  • Research ArticleSmart Farming: An Enhanced Pursuit of Sustainable RemoteLivestock Tracking and Geofencing Using IoT and GPRS

    Qazi Mudassar Ilyas 1 and Muneer Ahmad 2

    1Department of Information Systems, College of Computer Sciences and Information Technology,King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia2Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology, Universiti Malaya,50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Correspondence should be addressed to Qazi Mudassar Ilyas; [email protected]

    Received 16 October 2020; Revised 9 November 2020; Accepted 4 December 2020; Published 19 December 2020

    Academic Editor: Mohammad Hossein Anisi

    Copyright © 2020 Qazi Mudassar Ilyas andMuneer Ahmad. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative CommonsAttribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work isproperly cited.

    The farmers of agricultural farms manage and monitor different types of livestock. The manual inspection and monitoring oflivestock are tedious since the cattle do not stay at fixed locations. Fencing many cattle requires a considerable cost and involvesfarmers’ physical intervention to keep an eye to stop them from crossing beyond the access points. Visual tracking of livestockand fencing is a time-consuming and challenging job. This research proposes a smart solution for livestock tracking andgeofencing using state-of-the-art IoT technology. The study creates a geographical safe zone for cattle based on IoT and GPRS,where the cattle are assigned dedicated IoT sensors. The cattle can be easily remotely monitored and controlled without havingany need for farmers to intervene for livestock management physically. The smart system collects the data regarding thelocation, well-being, and health of the livestock. This kind of livestock management may help prevent the spread of COVID-19,lower the farming costs, and enable remote monitoring.

    1. Introduction

    Food is a basic need for every individual, and the importanceof agricultural industry cannot be overstated. The rapidlygrowing population of the world reduced farming areabecause of industrialization, exodus of farmers to urbanareas, and climate change which are some of the factors thatare challenging the agricultural industry to the next level. Astable and progressive agricultural industry is extremelyimportant to feed the ever-increasing population of theworld.

    The world economy was driven mostly by agricultureuntil the 18th century. Around 1760, the first industrial revo-lution started with the invention of the steam engine. Thelarge-scale mechanization resulting from this revolutionstarted luring farmers to abandon their farms and move tourban areas for socioeconomic benefits. The second and thirdindustrial revolutions in the next two centuries acceleratedthis migration process resulting in increased abandonment

    of farmlands. Shengfa and Li [1] analyzed farmland aban-donment in various regions of the world since the 1950s.The study argues that the phenomenon is more pronouncedin more advanced regions of the world, and this trend isexpected to continue in the future too.

    Today, we are at the cusp of the fourth industrial revolu-tion which is driven by several disruptive technologiesincluding but not limited to sophisticated machine learningalgorithms, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things(IoT), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), robotics, andquantum computing [2, 3]. Such powerful technologies havealready changed our lives dramatically. They have foundapplication in almost every domain of life, and agricultureis no exception. Artificial Intelligence and machine learningtechnologies have been applied in analyzing and managingsoil [4], crops [5], livestock [6], and water resources [7].Computer vision techniques have been employed foraddressing several issues in agriculture such as plant diseasedetection [8], insect detection [9], farmland management

    HindawiWireless Communications and Mobile ComputingVolume 2020, Article ID 6660733, 12 pages

  • [10], and crop yield analysis [11]. References [12, 13] provideexcellent reviews of the application of IoT technologies inagriculture. Precision farming is another technique in agri-culture that has seen significant boost because of inventionof cheap sensors and UAVs [14].

    A satellite navigation device (commonly called a GPSreceiver) can be used to determine its position using a satel-lite navigation system. As of today, there are four active sat-ellite navigation systems that provide global coverage,namely, Global Positioning System (GPS) by the UnitedStates, Galileo by Europe, GLObal NAvigation Satellite Sys-tem (GLONASS) by Russia, and BeiDou by China. A satellitenavigation device may be attached to any object to track andmonitor its position in real time. A geofence can be estab-lished by defining a closed polygon referring to a geographicarea on earth. A location-aware device can then make use ofthis geofence to trigger alerts when the object enters or leavesthe area defined by the geofence.

    Internet of Things (IoT) is an extremely exciting set oftechnologies that is already shaping the future of humankind.IoT is based on the concept of uniquely identifiable intercon-nected devices (such as sensors, computers, and mechanicaldevices), collecting the data, and storing it in the cloud thatis processed by intelligent algorithms to achieve commongoals. IoT has several applications in almost all domains oflife. References [15–17] provide excellent reviews of somesuch applications.

    Livestock monitoring is another important aspect offarming. Traditionally, cattle were monitored manually andconfined in farms by building physical fences. However,advanced technologies have made it possible to track andmonitor the cattle automatically. Navigation satellites andGlobal Positioning System (GPS) are extensively used fortracking the position of cattle. UAVs have made real-timemonitoring of cattle a cost-effective and hassle-free task.Radio-frequency identification (RFID), wireless sensor net-works, and the Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN)are other potential technologies for establishing virtual fencesto keep the farm animals in a confined area.

    2. Related Work

    Smart farming concept relates to location-aware devices tomonitor the movement of animals and raise alerts when theyviolate the boundary of the geofence of the farm or pasture.Additionally, IoT sensors may be used to monitor the healthand well-being of farm animals. References [18, 19] proposeda device that is based on the satellite navigation system totrack the position of an object to which it is attached. Theposition is transmitted through an available wireless trans-mission medium such as a radio frequency, wireless, or cellu-lar network. References [20–22] described a geofencingscheme based on the geographic area being divided intoone or more grids. The proposed scheme exploits this gridstructure to optimize computational resources required forlocation monitoring because a complex polygon requiresmore calculations to achieve the desired goal.

    Figure 1 presents the number of research articles pub-lished from 2010 to 2020 on remote livestock tracking. It

    can be seen that there is significant scope of remote monitor-ing of livestock employing the latest technologies. With thepassage of time, the researchers have devised enhanced solu-tions in this problem domain. Despite a good number of citedworks, still, the need to address the issues related to opti-mized geofencing is on the way.

    References [23–25] also proposed the concept of geofen-cing by providing auditory feedback and light electric shocksto an animal wearing a tracking device. Through these feed-back mechanisms, the device can effectively guide an animalfrom one to another location. It may also be used to keep ananimal within a geofence defined by its owner.

    References [26, 27] proposed an implant device for track-ing the location of an animal in addition to monitoring itshealth and well-being. The device also contains enough stor-age to record medical information about an animal such aspast surgeries, any disease, medication, and owner contactinformation.

    Safeguarding against theft of animals is an obvious appli-cation of the ability to monitor the location of an animal inreal time. To this end, researchers have proposed several sys-tems that can be used to minimize the chances of animaltheft. Reference [28] proposed such a system based on a cen-tralized database to store livestock details, radio-frequencyidentification (RFID) tags, and an available communicationtechnology such as a cellular network. The proposed systememploys several heuristics to identify theft of animals. Onesuch heuristics marks an animal as “stolen” if the animal isfound in a geographic location that is considered “far” fromthe registered location of the animal and its geofence for gaz-ing. Another heuristic is discovery of an animal having regis-tered a location drastically different from that of otheranimals in a herd. Reference [29] proposed a similar systemthat uses wireless sensor networks and unmanned aerialvehicles for animal tracking and identification.

    Several researchers have proposed IoT-based frameworksfor geofencing as well as other aspects of smart farming. Ref-erences [30–35] proposed various systems for monitoring oflivestock through data recorded using sensors and networkcommunication nodes. References [36–38], in addition tocollecting the data, also proposed means for automaticallyanalyzing the data and an interface to monitor the livestock.Reference [39] proposes the use of a long-range Low PowerWide Area Network (LPWAN) technology to collect andprocess several parameters related to the health of cattle as



    2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020


    ber o

    f pub




    Research articles related to remote livestock tracking(source: ScienceDirect)

    Figure 1: Research trend on remote livestock tracking.

    2 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

  • well as their environment. The data recorded by sensors isrelayed to one or more gateways through long-range enddevices. This data is subsequently processed by an applica-tion server and presented to the user for visualization andanalytics. A C++ simulation shows that the proposed archi-tecture can effectively cover an area of 7 km2 in a ratherharsher hilly terrain. Reference [40] proposed a similar solu-tion based on Long-range Wireless Access Network (LoRa-WAN) technology. The use of LoRaWAN makes suchsolutions more feasible in rural areas with poor cellular orInternet coverage.

    Many different satellite navigations have been consider-ably employed to determine the position of livestock. Wecan observe four active satellite navigation systems providingglobal coverage, namely, the Global Positioning System(GPS) by the United States, Galileo by Europe, GLObal NAv-igation Satellite System (GLONASS) by Russia, and BeiDouby China. It is very contemporary to navigate through satel-lite nowadays. Commonly, a satellite navigation device isattached to the livestock under monitoring, and the devicecan promptly track and monitor the position of the livestockin a real-time scenario. In addition to this navigation, a ded-icated geofence can greatly help in defining a closed shape,normally a polygon, that refers to a geographic area on earth.A location-aware device can then make use of this geofenceto trigger alerts when the object enters or leaves the areadefined by the geofence. A number of cited works highlightthat geofencing-related solutions are more appealing forremote livestock monitoring.

    Table 1 presents a brief summary and comparison ofthe research works discussed above. We can see many dif-ferent solutions of remote livestock tracking. We can seethat safeguarding the livestock appears as an obviousapplication of the ability to monitor the location of an ani-mal in real time. Until now, the researchers have proposedseveral systems that can be used to minimize the chancesof animal theft based on RFID tags, wireless sensor net-works, unmanned aerial vehicles for animal tracking andidentification, long-range Low Power Wide Area Network(LPWAN) technologies, GPS, IoT, and GPRS. Despite agood number of cited works, only a few researches canbe identified that focus on the geofencing for livestockmonitoring.

    3. Methodology

    Varieties of cattle in a paddock have genetically differentgrazing, sleeping, and playing patterns. Goats and sheep aremore active, and they have different food intake and diges-tion systems than cows and buffalos. The current livestockmanagement systems mostly employ IoT and GPS sensorsconnected to satellite and GPRS for navigation and commu-nication, respectively. GPS and GPRS sensors consumedevice energy and communication bandwidth. Besides, thesame set of sensors is installed for all livestock categoriesdespite genetic diversity among animals in the same herd.In addition, the conventional tracking systems track themovements of livestock without any profound geographicalboundaries that become challenging in case the animals go

    very far from the main access points. To address these issues,this research study proposes an enhanced management sys-tem that provides convenience to farmers to define a geo-graphical safe zone for livestock. The farmers are notifiedby the system when cattle try to go beyond the definedboundary of the zone. Besides, the navigation and communi-cation are automatically controlled according to the geneticdiversity of different animals.

    Figure 2 presents an overview of the conceptual frame-work of the proposed system. The red ellipse represents adrawn geographical safe zone for the livestock. Ultrasonicsensors installed at the elliptical boundary of the safe zoneidentify the movements of the cattle. The ultrasonic soundwaves propagate and discover the presence of livestock,and its distance is calculated. If the distance of the cattlecrosses the defined safe-distance threshold, the communi-cation navigator is activated. The animals in the herd areequipped with navigation sensors that sense the locationsof animals by navigating through the satellite. The systemcalculates the distance of each animal from the safe zonegeographical boundary and alarms the farmer when thedistance of the animal gets close to a threshold value.The proposed system glimpses the exact location of ani-mals in case the animals are out of the safe zone for aspecified period. The motion sensor suspends the naviga-tion and communication when the animal is recorded ina static state to optimize the energy and communicationbandwidth for significant utilization.

    Figure 3 presents the implementation scenario of the pro-posed framework described in Figure 2. We can see differentsteps involved in tracking a whole herd or particular cattle inthe herd based on sensing the location coordinates and hav-ing communication with the system through the communi-cation channel. An elaborative presentation is presented inthe following algorithm:

    (1) A herd Hmay contain a variety of livestock with anynumber depending on the nature of business andlocal facilities available to farmers for keeping andmanaging animals. For the moment, we suppose thata typical herd H can contain a maximum of N ani-mals defined as H = fH1,H2,H3,Hig, i ≤N

    (2) Since the currently proposed system tracks the loca-tions of animals contained in herd H, we need a nav-igation sensor to connect individual cattle with thecommunication satellite to receive the location coor-dinates of each animal. Besides, since the systemneeds to analyze the latest distance of animals fromthe defined safe zone, we need to pass these locationcoordinates to the system through the communica-tion channel. For this, we need to equip Hi animalswith Ni and Ci navigation and communication sen-sors, where i

  • Table 1: An overview of different solutions proposed for livestock tracking and management.

    Study Weaknesses identified Proposed solutionsState-of-the-art technology

    adoption Research outcomesGPS GPRS IoT Others


    The conventional livestocktracking and management for alarge herd is challenging forfarmers in remote areas.

    Spatial and temporalinteraction of traditionallyherded livestock and wildlife

    using GPS and GSMtechnologies in Northern


    ✓ ✓ ✓Radio


    This study demonstrated thefeasibility of tracking cattle

    using radio collars. It shows thecomplexity of spatial use for

    cattle and wildlife.


    The tracking system availableon commercial basis lacks thedata storage capacity required

    for frequent collection oflivestock data.

    The study designed the ClarkGPS Animal Tracking System

    to satisfy the needs ofstakeholders attached tolivestock management.

    ✓ ✓ ✓Extended

    data storage

    An evolving demand ofecological research requires

    adoption of the latesttechnology for tracking andmanaging the livestock.

    [43]The cost of GPS technology is abig barrier for efficient livestocktracking and management.

    The study reviewed the GPS-based technologies being usedfor cattle management andsuggested the improvements.

    Review ofliteratureinvolvingGPS


    Ecologists have beenemploying best efforts towardslivestock management using

    the latest technologies.


    The animal behavior andgrazing patterns are a veryimportant measure for

    livestock health, tracking, andmanagement.

    The GPS system is used fortracking cows in six summergrazing areas having differentenvironmental conditions and

    livestock managements.

    ✓ ✓

    The GPS positions of animalshelp to collect informationrelating to their grazing,

    resting, and playing patterns.


    The traditional livestockmanagement methods aretedious that involve humanintervention and other


    The integrated system iscomprised of tags, beacons, andbase station nodes. Tag nodescommunicate with other nodes

    to transmit locationinformation of livestock.

    ✓ ✓ ✓ Beacon, tags

    The android-based applicationoutperformed the existingconventional tracking andcattle management systems.


    The welfare breading ofindividual cattle is an

    important aspect especially incase of a large herd. Traditionalmethods of welfare breadingare insufficient for managing a

    large number of cattle.

    A remote monitoring systembased on computer vision and

    wireless technologies wasdeveloped for remote

    monitoring of pigs in additionto measuring other parameters,i.e., humidity, temperature, and

    harmful gases.


    The study improved thetraditional CAMShift

    algorithm for an enhancedtracking of pigs using computervision and WSN for remote

    sensing technologies.


    The livestock are under highthreat of landslides,

    earthquakes, and other naturaldisasters. Remote sensing ofsuch natural disasters is viableto save the precious cattle.

    The study integrated Landsat-8and phased array type L-bandsynthetic aperture radar-2(PALSAR-2) datasets andadopted the analytical

    hierarchy process (AHP)method in mapping landslidesin the Kelantan river basin,

    Peninsular Malaysia.



    The study demonstrated thatemployment of Landsat-8 andPALSAR-2 tools for remotesensing data along with GIStechniques were promisingtools to map landslideassessment for tropical



    The conventional livestockmonitoring parameters areinsignificant for sustainable

    ranching of sheep.

    The study integrated the globalinformation system withremote sensing to analyzeenvironmental variables tomonitor and track sheep


    ✓ ✓Remote

    sensing tool

    The GIS-based time analysistool helped in collecting pointdata from GPS collars installed

    on sheep that enabled theremote sensing significantly.

    [36]The precision livestock farming

    in agriculture and foodindustries requires sustained

    BOSCA and CyberBar weredeveloped for real-time

    product visibility to ensure✓ ✓


    The tracking of agrifoodproducts with remote

    environmental monitoring

    4 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

  • Table 1: Continued.

    Study Weaknesses identified Proposed solutionsState-of-the-art technology

    adoption Research outcomesGPS GPRS IoT Others

    production that is not possibleby employing a traditional


    integrity and quality. Theproposed system helpedstakeholders for better


    significantly assisted in timelydecision-making to all



    The monitoring of livestock forsafety, security, grazing, andhealth aspects is always verychallenging due to animal

    nature and habits of livestock.

    An open sourced frameworkthat could capture the healthparameters of livestock was

    developed. A wireless locationacoustic sensing system wasutilized to intake the health

    parameters of cattle.

    ✓ ✓Opensourced


    The system provides highquality support to farmers inrural areas because of low costand portability. The systemoutperformed the existingsystems for monitoring the



    The lamb industry in Victoria,which is a big industry, requires

    tracking and othervisualization parameters oflivestock for better herd


    A comprehensive designing ofspatial-temporal location

    movements of livestock withrespect to the environmentalparameters greatly helps indesigning the paddocks to

    improve the management andperformance of cattle welfare.



    The GIS-based systemsignificantly helps the farmersto seek frequent informationabout nitrogen emission tomeet the local and global

    greenhouse gas targets. Thishelps in improving life quality

    of livestock ultimately.


    Wild stocking animals areoften lost due to a poor and oldstyle cattle management systemthat increases the farming cost


    The study combined GPS andwireless mobile cell network aspositioning technologies to

    monitor the wild animals. Thesystem is based on mobilebeacons and network base


    ✓ ✓ ✓Wirelessmobile cellnetworks

    The traditional GPS, compass,and Wi-Fi technologies areuseful for common trackingand management of livestock,but these technologies are stillinadequate for monitoring of

    wild animals.


    Conventional livestockmanagement for a large herd is

    challenging for farmers inremote areas.

    An RFID-based system is usedto track and monitor the

    livestock for their identity andvaccination procedures.

    RFIDThe analysis concentrated onthe colossal measure of RFIDfor better query processing.


    Help centerfarmer office

    GPS coordinatedsafe zone

    Location & communicationsensors

    Ultrasonic sensorsUltrasonic sensors

    Unsafe zone

    Communication tower


    Unsafe zone

    Figure 2: The conceptual framework of the proposed system.

    5Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

  • (4) The ultrasonic sensors sense the cattleHi crossing thesafe zone S and alarms/alerts the GPS sensor to initi-ate detecting the location of Hi

    (5) The geographical sensors installed calculate the geo-graphic coordinates of livestock by communicatingwith the satellite. We identify the geographical coor-dinates P of an animal Hi such that i ≤N

    (6) For the sake of comprehensive and timely analysis ofcalculated coordination points, we need to transmit

    the identified coordinates P of animal Hi to the sys-tem through the communication channel

    (7) Next, we calculate the distance D of animal Hi (hav-ing coordinates Pj using coordinates P) with definedsafe zone Sj such that ∣Sj − Pj ∣

  • Let us create the instances Δt1, Δt2, Δt3, Δt4,…, Δtn,where n ≤ t (forward and backpropagation of waves fromthe ultrasonic sensor).

    The time t can be defined by

    f tð Þ =t1, t < T ,

    t2, t ≥ T whereT is the defined threshold


    (9) In this case, if the result is t1 (calculatedD is not lessthan threshold T), then the system alarms thefarmer to locate the animal and get it back to thesafe zone

    (10) Otherwise, the system resenses the current locationof livestock after a defined period T

    Contrary to the conventional livestock tracking systemwhere the farmers have to sometimes do a physical exertionfor tracing the cattle that go beyond the common accesspoints, the defined safe zone provides convenience withsecure and prompt management. Besides, in the case of lazylivestock that do not change their locations more frequently,the system can significantly save power consumption andcommunication channel utilization. In the scenario wherethe farmers require a more substantial safe zone, there is verylow probability for livestock to go beyond safe zones byexceeding the location threshold. The proposed system isequally suitable for the sensing devices equipped with a solarpanel for power supply.

    4. Experimentation

    This study designed a geographical paddock to monitor thespatial, temporal behaviors of livestock. It is a contemporaryphenomenon that different livestock animals have differentpatterns of grazing, movement, and resting events. The fre-quency of these events varies from animals to animals, and

    mostly, they are related to the genetics of individuals andthe current psychological states in rare cases. The trackingphenomenon of livestock is tremendously attributed to suchspatial, temporal events reflecting the allocation of appropri-ate sleep time units to hardware for saving energy and com-munication bandwidth.

    Figure 4 describes the visual implementation of monitor-ing of livestock using a defined geographical paddockthrough remote sensing of their spatial, temporal activities.The yellow and red circles represent warning and alarmingzones for the farmers or caretakers. The ultrasonic sensorssense the cattle Hi crossing the safe zone S and initiate theGPS to trace the location of Hi. The application calculatesthe geographical distance of each animal Hi, i ≤N for an Nnumber of animals in the herd H. The application alsodefines a distance threshold T that helps to match the currentdifference of Hi with the safe zone S = fS1, S2, S3,⋯, Sjg.When Hi (having geographical coordinates Pj) approachesSj, the absolute geographical distance ∣Pj − Sj ∣ is calcu-lated and compared with threshold T. The applicationwarns the farmer in case the difference of two geographi-cal distances seeks the threshold value. Similarly, thefarmer gets a warning notification when the said differenceof distances exceeds the defined threshold T. The warningalarm helps the farmer to get an alert on the current loca-tion of Hi, and the farmer may carefully observe themovement of Hi.

    Figure 5 describes the detection and tracking phases of theproposed system. The ultrasonic sensors connected to Ardu-ino sense the presence of cattle. The ultrasonic sensor data issensed through ThingSpeak. At first, the Arduino initializesthe ultrasonic sensor to collect its data. The distance of the cat-tle is calculated, and the Arduino forwards the distance to theESP8266 module using serial communication. We need tochoose a threshold value for the sensors to sense the obstacleand to calculate the distance. Based on the calculated distance,the serial communication helps ESP8266 to convey the dis-tance to ThingSpeak using a communication channel.

    Heterogeneous herd

    Emergency alarm




  • The distance of cattle from the sensors is measured usingthe following formula: MeasuredDistance = 1/2 Time ×Speed; here, the level of humidity and temperature impactsthe speed of the sound wave at a particular place.

    Once the system detects the cattle going beyond the safezone, the GPS module attached to Arduino is activated, andthe module connects to nearby satellites and starts readingthe current location coordinates of the cattle. These locationcoordinates are passed to the farmer’s mobile through thecommunication channel attached to Arduino.

    Figure 6 presents an overview of hardware componentsemployed for livestock detection and tracking. Figure 6(a)depicts an Arduino Uno microcontroller board manufac-tured using Microchip ATmega328P. This microcontrollerboard has been used to connect the detection and navigationcomponents. Figure 6(b) shows an ultrasonic HC-SR04 sen-sor that uses SONAR to detect the livestock and determinesits distance from the safe zone. Figure 6(c) is the NRF24L01wireless module used as a communication module in thesetup. Figure 6(d) presents the hardware modules installedfor livestock identification and tracking. In the experimenta-tion, the ultrasonic module detects the presence of livestockby calculating and comparing its distance with the safe zonethreshold defined in the system. The navigation module isactivated to track the current location of the animal oncethe system identifies the cattle breaching the designated safezone. The navigation coordinates are communicated to thenetwork using a communication channel. The farmer canlocate the current location of those cattle that are outsidethe safe zone. This provides automated fenceless farming tofarmers by remotely identifying the current situation of allcattle in a heterogeneous herd.

    Table 2 presents an experimental scenario in which avariety of livestock Hi at different instances of time accessthe safe zone boundary. The ultrasound sensors sense theirdistance comparing it with the defined threshold T . Thefarmers receive the mobile notifications for the cattle thatcross the safe zone, and their location coordinates assist thefarmers in tracking the current location of livestock. Thesound waves emitted by sensors are mechanical in natureand travel using a medium. It has been noticed that certainenvironmental conditions, i.e., humidity and temperature,may also impact the performance of such sensors. Since thesesensors are being employed for the detection of livestock per-taining to a distance threshold compared with the distance ofcattle from the safe zone boundary, the environmental condi-tions do not impact the sensor performance degradation forthe detection of cattle. The significant outcome of this detec-tion mechanism is to detect the livestock without impactingany physical damage to them in the course of longitudinalcompression of waves having a frequency of 100 kHz to50MHz.

    The significance of the proposed livestock managementsystem reflects in reducing the time and energy complexityof the system and integrated modules, as shown in Figure 7.A variety of livestock have different grazing patterns geneti-cally, and thus, their physical activities are proportional tothese genetic behaviors [52–54]. It has been observed thatcertain livestock, e.g., cows and buffaloes, are sluggish ascompared to goats and sheep. Once the cattle have gonethrough the graze period, the physical excitement to intakemore food is considerably reduced, and the livestock prefersto have rest or lay down for a long time. During this inactiveor passive activity, the safe zone ensures that the cattle

    Detection block

    Tracking block

    Returning of sound wavesCattle

    Ultrasonic sensors



    GPS activaitontracking initiated

    GPS activaitoncommunication initiated

    GPS and GPRS sensors Mobile notifications


    Figure 5: Detection and tracking blocks.

    8 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

  • remain inside the geographical boundary and do not step out.This way, the tracking system is not required to be initiated torecord the locations of cattle since the cattle are already insidethe safe zone parameters. Goats and sheep, on the otherhand, are more physically active even after the intake ofproper food. The probability of such livestock is higher thanthe sluggish or passive livestock. The tracking of active live-stock might be frequently required in this case as comparedto cows and buffaloes. The proposed system signifies theavoidance of unnecessary utilization of resources, i.e., time,energy, and effort. All three scenarios defined in Figure 6describe that the probability for goat or sheep to cross thegeographical threshold is much higher than cows followedby buffalos.

    Figure 8 presents the average probability values for track-ing different livestock under certain restrictions, i.e., consid-ering different scenarios of the safe zone and without a safezone. The red line in the legend describes a uniform

    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)

    Figure 6: Simulation setup of detection and navigation equipment.

    Table 2: Livestock detection and tracking activities.

    Instance Cattle Safe zone threshold (T) Distance (D) from the boundary Tracker activated Mobile notifications

    T1 H1 5 meters 15 meters × ×T2 H2 5 meters 3 meters ✔ ✔

    T3 H1 5 meters 5 meters ✔ ✔

    T4 H3 5 meters 1 meter ✔ ✔

    T5 H4 5 meters 7 meters × ×T6 H8 5 meters 2 meters ✔ ✔

    T7 H7 5 meters 4 meters ✔ ✔

    T8 H6 5 meters 9 meters × ×T9 H6 5 meters 3 meters ✔ ✔

    T10 H8 5 meters 4 meters ✔ ✔

    Cow Goat Buffalo Cow Goat Buffalo Cow Goat BuffaloS1 S2 S3

    Different scenarios




    Magnitude of physical activity as per grazing patternProbability to cross safe zone

    Figure 7: Physical activity and chances of crossing safe zone basedon their grazing patterns.

    9Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

  • probability of tracking all livestock without having consider-ation of a safe zone. The existing approaches, cited in the lit-erature, track the livestock right away, syncing with theinitialization of the tracking system. This phenomenonassigns the same probability values to all livestock irre-spective of their genetic type and behaviors and thusresults in wastage of system resources. On the contrary,the concept of adopting a geographical safe zone ensuresthat genetic behaviors and activities of different livestockare taken care of while tracking their movements. In allscenarios described in Figure 6, it can be observed thatthe average tracking probability of different livestock isquite different from each other. For instance, the averagelikelihood of tracking goats or sheep is higher than thatof cows and buffaloes. Besides, the cows have a somehowhigher average tracking probability as compared to theaverage likelihood of buffaloes. Hence, the proposed live-stock detection and tracking system are significantlycontext-aware (as per genetics of different livestock).

    5. Conclusion

    This study proposes design of a geographical paddock tomonitor spatiotemporal behaviors of livestock. In a conven-tional livestock tracking system, the farmers have to do phys-ical exertion for tracing the cattle that go beyond thecommon access points. The proposed solution addressesthese issues by providing convenience to farmers to define ageographical safe zone for livestock. The farmers are notifiedby the system when cattle try to go beyond the definedboundary of the zone. Besides, the navigation and communi-cation are automatically controlled according to the geneticdiversity of different animals. The system calculates the dis-tance of each animal from the safe zone geographical bound-ary and alarms the farmer when the distance of the animalgets close to a threshold value. The proposed system glimpsesthe exact location of animals in case the animals are out of thesafe zone for a specified period. The motion sensor suspendsthe navigation and communication when the animal isrecorded in a static state to optimize the energy and commu-nication bandwidth for significant utilization. The signifi-cance of the proposed livestock management system isreflected in reducing the time and energy complexity of thesystem and integrated modules.

    Data Availability

    The data used to support the findings of this study are avail-able from the corresponding author upon request.

    Conflicts of Interest

    The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


    The authors extend their appreciation to the Deputyship forResearch & Innovation, Ministry of Education in Saudi Ara-bia for funding this research work through the project num-ber IFT20172.


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    𝜇 (without safe zone)𝜇 (with safe zone)





    k liv



    0S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10

    Figure 8: Probabilities of tracking different livestock in differentscenarios.

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    Smart Farming: An Enhanced Pursuit of Sustainable Remote Livestock Tracking and Geofencing Using IoT and GPRS1. Introduction2. Related Work3. Methodology4. Experimentation5. ConclusionData AvailabilityConflicts of InterestAcknowledgments