Page 1: Spatially-explicit analyses related to local and global challenges - Christine Negra, Coordinating Author, Versant Vision

10-Year Research Strategy for Pulse Crops – chapter 5

IYP Global DialogueFAO, Rome

22 Nov 2016

Christine Negra, Versant Vision LLC – Coordinating Author

On behalf of Jeet Singh Sandhu, Lead Author, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, India

Page 2: Spatially-explicit analyses related to local and global challenges - Christine Negra, Coordinating Author, Versant Vision

Spatially-explicit analyses related to global challenges• Quantification of potential and actual

benefits for meeting global and national challenges – e.g. Sustainable Development Goals

• Potential for domestic pulse production to improve:– agricultural productivity and livelihoods

(e.g. integrating into cereal systems)– national food and nutritional security (e.g.

protein, micronutrients)

Page 3: Spatially-explicit analyses related to local and global challenges - Christine Negra, Coordinating Author, Versant Vision

Crop simulation models

Evaluate crop suitability across heterogeneous areas.Predict outcomes under alternative conditions:– new varieties,

technologies, farming systems

Simple SimulationModel-Legumes version– Combining both

longer phenology and optimal sowing date in lentils.

Ghanem et al. 2015

Major yieldbenefits

Page 4: Spatially-explicit analyses related to local and global challenges - Christine Negra, Coordinating Author, Versant Vision

Anticipating climate change effects• Simulate pulse production under future climatic

conditions• Role in Nationally Determined Contributions (mitigation,


Piontek et al. 2014Threshold temperatures for crop yields

Page 5: Spatially-explicit analyses related to local and global challenges - Christine Negra, Coordinating Author, Versant Vision

Strategic targeting• Spatially-explicit information to guide

investments:– Where to target pulse-related services

and infrastructure– Increase R&D efficiency: share fixed

costs of research across crop commodity programs

Page 6: Spatially-explicit analyses related to local and global challenges - Christine Negra, Coordinating Author, Versant Vision

Strategic targeting

Hyman et al. 2016

Areas where multiple dryland cereal and legume crops are grown together – opportunity to bring multiple technology options to the same geographic area.

Page 7: Spatially-explicit analyses related to local and global challenges - Christine Negra, Coordinating Author, Versant Vision

Success factors• Recent pulse production gains

demonstrate opportunity to increase pulse production– e.g. Australia, Canada, Ethiopia,

Myanmar• Spatially-explicit analysis:

– Where are pulse crops being adopted and succeeding and why?

– How pulses compete financially with other crops?

– What is the role for pulses in integrated farming systems?