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San Rafael,Bulacan

Name: __________________________________________ Score:______________________________

Grade & Section:__________________________________ Date: ______________________________

Second Monthly Examination In Creative Writing

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read and understand the directions carefully. Write legibly and avoid erasures. Friction pens are not allowed. Any form of obvious alterations will

invalidate your answer/s. You are given one hour to finish this exam. The test has 50 points.

I. TRUE OR FALSE: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.

________________1. Fiction refers to any type of literature made with the aid of imagination

________________2. Pre-writing is the first stage of writing a fiction story.

________________3.Revision is best done through the A.R.R.R approach. ________________4. Writing is the stage of writing wherein we create the so called rough or first

draft. ________________5. Revision is the third part/stage of fiction writing.

________________6. O. Henry authored the story The last leaf.

________________7. The setting is the time and place in which the action occurs.

________________8.The climax is the highest or most exciting part of a fiction story.

________________9.A protagonist is the main character of a story.

________________10. An antagonist is a person or thing working against the protagonist, or hero, in the story.

________________11. Unity is needed in fiction is to develop a single body of idea from various ideas. ________________12. Creating emphasis means highlighting the main ideas from a multitude of lesser

important ideas.

________________13. It is better to start with tensions or a problem to be solved as we write fiction works

________________14.The A.R.R.R approach stands for Add, Rearrange, Remove and Replace

________________15.Point of view is the vantage point or perspective a speaker presents a story.

II. FILL OUT THE BLANKS: Complete each blank with the correct answer.

1ST Monthly TestTeacher Christian L. Chua

Page 2: SHS 2nd monthly creative

Measure the reading level Resolution Third personRising action Beginner First person Personalities Rising action CharacterizationExposition Vandalize Character

Highlighting Plot Purpose

1. The ___________ may be to explain or inform, entertain, persuade, or reveal an important truth.2. A __________a person, an animal, or an imaginary creature that takes the part in the action of the story. 3. ____________ is the techniques an author uses to develop the

personality of a character in a literary work.4. In the ___________ point of view, the story is told by one of the characters in the story. The character

uses the pronouns I and we.5. In the ____________ point of view,the story is told by the narrator who stands outside of the story and

observes the events as they unfold. The narrator uses the pronouns she, he, and they.6. The _______ is the action or sequence of events in a story. It is based on a key conflict.7. The ___________ the first part of the story. 8. In the ____________, the series of conflicts or struggles that build a story toward its climax. 9. The ____________ is the most intense point of a story.10. The ___________ brings the story to a close.11. The first tip on reading and appreciating fiction is to ________________. 12. The lowest level of reading is the ____________ stage. 13. We must choose books that matches our ____________ and interests. 14. We must not be afraid to ___________ the book as it would be a great help for us. 15. _____________ can give us a multitude of new information.

III. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the BEST answer. Write it on the blank space provided before the number.

______1. In this type of books, the world becomes the book's main attraction. A. World- driven C. Plot drivenB. Language driven D. Character driven

______2. In this type of books, the plot captivates and captures the reader.A. World- driven C. Plot drivenB. Language driven D. Character driven

______3. These books focuses on the Character as the novel itself. A. World- driven C. Plot driven

1ST Monthly TestTeacher Christian L. Chua

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B. Language driven D. Character driven ______4.These are mostly found in literary fiction.

A. World- driven C. Plot drivenB. Language driven D. Character driven

______5. This is an example of a character driven book. A. Harry Potter C. Romeo and JulietB. The Chronicles of Narnia D. Mythology

______6. This is an example of a world driven book. A. Harry Potter C. Romeo and JulietB. The Chronicles of Narnia D. Mythology

______7. On what reading level is Tomas in if he has a comprehension level of 30 % and Below?A. Proficient B. Average C. Beginner D. Expert

______8. It is said that it is better to write fiction in a style wherein you hang the story in a cliff. What do you call these types of stories.A. Infinite B. Cliffhangers C. Jumpers D. Endless

______9. He authored the story The last leaf. A. Mark Twain B. Geoffrey Chaucer C. O. Henry D. Edgar Allan Poe

______10. What attitude was shown by Old Behrman as he painted the last leaf for the dying Johnsy?A. Love B. Arrogance C. Humility D. Sacrifice

IV. Answer the following to the best of your knowledge.1. In your own opinion and words, explain what is sacrifice and why it is necessary for us to learn and

practice such traits.(5 pts)2. Let’s have a reading level assessment drill. (10 pts)

1ST Monthly TestTeacher Christian L. Chua