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Issue No.1: March 2021

Embassy of IndiaBeirut

(A monthly newsletter issued by Embassy of India, Beirut)


#VaccineMaitri - India (#PharmacyoftheWorld) is at the forefront of the global fight against COVID-19 by

providing more than 58 million vaccines to 71 countries for the welfare of all humanity.

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1 ISSUE NO.1; March 2021

Launch of Monthly e-Newsletter

The Government of India is embarking on 75 weeks long celebrations to mark 75 years of India’s Independence on August 2022. These celebrations which have been launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister on March 12, 2021 will last for the next 75 weeks till August 2022 and beyond, till August 2023.

The Embassy of India, Beirut has a very active social Website, Facebook and Twitter through which we connect to the Indian and the Lebanese Community. However a need has been felt to issue a publication which encapsulates the Embassy’s activities in one place and will also give us an opportunity to highlight Government of India’s initiatives and positive stories from India. Therefore, as part of the celebration of India@75, the Embassy is launching e-newsletter encapsulating all these elements. It is decided that this e-newsletter will be titled “Sampark”. Sampark is a Hindi/ Sanskrit word meaning connect/contact/ communicate.

أس��بوعاً وذل��ك 75الطويل��ة الت��ي تس��تمر لمدة تشرع حكوم��ة الهن��د احتفالاته��ا . إن��ّ هذه 2022 عامً��ا عل��ى اس��تقلال الهن��د ف��ي أغس��طس 75بمناس��بة مرور

س��تستمر 2021 مارس 12الاحتفالات الت��ي أطلقه��ا معال��ي رئي��س الوزراء ف��ي .2023 وما بعده ، حتى أغسطس 2022 القادمة حتى أغسطس 75للأسابيع

تتمت�ع س�فارة الهن�د بموق�ع اجتماع�ي نش�ط للغاي�ة وفيس�بوك وتويت�ر تتواص�ل م�ن خلال هذه المواق�ع م�ع الجالي�ة الهندي�ة واللبنانية. وم�ع ذل�ك ، شعرن�ا أنن�ا بحاج�ة إل�ى إص�دار منشور إخباري يلخ�ص أنشط�ة الس�فارة ف�ي مكان واح�د ، كم�ا س�يعطينا فرص�ة لتس�ليط الضوء عل�ى مبادرات حكوم�ة الهن�د وقص�ص الهن�د الإيجابية. لذل�ك،

إلكترون�ي ، تطل�ق الس�فارة منشور إخباريIndia @ 75وكجزء م�ن الاحتفال ب�� يض�م ك�ل هذه العناص�ر. تقرّر أ�ن يكون هذا المنشور الإخباري الإلكترون�ي بعنوان

"Sampark". “Sampark / ه�ي كلم�ة هندي�ة / س�نسكريتية تعن�ي الاتص�ال / الرب�ط"التواصل.

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2 ISSUE NO.1; March 2021

India@75 - Azadi Ka #AmritMahotsav!India celebrates 75th anniversary of Independence

To mark 75 years of India’s Independence, Hon'ble Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi addressed the Nation and launched 'Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav' on 12th March 2021 from Sabarmati Ashram, Gujarat. The Amrit Mahotsav is starting 75 weeks before 15 August, 2022 and will run till 15 August 2023. Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav is a series of events to be organized by the Government of India to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of India’s Independence which will fall on August 15, 2022.

12th March is a special day in India’s glorious history. On that day in 1930, the iconic Dandi March led by Mahatma Gandhi began. Prime Minister Modi paid tribute to the great personalities who participated in India's freedom struggle and flagged-off ‘Padyatra’ (March) from Sabarmati Ashram, Ahmedabad (Gujarat) the exact place from where Mahatma Gandhi started Dandi March. It will serve as a reminder of the sacrifices made in securing our freedom. The journey, which started from Ahmedabad, will end at Dandi which is approx 241 miles away from Ahmedabad

Five aspects to be highlighted in the celebrations of 75th year of India’s Independence as outlined by PM Mr. Narendra Modi are: Freedom Struggle, Ideas at 75, Achievements at 75, Actions at 75 and Resolves at 75 . On this occasion Prime Minister also launched a website:

The Embassy of India, Beirut will also be organizing a series of cultural, academic and other events during this period to celebrate this Amrit Mahotsav in a befitting manner.

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Embassy News

MoU between TPCI & Bekaa IndustrialistsAn MoU was signed on 3 February 2021, virtually, between Trade Promotion Council of India & Association of Bekaa Industrialists led by its President Nicola Abou Fayssal. The Signing Ceremony was presided over by Ambassador Dr. Suhel Ajaz Khan. The MoU will pave the way for further diversifying and strengthening trade and business relations between India and Lebanon.

MoU between Delhi University & Lebanese UniversityAn MoU was signed on 4 March 2021, between Lebanese University and Delhi University in the office of rector of Lebanese University Dr. Fouad Ayyoub in the presence of Ambassador of India Dr. Suhel Ajaz Khan and other officials. The MoU will pave the way for cooperation and collaboration between Lebanese University and Delhi University in areas of mutual interests. Ambassador Khan presented a set of books on India which will be kept in "India Corners" in various libraries of the University.

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Meeting with Adonis BandAmbassador of India to Lebanon Dr. Suhel Ajaz Khan received on 3 February 2021 at the Embassy the team from famous Lebanese band, Adonis. The Band will be visiting India to participate in the 9th Edition of Delhi International Jazz Festival.

Embassy News


Meeting with the acting director-general of Ministry of Labor Ms. Marlene AtallahMr P. Pattabhi, Second Secretary Consular in the Embassy visited the Ministry of Labour on March 3 and discussed welfare and various issues pertaining Indian workers in Lebanon with Ms. Marlene Atallah, acting director-general of Ministry of Labor . He also discussed issues of those Indians who wish to leave due to economic hardship in Lebanon.

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Embassy News

Award to Indian Battalion at UNIFIL

Indian Battalion at UNIFIL, 9- DOGRA Infantry Group has been awarded the coveted ‘Head of Mission & Force Commander Unit Appreciation’ for exemplary contributions in the peacekeeping activities.

Inauguration of a project hanger for new garbage dump & garbage pressing machine Ambassador of India Dr. Suhel Ajaz Khan dedicated a GOI funded project to the people of Kafar Chouba municipality in the area of operation of Indian Battalion in UNIFIL in South Lebanon on 14 March 2021. The project consists of provision of hanger for new garbage dump & garbage pressing machine. It will immensely benefit the Kafar Chouba municipality in environment friendly garbage disposal. The event was attended by prominent local dignitaries.

5 ISSUE NO.1; March 2021

Transfer of authority

9 Dogra Infantry Group passed on the Baton of the Indian Battalion UNIFIL-PIO to 19 Madras Group on March 15, 2021. Ambassador HE Dr. Suhel Ajaz Khan attended the Transfer of Authority ceremony along with other UNIFIL & local officials.

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News of The Month

No Mystery, Top American Pandemic Expert Lists 9 Govt Actions Behind Plummeting Covid Cases in India

In a paper published on his website, American scientist Yaneer Bar-Yam listed nine major government actions because of which India had managed to tame the infection as well as it has:

1. He described the zoning of the country into three zones – red, orange and green – for localised lockdowns as probably the most effective step taken by the government last April. While severe restrictions were imposed in affected districts, there was partial lifting of restrictions in unaffected districts, along with the opening up of some sectors to meet the economic challenge.

2. Restriction on travel was the second most important step, as travel was regulated through issue of e-pass with checks on state borders across the country. The regulation of travel continues into 2021 as travel has not been fully de-regulated, he said.

3. Isolation and contact tracing of individuals who test positive to Covid-19, and quarantining of primary high-risk contacts has been an effective strategy.

4. The government shut down all colleges and schools for an extended period, and the recent reopening has been partial and only in the context of the very low number of cases recently.

5. Bar-Yam said highlighted the contribution of the Indian industry, which he said responded like never before by producing masks and personal protective equipment at great pace not only to meet the country’s requirements, but also to supply to the world.

6. India has gone from a single lab that could perform RT-PCR tests for Covid-19 to over 2300 in a short span of time, and this number has reduced the test result return time and also strengthened isolation and quarantine strategy.

7. From cautionary caller tunes on phones to heavy fines for not wearing masks, spreading public awareness about Covid-19 risks has been a major initiative of the government, and this has meant the population more willingly accepted restriction guidelines.

8. The American scientist also praised the response in high-density urban areas, which posed the greatest challenge, but the refinement of lockdowns, travel restrictions, rapid case identification, and communication found in other locations, has helped limited the spread.

9. He said that the vaccination drive, which is the largest in the world, is also expected to have an increasingly significant impact on the outbreak control in India.

6 ISSUE NO.1; March 2021

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9لا غموض ، أفضل خبراء الجائحة الأمريكيين يسردون إجراءات حكومية وراء تراجع حالات كوفيد في الهند

مناط�ق- حمراء وبرتقالي�ة 3. وص�ف العال�م الأمريك�ي ياني�ر بار-يام تقس�يم البلاد إل�ى 1وخضراء –لإجراء عمليات الإغلاق المحلي�ة باعتباره�ا الخطوة الأكث�ر فاعلي�ة الت�ي اتخذته�ا الحكوم�ة ف�ي أبري�ل الماضي. وبينم�ا ت�م فرض قيود ص�ارمة ف�ي المناط�ق المتضررة، كان هناك رف�ع جزئ�ي للقيود ف�ي المناط�ق غي�ر المتضررة، إل�ى جان�ب فت�ح بع�ض القطاعات

لمواجهة التحديات الاقتصادية.

. فرض قيود عل�ى الس�فر ه�ي الخطوة الثاني�ة الأكث�ر أهمي�ة، حي�ث ت�م تنظي�م الس�فر م�ن 2خلال إص�دار تص�ريح مرور إلكترون�ي م�ع اتخاذإجراءات للفح�ص عل�ى حدود الولايات ف�ي

حي�ث ل�م يت�م إلغاء 2021جمي�ع أنحاء البلاد. وقال إ�ن تنظي�م الس�فر يس�تمر حت�ى عام إجراءات تنظيم السفر بشكل كامل.

. تط��بيق اس��تراتيجية فعال��ة لعزل الأشخاص الذي��ن ثبت��ت إص��ابتهم بفيروس كوفي��د-3وتتب�ع المخالطي�ن له�م، ووض�ع المخالطي�ن الأس�اسيين مم�ن يشكلون درج�ة خطو�رة 19

عالية في الحجر الصحي.

. أغلق��ت الحكو�م��ة جمي��ع الكليات والمدارس لفترة طويل��ة، وبدأ مؤخراً إعادة فتحه��ا 4جزئياً، وذلك مع انخفاض أعداد الإصابات بدرجة كبيرة في الآونة الأخيرة.

. س��لط بار-يام الضوءعل��ى الدور الذي لعب��ه قطاع الص��ناعة الهندي��ة والذي قال إن��ه 5اس��تجاب بشك��ل ل��م يس��بق ل��ه مثي��ل م��ن خلال إنتاج الأقنع��ة ومس��تلزمات الوقاي��ة الشخص�ية بوتيرة ك�بيرة لي�س فق�ط لتلبي�ة احتياجات البلاد، ولك�ن أيضً�ا للتوري�د إلىدول

العالم المختلفة.

للكش��ف ع��ن الإص��ابة RT-PCR. وكان بالهن��د مخت��بر واح��د يمكن��ه إجراء اختبارات 6 مخت�بر، وق�د اس�تطاعت تحقي�ق ذل�ك 2300، فأص�بح لديه�ا أكث�ر م�ن 19بفيروس كوفي�د-

خلال فترة زمني��ة قص��يرة مم��ا أدى إل��ى تقلي��ل الفترة الزمني��ة اللازم��ة للإبلاغ بنتيج��ة الاختبارات، كما دعم استراتيجية العزل والحجر الصحي.

، 19. أطلق��ت الحكوم��ة مبادرة ك��برى لزيادة الوع��ي العام بشأ��ن مخاط��ر كوفي��د-7تضمن��ت توفي��ر نغمات الاتص��ال التحذيري��ة عل�ى الهوات��ف وفرض غرامات ك��بيرة لعدم ارتداء الكمامات، مم�ا يعن�ي أ�ن الس�كان أص�بحوا يتقبلون بشك�ل أك�برالتوجيهات والقيود


. أشاد العال�م الأمريك�ي أيضً�ا بالاس�تجابة للجائح�ة ف�ي المناط�ق الحضري�ة عالي�ة الكثاف�ة، 8والت��ي شكل��ت التحدي الأك��بر، لك��ن فرض عمليات إغلاق موجه��ة، ووض��ع قيود عل��ى الس�فر، وتس�ريع إجراءات الكش�ف ع�ن الإص�ابة،وتعزي�ز وس�ائل الاتص�ال، كله�ا عوام�ل

ساعدت في الحد من انتشار المرض.

. قال إ�ن حمل�ة التطعي�م، والت�ي تع�د الأك�بر ف�ي العال�م، م�ن المتوق�ع أيضً�ا أ�ن يكون له�ا 9تأثير كبير ومتزايد على مكافحة تفشي الجائحة في الهند.

7 ISSUE NO.1; March 2021

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At the time of India’s independence in 1947, it was however divided into more than 560 princely states and it was India’s first Deputy Prime Minister, Bharat Ratna Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who with his firm determination, could transform such imperialism into today’s unified India. His life is an eternal source of inspiration for the present as well as future generations and it is in this context that his iconic monumental statue – the world’s tallest Statue of Unity has been dedicated to the Nation on the 143rd Birth Anniversary.

Symbolizing the national, spiritual, historical and academic values, the Statue of Unity will lead to the icon-based development of this entire region, which is predominantly a tribal area. Our vision is to make this place a world class tourist destination by providing infrastructure for research, cultural, environmental enrichment and health promotion. A true leader keeps on enlightening the path of mankind even in his physical absence and the Statue of Unity is the realization of this – worth experiencing.”


Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (1875–1950)

“India has got a rich cultural heritage of “Unity in Diversity”, the roots of which are inextricably founded on the principle of “Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam”, meaning that the entire universe is a family.

Featured Stories

8 ISSUE NO.1; March 2021

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India @UNSC

Beginning January 2021, India has officially taken over as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for its two-year term as along with Norway, Mexico, Ireland and Kenya.

Featured Stories


On 17 June 2020, India was elected to the UN Security Council with 184 of the total 192 votes. A member country needs a two-third majority of votes in the General Assembly to become a non-permanent member. This is the eighth time India has been elected as a non-permanent member.

India had last assumed the role of a non-permanent member at the UNSC in 2011-12. Prior to that, it was a non-permanent member for 1950-51, 1967-68, 1972-73, 1977-78, 1984-85 and 1991-92.

In August 2021, India will serve as the president of the Council, a position held by each of the members in turn for one month, according to the alphabetical order of the member states’ names. Presidency entails presiding over council meetings, coordinating actions, deciding the content of UNSC debates and more.

During its tenure, India will work on to promote responsible & inclusive solutions to international peace & security, with a world-view anchored in our ethos: वसुधैव

कुटुबकम् - The World is One Family

India’s 5-S approach during its tenure is:

SAMMAN – Respect

SAMVAD – Dialogue

SAHYOG – Cooperation

SHANTI – Peace

SAMRIDDHI - Prosperity

ISSUE NO.1; March 2021

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، اس�تلمت الهن�د رس�مياً منص�ب عض�و غي�ر دائ�م ف�ي مجل�س 2021اعتبارًا م�ن يناي�ر الأم�ن التاب�ع للأم�م المتحدة لمدة عامي�ن إل�ى جان�ب النروي�ج والمكس�يك وأيرلندا


، ت�م انتخاب الهن�د لعضوي�ة مجل�س الأم�ن التاب�ع للأم�م المتحدة 2020 يوني�و 17ف�ي ص��وتاً. تحتاج الدول��ة العض��و إل��ى أغلبي��ة ثلث��ي 192 ص��وتاً م��ن إجمال��ي 184ب���

الأص�وات ف�ي الجمعي�ة العام�ة لتص�بح عضواً غي�ر دائم. هذه ه�ى المرة الثامن�ة الت�ى تنتخب فيها الهند عضوا غير دائم.

-2011كان�ت الهن�د ق�د تول�ت دور عض�و غي�ر دائ�م ف�ي مجل�س الأم�ن الدول�ي ف�ي ، 68-1967 ، 51-1950. وقب�ل ذل�ك ، كان�ت عضواً غي�ر دائ�م ف�ي الفترات 2012.92-1991 و1984-85 ، 1977-1978 ، 1972-1973

، س�وف تتول�ى الهن�د منص�ب رئي�س المجل�س ، وه�و المنص�ب 2021ف�ي أغس�طس الذي يشغل�ه ك�ل عض�و بدوره لمدة شه�ر واح�د ، وفقً�ا للترتي�ب الأبجدي لأس�ماء الدول الأعضاء. والرئاس�ة تس�تلزم رئاس�ة اجتماعات المجل�س ، وتنس�يق الإجراءات

وتقرير محتوى مناقشات مجلس الأمن الدولي وأكثر من ذلك.

خلال فترة ولايته�ا ، س�تعمل الهن�د عل�ى تعزي�ز الحلول المس�ؤولة والشامل�ة للس�لم वसुधैव والأم�ن الدوليي�ن ، م�ن خلال رؤي�ة عالمي�ة ترتك�ز عل�ى روحن�ا: कुटुबकम् -

العالم عائلة واحدة

خلال فترة ولايتها هي:S-5نهج الهند SAMMAN ا�ح�ترا�م – SAMVADح�وار - SAHYOGت���ع�او�ن - SHANTI س��لا�م –

SAMRIDDHIازد�هار -

10 ISSUE NO.1; March 2021

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Delhi, the capital of India and one of the oldest cities of the world, is unlike any other city on the planet. It’s a place that not only touches your pulse but even fastens it to a frenetic speed. With a history that goes back many centuries & empires, Delhi showcases an ancient culture and a rapidly modernising country. From the labyrinth of narrow lanes, old havelis and colourful bazaars of Old Delhi to the best features of a modern city such as a metro system, gleaming malls, bustling markets and fabulous eating places; the past and the present mix seamlessly together in Delhi. Centuries-old monuments are a part of the city’s daily life. An array of historical sites including the World Heritage Sites of Red Fort, Humayun’s Tomb, Akshardham Temple, Lotus Temple and Qutub Minar rest amongst several historical treasures in Delhi’s possession. Add to this the presence of diverse cultures, sprawling greenery, rich architecture and a famed cuisine, and Delhi becomes one of the undisputed highlights of the country.


India Tourism

Qutub Minar

Red Fort India Gate

For more information, please visit

11 ISSUE NO.1; March 2021

Akshardham Temple

Lotus Temple

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Upcoming Exhibitions

12 ISSUE NO.1; March 2021

14th Edition Of International Railway Equipment Exhibition (Physical)

14th edition of IREE is scheduled from 21-23 October 2021 at New Delhi organised by Confederation of Indian Industry in association with the Ministry of Railways, Government of India. IREE serves as a Global Platform for Railway Technology & Services. This is the largest event for the Rail Transportation Sector in this part of the world.

More details:


Jutexpo 2021

Jute Product Development and Export Promotion Council (JPDEPC) is organising JUTEXPO 2021 from 23-26 March 2021 virtually at

Interested Importers & Buyers may register online for the event for FREE at:

Technotex 2021(Physical plus Digital)

“Technotex 2021", a Global Exhibition on technical textiles, is being organized jointly by the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India and the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) from 17th - 19th March 2021.

Registration link:

For other forthcoming events organised by Federation of Indian

Chamber of Commerce & Industry, please visit:

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Prepared by

For any query and suggestion about this Newsletter, please write us at [email protected]