Page 1: Should The Pastor Have Access To The Giving Records Of The Membership

Should the Pastor have access to the giving records of the membership?


The pastor should have access to giving records because:

1. Giving is a spiritual indicator.

2. If he cannot trust himself with the info or the church cannot trust him with the info, perhaps he should rethink what he is doing.

3. When someone’s giving changes drastically, he should respond appropriately, with a thanks or a ministry contact.

4. It will help the pastor to know how to minister to people.

5. It will help in the choosing of key leaders in the church.

6. It gives him a better understanding of the overall health of the church.

7. Letters to the congregation encouraging faithful giving can be geared differently. Example:Faithful givers are thanked.Non-givers are encouraged to start giving.

8. He already knows and is trusted with confidential info such as marriage problems, surgeries, abuse, etc., so why not trust him with giving info too?


General statistics should be shared with the pastor on a regular basis. Some examples are:

1. How many families give in various ranges? Example: 50 families give 0-$100/yr20 families give $100-$500/yr 10 families give $500-$1000/yr etc.

2. Percentages could be shared with the pastor: Example:15% families give 85% of the offerings; 35% families give 15% of the offerings; 50% give nothing.

3. The pastor should be informed when a person’s giving significantly increases or decreases so that he can know how to better minister to them.

4. The pastor can be informed of the 10% of families that give the most without the amounts they give. Also inform him of those who give regularly / consistently although they may not be a family in the top 10%.

5. The pastor can be informed of giving patterns of those being

considered for key leadership positions. Example: Deacons.


The pastor should not have access to giving records because:

1. The info may be misused or applied in wrong ways.

2. They may favor some members over others.

3. It might negatively influence the way he ministers to people.

4. People might feel intimidated by knowing that the pastor knows.

5. The pastor needs to be able to honestly say he doesn’t know when he might be accused of special or negative treatment.

6. The pastor needs to be protected from knowing this info.

7. The pastor will be freer to preach the word directed by the Holy Spirit.
