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Sensing Energy Kenzie Dominguez

2nd periodSeahorse

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Seahorses eat small

shrimp, sometimes

they eat small fish

larvae, plankton or

anything small

enough for them to

swallow. seahorse

uses its snout as a

straw to suck up

tiny animals


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PredatorsA seashores biggest predators they should watch out for are sharks, squids, Tuna, rays and crabs. Seahorse can move its eyes in opposite directions at the same time. So it can look for food with one eye and watch out for predators with the other.

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Where do seahorses live?

The common sea horse lives in the Mediterranean Sea and warm parts of the Atlantic Ocean. The seahorses are also found in tropical and subtropical coastal and reef waters all over the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. Seahorses live in the Intertidal Zone of the Ocean which is also called the Sunlight Zone. They also live in mangrove roots, sea grass beds, mud slopes, open water, coral reefs, eel grass, kelp, and rocks

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Seahorses! Seahorses have some

remarkable adaptations, including hard bony armor on the body, a prehensile tail that can be used for gripping, binocular vision, excellent camouflage and an unusual form of reproduction.

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Facts-Although they are fish, seahorses are not great swimmers. In fact, they Seahorses prefer to rest in one area, sometimes holding on to the same coral or seaweed for days. They beat their fins very quickly, up to 50 times a second, but they do not move quickly.-Seahorses are know as fish now. The seahorse is different from other fish, it has a head like a horse, a tail like a monkey, a pouch like a kangaroo, and the eyes resemble a chameleon's.-•Seahorses differ in color, some are orange, red, yellow, green and even gray.•Zebra stripes and spots are two patterns that seahorses come in.


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Seahorses are very unique for their charastics. They are considered a fish even though they don’t look like one. Seahorses could becoming extinct due to so many threats to the various ecosystems and the animals that live in them that it has become hard to keep track of them all!

The end(:
