
Six Best tips for oily skin You Must Try It is a fact that every one of us has an earnest desire to look fairer and dazzling. And in order to attain this flawless skin we try different things which sometimes has a negative impact on our skin , so here you can check this Six Best useful tips that you can follow to maintain an oily skin.

1. Use of cleansers : Wash your face gently two times a day using a basic face cleanser. Use of cleansers will remove the excess oil deposited in the pores of the skin. This can be done every morning and night. Use always warm water to wash your face. Dry the face thoroughly after washing the face. You have to stay away from harsh soaps or facial cleansers designed for dry skin. Salycylic acid has the power to fight oily skin to a great extent.

2. Toners : Toners help to tighten the pores and remove oil. You can apply the toner on your forehead and nose. Apply it lightly. Use cotton balls to apply the toner. You can brush the balls lightly on your face. When the toner dries, you can use a oil free moisturizer to keep out of further drying. Use of toner reduces the occurrence of pimples in the face.

3. Home remedy : Take a cucumber and juice it. Add some honey and apply to the face .Your face will have extra brightness.

4. Power of blotting paper :

Blotting paper does not dry out the skin. Apply blotting paper to nose and forehead. Just press it on the oily area for a few moments. It absorbs the oil. Some of the blotting papers have powders, which fights the oily skin. You can also carry medicated pads since these pads are acid based and fights acne too.

5. Oil free moisturizers and oil free sunscreens : Some people think that use of moisturizers and sunscreens can aggravate their problems. If you use the right product they can give great benefits for the skin. Oily skin has to be protected from ultra violet radiations. Check the ingredients of each and every product that you use on the face. Sunscreen gels or facial powders can protect the skin in a better way. You can avoid oil based cosmetics.If you have oily skin. Please don’t use cold creams and lotions

6. Acne medications : Use a chemical effective in killing the bacteria that builds upon the skin and causes the acne. You have to follow the instructions of the manufacturer while using the medication .Drink plenty of water to hydrate the skin as dehydration can cause changes to the oil glands in the skin.

Drinking lemon water keeps you hydrated as lemon water is effective in curing acne. Use moisturizer, but remember to make it oil free. Wash the face with warm water. Apply exfoliation walnut scrub twice a week. Prepare a homemade face wash and apply on your face.

Oily skin can strike any one. Humidity and poor cleaning of the face also pose problems on the facial skin. Women who are pregnant area also more prone to oily skin .Exposure to cigarette smoke also is a cause for oily skin

