Download doc - Save Your Marriage Today

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For powerful, proven Save Marriage advice, read on...

"Have You Ever Stayed Awake at Night Stressing

About Whether or Not Your Marriage Will Last ... And

What You Can Possibly Do to Save It?"

"Put an End to the Stress and Anxiety of Not

Knowing What to Do to Save Your Troubled


"AND Discover Proven Methods to Getting Your

Marriage Back On Track - EVEN if You are Struggling

to Communicate with Your Spouse and are the Only

One Who Wants to Work on It!"

First of all, I want you to know...

...It's quite possible that you're making critical mistakes in your attempts to save your marriage without even knowing it! It's not your fault, you just may not always receive the best advice from others.

It is not enough for you to learn how to communicate better. You'll find that that simply teaches you to fight better.

Give up on arguing. That always turns into a battle of opinions, and neither of you is likely to change. Especially if either or both of you are stubborn.

Forget the theories and ideas you have heard that aren't working.

But don't give up on your marriage! No matter what kind of problems you are having, this information applies to you, and in virtually all cases, the results will surprise you.

There is an alternative to divorce. In fact, you could soon be experiencing the relationship you've only dreamed about!

Here's a Small Sample of What You'll Learn:

Discover one of the most destructive things in a marriage crisis that you're probably doing. It usually leads to divorce, so you'd better listen up and learn how to break free from this and replace this with more constructive habits.

How to get your spouse to change their attitude. (I've seen the methods employed in this chapter alone help turn around dozens of marriages)

Find out how to get your spouse to fall back in love with you! This is absolutely critical information and will have a dramatic effect on your life.

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How to prepare yourself for the worst, so that you are fine - no matter what. This will actually give you a far higher chance of saving your marriage anyway.

Eliminate all possibility of your partner “pulling your strings” and take complete control of your emotional and internal states… no matter what the situation.

Outside-the-square tactics to really pinpoint what your issues are in your marriage. Many people discover that the REAL issues run deeper than what they think, and this pinpoint realization may be exactly what you need to get your marriage back on track.

Do you ever feel like the only way to resolve a conflict is by slamming the door and walking away? Or by punishing your partner? It doesn't have to be this way. Find out incredibly powerful strategies for resolving your marriage conflicts in a more constructive and less emotionally stressful way.

What to do if you're a person who gets frustrated at your partner's actions during an argument. I give you an in-depth look into what is actually going on in an argument ... and how to understand what your partner is doing when they are seemingly behaving irrationally and selfishly.

The 5 needs that you absolutely MUST pay attention to if you wish to achieve self-actualization as a couple. Hint: In conflicts, there tends to be an abandonment of many of these fundamental needs.

An important step-by-step exercise to identifying exactly what your needs are as a person. For the sake of your relationship, I want you to make sure that you have these things completely fulfilled. Most people don't get their goals fulfilled, I show you how... even if your partner is seemingly in the way.

How to save your marriage if you have cheated on your partner. Now I don't condone cheating AT ALL, but if it has happened, there are certain things you MUST do if you want to maximize your chances of reconciliation.

If you are in the position where your partner has cheated on you, your trust in them is likely to be shattered. I guide you through how to survive an affair and save your marriage if you have been cheated on.

The single most important thing that you MUST do in order for love to return to your relationship. You're probably overlooking it - most people do - but it is easy to remedy and will make all the difference in the world towards bringing the love back into your marriage.

How to get your mindset out of the negative and into the positive. You'll learn how to become your own life coach and guide your marriage to success without needing the help of anyone else.

When your partner withdraws, do you feel cold and lonely? You need to know exactly how to look after yourself, and how to keep your mood elevated. People often overlook taking care of themselves in these situations. I show you what to do.

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How to get out of the vicious cycle of reacting to problems, conflicts and situations, and move towards acting proactively. This might sound easy, but there are critical steps that you need to take, and I guide you through them.

Discover the truth about trial separations. How to make them work if it is forced upon you and mistakes that most people make that cause them to NOT work.

Find out secrets to saving your marriage if you and your spouse do not live together.

I've recently added an extra bonus section containing some of my email consultations. Some of these marriages may have very similar issues to yours and it is important that you look at these, and in particular my strategies for resolving their marital problems, so that you can help your own marriage.

What to do if you are disappointed in how your spouse treats you. I show you how to resolve this difficult issue using a case study of a consultation that I had with a woman who resented the way her husband of 10 years treated her.

The secrets of a loving and fulfilling relationship: what must happen to keep BOTH OF YOU from screwing it up.

How to manage your anger in conflict situations so that you react more thoughtfully than pig-headed in times of stress and arguments.

A major cause of marital discontent is when a partner sacrifices his or her identity in an attempt to compromise and avoid conflict in the marriage. You're about to learn some indispensable strategies for conflict resolution and effective communication.

One of the biggest causes of marital discontentment and stress is the birth of a first child. You'll learn how to get through this difficult period and how to get the love back into your relationship and your new family. If you are going through this right now, and don't get it sorted out IMMEDIATELY, you WILL PROBABLY regret it for the rest of your life.

Do you or your spouse sometimes compare your marriage to past relationships? Find out how to treat these thoughts so that they aren't destructive to your marriage.

Once you learn all of the above, I promise you, you'll notice dramatic transformations in your marriage and partner's behavior immediately! Best of all, you'll understand the root of many marital conflicts and be able to take practical, immediately-beneficial steps to minimize or eliminate them entirely. Why leave it to chance?

What readers of Save My Marriage Today are saying:

"Your six day course was an eye-opener. I enjoyed how it was structured and presented from the first day to the six day. It gave me insight on where to begin and continue. It also pointed out how it would not be easy to do especially when you have to look at yourself. Thank you for listening and

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being there for me"-- Fran C. (Canada)

"Dearest Amy, I have a wonderful marriage and despite I still find a lesson in each of your emails. I love getting these friendly reminders...Sometimes we get so caught up in what we think is "real" that we loose sight of the truth.Once again, thank you for all your emails I look forward to each one."-- Irena C.

"I stumbled across your website and confess it has been a great blessing to me for the last five days. After reading through your well-written and straight-to-the-point articles, I feel I am starting to find some meaning in my life again. Much of what you say requires that I honestly examine myself, and that is exactly what I am doing now. Be blessed. "-- Amos K.

"Dearest Amy, Yes, I've learned a lot from this mini course. Thank you so much. I am saving every lesson so i can just read it all over again, probably with my husband. More power to you and God bless."-- Anali A.

5 Good Reasons to Buy Save My Marriage Today Right Now:

1. Within a few minutes from now, you can gain instant download access and start saving your marriage right now! Inside Save My Marriage Today you'll receive a cutting-edge, step-by-step guide that shows you everything that you need to know and so that you can rescue your marriage and get back on track towards having the relationship and life of your dreams. Even if your spouse doesn't wish to work on it! No need to risk further heartache through making uninformed decisions. Just follow the instructions and start getting results with your marriage situation immediately.

2. 2734 other people have used Save My Marriage today to rescue and bring the love back into their marriages. Now you have the opportunity to be next.

3. From all my years of research studying human behavior I've learnt one important thing: If you don't make the decision to take action and get this area of your life sorted out right now, there's a very very small chance that you'll do anything about it in the future... do you really want to leave your marriage and life in general to chance? You owe it to yourself to make informed decisions and to give your marriage the best possible chance of long term success.

4. If you act on or before November 14th, 2009 , I've decided to give you special pricing, plus 6 Super Bonuses, including a free email-based consultation, this is to ensure that your specific marital issues are resolved once and for all.

5. With your instant money-back guarantee, there is literally NO RISK for you. If you aren't satisfied for ANY reason, or it doesn't live up to your expectations, just send me an email and I will refund your payment. Right up to the final week of my 8 week (56 day) guarantee

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