Page 1: Se entiende por medio ambiente al entorno que afecta y condiciona especialmente las circunstancias de vida de las personas o la sociedad en su conjunto


Environment means the context that affects and influences the lives of people and

society in general. Includes all natural, social and cultural values of a place and a

particular time that influence the human life and future generations. That is, it is not

just the space in which life unfolds but also encompasses living beings, objects,

water, soil, air, and the relationships between them. The environment is the set of

all living things around us. From the nature we get water, food, fuel and raw

materials used to manufacture the things we use daily. Human beings are abusing

and misusing the natural resources that we get from environment and therefore we

are depleting and endangering the planet. The air and water are polluted, the

forests are disappearing due to fires and excessive exploitation the animals are

becoming extinct by excessive hunting and fishing.

For this reason, we must seek to achieve "the sustainable development". This

concept means the fuller development of the towns without endangering the

environment. This requires promote environmental activities and create awareness

among the population about the importance of preserving our planet. Every day

many more people become aware about our planet and the importance of change

our mentality by a more environmentalist. Not everyone cares, but we know that

the planet needs our help and nothing better than learning how to plant a tree so

that our environment to be much healthier. People will wonder why plant a tree or

what benefits it brings to us and our planet. The CO2-carbon dioxide-is one of the

worst greenhouse gases which must fight every day our earth and trees are

responsible for taking the gas and somehow turn it into Oxygen which is what we

all need to live. In addition we know that in many parts of the world are cut down a

lot of trees giving consequently the extinction of many species of animals, which is

not at all good. So if we want to contribute to our environment, the best we can do

is plant a tree to help even a little. The environment is important to everyone's life,

so we must take care and conserve it for the good of ourselves and all living beings

on our planet. Causes such as destruction of the ozone layer, water pollution,

carbon dioxide, acidification, soil erosion, chlorinated hydrocarbons and other

sources of contamination as the oil spills are destroying our planet, but the "cause

that produces the other causes "ourselves. There are people who do not mind to

throw a can on the street or a piece of paper or anything else, knowing that they

are polluting the environment, the right thing would be to put the trash or the waste

in the trashcan or take it to the nearest trash that is in street, with respect to air

pollution the drivers should find a way that the vehicle does not create as much

carbon dioxide, which is totally harmful as well as the acids used for plants,

insecticides and also other chemical sprays, for ozone layer which is very

important for us because it protects us from the sun's ultraviolet rays.
