Page 1: Shomrei Emunah Weekly Bulletin · 12/23/2017  · December 23, 2017 5 of Teves 5778 Shabbos Parshas Vayigash Vol. 8 No. 11 Shomrei Emunah Weekly Bulletin CONGREGATION SHOMREI EMUNAH

December 23, 2017 5 of Teves 5778 Shabbos Parshas Vayigash Vol. 8 No. 11

Shomre i Emunah Week ly Bu l le t in




410-358-8604 FAX 410-358-0664 RABBI BENJAMIN BAK, RABBI EMERITUS (1972-1989) , ל׳זצ


Big Brother Campaign As a result of the support of Shomrei Emunah’s membership during the past seven years, in partnering with the Talmud Torah Hadar Yosef in Yishuv Eli, our sister community in the Shomron, the Big Brother Program has thrived.

This program began when Gilad, son of Roi Klein HY”D, and Ohr Chadash, son of Eliraz Peretz HY”D, entered first grade. This successful program, which started as a result of Gilad and Ohr Chadash losing their fathers in military action, has since expanded into underwriting the Torah education of many children of fathers serving in the IDF, either as career officers or as those fulfilling their compulsory service.

The parental role of learning with their children and reviewing their school work often went unfulfilled. However, with the success of the Big Brother Program, this void has been filled; and the impacted families were given piece of mind.

If you have not already contributed, it is not too late to support this wonderful program. Contributions can be made to the Shomrei Emunah Israel Fund, earmarked Big Brother Program. On behalf of our sister community of Eli, we thank you!

Rabbi Binyamin Marwick Mike Lowenstein Binyomin Berger

Mishna Club wi th Rabbi Marwick

Atten t ion Boys in 5 th , 6 th grade. The sh iu r wi l l take p lace in Rabbi Marwick ’s of f ice at 3 :00pm . Learn ing Maseches Shabbos . Sponsored by Aaron and R isa Lev i . Refreshmen ts

wi l l be served!

Dear Shomrei Family,

The most sweeping overhaul of US the tax system in 30 years just passed both houses of congress. As the bill is over 1000 pages long, many media outlets have provided quick summaries. For those who are like me and remain confused by all the information, I am happy to share my own brief analysis of the bill following many hours of discussions I had this week with leading tax experts.

Summary of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Overview: The bill makes major modifications to the tax code, including those which will affect the deductibility of charitable

contributions for many people in the future. How to Benefit: Give a large year-end donation to Shomrei Emunah

before December 31.

Well, at least that’s what I got out of it. Ultimately, now is the time when you can support our wonderful shul and reduce your tax liability at the same time. Everyone is asked to please take the opportunity this week to pay down existing account balances and to donate to the Evening of Appreciation campaign. I would also like to remind you about the ability to pay a reduced membership rate for the upcoming year if paid in full before New Year’s (available to those without open balances). Further, some members have even recently made additional general donations to remain as a credit in their accounts in anticipation of the tax changes. For more details of whether this, or how any donation to Shomrei, would be beneficial to you, please make sure discuss with your own accountant. A sincere thank you in advance for your generosity. It is only because of members and friends like you that our shul continues to thrive!

At the upcoming Annual Evening of Appreciation, we will be honoring some of Shomrei’s finest. Aryeh & Sandy Guttenberg, Chaim & Riki Ambinder, Tommy & Judy Weiss, and Hal & Vicki Caine are true Oskim Btzarchei Tzibur B’Emunah and deserve so much recognition for their efforts on behalf of the shul. Please look out for invitations in your mail soon, and mark your calendars for February 17th.

This has been quite a week for Klal Yisroel. As we cried tears of sorrow for the Azan family, the sixth day of Chanukah felt like Tisha B’av. As we cried tears of joy for the Rubashkin family, the eighth day of Chanuka felt like Purim. Ultimately HKB’H works in mysterious ways. We daven that the remaining family members injured in the Brooklyn fire have a refuah shleimah and a nechama, and that this year’s Zos Chanukah miracle is just one of many more besuros tovos that Hashem has planned for us.

Have a Good Shabbos, Dov

This Sunday!

Page 2: Shomrei Emunah Weekly Bulletin · 12/23/2017  · December 23, 2017 5 of Teves 5778 Shabbos Parshas Vayigash Vol. 8 No. 11 Shomrei Emunah Weekly Bulletin CONGREGATION SHOMREI EMUNAH

DAVENING TIMES This Week 12/24-12/28


4:35pm (MS)

Sunday Mincha:


Additional Maariv:

7:15pm (BM)

8:15pm (MS)

9:00pm (MS)

MS - Main Shul, BM - Bais Medrash, SH - Social Hall, ETT - Earliest Talis/Tefilin 10:00pm (BM)

Asarah B’Teves Rosh Chodesh

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday Weekday

ETT: 6:25am ETT: 6:25am ETT: 6:25am ETT: 6:26am ETT: 6:26am ETT: 6:26am

6:20 (MS) 6:20 (BM) 6:30 (BM) 6:30 (BM) 6:05 (BM) 6:30 (BM) 6:05 (MS) 6:10 (BM)

6:50 (MS) 7:00 (MS) 7:00 (MS) 6:40 (MS) 7:00 (MS) 6:40 (MS)

7:15 (BM) 7:20 (BM) 7:30 (BM) 7:30 (BM) 7:15 (BM) 7:30 (BM) 7:15 (BM) 7:15 (BM)

8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS)

8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM)

9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS)


Shabbos Parshas Vayigash December 23 2017/5 of Teves 5778

Mincha: 4:30pm Candle Lighting: 4:29pm

Shacharis: 7:00am (Main Shul) Parshas

8:15am (Bais Medrash) HaShavuah: 8:30am

8:45am (Social Hall)

9:00am (Main Shul) Krias Sh'ma: 9:45am

Mincha: 2:00pm

3:00pm Shiur: 3:30pm


Maariv: 5:31pm Daf Yomi: After Havdallah

Shabbos Afternoon Shiur: will be given by Rabbi Marwick, on the

topic: The Proper Pronunciation and Spelling of the Name Yissachar.

Shalosh Seudos Sponsors: Noah and Ellen Lightman in memory of Ellen’s father, Hans Frank, 5 of


Avigdor and Beth Loeb in memory of Avigdor’s father, Reuven ben Levi, 5 of Teves.

Abe Gutman in memory of his brother, Manny Gutman, 5 of Teves.

Drs. Michael and Naomi Kraut in memory of Naomi’s father, Jerald Krupka, 7 of Teves.

Notes for this week:

Chaburah following the 8:15am davening will be given by SHloime Shulman.

The fast of Asarah B’Teves is Thursday, December 28th.

Next Week: Parshas Vayechi Mincha: 4:35pm Candle Lighting: 4:33pm


The 2017-2018 Winter Lecture Series in Jewish History by Rabbi Dovid Katz continues this Motzei Shabbos, 8:00pm at Shomrei Emunah.

Hubris and Atonement: The State of Israel and the Jewish People 1972-1975

Lecture 8: Nixon’s Finest Hour: Russian Roulette with ICBMs

Sponsored by Rena Rotenberg and Seth & Rachel Rotenberg, in memory of Wolf Rotenberg z”l, past Treasuer, President and longtime member of Beth

Abraham Cong., and in memory of Naomi Tova Rotenberg (Naomi Tova bat Ze‘ev) z”l for whom Beth Abraham was a second home.

Friday Night Learning Program

The Bais Medrash will be open for learning from 8:30-9:30pm

Refreshments/Chulent to follow. Chulent Sponsored by O’Fishel’s Mitzvah Motivators.

Note: Please enter through the rear entrance, as the front door will be locked.

Avigdor Loeb 5 Teves father Reuven

Ellen Lightman 5 Teves Father Hans Frank

Eugene Fischer 5 Teves Mother Chana Fischer

David Bienenstock 5 Teves Grandmother Jenny Bienenstock

Abe Gutman 5 Teves Brother Manny Gutman

Rosalie Rapoport 6 Teves Brother Bernard Greenberg

Josh Lewis 6 Teves Father David Yirmiyahu Lewis

David Bienenstock 6 Teves Aunt Lilly Goldstein

Naomi Kraut 7 Teves Father Jerald Krupka

Zevi Daniel 7 Teves Father Elliot Daniel

Feiga Oberstein 8 Teves Mother Rosalyn Siegel

Myrna Hoenlein 8 Teves Mother Esther Davis

Thomas Weiss 9 Teves Mother Magda Weiss

Vicki R Kampler 9 Teves Brother Rabbi Michael Roth

Daniel A. Rubin 9 Teves Father Shmuel Dovid Rubin

Werner Cohen 10 Teves Father Albert Cohen

Werner Cohen 10 Teves Mother Hedwig Cohen

Debra Szatmary 10 Teves Grandmother Rose Pomerantz

Roberta Kaplan 10 Teves Brother Wayne Ruder

Jaffa Munk 10 Teves Father-in-law Gavriel Munk

Jaffa Munk 10 Teves Mother-in-law Hanna Munk

Thank you to the following sponsors of our Shomrei Youth Chanukah Party!

Dreidel sponsors Rabbi and Rebbitzen Dr. Marwick Elliot and Yael Schwarzenberger

Latke sponsors Alan and Shoshi Stein Moshe Leib and Atara Miller Ari and Inbal Elman Ezri and Zahava Klein

Asarah B’Teves Schedule \

Fast Begins: 6:13am Shacharis: 6:05 (beginning with selichos) 6:40, 7:15, 8:00, 8:30, 9:00am Mincha: 4:25pm Maariv: 5:15, 7:15, 8:15, 9:00, 10:00pm Fast Ends: 5:34pm

Daf Yomi Abe Gutman in memory of his brother Manny Gutman, 5 of Teves.

Naomi Kraut in memory of her father Jerald Krupka, 7 of Teves.

Ilana Hettleman in memory of her father Yitzchak Perez.

Donations Hal and Vicki Caine in honor of the birth of two grandchildren to

Stuart and Lisa Schabes, donation to the Coffee Fund.

Martin and Miriam Gordon donation to The Shomrei Coffee Fund.

Jules Szanton in honor of Rabbi Binyamin Marwick, donation to Shomrei Emunah.

Yossi and Ronit Tarshish in honor of Aliza Wiener and the Wiener Family on the occasion of Aliza's Bas Mitzvah, donation to Shomrei Emunah.

Memorial Donations Esther Goldfeiz in memory of her sister Chaya bas Dovid donation

to the Israel Fund.

Morton and Rosalie Rapoport in memory of Rosalie’s brother Bernard Greenberg, 6 of Teves, donation of ArtScroll siddur.

Page 3: Shomrei Emunah Weekly Bulletin · 12/23/2017  · December 23, 2017 5 of Teves 5778 Shabbos Parshas Vayigash Vol. 8 No. 11 Shomrei Emunah Weekly Bulletin CONGREGATION SHOMREI EMUNAH


Shabbos Youth Programs Babysitting (12mo. to 3 years) - Board Room , Time: 8:45 - end of Shul

Preschool Group (4-5 year olds) - Classroom 2, Time: 8:45 - end of Shul Beginner’s Minyan (1st-3rd Grade) - Shul next door, 8:45 - end of Shul

Younger Girls Groups (1st-3rd Grade) - Kallah Room, 10:00 - end of Shul Junior Congregation (4th-6th Grade Boys) - Begin and End in main

minyan 9:00 - end of shul (Classroom 1 for Kiddush and activities). 4th-6th Grade Girls - Tower Classroom 1, 10:00 - end of Shul

Teen Minyan - Classroom 3, 9:15. Hot kiddush following davening dedicated in memory of Gilad Schwartz.

**Note: Girls’ groups officially begin at 10:00, but there will be a supervised games/hang-out room available from 8:45-10:00 (Kallah Room)

The youth department would like to remind all parents to remain on the shul premises if your children are participating in youth groups.

Happy Birthday to all Shomrei Youth with December Birthdays!!

Is your child’s birthday in December and not on this list? Fill out the youth survey on the Shul web site!

Shul Notes Aliyos If you have a Bar Mitzvah or Aufruf coming up, please

contact David Bienenstock at [email protected] to arrange your Aliyos.

Message From The Chessed Committee: A family in the community is in need of Shabbos meals. Please see "take a meal" form or contact [email protected] or Rochel Katz at [email protected] or call 410-292-4113.

Did you know? Gifts can be made to Shomrei Emunah with a stock donation? Shomrei has an account with Morgan Stanley and Vanguard to accept all stock gifts. Check the donations tab at for more information or call Shira at (410) 358-8604.

Special Chessed Opportunities: Larry Soltz is in Tudor Heights and would appreciate visitors. For more information contact Rabbi Marwick at [email protected].

Please Daven for a Refuah Sheleimah for:

Yeshaya Shalom ben Malka Gittel Yaakov Mordechai ben Chana

Chaya Masya bas Tova Mordechai Leib ben Mira Leah

Rafoel Chayim Yoel ben Shayna Golda Tuvia Avraham ben Chaya Zeesha

Yechezkel Avrohom ben Shoshana Fraida Reuven Halevi ben Masha Yosef Aryeh ben Miriam

Shmuel ben Devorah

Chaim Yitzchok Yaakov ben Chava Feiga Reuven Yisroel ben Tzippora Rachel

Noach ben Chaya Ronit bas Hadassa Esther

Aidel bas Ettel Yehoshua ben Devorah

Chava bas Chaya Masha Moshe Simcha ben Genendal Emes

Reuven Eitan ben Chava Breina

Important Note: To add a name please contact the office by email: [email protected]. The list will be cleared every Rosh Chodesh.

Please take note of updated group times and locations

Rabbi Shlomo Stein zt''l Kol Hanearim Motzei Shabbos Learning Program

All boys are invited to join in the learning! Come with your father, with a chavrusa, or alone.

Pizza! Soda! Raffles! Amazing Prizes! 6:45pm

Sponsorship opportunities available. Email: [email protected].

This week’s Sponsors: Marvin and Debra Szatmary in memory of Debra’s grandmother Rose

Pomerantz, 10 of Teves.

Aryeh and Sandy Guttenberg l'iluy nishmas Aryeh’s father, Horav Yaacov Shlomo Ben Chanoch - Rabbi Yaacov Guttenberg Z"L.

Joshua Bernstein Noam Schulman

Shmuel Chaim Breuer Elisheva Sklare

Sammy Carter Yosef Spatz

Gittel Friedman Nava Stein

Zevi Goldsmith Yehuda Traub

Kayla Lasson Nachum Wealcatch

Aharon Meth Doni Weichbrod

Shira Rosenberg

Rabbi Sklare's weekly shiur in halachic sugyos will begin a new stimulating topic

בענייני הלכות קידושין

A series of four shiurim is planned:

Monday December 25th at 10:00am: ‘What is Kidushin? ’, A Halachik Definition

Sunday December 31st: ''האשה נקנת בשלש דרכים'', Types of Kidushin

Sunday January 7th: Legal Mechanism

Sunday January 14th: Mutual Consent

Attain newfound meaning for the sanctity of Jewish marriage, as developed by Rabbi Sklare's characteristic combination of creativity,

passion, and lomdus.

The shiur will take place in Shomrei Emunah classroom one at 8:00pm followed by maariv at 9:00pm

The Men's Chabura in Shmiraas HaLashon continues its study of Hilchos Lashon HaRah, a text based experience that is changing lives. Replete with real life examples and challenges, each Sunday is a new moment of growth. Come join us. Sunday's, after the 8am minyan in Classroom 1. Shmiras HaLashon--it's a life changer.

Mazel Tov Scott and Helayne Ference on the engagement of their daughter

Meira to Perry Lazar of Passaic N.J. Mazel Tov also to Perry's parents, Zev and Roz Lazar also from Passaic.

Page 4: Shomrei Emunah Weekly Bulletin · 12/23/2017  · December 23, 2017 5 of Teves 5778 Shabbos Parshas Vayigash Vol. 8 No. 11 Shomrei Emunah Weekly Bulletin CONGREGATION SHOMREI EMUNAH

Community Notes SHARE YOUR RIDE GMACH 410-358-RIDE (7433) when you or your visitors travel. Offer a ride for a person or a small item [forgotten laptop, tefillin, medicine, wallets, cell phones.] Last month there was an elderly man, who said to me that he is too elderly to drive any more! Who was asking for a ride to Flatbush to attend his grandchild's wedding.

Shalom Singles Baltimore invites you to our third : Amazing FREE SHABBATON! Come join us for another exciting, fun-filled Shabbos December 29-31st for Jewish Orthodox Shomer shabbos singles! Ages: Men and Women 40 and up This Shabbaton includes: · Meals and sleeping arrangement at local families · Friday night Carlebach davening and sushi kiddush · Interactive group activities at local shul after meals · Local shadchanim invited to attend · Fun interactive games · Entertaining speakers · Speed dating · The “Dating Game”. Optional Motzei Shabbos activities are A-La- Carte · Saturday night, bowling and pizza, · Sunday Breakfast, afternoon ice skating. Limited availability - You must obtain and submit a registration form to attend This Shabbaton will be held in Greenspring area of Baltimore. For specific details and meal placement etc you must go through a registration process. For registration form and questions contact : [email protected] Online? click link to go to registration Want to speak to a person call Helayne 410-764-3209 or 818-489-1412. Looking for families within walking distance to host singles for meals and/or sleeping accommodations. If you are able to host and help make this singles shabbaton a success please email [email protected].

This Tue. Dec. 26 at 8:00 pm will iy”H be the annual Chinuch Atzmai Evening of Chizuk at Kehillas Kol Torah, 2929 Fallstaff Rd. Harav Aharon Feldman Shlit"a and Harav Hillel David Shlit"a will be taking questions from the audience on Parenting and Education as well as addressing the assembly. A special tribute to our יושב ראשMaran Harav Ahron Leib Stienman zt"l will be presented.



Shomrei Post -Ca rpool Shiu r for Women a weekly discuss ion of contemporary issues connected to the Parsha. Meets Tuesdays at 9:30am . P lease

contact Rabbi Marwick with any quest ions.

Thursday Morning Shiu r on Contemporary Halachic Issues at 9:30am. (note t ime change) For more informat ion contact David B ienenstock at

Ze [email protected].

“Pizza & Parsha” fo r Students & Young Professionals ages 17 -29 th i s program is dedicated L ’ i lu i Ni shmas Gilad Schwartz and sponsored by the Mayer Family . Takes place at

7:30pm on Thursdays.

Thursday Nights in the Knish Shop Pa rty Room 9:15pm, 11th and 12th grade boys Parsha

Discus sion .

Halachic Themes f rom the Parsha Shiur Thursdays at 10:15pm. Th is past wee k’s topic was: Personal Bakashos and Misheberach L ’Cho lim on


Shabbos Af ternoon Sh iur wil l be given by Rabbi Marwick , on the topic : The Proper Pronunc iat ion

and Spell ing of the Name Yissachar.

The Rav’s Mishnayos Shiu r! Attent ion Boys in 5th, 6th grade. The sh iur wil l take place in Rabbi Marwick ’ s of fice at 3:00pm . Learning Maseches Shabbos. Sponsored by Aaron and R isa Levi .

Refreshments wil l be served!

Please join Shomrei in partnership with ACHI (American Communities Helping Israel) to spread ACHI's message of "Think Israel--Buy Israeli." Thank you to the following people who have donated towards this project by sponsoring an Israeli product at Seuda Shlishit.

If you would like to sponsor an Israeli product for Seuda Shlishit, or any other Shomrei function, in future weeks, please send an $18 check made out to ACHI to Tova Taragin at 6600 Baythorne Road 21209. If you sponsored last year, and would like to sponsor again, feel free to do so. We will soon need more sponsors.

Please continue in the ACHI spirit. Fill a dish (KLEE) every week with Israeli products and spread the message of "Think Israel-Buy Israeli" at your Shabbat table. Fill it and refill it every week. Klee cards are available in the shul lobby.

Rick and Sarah Bernard Jechiel and Hadassah Juskowicz Ari and Inbal Elman Mike and Layne Lowenstein Sonney Taragin

Jechiel and Hadassah Juskowicz Mike and Layne Lowenstein Jechiel and Hadassah Juskowicz Marvin and Mindy Pazornick Donna and Shimshon Wach
