Page 1: Six must haves for outdoor adventuring

Six Must-Haves for Outdoor Adventuring

Taking up nature’s challenge by hiking, zip-lining, rafting or enjoying other outdoor activities

requires a spirit of adventure, careful planning, and the right gear. As many a camper who has

spent a night shivering or rafters who have found themselves short a paddle know, having

equipment appropriate to the task at hand will ensure that outdoor adventures don’t turn into

misadventures. Whether you’re rafting the Ocoee River or going on a Grand Canyon tour, it’s a

worthwhile investment of your time to research what you’ll need for the journey.

Sleeping bags – When purchasing a sleeping bag, consider the type of trip you’ll be

making. For mountain climbing trips, sleeping bags specifically designed for these

adventures offer superior comfort and safety. If you’re taking a summer Grand Canyon

tour, you probably won’t need a sleeping bag that’s as thick as one for a winter trip to

Yellowstone Park.

Flashlights – A good flashlight for camping isn’t the cheap plastic model you’ll find at a

dollar store. Think about it. If you’re out in the woods miles from civilization, do you

really want your only light source to be something you found in the $5 and under bin?

When shopping for a camping flashlight, pick up a model that has good reviews online.

Crank powered flashlights are a good backup to have, as they can come in handy when

batteries are not available.

Camp stove – If you plan on doing some cooking during a camping trip, an outdoor

stove is an absolute must-have. The very best camp stoves will provide propane burners,

built-in igniters, and windscreens. Windscreens are especially important, as they can

make a real difference in adverse conditions. When shopping for a good camp stove, it’s

also important to make sure they have adjustable legs, as many of the surfaces you’ll be

setting your stove up on are unlikely to be level.

Solar chargers – Even though you’d like to disconnect from the world while on your

camping trip, chances are that you’ll still need your cell phone and other devices, even if

it’s just for checking the weather. Solar-powered charging devices are helpful for keeping

your devices charged. You don’t have to rely on batteries, and you can charge up any

time during the day.

Water filtration equipment – Staying hydrated is important when you’re adventuring in

the great outdoors. Making sure the water you drink is clean is critical to ensuring your

camping trip doesn’t end in a visit to the doctor or hospital. Campers have lots of types of

water filtration equipment to choose from, including easy-to-use water filtration bottles.

Knife – It goes without saying that you’ll want a quality knife in your pocket when you

go camping. When searching for the right knife for your next camping adventure, look

for one that offers a variety of tools for the various needs you’ll have while camping –

opening cans, tweezers, sawing, etc.

Getting the right equipment is just your first step in having a great outdoor adventure. Choosing

the right touring company is the next. Scenic Airlines provides an incredible viewing experience

for Grand Canyon flight or boat tours. Once you have your gear packed, contact Scenic for an

unforgettable adventure.