Page 1: Sneior Editionn Young At Heart

The upside to getting older Perksforseniorshavemadeitmoreadvantageousforolderadults tobeproudoftheirage

Sauk Centre Senior Wellness Fair to be held Friday, Oct. 21 Excitingchangestothisyear’sevent

Working after retirement Strategiestoconsider

Larry Nelson stays active later in life


September 2011

plus...Check out all the great services offered by our local businesses!


A Guide To The Good Life... Enjoy Everything Life Has To Offer!


young at heart

Page 2: Sneior Editionn Young At Heart

Seniors On-The-Go, September 2011, Page 2



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The upside to getting older The standard for people entering their golden years has long been to fib about their ages. Growing older hasn’t always been seen as a positive. How-ever, increasing perks for seniors have made it more advantageous for older adults to be proud of their age. It used to be that a senior discount meant a reduced fare on the bus or a couple of cents saved on that morning cup of coffee. However, as more of the Baby Boomer generation enters retire-ment years, businesses are catering to Boomers’ active lifestyles with dis-counts and perks in a variety of ways. It pays to do some research, espe-cially at stores where you shop fre-quently. Those stores may not often advertise their discounts, but many stores do have a policy for senior sav-ings if you simply ask. Discounts may vary by franchise or retailer, so it’s important to inquire

with customer service or the manager about age requirements and the per-centages off purchases. Some stores offer discounts on a certain day of the week. Other businesses may have a standard percentage that they take off regardless of the day or time the purchases are being made. Many other retailers offer anywhere from 10 to 15 percent off on purchases. That can add up to considerable savings, especially for older adults living on fixed incomes. Individuals do not be retirement age to reap store perks. Some businesses offer discounts for customers over the age of 62. Many others start the cutoff at 50 to 55. The earlier Boomers find out about discounts, the sooner they can start saving. Stores aren’t the only ones offering perks to seniors. Discounts may be available on airline flights and other modes of transportation. Reduced

rates on hotel rooms, car rentals and other travel industry items are also available. Community services may be made possible for seniors as well, including low- or no-cost financial counseling. Health companies also may have dis-counted programs for seniors, includ-ing fitness clubs, prescription programs and therapy. Anyone age 50 and up is eligible for enrollment in AARP, which boasts its own collection of discounts and recommended businesses. Let’s not forget senior housing, which has evolved way beyond the retirement communities of the past. Today’s senior living facilities often

boast state-of-the-art fitness centers, theaters, pools, transportation for shopping, recreational activities, and much more in addition to the steeply reduced purchase price for a home. Retirement homes are often several thousand dollars cheaper than an on-par house of similar size sold to a younger buyer. Before anyone 50 years or older pays full price when shopping, dining out or traveling, he or she should investigate whether there are discounts in place that can quickly add up to savings.


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Seniors can receive discounts on everything from coffee to plane fares. All it takes is an inquiry.

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Seniors On-The-Go, September 2011, Page 3

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Seniors On-The-Go, September 2011, Page 4

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Long-time Upsala resident Larry Nelson stays active later in life with family, gardening and collectingNelson’s collection of outdoor cement statues continues to grow each year

By EmiliE thiEssEnStaff Writer

[email protected] LarryNelson’scollections,bothinsideandoutside of her home, have grown so muchover thepast32years shestopped trying tocountthenumberofitems. “Ihaveitprettyfullinhere,”Nelsonsaid. Herhome,amodesttwo-storybuiltintheheartofUpsalabackin1923, ispackedfullwith countless, perfectly organized trinketsshe and her late husband Donny picked upthroughtheyears.Butitdoesn’tstopthere. Large,windinggardensfillNelson’s lawn,brimmingwithhundredsofplastic, ceramicand cement statues that range from baldeagles to giraffes. And wherever there isn’ta statue,Nelsonfills thespacewithplanterspackedfullofvibrantflowers. Collecting and gardening are very enjoy-able,Nelsonsaid,butforher,itisn’tjustabout

fun.Havingahobbysheloveskeepshergoingthroughout the year and helps her to main-tainstrongconnectionswithherfamily. “It keeps her very busy and active,” Nel-son’s daughter-in-law Margie said. “It is ahealthy thing to do. It is fun for her. Sheenjoysitalot.” Since her husband Donny passed awayfrom cancer three years ago, Nelson said ithas been very important for her to keep upwith her hobbies, something she said herhusbandaskedhertodo. “Collecting keeps me busy from earlyspring to late fall. Winters are long – theyreally are,” Nelson said.“Winters are tough espe-ciallynowwithDonnybeinggone...butabouttwoweeksbefore Donny died, he toldme‘Larry,keepupyourflow-ersandkeepuptheyard.’” Nelson,whogrewupinthesmalltownof

Farming and moved toUpsala at age 11, saidshe started creatingelaborate outdoor gar-densafterhertwosons,Bobby and Billy, whonow live just down thestreetfromher,dugoutthefirstrockgarden. “Itwasabout30yearsago when the two boyshadtwoweeksvacation,and they didn’t knowwhat to do,” Nelsonsaid. “We had a bunchofdeadtreesintheyard,soIsaid‘Whydon’tyoucutthosetreesdownand

putuparockgarden,’thatwasjustthebegin-ning.” In addition to Margie and her daughterTonieRose,Nelsonsaid she receivesagreatdealofhelpfromBilly’swifeJulieandtheirsonLance.Withnootherfamilyinthearea,Nelsonsaidthatstrongfamilyconnectionisveryimportantforher. Nelson and her family make the trip upto Pam’s Butterflies Crafts and Lawn Orna-mentsinCushingeverycoupleofmonthstopurchaseanewitemforhergardens. Nelson said she has been purchasingmainly cement decorations for the past few

years, and although theycome hand painted, Nelsonrepaints nearly every objectin her gardens each year tocombatfading.“Everyyearwearerepaint-ing pieces and it is kind of

likeabigcircle,”Margiesaid.“Westartandjustkeepgoing.Bythetimewearedone,wecould juststartoveragain, touchingupandredoing.” NelsonsaidpaintingthefigurinesisfunforbothherandMargie,andreallyallowshertokeepoccupiedeveryday,somethingshetrulyappreciatesaftera lifetimeofhardworkonherfamily’s280acrefarmoutsideofUpsala,andafteryearsofowningbusinesses. Nelson and her late husband previouslyownedDonandLarry’sBarandtheUptownCafeinUpsala.Nelsonsaidmuchofthetrin-ketcollectioninsideherhomecamefromthedecorationsinthebarandcafe. Nelsonstartingpurchasing large,outdoorcementfiguresforhergardenwhentwomenwho worked with cement down in the Cit-ies visited the bar and got her interested.

Nelsonsaidshehaspurchasedthreeorfourmorestatueseachyearsincethen,anddoesn’tintendtostopcollectinganytimesoon. “I just don’t like to part with them,” shesaid. “Ihavehad it all this long, Imightaswellenjoythepieces.” Nelsonsaidshealsokeepsbusyentertain-ingthemanyvisitorswho justcan’tpassupsuch an intriguing home. She has countlessfamilies come througheachyearwanting towalkthroughthegardensandseeallthedif-ferent statues, especially the over-sized six-footorangutaninthefrontofthehouse “Iliketoseepeopleenjoyit,”Nelsonsaid,addingthatsherarely letsvisitors insideherhomeasshehashadproblemswithburglarsinthepast,bothinsideandout.WhenNelsoninstalledfivesecuritycamerashowever,shenolongerhadproblemswiththeftandsaidtheinvestmentwaswellworthit. “Since I got the cameras up,” she said.“Therehasbeennothingtaken.” When Nelson is not busy with repaintingher many statues or entertaining her count-less visitors, Nelson stays active by cooking

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larry nelson stands with an orangutan statue at her residence in Upsala. Nelson said she had wanted to buy the statue for years and finally gave in this summer. Collecting has allowed her to stay active and busy in her later years.

larry nelson has hundreds of cement statues at her home. Nelson also keeps busy with cooking, baking, painting and entertaining visitors who stop by to tour her many gardens.

“Collecting keeps me busy from early spring to late fall.”

—Larry Nelson

Did You Know?

In 2011, the first

of the Baby Boom generation are

turning 65. That means many more people are facing

retirement age and moving into their

golden years.

Page 5: Sneior Editionn Young At Heart

Seniors On-The-Go, September 2011, Page 5

When you’re not feeling well, what

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Nelsonsaidshehaspurchasedthreeorfourmorestatueseachyearsincethen,anddoesn’tintendtostopcollectinganytimesoon. “I just don’t like to part with them,” shesaid. “Ihavehad it all this long, Imightaswellenjoythepieces.” Nelsonsaidshealsokeepsbusyentertain-ingthemanyvisitorswho justcan’tpassupsuch an intriguing home. She has countlessfamilies come througheachyearwanting towalkthroughthegardensandseeallthedif-ferent statues, especially the over-sized six-footorangutaninthefrontofthehouse “Iliketoseepeopleenjoyit,”Nelsonsaid,addingthatsherarely letsvisitors insideherhomeasshehashadproblemswithburglarsinthepast,bothinsideandout.WhenNelsoninstalledfivesecuritycamerashowever,shenolongerhadproblemswiththeftandsaidtheinvestmentwaswellworthit. “Since I got the cameras up,” she said.“Therehasbeennothingtaken.” When Nelson is not busy with repaintingher many statues or entertaining her count-less visitors, Nelson stays active by cooking

orbakingforherfamilyeverydayandtakingcareofhertwodogsandthreecats. “I really am lucky in a lot of ways,” shesaid.“There isneveradullmomentaroundhere.”

Energy Assistance programs can provide:• Assistance towards a household’s home energy bill• Emergency assistance if a household’s home energy service is shut off• Emergency assistance if a household is unable to get fuel delivered• Advocating with energy-related services such as weatherization improvements, furnace

equipment repair and replacement, budget counseling and so forth.

“This program is funded by the Minnesota Department of Commerce and U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services”

• How can Energy Assistance help you?

If you are having difficulty paying your heating and/or electric bill we encourage you to contact your local Energy Assistance provider.

In this economy more and more people and families are having difficulties making ends meet.

Local Energy assistance provider For:Benton, Morrison, Sherburne, Stearns Counties:Tri-County Action Program, Inc.PO Box 6831210 23rd Avenue South, Waite Park320-251-1612 or 1-888-765-5597


Energy Assistance programs can provide:• Assistance towards a household’s home energy bill• Emergency assistance if a household’s home energy service is shut off• Emergency assistance if a household is unable to get fuel delivered• Advocating with energy-related services such as weatherization improvements, furnace

equipment repair and replacement, budget counseling and so forth.

“This program is funded by the Minnesota Department of Commerce and U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services”

• How can Energy Assistance help you?

If you are having difficulty paying your heating and/or electric bill we encourage you to contact your local Energy Assistance provider.

In this economy more and more people and families are having difficulties making ends meet.

Local Energy assistance provider For:Benton, Morrison, Sherburne, Stearns Counties:Tri-County Action Program, Inc.PO Box 6831210 23rd Avenue South, Waite Park320-251-1612 or 1-888-765-5597


larry nelson stands with an orangutan statue at her residence in Upsala. Nelson said she had wanted to buy the statue for years and finally gave in this summer. Collecting has allowed her to stay active and busy in her later years.

Staff Photos by Emilie Thiessen

nelson painted these old milk jugs to use them as planters. Much of Nelson’s time is devoted to keeping up the flowers.

Did You Know?

In 2011, the first

of the Baby Boom generation are

turning 65. That means many more people are facing

retirement age and moving into their

golden years.

Page 6: Sneior Editionn Young At Heart

Seniors On-The-Go, September 2011, Page 6

Get back to living with the Anterior Hip Replacement from Little Falls Orthopedics.

“I couldn’t bend, crouch, or kneel without pain. I had a decisionto make, either give up gardening or give hip replacement surgery a try. The decision was easy. After two weeks, I waspain-free and I was a believer. Today, I’m telling everyone they don’t have to surrender to pain. It’s just amazing whatthese doctors can do.” —Char Hale, Randall

By sparing muscle tissues, the anterior approach offers lesspain, faster recovery, and restored mobility. Our skilled teamof surgeons has more experience with this groundbreakingprocedure than any central Minnesota provider. Don’t surrender your active life.

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Whosaysthere’snosuchthingasafreelunch? The planning committee for theSaukCentreSeniorWellnessFairwouldliketoannouncesomeexcitingchanges for the2011event.Itwillbeheldonadifferentdateand inadifferent location.Thecommitteehasalsochangedtheentireformatandwillbeincludingafreelunch. The 2011 Sauk Centre Senior WellnessFair will be held on Friday, Oct. 21 from10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Multi-PurposeRoom at the Sauk Centre Senior HighSchool. In addition to the Multi-PurposeRoom, five adjacent classrooms and thecomputerlabwillalsobeused. The purpose of the Wellness Fair is toeducate,informandentertaintheseniorsofcentral Minnesota. In years past, attemptsto educate and inform have been hinderedbyacoustics.Althoughinterestedinthetop-ics being presented, many were unable tohearthespeakersduetothevenueandthebackgroundnoise.That isthemainreasonthe planning committee has chosen a newlocationandformat.Avarietyofbreakoutsessionswillbeheldinaclassroomsetting,allowing attendees to choose and attendthe sessions they’re interested in and actu-allyhearthepresenterspeaking.Topicsdis-cussedwillincludecomputerbasics,vintagetractors, exercise, dietary, hospice, funeralplanning,gardeningandinformationaboutthe new Medicare wellness visit. Morningandafternoonsessionswillallowattendeestochooseseveraltopicsthatinterestthem. This year’s corporate sponsors includeMinnesota National Bank, First StateBank,CentralMinnesotaCreditUnion,St.

Michael’sHospital,AlternativeSeniorCare,andCentraCareClinicSaukCentre.Therewill alsobeamultitudeofareabusinessesparticipating in the event. Attendees canvisit vendor booths in the Multi-PurposeRoomattheirleisure.Lunchwillbeservedin the Multi-Purpose Room, and enter-tainmentwillbeprovidedduringthelunchperiod.Flushotswillalsobeavailablethisyear, soremember tobringyour insuranceinformation. Thiseventisfree(withadvanceregistra-tion) and open to the public. In order toensurethatthere isenoughfood,theplan-ningcommitteestronglyencouragespeopletoregisterinadvancebycallingAlternativeSeniorCareat866-352-3350.Ifyouarenotpre-registered, there will be a $3.00 coverchargeatthedoor. At theendof theevent, therewillbeavarietyofdoorprizesgivenaway.Youmustbepresenttowin. Save the date, call to reserve your spotandcomeenjoytheday!Where:SaukCentreHighSchoolMulti-PurposeRoom&AdjacentClassroomsDate:Friday,Oct.21,2011Theme:LearningtoLiveWellCost:Freeif registerdinadvance,$3.00atthedoorSchedule:10:00-10:30BoothsOpen10:30-11:15BreakOutSessions/Speakers11:15-1:00Lunch/Booths/Entertainment1:00-1:45BreakOutSessions/Speakers1:45-2:15Booths2:15Drawings

Sauk Centre Senior Wellness Fair to be held Friday, Oct. 21

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Seniors On-The-Go, September 2011, Page 7

Charles W. Kuffel CPO, FAAOPCertifi ed Prosthetist Orthotist

St. Michael’s Hospital andLakeview Medical Clinic

Outreach ServicesSauk Centre, MN

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in a variety of settings. Interdisciplinary team approach withPrimary Nurses, Home Health Aide, Clergy, Social Worker, Volunteers,

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See us at the Sauk Centre Wellness Fair Thursday, Sept. 16

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Sauk Centre, MN 56378

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St. Michael’s Hospice

There’s no longer a magic number forretirement.Somepeoplefindthattheywanttoworkpastthetraditionalretirementage,whileothersdiscovertheyneedto.Inaddi-tion, some retirees discover that they likedworkingandwanttoreturntoworkratherthansettleintoretirement. Sixty-five is no longer the required ageto stop working. In fact, many people areforegoing retirement and staying with theworkforce.Why?Nosinglereasonappliestoeveryone,butfinancesoftencomeintoplay. Thankstoatroubledeconomythathascarried over into the workplace, pensionsand severance packages are no longer thenorm for retiring workers. When facedwith the prospect of reduced funds anddwindling Social Security benefits, manychoosetosimplykeeponworking.Further-more, individuals who retire before 65 areoften faced with finding their own healthinsurance plans because Medicare doesn’tstart until age 65. Plus, high prescriptioncostsforchronicconditionscanexceedtheallowanceofMedicare.Employeeinsuranceplanstendtohavebetteroptions,andthatoftenfactors intoanemployee’sretirementdecision. There are many people who continueworkingbecausetheyactuallyenjoyit,andnotbecauseofsomefinancialnecessity. Working tends to keep the mind sharpand helps seniors feel like contributingmembersoftheircommunity.AccordingtoastudyconductedbytheAmericanPsychi-atricAssociation,retireeswhocontinuedtoworkinabridgejob(meaningparttimeortemporary employment) experienced fewer

major diseases and fewer functional limi-tations than those who were fully retired.Researchersconsideredonlyphysician-diag-nosedhealthproblems,suchashighbloodpressure,diabetes,cancer,lungdisease,heartdisease,strokeandpsychiatricproblems. Those thinking of remaining in theworkforcecancheckwithemployerstoseeif retirement is mandatory or voluntary.Seniorsre-enteringtheworkforcemaywantto brush up on some skills and reconnectwith former employers or colleagues tomakethetransitioneasier. Here are some other strategies peoplemaywanttoconsider: Refurbish your resume. Focus on whatthingsyoucandoratherthanwhatyoudidinthepast.Youmaybeupagainstyoungerapplicantsandwillhavetomakeacaseforyourhire. Be flexible.Youmayneedhealthbenefitsmore so thanahigh salary.Youcanworkwith an employer to develop a compensa-tionpackagethatismutuallybeneficial. Develop computer skills. Today’s workenvironment relies heavily on computerskills. It is unwise for you to think you’llgetbyonexperiencealone.Obtaina rudi-mentary education in computer usage andcommonofficeprograms,whichcansetyouapartfromotherolderapplicants. Know there’s nothing to prove. Retireeshave the benefit of taking their time andfindingtherightfitinapost-retirementjob.Unlessmoneyisanissue,shoparounduntilyoufindthejobthatappealstoyou,evenif it’spart-timeorforalowersalary.

Source: Metro Creative Connection

Working after retirementBrushing up on computer skills and drafting a new resume can help older adults successfully re-enter the work force after retirement





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A product of KSKJ Life (2439 Glenwood Ave., Joliet, IL 60435 - 7-Year Contract includes a 1-Year Bonus Rate. After the 1st Contract Year, the current declared renewal rate will apply. Maximum deposit may exist. Surrender charges exist for early withdrawals. Withdrawals made prior to age 591/2 may be subject to an IRS penalty (Consult your tax advisor). Advertised rate subject to change without notice. Other bene ts may be available Approriate application and membership requirements apply. Not available in all states. Not a bank product or FDIC insured.

Fo rm#LFF192011

Page 8: Sneior Editionn Young At Heart

Seniors On-The-Go, September 2011, Page 8

Embrace the Spirit of Life, Care, Love™

Call for a tour

St. Cloud (320) 252-0010Monticello (763) 295-4051

• Retirement Living

• Income-based Apartments

• Assisted Living

• Home Care

• Respite Care*

• Memory Care

• Short Stay Care*

• Long-term Care*

*St. Cloud location only

No matter what chapter of your life you are in, St. Benedict’s Senior Community is a vibrant place to help you live life to the fullest.Our spectrum of health care and housing options include:
