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EVERYONES DOING IT...SO SHOULD YOU! 26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Twitter Bird (PNG file saved from full URL allow importation of 3D images without square frame)1WHAT IS SOCIAL MEDIA? Simple Definition:

Social media are primarily Internet- and mobile-based tools for sharing and discussing information among human beings.26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:This makes it a very broad brush...which explained the vast number of Social Media networks out there2WHAT IS SOCIAL MEDIA? Social Media Networking is :

The use of multimedia content to interact freely and continuously with individuals or mass audiences via universally accessible, personalized web applications. Limitations are few. Familiarity is inconsequential. Reach is global. -Klieon C. John Yes, emails are considered Social Media!26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:The Global/mass audience aspect is what classes it as a network. Simultaneous communication and relationship with millions of people creates your NETWORK.

3Heres a typical SM network

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:We all want to be the red dot!

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:A person with a large network of Social Media contacts, who generates regular responses is called an Influencer. EVERYONE Wants to be his friend. 5TYPES OF SMMicroblogging: Twitter (140 character)

Bookmarking: Digg

Video: Youtube

Photo Sharing: Flickr

Search: Google

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:These are the main types of Social Media Channels and am example of the applications that fall under them6TYPES OF SMProfessional: Linkedin

Pure Social: Facebook




26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Recent 78% of consumers trusted reviews over traditional advertising methods. 7So how many SM Networks are we talking about here?

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Dont forget these!

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Recreation:


26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Persons spend HOURS on social media game applications. This particular application is known for making persons leave important engagements to water their crops which can only mature at a certain time of day.10BusinessUSES OF SOCIAL MEDIA

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:In addition to professional profiles, persons conduct sales, advertise and promote products, brands and events using all forms of SM. (Note Ad on the side)11ResearchUSES OF SOCIAL MEDIA

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Many persons use SM for conducting surveys, as well as participant observation. They map behaviours and patterns of demographics 12Information: News, queryUSES OF SOCIAL MEDIA

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:MOST news agencies have some form of Social Media Channel. Some operate solely via Facebook, twitter etc. 13USES OF SOCIAL MEDIAInformation: News, query

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:This group made the news for gaining over 20,000 fans in two weeks one of the bigger regional FB phenomena to date. Digicel Jamaica had a similar story.14USES OF SOCIAL MEDIA: Information

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:This article appeared in the Jamaica Gleaner shortly after the civil unrest in Jamaica involving alleged drug lord Christopher Coke. Social Media networks like Facebook and Twitter had totally taken over the dissemination of news as most news agencies were not allowed in certain areas. The residents, however all had cell phones and internet connections!15ADVERTISINGFIRST: Understand the paradigm shift

SM advertising is not limited to a 4x4 anymore....

Manual viral advertising

Possible via relationship created (its all in the PR!)Traditional ads are merely a condiment ...the relationship comes FIRST!

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Condament 16Advertising Mashable (on twitter advertising): (Traditional) Advertising Alone Wont Do the Trick. Despite the eager hopes of corporate communicators and brand managers who might be looking for the path of least resistance, promoted tweets are no silver bullet. They, and whatever future developments roll out in the months ahead, are but one instrument in a symphony of Twitter engagement tools. Used in coordination with sustained, value-driven engagement, they will certainly help to amplify messaging. Made to stand alone, however, they will unquestionably fail in a marketplace that values continuous personal interaction.26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:AdvertisingThus: SM Advertising takes work and time!!!!

Anyone can put an Ad in the papers... SM requires a relationship before people can believe what you say!26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:ROI

IF WE AINT MAKING DOLLARS WE AINT MAKING SENSE! Difficult to quantify Lots of numbers that dont directly translate to ROI. Social Media Today: 84% of companies do not bother to measure SM ROIMost closely reflected in qualitative analysis of relationship btwn org and publics. Use quantitative data from metrics to qualify ROI. SEE INDEX FOR RESOURCES26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:ROI is very difficult to quantify in SM. It is not recommended as the main success criterion unless you ONLY operate online. Luckily SM requires very very little monetary investment. The biggest investment in SM is TIME. This needs its own full presentation. See index for referrals. 19ROIThere is not enough ROI for figuring out ROI. It is an intellectually bankrupt exercise.

-Andres McAfee, Harvard Business School.26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:If you measure SM success by ROI, you will get an incorrect sense of the effect of your Social Media efforts. The point of SM is FIRSTLY to build and maintain a mutually beneficial relationship with an organizations publics. This will almost always translate to good ROI. 20SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENTMONITORING: Content monitors


26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Above is on of the MANY content monitors used to locate any mention of a search term or phrase 9such as a brand name). These are used to find positive and negative comments about blogs. 21SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT: Monitoring

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:

SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT: Monitoring: Metrics tools26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Note: Referrers section showing the sites this blog has appeared on and how many persons found the blog via those websites.23

SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT: Monitoring: Metrics tools26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:On the right, see blue highlight of the same blog that appeared as a recommendation on someones website. This is useful for tracking what type of content your website is being associated with. 24

SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT: Monitoring: Metrics tools26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Just one feature: A number is assigned to persons based on their activity and network size that reflects their influence on twitter. 25SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT: Results/Evaluation

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Facebook allows every page administrator to see the demographics of persons liking their page, as well as a break down of page activity i.e number of visits, growth rates etc. 26RESULTS/EVALUATION

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:RESULTS/EVALUATION

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Another one of Hootsuites features: You can see how many persons actually clicked on a link that you have posted on twitter.28RESULTS/EVALUATION

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:This is a very basic daily evaluation report of a Social Media Space29DOs and DONTS of SM


26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Above and following: Pics created by angry activists after discovering that the endangered Orangutan was being harmed somewhere along Nestles line of production.31DONT

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:DONT

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:DONT

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:DONT

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Nestles Response to the attacks on their Facebook wall by activists. 35DONT

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:DONTLesson:


26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:The Rules of PR still Apply!!! Its surprisingly easy to become relaxed and complacent because we cant hear or see our publics and because of the soft environment. One can manage a fanpage while still in bed in the morning! 37DONTOVERKILL!!!... If you build it they will come

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Social Media is cheap, fast, easy and fun. This creates the temptation to overkill a particular message or promotion because messages can be sent to millions of inboxes literally in one click. This does not have the same effect as radio or TV ads. You will quickly be grouped as a spammer and totally defeat the purpose of connecting with the masses.38DONTDont force it on themchoice is key

Remember, youre in MY house!

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:SM takes in into peoples homes...nobody likes to be bullied in their own home... Let them find you interesting so THEY can start pestering YOU. If people just dont like you, leave them alone. You dont want a bad cyber rep! 39DOs: Learn your Space!Not every space is appropriate for a particular promotion.

Be familiar with which spaces have useful features.

Learn the language and culture: Twitter Peak times: 6:30-9:00 am, 12:00-2:00 pm, 4:30-10:00 pm, 11:00 = #twitterafterdark26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Each space, though multi-faceted is appropriate for particular SM activities. What is appropriate for twitter is not necessarily the same for facebook. 40Dos: Pringles

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Pringles fanpage is considered one of the great examples of how social media should be used in Public relations. Note the blue and yellow highlighted sections.41Dos: Pringles

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Pringles allowed their fans to send in videos of them celebrating the world cup goals. They were rewarded and appeared on the fanpage.42Dos: Pringles. What went well?Engage audience

Know their habits. Young people like to make silly vids etc


26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:DOsListen, converseFULLticipate! The Coca-Cola Story

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Dos: Coca-Cola. What went well?What did Coca-Cola do well?

Shared controlallow fans to adopt the page

Lesson: LAY OUT THE WELCOME MAT26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Dos: Be NOWSM is NOW make sure response is fast (theyre not waiting on you!)

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Tim Parker will not be checking back after 11 hours. By now he is an active fan on someone elses fan page. This is why some brands have round-the-clock monitoring. 46INNOVATIONS/OPPORTUNITIES

LETS THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!Free design of SM spaces allows limitless opportunities.

ANY idea can be supported by an SM space.

Provides reach and opportunities that are not offered by traditional media e.g hashtag promotions, RT offers, etc. 26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Social media provides limitless possibilities for marketing and Public Relations simply because of their flexibility, user control and global influence. No idea is ever impossible as long as the right channels are pinpointed. 47INNOVATIONS/OPPORTUNITIES

Nobody is out of reach! EVERY market you can possibly imagine can be found through Social Media!26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:This lady had a following of 56,876 people at the time of her death! Thats more than most regional companies combined. The next time youre about to say a particular market is not online...think again!!48INNOVATIONS/OPPORTUNITIES

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Youtubers would submit short videos that depict their lives in one day. The chosen videos would then be complied into a professional movie. 49INNOVATIONS/OPPORTUNITIES

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:A Tweetup is a party that is hosted by a company for its followers on twitter. It is normally limited to under 200 people and everything is free. This can be done once a month, ever quarter or whenever. The company posts the invitation on twitter and followers just follow the link and sign up. This is a great way to build relationships with influencers and solidify loyalty for the company or brand.50Final thoughts:Social media is:

-More qualitative than quantitative

-More about connecting than converting

-More about reforming than replacing traditional media/marketing methods.Source: Eric Anderson, Only Three Social Media Metrics that Matter.

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:Source: Eric Anderson, Only Three Social Media Metrics that Matter. ThoughtsSocial media Results take some time



PROMISE=DELIVER26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:THANK YOU!

THANKS AND SEE YOU ONLINE!!!!26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:INDEXTypes of Social Media: on Social Media: Social Media examples:

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:INDEXGeneral articles of interest

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:INDEXGeneral articles of interest

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:INDEXCase studies:

Some Social Media Definitions: C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:INDEXROI

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:INDEXInnovationsYoutubes Life in a Day movie project: Oldest Tweeter dies at 104:

A Glossary of terms you need to familiarize yourself with:

Social Media Content Monitoring tools:

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:INDEXSocial Media metrics (all WP blogs have metrics tools)

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:INDEXHelpful blogs and websites (These are all SM influencers) www.mashable.com

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX:IndexSocial Media Advertising:

26/07/10Klieon C. JohnSocial Media 4 PRINDEX: