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Page 1: Seansee

Be able to communicate about media production

in discussions Task 1: Name _____

Page 2: Seansee

Verbal Communication

Verbal communication is when you are using your voice to communicate instead your body language . You can show your emotion through your voice and people can tell if you are concerting or not .people can tell if you are being serious or not through you words you use if you use informal words they can tell you are not being serious, if you use formal language you can tell you are being serious about something are paying attention

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Non Verbal Communication

This is where you communicate through body language if your slouching then it shows you don't care and don't want to be there ,but if your body isn't slouched they can tell you are paying attention and are listening to what they have to say. But non verbal isn't speaking

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Newspaper challenge

5 minuets planning speaking how we were doing to make the tower

20 minuets working but we weren't allowed to speak at all if we did we got a penalty

It was easy at the start and at the end we panicked so we broke are tower.

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Good Group Communication Skills

Doing research before you pitch your idea to the group

Listen to what people have to say

Go in a place where there is no background noise

Take everyone's ideas into consideration.

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Consequences of poor communication skills

Group doesn't get any work done

Non body gets along

Group doesn't listen to each other

There is no concentration

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Discussion Guide:


Good environment helps the group to get better results because there is no background noise so the group can here each other more clearly and everyone's ideas get listened to.

Supporting Resources

If you have research you can back it up by having hand out and PowerPoint to remember what you researched and to prove you have done.

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Discussion Ground Rules Resources:


A list of thing that you discuss that you want to make people aware of if people aren't aware of the agenda it means that you have a bigger chance of getting sidetracked.


There has to be enough time to make sure you cover everything and be able t0 complete it in the time given. If it takes to long and goes over the time limit it means you had to much to cover on the agenda

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Discussion Ground Rules:

Ground rules are where everyone agrees on the rules given and It makes people less likely to become upset about

Listen to everybody Honor time limits

Participate fully

Be open to new ideas

Turn walkie talkies off

Be addictive not repetitive

No swearing

No phones

Everyone has a chance to speak

No being lazy

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Interacting with others: The Soler theory

S: Face squarely; by doing this it shows that a service provider is involved with their client. Egan states " the bodily direction you adopt shows the message that you are involved with the client"

O: Keep an open posture:

Keeping an open posture means not crossing arms and legs as this sends a message that you are not involved or really interested in the person talking to you. Egan believed "open posture is generally seen as non-defensive".

L: Lean: by leaning forward when a person is talking to you, it shows that you are involved and listening to what the person has to say.

E: Use good eye contact-having good eye contact with a client shows that you are listening and that you are not distracted. It shows you are involved because you are focusing on the person you are talking to.

R: Be relaxed: it is important to keep still and not move about when a person is talking to you.

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Social Media Group Debate

1. You must decide upon an opening statement. This should state your opinion, position and the arguments you will be proposing.

Opening statement:

Social media is a bad because it has a high rate of racism and discriminating certain people

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Questioning Your Opponent

2. You should have at least 10 questions that can be asked of your opponent. These should be on separate sheets of paper or on note cards for easy reference. The questions should be specifically directed to your opponent and should be concise and clear.   1. do you think social media is racist and discriminating 2. how long do you think its happening for 3. do you think black people are discriminated more than white people 4. how can we stop it         

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Answering Debate Questions

3. You should have answers prepared which will be used to respond to your opponent’s questions. Imagine that you are from the other team and determine what questions may be asked of your team.           

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4. You should have a final conclusive argument/statement drawn up which will be proposed at the end of your debate.

When you have determined who will be responsible for each portion of your team's debate, it is up to you to prepare yourself for the challenge that lies ahead. Only one team will win this debate. The winning team will: Have a solid background regarding all material. Have plenty of evidence to back up claims. Be creative/psyche out opponents. Outclass opponents/never give an answer of "uh...."