamadana-gopla! nija-sadanam anuraka mm (7)

    O You who are in human form! O You who are worshipped by the demigods headed by Mahdeva! OYou who are the nectarean essence of shining splendour! O You who fulfil the desires of Your devoteeshearts! O Madana-gopla! Having displayed indescribable love in this world since time immemorial,please remain near me and always protect me.

    -- --- '--fi-- |

    fl@fi-! fi-! -fi ||8||

    taraij-tra-bhuvi tarai-kara-vraka-priyaka aastha-mai-sadana-sahita-sthitalalitay srddham anupada-ramita! rdhay

    madana-gopla! nija-sadanam anuraka mm (8)

    Situated in a splendorous jewelled palace beneath a shade-giving kadamba tree on the bank of theYamun, You are perpetually served by rmat Rdhik and Lalit-sakh. O Madana-gopla! Remainnear and always protect me.


  • fi-! fi{ -- |

    ---- fi-! -fi ||9||

    madana-gopla! tava sarasam idam aakapahati ya syam ati-sarala-matir u tamsva-carambhoja-rati-rasa-sarasi majjayan

    madana-gopla! nija-sadanam anuraka mm (9)

    Those who with an honest heart daily recite this sweet aaka at dusk will be immersed in the flowingprema-rasa of Your lotus feet. O Madana-gopla! Remain near me and always protect me.


  • fi-fi{r Govinda-devakam

    fi--#---Y-' | B -

    fifi ||1||jmbnadoa-virji-mukt-

    ml-mai-dyoti-ikhaakasyabhagy n lolupayan da r-

    govindadeva araa mamstu (1)

    Whose head is always adorned with a crown which is composed of gold from the Jamb River, whichis studded with rows of splendid pearls and glistening jewels, which carries a slightly tilted peacockfeather, and which captivates the eyes of everyonemay that r Govinda-deva be my shelter.

    '--- @ | -fifi ||2||

    kapolayo kuala-lsya-hsya-ccavi-ccha cumbitayor yugena

    sanmohayan sambhajat dhiya r-govindadeva araa mamstu (2)

    Whose cheeks, which are kissed by the dancing of His earrings and the splendorous beauty of Hissmile, enchant the hearts of His devoteesmay that r Govinda-deva be my shelter.


  • --- @@- |

    fi fifi ||3||

    sva-preyas-locana-koa-dhu-prptyai puro-varti-janekaena

    bhva kam apy udgamayan budhngovindadeva araa mamstu (3)

    Who in order to drink the nectar of His dearest devotees sidelong glances (and fearing that someoneelse may see) casts His glance only at whomever may be standing before Him, and by doing so transmitsan indescribable bhva into the hearts of those of His devotees who are expert in rasa-tattvamay thatr Govinda-deva be my shelter.

    -'@-'----- |-`fi &@fifi ||4||


    bhr-valganair unmadayan kula-strrgovindadeva araa mamstu (4)

    Combined with His cheek resting upon His left shoulder, the radiance of His earrings, and the lustreof the pearl which adorns the tip of His nose, the movements of His eyebrows madden the Vraja-gopsmay that r Govinda-deva be my shelter.

    fi -fi-@fi-@- |` fi @fifi ||5||

    dre sthits t mural-nindaisva-saurabhair mudrita-kara-pl

    nsrudho hd-gata eva karangovindadeva araa mamstu (5)

    Although the gops remain at a distance from Him with both their ears and nostrils blocked (fearingthat they will become maddened with prema if the sound of His flute enters their ears or if His bodilyfragrance enters their noses), still by the medium of His bodily fragrance He enters their hearts andattracts them to Himmay that r Govinda-deva by my shelter.


  • -'- --- | @fifi ||6||

    navna-lvaya-bharai kitau r-rpnurgmbu-nidhi-prakaisata camatkra-vata prakurvangovindadeva araa mamstu (6)

    Whose great abundance of ever-fresh loveliness immerses His devotees in the ocean of pure love man-ifested in this world by r Rpa Goswm where they experience an indescribable blissmay that rGovinda-deva be my shelter.

    -fi -fi--` |&-fi &-@fifi ||7||

    kalpa-drumdho mai-mandirnta-r-yoga-phmburuhsyay svaupsayas tantra-vido pi mantrairgovindadeva araa mamstu (7)

    Who beneath a wish-fulfilling tree inside a temple of jewels situated upon the lotus-shaped yoga-pha, He is worshipped with His own mantras by His devotees who are well-versed in the scripturesmay that r Govinda-deva be my shelter.

    --@--- |@-&fifi ||8||

    mahbhieka-kaa-sarva-vsolakty-anag-karaocchalantysarvga-bhskulayas trilokgovindadeva araa mamstu (8)

    When at the time of His bathing ceremony all of His outer garments and ornament are removed, theglowing splendour of His fully-revealed bodily complexion enchants the three worldsmay that rGovinda-deva be my shelter.


  • fifi{fi%fi-{-@ | --@fifi ||9||

    govindadevakam etad uccaipahet tadyghri-nivia-dhr yata majjayann eva kp-pravhairgovindadeva araa mamstu (9)

    r Govinda-deva will certainly plunge into the flowing stream of His mercy whoever loudly recitesthis Govinda-devaka with their mind fully concentrated on His lotus feetmay that r Govinda-deva by my shelter.


  • -fi{r Gopntha-devakam

    & fi-- |B@ -@ - @ ||1||

    sye hsya tatra mdhvkam asminva tasy nda-pyua-sindhutad-vcbhir majjayan bhti goprgopntha pna-vak gatir na (1)

    Holding a flute to His sweetly smiling lips, He appears most beautiful as He immerses the Vraja-gopsin the waves of the nectar-ocean of His flute songmay that broad-chested r Gopntha-deva be ourshelter.

    --# Y-%-fi |&-%- - @ ||2||

    ooa-bhrji-mukt srajodyat-picchottasa-spandanenpi nnam

    hn-netrl-vtti-ratnni mucangopntha pna-vak gatir na (2)

    The slight swaying of His peacock feather, which is His most celebrated ornament and which is illu-minated by a splendid string of pearls in His red turban, steals away the jewels of the activities of Hisdevotees hearts and eyesmay that broad-chested r Gopntha-deva be our shelter.


  • B `-- - |----@ - @ ||3||

    bibhrad-vsa ptam rru-knty-lia bhsvat-kikika nitambe

    savybhr-cumbita-prnta-bhurgopntha pna-vak gatir na (3)

    Yellow cloth embraces the unprecedented splendour of His thighs, He wears a radiant band of waist-bells around His hips, and His left shoulder is kissed by rmat Rdhikmay that broad-chested rGopntha-deva be our shelter.

    -#----@ |

    fi- -@ - @ ||4||

    guj-mukt-ratna-ggeya-hrairmlyai kahe lambamnai kramea

    ptodacat-kacukencita rrgopntha pna-vak gatir na (4)

    Around His neck are necklaces and garlands composed of guj, pearls, jewels, and gold which hangdown to various degrees, and His resplendent yellow cloth makes Him captivatingly beautifulmaythat broad-chested r Gopntha-deva be our shelter.

    --- B& - | @-& fi- - @ ||5||

    vetoa veta-suloka-dhautasuveta-srak dvi-traa veta-bhacumban ary-magalrtrike hd-gopntha pna-vak gatir na (5)

    Being bathed in His devotees pure and exquisite glorifications of Him and wearing a white crown, awhite garland, and two or three other white articles such as a turban and a kurt, He attracts the heartsof His devotees who receive His darana at magala-ratimay that broad-chested r Gopntha-devabe our shelter.


  • --fl- @ @ fi |B -@ - @ ||6||

    rvatsa-r-kaustubhodbhinna-romvarai rmn ya caturbhi sadeada premaivti dhanyair ananyair

    gopntha pna-vak gatir na (6)

    He is beautified by these four items: the mark of rvatsa, opulence, the Kaustubha jewel, and theextraordinary lines of hairs on His body. He is always worshipped by His devotees, and He lovinglygrants His darana to those very fortunate souls who are exclusively devoted to Himmay that broad-chested r Gopntha-deva be our shelter.

    --?@-BBY-Yfi- ? | fi-

    @ - @ ||7||tpicha ki hema-vall-yugnta?

    prva-dvandvodyoti-vidyud-ghana ki?kim v madhye rdhayo ymalendur

    gopntha pna-vak gatir na (7)

    Is He a tamla tree entwined between two golden vines? Is He a dark blue cloud between a pair ofgleaming lightning bolts? Is He a dark moon between two luminous stars? These doubts arise in theminds of those who see Himmay that broad-chested r Gopntha-deva be our shelter.

    m @ fi fi@ fi | fi---@ - @ ||8||

    r-jhnavy mrtimn prema-pujodnnthn darayan sva prasdanpuan devlabhya-phel-sudhbhir

    gopntha pna-vak gatir na (8)

    Being the embodied Gaga of profuse love (in His incarnation as r Caitanya Mahprabhu), Hegrants His darana unto those who are destitute and shelterless, and always being very pleased withthem, nourishes them with His mah-prasda remnants which cannot be attained by even thedemigodsmay that broad-chested r Gopntha-deva be our shelter.


  • { {--fi--{- | - - @ ||9||

    gopnthasyaka tua-cetstat-pdbja-prema-pui-bhaviuyo dhte tan-mantu-kor apayangopntha pna-vak gatir na (9)

    Forgiving all their offences, He bestows prema upon those who regularly recite this r Gopntha-devaka with a contented heart and a fervent desire to strengthen their love for His lotus feetmaythat broad-chested r Gopntha-deva be our shelter.


  • fi-fi-fi{r Gokulnanda-govinda-devakam

    -fi@-fi@---- |#- @

    fi-fi! ||1||koi-kandarpa-sandarpa-vidhvasana-

    svya-rpmtplvita-kmtalabhakta-lokekaa sakaa tarayangokulnanda-govinda! tubhya nama (1)

    You pulverise the pride of millions of Cupids, You submerge the entire earth planet in the nectar ofYour beauty, and You delight Your devotees eyesO Gokulnanda-Govinda! I offer prama unto You.

    ---- |fifi-! -@fi-fi! ||2||

    yasya saurabhya-saulabhya-bhg-gopikbhgya-leya lakmypi tapta tapa

    ninditendvara-rka! tasmai muhurgokulnanda-govinda! tubhya nama (2)

    To obtain a mere fraction of the good fortune of the gops, who always relish Your bodily fragrance,even Lakmdev performed severe austerities. Your beauty rebukes the splendour of the blue lotusflowerO Gokulnanda-Govinda! I offer prama unto You time and again.


  • -@ -fi |

    ? ? fi?fi-fi! ||3||

    vaik-kahayor ya svaraste sacettla-rgdimn ruty-anubhrjita

    k sudh? brahma ki? k nu vaikuha-mud?gokulnanda-govinda! tubhya nama (3)

    In comparison to hearing the melodies produced by Your flute and the sweet songs which You sing,what is heavenly nectar? What is knowledge of the impersonal Brahman, and what is the happiness ofVaikuha? O Gokulnanda-Govinda! I offer prama unto You.

    fi-@-@-- |

    fi fifi@ @fifi-fi! ||4||

    yat pada-spara-mdhurya-majjat-kucdhanyat ynti gopy ramto py alam

    yad yao dundubher ghoa sarvajidgokulnanda-govinda! tubhya nama (4)

    By offering their breasts to the sweetness of Your lotus feet, the gops attain a fulfilment far beyondthat of even Lakmdev. The resounding kettledrum of Your fame conquers allO Gokulnanda-Govinda! I offer prama unto You.

    -fi &-`fifi | fi-fi! ||5||

    yasya phel-lavsvdane ptratbrahma-rudrdayo ynti naivnyakedhara rdhum ete pi pivanti no

    gokulnanda-govinda! tubhya nama (5)

    Although the demigods headed by Brahm and iva have become qualified to taste a particle of Yourmah-prasda remnants, an accomplishment which is very difficult indeed for ordinary people, stilleven those same demigods are unable to drink the nectar of Your lipsO Gokulnanda-Govinda! Ioffer prama unto You.


  • @@-fi fi @ | fi-fi! ||6||

    yasya llmta sarvathkarakabrahma-saukhyd api svdu sarve jagutat prama svaya vysasnu ukogokulnanda-govinda! tubhya nama (6)

    Your devotees say that the nectar of Your pastimes is far more attractive than realisation of the imper-sonal Brahman, and Vysas son ukadeva Goswm is a testament to this fact. O Gokulnanda-Govinda! I offer prama unto You.

    @@-#Yfi | fi-fi! ||7||

    yat a-aivaryam apy rya-bhakttmanidhytam udyac-camatkram nandayet

    ntha tasmai rasmbhodhaye koiogokulnanda-govinda! tubhya nama (7)

    An astonishing ecstacy arises in the hearts of Your saintly devotees who meditate on Your six opu-lences. O Gokulnanda-Govinda! Millions of times I offer prama unto You, the ocean of rasa.

    fi-fi-fi{ fi |-

    - fi ||8||gokulnanda-govinda-devaka

    ya pahen nityam utkahitas tvat padoprema-sevptaye so cirn mdhur

    sindhu-majjan man vchita vindatm (8)

    O Prabhu! May those who regularly recite this Gokulnanda-Govindaka quickly feel their heartsplunged into the ocean of Your sweetness and have their yearning to obtain the loving service (prema-sev) of Your lotus feet fulfilled.


  • ^{r Svayam-bhagavattvakam

    -@ fi--@ @-& fi- -fi | - @ fi fi- ||1||

    sva-janmany aivarya balam iha badhe daitya-vitateryaa prtha-tre yadu-puri mah-sampadam adhtpara jna jiau musalam anu vairgyam anu yo-

    bhagai abhi pra sa bhavatu mude nanda-tanaya (1)

    At the time of His appearance before Vasudeva and Devak He exhibited His opulence, by killingnumerous demons He exhibited His great strength, by protecting the Pdavas He increased His fame,in the Ydavas capital city of Dvrak He accepted matchless wealth, by speaking the Bhagavad-gt toHis friend Arjuna He exhibited His super-excellent knowledge, and as the Yadu dynasty was destroyedin a fratricidal war He displayed the highest ideal of renunciationmay that Nanda-nandana, who pos-sesses the pinnacle of these six attributes, increase our spiritual happiness.

    @ fi - |fi- ' -@ @ fi fi- ||2||

    catur-bhutva ya svajani samaye yo mdaanejagat-ko kuky-antara parimitatva sva-vapua

    dadhi-sphoe brahmay atanuta parnta-tanutmahaivairya pra sa bhavatu mude nanda-tanaya (2)

    At the time of His appearance He assumed a four-armed form, and after performing the pastime ofeating clay, within His mouth He displayed millions of universes to His astonished mother. He allowedHis immeasurable belly to be bound to a grinding mortar as punishment for breaking a yoghurt pot, andto enlighten Brahm He expanded into unlimited transcendental formsmay that Nanda-nandana,who possesses the pinnacle of opulence, delight us.


  • fifi- -` |& fi & fi- @ fi fi- ||3||

    bala baky danta cchadana-varayo keini ngenpe vhyor aghre phaini vapua kasa-maruto

    giritre daityev apy atanuta nijstrasya yad ato-mahaujobhi pra sa bhavatu mude nanda-tanaya (3)

    When killing Ptan He utilised the strength of His exalted lips, when killing the Ke demon andrescuing Nga Mahrja from the well He employed the strength of His arms, in demolishing the prideof Kliya-nga He displayed the strength of His feet, when killing Kasa and the cyclone-demonTvarta He exhibited His bodily strength, and when fighting with Bsura and killing many otherdemons He utilised the strength of His weaponsmay that Nanda-nandana, who possesses the greateststrength, always delight us.

    - fi YY -`-@fi |B@ Y - fi @ fi fi- ||4||

    asakhyt gopy vraja-bhuvi mahiyo yadu-puresut pradyumndy sura-taru-sudharmdi ca dhanam

    vahir dvri brahmdy api vali-vaha stauti yad atariy prai pra sa bhavatu mude nanda-tanaya (4)

    In Vraja He danced with unlimited gops, in Dvrak He lived with sixteen-thousand one-hundredand eight queens and fathered over one-hundred thousand sons headed by Pradyumna, He possessedthe great wealth of the Sudharma assembly house and the prijta tree, and bearing gifts for Him, Brah-m and other heads of their own planets would stand at His gate offering Him prayersmay thatNanda-nandana, who possesses the greatest wealth, immerse us in the ocean of bliss.


  • fi% # - --@ `fifi - | fiY -fi- @ fi fi- ||5||

    yato datte mukti ripu-vitataye yan nara-janirvijet rudrder api nata-jandhna iti yat

    sabhy dropady vara-kd ati-pjyo npa-makheyaobhis tat pra sa bhavatu mude nanda-tanaya (5)

    He placed liberation into the open hands of even His enemies, He assumed human form yet con-quered Rudra and the other demigods, He was subjugated by His devotees although He is the supremecontroller and fully independent, He granted Draupad the benediction of unlimited cloth as she wasbeing stripped in the assembly of the Kauravas, and before all the great personalities present atYudhihira Mahrjas Rjasya-yaja, He accepted the first worshipmay that immeasurably famousson of Nanda always delight us.

    fi- &fi -^ fl--# |--} - - @ fi fi- ||6||

    nyadhd gt-ratna tri-jagad atula yat priya-sakhepara tattva premoddhava-parama-bhakte ca nigamam

    nija-pra-prehsv api rasa-bhara gopa-kulajsvato jnai pra sa bhavatu mude nanda-tanaya (6)

    He gave His dear friend Arjuna the glistening jewel of the Bhagavad-gt which is itself unequalledwithin the three worlds, while He Himself was overcome with prema He instructed the great devoteeUddhava on prema-tattva, and He delineated the highly confidential rasa-tattva to the gops who aremore dear to Him than life itselfmay that Nanda-nandana, the embodiment of all knowledge, perpet-ually delight us.


  • '- |fi #fi - @ fi fi- ||7||

    ktgaska vydha satanum api vaikuham anayan-mamatvasyaikgrn api parijann hanta vijahau

    yad apy ete ruty dhruva-tanutayokts tad api hsva-vairgyai pra sa bhavatu mude nanda-tanaya (7)

    He sent a hunter named Jar who had committed an offence against Him (by mistaking the Lordsfoot for a deer and shooting it with an arrow) to Vaikua in that very same form, and He abandonedthose of His relatives who were inimical to Him, although they were the objects of His affection andthe scriptures declare that they already possessed transcendental forms similar to His ownmay thatNanda-nandana, who possesses the full power of renunciation, always delight us.

    P - |fi fi- @ fi fi- ||8||

    ajatva janmitva ratir aratitehrarahitatsallatva vypti parimitir ahant-mamatayopade tygtygv ubhayam api nitya sad urar-

    karotai pra sa bhavatu mude nanda-tanaya (8)

    Although He is unborn, He takes birth, and although He becomes emotionally attached, He remainsaloof. Although He is inactive, He performs variegated pastimes, and although He is all-pervading, Heis simultaneously limited. Although He has no unfulfilled desires, He is bound by His devotees love forHim, and He both sometimes abandons and sometimes protects His dear devoteesmay that completeSupreme Personality, the son of Nanda, always delight us.


  • Y fi--- - -^{fi |fi@-fi -- -fi ||9||

    samudyat sandeha-jvara-ata-hara bheaja-varajano ya seveta prathita-bhagavattvakam idam

    tad-aivarya-svdai sva-dhiyam ati-vela sarasayanlabhetsau tasya priya-parijannugya-padavm (9)

    Bhagavn Nanda-nandana will bestow upon those who recite this Bhagavattvak, which is like anexcellent medicine that cures the hundreds of varieties of feverish doubts which afflict the conditionedsoul, a taste of the rasa of His opulences, and after having thus immersed their dry minds in unlimitednectar, He will grant them a position amongst His confidential servitors.


  • {r Jagan-mohanakam

    --&---- |

    -`-&fi {fi ||1||


    gorocan-cru-tamlapatravande jagan-mohanam iadevam (1)

    I bow down to my worshipable Deity, r Jagan-mohana, whose crown of multi-coloured flowers whichis wrapped in a garland of guja flowers has a beautiful, fresh peacock feather which sways to and froplaced in the middle of it, and whose forehead and limbs are adorned with enchanting gorocan-tilaka.

    -fi----fl& |--`-

    fi {fi ||2||bhr-valganonmdita-gopanr-kaka-bvali-viddhanetram

    nsgra-rjan-mai-cru-muktavande jagan-mohanam iadevam (2)

    I offer prama to my worshipable Deity, r Jagan-mohana, whose eyes are forever pierced by thesidelong glance-arrows of gops maddened by the movements of His eyebrows and the tip of whose noseis decorated with a beautiful jewel-studded pearl-ornament.


  • ----'--`- |-'-'

    fi {fi ||3||lola-vakrlaka-knti-cumbi-

    gaasthala-pronnata-cru-hsyamvma-pragaoccala-kualntavande jagan-mohanam iadevam (3)

    I offer prama to my worshipable Deity, the enchanter of the three worlds, whose blue cheeks aredecorated with a charming smile which seemingly kisses the splendour of His dangling locks of curlyhair and whose left shoulder is touched by the tips of His swaying fish-shaped earrings.

    --Y-fi----& |%-

    fi {fi ||4||bandhka-bimba-dyuti-nindi-kucatprntdhara-bhrjita-veu-vaktram

    kicit-tiracna-irodhibhtavande jagan-mohanam iadevam (4)

    I offer prama at the feet of my worshipable Deity, Jagan-mohana r Ka. With His neck slightlytilted, a flute brilliantly adorns His curved lips, which themselves reproach the splendour of the band-hka flower and the ripened bimba fruit.

    '-&--'----- |

    --fi {fi ||5||


    vaka-sphurat-kaustubham unnatsavande jagan-mohanam iadevam (5)

    I offer prama time and again to my worshipable r Ka, the enchanter of the three worlds, whosesplendorous neck is clearly marked with three lines as He playfully sings rgas in various melodies,whose chest is decorated with the glittering kaustubha jewel and whose shoulders are raised.


  • -Bfi-@-%- |@----fi {fi ||6||


    anargha-mukt-mai-pupa-mlavande jagan-mohanam iadevam (6)

    I bow down at the feet of my worshipable Deity, r Jagan-mohana, whose nicely rounded arms, whichare decorated with glistening armlets and bracelets, reach His knees and mock the powerful arms ofKmadeva*, and whose chest is nicely decorated with priceless pearls and jewels as well as a flower gar-land.

    *The word argal literally means a wooden bolt that is used to secure a door, and thus powerful armsare often compared to argals. The argals of Kmadeva represent material attachment, and especiallyattraction to the form of a woman. Just as no one can pass beyond a door which is secured with a power-ful argal, no one can pass beyond Kmadevas argals. Even Brahm lusted after his own daughter, andiva was attracted to Mohin-mrti. But Kas arms are infinitely more powerful than Kmadevasarms, and one who becomes attracted to them can easily pass beyond Kmadevas argals.

    fi-fi-fi---- | -fi {fi ||7||


    ptmbara majula-kikikavande jagan-mohanam iadevam (7)

    I bow down and place my head at the feet of my supremely worshipable Jagan-mohana r Ka,whose abdomen, which is marked in the middle with a charming line of hairs, is like a banyan leafwhich quivers as He breathes and which is attired in yellow garments and a waistband studded withbells which tinkle melodiously.


  • -fi - & -- | @fi-fi {fi ||8||

    vyatyasta-pda mai-npurhyayma tribhaga sura-khi-mle

    r-rdhay srdham udra-llavande jagan-mohanam iadevam (8)

    I bow my head to my worshipable Jagan-mohana r ymasundara, who stands below a desire treewith His feet, which are splendorously adorned with jewelled anklets, crossed in a delightful three-foldbending posture as He enjoys immensely enchanting pastimes with rmat Rdhik.

    -fi-Y{ |

    Y fi-- ||9||

    rmaj-jagan-mohana-devam etat-padyakena smarato janasya

    prem bhaved yena tadaghri-skt-sevmtenaiva nimajjana syt (9)

    Whoever remembers Jagan-mohana r Ka by reciting these eight verses will certainly obtainprema-bhakti and become immersed in the nectar-ocean of His direct service.


  • -r Anurga-vall

    The Burgeoning Vine of Love

    fi@fi ! &@fi fi |v@fi & ! @fi ||1||

    dehrbudni bhagavan! yugapat prayacchavaktrrbudni ca puna pratideham evajihvrbudni kpay prativaktram evantyantu teu tava ntha! gurbudni (1)

    Hey Bhagavn! Please be merciful and grant me millions of bodies. Then give each of those bodiesmillions of mouths and each of those mouths millions of tongues. Hey Ntha! And on each of thosetongues may Your millions of divine attributes dance eternally.

    ? & fi-fi ? & &- |

    & ? & -v~ v? & - ||2||

    kimtman? yatra na deha-koyodehena ki? yatra na vaktra-koyavaktrea ki? yatra na koi-jihvki jihvay? yatra na nma-koya (2)

    What is the use of a soul that does not have millions of bodies? What is the use of a body whichdoesnt have millions of mouths, and what is the use of a mouth which doesnt possess millions oftongues? And what is the use of a tongue on which Your millions of names dont dance?


  • -fi-@fi -& |& fi -vw v - ||3||

    tmstu nitya ata-deha-vartdehastu nthstu sahasra-vaktravaktra sad rjatu laka-jihvaghtu jihv tava nma-koim (3)

    Hey Ntha! May my soul perpetually possess hundreds of bodies, may each body possess thousands ofmouths, and may each mouth have hundreds of thousands of tongues upon which Your millions ofnames will dance.

    fi fi ! & & - |

    & @-@- ~ ||4||

    yad yad mdhava! yatra yatragyanti ye ye tava nma-ll

    tatraiva karyuta-dhryam-stste sudh nityam aha dhayni (4)

    Hey Mdhava! My special supplication is that wherever any devotees, whether it is before Your deityform or anywhere else, perform krtana of Your nma, rpa, gua, and ll, may I be present there withthousands of ears with which to perpetually drink the nectar.

    @ - fi |


    karyutasyaiva bhavantu laka-koyo rasaj bhagavas tadaiva

    yenaiva ll avni nityatenaiva gyni tata sukha me (5)

    Hey Bhagavn! And as I drink such nectar with millions of ears, may I have millions of tongues withwhich to incessantly extol the nma, rpa, gua, and ll which I heardoing so I will remain foreverimmersed in divine bliss.


  • @- @fi | B{ -- @! ||6||

    karyutasyekaa-koirasyht-koirasy rasanrbuda stt

    rutvaiva dv tava rpa-sindhu-mligya mdhuryam aho! dhayni (6)

    May each of my millions of ears be accompanied by millions of eyes, may each of those eyes be accom-panied by millions of hearts, and may those millions of hearts be accompanied by millions of tongues.Then those millions of ears will perpetually hear the glories of the ocean of Your beauty, those millionsof eyes will perpetually receive darana of that beauty, those millions of hearts will perpetually embraceit, and those billions of tongues will incessantly drink its nectar.

    &@fi @-- fi@fi |fi@-@--@- ||7||

    netrrbudasyaiva bhavantu kara-ns-rasaj hdayrbuda v

    saundarya-sausvarya-sugandha-pra-mdhurya-salea rasnubhtyai (7)

    May I have millions of eyes to drink the nectar of Your beauty, millions of ears to hear Your very sweetvoice, millions of noses to smell Your fragrance, millions of tongues to taste Your sweetness, and mil-lions of hearts with which to obtain the nectar of Your embrace.

    @ fi- - |

    fi fl-- ! ||8||

    tvat-prva-gatyai pada-koir astusev vidhtu mama hasta-koit ikitu stdapi buddhi-koi-

    retn barnme bhagavan! prayaccha (8)

    May I have millions of feet to employ in going to Your side, millions of hands with which to attendYou, and millions of intelligences to learn how to serve You. Hey Bhagavn! Please be merciful andgrant me these benedictions.


  • fi-fi{r Vnd-devyaakam

    --fifi----fi! |--Y-fi-fi! fi ||1||


    bandhka-randhu-dyuti-divya-vsovnde! numaste cararavindam (1)

    Your very beautiful bodily complexion reproaches the lustre of gold, campaka flowers, and lightning,you shower Kas devotees with mercy, and you are attired in resplendent red garmentsO Vnde! Ioffer prama unto your lotus feet.

    fi-fi---#-Y-fi |&-!fi! fi ||2||


    vicitra-ratnbhara-riyhye!vnde! numaste cararavindam (2)

    A sweet smile emanates from your red bimba-fruit-like lips, the lustre of the pearl which adorns thetip of your nose illuminates your entire face, and your various jewelled ornaments make you appearsupremely beautifulO Vnde! I offer prama unto your lotus feet.


  • -'- - fi-- |

    fi% -_fi! fi ||3||

    samasta-vaikuha-iromaau r-kasya vndvana-dhanya-dhmni

    dattdhikre vabhnu-putryvnde! numaste cararavindam (3)

    The daughter of Vabhnu Mahrja, rmat Rdhik, has given you dominion over r Kas dearabode r Vndvana-dhma, which is the crown-jewel of all the Vaikuha planets, which possessesunlimited transcendental attributes, and which is supremely pure. O Vnde! I offer prama unto yourlotus feet.

    fi --fi@- |fi@ fi! fi ||4||

    tvad jay pallava-pupa-bhgamgdibhir mdhava-keli-kuj

    madhvdibhir bhnti vibhyamvnde! numaste cararavindam (4)

    On your order the leaves, flowers, bees, deer, peacocks, parrots, and all the other living entities inVndvana beautifully decorate the wondrous kujas where r Ka enjoys His love-sports in the per-petual spring seasonO Vnde! I offer prama unto your lotus feet.

    fi-fi -- --fl |- ` fifi! fi ||5||

    tvadya-dtyena nikuja-yunoratyutkayo keli-vilsa-siddhi

    tvat-saubhaga kena nirucyat tadvnde! numaste cararavindam (5)

    Because you serve as the messenger who cleverly unites r Rdh-Ka so They can perform Theirpastimes of playful love, who in this world could possibly describe your peerless good fortune? O Vnde!I offer prama unto your lotus feet.


  • fi- fi-- | fi! fi ||6||

    rsbhilo vasati ca vnd-vane tvad-ghri-saroja-sev

    labhy ca pus kpay tavaivavnde! numaste cararavindam (6)

    By your mercy only do Kas devotees reside in r Vndvana, render service to the lotus feet ofyour beloved r Rdh-Mdhava, and directly witness the rsa-llO Vnde! I offer prama untoyour lotus feet.

    @ -&fi-@ -# |

    @ fi! fi ||7||

    tva krtyase stvata-tantr-vidbhirllbhidhn kila ka-akti

    tavaiva mrtis tulas nlokevnde! numaste cararavindam (7)

    In the tantras composed by devotees such as Nrada, highly expert paitas have declared you to ber Kas pastime potency (ll-akti), and in this world you assume the form of the renowned tulastreeO Vnde! I offer prama unto your lotus feet.

    -P fi- |! fi! fi ||8||

    bhakty vihn apardha-lakaikipt ca kmdi-taraga-madhyekpmayi! tv araa prapannvnde! numaste cararavindam (8)

    Devoid of devotion and guilty of committing unlimited offences, I am being tossed about in the oceanof material existence by the turbulent waves of lust, anger, greed, and so forth. Therefore, O mercifulVnd-dev! I take shelter of you and offer prama unto your lotus feet.


  • fi{ fi fi-fi- | fi-- @ ||9||

    vndaka ya uyt pahed vvndvandha-padbja-bhgasa prpya vndvana-nitya-vsa

    tat-prema-sev labhate ktrtha (9)

    Those who, being like bumblebees at the lotus feet of the king and queen of Vndvana, either hearor recite this aaka describing Vnd-dev, will obtain eternal residence in Vndvana where they willbecome fully gratified by rendering loving service to r r Rdh-Govinda.


  • fir Vndvanakam

    fl@ '- @fi | fi % fi ||1||

    na yoga-siddhir na mamstu mokovaikuha-loke pi na pradatvam

    prempi na syd iti cet tar tumamstu vndvana eva vsa (1)

    If I do not obtain mystic powers, impersonal liberation, eternal residence in Vaikuha, or even bha-gavat-prema, there is no loss for me as long as I can always reside in r Vndvana-dhma.

    @ @& @fi-`fl | @ fi fi ||2||

    tra janur yatra vidhir yaycesad-bhakta-cmair-uddhavo pi

    vkyaiva mdhurya-dhr tad asminmamstu vndvana eva vsa (2)

    Upon seeing the profuse sweetness of Vndvana, even Brahm, the spiritual master of the entire uni-verse, and Uddhava, the crown-jewel of exalted devotees, prayed to take birth there as blades of grass.May Vndvana always be my residence.


  • @ | -fi

    fi ||3||ki te kta hanta tapa kitti

    gopyo pi bhme stuvate rasa krtimyenaiva kghri-padkite smin

    mamstu vndvana eva vsa (3)

    When r Ka vanished from the rsa-ll, the gops prayed (rmad-Bhg. 10.30.10), ki te ktakiti tapo...O Pthv-dev! What unprecedented austerities did you perform to receive the festival ofthe touch of r Kas feet upon your surface in Vndvana? May I always reside in Vndvana, whichis marked with Kas footprints.

    -- & @ |

    - fi ||4||

    gopgan-lampaa-taiva yatrayasy rasa pratamatvam pa

    yato raso vai sa iti rutis tanmamstu vndvana eva vsah (4)

    That the love of the gops is the most exalted and the fact that within their love, rasa reaches its pin-nacle, is verified by these words from the Vedas: raso vai sawithout question the son of Nanda is theembodiment of rasa. Therefore may I always reside in Vndvana.

    '-@---&- - |

    fi fi ||5||

    bhra-govardhana-rsa-phais-tr-smake yojana-pacakena

    mite vibhutvd amite pi csminmamstu vndvana eva vsa (5)

    Due to the presence of Bhravaa, Govardhana, and Rsa-pha (where the rsa-ll took place),Vndvana is known to have three borders, and although in reality it is limitless, it is five yojanas in cir-cumference. May I always reside in Vndvana.


  • & -&fi |

    fi ||6||

    yatrdhipatya vabhnu-putryyenodayet prema-sukha jannmyasmin mam balavatyato smin

    mamstu vndvana eva vsa (6)

    Where the daughter of Vabhu Mahrja is the queen, where the happiness of bhagavat-prema ismanifest in each and every devotee, and where my long-cherished hope liesmay I always reside inthat Vndvana.

    --- |&-- fi ||7||

    yasmin mah-rsa-vilsa-llna prpa y rrapi s tapobhitatrollasanmaju-nikuja-pujemamstu vndvana eva vsa (7)

    The renowned pastime of the rsa dance, which even Lakmdev could not gain entrance intoalthough she performed varieties of penances, is enacted eternally in Vndvana. Therefore may Ialways reside in Vndvana, which is comprised of multitudes of splendorous, enchanting love-groves.

    fi ``- |' &

    fi ||8||sad ruru-nyakumukh viaka

    khelanti kjanti piklikrikhaino yatra naanti tasminmamstu vndvana eva vsa (8)

    Where varieties of deer such as ruru (black deer) and nyaku (deer with horns) fearlessly play, wherecuckoos, bumblebees, and parrots sing, and where peacocks dancemay I always reside in that Vnd-vana.


  • fi{fi - |fi--

    ||9||vndvanasyakam etad-uccaipahanti ye nicala-budhayastevndvaneghri-saroja-sevskllabhante januo nta eva (9)

    Those of fixed intelligence who loudly recite this Vndvanakam will, at the end of this very life,attain the direct service of the lotus feet of the king and queen of Vndvana, r Rdh-Ka. Thisaaka is sung in the melody known as Upajti.


    ContentsGurvastakamNarattama-prabhor astakamLokanatha-prabhu-varastakamSaci-nandana-vijayastakamMahaprabhor astakamSvapna-vilasamrtastakamGopala-devastakamMadana-gopala-devastakamGovinda-devastakamGopinatha-devastakamGokulananda-govinda-devastakamSvayam-bhagavattvastakamJagan-mohanastakamAnuraga-valliVrnda-devy astakamVrndavanastakam
