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ShapingSEQ Implementation Program – Progress Report 2018

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Overview Regional plans are long-term strategic plans that support local growth and development while also protecting a region’s natural resources.

Next generation regional plans, commencing with the release of ShapingSEQ on 11 August 2017, will be supported by specific regional planning implementation programs. A regional plan’s implementation program identifies a series of actions to be carried out by various government and non-government entities to achieve the strategic direction and objectives of the plan.

Implementation programs include indicative priorities (high, medium or low) which are subject to government budgetary considerations, improved knowledge of the plan’s performance over time through monitoring activities and ongoing engagement with the community and key stakeholders.

The department will continue to monitor the status of each regional plan implementation program, providing progress updates regarding implementation actions on an annual basis.

Currently, ShapingSEQ is the only statutory regional plan supported by a dedicated implementation program.

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Purpose To support the strategic direction of ShapingSEQ, a series of implementation actions have been identified that are necessary to deliver the intent and vision of the plan.

The purpose of this ShapingSEQ report is to track progress of each implementation action, ensuring the transparency and accountability in the delivery of ShapingSEQ is maintained over the life of the regional plan.

The following 2018 ShapingSEQ Implementation Program Progress Report includes updates on each implementation action provided by the respective lead agencies. Final approval for the publication of this report to the department’s website is to be provided by the Planning Minister following review by the Regional Planning Committee.

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Legend Responsible Lead Agencies


Department of Innovation, Tourism Industry Development and the Commonwealth Games


Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning

QLD Treasury

Queensland Treasury

QRA Queensland Reconstruction Authority

HLW Healthy Land and Water

DATSIP Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Partnerships

EDQ Economic Development Queensland

CRCWSC Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities

Seqwater Seqwater DTMR Department of Transport and Main Roads

DHPW Department of Housing and Public Works

DES Department of Environment and Science

Delivery Authority

Cross River Rail Delivery Authority

Priority Status Timing


Complete Action is complete.

0 - 2 Short term delivery within 0-2 years.

On-track Implementation action is

progressing in line with adopted project plan and is expected to

be delivered on time.

2 - 5

Medium term delivery within 2-5 years.


Closely monitor Implementation action is

progressing however minor issues may delay the delivery of

the action within anticipated timeframes.

5+ Long term delivery after 5+ years.


Action required Delivery of the implementation action is experiencing major delays which may require a

review of the project scope or timeline.


action is on-going over the life of the regional plan, with no specified completion date.

Complete action is complete

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1.1 Progress Report 2018

1 Delivering new growth areas 2018 Progress Update

Purpose Action Priority Status Timing

Unlocking Underutilised Urban Footprint

To investigate and expedite development of underutilised areas in the Urban Footprint.

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) to work with SEQ local governments, infrastructure providers, and the development industry to identify and investigate constraints impeding the development of these areas. Further actions, policies or programs for government may be identified out of the investigations, to expedite the development of areas of underutilised Urban Footprint, including fragmented areas. This may include land amalgamation initiatives and catalytic infrastructure.

• Lead Agency: DSDMIP

2 - 5

• The Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) has consulted with local government, infrastructure providers, and development industry representatives to identify potential Underutilised Urban Footprint (UUF) areas and the issues preventing their development.

• DSDMIP is currently undertaking a detailed investigation of the key issues limiting the development of UUF areas.

• Further research and engagement with key stakeholders is required to identify and evaluate potential intervention mechanisms to resolve UUF issues and unlock these areas for development.

Further Information:

[email protected]

‘Front loading’ new expansion areas

To unlock and de-risk new large-scale growth areas through collaborative planning and identification and resolution of state values and constraints early in the structure planning process.

Beerwah East Major Development Area

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) to lead a project in collaboration with Sunshine Coast Regional Council (SCRC), infrastructure providers, state agencies and other relevant stakeholders, to identify and resolve where possible state and local planning and infrastructure constraints and opportunities for Beerwah East; and develop a more efficient system of satisfying state regulatory requirements.

Lead Agency: DSDMIP

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• The Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) has completed project planning and commenced land tenure investigations.

• To support the delivery of the project the department has established a dedicated Beerwah East Major Development Area (BEMDA) Reference Group. This Reference Group will provide strategic direction and guide the delivery of the project in a coordinated manner.

• Sunshine Coast Council (SCC) is continuing to undertake land use investigations over the BEMDA.

• DSDMIP will continue to work closely with SCC to identify land use and infrastructure planning requirements.

Further Information:

[email protected]

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1 Delivering new growth areas 2018 Progress Update

Purpose Action Priority Status Timing

The Caboolture West emerging community area

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) to work in collaboration with Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC), state agencies and stakeholders to develop a process that identifies state planning and infrastructure constraints and opportunities for Caboolture West; and develop a more efficient system of satisfying state regulatory requirements.

Lead Agency: DSDMIP

• The Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning will continue to work with MBRC to resolve planning and infrastructure constraints and opportunities for Caboolture West.

Further Information:

[email protected]

2 Driving future prosperity 2018 Progress Update

Purpose Action Priority Status Timing

City Deals

To deliver ‘City Deals’ for SEQ, under the Australian Government’s Smart Cities Plan to transform SEQ’s cities into prosperous, knowledge based, innovative, sustainable and connected places.

• Queensland Treasury to lead the Queensland Government’s collaboration with the Australian Government and Council of Mayors (SEQ) to establish and deliver a comprehensive SEQ City Deal.

Lead Agency: QLD Treasury

• Project scoping is being undertaken by Queensland Treasury in partnership with SEQ councils.

• A series of regional challenges and outcomes have been identified, with reference to the SEQ regional plan.

• An SEQ Benchmarking Study and an SEQ Economic Foundations Paper have been released.

• Extensive preliminary consultation with key stakeholders has commenced.

• The Queensland Government is awaiting the Federal Government’s agreement to formally announce and commence negotiations.

• To further develop the SEQ City Deal concept, the Queensland Government and the Council of Mayors (SEQ) are preparing the “SEQ City Deal Proposition Document” identifying the opportunities and initiatives the proposed SEQ

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2 Driving future prosperity 2018 Progress Update

Purpose Action Priority Status Timing

City Deal could consider.

Further information

[email protected]

Centres network and Regional Economic Clusters monitoring and review

To ensure future planning for regionally significant employment and economic growth in SEQ is underpinned by latest information and best practice approach.

Review of regional activity centres network

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) to work with local governments, state agencies, and industry to establish a Centres Review Working Group to lead, manage and conduct a review of SEQ’s regional activity centres network to identify priority centres as a focus for infrastructure investment.

Lead Agency: DSDMIP

2 - 5

• This action is identified as a medium priority under ShapingSEQ and had not commenced at the time of reporting.

• This action is anticipated to commence prior to the next review of the SEQ regional plan.

• Delivery of this action is subject to government budgetary considerations.

Further Information:

[email protected]

Informing future planning – Regional Economic Clusters

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) to work with local governments and state agencies to monitor employment location and functioning of Regional Economic Clusters to inform future planning

Lead Agency: DSDMIP

0 - 2

• The Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning has commenced preliminary investigations into Regional Economic Clusters (RECs) and is seeking to develop a framework which will assist state and local government in advancing the RECs concept through their planning and core business.

Further Information:

[email protected]

Innovation and start-up hubs

To help the region respond to a transitioning economy and position it for future economic

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) to work with Department of Innovation, Tourism Industry Development (DITID), as part of Advance

• This action is identified as a medium priority under ShapingSEQ. This is an ongoing action as the number of Queensland hubs is expanding.

• There is a very strong connection between initial entrepreneurship and subsequent

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2 Driving future prosperity 2018 Progress Update

Purpose Action Priority Status Timing

opportunities Queensland, to ensure innovation and start-up hubs and knowledge and technology precincts support ShapingSEQ objectives.

Lead Agency: DITID

employment growth. Studies support the idea that clustering early stage, innovative businesses together in places such as hubs, is effective in driving the success and growth of these businesses.

• These hubs draw together capital, talent and support structures such as co-working space and services such as legal and accountancy.

• The many innovation and startup hubs throughout Queensland directly support the ShapingSEQ “Prosper” theme. They provide a place where knowledge and experience are shared, and collaborations happen.

• The collaborations that occur in these environments can assist in increasing productivity, driving innovation, and expanding networks for small businesses.

• The Queensland Government supports hubs throughout the State through the Advance Queensland suite of initiatives.

Further Information:

[email protected]

3 Supporting growth 2018 Progress Update

Purpose Action Priority Status Timing

Key infrastructure initiatives that support the vision for SEQ

To ensure ShapingSEQ’s long-term aspirations are backed by leading infrastructure solutions and initiatives.

Cross River Rail SEQ Economic Development and Investment Plan

Cross River Rail Development Authority (Delivery Authority) to pursue this plan as described in the Advancing our Cities and Regions Strategy.

Lead Agency: Delivery Authority

0 - 2

• Information, research, reports and data prepared by Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) to inform preparation of a Cross River Rail SEQ Economic Development and Investment Plan were provided to the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority.

• The Delivery Authority will plan, carry out, promote and coordinate activities to facilitate economic development, and development for community purposes in Cross River Rail Priority Development Areas, consistent with the Delivery Authority’s functions under the Cross River Rail Delivery Authority Act 2016.

• EDQ is continuing to investigate further opportunities and economic strategies to progress the Advancing our Cities and Regions

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3 Supporting growth 2018 Progress Update

Purpose Action Priority Status Timing


Further Information:

[email protected]

Melbourne to Brisbane Inland Rail

Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) to work with the Australian Government to facilitate the delivery of the Melbourne to Brisbane Inland Rail.

Lead Agency: DTMR


• The Inland Rail Project is being delivered by the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) on behalf of the Australian Government and as such, it is the Australian Government that decides on the final alignment.

• The Queensland Government is committed to ensuring ARTC complies with all legislative and policy requirements, especially those in relation to community and environmental impact issues.

Further Information:

[email protected]

State Infrastructure Planning/Regional Transport Plans

To ensure alignment with infrastructure needs identified in ShapingSEQ:

• Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning’s (DSDMIP) Economic and Infrastructure Strategy (EIS) to work with infrastructure providers to align infrastructure planning actions and progress infrastructure priorities in line with ShapingSEQ.

• DTMR to prepare Regional Transport Plans (RTPs) for SEQ to consider strategic

State Infrastructure Planning

• The relationship between the State Infrastructure Plan (SIP) and ShapingSEQ improves coordination and integration of land-use and infrastructure planning and delivery. The progress of region-shaping infrastructure priorities identified in ShapingSEQ are reported on through annual updates of the SIP part B and updated in the region-shaping priorities pipeline.

• During 2017-18, planning for two priorities moved into development of business cases - South East busway extension to Springwood and Gold Coast Light Rail Stage 3.

• As a part of the implementation of the SIP and ShapingSEQ, Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning has commenced a preliminary Infrastructure Coordination Plans (ICP) pilot. This pilot is currently being reviewed and is being used to inform the development of a

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3 Supporting growth 2018 Progress Update

Purpose Action Priority Status Timing

transport network needs and priorities to support the growth identified in ShapingSEQ.

• DTMR to undertake regular review of Principal Cycle Network Plans for SEQ to guide further planning and design of cycle facilities to support the growth identified in ShapingSEQ.

• Consistent with the State Infrastructure Plan, DSDMIP’s EIS to oversee a program of Infrastructure Coordination Plans for the SEQ local government areas.

Lead Agency: DSDMIP

framework that supports the delivery of future ICPs across SEQ. This will enable long-term service needs to be the focus of infrastructure planning to support coordination and alignment between state and local governments.

Further Information:

[email protected]

Regional Transport Plans

• The Department of Transport and Main Roads has engaged with key stakeholders, Queensland Government planning agencies and local governments across SEQ to inform development of the draft SEQ RTP.

• It is expected that the draft SEQ RTP will be released for consultation in the near future.

Principal Cycle Network Plans

• In 2016, The Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) released the current South East Queensland Principal Cycle Network Plan (SEQPCNP) to guide and inform the planning, design and construction of the transport network. The plan will be updated every five years.

• In 2017, DTMR released the Priority Route Map addendum to the SEQPCNP to assist in prioritising cycling infrastructure investment across the region. The maps will be updated every two years.

Further Information:

[email protected]

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3 Supporting growth 2018 Progress Update

Purpose Action Priority Status Timing

Infrastructure funding innovation

To investigate new ways of funding infrastructure in SEQ. DSDMIP’s EIS to work with SEQ local governments and the development industry to investigate value capture and other innovative funding mechanisms for SEQ.

Lead Agency: DSDMIP

• Infrastructure Australia's Assessment Framework was recently updated in March 2018 to provide guidance in a number of key areas including how to capture land use impacts in the cost-benefit analysis of an infrastructure project (for example, how to better capture the 'city shaping' impact of a major transport project that is likely to influence where people live and work). Similar consideration of value uplift and alternative funding and financing is also reflected in the Queensland Government's Project Assessment Framework and Building Queensland's business case development framework. Accordingly, there is a framework to realise this action as required through the business cases of regionally-significant infrastructure projects.

• The former Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DILGP) commissioned an independent research paper on alternative infrastructure funding and financing options and their applicability to Queensland.

Further Information:

[email protected]

Digital infrastructure

To improve coverage, performance and resilience of Queensland’s digital infrastructure. Department of Housing and Public Works (DHPW) to prepare and implement the Queensland Digital Infrastructure Plan (part of the State Infrastructure Plan) to help coordinate the planning and delivery of digital infrastructure.

Lead Agency: DHPW

0 - 2

• A draft plan for better digital infrastructure is being developed, with the related content and actions undergoing review to reflect and align with the Advancing Queensland Priority to ‘Be a responsive Government’.

Further Information:

[email protected]

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3 Supporting growth 2018 Progress Update

Purpose Action Priority Status Timing

Planning scheme alignment

To ensure local government planning schemes align with, and advance the objectives of, ShapingSEQ.

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) to work with SEQ local governments to review and prioritise identified planning scheme amendments and develop a program to make the amendments. DSDMIP to also investigate partnerships with local governments and other state agencies for developing pilot projects that streamline development processes to deliver development sooner.

Lead Agency: DSDMIP

• SEQ local governments are required to ensure that their planning scheme reflects ShapingSEQ and is not inconsistent with the SEQ regulatory provisions.

• Regional officers within the department are continuing to work with local governments to ensure the regional plan is appropriately incorporated into planning schemes through amendments or the preparation of new schemes.

Further Information:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Review of local government infrastructure plans

To monitor the preparation and implementation of local government infrastructure plans (LGIPs) for alignment with ShapingSEQ.

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) to work with key stakeholders to ensure LGIPs perform well to unlock and guide growth.

Lead Agency: DSDMIP

2 - 5

• The Planning Act 2016 allows councils to prepare Local Government Infrastructure Plans (LGIPs) that support identified growth fronts in their planning schemes and unlock growth through the provision of trunk infrastructure.

• The Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning will continue to monitor the current framework and in consultation with key stakeholders, consider ways to improve the transparency and efficiency of LGIPs, including alignment with ShapingSEQ.

Further Information:

[email protected]

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4 Sustainability and natural systems 2018 Progress Update

Purpose Action Priority Status Timing

SEQ Koala Conservation Strategy

To deliver an integrated strategy, supported by practical actions, to ensure the long-term sustainability of SEQ’s koala habitat and population.

Department of Environment and Science (DES) to prepare the SEQ Koala Conservation Strategy, with support from Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) and SEQ local governments to deliver the Queensland Government’s response to koala expert panel recommendations. Options may include improved habitat mapping, updated management and policy frameworks, strengthened regulatory protection, and improved monitoring.

Lead Agency: DES

2 - 5

• The Queensland Government's response to the Koala Expert Panel's recommendations was publicly released on 4 May 2018. The Government Response includes an action to develop and commence implementing a SEQ Koala Conservation Strategy within 12 months of the release of the Government's response.

• The Department of Environment and Science is working with stakeholders to develop the SEQ Koala Conservation Strategy.

Further Information:

[email protected]

Strategic assessment

To develop a more coordinated and strategic approach to resolving environmental assessments and approvals under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) to work with the Australian Government's Department of Environment and Energy and Queensland’s Department of Environment and Science to investigate the delivery of a strategic assessment for SEQ.

Lead Agency: DSDMIP

2 - 5

• The state has written to the Australian Government confirming its intention to undertake a strategic assessment for SEQ.

• The Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) and the Department of Environment and Science are in the process of negotiating the terms of an agreement with the Commonwealth Government’s Department of the Environment and Energy to progress the strategic assessment for SEQ.

• Following the execution of the agreement with the Commonwealth, DSDMIP will convene environment, development and local government advisory groups.

• There will be opportunities in due course for public comment in relation to the terms of reference for the strategic assessment and the draft program and assessment reports.

Further Information:

[email protected]

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4 Sustainability and natural systems 2018 Progress Update

Purpose Action Priority Status Timing

Northern inter-urban break investigation

To determine the extent, values and intended uses of SEQ’s northern inter-urban break and ensure long-term protection.

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) to work with MBRC, SCRC and state agencies, to determine the extent of the northern inter-urban break and identify additional means of securing it for the long term.

Lead Agency: DSDMIP

0 - 2

• Stage 1 of the Northern Inter Urban Break (NIUB) was completed early 2018. A reference group including Sunshine Coast Council (SCC), Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC) and state agencies identified the values and intended uses for the NIUB.

• Scope for the next stages has been developed in consultation with SCC and MBRC.

• The Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning will continue to work with the reference group to determine the spatial extent, methodology for further assessment of the intended uses and potential protection mechanisms.

• Traditional owners will also be engaged to determine their perspectives on landscape values.

Further Information:

[email protected]

SEQ Traditional Owner Cultural Resource Management Plan

To support regional approaches to cultural resource management in partnership with Traditional Owners.

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) to investigate how ShapingSEQ can support cultural heritage management and related socioeconomic actions in the Cultural Resource Management Plan, working with the Traditional Owners and Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships (DATSIP) and interested parties.

Lead Agency: DATSIP

2 - 5

• This action is identified as a medium priority under ShapingSEQ and had not commenced at the reporting date.

• The Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships has forecast that this action would commence in the 2018/19 financial year.

• Delivery of this action is anticipated to occur within the anticipated timeframe.

Further Information:

[email protected]

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4 Sustainability and natural systems 2018 Progress Update

Purpose Action Priority Status Timing

Natural Hazard Management (flood risk)

To ensure the resilience of SEQ communities to flooding through a coordinated approach to management of risk to acceptable levels.

For all catchments across the region:

Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) to work with state agencies, Seqwater and local government in a coordinated approach to integrated flood risk management, and emergency response and recovery promoting 'build back better' principles in use of National Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements and the Natural Disaster Resilience Program funds.

Lead Agency: QRA


• The Queensland Reconstruction Authority will partner with local governments and state agencies to develop Regional Resilience Strategies as part of Resilient Queensland – Delivering the Queensland Strategy for Disaster Resilience 2018 - 2021, which was publicly released in May 2018.

• SEQ catchments is likely to be included in a State-wide rollout of resilience planning process in 2020/21 following selected pilots across the state being completed in 2018/19.

Further Information:

[email protected]

In the Brisbane River Catchment:

QRA to work with relevant local governments to:

• prepare the Brisbane River Strategic Floodplain Management Plan

• implement outcomes through planning schemes.

Lead Agency: QRA

2 - 5

• The Brisbane River Strategic Floodplain Management Plan work commenced in early 2017 and is scheduled for completion and public release in early 2019.

• The Strategic Plan will be used by local governments to inform their Local Floodplain Management Plans that will consider regional flood resilience including through local land use planning schemes. These local plans will be undertaken by each of the four catchment councils from early 2019.

Further Information:

[email protected]

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning’s (DSDMIP) Economic and Infrastructure Strategy (EIS) to work with DTMR and other infrastructure providers to investigate aligning strategies, outcomes

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• This action is proposed to commence following the release of the Brisbane River Strategic Floodplain Management Plan, which is scheduled for completion and public release in early 2019.

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4 Sustainability and natural systems 2018 Progress Update

Purpose Action Priority Status Timing

and infrastructure proposals with the Brisbane River Strategic Floodplain Management Plan. To commence after the release of the Brisbane River Catchment Strategic Floodplain Management Plan.

Lead Agency: DSDMIP

Further Information:

[email protected]

SEQ Natural Resource Management (NRM) Plan

To ensure alignment between natural asset management strategies identified in ShapingSEQ and the natural resource management strategies proposed in the SEQ NRM plan.

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) to work with Healthy Land and Water to investigate how the SEQ NRM plan can support ShapingSEQ objectives.

Lead Agency: HLW

0 - 2

• Connections between ShapingSEQ and the SEQ NRM Plan targets and NRM Atlas have been initially scoped and input into the ShapingSEQ Measures that Matter developed.

• Scoping for the SEQ NRM Plan update in 2018/19 is underway.

Further Information:

[email protected]

State approach to climate change mitigation and adaptation

To support regional actions for a coordinated state approach to climate change.

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) and Department of Environment and Science (DES) to investigate how compact regional settlement patterns, urban design, coordinated infrastructure provision and management of natural assets can mitigate and assist adaptation actions as part of the Queensland Climate Adaptation Strategy (Q-CAS).

Lead Agency: DES

• The Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) and the Department of Environment and Science (DES) have established a partnership, termed the Queensland Climate Resilient Councils (QCRC) program, to support local governments in Queensland to plan for and respond to climate change.

• The QCRC is a three year program working with Queensland local governments to strengthen internal council decision-making processes to respond to climate change. This program supports the action in ShapingSEQ.

Further Information:

[email protected]

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4 Sustainability and natural systems 2018 Progress Update

Purpose Action Priority Status Timing

A water sensitive region

To enable an integrated approach to whole-of catchment planning and management that is capable of linking the ecology and hydrology of cities to their region whilst accommodating urban and peri-urban growth adapted to a changing climate.

Investigate the principles for a water sensitive region and determine strategies for their implementation in SEQ.

Lead Agency: CRCWSC

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• The Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities has engaged with the senior executives of state and local government and the water utilities.

• Planning for a program of activities to deliver the implementation actions has commenced with considerable focus and commitment over the next 12 to 18 months is anticipated.

Further Information:

[email protected]

SEQ Water Security Program (2016–2046)

To provide safe, secure and cost-effective drinking water for SEQ.

Seqwater to work with state agencies, SEQ water service providers, local government and the community to ensure water security for the region.

Lead Agency: Seqwater

• Seqwater is implementing the Water Security Program Version 2 (released March 2017) and is working on the next review, due March 2022.

• Seqwater, in collaboration with the SEQ Service Providers, has significantly progressed drought response planning and implementation processes for SEQ.

• Seqwater has worked with key stakeholders across the water industry in SEQ (including State and local governments) to consider 50 year horizon future plausible scenarios and the impacts on water security. This will inform the next Water Security Program.

Further Information:

[email protected]

Resilient Rivers Initiative

To develop a coordinated approach to integrated catchment management of SEQ rivers to ensure the future environmental, economic and social health of the region.

State and local governments and catchment oriented non-government organisations (NGOs) to work together with coordinated funding arrangements for efficient management of SEQ river catchments in long term strategies and implementation plans.

• The Resilient Rivers Taskforce membership has expanded to include the Queensland Reconstruction Authority, joining Department of Environment and Science, the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, and the Council of Mayors (SEQ).

• Through 2018, the Catchment Action Plans Working Group, including representatives of non-government organisations, councils and water utilities, continued to advise the Resilient Rivers Taskforce.

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Lead Agency: DES • Two Catchment Action Plans (Lower Brisbane/ Redlands and Bremer) have been completed, building on the previous Catchment Action Plans developed for the region. Agreed actions were prioritised for investment (as available).

• A Catchment Investment Program has been established and coordinated funding commenced to deliver on ground works identified within existing Catchment Action Plans.

• Long-term governance arrangement discussions have commenced with the Resilient Rivers Taskforce.

Further Information:

[email protected]

Regional greenspace

To ensure the community has access to a range of quality open space, recreational opportunities.

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) to work with stakeholders to investigate how ShapingSEQ can support planning for multiple greenspace outcomes in strategic locations.

Lead Agency: DSDMIP

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• This action is identified as a medium priority under ShapingSEQ and had not commenced at the time of reporting.

• Delivery of this action is anticipated to occur within the anticipated timeframe.

Further Information:

[email protected]

5 Delivering better design and housing 2018 Progress Update

Purpose Action Priority Status Timing

Density and Diversity Done Well competition

Hold an industry design competition to showcase best examples of the ‘missing middle’ housing form.

Key outcomes from the Density and Diversity Done Well competition will help shape government policy. The design task is to propose new housing options for Queensland to meet community, urban and environmental challenges – designing for the ‘missing middle’.

0 - 2

• The Density and Diversity Done Well competition was held from May to July 2017 and received 100 submissions from across Australia.

• The outcomes of the competition demonstrate that a diverse range of secondary and primary housing forms are possible to address the ‘missing middle’ and will be used to inform government policy moving forward.

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Lead Agency: DHPW Further Information:

[email protected]

Catalyst projects

To deliver catalyst projects in suitable locations to showcase quality-built environments, providing new housing diversity and ‘missing middle’ products.

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) to work with EDQ and local governments to deliver the Advancing Our Cities and Regions Strategy and develop catalyst projects that demonstrate new ways of integrating residential, community and mixed-uses with significant community benefit.

Lead Agency: DSDMIP

• Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) continues to source potential project opportunities in line with the objectives and outcomes of the Advancing Our Cities and Regions strategy.

• EDQ is working with various agencies and local governments across Queensland to source these potential projects.

• Several catalyst projects have now been approved by the Planning Minister to proceed.

Note: Following government organisational changes in 2018, the Office of the Queensland Government Architect now forms part of the Department of Housing and Public Works.

Further Information:

[email protected]

QDesign and QCompanion

To provide a common basis for, and examples of, excellence in subtropical design and urban greening initiatives to improve the region’s sustainability, climate change resilience and community health.

Queensland Government Architect to work with Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) and other key stakeholders to implement QDesign and QCompanion.

Lead Agency: DHPW

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• QDesign has been approved and is awaiting public release.

Note: Following government organisational changes in 2018, the Office of the Queensland Government Architect now forms part of the Department of Housing and Public Works.

Further Information:

[email protected]

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• The Office of the Queensland Government Architect is currently developing a series of more detailed and supplementary resource and case study documents under the title of QCompanion.

Note: Following government organisational changes in 2018, the Office of the Queensland

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5 Delivering better design and housing 2018 Progress Update

Purpose Action Priority Status Timing

Government Architect now forms part of the Department of Housing and Public Works.

Further Information:

[email protected]

Queensland Housing Strategy and Building Plan

To help deliver the Queensland Housing Strategy and Building Plan.

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) to work with the Department of Housing and Public Works (DHPW) to deliver the Queensland Housing Strategy and Building Plan.

Lead Agency: DHPW

Queensland Housing Strategy

• The Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) and the Department of Housing and Public Works (DHPW) are working collaboratively to deliver key actions and objectives of the Housing Strategy in the following areas:

o 'Missing Middle' housing solutions - utilising the Office of the Queensland Government Architect's 'Density Done Well' project, DHPW is working with category winners and the building industry to demonstrate missing middle design in social and affordable housing developments in SEQ.

o 'Revitalisation of housing precincts'- Economic Development Queensland (EDQ), Property Queensland and individual local governments are supporting DHPW to establish a pipeline of social and affordable housing development within priority local government areas, under the $1.6B Housing Construction and Jobs Program.

o 'Innovative affordable housing solutions' - EDQ and Queensland Treasury are supporting DHPW's investigation into affordable housing approaches with capacity for attracting institutional finance and delivery at scale.

• DSDMIP is supporting DHPW to scope and plan delivery of a number of other Housing Strategy actions aligned to ShapingSEQ implementation. These include:

o introducing an inclusionary requirement on surplus state land redeveloped for a proportion of new dwellings (5 - 25%) to be designated for social and/or affordable housing.

o facilitating private and public delivery of residential dwellings using the planning system, redeveloping underutilised government land and working with local governments to ensure best practice subdivision and design standards, as well as

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5 Delivering better design and housing 2018 Progress Update

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monitoring and facilitating the supply of land where appropriate.

Further Information:

[email protected]


QLD Building Plan

• Work on the Queensland Housing Code (QHC) has been informed by feedback provided during state-wide consultation on the Queensland Building Plan (QBP) as well as support from Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning and the Office of the Queensland Government Architect.

• Updates to all of the QBP proposed reform areas including the QHC can be accessed by registering on the Queensland Building Plan website. Updates will also be provided on the Department of Housing and Public Works website as these reforms are further developed.

Further Information:

[email protected]

6 Continuing the conversation 2018 Progress Update

Purpose Action Priority Status Timing

SEQ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Planning Forum

To enhance the inclusion of Traditional Owner cultural knowledge and connection to land and sea Country in planning for communities and

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) to convene regular Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Planning forums to help inform planning and the delivery of programs in ShapingSEQ and other state planning initiatives.

• The first Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Planning Forum since the release of ShapingSEQ was held in March 2018.

• A second forum is proposed to be held in late 2018.

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7 Keeping SEQ on track 2018 Progress Update

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Measuring our success

To measure land supply, development activity and other ‘measures that matter’.

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) to scope, fund and deliver a monitoring program to support the implementation of ShapingSEQ and future reviews. This will include:

• SEQ Growth Monitoring Program to be produced and reported on annually.

• The first report of the SEQ Growth Monitoring Program to be delivered in 2018.

• Measures that matter to be updated when available (no more than annually). Chapter 5 provides further detail on the above.

Lead Agency: DSDMIP

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• The Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning are developing the Land Supply and Development Monitoring (LSDM) online report and have released the Measures that Matter (MtM) online dashboard as key deliverables of the Growth Monitoring Program (GMP).

• The LSDM online report will provide detailed data and analysis regarding the nature and location of land supply and development across SEQ and is a key input to the delivery of the land supply and development monitoring function for the GMP.

• It is expected that the first LSDM report will be released in late 2018.

• The MtM online dashboard reports on 15 regional indicators aligned to ShapingSEQ’s five themes – Grow, Prosper, Connect, Sustain and Live.

• The MtM online dashboard provides an overview of regional trends at the SEQ and local government level, and contributes to informing future SEQ regional plan reviews. Trends are shown in the context of various aspects of SEQ's natural, economic and social

the sustainable management of cultural and natural resources.

To occur twice yearly.

Lead Agency: DSDMIP

Further Information:

[email protected]

Community conversations

To hold an ongoing conversation with the community about growth and change in SEQ.

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) to work with the SEQ Regional Planning Committee (RPC) and other key stakeholders to discuss opportunities to broaden community awareness about the future of the region based on monitoring, evaluating and reviewing ShapingSEQ.

Lead Agency: DSDMIP


• This action is identified as a medium priority under ShapingSEQ and had not commenced at the time of reporting.

• It is noted that this action is not anticipated to commence until post 2019, recognising the need for sufficient time to draw conclusions based on the monitoring, evaluation and review of ShapingSEQ.

• Delivery of this action is anticipated to occur within the anticipated timeframe.

Further Information:

[email protected]

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7 Keeping SEQ on track 2018 Progress Update

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environment towards an SEQ preferred future for each indicator as required by ShapingSEQ.

• The Housing Supply Expert Panel has been formed and is providing input into the GMP core deliverables, including the development of the LSDM online report.

Further Information:

[email protected]

Small area growth assumptions

To reflect ShapingSEQ’s growth assumptions at the small area level to inform coordinated infrastructure planning in support of ShapingSEQ strategies.

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) to collaborate with Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR), Queensland Treasury and other state agencies, and consult with SEQ local governments and other infrastructure agencies as required to develop small area (infrastructure catchment) growth assumptions consistent with the ShapingSEQ growth assumptions at the LGA level. This advisory tool for coordinated infrastructure planning is to be prepared or updated in association with each new round of state government population, dwelling and employment projections, commencing in 2018.

Lead Agency: DSDMIP

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• The Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning and the Department of Transport and Main Roads have collaborated to develop a methodology for preparing the Small Area Growth Assumptions.

• The Small Area Growth Assumptions project remains a high priority for the Growth Monitoring Program and will be progressed further in 2019.

Further Information:

[email protected]

Big data

To investigate the use of big data to measure and monitor the implementation of ShapingSEQ.

Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) to develop a ‘data in planning’ framework and action strategy for consideration by government agencies and councils. DSDMIP to identify suitable data sets or analytic techniques to develop regular and consistent metrics to monitor implementation. Subject to findings from the above tasks, DSDMIP to investigate options for creating and maintaining a repository

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• This action is identified as a medium priority under ShapingSEQ and had not commenced at the time of reporting.

• Delivery of this action is anticipated to occur within the anticipated timeframe.

Further Information:

[email protected]

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of planning, development and related data for future analysis, monitoring and data mining.

Lead Agency: DSDMIP

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