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IAP2 Australasia’s2010 Core Values Awards Breakfast

Wednesday 15 September, 2010

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Category 1

Award for

Public Participation Enhanced Decision Making

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Special Mention

Dept of Premier and Cabinet

QueenslandGrowth Management


Anne Moffatt

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Highly Commended

Telecom NZ

Titahi Bay Mobile Site

Paul Leslie

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Category 1 – Public Participation Enhanced Decision Making

2010 Winner

Randwick City Council

Buildings for our Community

Martin Ryman

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We explained our problem

• We gave detailed information on the problems and costs for each of the 65 buildings in the Buildings for our Community program and the impact of the options to fund the program.

• We sent an information pack in plain English to every business and household and we advertised extensively.

• We put the information on our website, distributed it to all stakeholder groups and told people where they could go to find out more.

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We asked how to engage people

• We held two focus groups and a deliberative engagement workshop to find out how our community wanted to be consulted.

• We sought advice from our precinct meetings and our stakeholder groups.

• In response to feedback that every household should be asked, we distributed a survey to every household and business in Randwick City.

• People asked for different ways to get information and participate, so we created opportunities for face to face and on-line interaction, with information both in hard copy and digital form.

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We collaborated with our community

We:• set the consultation at the collaborative level • stated clearly that the program and any rates levy could only go

ahead with demonstrated community support• held focus groups and a deliberative engagement workshop • held workshops with precincts, sports groups, seniors and child care

groups, and our indigenous community (to name a few)• sent every household and business an information pack and survey• went to our major shopping centre with a street stall• hosted an online discussion• promoted the consultations with posters and advertisements;

through media stories, email lists and community networks, and a six web pages and two websites.

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We gave the information asked for

People to wanted to know: • What the problems were

– so we showed the full program and costs with pictures on our website

• What impact any levy would have on their rates bill – so we showed the costs for a range of typical property values

• When people asked for more information, we uploaded it onto our websites

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We listened and acted on what was said

We:• changed the Buildings for

our Community program by taking off buildings and adding others

• reduced the amount of the levy

• thanked the community by letting every resident and householder know the outcome through a community newsletter and extensive advertising.

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Category 2

Award for

Robust Public Participation Process

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Highly Commended

Randwick City Council

Buildings for our Community

Martin Ryman

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Highly Commended

Institute for Sustainable Futures

World Wide Views on Global Warming

Jade Herriman

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Category 2 – Robust Public Participation Process

2010 Winner

Warringah Council

Talk of the Town

2010 Community Summit – Housing Future

Kate Lewis

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Talk of the Town 2010

• State Metropolitan Strategy -10,300 dwellings by 2031

• Need to develop Housing Strategy called “Warringah’s Housing Future –Lets Solve the Puzzle”

• Development of comprehensive Engagement Plan– Stage 1 – Initial awareness

– Stage 2 - Talk of the Town 2010 Community Summit

– Stage 3 –Feedback on initial housing paper

– Stage 4 – Public exhibition

• Extensive and robust planning and preparation

• Summit held Dee Why RSL on Sunday 23 May 2010 from 11.30 – 3.30

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Promotion and Outreach program

• Promotion and outreach commenced 26 January 2010 • Activities include:

– Community events, meet the Mayor, Music in March, sporting events– Direct email to Council Community groups and other contacts– Letters to non resident property owners.– Flyers and letter box drop of all households– Promotion via Council services and venues– School Poster Competition – promoted via 45 Primary & Secondary Schools– Adverts in local papers, banners– Online forum -

• Recruitment and Selection:– Received over 715 registrations – Robust random selection process – Suburb, age and gender – 550 participants selected and invited– Participants confirmed attendance– On the day 440 participants attended– Random table allocation

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Logistics and Selection

• Logistics– 2 Rooms @ Dee Why RSL ~ 550 capacity, screens in both rooms linked by

video– 10 Participants seated at round tables with a facilitator at each table – Assistance provided by Straight Talk including Lead facilitator – 50 volunteer facilitators were recruited and trained (12 external, 38 internal) – 40 other volunteers – registration, runners, issue experts, floor managers,

room coordinators, ushers, prizes etc– Special Guests and observers: Councillors, MPs, Media, Panel Members, Other

Council staff, Dept of Planning

• Creative Processes and techniques– Electronic voting – individual keepads– Sticker sessions on maps– Expert Discussion panel– Opinion walls– Puzzle team activity– Facilitator notes– Individual feedback forms– Support material – participant’s pack, background documents

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Program for the Day

11.30 am Welcome

11.40 am “Who is here today?”

11.50 am “Your values” – discussion and voting

12.15 pm“Where should the dwellings go?” – Sticker session 1

12.30 pm “Change is coming” – Expert Panel

12.50 pm“Where will all these extra people live?” – Discussion and electronic voting

1.55 pm“What will Warringah look like in the future?”

2.45 pm “The Puzzle” – team activity

3.00 pm“Place your stickers” Consensus session

3.20 pm Summary and Close

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How would you rate the day overall?

25 24









Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor %





Feedback and Next Steps• Feedback included:

– Community valued being involved

– Good facilitators and table discussion (4.5 out of 5)

– Good mix of people

– Well run and enjoyable

– Liked instant feedback via electronic voting

– Inclusion of related issues eg transport

– One room, less than 10 on a table

– Overall 95% of participants rated the event as good, very good or excellent

• Next Steps– Participant handout on day

– Initial results reported to Council in June 2010

– Development of Draft Housing Strategy

– Final stage of engagement plan

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Category 3

Award for

Best Public Participation Policy Framework

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Category 3 – Best Public Participation Policy Framework

2010 Winner

South East Water Ltd

South East Water Community

Engagement Framework in Action

Vivian Garde

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• At South East Water, our vision is to make community engagement part of our DNA – part of the way we do business


D = Decide

A = Announce

D = Defend


P = Profile

E = Educate

P = Participate

• We are working towards using the P.E.P model for making decisions

• We have adopted and follow the IAP2 Core Values and Spectrum

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ENGAGEMENT JOURNEY• In 2008, Board endorsed IAP2 Core Values and Public Participation spectrum

• New strategic direction included six strategic priorities – Customer and Community was front and centre

• Corporate Engagement Strategy (very first strategy) was developed – clearly articulates imperative of undergoing community engagement in everything we do

• In 2009, organisation restructure in line with new strategic direction – Corporate Affairs team are moved from Corporate Services to Customer and Community

• New Community and Stakeholder Engagement function created within the Corporate Affairs team

• Manager for Community and Stakeholder Engagement appointed

• Additional resources appointed as needed to deliver on commitments to engagement

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Community and Customer Experience

Community and Stakeholder Engagement

How we inform and involve our community and stakeholders in our decision making processes

Key Performance Indicators

A series of 6 overarching KPIs (objectives)

IndicatorsA series of 17 tactical / diagnostic indicators for

each KPI

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Category 4

Award for

Public Participation Innovation

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Highly Commended

Dept for Transport, Energy and


South Road Upgrade –Glenelg Tram Overpass

Paul Gelston

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Highly Commended

SCAPE Strategy

Laman Street & Civic Precinct Community Design Workshop

Krista McMaster

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Category 4 – Public Participation Innovation

2010 Winner

Straight Talk

OutLOUD consultations in association with the Airds Bradbury Renewal Project

Abigail Jeffs

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Airds Bradbury Community Renewal ProjectOutLOUD consultations

Principles of engagement:> Focus on strengths, assets and

resources, not just issues

> Build on existing people, organisations and environment

> Provide diverse opportunities to participate

> Undertake respectful, empowering and purposeful activities

> Enable informed participation through training and support

> Build capacity> Design inclusive and accessible

activities> Action learning to plan, do and reflect> Build on what works

Less effort & resources for very involved

Most effort & resources for

sometimes involved

More effort & resources for

rarely involved

Strategic use of resources to generate momentum and sustain engagement

Typical project – levels of community engagement

Typical project – Pattern of resource


AB Renewal Project – Pattern of resource


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> OutLOUD - Large scale community celebration of people and place, modelled on the ‘SpeakOut’ approach, involving nearly 1,500 residents with free food, entertainment and 17 consultative activities to gather resident ideas and aspirations about the future of the area and introduce the master planning process

Airds Bradbury OutLOUD

Above: OutLOUD Flyer designed by local resident

Opposite and above: Emphasis on fun and celebration combined with consultation through hands-on participatory activities

Opposite: Dynamic promotion using badges given out at after school BBQs and to community organisations

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Other engagement activities>Regular community newsletters

>Community renewal shopfront

>Community reference group - representative group of 15 residents, meet monthly to provide advice on all aspects of the project and input to decisions

>Precinct barbeques - Small community BBQs involving over 500 residents to promote and invite participation in the master planning and renewal process

>OutLOUD bus trips - Series of bus trips to ‘good’ parks and town centres involving over 300 residents to provide opportunities for experiential learning and capacity building to meaningfully input to the master planning process

Opposite and above: Exposure to well designed urban spaces expanded resident visions for what was possible and built resident capacity to articulate what change was needed in Airds

Below: Bus trips prompted experiential place-based learning and were coupled with creative recording

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> Walk OutLOUD - Large scale consultation involving 150 residents focussed on ‘walking and talking’ with pedestrian circuits and designated stopping points for residents to explore, share stories, talk and reflect about ways to improve the area

> Resident visioning workshop - Creative, participatory workshop involving 60 residents who formally presented their ideas and vision for the future of the area to inform the master planning process

> Design OutLOUD - A participatory design workshop, modelled on an ‘enquiry by design’ approach involving 300 residents over three days to identify and test development scenarios for the master plan

Above: Graphic recorder used at most workshops to provide colourful and accessible reporting to appeal to residents with low levels of literacy

Above: Residents and agencies working together at Design OutLOUD

Above: Using food as a festive component of consultation

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Participation passports and prizes – incentives


Above: Stamps given as proof of participation. Minimum number of stamps required to be eligible for prize draw. Provided a cost effective way to encourage resident involvement.

Training skills,not just logistics:>Inviting participation and spruiking interest

>Listening actively with the head and the heart

>Leading with curiosity and wonder and enriching conversations with questions that matter

>Recording discussion to ensure every conversation counted

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Category 5

Award for

Decision Makers

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Special Mention

Telecom NZ

Community Donation Projects

Paul Leslie

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Inaugural Learning Scholarship

South East Water Limited

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IAP2 Australasia

Congratulates all Entrants in the

2010 Core Values Awards
