Page 1: Seeds of Compassion - Ogden Buddhist Church · Greetings from the Ogden BWA … Summer is over and that means Obon has come and gone. The BWA ladies made and sold manju for Obon

FROM HEAVEN TO HELL IN ONE DAY ~ By Annette K., Minister’s Assistant

bon 2015 – The Best Temperature Ever! I even had a hoody on when I first got to

Church; it was only in the low 70’s. Our high was about 84, how can you beat that!

The help all week long had been awesome as well; we got things finished early and

home before 10:00 pm each night. Honest, the best Obon Ever!

The day started with the prep for spam musubi, Mike had the rice cooking and completely under

control. I started cooling the cooked rice and by the time we were ready to start, we had lots of people

ready to get all 450 musubi prepared. We worked like a fine oiled machine and with the lower temperature our moods also seem so much better. At

3:00 I started helping Geoff with the parking lot, a spot often overlooked but we had things under control. It was

now getting a little hotter and the field had a lot of grass hoppers but all in all it was fun. Kris came out to

relieve me with her brother and informed me that the health department had just finished the inspection. A few

problems but nothing we couldn’t fix, again things are going so well.

I saw Ruth cutting chicken and Tonkatsu at the booth and I started to help. Working in the food booth gave me

a great respect for all the volunteers over the years that have worked before me! This is hard work, I though! It

was now getting close to 6:00 and Ruth had to leave to start dressing all the dancers. So I was on my own

cutting the meat, and for the first 20 or 30 minutes it was easy. Then the next batch of chicken came off the grill

and I was cutting as fast as I could to get it in the warmers before it cooled down, and at the same time, cut the

Tonkatsu as it was ordered. I had a blister on my right hand and my back was killing me. At about this time I

noticed Blaine working next to me. He was so happy, cool and seemed just grateful to be alive. I wanted to feel

that good; I had started that way but now my body was giving in to the long time on my feet. Then I also

notice a drink next to his area with an amber color and a lot of ice. . . . . Oh man did that look good. A

few hints later and I had my own drink, but mine was in the “Red Solo Cup” and everyone knows bad

things can happen after a few “Red Solo Cups”. As the night goes on I downed two drinks, but it was

within about two hours. The Tonkatsu sold out and the last of the chicken was off the grill, my cutting was

finished and I felt great!

Now for the best part of the day, Obon Dancing! I cleaned up, put on the Happi Coat Ruth loaned me and out I

went to dance the night away. I ran into my son, Scott and gave him a big hug and confessed I was feeling a

little drunk, he laughed. I started dancing and felt like I was doing such a great job, but for some reason could

not keep on the right foot. I seemed to lose my balance when I went in circles, don’t know why. Oh, I also had

two friends from my work with Wonder Bread Hostess Cake come this year. I’ve worked with them over 30



A publication of the Ogden Buddhist Temple September/October 2015 Issue

155 North Street Ogden, UT 84404 801/392-7132

P.O. Box 3248 Ogden, UT 84409 Temple President: Thomas F.

Supervising Reverend: Rev. Jerry Hirano Minister’s Assistant: Annette K.

Rev. Hirano contact info: Office – 801-363-4742 Annette’s Emergency Contact – 801-791-3777

Home – 801-299-8727

Emergency – 801-819-2648 Minister’s Assistant: Geoffrey R.

NEW Web Site: Minister’s Assistant: James A.

Temple E-mail: [email protected] Junior Minister Assistant: Charles A.

Minister Assistant K.’s Article is continued on the next page.

Page 2: Seeds of Compassion - Ogden Buddhist Church · Greetings from the Ogden BWA … Summer is over and that means Obon has come and gone. The BWA ladies made and sold manju for Obon

years and this was the first time they came to see what Obon was about. When I saw them I ran out into the

audience to give them a big hug. I did have the common sense to not tell them I was little drunk. Both are very

LDS, and I respect them very much and hope I didn’t make a fool of myself this first, and maybe the only time

they come to see me at church. They did excuse themselves shortly after the Taiko played at intermission and

I’ve not talked to either yet. This was the first regret for my actions that night.

As it goes the night came to an end and we closed the 2015 Obon with Gassho and thanks to all who attended,

and please help clean up and put away chairs. I started right in with the chairs and picking up stuff in the

parking lot, after a short time my feet felt like I had cement blocks for shoes. It was getting hard to even walk

around. Then it was moving up my legs and even my arms felt very heavy, it took everything I had to get home

that evening. The rest of the night was spent, as the saying goes, praying to the porcelain King. From the time I

got home until about 3:30 am I was in the bathroom.

Now you may start to think why I would write about this; well after talking with Fran on Sunday afternoon and

telling her about the night, all the people it affected, and the how my actions caused me such pain it was like the

best Dharma Talk. So here comes the lesson.


We are all connected to each other, and when someone is not able to fulfill his/her obligations it will affect

other people. When I woke up Sunday morning I knew I was in no condition to help the Toban Group cook. I

called Ruth and Betty to let them know I was not able to help out. Then I also remembered that I had to set up

the Altar, Chair the service, and help the Hatsubon family members with the candles. So I called Geoff to ask if

he would please take care of the Altar and help the Hatsubon families. I also had to call Mike, as in my

husband, to see if he would Chair the service. It was so hard to let so many people down.


Cause and effect, we are given the free agency to choice our actions and I will tell you now my actions that

night – I chose to take the “red solo cup” drink. I didn’t have to drink, and I could have sipped and only had

one, but no I was hot and thirsty and wanted to feel better. Oh I felt better for about four hours. With every

action you will have a reaction, and believe me, the four hours of feeling “happy” was not worth the next 14

hours of hell.

Four Nobel Truths

The Four Nobel Truths tell us that life is a bumpy road, we are all interdependent, everything is impermanent,

and life is basically good. Let’s see how I did:

Bumpy road, well if my arms around the bathroom toilet is not a bumpy road, I don’t know what is.

Interdependent: I covered that with all the people I let down, we work as a team and it makes a difference when

a team member is not there. Yes everything was taken care of, but I still let people down.

Impermanent, thank goodness. If I had to feel like that another day OMG!

Once the hangover was over, a visit from Ruth and Ralph, and a call from Fran, I will say it gave us all a good

laugh! I was feeling both grateful and happy to be alive. Life is really good.

I have some wonderful people in my life and it is awesome they are so forgiving and can laugh at my bad

choice that night. I will be very careful about my next drink, I could say that I will never drink again, but again

I’m only human.

I’m very sorry to everyone that I let down, and I know it was okay and things did go smoothly, but please

accept this as my apology, after all it is a good article.

In Gassho,


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I hope you are all doing well as this summer comes to an end.

I need to make a huge CORRECTION from my last article. As of the first of June, BCA has collected

$96,000.00 NOT $960,000.00 for the Nepal Relief Fund. This is a huge difference and I sincerely apologize for

this mis-information. Please keep in mind that BCA will continue to take donations.

Thank you for your support of this year’s Obon Odori Festival. The event was very successful and I appreciate

all the help.

Please note that the church has a new web site I want to thank Kristina

Yamada for setting up and maintaining the new web site.

If you can believe this, Bazaar is around the corner, October 10th! We will are starting to organize the major

activities and if contacted by an activities Chairperson, please volunteer some of your time if you’re able. In the

event that you aren’t contacted and would like to help, please contact a board member or myself - your help will

be gratefully appreciated.

In Gassho,

Thomas F.


Greetings from the Ogden BWA …

Summer is over and that means Obon has come and gone. The BWA ladies made and sold

manju for Obon. Thank you ladies and all the extra help we had in making and selling the

manju. Everyone loves this special treat.

I also would like to thank all who helped and supported the BWA with our fundraisers, your

support is appreciated. I would like to thank Jani H. for donating the spaghetti sauce for our

spaghetti dinner fundraiser. It was inadvertently left out of the last GEPPO. Thank you so much

for your generosity!

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the annual food bazaar October 10th where we will be

selling manju and sushi once again. If you would like to learn how to make manju or would just

like to come help, our preparation dates are listed below.

September 13, 2015 – 9:00 am – Yaki Manju

September 19, 2015 – 9:00 am – Fukashi Manju

September 26, 2015 – 9:00 am – Mochi Manju

The next meeting will be Sunday, September 27th, 11:00am.


Tami H.


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Superintendent Message:

It's August and here we are again wrapping up the 2014-2015 year and planning for the 2015-2016 year! I can't

tell you how much it means to me to have the support of the Dharma School families and members of the OBC.

We received several donations for the Dharma School booth at Obon. Thank you, Linda and Geoff R., Georgia

and Max Y., Tomiko S., Kunie O., Ralph and Ruth S., Sherrie K. and the SL Dharma School, and Stacie and

Todd H. Everyone was great to help staff the booth; we really needed the extra help with all of the great items

we had to sell.

"Reflecting on the necessity of change helps us see the perfection of life as it is instead of as it was

or as it should be."

~Richard Carlson, American author and speaker

This quote by Richard Carlson, makes me realize how far we have come and what we have accomplished. The

move to set-up Dharma School Committees has been in place for some time now. Each committee is

responsible for specific Dharma School activities during a two month period.

Month Committee Service/Activity

October/November Justine H. & Robyn H. Bazaar Game Area

December/January Suzan Y.& Stan H. Bodhi Day, Mochi Fund Raiser, Perch at

the Church, Ho’onko Service, and Omigaki

February/March Kris Y. & Betty Y. Ohigan and Keirokai Service

April/May Lorraine S., Ellen K., & Geniel S. Hanamatsuri and Gotan’E/Hatsumairi


June/July Betty Y., Kris Y., & Tami H. Lagoon Day, Dharma School End of Year

Party, Parents Day, Obon

As you can see, we have several activities during the year. If you are ever interested in helping at one of these

events, please let us know.

Dharma School would also like to THANK Alice H. and Marisa A. for playing the piano during our

weekly services. We appreciate their time and talent that they are so willing to share with our


For the past two years we have changed from individual Dharma School classes to a group lesson. Our

Minister’s Assistant, Annette K. gives a 10 minute lesson to the students and parents followed by an activity.

As an observation, I feel we could improve the interactive discussion and activities following Annette's talk.

Last year we had some suggestions for service projects but were unable to work them into our schedule.

On September 20th, we will have our Back-to-School Party beginning at 11:30 am with an activity, 12:00 pm

lunch, followed by the Dharma School Planning Meeting at 12:30 pm. At the planning meeting, we hope to

bring in new innovative ideas and add to the interactive activities to enhance our students understanding of

Buddhism. We welcome your input and invite you to attend. If you are unable to attend and have any

suggestions, please contact me or a committee member.

Thanks for a great year. I'm looking forward to 2015-2016.

In Gassho,

Suzan Y.

Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO September/October 2015 Issue

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Dharma School Donations

Dharma School would like to THANK everybody who donated to the success of our Obon Booth!

Some of you donated items that we could sell, some of you donated your time to work in our booth,

and some of you did both! We could not help our students learn the teachings of Buddhism without

your examples of kindness, generosity, and faith.

Did You Notice Our NEWLY Painted Multipurpose Room?

Thank you to ANDREW K. and his Boy Scout Troop 78! Andrew completed his EAGLE

SCOUT project by raising money and organizing volunteers to paint our Multipurpose Room!

What a difference a coat of paint makes! Our Multipurpose Room looks fantastic! We will let

everybody know when Andrew will receive his Eagle Scout award from the Boy Scouts of



A note of THANKS from Andrew:

Thank you to everyone who came out to help me with my Eagle Scout project. I couldn't have done it without

your help.

We were able to finish the project within the time schedule. The multi-purpose

room looks better now, so we can all enjoy it.


Andrew K.

BSA Troop 78


The Ogden Buddhist Church now has our own Website!

This is a work in progress right now. You will need to type that web address into your browser.

Please take a look and let us know what you would like to see.

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In Memory

The Ogden Buddhist Temple Sangha extends its deepest sympathies

to the families of the following member who recently passed away.

May the family members find solace and comfort in the Nembutsu.

Namo Amida Butsu

Roy Hideo Shiki – July 25, 2015


The Ogden Buddhist Church is VERY fortunate to have generous members that always support

our fund raising efforts! Thank you to the following individuals that made a contribution to

offset some of the costs involved in Obon.

Maya C.

Linda E.

Mas E.

Christy F.

Marcie & Tom F.

Julia F.

Dorothy & Dave H.

Aiko H.

Fran H.

Alice H.

Tami & Stan H.

Ellen & Steve K.

Annette & Mike K.

Brenda K.

LaVerne & Ernie K.

Kunie O.

Shauna R.

Geoff & Linda R.

Ruth S.

Betty S.

Janice & Roland S.

Harry & Alice S.

Geniel & Craig S.

Norma W.

Kris & Steve Y.

Betty & Kirk Y.

Max & Georgia Y.

Toby Y. & Mui T.

Suzan and Blaine Y.

If we have left your name off the list, please contact a board member so we can make that

correction and please accept our apologies.

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Mountain States Conference Nov 6-8, 2015

Moab Valley Inn

711 South Main Street (435) 259-4419 Group Code OBC2015 Room Rate is $110.00 per night Registration fee $15.00 adults and $5.00 children


Golfing: Steve K. - **phone numbers have been omitted for online version** E-mail: [email protected]

Hiking or Driving Tour: This is a hiking and/or driving tour – on our own Kirk Y. - **phone numbers have been omitted for online version** E-mail: [email protected] Afternoon Workshop with Special Guest Speaker Family Activities - Games

Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO September/October 2015 Issue

Mountain States Flyer

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2015 Mountain States District Conference – Information Package

The Ogden Buddhist Church is excited to host the 2015 Mountain States District Conference.

Due to the popularity of the 2011 Mountain States District Conference, we will again hold the

conference in Moab, UT November 6th through the 8th.

In this package you will find the following information:

Tentative Conference agenda

Conference Registration Form

Hotel registration information

Activities registration form

There will be a conference registration fee of $15 per adult (13 years of age and older) and $5

per child (12 years of age and under). Don’t send money, we will collect in Moab.

We hope you’ll be able to attend this year’s conference and perhaps even have extra time to

spend exploring the area.

If you have any questions, please contact any of the following points of contact.

Conference Registration –

Fran H., **phone numbers have been omitted for online version**

E-mail: [email protected]

Hotel Accommodations –

Annette K., **phone numbers have been omitted for online version**

E-mail: [email protected]

Activities –

Steve K. [Golfing] – **phone numbers have been omitted for online version**

E-mail: [email protected]

Kirk Y. [Hiking/Driving Tour] – **phone numbers have been omitted for online version**

E-mail: [email protected]

Please submit your registration information to Fran H. via E-MAIL by October 3rd Do not send money at this time – we will collect the registration fee in Moab

Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO September/October 2015 Issue

Mountain States Information Page

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Mountain States District Conference, 6-8 November 2015, Moab, UT

Conference Agenda (tentative)

Friday, 6 November

3:00pm-6:00pm – Conference Registration (Moab Valley Inn)

Dinner on own Friday evening

7:00pm -8:00pm – Friday Night Service

8:00pm to close – Mixer

Saturday, 7 November

Morning and Early Afternoon (7:00am to 3:00pm) – Organized Activities or Time on

your own

o There are several web-sites such as and that list local attractions – and the hike and

driving tour our committee will put together

4:00 pm – Workshop (Moab Valley Inn Conference Center)

o Guest speaker

6:00 pm – Service with Mountain States organization meetings to follow

7:30 pm – Dinner at Moab Valley Inn Conference Center

Family games

Sunday, 8 November

8:30am to 9:30am - Continental Breakfast in Moab Valley Inn Conference Center

10:00 am - Outdoor service in Arches National Monument (meet in hotel lobby at


12:00 pm - Meeting Conclusion

Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO September/October 2015 Issue

Mountain States Conference Agenda

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Mountain States District Conference

November 6-8, 2015

Moab, UT Registration Form

Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

City: __________________________________ State: _________ Zip Code: _______________

Contact Information (email or phone): ______________________________________________

Temple: ______________________________________________________________________

Please e-mail or mail your completed Conference Registration form and Activities

Registration form (if applicable) by October 3, 2015, to:

Fran H. **address has been omitted for online version** --- PLEASE USE E-MAIL

[email protected]

**Please no money at this time we will take registration fees in Moab.**

**Save paper and stamps and use E-mail.**

Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO September/October 2015 Issue

Mountain States Registration Form

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Mountain States District Conference November 6 - 8th, 2015, Moab, UT -

Hotel Registration Information

The 2015 Mountain States District Conference meeting will be held at the Moab

Valley Inn (711 South Main St.) on Saturday, November 7th, 2015. A block of

rooms have been reserved at this facility for the nights of November 6th (Friday

night) and November 7th (Saturday night). Check-in is 3:00 PM or later / Check-

out is 11:00 AM or earlier.

Please make your own reservations at the Moab Valley Inn on-line at or call the Hotel Reservations Department (435)

259-4419. Provide Group Code OBC2015 to obtain a reduced room rate of $110

per night.

If you have any questions or need any assistance, send an e-mail to Annette Koga

at [email protected] or call (801) 791-3777 (cell).

Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO September/October 2015 Issue

Mountain States Hotel Information

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Mountain States District Conference – Organized Activities (Saturday, Nov. 7 from 7:00am to 3:00pm)

If you’d like to participate in one of the following activities, please sign-up for your desired

activity 1) Moab Driving Tour – Organized by Committee members 2) Hiking Tour – Organized by Committee members 3) Golfing – Moab Golf Club

Cost - $28 for 9-holes with cart. Pay fees at golf course.

Number of


Number of Children

(Child Car Seat) Names of Participants


Driving and

Hiking Tour

Send info to Kirk Yamashita **phone numbers have been omitted for online version**, e-mail: [email protected]

Number of

Players Names of Participants


Send info to Steve Kato **phone numbers have been omitted for online version**,

e-mail: [email protected]

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Mountain States Activity Information

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Bazaar Donation List

Seems like we are always going from one exciting event to the next! Now that we are

recuperated from Obon, it is time for us to gear up for our Annual Bazaar Fund Raiser! This is a

HUGE event that we open to the public so they can come enjoy Japanese food and culture!

Once again, we are asking for donations to offset the costs associated with such a big event. If

you can donate any of the items below, it would be greatly appreciated.

2 - 5 gallon soy sauce

3 large bottles Mirin

1 gallon size bottle rice vinegar (green


1 - 56 oz. can toasted sesame oil

1 large box Dashi no Moto

2 large bags genmai tea

12 regular size or 6 large bottles chicken

Bouillion paste

1 large Yoshida sauce

2- 25 pound bag sugar

6 - 20 pound bags rice

3 - 50 count sushi nori

1 - large (Costco size) ginger powder

1 - large (Costco size) onion powder

1 - gallon can pitted olives

1 - case regular paper towels

Please bring your donated items to the church by September 27, 2015. This will give us time to

purchase any additional items that we may still need.

Bazaar Desserts Area

Our Desserts Area for Bazaar is in need of YOUR fantastic specialty desserts … or desserts that

you purchase are just as good too!

In order to comply with Health Department Regulations,

We are not allowed to accept any Desserts that are made with any type

of cream.

Also, if you are making items to sell in the Dry Goods Area, please bring a list of ingredients that

you used to make your homemade item.

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OHIGAN SERVICE August / September Shotsuki Hoyo*

Sunday, September 27, 2015

1:30 p.m.

Guest Speaker: Rev. Mitsuya Dake

Rev. Dake is Professor of Jodo Shinshu at Ryukoku University in Kyoto,

Japan. His area of study is Intercultural Communications.

The word Higan comes from the Sanskrit word Paramita - "Other Shore." The words "other

shore" refer to the "world of Nirvana." As the name Higan denotes, this is the time to remind

within each and every one of us the Bodhisattva practice of the Six Paramitas of charity,

morality, patience, effort, meditation, and wisdom. It is the means by which one crosses over the

illusory ocean of birth and death to the other shore of Nirvana.

Seminar - "Engaged Buddhism"

Saturday, September 26 - 3:00 p.m.

Salt Lake Buddhist Temple

With Guest Speaker Rev. Mitsuya Dake

October Shotsuki Hoyo*

Sunday, October 4, 2015 1:30 p.m.

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August/September Shotsuki Hoyo September 27, 2015 at 1:30 p.m.

August/September & October Shotsuki Hoyo

Corrections/Additions to the Shotsuki Hoyo list, please contact Ruth Schriock, 801-292-6042

For those years not having a specific memorial service such as 2nd, 4th, 5th, etc. the temple is holding these monthly Shotsuki Hoyo. During

these services, the temple will list the names of those members who have died during the month in the preceding years.

The families then attend that monthly service in memory of their loved one.

These services are not meant to replace the specific memorial services. Please contact Rev. Hirano to make arrangements for those services.

Rev. Hirano contact information:

Office: 363-4742, Home: 299-8727,

Emergency: 819-2648.

2015 Memorial Service Schedule for those who passes away in:

2014 – 1 year 2003 – 13 year 1981 – 33 year

2013 – 3 year 1999 – 17 year 1966 – 50 year

2009 – 7 year 1991 – 25 year 1916 – 100 year

Aug 1 2010 Lily Aoki

Aug 27 2014 Michiyo Michi Aoki

Aug 15 1945 Tome Fujita

Aug 22 2005 Kiyoko M. Hamada

Aug 8 1983 Kazuye Kay Hattori Aug 30 1976 Tama I. Kariya

Aug 15 2007 Dick Hideki Kishimoto

Aug 15 1969 Matsuichi Kurokawa

Aug 27 2010 Mildred N. Miya

Aug 10 1997 Buster Shizuo Miyagishima

Aug 6 1961 Tomoshichi Mochida

Aug 28 1973 Yoichi Sakiyama

Aug 14 1973 Kenzo Shiki Aug 11 1970 Tamegoro Shimizu

Aug 9 1995 Masao Shirazmizu

Aug 6 1971 Joseph Terumi Suekawa

Aug 18 1988 Jiro Joe Sumida

Aug 12 2000 Kenneth Kiyoshi Takamatsu

Aug 5 2005 Isao Yamaguchi Aug 28 1999 Ada Muriko Yonemura

October Shotsuki Hoyo

October 4, 2015 at 1:30 p.m.

Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO September/October 2015 Issue

Sept 25 1980 Otoshichi Endow

Sept 4 1964 Tetsuzo Fujita

Sept 22 1996 Butch Masakazu Higashiyama

Sept 20 1989 Fumiko Horiuchi Sept 2 1966 Tokio Kuroiwa

Sept 6 2000 Yoshiko Miyagishima

Sept 11 1992 Toshi Oda

Sept 26 1978 Run Okawa

Sept 9 1997 Kosuye Okura

Sept 25 1994 Nobuichi Sato

Sept 23 1980 Taeko O. Suekawa

Sept 22 1980 John Y. Taniguchi Sept 17 1961 Taichi Teramoto

Sept 2 1961 Shime Tokifuji Sept 9 1996 Sachiko Sharon Yamamoto

Sept 19 1971 Yasaburo Yamane

Sept 21 1983 Akira William Yokota

Sept 9 1987 Dick Yoshida

Oct 28 2014 Yusako Obayashi Burke

Oct 15 1964 Jintaro Hano

Oct 11 1991 Masao Eugene Higashiyama

Oct 23 1964 Kuichi Hirabayashi

Oct 15 1984 Mack Susumu Hirai Oct 6 2004 George Imaizumi Oct 12 1979 Mary S. Imaizumi Oct 26 1995 Chiyoko Barbara Inouye

Oct 17 2012 Fusaye Nakamura Kano

Oct 5 1991 Tayoko Iriye-Kawaguchi Oct 11 1999 Tom Tadao Kinomoto

Oct 5 1992 Tatsuo Koga

Oct 13 1974 Moju Kosaiku

Oct 13 1969 Rodney Manji Kuroiwa

Oct 29 1979 Yorimoto Murakami Oct 16 1978 Fumi Nakahara

Oct 11 1971 Mary Chiyono Nisogi Oct 22 1959 Sumi Nisogi Oct 14 1964 Chujiro Ono

Oct 30 2000 Joanne (Kano) Petersen

Oct 4 1994 Harry Takeo Sato

Oct 4 1983 Mitsuyo Shiki Oct 15 1975 Royce I. Shiki Oct 2 1962 Tamekichi Takahashi Oct 23 1977 Kome Tawatari Oct 31 2004 Shigeto Tokifuji Oct 14 1965 Yukichi Ukita

Oct 22 1973 Tokutaro Yagi Oct 28 2008 Masaru “Mas” Yamada

Oct 25 1971 Senai Yamaguchi Oct 21 1965 Tsuruyo Yamane

Oct 22 1968 Shikazo Yamashita

Oct 10 1998 Mary S. Yonemura

Oct 19 2003 Tatsuo Kay Yonetani Oct 24 2009 Tokiko Yoshida

Oct 27 2003 Valentine Hisako Yoshinaga

Oct 11 1932 Toshi Yoshitaka

GEPPO – Page 16

Page 17: Seeds of Compassion - Ogden Buddhist Church · Greetings from the Ogden BWA … Summer is over and that means Obon has come and gone. The BWA ladies made and sold manju for Obon

Toban Cleaning Group:

James & Marisa A. (Toban Cleaning Leader)

Charles A.

Max & Georgia Y.

Toby Y. & Mui T.

1 2 10-11:30 am

Buddha’s Roundtable

3 4 5

6 7 8 7:30-9:30 pm

OBC Board


9 10-11:30 am

Buddha’s Roundtable

10 11 12 5:00-9:00 pm

WFN JACL Family Fun Night

Scholarship Fundraiser TACO BAR

13 9:00 am – BWA Yaki Manju Making Salt Lake Dharma School Picnic *Please watch your e-mail for further information.*

14 15 16 10-11:30 am

Buddha’s Roundtable

17 18 19 9:00 am

BWA Fukashi Manju Making

20 11:30 – 1:30 pm – Dharma School Welcome Back Party & Planning Meeting 12:30 – 1:30 pm – Discussion Group 1:30 – 2:30 – Family Service with Revered Hirano

21 22 23 10-11:30 am

Buddha’s Roundtable

24 25 26 9:00 am

BWA Mochi Manju Making

3:00-5:00 pm Rev. Mitsuya Dake Seminar

“Engaged Buddhism”

@ SL Temple

27 12:30 – 1:30 pm – Discussion Group 12:45 – 1:30 pm – Dharma School 1:30 – 2:30 pm – Ohigan Service August & September Shotsuki Hoyo

28 29 30 10-11:30 am

Buddha’s Roundtable

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

September 2015

Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO September/October 2015 Issue

GEPPO – Page 19

Page 18: Seeds of Compassion - Ogden Buddhist Church · Greetings from the Ogden BWA … Summer is over and that means Obon has come and gone. The BWA ladies made and sold manju for Obon

Toban Cleaning Group:

Bazaar Clean-up

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3

4 8:00 am – Yard Clean-up 12:30 – 1:30 pm – Discussion Group 12:45 – 1:30 pm – Dharma School 1:30 pm – Family Service and

October Shotsuki Hoyo

5 6 7

6:00 pm – Bazaar Prep

8 9:00 am – BWA Prep

6:00 pm –

Bazaar Prep

9 8:00 am – BWA Prep

6:00 pm –

Bazaar Prep

10 8:00 am –

Bazaar PREP

3:00 – 7:00 pm BAZAAR

11 Bazaar Clean-up NO Services

12 13 7:30 – 9:30 pm

OBC Board


14 15 16 GEPPO

articles due


18 NO Services

19 20 21 10 – 11:30 am

Buddha’s Roundtable

22 23 24

25 12:30 – 1:30 pm – Discussion Group

NO Services in Ogden

10:00 am – SL Dharma School Halloween Party

26 27 28 10 – 11:30 am

Buddha’s Roundtable

29 30 31

Ogden Buddhist Church GEPPO September/October 2015 Issue

October 2015

GEPPO – Page 20

2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions

Parliament (End)
