Page 1: Shoes with - Michigan State Paoli is for Golfers who still dress for golf Dressing in Gino Paoli is as mandatory for
Page 2: Shoes with - Michigan State Paoli is for Golfers who still dress for golf Dressing in Gino Paoli is as mandatory for

Shoes with sale* appeal \ Smar t s ty l i ng and bold color puts new " p r o f i t p u n c h " in

golf footwear th is year.

By VINCENT J. PASTENA G O L F D O M Fashion Editor

Wi th the g rea t emphas is p laced on to ta l coo rd ina t ion in go l f appare l , go l f e r s w i l l show more in te res t t h i s season in s ty le and co lor when shopp ing f o r shoes. Manu fac tu re rs have recognized tha t , today, go l f f o o t w e a r mus t play an impo r tan t p a r t in the fash ion scene as we l l as in the f ie ld of go l f equ ipment . Whi le c o n t i n u i n g t o make improve-men ts in the c o m f o r t and e f f ic iency o f go l f shoes, manu fac tu re rs have t u rned a keener eye t owa rd new s ty le and co lor t rends in des ign ing the i r l ines. On these pages are some of the imag ina t i ve shoe s ty les t h a t w i l l cap tu re the a t t e n t i o n of pro shop cus tomers th i s season.

For descriptions of shoes pictured here,

turn to page 4 5 .

Photographed a t Marco Beach Hote l & C.C., Marco Island, Fla. , by Ozzie Swee t

Page 3: Shoes with - Michigan State Paoli is for Golfers who still dress for golf Dressing in Gino Paoli is as mandatory for
Page 4: Shoes with - Michigan State Paoli is for Golfers who still dress for golf Dressing in Gino Paoli is as mandatory for

for the "Birdies" Gloves created by Champion help give a confident feel. They offer distinctive style for high fashion golf. The Continental by Champion (above) is all superior grade Italian Cabaretta Capeskin with elastic cuff and snap tab (which also serves as a ball marker). The Eagle Statite by Champion (below) is cautiously constructed from thin, tacky leather with a popular lastik back. Why not write for illustrated literature and price list!



Page 5: Shoes with - Michigan State Paoli is for Golfers who still dress for golf Dressing in Gino Paoli is as mandatory for

Shoes w i t h Sa les A p p e a l I n d e x A) " M u l l i g a n s " by Weinbrenner; men's p la in- toe Oxford of

black grained leather; note the red vulcanized sole for w ider spike arrangement (Style # 2 2 5 7 : $17.95).

B) "Scotch Par Buck le" by Connolly; men's w ing - t i p gol f shoe of black boarded calf and wh i te f ine ly-gra ined Corfam; features strap and buckle (Style # 1 9 0 7 : $40).

C) Johnston & Murphy dark cherry Mira and wh i ta grained Corfam w ing - t i p gol f shoe for men (Style # 2 7 0 6 : $45).

D) " M u s t a n g s " by Roblee Div. of Brown Shoe; a gra ined bal saddle w i t h Cat's Paw " M i r a - G r i p " sole; can be worn on the course or in the clubhouse (Style # 9 7 6 R 0 7 : $22).

E) Ben Hogan ladies' gol f shoe in v i v id gold tweed w i t h piped over lay; cushion crepe sole (Style # 4 6 6 8 0 : $13.95).

F) G. H. Bass men's saddle Oxford in black smooth and wh i te grained Corfam (Style # G S 1 5 4 9 : $27).

G) Lazy Bones moc style ladies' gol f shoe in g ingham pink and wh i t e leather (Style # 6 8 1 : $17.95).

H) Par-Pals ladies' go l f shoe in green tweed w i t h overlay blucher p iped in wh i te (Style # W 8 3 0 : $14.95).

I) Styl ist men's w ing - t i p gol f shoe in Key Largo blue patent and wh i te Corfam (Style # 2 3 3 3 : $42.50).

J) Ben Hogan green shiney Corfam and wh i te Galaxy Corfam gol f shoe for men; shield t ip saddle blucher (Style # 4 2 3 6 6 : $32.50).

K) Etonic black and wh i t e Corfam gol f shoe for men w i t h long w ing - t i p blucher (Style # 7 5 6 3 : $42.50).

L) Weinbrenner " M u l l i g a n s ; " black and wh i te grained leather go l f shoe w i t h long w ing - t i p blucher (Style # 2 2 7 1 : $22.95).

M. "S t roke Mas te r " by E. E. Tay lor ; w ing - t i p sl ip-on gol f shoe in genuine camel leather and suede; side-gored for snug f i t ; at tached shawl (Style # 6 7 0 5 : $32).

N) Etonic men's gol f shoe in Everglades green s imulated a l l i ga to r and wh i t e Corfam (Style # 7 5 5 2 : $45).

0) Lazy Bones ladies' moc style gol f shoe in orange and wh i te leather (Style # 6 8 2 : $17.95).

P) Foot-Joy black boarded cal f and black smooth calf p la in -toe gol f shoe for men; features monk strap (Style # 51359: $45).

Q) Etonic ladies' go l f shoe in very f ine ly grained Corfam and smooth powder blue Corfam (Style # 8 2 4 4 : $29.95).

R) Johnston & Murphy black and wh i te shield t ip saddle Oxford of Corfam; at tached shawls (Style # 2 7 1 0 : $45).

S) Pro-Shu laceless gol f shoe for men in black ca l fsk in ; at tached k i l t i e ; gored for snug f i t (Style # 9 0 0 : $37.50).

T) Bridgewater men's imper ia l w ing - t i p gol f shoe in black and wh i te f ine-grained Corfam (Style # 1 3 8 0 : $34.95).

The ABC's of W i t h the increased emphasis on style in golf shoes, a young pro shop assistant could be staggered by the seemingly tech-nical language used in a manufacturer's catalogue to describe the various models in a footwear line. However, a knowledge of a few basic descriptive terms could clear up any confusion and serve the bud-

golf shoe styles ding merchandiser as a useful tool.

Almost any shoe may be described with exactness by using these basic terms in combinations. Descriptions usually fall into four parts: color, material, toe style, and fastening method. For instance, a typical description would be stated as a "brown calf wing-tip blucher."

continued on next page


4 — GORE

Page 6: Shoes with - Michigan State Paoli is for Golfers who still dress for golf Dressing in Gino Paoli is as mandatory for

ABC'S-GOLF SHOES continued from preceding page

Color presents no problem. However, the material category is growing rapidly in variety. Some of the more common materials found in golf shoes are calf-skin, natural or simulated alligator and other reptiles, and Corfam. These are used for the entire shoe or in combina-tions of two for contrasts in texture. Kangaroo, suede and patent leather also are being seen more on the fairways these days. Here are some features that will enable your assistants to recognize these materials more readily.

Calfskin is a light weight, supple leather which has great strength and natural elasticity. It has a smooth sur-face which takes a high polish. Calfskin may also undergo a process called "board-ing" to produce a grained finish. In Shoe P, smooth and boarded calf are used.

Reptile skins. Of all reptiles, alliga-

tor is most commonly used for golf shoes. Good grade natural alligator shoes can be extremely expensive. However, the scale patterns of alligator and lizard frequent-ly are simulated on other leathers or synthetics (See Shoe N ) .

Corfam is a synthetic noted for its easy care and durability. It may be processed to simulate several natural leathers.

Kangaroo is a smooth-surfaced leather that is extremely supple and light—yet tough. It takes a high polish.

Suede is a napped or brush-surface leather produced from calf, side, and other leathers (See Shoe M ) .

Patent leather is quickly identified by its smooth, hard, high-gloss surface. For golf shoes, it frequently is used in combi-nation with other materials, primarily for color accent and texture contrast.

The toe style category is best covered visually. Among the more common treat-ments in golf shoes are the wing-tip (Shoe L), the long wing (Shoe K ) ,

continued on page 84

Gino Paoli is for Golfers who still dress for golf

Dressing in Gino Paoli is as mandatory for golf as whites are for tennis. Beautifully styled, Gino Paoli co-ordinates for men and women move with the ease and comfort of clothes designed exclusively for the occasion. At better pro shops at prices you won't mind paying, or write Gino Paoli, Active Sportswear Division, 1407 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10018

For more information circle number 139 on card

Page 7: Shoes with - Michigan State Paoli is for Golfers who still dress for golf Dressing in Gino Paoli is as mandatory for


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Page 8: Shoes with - Michigan State Paoli is for Golfers who still dress for golf Dressing in Gino Paoli is as mandatory for

Mist blower vs. boom sprayer Spraying fairways is becoming more common every day.

Here is a comparison of two methods.

By D O N W R I G H T Superintendent, The Camargo Club, Cincinnati, Ohio

T h e big problem on golf courses today is time. Therefore, superintendents must find more ways to speed up maintenance. The trend for spraying fairways has be-come widespread, and more and more superintendents are doing it every year. The cost is no longer the deciding factor; time is.

Let's take a look at boom spraying. If you have a 21-foot boom on a 300-gallon tank with a 20 to 25 g.p.m. pump, it will take a good spray man one to one and a half working days to spray a 35-to-40-acre fairway golf course. This, until the high-powered mist blower arrived, was the best you could do. However, while the mist blower will do most of your jobs, I would not advise its use for herbicides.

Let's compare the two machines and then you be the judge. In my opinion, it is the best way to spray large areas in a short time.

After digesting this information, you


Cost $4-5,000 $3-4,000 Capacity 300 gals. 300 gals.

or more or more Pump 20 - 30 gpm 20 - 30 gpm Spray width 60 to 90 ft. 21 to 30 ft. Time to spray

35 acres 31/2 hours 8 ?o 12 hrs.

Time to spray greens 5-acre 3i/2 to 8 hrs. total 4 hrs. 2 men

Large tires yes yes Electric brakes yes yes Remote control yes yes

can see the big difference and, bear in mind, the most critical time to spray is after a rain with high humidity. With the mist blower you spray from the rough to the fairway and with the boom sprayer you spray on the soft wet fairway.

continued on page 50

With mist blower, you spray frotn rough to fairway. With boom sprayer, from wet fairway.

Page 9: Shoes with - Michigan State Paoli is for Golfers who still dress for golf Dressing in Gino Paoli is as mandatory for

Meet the swinging new sales-makers from Reliable



The go l f wood p r o t e c t o r s w i t h sa les pe rsona l i t y . Come-on-s t r o n g co lo r . A s p r i n g y , l o n g - l a s t i n g f i t . P lus t h e pos i t i ve w a s h a b i l i t y c u s t o m e r s i ns i s t on. C l u b Sox have t h e s t y le a go l f e r goes f o r . The se l l i ng a c t i o n a p r o - s h o p can re ly o n — f r o m Re l iab le . C res lan ac ry l i c is a p r o d u c t of A m e r i c a n C y a n a m i d C o m p a n y , New Yo rk , N . Y. C V A i V A M I I »

L_ l_J X L J F=i " V X X o (=1 ^ L_ I O F= I E3 EE PR F o r n e w P r o - S h o p C a t a l o g o f k n i t g o l f a c c e s s o r i e s b y R e l i a b l e , w r i t e R e l i a b l e o f M i l w a u k e e , Box 1 3 6 7 , M i l w a u k e e , W i s c o n s i n 5 3 2 0 5 .

Page 10: Shoes with - Michigan State Paoli is for Golfers who still dress for golf Dressing in Gino Paoli is as mandatory for

While mist blower, above, will do most of your jobs, use for herbicides is not advised.

M I S T B L O W E R continued on page 48

A i r is part o f the carrier for the b lower and you can cover your fairways in two passes, o n e f r o m each side o f the fair-way. W i t h the b b o m sprayer it takes six

to 10 passes. W i t h a mist b lower , you can apply 3 0 gal lons, m o r e or less, o f mate-rial to the acre. W i t h a b o o m sprayer, you need about 6 0 gal lons .

I th ink there is an exci t ing future f o r the b lower and it warrants inquiry. •

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5 0 G O L F D O M