  • 8/6/2019 Self Defense for the Individual - Billy Sandow 1919


  • 8/6/2019 Self Defense for the Individual - Billy Sandow 1919


  • 8/6/2019 Self Defense for the Individual - Billy Sandow 1919


    BILLY G. SANDOWPh.Y~GiIIlCllltQre E);Jle~t'; lo(ltru~&Of U. S. AT-IlWMIIn~er ,od Tl 'fIme.r of Bd S!1'an(l.ert' Lewis

    IntroductionIthaa be(tD nt;!e~8~a.ry to revise my book ~I:n-fightir~g for' tbe U. S. Al"my~ wllie1t waspllblig1te~ _ ; I . e 8; i :e:z:t on the slI,1;lject at Oamp' D~~ N. J., in (J~d,Grto h

  • 8/6/2019 Self Defense for the Individual - Billy Sandow 1919


    Hints for Beginners~hH1:y the kyenlge ~lRd -YQtl will ha~re ITO il.iffi.-eultj! in beating yORl' man. This Bll ! !1 the most llaJural mct.ildi+. tl1 nlOst eft'eeti ..e under all eltellmsta:n.~es, am !'equires nospll:e-ial ~epal'atio.n in t-M way of ~}othing.WtJen you ~El ill,s und:el lJ1a1L k~!lE on mOvl"ng 41oTIstantly, thus not onJy pr;!:ventingy ou !' G lP 1! olL ent i ' i"Q'm. ~eeudng a . hold,!, but lilsQ ~nabn~'g yp u in the eban~ nf ,'Po~ti611 ~

    SeC UrE a gO-bd h{fJd on him.G .Q tlfl''Ougll the motions 'I.ipukkly .Ol;nd w,:itb 'V im l Ci)n the deftemdve or .".-::: Be as s.g&,>1;essive a s pO :! !l EU b J. .e ,1 :mn your opportunities fo r Sl, le~.e~s, will be ine~ed.- , TMs sy.ste~:i3 .an. llt; :r.o."I3an~.o f seil~-d;~Tens;e. ~~t~ehin? }"our ~vPOllent asF ' 1 i 1 I l . l 4 k J . y ES possl'bl,ft a,s d Ii!! t~H;l ~d:at p~S'11n.:0n., In a'll wreathn.g a PO~ltlOn. bcl' ll:D.d ill ees-sidered one of g1;"eat a d 1 V Q u ' b , a " g - e1 esp~cialJy a..mong :nigh tl.ass pt 'o: fe '8gittna1s. , There"Me maD.Ymethuds of gettingbehi:n.d; tll{l best: one' is given h~re~ namely~ the go behind O1'~a~"]; certain eOH{litions you. Ca).k @ll"Vcitt aU I;dvemuil'Y's Te$i;sta.n:ee to: ~OW' .()wu go.odends. Fo'!" iTk5tanc;e~ m:1(ltl(:H~e f(Hl wished to turn .him to the tight, f,oree 1rlm to the left'and he, thinking that yo-u are in earnest, wi11 resist, by exerting his strength tQwsl'd l t i ; wright s1d~. N~w yom moment for d~wrmin:e:dj ae:fln:lt~ action h:a~ eome, Your" foe is - mm : aiug in th e V'\:!'l.'y dire'tl.ti1:I1.1 yo g d:ef! i1 'e him to' g'Oj 50" , $wut as :\ :Hal i ln Q! l igh t y6U eha.nmyour tlll; lties and force him tv thE! right. ;Yoill' "p_ff'Wel' will tJtu~ be s'Qpple:tn~nted: by hia own~if you. aT e ql1i~l~,fln he wUl not ]'I,::tV'ehad time to ccn: l1eet his errer,Onee a :small malL ma.s:t~r~ thi$' syst~m .he is no longer dt!;ff:Pis6d~he.force and phY : !l i~ a l s trC ii ng th .

    g I J . : q g useie;$~ly, beClaU$f t ]lec rli(ln< :rir Im Q " uny b1:ows 61" h \ l11 l11; !w1ti(\h would kave Buffi:eed nntilsomerm,,! (~,iI>meto t'he ~lid of QO:J . I lh;e Qthcl' of the a:avcrsNi.,s."~eVc.r use Y@tiu fists, fist h r the least -eiF'tetive'of ; r r& tu- rsJs weapons; it : i is p:rM-tiil-alJ,y im.possible to l~lil.tan elli!my 'hOIS de eembat wlt.h. th e :fist, sini: the m : i.1ita ry el} uip -

    urent ;profec~a th ~ :8,00fa.r p~US~ifWl(l)_ t lL~ most viola1tt hl ,1W on UIl ; : ' ,p.Qi.nt of t~e chin: l l aa nootMl' e~CJt 'thalL Mua.toI tmtt: : ia lg nJ~aru~ Ute ild:n.;!Thws~ tw o 1~a,1'1f,gqtphl p rC }v e eO l lc lu :; ;; j" V el y th a t seJfdff,~1JS!3 is not bomg~ that some,Qithilrt fMm of wmbativa skill is necessany. As IlI'(I~f that wrestH.J1{t, has rOllg been eon-side1'ertl a nliO'l'e esrtarn aDd pra"t,ti:eal form of !1Ielf-deiense let m e q ;l l9 te: :r: rO ;Q l an arti l)l le byHr. : B . } " 1 1 . n.ol1er :~ t l r. j3 llotefi h e;tY .lt"Welg " w re:s ith .3 ;tf, w h ieh .a pp -ef lIed f n t h o l i l N J} w Y ork H e'J;'Iili\)Q . c c t . 10, 1915:

    ~~POI' S'Qmcti'rne t ' h@ u.dhel'cllt.s or bo:,.ti'l1~ appn:lpY' iat f3dl thewerd {m.anll'J ~ rutd ealled'bpxing l tll:.e manly. ad ' Q , f Sllf~ae,f~nBC.' 1\s a' ma;~tel' of tiet fighting i s never jostifieda't~Ft in se1"f:,d,de;n"Se.,"a.s s ,ell-d:efens.e Mlythillg that i~ l l .~ c :es s -a r i !Ln:d1}:re~etivll is m-an ly .~ my Qpi~lfur~'Ii.j ;how~~t~ whe~ -$e];f-il.efe~~e is ne~~$by tti.{]:'e {(Fe ~fhel' metnolls iully ~ll'ta;nly ~iIld mu~b m O J ;O E .: J .i 1 , c et i v E l thIDl hoxing."ThiE s ame flQ~'1l16:r AmeTix:au ehampton wrreatle:r e-hsJ1e::nged J"" j}ss Willara~ following hisviej;.oT)' ever JOJJJlSQll~ to g Q to' the g;ymnasiuJ'fI: with. ~iltl, .and bMo:re a jury of ne.w$pa.~m.en .anil dty (JJli~iah J : . ' l e : t t 1 . ~ f()I; tlll tiru~ thE) q l l E ! - : ' > t i o n (f f which i~ th~ btttter method of_ -sti:Jl-def()~ls.e--l}(l$ 01' WI'~l--$tJ1J[:.g. Wilhq::a ~lid not a ,e,pt the: eh

  • 8/6/2019 Self Defense for the Individual - Billy Sandow 1919


    ::NO.1-THE GO BEHIND ORIGINATED BY RILLY" ~NDQWIt is ' po~sib~~ to ln1Dl>J!t li n ~p..W)~mt.~ l~g; Ity 11:~J;Jkk g : r tn l< fLd t il 'l , :pw_ ' 1 1 1 i l 5 . i- 5 .ii. ~r~U \';ljjJ~(lD

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    No.4-THE GOBEHIND' fhis .]l 'l)j!itiim < s how s the e111mj"!l.~lcOllDf bhe go bo ' l

  • 8/6/2019 Self Defense for the Individual - Billy Sandow 1919


    I])ngtl".lllfs CQrldct positJQn of gn hehind. When tJie lIggteJj!llDr ~~~ik;ell the 0l?PQllefil'i!" 1I.1lkMhoed,el'ill'qys the o,pd

  • 8/6/2019 Self Defense for the Individual - Billy Sandow 1919


    lifo. 8-THE GOBEKIN!)HOQki:og th~~Qg. IY f Ql!Iti fl"lOt behiJ'ld y!;l!.i~ 0ppOll:.ent:~ ankle, kick ; bel(>w tbe ! l a w , A'S.mea(!lg 1 ) 1 dHettse it is lI.lmM~ ilJ.'Jindtlle i!l pmp(!'!'ly pi!ii"fDrmed, A h",r'd. blow 'with th~ flU of : y O U : ! ' lbo'llwill bWQ,k yow 9PpO;nell t' B leg.IfYOll n b !l 'f il ly " "i' $: h to ~hrQW yOUl ' *(lPPl,lJIernt, just, puJl his ankle forw"'l'd and pnsa a; :ai l l .a t h is kneeu,lltll he : t a : U s < bao kw II.rd.

    Page Six

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    NO. I)-FRONT STRANGLE~b the h~a,d. 'I;l;ringin?l,t to]:,'IV'.(!.rd Q.nd OOWD.~ d:d,,~ kn~-e 'into j!\ \Y Imd fl.pJi!l'11 fuji gtl'Ang:_~ hold,iiJi'iving tJl,lJ,Dlb j 'n.t,1i "A~ih r; L App]e... AU~ !i6cl;l!rcing !;'b;aDgJ~ hCIJd. d"llop op[t:onent leD gJ:

  • 8/6/2019 Self Defense for the Individual - Billy Sandow 1919


  • 8/6/2019 Self Defense for the Individual - Billy Sandow 1919


    No. 12-ARM ANcDLBG HOLDIn oMiWning tlli!> hold. both m.Qve~1ltIt~ ar;(! ' 'fit the S ! tl im . ~ t imB . T0 8 lm .nElS th~ lag llCIJi!,sil'ike dQ)V!!l, f.Q~c;iJg ~rm thr01l~1l crotch, then Mntih\le. the arm f(tUo'l"l1l thllQlIgh ttl Qbt"aijn l;lo1d. 1iV:H:hth10 0t!till' hand gra.Q fu~'~I1P'Q1J)~l~t'.s t;t~a,'l' lL,l'm - " " t wri~t ~o ~E'lcn're lJ ' . 'Vera.~:er ~O~ll' Ii!;ad pa~:in.~ updcr ~il>MUJ pd." The {Iwone!ll,tr'i,s Wien Ul.lwS,.b,pn ~(J be 1n:f1Wn aVQt' ~hQl1h'i~'r'll;y ~u;~ng b(!4~' up IlJII'6lIly, u~lngnMk IllId llll.tlk !I'll mllin 1SVilFbtgl'l poil'll '!._ The "vi:lQ]{Imov,emelil't II1ust be eXQllilf!ffd t~J'lld1.'Y to 01;1 !! ' ff '~' 'Vi. e.

    No. 1,3-A.RM UD LEG HOLDWben )"'{Iur m1(p ~B 1:D ttll~ po_Him'! ~1H!WIl, in Ph.til HI' you enn lhrn\'t" him 1cTWar~] to tlu~ FMUlI!'!with. force tllD1,l"h to IIt\ln him 01;'knr;lck lJhn unt.

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    ~eli'e 01~pOl~cnt'~wrist wjtl) :poNt hands, step' in witlh b wck : W ~'~l .1irop:polleri~ tw:lgt aw'ttmil youan1l d r " " , w it O'l'el" !)ho1i!hl~~- Wijth a;!'u'l~ M. !P''\'~J:. Q ! ; ! ! l . 9 ~~.Ew:;iTd ( p H c k l y : , giViElg-l01l.~ h i : p s IH) ' I j 1 , PW I l 1 ; l '< ' l'h'(t~c~ ;!nd: -PllII forward mL thll imp:d.!;Q1'I,e.d :lrat_ Tltp.>dM!!;n~i"e mlio is plnI1ge hell.dlnak oval' 'fOWls l l-ou ,l l l :tl r . -

    WhCi:n you r 4 'o~ ( lb' t3i l l~ t, lH! wa i s t I06k, l'()\t 11lc ,k one! O J? both 01 hii j ~r:mJ;: bE ltw ,e .e " e 1b ow m .nd s h ou~ l' .If only one is lSee~IT .ed, r~i-~e, snQulde1'~ lI,(Rdron t~ tbM !;id~, blli11ging o~p(>nem to the gr~undJ then -othetdi~iLblin~ hold!;L will fo-1l6-, It i J ; l 'V~r;y nee:e8Sl l , l : r UUlt h is ,l !. .I: m s .tie _ g l" a~ pe d Jlclrove l l lb~w QI" hI! c an 'Wo:i:'loo:t , Q < f . the hold.. B~ S"r:~?00l' opPo!l,ent' J! ' feeot are off the l:':t'Dulld tef(l~e yell atwmpt to throw h t - n : ! , tbedeienll'iV'e man is ~hell tlbwwll side" a(F~h Q"Te'l' rh-e hlp of t.h;~ !Ig~r1lsscir.P~'II Te'l)

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    No. IG~Qm~R :f!;I.OClf E 'QIe VIAlST WQlt; rl$x B:tJlINllIf )rou QPPUJHn:rt's hate} is lew. r~!Lch bac;:kll.nd grM:p 1!Ie.liro;!~t(!lO't, pun it up, ~t~a:di;lJe a"lld m onth~ )~g. at 1bf"! S3~

  • 8/6/2019 Self Defense for the Individual - Billy Sandow 1919


    A{.taek Gp,o.nelJt h ( l I J ' J ~r b y ;g~!1&p,ing Q;JlP()n,~mt':;:l~H ~Ilkls ,yitJrt yiJ,wr dgliif; ha.ntl, )1t the, sametime strike him with :1{o:u,r rigbt: sllimM.f:T" and l '"31iSa tile lg' as ,high as :po:ii,~i'bi"@',,h.r~)'w~ng,op~nt O tthis flWe, - -

    . . ,, ,

  • 8/6/2019 Self Defense for the Individual - Billy Sandow 1919


    No. l~~FDLLDW UP FRoMNQ. 18Whe.nt lhe d:eiE.mshl~ In ,&n j,& or1l1(1: ! rhJ j to th f IF ' I )1Lnd ~he ' lt tt ~t .( :: k ~ ~t!lIlI1, '~~"e1 wi;r ;h bis ::r :igM lilt ' and1ibladdl!fs bl'l:l ! I1n t:l t~ near 1M 111 t'fie !lellliD~H nu~,n !ibQ.~ mtB kI:tG~, ,gi~41P~ ~l!~lQ'(lt i!D(t 1'Idses 111"

    (I'Q"e'r the attacili~l" ~ leg, This pJdm;g~~ fie l:t~a1i (If. th0 p: . ThB1~riso:t:led leg s hoo I,d !:>e dl'lIIWII up !IS hig,h as .plY'Ss

  • 8/6/2019 Self Defense for the Individual - Billy Sandow 1919


    NO. 2l-TUEWINO LOCK:WI):~11 Iil'$'!: ~Ml1l.1!g tm -H c;.Hn(!1l,n i& !tllit:E'l..l!atW'~ f'QT JIll' im:oonent 'to rea,eh in tor a . body bold. Thill! t- fi1otd~ an e~e~UIu\~ op}),o1'"t] ,U:lH;y. 1'91: ),101l to .1;Mu~~ 't;he \\\iili~ LQ0k_ S H o p y(J~:r aTIi l (I:1I"~ an~ !Wove" " thet)l lHIW Q f your ~1)"p0ll:e,j j ,tJ~ ~J!twde(F arm and. JL!}rk hlID. tow a rd ;l{ Ju. keepnl~ hIS; 8 0x m pHtn .e d W rOlllfBidfl.

    5(1. '.il~roLLOW Vl" FBO'M:.NP. 21Nmv driv~ tihe l Ia l !Jl of ,y4lUl;' TigM. b"~;nli to hls- emf!, at the ~a.m(! stleppjng in witb yoU' ~footivt1ting on J' ;( lU1t left. N,DWbend fOrwfl!d, fOl'cil'!.g: "Sour "O~:p:onru1; ha~w"iird hl;i1d yout' l$g ;;on, th~ ground MU bend ~he Rp.per "put of bis bQ'UY Qve r yC1ur lnp.1l. With YOlK ba~k. to t.he [email protected]'lhili ~l'm tightlY' !i.J);d i;tOt3eJy tQ you, tho: h.ip~ a~ p~(I,C" well lJ.mle [ ] , 1 ! : h~~ in dropping to jh~ knMll befi)~ the oppcw.e:ut'!> f~~t It!llr.Ve thl;! trolllliLThe, pl'O'po way to eJ[~eute this h.ol%i~, Id'tllr turning' the bat)!; tl)'l'vp~nent throW' ,.our hip b~warn , iOl ' t l1:qg 'the QPpQile'l~ :hQm ~p\l until )ti~ fe~i 11l:a.-vetb,e ~cn,ui(l.. ~n p"l i dQw~ on h1~ l 'i: rJ l. t ~8iiJd act t h , ;> . ,sllme time :pu~Tt v w l El in fl oy bMkW~ l' d li(!rin:st hh f:hHlt fotci:ng ! l im to th'l;! ground.Page. F()1.U+~eil l

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    After tJJ.wwin~ yQur Q~P'l!!ll!:D.t to iJIe ~I'llirnd 'Wi th . m e g'O behhHI. ~M'ee ]iis heg;d li jI.(iI!: ,,,lith I!Il,'r.angl:e.hold, a.t'the ! tune bqttllIlg OppOlie"nt ",j.h YUU!l' he.a.d. II:), a:pplyifig full Er.,ssul'~ on fotl'MiglE;l htiJ d Uis lm~~b]EI for an QIJPQneni}"1obl'elllk biway.

  • 8/6/2019 Self Defense for the Individual - Billy Sandow 1919


    N0,. ~'::\---,BACli lIAMMER.An'l}th~'r mp,t l1,o4 ofwail'djn~ (Iff st~~gb:t l)low OF Kn~~e ~t~Sld1.. 'If .oP:VQ~lRt;l)'F~Ji]}~\i:a.l'{l 1Ii~ tlI~ "l'Hi&l and dm,v'J l '1,vlt l"cf on 1ihe uppeJ' :Jjll,yt af th. Arm. ' the ~!I~nent ean f}g 'hflld!;.ec~l'ell' ",iUI (ltlee:h~llId hr grca.sJling t,bj):sM~t w!~h y(1I1~right hliiul il,(t.e:, IOl'~i~g lib. up t .h~ ba .1lli : . .~l'his Ieaves )'CJ1ttl'" l@fl ~'l'm. :fl'ee to 1tl,l:l' lU'r O!r~pple yo;u;t ' oppc>nent.

  • 8/6/2019 Self Defense for the Individual - Billy Sandow 1919


    Extracts From Communications ofVarious Officers Dealing WithSandow"s System of In-fightingTaught in the U, S. Army

    1"b.eDivi;:;ioll COmmander 1'ully reaJ.iDes tba.t all 0t'gal'J.i:lla.tions are being the pI1ffle1it scliedule. blit that a . Inl!npo&s~smg : a . ipIo'Wledge of'tdefensive mestIing" j so da.n~oua. ,tn a : n eiD~ th=tb thetlme-- gi~n t;o thisinstru.cliOll wtI1 be ~tremely well sp~t.-.~Headqua.t1:ets 87th DivimQn N.attonalA.r:i:n!'. . DiJ;, N. J.t ; r . D J . i 19.. 1.918, BY CO~ OF'M.A.TOR GENERALST~l~ .

    The Sl;l!,aolaf Wrestlfng' a.u'd. l'.ighting oondue~ti by JIfi'. n. o~Sandow .tn t "h isdiVision, was a. deci.!1d sUCdess.-~j 01' G8Ii.el'al StUt'gis til CQ1IIIII_a:ruplg Gene:I%Camp ~l N . T . , . July 16~ 11'118.

    It is my be.l ieftb.a.t this eeurse is ml;lCn more V 'Q< l ua . b ;l e tm an ' boxing. a s anasse t to a .:illan in a . lIaud ta lmJid cQm."ba l i , in wllicb. aJt ruJ.~ of ~~rts~nSh .tp ~laid :e.side.,......n. H. Fanall, J4a.j~ Illfa.nttY~ Y. S ;. A., CfmllD.anding. to' f. lq.1mn0U,!,dj.:ngOfI icer , t ~!'(l Chou.~ MTD MGTC,. Clq..mll, G!l." J...:ov. 16:, 1918.I belJ.en; th'a!t. this work giV.en by MI:. Soa;ndcw is Qf ine.:s~a:lr1e value to '&

    : tE I J W . both ~ in a . : D : d a, t tM: hU ret'Jlnl to ciWl.1tft:.It impa.rts tothe moo a . ~nfident:1:j intheft aibiH~y tp "P1'9~t tMmse - ive i s 9"~ the netBnslv8 fi.Wto put tlietr opponent ont () f bnsiness wh~ Qn.fih~ offl!>~iv;e.-J;o}l.n D. Austin,~ t ) r 7 111f:a.ntQ', U. S. A.~ CmlP HancOCk, Ga, t o Comm:iJ1.d.illg Q , f t i q e J : , Nov. 2i5,191a. '

    The baa~r~ :Mr. R. C. Sandow, 11M j1Wt eQmpleted a. eoitl1:se of insttaetion withthe Oftleel:s of ~ Plittsltln wJttch has proven bf SUM ~eat va.lue, that 't~ CQllt~malling 6enera1, GeIl..eral Stmg:iS, ~s ~onrmended tha.t tt be tau.ght in con-nection with the 800001 for Bayonet Fi~hting, for offi.~ at Ft. Sil l . ; OkJ.a... ThisOOU11'l! ie,n b is opinw~ is m u.ab . ~uperlor to ' J . i l o:xi-ng.Mi. Sandow is an e~ a,t, thm 1 in .e and lris CQ1HSe, Q 'f inStruction M givena .t thj camp, has R'"OVen ~eq vaJuable.-A. B. . Hatr1$l M$jot, Genet.\! SMtftAsshrtmt of Sta.if, 87th D i vDU .~~ . (lamp DiX. N. J." tIl Commanding OfficM,Infantry Behol)l of ~ Ft. S111, Ok:lar., July 23, HIS.

    I ."P."ltinkyou will ~ee wit.h me when I say tha.t too mueh a.-tt.e.n.t1on has beengiven to boxng ",t the Yation& Ca.ID.1'5, tl:ris to th~ ~usiQn ,o f wre:stlillg. I-wWlldS1 1 \ i l l a . t . lm c l i . men' ~ Mr. Sandow a.nii &ther a.uthol' on wrestl~ beU to give Qlstruet10n a .t th:e various 'Camps. Perhaps a seleett!4 elMs ofoi!Leen (1;[' @vllians coUld be tnined and thEm Bent around to teMh :lilliesyatem.-1. ])r~ MaJor. The InUltry BeMal 01 ArIr$. F-or:t Sill) Oklao., to Major W. B.LoughimroOug,fi,. U. S. lry" QemKaJ . s ta f ft W~n, D. C., August 18, 1918: .

    I believe'tht'S 'ooaroo is much mOTe vaJ:na.ble than. boxiIi,g.-General StUl!'~Camp ~ N. J.

  • 8/6/2019 Self Defense for the Individual - Billy Sandow 1919


    Do You Want a Good Physique?Do Yon Want Perfect Health?Do Y.ou Want to Make Life Worth Living?


    PHYSICAL CULTUREC l My years of experience as a professional athleteenab1e me to s(p~ak w itb authoei ty on Scienti tiePhysical Culture,4 1 My course. wilt build yOU' up and give you iii goodmuscular iievelopme:nt. This course wil l broadenyour shoulders. deepen y,:our chest, deyelop yourarms and rene tl:p your liver and every other organof y@ ur b Why pay $5(} to $100 for ~ course oI PhysicalGulture when you can get a fun course for $5JJO?Remember that the $5.00 covers the costin full for my Complete Course ofPHYSICAL CULTURE

    Don't Delay. Writ~ To-day. Send Your Wei_and Measurements


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  • 8/6/2019 Self Defense for the Individual - Billy Sandow 1919

