Page 1: Saint Catherine Catholic Community Comunidad Católica de ... · 10/13/2019  · Rectory Office Hours / Horarios de la Rectoría Monday - Friday (Lunes - Viernes) 9:00am - 5:00pm

We at St. Catherine Parish are a growing,

diverse, and welcoming Catholic Community, called to live and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ through

Worship, Discipleship and Service.

La Parroquia de Santa Catalina de Ale-jandría, es una comunidad en crecimien-to, acogedora y diversa, llamada a vivir y proclamar la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo por medio de la Oración, el Discipulado y

el Servicio.


Monday-Saturday: 8:15am Saturday: 5:30pm Sábado: 7:00pm Sunday: 7:15, 8:45, 10:30am 5:30pm Domingo: 12:15pm

CONFESSION / CONFESIÓN Saturday / Sábado: 4:00 -

5:00pm (Or by appointment / O hacer una cita.)

ADORACIÓN /ADORATION Wednesday / Miércoles 6:30pm

17400 Peak Avenue

Morgan Hill, CA 95037 (408) 779-3959

Fax: (408) 779-0289

Email: [email protected]

Catechetical Ministry (408) 779-9604

St. Catherine School (408) 779-9950

Saint Catherine Catholic Community Comunidad Católica de Santa Catalina


Page 2: Saint Catherine Catholic Community Comunidad Católica de ... · 10/13/2019  · Rectory Office Hours / Horarios de la Rectoría Monday - Friday (Lunes - Viernes) 9:00am - 5:00pm

Rectory Office Hours / Horarios de la Rectoría Monday - Friday (Lunes - Viernes)

9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday (Sábado) / Sunday (Domingo)


Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral Fr. Sergio Ovando, Pastor - [email protected]

Msgr. Francisco Rios, Parochial Vicar - [email protected] Fr. Francis Kalaw, Parochial Vicar -

[email protected] Deacon Rick Haeckel, Deacon - [email protected] Deacon Phil Flowers, Deacon - [email protected]

Deacon Juan Aquino, Deacon - [email protected] Carmelo Jimenez

[email protected] Diego Estrada,

Fabienne Esparza, Principal -

Diana-Lynn Inderhees, Maria Dominguez, Office Manager, [email protected] Juanita Martinez,

Maria Miranda

Jessica Perez, Business Manager,

IGLESIA DE SANTA CATALINA October 12/13, 2019 SAINT CATHERINE CHURCH Octubre 12/13, 2019


.Monday: Rom 1:1-7; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Rom 1:16-25; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Rom 2:1-11; Ps 62:2-3, 6-7, 9; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Rom 3:21-30; Ps 130:1b-6ab; Lk 11:47- 54 Friday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Saturday: Rom 4:13, 16-18; Ps 105:6-9, 42-43; Lk 12:8-12 Sunday: Ex 17:8-13; Ps 121:1-8; 2 Tm 3:14 - 4:2; Lk 18:1-8


Sunday: Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time; Sukkot (Jewish Festival of Tabernacles) begins at sundown Monday: St. Callistus I; Columbus Day; Canadian Thanksgiving Day Tuesday: St. Teresa of Jesus Wednesday: St. Hedwig; St. Margaret Mary Alacoque; National Boss’s Day Thursday: St. Ignatius of Antioch Friday: St. Luke Saturday: Ss. John de Brébeuf, Isaac Jogues, and Companions; Sweetest Day

8:15am Mass Intentions

Monday, October 14 Cecilia Oseguera † Tuesday, October 15 † Isave Trinh Ngo † Paul Toan Ngo Wednesday, October 16 † Edna Smarako

† Rosa Tai Tie Chan Thursday, October 17 † Renaida Salomon † Rosa Tai Tie Chan Friday, October 18 † Mary Spears

† Louis Ravizza Saturday, October 19 † Daniel Green † Ann Cretin

THE WEEK AHEAD/LA SEMANA PRÓXIMA 11:30-3:00pm Youth Ministry Kick-off Rally 11:30-3:00pm MC 8:15-11:30am NUR Bright Beginnings Nursery 9:00-10:15am FF Sunday Class 3:30-5:00pm CH Sac Prep. Parent Meeting #1 3:30-5:30pm CH Worship Band & Singers 7:00-9:00pm GYM Open Gym - Basketball

6:00-7:00pm Community Supper 6:00-8:00pm NUR Handmaids Knitting Group 7:00-8:00pm CH Angelica Choir Rehearsal 7:00-8:30pm Rm.8 7:00-9:00pm DC Folklorico La Amistad Practice OLG 7:00-9:00pm Rm.10 JPC Junta de Equipo 7:30-9:00pm GYM English - Pre-Baptism Class

4:00-5:00PM CH Altar Server Training 6:30-8:30pm Rm.8 Stephen Ministry Supervision Mtg. 6:30-9:00pm Rm.11 JPC Coro Retiro 7:00-8:30pm CH New Spanish Sacristan Training 7:00-8:15pm KofC Assembly Board Meeting

9:00-11:00am CR-1 Women’s Group 3:30-4:45pm MC, FF Classes 3:30-4:45pm CH FF Community Time 4:00-8:30pm NUR Becky Choir Practice / FilAM Choir 5:00-6:00pm CH Children’s Choir 6:00-7:30pm CR1-4 Una Puerta de Esperanza Meeting 6:30-7:30pm CH Hora Santa 6:30-7:45pm Rm. 8 7:00-8:30pm LR RICA 7:00-9:00pm DC Spanish Women’s 7:30-9:00pm MC RCIA 7:00-9:00pm Rm.11 JPC Coro Practice 7:30-9:30pm CH Grupo de Oración Alpha & Omega

4:00-5:00pm CH Altar Server Training 5:30-7:00pm CHV Stephen Ministry One-on-One Mtg. 6:00-7:30pm NUR UPDE Volunteer Meeting 6:00-9:00pm CH Spanish Choir 6:30-7:45pm CR1-4 Cub Scouts Pack 766 Metting 7:00-8:15pm GYM Danza Liturgica Practice 7:00-9:00pm CHV Coro Hispano Melodia Juvenil 7:00-9:00pm MC Confirmation Parent Orientation 7:00-9:00pm Rm.11 Grupo Amigos Pastorela Practice

9:15-10:15am CH 9:15-10:45am

Page 3: Saint Catherine Catholic Community Comunidad Católica de ... · 10/13/2019  · Rectory Office Hours / Horarios de la Rectoría Monday - Friday (Lunes - Viernes) 9:00am - 5:00pm



Gratitude is the Memory of the Heart

In our Sunday Gospel Jesus teaches us the val-ue of gratitude and how often we forget or take it for granted in our lives. “Ten were cleansed, were they not? Where are the other nine?” (Lk. 17:17) Oftentimes we focus on what is missing, and forget to thank God for our blessings. St. Mary Pelletier, a French saint, once said, “Gratitude is the memory of the heart.” If we can be grateful for everything and everyone in our life, blessed are we. If we can honestly say “Thank you, Lord!” to all that life has given or is giving us, good or bad, happy or sad, then we are free from regrets, worries, and fears. A priest’s homily I recently heard gave a chal-lenging question to his listeners using the anal-ogy of “payback” and “hoarding.” People who live grateful lives are already on “payback” mode. While people who live stressful lives are still on “hoarding” mode. It is a choice each one of us can make today. Shall we hoard or pay-back? Jesus tells the grateful leper, “Stand up and go, your faith has saved you.” (Lk. 17:19) These words from Jesus are the basis for a grateful life. It is faith and trust in God that make us say “Thank you, Lord!” no matter what. Why? Be-cause we believe that God is a God who loves us and who knows what is best for us; a God who is in control of everything and of everyone. It is our faith in Him that frees us from our fears and helps us to stand up, go, and move on! Therefore, let us count our blessings! How often have we heard this and yet do not practice it? It is worse than that when we simply count our blessings/money literally. Instead, we need to share our blessings. Or better yet, let us be a source of blessings to others! May our prayer be like that of St. Francis of As-sisi, whose feast day we celebrate this month, “Most high, all-powerful, all-good Lord, All praise is yours, all glory, all honor, all blessings. Amen!”


The Gospel finds Jesus confronted with the most disliked outcasts of his time, lepers. They were not only ostracized by being kept from even entering a village, they were also considered sinners at a time when physical or mental illness was thought to be punishment for sinfulness. It is hard for us today to appreciate the irony presented, we treat illness as an affliction needing treatment that returns us to health. It was another scandalous act by Jesus who, to summarize, “welcomed sinners and ate with them.” The fact that Jesus saw only the whole person, not just their physical manifestation, invites us to reflect on how easily we “judge” others by appearances or perceived defects. It’s not easy to look beyond such things but, as we try to emulate Jesus, we must. The starkness of the lepers’ condition, in some ways, makes recognition of the need for our compassion and care for people in desperate straights. It is only when we “see” with eyes of love for our neighbor, whomever they may be and whatever their condition, that we truly act as Jesus’ disciples. In doing so we not only help to effect help for those who need it, but we also broaden our vision and lessen our sense of missing Jesus’ call. When all are welcome, there is no need for ranking or judgement about who is worthy of our care. It also can help us to move out of any concerns we have about our own needs … our personal “leprosy” if you will. The fact that only one of the lepers returns to give thanks for his cure provides another lesson. It is hard to realize that our self perception can block our awareness of the needs of others; we can spend too much time on what we perceive to be our needs, our healing. When we offer care to others in need we, for maybe only a moment, are freed from personal concerns. We realize again that self-giving is a wonderful imitation of Christ. Not by what we acquire are we fulfilled but more so by what we give, and give freely. Sometimes we feel that we just “don’t get it” when trying to answer Jesus’ call. To our surprise, when we change our focus from only ourselves by recognizing others, we achieve a sense of peacefulness that springs unbidden. It is, to put in modern parlance, an amazing “return on our investment.” When we answer that pull that the Gospels provide in retelling Jesus’ life among us, we are given a sense of tranquility that cannot be directly explained except by knowing we are trying to be Christ for another. Fulfilment comes from the act of giving, which is hidden when we just look for what we receive. May our own “leprosy” be placed before Jesus, our divine healer, in thankful assurance that we will be cured.

GREEN TIP OF THE WEEK Reuse, probably one of the easiest ways to be green (I even reuse tips… no, not really :-). One often over-looked tip is to avoid single use products if possible, it’s a gift that keeps on giving.

Page 4: Saint Catherine Catholic Community Comunidad Católica de ... · 10/13/2019  · Rectory Office Hours / Horarios de la Rectoría Monday - Friday (Lunes - Viernes) 9:00am - 5:00pm


¡BIENVENIDO! Nuestra más cordial bienvenida a todos los que están celebrando con nosotros, ya sean residentes de largo plazo o recién llegados a la parroquia. Damos gracias a Dios por uste-des. Si aún no estás registrado, por favor, llene este formulario y colóquelo en la ca-nasta de la colecta o mandarlo por correo a la oficina de la parroquia.

Nombre (s): __________________________ Dirección:____________________________ Ciudad:_____________________________ Código postal:_____________ Numero teléfono:______________________ Email:_______________________________

¿Desea recibir sobres de contribución?

_____Sí _____No ¿Desea recibir información de la parroquia?

_____Sí _____No



La gratitud es la memoria del corazón En el Evangelio, Jesús nos enseña el valor de la gratitud y la frecuencia con la que la olvidamos o la subestima-mos en nuestra vida. "Diez fueron limpiados, ¿no? ¿Dónde están los otros nueve?" (Lc. 17:17) A menudo, nos enfocamos en lo que falta y nos olvidamos de dar gracias a Dios por nuestras bendiciones. Santa María Pelletier, una santa francesa, dijo una vez: "La gratitud son las memorias del corazón". Si podemos estar agradecidos por todo y por todos en nuestra vida, benditos somos nosotros. Si podemos decir honestamen-te "¡Gracias, Señor!" a todo lo que la vida nos ha dado o nos está dando, bueno o malo, feliz o triste, entonces somos libres de remordimientos, preocupaciones y temo-res. La homilía de un sacerdote que escuché recientemente hizo una pregunta desafiante a sus feligreses usando entonces analogía de "devolver" y "acumular". Las perso-nas que viven vidas agradecidas ya están en modo "de pago". Mientras que las personas que viven vidas estre-santes todavía están en modo de "acumulamiento". Es una elección que cada uno de nosotros puede hacer hoy. ¿Acumulamos o devolvemos? Jesús le dice al leproso agradecido: "Levántate y vete, tu fe te ha salvado." (Lc. 17:19) Estas palabras de Jesús son la base para una vida agradecida. Es la fe y la con-fianza en Dios lo que nos hace decir “¡Gracias, Señor!" pase lo que pase. ¿Por qué? Porque creemos que Dios es un Dios que nos ama y que sabe lo que es mejor para nosotros, y un Dios que tiene el control de todo y de to-dos. ¡Es nuestra fe en Él la que nos libera de nuestros temores, y nos ayuda a levantarnos, y seguir adelante! ¡Contemos, pues, nuestras bendiciones! ¿Con qué fre-cuencia hemos oído esto y, sin embargo, no lo practica-mos? Peor que eso, es cuando simplemente contamos nuestras bendiciones / dinero literalmente. En cambio, necesitamos compartir nuestras bendiciones. ¡O mejor aún, seamos una fuente de bendiciones para los demás! Que nuestra oración sea como la de San Francisco de Asís, cuyo día de fiesta celebramos este mes: "Altísimo, omnipotente, buen Señor, tuyos son las alabanzas, la gloria y el honor y toda bendición. ¡Amén!"


Lunes: Rom 1:1-7; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Lc 11:29-32 Martes: Rom 1:16-25; Sal 19 (18):2-5; Lc 11:37-41 Miércoles: Rom 2:1-11; Sal 62 (61):2-3, 6-7, 9; Lc 11:42-46 Jueves: Rom 3:21-30; Sal 130 (129):1b-6ab; Lc 11:47-54 Viernes: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Sal 145 (144):10-13, 17- 18; Lc 10:1-9 Sábado: Rom 4:13, 16-18; Sal 105 (104):6-9, 42- 43; Lc 12:8-12 Domingo: Ex 17:8-13; Sal 121 (120):1-8; 2 Tm 3:14 — 4:2; Lc 18:1-8

LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Naamán, purificado de su lepra, regresó a Eliseo (2 Reyes 5:14-17). Salmo — El Señor nos ha mostrado su amor y su lealtad (Salmo 98 [97]). Segunda lectura — Si perseveramos con Cristo Jesús, también reinaremos con él (2 Timoteo 2:8-13). Evangelio — Después que diez leprosos se encon-traron curados por Jesús, solamente uno, un sama-ritano, regresa para darle gracias (Lucas 17:11-19). Salmo responsorial: Leccionario II © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados


Adulto: ¿De quién es la generosidad que tiende a dar por sentado? ¿Cómo va a cambiar esto? Niño: ¿Cuándo has fallado en decir gracias? ¿Por qué importa esto?

Page 5: Saint Catherine Catholic Community Comunidad Católica de ... · 10/13/2019  · Rectory Office Hours / Horarios de la Rectoría Monday - Friday (Lunes - Viernes) 9:00am - 5:00pm

¡Dios es Grande Todo el Tiempo, Todo el Tiempo Dios es Grande! BALONCESTO

El gimnasio de baloncesto estará abierto para jugar de forma gratuita los domingos de 7 a 9pm. Esto será principalmente para mayores de 30 años. Los jóvenes que están en la secundaria menores de 17 años deben ser acompañados por un padre. Todos los jugadores deben usar camisetas. Sera juego limpio y el espíritu depor-tivo serán requeridos en la cancha. Salga a ha-cer ejercicio jugando al baloncesto. Para obte-ner más información, contáctese con Richard Sias en [email protected].



Si tiene problemas en - Dormir, prestar aten-ción, sentirse nervioso o con ira, sentirse triste o impotente, su casa, su escuela o su trabajo, conflictos en relación a su pareja. Llama para mayores informes o hacer un cita - John M. Martínez, LCSW (408) 504-1208 para servicios de consejería.

CLUB 50 - BIENVENIDOS La siguiente junta será el 21 de Octubre. Ven-gan a participar con nosotros. Es una junta so-cial para conocer nuevos amigos, platicar y compartir comida y Amistad. La mesa electiva traerán pizza y los miembros ensalada o postre. Las siguientes juntas serán: Noviembre 25 Diciembre 16

2020 Enero 27, Febrero 24, Marzo 16, Abril 20, Mayo 18


El grupo Mujer de Fe ha iniciado sus reuniones. Invitamos a las mujeres que gusten participar son bienvenidas. Nos reunimos a las 6:30pm en la iglesia para la hora Santa y a las 7:00pm nos reunimos en el salón número 6. En el grupo Mu-jer de Fe tenemos tiempo de oración, temas de enriquecimiento espiritual y sobre todo crea-mos lazos de hermandad. Si tienen alguna pregunta favor de contactar la oficina de catequesis al 408 779-9604 y hablar con Maria Miranda o por correo electrónico a marí[email protected] Las esperamos!

Page 6: Saint Catherine Catholic Community Comunidad Católica de ... · 10/13/2019  · Rectory Office Hours / Horarios de la Rectoría Monday - Friday (Lunes - Viernes) 9:00am - 5:00pm



Diez leprosos vienen al encuentro de Jesús. La ley les prohíbe entrar en contacto con él. Por eso, se paran a lo lejos y desde allí le piden la compasión que no en-cuentran en aquella sociedad que los margina: Ten compasión de nosotros. Al verlos allí, lejos, solos y marginados, pidiendo un gesto de compasión, Jesús no espera a nada. Dios los quiere ver conviviendo con todos: Id a presentaros a los sacerdotes. Que los representantes de Dios os den autorización para volver a vuestros hogares. Mientras iban de camino quedaron limpios. El relato podía haber terminado aquí. Pero al evange-lista le interesa destacar la reacción de uno de ellos. Este hombre ve que está curado: comprende que aca-ba de recibir algo muy grande; su vida ha cambiado. Entonces, en vez de presentarse a los sacerdotes, se vuelve hacia Jesús. Allí está su Salvador. Ya no camina como un leproso, apartándose de la gente. Vuelve exultante. Según Lucas, hace dos co-sas. En primer lugar, alaba a Dios a grandes gritos: Dios está en el origen de su salvación. Luego, se pos-tra ante Jesús y le da gracias: éste es el Profeta bendi-to por el que le ha llegado la compasión de Dios. Se explica la extrañeza de Jesús: Los otros nueve, ¿dónde están? ¿Siguen entretenidos con los sacerdo-tes cumpliendo los ritos prescritos?, ¿no han descu-bierto de dónde llega a su vida la salvación? Luego dice al samaritano: Tu fe te ha salvado. Todos los leprosos han sido curados físicamente, pero sólo el que ha vuelto a Jesús dando gracias ha queda-do «salvado» de raíz. Quien no es capaz de alabar y agradecer la vida, tiene todavía algo enfermo en su interior. ¿Qué es una religión vivida sin agradecimien-to? ¿Qué es un cristianismo vivido desde una actitud crítica, pesimista, negativa, incapaz de experimentar y agradecer la luz, la fuerza, el perdón y la esperanza que recibimos de Jesús? ¿No hemos de reavivar en la Iglesia la acción de gra-cias y la alabanza a Dios? ¿No hemos de volver a Je-sús para darle gracias? ¿No es esto lo que puede des-encadenar en los creyentes una alegría hoy descono-cida por muchos? José Antonio Pagola

HORA SANTA - MIERCOLES DE 6:30 A 7:30PM Todos los miércoles a las 6:30pm tenemos la oportuni-dad de orar una hora con el Señor en frente de Santí-simo Sacramento. No pierda la oportunidad de pasar este tiempo con el Señor.

COMITÉ GUADALUPANO El comité Guadalupano les hace la invitación a todas las personas que estén interesadas en ayudar en la planeación y en los diferentes eventos que se llevan acabo para la celebración de Nuestra Señora de Gua-dalupe en el mes de Diciembre. Interesados por favor comunicarse con Carmelo Jiménez al numero 408 779-3959 o con la señora Delmi Murillo a: [email protected].

Bendito sea Dios. Bendito sea su Santo Nombre.

Bendito sea Jesucristo verdadero Dios y verdadero Hombre.

Bendito sea el Nombre de Jesús. Bendito sea su Sacratísimo Corazón. Bendito sea su Preciosísima Sangre. Bendito sea Jesús en el Santísimo

Sacramento del Altar. Bendito sea el Espíritu Santo Consolador.

Bendita sea la Incomparable Madre de Dios la Santísima Virgen María.

Bendita sea su Santa e Inmaculada Concepción. Bendita sea su gloriosa Asunción.

Bendito sea el Nombre de María Virgen y Madre. Bendito sea San José su casto esposo.

Bendito sea Dios en sus Ángeles y en sus Santos.

Tomad, Señor

Tomad, Señor y recibid toda mi libertad mi memoria, mi entendimiento y toda mi voluntad

Todo mi haber y mi poseer vos me lo disteis

a vos Señor lo torno

Todo es vuestro disponed a toda vuestra voluntad Dadme vuestro amor y gracia, que ésta me basta.

San Ignacio de Loyola

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Equipping Families to Pass On the Faith


Registration for the 2019-20 High School Confirma-tion Program is now closed! You may still register late but must do so in person at the office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry (located in the school). All late registrations are subject to a $25 late fee.

CONFIRMACIÓN DE ADOLESCENTES ¡La inscripción para el Programa de Confirmación de Adolescentes 2019-20 ya está cerrada! Aún pue-de registrarse tarde, pero debe hacerlo en persona en la oficina del Ministerio de Jóvenes y Jóvenes Adultos (localizada en la escuela). Todos los regis-tros tardíos están sujetos a un recargo de $ 25.


If you have any questions regarding Youth and Young Adult Ministry, or if you’d like to join the Youth Ministry Leadership Team please feel free to email me: [email protected] Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el Ministerio de Jóve-nes y Jóvenes Adultos, o si desea unirse al Equipo de Liderazgo del Ministerio de Jóvenes, no dude en en-viarme un correo electrónico a [email protected]


OCT 20 OCT 24 OCT 27 OCT 13

Join us for a 3-part discussion series (available in English and Spanish) on Monday evenings:

Oct 14: Episode 1 - God With Us Oct 21: Episode 2 - The Story of the Eucharist Oct 28: Episode 3 - Bread for the Journey

7-8pm in Room 8 in St. Catherine School

Discussion sessions are also available on Sun-days and Wednesdays during the Parent Small Faith Groups. If you have not yet signed up, it’s

easy and free to start enjoying FORMED!

Sacramental Preparation Parent

Session #1

Thursday, Oct 17th 7 - 8:30pm in Room 8

This session is for parents of children in their 2nd year of faith formation who are preparing for Recon-ciliation and First Holy Communion. It is a make-up session if you were not able to make the Oct 13th meeting. For information, please call Rose at the Faith Formation office at (408) 779-9604.

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OVER 50’S Meetings are held at 12:00pm (noon) in the St. Cath-erine O’Donnell Parish Center. Bring your own table service, potluck dish and/or dessert as suggested in the meeting schedule below. Refreshments are fur-nished. Two dollars for club expenses is collected at each meeting. Contributions are welcome (canned foods or $) for the ReachOut Program.

2019 Meeting Schedule

October 21 Halloween theme; pizza by the board, salads and desserts by members November 25 Thanksgiving Turkey and dressing by the board, members provide trimmings and dessert December 16 Christmas share traditional food by all For more information or questions, please contact Alicia Gonzalez at (408) 644-6912.

ST. CATHERINE WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB October 29: Great Expectations by Charles Dickens November 26: Into the Magic Shop: A Neuro-surgeon’s Quest to Discover the Mysteries of the Brain and the Secrets of the Heart by James R Doty, MD We meet the last Tuesday of each month at Peet’s on Cochrane at 7pm. All are welcome. Contact Paula Barbara, [email protected]

STEPHEN MINISTERS NEEDED! The St. Catherine Stephen Ministry is growing! We need of more caring men and women to join us in bringing Christ's loving care to those who are hurting. If you are compassionate and enjoy being with people, God may be calling you to this caring ministry. Training is provided. For more information contact Claranne at [email protected] or 408-782-1413.

JOIN US – MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2019 3:00 – 8:00pm


5th Street and Monterey in Morgan Hill Come celebrate with friends of the Center,

visit with Director Christa Hanson. Learn about the Center’s unique educational program

and volunteer opportunities. 15% if all proceeds to benefit the Center!


It’s your chance to win a brand new car, a vacation of your dreams, cash and much

more! It’s that time of year again and your chance to win (and give back too)! A $60 Vehicle Sweepstakes ticket may put you behind the wheel of a brand new car of your choice with a sticker price up to $40,000. As an alternative, the lucky winner can choose to re-ceive $30,000 in cash. The $20 Vacation Sweepstakes Ticket offers a Trip of a Lifetime! You name the place and your winning ticket funds it up to $7,500 or the lucky winner may choose to receive $5,000 in cash. This ticket has five great prizes to win, including a new Nintendo Switch, cash and a Disney-land Vacation! Purchase your tickets today and be automatical-ly entered into the Early Bird drawing. This is an additional opportunity to win more cash prizes as a reward for buying your tickets early. We are selling a limited number of Bonus Bun-dles for $350. It includes 4 vehicle sweep-stakes tickets, 5 vacation sweepstakes tickets and your Bonus Bundle ticket is entered into an additional drawing for cash prizes. We only sell 350 Bonus Bundles so get your Bonus Bundle today. The drawing is held in the O’Donnell Parish Center on December 15th. Appetizers and drinks are served, please plan on joining us for the drawing, however you do not need to be present to win. We accept cash, checks as well as Visa, Master Card and American Ex-press. Buy your tickets after mass. Remember this is the largest combined fund-raiser of the year for our church and school. So it is not only a great opportunity to win some awesome prizes, but it is your chance to support the many ministries of the parish. Thank you for your participation!

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Welcome! Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us, whether long-time residents or newly arrived in the parish. We thank God for you. If you are not registered, please fill out this form and place it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office. Name:__________________________________ Address:________________________________ City:____________________ Zip: ___________ Phone:_________________________________ Email: _________________________________

Would you like to receive envelopes? Yes / No


GOING THROUGH A DIFFICULT TIME? Stephen Ministry at St. Catherine’s is now available in Spanish. There are trained Spanish speaking ministers for support during a life crisis, such as family problems, loss of a loved one, divorce, job loss or illness. They listen without judgment, accompany you in your suffering and offer you hope, encourage-ment and prayer. It is free and completely confidential. If you or someone you know is facing a difficult time, there is someone is who may help. For more information please call Santa Alvarez at 408-722-8880. For English, call Claranne at 408-782-1413 or Kenny at 408-722-7600.

QUESTION OF THE WEEK Adult: Whose generosity do you tend to take for granted? How will you change this? Child: When have you failed to say thank you? Why does this matter?

“Unplanned” The Movie Saturday, Oct. 19, at 7:00pm in the

O’Donnell Parish Center Saint Catherine of Alexandria is hosting a FREE admis-sion to the movie “Unplanned.” Unplanned is an inspiring true story of one woman’s journey of transformation; Planned Parenthood Director to pro-life activist. Her passion surrounding a woman’s right to choose even led her to become a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood, fighting to enact legislation for the cause in which she so deeply believed. Until the day she saw something that changed every-thing, leading Abby Johnson to join her former enemies at 40 Days For Life and become one of the most ardent pro-life speakers in America.

The St. Catherine School Community invites you to attend our Annual Alumni Mass

Sunday, October 27, 2019 10:30am in the Church

Come celebrate with us!

Please help us spread the word to all your alumni friends and families.

We look forward to seeing you on the 27th! Refreshments are served in Milani Center

immediately following Mass.

To update your address or add your information to our alumni list, please contact Jeff Layne at

[email protected].

Page 10: Saint Catherine Catholic Community Comunidad Católica de ... · 10/13/2019  · Rectory Office Hours / Horarios de la Rectoría Monday - Friday (Lunes - Viernes) 9:00am - 5:00pm



“Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them." Ephesians 4:2

Capital Campaign is important and impactful

for our Future

If you haven't already PLEDGE TODAY!!

There are various ways to help!

For more information visit

If you need assistance with stock transfer

or Employee Match please contact the business

office via email [email protected]

Thank you for your generosity!


Weekly Donations : September 28 &29 Weekend Masses $ 16,571.50 Electronic Giving $ 2,162.00 Second Collection * SVDP $ 8,968.00 Totals: $ 27,702.00 *second collection SVDP

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St. Catherine School News

Follow us on Twitter @stcat_school

The 10th Annual Walkathon was a fabulous event! Each class walked/ran for an hour with laps recorded. Their pledge sheets with the laps were ready to go home the same day. This is a wonderful fundraiser that includes positive activity for our students with tons of

parent and community volunteers. Thank you to all who supported our students!


The Walkathon was held on - Friday, October 4th! Many thanks to all whom sponsored students or Ms. Esparza for this event! You can still support your favorite St. Catherine student. Thanks for helping our school continue to pro-vide the best possible Catholic education for our children. Of course, all donations are fully tax deductible. Donations may be submitted to the school office.

A HUGE thank you to all our sponsors for their support in helping us make this event such a fabulous success!

Platinum Sponsors: Della Maggiore Family, Natalie Provenzano DDS, State Farm Andrew Ed-wards, Supreme Comfort HVAC, Inc., Alviso Rock, Action Auto Wreckers, RNP Advisory, Greenwood Chevrolet, Redwood Empire

Gold Sponsors: J. Barbara MD, Renewal by An-derson, Holmes Family, Ford Store

Bronze Sponsors: Super Taqueria; Recology

Poinsettias, Wreath, and Garland Sales

8th Grade Washington DC Trip Students in the 8th grade are working hard to raise money for their upcoming trip to Washing-ton DC. They are selling beautiful poinsettias, wreaths and garland outside after mass on Oc-tober 19th/20th.

Your order will be delivered to your door by the student the week of December 2nd. Payments may be made in cash or by check. This is the final fundraiser for our March trip.

Thank you for supporting the 8th graders on our first St. Catherine trip to Washington DC!


Applications for the 2020-2021 school year are available on the school website,, under the Admissions tab. Please note the application deadline for kin-dergarten is December 20, while applications for grades 1-8 are due March 4. Kinder testing will take place in January with testing for grades 1-8 being held in March.

The California Schools in the Diocese of San Jose, mindful of their mission to the love of Christ for all, ad-mit students of any race, color, and national and/or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to stu-dents at the schools. The Catholic Schools in the Dio-cese of San Jose do not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and/or ethnic origin, age, sex or disability in administration of educational poli-cies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic and other school-administered programs.
