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Thank you for accepting this gift and for reading this special report.

You deserve a happy, healthy, and pain-free life, and we can’t wait to help you get there.

After all, you are a unique and special person.

I know …We’ve never met, so how do we know that?

Well, you are taking control of your own health. You are being proactive, you are learning more and you are taking action.

As you may know, we are The Sacred Plant team.

We are a band of regular, everyday people from all over the world who are committed to and passionate about educating and empowering people to live a happier, healthier and pain-free life.

Now, let’s talk about why you came here.

This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe for any medical or psychological condition, nor to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions or prevent any disease.

The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Therefore, this information is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on our or as noted other parties’ research and experience. TSP Publishing encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your judgment and research in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration or any other regulatory body.

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It’s those three terrible words none of us ever want to hear…”You Have Cancer.” Cancer doesn’t discriminate. It impacts nearly all of us either personally or through a loved one.

In fact, The National Cancer Institute estimates that roughly every 1 out of 3 will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in their lifetime. If you had a 1 in 3 chance of dying in an airplane crash, you’d never fly again.

But does it have to be that way? Do we have to idly wait by ‘till we receive our death sentence?

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with cancer, are in treatment, possibly considering your options, in remission, or just looking to do your best with prevention, know that there are a number of natural ways to support healthy, sustainable, happy living.

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The Accidental Discovery of Our Natural Healer There are many important systems working throughout your body at any given moment. For instance, the Cardiovascular System regulates our heart rate, blood pressure, blood vessels, and blood itself. The Immune System regulates our ability to defend against infection. The Respiratory System regulates your breathing mechanisms, including working with your airways, lungs, and coordinating with the Cardiovascular System through the blood vessels. And there are many other systems as well.

With so many interwoven processes, you might wonder …

How do these systems know when to turn off or on? How do they know how to repair or protect

at precisely the right moment? What is regulating these systems that regulate the rest of our body?

Thanks to pioneering work done in the early 1990’s, now we know. That’s when researchers stumbled upon what has come to be known as our Endocannabinoid System (ECS) after studying the medicinal applications of THC. Through their research, they were able to see that there was a systematic and incredibly specialized way that THC was binding to various places within our body. Those places later became known as Cannabinoid Receptors. And they have since been found throughout the entire body, most notably seen in your organs, immune cells, and within the brain. Since its discovery, the ECS has been continuously studied and shown to be responsible for homeostasis in your body, including the processes of repair and protection.

Homeostasis is essential for optimal functioning as it is the capacity for the body to maintain stability over internal variables. Those internal variables

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include things such as temperature, bodily acidity, hydration levels, and much more. Maintaining homeostasis is the most critical responsibility of the ECS. That’s because it is necessary to create ongoing harmony, even in the face of changes in our environment.

Homeostasis is essential for creating and maintaining a healthy environment within the body. There are several factors that can impact the level of homeostasis that we have at any given point. Among those factors are our eating habits, consistency of exercise, environmental toxins, sleep hygiene, levels of stress, and the list goes on. When any of these factors become out of balance, the risk of disease and discomfort for the body increases.

In addition, our ECS is also heavily responsible for the processes of repair and protection. Because the Endocannabinoid System is in charge of these essential functions within our body, it is seen as our inner healer. Think of your ECS as the conductor over the orchestra known as Endocannabinoids.

Endocannabinoids are the messengers found within the ECS. They are categorized as neurotransmitters that interact throughout your body within the cannabinoid receptor sites.

The most widely known Endocannabinoids are 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) and Anandamide (AEA). Through the use of these two Endocannabinoids as well as many others, the ECS is able to gauge the body’s current state of being, and adjust accordingly. For instance, let’s say you just ate something. As your body’s digestive mechanisms kick in and start breaking down the food, Endocannabinoids are needed to keep your body’s temperature from rising..

Through toxins and other factors previously mentioned, we can develop Endocannabinoid deficiencies. And those deficiencies can lead to increased inflammation throughout the body. That inflammation can then lead to a variety of potential diseases, cancer among them.

The ECS regulates all the systems and deficiency in endocannabinoids throws your bodily systems off. Potentially causing diseases like cancer. It’s clear we should attempt to keep our ECS running properly. By keeping our ECS in check, we are better able to create within our body an optimal environment that is able to ward against infection, over-inflammation, and, perhaps, diseases such as cancer. In this way, we are able to give ourselves the best fighting chance we have in maintaining our best health.

By keeping our ECS in check, we are better able to create within our body an optimal environment that is able to ward against infection, over-inflammation, and, perhaps, diseases such as cancer.

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Our Greatest Plant Ally In this report, we will focus on one of Earth’s oldest medicinal plants. Some call it “the sacred plant.” For over 5,000 years, the sacred plant has been featured in medical journals, a variety of pharmacopeias, historical writings, and more for the versatility it has shown in our body’s health and wellness.

The plant has been recorded as far back as the year of 2900 BC, by Chinese emperor Shen Nung, who was considered the father of Chinese Medicine. It has been seen throughout the ages, like in ancient Egypt it was marked for use in treating glaucoma, inflammation, and other ailments. In 79 AD, naturalist and philosopher Pliny the Elder recommended it for cramped joints, gout, as well as pains.

Later, with the rise to western medicine came the downfall of plant medicines, the sacred plant included. By the early 1900’s, the conversation shifted from the sacred plant being beneficial to it being detrimental. Not because of new research, but

because of greed, power, and misinformation. Over the course of roughly the last 100 years, propaganda forced the criminalization of this medicinal plant. And it also drove it into the black market.

Research on this traditional plant medicine continues to gain traction. Society has risen to share its scientific backing helping to improve our understanding. Looking at the practical application and anatomy of the plant, especially. Both on its own and alongside conventional options.

We refer to it as the sacred plant, while society has many different ways it has labeled the plant. Cannabis, “Marijuana,” Hemp, “Weed,” and much more. Cannabis Sativa is the classification of the overarching species. For instance, think of apples. Apples are the overarching species. Below that, there are many different types of apples. Ranging in color, taste, smell, applications and more.

Experts share there are 3 different subspecies that fall under Cannabis Sativa. Sativa, indica, and ruderalis. Determining which depends on the levels of constituents, or molecules, within the plant.

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The three main constituents, or chemical make-up of the plant, consist of:

• Phytocannabinoids/ CannabinoidsCompounds unique to the Cannabis Sativa plant. Each cannabinoid has their own level of effect on the human body through our bodies’ ECS.

• TerpenesExperts classify these compounds as the “essential oils” of the plant. Terpenes have complimentary effects to cannabinoids, as well as other benefits. They occur in a variety of plants, vegetation, and fruits and add to their aroma and flavor profile.

• FlavonoidsConsidered some of the largest groups of phytonutrients found within plants. Give color to the fruits and vegetables. Research continues to explore the value of these compounds.

What is unique about the sacred plant is its ability to work within the ECS. This capacity is possible due to the cannabinoids found in Cannabis Sativa. Phytocannabinoids refer to the cannabinoids occurring within a plant. Endocannabinoids refer to cannabinoids occurring within our bodies. Phytocannabinoids are able to mimic the process of Endocannabinoids. Further, studies show CBD and THC molecules are similar in structure to endocannabinoids.

The level of interaction within our ECS depends on three major points. The saturation, also referred to by the concentration. The diversity of the constituents, known as the formulation. As well as potency which is the dosage amount. All three points look at the cannabinoids, as well as terpenes and flavonoids.

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The Keys to Healing The ECS is the path to maintaining health and wellness, the door so to speak. The “lock,” in a sense, are the receptors within our body to access this pathway. Whereas in this view point, cannabinoids are the key to unlocking the power within our ECS.

Experts speculate that humans have evolved alongside the Cannabis Sativa plant. This co-evolution took place over thousands of years. Due to this, the molecules found within the plant are able to interact with our body in some miraculous ways. Researchers continue to examine these constituents and honing in on their specific benefits.

Experts share certain cannabinoids and terpenes have shown to be beneficial. By means of helping with overcoming or defending against cancer.

The most prominent cannabinoids known today are Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). They are two of the most bountiful cannabinoids within the plant. Because of this they have been the easiest to access. THC and CBD are the most studied currently. Through this research, we are able to gain greater insight into how our ECS works.

Before we continue, it’s important that we understand the differences in the subspecies. Cannabis Sativa subspecies: sativa, indica, ruderalis.

• SativaTend to have lower concentration of CBD to THC. Levels of THC tend to be over 0.3%. Experts characterize these cultivars as producing energizing effects. These effects are dependent on the make up of cannabinoids and terpenes in the plant. Seen as more of a “day time” option.

• IndicaTend to have higher concentration of CBD to THC. Levels of THC tend to be over 0.3%. Experts characterize these cultivars as producing relaxing effects. These effects are dependent on the make up of cannabinoids and terpenes in the plant. Seen as more of a “night time” option.

• RuderalisLower levels of THC, less than 0.3% with a higher CBD concentration. Can have lower cannabinoids and terpene potencies depending on how grown.

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We also see more separation, or distinction, based on the level of THC found within the plant. The United States through the Farm Bill of 2018 designated the differences. Cannabis cultivars containing higher than 0.3% THC are still classified as a Schedule 1 drug. Hemp cultivars (“strain”) contain a total concentration of less than 0.3% THC. As part of the Bill, access and ability to buy anywhere in the states became legal.

Assessing whether a cannabis or hemp cultivar is best will depend on the importance of THC. Experts share that in some instances higher THC is necessary, while others do not need as much. Each condition and treatment will be different. This stems from the person’s medical history and current health. As well, your previous experience with cannabis will also have an effect on this decision. We will cover more of these nuances in the next section.

Knowing the cannabinoid and terpene profiles of your product is significant. This information is necessary to be able to personalize the results to your needs. Also as important is knowing and going as far as verifying that the product you choose is lab tested and safe.

Lab tests look at the potency and concentration of the product. This information is essential for dosing purposes. Further, a well regulated testing panel should include looking at any potential contaminants. Such as: residual solvents, pesticides, heavy metals, microbials, mold, and similar. By limiting your selection to tested products, positive results potential rises. More than that, it reduces chances of unwanted or unnecessary negative side effects.

This is especially important to those who are immuno-compromised. Cancer patients in varying levels fall into this category, as well. Quality you can trust in will allow you to focus on the important aspects. Putting your focus on dosage, frequency, and formulation specific to you or a loved one’s protocol.

We have distinguished the value that our Endocannabinoid System has in our body. We have also learned how cannabis can play a role in encouraging positive health. Let’s now jump to the specifics how cannabis and hemp can help to combat cancer.

Also as important is knowing and going as far as verifying that the product you choose is lab tested and safe.

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Power Play Against Cancer Cancer can be relentless. Causing pain, lack of mobility, feeling weak. In some cases, it completely takes you out of your normal day to day life. Add in the harsh conventional treatment options such as chemotherapy and radiation. Now your body is under even more stress and turmoil.

The first purpose of treatment is to give your body the best fighting chance. But that is not where we want to end. Another purpose is to help fight the cancer directly. Even further, increasing the likelihood of getting back to optimal health. Luckily with cannabinoids and terpenes in tote, we are able to come at cancer in many different ways. Even if the aid is for better targeting of conventional options.

Here are 5 powerful ways cannabis and hemp aid in cancer treatment:

1. Lowers InflammationOne of the most studied areas is inflammation levels. Looking at how much havoc is in the body

when there is an over response of inflammation or under response. Chronic, over active inflammation leads to several diseases, one of which is cancer. Due to an over inflamed response throughout the body, there is more stress induced. Leading to errors in our natural processes resulting in cells turning cancerous.

Hemp and cannabis both show benefits related to inflammation response optimization. Researchers believe the ability to regulate inflammation levels makes it a worthwhile option. Such as a potential preventative in reducing risk of cancer. Further, during treatment when the body is on high alert and trying to attack the cancer. By working within the ECS to correct the level of response to get the relief. All the while, without putting needless strain on the immune system.

Varying cannabinoids and terpenes are able to reduce oxidative stress. This stress occurs from free radicals. In relative terms, this refers to antioxidant properties. This process further reduces excessive inflammation responses.

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Inflammation can also lead to moderate to severe pain. Imagine excessive inflammation as the stuffing inside of a package you send. It keeps the item in the package stiff, in place, and resistant to movement. This is great for a package, but not your body. Due to the excess response, pressure on the areas also increases leading to pain. This pressure can affect your organs, nerves, or soft tissues. As we reduce the inflammation, pain associated will subside.

Research shows the following cannabinoids and terpenes as having anti-inflammation characteristics:


• CBDa

• THCa

• CBGa


• Myrcene

• Limonene

• Humulene

• Caryophyllene

• Delta 3 Carene

Experts recommend to use whole plant applications due to the Entourage Effect. The entourage effect is the combined interaction of all the constituents. Cannabinoids and terpenes, working in unison to increase effectiveness. This also brings about side benefits and less adverse effects. When using a whole plant application, less is more as well. Leading to seeing positive results at much lower dosages

2. Stops Cancer SpreadingResearchers in labs around the world are sharing the exciting information they found. Phytocannabinoid molecules display “anti-tumor properties” and have “impressive anti-cancer activities.”

Research indicates that there is a disruption to signalling in the cells’ pathway. This signalling would otherwise enable cancer to grow and spread. Another manner of disruption is within your DNA by turning off the cancer triggers.

When the cells of cancer are able to break off from the localized area they create metastasis. These can form in different regions of your body such as other organs nearby or bones. As our expert Dr Allan Frankel shares, to keep on top of treatment, you must keep the cancer localized. At the moment that it metastasis, it becomes a whole new “beast” to tackle.

More research would continue to share insights into these mechanisms. Insight up to this point gives hope for natural, safe options to take into consideration.

The entourage effect is the combined interaction of all the constituents. Cannabinoids and terpenes, working in unison to increase effectiveness. This also brings about side benefits and less adverse effects.

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The following constituents are proving to be the heroes in stopping the spread of cancer:

• Pinene, Limonene, Trans-nerolidol, and Humulene. All are terpenes and have demonstrated the ability to reduce tumor size. While helping in stopping the spread of cancerous cells throughout the body.

• CBD is particularly valuable in that it is antiproliferative. This refers to the process that causes cancer cells to be “sticky.” This stops them from being able to spread to other cells through the body. Instead keeping the cancerous cells within the localized area.

• THCA, CBDA, and THCV. These Cannabinoids support anti-spreading processes alongside other anticancer effects. Such as supporting the process of natural cell death in cancerous cells, known as apoptosis.

3. Makes Chemotherapy Even More Effective

It’s not unrealistic that in your oncologists office they may bring up Cannabis. Or even CBD on its own. More patients, as well as doctors, are approaching the conversation. Either Cannabis or Hemp alongside conventional options, and for good reason.

In most instances, side effects from conventional options are reduced or eliminated. This can include nausea, pain, and lack of proper bowel movements. CBD in particular can make chemotherapy more effective. Experts and patients alike are sharing this experience.

CBD is able to increase the level of which the cells are able to take in the chemotherapy drugs. This

makes the treatment more effective because the medicine is more where it needs to be in the body. This prompts the chemotherapy to better fight or defend against the cancer cells head on.

CBD has also demonstrated the ability to guide the chemotherapy within the body. Helping to hone in on the cancerous cells while bypassing the healthy, normal cells. Chemotherapy has proven to be a very effective way to kill cancer cells. Part of the issue has always lied in its inability to differentiate the good from the bad cells. This gives rise to other issues in the body versus resolve of the original issue. CBD being able to help direct the medication is a massive breakthrough. It is the difference between being bedridden or worse. Patients want to be able to thrive and be out and about during treatments.

As we mention, we want to attack the cancer head on. Enabling the patient to still LIVE while being able to overcome their diagnosis.

4. Offers Significant Relief from Cancer Treatment Side Effects

More medical professionals are opening up their minds, arms, and doors. We mentioned this earlier on in the report. They are open to and acknowledging the benefits of Cannabis and Hemp. Especially is the case with hemp as a result of updated laws.

Many of the life hindering symptoms are a result of conventional treatments. Amounting to unwanted and unfavorable side effects. Such as from chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy, or surgery.

CBD, Limonene, and Linalool are powerful in combination. Patients have experienced great stress reduction, anti-inflammation, and improved mood. This leads to keeping the patient thriving in their lives. At the same time being able to tolerate these more difficult treatments with ease.

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Research continues to explore the varying benefits found from the Cannabis Sativa plant. Other side effect relief through whole plant CBD products include:

• Neuropathy

• Nausea and vomiting

• Pain

• Anxiety and stress

• Loss of appetite

• Graft (transplant) rejection

• Weakened immune system

• Nutrient absorption

• Bowel issues (constipation, diarrhea, etc)

• Bone loss

• Opioid and narcotics withdrawal

• Insomnia

Any whole plant application will contain some amount of THC. Through the entourage effect we are able to see increased benefits and effectiveness. As well as decreased adverse effects. THC helps the body alongside these other valuable compounds. Especially through relieving symptoms related to digestive and metabolic concerns. THC is prominently used for pain and sleep related issues.

As we learn more of the applications of this amazing plant, it begs the question. Are we in need of rethinking our medical and patient care priorities?

Doctors and more are agreeing on the benefits of CBD, and many of the cannabinoids and terpenes. Proving to mitigate suffering in ways of pain relief and preventing bone deterioration. Moreover bolstering our immune system. It’s time to focus on going further than getting the cancer out of the body. It’s how we can do so in a way the patient can thrive in their life.

With intolerable side-effects reduced, patients are able to better tolerate potentially life-saving treatments. This could be chemotherapy or radiation, and increase their chances of remission.

5. Increase Treatment Tolerance As we discussed, side effects of a treatment could make or break a person. Their body is under heavy attack by the cancer. Add in their conventional treatment options, it makes the whole situation almost unbearable.

Chemo and radiation can cause burns. Nerve damage known as neuropathy, causing pain that runs through the leg into the feet. These setbacks force the medical care team to pull back on their doses. Increasing risk, which reduces their effectiveness and ability to overcome the cancer.

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In certain instances, patients can reluctantly give up on their treatments. The side effects outweigh the relief they are able to provide.

Dr Allan Frankel shares a story in working alongside a fellow oncologist of more than 10 years. Leaving the allopathic doctor astounded.

Dr Frankel shares he was able to achieve zero neuropathy. By using CBD in conjunction with an effective, but toxic chemotherapy drug.

The allopathic doctor shared that he has been using this particular chemotherapy protocol for years on patients. In that time, there had not been one instance where a patient did not have painful neuropathy.

Dr. Frankel reports that he’s seeing CBD in whole plant applications working in tandem with chemotherapy and other therapies. Allowing these conventional medicines to be more effective. And enabling doctors to be able to continue to give those necessary higher doses.

We spoke on the topic of THC, however, let’s take a closer look at how it exactly is working against cancer.

Dr Allan Frankel

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A Big Helping Hand The Entourage Effect is highly regarded by experts and researchers alike. As we learn in plant medicine, the benefits of the whole outweigh the benefits of the few. In pharmaceuticals, many medicines are isolated forms of complex, organic substances. This is even true for pharmaceutical cannabinoid medicine. Such as single molecule extraction of CBD. In some instances they even fabricate, or create synthetics of beneficial organic substances.

In any case, experts agree, the whole plant is the way to go. This allows you to really be able to take advantage of the benefits of the entourage effect.

When in whole plant applications, THC can be a powerful anti-cancerous cannabinoid. Here are three ways it does just that:

1. Kills Cancer CellsBreast cancer survivor Kristin Rosenqvist had these results. After having a negative experience with allopathic treatments for her first bout of cancer,

there was no way she was going to go back down that route. Even when her cancer showed up again.

She followed the information of the sacred plant, diligently. Taking information from our docuseries. She then was able to join us on Q&As with sacred plant experts, and within months, beat her cancer!

We learn from the research as well. Such as from The National Cancer Institute. They have a report about the many preclinical studies on cannabis and cancer.

In this report, the authors state, “A meta-analysis of 34 in vitro and in vivo studies of cannabinoids in glioma reported that all but one study confirmed that cannabinoids selectively kill tumor cells.”

There are many other studies that show killing other types of cancer cells. This is through cannabis and its phytochemicals and compounds. These include breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, bladder cancer and many more.

THC seems to lead this process, as well as Limonene alongside. Other cannabinoids aid in this

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process, as well. Further allowing THC to induce apoptosis, natural cell death of the cancerous cells.

2. Provides Pain Relief Dr David Bearman is a pain management specialist and a pioneer in cannabinoid medicine. On the topic of pain, he does not hesitate to voice his support. Try something natural. As opposed to

toxic doses of addictive opioids to provide relief from the pain of cancer. Something that can work as well, if not better in some cases, and provide side benefits. Cannabinoid medicine reduces the cancer pain signal. THC has powerful analgesic effects. Especially within a whole plant application of the sacred plant can offer a major relief. Providing a better quality of day to day living.

It is important to look at the whole person in regards to their healing. Their mental state is almost imperative to keep in a healthy frame of life. Reducing pain reduces levels of stress and depression, and thus aids healing.

There are two main constituents that have shown to be pain reducing and relieving. THC and myrcene. Dr Bearman further emphasizes the value of when CBD and THC are working in unison, such as in a 1:1 ratio. Pain is further relieved by the addition of reducing inflammation as well.

3. Even More Cancer Treatment Side Effect Relief

THC has the ability to aid in the reduction of side effects and other unwanted symptoms. Particularly when alongside the other cannabinoids and terpenes within the whole plant application.

THC has shown to improve sleep hygiene in helping patients get to sleep and stay asleep. Increased appetite that leads to increased energy. As part of the digestive support it offers, it helps to reduce nausea and vomiting. THC also helps to improve the effectiveness of CBD and vice versa. Aiding in navigating within the body and working together to bring the body back to balance.

Every patient’s need for THC will be different. It will depend most on the individual’s ECS. While some patients will need higher doses of THC, many patients have been able to get relief at minor to low doses. As a reminder, the details we discuss are from the viewpoint of a whole plant application.

Dr David Bearman

Their mental state is almost imperative to keep in a healthy frame of life. Reducing pain reduces levels of stress and depression, and thus aids healing.

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The Bottom Line: Main TakeawaysCannabis Sativa has a lot to offer patients in treatment, or looking to do their best with prevention.

As we discussed, whole plant hemp CBD can be a powerful tool. Helping to stop the cancer in its tracks. And when THC is incorporated at slightly higher levels from cannabis, even greater benefits and results can be achieved.

Remember, whole plant, cannabinoid and terpene rich is the way to go. Do not limit yourself to one or two molecules. Like just CBD or just THC. Give yourself and your loved ones the best chance at a healthy, happy, pain free life.

Learning the power of this plant is just the beginning.

We look forward to continuing on this journey of health with you.

Now, I’d like to share with you a story. I’d like to share with you how Cindy Liceaga struggled with cancer for more than 15 years. And how it nearly ruined every aspect of her life.

Then you’ll see how, desperate for help, Cindy stumbled across some of the same research you’ve read here. And what happened after she finally turned to the sacred plant.

CLICK HERE to read Cindy’s story now

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