Download pptx - Second Life e-learning

Page 1: Second Life e-learning

Second Life e-learning• Because it is a dynamic environment, and there is movement, and you can

manipulate the environment by creating objects, by changing your appearance and by interacting with the other people and the environment itself. And it tends to be more creative.

• you're not forced to engage at looking at someone constantly into a video screen. And so in that sense, it's slightly more relaxing, we found. It also gives a certain sense of privacy which perhaps video-conferencing does not afford. Video-conferencing, you see exactly who you're speaking to, whereas in virtual worlds you only see the other person's avatar.

• felt slightly safer and protected in an environment where they needed to practice a second language

• The 3D dimension and representation of self via an avatar creates a sense of presence which I don't think can be replicated in 2D non-virtual environments. may be speakers of the language, but who are dispersed geographically. It is a way of keeping this community together

Page 2: Second Life e-learning

• Push and Pull What is it? Examples? Issues• Medical video David Pogue new and interesting• Citizen journalism + - ves

Hudson . Fraud opportunities• Flashmob twitter revolution government

monitoring• Camping with neuroscientists

Assisted recall

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Area of impact: Business and employment1. (a) Identify two ways in which PDAs can communicate with computer systems. [2 marks]

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Area of impact: Business and employment1. (a) Identify two ways in which PDAs can communicate with computer systems. [2 marks]Award [1 mark] for a way that is clearly identified up to a maximum of [2 marks].

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Area of impact: Business and employment1. (a) Identify two ways in which PDAs can communicate with computer systems. [2 marks]Award [1 mark] for a way that is clearly identified up to a maximum of [2 marks].Answers may include: WiFi� infrared� interface cables� Bluetooth� a docking device.�Reward other acceptable answers with the approval of your team leader.

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(b) The term “convergence” is used to describe instances where different mobile digitaldevices are combined to produce one new product. Describe two new products wherethe features from different mobile digital devices are combined. [4 marks]

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(b) The term “convergence” is used to describe instances where different mobile digitaldevices are combined to produce one new product. Describe two new products wherethe features from different mobile digital devices are combined. [4 marks]Award [1 mark] for each example of convergence that is clearly identified up to a maximumof [2 marks].Award [1 additional mark] for a description of features used in the convergence to amaximum of [2 additional marks].

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(b) The term “convergence” is used to describe instances where different mobile digitaldevices are combined to produce one new product. Describe two new products wherethe features from different mobile digital devices are combined. [4 marks]Award [1 mark] for each example of convergence that is clearly identified up to a maximumof [2 marks].Award [1 additional mark] for a description of features used in the convergence to amaximum of [2 additional marks].Answers may include: • New mobile phones created from the convergence of current mobile phone technologyand PDAs [1 mark] plus description/examples (e.g. features such as address books, diaryand games from PDAs are included in the mobile phone) [1 additional mark].• New cameras created from current digital camera technology and the communicationscapabilities from mobile phones [1 mark] plus description/examples (e.g. allows the userto take high quality photographs and send via MMS, email attachment or upload the file toa server) [1 additional mark].• New laptop with mobile phone capabilities combined with laptop capabilities [1 mark]plus description/examples (e.g. user can utilise all features of computer and communicatevia microphone/speaker or via Internet using mobile phone technology)[1 additional mark].• New mobile phones created from the convergence of current mobile phone technologyand music players [1 mark] plus description/examples (e.g it is now possible to store andplay your favourite music as well as calling friends on the phone) [1 additional mark].• New cameras created from current digital camera technology plus mp3 players [1 mark]plus description/examples (e.g. now it is possible to take photos and store and play yourfavourite music using the one device) [1 additional mark].

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(b) The term “convergence” is used to describe instances where different mobile digitaldevices are combined to produce one new product. Describe two new products wherethe features from different mobile digital devices are combined. [4 marks]Award [1 mark] for each example of convergence that is clearly identified up to a maximumof [2 marks].Award [1 additional mark] for a description of features used in the convergence to amaximum of [2 additional marks].Answers may include: • New mobile phones created from the convergence of current mobile phone technologyand PDAs [1 mark] plus description/examples (e.g. features such as address books, diaryand games from PDAs are included in the mobile phone) [1 additional mark].• New cameras created from current digital camera technology and the communicationscapabilities from mobile phones [1 mark] plus description/examples (e.g. allows the userto take high quality photographs and send via MMS, email attachment or upload the file toa server) [1 additional mark].• New laptop with mobile phone capabilities combined with laptop capabilities [1 mark]plus description/examples (e.g. user can utilise all features of computer and communicatevia microphone/speaker or via Internet using mobile phone technology)[1 additional mark].• New mobile phones created from the convergence of current mobile phone technologyand music players [1 mark] plus description/examples (e.g it is now possible to store andplay your favourite music as well as calling friends on the phone) [1 additional mark].• New cameras created from current digital camera technology plus mp3 players [1 mark]plus description/examples (e.g. now it is possible to take photos and store and play yourfavourite music using the one device) [1 additional mark].

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(c) Some people think that PDAs will eliminate the need for people to use laptop computers.Examine this argument. [4 marks]

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(c) Some people think that PDAs will eliminate the need for people to use laptop computers.Examine this argument. [4 marks]Award [1 mark] for identifying an issue/situation.Award [1 additional mark] for a description of the issue/situation.OrAward up to [2 marks] for identifying more than one issue/situation (as the question does notspecify how many issues).Award up to [2 additional marks] for some critical analysis (advantages/disadvantages,reasons to agree or disagree with the argument).

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(c) Some people think that PDAs will eliminate the need for people to use laptop computers.Examine this argument. [4 marks]Award [1 mark] for identifying an issue/situation.Award [1 additional mark] for a description of the issue/situation.OrAward up to [2 marks] for identifying more than one issue/situation (as the question does notspecify how many issues).Award up to [2 additional marks] for some critical analysis (advantages/disadvantages,reasons to agree or disagree with the argument).Answers may include:• The increase in the technology in PDAs in the future will allow software that is normallyon laptop computers to be included in PDAs making the need for laptop computersunnecessary [1 mark] plus description (e.g. these features include email and Internetaccess/software packages including word processing, spreadsheets and slideshows)[1 mark]. Advantages e.g. PDAs are more portable and affordable than laptops. [1 mark]Disadvantages e.g. the small screen size makes viewing websites/word processing difficult[1 mark].• The input capabilities of PDAs will eliminate the need for a keyboard for enteringinformation [1 mark] plus description (e.g. advances in speech recognition andhandwriting recognition systems will reduce the need for laptop computers or reduce thelaptop to a PDA) [1 mark]. Advantages e.g. PDAs are smaller and portable[1 mark] but limitations e.g. speech recognition and handwriting recognition require usertraining [1 mark].

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(c) Some people think that PDAs will eliminate the need for people to use laptop computers.Examine this argument. [4 marks]Award [1 mark] for identifying an issue/situation.Award [1 additional mark] for a description of the issue/situation.OrAward up to [2 marks] for identifying more than one issue/situation (as the question does notspecify how many issues).Award up to [2 additional marks] for some critical analysis (advantages/disadvantages,reasons to agree or disagree with the argument).Answers may include:• The increase in the technology in PDAs in the future will allow software that is normallyon laptop computers to be included in PDAs making the need for laptop computersunnecessary [1 mark] plus description (e.g. these features include email and Internetaccess/software packages including word processing, spreadsheets and slideshows)[1 mark]. Advantages e.g. PDAs are more portable and affordable than laptops. [1 mark]Disadvantages e.g. the small screen size makes viewing websites/word processing difficult[1 mark].• The input capabilities of PDAs will eliminate the need for a keyboard for enteringinformation [1 mark] plus description (e.g. advances in speech recognition andhandwriting recognition systems will reduce the need for laptop computers or reduce thelaptop to a PDA) [1 mark]. Advantages e.g. PDAs are smaller and portable[1 mark] but limitations e.g. speech recognition and handwriting recognition require usertraining [1 mark].

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• All work files will be stored on company servers with PDAs having quick remote access[1 mark] plus description (e.g. this is due to advances in technology such asInternet/increased bandwidth/PDA technologies) [1 mark]. Advantages e.g. theportability for workers/travellers [1 mark] compared with carrying a laptop which iscumbersome for travellers/labourers [1 mark].• PDAs will have increased speed, memory and storage capabilities that will enable them toperform the same functions as laptop computers [1 mark] plus description (e.g. advancesin sound, imaging and video capabilities on PDAs) [1 mark]. Advantages e.g. this is a bigcost saving with similar functionality at a lower price [1 mark]. Disadvantages are screensize which limits viewing images and video [1 mark].• It is unlikely that PDAs will eliminate laptops. PDAs have the basic software of a laptopand can act as an organiser [1 mark] however it does not have the functionality to runlarge graphics applications e.g. Adobe Flash [1 mark]. There is also the fact that thescreen of the PDA is small and it has a touch screen for input rather than a keyboard [1mark]. Unlike a laptop the small screen and lack of keyboard can result in the userworking in a hunched up position and this could lead to bad ergonomics and RSI [1mark].• PDAs are preferred by many people due to their small size and portability [1 mark].Mobile workers can easily carry them around in their pocket or handbag whereas laptopsare much heavier more bulky [1 mark].

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• All work files will be stored on company servers with PDAs having quick remote access[1 mark] plus description (e.g. this is due to advances in technology such asInternet/increased bandwidth/PDA technologies) [1 mark]. Advantages e.g. theportability for workers/travellers [1 mark] compared with carrying a laptop which iscumbersome for travellers/labourers [1 mark].• PDAs will have increased speed, memory and storage capabilities that will enable them toperform the same functions as laptop computers [1 mark] plus description (e.g. advancesin sound, imaging and video capabilities on PDAs) [1 mark]. Advantages e.g. this is a bigcost saving with similar functionality at a lower price [1 mark]. Disadvantages are screensize which limits viewing images and video [1 mark].• It is unlikely that PDAs will eliminate laptops. PDAs have the basic software of a laptopand can act as an organiser [1 mark] however it does not have the functionality to runlarge graphics applications e.g. Adobe Flash [1 mark]. There is also the fact that thescreen of the PDA is small and it has a touch screen for input rather than a keyboard [1mark]. Unlike a laptop the small screen and lack of keyboard can result in the userworking in a hunched up position and this could lead to bad ergonomics and RSI [1mark].• PDAs are preferred by many people due to their small size and portability [1 mark].Mobile workers can easily carry them around in their pocket or handbag whereas laptopsare much heavier more bulky [1 mark].

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(d) Discuss the advantages of multi function PDA equipment to businesses and theiremployees. Evaluate these advantages. [10 marks]

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(d) Discuss the advantages of multi function PDA equipment to businesses and theiremployees. Evaluate these advantages. [10 marks]Award up to [4 marks] for each advantage discussed [up to a maximum of 8 marks]- identify [1 mark]- description/example [1 mark]- expansion/new level [1 mark]- opinion/argument/adv/disadv [1 mark]Therefore:2 advantages fully discussed would score [8 marks].3 advantages would probably not each be fully discussed but could total [8 marks].Award up to [3 marks] for evaluation.Award a maximum of [10 marks].

Evaluation or weighing up of arguments may include:• evaluation of the impact of each advantage on the stakeholders• comparisons between advantages (apportioning priority)• short term and long term comparisons and evaluation• long range impact of the advantages and evaluation• an appraisal based on the arguments.

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• There is a cost saving for the business as PDAs are cheaper than computers. Computersare expensive and maintenance costs can be high but PDAs are relatively inexpensive withlow maintenance. There is a further cost saving as a PDA can include camera/phone sothere is no need to buy separate items.• PDAs are quite easy to use so less training would be required. This is a cost saving to theemployer. Employees can also take them home to become familiar with their functions.This of course can infringe on family time and result in expectations of after hours work.• In service industries PDAs can provide improved customer service. In a restaurant anorder can be sent by wireless technology to the kitchen faster than a waiter can walk there.There are likely to be fewer errors with orders which can easily occur in a paper basedrestaurant system.• A multi-function PDA offers the convenience for the employee who has multiplefunctions within the one piece of equipment. This provides portable, anywhere/anytimeaccess to phone/camera/PDA. Of course if the device is lost it means the employee losesaccess to all these services.

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• There is a cost saving for the business as PDAs are cheaper than computers. Computersare expensive and maintenance costs can be high but PDAs are relatively inexpensive withlow maintenance. There is a further cost saving as a PDA can include camera/phone sothere is no need to buy separate items.• PDAs are quite easy to use so less training would be required. This is a cost saving to theemployer. Employees can also take them home to become familiar with their functions.This of course can infringe on family time and result in expectations of after hours work.• In service industries PDAs can provide improved customer service. In a restaurant anorder can be sent by wireless technology to the kitchen faster than a waiter can walk there.There are likely to be fewer errors with orders which can easily occur in a paper basedrestaurant system.• A multi-function PDA offers the convenience for the employee who has multiplefunctions within the one piece of equipment. This provides portable, anywhere/anytimeaccess to phone/camera/PDA. Of course if the device is lost it means the employee losesaccess to all these services.

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Answers may include:• Employees are constantly available via mobile to the employer. Companies can expectemployees to be contactable whenever they are out of the office, easy to keep employeesinformed of current developments within the company. There is no danger of missed callsfrom prospective clients, employees can conduct business at anytime anywhere.• Employees can use using photographic capabilities of mobile digital devices to relayimages back to the company. Employees can immediately take photos relevant to adevelopment and send them to the company. The immediate access to images mayfacilitate the understanding in a phone conversation to someone in the company, providecompany advantage in a business situation.• Employees can synchronize their time planner with the company time planner.Employees can frequently update their calendar with the company time planner so thattime schedules for employees are available to everyone in the company. The availabilityof persons for particular jobs is always accessible, increases productivity within thecompany.

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Answers may include:• Employees are constantly available via mobile to the employer. Companies can expectemployees to be contactable whenever they are out of the office, easy to keep employeesinformed of current developments within the company. There is no danger of missed callsfrom prospective clients, employees can conduct business at anytime anywhere.• Employees can use using photographic capabilities of mobile digital devices to relayimages back to the company. Employees can immediately take photos relevant to adevelopment and send them to the company. The immediate access to images mayfacilitate the understanding in a phone conversation to someone in the company, providecompany advantage in a business situation.• Employees can synchronize their time planner with the company time planner.Employees can frequently update their calendar with the company time planner so thattime schedules for employees are available to everyone in the company. The availabilityof persons for particular jobs is always accessible, increases productivity within thecompany.