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Script – Film Opening

Narrator – (character1 in the scene talking) voice over

There I am, attempting to cope again after another day. I bath silently barely moving letting my suppressed emotions seep into the water.

I’m not the type of person to talk about myself, whenever somebody asks ‘How are you’ straight away my thoughts are “You don’t actually care” so I always say I’m fine.

Its obvious, come on just look at them eyes the person behind them is just so lost.

There isn’t any trust or confidence to accept anybody as a friend.

Character begins tearing up, almost silent but the expression is poignant head rolls from one side to another, 180 shot.

Spoken by character, desperately.

I don’t want to… I don’t.. ‘Unclear mumbling from tears’

Eyes slowly shut – distortion and noise – cut

Character2 on hospital bed in pain

what’s happening, what’s happening to me.

Black out with character voiceover saying ‘I’m sorry’

Titles fade in

fade out

Character two shot of walking into playground for a second just to give the sense that there is a film.