  1. 1. Solutions to temperature fluctuations
  2. 2. Course Title: Form and Function II Course Code: ZOO-201 Presenter: Aqsa Manzoor Roll No: 2180 Discipline: Zoology Semester: IV
  3. 3. Coping mechanism They can find a habitat where they do not have to contend with temperature extremes. Their physiological processes may have adapted to the range of temperature in which the animals are capable of living. Animals can generate and trap heat internally to maintain a constant body temperature irrespective of the external environment.
  4. 4. Homeothermythe physiological and behavioral maintenance of a relatively constant internal body temperature (homeotherms typically show circadian fluctuations in temperature) Endothermyphysiological and behavioral thermoregulation, but body temperatures may fluctuate widely.
  5. 5. Ectothermyuse only behavioral means to regulate temperature. Poikilothermythe fluctuation of internal body temperature closely related to environmental temperature.
  6. 6. Cold blooded Warm blooded poikilothermy ectothermy endothermy homeothermy
  7. 7. Categorization endotherms Obtain body heat from cellular processes. High rates of metabolism. Have bodies insulated by fur or feathers. More common in Moderate to cool environments. Mostly Homeotherms. Birds and Mammals. ectotherms Derive most of the body heat from environment. Low rates of metabolism. Are poorly Insulated. More common in tropics. Mostly Heterotherms. Reptiles, Fishes, Amphibians and Invertebrates.
  8. 8. Daily torpor
  9. 9. References: 1. Stephen, Miller and John, Harley. Zoology. Fourth edition. McGarrow hills company, 2001. 2. Houseman, John G. Digital Zoology. 3. Hickman, Robert, Larson. Integrated Principles of Zoology. Eleventh edition.
