Page 1: Spreadin’ the Wealth Exodus: 20:17; 22:14; 23:6

Spreadin’ the Wealth

Exodus: 20:17; 22:14; 23:6

Page 2: Spreadin’ the Wealth Exodus: 20:17; 22:14; 23:6
Page 3: Spreadin’ the Wealth Exodus: 20:17; 22:14; 23:6
Page 4: Spreadin’ the Wealth Exodus: 20:17; 22:14; 23:6

The World of the ReligiousLeft

• The Old Testament is key for them to argue for a socialistic form of government and economy.

• “Justice” is the key word.

• “Fair or Fair Share” are other words they use.

Page 5: Spreadin’ the Wealth Exodus: 20:17; 22:14; 23:6

The World of the ReligiousLeft

• In their minds “God is on the side of the poor”

• The rich have gotten rich by “exploiting” the poor.

• Or they have used the resources of society that belong to everyone, as they see it

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The World of the ReligiousLeft

• This comes through in phrases like “you didn’t build that”

• To be right with God, one has to be on the right side (i.e. liberating the poor from their oppressors)

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Page 8: Spreadin’ the Wealth Exodus: 20:17; 22:14; 23:6
Page 9: Spreadin’ the Wealth Exodus: 20:17; 22:14; 23:6

What Shall We Say To These Things?

1. Property is Personal

• The government does not own us

• The government does not own what we have

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What Shall We Say To These Things?

• Exodus 20:17 prohibits stealing or coveting

• Dt. 19:14 calls for property boundaries to be observed

• We are warned about the intrusive power of government (1 Sam. 8:10-18)

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What Shall We Say To These Things?

1. Property is Personal

– Marxism’s summation: “the abolition of private property”

– Socialists may not go that far, but they see government as the arbiter to the distribution of society’s resources. They are in the same family

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What Shall We Say To These Things?

2. Justice—A Slippery Word

– Liberals use the word “justice” in ways the Bible does not.

– The Bible calls for “commercial justice” and “remedial justice”

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What Shall We Say To These Things?

2. Justice—A Slippery Word

– The Bible does not call for “distributive justice”

– Liberals wrongly equate justice with equality of outcomes

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What Shall We Say To These Things?

3. The Poor and the Helpless

– The Bible does call for us to look out for the truly poor and helpless. (Gal. 6:2; 1 John 3:17)

– It places the responsibility on the shoulders of individuals

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What Shall We Say To These Things?

3. The Poor and the Helpless

– Government should provide a safety net and provide for general welfare

– That is a far cry from redistributive “justice”

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What Shall We Say To These Things?

• Where government does help it must

– Not promote indolence (2 Thess. 3:10)

– Not breed envy and cause people to sin.
