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Term 3 – Week 5 Edition No 12 10 August 2016

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KEY DATES Please regularly check the Community Calendar on the CSPS Website or via tiqbiz for all other Key dates

Some Key dates coming up… Friday August 12 House Athletics (Please Note: No School Assembly today) Sunday August 14 Working Bee – Year 3: – 1pm Tuesday August 16 ICAS Mathematics Test Monday August 22 Secondhand Uniform Shop open: 8.30 – 9.10am Wednesday August 24 SCHOOL CONCERT Robert Blackwood Hall – 7pm Wednesday August 31 School Council Meeting: 6.15pm – 2015 Annual Report to School Community Thursday September 1 Father’s Day / Special Person’s Day Stall Graduation Photo Friday September 2 Father’s Day / Special Person’s Day Breakfast Book Character Parade Monday September 5 – Wednesday September 7 Year 4 Camp Thursday September 15 Year 2 Sleepover Friday September 16 LAST DAY TERM 3 – 2.30pm Finish

Saturday October 22 Trivia Night

ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Firstly, a warm thank you for all the lovely welcome backs on my return from leave. It is always heartening to feel part of a close knit community and to be noticeably missed. I have been most fortunate to have had the opportunity to spend time with my daughter and new grandson.

Real Schools- Parent Information Night; Adam Voigt On Tuesday, Adam Voigt, professional learning consultant, spent the day in classrooms working with a number of our teachers and students. He addressed areas such as on task behaviours, problem solving skills, questioning students to elicit greater insights into their understanding, increasing student voice, as well as relationships and resilience. Staff who were available observed the teaching lessons and we then reflected on the day’s sessions at a whole school staff meeting. The professional discussions surrounding student behaviours and wellbeing have greatly assisted staff to build on their Restorative Practices strategies. The Parent Evening session was extremely well received by the parents and staff who attended. Adam discussed the importance of building a successful school culture, behaviour management being one of them. Gaining meaningful student-teacher-parent relationships contributes to improved student learning outcomes and overall school performance. Parents can access the Real Schools member’s page using the school login details below: username: caulfieldsps password: caulfieldsps

School Disco Well, last Saturday the hall was abuzz with very energetic children out for an evening of fun and entertainment with their friends. The new DJ, Joel Kuper, from DJK Entertainment, knew what the crowd liked in music. Gayle Yardley and I would like to thank the Disco committee members Melanie Gordon, Nicky Postan, Talia Solomon, Olivia Sack, Victoria Dinovitser, Kerry Rubin and Romy Pamensky who planned everything so well from delicious pizzas from Anabella Pizza Restaurant, popcorn, water bottles and glow products. The photo booth proved to be a big hit! Thank you to the volunteers on the night- 5pm – 6.30pm Bec Waisman, Nicoll Greig, Tahli Batkilin, Zara Cooper, Jo Clarke, Flavia Jason, Penina Gelfand, Rachel Gelfand, Simone Matheison-

PSW SCHOOL UNIFORMS (1/596 NORTH RD, ORMOND) Visit to shop online or for more information.


LUNCH ORDER DAYS Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri


Mini Pizzas only available on Tuesdays

Term Dates 2016 Term 4: 3 October to 20 December

SECONDHAND UNIFORM SHOP 2016 Upstairs, (Near Year 3 rooms) Cash only, please

The Secondhand Uniform shop will be open fortnightly Next Opening time: Monday August 22nd : 8.30am – 9.10am

Dana and Kellie will be happy to serve you. Correct money/small notes and change

would be appreciated Grab a bargain from $2 a piece.

TERM 3 SCHOOL ASSEMBLY Fridays : 2.50pm

Dear, Lindy Matthews, Miriam Wynne, Libby Pallot, Dana Weingart, Osnat Geron, Lisa Euvrard. 7pm-8.30pm Ginny Halford, Melinda Tassone, Bevan Clarke, John Wayne, Bella Katz, Adam Carew, Simone Hayma,n Amanda Benn, Steve Parolin, Lauren Kessel, Steven Swiatlo, Bradley Kessel.

Sausage Sizzle Thank you again to Steve Feder and his army of volunteers who organised another successful lunchtime sausage sizzle. $1465.46 was raised on the day. Thank you to Russel’s Poultry and Meatsbutcher’s for donating 800 free sausages and Gary Peer’s impending monetary donation of $250. This fundraiser will certainly move us closer to the building of the new Sensory garden. (We believe a few students forgot to bring their money although there was a Tiqbiz push notification on Tuesday afternoon. Good news, there will be a special sausage sizzle later this term!).

Important Concert News Coming to You We are fast approaching the evening of our major school performance on Wednesday August 24th. I would like to thank all of the parents who have contributed to ensuring that costume requirements are being met. We are looking forward to a most entertaining evening. You will be receiving a permission form for your child to be transported by bus on Wednesday August 24th (during the day), for a rehearsal at Robert Blackwood Hall in preparation for the evening’s concert. We ask you to ensure that this form is returned. Please note that there is no money required. Details will also be emailed as to when to arrive in the evening, where to drop your child off and how to collect your child at the end of the night. (With nearly 500 students it’s event management precision!) Gill Bartholomeusz Assistant Principal

Year 3 Working Bee

– Are you coming? One of the accomplishments of our previous working bees has been the beautification of our front garden, led by our ‘resident Green Thumb’! Thank you Lubana!

Attention: All Year 3 Parents/Children Working Bee followed by a BBQ! Term 3 Sunday 14 August 2016

Our fourth working bee for this year will be held from

10am –1.00 p.m. on Sunday 14th August 2016. Please make a note on your calendar/diary.

We are targeting Year 3 parents/children this time which will be an opportunity for a bit of a catch up/family day together to look after our beautiful school. (Children must be accompanied by an adult).

Please come along to give some volunteer time to improve our grounds. Your contribution would be much appreciated and a sausage sizzle will be provided after a couple of hours of work (and a bit of play of course!).

For your information some jobs that are being planned are listed below:-

- Weeding - Pruning - Composting

Many thanks from Andrew Ryan and the School Council Facilities Sub-committee

ASTHMA ACTION PLANS It is a requirement that students suffering from asthma have an Asthma Action Plan at school. Please ensure that your child’s

classroom teacher has been supplied with an up to date plan. Reliever medication and a spacer should also be supplied by parents for your child to use at school. It is a good idea to regularly check the use by date on the medication. If there have been significant changes to your child’s medical condition, for example, no longer asthmatic, please let your classroom teacher and the office know. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Jan Minett First Aid Co-ordinator

SCHOOL ASSEMBLY PLEASE NOTE: There will be NO School assembly this Friday due to the Years 3-6 House Athletics. Online Communication Online communication is convenient, relatively easy and immediate. Unfortunately, it is also very difficult to reverse if you have second thoughts about what you’ve sent. You need to be 100% sure that what you are sending out is something you are not going to regret later – before you send it!

Think Before You Post! Spending a few minutes re-reading an email or thinking about the worst that could happen, could save you a lot of heartache later on. When it comes to posting photos, there is only one person you can trust with your privacy - and that is you! Once you send a photo to another person, it could end up anywhere. If you couldn’t cope with it being on the front page of the Herald Sun, it’s probably best to hang on to it. Once it’s out there, it’s there for life.

Things to Think About Before You Post Before you hit Send or Upload or Post, stop for a minute and consider the following: Think: If you wouldn't say it to someone's face, don't post it. Think: It's hard to convey your tone of voice online. Comments you thought were funny, or even if you are offering constructive criticism, run the risk of being misinterpreted online. Always read back what you have written before you post it. Think: If you think a friend might be embarrassed by a photo, check with them first before you post it. Think: Police are able to use the content of a website, email account or a mobile phone as evidence in court if it is illegal, so be careful. Finally, please think about the amount of information you share with strangers. Personal details can be used by unscrupulous individuals to embarrass you, hack in to your bank account or even steal your identity. Print a copy of the attached flyer and hang it near your computer as a cautious reminder to you and your family to T.H.I.N.K Before You Post John Rice On behalf of the eLearning ICT Focus Team


(Wellington Rd, Monash University) WEDNESDAY 24th AUGUST, 2016 7.00PM

Prices: Standard: $25.00 Student/Pensioners: $18.00 (Children aged two and under are complimentary when not occupying a seat)

(NB: No charge for current CSPS students) Running Time: Approximately 2 hours including a twenty minute interval Tickets are available via the link Please be reminded, as per Monash University Box Office policy,

there is no exchanges/or refunds on tickets. Phone Bookings: Monash Box Office: 9905 1111

Please note that in person sales will only be available at the Robert Blackwood Hall, 49 Scenic Boulevard, Monash University, Clayton

Monday-Friday 9.30-4.30pm.

SCIENCE TALENT SEARCH 2016 Several CSPS students entered the annual Science Talent Search this year, writing books and making models to demonstrate their scientific creativity. The theme this year was Robots, which proved to be quite challenging! Sophie and Alice (Grade 3) wrote a story called “Find Your Inner Robot” for the Picture Story section, while Jericho (Grade 3) and Bhishek (Grade 6) created working models to demonstrate different aspects of robotics.

At the Judging Day last Saturday, Jericho and Bhishek individually presented their models to a panel of judges and received positive feedback and suggestions for future work. All students have worked really hard to produce fantastic projects, and we are really proud of their dedication and enthusiasm. Final results will be announced in the coming months, with the main Exhibition Day for all prize winners held at the end of October.

Michaela Patel & Emily Ryde STS Coordinators


The Italian word-of-the-week

The Italian word-of-the-week is l’atletica

It means the athletics

Grazie, Sophie Bilionis Italian Teacher

BOOK WEEK AT CSPS CSPS will be celebrating book week from Monday 29th August to Friday 2nd September. We have lots of exciting activities planned to celebrate! On Tuesday August 30th author Felice Arena will be speaking to the children. Felice is the author of the Speccy Magee, Andy Roid, Sporty Kids and Stick Dudes books, as well as the picture story book Sally & Dave. Check out if you’re interested in having a look before his visit.

On Friday September 2nd we will be having a book character parade. Children can dress as their favourite book character and we will present prizes for fabulous costumes at assembly. (Please note that this is the same day as the Father’s Day breakfast so it will be an extra special day!) CSPS staff will also be sharing their favourite picture story-books with children at lunchtimes and children will be using and responding to the shortlisted books in Art classes. You can view the 2016 short listed books at Looking forward to a wonderful Book Week! Lainie Nestor English Curriculum Coordinator


Event & Organisers Date


Thurs 1 Sep

FATHER’S DAY BREAKFAST Nicky Postan, Rachel Gelfand

Fri 2 Sep

WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY Dana Michael, Netasha Maletsky, Kerry Rubin

Wed 5 Oct

MAJOR FUNDRAISER – TRIVIA NIGHT Nicky Postan, Melanie Gordon, Miriam Wynne

22 Oct

TWILIGHT MARKET Natasha Maletsky

Thurs 1 Dec


MANGO DRIVE Chrissy Cananzi, Kerry Perlstein

End of Term 4

CSPS FATHER’S / SPECIAL PERSON’S DAY BREAKFAST 2 September 2016 8:00 – 8:45 am School Hall

On FRIDAY 2 SEPTEMBER, all CSPS students are invited to bring their Father or special adult friend to the school for our annual Father’s/Special Person’s Day Breakfast. Details are as follows:

On: FRIDAY 2 SEPTEMBER Time: 8.00 am – 8.45 am In: School Hall. Cost: Per Person: $8

A continental breakfast will be provided including coffee, tea, juice, bagels, etc. Tickets are strictly limited due to hall capacity (students can invite only one adult per family). Entry is limited to current CSPS students only. To order, go to and follow the links. Bookings close Friday 26th August 2016 to allow for catering restrictions. Late bookings cannot be accepted. __________________________________________________ VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED: To ensure the success of this wonderful annual event for kids, dads and other special friends, we will need approximately 24 volunteers to assist with pre-event preparations (fruit prep) and set-up/clean-up on the morning of the breakfast (specific roles listed below).

• 8 volunteers for THURSDAY 1 SEPTEMBER 3.15pm – pick up fruit from Hall, prepare fruit platter for breakfast (bring tray to school on Fri 4th before 8.00 am)

• 2-3 strong volunteers for THURSDAY 1 SEPTEMBER from 5.30pm to set up Hall and put out tables.

• 4-5 volunteers for FRIDAY 2 SEPTEMBER: Set-up from 7.00am

• 4-5 volunteers for FRIDAY 2 SEPTEMBER: Clean-up from 8.00am until approximately 9.30am

• 2-3 volunteers for FRIDAY 2 SEPTEMBER: Coffee makers 7.30am-9.00am

To Volunteer, go to and enter code tpccq and follow links. Your help is greatly needed and appreciated. Thanks in advance! Nicky Postan & Rachel Gelfand. Enquiries: [email protected]

Information / Registration forms are available either outside the school office or on the CSPS website under the News &

Notices link.



Registration Forms for Term 3 2016 are available from the office or the CSPS Website More information / Payments can be made online
