Page 1: Selected Titles in This Series · 137 F. I. Karpelevich and A. Ya. Kreinin, Heavy traffic limits for multiphase queues, 1994 136 Masayoshi Miyanishi, Algebraic geometry, 1994 135
Page 2: Selected Titles in This Series · 137 F. I. Karpelevich and A. Ya. Kreinin, Heavy traffic limits for multiphase queues, 1994 136 Masayoshi Miyanishi, Algebraic geometry, 1994 135

Selected Title s i n Thi s Serie s

140 Aizi k I . Volpert , Vi ta l y A . Volpert , an d Vladimi r A . Volpert , Travelin g wav e solutions o f paraboli c systems , 199 4

139 I . V . Skrypnik , Method s fo r analysi s o f nonlinea r ellipti c boundar y valu e problems , 1994

138 Yu . P . Razmys lov , Identitie s o f algebra s an d thei r representations , 1994

137 F . I . Karpe lev ic h an d A . Ya . Kreinin , Heav y traffi c limit s fo r multiphas e queues , 199 4

136 Masayosh i Miyanishi , Algebrai c geometry , 1994

135 Masar u Takeuchi , Moder n spherica l functions , 199 4

134 V . V . Prasolov , Problem s an d theorem s i n linea r algebra , 199 4

133 P . I . N a u m k i n an d I . A . Shishmarev , Nonlinea r nonloca l equation s i n th e theor y o f

waves, 199 4

132 H a j i m e Urakawa , Calculu s o f variation s an d harmoni c maps , 199 3

131 V . V . Sharko , Function s o n manifolds : Algebrai c an d topologica l aspects , 199 3

130 V . V . Vershinin , Cobordism s an d spectra l sequences , 199 3

129 M i t s u o Mor imoto , A n introductio n t o Sato' s hyperfunctions , 199 3

128 V . P . Orevkov , Complexit y o f proof s an d thei r transformation s i n axiomati c theories ,


127 F . L . Zak , Tangent s an d secant s o f algebrai c varieties , 199 3

126 M . L . Agranovskff , Invarian t functio n space s o n homogeneou s manifold s o f Li e group s

and applications , 199 3

125 Masayosh i Nagata , Theor y o f commutativ e fields, 199 3

124 Masahis a Adachi , Embedding s an d immersions , 199 3

123 M . A . Akiv i s an d B . A . Rosenfeld , Eli e Carta n (1869-1951) , 199 3

122 Zhan g Guan-Hou , Theor y o f entir e an d meromorphi c functions : deficien t an d

asymptotic value s an d singula r directions , 199 3

121 I . B . Fesenk o an d S . V . Vostokov , Loca l fields an d thei r extensions : A constructiv e

approach, 199 3

120 Takeyuk i Hid a an d Masuyuk i Hitsuda , Gaussia n processes , 199 3

119 M . V . Karase v an d V . P . Maslov , Nonlinea r Poisso n brackets . Geometr y an d

quantization, 199 3

118 Kenkich i Iwasawa , Algebrai c functions , 199 3

117 Bori s Zilber , Uncountabl y categorica l theories , 199 3

116 G . M . Fel 'dman , Arithmeti c o f probabilit y distributions , an d characterizatio n problem s

on abelia n groups , 199 3

115 Nikola i V . Ivanov , Subgroup s o f Teichmiille r modula r groups , 199 2

114 Seiz o l td , Diffusio n equations , 199 2

113 Michai l Zhitomirskii , Typica l singularitie s o f differentia l 1-form s an d Pfaffia n equations ,


112 S . A . Lomov , Introductio n t o th e genera l theor y o f singula r perturbations , 199 2

111 S imo n Gindikin , Tub e domain s an d th e Cauch y problem , 199 2

110 B . V . Shabat , Introductio n t o comple x analysi s Par t II . Function s o f severa l variables ,


109 Isa o Miyadera , Nonlinea r semigroups , 199 2

108 Take o Yokonuma , Tenso r space s an d exterio r algebra , 199 2

107 B . M . Makarov , M . G . Goluzina , A . A . Lodkin , an d A . N . Podkorytov , Selecte d problems i n rea l analysis , 199 2

For a complet e lis t o f t i t le s i n th i s series , visi t th e AMS Bookstor e a t w w w . a m s . o r g / b o o k s t o r e / .

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Travelin g Wav e Solution s o f Paraboli c System s

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V O L U M E I 4 0

Aizik I.Volpert Vitaly A. Volpert Vladimir A. Volpert

Travelin g Wav e Solution s o f Paraboli c System s

A t t E M ^ .

American Mathematical Society Providence, Rhode Island


Page 7: Selected Titles in This Series · 137 F. I. Karpelevich and A. Ya. Kreinin, Heavy traffic limits for multiphase queues, 1994 136 Masayoshi Miyanishi, Algebraic geometry, 1994 135

A. M . BojibnepT , BHT . A . BojitnepT , BJI . A. Boji^nep T

B E r y i U H E BOJIHM , O I I H C b l B A E M b l E n A P A B O J I H H E C K H M H C H C T E M A M H

Translated b y J ame s F . Heyd a fro m a n origina l Russia n manuscr ip t

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. P r imar y 35K55 , 80A30 ; Secondary 92E10 , 80A25 .

ABSTRACT. Travelin g wav e solution s o f parabolic system s describ e a wid e clas s o f phenomena i n combustion physics , chemica l kinetics , biology , an d other natura l sciences . Th e book i s devoted t o the genera l mathematica l theor y of such solutions . Th e authors describ e in detail suc h question s as existence an d stability o f solutions, propertie s o f the spectrum, bifurcation s o f solutions, approac h of solution s o f the Cauchy proble m t o wraves an d systems o f waves. Th e final par t o f the book i s devoted t o application s t o combustion theor y an d chemical kinetics .

The boo k ca n be used b y graduate student s an d researchers specializin g in nonlinear differentia l equations, a s well a s by specialists i n other area s (engineering , chemica l physics , biology) , wher e the theor y o f wave solution s o f parabolic system s ca n be applied .

Library o f Congres s Cataloging- in-Publ icat io n D a t a

Vol'pert, A . I . (Aizi k Isaakovich ) [Begushchie volny , opisyvaemy e parabolicheskim i sistemami . English ] Traveling wav e solution s o f parabolic systems/Aizi k I . Volpert, Vital y A . Volpert, Vladimi r A .

Volpert. p. cm . — (Translation s o f mathematical monographs , ISS N 0065-9282 ; v . 140)

Includes bibliographica l references . ISBN 0-8218-4609- 4 (acid-free ) 1. Differentia l equations , Parabolic . 2 . Differentia l equations , Nonlinear . 3 . Chemica l

kinetics—Mathematical models . I . Volpert, Vital y A. , 1958- . II . Volpert, Vladimi r A. , 1954- . III. Title . IV . Series. QA377.V6413 199 4 515'.353—dc20 94-1651 8

© 199 4 by the American Mathematica l Society . Al l rights reserved . The America n Mathematica l Societ y retain s al l right s

except thos e grante d t o the United State s Government . Printed i n the United State s o f America .

Reprinted wit h corrections , 200 0 @ Th e paper use d i n this boo k i s acid-free an d falls withi n th e guideline s

established t o ensure permanenc e an d durability . Information o n copying an d reprinting ca n be found i n the back o f this volume .

This volum e wa s typeset b y the author usin g A\zfS-T^, the America n Mathematica l Society' s T j X macro system . Visit th e AMS home pag e a t URL : /

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Preface x i

INTRODUCTION. Travelin g Wave s Describe d b y Paraboli c System s 1 § 1. Classificatio n o f waves 2 §2. Existenc e o f waves 1 1 §3. Stabilit y o f waves 1 6 §4. Wav e propagatio n spee d 2 2 §5. Bifurcation s o f waves 2 3 §6. Travelin g waves i n physics , chemistry , an d biolog y 3 2


CHAPTER 1 . Scala r Equatio n 3 9 §1. Introductio n 3 9 §2. Functional s CJ * and u* 4 5 §3. Wave s an d system s o f waves 5 1 §4. Propertie s o f solutions o f paraboli c equation s 7 2 §5. Approac h t o wave s an d system s o f waves 8 5 §6. Supplemen t (Addition s an d bibliographi c commentaries ) 11 1

CHAPTER 2 . Leray-Schaude r Degre e 12 1 §1. Introduction . Formulatio n o f results 12 1 §2. Estimat e o f linea r operator s fro m below 12 8 §3. Functiona l c(u) an d operato r A(u) 13 4 §4. Leray-Schaude r degre e 13 8 §5. Linearize d operato r 14 1 §6. Inde x o f a stationary poin t 14 4 §7. Supplement . Leray-Schaude r degre e i n th e multidimensiona l case 14 9

CHAPTER 3 . Existenc e o f Waves 15 3 §1. Introduction . Formulatio n o f results 15 3 §2. A prior i estimate s 15 9 §3. Existenc e o f monotone wave s 17 3 §4. Monoton e system s 17 6 §5. Supplemen t an d bibliographi c commentarie s 18 3

CHAPTER 4 . Structur e o f th e Spectru m 18 7 §1. Ellipti c problem s wit h a paramete r 18 9 §2. Continuou s spectru m 19 2 §3. Structur e o f the spectru m 19 8

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viii C O N T E N T S

§4. Example s 20 8 §5. Spectru m o f monotone system s 21 2

CHAPTER 5 . Stabilit y an d Approac h t o a Wav e 21 7 §1. Stabilit y wit h shif t an d it s connectio n wit h th e spectru m 21 8 §2. Stabilit y o f planar wave s to spatia l perturbation s 22 5 §3. Condition s o f instability 23 7 §4. Stabilit y o f waves for monoton e system s 23 8 §5. O n th e solution s o f nonstationary problem s 24 2 §6. Approac h t o a monotone wav e 25 0 §7. Minima x representatio n o f the spee d 25 4


CHAPTER 6 . Bifurcatio n o f Nonstationary Mode s o f Wave Propagatio n 25 9 §1. Statemen t o f the proble m 25 9 §2. Representatio n o f solution s i n serie s form . Stabilit y o f solutions 26 3 §3. Example s 26 8

CHAPTER 7 . Mathematica l Proof s 27 3 §1. Statemen t o f the proble m an d linea r analysi s 27 3 §2. Genera l representatio n o f solutions o f the nonlinea r problem . Existence o f solutions 28 5 §3. Stabilit y o f branching-of f solution s 29 5


CHAPTER 8 . Wave s i n Chemica l Kinetic s 29 9 §1. Equation s o f chemica l kinetic s 29 9 §2. Monoton e system s 30 6 §3. Existenc e an d stabilit y o f waves 31 2 §4. Branchin g chai n reaction s 31 6 §5. Othe r mode l system s 33 3

Bibliographic commentarie s 33 5

CHAPTER 9 . Combustio n Wave s with Comple x Kinetic s 33 7 §1. Introductio n 33 7 §2. Existenc e o f wave s fo r kineti c system s wit h irreversibl e reactions 33 8 §3. Stabilit y o f a wav e i n th e cas e o f equalit y o f transpor t coefficients 36 2 §4. Example s 36 6

Bibliographic commentarie s 37 5

CHAPTER 10 . Estimate s an d Asymptotic s o f the Spee d o f Combustio n Waves 37 7

§1. Estimate s fo r th e spee d o f a combustio n wav e in a condense d medium 37 7 §2. Estimate s fo r th e spee d o f a ga s combustion wav e 39 2 §3. Determinatio n o f asymptotic s o f the spee d b y th e metho d o f successive approximation s 40 0

Bibliographic commentarie s 40 9

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SUPPLEMENT. Asymptoti c an d Approximat e Analytica l Method s i n Combustion Problem s 41 1

§1. Narro w reactio n zon e method . Spee d o f a stationar y combustion wav e 41 1 §2. Stabilit y o f a stationar y combustio n wav e 41 5 §3. Nonadiabati c combustio n 41 6 §4. Stag e combustio n 41 8 §5. Transformation s i n a combustio n wav e 42 3 §6. Applicatio n o f the method s o f bifurcation theor y t o th e stud y of nonstationar y mode s o f propagation o f combustion wave s 42 6 §7. Survey s an d monograph s 43 1

Bibliography 433

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The theor y o f travelin g wav e solution s o f paraboli c equation s i s on e o f th e fast developin g area s o f moder n mathematics . Th e histor y o f thi s theor y begin s with th e famou s mathematica l wor k b y Kolmogorov , Petrovskii , an d Piskuno v and wit h work s i n chemica l physics , th e bes t know Tn amon g the m b y Zel'dovic h and Frank-Kamenetski i i n combustio n theor y an d b y Semenov , wh o discovere d branching chai n flames .

Traveling wav e solution s ar e solution s o f specia l type . The y ca n b e usuall y characterized a s solution s invarian t wit h respec t t o translatio n i n space . Th e existence o f travelin g wave s appear s t o b e ver y commo n i n nonlinea r equations , and, i n addition , the y ofte n determin e th e behavio r o f the solutions of Cauchy-typ e problems.

From th e physica l poin t o f view , travelin g wave s usuall y describ e transitio n processes. Transitio n fro m on e equilibriu m t o anothe r i s a typica l case , althoug h more complicate d situation s ca n arise . Thes e transitio n processe s usuall y "forget " their initia l condition s an d reflec t th e propertie s o f the mediu m itself .

Among th e basi c question s i n th e theor y o f travelin g wave s w e mentio n th e problem o f wav e existence , stabilit y o f wave s wit h respec t t o smal l perturbation s and global stability, bifurcations o f waves, determination of w ave speed, and system s of waves (or wave trains). Th e case of a scalar equation has been rather wel l studied, basically due to applicabilit y o f comparison theorem s o f a special kind fo r paraboli c equations an d o f phas e spac e analysi s fo r th e ordinar y differentia l equations . Fo r systems o f equations , compariso n theorem s o f thi s kin d are , i n general , no t appli F cable, an d th e phas e spac e analysi s become s muc h mor e complicated . Thi s i s why systems o f equation s ar e muc h les s understoo d an d requir e ne w approaches . I n this book , som e o f thes e approache s ar e presented , togethe r wit h mor e traditiona l approaches adapte d fo r specifi c classe s o f system s o f equation s an d fo r a mor e complete analysi s o f scalar equations . Fro m ou r poin t o f view, i t i s very importan t that thes e mathematica l result s fin d numerou s applications , firs t an d foremos t i n chemical kinetic s an d combustion . Th e author s understan d tha t th e theor y o f traveling wave s is far fro m bein g complet e an d hop e tha t thi s boo k wil l help i n it s development.

This boo k wa s basicall y writte n whe n th e author s worke d a t th e Institut e o f Chemical Physic s of the Sovie t Academy o f Sciences. Thi s scientific school , create d by N . N . Semenov , Directo r o f the Institut e fo r a lon g time , b y Ya . B . Zeldovich , who worke d there , an d b y othe r outstandin g personalities , ha s a stron g traditio n


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of collaboratio n amon g physicists , chemists , an d mathematicians . Thi s specia l atmosphere ha d a strong influenc e o n the scientifi c interest s o f the author s an d wa s very usefu l t o us . W e would lik e to than k al l our colleague s wit h who m w e worked for man y year s an d withou t who m thi s boo k coul d no t hav e bee n written .

Aizik Volper t Department o f Mathematics , Technion , Haifa , 32000 , Israe l

Vitaly Volper t Universite Lyo n 1 , CNRS, Villeurbanne Cedex , 6962 2 Franc e

Vladimir Volper t Northwestern University , Evanston , Illinoi s 6020 8

June 199 3

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