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Successful Socioeconomic Pre-Determinism in the Internet of Space

Sovereign Control/Enable Grids and Intelligent Spatial TransactionsDefining user/program discrete physical digital ecological pre-destined and pre-outcome events

Page 2: Socioeconomics internet of space

ConsulMetrix and Allan Bradley 1/21/2015 All Rights Reserved

Successful Socioeconomic Pre-Determinism in the Internet of Space

Preface Excerpt: Chaos–order transition in foraging behavior

of antsTue, 10 Jun 2014 in Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesChaos–order transition in foraging behavior of antsLixiang LiHaipeng PengJürgen KurthsYixian YangHans Joachim Schellnhuber DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1407083111

SignificanceWe have studied the foraging behavior of group animals that live in fixed colonies (especially ants) as an important problem in ecology. Building on former findings on deterministic chaotic activities of single ants, we uncovered that the transition from chaotic to periodic regimes results from an optimization scheme of the self-organization of such an animal colony. We found that an effective foraging of ants mainly depends on their nest as well as their physical abilities and knowledge due to experience. As an important outcome, the foraging behavior of ants is not represented by random, but rather by deterministic walks, in a random environment: Ants use their intelligence and experience to navigate.AbstractThe study of the foraging behavior of group animals (especially ants) is of practical ecological importance, but it also contributes to the development of widely applicable optimization problem-solving techniques. Biologists have discovered that single ants exhibit low-dimensional deterministic-chaotic activities. However, the influences of the nest, ants’ physical abilities, and ants’ knowledge (or experience) on foraging behavior have received relatively little attention in studies of the collective behavior of ants. This (the authors) paper provides new insights into basic mechanisms of effective foraging for social insects or group animals that have a home. We propose that the whole foraging process of ants is controlled by three successive strategies: hunting, homing, and path building. A mathematical model is developed to study this complex scheme. We show that the transition from chaotic to periodic regimes observed in our model results from an optimization scheme for group animals with a home. According to our investigation, the behavior of such insects is not represented by random but rather deterministic walks (as generated by deterministic dynamical systems, e.g., by maps) in a random environment: the animals use their intelligence and experience to guide them. The more knowledge an ant has, the higher its foraging efficiency is. When young insects join the collective to forage with old and middle-aged ants, it benefits the whole colony in the long run. The resulting strategy can even be optimal.

Page 3: Socioeconomics internet of space

ConsulMetrix and Allan Bradley 1/21/2015 All Rights Reserved

Successful Socioeconomic Pre-Determinism in the Internet of Space

What is the Internet of Space?IoS establishes a three dimensional coordinate mapping system to determine a user location in relation to both logical (abstract) and physical (real) space through the use of grids and boundary sensors. Having a location that is validated and certified, in Time, Space and Anatomy, allows spatial transactions whereby the user movements can follow a prescribed order of vectors (pre-destination) and program arrays (pre-outcomes) to accomplish tasks that are required for a particular place and time. Essentially, it IoS becomes a reservation system to program intelligent digital ecologies and situational awareness processes to optimize spatial interactions. How does it work?

ConsulMetrix (CMI) Grid elements are referred to by coordinates similar to arrays. The reference nomenclature used is in three (3) dimensional forms (x, y, z) where x and y are the coordinates on a single Grid overlay, with z being the target landscape/facility number (and as allocated to multiple layered Grid overlay identifiers). Unless otherwise stated, the basic grid metric might be a spacing of 10 feet. This approximates the normal dimensioning of office buildings, with a floor-to-floor space of about ten feet in average, and gives a reasonable degree of precision for typical office layouts. However, Grid elements can have a scaled dimension from feet to miles as there is no limit to grid granularity. In the sample above, the coordinate (0,0a,0z) would refer to the upper left-hand corner of the diagram, the z term, 0z, refers to the ground floor. Floors above ground are positive numbers, while floors below ground are negative numbers.

Therefore a 12,43a, - 3z GEL coordinate would most likely be in a large underground parking garage (as an example), as it would be three floors underground, and refer to a coordinate that is 120 feet from one edge of the structure and 430 feet from the other edge, and 30 feet down.

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ConsulMetrix and Allan Bradley 1/21/2015 All Rights Reserved

Successful Socioeconomic Pre-Determinism in the Internet of Space

What is the Internet of Space – cont.

The Grid/GEL coordinate mapping system is stackable for multi-layered functional articulation of discrete bounded and focused computational core Internet of Space (IoS) programming. The parking garage example is for clarification.

However, the power in the 0z Grid coordinate system is that there is no limit to stacked Grids which can articulate 3D abstraction layers as to apply command and control of sensors, robotics, biometrics and data access digital ecological staging to discrete landscapes and facility areas. CMI grid coordinate mapping system is applied to end-to-end with circuit switched protocols that validate in IoS both User/Program vectors and arrays to establish secure “rooted” traffic certification.  

There is no restriction to how big the coordinate system can grow with this type of descriptor index. This mapping system is also scalable, in that the absolute size of a grid element is not described in the coordinate system. Therefore a grid size of ten feet is standard, but nothing would prevent grid sizes of one foot, twenty feet or kilometer/mile designations. It will also be apparent that mixed grid sizes will be of use within certain varieties of structures or landscapes. Multiple dedicated functional Grids and Grid Elements can be overlaid. Therefore multiple layer grids can represent a wide array of functional Logical-to-Physical Access/Distribution interfaces. GEL coordinates interface via Anatomy software (Management Console) to establish data stream and database scripted control of circuit switched program array containers to define user/program discrete physical digital ecological pre-destined and pre-outcome events.

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ConsulMetrix and Allan Bradley 1/21/2015 All Rights Reserved

Successful Socioeconomic Pre-Determinism in the Internet of Space

What is the Internet of Space – cont.In order to validate 3D User/Program space, IoS architecture utilizes software/hardware componentry, to name a few –

CMI IoS Grid Controller - Provides circuit switching, Grid/GEL allocation and bio-metric administrative command and control of facility grids and boundary sensors. Is also a highly secure firewall to Cloud and IP domain networks.

CMI Boundary Sensor - Scaling is set within the CMI Boundary Sensors. The boundary sensors set dimension and provide horizontal positioning of user/device location within landscape or a facility by using TTS (Time to Sensor) pinging of devices or other sensor/s triangulation. Scaling is set by the administrator as a Grid/GEL parameter within the boundary sensor as applied to various location requirements. CMI is also investigating drone copter boundary sensors whereby scaling is set automatically depending on flight mesh dynamic configurations.. CMI Internet of Space (IoS) PIN

- This is a Personal Identifier Number wearable encrypted device that establishes and unique Eco-User Space, Time and Anatomy transaction security

Leased Program Spatial Allocation (LPSA) – Transient site-based garner/release applications that are acquired when IoS PIN is in a designated GEL boundary to registered devices. Once IoS PIN leaves GEL boundary, leased applications are automatically removed. Functional limited forwarding can be applied to store (enterprise secure acceptable) data to non-sovereign/unbounded personal storage Clouds depending on GEL defined function

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ConsulMetrix and Allan Bradley 1/21/2015 All Rights Reserved

Successful Socioeconomic Pre-Determinism in the Internet of Space

What is the Internet of Space – cont.

CMI’s IoS model, User/Program validates in Time, Space and Anatomy “origins” as real to mitigate transactional abstract unknowns to define a scalable solution infrastructure that is articulated to project a wide variety of technological digital ecologies - logical/physical sovereign architectural data risk/control postures. Traditional networking infrastructures are typically 2D which has User/Programs as “abstract” (under security layering) to maintain a level of virtual ubiquity. Our approach complements traditional networks in the 3rd dimension as required for onsite-based Spatial e-commerce, physical zonal security layering, customizable smart buildings, robotics deployment, biometrics and Leased Program Spatial Allocation (LPSA) – transient site-based garner/release applications, to “root” and entrench discrete command and control of both local (real) and virtual (abstract) associated Internet/Cloud spaces. An IoS approach establishes a logical

progression in linking Time, Space and Ecological Anatomy as interrelated elements to engineer a concise and scalable forward engineering evolutional model - spatial transaction architectures integrated within rigid laws of three dimensional physics in order to define intelligent extensions of User/Program Pre-destination and Pre-outcomes.

Defining User/Program origin as a certified function and validation of physical space and time, ostensibly eliminates anonymous hacking by virtue of physical and informational reference realities – there can be only one individual or Spatial Transaction existing at one time in earth-space as it is impossible to exist in two (authenticated, validated and certified) places at the same time.

Why is IoS so Important?

Page 7: Socioeconomics internet of space

ConsulMetrix and Allan Bradley 1/21/2015 All Rights Reserved

Successful Socioeconomic Pre-Determinism in the Internet of Space

What is the Internet of Space – cont.

The IoS User/Pin is a personal beacon device that communicates with IoS Boundary Sensors to certify physical location of the User. The device can be configured in a number of different ways – current Phone App, wearable device, apparel implanted device, or a subcutaneous implant. The User/PIN is critical to establish logical-to-physical determination to set real and abstract Vector and Arrays to program conditional digital ecology by movement through grids as overlaid via physical “real” Provider Services facility/landscapes schemas. Standards on usage of User/PIN and privacy rights needs industry definition in order to set lawful User’s freedom to choose personal locational beacons type variables. It is CMI’s position that all Users have the basic right not to have bodily intrusion along with the inalienable option to be “off grid” at their choosing depending on what boundary space is being occupied. The benefits of an IoS User/PIN can be

momentous in that Users from all socio-economic backgrounds do not have to have expensive devices to have access to intelligent knowledge-base data . Other than the fact of occupying a pre-determined place at a pre-scribed time, which can be scheduled by the User as coordinated to a real site IoS hosting operation.

The power in an IoS User/PIN is that the successful convergence of personal data, required real site data and the new data of a Spatial Vector Program Array can be focused when it is needed, as it is needed to increase user value at a crucial time window as required to occur, and once that time window is past, all transient convergence is purged as a preclusion to a new vector/array occurrence.

What is the IoS User/PIN

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ConsulMetrix and Allan Bradley 1/21/2015 All Rights Reserved

Successful Socioeconomic Pre-Determinism in the Internet of Space

What is the Internet of Space – cont.

What does this have to do with Socioeconomic Pre-Destination and Pre-Outcomes?


Visions of a humanity’s technological future have tendency to the dramatic. We often see the human flaws in the mirrored reflections of what our best intentions are, to the actual control/enable fear realty of what they may become. While a healthy respect and diligence to our technological exuberance is justified, we nonetheless need to press forward in making efficient human intelligence and knowledgebase available as function of Time, Space and Ecological Anatomy rather than thinking in terms of autonomous Artificial Intelligence (AI) sentient transcended forms – at least initially.

Articulated human knowledgebase and intelligence can be orchestrated by vectors and arrays that are custom to positively focused and targeted schemas that benefit socioeconomic landscapes and cultures – cost effectively, in order to navigate home and incentivize periodic regimes from chaos. Situation Awareness in IoS Internet of Space is the

3D mapping of enterprise elements with respect to time and space, the comprehension of their meaning within logical-to-physical interrelation of status given set variables as overlaid by a site’s operational articulated vectors and arrays, as factoring time, space and anatomy coordinates, in order to project predetermined programmable digital ecological events or transactions. It is also a field of study concerned with perception of user/programs origins critical to decision-maker’s risks in a rapidly evolving technological complex and secure dynamic future enterprise as exists in government, healthcare, education, law enforcement and commerce institutions; to more ordinary but nevertheless complex tasks such as driving an automobile or riding a bicycle – as intelligently mapping successful pre-destinations and pre-outcomes.

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ConsulMetrix and Allan Bradley 1/21/2015 All Rights Reserved

Successful Socioeconomic Pre-Determinism in the Internet of Space

Is the Internet of Space Real?

The basis of gridding site facilities for purpose of defining Logical-to-Physical Access/Distribution advanced infrastructures internetworks was first proposed over twenty years ago by ConsulMetrix Inc. (CMI). CMI had no charter mandate or product offering, then and now, other than to intelligently converge physical architecture with logical digital programming by gridding actual floorplans. Is was a concept that, admittedly, was way ahead of its time and, consequently, IoS may have the same “perceived” status today, the Internet of Space may well again be way ahead of its time.

However, all of the technology to build IoS architectures is in existence in various forms today and has existed for sometime. The area of most focus would be in the large scale integration and transmission signaling of the User/IoS PINs, engineering CMI Grid Controllers and Boundary Sensors along with Container API’s. ConsulMetrix is actively forming relationships to create these products currently. IoS is real and will be real, because it makes socioeconomic sense as may be defined in today’s best highly dynamic and efficient knowledgebase archival deployment medium strategies. The reality is that technology that benefits on a large social scale, as understood, has dimension, it takes time for the process of sorting valuation and viability, intelligibly, from the most marketed and commercialized technologies.

The other dimension that is real, is in the power and governance of gridded architectures. They can have extreme influence over social access to information in form and function as to enable, but also as to potentially manipulate. IoS may take time to come to fruition, but control/enable aspects need discussion now. It will be reality for Cities, States and Nation States, we just need to be clear on whose prospective grids we exist on, for what purpose and why. That Governance and Individual User Rights lawful conception is an inevitability that our “times” clock has already started. We will have to come to grips with a fundamental constitutional definition of Malicious/Righteous digital intent.
