Future Municipal Users In the Internet of Space Detroit is used as an illustrative hypothetical example – Non of these aspects are being considered presently Sovereign Control/Enable Grids in the City of Detroit

Detroit internet of space vitalization

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Future Municipal Users In the Internet of Space

Detroit is used as an illustrative hypothetical example – Non of these aspects are being considered presently

Sovereign Control/Enable Grids in the City of Detroit

Page 2: Detroit internet of space vitalization

ConsulMetrix and Allan Bradley 1/20/2015 All Rights Reserved

Municipal Users in the Internet of Space

Except to say that in most endeavors mankind has looked to the future with hope and a dream of a better means to work, live and prosper, the attention to cause and effect has been usually overlooked, or at least underestimated. We send technology into space almost as a weekly occurrence, the corporate stocks we invest in, even the cars we have driven all started as a vision of the future by either an individual or a group of individuals. In these visions, models are created to manage and control cause and effect in order to better predict the transition or outcome of our visions. So why when it comes to a subject as important as network communications technology there seems to be a lacking of objective operational working models to ascertain communications infrastructure cause and effect. We focus on the advanced capabilities and see the vision, but also seem to disregard the unique relationship to our particular environments and to ourselves as individuals to almost an afterthought. There are plenty of insights to the future of advanced communications technology and yet who determines communications models in facilitation, implementation and distribution in which we all someday will have no choice but to work, live and hopefully prosper?

There is no option to this question. The choice has to be made and left to the unique individual facility/operational/environmental characteristics. There is great expectation for the standards bodies, private companies and the government to sort out the complexity of these issues, however technology, applications and operational systems, particularly in network technologies, change so often it is unrealistic to assume that some defacto “standards” body can or will be able to establish set of workable communication standards that suite most environments most of the time. The responsibility for the facilitation of communications technology rests solely with the individual organization in creating and realizing the vision of their own particular interrelation capabilities. In the past these decisions have been made as a reaction to operational needs as they randomly or critically arise (backwards engineering). Within any technical facility there is a ongoing flux between the logical application needs and the physical systems that are required to support those needs. Given today’s rapidly accelerating technological applications agendas in critical facilities, pressures to understand, let alone manage the extremely costly and evolving communications technology as facilitated to new advanced applications, require a constant and vigilant adaptation of reference - A clear concise site specific model of these new architectures as required to understand both present and evolving systems (forward engineering).

Allan Bradley ConsulMetrix, Inc. USC Medical Conference 1995 (revised)


Page 3: Detroit internet of space vitalization

ConsulMetrix and Allan Bradley 1/20/2015 All Rights Reserved

Municipal Users in the Internet of Space

Downtown Detroit Mapping Pre-destination and Outcomes - Vectors and Arrays Gridding

• GEL/Grid Overlay for Economic Development Engagement Program Vectors and Arrays

• Set Discrete Micro Commercial Ecommerce Overlays that foster Detroit Economic Collaboration Spatial Interactional focus

• Set Predestination Program Arrays for Hospitals, Hospitality, Financial, Automotive/Manufacturing and City Services, Transportation, etc. city User/Program origins and successful Outcomes mapping

• Root and Map Economic Viability to the historic value of Detroit’s Citizenry (Positively Engaged) and the City Center vitality as a logical-to- physical program dimension

• Define clear boundaries of zonal Righteous (Lawful) and/or Malicious (Unlawful) as a factor of Space, Time and Physical Landscape

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ConsulMetrix and Allan Bradley 1/20/2015 All Rights Reserved

Municipal Users in the Internet of Space

Detroit’s Malicious Threat Pre-destination and Outcome Mapping

Control/Enable as a Potential Threat Outcome is often a Malicious choice in reaction to desperate lack of Control and/or the “perceived” unreasonable Enablement over another• IoS sets the clear boundaries of Malicious/Righteous Spatial conditions as possible pre-

outcomes and pre-destination Threat Advisory

• IoS Defines a Potential Threat Outcome beforehand and Mitigate an Unreasonable Enablement unexpected reaction

• Set Law Officer conditional threat/event as they move through preset grid Vectors and Arrays as necessarily adaptive over Time, Space and conditional Anatomy

• Map “Safe” vs “UnSafe” as to make Safe through intelligent Program Control/Enable

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ConsulMetrix and Allan Bradley 1/20/2015 All Rights Reserved

Municipal Users in the Internet of Space

Detroit’s Consumers Vectored to City Center Retail Revitalization

• Detroit’s IoS Spatial Transactions allow a Consumer to Pre-designate and schedule a set of projected successful Purchase Outcomes, in advance, to specific Retail Space and Time

• IoS Retailers can set Custom Parameters and Program Arrays to enhance individual Consumer experience as they are within their establishments

• Web Services assist in incentivizing Consumer Vectoring via online services and Phone App that can initiate LPSA (Leased Program Spatial Applications) which are activated once Consumer is physically located onsite as to Vector additional areas of interest

• Consumer is personalized by name and interest at Retail Establishment and has the ability to customize products and access to additional online items

• Detroit City Center Retailers have defined their shopping zones as established “Safe” areas, that have additional program Lawful set assessments as set by the City constabularies

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ConsulMetrix and Allan Bradley 1/20/2015 All Rights Reserved

Municipal Users in the Internet of Space

Detroit’s Commercial Real Estate City Center Business Enterprise Virtualization

• Detroit’s IoS Spatial Circuits within discrete Commercial Office Space allows highly secure collaboration within the City’s Business and Cultural Centers as combination of Commercial/Private and Personnel Cloud access

• IoS Users/Programs are PIN allocated as to allow private rights and permissions to move with the Employee or Business user anywhere within the Downtown local and have their access privileges follow with them to enact Program Arrays at determined places and times

• Web Services assist in incentivizing Business User Vectoring via online services and Phone App that can initiate LPSA (Leased Program Spatial Applications) which are activated once Business User is physically located onsite as to Vector routine professional utilities and practice schedules

• Detroit’s Business and Cultural Centers are now innovative to allow Video Conferencing, Collaborative Modeling, Product Design and Manufacturing, Leveraged Talent Pool Freelancing and many other seamless logical abstraction creation cross pollination services

• With IoS, now empty Commercial Real Estate has rebounded as LPSA transaction services have increased revenues along with value per square foot

• Hospitality occupancy is up 50% with IoS room customization LPSA services

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ConsulMetrix and Allan Bradley 1/20/2015 All Rights Reserved

Municipal Users in the Internet of Space

Detroit’s New Education Advancement Model in Student Defined Curriculums• Detroit’s School Districts have embraced a new model of knowledge-base deployment and

instruction based on the concept that Student’s ability to learn is a variable within space and time constraints, factoring of IQ constants and Instructor ability notwithstanding

• Instructors set program Knowledge-base content as a factor of defined boundaries qualified per Student level proficiency and as allocated by each Students own individual means to process Learning Data. A general factor of 33/33/33 (modified appropriately) – below, proficient, above proficient, sets content programming by the Teacher/Instructor to a level customized for particular Student’s constants in line with State Standards

• Teacher/Instructors are able to Pre-Program knowledge-base content as to dynamically “drag-and-drop” symbol reference Learning Data to particular Student avatar. Content is custom time and retention targeted to a Student’s virtual space as accessed by their IoS PIN and tablet device. Community sponsorships can be applied to Student progress

• IoS Gridding at School Sites have been integrated with campus video and sound surveillance as to identify Malicious events and have an immediate Threat Advisement to all school administrators including mapped safe zones depending on threat local in real time

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ConsulMetrix and Allan Bradley 1/20/2015 All Rights Reserved

Municipal Users in the Internet of Space

Detroit Municipal Health, Welfare and City Services Vector and Arrays• Security initiates a 3D triangulation of User/PIN in IoS space authentication, Time valid

allocations, Program Arrays and Grid certification – Users data can be set to only be available as they exist in Time, Space and Anatomy

• IoS architecture is unique in establishing Spatial Transactions logical-to-physical to set real and abstract Vector and Arrays to program conditional digital ecology by User/PIN movement through grids as overlaid to Provider Services facility/landscapes

• User/PIN can be a subcutaneous implant in a healthcare chronic environment or a wearable device

• Standards on usage of User/PIN and privacy rights need industry definition• Client data privacy is assured by IoS coordinate rights and provisions through verified User/Program origins

• Efficiencies in Services Delivery and Administration is exponential

• Will establish momentous efficiencies in operations, costs and program practice efficiencies for both operation providers and client users

• Client data privacy is assured as Spatial Transaction Data is backed up to a Secure Private Access Cloud automatically as User/PIN leaves site – Custodial Data Management

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ConsulMetrix and Allan Bradley 1/20/2015 All Rights Reserved

Municipal Users in the Internet of Space

Understanding Malicious/Righteous Sovereign User

Detroit’s mission to establish an advanced Metropolitan City Center of the Future hinges on our ability to define and adapt the constant imperfections of the human condition. We all are not Righteous examples of human citizenship either moral or ethical at times. In developing an understanding of true governance and citizenship as a future municipal technological condition, we need to develop our “shades of grey’ in that forgiveness, charity and compassion which are inherent to defining a systemic approach that enables the good and set clear boundaries and isolation for the intentional bad (Unlawful) behaviors.

It is a question of illumination and the emphasis on “individual” real or abstract security measures as balanced to define a mapped critical boundary given fair articulation to both to define a “self” defensive sovereign architectural model; Because until we really understand the reflex dynamics of informational physics and illuminate in both light and dark dimensions, then the model architecture flaws are tacit allowing malicious incursions to continue – we are giving the “dark matter” space for the bad to hide with malicious intent. In Detroit, we are exposing our bad in order to set the transformation to a positive illuminated future that engages all of its citizens and guests alike.

The choice of Control/Enable is one of individual choice and faith in a future whereby the citizen has a place whether in physical or abstract virtual space sanctuary – a place where it is safe to grow and produce a fruitful future. Detroit is now on a path to such place.