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SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturdays: Msgr. Ryan Hall - 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.

Also by appointment

SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY The Church provides certain times and preparation

for weddings. Please contact the Rectory at least six

months in advance to begin the process.

REGISTRATION Every family and person within the parish is

encouraged to register with the Parish.

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 2:00

p.m. A required Baptism preparation meeting for

parents meets on the first Monday of the month at

8:00 p.m. Godparents are welcome. Please register in

advance for the class and Baptism. Godparent Pre-

Requisites: Godparents must be practicing Catholics

in good standing, 16 years of age or older, Baptized

and Confirmed Catholic.

ON BECOMING A CATHOLIC Those seeking information about the Catholic Faith

are invited to contact Fr. Valentine at the Rectory at


CARE OF THE SICK Please notify the Rectory and Human Concerns

Ministries if there is anyone seriously ill so that we

can provide spiritual care.



IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 a.m. People of the Parish

9:00 a.m. Biggio Verderame-4th Anniversary

by Wife, Rose & Family

11:00 a.m. James & Ethel Leavy

by Dolores & Richard O’Hara

Joseph Miceli

by Daughter Janine Miceli

Brendan Miles on his Birthday

by Reilly & Kirkpatrick Family

12:30 p.m. Pat & Dan Donaghue

by Joan Gray

Monday, October 4: Saint Francis of Assisi

9:00 a.m. Burke & Redmond Families

by Joan Grau

Tuesday, October 5: Weekday

9:00 a.m. Joseph Miceli

by His Wife, Constance

Wednesday, October 6: Weekday

9:00 a.m. Robert A. Byrne

by the O’Neil Family

Thursday, October 7: Our Lady of the Rosary

9:00 a.m. Roseann Ferrigno- 13th Anniversary

by Ronnie, Maryann and Family

Friday, October 8: Weekday

9:00 a.m. Josephine & Charles Monteforte

by Family

Saturday, October 9: Weekday

5:00 p.m. For the departed soul of Dr. Rodolfo


by Dr. Esmeralda Magpantay &


For the intentions of Sarah Oey

by Barbara Nakelski

Sunday, October 10: TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY


7:30 a.m. People of the Parish

9:00 a.m. Thomas & Catherine Bosch

by Anne Krukowski

11:00 a.m. Benedetta Aversa

by the Cobas Family

Shane Kirkpatrick

by Reilly & Kirkpatrick Familes

12:30 p.m. Lorraine Buckland

by Dolores & Richard O’Hara

John Andresen Michele Brown

Kathleen Capuano Pat Cempa

Mary Ann Cifarelli Barbara Coe

Rebekah Cole Virginia Connors

Emma Cook Kevin Cronin Paul Cronin

John Damiano Linda De Stio

John Paul DiNonno James Dougherty

Eric DuBois Elizabeth Fenamore

Natalie Finamore Noel Glen

Stephen Grabher Anthony

Ida Kelly Christine Kenney

Maria Kim Douglas Knehr

Anne Krukowski Frank Krukowski

Richard Malon Jonathan Mannina Stuey Manzione

Tom McCormack Freida Navarro Victoria Oxer

Justin Paradine Marion Prendergast

Roy Rodrigues Charles Strecker

Clotida Vecchione Jacqueline Verde

Anne Wright Mary Wybaillie


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St. Mary’s Parish Assessed Goal


Amount Raised to Date 32,535.00

Numbers of Gifts and/or Pledges 92

Percentage of Goal




First Reading: Genesis 2:18-24

Second Reading: Hebrews 2:9-11

Gospel: Mark 10:2-16

FOCUS: God has joined us to one another and to himself.

When we bring our questions, doubts, and concerns to God,

even when we try to challenge him with the letter of the law, he

responds in love, by revealing his plan of salvation. This plan

is lived out in the sacrament of marriage, and in joining

ourselves in faith and love to God no matter our state in life.


In the first reading, God creates a suitable partner for the man –

a woman. The man calls her bone of my bones and flesh of my

flesh. In the Letter to the Hebrews, the author writes of the one

who, “for a little while" was made "lower than the angels,” that

by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone. In the

Gospel, the Pharisees ask Jesus about the law regarding

divorce. Jesus answers, what God has joined together, no

human being must separate.

Readings for next week, October 10, Twenty-Eighth Sunday

in Ordinary Time: Wisdom 7:7-11 Hebrews 4:12-13

Mark 10: 17-30

From Liturgical Commission Publishing, Lansing, MI


Celebrants* Lector


5:00 pm Fr. Valentine P. Kirk

Sun 7:30 am

Fr. Lauder J. Dussel

9:00 am Fr. Valentine Volunteer Needed

11:00 am Fr. Valentine J. Ferreira

12:30 pm Fr. Valentine Volunteer Needed

Celebrants for the Weekend of

October 9/10

* Subject to last minute changes.


Parish Sacrificial Giving Marriage numbers have been in decline for many decades. As

faithful Catholics, we can pray for healthy marriages among

the youth, and if we are married, live as good examples for the

younger generations.

Thank you for your continued sacrificial gifts to St.


Offertory and attendance information for

September 25/26 was not available

as of the printing deadline.

*Does not include Faith Direct

** Mass Attendance at 50% capacity under

Covid guidelines

The Guild of St. Francis Hospital

The Guild of St. Francis Hospital Foundation cordially

invite you to attend its Annual Fundraiser Luncheon on

Tuesday, November 9th from 11 AM to 4 PM at the

Muttontown Country Club. Volunteers from St. Francis

Hospital will be selling chances after all Masses the

weekend of October 2nd and 3rd. All proceeds benefit

St. Francis Hospital of Roslyn.

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Dear Friends:

In his biography of St. Francis of Assisi, G.K. Chesterton describes the essence of

Christian poverty.

In a cynical sense, men have said “Blessed is he that expects nothing, for he shall not be

disappointed.” It was in a wholly happy and enthusiastic sense that St. Francis said,

“Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall enjoy everything.” It was by this deliberate

idea of starting from zero…that he did come to enjoy even earthly things as few people

have enjoyed them.

We all remember details from the life of the Troubadour of the King: born to a wealthy family, debonair

and popular among his social set, a merchant in Spain and France (hence the nickname; he was baptized

John!), military service, conversion from an unserious life, renunciation of wealth (much to his father’s

chagrin), and the service of Lady Poverty to the glory of God. How in the world can such a man who

afflicted himself with all manner of deprivation and self-denial, truly be said to “enjoy everything”?

Consider the age. For two centuries, the medieval church not only contended with attacks from outside

forces, but also heresies within. One of these spread the idea that God created only the spiritual world,

whereas the material universe is essentially bad. Christians therefore were supposed to hate the world by

living a “pure” (katharos) life; the group in turn was known as the “Cathars.” The genius of St. Francis’

mysticism is the ability to recognize the goodness of creation without indulging need to acquire more and

more. Such an attitude is laudable, of course, but is it attainable?

As one who will never be accused of Franciscan holiness, I have always been somewhat puzzled by the

paradox in which poverty and joy go hand in hand. As a seminarian, I traveled to Italy with my family,

and discovered in Assisi that St. Francis is the most beloved Catholic saint among non-Christians. In fact,

the tourists most excited to visit the Basilica of Assisi were a Jewish couple. I wondered: is there

something about Francis that resonates with our spiritual brothers and sisters? Perhaps there is. In his

beautiful reflection on the Sabbath, Abraham Joshua Heschel, from the Jewish Theological Seminary in

New York, explains the holy day in such a way as to purify the relationship between work and leisure. He


The meaning of the Sabbath is to celebrate time rather than space…Six days a week we

wrestle with the world, wringing profit from the earth; on the Sabbath we especially care

for the seed of eternity planted in the soul…The seventh day is a palace in time which we

build…In its atmosphere, discipline is a reminder of our nearness to eternity…It is a mine

where spirit’s precious metal can be found to construct the palace in time in which the

human is at home with the divine.

Of course the material world is, in God’s words, very good. And human beings are made in the image of

God, for we are conscious, we can think, and we can act freely. But perhaps we do well to remember that

every image is a reflection of another, greater Source. St. Francis kept his eyes focused on the blinding

light of eternity, to discover the Creator beyond his creation. Faithfully,

Fr. Valentine


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Dear Friends:

After 1½ years of lockdown, isolation, and concern over the well-being of our nation, both

medically and otherwise, St. Mary’s Parish is ready to celebrate our 150-year anniversary!

Imagine the countless number of faithful whose faith began, grew, and matured in this beauti-

ful community. From its humble roots in 1847 when the first Catholics arrived in Roslyn,

through June 1871, when Fr. William O’Donnell from Limerick, Ireland was first named pas-

tor, to the completion of our church building in June 1878, until today, the Good Lord has

blessed our parish family with a history of vibrant faith and active charity to our neighbor. It is

only right that we should mark this jubilee with festivities that not only remind us of our past,

but re-acquaint ourselves following such a long separation and chart our course for the years

ahead of us. We would like to announce a schedule of events that mark this great milestone.

Fall 2021 through Spring 2022:

St. Mary’s 300 Club will resume with raffles that support parish programs. Please join the

Club and experience the excitement!

The parish will also hold Wine-down Saturday after the 5 PM Mass in Msgr. Ryan Hall on

the first Saturday of each month. Come bring and share delicious food and wine, and get

to know your fellow parishioners!

We will bring back the famed St. Mary’s Choir to perform at the Sunday 11 AM Mass in

the Church. Rehearsals will begin in October, and the choir will resume singing at the

beginning of Advent.

Friday, October 22, 2021: St. Mary’s Parish will hold an Oktoberfest at Msgr. Ryan Hall.

Tickets are $50.00 per person. This will feature live, authentic German music, dancing, food

and, of course, beer! Come join the fun, and wear your lederhosen!

Sundays in Advent and Lent: The parish will celebrate a Family Liturgy at all Sunday 9 AM

Masses (in the Church). We especially encourage the families of our children in Religious Edu-

cation to attend, as Mass is designed to support our Catechetical Program.

May 22, 2022: St. Mary’s Parish will host its 150th Anniversary Celebration in the Banquet

Hall of Harbor Links Golf Club. All members of the parish are cordially invited to attend.

Ticket prices TBD. NB: The price of tickets is suggested, but this can be adjusted/waived de-

pending upon need. The most important thing is that as many people attend who are able!

We will need a small army of volunteers to ensure the smooth execution of these events. Con-

tact Mrs. Nora Toal at (516) 621-6798 for more information. Please try to attend as many of

these celebrations as you can. The love we have for the Lord Jesus should have the effect of

bringing us closer to our family in faith.

In Christ’s Love,

Fr. Timothy S. Valentine

Pastor, St. Mary’s Parish

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Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel

defend us in battle.

Be our protection against

the wickedness and snares of the Devil.

May God rebuke him,

we humbly pray;

And do Thou, O Prince

of the Heavenly Host,

by the Power of God,

thrust into hell Satan

and all evil spirits

who wander through the

world for the

ruin of souls. Amen

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