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Page 1: Spring 2015 Issue 1

Empire Strikes BackHits Theaters

in 1980

1960sSuper Bowl

(p. 10)

1950s Poodle Skirts are Swell (p.5)


Dorman High School | Roebuck, SC | Vol. 51 | Issue No. 4 | February 2015


1970sVietnam War (p. 14)

In May of 2000, a computer virus called the I Love You Virus swept through the

nation. The virus reached an

estimated 45 million users in a single day.

The virus came in an e-mail with “I LOVE YOU” in the subject line.

Inside was an attachment that, when opened, resulted in the message being re-sent to everyone in the recipient’s Microsoft Outlook address

book. The loss of every JPEG, MP3, and certain other files on the recipient’s hard disk occurred.

The hackers quickly introduced copycat variations with subject lines identifying “JOKE” and “Mother’s Day!” as the content but containing the same or similar VBScript code.

Companies advised all users not to open up e-mail without scanning them for viruses.

2000s :

Don’t Catch This Love

BugKymmy Lawson, senior editor


Princess Diana’s Death

Rocks the World

Art by Mallory Alexander

Page 2: Spring 2015 Issue 1


3 4Sweet Stuff




















On The Road To Integration

Sock Hop into 50s FashionRock’n Roll is Here to Stay

British Bands Invade and Change Music Forever

Big Time Musicals Hit TheatersGoing for Gold at the 1960s Olympics

1960s Fashion

Rise and Fall of 70s EntertainmentGrease Lightning Strikes 12

13 Big and Small Screen Legends Begin

14Vietnam War Timeline

15Top 5 Music Artists 16Back to the 80s

17 We Are The World 18Tear Down This Wall

JFK Jr. Dies20A Not so Happily Ever After

Full HouseFashion

The Attack that Changed the WorldPresidents in the 2000s

The Next Big Thing: The iPhone

Music Through the Decades

The Cavalier welcomes and encourages any and all letters to the editor. All letters are subject to editing for libel, grammar, content, and space. Letters should be signed and brought to Mrs. Gallman in room B105. Some material is courtesy of American Society of Newspaper editors/MCT Campus High School Newspaper Service. Dis-criminations of all persons is prohibited with regard to the provision of educational opportunities and benefits on the basis of race, color national origin, religion, sex, age, or disability in Spartanburg County School District Six as required by Title IX of the Educational Amendment Act of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding dis-crimination policies: Mr. Gregory Cantrell, Title VI, VII, and IX Coordinator, and Dr. Allan Eggert, Director of Special Services, 1390 Cavalier Way, Roebuck, S.C. 29376.



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Starting in 1896, the Plessy v. Ferguson court case ruled that “separate but equal” was constitutional.

The court ruling made many state and local laws around the nation legal following the Civil War.

Segregation is the “socially based separation of people from another,” usually causing inequality and even oppression.

Around the nation, people of different races were forced to use separate amenities and services. They had to ride in different train cars, use separate fountains, attend separate schools, and enter through different entrances into buildings.

On May 17, 1954, the law changed. The Supreme Court case of Brown v. Board of Educa-tion overturned the decision. It was now ruled that segregation was “inherently unequal.” Even though Brown v. Board was specific for the field of education, the decision was spread on a much larger scope.

Even though the ruling made segregation illegal in the country, the effects of the decision were not immediate. The court left it up to the states to end segregation on their own. It would take many years before the country would become fully integrated.

Just a year after this court case ruling, a 14-year-old boy, Emmett Till from Chicago was murdered in Mississippi on August 28.

He was visiting relatives when he was taken from his great-uncle’s home accused of whistling at a white woman in a grocery store. His mother wanted an open-casket funeral, and this simple act became one of the sparks of the Civil Rights Movement.

On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, 42 years old, refused to give up her bus seat to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama. Her refusal to move started the Bus Boycott and is considered the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement.

On buses in Montgomery, the first rows of seats were reserved for whites only.

African-Americans, who paid the same ten cent fare as the whites, were required to find seats in the

back. If seats were taken on the bus but

another white passenger boarded, a row of African-Americans sitting in the middle of the bus would be required to give up their seats, even if it meant they would have to stand.

When there were no seats left on the day Parks was on the bus, she was seated just behind the white seats. There was one white man who got on the bus that needed a seat.

Everyone else around her stood to move, but Parks remained seated.

Even though there only needed to be one seat for the man, all four of the African-American passengers

were required to stand up because a white person living in the s e g r e g a t e d South would not likely sit in the same row as an African American.T h e b u s

driver told Parks that if she didn’t stand, he was going to arrest her. She responded with, “You may do that.”

Bus drivers during the time were allowed to enforce segregation laws. Many times, people were grabbed or beaten, but on this day, the driver waited outside the bus for police to arrive.

Rosa Parks was not too old or too tired to get up, just fed up with being mistreated. After waiting for a little while on the bus, two police-men came to arrest her.

Parks asked one of them, “Why do you all push us around?” To which the policeman responded, “I don’t know, but the law is the law and you’re under arrest.”

Her arrest resulted in the boycott. The one-day boycott of the buses in Montgomery was so successful that it turned into a 381-day boycott, now called the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

The Montgomery Bus Boycott ended when the Supreme Court ruled that the bus segregation laws in Alabama were unconstitutional.

From there, Martin Luther King, Jr. led the marches in Selma over the historic Edmund Pettus Bridge.

The courage of those involved with the Civil Rights movement has long been celebrated and revered.

On the Road to IntegrationN ASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration,

began its first operations against the dangers from space on October 1, 1958 while being engaged in the Cold War with the Soviet Union, which became known as the space race.

Late into the 40s, the Department of Defense urged for money to fund research and rocketry to maintain America’s position as number one in technology. President Eisenhower approved the plan for an effort to create a satellite to gather information about the physicality of the Earth. Soon, the Soviets announced their own plans.

When the Soviets launched their artificial satellite Sputnik 1 into space on October 4, 1957, sending America into crisis mode on the level of Pearl Harbor, America knew that they were behind, and this event increased spending on space technology.

The Naval Research Laboratory’s Project Vanguard was then chosen to support the effort because it didn’t inhibit the ballistic missile development, which was considered higher priority. On January 31, 1958, the US launched Explorer 1 into space to document radiation zones.

A few months later, NASA was formed as the nation’s space program and for aeronautics and aerospace research. Their motto is “For the Benefit of All.”

Junior Quinn Jacobs said, “We need NASA for exploration of space.”

In the late 50s came many advancements for the program. The first launch of NASA was ten days after its creation, for Pioneer I. Two months later, they launched Pioneer III, and in 1959, they launched Vanguard II, Discoverer I, and Pioneer IV to the moon. In May of 1959, two monkeys, Able and Baker, were launched in a Jupiter nose-cone.

Shooting for the Stars: NASA’s Creation

After the Second World War, many Americans

were scared of the threat of Communism and its influence.

Communists during the time were referred to as “Reds,” for their alliance to the red Soviet flag. Even though only 50,000 out of 150 million Americans were part of the Communist Party, many still lived in fear.

The Communist scare reached an all-time high in the 50s, but the alienation of Communists had started about a hundred years earlier.

Back in 1848, Karl Marx published the Communist Manifesto, beginning the idea of removing social as well as economic classes in society. The Bolshevik Revolution only added to such anxieties, fueling an earlier Red Scare in 1919.

The First and Second Red Scare appeared in a time after war.

The country faced a time of prosperity and nationalism, and a Communist mentality threatened that. People in American didn’t trust the new

immigrants coming into the nation.

In response, Wisconsin’s Sen. Joseph McCarthy led an anti-Communist movement. He claimed that Hollywood screenwriters, actors, direc-tors, and other celebrities were Communists because of their political beliefs.

Olivia Manzi, junior, com-mented that “Communism reminds [her] of The Crucible, a play written about that time period.”

Government loyalty boards investigated federal workers, asking about their personal lives.

They questioned about the books and magazines they read, organizations they were part of, and whether they went to church or not.

Hundreds of teachers, steel-workers, sailors, lawyers, and social workers lost their jobs during this time.

Over 39 states required public employees, such as teachers, to take loyalty oaths.

Who’s Scared of the Big Bad Red?

Kendall Shepard junior editor


Girls line up in an integrated classroom.

Page 4: Spring 2015 Issue 1

Lollipop Lollipop Oh Lolli Lolli Lolli Lollipop Lollipop Oh Lolli Lolli Lolli Lollipop Lol-lipop Oh Lolli Lolli Lolli Lollipop *POP* Lollipop Lollipop Oh Lolli Lolli Lolli Lollipop Lollipop Oh Lolli Lolli Lolli Lollipop Lollipop Oh Lolli Lolli Lolli Lollipop *POP*Lollipop Lollipop Oh Lolli Lolli Lolli Lollipop Lollipop Oh Lolli Lolli Lolli Lollipop Lollipop Oh SWEET STUFF

The Charleston Chew is named after the popular 20s dance.

Hudson Orders, 11, said that he used to keep chocolate coins in his pockets, and they would end up melting.

“I loved my slinky. It was the best thing ever,” said junior Stephon Hicks.

“I used to eat candy necklaces all the time as a kid,” said sophomore Maggie Kurimcak.

The orignal Mr. Potato Head just came with facial parts that had to be stuck into real fruits and vegatables.

Banana Turkish Taffy was a popular, sweet, chewy treat.

Atomic Fireballs are a round, cinnamon-flavored hard candy, a form of jawbreaker.

Fizzies are tablets that can create a soft drink when placed in water.

In 1934, the company came to be called “Lego,” from the Danish phrase leg godt, which means “play well.”

4 1950s

Kendall Shepard junior editor

Orange Slices






Page 5: Spring 2015 Issue 1

Sock Hop into 50s FashionKendall Shepard junior editor

In 1952, Ray-Ban introduced a new style

of sunglasses, called the Wayfarer. The

original Ray-Ban sunglass was the Aviator,

which was metal and mostly associated

with pilots and outdoors men. The new

style was made with plastic. They became

very popular in Hollywood and soon be-

came staples for celebrities like Marilyn

Monroe and James Dean. They were worn

in movies, on television, and even in public.

Letterman suited the Ivy League or preppy style that influenced the 1950s. High school jocks wore their letterman jackets to show authority. Often, they would give their jackets to girlfriends for them to wear. Harvard was the first college to start a letterman for their teams. An “H” was placed on the front of team shirts and later onto jackets. As years passed, they appeared on jackets, sweaters, and cardigans for a multitude colleges and high schools.

After the war ended, a new, silhouette

for dresses appeared. It featured a very

full skirt that came to the middle of the

calf, a tight waist, and rounded sleeves,

with jewel-cut necklines or a collar.

The dresses could be accessorized with

gloves or jewelry. These made for great

day-time dresses for girls and women.

This inspired a very feminine look that

the 50s in known for.

Saddle shoes

began their

popularity at the beginning of the 20th century,

but by the 1950s, everyone owned a pair. The new

style featured a red sole and heel, and teens would

go out of their way to make sure that their shoes

always looked new. Often, the shoes were worn

with folded over bobby socks. Housewives liked

the shoes to wear at home when their husbands

weren’t around, as they were more comfortable

than heels.

The leather jacket was originally worn in the military at the start of the 20th century. After WWII, the jacket began making its public debut in movies. The brown leather jacket seemed to become a required part for any new Hollywood adventurer. The jacket found new popularity in America and the UK after the success of The Wild One movie in 1953. It became a staple for the greaser movement in the 50s and the 60s.

Were You Born in the Wrong Generation?






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Page 6: Spring 2015 Issue 1

On July 17, 1955, a child’s fantasy was un-veiled to the public.

Built on a 160-acre plot of land in Anaheim, California, Walt Dis-ney created an attraction based around his iconic movies.

The park was originally named Disneyland but was later changed in 1990 to Disneyland Park, as more locations were developed around the park.

Walt Disney supervised all of the designs and construction of the park. He was inspired by many of the amusement parks he went to with his daughters during the 30s and 40s.

Disney envisioned building the park next to his studio in Bur-bank, California, but the area was too small.

With a consultant, he bought the land in Anaheim in 1953, began building in 1954, and the park opened in 1955.

On opening day, Disney invited select guests and media to come to the unveiling.

However, 28,000 people showed up, and over half of them

had purchased counterfeit tickets. Because of the amount of people, traffic was delayed for two hours, and many guests that were sup-posed to show up two hours apart showed up at the same time.

Other things went wrong on the first day. For example, the temperature for the day was 101 degrees, and the asphalt that was laid that morning didn’t have time to harden. Many women who wore heels found that they were sinking into the asphalt.

Because of a plumber’s strike, Disney had to choose between functioning water fountains or running toilets.

He chose the toilets, and many people thought that it was to get people to buy the Pepsi soda that was for sale.

Even if the opening was less than spectacular, Disneyland has remained a special place in hearts today, becoming one of the most beloved places to travel to.

As senior Latressa Bagby said, “Disney is were all your childhood dreams come true.”

Everyone can agree that rock ‘n roll got its start in the United States as it had been littered into our

music for decades and become a staple for our country forever.

Rock ‘n Roll was coined in 1942, when a Billboard magazine columnist, Maurie Orodenker, started to use the term “rock-and-roll” to describe upbeat recordings.

Most people agree that rock ‘n roll was developed by the African American population in the early 1900s. It began in the south of the U.S. and spread into northern cities during the Second Great Migration. Urban cities like Memphis, New York City, Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland and Buffalo became hubs for the music’s development.

Particularly significant influences of rock ‘n roll were jazz, blues, gospel, country, and folk. During WWII, many of the instruments used for bands were replaced with guitars, bass, and drums.

Rock ‘n Roll made way for many new types of music, such as Rockabilly, Doo Wop, R&B, Surf Rock, Garage Rock, and the British Invasion.

It has been legendary in the culture of the U.S. as one of the many things that we are known for and remain to be known for.

Anytime we think about sock hops or retro diners, there is always a juke box playing a Presley or a Cash song.

Junior Kelsey Jarret said that “We need Rock ‘n Roll because it is classic. It’s the base of the music we listen to today.”

Some people, however, believe that it isn’t nearly as important as any other type of music.

Sophomore Eric Branan said, “I don’t listen to rock ‘n Roll. It’s old and outdated.”

While it can seem a little dated at times, it shows the influences since the beginning.

There will always be a good Rock ‘n Roll song to show the quality of American music when a lot of what we hear today is regenerated and overused. Rock ‘n roll is classic and original, and can forever be a favorite for the whole country.

Let’s Go to the Movies: Iconic Films from the Era

Rock ‘n Roll Is Here To Stay

Kendall Shepard junior editor

Some of the great movies from the 1950s.

The Land of Dreams is Built in California

6 1950s

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The British Invasion of the mid-1960s was one of the biggest events in

music history, ushering in The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and The Who.

Of the bands who migrated to the States, The Beatles were probably the most popular, especially among the younger generation, and they created what came to be known as “Beetlemania.”

Taking cues from Rock ‘n Roll ten years earlier, The Beatles became one of the most influential rock bands of the 60s and beyond.

The Rolling Stones and The Animals were more hard core than The Beatles as far as the type of music they wanted to create.

While The Beatles appealed to a generation of pop listeners, The Rolling Stones and The Ani-

mals represented those voices less heard.

These British bands took the rhythm and blues of the 1950s and revolutionized music.

Referred to by Rolling Stone as a “beat” band, The Beatles paved the way for other bands, such as The Rolling Stones, to compete against what was considered “pop” music.

What resulted was an in-your-face approach to rock and roll that skyrocketed The Stones to the top of the Hot 100 eight times.

The popularity of this type of music waned in the late 70s with the rise of electronic sounds and the advancement of studio technology.

At the end of its run, music was about to change again as the 80s loomed on the horizon.

British Bands Invade and Change Music Forever

The Beatles arrived in the United States on February 7, 1964.

Lexie Smith, photographer

The Rolling Stones, 1966. 71960s

Page 8: Spring 2015 Issue 1

Opening on Broadway on November 16, 1959, The Sound

of Music ran for 1, 443 performances.

Director Vincent J. Donehue took the popular stage musical and created one of the most beloved films of all time.

Starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer, the film follows Andrews’s character as she leaves a convent to become a governess.

Winning Best Picture, the film was one of the highest-grossing films of all time.

Bye Bye Birdie is a 1963 musical comedy directed by George

Sidney.The story was inspired by

popular singer Elvis Presley who was drafted into the United States Army in 1957.

The film is credited with making Ann-Margret a superstar during the mid-1960s.

The film was ranked number 38 on Entertainment Weekly’s list of the 50 Best High School Movies.

Bye Bye Birdie

Big Time Musicals Hit Theaters

British Leading Ladies of the 1960s

Lexie Smith, photographer

West Side Story

Inspired by William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, the setting

is in the Upper West Side neighborhood in York City in the mid-1950s.

The musical explores the rivalry between the Jets and the Sharks, two teenage street gangs of mixed ethnicity.

The Sharks are from Puerto Rico, and they are “bullied” by the Jets, a gang of white guys.

The play was nominated for six Tony Awards including Best Musical in 1957 and won ten Academy Awards.

The Sound of Music

Equally known for her fashion, British actress Audrey Hepburn was one of the leading ladies of Hollywood’s Golden Age.

An inspiration for many young women then and now, Hepburn was named the greatest film screen legend by the American Film Institute.

Most known for her role as Mary Poppins, Julie Andrews was most recently named Dame by Queen Elizabeth II.

In the 1960s, Andrews won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her Poppins role, which is the third highest grossing film of all time.

8 1960s

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Going for Gold at the 1960s Olympics

In 1964, the Olympics was officially known as the Games of the XVII Olym-piad. It was held in the Stadio Olimpico in

Rome. The United States men’s national basketball

team captured its fifth straight Olympic gold medal.

Australian Herb Elliott won the gold medal in the men’s 1500 meters in one of the most dominating performances in Olympic history.

The 1960 Games attracted a record 5,348 athletes from 83 countries. It was the first Summer Games covered by CBS who bought the rights for $394,000.

The Olympic Games in Rome in 1960 provid-ed the defining moments of William Rudolph’s life story. She stormed to the gold in the three relays, breaking world records. She was dubbed “The Black Gazelle” by the European press.

Throughout the 60s, 44 countries partici-pated in the games. The United States gathered 34 gold medals and came in second place for the most gold medals won, beaten by the Soviet Union with a total of 43.

The Olympics held many sporting events. The Stadio Olimico hosted the opening and closing ceremonies, figure skating, a few speed skating events, and most of the games in the hockey tournament.

All three of the sports were held indoors on artificial ice for the first time in Olympic history. At full capacity, the arena held 11,000 people, 8,500 of whom were seated.

In 1960 South Africa competed at the winter games for the first time. Although the next year apartheid policies stated that South Africa could not participate. This policy remained standing until 1964 and South Africa rejoined. John F. Kennedy was the United States presi-dent at the time. He says “Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.”

Manfred Kinder

Muhammad AliMuhammad Ali was born

January 17, 1942. His real name is Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr.

Muhammad is an American professional boxer. He is still considered to be the greatest heavyweights in the Olympics history.

He participated in Rome’s Olympic event in 1960. On September 5, 1960 he claimed victory over competitor Zigzy Pietrzykowski in the light heavy weight boxing division.

At the age of 22 he won the heavyweight championship in 1964 winning a gold award at the Olympics.

In 1967, Muhummad said “I am gonna show you how great I am,” and he did.

“Efforts and courage are not enough

without purpose and direction.”

-John F. Kennedy

Abbey Jones staff writer


Manfred Kinder was a west German former sprinter. He was born on April 20 1938.

When Manfred competed he only participated in one event. Focusing all his energy and training into one event, the 4x400 metre relay.

He won a silver and bronze medal in the 4x400m relay at the 1960 and 1968 Summer Olympics and finished in fifth place in 1964. He competed in the 400m and 800m.

At the European Champion-ships. He won seven medals in total between 1962 and 1969.

He traveled around the world to compete. But his personal record or PR was 45.8 sec in 1960 for the 400 metre relay.

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Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Georgia on January 15, 1929.

Though most know King for his leadership during the Civil Rights movement, many do not know his struggles as a son.

Martin grew up with an abusive father though he claims his father made him into the man he was.

He is best known for his role in advanc-ing civil rights using civil disobedience based on his Christian beliefs and Gandhi’s earlier practices.

King helped organize the 1963 March on Washington where he gave his famous “I Have a Dream Speech.”

On October 14, 1964, King received the Nobel Peace Prize for combating racial in-equality through nonviolence.

As he grew older he made a bigger impact, going on to leave his indelible mark on the world. Sadly his life came to an end on April 4, 1986 when he was assassinated by James Ray outside a hotel in Tennessee.

Today, teachers still call upon King’s lega-cy to reiterate the ideals of those who fought for equality, integration, and voting rights.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

The 1960s featured many diverse trends.

Before the 1960s, fashion was dull, without color, but when the 60s came around, fashion came to life.

Fashion became more colorful and bright as tie-dye shirts became high fashion.

In the early 60s, women wore shorter skirts and dresses that came above their knees, which gave them an opportunity to wear knee-high boots. Men wore frayed bell-bottom jeans.

Clothes with paisley print became popular during this period. In the later 60s women stopped wearing short

skirts and started wearing trousers. The most drastic change in men’s

fashion in 1963 was the widespread acceptance of pleatless pants. Stripes appeared on sports on outer wear, and suits were becoming more fashionable with colorful ties and fancy cuff links.

Fashion was revolutionized in each decade, but the 60s are probably best known for hippie attire, most notably the style worn at the Woodstock Music Festival. Finally, people were beginning to move away from the conservative style.

The Civil Rights Movement began in 1948

and culminated in the Voting Rights Act in 1965 which was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson.

The Voting Rights act not only signified that African Americans could vote, but it also banned segregated water fountains, public places, and jobs, just to name a few.

After witnessing the marches in Selma, specifically what came to be known as “Bloody Sunday,” President Johnson decided he could no longer stand by and watch as so many peaceful protest-

ers were beaten and killed.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was the leader of the Civil Rights movement and symbolized not only change and hope in America but a com-ing together of all races of people who believed in justice, freedom, and nonviolence.

Civil Rights Act of 1964 Brings Change, Hope

The First Super BowlThe first super

bowl was held on January 15, 1967 and took place in the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.

It was referred to as the “super game” then later named the Super

Bowl Lamar HuntGreen Bay Packers

defeated Kansas City Chiefs by the score of 35–10. They went on to win four more NFL Championships in the sixties.

61,946 people

showed up for the first game.

The Super Bowl has remained one of the most watched events in history; however, most viewers tune in now for the movie trailers and advertisements.

“The time is always right to do what is right.”

1960s Fashion Gets Some ColorAbbey Jones staff writer




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1960s short skirt dress.

Chiefs blocking the Packers.

10 1960s

Page 11: Spring 2015 Issue 1

The Rise and Fall of Entertainment in the 70s



When You Had to Have a VCR

The time of the big breakup

of the well-known Beatles was one of the big headlines for the start of the 70s. The Beatles were only together for ten years, 1960-1970.

Paul McCartney was the member who announced that the Beatles was over and that they were splitting up.

Many fans were

destroyed and highly upset when they heard and discov-ered the news of the splitting up of the Beatles, but the Beatles are still a very popular group to this day.

They are still very popular to this day because of their big-time hit songs that are played over and over in today’s society.

The VCR was the first home

movie player, which used VHS tapes to watch movies or record shows.

The creation of the VCR helped bring families together with the by being able to watch their favorite movies at anytime within the privacy of their own homes.

Even though the VCR is not popular today, it still has a great importance in the history of the 70s.

Without the VCR, there would be no DVD or Blu-Ray player, which have become obsolete with the popularity of Netflix.

Today, VCRs are considered to be cool, vintage, collector’s items.

Microsoft was first created in 1975 by

the famous Bill Gates and Paul Allen.

Bill Gates was and still is the main leader and mastermind of the Microsoft company.

They had their big breakthrough with the creation of the person-

al computer language for the Altair.

Also, when they first started the company, they only had three workers, and a total of $16,005 in revenues.

Today, Microsoft is a leader in phone and computer technology and is often at war with Apple.

The king or rock an roll is found dead. Elvis Presley was one of the most loved singer in the history of music.

He even was an actor in some films during his time of fame and glory.

Presley died at the age of 42, after taking an overdose amount of prescription drugs.

Even though the king of Rock & Roll is no longer living, his classic hits are still filling the speakers and music players of individuals around the world.

Presley was announced to have died due to cardiac arrhythmia, but his cause of death tried to be covered up by the doctors saying that he died due to overdosing on prescribed drugs that were put into a drink.

Elvis was found dead in the bathroom of his mansion in Memphis, Tennessee.

The Creation of Microsoft

Presley on a movie set.


1978 advertisement for a VCR.

Jake Darwin, staff writer


Page 12: Spring 2015 Issue 1

Grease is a classic film considered to be one of the best of

all time. Based in the 50s, John

Travolta and Olivia Newton John star in this hip high school musical.

The movie portrays a high school setting with many different social groups. Preps, greasers, nerds, and everyone in between create an ideal scenario for drama.

Newton-John became famous after the release of the movie musical, and she also became a famous singer. Travolta went on to star in many more films including the musical Hairspray.

Grease portrays the 50s

when there were the cool Pink Ladies and the suave T-Birds.

Also, it was a time where cliques were supposed to stay within their territories.

The two characters in the film meet at the beginning of the film during the summer on the beach, which is where they begin their relationship together.

They eventually meet and are together again at the beginning of the new school year, where Sandy is the new student at Danny’s high school.

Travolta, who plays the character Danny Zuko, is the leader of the T-Birds, and he shows Newton-John, who

plays Sandy Olsson, a side of him that she is not used to or saw at the beach over the summer.

Danny tries to act like the type of guy who Sandy is used to, and also be the same person who everyone else at school knows him as.

Grease the movie was based off of the musical, which brought in tons of attention and interest by the teens of the 70s.

Grease is one of the top movies from the time period, and it is still very popular in today’s society.

“Awesome, upbeat, with a hilarious cast, and overall very entertaining. The end is the absolute best,” said Eng-

lish teacher Kelly Bailey. The movie came out in

theaters in 1978, and it instantly became a box office hit.

The film gave viewers a glimpse of the past when diners were the place to hang out and the best music played on the jukebox.

Grease has a sequel, Grease 2, but many will express their feelings on how the original Grease is always going to be better than any other movies made.

Grease has been around for a long time, and it is still as popular today.

It is closing in on its 50th anniversary, which will be in the next ten years.

Some of the iconic scenes from the movie pictured here.

Jake Darwin staff writer

12 1970s

Grease Lightning Strikes the Box Office

Page 13: Spring 2015 Issue 1

Star Wars has long set a legacy for being one of, if not the, most popular movie series of

all time.With Episode 7 hitting theaters

this December, the popularity of the franchise has definitely awoken.

A New Hope debuted in 1977 and was directed by the legendary George

Lucas. The film quickly grossed over $400 million in the United States alone.

Cementing its place in cinematic history, the space film centered on destroying the Death Star.

Starring Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher, the movie surpassed the highest grossing film,

Jaws, at the time.“The creative filming made it fun

to watch,” said chorus teacher Mrs. Lemere.

With the upcoming release of the latest in the franchise, enthusiasts of the original film can now sit next to new fans and when that familiar logo hits the big screen.

SNL Brings Late Night LaughsSaturday Night Live

is a late-night show full of big actors,

actresses, and comedians who make fun of celebrities and news events through skits.

It was one of the first

major late-night comedy shows displayed in the United States.

On NBC, and performed live in a studio in New York, the show has made superstars out of its cast members. From Chevy

Chase to Will Ferrell, comedians have made a name for themselves.

Actors and musicians, like Justin Timberlake, line up to host the popular show. Timberlake has hosted the show five times

now. In February, SNL

debuted a special episode celebrating forty years of non-stop laughs. Comedy Central recently televised a marathon of the biggest episodes since the 70s.

Jake Darwin staff writer





in t

he 7


Star Wars Brings a

New Hope to Theaters


Page 14: Spring 2015 Issue 1

1970-1971 1972-1973 1974-1975The Vietnam War

was changing in its field of battle.

The war was being fought in the country of Cambodia, and the United States was still helping South Vietnam in the battle against North Vietnam.

During this time, the U.S. and South Vietnam were still fighting against the Vietcong.

President Nixon calls for a standstill and for all troops to cease fire.

With the Vietnam War spreading to another country, France decided to get involved, and caused the United States to turn its attention to France.

The Vietnam War was still in a standstill, but now France was bring-

ing itself back into the war with the Paris peace talks.

The United States began to withdraw some of its troops and send out more aircraft and other weaponry as the North Vietnam Army continued to cause trouble.

The United States began bombing North Vietnam, as a way to the end the war and bring peace.

The Vietnam War now entered its final years.

The peace agreements were finally working, and the tensions between North and South Vietnam were slowly decreasing.

The United States sent most of their troops back home with the war coming to a close, and the citizens of the United States were extremely happy that the war is finally over.

Today, there are strong tensions between both South and North Vietnam, but they are nowhere near as high as they were during the war.

The Vietnam War ended on April 30, 1975.

A few visual descriptions of the Vietnam War.

Jake Darwin staff writer

14 1970s

The United States Begins to See the End of the Vietnam War








Page 15: Spring 2015 Issue 1

Music in the 80s was one of a kind. From Whitney Houston to U2, there was a lot of variety in the

popular genres. In the 80s, Whitney Houston, Ameri-

can singer and actress, debuted her first self-titled album. From that moment on, the world of music exploded. To this day, Houston has one of the most recognizable voices of all time.

Her first four albums were released between 1985 and 1992 and earned sales in excess of 86 million copies. Houston passed away three short years ago.

Michael Jackson was another influential artist of the 80s. Almost everyone knows the dance moves to “Thriller.”

Being the leader of the Jackson Five as a child, Michael Jackson experienced fame throughout his life. Primarily famous through the 1980s, Jackson’s fans went crazy over his outrageous dance moves. He passed away tragically in 2009.

Music ArtistsPop legend Madonna is known for

her constant reinvention as a performer. Her biggest hits include “Papa Don’t

Preach,” “Like a Prayer,” “Vogue,” “Se-cret” and “Ray of Light,” among many others.

In 1981, she went solo as a pop singer and became a sensation on the then male-dominated 80s music scene. than 70 million albums internationally.

In 1978, Prince released his debut album For You. The singer found international success with the release of his 1982 album, 1999, and the film and album Purple Rain. By the time he released his 11th studio album, Prince became one of the most commercially successful pop artists.

U2’s first single, 11 O’Clock Tick-Tock, was released in May 1980 and was closely followed by Boy, their debut album. By May 1983, they had their first UK number one album with War,


Alexa Hudson, sports editor

Top5 Of the top music artists, most people would agree that Michael Jackson is the most popular.

His dynamic dance moves and legendary voice and influenced artists such as pop singers Justin Timberlake and Usher.

Many songs use Jackson’s spirit in their music to create those iconic pop sounds.

Page 16: Spring 2015 Issue 1

Back to the 80s

The most popular and beloved movies of the decade

Corey Haim was an iconic actor and heartthrob in the 80s. Here he portrays the Sam in The Lost Boys. “Kiefer Sutherland, need I say more.”--Katherine Hamblett

Reese’s Pieces. Lightsabers. Saturday detention. These were the epic moments in 1980s film.

The decade was filled with movies that depicted fantastic science-fiction worlds, action-packed sequences, and teenage drama.

Coach Valerie Whiteside said, “for me the 80s had the best movies! I would much rather watch an 80s movie than anything that they put out today. In fact, when I’m channel surfing, those are the movies that I stop and watch. “

In Back to the Future, a typical, American teenager is sent back to 1955 in a time machine DeLorean. Marty McFly must make sure that his parents fall in love so he can be born and sent back into the future.

The Breakfast Club is one of John Hughes’s most popular movies. Five high school students who would normally not engage with one another meet in detention.Coach Black said, “The movie helps people to understand that you can’t judge a person by how they look.”

Corey Haim and Corey Feldman were probably the two most famous young actors of the 80s, and they paired up in The Lost Boys. Two brothers move to California and are convinced they are surrounded by vampires after one of them gets a little too close.

Everyone’s favorite book in seventh grade was The Outsiders, and Francis Ford Coppola brought the beloved book to life. Gang rivalry escalates to a new level when a poor Greaser murders a rich Soc.

Recently remade, Karate Kid is about young teenage boy named Daniel who moves to California from New Jersey. Daniel is bullied by other boys his age who have extensive karate training.

Horror movies were especially popular. “The Shining! I like this movie

a lot because of the mystery in that hotel, and Jack Nicholson’s performance. I still watch it!” said Mrs. Hanner.

Ralph Macchio as D


Faculty Favorites

Claire Hardy, staff writer

“I was graduating college with a commission as a military officer myself and could strongly connect to the movie….the military, the “love story,” and the friendship parts of it. It still resonates strongly with me today.”--Col. Pettit

“Top Gun - I was active duty in the Navy.”--Lesa McGarity

“Top Gun of course! I loved that movie because it was action packed, showed how awesome the US Navy is, and had a little romance on the side. The music is memorable, the characters are strong, and Tom Cruise was easy on the eye!”--Lesa Banks

“My husband was a big science fiction fan, particularly Star Trek. He taught me to love the old Star Trek shows from the 60s, so we had to see all the succeeding movies that were made.”--Glenda Snead





“Footloose (1983) because it had one of the best movie sound tracks!!”--Elizabeth Meadows

“I went to see Footloose 3 or 4 times at the movie theater.”--Lauri Smith

“Love Kevin Bacon and the music!”--Denise Boyce










“The Princess Bride for its incredible lines: ‘Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.’”--Sheri Cash

“It is a sweet, fun, funny, fairy tale.” --Jo Murphy

“The Princess Bride because it has everything: action, adventure, romance, humor, drama...and the most quotable one-liners of any movie I know!”--Leah Wren

Fast times at

Ridgemont High“Featuring a killer sound track and a killer cast (a young Sean Penn and Forest Whitaker are standouts) it is an all around fun film!”--Brian Scott

Glory“The story of the 54th Massachusetts is such an inspiring

one as it depicts the regiment’s unsure beginnings to its heroic deeds in the battle for Fort Wagner. The character development is masterful and helps viewers get a raw and realistic view of how harsh war really can be.”--Coach Dempsey


of the

Lost Ark “Excellent cast, story line, visuals, historical aspects,.”--Stephane Vernet16 1980s

Page 17: Spring 2015 Issue 1

A mixture of the most popular musical artists of the 80s came together to form the group USA and raise money to end famine in Africa.

Written by Michael Jackson and Lionel richie, the album, We are the World, had sales that exceeded 20 million copies, and the single became one of the most popular of all time.

In 2010. the single was re-recorded by many artists who were popular at the time, raising funds to help the viictims of the earthquake in Haiti.

The internet is a daily necessity for people today, but it wasn’t

always like that. Think of a time when the

internet wasn’t accessible. Today, the internet is as simple

as the touch of a smart phone’s touch screen. In the 80s, the internet was as new to them as the iPhone 6 plus is now.

In 1981, Apple Macintosh was launched by Steve Jobs and Steven Wonziack.

Apple Company’s technology is known for its user-friendly abilities, and always has been from the start. They even sold some of their software for $21,000 to Microsoft to use on their computer.

Many people are most familiar with the iPhone, iPod, and iPad, but the Macintosh was Apple’s first ever computer.

Released in January of 1984, the Macintosh was the first affordable computer to include a Graphical User Interface.

The Mac came in a small beige case with a black and white monitor, a keyboard and mouse, and had a floppy drive. It originally sold for $2,495.

Apple’s first computer wasn’t an overnight success. Weighing in at 16 pounds, it was more of a workout than a technological advantage.

Many students have iPhones.Sophomore Souinta Vasavong

said, “I like the new Apple products for their user-friendly abilities.”

In 1987, Apple celebrated its tenth birthday, and will be 39 this year.

When you think 80s fashion, you think bright colors, right?

From bright joggers to plaid suits, the 80s had just about the wildest clothing ideas you could ever think of.

Clothing could be described as snug and fitting. During this time wearing your favorite sports teams jersey became popular, and the stores couldn’t keep them stocked.

Many wore warm-up suits or joggers, and it was cool to dress like a tennis player.

By the late 80s, Nike had grown into one of the most profitable clothing companies in the world. Like Coke vs. Pepsi, Reebok vs. Nike was the athletic wear battle of the decade.

With the help of Michael Jordan, Nike won the war. In 1988, every kid had to have a pair of Air Jordans and a Chicago Bulls baseball cap.

If you ever hear someone talk about “Cosby sweaters,” they are referring to sweaters that were most popular in 1989. By then, women’s clothing had gotten considerably more baggy as women clamored for styles that hearkened back to a more conservative time.

As well as the men, women of the 80s loved their exercise clothes. Whether it was leg warmers or leotards, everywhere you turned someone had one or the two on.

A main fashion influence at that time was Madonna. She first came on the 1980s music scene, dripping in cheap costume jewelry.

As her popularity soared, so did her following of wannabes who dressed like her, styled their hair like her, and adopted the trend of wearing tons of bracelets and long, hanging necklaces, often sporting crosses.

Finally, one word: HAIR. 80s hair was something that will forever be remembered as teased and crimped. L’Oreal even came out with a teasing comb with a can of hairspray attached to the other end.

Sophomore Madison Lyon said, “I appreciate 80s hair because it was big.”

The Beginning of Apple

Musicians Unite for


Bright Colors and Crimped Hair

Alexa Hudson, sports editor


Artists gathered to celebrate the We Are the World album.

Photo by Alexa Hudson Alex Leiber,12, using his Apple computer to explore the Internet during lunch time.

Page 18: Spring 2015 Issue 1

In 1985, Coca-Cola made a huge decision to change the formula of the extremely popular soft drink after 99 years of

tremendous success. The decision was made after over 200,000

consumers preferred the new Coke rather than the old in survey taste tests.

The company assumed that the tests represented the majority vote, but once the formula changed and new Coke was produced, it was a social uproar.

In spring and summer of 1985, Coca-Cola fanatics were protesting, creating stockpiles of “old Coke,” and filing daily complaints to the company.

1-800-GET-COKE was constantly receiving calls from angry consumers who held every member or supporter of Coca-Cola responsible for the change.

This unexpected outbreak changed the company forever, and they were forced to come up with new effective ways to market themselves.

Dorman YoungLife representative Angie Ratterree stated, “New Coke was not tasty, so why mess up a good thing?”

Coca-Cola did not introduce the change in the same way that they would today. It was a sudden adjustment, and customers purchased Coke only to be shocked by a new mysterious flavor. There was no way to purchase the old formula.

The same year, Coca-Cola brought back the classic formula and had an option between the classic and new taste.

The production of new Coke eventually stopped and Coca-Cola was renamed Coca-Cola Classic.

At the end of World War II, Europe was devastated, and in efforts to

promote peace, the United States and allies allowed Russia to liberate concentration camps from the east while the U.S. liberated camps from the west.

Since Russia was a communist country, the countries that were liberated adopted communism as a form of government.

These countries were so weak and desperate for immediate change and reform that they fell to communism without considering the true effects of the strict political rule. Tensions between the abrupt political changes caused unrest throughout Europe.

Everyone was struggling, despite the political rule and tensions were high throughout Germany and countries that were taken by Germany in the war. People were fleeing from the East to the West because the West had democracy.

To stop this, the Berlin Wall was constructed very quickly in 1961 to keep citizens from leaving. President Roosevelt

and other western countries did not agree with restricted common freedoms that the wall caused.

The wall was officially called the “Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart” by GDR authorities. This name implied that NATO and western countries were fascist. From 1961 to 1989, the wall prevented emigration.

About 5,000 tried to escape and hundreds were killed. American President Ronald Reagan stated in 1987, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”

The wall’s demolition did not begin until the summer of 1990 and was not completely destroyed until 1992. Citizens came together to tear down the massive wall that was 96.3 miles long.

The destruction of the wall was a huge victory for citizens, and they celebrated for days.

Families were reunited, tensions were lifted, and the country of Germany was once again together as one.

Sandra Day O’Connor, born in El Paso, Texas in 1930, served two terms in Arizona as the first female

Majority Leader in the United States and as the Republican Leader in Arizona.

President Ronald Reagan nominated her as a justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, as the first woman to ever serve in 1981. She was a Republican and a moderate conservative, and her vote weighed heavily in many cases over a course of twenty five years.

O’Connor graduated from Stanford University in 1950 with a bachelor’s degree in economics and then attended Stanford’s law school. At the time of her graduation, opportunities for female lawyers were very limited. She started off as a free worker for California’s San Mateo county to get herself introduced into the business. She was the state’s assistant attorney general from 1965-1969.

In 1974, O’Connor ran in Maricopa County Superior Court for the position of judge. She developed an adequate reputation as a judge, and she remained involved in Republican politics outside of the courtroom. She was chosen to serve on the State’s court of appeals, and two years later, Reagan nominated her as associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. She received approval from the U.S. Senate, and broke grounds for women involved in government affairs.

She was respected for paying attention to rule of law and making her decisions over relativity to the rights protection by the Constitution rather than being swayed by the opinions of politicians.

During her term, she suffered from

breast cancer and received treatment. She publicly revealed her battle with breast cancer in 1994 in a speech to the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship.

She retired in 2006 due to her extensive service and her husband’s declining health.

She continues to work to improve the understanding of government to people of all ages. She launched an online program, iCivics, in 2006. She expressed to Parade magazine, “We have a complex system of government. You have to teach it to every generation.”

In 2009, President Obama awarded O’Connor with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. She currently resides in Pheonix, Arizona, where there is also a law school named in her honor.

Coke Rethinks Decision to

Change Formula Amid Distaste

The Berlin Wall Falls

It’s All Law and Order for Sandra Day O’Connor

Claire Hardy, staff writer

Senior Editor Kymmy Lawson wears a Coke sweater.

Supreme Court Justice of the United States 1981-200618 1980s

Page 19: Spring 2015 Issue 1

The Kennedys have been iconic figures for

centuries in their influence in American politics and business. JFK Jr. was born on November 25,1960 and was the second son to be born to JFK and Jacqueline, 17 days after his father was elected president. He was the first child of a president to be born while the President was still in office. JFK Jr.’s picture became iconic when he was attending his father’s funeral and did a final salute as the flag-draped casket was carried. His father’s funeral occurred on JFK Jr.’s third birthday. He went to Brown University and attempted to pursue his career in acting but later changed his mind.

He then decided to change his career and went to school to become a lawyer. After his career as a lawyer for five years, he changed career paths again and launched a political magazine company. He met his wife Carolyn in 1992. At the time in which they met, Kennedy was dating actress Daryl Hannah. They began dating in 1994. Carolyn had a career as a Calvin Klein publicist. Carolyn and JFK Jr.’s career paths made them go together well. They officially got married on January 7, 1996. Their wedding was a kept secret from the media. They were married in a secret ceremony on Cumberland Island.

JFK, Jr. had a great career,

loving wife, and amazing family. This all came to an end when he decided to pilot a plane to Martha Vineyards on July 16, 1999. He wanted to pilot the plane alone and planned to drop off his sister in law in Martha’s Vineyard and then to fly to Cape Cod with Carolyn to attend the wedding of Rory Kennedy. He did not have significant flying experience prior to traveling to Martha’s Vineyard, as little as 300 hours of experience. He left from an airport in New Jersey, flying towards unfavorable conditions.

Flying to Martha’s Vineyard is hard for pilots to fly at night due to not being able to see landmarks or shore lights. The plane never made in to Martha’s Vineyard. After

friends and family patiently awaited his arrival, they knew something was wrong after he did not show up at the time he was designated. A rescue team was put together of thousands of people. After two days of unsuccessful searching, rescuers started to look for body remains instead of the missing plane. On July 21st, the bodies of JFK Jr., Carolyn, and his sister in law where found just eight miles off the shore of Martha’s Vineyard. The next day all three bodies were cremated at sea. The loss of three members of the iconic Kennedy family was a loss everyone in America felt and was a heartache everyone experienced in the 1990s.

JFK Jr. Dies in Plane CrashKristin Keisler junior design editorHaley Elkins junior managing editor


JFK Jr. and his dad walking outside the White House. JFK Jr. poses at an event.

Page 20: Spring 2015 Issue 1

A Royal Marriage that Didn’t End Happily Ever After

Princess Diana and Prince Charles were married on

July 29th, 1981 at St. Paul’s Cathedral.

The wedding was broadcast all over the world, and many people kept up with the royal couple throughout their marriage. At every event they attended, paparazzi flocked to them and the royal couple was always in the tabloids.

But the paparazzi’s view of the couple was forever changed in 1992. The rumors in the tabloids of the couple splitting were everywhere but did not come true until December 1992 when the prime minister announced the separation to the House of Commons.

The full Camillagate transcript of the prime minister announcing the separation was in the newspapers almost an entire month after.

Princess Diana announced on December 3, 1993 that she would not be in the public eye any longer.

This included all her royal duties she had as the Princess of Wales.

Although the divorce was announced in December of 1993, it was not finalized until August 28th, 1996. Princess Diana received almost 17 million dollars along with a clause from the royal court that should would not discuss any details. Also, her title of “Royal Highness” was removed , and her official title was denounced to ”Diana, Princess of Wales.”

She was still viewed as royalty due to her being the mother of the future royal title holders. The divorce was a shock to not only people living in England, but around the world.

The royal marriage is looked upon as a fairy tale dream and the announcement of divorce made everyone realize that even prince and princesses do not always get their happily ever after.

Princess Diana Dies at Age 36

A year after the divorce was finalized, another tragedy hit the royal family.

On August 30, 1997, Princess Diana was visiting Paris, France. Even though Diana was not a Royal Highness anymore, the paparazzi still followed her everywhere she went.

She was leaving her hotel with her boyfriend Dodi Fayed when they left the hotel and went through a tunnel. The driver of the car lost control, swerved and hit a supporting pillar.

The front end of the car was completely destroyed, and all the passengers died on impact except for the driver.

At first glance, people were blaming the paparazzi, claiming that the driver was reckless due to the press following them.

Investigators estimated that the car

was going substantially over the speed limit.

The French police investigation concluded in 1999 that the reason the car crashed was due to the driver being intoxicated. Later the driver was found to be under the influence at the time of the accident.

The death of Princess Diana was a tragedy that struck everyone around the world. Her funeral was held at Westminster Abbey and was broadcast worldwide.

Haley Elkins junior managing editorKristin Keisler junior design editor

20 1990s

Princess Diana with her crown.

Princess Diana and Prince Charles at their wedding.

The world reacts to Diana’s death.

Page 21: Spring 2015 Issue 1

Titanic is one of the most iconic movies of this

generation. Based on a true-story, the script

draws the attention of many viewers who want to see and experience the situation for themselves. The film, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, portrays an epic love story amidst a tragedy.

Earlier in production, the film’s working title was Planet Ice but was later changed to Titanic.

This movie achieved many awards and was successful at the box office. It was number one at the U.S. box office for a record-breaking fifteen consecutive weeks. It lasted from December 19, 1997 to April 2, 1998. Since Titanic was in theaters for so long, it was the first film to be released on DVD/VHS while still in theaters.

Kate Winslet and Gloria Stuart also made history. Both co-stars played the role of Rose. Winslet played the younger version, and Stuart played the older version. This marked the first time in history that two actors were nominated for an Academy Award for playing the same character in a film. However, neither actress won the award.

At the time of production, Titanic was the most expensive film ever filmed in the 20th century. It had an estimated budget of over $200 million. However, the expensive budget was worth it because Titanic was the first film to reach the billion-dollar mark. Titanic remained the highest-grossing movie of all time until the release of Avatar in 2010 broke the record. Both films, Titanic and Avatar, were directed by James Cameron.

Even though Full House started in 1987, it is primarily considered a 1990s show. This show was on air for eight

seasons and still has re-runs on air today. Full House is a show about a blended family coming together

to raise Danny’s daughters after his wife passes away, He struggles with having to raise his three young daughters: DJ, Stephanie, and Michelle, on his own. Danny invites his brother-in-law Jessie and his best friend Joey to come live in his house and help him raise his three daughters.

The family has a difficult time adjusting to their new lifestyle. DJ, Stephanie, and Michelle are basically raised by three dads, and without a mother in the picture, that can be tough. It is also difficult when the three best friends are polar opposites.

Danny is the clean freak. Everything has to be in order for him to be happy. However, he is very caring and kind as well.

Uncle Jesse is a musician. He seems like he has a tough exterior, but he actually has a soft side. He marries Rebecca Donaldson, who helps the girls by having an aunt around the house.

Joey is a comedic that brings comedy to everything in his life. He loves to make jokes and have a good time, but he knows when to be serious.

DJ Tanner is the eldest daughter of Danny Tanner. DJ has a close relationship with her sister Stephanie since they had to share a bedroom for most of their childhood. She is quick to become irritated with her family members, but she always ends up apologizing very quickly. DJ is a compassionate person who

has many great qualities. She is a great big sister to Stephanie and Michelle.

Stephanie Tanner, the middle child, adores her big sister DJ. She is the family member with the cute catch phrases. Her most famous phrase is “How Rude.” Even though she is sometimes nosy and a blabbermouth, she has a humourous and bubbly personality.

The youngest daughter, Michelle, was actually played by a set of twins: Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. The producers decided to cast the twins because they were the only set of twins who did not cry at the audition.

When the twins grew up and started to look different in appearances, the producers wanted to keep one girl , but co-star John Stamos (Uncle Jesse) did not want either girl to leave, so they kept both girls.

If you pay close attention, there are many ways to tell them apart on screen. For instance, Mary-Kate is left-handed and played the comedic moments on screen, while Ashley who is right-handed, played the serious moments on screen, and had a freckle

above her lip as a child. Junior Mallory Alexander enjoyed watching Full House

because “ even though they are not all related, they are all still family.”

Full House is a family-oriented show that shows both the good and the bad experiences of having a big family and portrays the many life lessons can be learned from this show.

Titanic Promises to Never Let Go of Box Office Ratings

Favorite TV Shows of the 90s


The Fresh Prince of Bel Air1990-1996

Sabrina the Teenage Witch1996-2003

Boy Meets World 1993-2000

Full House Was Everywhere You Looked in the 90s


Kristin Keisler junior design editor Haley Elkins junior managing editor

Page 22: Spring 2015 Issue 1

Plaid and Overalls Were All the Rage in the 90sKristin Keisler junior design editorHaley Elkins junior managing editor

22 1990s

Who would think in 2015 that plaid and overalls would

be making a comeback?Although plaid was worn

differently in the 90s, as either part of the grunge scene or as part of fashion, today, plaid is seen with shirts, jackets, and scarves.

In the movie Clueless, characters wore matching plaid skirts and blazers that were iconic fashion pieces at that time. In today’s fashion trends, plaid is seen more as button down shirt.

Another major trend worn in the 90s was tying jackets around the waist. This was a popular trend that many people wore to either add an accessory to an outfit or to make it easier to carry.

Most of the jackets that people wore around their waists were colorful, solid colors to match the outfit

that they were wearing at the current moment.

Overalls were also worn fro different purposes. Instead of wearing them for work, people wore them as a fashion statement.

People often styled the overalls with personal touches like adding beading, pairing with a bright color, having them ripped, or adding a design.

Overalls are coming back into today’s fashion trends as well. However, instead of being overalls that have pants, they are short overalls.

Overall shorts were worn in the early 90s and actress Tiffani Amber Theissen wore them in the hit TV show Saved By The Bell.

They say that fashion is circular, and the trends of the 90s are making themselves known today in high schools and runway shows.

Accessories of the 90sHair accessories

were just as important in the 90s as they signified convenient fashion.

Scrunchies were a hair accessory that girls and women wore when their hair was in a side ponytail. Jodie Sweetin, the actress who played Stephanie Tanner on Full House, often pulled off the scrunchie trend.

Fanny Packs were a

trend that people of all ages used as a convenient place to store items when going places. People often wore them while on vacation or outdoor events because they could just strap it onto their waist.

Scrunchies and fanny packs have mostly gone out of style today. However, some people still wear them to keep the decade alive.

Jackets around the waist and overalls are two 90s signatures.


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Fanny packs of the 90s

Clueless actresses sport plaid jackets and skirts.

Page 23: Spring 2015 Issue 1

The Attack That Changed The World

Do You Remember?

“We had indications that on a number of occasions she had come out of The World Trade Center, carrying people out, and going back in. She had the opportunity to leave, and she chose not to.” - Charles Barbuti

“Ron has saved a number of people by assisting them in the escaping from the building. Make no mistake, Ron knew what he was getting himself into.” - Unknown

“Rather that just accept his fate, Burnett decided to act. He and a small group of passengers decided to fight back against the hijackers.” - Deena Burnett

“I see this incredible hero, running back and forth saving the day; in his mind he had one duty to do, to save people.” - Judy Wein

Moira Smith (unpictured)

Brittany Cassimus staff writer

Ron Bucca




Welles Crow

therHeroes Of


September 11, 2001 is a day that every American will remember; most can recall every single

detail about where they were the moment they realized that the Twin Towers had collapsed.

On the morning of 9/11, 19 hijackers boarded four different commercial flights. The hijackers specifically hijacked large planes that carried a lot of fuel.

The first plane hit the north tower at 8:46 a.m. Many bystanders and people watching the news thought that the plane had crashed accidently. It wasn’t until the second plane hit the south tower that people in the United States realized it was an attack.

At 9:03 a.m. the second plane hit the south tower. This sent the U.S. into a state of panic because they did not know when or where the next attack would occur.

The next attack on September 11th occurred at 9:37 a.m. Another commercial flight taken over by five hijackers crashed into the Pentagon.

The attacks were hitting various places in the country making it almost impossible to know where the next attack would take place.

The final plane that had been taken over by four hijackers and was predicted to hit the White House or the Capital.

Brave passengers aboard realized that three other commercial flights had also been hijacked and used to attack various places in the United States.

They fought back against the hijackers and the plane ended up crashing near Shakensville, Pennsylvania.

No one survived the crash, but passengers aboard the flight are known as heroes for courageously fighting against the hijackers.

Many people lost their lives including civilians and emergency response teams. They are still remembered and honored today. September 11, 2001 marks an event in history of extreme tragedy and also the day that people in the United States came together as one.

“The Friday prior to 9/11, my students and I had just completed a story that dealt with the assassination of JFK. We discussed the fact that many people can always recall where they were when they heard the news of events such as Pearl Harbor, the JFK assassination, etc. Unfortunately, a few days later we were discussing the fact that they had just lived one of those moments. The parents of one of my Leadership students were in New York at the time, and as a class we rallied around her and supported her during the time of uncertainty. Time seemed to stand still during the days following 9/11, and we were very much in disbelief. Our lives, our country as we knew it, and our world had changed forever.” - Mrs. Moore, English Teacher“The 20th century did not end on December 31st, 1999 but on September 11, 2001. 9/11, as it came to be called, was the end of the American epoch. No longer would the average American feel safe and secure in his or her home or at his or her work. Terrorism has haunted us since that day and seems to hide behind every corner, to lurk in every shadow. Since 9/11, we’ve seen the 2004 Madrid bombing, the London terror bombing (7/7), and the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack, and the 2013 Boston bombings, and now the French Charlie Hebdo attack. We live in frightening times.” - Mr. Scott, Social Studies Teacher 232000s

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Barack Obama was the campaign winner against John McCain on November 4, 2008, making him

the first African American to be elected into the White House.

Barack Obama was born on August 4th in Honolulu, Hawaii. His parents were Barack Obama, Sr. and Ann Dunham, although Obama Jr. did not have a relationship with his dad.

As of March in 1964, his parents officially divorced. In 1965, Ann remarried to a man named Lolo Soetoro, and a year after their marriage, she moved with him to Jakarta, Indonesia, leaving Obama with his grandparents in Hawaii in favor of his education.

Living with his grandparents, he excelled in academic honors and basketball. He was very conscious about racism, even though he was one of the only black kids at his school.

As life went on, he often struggled with the absence of his father, and he saw him one last time for a short visit in Hawaii.

In 1988, Obama went to Kenya for Harvard, the exact college where his father graduated from. There he met and fell deeply in love with and married Michelle Robinson (Obama).

Soon after Harvard, Obama enrolled in the University of Chicago Law School to practice as a civil rights lawyer, soon becoming a part- time lecturer before being promoted as a professor. During Bill Clinton’s campaign in 1992, he helped and organized voter registration.

He was elected to the presidency in 2008 and is currently serving two full terms.

Obama has many plans during his second term, all the while dealing

with terrorist threats from ISIS. He said he will reduce all taxes and

cut tax rates by the end of 2016, as he will try his absolute best to reach one million jobs for Americans.

Stepping into his father’s footsteps, George W. Bush served as President from 2000-

2008. He was born on July 6, 1946 in New

Heaven, Connecticut while his father was attending Yale University as an undergraduate.

Bush was the oldest son of George H.W. and Barbara Bush. When Bush

was two years old, he and his family moved to West Texas because his father started a new job at an oil industry.

Bush graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from Yale. He then he served as a fighter pilot

in the Texas Air National Guard. Next he received a Master’s in business from Yale University.

Bush moved back to Washington, D.C. to help his father with his campaign after his oil company was sold. He served as the governor of Texas from 1995-2000.

In 2000, George W. Bush won

presidency after narrowly defeating the democratic candidate Al Gore.

By the time Bush was in office, his term was shaped by the 9/11 terrorist attack against America. His response was to declare a global war on terrorism.

Senior Monica Young said, “He was very brave.”

Bush was re-elected in 2004 after defeating the democratic candidate John Kerry, winning 50 percent of the votes.

During his second term, Bush’s popularity diminished due to his lack of response to Hurricane Katrina.

Another setback of the Bush presidency was the American economy. In 2008, America experienced the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Bush began his presidency with a budget surplus due of the cost of two wars.

In 2009, after serving two terms, Barack Obama was elected.

George W. Bush Elected 43rd PresidentJarmesha Tate staff writer

Barack Obama Elected 44th PresidentBrittany Cassimus staff writer

24 2000s

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Since the first release of the iPhone in 2007, Apple has been working hard to stay at the

top and be the smartest phone on the market.

Over 6.1 billion phones sold on its release day when the iPhone was 4 GB with a 3.5 inch screen and no front camera.

The concept of the iPhone originated by taking the features of an iPod and including the features of a mobile device with internet access. This was a revolutionary idea that changed the market of mobile devices.

The next iPhone, iPhone 3, came with some different features. For example, it had 8 GB, a front facing camera, and a different IOS series.

The first iPhones didn’t have a flash for the camera. They were basically the same kind of phone but with different features. By June of 2008, Apple discounted the original iPhone and came out with the iPhone 3G.

Introducing the fourth iPhone, Apple

released the 4 and the 4S in June 2010. The design on this iPhone was a little

different than the previous two, but the screen size was the same with the same amount of storage and a front face camera.

The new feature on iPhone 4 and 4S was a flash on its camera and an IOS 6.1.3. The battery life was much more reliable than the previous versions as there was up to ten hours of battery life.

On September 10, 2014, Apple came out with three versions of the iPhone: 5, 5C, 5S. They all had the same basic features with a few exceptions.

The iPhone 5S did not have a round square icon on the home button like the 5 and the 5C. Instead, it had a new feature called the Touch ID fingerprint sensor.

The iPhone 5 and 5S had a back made with aluminum glass, the 5C came out with five different colors, and all the iPhones had a new built-in microphone, lightning connector, and a single built-in speaker.

All three phones had a front facing camera and 4G LTE service.

The newest iPhones that Apple has released are the 6 and 6 Plus. These phones are made totally different than the previous models.

The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus are much bigger and faster. The screen on the iPhone 6 Plus is the biggest with a 5.7 inch display. They both come in three different colors: silver, gold, and black.

Apple prices haven’t changed, starting at $199 and up. The iPhone comes with the same accessories as the iPhone 5 series.

With the evolution of iPhones over the last five years, and the speed with which these devices are being released, time will only tell what the next big thing will be.

Senior Lyndon Moore said,”I think the next Apple product will be the iPower.”

Right now, Apple is reporting that the iPhone 6C and 7 will be released in 2015.

Apple’s iPhone Redesign Keeps Them on Top

Jarmesha Tate staff writer

Photo by Lexie SmithThis image shows the evolution of the iPhones.


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1950s 1960s 1970s------------- -------------

Johnny B. Goode: “Covered hundreds of times, from B.B. King to Back To The Future, it was included on the Voyager Golden Record, a selection of discs sent into space to demon-strate the cultural capacity of life on earth. Makes you proud to be human.”

Chuck Berry“I grew up thinking art was pictures until I got into music and found I was an artist and didn’t paint.”

Chuck Berry“If you tried to give rock

and roll another name, you might call it ‘Chuck


“I say in speeches that a plausible mission of

artists is to make people appreciate being alive at least a little bit. I am then asked if I know of any artists who pulled that off. I reply, ‘The

Beatles did’.” -Kurt Vonnegut

The Beatles formed in Liverpool in 1960.



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Stevie Nicks“I was not going to be a stupid

girl singer. I was going to be way more than that.”

Chuck Barry, 1971


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26 fun

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Through the DecadesA History of the No. 1 Hit Songs

Kymberlee Lawson, Editor

1980s 1990s 2000s------------- -------------

Beyonce“I put my heart in that album (Dangerously In Love). After playing the songs for my record label, they told me I didn’t have one hit on my album. “Dangerously In Love”,

“Naughty Girl”, “Me Myself & I”, “Baby Boy” and my favorite, “Crazy In Love”. But they told me I didn’t have one hit on my album. I guess they were kind of right. I had five!”

“I wanted to have the adoration of John Lennon but have the anonymity of Ringo Starr. I didn’t want to be a frontman. I just

wanted to be back there and still be a rock and roll

star at the same time.”--Kurt Cobain, Nirvana


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From Rock ‘n Roll to R & B, the last 60 years have given us a variety of musical genres.

1950s 1960s 1970s

1990s 2000s1980s