Page 1: Social Pedagogy - Eszterházy Károly University · Social Pedagogy Teaching arrangements: The optimum number of students participating the course is 15. Advisable schedule of the

Social Pedagogy

Name of Course: Film Club as Personal

Developmental Method Code: NBG_SP107G2

Credits: 2

Type of course (lecture/seminar/practice/consultation) and number: practice

Method of assessment (colloquium/grade for practice/other): grade for practice

Place of course in curriculum (which semester): -

Frequency of announcement: -

Language of teaching (if not Hungarian): English

Prerequisites of the course (if any): -

Course Description

Educational Purposes:

The purpose of the course is to prepare students to do a personality developmental work

within the framework of the film club, and to introduce the possible use of the film

experience in the fields of social help and education. Students will be introduced to the

psychologically focused methodology of processing the film experience: they will get to be

familiar with the model of the film club program and will do exercises of personal

experience during the film-centred group work. Throughout the course we will examine the

relation between the Me and the Other, and will analyse personality development processes

in the eye of the social relationships. Students will learn to follow psychological events so

vividly depicted by movies with the help of thinking together about the characters, stories

and symbols. They will also learn to unfold personal identity themes catalysed by the film


Competences aimed to develop:

The skills to plan, to run and to analyse a personality developing type of film club targeting

specific groups.

Content and schedule of the course:

Course start, introduction to film psychology

Personal experience exercises by processing the film experience:

(1) Little Miss Sunshine – Family as the primary relationship network

(Jonathan Dayton – Valerie Faris, 2006)

(2) The Fabulous Life of Amelie Poulain – Self-confidence and trust in the Other (Jean-

Pierre Jeunet, 2001)

(3) The Piano – Intimacy vs. isolation in partner relationships

(Jane Campion, 1993)

(4) Intouchables – Friendship relations as second chance

(Olivier Nakche – Eric Toledano, 2011)

(5) As It Is in Heaven – Supporting functions of small communities

(Kay Pollak, 2004)

(6) Crash – Social conflicts

(Paul Haggis, 2004)

(7) K-PAX– The characteristics of the helping relationship

(Iain Softley, 2001))

Ending the course, summary, assessment

Page 2: Social Pedagogy - Eszterházy Károly University · Social Pedagogy Teaching arrangements: The optimum number of students participating the course is 15. Advisable schedule of the

Social Pedagogy

Teaching arrangements:

The optimum number of students participating the course is 15. Advisable schedule of the

course is 4 practical lessons every two weeks. Technical needs: equipment suitable for

screening films (laptop, DVD player), speakers, projector, room with light stopping drapery

or blinds, comfortable movable chairs (to be able to arrange them frontally and in a circle


Conditions of completing the course:

Students may complete the course by active participation in class and handing in a paper.

method to assess acquired skills:

Students get verbal feedback on every occasion from the group and an

individual feedback at the end of the semester

semestrial study requirements:

Active participation in class and handing in a paper.

Bibliography (required):

Gabbard, O. Glen (szerk.) (2001): Psychoanalysis and Film. London és New York, Karnac

Holland, N. Norman (2007): Meeting Movies. Cranbury, Associated University Presses

Wolz, Birgit (2004): E-Motion Picture Magic - A Movie Lover’s Guide to Healing and

Transformation. Colorado, Glenbridge Publishing

Bibliography (recommended):

Solomon, Gary (2001): Reel Therapy – How Movies Inspire You to Overcome Life’s

Problems. New York, Lebhar Friedman Books

Ulus, Fuat (2003): Movie Therapy, Moving Therapy. Bloomington, Trafford Publishing

Digital material helping to complete the course (required and recommended):

Head of Department: József Hadnagy, PhD. associate professor

Person in charge of course: Edina Pirisi, PhD. professor

Teacher involved in teaching the course: Edina Pirisi, PhD. professor

Time, place and the way to attend office hours: [email protected]

Availability appreciated by teacher: [email protected]

The method and place of online group communication: -

Tantárgy neve: Das Sokratische Gespräch Kódja: NBP_SP196G2 Kreditszáma:2

A tanóra típusa (ea./szem./gyak./konz.) és száma: Seminar (2 Std./Woche),

Az értékelés módja (kollokvium/gyakorlati jegy/egyéb):

A tantárgy tantervi helye (hányadik félév):

Meghirdetés gyakorisága:

Oktatás nyelv (ha nem magyar): deutsch

Page 3: Social Pedagogy - Eszterházy Károly University · Social Pedagogy Teaching arrangements: The optimum number of students participating the course is 15. Advisable schedule of the

Social Pedagogy

Előtanulmányi feltételek (ha vannak):



Der Seminar verfolgt drei Ziele: (a) Einführung in die philosophischen und pädagogischen

Grundlagen des sokratischen Gesprächs; (b) Vermittlung der Methoden in Unterricht und

Beratung; (c) Selbserfahrung durch Rollenspiel und Gruppenarbeit.


- Anwendung der methodischen Schritten des sokratischen Gesprächs in


- Anwendung der methodischen Schritten des sokratischen Gesprächs in Unterricht und



1. Sokrates als Philosoph

2. Spezifika des sokratischen Dialogs

3. Das sokratische Gespräch als Metapher

4. Das sokratische Gespräch in Erziehung und Beratung

5. Das verstehende Gespräch

6. Das normative Gespräch

7. Das funktionale Gespräch

8. Das existenzielle Gespräch

9. Sokratisches Gespräch als Unterrichtsform

10. Gruppenarbeit 1. (Selbserfahrung)

11. Gruppenarbeit 2. (Selbserfahrung)

12. Semesterabschluß; Gruppengespräch

Bedingungen für einen erfolgreichen Abschluß des Semesters

- Anwesenheit, aktive Mitbeteiligung

- 5 seitige Hausarbeit


Birnbacher, D./Krohn, D. (Hg.): Das sokratische Gespräch. Reclam, Stuttgart, 2002.

Kniest, Christoph: Sokrates zur Einführung. Junius, Hamburg, 2003.

Stavemann, Harlich, H.: Sokratische Gesprächsführung in Therapie und Beratung. Beltz,

Weinheim-Basel, 2007.

Weiterführende Literatur:

Fischer, Wolfgang: Sokrates pädagogisch. Herausgegeben von J. Ruhloff & Ch. Schönherr,

Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 2004, 83-134.

Saran, R. and Neisser, B. (ed.): Enquiring minds. Socratic dialogue in education. Trentham

Books, Staffordshire, 2004.

Tantárgy felelőse: Dr. habil. Péter Sárkány

Tantárgy oktatásába bevont oktató:

Az oktató fogadóórájának időpontja, helye es a bejelentkezes módja: B (309),

Page 4: Social Pedagogy - Eszterházy Károly University · Social Pedagogy Teaching arrangements: The optimum number of students participating the course is 15. Advisable schedule of the

Social Pedagogy

[email protected]

Az oktató által előnyben reszesített elerhetőseg: e-mail

A csoportos online kommunikáció módja es helye: e-mail

Tulburari comporatmentale si de personalitate

(Szemelyisegfejlődesi zavarok gyermek es ifjúkorban)


Tipul de predare (óratípus): curs Limba de predare: romana

Numarul de ore: (óraszám) 30 Puncte de credit: 2

Nivelul studiului: (oktatási színt) masterat (mesteri)

Codul cursului:

Scopul cursului (a kurzus célja)

- a transmite cunostiinte teoretice despre cauzele, simptomele si modul de tratament a

celor mai frecvente tulburari comportamentale si de personalitate care caracteriozeaza varsta


- prezentarea retelei sanitare de prevenire si tartament a tulburarilor comportamentale si

de personalitate

Compentente profesionale (kompetenciák):

- scopul cursului nu este de a dezvolta abilitati/competente pentru a trata aceste tulburi,

ci doar pentru a dezvolta compoetente care permit recunosterea tipul de tulburare, si a

indruma pe cei in cauza catre serviciile de sanatate coraspunzatoare

Temele cursului (a kurzus témái):

Definitia si clasificarea tulburarilor comportamentale si de personalitate dupa diferite scari de

calisficare (DSM III. IV. etc.)

- Tulburari anxioase: anxietate generalizata, fobii (agorafobie, fobia sociala, fobia

specifica), stresul posttraumatic, tulburare obsesivo-compulsiva, atacuri de panica

- Tulburari afective si de dispozitie: neuroza depresiva, tulburari bipolare

- Boli psiho-somatice: cefalee, tulburi ale sistemului vascular (hipertensiune, aritmie,

infart miocardic) tulburari ale sistemului gastrovascular (ulcer, anorexie, bulemie, etc.),

tulburari somatoforme

- Tulburari atipice: Sindromul Münchausen

- Boli psihotice (psihoze): schizofrenia clasica, psihoza maniaco-depresiva, hebefrenia

- Conduite deviante: distructive (agresivitatea), autodistructive (sinucidere), consum de

alcool si drog

Bibliografie (Szakirodalom)

• Bredician, A. C. si colabor. , 2014: Curs de psihiatrie, Editura VICTOR BABEŞ ,



epidemiologice, clinico-statistice si de preventie in suicid si parasuicid, Casa de Editura,


• GRECU GH., GABOS GRECU I., GRECU GABOS M., 2000 : Depresia: Aspecte

istorice, etiopatogenetice, clinice terapeutico – profilactice, Editura Ardealul, Tg.Mures.

• GRECU GH., 1976 : Curs de Psihiatrie, Litografia UMF Tg-Mureş.

• Dobrescu I. Manual de Psihiatrie a copilului si adolescentului,

Page 5: Social Pedagogy - Eszterházy Károly University · Social Pedagogy Teaching arrangements: The optimum number of students participating the course is 15. Advisable schedule of the

Social Pedagogy

• Ed. Infomedica, Bucureşti, 2010.

• Iordachi, C. (2006): Comportamentul dezadaptat la adolescenţi. Bucureşti Bibl.


• Leonhard, K. (1979): Personalităţi accentuate, Editura ştiinţifică şi

enciclopedică, Bucureşti.

• PREDESCU V., 1969: Psihiatrie vol-II , Editura Medicală Bucureşti

• Prelipceanu D., 2011: Psihiatrie clinică (red.), Editura Medicală, Bucureşti.

Verificarea cunostiintelor (az ismeretek ellenőrzése):

Verificarea se face in scris sau oral la sfirsitul semestrului. Nota se acorda in functie de

punctajul obtinut de studenti. Punctajul maxim este 100 puncte.

- nota 2 (doi) – intre 50 si 60 de puncte

- nota 3 (trei) – intre 61 si 70 de puncte

- nota 4 (patru) – intre 71 si 80 de puncte

- nota 5 (cinci) – de la 80 puncte

Orele de audienta (fogadórák): Se stabilesc 2 ore saptamana. Aceste ore se stabilesc in comun

acord intre profesor si studenti.

Rasponsabil pentru curs (tantárgyfelelős): Dr. Szilágyi István

Posibilitate de contact cu profesorul (kapcsolattartrás a tanárral)

prin telefon: 520-400/ 2231,

si prin email: [email protected] NMP_PS723K2 Tulburari comporatmentale si de personalitate
